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The Mysteries of the Holocaust

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The Mysteries of the Holocaust. By Frankie Bignell. Did anyone ever try to find the bodies shot in the Mass Graves?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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The Mysteries of the Holocaust By Frankie Bignell
Page 1: The Mysteries of the Holocaust

The Mysteries of the Holocaust

By Frankie Bignell

Page 2: The Mysteries of the Holocaust

Did anyone ever try to find the bodies shot in the Mass Graves?A Mass Grave was found by Pipeline workers just south of Ukraine. The site is where a concentration camp used to be held. "Several thousand Jews executed by the Nazis lie there," Shvartsman told The Associated Press.

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Mass Grave continued

• http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19053913/#storyContinued

• This website tells about the finding the remains of some Jewish bodies. The remains found were Jews that got shot in the Mass Graves. Anatoly Podolsky, director of the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies, said that there are about 250-350 Mass Graves sites were the Nazis killed around 1.5 Ukraine Jews.

• Other things that can be found on this website are U.S. News, world news, weather, sports, business, entertainment, health, travel, politics,

and Tech & Science.

Page 4: The Mysteries of the Holocaust

How did the survivors survive?

One young girl survived by trying to get through one day at a time. She played card games and read her little brother’s book, German poet Goethe. They memorized and then quoted the book to give them selves something to keep their hopes high.

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Survivors continued

• This web page tells the stories of the survivors of the Holocaust and what they went through in the concentration. It also tells how they survived the camps. What they had to give up and there struggles through the entire war. This also tells what happened to the dead and to the living and it tells how much food the Jews got. It also tells about all the horrible condition of the camps. http://history1900s.about.com/gi/o.htm?zi=1/XJ/Ya&zTi=1&sdn=history1900s&cdn=education&tm=10&gps=242_609_1276_823&f=00&tt=14&bt=1&bts=1&zu=http%3A//library.thinkquest.org/12663/survivors/witness.html

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Why did Hitler kill the Jews?

Hitler ordered the killing, because he believed that the Jews were his powerful enemies, bent on destroying him. For Hitler the Jews were like windmills to Don Quixote. The best proof of Hitler's sickness is his behavior at the end of the war. When the Russians were only miles away, he was holed in the bunker and spent his time shuffling non-existing divisions or ordering increased production of tanks and aircrafts, in non-existing factories. He lost completely the touch with reality. It looked like that he suffered from Parkinson's disease, but medical experts say that Parkinsonism affects only the motor coordination.

Page 7: The Mysteries of the Holocaust

Why did Hitler kill the Jews?

It can be proven, that Hitler was infected with syphilis in 1908, and thirty years later, the dormant illness entered the tertiary stage, causing inflammation of the brain, called general paresis. Speer for example, mentions that Hitler was treated by Dr. Morell, a specialist in skin and venereal diseases.

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Why did Hitler kill the Jews?

• This web page was written by Alexander Kimel. This web page has gotten a Britannica Internet Guide Award. He is a Holocaust survivor so he writes all about the Holocaust.

• Hitler ordered the killing, because he believed that the Jews were his powerful enemies, bent on destroying him.

• http://kimel.net/why.html

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Facts about the Holocaust

• Heinrich Himmler was the second most powerful Nazi behind Hitler.

• Hitler came to power in 1933- Holocaust continued until 1945.

• Germans used Jewish people to perform medical experiments during the Holocaust.

• Prisoners at the Auschwitz concentration camp were given tattoos with a number so that they could be identified

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Facts continued

• This website gives facts the happened during World War 2. This website also give links to other helpful site relating to the Holocaust.

• http://students.umf.maine.edu/burtonba/public.www/UnitSite/facts.html

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Pictures Citations

• http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bb/Children_in_the_Holocaust_conce

• http://www.topnews.in/files/adolf-hitler.jpg

• http://www.themysticalpen.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/holocaust.jpg

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Work Cited

• "Mass Holocaust grave unearthed in Ukraine." MSNBC. Associated Press, 5 June 2007. Web. 13 May 2010. <http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19053913/#storyContinued>.

• "What the Camps were Like, told through the eyes of people who suffered through them." About.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 May 2010. <http://library.thinkquest.org/12663/survivors/witness.html>.

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Work Cited

• Kimel, Alexander. "Alexander Kimel - Holocaust Understanding & Prevention." Why did Hitler kill the Jews. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 May 2010. <http://kimel.net/why.html>.
