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THE NEW DIRECTORS' OFFICE · 2019. 9. 9. · Upon completion of leve l 3, student sit for grade...

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    The Director in his new office which he moved into from 1st July 2019. the office has been under construction and renovation to ensure its ready

    for the Director. The newly constructed part of the office is has two offices that's for the accountant and the secretary to the Director.

    The teaching and non- teaching staff at the newly constructed office sharing the blessings with the Director. We had a word of prayer to thank

    God for this provision and to dedicate it to the Lord for His service.

    The Accountant Mrs. Viscah in her newly constructed office. She is thankful for the good work that all those involved in have done so far.

    Sharon who is the secretary to the Director taking a photo with a smile in her office which is also part of the new construction, she thanks all those

    who gave both in prayers and financially for all this to be successful.

    The newly constructed offices while under construction. The new

    offices now ready and operational.

  • Sister Jacklin Chepchumba and brother Ibrahim Samuel both from

    Nairobi Great Commission School sharing a word with the Director

    about their stay at Kimbilio where they have been hosted for 3

    weeks for their internship.

    Brother Ibrahim is an International student from Tanzania our neigh-

    boring country. He and sister Jacklin are currently on their second

    year study of theology at NGCS Nairobi.

    They shared about their experience here in Mombasa and how hap-

    py they were to be part of the Changamwe Church of Christ team.

    They will all be leaving for a break to their homes this second week

    of July as they prepare to finish up their studies at NGCS end of


    Sister Jacklin and brother Ibrahim from Nairobi Great Commission

    School sharing a word of encouragement to the Director, Principal

    Mr. Kioko, Secretary Sharon and the Changamwe church of Christ

    minister Mr. Onyangore.

    They shared the positive they have seen so far and the negatives

    that needs to be improved. Their presence at Changamwe church

    of Christ with brother Joshua Ogada has been felt spiritually. They

    have taken most of their time to encourage the junior and senior

    school spiritually and academically. The church too has benefited

    from their internship at Changamwe.






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    Mazeras Church of Christ members seated after a church service to discuss on how to

    support sister Pendo and brother Victor of Changamwe Church of Christ in their upcom-

    ing wedding to be held on 24th August 2019 at Changamwe church.

    Mazeras Sunday school with their teachers gets ready for a word of prayer before dis-

    persing to their various classes to study the word of God.

    Church elders and deacons from Mazeras Church introducing themselves to visitors on

    Sunday 16th June 2019

    Mazeras women ministry receives a blessing from the church and their church minister

    as they prepared to attend the National ladies conference that was held at Kaimosi West-

    ern part of Kenya from 19th to 23rd June 2019




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    Director Mr. Michael Mutai and other two ministers of the church take a photo in front of Maryango medical clinic when they went to inspect its op-

    erations. The clinic has been running under a faith based organization called (Fishers of men) but due to poor management it has collapsed.

    Solar water system at Maryango Primary School next to the clinic which is working within the primary school but can be channeled to the clinic too

    for use. This solar system is efficient since it does not rely on electricity which sometimes may not be available. The tanks above are enough to store a

    lot of water for use within the primary section and the clinic.

    Photo number 3 and 5 shows the inspection team lead by the Director Mr. Michael Mutai at Maryango clinic for a meeting and later handed over the

    meeting agreement to the one in charge of the clinic for now.

    Some of the facilities available at Maryango clinic, this is a fridge that is used to store medicine that require cool temperatures .

    Photo number 6, 10 and 12 shows the structural building of Maryango Clinic and the other facilities found like water thanks and the environment sur-

    rounding it.

    Photo number 7 shows the pharmacy room within Maryango clinic. There are few medicine still on the shelf which needs thorough check up to as the

    clinic starts under Church of Christ to sort out those which might have expired.

    Photo number 9 shows the Medical License which is still valid under Fishers of Men organization. The license will expire on t he last date of

    December 2019

    Photo number 11 shows the inspecting team led by the Director on their mission to inspect the Clinic facility and where the water can be channeled

    from to the clinic. This water is powered by solar system.







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    1. The school kitchen was too smoky due to a leakage in an older chimney. This has been fixed to ensure that cooking is done at the right time and

    to ensure the health of those working in that kitchen is looked into. This smoke when its too high can affect the chest and eyes. See photo 1 and 2

    under kitchen department.

    2. Photo 3 shows the newly constructed chimney to help solve the smoke problem in the kitchen. This problem has for sure been solved and those

    working in the kitchen are happy to work in a smoke-free kitchen.

    3. Photo number 4 and 5 shows a number of junior school pupils taking lunch at the school. Very jovial and happy to serve such a delicious and

    nutritious meal

    4. Photo number 5 shows the junior school pupils serving their lunch with the help of their teacher who is in duty. This helps to ensure all the pu-

    pils have taken their lunch and that there is order at the serving point. The teacher has a list of all the pupils taking lunch from the school kitch- en

    to ensure no one misses out his/her lunch.



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    The music team from Kimbilio junior Academy consisting of 60 pupils and 3 trainers who are part of the teaching staff has really done a wonderful

    work. At the sub-county level they presented 8 items that's; 1) Akamba dance, 2) Baganda dance, 3) Meru dance, 4) Kisii dance , 5) Tugen dance, 6)

    Meru folk, 7) Akamba folk, 8) Baganda folk. The Baganda dance and folk were the only international items they presented that's from Uganda but the

    rest are from our native languages in Kenya. They became the best in all these 8 items and were granted permission to continue to County level . At the

    county level, they did their best though with stiff competition from other schools they still emerged the best with all the 8 items and they proceeded to

    Regional level.

    At the regional level still competing with other schools, they emerged the best with 4 items that they will be presenting at the National level this coming

    August from 4th to 6th in Nakuru. We have hope of this shining team from Kimbilio scooping best position at the national level to State house where

    they will entertain the president.




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    The music team takes a photo during one of the competitions at the county level.

    The music team takes a photo with one of their trainers who is also their deputy head teacher Mr. Mwamburi. He is in charge o f the music team.

    Photo number 3 and 5 shows the men in charge of the drum and the drums they use during the music dance.

    Photo number 4 and 6 shows the Kimbilio music team at the competition hall ready to present an item and their trainers preparing costumes used

    during the dance.

    Photo number 7 and 9 shows the teachers who have been training this music team that's Wilson Mwamburi, Florine Amuyunzi, Emma Mutisya.

    Photo number 8 is our Director and the music team celebrating the victory they have so far as they prepare to go for national level.


    The Fashion Design and Garment making Technology is designed to fulfill the needs of the formal and informal sector for trained operators. This course

    has 3 levels for one to be a competent tailor/dressmaker. All the 3 levels takes 6 months each beginning with level 3 which is Basic then level 2 and

    Finally level 1. This means one has to take 18 months of study to become a competent tailor/dressmaker. Upon completion of leve l 3, student sit for grade

    test 3 and proceed to the next level upon wish. MEI has collaborated with the Ministry of Labor for the Trade Test Exams.

    Classes run from Monday to Friday for 2 hours each day. There are three classes each day that's 8:00 am to10:00 am, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm and lastly

    from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Students have freedom to chose which time of the day is convenient to them. After 3 months of study students are allowed to rest

    or have a break of 2 weeks on April, August and December before they resume classes again.

    Courses offered include: 1) Tailoring, 2) Dress-making, 3) Textile material, 4) Pattern drafting, 5) Garment fashion design, 6) Embroidery, 7) Tie and

    dye, 8) Fabric Coloration, 9) Batik, 10) Production Techniques, 11) Printing.


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    Teacher Jane Wanjiku of the tailoring and dressmaking class showing one of the students on how to get the correct measurement for dressmaking .

    The teacher always ensures she is there to show them to avoid wastages of the materials they are using to learn.

    One of the students currently taking the tailoring and dressmaking course fixing a thread on the machine ready to practice with the help of her


    Teacher Wanjiku helping one of the students as she practices on her dressmaking skills. She always walks around the class to ensure students are

    doing the right thing a she instructs them to do.

    Students listening attentively to their teacher during theory class to ensure they get to understand what they are supposed to do and to learn various

    terms used in Fashion design and garment making technology.

    Teacher Wanjiku practically explaining to the students how to handle the machine and how to manage it incase of any technical errors.

    Currently the tailoring class has 8 students taking their course under their able and qualified teacher Jane Wanjiku Gatimu.


    Through Information Technology (IT) the world is a global village. To make this a reality, MEI has dedicated itself in providing this knowledge and

    skills in Computer Operations to all those who are willing.

    Packages offered include: 1) Introduction to Computer and Ms Dos, 2) Ms Windows, 3) Ms Word, 4) Ms Excel, 5) Ms Access, 6) Ms PowerPoint, 7)

    Ms Publisher, 8) Corel Draw, 9) Outlook Express and Email.

    Each package offered shall cover a period of two weeks, 2 hours of study each day bringing a total of 20 hours per package.

    In the photos below 1 and 2 is Mr. Joshua an IT expert installing software's in all the computers to ensure they are ready fo r current students enrolling to

    take their computer course training. He has been of great help being a student from Nairobi Great Commission School who came in for internship but he

    has done much more than we expected. He has fixed the internet too under the great help of our Director who has also supplied all the required materials

    for this Lab to be operational.







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    Kimbilio Junior School

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    Photo number 1 above shows pupils in Standard 4 taking their exams in their class with a close supervision from their teacher. These pupils have

    been trained on Christian morals.

    Photo 2 is Teacher Agnes who is teaching Pre Primary 2 (PP2) helping some pupils on writing assignment on her desk.

    Photo number 3 is the class 8 pupils writing composition during exam. This helps them to develop good writing skills and to improve their under-

    standing of the English language.

    Photo number 4 shows the junior school in a joint prayer session at the church building for 30 minutes lead by one sister Jacklin Chepchumba who is

    a Bible student at Nairobi Great Commission School. She has been here at Kimbilio for the last 3 weeks on her internship with two other brothers

    namely Ibrahim and Joshua who have really done a lot in motivating our junior and senior school students spiritual.

    Photo number 5, 6 and 7 above shows all the junior school boys from standard 4 to standard 8 meeting in one class and girls meeting in a different

    class for guidance and counseling session once in a month. Boys are counselled separately from the girls to ensure they are freely to express them-

    selves same thing applies to the girls because they might shy up when they are together. This session is led by their deputy head teacher Mr. Mwam-

    buri and Madam Agnes Jembe for girls. These pupils are growing and as they grow they experience changes in their bodies and needs guidance so

    they can understand themselves and to learn how to control themselves.








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    Photo number 1 above shows the junior school students taking their exams at the hall or rather the church building because it s spacious enough for all

    the students and more efficient for teachers to manage and monitor them as they take their exams.

    Teacher Mercy Mutai taking on form 2 through English lesson. The students are encouraged to study more and more and always be attentive in

    class. They are also encouraged to ask questions to help them understand more.

    Photo number 3 and 4 shows students at the lab during Chemistry practical. The lab has been so important as students can take their practical ex-

    ams with ease. The lab has an entrance and exit door to ensure no cheating during the practical exams.

    Photo number 6 is teacher Bernard Owino teaching Chemistry lesson in form 2 class. All the teachers are doing their best to ensure students learn

    to the standard required by the ministry of education in Kenya.

    Photo number 7 shows the head teacher Mr. Douglas Kioko in his office. He is of great help running both the primary and Seco ndary as the head.

    Photo number 8 is Mr. Wilson Mwamburi who is the deputy headteacher for junior school. He is also the one heading and training the music team

    from the junior school that's headed for the national competitions in Nakuru this coming August.


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    Changamwe church of Christ women boarding a bus to Kaimosi for the national ladies conference. Changamwe had a team of 14

    ladies, Mazeras church 7, Miritini 3, Mikindani church 3, and others from Malindi and Ukunda.

    Ladies from Mombasa churches of Christ and Malindi meeting at Changamwe Church of Christ for prayer session before de-

    parting for the national ladies conference on 15th June 2019

    Photo number 3,5 and 6 shows the Director talking to the ladies before they leave for the national ladies conference. He en-

    courages them to be good listeners and to participate during the conference.

    Photo number 4 and 9 is the Changamwe church of Christ choir during church service. It consist of women, men and youths

    from the church who are willing to praise God through songs.

    Photo number 7 shows the ladies who went to the conference bringing the greetings from the conference and also talked about

    what new thing they learned during the conference.

    Photo number 10 shows he middle aged children during their Sunday school class at Changamwe church of Christ led by their

    teacher Ken Mutai.

    Photo number 11 and 12 shows the minister of Changamwe church of Christ Mr. Elijah Onyangore at the church office and

    also on his motorcycle that he received from the support of mission Sunday as one of the beneficiary.


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    Mikindani church of Christ sitting arrangement in the church where they have to sit closer to the centre of the church to avoid being rained on be-

    cause the far ends are not yet complete, the church still needs more support to complete it and get the windows and the doors.

    The upper open front wall and back side needs to be closed up to avoid direct rain into the church that makes members uncomfortable. This upper

    sides of the walls could require more blocks, cement, ballast and sand to complete it for the glory of God.

    Photo number 3 shows the front side door which is really in a dangerous position for now and needs urgent fix as you can see the outside ground

    in too far down approximately 10 feet meaning if any person accidentaly goes or falls through it he/she might get hurt. The minister of the

    church always gets someone close there to ensure no one goes through it. This door requires stairs that one can use down out of it and the door

    needs to be fixed to avoid any unnecessary happening at the moment. As you can see in this photo the brothers standing at that door are from in-

    side the church.

    Photo number 2 and 5 shows the upper side of the walls that needs to be closed up and the main door that needs to be fixed. The church is open no

    doors nor windows. Members are still worshipping God happily though with these challenges at the moment.

    Photo number 6 shows the front side of the church with the main door, on the far right hand side is Changamwe church of Christ minister Elijah

    Onyangore with the two brothers from Mikindani church of Christ.

    The drainage system too needs to be fixed to avoid a lot of water running on the walls of the church so as to make it more durable.








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    Miritini church of Christ building that houses the Lords people in Mombasa.

    The church members after the church greats one another as a sign of love and unity. This is common in all churches of Christ for we are one body

    and we are encouraged to love one another for the body of Christ to be build up.

    The school that is run by Miritini church of Christ. It's a benefit to the community as they can get their children study in a faith based institution.

    The pupils learn Christian values. See also phot number 5.

    Middle aged youths in the church singing on Sunday worship. They have teachers who train them on singing and also lessons fro m the word o God

    so that they can mature in their faith.

    Photo number 6 shows members of the church seated ready to receive the word of God. Miritini church has grown spiritually through the help of

    the church minister and the elders at the church.

    The non- teaching staff at Kimbilio Academy sharing a cup of

    tea after a meeting with the Director. This kind of meetings are

    very important to reflect on their performance and to share any

    encouraging message with others.

    This shows that we are living together as a family as we share

    this cup of tea and as we reflect on our performance at Kimbilio



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  • The Mariakani Mission team under the leadership of the Director Mr. Michael Mutai have done great work in the Kingdom of God. The following min-

    isters in the kingdom of God have been encamping at Mariakani from 5th to 7th July 2019 with the aim of planting a new church.







    Elijah Onyangore Morisho


    Paul Nyabika

    Stanley Kimutai—(The driver who took them to the mission field and brought them back)

    Sauti Mwadori

    Fredrick Mwema

    They went into various villages visiting people on their houses and the Lord did graet wonders through them n Sunday 7 more souls were added into

    the kingdom of God through baptism. This is just the beginning as most of the people we met at Mariakani are requesting to hear more from this mis-

    sion team. We are planning to get all the Block Course student to go for a mission practicum fro 24th next month for one week.


    2. 3.

    Photo number one shows the mission team visiting one of the families together for prayers and telling them about Jesus.

    Photo 2, shows the mission team with another family close to Mariakani town after sharing with them. On Sunday two of those baptized came fro

    this family as well as 2 from photo number one above.

    Photo number 3 and 4 shows the mission team sharing the word of God in various households. This was so fruitful as those bapt ized were all new

    to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. In photo number 4 minister Morisho Mtupeke helps the ladies to prepare vegetables as he shared the word of

    God with them.
