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‘The Naked CEO’ by Lord Alex Malley: Book Summary by D Shivakumar; Chairman & CEO, Pepsico India...

Date post: 05-Aug-2015
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The Naked CEO Lord Alex Malley

The Naked CEO

Lord Alex Malley

Alex Malley is the CEO of CPA Australia.

Make dreaming a habit. Never let go of your daring and drive to

actualize those dreams.

The ability to be true to oneself is the most underrated and

overlooked mindset for people in their careers.

Being authentic is the master key to a positive life and career.

Facades are a risky and exhausting business.

Not everyone will like you when you are authentic, but everyone

will respect you.

The temptation to compare yourself with others is difficult to

overcome. It is good to admire others but you must focus on your

own self development.

Do your best to stay positive with all people, be constructive even in

tough situations and be honest.

Honest and open people are most likely to be successful. Stop

worrying whether other people like you.

Dreams are a mindset, a call to action. The dreams you achieve are the ones you think about all the time. Working towards your

dreams will test your resolve.

Setting realistic goals is important, I will achieve ‘ one day’ or do it ‘

one day’ is day dreaming.

When you are faced with an undesirable outcome that you are

responsible for, take ownership and take the responsibility.

Mistakes make you smarter, being humble about them helps you

learn and move on.

Insight does not come with seniority, it comes with a passion

for consumers and customers.

Self confidence comes from your own journey and the successes you have achieved on the way. Without confidence, you can

achieve little.

If you want to be a good communicator- you must be a

keen listener and a keen observer.

Establishing a rapport with your boss is not about establishing

familiarity. It is about respect for the job, the team and

determination to learn and contribute.

Being consistently punctual for meetings demonstrates that you respect other people and their

valuable time.

At the core of your survival and success is your capacity to build effective relationships that are equal in terms of respect and

willingness o co operate.

I always nurture and develop a team member who can set aside a personal difference with a fellow team member to deliver a quality


Successful people avoid getting bogged down by team politics and

continuously channelize their energy into achieving goals.

Performance speaks louder than words, keep focused on that fact

no matter how tough the circumstances, because that is the

truth of business.

Life has only two languages positive and negative. Stay

positive and this will rub off on your colleagues.

A dysfunctional team is a result of people not listening to each other.

This happens when they don’t respect each other.

If you notice that the issue in a team is gaps in capability and not effort, then you need to address


People can sense when someone is not applying everything they are

capable of. Half heartedness is a respect repellant. If your people

and colleagues know you are trying your hardest people will see

the best in you.

Resting on your laurels breeds a lingering complacency

I have seen many young people falter due to their disorganized


Good leaders are focused, they do so by eliminating distractions.

Distraction happens at work due to lack of concentration.

Opportunities are like diamonds in the rough, only hard work with an open mind and willingness to take on new experiences will help you


Some people get consumed by fear of failure and hence do not


Learning to get through the realization that you do not like your job is one of life’s lessons.

Lower your expectations of complete fulfilment from your job

and company. Everyone around you will not be perfect, you should

try and get them to do what is right and nothing more. You don’t owe them and they don’t owe you


When you start a new role, you want more caring. Caring is not

part of anyone’s job description in any company, it coms from good

human beings.

Being decisive and effective are important for a leader.

Your only friend through your career is continuous learning.

You should leave a company when you feel you are no longer learning and developing


Delegation sounds good, but to do so with confidence is tougher than you think. Many bosses want their

employees to constantly refer back to them and those are weak

human beings and leaders.

Confidence is a state of mind that you can cultivate from various


Confidence comes from courage, attitude and resilience.
