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The new literacy: strategies, tools and techniques for incorporating new media

Date post: 08-Jul-2015
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Every day you get too much information. Learn about free tools you can use to make your day easier. Learn how to easily share what matters with the people who need it. You will leave this workshop knowing how to better manage your daily information.
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The new literacy: strategies, tools and techniques for incorporating new media Marco Campana Maytree @marcopolis http://www.slideshare.net/marcopolis
Page 1: The new literacy: strategies, tools and techniques for incorporating new media

The new literacy: strategies, tools and techniques for incorporating new

media Marco CampanaMaytree@marcopolis


Page 2: The new literacy: strategies, tools and techniques for incorporating new media

A Quick Overview

Introduction Information

Overload Strategies for:


Tools Resources

Flickr photo by Will Lion

Page 3: The new literacy: strategies, tools and techniques for incorporating new media

Information Overload

Messages You Might Hear: There is no information overload. You are the problem. The technology will solve

everything. Information overload costs

billions of dollars a year in lost productivity.

It's not information overload, it's filter failure.




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What's Your Problem? :-)W

With a person next to you, spend 5 minutes discussing one of these questions.

What's the information problem you have, or information literacy you seek?

OR Define/describe information overload in your own words.

Each person write summarize your answer in a Tweet. 140 characters.

Whoever wants to share with the group, please do!

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Information Overload

What is information overload? Too much information Too much uncategorized information Too many distractions Too many priorities Poor use of technology to filter Feeling like you'll never be caught up• You're not just dealing with information overload but also:

garbage overload connection overload conversation/opinion/troll overload instant gratification overload

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» Common Contract – Outcome Based Performance

» Flexible funding model to support innovative and dynamic programming

» Capacity building» Report results and trends / needs

Service Provider - YOU! – Strategic partnerships with other service providers/responsive to emerging needs

Local needs addressed through local planning and community-wide coordination (LIPs, RNEN, Local Labour Market Planning tables)M

Colleagues – Organizational priorities; oversight and policy development

Reporting, evaluation, meetings, office culture, small talk, etc.

Clients – Continuum of services; no eligibility gaps; alignment with core programs (e.g. health, education, housing, employment)e

» Service Expectations – clear entry points/access to services/multi-channel

» Multi-service locations/ coverage/services mobile and dynamic

» Deliver services based on defined client needs & outcomes

» Refer to other support services as required

» Get help/answers as needed, in the format they wan » Manage provider relationship

» Monitor performance» Develop streamlined processes

to support integrated service delivery

Information Flows Pushing/Pulling You

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Strategy: Structure:

Filter Prioritize sources Have multiple email accounts (i.e. keep only the

most important messages in your work email) Stop subscribing to so many non-work related

newsletters that you read at work! Turn off those annoying “you’ve got new mail”

notifications if you can’t trust yourself to ignore them

Managing Email

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Strategy: Process:

Have a daily workflow for checking your email Be disciplined about how and when you respond to email What works better for you - ambient awareness or setting

regular appointments with yourself through each day (recurring, consistent)

Understand how people use email poorly (eg. like IM) and don't be one of them!

“Inbox Zero” - skills, tools, and attitudes that can help empty your email inbox

If you don't figure out how to manage your email now, you're kinda screwed for social media management. Just sayin'...

Managing Email

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Managing Social Media



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Why Social Media?

Learn what people are saying about … Connect about campaigns and events Increase issue or organizational exposure Identify and recruit evangelists, clients, volunteers Find new opportunities Offer support to clients and programs Improve ‘findability’ Get the message out fast

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Listening | Sharing | Engaging

• Have a strategy• Learn to work/listen online• Choose the right tools for you• Manage your workflow• Avoid “Garbage Overload”• Find the right information for the right people at

the right time• Share and collaborate – become an aggregator

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Core – set up, listen, update and evolve Daily Routine – process, discipline,

workflow Define Sharing – collaborating, informing,

developing expertise Responding – are you listening

strategically? How will you measure success?

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Creating a Web 2.0 Plan for Your Organization


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6 Questions to Refine Your Listening Strategy

1. Why are you listening? What are your mission goals?

2. Come up with at least Five Ways You Plan To Use the Information (link to day-to-day action)l

3. Internal Process – how will you organize your listening?

4. Where are you going to listen?

5. What tools will you use?

6. How will you share?

Adapted from http://beth.typepad.com/beths_blog/2009/02/getting-your-nonprofit-organization-ready-to-listen-.html

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Finding Information

Where would you normally look for this information?

• Your daily web travels.• Your networks.• Twitter, Facebook, Google, of course.


RSS Feeds



News feeds

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Finding Information - Evaluating


CURRENCY - How recent is the information?

RELIABILITY - What kind of information is included in the resource?

AUTHORITY - Who wrote this?

PURPOSE AND POINT OF VIEW - What are they trying to get you to do?

Once you've found the great, authoritative, reliable sources, figure out the best way to subscribe to/follow them.

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Working Together & Sharing


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Working Together & Sharing - Strategy

Listen What decisions will you make based on

your listening to? What key words will you use? How will you share or summarize what

you learn from listening with others in your organization?

Will you engage?Share What content or information will be used

to update or feed your social media efforts?

Who will assist or support users in remixing your message?

If you’re aggregating content to establish expertise, what sources will you draw from?

What skills or expertise do you need?

Spread Buzz

• How will you “brand” your presence on buzz sites? (Personal/Organizational)b

• Who will implement and build relationships with influencers?


If you’re going to respond:

• Who is empowered to respond and in what circumstances?

• How will you address negative comments or perceptions?

• What is the goal of your participation?

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Let’s review a few that are useful for Listening, Aggregating and Sharing:

RSSEmail (e-Newsletters/Watchthatpage/RSS to email)Google AlertsTwitterTrusted Networks: Social Networks/Online Communities (Facebook, Ning, etc.); Social Bookmarking - Delicious, DiigoGoogle Custom Search EngineRich/Multimedia

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Tools - RSS

Actively Passive

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Tools - RSS

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Tools - RSS

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Tools - Email

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Tools – RSS to Email

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Tools - Watchthatpage

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Tools - Twitter

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Tools – Google Alerts

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Tools – Google Alerts

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Tools – Twitter to Email

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Tools - Trusted Networks

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Tools - Trusted Networks

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Tools - Trusted Networks

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Google Custom Search Engine

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Sharing Extensively

• So, you’ve got all these great sites and sources. You’re wondering how to manage it all. You’re overwhelmed.

• Let’s find the right tool(s)!You want to: save once, share in multiple places:• one place for all bookmarks, accessible anywhere you can connect to the

internet• post once, share in multiple places

– RSS feeds – get notified– Post to blog – Post to web page– Post to Twitter, Facebook– Email to network/subscriber– Share with group/lists

• Strategy!

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Examples of Sharing – The Power of 1 Click

Share in Google Reader RSS available

Sent to Twitter Posted to my website Posted to my Delicious bookmarks Available to be read by anyone subscribed to my

shared RSS feed – could also be set up to be subscribed to by Email

Pops into Google Buzz Could be posted on Facebook Can also be tagged – that could be shared as RSS

feed Within Google Reader, can share with other networks/


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Examples of Sharing – Social Bookmarks

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Examples of Sharing – RSS/Google Reader

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Examples of Sharing – RSS/Google Reader

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Examples of Sharing – RSS/Google Reader

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Examples of Sharing – RSS/Google Reader

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Twitter site as Listening/Sharing Dashboard

Think: Integration!

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How Much Time?

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Setting the Stage/StrategyBlogs to FollowDaily RoutinesPractical Tool Examples and ExplanationsLearnPlay!

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http://www.flickr.com/photos/tyla/2613836330/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/matthamm/294555912

8 http://www.flickr.com/photos/dailypic/1459055735/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/cambodia4kidsorg/322

6367547/sizes/o/ Webinar:Twitter for Nonprofits - Jeff Patrick,

Common Knowledge http://www.flickr.com/photos/i-1326/2968175502/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/debschultz/192555548

5/sizes/o/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/stabilo-boss/93136022/

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