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The N Chronicles

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  • 7/31/2019 The N Chronicles


    In a world gone wrong, where the monsters of our deepest nightmares have come alive.

    One girl is on a journey to find Sanctuary in America.

    This is the N chronicles

    A serial story by John Murray McKay

    N day 1

    Early morning, July 11 2012. I am standing on the deck of an antiquated steamship, tasting the

    salt drops of the sea on my lips. The rust under my bare feet feels strangely comforting. There

    was no time to grab my shoes. Closing my eyes, I think back to how all of this happened, how it

    all went terribly...wrong.

    It's a question I have heard repeated over and over again: "Where were you, when the

    dreamscape shattered?" Where were you on N day?"

    The one clear memory I have was standing in my mother's kitchen, making breakfast. I

    remember her freezing and dropping a plate when the news came over the radio. The Large

    Hadron Collider had ruptured! Switzerland was ground zero...like they never existed. Europe

    was in soon in chaos, nobody knew who to blame for the disaster. Governments turned on each

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    other, some even whispered of war.

    It was a week later that the first rip reports came through. It sounds like a children's tale told by

    parents to scare them...but it came true on N day. The barrier between planet earth and the death

    world (this is what we call their world) it could not take the strain of the Collider's force as it tore

    asunder. They came through the rips, all the monsters of lore, of our deepest hatred, of our


    My father was soon called up for military duty. The last letter we got from him- he told us they

    were trying to hold the channel between us and Europe but it was looking grim. I never heard

    from him again.

    We thought he had driven them back...we dared to dream that we had won the war. That was till

    the London rip happened; it was bigger than anything we ever saw. The monsters poured forth

    and killed and burnt everything in their wake. We had no chance and soon England was burning.

    I remember my mother running to my sister's room. I can still hear her screams echoing through

    my head some nights. A banshee had come for us. I tried pulling her away from the demon, then

    the claws ripped her in two. She slumped into my arms and I could feel her blood spilling over

    me The next few seconds felt like an eternity, turning to run out of the house; hearing the

    monster gorge itself on my family. Stopping to look back, I saw the first plumes of smoke rising

    out of our house. I fell to my knees, the tears flowing freely. Somehow I got the energy to drag

    myself up.

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    Soon I met up with a group of refugees, they were heading for the coast. The rumor had spread

    that America was still safe from the monsters. This was to be our sanctuary and the only hope we

    could cling to. I was one of the lucky ones,-the elderly, the sick and the cripple had to stay

    behind. There wasn't enough space for all of us. The looks on their faces...knowing their fate...it's

    a scar I would always keep on my heart.

    We are within days of seeing the America coast. Then we will be safe. The monsters can't hurt us

    any more...they can't reach us in Sanctuary...

    My name is Samantha Worthington Day and this is my story.

    42.475338,-41.25586 ( Atlantic Ocean, crossing between England and the USA)

    N day 2

    Somewhere after four in the morning on the Atlantic ocean and I cannot sleep any more. The

    snoring and turning of my fellow passengers would keep anyone up. Maybe I am too scared to

    close my eyes for too long, scared of what is waiting for me in the darkness.

    Heading up to the deck, I lean on the railing- looking over the grey mist covered sea. Wondering

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    if my family and friends managed to escape England and if they are also heading for America.

    They could have headed to the West African coast but news from that area is almost nonexistent

    and we fear the worst...

    Heading back down to the hold, to see if I can get my ration pack first- I pass the helm. The

    captain (a friendly man covered in black dragon tattoos which everyone seems to like despite his

    looks) is standing by his table, studying a map. He looks up and calls me closer.

    "Morning darling, couldn't sleep hey? I don't blame you at all. Their snoring sounds like my

    ship's engines!"

    "How far are we away from America, Captain?" I ask

    "We should see land within the next hour. I wanted to dock in New York harbor but I am a bit

    scared of the heavy ocean traffic. This old tub would get run over very easily there. So we are

    going up the East coast and docking at Cape Elizabeth on the Maine coast.

    It's a bit strange but I haven't been able to make radio contact with them yet, just static noise.

    These old radios usually break down after this many years worth of usage."

    I nod and thank the captain. After breakfast (An apple per person and one bowl of slimy

    porridge) we hear the captain calling us and we rush to the railings to see our new home.

    "Damn fog, can't see anything!" Shouts the captain

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    Something gnaws at me...where is the other ships and the coast guard? Surely they would have

    known that we are here and welcomed us?

    Then my questions are suddenly answered in horrifying detail...the mist lifts and we see the

    black, thick smoke rising. Cape Elizabeth has been burnt to the ground! Nobody on board can

    utter a word except for one that is crying softly. Please tell me that this is not true!

    The captain manages to dock the ship and we stagger off in a haze. It's not long before we start

    finding the bodies. I feel the vomit rising in my mouth and I turn to wretch in a corner- the

    bodies has been ripped apart and eaten! It seems like we exchanged one hell for another!

    I was the first to hear the call for help, over by a collapsed house. We managed to pull the man

    out but immediately I knew that his time on earth was short.

    "What happened here?" I ask him softly

    "Ghoul's. They came for us in the night. We never had a chance. They tore us apart. So many of

    them...you must find the resistance in New York City...if they are still alive..."

    And with that, he was dead in my arms. His eyes turned an inky black and his body went limp.

    The captain strode forward and spoke up:

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    " The boat's fuel has run dry so we have to camp here tonight. We will set up a watch and hand

    out rations and in the morning...we will go look for help. God help us all if there is any help left

    out there."

    43.565067,-70.199191 (Dyer Cove, Cape Elizabeth, Maine)

    N day 3

    Who can sleep in a time like this? The rotting smell of decaying corpses drifts over our camp and

    seeps into our meager possessions. I physically don't have anything in my stomach left to vomit

    out. All night we hearing howling and the most unholy sounds of screaming in the distant

    darkness but the monster's seem to be keeping their distance from us. They must still be full from

    their earlier gorging of human flesh.

    I decide to go for a walk...need to clear my head and I can't do that with my fellow passengers

    wailing around me. My heart feels like breaking as the destruction unfolds around me...complete

    and total devastation. Wrecked cars line the streets and bodies hang indiscriminatingly over

    railings and on pavements. I notice a flickering light in one of the houses...maybe there is still

    someone alive in there!

    Without thinking of what could be waiting for me inside, I crash through the flimsy white door!

    An eerie silence greets me...nobody left in here. The reason becomes painfully clear soon...the

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    father's carcass is splayed out over the living room coach and the mother's head has been left on

    the dining room table. What the ghouls did to the rest of the body is beyond me. Pushing through

    the house, I find the last member of the stricken family...the daughter. She looks almost at peace

    except for her ebony black eyes. She reminds me of my sister...Christina...why did I ever leave


    She is the same shoe size as me...I feel like a worthless scavenger but I can't go bare foot any

    more. Looking at her soft visage before removing her hiking books, I whisper:

    "Sorry kid, I wish we could have met in different circumstances."

    Looking through the house, I grab a rucksack, a chef's knife from the kitchen, some non

    perishable foods, a drinking bottle, clothing, rope and for some reason a book called: "America

    in pictures". Part of me wants to set the house on fire after leaving and give them some sort of

    decent send off but the monsters might see it and come looking.

    I rejoin the others just as the sun rises over the bleak North Atlantic ocean. A fight seems to be

    brewing between the group.

    "I tell you, we should head North to Canada, we will be safe there!" A slightly rotund man states

    his case emphatically.

    "No, we make for New York City and find the resistance, just like that man said!" proclaims a

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    middle aged woman.

    "We don't even know if there is any resistance left! They could all be slaughtered like these poor

    bastards! Captain- what do we do?"

    "We should stick together as a group but each person has the right to go where he or she wants


    So we made the decision that day: The captain took a group North towards the Canadian border

    and I decided to stay with those that wanted to head for New York City. We said our farewells

    and went our separate ways. Would I ever see them again?

    We made our way to the Crescent Beach State Park. We travelled without incident but the

    destructions seems to follow us. Here in the woods we will make camp for the night. Tomorrow,

    we will go look for food and equipment. I stand first watch...

    43.564055,-70.234943 (Crescent Beach State Park, Cape Elizabeth, Maine)

    N day 4

    The night of July 14, 2012- the first attack came.

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    I should have seen it coming...but who could have? Who could ever have expected it? The

    shadows suddenly darkened between the fading grey trees and then they were on us! The

    bloodthirsty howls of creatures not of this earth surrounded our camp and the sounds of claws

    thrashing over dried earth became louder and louder!

    I wanted to shout a warning back to them camp but the words got stuck in my throat, refusing to

    leave my mouth. Finally I managed to get it out:


    But it was too late...the four monsters tore into our group! A man was dragged screaming into the

    darkness...his screams would not last for long. The largest one of the group, a black brute with

    demoniacally vicious claws would turn to me and for the first time I would see its face in the

    flickering light of the fire.

    I had heard these names back in England, whispered by travelling Gypsies around their camp

    fires. Tales of banished men who walked the earth when the Wolfs bane was in bloom, which

    took on animal shapes and hunted the night...vukodlak, loup garoux. I would know them by the

    name: Werewolf.

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    The pack leader snarled at me, I could see the blood of my companions dripping from his yellow

    fangs and then he charged at me!

    The next few moments...I could not explain them but maybe it was pure instinct. I managed to

    draw the knife from my belt and as he was almost on me...I spun around! He flew past me and as

    he turned around...I plunged the knife deep into his chest! The werewolf thrashed wildly in my

    arms and then he set his gaze on me. The look in his eyes as they widened in shock...it was

    almost like he recognized me! The beast uttered a word through gnashed teeth:


    Before I could react, the monster was free of my arms and running away! He let out a loud,

    piercing howl and the rest of the pack followed him into the darkness, carrying their prey with

    them. I watched them go and knew that I would never see those people again. What did the

    monster mean with those words? I haven't got time to worry about that now!

    Quickly rounding the camp, I start urging the survivors to pack up and move out...from a group

    of 20, only 5 remained and some would not see the morning light.

    "We can't stay here, they know where we are and they will be back for us soon!"

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    Making make shift stretchers, we take turns in dragging the wounded out of the forest. The rest

    of the monsters seem to be holding back for some reason or another. After a few torturous miles

    we reach the Higgins Beach Inn. I immediately start boarding up the doors and windows before I

    go looking for more weapons. Though I don't know how much of a use they will be in the hands

    of my dying companions.

    They won't catch us by surprise again! This I swear!

    43.561869,-70.281575 (Higgins Beach Inn, Scarborough, Maine)

    N day 5

    My body feels cold and numb from the past few days, so much to take in and understand. My

    head still spinning from the events in the woods and what the monster said to me. I dismiss it as

    the ramblings of a diseased and gangrenous mind. Finally sleep claims me as I curl up on an old

    mattress behind the reception desk. The nightmarish images of death and destruction won't leave

    me and then I hear the final blood gargled screams of my twin sister again.

    A hand rests on my shoulder and instantly I am awake and reaching for my knife. It's Philip, a

    butcher's son that came with us on the boat.

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    "Easy, it's just me. We need to talk." he says and I can see the tiredness in his bloodshot eyes.

    "What's going on?" I ask

    "We lost another one last night; her wounds were too severe from the attack. She bled out. I

    moved her body to the basement where I found this."

    He hands me an ancient looking shotgun, it's made of copper and wood. The owner of the inn

    must have used it to scare off burglars and vagrants. Opening the chamber, I notice there are only

    two shells left.

    "We will need to use these very sparingly, only in the direst of emergencies. Do you understand

    me?" I say and Philip nods in agreement.

    Suddenly we hear shouting from outside...it's a human voice!


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    I push the gun into the boy's hands before rasping orders at him:

    "On the first floor balcony, keep that gun trained on whatever is out there. If it attacks, aim for

    the heart and then get the hell out of here and do not come back for me! Do you understand?"

    He grips the gun tightly before rushing up the stairs. I slowly remove the boards from the door

    before walking out of the inn. My knife shines grimly in the early morning sunlight. Across the

    parking lot, I see a man standing there. He looks military but I dare not take a chance.

    "Who are you and what do you want? Do not try anything, I have a shooter on the roof" I shout

    "Sergeant Emilio Alvarez. United States National guard. I'm human!"

    "How do I know that youre telling the truth? Prove it or start running!"

    He takes off his sunglasses and his helmet.

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    "Look at my eyes, they're not black! I'm not one of them."

    I motion for Philip to lower his gun and I call the soldier closer.

    "Get in, quickly and I am still watching you."

    After he enters the inn, I board the door closed again. The man looks like he has been through a

    war zone and I notice the blood strains on his camouflaged gear.

    "Now, sit down and explain exactly to me what took place here." I demand of him.

    The man sighs and then unfolds a tale so horrific that it defies belief.

    "The invasion started about 2 weeks ago. We were never ready for it. Rip reports came in from

    all major cities- Los Angeles, Frisco, New York, Dallas and beyond. Creatures that we only

    heard about in fairy tales or told our children about- Vampires, trolls, ghouls, werewolves,

    shadow men, demon hordes beyond anything we could ever have imagined. All streaming out of

    the rips. All hell bent and set on us.

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    They tore through our defenses and then they took down our communications network. They

    were organized! They knew exactly where to hit us- strategic points, utilities, military points.

    The last I heard, survivors were trying to get as far away from the major hubs as possible. Some

    were trying to cross over to Mexico and Canada and there was a rumor that a fleet was being

    readied in Oregon. Looks like they want to escape to Russia and beyond. The horde has moved

    on to the smaller towns and cities across the US. I fear we might have already lost the war. I am

    rounding up any survivors and taking them to a safe house. You folks better pack up and come

    with me, I don't know how long before the monsters find my trail and come looking for us.

    "I agree, we can't stay here. We have four people here, two are critical and won't make it without

    medical attention." I reply and my thoughts immediately turn to those poor bastards that are

    trying to escape across the Bering sea- they are running straight into hell's claws."

    "We move quickly, if the stretchers slow us down- I will leave them behind. Do you read me?"

    says Sergeant Alvarez grimly.

    Before I could reply, a holy shriek rips across the morning silence! Sergeant Alvarez looks up

    and for the first time I hear his voice waiver...

    "It's the Crimson death....The Harpies have found us! MOVE MOVE!

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    43.561816,-70.286957 (Fleeing the Higgins Beach Inn, Scarborough, Maine)

    N day 6

    The world is in total deafening silence and all I can hear is my ragged breathing and my heart

    pounding in my chest. The gravel crunches oddly under my shoes as our small group of

    survivors run for cover. I look at over at Philip and Sergeant Alvarez and I can see the pure terror

    in their eyes.

    Suddenly the silence shatters into a million crystal fragments as the hellish screams of the

    Harpies fills the morning air! In the run I look back to the Inn and I see them tearing the boards

    off the windows and dragging the carcasses of those I left behind into the grey morning skies.

    They are to be feasted upon and torn limb from limb that night.

    Our luck eventually runs out as we are spotted, from the heavens I spot a squadron of the

    crimsoned winged as they turn in unison and dive straight for us! Sergeant Alvarez turns and

    fires off a couple of rounds of his M16 and I see one Harpy explode into a mixture of feathers

    and blood! This only deters them for a few seconds as they renew their attack almost


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    I turn to shout at Philip, that he should run for the nearest cover and that we will fight our way to

    the safe house from there; when suddenly I see him being lifted into the air! A harpy slammed

    her claws into him, killing him mercifully quickly! He drops the shotgun from his bloody hands

    and in my anger I pick it up and fire the last two rounds at the hell spawn!

    "YOU DEMON BITCH! DIE DIE!" But it is too late as she escapes with the valiant butcher's

    son in her crooked claws. The fallen stretcher is immediately seized upon; I could not see what

    happened further to the poor soul on it.

    I feel Sergeant Alvarez pulling urgently on my sleeve.

    "We have to go; it's too late for him. Come on- the safe house is just around the corner! We

    won't last out here- my ammo is almost spent!"

    Fighting our way open, we eventually reach the entrance of the Prouts Neck country club. As we

    are running down the forested road, I spot the club house at the far end! A group of US soldiers

    has set up sandbags and they are urging us to run faster! Just as I want to relax, a wing of Harpies

    sweeps into the lane! Their gaining on us! Not...going...to make it!

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    I stop and turn. Sergeant Alvarez screams at me!

    "What are you doing?! We can still make it, don't give up!"

    An almost supernatural calmness comes over me as I look over my shoulder and softly say:

    "Take the stretcher and go. I'll hold them back."

    Something makes the guard stop and nod. He picks up the stretcher and heads to the clubhouse. I

    turn to face my fate.

    With my feet planted and my hands upturned, I stare at the demons flying towards me! The

    something not of this earth happens... I feel the energy building around and inside me, the pure

    golden sunlight coursing through my body; taking over me! My whole body is shaking and

    vibrating to an unexplainable force! Just as the first Harpy reaches me... I explode! The sunlight

    floods out of my eyes and hands as I scream in a voice that I never knew I had. The Harpies are

    instantly vaporized, turned to ashes! Their shrieks fall silent.

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    With the threat over, the energy dissipates and I fall to my knees, I hear the soldiers running

    towards me. I stare at my hands in disbelieve...

    What just happened? Who am I? What am I?

    43.535719,-70.31674 (Prouts Neck Country club, Scarborough, Maine)

    N day 7

    Flashes of light...claws slashing at me...I'm running into deepest shadows...part of me wants to

    turn back but I am driven forward...deeper into the abyss. Shadows reach out from the inky

    blackness, grasping frantically at me. A massive figure emerges from the haze...his whisper grey

    metal helmet is covered in flames and spikes. A gunmetal black armor encases his muscled

    frame. I look closely and I realize with horror that his armor is made up of screaming souls! He

    turns and looks at me with blazing eyes that could turn any mortal to dust.

    "You are too late Lightbringer, the revolution has begun and soon the war will be over. At this

    very moment, the Horde marches on your cities. Not even the Angelic rune sword can save you

    now. Give up and die, Lightbringer." With that he charges at me and just as he is about to tear

    me apart, I feel myself getting pulled backwards. Back to the light.

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    I wake with a start and a scream! A friendly face looks over me

    "Easy now Missy, you're safe here. Take it easy"

    I stare at the strange looking man. He looks middle aged with the grey hairs just showing around

    his temples. Thick horn rimmed glasses dominates his face.

    "Where am I? What happened?" I ask uneasily.

    "You're in the clubhouse. We managed to drag you in here after the attack of the Harpies. I was

    patching up these soldiers, when you came running. The next we saw was a blinding flash and

    you on the ground, surrounded by ashes. The Harpies must have disintegrated, though I can't

    explain it myself."

    "Thank you, I appreciate the help but who are you?" I ask

    "First lieutenant Franklin Samuels. 4th Medical reserve corps. Would you believe the one

    weekend when it was my turn for duty that the world would go to hell?" His laugh drips with

    acid and irony.

    "So what is the plan now Doctor? We can't stay here; the monsters will eventually find us. They

    will not give up that easily." I try to get up but my legs gives way under me and my world starts

    spinning. The doctor pushes me down gently yet firmly.

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    "Ah ah ah, where do you think you are going? You stay right there till I say so. The orders are

    that we stay put and wait for back-up to arrive. We don't know what or who is out there. They

    will come for us...they have to." He smiles at me but I can see in his sad eyes that he doesn't

    believe his own words.

    I spend the rest of the afternoon in and around the clubhouse, slowly regaining my strength and

    listening to the tales of the soldier's woes. Some lost everything they had, some still held on to

    the belief that they would see their families again one day. I made it a point to look in their steely

    eyes for confirmation that they still haven't lost hope. A few sadly did, their eyes are all but dead

    to this world.

    I notice that the soldier's are looking at me and whispering behind their hands. They seem to be

    avoiding me and it becomes apparent that they do not trust me. A chill creeps up my spine and I

    get a feeling of ill foreboding. Later in the afternoon, Sergeant Alvarez catches my attention and

    pulls me into a quiet corner.

    "Look, I don't know who or what you are but something in me trusts you. You got problems-

    they want to ship you off to a CIA compound. Somehow they are convinced that you are a threat

    to national security and should be interrogated. I don't want to see that happen to you, so I am

    getting you out of here. As luck would have it, I am on midnight watch tonight- then you can

    make your move."

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    "Why would you help me? You could get court-martialed for this." I exclaim

    He smiles before speaking: "I believe you can do a lot of good out there and that you have a

    purpose, I don't know what it is but something inside tells me that I should let you go."

    That night at exactly 24:00, I stand waiting with my rucksack at the clubhouse door. All is quiet,

    not even the sounds of crickets or birds are heard. Sergeant Alvarez opens the door and we shake


    "Vaya con dios, my friend. May we meet again one day."

    I head through the golf course till I reach the river. An old rowing boat is tied up there. The

    crossing is made without any incident and I scuttle the boat once landfall is made. No need to

    leave any signs for possible pursuers.

    My stopover for the night is the Supaflu chimney systems factory. The buildings are in ruins but

    I manage to find shelter in a collapsed chimney stack. Not only do I have every kind of monster

    possible after me, seems like the US Army is gunning for me too! What a life, what a life...

    43.544411,-70.353913 (Supaflu chimney systems factory, Scarborough, Maine)

    N day 8

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    Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I slowly wake up and look around me. Thankfully the creatures

    didn't find my hiding place in the chimney factory. I can't believe it's been a week since I fled out

    of England. I miss my family and my home. The taste of freshly baked scones with cream and

    plump red strawberries, the smell of the green country lanes as I walked under the old oak trees.

    I remember my sister running to me, always telling fantastical tales of scary things that she saw

    in the forest. She told me of a bat like creature that chased her across the fields one day.

    Laughing at her silly stories, I would hold her safe; my promise would always be to keep her

    from harm...

    Wiping the tears and dusting the coal from my clothes, I decide to plan the next part of my

    journey. Rummaging in my bag, I eventually find what I am looking for: "America in pictures"

    (The guide book I took from the house in Cape Elizabeth). Got to think very carefully- shelter

    and food are the essentials for now...should stay away from the major cities for now- it could

    easily be demon infested. Feeling the Chef's knife in my belt, I realize that it simply won't do

    anymore. The blade has been dulled and the wooden handle is coming loose, good for chopping

    onions but to take on a bloodthirsty horde? No.

    There! That is exactly the place I am looking for: The Scarborough historical society. Hopefully

    the museum will have some supplies for me and it's not that far from here. Quickly wolfing

    down an old apple, I set off with all haste.

    Taking my time, ducking from house to house and making sure I don't run into any creature; I

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    eventually reach the Historical society museum. Seems deserted, no signs of monsters around or

    Harpy nests on the roof. Nearing the broken down entrance, I pause before reaching for my

    knife. It's better than nothing. An eerie, almost reverend silence fills the museum as I walk from

    room to room.

    The American settler history room...perfect. A large glass cabinet looms ahead of me and inside

    beautifully displayed are two North American Tomahawks. I marvel at the craftsmanship and

    colors of the feathers that adorns it. Now to get to you...but how? Ah- that metal chair over there!

    The glass cabinet shatters as the properly swung chair connects. Stepping over the glass and

    reaching inside, I notice that the Tomahawks are still razor sharp. The edge reflects beautifully in

    the morning sunlight. Taking a few practice swings to get used to the weapon, I imagine myself

    back in the old days; a hunter roaming across the earth and living off the earth.

    My daydream is suddenly interrupted with a shriek behind me! Two creatures are standing by the

    doorway, their skin glowing a deep luminous green and their long pointed ears twitching and

    looking for sounds. They open their jaws and bare a massive set of fangs. With a scream, they

    rush at me! More by feeling than thought, I throw the Tomahawk and it buries itself deeply into

    the skull of the first monster. The second creature stops and stares at its fallen mate then attacks

    me with an unholy rage! As he almost reaches me, I swing and the blood spurts from his slashed

    throat. He collapses to the floor, death instantly claiming him. What in the hell are these things?

    Checking that they are truly dead, I pull the Tomahawk out before cleaning it off. I should check

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    the museum for other supplies and then get out of here, no telling how many more of these

    creatures are in the vicinity. My stocks are quickly replenished with bottled water, fruit and

    candy bars.

    I make my way till I reach interstate 95 heading south. The highway is littered with burnt out

    cars and wrecks. I need to travel quickly and I want to reach shelter before nightfall. Soon the

    town of Biddeford's lights comes into view. Dusk is almost upon me as I reach the City theatre

    building. A bunch of chairs and desks serves as a barricade as I settle into one of the unused


    It's a long road to go but if I can reach New York City and maybe find the resistance...who

    knows? Perhaps there is a way out of this hell...

    43.493468,-70.455794 (City theatre associates building, Biddeford, Maine)

    N day 9

    "THUMP! THUMP!" A loud knocking rouses me from my light sleep and instantly I am up and

    alert. I immediately realize my mistake- I don't have an exit! The only way out is through the

    barricade door.

    "Oh you silly tart, now you've done it." I mentally curse myself out, and then I hear a voice

    calling out:

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    "Anyone there? We're human. Are you alive in there? Speak up!"

    Realizing that I am out of options, I reply before removing the barricade:

    "Human! I'm coming out, do not try anything- I have a weapon and I will use it."

    Stepping out of the studio, I see the strangest group of people possible. One dressed as a mime,

    his white face mask paint starting to fade and peel; another few in dirty ballet clothing. A large

    man steps forward, his huge stomach wobbles dangerously under a fantastically over the top

    pirate costume. He takes off his black pirate hat and tucks it under his arm. This is followed by a

    massive flourish of a bow.

    "Sir Henry Mortimer Mctavish the third. The leader of this theatre troupe and this lot of

    degenerates is my crew and my company. Now pray tell dear lady, who are you and where in the

    name of Richard the third's crooked ghost did you come from?!"

    My body relaxes and I lower my weapons before sheathing them. I see the strange faces peering

    over the pirate's shoulders, eager to see me.

    "My name is Samantha Worthington Day and I am a refugee from England. I came over on a

    steamboat, looking for a new home but I found only death and destruction....I am on my way to

    New York City to find the resistance there. The monsters and the US Army are after me now.

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    What happened around here?"

    "These...things swarmed over us a few nights ago. They were horrible! With the pointy ears, that

    skin crawling green skin and those teeth! Filthy creatures! I don't know if you've met them yet?

    We managed to keep them out but we have injured backstage and they won't make it without

    medical supplies. The problem is that the hospital is too far- the Razor teeth will be on us before

    we make a hundred yards. We don't know what to do!" Sir Henry makes a dramatic faint.

    "I met these...Razor teeth back in Scarborough. I managed to take a few of them down there. A

    Covent or breeding ground must be around here. I could try to make a run to the Hospital...hold

    on..." I stare at the wonderful costumes for a moment, and then a gem of an idea crosses my


    "I know exactly what we are going to do but I will need your help to pull this off. Are you with

    me? I ask the theatre group

    "YES!!" Replies the group with gusto

    "Excellent! Now I need material and plastic props and someone that can sow. Do you have

    anyone like that here? I ask Sir Henry

    "The game is afoot! I know exactly what you are thinking, my dearest lady! Muffy- get busy, we

    need to build our own monsters! We know how they look so get your arse in gear! Oh this is

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    exciting! It reminds me of when I was back in the theatre in Rome! But we cannot stop here- the

    performance is still not complete! We need sound effects... David! Rig me up something that can

    go inside the costume. Rebecca dahling- you take care of their choreography, they must simply

    be perfect! Move people, chop chop!" Sir Henry is a blaze of action and movement.

    "hold on, they may also operate on smell- how do we fix this?" I ask

    One Ballerina squeaks up from the back of the group:

    "A little one broke in yesterday; we pushed a prop tree over on him. His body is still there! That

    would be perfect!"

    Soon a few crew members dragged the razor tooth out from under the tree and grabbed him by

    the legs. We rubbed him all over the costumes, getting the smell deep inside.

    "This thing smells like my whore of an ex wife!" One proclaims

    "Oh shut up and keep rubbing"

    "That's what your mother said!"


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    A few short hours later, five monsters stand waiting. I am in the first one, Sir Henry in the

    second and three stage hands make up the rest. They're fitted with two way radios so we can

    speak to each other.

    "Everyone ready? Last chance to pull out, there will be no turning back after this." I say

    "A massive, hungry audience awaits! If those bastards at the academy could see me now haha!

    Let's go!" Sir Henry exclaims, his voice bursting with energy!

    It is a sight that few would believe later on, five awkward monsters waddling their way through

    the streets of Biddeford. And here is the crux of the joke...it was working! A few Razor teeth

    came closer, sniffing around but they soon lost interest and moved on.

    "it's working! It's bloody well working!" Shouts Sir Henry

    "Don't get overconfident; we have a long way to go. Keep calm" I softly bring him down to earth


    Soon we see the hospital...almost there...just keep going...

    43.478117,-70.492229 (Within sight of the Southern Maine Medical center)

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    N day 10

    The parking lot of the Southern Maine Medical centre was strangely quiet; we managed to gain

    entrance through the busted and bent fence. The smells of burning and smoldering debris hangs

    thickly in the air. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a piece of brightly colored metal; sticking

    out from between a bunch of fallen trees.

    "You guys go on inside and start searching the hospital for supplies but be careful; we have no

    idea how long before the Razor teeth figure out what's going on. I'll be right with you" I tell Sir

    Henry and the others before going to investigate the pile of debris.

    Twenty minutes later, I join the others inside. I find them inside ICU where they are frantically

    loading trolleys with medicine, bandages, needles, IV drips and blood packs. The costumes are

    neatly stacked in the corner.

    "Where's Mike?" I ask, immediately noticing that the sound operator is missing.

    "He went down to the basement to look for more supplies though I have no idea how we are

    going to carry all this! It weighs a bloody ton!" Exclaims Sir Henry

    "I found a solution to that problem, don't you worry." I reply. Just then Mike comes rushing in;

    he is as white as a ghost!

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    "You guys might want to see this...you won't believe what I've found." He says after catching his

    racing breath.

    We follow him down to the dimly lit basement and into the main storage rooms. As he opens the

    doors, a collective gasp is heard...eggs! Hundreds and hundreds of eggs! They are everywhere-

    on the floor and on the walls. Bright yellow lines criss crosses over each sickly green one.

    "It's the nest... We've found the Razor teeth nest! The parents must be out hunting" Sir Henry

    says with awe in his voice.

    Realizing that such an opportunity won't present itself again soon, I speak up:

    "Sir Henry, head back up to ICU, ditch the costumes and get those trolleys to the entrance; oh

    and grab as much surgical equipment as possible. I've organized transport for us. If I am not back

    in ten minutes then you leave me behind. Do not come back for me understand? I'll take care of

    this problem..."

    Soon the sound of their footsteps on the cold hospital floor fades away, leaving me alone again. I

    reach for a few bottles of medical alcohol before stuffing a rag into each one.

    "Now my pretties- it's you and me!"

    I wait ten minutes before lighting up the first piece of material. The home made Molotov cocktail

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    whizzes through the air and then explodes into a ball of blue flame! I hear the eggs cracking and

    the screams of pain of the young Razor teeth burning inside. I stare at them with an emotionless

    expression before turning to head back to the elevator. No time to waste, this place is going

    down and every Razor tooth in the vicinity will come rushing here!

    As I rush down the corridors, I spot the light of the entrance and Sir Henry waiting by the


    "We thought you were going to keep the Razor teeth company back there, Bloody hell woman-

    you've raised some hell here! Get in; they are already coming over the walls!"

    "Can you even drive?!" I ask while clambering in the blood covered passenger's seat.

    "I drove a chariot in a Broadway stage production of Ben Hur in the 60's! How hard can it be?"

    He shouts with terrifying enthusiasm.

    We set off back to the Theatre, the lights of the ambulance throwing blue shadows on the passing

    buildings. A Razor tooth runs in front of us and is instantly splattered on the front grill, the

    window wipers pushing the gore off the windows.

    "Always look left and right before crossing a street! That one was a bit messy!" Shouts the

    madman next to me and I seriously contemplate climbing out and taking my chances with the

    Razor Teeth.

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    A few seconds later we hear a loud crashing sound on the roof...their on top of the ambulance! I

    shout to the crew in the back

    "MIKE! Keep those doors closed, do not let them get in here! Sir Henry- keep swerving, we have

    to get rid of them."

    We manage to throw them off as they hit the pavement with a sickening thud and then we see the

    Theatre ahead of us. The ambulance stops with screeching tires and we start loading off the

    supplies. I shout an order at the stage crew while watching the monsters get closer and closer...

    "Get the medical equipment inside and hand out the scalpels and scissors to every able bodied

    man and woman we have, then go look for more weapons. The Razor Teeth will be here in

    minutes...Get yourselves ready- we are now under siege!

    43.493468,-70.455794 (City theatre associates building, Biddeford, Maine)

    N day 11

    The Tension inside the Theatre house is palpable and razor thin. The temperature inside is rising

    and everyone is on edge. The last ten minutes has been a blur of activity, everyone running to

    find a weapon: Kitchen knives, modified stage props, even table legs have been pulled off. The

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    bulk of the surgical spirits that we plundered from the hospital is put to good use in making

    Molotov cocktails. The last piece of barricade has been put in front of the doors and each of us

    man a window.

    A silence settles in as we wait, the only sound comes from a rather worn down old cuckoo clock

    above the concession counter. The hands move melancholically slow, each movement echoes

    through the room.


    "Somebody better remove that damn clock or I will feed you personally to the Razor teeth" Says

    Sir Henry through clenched teeth, never taking his eyes off the horizon.

    Then we see movement in the distance- the first group of Razor Teeth starts swarming over the

    buildings. Their eyes black as the night with pure hatred, their yellow teeth dripping with saliva-

    waiting to tear into human flesh. More and more emerge from behind the buildings. It must be

    close to a hundred of them but they seem to be waiting for something, holding back for what we

    don't know yet.

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    Then we find our answer: A huge Razor tooth walks to the front, even from here we can see the

    scars of war etched on him. He raises his paws in the air and two sets of curved claws emerge,

    the sun reflects dully on the flesh renderingly sharp weapons of war. The leader smiles and we

    notice for the first time that he is missing one of his eyes, the black ominous hole sends chills

    down every woman and man's spines inside the theatre. He throws his head back and lets out a

    terrifying scream!


    Here they come! The razor teeth surge forward, running without disregard for their own well

    being. Hell bent on tearing anything alive in the little building to shreds. Their feet pounding

    and shaking the earth!

    "Give them hell! This will not be our curtain call! Molotov's away!" Shouts Sir Henry before a

    barrage of bottles sails into the air. They explode on contact, sending a wall of flame rushing

    through the ranks of the Razor teeth! I see a few of them running away in panic, the flames

    boiling their flesh underneath them.

    "Keep it going boys, do not let them get close!" I shout over the roar of the flames. We manage

    to push the horde back for a few minutes but soon our supplies of bottles dwindle and the

    monsters push their way through the flames.

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    "Weapons at the ready! We will not go quietly!" I look around at the theatre crew and see the

    determination in their eyes- from the most crusty of stage hands to the most delicate of


    "This reminds me of my third divorce and my ex wife's lawyers!- just this isn't as scary!"

    Bellows Sir Henry and instantly raises all of our spirits.

    Then the Razor teeth hit us. They swarm over us like the ocean over rocks. We desperately try to

    keep them out of the windows! I catch a plump one between the eyes with my tomahawk and he

    drops dead instantly. Sir Henry is waging a valiant war next to me. I see him flashing a

    sharpened prop sword and keeping the monsters at bay, all while raining a torrent of abuse and

    swear words on them.

    "I survived theatre school and three harpies of ex wives, I am not giving up the beach house!

    Bring it on you bastards!"

    Then we hear a scream from the end of the room! They've pulled the unfortunate stage hand

    through the window and they are climbing in! I rush over and I catch the first Razor teeth in the

    gut with my shoulder. We sprawl on the ground as I desperately reach for my weapons. As he

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    tries to get up, a flash of metal sweeps over my head and buries itself deep inside the Razor

    tooth's mouth. Sir Henry smiles and picks me up.

    "I always knew that those fencing lessons would come in handy!"

    Something makes us turn around, it's suddenly gone all quiet...the Razor teeth are pulling back!

    Have we weathered the storm? Did we survive the onslaught?

    "We did it! Hurrah!" Shouts Sir Henry but I shake my head.

    "look." I say grimly. The ranks of the demon spawn opens and their leader steps forward. I see

    the red lines running through his one remaining black eye. He stops in front of the theatre

    building and raises his massive arms.

    "Lightbringgggger! Face meeeee, I challenge youuuuuu! Come outside and dieeeee!" He hisses

    through his yellow stained jaws.

    "This is our only chance, If I can take down this brute- maybe, just maybe we can break their

    spirits. You hold the fort here" I tell Sir Henry next to me. He lowers his head and nods.

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    "There are not many of your sort left my dear lady. I am privileged to have you by my side for

    this last triumphant performance. For Queen and country!" He raises his sword with pride. I turn

    and push the barricade away from the door. The fading yellow street lights catches my eyes for a

    few seconds before I turn my attention to the hulking frame of the leader. One red headed girl

    versus an unholy adversary.

    He sticks his long green tongue out at me and then with a roar- he charges! The first swing of his

    curved claws narrowly misses my chest by inches! I manage to jump back and land on my feet


    "I have to try this again."I think to myself. I brace myself before lifting my hands, waiting for the

    energy to build up inside me again before I can unleash it on the monster in front of me

    ...something is wrong here! It won't work! Come on!"

    The slight hesitation is all the leader needs and he slashes viciously at me. I feel my arm explode

    in pain as the bone claws sink deep into it. The blood flows from the wound but I manage to stay

    standing. Sensing victory, the leader charges at me! With the last remaining energy I have left, I

    duck down and he flies past me- straight into the parked ambulance!

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    " Didn't your mother tell you that alcohol is a killer? Henry- bottle! Now!" The troop leader

    throws me the last Molotov, which I light and with all my strength hurl at the parked medical

    fan! It ignites in a massive explosion! The leader is instantly engulfed in flames and he stumbles

    around frantically!

    "We doused the ambulance with alcohol before you showed up, neat little trick hey?"

    My mouth sets in a determined manner as I launch myself at the Leader! In mid air, I pull out my

    tomahawks before slashing at his throat. Stepping against his chest with my one foot, I

    somersault backwards. I land on one knee as the behemoth falls to the ground. I smile before

    looking up at the rest of the Razor teeth:


    I see something in their eyes that they never knew existed- fear. They turn in horror and they

    start fleeing! They don't even bother to take their fallen comrades or their leader with them.

    As soon as they are out of sight, my body decides to give in on me. My world turns and I fall to

    the ground but a big pair of hands catches me. I look up and see Sir Henry and the rest of the

    crew looking down on me and smiling.

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    "You did it! You bloody well did it!" he exclaims.

    "We did it." I manage to say before passing out.

    A few hours later, my eyes starts to open and I look around. The crew is standing around my bed.

    I'm back inside the theatre. My arm feels like it's on fire but I seem to be doing okay after that.

    "Look who has finally decided to make an appearance!" haha! We decided to let you sleep in for

    a bit"

    "Is it over? Did we make it?" I ask through a haze

    "We did, the Razor teeth fled in their masses! The town is saved!" proclaims Mike the sound


    "But what do we do now?""

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    "We have decided to pack up and move on. There will be survivors and others out there that can

    do with some cheering up, we aim to provide just that. Our first stop is Portland- will you join

    us?" asks Sir Henry

    "I would love to but I am heading to New York City to meet up with the resistance." I say sadly.

    "I understand my dear lady, I understand."

    Early the next morning, the crew is packed up. They've procured an old delivery truck to carry

    all their equipment. We say our farewells with heavy hearts and plenty of tears.

    " I pray that we find each other again out there, you guys were like family to me. Thank you,

    really!" I say with the tears rolling down my cheeks.

    "We shall meet again my friend, our stage has been set and our audience awaits. You gave us

    purpose and hope again." Sir Henry picks me up and gives a huge hug.

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    Soon the delivery truck roars around the corner and I am alone again. Gingerly I pick up the

    rucksack before heading out. I want to head West towards Sanford. If I am lucky I can make it

    before midday. Hopefully it is a bit quieter than Biddeford was!

    *Somewhere in a field in England, a body stirs and a pair of black eyes looks up to a huge

    demonic presence. A grim hand extends itself and raises up the body.

    " I have been looking for you. Now my plans can finally take shape!"

    43.476417,-70.557598 (On the ME 111, Heading West towards Sanford)

    N day 12

    It's been a very rough night for me; I had to camp next to the road. Lighting a fire was out of the

    question and sleep was almost impossible for me. Worst of all, I found a bottle of wine that one

    of the theatre crew must have placed in my rucksack. So here I am, hung-over as all hell and

    walking down the ME111 towards Sanford. The sun is baking down and boiling away any

    alcohol I may have left in my system and my mood is worsening by the second. I am in dire need

    of a comfortable bed and room service.

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    About 20 minutes later I hear a noise in the distance, I look around to see a dust cloud in the

    distance. Strange...it can't be a dust storm and there are no farmers left. Something inside tells

    me: "Get off the road quickly!" I scamper and dive down a nearby ditch. The noise becomes

    louder and louder and I peek cautiously over the ridge...my eyes widen at the amazing sight in

    front of me: Just meters away from me a 1960's pink Cadillac Seville has just gone by. I

    recognize the model; my father always took me to car shows and trade fairs when I was younger.

    It's too late for me to properly see the passenger's but they looked human!

    Could it be that there is a human stronghold close to me? Maybe it was a mirage and my tired

    mind is playing tricks on me but yet there it is. Shaking my head and dusting myself off, I climb

    out of the ditch. I have definitely found the weirdest country in the world, that's for sure!

    Gathering my rucksack, I set off again and soon the buildings of Sanford start appearing over the

    horizon. My hand moves softly over the two tomahawks on my belt- I will be ready for anything

    they can throw at me in there, come what may!

    Softly creeping into town, my every sense on high alert; waiting for the first monster to take a

    swing at me. Yet all is quiet and peaceful which is almost more disturbing than anything else. I

    look around in astonishment...the whole town is...perfect. There is not a sign of destruction or

    any monsters. It's like the war forgot this place! Something is amiss here but my fogged over

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    mind refuses to properly respond. Then it finally hits me- everything here looks old, like time

    stood still in the 1960's! The women around me are wearing long flower print dresses and all the

    men have neatly parted and gelled hair. "I need some coffee in me and quickly" I think to myself

    before stumbling into a diner.

    "Of course it had to be a 60's themed restaurant." I collapse on a seat with my head on the

    counter. When I look up, a waitress with the most ridiculous perm and overdone make up is

    staring at me. Her big red lips are formed into a massive smile.

    "Why hello there! My aren't you just the most adorable girl I've ever seen! What can I get for

    you hun? Some coffee? - it looks like you had a rough night at last night's roller disco party"

    "Coffee please- strong and black. What's going on around here? Some sort of town wide costume

    party? And weren't you guys attacked by the Horde?" I ask the waitress.

    "What ever do you mean honey? Oh no-those silly monsters just left our perfect little town

    alone" she pours the coffee and I see her hands shaking a bit but I dismiss it almost instantly.

    "The whole town? The 60's clothing and cars? Must be some sort of retro celebration." I reply

    through sips of my streaming hot coffee

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    "Uh yes...that's it! One big party! The whole town is taking part. Now drink up before your

    coffee gets cold." She replies before shuffling off. Looking around the other diners, I can't help

    but feel that they all seem so out of place. Then I notice the jukebox and I walk closer. What a

    strange collection: Mostly metal like Led Zeppelin and the Doors and so on. Hardly 60's music.

    "Oh I do love that zany rock and roll! My daughter went to one of their shows the other day and

    she just loved it! Rocking all night long. Anything else I can get you hun?" Chimes the waitress


    "I'm fine thank you. I just need a place to stay for the night. Do you know of any good motels in

    town? I ask her

    "Why yes- the Oakwood Inn in Main street. They will put you up for the night, I know the

    owner- he is such a groovy cat!"

    Thanking her, I head over to the Inn. It looks like a decent place but a bit quiet. I ring the bell at

    the reception and a man appears from nowhere. I have to strain myself to not laugh in his face-

    He is wearing a bright yellow zoot suit with a red Fedora on his head. I casually look into his

    eyes, looking for the tell tale sign of a monster...no, their normal human eyes.

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    "Hey you far out girl, you looking for a pad for the night?" He asks with an almost overly

    friendly tone.

    "Uh...yes please?" A single room if possible and I will be staying for a day or two"

    "Of course- like that hot new song on the radio says: You can check in any time you want! Oh

    this place is happening!"

    He hands me the key and shows me to my room. Once he leaves, I start thinking to myself. Why

    does everything seem so perfect and yet so totally out of place? And why is my hair standing on

    end since I got here? I cannot shake this feeling that something is terribly wrong here! I make the

    decision to have a look around the town that night. Just got to wait for the sun to go down...

    43.436903,-70.773939 (Oakwood Inn, Sanford, Maine)

    N day 1 3

    Cautiously I snake wraith like down the motel's stairs, each footstep a betrayer of my intentions.

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    The midnight sun is casting shadow monsters on the walls. Something just doesn't ring true of

    this town- the outdated mannerisms, the clothing and the way the waitress talked of bands that no

    longer existed; it all adds but up to this sense of foreboding that has dogged me since the moment

    I had arrived. How is it possible that the Horde could cause such widespread destruction but

    completely miss this town entirely? I don't believe their story for one single second!

    The town is deserted and not a soul is seen. The only signs of life are the dim lights in the second

    story apartment but I can't see people moving inside. Even the lights in the all night diner are

    out...a now familiar feeling of ominous gloom settles on me. I should get my rucksack from the

    Inn and get out of here as soon as possible but a little voice inside my head is screaming at me:

    "Stay and get to the bottom of this mystery." I should really stop listening to that voice, it only

    gets me in trouble but I can't. With a resigned sigh I start searching through the dark streets of

    the town.

    Soon my diligence is rewarded as I hear voice in the distance...it sounds like chanting...but where

    is it coming from? Over there! From the basement! I rush over and heave the heavy wooden

    storm cellar doors open before slowly walking down the dimly lit stairs. The chanting becomes

    louder and louder with each step. Seconds later as I round a corner I find the source of it- it's the

    town's people! They are all dressed in black robes and are moving in a trance around a fire.

    Without thinking I shout out: " What are you doing?!"

    The waitress turns to me and raises her hood.

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    "We have been expecting you, Lightbringer, though not as quickly as this- the Razor teeth should

    have kept you busy for much longer. But so be it, no sense in hiding who we truly are anymore"

    She starts laughing hysterically and then her face freezes in a mask of horror and pain. Her whole

    head starts turning in a hideous manner and I hear the neck muscles straining and snapping. I feel

    like vomiting...there is an entire new face on the back of her head! The massive black eyes stares

    at me with cavern like deepness and the blue veined tongues fork dangerously at me. Soon the

    rest of the town's folk follows her example and I am surrounded by them.

    "We are Mimics. We took over this miserable town a week ago and fed the humans to a local

    chapter of Werewolves, after taking on their appearances. It was so easy, those fools never even

    had a chance to fight back."

    "What do you hope to accomplish here? You will never succeed!" I spit venom at the Mimic's


    "So simple Lightbringer, we are going to infiltrate and destroy the New York City resistance

    from the inside. A dagger in the back but it doesn't concern you anymore...TAKE HIM!"

    The monsters pounce on me before I can properly react, after a short but brutal fight; they drag

    me to my feet. The leader steps forward and places her hand on my head. The pain shoots

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    through my head like I've been shot! I can feel myself screaming in agony but no sound escapes

    my mouth! It feels like my entire head is boiling!

    "Give up Lightbringer! You cannot resist us and soon you will join the Horde!"

    Somewhere a tiny ray of light shines through the pain, urging me to resist and fight the Mimic's

    powers. Can't give up...don't give up...don't...give up.

    Suddenly an amazing feeling of calmness takes over me and I pull my head down to look the

    Mimic her raven black eyes.

    "No!" And with that she is flung across the room and against a wall! She stands up and I can see

    the blood flowing from her mouth.

    "Her power is too strong! I cannot turn her! Take her to the dungeon, I will send for a transport

    wagon to take her to the Master. He will know how to break her!"

    The last thing I remember is a dull thud to the back of my skull and then everything went dark. A

    few hours later I come around. It takes my brain a few seconds to work out where I

    am...bars...concrete floor...I'm in jail! The grim reality hits me- there is no escape from the

    Mimic's and in the morning I'm being taken to God knows where...seems like my adventure has

    been fatefully cut short...

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    43.438805,-70.775127 (Sanford Police department, Sanford, Maine)

    N day 14

    The luminous letters of the clock on the Sheriff's desk slowly rolls over...it's 2 in the morning

    and sleep is hard to come by for me. Not only am I as uncomfortable as hell (They handcuffed

    me to the jail cell) but I am worrying about what they have planned for me in the morning. Who

    and where is this so called leader? I got to try and escape while the transport wagon is en route,

    it's my only chance!

    A few minutes later I hear the soft turn of a key and the approaching shuffling sounds of

    footsteps. Two very small creatures waddle in, standing barely 35 inches tall with floppy ears

    that reach their midriffs; I study these off grey things with a beady eye.

    "What in the hell are you two lucky packet prizes?" I ask from the cell floor

    This catches them off guard for a split second before they reply in unison:

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    "We are imps! Fear us!"

    I feel like I want to die of laughter but I suppress it before answering:

    "The talking together thing is adorable, do you color coordinate when you dress? I'm British- I

    don't give out Halloween candy. Tell me what you want then piss off so I can sleep further"

    The dumber looking one walks closer and starts studying me from behind the bars. I see the

    strand of drool hanging precariously from his lip.

    "Can't we just take a leg- there will be plenty of her left to take to the master. I would love the

    taste of a human, we have not had a single bite since those stupid Mimic's fed the town's people

    to the Werewolves." he wails to the other Imp

    "Just be glad they didn't give you to the Lycans, you would have made a fantastic toothpick." his

    friend slobbers out a disgusting laugh.

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    "Funny little bastards, aren't you? Take one step inside this cell and I will stick your collective

    heads so far up your asses, you will need to cut holes in your nipples to see!" I spit out the words

    with relish.

    This seems to spur on the two Imps and they quickly climb on top of each other to reach the jail

    cell lock. Soon the door swings open and I see their sharp little teeth emerge. Having survived

    Werewolves, Harpies, Razor Teeth and Mimics- is this how I am going to die? At the hands of

    these two party favors? Come on!

    Then something moves in the shadows behind them, quicker than the eye can realize! In a split

    second I see the two imp's heads crash against each other as a pair of hands flashes out from the

    darkness. They crash to the ground in an unconscious heap. The strange figure, dressed in black

    body armor steps over the bodies and starts fiddling with my cuffs. Soon they spring open.

    "We have no time to waste, let's go." He hisses at me.

    Figuring that I would rather take my chances with him than with the imps and the Mimic's in the

    morning, I follow him. I barely had time to grab my tomahawks from the weapon's locker before

    following him into the pitch black early morning light.

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    "Where are we going?" Who are you?" I ask in the run.

    "No time for answers, we must get clear of the city centre and quickly!" He says without looking


    We weave through the town's buildings but thankfully we don't run into any monsters on our

    way. Eventually the stranger reaches his destination: Sanford High School. Moving quickly

    through the buildings and up the stairs, we find a dimly lit open class.

    When we have time to catch our breath, I grab him by his arm:

    "Now you are going to tell me exactly what is going on!" I demand with the anger rising against


    "Look." He says and he points in the distance. Seconds later I hear the first explosion as the

    echoes rip through the night sky. This is followed by two equally loud explosions.

    "I planted C4 charges in all the main buildings in the city center, it won't slow them down for

    long- Mimic's are notoriously difficult to kill." he says in deep thought.

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    "Who are you?" I ask with suspicion in my eyes.

    "My name is Agent six, Vega Six. United states paranormal forces." He replies.

    "Take off your helmet and glasses." I tell him.

    He hesitates for a second before removing them. The second I see his grey face and black eyes

    emerge, my tomahawks are out and at his throat!

    "Do I look like an idiot? You monsters must be really desperate to try a stunt like this!" I harshly

    bark at him.

    "Easy, easy- I am on your side! I came from the dreamscape but I come in peace. Let me


    "If you try anything that offends my delicate sensibilities, this tomahawk is going straight

    through your skull. Now talk!" I reply without relaxing my focus.

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    "The United States Paranormal force (USPF) has been around for hundreds of years, we were

    founded by the first fathers of America. My brothers and I came to your world in 1760. President

    George Washington gave us our first directives when he started receiving reports of rips

    throughout America and Europe. It was our duty to keep watch on the paranormals"

    "But why wasn't there a full on invasion back then?" I ask

    "The rips back then were barely the size of doors and they closed within minutes. The odd

    creature would escape through them- Werewolves, Vampires, Yeti's and so forth but they were

    too small in number to cause the human beings any harm so they ran and hid themselves. The

    problem you have in this century is that the rips are massive in scale and with too much energy

    for them to shut down by themselves. The second problem is that there is no more balance left in

    the dreamscape world, we the creatures of the light always kept the shadow creatures in check.

    That was till we lost the war in the dream world. They took over and just waited till something

    went wrong in your world. The Hadron collider exploding was exactly what they wanted. We

    lost the war for our world and I fear yours will also fall soon."

    "Then what are you doing here, what is your purpose?" I enquire

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    "I am looking for survivors who wants to join the fight. I am directing them to battlefield

    Boston. We have a massive problem there- a pulse monster has emerged through the rip. On a

    scale that we have seen before. We will need every human soul possible to defeat him."

    "And if we don't stop this creature? What happens then?"

    "This country will go dark." He replies with bone chilling calmness in his voice

    43.45328,-70.784174 (Sanford High school, Sanford, Maine)

    N day 15

    I sheath my tomahawks, never taking my eyes off the USPF agent for a moment.

    "I still don't trust you but if what you are saying about this...Pulse

    monster is true, then we must act and stop it. From what I've seen, we

    are on the verge of extinction and we cannot give the monsters any

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    advantage whatsoever. What do you plan on doing next?" I ask him.

    "I'm heading South to Portland. We've received a report of a growing

    rip with possible emergence of Gorgon's and trolls. How they came to

    be in an alliance is beyond me but if I can disrupt their forward

    operations and just slow them down enough for the human survivors to

    make their escape...well maybe I can get a few to join in on the push

    on the Pulse monster in Battlefield Boston."

    "I agree, I'll make my way down and meet up with you there. But we

    should get going, those explosions won't stop the Mimic's for long and

    they will soon start searching the town. And they are going to be

    furious when they find me missing." I say

    "Travel in the light, brave wanderer." the agent replies.

    "Wait! I don't know your name!" I shout after him as he runs for the door

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    "Gantrax, guardian of the Black dragon fighting society" He replies

    and melts in to the shadows like he was never there. I ask myself if I really saw this creature or

    did my mind play tricks on me?

    "Well there is precious little time to waste, I should get going" I think to myself...then a thought

    crosses my mind: My rucksack- it's still at the Inn, dammit! All my food and equipment is stored

    in there- I'm basically naked without it. I have no other choice but to sneak back into town, past

    all the Mimic's and Imp's and get my bag back. I seriously need to develop a sense of humor

    about all this, before I go insane.

    I weave my way through the ruined school buildings, the thoughts of finding children's bodies

    here never crosses my mind, maybe my brain doesn't want to acknowledge it. Soon the school

    fades from view behind me and I start focusing on how I'm getting past the hordes that are sure

    to be waiting for me there. The entire town centre is a hive of activity and the smell of burning

    flesh hangs like a blood-soaked blanket over once innocent little town. Hmm, they must already

    know that I am missing; they would have searched the police station immediately.

    Picking up the pace, I reach the Inn without too much problems. The monsters must already have

    been here. Time to get my belongings, the sun will be up soon and then I won't have the

    advantage of hiding in the shadows any more. Rushing up the stairs of the deserted Inn, I grab

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    the bag in my room. As I'm coming down the stairs, I spot him first- one of the diners at the

    restaurant! The mimic notices me and makes a break for the door...he's going to warn the others!

    In a flash my tomahawk is out and sailing through the air towards him! But luck is against me as

    the blade only knicks his shoulder, he's gotten away! All hell is about to be unleashed- move

    Samantha move!

    I'm flying down the deserted streets...have to get out of this town...too many of them to face

    alone. I climb on to the 202 heading in a South Westerly direction. It's not long before I hear the

    first screams of the pursuing monsters. Oh I am really in it now! There are no hiding places

    here...got to keep running...but I already know that it is a futile action. They are going to tear the

    flesh off my bones tonight.

    My legs feels like lead and my breath is coming in tired spurts. I stop and turn to face my fate.

    It's a relatively small group of 7 Mimic's and 5 Imps but I am hopelessly outnumbered.

    "I WILL NOT GO QUIETLY! FEEL MY LAST RAGE!" I shout in defiance. They are now

    meters away from me. I close my eyes for the last time. Then the first rays of the morning

    sunshine breaks through the clouds, shining down on me. I feel the energy transforming my

    entire body till it becomes as one. The power dances around my hands in yellow streaks of

    electricity, my feet feels like they are not bound to this earth any more. The pure energy builds to

    a crescendo and then it erupts! Everything is engulfed by the blinding white light. The monsters

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    throws their heads back in agony before vaporizing into thin air. As quickly as the power arrived,

    it vanishes back into the early morning Maine air. I am left on my knees with my head bowed.

    Staggering to my feet after a few minutes, I look around- I am totally alone again. Somebody

    better explain to me what exactly this power is...I'm not afraid to admit that it scares me.

    Next stop is the town of Rochester, I should be there before midday. Somewhere out there has to

    be a human settlement, I simply refuse to believe that I am...


    43.363329,-70.908989 (On the 202 freeway, heading to Rochester, Maine)

    N day 16

    July 26, 2012. London, England

    The early morning sunlight is breaking through the grey clouds over London, not that the

    inhabitants who even know it. A smog like cloud from the fires has settled over the city, choking

    the life out of everything in this once beautiful city. All its iconic buildings have been destroyed-

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    Big Ben has been reduced to smoking wreckage, its clock face shattered in pieces on the ground.

    The skeletal remains now a nest for a group of Roc's. Buckingham palace has been sacked and

    left in ruins, the Royal family...their corpses hang limply from the mangled remains of the

    London Eye. They were strung op on the orders of the Master as an example to any human being

    who dared resist the Horde.

    Survivors? Not many- the elderly, sick, woman and children were caged in detention facilities.

    Their lot was simple- as food for the Lycans and Ogres. The men were slaughtered like cattle.

    The precious few that survived fled into the country side to regroup. As for the armed forces-

    they were the first to be taken out. Brutally, swiftly, mercilessly.

    Amid all the cataclysmic destruction, only one thing remained: The London Rip. It erupted in

    Hyde Park on N day, sending the Horde streaming through it. This massive ball of dark matter

    energy can be seen for miles, its purple surface vibrating with electricity and streaks of lightning.

    It stole the life force from every living thing in a 20 mile radius around it, leaving it grey and

    devoid of any sign of life.

    There are signs of activity around the Rip, a group of hooded Lizard men are dancing and

    chanting as if in a trance. Their black cloth robes moving in unison to an unheard song. The

    movements become more vicious, more blood curdling as they part to allow a single small

    creature to move through them. When it stops near the Rip, it turns around and removes its

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    scarlet hood...its human! She cannot be more than eighteen years old, her long blonde hair

    fluttering in the wind. Many would have said that she is beautiful but the life has left her face,

    the eyes black to the world.

    Four Lizard men walk up to her and chain her to pillars. The Rip starts pulsating and vibrating,

    lightning shooting in all directions; the sound of the energy growing louder and louder, till it

    reaches an ear shattering pitch! A gigantic monster steps out of the Rip, dressed in black battle

    armor with a grey horned helmet; its deep purple cloak trails behind him: It's the Master! He

    looks at the young girl while smiling through razor sharp fangs.

    "My child, today you truly become one of us. With power that these human cattle dared never

    dream off! You will be my sword that will cleave this miserable planet in half!"

    "Yes, Master." Replies the girl while looking up at him with her blackened eyes.

    "The one that brings the shadow, the one that brings the shadow!" chants the Lizard men

    "NOW ACCEPT MY POWER!" Screams the monster before hurling a beam of dark matter

    energy into the Rip. The power surges through the girl's body and she screams in pain. She

    cannot run, the chains hold her firmly in place. She looks up in agony and black light shoots

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    from her eyes. Slowly she starts to transform: Her skin becoming the color of ash, her hair turns

    black and webbed wings emerge from her shoulders. One last horrific bolt of black energy

    engulfs her body before the Rip slowly becomes calm again. All is suddenly quiet, like nothing

    has ever happened. The girl is unchained and she stands up while flexing her hands.

    "It is complete! She is perfection! Come my dear, we have much to discuss before your journey

    starts." Says the Master before walking with the girl back through the Rip.

    July 26, 2012, Rochester, Maine, United States of America.

    I have completed my escape from Sanford and the monsters there seems to have given up the

    chase. I really need to reach the next town and restock my supplies and get some answers to my

    questions. Soon I spot the town ahead of me...seems quiet...maybe there is no one alive in there.

    Something is wrong here- it looks like a massive wall of broken cars and metal ahead of me! I

    hear a whizzing sound through the air and I manage to jump to the side at the last second as a

    rusty spear thumps into the ground. This is soon followed by a thick and loud voice.



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    "I'M HUMAN!" I shout back at the voices peering over the wall.

    "THAT'S WHAT MY EX SAID AND SHE LIED TO ME!" This is followed by a roar of




    A few seconds I hear the sound of creaking metal and protesting gears as a column of cars slowly

    moves upwards. I have no idea who or what is coming out from there but it seems like I won't be

    getting any peace soon!

    43.335754,-70.940133 (At the entrance to Rochester, Maine)

    N day 17

    The gate slowly lifts and I brace myself, the voice sounded human but I cannot take any chances-

    it could easily be another group of Mimics.

    "This time I'm ready for them, they won't take me without a fight" I think to myself while my

    hand glides over the red leather sheath of my tomahawks.

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    A figure emerges from the gates and he starts walking towards me, even from here I can see he is

    huge- easily around six foot seven! The tattoos cover his muscled forearms and his bald head

    glistens in the morning sun. He reaches me and lifts a razor sharp spear to my chest.

    "Not as much as a twitch, I know how to use this. Now- who or more importantly what are you

    and what are you doing here stranger?" he asks with a thick French accent

    "My name is Samantha, I'm human and I am on my way to Boston for the push on the Pulse

    monster. I am in need of shelter and any supplies you can spare. Please?" I say

    "That accent- you are English?" he replies before slapping me through the face!

    "OW! What was that for? Just because I'm British?!" I exclaim

    "No monster can resist physical violence, they change immediately before attacking. You seem

    normal, apart from the sad addiction to tea and roast beef."

    "Uh, thank you? I think? What's your name and what happened around here?" I ask

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    He lowers his spear and a big smile crosses his face. He grabs my hand and shakes it vigorously.

    "My name is Jacques St Pierre. I am the leader and head chef extraordinaire of this local chapter

    of the resistance. Welcome to Rochester, Samantha. Of course you will behave yourself inside

    yes? We have no worries about dunking anything in the deep fryer here haha. Walk with me, we

    might not have much inside but you are welcome to dine and stay with us"

    "Thank you for your hospitality, you sound French Jacques- how did you manage to end up here

    of all places?" I ask the towering block of humanity

    I am from New Orleans; I ran the finest seafood brasserie in all of Louisiana there. The one

    fooking weekend that I get off to come visit my dahling Beatrice up here- it all turns to shit! I got

    stuck in this town, when the monsters attacked. We managed to beat them back that day. I could

    not leave these people alone here, so I got them organized and we started putting up a wall. And

    anyway, I needed to teach these barbarians some manners and class- they could not cook a good

    gumbo if Julia Childs held their dicks while doing it! HAHAHA!"

    I instantly take a liking to this lovable madman as we walk into town and the gate closes behind

    us. There are quite a few people inside and everyone is busy running around- preparing food,

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    making weapons or dragging metal pieces to the wall. My spirits feel raised for the moment-

    they have not given up the fight against the Horde, there is still hope left. We walk into a

    decaying old building; it looks like it used to be the public library but now Jacques has converted

    it into a soup kitchen! He hands me a bowl of soup and a hunk of three day old bread.

    "Here, drink this; it was my dear Mama's recipe. It's hotter than the devil's asshole but it will put

    hair on your balls!"

    I thank him before delving into the bright red bowl, my insides feels like they want to explode

    from the heat but somehow this is exactly what I need; just to have that warm feeling inside me

    again. Just to feel human again.

    "Jacques, you seem pretty organized here; why don't you guys try to make it to Boston? From

    what I hear, we will need every willing and able soul to take down this...thing. And the spirit you

    people work with, well it could give hope to many out there."

    For the first time I see the smile drop from his face. He lowers his head and pushes the bread

    through the soup, deep in thought.

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    "Ah Cheri, I wish we could. I have had sleepless nights, trying to find a way how. Me and the

    town elders have had countless meetings and near brawls but alas no. Come finish your soup and

    walk with me- I will go show you the reason why we stay.

    After we finished our food in silence, he leads me to the Opera house. As soon as I walk in, a

    cold feeling grips me- like an icy hand around my heart. Row after row of hospital beds greets

    me and in each one a child lays, writhing in pain.

    "Cheri, this is Sister Agnes. She runs the medical clinic here. This is the reason why we can't

    leave here, something is attacking the children but we know not what. Without us, they will

    surely die."

    I look in the beautiful deep green eyes of the nun and I can see the tears have recently flowed

    over her soft black skin.

    "Oh honey, I don't know who you are but I would really appreciate any help. Me and the other

    sisters are losing this battle. We buried another one last night. These children do not have long to

    go but I refuse to give up on them! Now come and Jacques- I will need more Potato soup, we are

    running short here. You can bring me more after you help here."

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    I Jump into the work, applying bandages to wounds that seems to open by themselves; holding

    down a child while a nun administers sedatives and running back and forth to bring them more

    medical supplies. After 4 hours of relentless and emotionally draining work, all becomes quiet


    "You have no idea what is causing this? Their wounds look supernatural, like something is

    tearing them apart from the inside." I ask Sister Agnes but she just shakes her head sadly as we

    stand around a small blonde girl.

    I look at my upturned hands "Let me try something." I say before softly placing my hands on her

    forehead. I feel the energy building up inside me but this time it's different, calmer yet focused

    like a soft flowing river stream. I feel myself becoming one with the child's consciousness,

    feeling what she is feeling; taking on her pain. I hear her screaming in my head but I have to

    drown out her voice....look deeper...find the source of the pain....there!...not in her mind...no...the

    pain is in her...bloodstream! Blood...blood...blood....water! There is something wrong with the

    water! I can see it now, it looks normal but there is darkness inside it.

    I fade out of her mind and I am back in the community centre. Jacques and Agnes are staring at

    me in amazement but not fear. I see their eyes sparkling for the first time.

    "The water, where did you get it?" I ask him

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    "This is a local source, we use purified water for the sick and the children; we get it from an

    underground stream. The rest of us use normal water from the local reservoir. Why? Cheri- what

    have you found?!" Exclaims the big man.

    "Jacques, get your men together and arm them as quickly as you can. We have to go looking for

    the source of this water. It's been poisoned!"

    43.305745,-70.974242(Rochester Opera house, Rochester, New Hampshire)

    N day 18

    I am dead on my feet; we have been working late into the night. Everything has to be ready when

    we go looking for the source of the poisoned water in the morning. I have been put in charge of

    the equipment while Jacques takes care of the weaponry for our expedition. Working it out

    methodically: Rope, clean water, food supplies, medical equipment...what's mis
