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The Nature v Nurture Debate

Date post: 10-Apr-2018
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The nature v nurture debate Star ter ± describe wh at y ou think is meant by the following: Gentleman, lady, man, woman and lad.
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The nature v nurturedebate

Starter ± describe what you think ismeant by the following:Gentleman, lady, man, woman and lad.

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Nature V


N ature ± the biological differencesbetween males and femalesN urture ± the way that differencesbetween males and females are µlearnt¶

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NurtureFrom the time achild is born theyare defined by their gender.N otice how the boyis wrapped in blueand the girl in pink.

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P rimary socialisation iskey to a child¶sdevelopment andunderstanding.Think about toys youwere given andnicknames you had.Were they influencedby your gender?

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L ook at the way in which boys and girls arerepresented in toys. Do they reflect what we seein everyday life? Do girls and boys aspire to belike that when they grow up?

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M aybe?

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Secondary SocialisationThese include the other areas of your life thataffect your socialisatione.g. school, peers, themedia, the government,the church.

Some are easy todefine as they areuniversally known lawsor beliefs such as the

10 commandments.

ONE : 'You shall have no other gods before Me. '

TWO: ' You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is inthe earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. '

THR EE : 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. '

FOUR: ' Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. '

FIVE : 'Honor your father and your mother. '

SIX: ' You shall not murder. '

S E VEN : 'You shall not commit adultery. '

E IGHT: ' You shall not steal. '

N INE : 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. '

TEN : 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's. '

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Others are lessobvious. Do wequestion seeingthese kind of models on thepages of magazines?Do we aspire tobe like them?

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What aboutadverts? Do wequestion seeingthe female as thehomemaker and

looking after others?

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Why do theseadverts stand outto the audience?

BT advertsDove adverts

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M en are alsobeing shownimages of masculinity.How muchpressure did thisput on males totone up their bodies?

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C ould this bepart of thereason whyM en¶s Health

has overtakenall other men¶smagazines interms of sales?

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A re weinfluenced byrepeatedimages of µlads¶and what hasbeen termedµlad culture¶?

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Dr L inda P apadopoulos

thinks so. She has written areport for the governmentthat says airbrushedmagazines should carry

warnings because of imageslike this (see below).Twiggy, left

promoting Olay

anti aging product in anairbrushedadvert andright, appearingnaturally.

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So who should take responsibility?P arents ± in the waythey socialise their children?Institutions in the waythey presentinformation?

A udinces in the waythey deconstruct theinformation?

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A re celebrities starting to rebel?

Britney showed us what she looked likebefore being airbrushing.

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