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The New Geography of Innovation – Asia’s role in global innovation networks

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  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    The New Geography ofInnovation

    Asias role in global innovationnetworks

    Dieter Ernst,

    East-West Center, [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks



    Global innovation networks transform thegeography of innovation.

    US firms are key drivers Much of the action now is in Asia (driven

    by the resurgence of China and India).

    A neglected dimension of Pacific Rimintegration

    dearth of data weak foundation for policyadvice

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks



    1. Innovation processes in transition. What isnew?

    2. How important is Asias role? And what forcesare driving Asias network integration?

    3. Policy Challenges Will network integration foster decoupling?

    Will it reduce entrenched barriers toinnovation in Asia?

    Is there scope for sharing the benefits within

    Asia and across the Pacific?

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    1. Innovation Processes in Transition

    (What is new?) Observation (despite poor data):

    globally distributed innovation networkscomplement in-house R&D

    multiple new locations for innovation areemerging (China, IndiaKorea, Singapore,

    Israel, Hungary..)

    But: established centers retain dominance

    new conflicts over sharing the benefits arise

    within Asia and across the Pacific

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    Asias Push to Innovate

    In 2007, Asia spent US-$(PPP) 436.2

    billion on R&D (39% of world total), placingit ahead of the US ($353 billion and ashare of 31%).

    With US-$(PPP) 175 billion, China is nowthe second largest R&D investor, after the

    US (with $ 353 billion), but ahead of Japan($143.5 billion).

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    Asias % share in global R&D spending

    2006 2007e 2008p

    US 32.7 31.4 30.1Asia 36.9 38.8 40.8

    China 13.5 15.6 17.9Japan 13.0 12.8 12.4

    India 3.7 3.7 3.7EU all 25.2 24.6 23.9

    Battelle 2007

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    Persistent U.S.-centric concentration

    of the sources of innovation all 15 leading companies with the best record on

    patent citations are based in the United States (9

    in the IT industry)

    The 700 largest R&D spenders (mostly large

    U.S. firms) account for 50% of the worlds totalR&D expenditures and >2/3 of the worldsbusiness R&D

    > 80 percent of the 700 largest R&D spenderscome from only five countries (United Statesdominates, followed by Japan, Germany, United

    Kingdom, France) Dieter Ernst

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    Explanation (in progress):

    Corporate strategies respond toglobalizing markets (products,

    finance,technology, knowledge workers)pressures to improve R&D productivity

    Asian upgrading thru innovationstrategies

    Enablers (liberalization, ICT, globalization

    of higher education) multiple asymmetries (private vs public;

    advanced vs emerging economies; largevs small countries)

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    Global innovation networks

    I. Global companies offshore stages of

    innovation to Asian affiliates

    intra-firmglobal innovation networks

    II. Global firms outsource stages of

    innovation to specialized Asiansuppliers

    inter-firmnetworksIII. Asian firms construct their own (mostly

    intra-firm) networks Dieter Ernst

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    2006 Engineer Survey

    50% of US respondents (up from 46% in 2005)

    report that their company has sent electronics

    design work offshore. Job security and unemployment are the

    dominant concern of US-based engineers (69%

    of respondents), together with offshore

    outsourcing (67%).

    34 % of Indian respondents report that theiremployers are offshoring high-end hardware

    design and software development.

    The Electronic Engineering Times

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    Intels Global Innovation Network

    Location Description


    (11 labs)

    core technology development in Santa Clara,

    Folsom and AustinAsia

    (7 labs,


    Bangalore (2700 = largest lab outside US),leading-edge processor development

    Penang (500), design implementationShanghai (100++) Linux based solutions fortelecom; new applications for emerging markets

    Beijing (50++), platform and architecture labIsrael,Russia

    Haifa (1400, since 1974), processor research

    Nizhny Novgorod (200++): software

    Dieter Ernst

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    ODM Inter-Firm Network -Notebooks

    Tier 1: Flagship

    Tier 2: ODM

    Tier 3 - Suppliers

    Tier 4(and below) - Suppliers


    (HDD, Displays,CPU)


    (HDD, Displays,CPU)

    Dieter Ernst

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    New Entrants: Huawei


    base station architecture and systemdesign; analog-mixed signal design(RF); algorithms

    Moscow, Russia algorithms; RF design

    Bangalore, India Development of embedded SW andplatforms

    Plano/Texas(Dallas telecomcorridor)

    total solutions for CDMA; G3 UMTS;CDMA Mobile Intelligent Networks;mobile data service; optical; VoIP

    Dieter Ernst

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  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    2. How important is Asia? And what

    forces are driving Asias networkintegration?

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    2005 Survey of the worlds largest R&D

    spenders China is the 3rd most important offshore

    R&D location (after the US and the UK)

    India is 6th and Singapore 9th

    China is the most attractive location forfuture foreign R&D, ahead of the US andIndia

    Leading global corporations also intend toexpand their offshore outsourcing of R&D

    to Asian firmsUNCTAD World Investment Report 2005

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    EIU 2006 Survey

    India and China are the 2nd and 3rd

    most important offshore R&D location(after the US and ahead of the UK)

    Leading global corporations considerIndia, the US and China to be the

    best overseas locations for futureR&D

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    Systemic nature of driving forces

    return-on-investment must exceed risk-adjustedmarket average reduce development cost

    demand: proximity to Asias markets and global

    factories exploit Asian markets for knowledge workers

    (from labor cost arbitrage to external sourcing of

    complementary innovative capabilities) global markets for technology facilitate

    innovation offshoring

    Asian policies: tax and financial incentives;combine liberalization with proactive and flexibleindustrial and innovation policies

    Dieter Ernst Interviews with 120 companies in the US, Asia and Europe

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    China Market

    largest market for telecom equipment (wired &wireless) (test bed for 3G)

    ditto for semiconductors and handsets (launch

    market) 2nd largest market for cars

    Lead market for digital CE (#2)

    Leading export market for US, Japan, Taiwanand Korea

    bottom- of-the-pyramid markets for less over-engineered products and services withsubstantially lower costs of acquisition andoperation

    Dieter Ernst

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    Annual Cost of Employing a Chip

    Design Engineer* (US-$), 2002Location Annual Cost

    Silicon Valley 300,000

    Canada 150,000

    Ireland 75,000


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    Wadhwa 2007

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    China growth of science & engineeringPhDs 70% of the 23,500 PhD degrees in 2004 are

    in S&E between 1995 and 2003, first year entrants

    in science and engineering PhD programs inChina increased six-fold, from 8,139 to48,740

    China w i l l p roduc e m ore S& Edoc t orat es t han t he US by 2010NBER - Freeman, 2005

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    3. Implications and Policy Challenges

    Will network integration foster

    decoupling? Will it reduce entrenched barriers to

    innovation in Asia? Is there scope for sharing the benefits

    within Asia and across the Pacific?

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    Will network integration foster decoupling?

    Trade : Will reliance on triangular trade giveway to an Asianization of trade and investment,centered on China?

    Ta lent poo l : Can Asian countries replicatethe US model of attracting top talent from theglobal market for knowledge workers?

    Innovat ion sys t em : Can Asian universitiesbecome trend-setters in reforming innovationsystems?

    Innovat ive c apab i l i t ies : Can Asian firmsenter the global innovation race as sources ofnew technology and global standards?

    Dieter Ernst

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    Strategic Dilemma for Asias emerging

    knowledge economies Innovative capabilities continue to lag

    substantially behind industry leaders

    Reducing the gap will take time.

    Is network integration a poisoned chalice?

    Or is it a catalyst for reducing entrenched

    innovation barriers?

    Dieter Ernst

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    Network integration A Poisoned Chalice?

    global firms compete for Asias limited talent

    pool (brain drain)

    weak linkages with local universities

    limited knowledge sharing

    reverse knowledge transfer (institutional


    bridgeheads for platform leadership strategies

    IP barriers

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    Network integration a catalyst for reducinginnovation barriers?

    pressure to upgrade technological andmanagement capabilities and skill levels of

    workers exposure to leading-edge technology and (tacit)

    knowledge about technology and management

    catalyst for reforming national innovationsystems (?)

    links with markets and financial institutions access to intellectual tools and sources ofknowledge

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    Avoid the commodity price trap

    Just competing as lower-cost R&D

    contractors may leave them in alow-margin commodity price trap.

    Asian firms need to create unique

    products and solutions, addressing

    important user needs that incumbent

    market leaders have neglected.

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    Innovation Strategies Matrix

    II: mission-based

    complex technologysystems (space,military, energy,

    environment, climate)

    IV: global market

    leadership technology leadership



    I: bottom-of-the-

    pyramid innovation(essentials for lower-tier urban markets and

    rural poor)

    III: Global R&D factory

    (contract support andR&D services)





    Global integrationlow high

    Dieter Ernst

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    Shar ing t he benef i t s?

    1. Chinas resurgenc e Japan; Taiwan; Korea; ASEAN2. Ind ia s resurgenc e India-China; South Asia; East Asia

    3. Redef in ing t r iangu larre la t ionsh ips US-Japan-China US-China-India

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    US-Asia division of labor in innovation -Scenarios

    Hierarch ica l : selective and tightlycontrolled offshoring of lower-end innovationtasks and capabilities

    Complementary : U.S.-led global innovationnetworks combine system integrationcapabilities in the United States with lower-

    cost offshore development of intellectualproperty

    Unequa l in t e rdependenc e : architecturalinnovations and new standards aredeveloped both in the US and in Asia, but theUS will continue to shape the terms of

    interdependence Dieter Ernst

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    EWC Innovation Research

    1. Innovation System Dynamics in the Global

    Knowledge Economy - A Comparative

    Analysis of Leading Asian ExportEconomies

    2. Globalization of Knowledge Work - Why ischip design moving to Asia ?

    3. Governing the Global Knowledge Economy:

    Mind the Gap! (with David M. Hart, George

    Mason University)

  • 8/7/2019 The New Geography of Innovation Asias role in global innovation networks


    EWC innovation publications(1)

    Ernst, D., 2007, Beyond the Global Factory Model:Innovative Capabilities for Upgrading Chinas IT Industry,International Journal of Technology and Globalisation(MIT)

    -, 2007, Can Chinese IT Firms Build InnovativeCapabilities Within Global Production and R&DNetworks?, in: China's Quest for IndependentInnovation(M. Gong Hancock, H. S. Rowen, and W. F.

    Miller, editors), Shorenstein Asia Pacific ResearchCenter and Brookings Institution Press

    -, 2007, Innovation Offshoring - Root Causes of AsiasRise and Policy Implications, in :Multinational Corporations and the EmergingNetwork Economy in the Pacific Rim(Palacios, Juan J.,ed.), London: Routledge. Co-published with the Pacific

    Trade and Development Conference (PAFTAD)

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    EWC innovation publications (2)

    Ernst, D., 2006, INNOVATION OFFSHORING: Asias Emerging Role in

    Global Innovation Networks, East-West Center Special Report, incooperation with the U.S. Asia-Pacific Council, Julyhttp://www.eastwestcenter.org/fileadmin/stored/pdfs/SR010.pdf

    - , 2005, Complexity and Internationalisation of Innovation: Why is Chip

    Design Moving to Asia?, in International Journal of InnovationManagement, special issue in honour of Keith Pavitt, Vol. 9,1: 47-73

    -., 2005, Limits to Modularity - Reflections on Recent Developments in ChipDesign, Industry and Innovation, Vol. 12, No.3: 303-335

    -., 2005, The New Mobility of Knowledge: Digital Information Systems andGlobal Flagship Networks, in: R. Latham and S. Sassen (eds), DigitalFormations. IT and New Architectures in the Global Realm, published forthe U.S. Social Science Research Council, Princeton University Press,

    Princeton and Oxford -., 2005, Pathways to innovation in Asias leading electronics-exporting

    countries - a framework for exploring drivers and policy implications,International Journal of Technology Management, special issue onCompetitive Strategies of Asian High-Tech Firms"; Vol. 29, 1/ 2: 6-20

