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The name game – chapter 15

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The Name Game – An Alphabet Legacy Chapter 15 – Not So Innocenti, Part 1
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The Name Game – An Alphabet Legacy

Chapter 15 – Not So Innocenti, Part 1

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If you couldn’t tell from the title, I’ve chosen the generation I heir and it is Innocenti Name. That’s right, the shy romance sim who wants to woohoo twenty different sims.

And if you also can’t tell from the chapter length and double update, this is going to be a doozy. All of which played over the course of one night.

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Despite any argument to the contrary, Ivanov was still convinced that his ‘real’ father, Ivan, was out there and that Sean was just the father of his older siblings.

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Ivanov: One day I vil find you, родитель…

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Noelle: Some townies will do their time with legacy families, but not me. You won’t catch me dead in a relationship with a legacy teenager.

Idoni: Noelle, we have pictures…

Ishikawa: You’re serious about not remembering?

Noelle: Put up or shut up because my memory bank only remembers kissing the mystery sim.

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Kimberley: Noelle, what are you doing in here?

Noelle: What? It’s just a hot tub. It’s free range, Kimmy Lum.

Innocenti: *quietly* Is she serious?

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The next day, Kimberley came back to visit Innocenti.

Innocenti: I’m so sorry about her. It’s like she’s lived here for the past few generations.

Kimberley: Relax. Let’s just pick back up where we left off.

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Thanks to ACR, Kimberley Lum became the first woohoo for Innocenti.

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Ishikawa: Guys, how long do we have to keep doing this?

Idoni: Until Ivanov is old enough to go to college with the rest of us. No child left behind.

Ivanov: Yes… college… you think maybe father Ivan is there, yes?

Ishikawa: Ivanov, you get that our names are just figurative. I’m not really Japanese just like mom really isn’t a who-

Idoni: Ishi!

Ishikawa: What?

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The kids started applying for their respective scholarships before heading off. Most of them managed to get the Tsang Footwork award.

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Idoni: So you think that Rex will have a nice CAS man ready for me when I get there, or what?

Ishikawa: Well do you think he’ll have anything for me… like, at all?

I can guarantee both of you nothing.

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Ishikawa: Dad, why are you flirting with the ghost of Firkus?

Sean: What? No, not her. Veronika just floated by and she was looking nice…

Ishikawa: Gross. That’s grandma.

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Ivanov grew into a teenager and rolled the family aspiration. He wants to marry off 6 kids. Maybe if he’s lucky.

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Ivanov: Soon, Ivan… vee shall meet.

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Innocenti: Peace out, Noelle. Just so you know, you hooked up with someone in our family a looooonnnggg time ago.

Noelle: LIAR!

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Of course, with one generation about to be young adults, that meant another generation was growing older too. It’s hard to believe that I’m almost at the end of generation H.

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Meanwhile, a long time ago….

Dziedzic: And this is okay, right? Cause your mom is way separated from me on the tree.

Hanson: I think so. It’s not like we’re second cousins or anything.

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Back to the present, the four members of generation I were shipped off to the largest dorm at Isla Bonita University.

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Idoni: Innocenti, who’s that? Do you think she’s a CAS?

Innocenti: That’s our RA, Harper Flieg. She’s a sophomore. I really don’t know what her deal is.

Idoni: But that’s custom content bin hair. Townies only have access to properly binned hair. I can’t believe Rex made a CAS for you and not me!

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Innocenti: You need to stop obsessing, Idoni. She’s just a sim.

Idoni: Oh come on… you don’t find her the least bit attractive, you big lesbo.

Innocenti: First of all, I’m bi. Second of all, there’s just something about her…

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Dormie: Well that sucks. Rain on the first day of orientation.

Ivanov: Yes. Very sad. I must go. Half-sisters bought me new clothes.

Dormie: Alright, well talk to you later, buddy.

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Ishikawa: Idoni, you know I’m not really Japanese right?

Idoni: Oh take a pill, Ishi. Don’t mind my brother. You must be so lucky getting to come here on your own from… you didn’t say where you’re from. CAS maybe?

Dormie: Ha… uh, no I actually didn’t come here alone. My aunt is the RA of this dorm. Harper Flieg.

Idoni: *quietly* Two CAS… *louder* Hey bud, why don’t we go somewhere more private.

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Idoni: So I never caught your name back there.

Ivan: It’s Ivan Flieg.

Idoni: Interesting. Another ‘I’ in the building.

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Ivan: Really?

Idoni: Yeah, the entire generation of my family is currently going with the letter ‘I’. My sister is meant to bring in the next generation of ‘J’ as soon as she’s done college.

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Idoni: So is it just you and your aunt?

Ivan: No, my parents, too. They’re back on our farm on the mainland. They breed large dogs. They kind of go by a whole name thing. It started off with this one old mutt, Hamish…

Idoni: Those must have been the dogs my ancestor Du gave up for adoption. Rex must have made your family to keep the line going.

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Ivan: Rex?

Idoni: You don’t know about, Rex? Well, I guess that makes sense. He kind of only interacts with our family unless otherwise necessary. Like when he makes CAS.

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Idoni: You must think I’m crazy. I’m so sorry.

Ivan: No… I just… my mom must have said something way back about the guy. He’s like a voice, right? That narrates what you do retroactively?

Idoni: Something like that. Kind of like your life is a narrative. I guess if you aren’t the main family of the neighbourhood, your story doesn’t get told. Sorry… I must sound completely rude right now…


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Ivanov: Is hard being foreign exchange student here in Misfit Valley.

Harper: Ivanov, I have files prepped on all of you. I know that you were born in the main neighbourhood and are a part of the legacy.

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Ivanov: You do?

Harper: It’s part of my job as RA. Well, that and keep my nephew Ivan out of trouble.

Ivanov: Ivan?

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Harper: Yes, Ivan. Similar name to you. He has shaggy red hair. Long nose and high cheekbones.

Ivanov: …. родитель

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Idoni: Well, you two seem to be getting close quickly.

Ivanov: Yes. We bond over similar name.

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Ivanov: Can I tell you truth, Idoni?

Idoni: You think he’s a CAS, too?

Ivanov: More than that… he is real father.

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Idoni: Ivanov, I was there when you were born. I was also old enough to remember the sounds of woohoo coming from the other room. Trust me, mom may have been named Hooker, but they’re just names.

Ivanov: And trust me, he feels like family.

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Idoni: You can be such a goof sometimes. Just don’t do anything stupid.

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A couple nights later, Ivan and Harper were sitting down to a breakfast for dinner event in the cafeteria.

Ivan: Idoni and Ivanov are kind of weird, don’t you think?

Harper: Ivan…

Ivan: I’m serious. I think I keep hearing Ivanov whisper ‘dad’ at me.

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Harper: I’m telling you, please just be nice to them. Legacy sims are always a little kooky.

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Harper: My mom, your grandmother, would have wanted you to get to know them.

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Ivan: Why, though? Just because we’re from the mainland of Misfit Valley doesn’t mean we need to be friends with all of them.

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Harper: So you’re saying you could be friends with some of them?

Ivan: Well… yeah. ‘Friends.’


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For some reason, Ivan was drawn to Innocenti. ACR was in the air with an emphasis on automatic.

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Soon, Ivan became the second woohoo of Innocenti Name.


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Ivan: Ijustsleptwiththeheiress!

Harper: Wait, what? Slow down. I thought I heard something crazy.

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Ivan: I said I just slept with Innocenti.

Harper: WHAT?

Ivan: You’re supposed to be my cool, young aunt. I thought you would be supportive.

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Harper: Simming hell, Ivan. You have no idea what you’ve just done…

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Within a few short minutes, Ivan was snapping back at his aunt.

Ivan: Why didn’t you tell me that before, Harper?

Harper: Look, just break it off with her. No one needs to know.

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Innocenti didn’t really think too much about woohooing Ivan. He was just a measly 5% of her lifetime want. She had other sims she needed to work her magic on before college was over.

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And that meant using every avenue to her disposal.

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Idoni: Oh come on.

Innocenti: What?

Idoni: Seriously, why do you get all the men. You already can have all the women here.

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Harper: So I take it that Innocenti took the break up pretty well?

Ivan: We weren’t dating.

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Harper: Then it’s for the best. I don’t think you could handle the weight of what she comes with.

Ivan: Seriously. You had all those files and not once did you think of telling me.


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Meanwhile, Ishikawa felt out of the loop. His grades were alright, but that didn’t make him happy.

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Innocenti managed to balance a relationship with every dormie, leaving none for him. Idoni at least had her dream of a CAS man to hold out for.

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Innocenti: You’re kind of lucky, Ishi.

Ishikawa: I wouldn’t say so.

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Ishikawa: Look at your life. You get to have everything. While your lifetime want is being worked on, the rest of us are being forgotten. I’m nothing. The other two at least have something to keep them preoccupied. What do I have?

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Innocenti: Well what do you want?

Ishikawa: Well, I wa-

Innocenti: Sorry, I have to go. If I get can this streaker in I’m one step closer to my goal.

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Ishikawa: Son of a bit-


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Ishikawa: Boo yeah! Look who is in the zone tonight!

Ivanov: …

Ishikawa: Dude, you okay?

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Ivanov: I cannot focus. He is in my dreams every night.

Ishikawa: You’re gay?

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Ivanov: No. Ivan. He is my father.

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Ishikawa: Oh god damnit. No. He isn’t your dad. Shea is your dad. He’s my dad, too. I was there when you were born. He got the memory of having you.

Ivanov: Then why am I named son of Ivan, hmm? He is only Ivan in all of Misfit Valley. He feels like family. Maybe none of you feel it because he is only my family.

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Ivan: Heard my name, mind if I join you guys?

Ivanov: I lose focus!

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Ivan: Sorry about that.

Ivanov: Is ok.

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Ivanv: He is father. I know it.


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Innocenti: Come up to my room, Ivan. I have a few wants I need to get out of the way.

Ivan: No.

Idoni: *quietly* He rejected her.

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Innocenti: What do you mean, no? It’s just woohoo, Ivan.

Ivan: I said no. Just leave me alone.

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Innocenti: Why don’t you want to?

Ivan: Because you’re… you’re a slut.

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Innocenti: Did you seriously just call me that?

Ivan: Y-yes..

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Innocenti: Burn in hell, you jackass. It’s not like anyone else cares what I do with my body to be perma-platinum

Ivan: Well maybe you should. You might end up doing something- or someone- that you regret.


And that’s where I’m leaving the first part of the update. Stay tuned to find out what happens next.
