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The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the...

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The Mustard Seed And the Hidden Leaven Matthew 13 1 1
Page 1: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus

The Mustard SeedAnd the Hidden Leaven

Matthew 13



Page 2: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus



Page 3: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


B G H C T F T O T W T C T W; A G H C T W T O T W T C T T W A M ( 1 ___ 1:___)


Page 4: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


H G F I F T E O T H, A H C U T E O I: A T I N H F T H T. (PSALM 19:6)


Page 5: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


PSALM 19:1–5

T H D T G O G; A T F S H H. (V. 1)D U D U S, A N U N S K. (V. 2)T I N S N L, W T V I N H. (V. 3)

T L I G O T A T E, A T W T T E O T W. I T H H S A T F T S (V. 4)

W I A A B C O O H C, A R A A S M T R A R. (V. 5)H G F I F T E O T H, A H C U T E O I: A T I N H

F T H T. (V. 6)


Page 6: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus



Page 7: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus



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Page 8: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus was not comparing the mustard seed to all

plants, but only to those commonly grown.But there were few plants which grow so large in one season and few characterized by such rapid germination of the seed as the mustard plant. Mustard planted one day could begin

growing the next, but it usually takes 3-10 days to germinate (radish seed takes about 3-5 days).


Page 9: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


Black mustard can grow over ten feet tall near the Jordan River.


Page 10: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


It grows large enough for birds to stop for a rest in it, as they fly by.


Page 11: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus



Page 12: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


The stem of a mustard plant becomes dry and wood-like, which

gives it the aspect of a tree.


Page 13: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus



Page 14: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus



Page 15: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


After the truth has been proclaimed as a witness to all nations, every conceivable power of evil will be set

in operation, and minds will be confused by many voices crying, “Lo, here is Christ, Lo, he is there. This

is the truth, I have the message from God, he has sent me with great light.” Then there will be a removing of

the landmarks, and an attempt to tear down the pillars of our faith. (RH, December 13, 1892 par. 2)


Page 16: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus



Page 17: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


Sycamore (fig) tree (seeds take up to 2 months to germinate)

Olive tree (seeds germinate in 1-2 months)Palm tree (coconut palms can take 6 months to

germinate, other palms 70 days)


Page 18: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


The sycamore is a large evergreen tree 30–82 feet tall, with a spreading crown. Its figs are great favorites with people, as well as with

many birds and mammals. The trees are used as nesting sites by birds, and even crocodiles (in Africa) have been known to take refuge

underneath their roots!


Page 19: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus







Page 20: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus



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Page 21: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus

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Page 22: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus

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Page 23: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus






Page 24: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus

24 Oliba



Page 25: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus



Page 26: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus

26 Mauricio Mercadante


Page 27: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


Hidden Leaven


Page 28: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus



Page 29: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


LeavenSometimes used as an emblem of sin; at Passover the people were to remove all leaven from their houses.

Luke 12:1

1 Corinthians 5:8

In this parable, leaven represents the kingdom of heaven and how the Spirit of God works secretly, silently, and steadily to change our hearts and minds.


Page 30: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus



Page 31: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


The leaven hidden in the flour works invisibly to bring the whole mass under its leavening process; so the leaven of truth works secretly, silently, steadily, to

transform the soul. The natural inclinations are softened and subdued. New thoughts, new feelings,

new motives, are implanted. A new standard of character is set up--the life of Christ. The mind is

changed; the faculties are roused to action in new lines. (COL 98)


Page 32: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


This leaven implants new principles.

A new principle of life is to be implanted. (96)

True obedience is the outworking of a principle within. (97)

Received into the heart, the leaven of truth will regulate the desires, purify the thoughts, and sweeten the disposition. It quickens the faculties of the mind and the energies of the soul. It enlarges the capacity for feeling, for loving. The world regards as a mystery the man who is imbued with this principle.


Page 33: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus

The truths of the word of God meet man’s great practical necessity-—the conversion of the soul through faith. These grand principles are not to be thought too pure and holy to be brought into the daily life. They are truths which reach to heaven and compass eternity, yet their vital influence is to be woven into human experience. They are to permeate all the great things and all the little things of life. (COL 100)



Page 34: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus



Page 35: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus



Page 36: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


Why are there so many Christians who:

cannot bear opposition to their plans

manifest an unholy temper

have words that are harsh, overbearing, passionate

love self

have selfish indulgences

have hasty speech


Page 37: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus

have sensitive pride

yield to natural inclination

have perversity of character

have the spirit of rivalry, a love of ambition, and the desire to be first?



Page 38: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


It is because they do not have the leaven of truth in their hearts. The natural and cultivated tendencies to evil have not been submitted to its transforming

power, and their lives reveal the absence of the grace of Christ and an unbelief in his power to

transform the character.


Page 39: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


How can we obtain the hidden leaven?


Page 40: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


The Scriptures are the great agency in the transformation of character. . . . If studied and

obeyed, the word of God works in the heart, subduing every unholy attribute. The Holy Spirit comes to

convict of sin, and the faith that springs up in the heart works by love to Christ, conforming us in body,

soul, and spirit to His own image. (COL 100)


Page 41: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


Received into the heart, the leaven of truth will regulate the desires, purify the thoughts, and

sweeten the disposition. It quickens the faculties of the mind and the energies of the soul. It enlarges the capacity for feeling, for loving.

(COL 101)


Page 42: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


The Kingdom of Heaven


Page 43: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus

Is the kingdom of heaven on the earth or in heaven?


Matthew 3:2

Matthew 4:17

Matthew 10:7

Matthew 25:31–40


Page 44: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


The “kingdom of heaven” was established at the first advent of Christ. Jesus himself was

king, and those who believed in him became his subjects. The territory of the kingdom was the hearts and lives of the subjects.

(SDA Commentary, vol. 5, p. 318)


Page 45: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


As the message of Christ’s first advent announced the kingdom of His grace, so the message of His second advent announces the kingdom of His glory.

(DA 234)


Page 46: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


The announcement which had been made by the disciples in the name of the Lord was in every particular correct, and the events to which it

pointed were even then taking place. “The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand,” had

been their message. . . .


Page 47: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


And the “kingdom of God” which they had declared to be at hand was established by the death of Christ. This kingdom was not, as they had been taught to believe, an earthly empire. Nor was it that future,

immortal kingdom which shall be set up when “the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the

kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High;” that

everlasting kingdom, in which “all dominions shall serve and obey Him.” Daniel 7:27.


Page 48: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


As used in the Bible, the expression “kingdom of God” is employed to designate both the kingdom of grace and the kingdom of glory. . . . In many of His parables Christ

uses the expression “the kingdom of heaven” to designate the work of divine grace upon the hearts of men. (GC 346)


Page 49: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


The Parables of Jesus vs. the Parables of the Rabbis


Page 50: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


The rabbis also told parables to illustrate what was not understood by what was known. We know of about 325 rabbinic

parables. Remember that when Jesus told the parable of the sower, most of the people did not understand him, but the

Pharisees understood. (See COL 35.)

Jesus’ parables are similar to the rabbinic ones, but are different in some significant ways.


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He engaged his hearers:

The parables of Jesus are unique in the way he addressed the audience with questions—which of you?, what father among you?, who then is the faithful and wise one?, who is thy neighbor?, etc. Such phrases engaged the hearers immediately.


Page 52: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus

His parables were complete in themselves:

His parables were not a small part of a larger teaching, as the rabbinic ones were. The parables carried the message of Jesus and were complete as given, and little more needed to be said.



Page 53: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus

He taught as one having authority:

The rabbinic parables typically interpreted a biblical text, but Jesus did not take a Bible text and expand upon it (the parable of the Good Samaritan being the one exception, for it referred back to Leviticus 19:18). Jesus taught new truth with his parables. He taught as one having authority and not as the scribes.



Page 54: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus




Page 55: The Mustard Seed - Smyrna Mustard Seed an… · Mustard seed is about 1-2 mm in size. It is not the smallest seed, but it is one of the smallest of those planted in the ground. Jesus


Starts small, gets big

Grows quickly

God’s Spirit works secretly, silently, steadily

We must study God’s word and obey

