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The New Light of Myanmar 07-12-2009

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Daily English Newspaper of Myanmar
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Established 1914 Volume XVII, Number 235 6 th Waning of Nadaw 1371 ME Monday, 7 December, 2009 * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round devel- opment of other sectors of the economy as well * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system * Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of technical know-how and investments from sources inside the country and abroad * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national character * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation * Stability of the State, community peace and tranquillity, prevalence of law and order * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Con- stitution * Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution Four economic objectives Four social objectives Four political objectives SPDC Chairman’s Trophy Golf Tournament (2009) held NAY PYI TAW, 6 Dec—The State Peace and Devel- opment Council Chairman’s Trophy Golf Tournament (2009) took place with 36 teams from central offices and ministries at City Golf Course and Yepyar Golf Course here on 5 and 6 December. Vice-Chairman of the SPDC Deputy Commander- in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Maung Aye, SPDC Mem- ber General Thura Shwe Mann, Prime Minister Gen- eral Thein Sein, Secretary-1 of SPDC General Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, the Commander-in-Chief (Navy), the Commander-in-Chief (Air), senior mili- tary officers of the Ministry of Defence, the com- mander of Nay Pyi Taw Command, ministers and deputy ministers participated in the tournament at City Golf Course. The opening of the tournament took place at City Golf Course at 6 am on 5 December, which was attended by Secretary-1 General Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, senior military officers of the Minis- try of Defence, the commander of Nay Pyi Taw Com- mand, ministers, the auditor-general, deputy minis- ters, members of Nay Pyi Taw Development Affairs Committee, heads of department, members of the committee for organizing the tournament, and con- tenders from the teams. Golfers took positions at the designated places. The Secretary-1 opened the tournament by teeing off the tracer ball. Chairman of the Leading Committee for Organizing the Tournament Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung also drove the tracer ball to open the tournament. At the first-day 18-hole leg, golfers from the 36 teams, the first 18 teams in City Golf Course, and the rest, in Yepyar Golf Course, contended for the trophy. The second-day 18-hole leg was held in the two golf courses at 6 am today. All the events ended in the afternoon. The awarding ceremony was held at City Golf Course at 6 pm today, which was attended by the Secretary-1, senior military officers, the commander of Nay Pyi Taw Command, ministers, deputy minis- ters, heads of department, members of the committee for organizing the tournament, and the participants. Minister U Aung Thaung explained the purpose of the tournament. On behalf of Chairman of SPDC Senior General Than Shwe, Secretary-1 General Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo presented the trophy to the leader of the Defence Ministry team that stood first both in the team handicap event and in the team scratch event. Lt-Gen Tha Aye of the Ministry of Defence pre- sented second prize for the team handicap event to Ministry of Transport team, and third prize to Forestry Ministry team. Lt-Gen Min Aung Hlaing of the Ministry of De- fence presented second prize for the team scratch event to Transport Ministry team, and third prize to Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs team. Minister U Aung Thaung awarded teams that won best loser prizes in team event (Handicap & Scratch), and winners of Most Birdie, Most Par, Longest Drive and Nearest Pin prizes. Lt-Gen Ko Ko of Ministry of Defence awarded first, second and third prize winners in individual event (Handicap). Lt-Gen Khin Zaw of Ministry of Defence awarded first, second and third prize winners of individual event (Scratch). Lt-Gen Ohn Myint of Ministry of Defence and ministers awarded teams that won best shot prizes and Com- mander of Nay Pyi Taw Command Maj-Gen Wai Lwin awarded those who stood between fourth and thirteenth in individual event (Handicap). Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt awarded those who stood (See page 8) Vice-Senior General Maung Aye taking part in SPDC Chairman’s Trophy Golf Tournament.MNA General Thura Shwe Mann of Ministry of Defence taking part in SPDC Chairman’s Trophy Golf Tournament.MNA Prime Minister General Thein Sein taking part in SPDC Chairman’s Trophy Golf Tourna- ment.MNA 7-12-09 NL 8/4/18, 3:52 PM 1
Page 1: The New Light of Myanmar 07-12-2009

Established 1914

Volume XVII, Number 235 6th Waning of Nadaw 1371 ME Monday, 7 December, 2009

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-round devel-opment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system* Development of the economy inviting participation in terms

of technical know-how and investments from sources insidethe country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept inthe hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of theentire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integrity andpreservation and safeguarding of culturalheritage and national character

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education

standards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peaceand tranquillity, prevalence of law andorder

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State Con-

stitution* Building of a new modern developed nation

in accord with the new State Constitution

Four economic objectives Four social objectivesFour political objectives

SPDC Chairman’s Trophy Golf Tournament (2009) held

NAY PYI TAW, 6 Dec—The State Peace and Devel-opment Council Chairman’s Trophy Golf Tournament(2009) took place with 36 teams from central officesand ministries at City Golf Course and Yepyar GolfCourse here on 5 and 6 December.

Vice-Chairman of the SPDC Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief(Army) Vice-Senior General Maung Aye, SPDC Mem-ber General Thura Shwe Mann, Prime Minister Gen-eral Thein Sein, Secretary-1 of SPDC General ThihaThura Tin Aung Myint Oo, the Commander-in-Chief(Navy), the Commander-in-Chief (Air), senior mili-tary officers of the Ministry of Defence, the com-mander of Nay Pyi Taw Command, ministers anddeputy ministers participated in the tournament at CityGolf Course.

The opening of the tournament took place at CityGolf Course at 6 am on 5 December, which wasattended by Secretary-1 General Thiha Thura TinAung Myint Oo, senior military officers of the Minis-try of Defence, the commander of Nay Pyi Taw Com-mand, ministers, the auditor-general, deputy minis-ters, members of Nay Pyi Taw Development AffairsCommittee, heads of department, members of thecommittee for organizing the tournament, and con-

tenders from the teams.Golfers took positions at the designated places.The Secretary-1 opened the tournament by teeing

off the tracer ball.Chairman of the Leading Committee for Organizing

the Tournament Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaungalso drove the tracer ball to open the tournament.

At the first-day 18-hole leg, golfers from the 36teams, the first 18 teams in City Golf Course, and therest, in Yepyar Golf Course, contended for the trophy.

The second-day 18-hole leg was held in the twogolf courses at 6 am today. All the events ended in theafternoon.

The awarding ceremony was held at City GolfCourse at 6 pm today, which was attended by theSecretary-1, senior military officers, the commanderof Nay Pyi Taw Command, ministers, deputy minis-ters, heads of department, members of the committeefor organizing the tournament, and the participants.

Minister U Aung Thaung explained the purpose ofthe tournament.

On behalf of Chairman of SPDC Senior GeneralThan Shwe, Secretary-1 General Thiha Thura TinAung Myint Oo presented the trophy to the leader ofthe Defence Ministry team that stood first both in the

team handicap event and in the team scratch event.Lt-Gen Tha Aye of the Ministry of Defence pre-

sented second prize for the team handicap event toMinistry of Transport team, and third prize to ForestryMinistry team.

Lt-Gen Min Aung Hlaing of the Ministry of De-fence presented second prize for the team scratchevent to Transport Ministry team, and third prize toMinistry for Progress of Border Areas and NationalRaces and Development Affairs team.

Minister U Aung Thaung awarded teams that wonbest loser prizes in team event (Handicap & Scratch),and winners of Most Birdie, Most Par, Longest Driveand Nearest Pin prizes. Lt-Gen Ko Ko of Ministry ofDefence awarded first, second and third prize winnersin individual event (Handicap). Lt-Gen Khin Zaw ofMinistry of Defence awarded first, second and thirdprize winners of individual event (Scratch). Lt-GenOhn Myint of Ministry of Defence and ministersawarded teams that won best shot prizes and Com-mander of Nay Pyi Taw Command Maj-Gen Wai Lwinawarded those who stood between fourth and thirteenthin individual event (Handicap). Minister for Progress ofBorder Areas and National Races and DevelopmentAffairs Col Thein Nyunt awarded those who stood

(See page 8)Vice-Senior General Maung Aye taking partin SPDC Chairman’s Trophy Golf


General Thura Shwe Mann of Ministry ofDefence taking part in SPDC Chairman’s

Trophy Golf Tournament.—MNA

Prime Minister General Thein Sein taking partin SPDC Chairman’s Trophy Golf Tourna-


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Page 2: The New Light of Myanmar 07-12-2009

2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 7 December, 2009

Monday, 7 December, 2009


Strive together with the

government for regional

development upholding Our

Three Main National CausesThe formation ceremony of the border

guard force of Kokang Group in Shan State

(North) Special Region (1) took place at Si-aw

Region, Laukkai District, Shan State (North) on

4 December.

The government has put into action the

programmes to transform national races armed

groups, which have returned to the legal fold,

into armed border guard forces for State secu-

rity and stability and peace of border areas.

The government has never discriminated

against any national races whether they reside

in hills or plains but treated them equally in

successive eras.

The formation of the new border guard

force in Kokang Region will go down in the

annals of the history of national races. And

members of the border guard force have now

embraced the chance of discharging national

defence duties in cooperation with the

Tatmadaw, upholding Our Three Main Na-

tional Causes.

The border guard forces are to be loyal to

both the nation and to the people, and to straight-

forwardly shoulder national defence duties.

The advent of the border guard force in

Laukkai District has bestowed an armed group

that has returned to the legal fold with the task

to discharge national defence duties with na-

tionalistic fervour and Union Spirit, legally hold-

ing arms.

The local people are welcoming the for-

mation of the border guard force looking for-

ward to enjoying security and stability and

peace of border areas.

With the birth of the new border guard

force, the national people are to exert more

efforts hand in hand with the government for

regional development taking full advantages of

peace prevailing in the region.

* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s Desire

Information Minister attends Myanmar

Sarsodaw Day, respect-paying ceremonies

YANGON, 6 Dec—Or-ganized by MyanmarWriters and JournalistsAssociation, MyanmarSarsodaw Day for 1371ME and a ceremony topay respects to doyenliterati were held atYangon City Hall herethis morning. Ministerfor Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan paid re-spects to doyen literatiand presented cash as-sistance and gifts.

It was also attendedby Vice-Chairman ofYangon City Develop-ment Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa,Supreme Court Judge DrTin Aung Aye, depart-mental heads and offi-cials of the Ministry ofInformation, Chairmanof MWJA U Hla Myaing(Ko Hsaung), vice-chair-men and CEC members,chairmen of TownshipWriters and JournalistsAssociations donors andguests.

Joint Secretary-2 UKo Ko (Ko Ko SethmuTetkatho) of MWJAacted as master of cer-emonies and read out theagenda.

Secretary Dr Tin TunOo (Dr Tin Tun Oo) ofMWJA read out the mes-sage of chairman ofMWJA.

CEC member UMyat Khaing (Myat

Khaing) of MWJA intro-duced doyen literati to theguests.

Treasurer of MWJAPolice Col Khin MaungTun (Retd) (Khin MaungTun- Lanmadaw) read outthe list of doyen literatiand donors.

Afterwards, MinisterBrig-Gen Kyaw Hsan andguests paid respects todoyen literati.

Afterwards, MinisterBrig-Gen Kyaw Hsan pre-sented K 150,000 each andgifts—K 30,000 by theState Peace and Develop-ment Council and K120,000 by MWJA — todoyen literati, namely DawKyan (Ma Kyan), U ChitHlaing (Ko Ko MaungGyi), U Tin Maung (TheikPan Hmu Tin), Retd Am-

bassador U Thet Tun, UKyaw Hsan (Thu KhiAung), U Maung MaungKhin (Tetkatho MaungMaung Khin), U WinMaung (Min Yu Wai), ColSaw Myint (Retd) (HmuThamein), U Kyi Aye(Hsinbyukyun AungThein), Dr Khin MaungNyunt, U Hla Kyaing(Paragu), U Hla Myaing(Ko Hsaung), Bogale Tint

Aung, U Tin Soe(Thagadoe), U Kyaw Win(One-O-One Kyaw WinMaung), U Maung Galay(Thauk Kyar U MaungGalay) and U Than Oo (PyiSoe Min).

Vice-Mayor ColMaung Pa, SupremeCourt Judge Dr Tin AungAye, departmental heads,vice-chairmen and CEC

members of MWJA alsopresented cash assistanceand gifts to them.

Afterwards, MinisterBrig-Gen Kyaw Hsangreeted doyen literati.

On behalf of doyenliterati, U Kyi Aye(Hsinbyukyun AungThein) gave words of ad-vice.

U Ko Ko (Ko KoSethmu Tetkatho) spoke

words of thanks. Thereare 131 doyen literatiaged 80 and above thisyear. Of them, 84 at-tended the ceremony.CEC members of MWJAwill visit the homes of theremaining doyen literatiwho could not attend theceremony to pay respectsto them.




Kyaw Hsan

presents gift

to U Chit

Hlaing (Ko

Ko Maung


Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan and party and guests pay respects to doyen literati.—MNA

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Page 3: The New Light of Myanmar 07-12-2009

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 7 December, 2009 3

Pakistan’s army troops stand guard at the site ofFriday’s suicide attack, covered with tent, on 5Dec, 2009 in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. —INTERNET

Baylor University Mayborn museum collectionmanager Anita Benedict talks about the discoveryof the largest known collection of rare prehistoricColumbian mammoths bones on 5 Dec, 2009 in

Waco, Texas. The bones over 68,000 years old wereofficially unveiled to the public.—INTERNET

A lost son returns to Iraq killing fieldsHALABJA, 6 Dec – Six

families nervouslyawaited the DNA tests onthe young man who re-turned from Iran. Theywondered: Could this betheir son who was just aninfant in 1988 and some-how lived through adeadly chemical attack bySaddam Hussein’s re-gime?

There was absolute si-lence as the judge an-nounced the lab results.The man, who called him-self Ali, was deemed to bethe sole surviving child of58-year-old Fatima Mo-hammed Salih, who hadlost her husband and allher other six children inthe poison gas clouds thatcovered the mostlyKurdish city of Halabja.

For the first time inmore than two decades,they embraced. “I’m in adream,” said 21-year-oldAli Pour as he comfortedthe weeping woman. Thereunion on Friday in

In this photo taken on 4 Dec, 2009 , Ali 21, left,embraces his mother Fatima Mohammed Salih

58, right, for the first time in more than twodecades in Halabja, Iraq.—INTERNET

Heavy surf slams into the 72-foot-tall Ram IslandLedge Light, on 3 Dec, 2009, at the mouth of

Portland Harbour, in Portland, Maine. A quickmoving storm with winds approaching 50 miles perhour brought record breaking warmth to Portland

where the temperature reached 68 degrees.INTERNET

Two killed, one injured inparty shooting in W Canada

OTTAWA, 6 Dec — Two men were killed and a thirdinjured when some assailants opened fire at a partyon Friday night in the western Canadian city of Win-nipeg, police said on Saturday. The violence happened midnight at a home in theManitoba capital, where about 20 or 30 young peoplewere having a party, reports reaching here said. Police received call and arrived at the scene, find-ing the three victims. Initial investigation suggested that a number of uni-dentified assailants shot the three victims with a largecalibre weapon. Police said it was too soon to say whether each ofthe victims had been targeted.

MNA / Xinhua

Iraq’s northern Kurdishregion was the rarest of ar-tifacts from Halabja: amoment of joy from theday the city became anopen cemetery for an es-timated 5,600 peoplekilled when lethal gas wasdropped by Saddam’smilitary.

It was part ofSaddam’s brutal 1987-88campaign to crush aKurdish rebellion. Nearly200,000 people died in

Baghdad’s scorched-earthoffensive.The allegedmastermind of theHalabja attack, Saddam’scousin known as “Chemi-cal Ali” Hassan al-Majid,is among regime officialswho have been sentencedto death for the Kurdishcrackdown and othercrimes. The trial specifi-cally on Halabja is stillunder way.—Internet

Three Iraqis wounded inBaghdad attacks

BABHDAD, 6 Dec — Three Iraqis were wounded inseparate attacks in Baghdad on Saturday, a well-in-formed police source said. Two people were wounded when a bomb attachedto their civilian car detonated in Baghdad’s southernneighborhood of Saidiyah, the source told Xinhua oncondition of anonymity. A policeman was seriously wounded in a sniper shotwhile he was on duty in the al-Wathiq square in Bagh-dad’s central neighborhood of Karradah, the sourcesaid. Also in the day, a roadside bomb struck a US mili-tary patrol near the office of the Sunni Endowment inBaghdad’s northern neighborhood of Adhamiyah, thesource added without giving further details about theincident as the US troops sealed off the scene. The US military did not confirm the incident yet.


13 militants killed, two commandersarrested in NW Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, 6 Dec — At least 13 militants werekilled and two commanders arrested in an ongoingmilitary operation on Saturday in different parts ofPakistan, local media reported. Backed by helicopter gunship, security forcesbombed militants’ hideouts in Orakzai tribal agency,as a result seven militants were killed and 11 otherswounded, the private TV Geo news reported. In aerialstrikes, three vehicles and five hideouts of PakistanTaleban chief Hakimullah Mehsud’s aides were alsodestroyed. According to military sources, two close associatesof Baitullah Mehsud, the slain chief of Tehreek-e-Taleban Pakistan (TTP), were arrested in Hangu, a cityadjoining Orakzai. Meanwhile, Pakistani securityforces claimed to have killed as many as six more ex-tremists and injured eight others in fresh fierce clasheswith militants in parts of South Waziristan tribal areaon Saturday morning, the channel reported. Besides, police and security forces claimed to havearrested as many as 20 suspected persons Saturdayduring joint search action in Swat valley in North WestFrontier Province (NWFP). Arms and ammunitionsincluding a rocket and 16 Kalashnikovs were also re-covered from the restive area.

MNA /Xinhua

Egypt says Swiss ban on minarets a“grave mistake”

CAIRO, 6 Dec — Egyptian Foreign Minster AbulGheit has criticized a Swiss vote to ban the constructionof minarets as a “grave mistake” and said Europe couldno longer lecture his country on human rights, a localnewspaper reported on Saturday.

The top Egyptian top diplomat said Thursdaynight the Swiss people will “some day come to realizewhat a grave mistake they have made” in voting for theban, the Egyptian Gazette daily reported. “The humanrights situation in Egypt is good... Europe cannot talkto Egypt about its human rights record at a time whenSwitzerland is supporting a ban on minaret building,”Abul Gheit was quoted as saying.


Taleban mili-tants detainednear Afghan

capitalKABUL, 6 Dec — Af-

ghan National SecurityForces (ANSF) backedby NATO-led Interna-tional Security Assist-ance Force (ISAF) in anoperat ion detained agroup of Taleban mili-tants in Logar Provincesome 60 km south ofAfghan capital Kabulon Saturday, a Press re-lease of the al l iancesaid.

“An Afghan-interna-tional security force de-tained a handful of mili-tants in Logar Provinceincluding a key Talebanfacilitator responsiblefor move-ment andtraining of militant ele-ments in the area,” thestatement said.


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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 7 December, 2009

After long delay, Airbus A400Mto fly for first time

Suspected kangaroo smuggler arrested in Indonesia

15-year-oldWis cheddarsells for $50per poundMINERAL POINT, 6

Dec—A 15-year-oldcheddar made in Wiscon-sin, possibly the most ma-ture cheese for sale in thecountry, is selling welldespite the $50-per-poundprice tag, its producer saidon Saturday.

Hook’s 15-year SharpCheddar, produced in1994, went up for sale ina handful of outlets on Fri-day and has proven popu-lar, said cheese makerTony Hook. “It startedmoving a lot faster thanwe expected,” said Hook,57, who — along with hiswife and brother — runsHook’s Cheese Co “Peo-ple have been so excitedabout it.”—Internet

Indian PM heads to Russia seekingcloser ties

The Airbus Military A400M at Airbus Military’sSeville, Spain plant. The Airbus A400M militaryplane is scheduled to take to the skies on its firsttest flight late next week after a long delay thathas caused headaches for European defence

group EADS and the loss of a client.—INTERNET

China makes new carbonaircraft brake disk

XI’AN, 6 Dec—China has invented a carbon air-craft brake disk, breaking foreign companies’ mo-nopoly on the product. The brake disk, developed bythe Xi’an Chaoma Technology Co Ltd affiliated withthe China Aerospace Science and Technology Corpo-ration, passed experts’ appraisal here on Friday.

The brake disk has proprietary intellectual prop-erty rights and its function has reached internationallevel, according to the appraisal meeting. The diskcosts half of the similar products overseas and cansave about 100 million yuan (14.6 million yuan) a yearfor the Chinese civil aviation industry.—Internet

Students compete during the 16th Teenagers’ Technology Models Contest in Wuxi,east China’s Jiangsu Province, on 5 Dec, 2009. More than 300 students from over40 schools’ robot teams all over the province took part in the contest.— XINHUA

The kangaroos werebeing transported by


Bicyclists and pedestrians try and navigate heavysnow fall in downtown Houston on 4 Dec, 2009.National Weather Service meteorologist CharlesRoeseler says it’s the earliest snow in Houston’s

history. Snow is rare for the nation’s fourthlargest city. In the past 15 years, it has snowed

four times, including Friday.—INTERNET

NEW DELHI, 6 Dec—In-dian Prime MinisterManmohan Singh flew toRussia on Sunday on avisit to cement ties be-tween the two allies andfinalise a deal to expandcooperation on nuclearenergy.

Singh’s two-day trip,his sixth to Russia as primeminister since 2004, wasalso designed to firm updefence deals that havebeen hit by delays in de-livery, the Press Trust ofIndia news agency said.Singh will hold talks with

Russian President DmitryMedvedev and PrimeMinister Vladimir Putin aspart of an annual leader-ship meeting between thetwo countries whichforged a strategic partner-ship deal in 2000, officialssaid.

“This is a partnershipbased on the solid founda-tion of long-standingfriendship, deep mutualtrust and strong conver-gence of interests,” Singhsaid in a statement beforeleaving. The prime minis-ter, who visited Washing-

ton last month, said hehoped the Russia tripwould focus on defence,civil nuclear energy andscience issues.—Internet

SURABAYA, 6 Dec—An Indonesian man has beenarrested on suspicion of smuggling 10 rare kangaroosfrom their native habitat of New Guinea Island.

Five were dead when the man was caught off-load-ing the marsupials in the East Java provincial capitalof Surabaya, police there said. It was not clear whichspecies of kangaroo were found. They are also nativeto Australia. The five surviving animals were given toan animal sanctuary.

The suspect faces up to five years in jail and 100 mil-lion rupiah ($11,000) fine if found guilty of breachingIndonesian conservation laws. Maj Widarmanto of theEast Java police said: “The man said that he bought thekangaroos for two million rupiah ($212) each.” —Internet

PARIS, 6 Dec—The Airbus A400Mmilitary plane is scheduled to take tothe skies on its first test flight late nextweek after a long delay that has causedheadaches for European defence groupEADS and the loss of a client. TheA400M was to replace ageing militarycargo carriers in several European airforces but its development has beendogged by a series of serious technicalproblems.

Some governments have begun to

tire of waiting for Airbus to resolvethe issues, and French and German of-ficials have given the firm until the endof the year to prove that the projectremains viable.

The delays have cost millions andforced Airbus to renegotiate its con-tracts with several customers. SouthAfrica has dropped its order entirelyand Britain has mulled switching itsbusiness to US manufacturers.


Vietnam always treasuresties with Cuba

HANOI, 6 Dec — Vietnamese President Nguyen MinhTriet said here on Saturday that Vietnam always treasuresthe long-lasting traditional friendship relation with Cuba.Triet made the statement while meeting Cuban ForeignMinister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla on his working visit toVietnam from December 4 to 6. Triet expressed heartfeltgratitude to the valuable support of Cuba to Vietnam dur-ing the process of the country’s struggle for national inde-pendence and freedom.

Vietnam considers Cuba a close friend. The traditionalfriendship and solidarity between the two peoples willbe great strength resources to help Vietnam and Cubacome up with successful results in the course of buildingsocialism, said Triet. The Cuban Foreign Minister BrunoRodriguez Parrilla expressed thankfulness to the kind sup-port of the Vietnamese Party, State and people on build-ing socialism.


A participant rides withhis eagle during an

annual hunting compe-tition in Chengelsy

Gorge, some 150 km eastof Almaty, 5 December,


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 7 December, 2009 5

All Items from Xinhua News Agency Some visitors watch various unique hairstyles ondisplay in a large Science Popularity Tour Show

on the theme of Cracking the Hair Secret inSuzhou City, east China’s Jiangsu Province, on 5

Dec, 2009.— XINHUA

Sub-Saharan Africa’s first One-Stop BorderPost opens between Zambia, Zimbabwe

Picture takenon 5 Dec,

2009 showsa view of the

ChirunduPost at the


Zambia andZimbabwe.


CHIRUNDU, 6 Dec—TheSub-Saharan Africa’s firstOne-Stop Border Post(OSBP), the ChirunduPost, at the border betweenZambia and Zimbabweopened on Saturday withthe aim to reduce the de-lays of clearing Customsand immigration and fur-ther promote regional eco-nomic growth.

The background mes-sage from the CommerceMinistry of Zambiashowed that the Chirunduborder post, one of thebusiest inland border

crossing in the southernand eastern Africa, hasbeen experiencing longdelays of clearing Cus-toms and immigration.

Zambia PresidentRupiah Banda, wholaunched the opening cer-emony of Chirundu Posttogether with ZimbabwePresident Rober Mugabe,said in a speech that theopening of ChirunduOSBP comes at a criticalphase in Zambia-Zimba-bwe economic relationsand demonstrates partner-ship that embraces the ben-

efits of regional trade.Banda noted that a

country or region that hasinefficient transport andborder clearance systemswould find it difficult totrade competitively.

“Chirundu’s strategiclocation as a node of tradebetween southern andeastern Africa and its roleas gateway between twobusy regions has made theport an ideal choice as apilot site for the one-stopborder control pro-gramme,” the Presidentsaid.— Xinhua

China to hold ConfuciusInstitute conference

Three missing after shipcapsizes in East China Sea

XIAMEN, 6 Dec — Three people were missing aftera sand-loaded ship capsized in East China Sea on Sat-urday, local authorities said.

The accident happened at 12 pm off the coast ofDongshan County of east China’s Fujian Province.

Four people were missing after the accident and onewas later rescued.The ship was hit by high waves andthe waves had brought difficulties to rescue work.Thesearching team is still looking for the three.— Xinhua

BEIJING, 6 Dec—China is to hold the 4thConfucius Institute Con-ference in mid Decemberin Beijing with delegatesfrom 87 countries and re-gions, according to theBeijing-based ConfuciusInstitute Headquarters.

Xu Lin, director of theheadquarters, said theconference would focuson the role of Confuciusinstitutes in communityservices.

She said they set com-

munity service as thetheme because more Con-fucius institutes have builttheir reputation in localcommunities through giv-ing lectures on the Chi-nese culture and organiz-ing other activities.

Delegates to the con-ference would discusstopics such as how shouldConfucius institutes andthe universities they be-long to help local schoolsopen Chinese classes, Xusaid.— Xinhua

Competitors perform during the Ukrainianbodybuilder competition in Kiev on 5 Dec,

2009.— XINHUA

Unknown gunmen killthree UNAMID

peacekeepers in DarfurKHARTOUM, 6 Dec —

Three soldiers of theUnited Nations and Afri-can Union Mission inDarfur (UNAMID) werekilled and two others se-riously injured in an at-tack by unknown gunmenin the restive Sudaneseregion of Darfur, the hy-brid peacekeeping mis-sion said in a statement onSaturday.

Three land cruiserpick-ups, with aUNAMID platoon of 20Rwandan peacekeeperson board, were attackedby a group of unknownarmed men in Saraf Umrawhen escorting a watertanker on Friday, thestatement said.

Two Rwandan soldierswere shot dead at thescene and a third one died

later, while two soldierswere seriously woundedand taken to el-Fasher, thecapital city of the NorthDarfur state. TheUNAMID Rwandanteam, which arrived in thearea less than two weeksago, returned fire with re-straint due to the presenceof civilians.

“The UNAMID con-demns in the strongestterms this criminal attackagainst its forces and callson the government of Su-dan to identify the perpe-trators, arrest them andbring them to justice,” thestatement said.

The incident broughtthe death toll of UNAMIDpeacekeepers to 20 sincethe mission assumed itstasks in Darfur in January2008.—Xinhua

Zimbabwe holds first competition on martial artsHARARE, 6 Dec — The

Zimbabwe KickboxingAssociation is scheduledto hold the national Mar-tial Arts Games for thefirst time on Saturday atGirls High School here.

The association usuallyholds the Unity Cup com-petition in December.However, this year theyhave decided to changetheir plans and will stagethe Zimbabwe MartialArts Games that will fea-ture kickboxing, karate,boxing, taekwondo, judo,kungfu and wrestling, ac-cording to The Herald.

Athletes will competein their respective disci-plines. ZIKA chairmanVengai Mugadza said thecompetition was the firstof its kind to be held inthis country. “This iswhereby all martial artsdisciplines will displaytheir skills and fightingtechniques and it is thefirst of its kind to be heldin Zimbabwe,” saidMugadza.

“We usually have theUnity Cup competitionbut we have decided toextend our hand to ourbrothers and the tourna-ment. “We also have fe-male athletes that are go-ing to take part and wehave seven disciplinesthat have confirmed theirparticipation and the ideabehind this event is to tryand unify all martial artsports.”


Int’l oil investment shrinks 20%amid financial crisis: OAPEC CAIRO, 6 Dec—Oil

ministers of the Organiza-tion of Arab PetroleumExporting Countries(OAPEC) said Saturdaythat international invest-ment in petroleum hasshrank 20 percent due tothe global financial crisis.They made the remarks atthe 83rd OAPEC ministe-rial meeting, during

which a chorus of satis-faction over the current oilprices and productionquota, set one year ago byOrganization of Petro-leum Exporting Countries(OPEC) in Oran, Algeria,was heard.

“The internationalcompanies have reducedtheir investments by 20percent in 2009, comparedto 2008, especially in thearea of research and explo-ration,” said EgyptianMinister of PetroleumSameh Fahmi.

Fahmi, who chaired themeeting, said the ministersdiscussed the methods ofenhancing cooperation be-tween OAPEC membersand improving the compa-nies working under the or-

ganization to face the glo-bal downturn challenges.


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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 7 December, 2009


Thief returns “uselessitems” in bag to womanA woman in Wuhan, capital of

Hubei province, was dumbfoundedwhen she received a special expressmail containing her driving licence andan IOU her business partner wrote herearlier this week.

A thief sent her the express mail,which also contained a handwritten let-ter that read: “The things that I havesent back to you are useless to me.”

Fang, the woman, said her bag,which contained all these items and6,300 yuan, was stolen three days ago.

A signed four-page letterwritten by George Washing-ton to his nephew in 1787sold for $3.2 million, andtwo works by Edgar AllenPoe set new sales records onFriday in auctions held byChristie’s.

The letter by the first USpresident was estimated tosell for $1.5 million to $2.5million dollars, and smashed

Polar bear cub Flocke sits in her enclo-sure at the zoo in Nuremberg in October2009. A polar bear sculpted out of an 11-tonne block of ice will be unveiled in Co-penhagen Saturday, then left to melt toraise awareness about global warming during the UN climate summit.

A woman in Wuhan, capital of Hubei prov-ince, was dumbfounded when she receiveda special express mail containing her driv-ing licence and an IOU her business partner wrote her earlier this week.

Washington letter, Poe book set auction recordsthe previous 2002 record of$834,500 dollars for a Wash-ington document, Christie’ssaid.

The letter was written atMount Vernon, Washing-ton’s home near WashingtonDC for more than 45 years,on 9 November, 1787, be-fore he was president. Thiswas the first time the letterhad been publicly exhibited,although it has been repro-duced.

In it, Washington shares hisfirm support for the ratifica-tion of the American Consti-tution.

An 1827 first edition copyof Edgar Allen Poe poemssold for $662,500 — a recordfor a 19th century book ofpoetry — and two-pages ofhand scrawled verses from1849 netted $830,500 dol-lars, breaking the 19th cen-tury literary manuscriptrecord.

“Tamerlane and Other Po-ems,” is Poe’s first book as anauthor, and only a dozen cop-ies exist from that first edition,said Jessie Edelman ofChristie’s.

An employee of Christie’sholds an original copy ofAmerican writer EdgarAllan Poe’s Tamerlane

and Other Poems, whichwill be auctioned on

Friday for an expected$500,000 to $700,000, in

New York.

Scientists, lawyers mull effects ofhome robots

In this photo made on 24 Nov, 2009,Ryan Calo, with the Stanford Center

for Internet and Society at theStanford Law School, stands next toa robot that is being built for medicalapplications at Stanford University’sArtificial Intelligence Laboratory in

Palo Alto, Calif.—INTERNET

Longtime exposure tosecondhand smoke ups risk

of breast cancer

After 50years, UKministry

shuts downUFO unitLONDON, 6 Dec – Brit-

ain’s Ministry ofDefence has had aclose encounter of thecredit crunch kind. Aftermore than 50 years ofservice, the ministry hasshut down its UFO in-vestigation unit, sayingit could no longer justifythe cost of running theservice.

The ministry said ithad found no evidence ofa threat to Britain orproof of the existence ofextra-terrestrials, despitethe public sending thou-sands of reportings ofUFOs to a ministryhotline and email ad-dress. It said it held noopinion on the existenceor otherwise of alien life,but added it had “no spe-cific capability for iden-tifying the nature of suchsightings.”


‘Bionic man’ no longer on the longfinger as artificial hand attachedPERUGIA, 6 Dec — An Italian who lost half his arm in a car crash

has become the first person in the world to be given a robotic handthat can be controlled by thoughts, say scientists. The success of theexperiment brings a step closer the possibility of creating a “bionicman” as envisaged by science fiction writers and the popular 1970stelevision series, ‘The Six Million Dollar Man’.

Pierpaolo Petruzziello was able to wiggle the fingers of therobotic hand, make a fist and hold objects, controlling the artificiallimb via electrodes attached to the stump of his left arm. The26-year-old was even able to feel needles being jabbed into the hand,which he said felt almost like flesh and blood even though it was notattached directly to his body. “It felt almost the same as a real hand,”he told a press conference in Rome, where the breakthrough wasannounced.


PALO ALTO, 6 Dec – Eric Horvitz il-lustrates the potential dilemmas of liv-ing with robots by telling the story ofhow he once got stuck in an elevator atStanford Hospital with a droid the sizeof a washing machine.

“I remembered thinking, ̀ Whoa, thisis scary,’ as it whirled around, almostknocking me down,” the Microsoft re-searcher recalled. “Then, I thought,`What if I were a patient?’ There couldbe big issues here.”

We’re still far from the sci-fi dreamof having robots whirring about and ca-tering to our every need. But little by lit-tle, we’ll be sharing more of our spacewith robots in the next decade, as pricesdrop and new technology creates special-ized machines that clean up spilled milkor even provide comfort for an elderlyparent.

LOS ANGELES, 6 Dec—Women who are exposedto secondhand cigarettesmoke for a prolongedperiod of time may facegreater risk of breast can-cer, a new study suggests.

The risk also applies towomen who never smokecigarettes themselves, ac-cording to the study ap-pearing in the Decemberissue of Cancer Epidemi-ology, Biomarkers & Pre-vention, a journal of the

American Association forCancer Research.

In the study, research-ers at the Northern Cali-fornia Cancer Center’sBerkeley office collecteddetailed information viaquestionnaire from morethan 57,000 women inthe California TeachersStudy, then followed themfor a decade. Detailedquestions helped the re-searchers to determinewhether age at exposure,setting of exposure oramount of exposure influ-enced the risk of develop-ing breast cancer.

The researchers exam-ined the risk of developingbreast cancer amongwomen who had neversmoked tobacco products,but who had a history ofexposure to secondhandsmoke either at home, atwork or in social settings.Participants also had nohistory of breast cancer. Inthe years since completingthe questionnaire, 1,754women developed invasivebreast cancer. — Xinhua


What do cats do when their owners are away? There was oneway to find out — “cat cams.”

Fifty house cats were given collar cameras that took a photoevery 15 minutes.

The results put a digital dent in some human theories aboutcatnapping. Based on the photos, about 22 percent of the cats’time was spent looking out of windows, 12 percent was used tointeract with other family pets and 8 percent was spent climbingon chairs or kitty condos. Just 6 percent of their hours were spentsleeping.

“What surprised me was how active the cats were. I

What do cats do home alone? Cat camshave answers

believed my threecats were sleepingduring the day,”said Jill Villarreal,an animal behaviorscientist whocollected the datafor Nestle PurinaPetCare’s Friskiesbrand of cat food.Coming in at 5percent was play-ing with toys; eatingor looking at foodfinished at 4percent.

Will the cats getmovie cameras next?“We are in the thinktank now,” Villarrealsaid.

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 7 December, 2009 7

NAY PYI TAW, 6 Dec—The Myanma Oil and GasEnterprise under theMinistry of Energy held ameeting to coordinatework for boostingexploration of oil and gasin 2009-2010 financialyear at its meeting hallNo.1 here this morning,with an address by Ministerfor Energy Brig-Gen LunThi.

It was also attended byDeputy Minister Brig-GenThan Htay, heads ofdepartments andenterprises under theministry, general managersof oil fields and officials.

In his address, theminister urged them to

MOGE to boost exploration of oil and gasmake endeavors to boostexploration of oil and gas,to improve the efficiencyof the staff in thetechnological field, toeffectively apply advancedtechnologies in exploringoil and gas, and to worktogether for ensuringcompletion of the ongoingprojects on schedule.

Oil fields generalmanagers reported onarrangements for boostingoil and gas exploration intheir respective fields; thedirector (Oil Explorationand Development), oncompletion of drilling newoil wells in 2009-2010fiscal year and ChiefExecutive Officer

(Geology), onprogrammes for shiftingdrilling machines forsearching new oil fields.The managing director ofMOGE, the director-general of EnergyPlanning Department andthe deputy minister gavesupple-mentary reports.

The ministerinstructed them to makeendeavors for boosting oiland gas exploration andexploring new oil wells, totake thrifty measures inspending funds in line withfinancial regulations, tocarry out staff welfare tasksand follow-up programmefor oil exploration anddevelopment.—MNA

YANGON, 6 Dec—Under the supervision ofMeiktila District Peace andDevelopment Council, aceremony to launch newYangon-Meiktila (Special)Bus Line Service ofMandalar May Expresswas held at Mandalar MayExpress Highway BusTerminal near ShwebonthaPagoda on 1st LanmadawStreet in Meiktila on 29

New Yangon-Meiktila (Special)Bus Line Service launched

November.Chairman of Meiktila

District PDC U Sein Oak,Vice-Chairperson Daw NuNu Yi of Myanmar WomenEntrepreneurs’ Associationand Chairman of MandalarMay Express U Khin Zawformally opened the newbus line.

Mandalar MayExpress manages to dailyrun new express buses

along Yangon-Meiktila(Special) route in additionto Yangon-Mandalayspecial transportationschedules. For detailedinformation on theschedules, dial 01-637337and 01-636800 for Yangon,02-78991 and 096807272and 096800722 forMandalay and 064-246432and 095020181 forMeiktila.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 6 Dec—Minister for ConstructionMaj-Gen Khin MaungMyint inspected theconstruction of AyeyawadyBridge (Pakokku)undertaken by specialprojects implementationgroup (3) on the bank ofLetpan Chepaw village inNyaungU Township,yesterday afternoon.

On arrival at thebriefing hall, the ministerheard the report on theprogress of pre-engineeringtasks presented by Project

Construction Minister inspectsAyeyawady Bridge (Pakokku)

construction project

Superintending Engineer UHan Soe.

The minister called forworking with awareness,completing jobs onschedule, minimizingwastes and ensuring worksafety as the bridge is thelongest among theAyeyawady spanningbridges implemented by theministry.

Later, the ministerviewed the waterway of theAyeyawady River, pre-engineering tasks andfeasibility study from the

briefing hall.Ayeyawady Bridge

(Pakokku) will be ofcombined girder type andreinforced concrete with thelength of 11,431 ft. Its waterclearance will be 262-ftwide and 52-ft in heigh.

The minister and partyalso inspected the gravelpavement with machinerybetween mile posts (11/1)and (11/2) carried out byMyatnoethu Co throughB.O.T system. He urgedthe officials to meet the setstandards.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 6 Dec—The first round matches ofthe 48th Defence ServicesCommander-in-Chief’sTrophy Tatmadaw (Army,Navy and Air) FootballTournament 2009continued at designatedsports grounds thisevening.

In Group (A) matchheld in Eastern CommandZone (Taunggyi), South-West Command andNorth-East Command

Tatmadaw Football Tourney (2009)continues

were held 1-1 draw whileNay Pyi Taw Commandeliminated No. 22 LID 5-0, in Group (B) match inSouth-West CommandZone (Pathein). EasternCommand team crippledNo. 77 LID 6-2 whileDefence Services (Navy)held a narrow win overNo. 55 LID 1-0, in Group(C) in North-WestCommand Zone(Monywa), CoastalRegion Command team-

A beat Western Commandteam-B 1-0 while DefenceServices (Air) swept to a4-1 win over TriangleRegion Command team-B, in Group (D) inSouthern Command Zone(Toungoo), the matchbetween NorthernCommand team and No.88 LID ended in a 2-2 tiewhile North-WestCommand beat WesternCommand team-A 1-0.


Minister Maj-Gen Khin Maung Myint inspects NyaungU-Myingyanroad section.—CONSTRUCTION

The launch of new Yangon-Meiktila (Special) Bus Line Service ofMandalar May Express Passenger Transport Service in progress.—MNA

General SecretaryU Nay Tun Min and

Joint GeneralSecretary (1) Dr Myo

Thet of MyanmarTimber

EntrepreneursAssociation seenprior to departure

for Singapore on 5December.

(News reported)MNA

Respect paying ceremony of UM-2 on 26 DecNAY PYI TAW, 6 Dec—

The first MB students whowere at University ofMedicine-2 in 1985, 1986,1987 and 1991 will organizea ceremony to pay respectsto faculty members, atChatrium Hotel, Yangon on26 December. All oldstudents are requested totake part in the ceremony

without fail.Those wishing to make

donations may contact DrAung Naing Win (Ph: 09-80-20079), Dr Soe Tun (Ph:09-50-41934), Dr LwinHan (Ph: 09-50-20116), DrThan Than Su (Ph: 09-51-12311), Dr Mya ThandarSein (Ph: 09-51-09450), DrNu Nu Lin (Ph: 09-51-

04042), Dr Aung Kyaw Oo(Ph: 09-50-35577), DrMyint Myat Tun (Ph: 09-50-21718), Dr Khin KhinSoe (Ph: 09-51-31217), DrMaung Maung Latt (Ph:09-50-07249), Dr KhaingMar Myint (Ph: 01-535744) and Dr Zaw ZawOo (Ph: 09-50-27652).


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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 7 December, 2009

(from page 1)between fourteenth andtwentieth in team handi-cap event. Ministry ofDefence stood first with667 strokes, Ministry ofTransport second with691 strokes, Ministry ofForestry third with 691strokes in team handicapevent of SPDC Chair-man’s Trophy Golf Tour-nament (2009).

Ministry of Defencestood first with 817strokes, Ministry of Trans-port second with 839strokes, Ministry forProgress of Border Areasand National Races andDevelopment Affairsthird with 855 strokes inteam scratch event.

SPDC Chairman’s Trophy Golf…Major Khin Maung

Latt of the Ministry ofDefence won first prizewith 126 strokes, U WinKyaw of Ministry of For-estry second prize with128 strokes, and U SoeHan of Nay Pyi Taw De-velopment Affairs Com-mittee third prize with 131strokes in individualhandicap event.

U Zaw Min of Minis-try of Transport securedfirst place with 160strokes, Major MaungMaung Myint of Minis-try of Defence secondplace with 161 strokes,Capt Hein Min Htet ofMinistry of Defence thirdplace with 161 strokes inindividual scratch event.

Secretary-1 General Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo tees off tracer ball to open SPDC Chair-man's Trophy Golf Tournament (2009).—MNA

The best loser prizewent to Ministry of La-bour in team handicapevent whereas best loserprize for team scratchevent went to Ministry ofCulture.

U Sein Htay of Min-istry of Electric PowerNo. 2 and U Tun Lwinof Ministry of Forestrywon Most Birdie prize.Capt Hein Min Htet andMajor Khin Maung Lattof Ministry of Defencewon Most Par prize, UMyo Lwin Oo of Minis-try of Transport and UTun Shan of Ministryof Labour, U Kyaw Sweand U Kyaw Zeya ofMinistry of Immigra-tion and Population, UPhyo Zaw Nyein ofMinistry of ElectricPower No.1, U Zaw Minof Ministry of Trans-port, Police Col Ohn

Myint of Ministry ofHome Affai rs wonLongest Drive prize, USaw Myint Tun of Min-istry for Progress ofBorder Areas and Na-tional Races and Devel-opment Affai rs , UThein Han and U NyuntAung of Ministry of In-dustry-1, U Paw LwinSein of Ministry of For-eign Affairs, U ThaungLwin of Ministry of RailTransportation, U MyintWin of Ministry of Com-merce, Dr Maung Phyuof Ministry of Educationand U Kyaw Swa Thwinof Ministry of Commu-nications, Posts andTelegraphs won Near-est Pin prize.

After the prize-pre-senting ceremony, thegolfers of the teams posedfor group photos.


The trophy winners of Defence Ministry team in team handicap event and team scratch eventseen with SPDC Chairman’s Trophies.—MNA

Secretary-1 General Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo presents trophy to the leader of DefenceMinistry team in team handicap event.—MNA

Commander attends opening of48th Charity fair of Hninzigon

Home for the AgedYANGON, 6 Dec—The

opening of 48th Charityfair of Hninzigon Homefor the Aged was held onthe lawns of the centrehere yesterday evening.

The chairman ofexecutive committee ofthe home extendedgreetings at the ceremonyand the chairman of 48th

Charity fair organizingcommittee explained thepurpose of holding thefestival.

Next, vocalist MyintMyint Kyi sang a sang inhonour of the fair.

Chairman of YangonDivision Peace andDevelopment CouncilCommander of Yangon

Command Maj-Gen WinMyint, the chairman ofexecutive committee andthe chairman of theorganizing committeeformally opened thefestival.

The commander andofficials presented giftsand donated cash to theolder persons and viewedthe food stalls opened atthe fair.

The commanderaddressed the workshopfor division fireprevention in the meetinghall of University ofNursing in LanmadawTownship here thismorning.

The meeting came to

an end after the officialspresented preventivemeasures for fighting fire.The commander andguests viewed the

documentary photoscovering the use of multi-purpose fire extinguishersand equipment.


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Byline & Photos: Maung Maung Htwe (MNA)

Dwellers of Danyawady, AyeyawadyDivision have access to Pyinsawadi FM

Sittoung Bridge (Moppalin), core transport facility of Mon StateArticle: Aye Thandar Thein & Mya Kay Khaing Soe; Photo: Myanma Alin

Photo shows Sittoung Bridge (Moppalin) in Mon State on Yangon-Mawlamyine Road.

(from page 16)From 21 May 2009 onwards, it broadcast pro-

grammes without repeats for 12 hours at a stretch from7 am to 7 pm. From that time on, it has been broadcast-ing programmes without repeats for 16 hours a day,from 6 am to 10 pm.

Its programmes can be received at frequency of88.0 MHz, covering over a radius of 25 miles inSittway, Rakhine State, and over a radius of 25 milesin Pathein, Ayeyawady Division.

Its daily programmes include historical back-grounds of pagodas; Dhamma Pada; Buddha Pujaniyasongs; Dhamma (religious) songs; morning tradi-tional Myanmar songs; today’s cuisines, modern songsof remembrance; studio songs; studio songs for young-sters; morning news; songs about Ayeyawady region;English oldie songs; favourite songs (modern) ofpresenter; common songs; heart to heart; stars ofremembrance; songs, each sung by two singers; songsof superstar vocalists; Nay Pyi Taw news; foreignsongs; international news; guide to VCD and Website;

today’s science; messages; letter for daughter; auspi-cious prayers (Ayeyawady); sports; top ten; herbs,radio poet; music therapy; bookshelf in airwaves;worldwide famous scientists; series of classical songs;FM Music Show; songs of message (Rakhine);Pyinsawadi FM for Kits Pyinsawadi FM Selection;Album Collection, collection of personal feelings;random talks; by the way; and sweet dreams.

In general, programmes are designed for enter-tainment, so advertisers can bring their goods andservices to the attention of greater number of custom-ers, and can enjoy greater benefits.

Being a congenial radio station of Mandalay FM,Pyinsawadi FM is believed to achieve success that ison a par with the success of Mandalay FM soon.

U Chit Pe, in his early 70s, in his personal opinionabout FM radio said, “I pay homage to the LordBuddha at dawn, then I do meditation every day. Andonce I switch on FM radio at 6 am in the morning, thenI feel very delighted to listen to the programmes ofhistorical backgrounds of pagodas, Dhamma Pada,

Buddha Pujaniya songs, and Dhamma songs.”My Bwalay (my mother’s aunt) Daw Than Myint,

over 70, said, “I am crazy about film since my youth.Whenever a new film was on, I went there andwatched it, takining my children. Now, I am at the oldage, so I pay more attention to religious deeds. But Iwatch on TV and listen to the radio for a short time.So, I want FM radio stations to broadcast classicalsongs for old people of us. Today, weather reportsbecome more important, so I pay more attention toweather reports.”

Pyinsawadi FM Radio broadcasts weather re-ports in addition to the programmes of music andgeneral knowledge, thereby contributing to the im-provement of the socio-economic life and winningthe satisfaction and recognition of local people ofAyeyawady Division and Rakhine State.

The emergence of Pyinsawadi FM Radio helpsprovide intellectual nutriment and broaden the hori-zons of the people, so I, an FM fan, extend a warmwelcome to it.

Translation: MS

With a view toensuring emergence of anew, modern anddeveloped nation andimprovement of thesocio-economic status ofthe entire people, the

government has beenbuilding a large numberof roads and bridges largeand small the length andbreadth the nation.

Mon State plays acrucial role in serving the

national interest. SittoungBridge (Moppalin) linkingKyaikto Township,Thaton District of MonState with WawTownship, Bago Districtof Bago Division, on

Yangon-MawlamyineRoad was opened on 12July 2008 for Mon Stateto keep pace with KayinState and TaninthayiDivision it shares borderwith in terms of

development.The Sittoung Bridge

(Moppalin) is of steelgirder type and 1365 feetlong. The RC typeapproach bridge onKyaikto bank is 244.1 feetlong and on Waw bank,783.6 feet long. With thetotal length of the bridgebeing 2392.7 feet long, ithas 28 feet widemotorway flanked by sixfeet wide pavements.

The Sittoung Bridge(Moppalin) constructedby Myanmar engineers’own skills, technologyand hard work, is theeighth river-crossingbridge in building specialproject bridges in MonState.

Ensuring smoothtransportation and swiftcommodity flow, thegovernment is building acluster of bridges all overthe country including235th bridge calledSittoung Bridge(Moppalin). Thanks toemergence of the bridge,national brethren can nowhave access to differentstates and divisions withpeace of mind,overcoming thedifficulties of travelingfrom one place to anothercaused by Sittoung Riverin the past.

*********Translation: ZZS

(Myanma Alin:4-12-2009)

The editing room of Pyinsawadi FM Radio.

An interview with vocalist Kya Pauk (left).A studio of Pyinsawadi FM Radio.

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CAIRO, 6 Dec— Egypt ended a searchon Saturday for victims of a collision oftwo Nile ferries without finding anybodies despite initial fears that dozenswere missing, a regional official said.

The two craft hit each other nearRashid city in Beheira governorate innorth Egypt on Friday. Initial reportssuggested several dozen passengers andcrew may have been missing as theexact number of people on board thevessels was unclear.

“Rescue units ended the search afterthey searched an area of two kilometres

Egypt finds no dead from ferry crash,

ends searchin the Nile, where no bodies were found,”Beheira Governor Mohamed Sharawytold Reuters.Sharawy also said nostatements for missing people were filedsince the accident, suggesting allpassengers had now been accounted for.“There is no indication that someone hasdied in this accident,” Sharawy added.

Public river ferries in Egypt cansometimes be crowded and total numbersbeing carried are not always recorded,making an accurate count of thoseinvolved or missing difficult.


A kid smiles on an ice sculpture during a Chineseice sculpture exhibition in Hwachon-gun, the

Republic of Korea (ROK), on 5 Dec, 2009. Some17 ice sculptures made by Chinese artists are

displayed during the exhibition, which kicked offon Saturday.—XINHUA

SAN FRANCISCO, 6Dec— Worldwide infor-mation technology (IT)spending is expected toachieve modest growthin 2010, returning theindustry to pre-recessionlevels, market researchfirm IDC said onThursday.

IDC predicted thatglobal IT spending willrise 3.2 percent next year,bringing the industryback to 2008 spendinglevels of about 1.5trillion US dollars.

Hardware, softwareand services spendingwill each increase in the

IDC predicts IT spendingrecovery in 2010

BEIJING, 6 Dec — Acourt in Wuhan, Hubeiprovince, sentenced fourmen who had stolen 390pigs in less than twoyears to three to 15 yearsbehind bars last week.

The gang was foundguilty of stealing a totalof 600,000 yuan worthof pigs on 26 differentoccasions betweenMarch 2007 andDecember 2008.

The gang membersused to scale the walls tosteal pigs from farms andthen transport them toother cities in a truckimmediately.

Each of them wasfined 100,000 yuan.


range of 2 percent to 4percent, and emergingmarkets are projected todrive more than half thenew IT industry growthin 2010, IDC said.

“In last year’spredictions, we talkedabout how a slow globaleconomy would act like apressure cooker on the ITmarket, speeding thedevelopment andadoption of newtechnologies andbusiness models,” FrankGens, senior vicepresident and chiefanalyst at IDC, said in astatement.—Internet

A man walks past a earth ball prior to the 15th United Nations Climate ChangeConference (COP15) at Bella Center in Copenhagen, capital of Demark on 6 Dec,

2009. The conference will be held from 7 to 18 Dec. —XINHUA

BEIJING, 6 Dec — A 33-year-old furry photographeris winning fans on social networking website Facebookfor pictures of her daily life as an orangutan in a Viennazoo.

Orangutan Nonja’s photos, taken with a camerathat dispenses raisins as she snaps, have won over 500fans on Facebook since the zoo launched an onlinephoto album on Tuesday. Although the slightly blurryimages of Nonja’s climbing rope, food and companion’sshaggy red-brown fur have won lots of admiringcomments from fans, the photographer herself is not sointerested.

“Of course the apes don’t care about the pictures,they are just an accidental side product,” zoo spokesmanGerhard Kasbauer told Reuters. “They just know thatwhen they press the button, a raisin pops out.”—Internet

Orangutan opens Facebookgallery

Four men getthree to 15years in jailfor stealing

pigsA girl enjoys rare stones in a rare stone fair inHezhou, southwest China’s Guangxi Zhuang

Autonomous Region on 3 Dec, 2009.—XINHUA

Fifth East Asian Games opens inVictoria Harbor

HONG KONG, 6 Dec—A spectacular performanceon the water in Victoria Harbor lifted the curtain onthe 5th East Asian Games in Hong Kong, one of thebusiest commercial centers in the world.

Chinese State Councillor Liu Yandong declaredopen the Games, the first international multi-sportstournament ever held in Hong Kong.

The announcement came after a 30-minute artperformance with the theme of “Be the Legend”,which is also the slogan of the nine-day games.

Athletes and officials from the nine participatingcountries and regions aboard boats watched theperformance telling a story of Hong Kong growingfrom a simple fishing village to one of the wealthiest,most prosperous and internationalized city in the world.

Splendid fireworks lit up the clear night sky,dazzling hundreds of thousands of spectators besidethe skycrapers along the coastline.


TOKYO, 6 Dec—Japanese Foreign MinisterKatsuya Okada, on hissecond official visit toOkinawa on Saturday,told the mayor ofGinowan city in centralNaha that finding aresolution to therelocation of the USmilitary airfield is proving“tough” for thegovernment. Okada’s tripto Japan’s southernmostprefecture followed aministerial-level workinggroup meeting at the

FM says Okinawa base realignment plan is toughForeign Ministry in Tokyoon Friday, during whichWashington expressed itsmounting concern aboutthe expected delay inresolving the controversyover an alternative site forthe heliport functions atthe Futenma base inGinowan.

US officials urgedJapan to settle thecontroversy as soon aspossible by implementingan earlier bilateral accordon the matter, first reachedin 2006, which would see

the relocation of theheliport functions at theFutenma facility, to a lessdensely populated coastalarea adjacent to the MarineCorps’ Camp Schwab inNago, northern Okinawa,by 2014. The plan involvesconstructing two runwaysin a V-shape in the coastalarea of Camp Schwab.

During the group’sFriday meeting, theUnited States describedthe existing relocationplan as,”the only feasibleoption”. — MNA/Xinhua

6th World Congress of Chinese Medicine 2009 held in AustraliaMELBOURNE, 6 Dec –

The 6th World Congress ofChinese Medicine 2009kicked off Saturday inSouthern Australian city ofMelbourne as around 700Chinese medicine scholarsand professionals gatheredhere hoping to furtherintroduce Chinesemedicine to the world.

Professor Tzi ChiangLin, national president ofFederation of ChineseMedicine and AcupunctureSocieties of Australia saidin a keynote speech that inthe year 2000, Australia’sstate of Victoria becameone of the first states in theworld to successfullyimplement statutory

regulation of Chinesemedicine with the passageof the Chinese MedicineAct 2000 and he extendedheartfelt appreciation to thisvital movement. “Sincethen we have seen rapidgrowth and developmentin the profession of Chinesemedicine in Australia,” hesaid. — MNA/Xinhua

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Blast in Ankarakills one

ANKARA, 6 Dec—One people was killed andanother injured by an explosion in the Turkishcapital city of Ankara on Saturday, the semi-officialAnatolia news agency reported.

The blast occurred in a working place of theOSTIM industry district in Ankara, a source toldXinhua, without giving further details.

The cause of the blast is unclear and an investiga-tion is underway, he said.


Afghan, USforces launched

operation inTaleban hotbed

KABUL, 6 Dec—TheAfghan National Army(ANA) and US Marineson Friday launched theever-baggiest offensiveafter the announcement ofa new strategy by the USadministration, a state-ment of the Defence Min-istry issued here Saturdaysaid.

The operation is de-signed to extend the gov-ernment’s writ in Talebanhotbed Helmand Provincesouth of Afghanistan, thestatement added. “Involv-ing ANA personnel andinternational troops, theoperation was launchedfrom several directions onFriday morning inNowzad district with theobjective to ensure secu-rity, evict Taleban mili-tants from their hideoutsand extend governmentcontrol,” the statementnoted.


Italian police arrestMafia number two in Sicily

Number of vehicles in Indonesiashould be limited for better air quality

Italian tax police officers hold a Giuseppe De Nittispainting, one of the 19 masterpieces which

was seized in Parma, Italy, on 5 Dec, 2009. Italiantax police have seized a secret attic and basement

stash of Van Gogh, Picasso, Monet, Cezanneand other art works from the disgraced founderof Parmalat, the dairy company that collapsed afew years ago under billions of dollars of debt.

Authorites estimated the total valueof the works at more than

euros 100 million.—INTERNET

Residents watch aspolice arrest Mafia

boss Gianni Nicchi inPalermo. Italian police

arrested two Mafialeaders.— INTERNET

A woman wearingtraditional healer’sattire walks throughFaraday market in

Johannesburg. Tradi-tional medicine is big

business in SouthAfrica where health-care is split between

pricey, top-notch urbanprivate care and run-down, overstretched

state services that caterfor most of the 48

million population.INTERNET

GM Daewoo manufactured “Matiz Creative” vehicles are exported fromIncheon port, South Korea. The auto-maker has decided to recall 30,751 units

of the mini-car because of defects in their airbags and windshield wipers,government officials have said.—INTERNET

Two men, 43 horsesdead in Ohio barn fireLEBANON, 6 Dec—A fast-moving fire in a building

at the Lebanon Raceway in Ohio killed two men and43 horses on early Saturday, firefighters said. Whilethe victims had not been officially identified, JackieWinn, a groomer who works in another barn at theRaceway, told The Cincinnati Enquirer he believes thefire killed his two closest friends, also groomers.

The fire was reported just before 5 am. By the timefirefighters reached the building, the 250-by-80-footbarn was a mass of flames. Shane Cartmill, a spokes-man for the state fire marshal, said the cause had notbeen identified, but investigators had ruled out arson.


Baby boy safe after allegedkidnapping

ROME, 6 Dec—Italianpolice arrested two Mafialeaders, Prime MinisterSilvio Berlusconi said, aday after he was accusedof links to the organiza-tion. Gianni Nicchi, the28-year-old thought to bethe Mafia’s second incommand, was found hid-ing in an apartment a fewhundred metres (yards)from the main court in

Palermo, Sicily,Berlusconi told journal-ists. Police also arrestedalleged Mafia numberthree Gaetano Fidanzati,74, on a street in the north-ern city of Milan,

Berlusconi said. “This isthe best response to all theslander made by irrespon-sible people who, by do-ing this, are only slingingmud” at Italy, Berlusconisaid.—Internet

JAKARTA, 6 Dec—Thenumber of vehicles in In-donesia, particularly inthe capital city of Jakarta,should be limited in orderto have a better air qual-ity, Kompas daily quoteda minister as saying onSunday. Minister for En-vironment GustiMuhammad Hatta saidthat vehicles produced be-fore 1970s should be lim-ited because they are con-

sidered as the biggest pol-luters as they have imper-fect burning system thatemits more pollution.

“Hopefully, nobodygets angry. The number ofvehicles should be limitedby prohibiting old vehiclesto reduce emission,” hesaid at the Green Festival

2009 here on Saturday. The opening ceremony

of the event was also at-tended by Minister forWomen Empowermentand Children ProtectionLinda Amalia Saria andForestry Minister ZulkifliHasan.


TORONTO, 6 Dec—Police discovered a10-month-old Torontoboy safe and well on Sat-urday, a day after a 14-year-old girl allegedlyabducted him. The teen-ager was taken into cus-tody, CP24, a Torontocable news network, re-ported. Police said the

girl claimed the motherhad given her permissionto take the baby for awalk.

Kristen CunninghamSamuel, 20, the mother,described the teen as adrifter who had been stay-ing with her. She toldCP24 the girl took foodand clothing for her son,

Kamren, when she leftwith the boy. “All hisclothes are gone, all hisdiapers are gone, his for-mula is gone,” she saidbefore the boy was found.Police officers knockedon doors in theneighborhood Saturday,looking for the baby.


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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 7 December, 2009


1. Sealed Tender is invited by the Public Works, Nay PyiTaw, Myanmar. The Ministry of Construction for thesupply of STRAIGHT ASPHALT 80/100 Grade MetricTon (5000) in Drum.

2. Tender Closing Date is (29-12-2009 at 16:00 hr).3. Tender Documents and detail specification are available

at the Public Works, Procurement section Stores Divi-sion, No (40) Public Works, Nay Pyi Taw (9.12.2009) onPayment of (FEC-1000). To enquiry contact Phone No-067 407577, 067-407581.

4. Only bid from tenderer who has purchased tender docu-ments officially from Public Works will be accepted forevaluation.

Managing DirectorPublic Works

Ministry of ConstructionPh:067 407577, 407581

Egyptian ferries collide on NileCAIRO , 6 Dec — Two passenger ferries have col-

lided on the Nile river in northern Egypt, triggering alarge-scale rescue. But after initial fears that manypeople were missing, officials later said it appearedthat nobody was still unaccounted for.

One of the ferries reportedly broke in half and sankafter the collision while the other overturned, near thenorthern city of Rashid. It was unclear how manypassengers were on the two vessels.—Internet

Homes evacuatedafter derailed

tanker cars catchfire in W Canada

OTTAWA, 6 Dec —Some homes were evacu-ated as some 40 tankercars from a derailedfreight train burned formost of Saturday in west-ern Canada’s Saskatch-ewan Province, reportsreaching here said. The accident tookplace in the morningnear the border of Mani-toba Province. Therewere no injuries to eitherthe train crew or localresidents. The mayor of the localcommunity told reportersthe burning cars werecarrying liquefied pro-pane gas, but there wasno immediate danger asthe low wind means thefire could not go near thetown. However six homes lo-cated in a two kilometerradius around the crashsite were evacuated.


Trendy tribe help cool the planet with low carbon life

Ren Guohe (L), a folk artist, makes clay sculptures inpatterns of tigers in Jinzhuang Village of HuaiyangCounty, central China’s Henan Province,on 5 Dec, 2009,to greet the upcoming year of Tiger of 2010.— XINHUA

BEIJING, 6 Dec —Wang Wei makes sureevery day that she unplugsall of the electric appli-ances in her home whenthey are not in use. The move has been in-spired by the govern-ment’s pledge to cut car-bon intensity to tackle cli-mate change, said the 31-year-old woman living inBeijing. The Chinese govern-ment unveiled its targetlast week, ahead of theupcoming climate summitin Copenhagen, Denmark,to trim the amount of car-bon dioxide emitted foreach unit of gross domes-

tic product by 40 to 45percent by 2020, com-pared to the levels in2005. “I don’t think it isan easy goal without the

contribution of every per-son that lives in the coun-try, so I have decided todo my share,” she said.


Eleven killed in Hondurashighway accident

TEGUCIGALPA, 6 Dec — At least 11 people died ina highway accident in central Honduras midnight Fri-day and their remains weren’t found until early Satur-day morning, local police said.

The victims were passengers of a tow truck and itscarriage, local police officer Jose Portillo told Xinhua.

The tragedy occurred on the highway near thePalmital community, where the driver lost control ofthe vehicle and drove it off the roadside cliff.— Xinhua

A Siberian cat sits on the arm of its owner duringthe 8th International Cats Exhibition in Moscow

on 5 Dec, 2009.— XINHUA

21st December 2009 (COB)


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 7 December, 2009 13

World Cup 2010: More tickets on salefor South Africa

The first round of ticket sales openedin February 2009.—INTERNET

know who, where and when they willbe playing. Fans must apply by 22 Janu-ary, via the FIFA website and nationalassociations. One of the most populargames is likely to be the 12 June clashbetween the US and England—the for-eign nations that bought most tickets inprevious rounds. Tickets to oversub-scribed matches are allocated by lottery.

FIFA told the BBC that 54,000 appli-cations for newly-released tickets hadbeen made via its website in the firstthree hours of the sales phase beginning.“They are extremely encouraging fig-ures,” said Fifa spokeswoman DeliaFisher, “but it’s important to rememberthey are not allocated on a first come,first served basis.”—Internet

LONDON , 6 Dec — A global rush fortickets to the 2010 FIFA World Cup fi-nals has begun, a day after the group-phase draw was made in host countrySouth Africa. More than a million newtickets are up for sale, now the 32 teams

A visitor experiences the visual effect of changing her own hairstyle in a largeScience Popularity Tour Show on the theme of Cracking the Hair Secret in

Suzhou City, east China’s Jiangsu Province, on 5 Dec, 2009.— XINHUA

Chicken of the sea? Tunafarming getting a boost

Malika Menard iscrowned Miss France

2010 by Miss France 2009Chloe Mortaud, left, in

Nice, southeasternFrance, on 5 Dec, 2009.


Brazil promises large participationat 2010 Shanghai Expo

Hong Kong reports another death caseof influenza A/H1N1

HONG KONG, 6 Dec—The Hong Kong healthauthorities reported an-other death case of influ-enza A/H1N1 on Satur-day, bringing the numberof such cases to 44 inHong Kong.

The case involved a95-year-old man who wasadmitted to the Prince ofWales Hospital on 28Nov after developing flusymptoms. He had hyper-tension, stroke, heart dis-ease and dementia, theHospital Authority said inan announcement.

The man was con-firmed to be influenza A/H1N1 positive on 29 Nov.

He remained criticaland died on Saturdayafternoon, the authoritysaid. The influenzaA/H1N1 hit Hong Kongin early May. The out-break of the disease has

somehow ebbed afterpeaking around October.Some scientists said theyexpected another peak ofthe flu virus around HongKong’s flu season in Feb-ruary. — Xinhua

The prototype of a solar powered plane flies onemeter above the field of the Airport in

Duebendorf, Switzerland, on 3 Dec, 2009. Swissadventure Bertrand Piccard plans to fly aroundthe world to highlight the potential of alternativeenergy sources. The prototype, HB-SIA, has the

wingspan of a jumbo jet but weighs only as muchas an average family car.—INTERNET

BRASILIA, 6 Dec —Brazil will have large par-ticipation at next year’sShanghai World Expo, theBrazilian Trade and In-vestment PromotionAgency (Apex) said on

Friday.“We are finalizing the

content of our pavilionwith an important agendaof cultural representation,tourism and sports, plus alarge business agenda.The Expo will be an op-portune time for us to beeven closer to our largesttrading partner (China),”said Alessandro Teixeira,Apex’s president and

commissioner for theShanghai Expo 2010.

The Brazilian Pavilionwill be adjacent to thoseof the United States, Peruand Colombia. To take ad-vantage of the proximity,the commissioners of thefour countries have de-cided to share a culturalprogramme in open space,as well as a businessagenda.— Xinhua

KUMANO, 6, Dec –Thousands of tuna, theirsilver bellies bloated withfat, swim franticallyaround in netted areas ofa small bay, stuffingthemselves until theygrow twice as heavy as inthe wild. Is this sushi’sfuture? Tuna raised likechickens or cows?

As the world’s love af-fair with raw fish depleteswild tuna populations,long-running efforts tobreed the deep-sea fishfrom egg to adulthoodmay finally be bearingfruit. Though the chal-lenges are daunting, thepotential profits are huge.

By the end of this year,an Australian company

says it will begin sellingsmall amounts of southernbluefin tuna hatched in itsfishery. A Japanese firmbreeding the more prizedPacific bluefin tuna hopesto start sales in 2013 andship 10,000 fish by 2015.

Whether tuna farmingwill become viable on alarge scale remains an un-answered question. Tunaare much harder to rearthan the widely farmedsalmon and shrimp.


MOSCOW, 6 Dec— At

least 109 people have been

killed and more than 130

others injured as fire ripped

through a nightclub in

Russia’s Urals city of Perm

late on Friday.

The fire engulfed the

“Lame Horse” club at about

11:15 pm Moscow time

Friday (2015 GMT) during

an indoor fireworks display,

held to celebrate the

venue’s eighth anniversary.

Some 230 people, most of

them the club’s employees

and their relatives, attended

the party.

Xinhua correspon-

dents reporting from the

scene said the fire had been

completely extinguished

and all the bodies of the

Death toll of Russian

nightclub fire rises to 109victims had been removed

from the cordoned-off

building, located in

downtown Perm.

Emergency workers

and prosecutors were

cleaning up the site, where

many local people have

been gathering and scores

of ambulances and

emergency vehicles were

parked. Local residents

told Xinhua the nightclub

was a famous spot where

local people often dined

or danced. They said that,

when they arrived at the

site on Saturday morning,

dozens of rescuers were

moving bodies out of the

club, some of which had

been burned black.


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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 7 December, 2009


Answers to yesterday’sCrosswords Puzzle














Manchester City’sEmmanuel Adebayor(R) challenges Chel-

sea’s Branislav Ivanovic(L) during their EnglishPremier League soccermatch in Manchester,

northern England, on 5Dec, 2009.— XINHUA

Man City sinks Chelsea to benefit Man United


Leverkusenties with

Hannover BERLIN, 6 Dec—Ger-

man Bundesliga leaderBayer Leverkusen tied0-0 with Hannover andfailed to enlarge the gapover second-placedBremen on Saturday.

Hamburg and Hof-fenheim staged a goal lessdraw. Defending cham-pion Wolfsburg sharedpoints with newcomerFreiburg after a two alldraw. While BorussiaDortmund humiliatednew boys Nurnberg 4-0.Bottom match amongStuttgart and Bochumended 1-1. New boysMainz lost to Frankfurt0-2.—Xinhua

Messi double keep Barcafive clear

MADRID, 6 Dec—Ballon D’Or winner Lionel Messiscored a brace as Barcelona won 3-1 at Deportivo LaCoruna on Saturday to restore their five-point advan-tage over Real Madrid at the summit. Four days aftercollecting the award for European Player of the Year.Messi turned on the style scoring a brilliant openerand then heading a crucial 80th minute goal after Deporhad equalised.—Internet


midfielder SergioGonzalez (L)

chases Barcelo-na’s forward

Lionel Messi (R)during theirSpanish first

league footballmatch at the

Riazor Stadium inCoruna, northernSpain.—INTERNET

Liverpool’smidfielder Steven

Gerrard (C)collides with

Blackburn Roversdefender

Christopher Samba(L) during theirEnglish PremierLeague footballmatch at EwoodPark in Black-


Benitez hints at Aquilani startafter Rovers bore draw

BLACKBURN, 6 Dec—Rafael Benitez dropped astrong hint he will give midfielder Alberto Aquilanihis long-awaited first start in a Liverpool shirt nextweek after a frustrating goalless draw away toBlackburn. The Italian international, a 20 millionpounds (22.1 million euros) pre-season signing fromRoma has endured a frustrating start to his Anfieldcareer after being troubled by injury.—Internet

Wenger relieved asArsenal end badweek on a highLONDON, 6 Dec—Arsene

Wenger cut a relieved fig-ure after Arsenal ensuredtheir manager’s miserableweek ended on a high witha 2-0 win over Stoke. Arse-nal have been subjected tostrong criticism after a dis-mal run of three defeatsagainst Sunderland, Chel-sea and Manchester City, allinflicted without the Gun-ners managing a single goalin response.

Wenger’s own characterhad also been subjected tounprecedented attack, withpundits and supporters alikeopenly questioning whetherhis much-vaunted projectin north London has comeapart at the seams. Thatspate of negative headlinesshould at least be abated bya result which, while it hassurely come too late toreignite the club’s title am-bitions, at least lifted Arse-nal back into the EnglishPremier League’s top threeand bought Wenger somevery welcome breathingspace.—Internet

Spain’s Juan Carlos Ferrero (up) cele-brates with teammates after the thirdmatch of the Davis Cup Final betweenSpain and Czech Republic at palauSant Jordi in Barcelona.—INTERNET

Spain crushes Czechs to take fourthDavis Cup title

BARCELONA, 6 Dec—Spain won its fourth Davis Cup title on Sat-urday when the doubles pair of Fernando Verdasco and FelicianoLopez demolished their Czech opponents to give the hosts an unas-sailable 3-0 lead. Spain becomes the first country since Sweden in1998 to retain the Davis Cup, after triumphing last year in Argen-tina. “It was an incredible moment to return as captain after winninghere nine years ago,” said Spanish team captain Albert Costa, whoas a player helped Spain to its first ever Davis Cup title in 2000,beating Australia at the same Palau Sant Jordi Arena in Barcelona.

Spain won again in 2004, defeating the USA. On Saturday,Verdasco and Lopez overwhelmed an exhausted Radek Stepanekand Tomas Berdych, who had lost both Friday’s opening singles,7-6 (9-7), 7-5, 6-2, in what was the Czech pair’s first ever DavisCup defeat in six matches.—Internet

Nigeria draws Argentina,Greece, S Korea in World Cup

LAGOS, 6 Dec—Nigeria will play Argentina inher first match of the FIFA 2010 World Cup afterboth countries were drawn in Group B alongsideSouth Korea and Greece. It would be the third timethe Super Eagles would play the South Americans atthe senior level as both sides had met in the groupstages at the 1994 and 2002 editions. The Eagles loston both occasions.

Greece is also a familiar foe as both sides clashedin 1994 with the Eagles emerging as victors. In theother groups, hosts South Africa will face Mexico,Uruguay and France in Group A while Group C hasEngland, USA, Algeria and Slovenia.


Ferguson faces defensive headache as injuries mount

Manchester United’s midfiedler PaulScholes (2nd R) celebrates scoringthe opening goal with teammates

during their English Premier Leaguefootball match against West Ham

United at the Boleyn Ground, UptonPark in East London.—INTERNET

LONDON, 6 Dec—Sir Alex Fergusonadmits he is struggling to field a recog-nisable back-four in Wednesday’sChampions League clash at Wolfsburgafter Brown and Gary Neville wereforced out of Manchester United’s 4-0victory at West Ham.

Goals from Paul Scholes, DarronGibson, Antonio Valencia and WayneRooney completed a comfortable victoryon Saturday for the reigning champions,who are now just two points behindChelsea following the leaders’ defeat atManchester City. But the victory wasachieved despite Ferguson having tomake late changes to his plans whenNemanja Vidic withdrew from the tripto Upton Park after suffering from flu.


LONDON, 6 Dec—Carlos Tevez’s fan-tastic free kick gave Manchester City athrilling 2-1 win over Chelsea atEastlands on Saturday. The victory alsobenefited their city rivals Man Unitedas the Red Devils defeated West Hamto chase Premier League leaders Chel-sea closer in two points.

Man City suffered an early setbackas Emmanuel Adebayor deflected theball into his own net on eight minutesafter goalkeeper Shay Given saved wellfrom Nicolas Anelka. But theTogostriker made amends later by slot-ting in from close range eight minutesfrom the interval.

Man City continued to threaten thevisitors with quick counterattacks in the

second half and Argentina forward Tevezfired home a 56th minute set-piece togive the hosts their first league victoryin eight games.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 7 December, 2009 15

7:00 am 1. rif;uGef;q&mawmfbk&m;

Bu D ;\y&dwfw&m;awmf


awmfr laomOy Ü gwoEÅ d


7:30 am 2. Morning News7:40 am 3. t*¾HZ,r*FvH

Monday, 7December

View on today

R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

Local Transmission

* Signature Tune* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights* Yaw Clothes from Yaw Region* Gold Fishes and their Water Palace* Unique Inlay Lake, Distinctive Inle Resort* Have a Jaggery....after your meals....* Myanmar Modern Song* Meet Peculiar Salamander* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights

Europe/ North America Transmission

* Signature Tune* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights* Yaw Clothes from Yaw Region* Gold Fishes and their Water Palace* Unique Inlay Lake, Distinctive Inle Resort* Have a Jaggery....after your meals....* Myanmar Modern Song* Meet Peculiar Salamander* Trash to Treasure* Climate Change: A Challenge for IMO too!* A Visit to A Laungdaw Kassapa in Modern

Days* Sightseeing Around Mandalay and Sagaing

(Amarapura, Inn Wa, Sagaing, Mingun)* Myanmar Modern Song* Welcome to golden region of Thabeikkyin)* Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights

Website: www.mrtv3.net.mm

MRTV-3Programme Schedule

(7-12-2009) (Monday)

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr.M.S.T. During the past 24 hours, weather has been partlycloudy in Kachin, Shan, Chin, Rakhine, Kayin and MonStates, upper Sagaing, Mandalay, Bago, Yangon,Ayeyawady and Taninthayi Divisions and generally fair inthe remaining areas. Night temperatures were (3°C) to (4°C)below December average temperatures in Northern ShanState, upper Sagaing and Magway Divisions, (5°C) aboveDecember average temperatures in Kachin State and aboutDecember average temperarures in the remaining areas.The significant night temperatures were Haka and Loilem(2°C) each, Namsan(6°C), Pinlaung, Lashio and Mindat(7°C) each.

Maximum temperature on 5-12-2009 was 93°F.Minimum temperature on 6-12-2009 was 57°F. Relativehumidity at (09:30) hours MST on 6-12-2009 was 67%.Total sun shine hours on 5-12-2009 was (8.4) hoursapprox.

Rainfall on 6-12-2009 was (Nil) at Mingaladon, atKaba-Aye and Central Yangon. Total rainfall since 1-1-2009 was (111.69) inches at Mingaladon, (122.09) inchesat Kaba-Aye and (129.41) inches at Central Yangon.Maximum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (4) mphfrom Northeast at (09:30) hours MST on 6-12-2009.

Bay inference: Weather is partly cloudy in the SouthBay and generally fair in the Andaman Sea and elsewherein the Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 7th December 2009:Weather will be partly cloudy in Kachin and Rakhine States,upper Sagaing, Yangon and Ayeyawady Divisions andgenerally fair in the remaining areas.

State of the sea: Sea will be moderate in Myanmarwaters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Generally fairweather in the whole country.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area for7-12-2009: Generally fair weather.

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for7-12-2009: Partly cloudy.

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for7-12-2009: Partly cloudy.

Sunday, 6th December, 2009

Transmissions Times

Local - (09:00am ~ 10:00am) MSTEurope - (15:30pm ~ 23:30pm) MSTNorth America - (23:30pm ~ 07:30am) MST



7:50 am 4. Nice & Sweet Song8:00 am 5. Cute little Dancers8:10 am 6. ]]{&m0wD\tm;uRef;


8:15 am 7. twD;NydKifyG J

8:40 am 8. International News8:45 am 9. Local lalent8:55 am10. “DOTS”2:30 pm 1. (25)Budrfajrmufta&SUawmif




tpOf (jrefrmESifhpuFmyl)

4:15 pm 2. Musical Programme

(The RadioMyanmar ModernMusic Troupe)

4:30 pm 3. Dance Variety4:40 pm 4. Song Of National

Races4:45 pm 5. ta0;oifwuúod kvfynm





5:00 pm 6. Songs For Uphold

National Spirit5:10 pm 7. ]]pufrIZkefrSmusrpuf½Hkvm


5:15 pm 8. jrefrmpm?jrefrmpum;

5:30 pm 9. Musical Programme

5:40 pm10. plygaw;oH&Sifa&G;cs,fyGJ

6:00 pm11. Evening News6:15 pm12. Weather Report6:20 pm13. Sing & Enjoy6:55 pm14. ]]ajymif;vJaeaomurÇmh



7:00 pm15. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ



8:00 pm16. News17. International News18. Weather Report19. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ




China’s 8% economic growthgoal achievable

Pascal Bodmer of Germany competes duringthe ski jumping World Cup at Lillehammer on 5

December 2009.—INTERNET

BEIJING, 6 Dec— China will, without any doubt,be able to achieve the 8 percent growth in grossdomestic product (GDP) this year, a senior Chineseeconomist said on Sunday.

Yao Jingyuan, chief economist with the NationalBureau of Statistics, made the remarks at a fortuneforum in Beijing.

However he warned that the Chinese economywill still face two major problems next year:slumping overseas market demand and weak drivingforce on domestic market. Chinese economy rose7.7 percent in the first three quarters, driven mainlyby investment and consumption, but brought downby exports, Yao said.

He stressed more efforts should be made onstructural adjustment to shift dependence on theindustrial growth to the comprehensivedevelopment of the agricultural, industrial andservice sectors.

Yao highlighted the importance to raise people’sincomes, add investment on livelihood projectsand give full play to the role of consumption toboost economy.

Meanwhile, China should turn its economicgrowth dependence from resources-intensiveconsumption to technology renovation, Yao said.


15 (7).pmd 12/7/2009, 3:00 PM15

Page 16: The New Light of Myanmar 07-12-2009

6th Waning of Nadaw 1371 ME Monday, 7 December, 2009

★ Only with stability and peace will the nation develop

★ Only with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

★ Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracy★ Riots beget riots, not democracy★ Democracy can be introduced only through constitution

People’s Desire ■ VOA, BBC-sowing hatred amongthe people

■ RFA, DVB-generating publicoutrage

■ Do not allow ourselves to be swayed■ By broadcasts designed to cause


■ We favour peace and stability■ We favour development■ We oppose unrest and violence■ Wipe out those inciting unrest

and violence

Significant night temperatures

(6-12-2009)Haka, Loilem (2°C)Namsan (6°C)Pinlaung (7°C)Lashio and Mindat (7°C)

Byline & Photos: Maung Maung Htwe (MNA)

Staff members broadcasting programmes to Rakhine State and Ayeyawady Division.

Dwellers of Danyawady, AyeyawadyDivision have access to Pyinsawadi FM

In olden days, radios prioritized news programmes.But, radio programmes at present are various such asentertainments, education, health, social affairs, busi-ness and general knowledge, apart from news, thuskeeping abreast of other media.

Today, people around the world have turned tothe media that is costeffective. With a radio, a

person can enjoy a variety of entertainment pro-grammes, he can choose the programme he likeswhile doing something and he can stay in touchwith latest news. Radio commercials cost muchless than other media advertisments, but benefitsmuch greater. So, the radio industry remains flour-ishing.

In the times of my forefathers and in my youth,radio was the only choice of entertainment. At thattime, vocalists had to make a lot of time and effortsfor a gramophone record. Myanma Radio was theonly stepping stone for a person to be famousnationwide.

In contrast, today there have been so many pri-vate-owned FM radio stations according to the mod-ern time.

Pyinsawadi FM Radio Station, a congenialradio station of Mandalay FM Radio, has come intobeing, working together with local intellectualsand intelligentsia and artistes to broadcast pro-grammes that cover Rakhine State and AyeyawadyDivision.

Pyinsawadi FM Radio Station launched its trialrun on 27 March 2009. Up to 20 May 2009, itbroadcasts programmes including repeats three por-tions a day: from 7 am to 11 am; from 11 am to 3 pm;and from 3 pm to 7 pm.

(See page 9)

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