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The New North-west (Deer Lodge, Mont.) 1870-10-28 [p ]tho ne olume 2, no. 17. deer lodge city,...

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THO NE OLUME 2, NO. 17. DEER LODGE CITY, MONTANA, F1Y••, OCTOBER 28, 1,870. wHOLE NUMBER 9, . Fat 9IW Itjbth Vey, OKim LODaK, MONTANA. TrV S - CURRENCY. O r N&O YZA,..1 . ....... 0O pcorr '81 Yowin................. ...... 0$ AIi tEiTI4rJ?'. RATE.-QQusterljyas Due. 4 . e.:L .11.1aoI . 80 47 ..... . 6.. . .. 11. .11.; .I1.j.1. 8 3 64.1.lO. .13..11..>fb.1 1 6 06 __ IA . 80Y. . 40.j.. . a il 9 .40. .85. .6.. .0.113 110 1'ar : 11.16;(.. .1.40. 6 .01 . a 1p! Card ;" Fire Line;: a SquareTen Liana , fLbS .p,. Ltexal Dmsinmaw Notic. s ont. per lw. F enwwepondcnce, short and newsy, motIlted a earMl. emp. Wrlter'.u... rant aoooampinnyeme w UL'U tree goad fathI. Fem aalon toms ;qt ur in flu:b I)r(terrOd. ATTORINEYS JA2-I-15 IA. IlROWN, iTTORNEY - AT - LAW, COURT HOUSE SQU1AHE, Deer Lodge OIty, Montana. W. F. SANDERS, ATTORlNEY AT LAW. Orrici iN x3i its Wmtz. Bvuo.na, UELENA............. .MNTANIA. L .E tt.M'. lIr 1.cM u N MURY. EAHEEW A IeRUR TUY, .TT( )RNEYS- AT-LAW, DEER L4)DUE CITY, MONTANA. ,I,. Ca WarT W. W. New ;1.AG(iETT & DIXON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Court hlons Square, 1-iy DEER WDOD CITY, MONTANA. W. J. MCUOOIiIfWK, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, :Is~sorI.A MILLS MONTAN4. C4,1.'loolI end IInscs. In iilhroula~uunl, lacted a 4jy C udK %k nillh rvceia hi. partloular munotion i:. V. OUNNE1, Attnhrey sad .mu.ellor at Law, i S 1ItIJ4T, WASUINGTON, D C. FMcraer o'ure.-WWll practice in al te ladines manse. tgweileI y In Patents for Lands, Mines. and To.. 4Istes. RIleru to. In Montana, Clarett a Dixon, ii. H OIflaueu'I. lhirr LOdIe: A. J. Simnons, Cedar Juuttlun; Judle iram Knuwles. Deer Lodge. 41-ly Pthwie in nsluwgeone. Dentlists U.. Jil lAP1 riN Pymyw.icinu and s firgeon, DEER LODOE CITY, MONTANA. 1 ty H. $tralbrdi Bowie', M. D, aiFFERR 111S PROFESSIONAL SERVICE S TO )thec cidteuaof Deer Lodge itya a iclnity. Orru e : OiputalMc Court House Square. DEER LU1)(A1 CITY, -- - MONTANA. 51.1y Medicine & Murgery, ILACKFOOT CITYT............ ........ On TEE. Dr..H. G. W E EP , AI1YzU nurebaatd lb. pro Inonelm pr'otb.r and 11trck r: drugs of C. X. I1crm. Ibre U. D. of Ilek(ug clt t, eseic'lully antotinue :o 'le Inhabit- al' Ikwr rAigOe eouatr, that bMe ha locatdm at the duce plaey, and uolfckl NWar patufus. IIUa*Mot : A. U. Mitchell. M. D.. IL Straolen Dowle, 1. D. ? r lodge : IotcIKt Lind ut ,Iq.. d. P'. Bode. P. N., L4Jnrn l Keened .w .q. L ucula Hlacl~frut eftty, October Stb. 1571 S4i I T. h1tr. n, o No. IL Mcinaow, First National Bank, Male Streta, Uclepa, Montana. DuI'INATD DeroslTOntr Ta lUi UNITED STAtE. Pox & Lyiter, (cdueaeuorU to flouh, Daherr u C.) At$rNA, VXDNTAN'AT3RRt1TOUY, Bajkers aid DeaJra, Ins Gold, Dust, Coin and 3Eohszlupo. 'l*w l)raft. on Vilriani City and Deer Lad~e. Co- Aaec aud Salt late Cky, Sao rudiesol mad ll meast 41 cfl ir. and all paths o((f J'Roli _ jf (locnctionspropmkUy ed to.t. J. {oloent1 au , Aquaayor 1 * lgheet price led fei UiOLD fu'POX.lU "p"1odl e te M Ovhut4t i~tei, M1al ducat, h Ilencasa, Montana. 'atronarat sdloltl od. Ol Mss y ' eAI AI rxc " a n furuaMlowrtwa.rt~ Aue u*uu Serrau Arnae,. jli94m Interijatiozul XAI S 1gi1D4, . rll .I Iioary W'7tt.sbstehii Pt4bi'op' The La~i$t Biet M lleek alit inky l TEmms MdftRATL. The patronage 61t the tuavtl it pbflb is N htnsollcited. ARVJHUTEOCT AND BUILDERSi toe.tcNw U~IWJb l e4 r~ r.S Wii ,"1s , . f' 1' CIWAR Cauxv ' rxP 'I LeU vii, Pia jin iii 'Ifebl k ' ')r# i. F'. Annolsong W. AP. mAnkrntuG,"'' * W. P Ahnsnis Ji m ea, d o r M)ain MtreotTP' OP Iqt d a saaiu *WP.,aRM Ma.. iqiere sa Ol~egmag gsres POETRY. A. New Pleoe of Iotsso Poetry Iw eitmy knew e e ad went Lie rouaet In a apel; "Out of thee lips unehee," She shok her ringlets Mnd r And laughed I- meira eor, Asat wild heisto the W sll hl r Tee lber them, obi my beastd 'e" Otwvea t dt by the ea s dllr" SDovead, we pe as art. -e "Omabeeku oome beak b"e -- nI low bell li" through gdlg3 6P; fope. At thrghi a h nrri d ea" We etreed together, deuwpl kyb Into the dreeming latd. The laughing bral blow, -eo, Ted esar dark brownhar ; Met mie n• l, her may compes To ' Meoslo• , ea, most ar I I clamped It om her sweet, cTld ris I calmed herter., anmd ehe was alm. " Drink, pe y- re nt dink wdgr And o I won my nevleve, And walked in Paradise; b; ' The faireet thing that ever •ew,e Atw em me sd the abie. -_ _ . bdead. aitino t o the iRaqin, "I'flut," maid the grom on the pearched IlU-aide. "And never did bridegooml pine for" tbhe hi As I pine for the lpprd rain." '" die," aid the roe, "for the duaityr erth Preeoe my roote with pain; As the mother prays for the Infant'e birth, o I pray for the cooling rain." "I am sk of my hope," eld the bdkiotr "And that cbanglvle aure sky ; Oh, for one hbor ef a genroe shower, To drink Il eweutn• aend die." '.Wm I netmr come," mld the mountain brook, "Till my prioed watern Sow; ar thi morning I heard from a e sra butrd The gief on the plain below. "Ilow the broad-leaved lily, my wedded bride, Had beuet mr snowy head ; And weery with walting had drooped meddled In my perched and wery bed. "And the thirsty k who laughed hat m pUI- When i ruhed from the wooded gle "lve whispered with fermpl the meedew lrtk' mr, That I had dor t4e them." "MI e," alie e the way " ior dt erwt, "Was ea m te rui a laud- ,o w long for a heme neere ld bower, And the a f a loving baned." ; "Wa tie wevers, the gram, and the praoned brook, Anor medow, and bill, and tla• , TAv g g arbove nIt a tsbeled L.k, "eor the cbrodmi d U th m t ddd bridea. d -- t hOeno Vs.e.d; A a4d I1.stPry. M',-e egeqd qi s Rmaur g Matci-Truth .it ider ?&h ' F' ci-s-A lubi Me1a. On Friday morning at nv o'plck there irlved in this cdty a lady with three elild- ea, under the carge of Capt. Js. lighley f lnsat Joseph. The history of the first eainad partles is told in the following ex- tact from the t. Joseph Herald: "Whea Ie war broke out, there lived in Andrew onuoty, between St. Joseph end Bochester, r well-to-do faaer, asnatypot Vihinia, of hoe name of Fenton Martli. als ans went into the rebel army, sad the Union soldiers cmmenced to be annoying to bim. So hb resolved to leave and o to Colorndo. His _re weu sold as esowriSe, nDd le n•d to Denver. Among Mr. Miarti's children was a girl of very attractlv veastares nsmed America. We do not fie&td to a"eP pt any ',euadon r in'athi maeritivi, and will elmp- ly state that Miss America fell in love with a mtldets resmaed Jaesbs, In Denver, and g~Ainst the wisbes of l er parents, maerit m. It was n runaway match, and she has never seen her tather from that dy.to tohis The two wandered of6 d Moptana, sad the father lost slotYeo bis danater, an4 none that had khown her bad pay Inftsmation of her whIersahool for, years. Abount mo~ths +qp, therewanderedmte the yard of C"apt As, Highley, a womean with ree children, the youngaesta the ornet, eI in a statesi artte isgalstls. Int wal Mra. Amerlead mtbs ass airtie. The Kamp sp a c e n it o t s o a, e s e t e r vtm e, stan e tr t s adi oht fira ids oere I* .lalr n ,• salu u bsea ubs Si Sbd ad ISIIIbII f mrrtloulr red lea bt'fiwffsrbkIs e iemit dIM theIse .** Tsi*i nr$ asU jr--uc~iu~rl'l ie FT- V* NO '. VISTSBa, Fruiwt for newsmen-faickdates Text for a brewer-He4rewsXL. A good aideshow--a pretty 4w. ialn res elves ,aS geld pernight. Mna Crosby is constable in Deatr,- Il. Footprints on the Weads of time-.ows' feet. The oldest toys in the weold-mountain tops. The setry's challesge at Padrs-Rgas , Isabell X Rqglna h setid down in eaev,. Olive Logn ha resumeder lectr teds with an I in "trade" too ' The practice of pharmacy nla Rome Is ab- solutely prohibited to Jews Begianing with George D. Prentice, onieville Journalists hayse died within the last twelve months. Xmaa ust ""-J&`-''' em iiiI thember of war to the peaceful solitude of his editori anetoum. The reception one meets with free the woman of a family generally determines the tenor of one's whole entertalament A La Crosse woman lately broke up house keeping pretty effectually by drowning her ehildren, taking poison, and then setting ire to her house. In Massachusetts the otter day, a san thought ges could cross the track in advance of a locomotive. The services at the grave w-ere very impressive. In the obituary coluamsof a Philadelphia paper last week appearuld oetiae of the deaths of twelve persone who had reached the age of eighty. Mrs. Mrton of Duboque, Iowa, the wid. ow of a soldier who died at the South, has been nominated by the Repubicans for County Recorder. "Are these pure canaries ? asked a young gentleman wno was negotiating for a gift for his fair. "Yes, sir," I relied them 'ete birds from canary seeds." A farce of American volunteers arrived at Tours on the list. They at once recsv ed arms and uniformsand will act as francs irreurs, in reuar of the Prussian armies. Gardners mind their peas, actors mind their cues, but church wardens, Instead of minding their p's and q's, very often give their attention to their pews and keys. If anybody wants to know where the na- iunotl ftualty as, hero are the saddvlMs. up to date: U. B., Harvard; Neille, Hartford4 Conn.; Fred., West Point; Jesie, White House. No more at present from your truly. Glycerine and litharge stirred to a pastse hardens rap~ly, ad makes a durable ce- ment for iron upon lion, for two stone sur- faces and especially for fastening C jan in stone The cement is insoluable, and is not attacked by strong acids. The wallsof Paris area mile and a bhalf from the outer boulevarCs, and the outly- ing forts re amile from the walls, so th enemay's gans must take a positide three miles from the outer boulevardsd Thi calms the fears of the Parisians By omitting the letter "*" in a legal do.. Ument, an Engblk attorney once Indicted a se on his elient of $10,001 It was brought to his attention, he saw his blon- der, and without any words sat down and wrote his check for the full amount. Such man doesn't loose his client if be do- make a mistake. The records of tsh French War Oflee show that drtl g the Ornt half of the 1th century ,000 Irishas diedli the PFrsugb r-vice, and that daring the last half of e contury 1, r00 s Irhen feila battle a- der the banasmof F rana. Tkhese Vie the hlstoricta"wild gaees." PrieouLt appemrnaeer tesler tkt s Ihrtbera Pa%4O6 xflioad wilt h op bed forward with wef4wfm emwp T#e b m 'forthe tbuud Ia isdw siwg up the 1*. to Duluth a fetoue Wiigl cap be proep to itr ; IL I II. is thatdt 10,0W torm viwi be sent free ste besfom ieayl bgeom sh9i, halt b7 asilug cmdltmd hl by euacm Tiw *1=16 UlWlips se i t do arraj. tag 1800 fopg of rule ttlop (whveh to Ddu ta Tmn thammind toe s ii w hs huatr Sw sloe of tmlhui The lellewlag -tailos. mntmoee "&iu *UY' - epl.luw e~O" IS -i Iud chi carpi ` 64 .,per tea ii sot Ares eihii cane*e- Amw ; S the isrn r nM uMr Uwheeo." 31 o.t'lwmou, ' im-Ub. I Rhn h I t lstr I, OI carpi srrsw, s r el w ilsr I! wirr' SO W the hutor lle. ei bus 4 be a OI th dt r q P '3 ~ ir,~ii' (1000 een e ptuyhge Lawe ) oeth wl me : we. seotee do w..* • •.f Zs er s a we Wi si..t. l m: r 5 N I IN, stsi, e hab bhs msmsstme 4& -- beusrles I sive with i Jnh. i bt vry lo a. It seII e diseat a w aMi , a eStma hm I d elb I Itus .aw "se•-- ad rMa m.raga s `serta. et r a .er wos to moLst watig bb ennI r but I ts i Wk as t yabem ud s. 4efs halss - this. I asAe h -"we lead tiees r meams ws o th o Uthlsdeso.L wiea ebia Ifaur suilt ewh , I ese hais me, i, rld un a sartese bit laout, Md wd ler t wtout I1g• ithasel s; bult aftr making hlbed e wan oe far 5•'- Beel nights, bethosght he might prSage !s with hi During his wandederig he sew ao hm a beIg, sdtaw w lhits es Inda lad nwe fa e ISim. Tours, etc., noe. A uhnMMn•. Also, fw Jak m ett , e. lsmpr ieserst 4. a rearpi ssg. re. Hemadrd WorE pr Mined. Tr a.us - D. 8 Craig, the well knm telqraphlc news agent, writes. sic flows to t New York Helrh: A year ago I bespoke your favoral|e con- si tleration of a new telegraph enterprise which I had thei fully entered upon, and which it gives me great pleasure to inform you has now bees consummated, in the com- pletion of a superior line of telegraph of compound wire (steel and copper), and the perelcting of our new system of automstic telegrapi y, by mean of which weare now transmlting from New York to Washing- tOn, and ee me 00 words per minute over one wire, 30,000 per hour, and 790,000 words in 4 hours-a rate of speed elral to he average of more than ffty wirs by the Yore system. The perts.'" .-- "-"w, - cuderacy and of the new system is n hich iet lmrkabl e than the wonderful speed above stated. I hve before told you, and I now repeat with all poppble),on d e that our ystem isr absolutely new, and as different between the transmitting power ofn, "d ty" and 00 words per minute. As we-an by our now system transmit the in- telligence direct and with one writing from this city Ir every other city, and dire•t,y rotrd the editorial rooms of peyed mural in the country. at the rate of 6wi s by tbo 3U1U, TeCoD. Thag the sras-tie- *ie cnce and perfectly acura the neharacters, i t be doubtd that w are on the o eve of and I sati revolut ion n newspaper and commercial correspondence. The day is neart and, when business letters of orad i- dlar length may be transmitted from New York to y"ew Orleans for twentyr e nts, and still afford a large protht to the tlegraph •ate :cy. You nearly see the day when recot t pae publish the newsa of 8he wsi the world eiusively by teleraph, discrd- ng n ews letters ult bebd age. Ourth of sn ete is at No.Uon adwa,4s story.nd dk room, and we shall be happy to eshibelph the working of our new system to you or to amy of your assstants. On one occasion a young and mmasm Iwyer, not over punctlious In his maner, as arglung a question before s Judge, and in the course of his a•gument, by way of lWustiaton, wished to supposs a case "*We will suppose, your Honor," said he, "that your honer watosteslahess-"No, o0, do," Interruptpd tsh JudPge "Noet a allapt . all. Talatn a suppsisabl case. Mr.L L'tala' a muppsmble case." *"ery well, begging your Hoar's par. sn ". poceeded the eager lawyer, with more eal than prudence, ,very well; then supposing that I should sisal a bh es"- "Ah, yes, yes," said the Judge "that is tvery dtfl t thma Very tey, Mr. 8, ery likely. Poaed, r. 8." r. L pe•oededeto sa s•s, amidst as as of ,hs h srties, end had the got sense toake thjb es l od pet, nittp e Ilt often to hl friesJL Bmsmaus AT rns bosas or Wa.--"A Sous b awI t s: " ThegieSsfv_ t of the war, the unptr od saving air s, li I Or -pL'L~~1LII IW~iUU IIA tLa~ I ~f'i 'i o r& tow It~,Dt - i ~ .- 4 Tbhe poplatis or B Phil, ]i..., is SB,. The Eureka mim,. Nevada .ouaty,i pay- lg $I0,0 pe3 month By the new ty charter of a RAmoalo, Texas, fue is problbted. Thirty fights in the saumeamber of bous es.rse ia Geld Hilt recently. The Chinese "cue" bill wasdsfeat l the Oregon Hornu of Represem tiesa y a vte of 1s to w0. It is proposeed to erect a new Catholic Church at Hamilton, Nevada, before the winter sets in. The Nevada census returns show the population of the State to be 41,8W The vlase of property as ,•N00. The Hamiltons, who committes the re- ceat bhordbe m Ia n sr u i county, Sg. a Mead s v Watkins, septence to state Prison for 21 years for murder in the secoum deree, has been pardoned by Gov. Bladell of Nevada. The candidate for Congress in Nevada- Tom Fitch (Republican) and C. W. Kendall (Democrat)-are likely to jointly discuss political issues on the stamp. "Bob Hoeden," the runner engaged nla the fracas at the depot the other evening, received his "walking papers" from the Metropolita Hotel last eveintg.--Cobrse Carr, a soldier at OCmpialleek,' Nevada, shot itllie Wetmore in a dance house, Oct. 18. The soldiers bat Car nearly to death, and neither man or woman were expected to survive. A dispatch dated Angels' Camp, Calaver- as county, CL, Oct. 14, aye Mr. Webb, foreman of the Potter maine, was accidently killed yesterday at this place. The rope parted as he was ascending the shaft in a tub, and he fell to the bottom of the shaft, a distance of over 800 feet, The Walls Walls aaios has an account of a shooting affair that look place on Dry creek in that county on theU d lnstant, in whidh one Edward Joes shot and killed Georployce. Nobody was present at the shooting. grom Jones' statement it ap- pears that he "mmmtted the act in self de- fense. The G.and J..ry at Salt Lake bays found a bill of indictment agalinst the party ac- cused of the murder of the Meican, Mar- eno, and another bill against thepersom ac- cused of shooting and killing Joseph Morris the rival Prophet, in June, 1080. This chuse a great deal of feeling Ia the co-n. munity, as the party Indicted is highly re. epectableand justly esteemedc There may hatmable over this. He is ready I ...... If ball will be accepted, butTt is o•btfit•, sad be will be committed to ja1l m Camp Douglas. Ksusas City has avocal dog, and this Is the way he is described by a local reporter: "It would be utterly impossible to express in words the force, the depth and arilety of this canine vocalism. It expresses iii the modulatiosn and modifations of human distress. The plaintive wall of sumuring nfteancy, the groan of the strong man's agony, the moans of the sick and woundedl, the stiled cry of the victip under the grasp of the garroter, the shout of deAance, the scream of terror, the yell of delpair, grief, ragle, madness, nightmare,delidum tromens, lbaed a.nbitlon, dlikppointed love, defeat in eleetions, the bummer's beehausl•an bshent, toothae, caon thbetos, bed bhgs, mosquitoes, and all the ills tbhat eek is beir to ire faidthfully delineated or vi•lly suy- gested by thtis eanine ventrileoqaIt." GOLD mr C~o am&X 1? MkaeAh!W. -lor omOIe yeasa the pubba,)*v#r gradualy. O"W ed tiny ; de ,dos th. gold yield o .1 alIfemla wmn bikey to beooesmimad leu,. so AaiId m geum.r lion or - the ore .would be ezhauatmd. Tb. splendid prodititemness of Ciitfor.: In other *Ii&b.lNti the ,pwl eis..slsl, was, fairly emough, eemmtsducsanmo s pena~emSr this, -fat If the gold is really woings to "e oatw, Iire r lw gohof It at premint.-8o far, at b;lust, ash depuas- Ito fleSe &a Fygsadha Dusb Mist w am evLdmce, the yield 1. aeusalym efd brg ly, er l elsg.' 'iThiag e d '; fo r the Bestat -Mil I o o a -F.I~ illd dgHtIelfa ofsrc~ 1i7S~hp olguld, I Urd -$0M& Quss t ke. L- The Alvu depouits In th .inid Urn hae beem lurn~luru-p~ s K 'r Jm .wV ...... pW....m bust..... the The whalse spqpe/hk .wins t . iOiNs dad n or Crltlll)Q1LtLI1 L I I 1 :14? -j. .I hm dpes*as frem te Wires. The Prussians took ,00m prisoners at rleamns The gates of Paris are opened at day- ght and closed at 6 p. m. The Prussian are sending large spplies Sfora and eattlse to Pars. - skirmish in the front of Heaourt s re- eportead favorable t tohe rench. liege and Blan have deladrd against bhe Reds, sad Fleureas is under arrest. 8mall-poz prevalis In Paris. Of 1,48 oeaths last week, 9m were froii that dim- me. The principal papers of Paris are now published in pamphlet form every two arrislans secretly desire peace, but are araid to say it aloud. The situation is dis- trssling.to alL The Ayvre erd reltes that4,000 Mobie wera.peu d .4 M..peq ltr days after the surrender. . in Paris in '87, has gone as secret envey frm Napoleon to the Czar. The British Government has but little hopes the present effort for mediation will result in suspension of hostilities. Francis Doran stabbed and killed Ben. Winswells, his sister's husband, at Worces- ter, Mass., on Sunday. Old grudge; both drunk. It is samid the preparations for defense are now so good that the Paris government will only make peace on the most honoras ble terns. It is sad so many of Dimine's army at etls is desertiag to the Prussian lies that an order has been issued declining to ad. mit them. The Prossians captured by the surnder of Soisons of90 icers, 4683 rank and ile, 8 guns, 70,000 bombs, 100 tone of powder and 9,000 frans in the military hesbts. Paris news Intimate preparations for of. fenirve movemoets on a large scale. Tro- chu has unbounded popularity for his judgment, enmergy and sucoestal organia- tion. The steamer Ross, arrived at Greenoeb, reports i ng through much wrecked matter of the north coast of Irelanad. Por. dons of the Osmabtia's argo and small boats were identiied. French dispatches announce great sick- nes at Mets, and the Prussian army has been twice renewed; alse, that the siege of Verdun has been interrupted by the rigor- os defense of the French. The Prussian commander at Orleans has clled out the bitter denuncisatons of the French papers by placarding Orleans wit a• address statiag the French government,. ad not' Prusis, Is the real eneu ut r e Gambetterdlm that Tours shll not be occupied by over ,000 French troops. If the forces ezceed that, the others are amp outsido and be prohibited from lea- is camp. Severe traIning discipline is aso ordere George Sanek Train, arrived at Mar- ses Saturday, and created great exnite- meat by maknlg a speeob, in which be denouneed the Preussans bittery. It Is arjestured his object is to gt lateo Paris to inflat the baBoons now so much used an that city. The Torn papers are discussing Eng. land's sudden deire to obtain a suspension of hostilities and attribute it to a sugges- tlon from Presl, with whom, England Is in srpatby, ithat Press• s now willing to make prpemals which PFraee e essoept. Jimmti Reynolds, ksizteen year old boy, of Black rawkh, Mi,sbad a little isagree- meit with his step-father, and got the best of the dilamet by lling the old man .ull of buekshdt.. If anybody covotethe pus tld of sp-fatherto youg Reynodds the snation hbopan. A4iptch to Toaurs 'the pl repeats the atement of Ruasne's sortie on the 14th insta Wit s,0ewi n, cru(ishl the enemy and eapttlrng 1 waeg lade with stes As Bhane kas seot probably 80,000 men fr duty in his rtay, and he weuld not hlkely ahse a sortie with his etire grri- uer, anyhow, the tbory s not redlble. " OdedinsOk. ' am elt sea m su maw waiys itsassnan shesm r neat qwetde... Last eveni about adown anme U8r tlsiy was 'e-masted In the above rnd ss l.amses xea sea, who keeps1Ivesy a d feedtaible, in 3gh ltet aqhSt !1'o) )'at Chatiby Young, f Oab dim, se•k ad simmals la he 'Balloon Ba- he"' lidt ubderbg t• e le tmaple of e aedeitwboSto y maS e du ideWsW •wi 5k4 paltWei he. an r•,f o es n ra m. esqe n & * i' fl OKipatn emewhedly~gl wms oHne we r iI 'IS-L- kI:~l~)C fl 'rr i )~ . Uc A4ii~jpiiiiiij~~l~i~rlJ octal Strr. theom a•amsrs DUf. map of Mina.-We were ihown to lay the new map of Montana, drawn i ?el. W. W. DeLsey, and published Sept b0, by Colton, New York. It is not only be best map wohave had of Montana, but it is he best we have seen of any of the Tort- ries. It is compiled from the ubserTSalos ad surveys of the last ten years by Co!. DeLacy, and from all other reliable soursca t bis command, inaladding the govenaumL urveys sad explorations. The lithographer md publisher heas done fall justlee to the work, and it Is not only correct and coma pie, but beautful. In a careful exzadL- tion we hbave been unable to detect a sdngle inaccureay, and any one that has had oc. euion to refer to maps of localities with which they are familar will, oralis .ow rarely this can be said. It is eorrected up the latest changes of eounty lna• , na s•ows the .edar mines and Loutsovlla. We icknowledge indebtedness tdWitetW h st infonastion that the Blackfeet Agency-on the Teton, as na s Loge county. The advance issues of this work have but•ro- cently reached here, but we understand JL H. Ming & Co. have ordered a supply, nad advise all wishing a splendid map of the Territory to send their orders to be illed on arrival. 1esslala Items.- From the Pioneer Oct. 80: There are seven school districts In the County. The School Fund is 1000.-- "Bitter Root Boy" sad Van Dora'"YoIrijr' Dasher" are matched to run on the Moa u* Ia track, 0 d00 yards, for 500 sa de, on Sat-' urday, Octobersth.-_--The Court CaTn-' dar is unusally larga. A three weeks term is anticipated. We notice' ssvgral Dee! Lodge plaitifn s on the Calendar. '-"RId Bird" best "Bitter Root Boy" three feet 8 Inches, in the raee on a9turday.----8cdt•l.' wbho tried to make an angel ot himself ia Mouth of Cedar, has began to apl"eciat. this world under the' exhilerating' jflti. ences of bean soup and light gruell'-f The outside walls of the Jail are up the window-frames, the bhn gratings are an- chored into the masonry, the outside lrof door finished, and the building will be ready for occupancy on the 15th ofTNovem- ber.---The frame of the Cort House i up and covered with inch board; thd ie-. cond story floor is laid, and the sood story frame will be raised to-day.-'therE are 73 man working on Elk Oreek.-.-TId gume Co's. are learin' $100 tper wbde to the man, and expect to run until 'Cbt3fst. ma. -"There is not waterenough lhiBflk Gulch to boll a pot of beans."' '. , ; . P. r. 1. Serveys.-CoP 1.. W. D. Lacy was in town to-day, havin Iar structedto discontinue for t ``pr4 surveys in the Bo er as' en passes of the maln reh a d the head of the Bitter t b complete qd conneet" fbrnowr IoM•-' lmes and surreys. He left fbrl U. sonls per coach 'today, his part ' hllk preceded him. We would have b•ee pleased to publslh iLb beault of hle msurv~ in the mola range, but as the' i. P. It.• pays him, it is 10r the present a lliittiet•er entitled than we are to the i:fbinatf6at1 Mr. B. P. North, Isq. and Mr. Mltberly,' at., who have iso been engaged by tbd Company on the line between Misdula and Lewiston, Idaho, carm up by stage yest~ day sad proceeded this morning eastward. They caue back from LBwiston over the Northern Nez Perce traiL Mr. North pro- ceeds directly to New York to report the maslt of hil alerati.ns Dsaucnkersn C.fiq.-We en a 45uzb that Mr. A. J. Smith, (Beanack Chiefi,) 'q\d partner Mr. A. . Graoter, icco panled Mumsr. Fred. Peck, L. Bassett., Pwbg sad ore .r two others, ohartero&t a todi hrmrs coach at fannack, it.fe G'&.a i;tId transp'rt thmsselver'ard t t es r s they have exhumed o ksu mmitre otof qa, W'ts having disposed of tie slame,' tt 1r1 i turn to amnack via 1Mwr .dil ' t`.*6u - have uma r ato h fndud ii *how w be pleased'to We Chief, t e chl*tgtd the omapany. : I lelese Iteme. V n. I. CaiiiuauA giula, thenci to Co rlzine-#Vsht!tpF Nov. 8-0-Fred. C. toosevflt wiwstO Dr, 0.X tl ism left . uI o O t. psh. for iaUls Wah~a--Mii' Zdo ,t. benefit to-nlght, 'wlth' X and TA'. Dqj *p. r a. )V. Qqa balls-- In the case of Vaughn vs 'Pinatey, te verdiict ws for ;plains1E-!3&8.pod Auxnu~ouMa of w.trtak.5w a,.4 t 8~, tog, .d d -~lPPY gusait'apieceof thee dwl e4.ut~f piacel lke h eDppsd-aaj this iS tr Ip rl wh o , di ,fhb Md~ ~ t ih1C 4 ,.,UDp~oo. , two. . Majr @em.--a mhd " asma y oIoe,, aritsm-i ioaIaubmeef she Fbhi itkLhif bes udMsved b Dta ,, Mail oMMl~i Gramwueo a BtHis ' 'i t pd (9r.) tul Tb I m m mil gulob, haa sw t I"B~aMrg~4& 1 t( -"M .. 'r -16 "I It'e sge~
Page 1: The New North-west (Deer Lodge, Mont.) 1870-10-28 [p ]tho ne olume 2, no. 17. deer lodge city, montana, f1y••, october 28, 1,870. whole number 9, . fat 9iw itjbth vey, okim lodak,


Fat 9IW Itjbth Vey,OKim LODaK, MONTANA.

TrV S - CURRENCY.O r N&O YZA,..1 . ....... 0O

pcorr '81 Yowin................. ...... 0$

AIi tEiTI4rJ?'. RATE.-QQusterljyas Due.

4 . e.:L .11.1aoI . 80 47...... . 6.. . .. 11. .11.; .I1.j.1. 8 3

64.1.lO. .13..11..>fb.1 1 6 06__ IA . 80Y. . 40.j.. .

a il 9 .40. .85. .6.. .0.113 1101'ar : 11.16;(.. .1.40. 6 .01 . a 1p!

Card ;" Fire Line;: a SquareTen Liana , fLbS.p,. Ltexal Dmsinmaw Notic. s ont. per lw.F enwwepondcnce, short and newsy, motIlted

a earMl. emp. Wrlter'.u... rant aoooampinnyemew UL'U tree goad fathI. Fem aalon toms

;qt ur in flu:b I)r(terrOd.



COURT HOUSE SQU1AHE,Deer Lodge OIty, Montana.


Orrici iN x3i its Wmtz. Bvuo.na,UELENA............. .MNTANIA.

L .E tt.M '. lIr 1.cM u N MURY.EAHEEW A IeRUR TUY,


,I,. Ca WarT W. W. New;1.AG(iETT & DIXON,

ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW,Court hlons Square,



:Is~sorI.A MILLS MONTAN4.C4,1.'loolI end IInscs. In iilhroula~uunl, lacted

a 4jy C udK %k nillh rvceia hi. partloular munotion

i:. V. OUNNE1,Attnhrey sad .mu.ellor at Law,

i S 1ItIJ4T, WASUINGTON, D C.FMcraer o'ure.-WWll practice in al te ladines

manse. tgweileI y In Patents for Lands, Mines. andTo.. 4Istes. RIleru to. In Montana, Clarett a Dixon,ii. H OIflaueu'I. lhirr LOdIe: A. J. Simnons, CedarJuuttlun; Judle iram Knuwles. Deer Lodge. 41-ly

Pthwie in nsluwgeone. Dentlists

U.. Jil lAP1 riN

Pymyw.icinu and s firgeon,DEER LODOE CITY, MONTANA.

1 ty

H. $tralbrdi Bowie', M. D,aiFFERR 111S PROFESSIONAL SERVICE S TO)thec cidteuaof Deer Lodge itya a iclnity.

Orru e : OiputalMc Court House Square.DEER LU1)(A1 CITY, - - - MONTANA.51.1y

Medicine & Murgery,ILACKFOOT CITYT............ ........ On TEE.

Dr..H. G. W E EP ,AI1YzU nurebaatd lb. pro Inonelm pr'otb.r and

11trck r: drugs of C. X. I1crm. Ibre U. D. ofIlek(ug clt t, eseic'lully antotinue :o 'le Inhabit-al' Ikwr rAigOe eouatr, that bMe ha locatdm at theduce plaey, and uolfckl NWar patufus.

IIUa*Mot :A. U. Mitchell. M. D.. IL Straolen Dowle, 1. D.

? r lodge : IotcIKt Lind ut ,Iq.. d. P'. Bode. P. N.,L4Jnrn l Keened .w .q. L uculaHlacl~frut eftty, October Stb. 1571 S4i

I T. h1tr. n, o No. IL Mcinaow,

First National Bank,Male Streta, Uclepa, Montana.


Pox & Lyiter,(cdueaeuorU to flouh, Daherr u C.)


Bajkers aid DeaJra, Ins Gold, Dust,Coin and 3Eohszlupo.

'l*w l)raft. on Vilriani City and Deer Lad~e. Co-Aaec aud Salt late Cky, Sao rudiesol mad ll meast41 cfl ir. and all paths o((f J'Roli _

jf (locnctionspropmkUy ed to.t.

J. {oloent1 au , Aquaayor 1* lgheet price led fei

UiOLD fu'POX.lU"p"1odl e te M Ovhut4t i~tei, M1al ducat,

h Ilencasa, Montana.'atronarat sdloltl od. Ol

Mss y ' eAI AI rxc " an furuaMlowrtwa.rt~

Aue u*uu Serrau Arnae,. jli94m

InterijatiozulXAI S 1gi1D4, . rll .I

Iioary W'7tt.sbstehii Pt4bi'op'The La~i$t Biet M lleek alit inky l

TEmms MdftRATL.The patronage 61t the tuavtl it pbflb is N



r~ r.S Wii ,"1s , . f' 1'

CIWAR Cauxv ' rxP 'ILeU vii, Pia jin iii 'Ifebl k ' ')r#

i. F'. AnnolsongW. AP. mAnkrntuG,"''* W. P Ahnsnis Ji m

ea, d o r M)ain MtreotTP' OP

Iqt d a saaiu*WP.,aRMMa.. iqiere sa

Ol~egmag gsres


A. New Pleoe of Iotsso Poetry

Iw eitmy knew e e ad wentLie rouaet In a apel;

"Out of thee lips unehee,"She shok her ringlets Mnd r

And laughed I- meira eor,

Asat wild heisto the W sll hl rTee lber them, obi my beastd

'e" Otwvea t dt by the ea s dllr"

SDovead, we pe as art. -e

"Omabeeku oome beak b"e -- nI

low bell li" through gdlg3 6P; fope.

At thrghi a h nrri d ea"

We etreed together, deuwpl kybInto the dreeming latd.

The laughing bral blow, -eo,

Ted esar dark brownhar ;Met mie n• l, her may compes To 'Meoslo• , ea, most ar I

I clamped It om her sweet, cTld ris

I calmed herter., anmd ehe was alm." Drink, pe y- re nt dink wdgr

And o I won my nevleve,

And walked in Paradise; b; '

The faireet thing that ever •ew,eAtw em me sd the abie. -_ _ . bdead.

aitino t o the iRaqin,

"I'flut," maid the grom on the pearched IlU-aide."And never did bridegooml pine for" tbhe hi

As I pine for the lpprd rain."

'" die," aid the roe, "for the duaityr erthPreeoe my roote with pain;As the mother prays for the Infant'e birth,

o I pray for the cooling rain."

"I am sk of my hope," eld the bdkiotr

"And that cbanglvle aure sky ;Oh, for one hbor ef a genroe shower,To drink Il eweutn• aend die."

'.Wm I netmr come," mld the mountain brook,"Till my prioed watern Sow;• ar thi morning I heard from a e sra butrdThe gief on the plain below.

"Ilow the broad-leaved lily, my wedded bride,Had beuet mr snowy head ;And weery with walting had drooped meddledIn my perched and wery bed.

"And the thirsty k who laughed hat m pUI-When i ruhed from the wooded gle

"lve whispered with fermpl the meedew lrtk' mr,That I had dor t4e them.""MI e," alie e the way " ior dt erwt,

"Was ea m te rui a laud-,o w long for a heme neere ld bower,And the a f a loving baned." ;

"Wa tie wevers, the gram, and the praoned brook,Anor medow, and bill, and tla• ,TAv g g arbove nIt a tsbeled L.k,

"eor the cbrodmi d U th m t ddd bridea.d --t hOeno Vs.e.d;

A a4d I1.stPry.

M',-e egeqd qi s Rmaur g Matci-Truth.it ider ?&h ' F' ci-s-A lubi Me1a.

On Friday morning at nv o'plck thereirlved in this cdty a lady with three elild-

ea, under the carge of Capt. Js. lighleyf lnsat Joseph. The history of the firsteainad partles is told in the following ex-tact from the t. Joseph Herald: "WheaIe war broke out, there lived in Andrew

onuoty, between St. Joseph end Bochester,r well-to-do faaer, asnatypot Vihinia, of

hoe name of Fenton Martli. als ans wentinto the rebel army, sad the Union soldierscmmenced to be annoying to bim. So hbresolved to leave and o to Colorndo. His_re weu sold as esowriSe, nDd le n•d

to Denver. Among Mr. Miarti's childrenwas a girl of very attractlv veastares nsmedAmerica. We do not fie&td to a"eP pt any',euadonr in'athi maeritivi, and will elmp-ly state that Miss America fell in love witha mtldets resmaed Jaesbs, In Denver, and

g~Ainst the wisbes of l er parents, maeritm. It was n runaway match, and she has

never seen her tather from that dy.to tohisThe two wandered of6 d Moptana, sad the

father lost slotYeo bis danater, an4 nonethat had khown her bad pay Inftsmationof her whIersahool for, years. Abount

mo~ths +qp, therewanderedmte the yardof C"apt As, Highley, a womean with reechildren, the youngaesta the ornet, eI ina statesi artte isgalstls. Int wal Mra.

Amerlead mtbs ass airtie. The Kamp

s p a c e n it o t s o a, e s e t e rvtm e, stan e tr t s adi

oht fira ids oere I*.lalr n ,• salu u bsea ubs

Si Sbd ad ISIIIbII f

mrrtloulr red lea bt'fiwffsrbkIs

e iemit dIM theIse

.** Tsi*i nr$asUjr--uc~iu~rl'l ie

FT- V*


Fruiwt for newsmen-faickdatesText for a brewer-He4rewsXL.A good aideshow--a pretty 4w.ialn res elves ,aS geld pernight.

Mna Crosby is constable in Deatr,- Il.Footprints on the Weads of time-.ows'


The oldest toys in the weold-mountaintops.

The setry's challesge at Padrs-Rgas ,

Isabell X Rqglna h setid down ineaev,.

Olive Logn ha resumeder lectr tedswith an I in "trade" too '

The practice of pharmacy nla Rome Is ab-solutely prohibited to Jews

Begianing with George D. Prentice,onieville Journalists hayse died within the

last twelve months.Xmaa ust ""-J&`-''' em iiiI

thember of war to the peaceful solitude ofhis editori anetoum.

The reception one meets with free thewoman of a family generally determinesthe tenor of one's whole entertalament

A La Crosse woman lately broke up housekeeping pretty effectually by drowning herehildren, taking poison, and then settingire to her house.

In Massachusetts the otter day, a santhought ges could cross the track in advanceof a locomotive. The services at the gravew-ere very impressive.

In the obituary coluamsof a Philadelphiapaper last week appearuld oetiae of thedeaths of twelve persone who had reachedthe age of eighty.

Mrs. Mrton of Duboque, Iowa, the wid.ow of a soldier who died at the South, hasbeen nominated by the Repubicans forCounty Recorder.

"Are these pure canaries ? asked a younggentleman wno was negotiating for a giftfor his fair. "Yes, sir," I relied them 'etebirds from canary seeds."

A farce of American volunteers arrivedat Tours on the list. They at once recsved arms and uniformsand will act as francsirreurs, in reuar of the Prussian armies.Gardners mind their peas, actors mind

their cues, but church wardens, Instead ofminding their p's and q's, very often givetheir attention to their pews and keys.

If anybody wants to know where the na-iunotl ftualty as, hero are the saddvlMs. upto date: U. B., Harvard; Neille, Hartford4Conn.; Fred., West Point; Jesie, WhiteHouse. No more at present from yourtruly.

Glycerine and litharge stirred to a pastsehardens rap~ly, ad makes a durable ce-ment for iron upon lion, for two stone sur-faces and especially for fastening C jan instone The cement is insoluable, and is notattacked by strong acids.

The wallsof Paris area mile and a bhalffrom the outer boulevarCs, and the outly-ing forts re amile from the walls, so thenemay's gans must take a positide threemiles from the outer boulevardsd Thicalms the fears of the Parisians

By omitting the letter "*" in a legal do..Ument, an Engblk attorney once Indicted a

se on his elient of $10,001 It wasbrought to his attention, he saw his blon-der, and without any words sat down andwrote his check for the full amount. Such

man doesn't loose his client if be do-make a mistake.

The records of tsh French War Ofleeshow that drtl g the Ornt half of the 1thcentury ,000 Irishas diedli the PFrsugbr-vice, and that daring the last half of e

contury 1, r00 s Irhen feila battle a-der the banasmof F rana. Tkhese Vie thehlstoricta"wild gaees."

PrieouLt appemrnaeer tesler tkt sIhrtbera Pa%4O6 xflioad wilt h op bedforward with wef4wfm emwp T#e b m'forthe tbuud Ia isdw siwg up the 1*.to Duluth a fetoue Wiigl cap be proepto itr ; IL I II. is thatdt 10,0W torm viwibe sent free ste besfom ieayl bgeom sh9i,halt b7 asilug cmdltmd hl by euacm

Tiw *1=16 UlWlips se i t do arraj.tag 1800 fopg of rule ttlop (whveh toDdu ta Tmn thammind toe s ii w hs huatrSw sloe of tmlhui

The lellewlag -tailos. mntmoee "&iu*UY' - epl.luw e~O" IS -i Iud chicarpi ` 64 .,per tea ii sot Ares eihii

cane*e- Amw ; S the isrn r nM uMrUwheeo." 31 o.t'lwmou, ' im-Ub.

I Rhn h I t lstr I, OI carpi srrsw,

s r el w ilsr I! wirr' SO W

the hutor lle. ei bus 4 be aOIth dt r q P

'3 ~ ir,~ii'

(1000 een e ptuyhge Lawe )oeth wl me : we. seotee

do w..* • •.f Zs er sa we Wi si..t. l m: r 5 N I

IN, stsi, e hab bhs msmsstme 4&-- beusrles I sive with i Jnh. ibt vry lo a. It seII e diseat a

w aMi , a eStma hm I d elb I Itus .aw"se•-- ad rMa m.raga s`serta. et r a .er wos to moLstwatig bb ennI r but I ts i Wk as t

yabem ud s. 4efs halss - this. I asAe h

-"we lead tiees r meams ws o th o

Uthlsdeso.L wiea ebia Ifaur suilt ewh ,I ese hais me, i, rld un a sartese bit

laout, Md wd ler t wtout I1g• ithasel

s; bult aftr making hlbed e wan oe far 5•'-

Beel nights, bethosght he might prSage !s with hi

During his wandederig he sew ao hm a beIg,sdtaw w lhits es Inda lad nwe fa e ISim.

Tours, etc.,noe. A uhnMMn•.Also, fw Jak m ett , e.

lsmpr ieserst 4. a rearpi ssg.re. Hemadrd WorE pr Mined. Tr a.us -

D. 8 Craig, the well knm telqraphlcnews agent, writes. sic flows to t NewYork Helrh:

A year ago I bespoke your favoral|e con-si tleration of a new telegraph enterprisewhich I had thei fully entered upon, andwhich it gives me great pleasure to informyou has now bees consummated, in the com-pletion of a superior line of telegraph ofcompound wire (steel and copper), and theperelcting of our new system of automstic

telegrapi y, by mean of which weare nowtransmlting from New York to Washing-tOn, and ee me 00 words per minuteover one wire, 30,000 per hour, and 790,000

words in 4 hours-a rate of speed elral tohe average of more than ffty wirs by the

Yore system. The perts.'" .-- "-"w, -cuderacy and of the new system isn hich iet lmrkabl e than the wonderful

speed above stated. I hve before told you,and I now repeat with all poppble),on d ethat our ystem isr absolutely new, and asdifferent between the transmitting powerofn, "d ty" and 00 words per minute. Aswe-an by our now system transmit the in-telligence direct and with one writing fromthis city Ir every other city, and dire•t,yrotrd the editorial rooms of peyed mural inthe country. at the rate of 6wi s by tbo3U1U, TeCoD. Thag the sras-tie- *ie

cnce and perfectly acura the neharacters, it be doubtd that w are on the o eve

of and I sati revolut ion n newspaper and

commercial correspondence. The day isneart and, when business letters of orad i-dlar length may be transmitted from NewYork to y"ew Orleans for twentyr e nts,and still afford a large protht to the tlegraph

•ate :cy. You nearly see the day whenrecot t pae publish the newsa of 8he wsithe world eiusively by teleraph, discrd-ng n ews letters ult bebd age. Ourth

of sn ete is at No.Uon adwa,4s story.nddk room, and we shall be happy to eshibelph

the working of our new system to you orto amy of your assstants.

On one occasion a young and mmasmIwyer, not over punctlious In his maner,

as arglung a question before s Judge, andin the course of his a•gument, by way of

lWustiaton, wished to supposs a case"*We will suppose, your Honor," said he,

"that your honer watosteslahess-"No,o0, do," Interruptpd tsh JudPge "Noet a

allapt . all. Talatn a suppsisabl case.Mr.L L'tala' a muppsmble case."

*"ery well, begging your Hoar's par.sn ". poceeded the eager lawyer, withmore eal than prudence, ,very well; thensupposing that I should sisal a bh es"-

"Ah, yes, yes," said the Judge "that istvery dtfl t thma Very tey, Mr. 8,ery likely. Poaed, r. 8."

r. L pe•oededeto • sa s•s, amidstas as of ,hs h srties, end had thegot sense toake thjb es l od pet,nittp e Ilt often to hl friesJL

Bmsmaus AT rns bosas or Wa.--"ASous b awI t s: " ThegieSsfv_ t ofthe war, the unptr od saving air s,

li I

Or-pL'L~~1LII IW~iUU IIA tLa~ I

~f'i 'i o r& tow


- i ~ .- 4

Tbhe poplatis or B Phil, ]i..., is SB,.

The Eureka mim,. Nevada .ouaty,i pay-lg $I0,0 pe3 month

By the new ty charter of a RAmoalo,Texas, fue is problbted.

Thirty fights in the saumeamber of bouses.rse ia Geld Hilt recently.The Chinese "cue" bill wasdsfeat l the

Oregon Hornu of Represem tiesa y a vteof 1s to w0.

It is proposeed to erect a new CatholicChurch at Hamilton, Nevada, before thewinter sets in.

The Nevada census returns show thepopulation of the State to be 41,8W Thevlase of property as ,•N00.

The Hamiltons, who committes the re-ceat bhordbe m Ia n sr u i county,

Sg. a Mead sv Watkins, septence to statePrison for 21 years for murder in the secoum

deree, has been pardoned by Gov. Bladellof Nevada.

The candidate for Congress in Nevada-Tom Fitch (Republican) and C. W. Kendall(Democrat)-are likely to jointly discusspolitical issues on the stamp.

"Bob Hoeden," the runner engaged nlathe fracas at the depot the other evening,received his "walking papers" from theMetropolita Hotel last eveintg.--Cobrse

Carr, a soldier at OCmpialleek,' Nevada,shot itllie Wetmore in a dance house, Oct.18. The soldiers bat Car nearly to death,and neither man or woman were expectedto survive.

A dispatch dated Angels' Camp, Calaver-as county, CL, Oct. 14, aye Mr. Webb,foreman of the Potter maine, was accidentlykilled yesterday at this place. The ropeparted as he was ascending the shaft in atub, and he fell to the bottom of the shaft,a distance of over 800 feet,

The Walls Walls aaios has an accountof a shooting affair that look place on Drycreek in that county on theU d lnstant, inwhidh one Edward Joes shot and killedGeorployce. Nobody was present at theshooting. grom Jones' statement it ap-pears that he "mmmtted the act in self de-fense.

The G.and J..ry at Salt Lake bays founda bill of indictment agalinst the party ac-cused of the murder of the Meican, Mar-eno, and another bill against thepersom ac-cused of shooting and killing Joseph Morristhe rival Prophet, in June, 1080. Thischuse a great deal of feeling Ia the co-n.munity, as the party Indicted is highly re.epectableand justly esteemedc There mayhatmable over this. He is ready I ......If ball will be accepted, butTt is o•btfit•,sad be will be committed to ja1l m CampDouglas.

Ksusas City has avocal dog, and this Isthe way he is described by a local reporter:"It would be utterly impossible to expressin words the force, the depth and ariletyof this canine vocalism. It expresses iiithe modulatiosn and modifations of humandistress. The plaintive wall of sumuringnfteancy, the groan of the strong man'sagony, the moans of the sick and woundedl,the stiled cry of the victip under the graspof the garroter, the shout of deAance, thescream of terror, the yell of delpair, grief,ragle, madness, nightmare,delidum tromens,lbaed a.nbitlon, dlikppointed love, defeatin eleetions, the bummer's beehausl•anbshent, toothae, caon thbetos, bed bhgs,

mosquitoes, and all the ills tbhat eek is beirto ire faidthfully delineated or vi•lly suy-gested by thtis eanine ventrileoqaIt."

GOLD mr C~o am&X 1? MkaeAh!W.-lor omOIe yeasa the pubba,)*v#rgradualy. O"W ed tiny ; de ,dosth. gold yield o .1 alIfemla wmn bikey tobeooesmimad leu,. so AaiId m geum.rlion or - the ore .would be ezhauatmd.Tb. splendid prodititemness of Ciitfor.:In other *Ii&b.lNti the ,pwl eis..slsl,was, fairly emough, eemmtsducsanmo spena~emSr this, -fat If the gold is reallywoings to "e oatw, Iire r lw gohofIt at premint.-8o far, at b;lust, ash depuas-Ito fleSe &a Fygsadha Dusb Mist wam evLdmce, the yield 1. aeusalym efd brgly, er l elsg.' 'iThiag e d '; fo r the Bestat-Mil I o o a -F.I~ illddgHtIelfa ofsrc~ 1i7S~hp olguld,I Urd -$0M& Quss t ke. L- TheAlvu depouits In th .inid Urn hae beem

lurn~luru-p~ s K'r Jm .wV ...... pW....m bust.....


The whalse spqpe/hk .wins t. iOiNs dad n or

Crltlll)Q1LtLI1 L I I 1 :14?


.I hm

dpes*as frem te Wires.

The Prussians took ,00m prisoners atrleamns

The gates of Paris are opened at day-ght and closed at 6 p. m.

The Prussian are sending large sppliesSfora and eattlse to Pars.- skirmish in the front of Heaourt s re-eportead favorable t tohe rench.

liege and Blan have deladrd againstbhe Reds, sad Fleureas is under arrest.

8mall-poz prevalis In Paris. Of 1,48oeaths last week, 9m were froii that dim-

me.The principal papers of Paris are now

published in pamphlet form every two

arrislans secretly desire peace, but arearaid to say it aloud. The situation is dis-trssling.to alLThe Ayvre erd reltes that4,000

Mobie wera.peu d .4 M..peq ltrdays after the surrender. .

in Paris in '87, has gone as secret enveyfrm Napoleon to the Czar.

The British Government has but littlehopes the present effort for mediation willresult in suspension of hostilities.

Francis Doran stabbed and killed Ben.Winswells, his sister's husband, at Worces-ter, Mass., on Sunday. Old grudge; bothdrunk.

It is samid the preparations for defense arenow so good that the Paris governmentwill only make peace on the most honorasble terns.

It is sad so many of Dimine's army atetls is desertiag to the Prussian lies that

an order has been issued declining to ad.mit them.

The Prossians captured by the surnderof Soisons of90 icers, 4683 rank and ile,

8 guns, 70,000 bombs, 100 tone of powderand 9,000 frans in the military hesbts.

Paris news Intimate preparations for of.fenirve movemoets on a large scale. Tro-chu has unbounded popularity for hisjudgment, enmergy and sucoestal organia-tion.

The steamer Ross, arrived at Greenoeb,reports i ng through much wreckedmatter of the north coast of Irelanad. Por.dons of the Osmabtia's argo and smallboats were identiied.

French dispatches announce great sick-nes at Mets, and the Prussian army hasbeen twice renewed; alse, that the siege ofVerdun has been interrupted by the rigor-os defense of the French.

The Prussian commander at Orleans hasclled out the bitter denuncisatons of theFrench papers by placarding Orleans wita• address statiag the French government,.ad not' Prusis, Is the real eneu ut r e

Gambetterdlm that Tours shll not beoccupied by over ,000 French troops. Ifthe forces ezceed that, the others areamp outsido and be prohibited from lea-is camp. Severe traIning discipline is

aso ordereGeorge Sanek Train, arrived at Mar-

ses Saturday, and created great exnite-meat by maknlg a speeob, in which bedenouneed the Preussans bittery. It Isarjestured his object is to gt lateo Paris

to inflat the baBoons now so much used anthat city.

The Torn papers are discussing Eng.land's sudden deire to obtain a suspensionof hostilities and attribute it to a sugges-tlon from Presl, with whom, England Isin srpatby, ithat Press• s now willingto make prpemals which PFraee e essoept.

Jimmti Reynolds, ksizteen year old boy,of Black rawkh, Mi,sbad a little isagree-meit with his step-father, and got the bestof the dilamet by lling the old man .ullof buekshdt.. If anybody covotethe pustld of sp-fatherto youg Reynodds the

snation hbopan.A4iptch to Toaurs 'the pl repeats theatement of Ruasne's sortie on the 14th

insta Wit s,0ewi n, cru(ishl the enemyand eapttlrng 1 waeg lade with stesAs Bhane kas seot probably 80,000 menfr duty in his rtay, and he weuld nothlkely ahse a sortie with his etire grri-uer, anyhow, the tbory s not redlble.

" OdedinsOk. '

am elt sea m su maw waiys itsassnanshesm r neat qwetde...

Last eveni about adown anme U8rtlsiy was 'e-masted In the above rnd

ss l.amses xea sea, who keeps1Ivesya d feedtaible, in 3gh ltet aqhSt!1'o) )'at Chatiby Young, f Oab dim,

se•k ad simmals la he 'Balloon Ba-he"' lidt ubderbg t• e le tmaple of

e aedeitwboSto y maS e du ideWsW

•wi 5k4 paltWei he. an

r•,f o es n ra m. esqe n& * i' fl OKipatnemewhedly~gl wms oHne we r iI

'IS-L- kI:~l~)C fl 'rr i )~ .

Uc A4ii~jpiiiiiij~~l~i~rlJ

octal Strr.

theom a•amsrs DUf.map of Mina.-We were ihown to

lay the new map of Montana, drawn i?el. W. W. DeLsey, and published Sept

b0, by Colton, New York. It is not onlybe best map wohave had of Montana, but it ishe best we have seen of any of the Tort-

ries. It is compiled from the ubserTSalosad surveys of the last ten years by Co!.

DeLacy, and from all other reliable soursca

t bis command, inaladding the govenaumLurveys sad explorations. The lithographermd publisher heas done fall justlee to thework, and it Is not only correct and comapie, but beautful. In a careful exzadL-tion we hbave been unable to detect a sdngleinaccureay, and any one that has had oc.euion to refer to maps of localities withwhich they are familar will, oralis .owrarely this can be said. It is eorrected up

the latest changes of eounty lna• , nas•ows the .edar mines and Loutsovlla.We icknowledge indebtedness tdWitetWh stinfonastion that the Blackfeet Agency-on

the Teton, as na s Loge county. Theadvance issues of this work have but•ro-

cently reached here, but we understand JLH. Ming & Co. have ordered a supply, nadadvise all wishing a splendid map of the

Territory to send their orders to be illed onarrival.

1esslala Items.- From the Pioneer Oct.80: There are seven school districts In theCounty. The School Fund is 1000.--

"Bitter Root Boy" sad Van Dora'"YoIrijr'Dasher" are matched to run on the Moa u*Ia track, 0 d00 yards, for 500 sa de, on Sat-'urday, Octobersth.-_--The Court CaTn-'dar is unusally larga. A three weeks term

is anticipated. We notice' ssvgral Dee!Lodge plaitifn s on the Calendar. '-"RIdBird" best "Bitter Root Boy" three feet 8Inches, in the raee on a9turday.----8cdt•l.'wbho tried to make an angel ot himself iaMouth of Cedar, has began to apl"eciat.this world under the' exhilerating' jflti.ences of bean soup and light gruell'-fThe outside walls of the Jail are up thewindow-frames, the bhn gratings are an-chored into the masonry, the outside lrofdoor finished, and the building will beready for occupancy on the 15th ofTNovem-ber.---The frame of the Cort House iup and covered with inch board; thd ie-.cond story floor is laid, and the soodstory frame will be raised to-day.-'therEare 73 man working on Elk Oreek.-.-TIdgume Co's. are learin' $100 tper wbde tothe man, and expect to run until 'Cbt3fst.ma. -"There is not waterenough lhiBflkGulch to boll a pot of beans."' '. , ;

. P. r. 1. Serveys.-CoP 1.. W. D.Lacy was in town to-day, havin Iarstructedto discontinue for t ``pr4surveys in the Bo er as' enpasses of the maln reh a dthe head of the Bitter t bcomplete qd conneet" fbrnowr IoM•-'lmes and surreys. He left fbrl U.

sonls per coach 'today, his part ' hllkpreceded him. We would have b•eepleased to publslh iLb beault of hle msurv~in the mola range, but as the' i. P. It.•pays him, it is 10r the present a lliittiet•erentitled than we are to the i:fbinatf6at1Mr. B. P. North, Isq. and Mr. Mltberly,'at., who have iso been engaged by tbd

Company on the line between Misdula andLewiston, Idaho, carm up by stage yest~day sad proceeded this morning eastward.They caue back from LBwiston over theNorthern Nez Perce traiL Mr. North pro-ceeds directly to New York to report the

maslt of hil alerati.ns

Dsaucnkersn C.fiq.-We en a 45uzbthat Mr. A. J. Smith, (Beanack Chiefi,) 'q\dpartner Mr. A. . Graoter, icco panledMumsr. Fred. Peck, L. Bassett., Pwbgsad ore .r two others, ohartero&t a todihrmrs coach at fannack, it.fe G'&.a i;tIdtransp'rt thmsselver'ard t t es r s theyhave exhumed o ksu mmitre otof qa, W'tshaving disposed of tie slame,' tt 1r1 iturn to amnack via 1Mwr .dil ' t`.*6u- have uma r ato h fndud ii *how w

be pleased'to We Chief, t e chl*tgtdthe omapany. : I

lelese Iteme. V n. I. CaiiiuauA

giula, thenci to Co rlzine-#Vsht!tpFNov. 8-0-Fred. C. toosevflt wiwstODr, 0.X tl ism left . uI o O t. psh.for iaUls Wah~a--Mii' Zdo ,t.benefit to-nlght, 'wlth' Xand TA'. Dqj *p. r a. )V. Qqaballs-- In the case of Vaughn vs 'Pinatey,te verdiict ws for ;plains1E-!3&8.pod

Auxnu~ouMa of w.trtak.5wa,.4 t 8~, tog, .d d -~lPPY

gusait'apieceof theedwl e4.ut~f piacel lke heDppsd-aaj this iS tr Ip rl wh o ,di ,fhb Md~ ~ t ih1C 4 ,.,UDp~oo. ,two. .

Majr @em.--a mhd " asma y oIoe,,aritsm-i ioaIaubmeef she Fbhi itkLhifbes udMsved b Dta ,, Mail oMMl~i

Gramwueo a BtHis ' 'i t pd (9r.)

tulTb I m m mil gulob, haa

sw t

I"B~aMrg~4& 1 t( -"M .. 'r



It'e sge~
