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The New MariaDB Offering - MariaDB 10, MaxScale and more

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The New MariaDB Offering - MariaDB 10, MaxScale and more by Rasmus Johansson, VP of Engineering MariaDB 10 - Parallel Slave Replication - Multi-Source Replication - Sharding with Spider - TokuDB Storage Engine - Optimizer Improvements - Fusion-IO compression with MariaDB - CONNECT Storage Engine - Cassandra Storage Engine - Dyanmic Columns - HandlerSocket Plugin - SHOW EXPLAIN command - Role-Based Access Control - Audit Plugin 2.0 - MariaDB 10 Roadmap Presented 10.6.2014 at the MariaDB Roadshow in Helsinki, Finland.
© SkySQL Corpora-on Ab. Company Confiden-al. The new MariaDB offering MariaDB 10, MaxScale, and more Rasmus Johansson, VP Engineering, SkySQL 24/06/2014 1
Page 1: The New MariaDB Offering - MariaDB 10, MaxScale and more

©  SkySQL  Corpora-on  Ab.  Company  Confiden-al.  

The  new  MariaDB  offering  MariaDB  10,  MaxScale,  and  more  

 Rasmus  Johansson,  VP  Engineering,  SkySQL  

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MariaDB  intro  

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What  is  MariaDB?  

•  A  free  fork  of  MySQL  with  extra  features  •  features,  requested  by  the  users    

•  Backward  compa-ble  •  file  formats,  replica-on,  configura-on  files  •  aim  at  100%  drop-­‐in  replacement  

•  Community  developed  •  50%  of  maria-­‐captains  are  from  the  community  •  no  hidden  agenda    

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Who’s  using  it?  

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Where  to  get  it  

•  Distribu-ons:  •  RedHat  Enterprise  Linux  (default  in  RHEL  7),  Debian,  Ubuntu  (since  14.04),  Fedora,  Mageia  (default),  openSUSE  (default),  Gentoo,  Slackware  (default),  Arch  (default),  ALTLinux,  TurboLinux,  Chakra  Project  (default),  Kdu,  …  

•  FreeBSD,  OpenBSD  • Mac  OS  X  with  MacPorts  or  Homebrew  

•  From  MariaDB.org  •  sources,  binaries  in  .tar.gz  or  .zip  (Windows)  • Windows  MSI  installer  • MariaDB  apt  and  yum  repositories    

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Before  MariaDB  10.0  

•  MariaDB  5.1  –  17  releases  since  Oct  2009  •  Aria,  XtraDB,  PBXT,  FederatedX  •  table  elimina-on,  pool  of  threads,  

•  MariaDB  5.2  –  15  releases  since  Apr  2010  •  OQGraph,  SphinxSE  •  virtual  columns,  pluggable  auth,  segmented  key  cache,  extended  sta-s-cs,  

•  MariaDB  5.3  –  13  releases  since  July  2011  •  major  op-mizer  improvements  •  replica-on:  group  commit,  checksums  •  HandlerSocket,  dynamic  columns,  Windows  performance  improvements,  microsecond  support,  GIS  precise  opera-ons,  progress  repor-ng,  …  

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Before  MariaDB  10.0  

• MariaDB  5.5  –  20  releases  since  Feb  2012  • new  thread  pool  • non-­‐blocking  client  API  • extended  keys  op-miza-on  • dynamic  replicate_do_*,  replicate_ignore_*,  replicate_wild_*  variables  

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Other  MariaDB  projects  

• MaxScale  • MariaDB  Galera  Cluster  • Connectors/Drivers  

• MariaDB  C  Client  Library  (LGPL)  • MariaDB  JDBC  driver  (LGPL)  • MariaDB  ODBC  driver  (LGPL)  

• MariaDB  Audit  Plugin  

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Community  ac-vity  

• Past  month  (March  2014):  • Added/Changed  Ar-cles  in  the  KB:  123  • On  Freenode  IRC  #maria,  550  people  wrote  10173  lines  

• Source  code  (Launchpad):  • 25  ac-ve  branches  • 395  commits  

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MariaDB is now on GitHub:


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Community  Contribu-ons  

MariaDB  10.0  major  contribu-ons:  •  Per  thread  memory  coun-ng  and  usage  

•  Base  code  and  idea  by  Lixun  Peng,  Taobao  

•  Mul--­‐source  replica-on  

•  Base  code  by  Lixun  Peng,  Taobao  •  GET_LOCK  

•  Code  by  Konstan-n  "Kostja"  Osipov,  mail.ru  

•  CONNECT  storage  engine  

•  Code  by  Olivier  Bertrand  

•  Spider  storage  engine  metadata_lock_info  Informa-on  schema  

•  Code  by  Kentoku  Shiba,  Spiral  Arms  

•  Roles  

•  Code  by  Vicen-u  Ciorbaru,  Google  Summer  of  Code  2013  

•  PCRE  Regular  Expressions  

•  Code  by  Sudheera  Palihakkara,  Google  Summer  of  Code  2013  

•  Global  Transac-on  IDs  

•  Some  patches  by  Pavel  Ivanov,  Google  


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Community  Ongoing  Dev  Projects  •  WebScaleSQL  patches  


•  LevelDB/RocksDB  storage  engine  (persistent  key-­‐value  store  for  fast  storage)  hpps://mariadb.com/kb/en/leveldb-­‐storage-­‐engine/    

•  Fusion-­‐IO  page  compression  hpps://blog.mariadb.org/significant-­‐performance-­‐boost-­‐with-­‐new-­‐mariadb-­‐page-­‐compression-­‐on-­‐fusionio/    

•  Kerberos  authen-ca-on  plugin  hpps://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-­‐4691    

•  Mroonga  storage  engine  (fast  fulltext  search)  hpps://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-­‐5222    

•  Sta-s-cally  op-mize  mysql-­‐test  runs  by  running  less  tests,  Pablo  Estrada,  Google  Summer  of  Code  hpps://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-­‐5776    

•  CREATE  OR  REPLACE,  CREATE  IF  NOT  EXISTS,  DROP  IF  EXISTS,  Sriram  Pa-l,  Google  Summer  of  Code  hpps://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-­‐5359    

•  Self-­‐Tuning  Op-mizer,  Anshu  Avinash,  Google  Summer  of  Code  hpps://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-­‐350    

•  Support  of  UseServerPrepStmts  to  MariaDB  Java  Connector,  Puneet  Dewan,  Google  Summer  of  Code  

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MariaDB  10.0  

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MariaDB 10

●  MariaDB 10.0 GA launched March 31st, 2014.

●  Application-compatible withMySQL.

●  Includes significant unique new features in scalability, replication, performance, NoSQL, operations, security.

●  Available under the GPL v2.

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MariaDB  10  Scalability:  Parallel  Slave  Replica-on  

●  Sponsored by Google. ●  Allows slaves to

process update eventsin parallel.

●  Uses MariaDB 10’simproved GlobalTransaction ID (GTID).

●  MariaDB unlike MySQLcan process multipleupdates for a single database in parallel. Much better throughput.

●  Preliminary benchmarks: almost 10x faster at 12 threads. Improves scalability, reduces slave lag,

making slaves more consistent.


✘ Single threaded per database.

✔ in 10.0.

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Parallel  Slave  Benchmark  

sysbench OLTP single database slave tps relative to master

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MariaDB 10 Scalability: Multi-Source Replication

   ●  Collects data for

analytics usingbuilt-in replication.

●  Aids in administrationexample: consolidatedbackups of multiple databases.

●  Uses MariaDB 10’s improvedGlobal Transaction ID (GTID).

Easier analytics, more insight,

simpler administration, fewer headaches.

Online E-Commerce Application

Master S S S S

Content Management


Click-stream data

Data Warehouse Slave ETL

Master S S S S

Master S S S S


✔ in 10.0.

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MariaDB 10 Scalability: Sharding with Spider

 ●  Contributed by a 3rd party developer. ●  Storage engine partitions large tables

across multiple DBs. ●  No changes to the client application. ●  Developers aren’t aware, can keep

applications simple. ●  Allows for more

parallelism, scale-out. ●  Transactional storage


Web-scale, without the development hassle.







Shard 1



Shard 2



Shard 3


✘ optional 3rd party install

✔ in 10.0.

Technology Preview

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MariaDB 10 Performance: TokuDB Storage Engine

●  3rd party partner - TokuTek. ●  Drop-in replacement for

InnoDB/XtraDB. ●  Advanced indexing and

compression algorithms. ●  Transactional. ●  Up to 20x performance gain

for inserts/updates. ●  Up to 90% less disk storage. ●  Online schema changes. ●  Reduces or eliminates slave lag. ●  Best when DB doesn’t fit in memory,

and SSD longevity is important.


✘ optional 3rd party install

✔ in 10.0.

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MariaDB  10  Performance:  Op-mizer  Improvements  

●  Of 29 distinct enhancements noted,28 are in MariaDB 10. Just 1 only inMySQL 5.6.

●  Enhancements include: ○  Disk access optimizations. ○  JOIN optimizations. ○  Subquery optimizations. ○  Optimized derived tables and views. ○  Execution control. ○  Optimizer control. ○  EXPLAIN improvements.

 Less I/O, CPU, memory requirements. Faster execution.

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MariaDB  10  Performance:  More  Enhancements  and  Features  

●  Fusion-io Atomic Writes - improvesperformance on popular SSD hardware.✔ exclusive to MariaDB 10

●  XtraDB storage engine - enhanced from InnoDB. ●  Improved InnoDB storage engine - based on MySQL 5.6. ●  Performance schema - real-time performance management. ●  Improved thread pool - better concurrent user performance.✔

exclusive to MariaDB 10

●  More optimizer improvements - higher efficiency in I/O accesses. ✔ exclusive to MariaDB 10

 Faster performance, lower cost.

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Fusion-­‐IO  page  compression  


•  Atomic writes gives a performance increase of about 30%. By enabling fast checksum for XtraDB it’s 50%

•  By using page compression the compression ratio is leading to better performance and there are less writes to disk.

•  Multi-threaded flush provides better throughput and decreases operation latencies delivering a performance boost

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MariaDB 10 Interoperability: CONNECT Storage Engine

 ●  From 3rd party developer. ●  Maps diverse data

to tables. ●  JOIN mapped data

to DB tables. ●  Flat files including CSV. ●  Tables in external DBs. ●  Generated tables

(PIVOT etc.) ●  Plug-in API for your own mappings.

Powerful tool for data integration, federation.



MariaDB Parser/Optimizer/Connection Pool


Other Engines


✔ in 10.0.

Technology Preview

Database Tables



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MariaDB 10 Interoperability: Cassandra Storage Engine

●  Window into a Cassandra ring:read/write like a table in MariaDB.

●  Use standard SQL queries. ●  JOIN Cassandra data

to MariaDB tables. ●  Use a MariaDB cluster

for high-availabilityaccess.

●  Bring data fromCassandra into OLTPapplications.

Interoperate with Cassandra.Use Cassandra data in OLTP applications.



Database Tables

MariaDB Parser/Optimizer/Connection Pool

Cassandra Engine

Other Engines


✔ in 10.0.

Technology Preview

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MariaDB 10 NoSQL Features: Dynamic Columns

●  Store unstructured data in MariaDB tables with a simple API. ●  Use MariaDB’s indexing and transactions to manipulate

“document” style data fast and consistently. ●  Nest sets of dynamic columns inside of other dynamic columns -

hierarchical structuring. ●  Include multiple rows with dynamic columns in transactions. Process unstructured data in the same way as NoSQL,but

with the power of MariaDB.

Cust ID Account Balance Dyn_Col_BLOBs

2035 $154.04 NAME: John Smith|LOC: 45.35243, -74.98348|IMAGE: x27A8B8C ...

2036 $929.10 NAME: Jane Doe|LOC: 45.35243, -74.98348|AGE: 32| GENDER: F...

2037 $377.53 NAME: Carol Jones|AGE: 43|GENDER: F||IMAGE: xA9674DE678 ...


✔ in 10.0.

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MariaDB 10 NoSQL Features: HandlerSocket Plugin

●  Simple, low-overheadAPI direct to thestorage engine.

●  Bypasses SQLstatement processing.

●  Less CPU, memory,I/O, network demands.

●  Batches requests foreven less I/O operations.

●  Building block for applicationlevel NoSQL processing.

Mix RDBMS applications with high performance NoSQL applications.

Leverage MariaDB’s storage engine architecture for both.

Transactional Application

Database Tables

NoSQL Application


Connection Pool

InnoDB/XtraDB and Spider Storage Engines

SQL Interface


Optimizer HandlerSocket Plugin

SQL Statements Simple CRUD API


✔ in 10.0.

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Thread Time

27 .003761

28 34.2529

29 .000713

Why is this so slow? Lets find out… SHOW EXPLAIN FOR 28;

ID select_type table possible_keys


1 SIMPLE tbl NULL 1855174

Oh! Sequential scan of a 18M row table… no wonder! I’ll let the team know...

MariaDB 10 Operations:SHOW EXPLAIN Command

To: DevOps Team

From: DBA Debby

Subj. Slow Queries

Hey guys, figured out those blocking queries. The new reservation app is looking for the shortest route but that column has no index - we need one! I’ll add it now. Debby


✔ in 10.0.

And it works in the slow query log too! Also for UPDATE and DELETE.

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MariaDB 10 Operations: More Enhancements and Features

●  Improved Table Discovery - less work for DBAs;integrates storage engines. ✔ exclusive to MariaDB 10

●  SHOW PLUGINS SONAME - dynamic report oninstalled components. ✔ exclusive to MariaDB 10

●  SHUTDOWN Command - apps can shutdown the databaseprogrammatically. ✔ exclusive to MariaDB 10

●  Kill Query by Query ID - fix performance blocks . ●  Online ALTER TABLE - schema changes without downtime. ●  Per-thread Memory Statistics - easier tuning and problem

diagnosis. ✔ exclusive to MariaDB 10

●  Improved Error Messages - faster problem solving.✔ exclusive to MariaDB 10

Manage larger configurations with lower cost, less downtime.

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Database Tables

MariaDB 10

Role: DBA

Permissions: ●  Update Schema ●  View Statistics ●  Create Database DBA



MariaDB 10: Security:Role-Based Access Control


✔ in 10.0.

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MariaDB 10 Security: More Enhancements and Features

 ●  Audit Plugin - Identify and correct potential

security breaches. Comply with auditabilityrequirements. ✔ included with MariaDB 10, supported by SkySQL

●  PAM Authentication Module - delegate authentication

to the popular Unix single-signon authentication API.✔ exclusive to MariaDB 10

Integrate the database with your security policies.

Simplify administration and compliance.

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MariaDB Audit Plugin 2.0 Roadmap

●  Audit Plugin 1.1 includes table event logging such as triggers and stored procedure calls, unique to its integration with MariaDB.

●  Building on these capabilities, V2.0 of the Audit Plugin is planned to include: ○  Optional field substitution of placeholders in query logs to improve

privacy and security. ○  Integration with MariaDB 10 Role-based Access Control - filtering

audit logs by role. ○  Recording of privilege changes as audit-able events. ○  Log rotation.


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MariaDB 10 Roadmap

10.0.X  Releases  -­‐  updates  to  10.0  over  2014.  •  Merge  addi-onal  MySQL  5.6  changes.  

•  Improvements  to  Fusion-­‐io  SSD  atomic  write  support.  

•  More  thread  pool  improvements  including  Percona  enhancements.  

•  SHOW  EXPLAIN  support  for  PARTITIONS  and  EXTENDED  apributes.  

•  CONNECT  engine  improvements.  

•  Perform  extensive  replica-on  tes-ng  between  MySQL  5.6  and  MariaDB  10.0  to  establish  a  more  complete  supportability  matrix.  

•  Open  Query  Graph  (OQGRAPH)  engine  improvements.  

•  Experimental  Mroonga  storage  engine  -­‐  full-­‐text  for  Asian  languages.  


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MariaDB 10 Roadmap 10.1.X  Preliminary  Major  Feature  List  (all  dot.dot  versions):  •  Integra-on  of  Galera  mul--­‐master  clusters  into  MariaDB  

•  Switch  on/off  Galera  support  in  conf  file  

•  Merged  features  from  MySQL,  Percona,  WebscaleSQL:  •  All  func-ons  visible  from  SQL  in  5.6.  •  Character  set  and  colla-on  changes.  •  default_tmp_storage_engine.  •  Op-mizer  features  including  semi-­‐joins+outer-­‐joins,  op-mizer  trace,  EXPLAIN  JSON,  EXPLAIN  FOR  

CONNECTION.  •  Percona  features:  per-­‐query  variables,  userstat  improvements,  SHOW  ENGINE  INNODB  STATUS  

improvements,  NUMA  improvements.  •  Selected  5.7  features:  UNION  ALL  without  temporary  tables,  mul-ple  triggers  on  table,  new  InnoDB,  new  

Performance  Schema  instruments,  MDL  improvements,  mul-ple  triggers  per  table,  new  InnoDB/XtraDB.  •  Merge  WebscaleSQL  improvements  and  integrate  stress-­‐test.  

•  Kerberos  authen-ca-on  support  •  GIS  improvements  -­‐  full  support  for  OGC  compliance  •  Windowing  func-ons  


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MariaDB 10 Roadmap

10.1.X  Preliminary  Major  Feature  List,  con-nued:  •  Performance  boosts:  thread  management,  16K  InnoDB  buffers,  remote  and  portable  

tablespaces,  op-mizer  enhancements,  temporary  table  improvements,  InnoDB  persistent  auto-­‐increment,  query  -meouts.  

•  Performance  tuning  Parallel  Replica-on  and  GTID,  row-­‐level  PR  enhancements,  slave  execu-on  of  triggers,  more  benchmarks.  

•  Sesng  to  force  InnoDB  tables  to  have  a  primary  key.  •  Role-­‐based  access  control:  features  and  performance  improvements.  •  Progress  report  on  mysqldump  •  Memory  engine  varchar  and  BLOB  types  •  Community:  move  version  control  to  GitHub  (DONE).  


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MariaDB 10 Roadmap

10.1  and  following  -­‐  addi-onal  feature  ideas  under  inves-ga-on:  •  Transac-onal  DDL  •  Indexes  on  expressions  •  Field/Column  type  plug-­‐in  

•  JSON/BSON  •  YAML  •  IPv6/IPv4  •  UUID  •  Own  datatype  for  Dynamic  



•  More  storage  engines  and  interoperability  with  other  DBs  -­‐  poten-ally:  •  RocksDB/LevelDB  •  InfiniDB  •  MongoDB  •  Hadoop/HDFS  •  HBase/Honeycomb  

•  Message  queues  •  Global  DDL  lock  

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MariaDB  Enterprise  

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MariaDB  Enterprise:  Integra-ng  the  Complete  Solu-on  


MariaDB Enterprise Subscriptions

DevOps Admin




Support Consulting

Training RDBA Portal


Customer Care Partner Products

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©  SkySQL  Corpora-on  Ab.  Company  Confiden-al.  

MariaDB  Enterprise:  What’s  In  A  Subscrip-on?    

Benefit What you get beyond the core MariaDB server binaries Documentation Customer portal includes subscription-only material beyond


Connectors Tested by SkySQL, certified with ISVs.

Product Roadmaps Roadmaps shared with subscribers, who have stronger influence on direction.

Upgrades, Patches Subscribers receive proactive upgrade push, with release notes and advice.

Helpdesk Support Subscribers receive consultative support and hot-fixes, beyond break/fix.

Bundled Partner Tools

Selected partner tools offered as part of subscription.
