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The New Orleans bulletin (New Orleans [La.]) 1874-08-20 [p...

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THE NEW OBLEANS BULLETIN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1874. MONETARY. OFFICE -NEW ORLEANS BULLETIN, Wednesday Evening, August 19, 1874. August 15 ... ... August 17.. ........... August 18------ August 19-----; Thus lar this vetk Home time last'week. Total us. wee* . .. Total week be! »re.. We have i;,) ne Money market, I'li extent at the hanke and the raten commercial* paper unchanged. We continue to quote selected paper, with or without collât «r alz, at 8@9 y cent per annum first class at 10'4—, and A1 at lUtfi 12. and sec- ond grade at i § cent per month. First class mortgage cOntinuös to rule at 10 y cent per annum, while nothing is reported in second grade. We learn that the stockholders of the New Orleans Natioi ;il Bank have paid up 75 y cent of the amount thij United Htates Controller of the Currency coMed on them to contribute In order to make up for shrinkage in its assets ami restore its capital to tile former par of $100 'y share. Gold opened at 109j@109j, against 109j at New York, 'and am,r a moderate business closed at C'learingH. Balancez .... $485,125 08 $65,714 37 ., 645,734 13 92,315 34 . . 726,856 81 79,089 41 480,158 97 74.324 hi ..$2,337,874 99 $311,443 92 . 2,654.751 19 553,327 83 ...3.724,544 51 493,819 21 . . 8 873.259 64 626,291 86 feature to notice in tin offering« contmno of fair and limited oiT the «treet, 109l4f09i. agunst 109| in that market, where it touched 1091 during the interim. The sales summed up $33,000, embracing $1000 a t 1091. *2000 and $600» at 109j, $3000, *5000 and $6000 a t 1091, sud $10,000 aflü9j. The only sal< of Silver reported was $1800 in American half dollars at 1041. American half dollars were still quoted at 104@104*, and Mexi- can dollars at 971 gold. Under the ( Jiuse of gold at New York com- mercial Sterling was about 1-10 y cent higher. The only sale reported was £1000 flrst-cla^s at 5.34* Francs also responded improvement, in gold at New York, closing higher, but not a dingle transaction was reported, '• At the close Sterling bills'here quoted at 5.31 @6.'32J for bill; of lading and A1 clear, and 5.364 for bank, and f anes at 4.734 for private, and — for bank. The offerings of Domestic Exchange continue very light, and with a limited demand rates were unchanged. No sales worthy of notice were re- ported. a The beaks oentinue to check on New York at 1 S cent premium, and commercial sight is stiff quoted at (@5-16. In Stocks we.noticed a sale of 20shares of New Orleans City Rdiroail Company at $150. The sales of Bonds included $9000 City Oold Bearing Seven Per Cents at thevery low figure ol 46. They were quoted at the opening at about 47. ! City Appropriation Certificates, Metropolitan Police Warrants and Time Certificates of 1873, are now quoted nominal at about 46@47, but no sales worthy of notice are reported. Nothing tr&iispircd in State Warrants. Large wore still quoted nominal at 30@31; medium at 326633, and sm,«!! a t 346*36. 100 choice extra at i? 05, 25 and 25 at $7 25, 150, 201), Jut), 200 and 475 bbl« on private terms. CORN MEAL—G<xxl supply and dull. Offer ing at $3 70 ft bbl, and 110 sales, excepting 106 bbls at $3 65 f' bbl, a decline; PUHK-Dull and nominal at $24 y bbl for mess No sales. Dealers are retailing at $25 50 cash, and $26 time. DHY SALT MEAT—None in first bands. 7000 lb shoulders, loose, sol 1 at 9|c y lb. Dealers are retailing them at life y lb. BACON—Dull, but no anxiety on the part of holders to sell. Shoulders are held in lots at 10c, dear rib sides 134c, clear sides 13jc y tb. Dealers' rates in their job trade are 10jc for shoulders. 131c for dear rib sides, and 1 jc for dear sides. The market dosed stronger, under favorable Western advices. BREAKFAST BACON—Is in light supply and commands 1546916c y lb. HAMS—Dull and offering at 15@16§c y It, for choice sugar-cured. LARD—The supply is light and the demand is limited. Tierce is quoted at 15^@16c; keg 16® 16 c y If>. Dealer»’ rates are 164c for tierce and 17c for ken;. WHISKY—Bull. Louisiana rectified is quoted at $1 01 : choice Cincinnati $1 05 y gallon. CORN IN BULK—Tlio market is bare. It is offered, to arrive, at 75c y bushel for mixed. WHEAT IN BULK—The market is hare'. Sup- plies are offering, to arrive, at $1 22 f* bushel for No. 3 red winter. CORN IN HACKS—Is in good supply and lim- ited demand. The sales are confined to 600 sacks, of which 200 yellow mixed at 83c, 150 do at 85c, and 200 white mixed at 90c y bushel. OATS—The supply is good and prices have de- clined 3@5c y bushel. The sales comprise 2000 sacks, of which 500 ordinary, new, at 55c, 150 [trime new at 57c, 100 do at 58o, loO choice at 60c, 800 new at 60c, and 300 strictly choice at 64c y bushel. BRAN—I p in fair supply and limited demand. 100 and 150 sacks sold a* 90c y 100 lb. HAY—Yesterday’s receipts are being lauded. The demand is fair. The sales comprise 600 hales, of which 300 prime at $25; 100 do at $25 50; 100 and 100 choice at $26 50 y ton. MARINE NEWS. OIFICE NEW ORLEANS BULLETIN, I Thursday Morning, August 20. ) George J. Duncan is the duly authorized Marine and River Reporter of the Bulletin. Cleared Yesterday. Steamship Wut I1 Clyde, for Key West via Cedar Keys— I K Roberts S eawship City of Dallas Hines, for New York — Rareshide A. Cameron Steamship G.ssie, Farwell, for Galveston, in ballast - C A Whitney aco Arrived. Steamship New Orleans, Clapp, from New York rib bist, to A Moulton—ad dist 8 Schooner Linda, Trott, from Havana, to master. Al- giers STEAMBOATS. Sabine, Sinuolt, from High Dye Plantation Katie, White, from Terrence MISCELLANEOUS. JUTTING & CO.’S J NEW CROP CANNED SALMON, Just received and for sale, lowest market price, 500 cases 11 lb cans) SALMON (Cutting «VCo.) C. H. LAWRENCE A Co. aul9 3t 39 and 41 Tchoupitoulas street. B REAKFAST BACON. CATTLE MARKET REPORT. New Orleans, Aug. 2Q, 1874. Sold. Arrived yesterday, Western beeves ............ Texas beeves .................... 20 Calves and yearlings.. 130 Hogs .................................. Sheep ................................. Milch cows....................... PRICES. Texas beeves, com fed, 1st Texas beeves, 2d quality, y head 224 393 39 fib. Stock. 621 831 285 16 ScllOOIKT master Below-Comiug I p. Theresa (i, Gutierrez, Iront Havana COMMERCIAL. OFFICE NEW ORLEANS BULLETIN, I Wednesday Evening, Aug. 19, 1874. f 5 COTTON. The sales to-day (not including 9 yesterday) embraced 268 bales, at full pricos generally and higher figures for Middling, for which grade we revise our quotations, making no other change. We give also *ae Exchange figures and report as beloq : 1 General Exchange 1 quotations. Quotations. Inferior .......... ....................... 74® 9 Low Ordinary:.................... 10 @104 -@- , am quail LV, fp man ...... . $406*55 Texas beeves, choice, f head ..................... - 6*40 Texas beeves, 1st quality, f head ............ 30@35 Texas cattle, 2d quality, ÿ bead ................ 206*28 Texas cgttle, 3d quality, f bead ................ 12@15 Western beeves, f lb, n e t ........................... —@ — Western bogs, f lb, gross ........................... 7466 8c Texas hogs, y lb, gross ..................................7@ 74« Sheep, 1st quality, f head .......................... $4@6 Sheep, 2d quality, y head ............................ 4695 Sheep, 3d quality, y head ........................... 3@4 Milch cows, choice f head ........................... $806*100 Milch cows, y head ....................................... 3569 50 Texas cows with calves................................. —69— Calves y head ................................................$7,86910 Yearlings f head ............................................. 86910 Exports. KEY WEST VIA CEDAR KEYS-Pci steamship Wm P Clyile—1085 bbls flour 415 sacks coru 175 sacks oats 29 bbls whisky 18 bbls pork 22 casks bacon 854 pbgs sundries 72 h ;td stock SE * YORK—Per sttaiuship City of Dallas—389 bales cotton 51 lihos tobacco 125 bales moss 32 bbls fireclay 25 birds iron 45 bbls iron M0 etuptv barrels * Imparts. NEW YORK—l’er .steamship Ntffv Orleans—As- sortis 1mdse Receipts of Produce. HIGH DY E PLANTATION—Pel steamer Sabiue- 4 bales cotton to Jno Phelps Jcco—1 do (new) Oscar Chopin—1 do C L Walmsley &ci>—6 hides P E lloel- zel—3 do C L Walmsley Aco—2 do 1’ K Delavallade— 1785 staves Jos lllanco—20 head cattle C Mehle Aco— 2 do C C Wainriaht-aud sundries to order—and sun- dries to order—Total, C bales cotton It new crop) TERRENCE. .Per’ steamer Katie. .57 bales cotton T H & J M Allen Aco—41 Richardson a May. .28 Jno I Adapts Aco—21 Meyer, Weis Aco—9 Clapp Bios A co—8 R L * W Adams—7 KT Buckner A Bro—6 Jno Cbaffe, Bro A Son—6 Lehman. Abraham Aco— 6 Jno 1 Noble—5 D Hadden aco—5 Jurey A Gillie—0 J L Harris Aco—4 Alcus, Scherck A Autey—3 Ar Milteu- berger A Pollock—3 M Greenwood A Son—2 Blake- more Aco—2 C F Melvlile Aco. .2 Campbell \- Strong 1 R L Isabelle— 1 S B Newman Aco—1 J B Wolfe aco 1 J Burnet Aco—I J Reeves Aco—1197 sacks cotton seed Louisiana Oil Co—421 do Union Oil Co - 233 do Bienville Oil Co—79 do A A Maginuis Sons—and sun- dries to order—Total, 225 balss cotton 1930 sacks cot- ton seed BY RAILROADS. NEW ORLEANS. ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO RAILROAD, August 19—4 bales cotton to LchinaD, Abraham Aco—3 Pritchard A Bickbaiu—1 J Bin-net 30 boxes CHOICE FANCY, Just received and for sale by C. H. LAWRENCE A CO., aul9 3t 39 and 41 Tchoupitoulas street. QRAM ) FETE CHAMPETRE AT BARNES HOTEL, Mississippi City, August 22, 1871. There will he a Grand Fete, Open Air Concert and Ball given at BARNES HOTEL, Mississippi City, SATURDAY, August 22, 1874. The dancing will be on the lawn, where a commodious plat- form will he erected for that purposo. -A tine band will be in attendance. Refreshments can he procured at all hours during the night. The grounds will be handsomely illuminated, and every effort made to promote the enjoyment of guests aud visitors. Excursion tickets good both ways, from Saturday till Monday, can bo pur- chased at both New Orleans and Mobile at $2 each. All trains- will stop at Barnes Station during the three days. J. D. MAYER & CO., aul8 20 22 Proprietors. C“ OMMERCIAL AND CLASSICAL ACADEMY Aco—1 W Harrington Aco—100 bbl» lime B Bridge— 1 car hogs J J McGinnis—1 box mdse R It McDonald 1 coop chickens K Beer—1 fountain T S Waterman Ordinary .... ’.;..................... 11*6612 Ordinary ..... ........... U| Strict 46913 1 Ordinary.....................14|@1 Strict Good O dinary ..........15 @15. a 54 10* 111 Ï44 164 16J nominal. With nothing in the dispatches to add “bUmuiua to tne demand, the market appet very quiet during the morning, hut later in Lowüiddlhig.j. ..................... 16 @16j Strict Loir Mi idling .......... 1646916; ■rita t Middling. '. '. ‘ ‘ ! 1 - @ Good Middling ...................... — @— any . appeared very quiet dus ing the morning, hut later in the day there was'more inquiry, not only for the me- dium, but for the higher grades also, which wero soarce and heltl above our recent quotations. At the close 17c v?as given as the inside for Mid- dling, and sales of Middling to Strict Middling were made at *74, 17 7-16 and 174c. The receipts included i halos new crop, making a total to dabo of 1 bale from Texas and 21 from the Miemssip)!ii Valley, which, with 15 from the Rio Grande, makes the entire amount 37 bales, against 6 last year and 296 the year before. z1ie*tunouui on shipboard not cleared, going DO board and engaged for shipment, was set Sawn at the opining this morning at 5500 bales, em- bliSlng 4000 f ir Liverpool and 1500 for the North, which, when ;deducted frum the stock on hand hy our rui ning statement last eve ring, leaves 9600 palus to represent the quantity at the landing and in presses unsold or sw&it- in* orders. The Exchange reports : “ Sales 225 bales. Quiet and unchanged.’’ ; COTTON STATEMENT. ■teak an hand August 31, 1873— bales 7,177 Strived einoe Hast statement ....... 310 Strived previously......................1,328,649 1,328,959 Re* corrections to May 25, showing the balance between manifests duplicated and ad- ditional made from waste, aomples, di in aged, city gin- ■ing of seed cotton, not on- tared in ma.ii/ests, hut cotton saved for sied, cleaning ma- chines in city mills, etc .... to*dAf- 389 23,032 1,359,168 Q esrsd jw ei louzly.......... .. .1,340,44)8 tea S Lehman, Abra- Co.’s Lane cotton ■in k in scuttled ship Ailsa, to be added, i recovered........... ■took on hand and on shipboard not eleered (corrections inclu- ded).......... ; .............................. k on hand not cleared same ne last year (corrections 800 2,552 1,344,149 15,019 12,885 To-day’s cj ports wero to New York. Receipts proper since last evenuig 277 bales, against 212 last Wednesday and 243 last year, making an aggregate since Friday evening of 627 boles, ogams. 616 last week, and 878 last year. a< d since Augur. U of 1,216,986 bales, against 1,237,714 laet year— corrections included botn years—decrease 20,728. Tbs Kxchicage telegrams make the receipts at Ol the port,, from 12 M. on yesterday to 12 M. THE HIVER. OFFICE NEW ORLEANS BULLETIN. I Thursday Morning, Augnst 20, 1874. ( The undersigned is the only authorized River Itcporter of the Bulletin. All communications Blended for him will meet with prompt attention d left at his office, Koung’ Building, Canal Street Ferry Landing, from 6 A. M. to 6 P. M., or after that hour, at this office, 109 Gravier street. Geo. J. Duncan. There was a war of factions in the elements yesterday. Whim the god of day arose from his dewy couch he found Jupiter Pluvius in full pos- session of tho field, and after struggling all day for complete control, was forced about 6 P. M. to retire beyond the western horrizon and leave his antagonist master of the field. In plain English the weather yesterday was more like April than August ; 'twas a mixture of cloud and sunshine, with an occasional shower. At this writing the prospects for rain to-night are good. We have nothing new to report iu regal'd to business. We have no encouraging news from the tribu- taries. Low water is the cry from every quar- ter. Mr. Geo. Hamilton has our thanks for late Alexandria papers. The Natchez from Vicksburg, Trenton from Opelousas, and Willie from Ouachita are due this evening. For late river telegrams see first page. For manifests of arrivals see Marine column. The Sabine arrived yesterday and will leave Saturday for Grand Ecore and all wav landings, at 5 P. M. New Cotton.—The now crop >as begun to come in freely; the Katie brought in four bales and the Sabine one. The following from one of our Shreveport ex- lianges, we fully indorse ; “ The river reporter’s occupation is very near like Othello’s unless there he a change for the better very soon he will close this column in dis- gust. Selah.’’ The departures yesterday were tho St. .lohn for Baton Rouge, Josephine for Bonnet Carre, John Kyle for St. Louis, Bertha for Opelousas, and Mary Ida for Lower Coast. The Susie Silver, (’apt. Silver, leaves on Auf ust j 26th inst., for St. Louis. The river at this point continues to crawl down its banks. Tho weekly Grand Ecore packet Sabine, is re- ceiving to leave bn Saturday, 22d iiiot., at 5 P. M., ('apt. Dick Sinnott, master, and Geo. Ham 1- ton, clerk. ; steamers leaving this day. Fob Mouth of White River — Reoular T hursday Packet. — The peerless Katie (in place of the Frank Pargoud), Capt. J M. White, leaves at 5 P. M. to-dav for Mouth of White River, Chicot City, Greenville, Vicksburg and all way landings, connecting at Vicksburg with steamers of the Purisot’s Line for all points ou the Yazoo and Tallahatehio rivers. Mr. W. N. Calmes has charge of her office. We clip the following from the Alexandria Cau- casian, of the 15th inst.: One foot and eight inches fall since our last re- port, aud now the river stands only 4 feet 3 inches above the low water of 1872. Another week like the last, and our river will be past naviga ion. Already, without many sand bars showing above the surface of the w,ter, our packet boats are having mach trouble. The fact is, the sand has settled in the channel, and there is not as good boating water now as there was in 1872, when the river was two and a half feet lower. The Sabine hove in sight in the reach below town at 7 o’clock on Tuesday even- boxes fruit A Fucich Aco—1 ox bncon Sclnuidt A Zeigler.,2 half beerbirreis Gso Merz—2cars bricks E M Stella—Total, 9 bales cotton (7 new) NEW ORLEANS. MOBILE AND TEXAS RAIL- ROAD, August 19—33 bales cotton to order—23 pkgs tobacco Maver Bros—170 do Wackerbarth A Joseph For bovs over six years of age. R. M. LUSHER, Principal. Tenth session opens MONDAY, Sept. 7, 1874. No. 247 St. Charles street, northwest section of Tivoli Circle. For terms, etc., aprfly to the Principal, at the Academy, from 9 A. M. to 2P. M. aul6 lmeod SUMMER RESORTS. B ladon springs , ala this famous Watering Place is now open for the season. Board per day #2 50 ; week $15 ; month $50. Childnes and colored servants half price. IAacson, Seixap A Co., grocers, 60 and 68 Common street, are agents for the sale of the Bladon Water in barrels, ana are au- thorized to make arrangements with families for the season, and will furnish further information. The Li.tus No. 2, of the Carter Line, leaves Mobile for the Springs every TUESDAY EVENING at 4 au4 lm MAE J. CONNER A CO.. Proprietor«. ARNES HOTEL. BJ MISSISSIPPI CITY, ...... .-o, , U1 persons. Band of Music engaged for the season. Fax ties coming will ask conductor to put them oft a< Barnes Hotel Station, half a mile west of mail depot. TERMS. Per month. $50 aud $60, according to rooms. Per week, $17 50. Per dav, $3. J. D. MAYER A CO., Jyl5 2m Proprietor«. rjEGAKDEN HOTEL, MISSISSIPPI CITY, MISS. ander the management of Co'. J. O. NIXON, if opei for the season. Board per month (of four weeks)....... $40 00 Board per d ay ....................................... 2 50 Children and servants half price. ie20 ö STEAMBOATS. UPPER MISSISSIPPI. ST. LOUIS AND NEW ORLEANS AND mud CHANTS’ SOUTHERN PACKET LINE. GIVING THROUGH TICKETS TO Boston, New York, Philadelphia Bala- » . “ »re Washington City, Buffalo, Pitts- burg, Cleveland. Cincinnati, Louisville, and EXCURSION TICKETS TO ST. PAUL, FOR ST. LOUIS, CAIRO, MEMPHIS AND THE BENDS. Will leave as below, at 5 o’clock, P. M.. SUSIE SILVER, D. H. Silver, captaiu: John S. Lehmcr, clerk, WEDNESDAY, August 26. Issuing, as usual, Through Bills of Ladiug in con- nection with the railroads to all the principal poin t* North and West. J. B. WOODS A CO., General Agent«, myl 124 Gravier street c ITY ASSESSMENTS— NOTICE TO PAX-PAYERS. 100 bbls lime Sam Jamison—264 bbls apples Miller A Meyer—148 bbls apples C F Melville Aco—125 bbls potatoes F DelBonuio—20 do 55 bbls apple- Meyers A Maun—82 do 7 crates cabbage Davison A Pitcher—27 bbls apples A Fucich Aco—32 do M Schwabacher—8 do W O Pomerade—72 do 16 bbls potatoes J Keller- 50 bbls oil J H Scott—13 casks bacon 15 tierces hams Vose Bros—16 bdls hides Hay A Mehle—5 pkgs to bacco Marshall A Earley. 1 cotton gin U V TTiomp- kins—1 do John Winship—9 pkgs paper Crane A James . 10 bales domestic C C Ketclium—40 boxes mdse D L Ranlett —25 do F Bauer—10 do E Booth—6 do C Lazard—32 bales domestic Lehman. Abraham A co—71 bl.ls rosin Jury, Joseph A J'—3 cotton gins Golsan Bros—1 do Tipp A Colt-man—1 do J B Wolfe Aco—129 bbls rosin J F Simpson..1 box drugs E J Hart Aco.. 5doM Dowling—228 empty barrels O Per- rilliat—aud sundries to order—Total, 33 bales cotton MORGAN’S LOUISIANA AND TEXAS RAIL- ROAD, August 19—2 liales cotton McWilliams, Ma- rion Aco—1 do G Lazar—22 do (1 new) J W Bur- bridge Aco—4 do A Tertrou—2 do Jno I Adams Aco 3 half bales moss 3 hhds sugar R Beer—20 bdls hides M Levy—2 half Indes moss Sevin A Oourdain—3 bbls sugar A A Mouton—10 half bales moss J M Walsh— 26 hides J Rykoski. .6 pkgs hides U IJ Terrebonne— $225 John Calder.. 12 hidf bales moss Ferguson A Ua her—15 do do J Aj cock—28 do Herman A Vignes—6 bales do L Terrebonne—130 mail cattle P Servat— and sundries to order—Total, 31 balee cotton (1 new crop) 2 hlids sugar Department of Assessments, ) City Hall, Room 15, Aug. 16, 1874. j In accordance with section seven, city ordi- nance number 71, Administration Meries, notice is hereby given that the Assessment on Real Es- tate and Personal Property within the city, for Ihe year 1875 is now complete, and will be "open for inspection and correction at the office of the Department of Assessments, Room 15, C ty Hall, from 9 o’clock A. M. till 3 o’clock P. M. (Sundays excepted), during thirty days from the date hereof, at which time a'll complaints, of either excessive or inadequate assessments, will be con- sidered. , And tax-pavers are hereby notified to attend to their assessments in person, as no applications for the correction of assessments will ho enter- tained by any clerk of tliis depart . ont, uni ss made by the owner of the property in person or hv he legally authorized agent.’ This ordei must be strictly obeyed. au!6 lm H. F. 8TUROKEN, Administrator. INSURANCE. rjlWENTV FIFTH ANNUAL STATEMENT ------ OF THE------- CRESCENT MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, May 23, 1874. The trustees, in conformity to the charter, submit the following statement of the attairs of the company on the 30th of April, 1874 ; Fire premiums ..........................$219,708 28 Marine premiums.................... 46,335 38 River premiums........................ 134.551 35—$400,594 25 Earned premiums, less reinsurance aud return premiums ................................... 319,233 52 Losses paid aud estimated— On Are risks .. $80,455 14 On marine risks 28,477 38 On river risks 47,334 47—$156,266 99 Taxes, discount iu lieu of participation, interest ou capital, expenses, etc., less discount, e tc ........................ 100,564 08— 256,83100 VICKSBURG. FOR VICKSBUdG. UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET. Leaves every TUESDAY at 5 P. M. - , FOR’ VICKSBURG, NATCHEZ, 'Davis Bend and all intermediate land- 1 ings—The passenger steamer Hobt. E. Lee. Wm Campbell, master, Jno. H. Mossop, clerk. will leave as above, carrying United States mail. " urg with Parizot Line for ta points on Yazoo river; also, with commoting boats connecting at Vicksburg Leaving net profts .............................. $62,702 00 UNDRIES— S” 500 Rids Mess Pork. 65 Bbls Rump Pork. 200 Bbls Corn Meal. 125 Tierces Refined Lard. 10 Half Casks Sugar cured Shoulders. In store and to arrive. E. K. CONVERSE, aul6 5t 84 Magazine. R emoval we have removed our office to No. 188 Common street, between Varieties Alley and Baronne street. au!5 lm MEYER, WEIS A CO. ir OANOKE COIXEGE, SALEM, VA., LIST OF VESSELS Up, Cleared and Sailed for New Orleans. NEW* YORK. Steamship City of Galveston, Evans __ sld Aug 12 Steamship Gen Meade, Sampson............ sld Aug 15 Steamship Hudson, Gager..................... sld Aug 15 Bark Frank Marion. Dillon..................... ldg July 8 BALTIMORE. Steamship Wilmington, Holmes................ sld Aug 7 LIVERPOOL. Ship Golden Rule, Hall............................... sld July 7 Ship Expounder, Crocker.......................... sld July 23 Ship Formoso, Alien ................................ sid July 16 Ship G Strickland. Strickland................. ldg July 31 Ship Belgravia, Bell.. . sld Aug 1 Bark Ceterina, Jones ................................... sld July 9 ANTWERP. Bark Trieste, Tobin.................................. ldg Aug I OLID.LIN. Bhi k A In ahum..................................... .. sld Aug 4 BEAUMARIS Bark Duchess of Lancaster, Williams___sld June 20 HAVRE Bark Hortense Dusautoy, Cluzand............ sld July 5 AMSTERDAM. Bark Noah, Keilsen...................... .eld Jane K A K SI.il,I.l-.s sid Aug .sld Aug sld July 17 Bark Marguerite................................. Bark Kaifaciucia...................... ......... BORDEAUX. Ship Ville de Bordeaux, Guillaume. ROUEN Bark Maggie McNeil, Herron................ sld July RIO DE JANEIRO. Ship Osborne. Griffiths............................. ldg July Offers superior advantages to young men of the South. First-class facilities, low charges; board $10 per month. Expenses for ten months (including hoard, tuition and incidentals,) about $200. Location unsurpassed ill America. Twentv- second session opens September 2. Those wish- ing to. enter should write at once. Students from 16 States, including Louisiana. City references given if desired. For Catalogue, of 40 pages, address REV. D. F. BITTLE, D. D., President, aula 2w Ur, apply at this office. QOOL MINERAL WATERS—BETHE8DA, Cooper's Well aud Blue lick, on draught, 5 cents per glass, and 50 cents per gallon. Also Congress Empire, 25 cents per bottle, on ice, at 106 Camp street. aul3 ThSuA Tu lm C OOK’S TOURS AND GENERAL TRAVEL- ING ARRANGEMENTS—Ocean tickets hv any hue from Now York. Passengers booked tiirougli to »ny point in Europe from New Or- leans. Tours in Europe and all parts of the United States. For tickets and other information, apply to A. K. MILLER A CO., 29 Corondelet street. New Orleans. anl2 lm 4thp SLATES. BEST ENGLISH SLATES—COLOR RED- Slate Roofs and Repaiis made to order by AURTCH, 629 Magazine street, near Jackson, au 16 lm The company have the following assets: Bills receivable... ....................$37.630 51 Iaians on bondand. mortgage 72,028 66—#109,059 17 Loans on pledge of stock at call .........................................#138,205 86 Cash on hand ............................ 63,832,68— 202 038 54 Real estate ................................. 118,759 42 City bonds, bank and other stocks......... 162,031 50 Premiums in course of collection............ 60,160 59 $652,949 22 The above statement is a tine aud correct tran- script from tlic books of the company. THOMAS A. ADAMS, President. H enry V. Oolikn, Secretary. STATE OF LOUISIANA, » Pal ish of Orleans, City of New Orleans. J Sworn to aud subscribed before me, this 23d day of May, 1874. W. E. EVANS. Second Justice of the Peace, Parish of Orleans, La The Board of Trustees Resolved, That after pay- ing tlie Fourth Quarterly Interest of 2 1-2 per cent, on the capital stock of the’ compauv, that a dividend of TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT, lm paid in CASH on and after the 23d day of June next, to those parties insuring with the company entitled to receive the same. tor Sunflower, Deer Creek and Tallahatchie rivers. For freight or passage apply on board, or to JOHN JANNEY, HITE Sc. CARLIN, 4 Tchoupito 1 s st.. C. G. WAYNE. au2 ADAMS Sc WORK, 9 Commrroinl Place. SATURDAY VICKSBURG PACKET. V. S. MAIL PACKET. Leaves every SATURDAY, at 5 P. If. FOR VICKSBURG, DAVIS’ BEND. Natchez, and all intermediate Undings— The passenger steamer Natchez, T. P. Leathers, master, J. F. Mas«; olerk, connecting at Vicksburg with Parizot Line Ihr Yazoo, Tallahatchie aud Sunduwer Rivers, and with Anchor Line for Memphis. Cairo and St. Louis. For freight or passage apply on board, or to JOHN JANNEY, 117 Common st. or to HITE St CARLIN, 4 Tchoupitoulas st. aul 6m Thos. A. Adams, Saiu'l II. Kennedy, John Phelps, Adam Thompson, P. N. Strong Jos. Bowling, Jno. M. Sanilidge, Simon Forcheimer, R. B. Post, Edw. Pilsbury, Chas. E. Slayuack, David Wallace, Andrew Stewart, TRUSTEES : Sam’l B. Newman C. T. Buddeeke, A. G. Über, Henry Abraham, Victor Meyer, Edw. J. Gay, Simon Hemsheiin, Jos. B. WolfeL R. T. Torian, .lohn E. King, Fred’k Camerden, J. L. Harris, Jos. Stone. iny24 TliSaly COPARTNERSHIPS. D issolution of copartnership mr . Thomas A Do Wolf having determined to remain in England, withdraws from the firm of SHEPHERD & De WOLF, from August 1, 1874, by mutual consent. The business will ba con- tinued by Mr. C. J Shepherd, for his own ac- count, under the style of C. J. SHEPHERD A CO. au!8 tf SHEPHERD & De WOLF. BANKERS AND BROKERS. L aborers , mechanics , clerics and others who desire to place their savings wnere they will produce a fair rate of interest, and at the same time be free iroui the hazards of fire, burglary or other accidents, to which it is so • ften exposed in dwellings and boarding-houses, should patronize the CITIZENS’ SAVINGS BANK, Gruuewald Hall, J. L. GUBERNATOR, president; M. BENNER, cashier. au9 lm L ouisiana savings bank and safe DEPOSIT COMPANY, 51. Camp street ..................... 51 ......................... , ag; last year— increase 172,816. Exports (Fri- day to Tncsilay inclusive) to Great Britain 7751 boles, agan.st 4396 last week and 7041 last year, and to the Continent none, against none last Week and m ue last year. Stock« at all me de- livery port« made up to 12 M. 130,678 bales, against 147:993 last week, aud 158,878 last year. The above ota.« at ail the ports are exclusive of oorreoliona. TOBACC) '—There was more movement to- day, »lie vales embracing 157 hhds (14, 15, 21, 26 anq el) at —. This makes au ag- gregate tipis far this week of 199 hhds, against 142! last week, and 258 the week bc- fuie. Priti' s are reputed firm. The amount oa sale iz estimated at 7575 hhds. We continue to quote :’ow td medium >ogs at Uirdu fort! lo line S‘ @S*e low eai 9*lftl!l>e medium l-i@ ll|e, good to fine 12@i2*o. select torn ’S@14c. Received since last evon- ®fi R hinf i; exported 56 to New York. Stock on by eOi* running statement 9493 hhds. F.RtlGljlrj-The maraai continue«extremelv anil, wuh.no sail loom lor Liverpool, and the Stozn-J... tj tor that •><*« team*: «ottoutt J@7-1M. we quote ('Z follows; By eteeJBto Cotton to Liverpool, Id: to grojetz, to Philadelphia .e; to Boston. P ro b e n « and Fall Biver, via Philadelphia Je By «ail- Jottoa to Liverpool — ; to jfo«ven i®* SUGAR -Only B hhds wsre received this morn- ing. Sale* 17 hhds pnme refilled at 9jc 9! B>. MOLAR ES—No receipts aud no sales. City refimry r »boiled is selling in the job trade at 4tf@42c for couimou, 48@5Uc lor fair. 55@@57c lor good yiir, 60@62c for prime and [email protected] chmee. F .OUR -Fome inquiry for Cuba and f 00 bl D sohl on private tern.«. Vie ha e hea d of salts of 3D 00 b"l*. particulars not trausp red. Other lots i <nro. ire .tv. The saies t • ths local trade are confined 1 .1 J700 bbls, of winch 96 superfine »t $4, ■land JUKI good treble extra at $5 75,100 at $ 87J, iug, and on Weduosdav morning, aliout 8 o’clock, reached onr lower wliarf, being over thirteen hours in sight, wriggling, twisting and scuffling through, working a channel to reach us, while “ one card ” rates were vanishing from our sight. We could not help admiring “ Masser Dick,” and the energv displayed by bun to give our Grand j Ecore trade a good boat to deal with. Un Friday morning, almost up to time, the Fleta, Capt. Mit; hell, put in an appearance,shov- ing out her stago-plauk at the Piimville wliarf just about davlight, and seemed to have a pretty fair freiglit for low water—a fair freight now means lu-xt to nearly nothing. The Bryarly ought to be down al>out to-mor - row. Steamboat time is mashed all into a “cocked hat,” and we arc only “certing” that they are lu re when we see them—no, when they have landed, we should ray. Our crops, t artieularly i’u the pine-woods, are suffering very much for the want of rain, and a continued dry spell will reduce the yield very much—already we hear of forms falling off, and we fear the young bolls will not mature if we have no rain* in the course of a week. Dry, hot and sweiteuug has been the weather for tlie past week. D issolution of copabtnership - the firm of JOHN PHELPS & CO., composed of John Phelps and A. A. Yates, is this day dis- solved by mutual consent. Either <artner wil sign the name oi the firm in liquidation only. JOHN PHELPS, A. A. YATES. New Orleans, August 1st, 1874. /COPARTNERSHIP - THE UNDERSIGNED VV have tliis day formed a copartnership for the purpose of earning on a Cotton Factorage and Commission business, under the name and style of JOHN PHELPS St CO. JOHN PHELPS, A. A. YATES, ISAIAH GREEN. New Orleans, August 1st, 1874. aul lm CAPITAL ........................................................ $500,000 E. C. PALMER, President JAMES JACKSON, Vice President. directors . ED. CONERY, FREDERICK WING. J. H. KELLER, W. H. THOMAS, DAVID WALLACE, JAMES JACKSON, E. C. PALMER. Its capital gives security to deposits. . of Fifty Cents and upwards received, and SIX PER CENT. INTEREST allowed. Deposits I nd SIX F‘ jylO 3m JOHN S. WALTON, Cashier. C oop I tems.—A special to the Galveston Xetcs from Marlin, (Texas), is as follows: ▲ dry, sohorching drouth prevails, and crops are considerably shortened. Not more than half as much cotton as was made last year, and twice as much corn. A dispatch to the same paper from Calvert, says t at cotton in that locality will not aver- age more than one-third of a bale to the acre, that the present drouth and extremely hot weather ore damaging the prwpect daily. Per contra, the Brownsville •papers state that a much larger amount of cott in will be shipped thii year from the Rio Grande Valley than ever before. The cotton worm has en- tirely disappeared and picking is going on briskly. Cadet Smith pii iuiseajto tell “ de troof, de hull trout, an' nnfiin but de troof” about Ins West Point experience. r VTOTICE - Mr. E. P. RARE8HIDE THIS day withdraws from the firm of GEORGE A. FOSDÏCK A CO. George A. Fosdick is charged with the liquidation of its affairs, and will con- tinue* tlie ship brokerage business under the same stvle and firm, GEO. A. FOiSDICK, E. P. RARESHIDE. New Orleans, July 20, 1874. Messrs. J. M. DOMINGUEZ and OLIVER P. REZEAU have an interest in onr business from this date. GEO. A. FOSDICK A CO. July 2«*, 1874. jy 22 W& THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE THIS day formed a copartnership under the firm name of RARESHIDE A CAMERON, for the transaction of a steamship, ship brokerage and gsneral commission business. E. P. RARESHIDE, J. SPENCER CAMERON, J. B. RARESHIDE. Office 171 Gravier street, near Carondelet. iy22 £7HE FREEDMEN’S SAYINGS AND TRUSl COMPANY. A Savings Bank, Chartered by the United States March, 1865. NEW ORLEANS BRANCH, 182 Canal Street, Corner of Dryades. Bank Hums from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Open Saturilay Night to receive Deposits from 6 to 8 o'clock. Interest Allowed on Deponits. C. D. STUKTEVANT, Cashier. sp30 fun HENRY BACAS, Asms'. Cashier. jyK W ORLEANS SAVINGS INSTITUTION, 136 Canal Htreet. TRUSTS»*. Dr. W. Newton Mercer, G. F. Générés, David Urqnhart, George Jonas, John G. Gaines, Thomas A. Adams, Carl KoSn, Thos. Allen Clarke, Christian Schneider Chas. J . Leeds, Samnel Jamison. Interest allowed o.. Deposits. L. F. GENERES, President. 8AM JONES. Cashier. ao U ’Vz i r gOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF MEMPHIS, TENN. THOS. A. NELSON, President. A. WOODRUFF, Vice President. BEN. MAY, Secretary. Assets Nearly 83,000,000. Whole number of policies in force over 8000. Surplus to policy holders $500,000. Income in 1873, $1,643,249 70. Reasons for insuring in the Southern Life In- surance « orupany: 1. Its security,' its ratio of assets to liabilities being nearly $200 for even- $100 it owes, its sol- vency being unsurpassed by any company doing business in the United States. 2. Its being a sound Southern Companv, there is no danger of ils withdrawal from the country. 3. Its rates are as low as absolute security will allow, and have not been increased, while its mu- tual feature returns in equitable dividends the surplus to the assured. 4. It is purely a Southern corporation; its Di- rectory embraces the names of many of the ablest financiers, and most successful business men t.f tlie South, and retains all its accumulations at home, to improve and enhance your property. 5. The liberality to its policy* holders are not only promised but practised. New Orleaus Branch, No. 48 Carondelet street, corner of Union. Refers by permission to Archbishop Perche, YVm. H en ry , Bell & ilenge, R. T. Buckner A Bro., Jno. Cliaffo, Bro. A 8on, Jas. A. Brown, Nelson, Lamphier A Co., James Wood, G. W. Sentelf, Chas. T. Nash, Wm. McMasters, Capt. J. J. Brown, Jack Wharton, Mechanics and Traders’ Bank JOHN F. BUTTS, General Agent J. A. WARNER, Superintendent of Agencies, jv26 lm jÿjËRCHANTS’ MUTUAL INSURANCE COM- PANY OF NEW ORLEANS, 104 Canal Street. TWENTIETH ANNUAL STATEMENT. In conformity with the requirements of their char ter, the Company publish the following statement : Premiums received darin» the year ending May 31 Unearned Premiums of the previ UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET. FOR CHICOT CITY, MOUTH WHITE AND AR- KANSAS. GREENVILLE, VICKSBURG AND THE BENDS. Leaves every THURSDAY. at 5 o'clock, P. M. FOB CHICOT CITY, MOUTH White and Arkansas riven. Oreeuviiile, Vicksburg, Natchez and way landing»— The fine and last passenger packet Katie, (In place steamer Frank Pargond,) J. M. White, master, C. Holmes, clerk, will leave as above, carrying the United States mail and coimecting at Vicksburg with the “ Parizot Line” for all points on Yazoo and Tallahatchie rivers. J. JANNEY, 117 Common street, HITE A CARLIN, 4 Tchoupitoulas street, •ol Agents. OHIO K1VUR. REGULAR CINCINNATI. LOUISVILLE AND NEW ORLEANS PACKET. Leaves on 8ATURDAY, 22d inst., at 5 P. M. FOR CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, Evansville, Henderson, Shawneetowr, Paducah, Cairo, Memphis, and all iutei- inetliate points—The passenger steamer Indiana, W. J. Rusk, master, A. L. Croxall, clerk will leave as above. For freight or passage apply on board or to C. G. WAYNE, 106 Gravier street. aul9 RED RIVER. ECORE REGULAR TUESDAY GRAND PACKET Leaves every TUESDAY, at S P. M. Commencing on TUESDAY, Aug. 4th. FOR GRAND KCOKE, ’ MONT- ixnery, Mouth Cane RiverjAlexandria, oriuan's, Harbin’s and all way landings on Red River—The A1 and very light draught pas- senger steamer Fleta. Jno. C. Mitchell, master, Jas. L. Robbins, clerk, will leave positively as above throughout the loW water season. The Fleta will be replaoed by a larger boat when navigation permits. For freight or passage apply on board, or to jy25 lm LORD St McPEAKE, 4« Camp street. WEEKLY GRAND ECORE PACKET. Leaves on FRIDAY, Aug. 21, at 5 P. M. i Fort DeRuHNey, Barbin'«, Ns» ' man’s, Alexandria, Mouth Cane River, Montgomery, Grand Ecore and nil way landings—The light draught pawwnger steamer C. H. Dur fee, (In place of Sabine.) R. Sinnott, master, Geo. C. Hamilton, clerk. Particular attention paid to way and plantation business. For freight or passage apply on board- or to TT St CARTER, iyis SINiXO'i HITE St CAR Lari, BRITTON S l EPPLBR. OPELOUSAS. REGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET. For Washington, Port Barre, Siminsport, Cburcüville and ail landings on the Coast, Atehafalaya River and Ba- you Courtableau—the new aud light draught nasaon- gcr steamer Bertha, za H. H. Broad, master, J . B. Sob mi f i t t e r k. will leave as above, every WEDNESDAY, at 5 P. M taking freight and passengers for all landings on Bà- you des Glaizes, to be landed at either Big Bead Land- ing or at either warehouse at Siinmaport. For freight or passage apply on board, or to au5 BRITTON St EPPLER, 10« Common st. oub year: On Fire Risk .......................................... $693.30* 04 On Manne Risks.......................................... Ml 7»nr On River Risks .........................................*. 141 035-. Total Premiums....................................... $915 131 2i Less Unearned Premiums........ ........... . 195*900 00 Net Earned Premiums 31st Mav. 1873 *719 221 ai Losses paid— ' (to F5re R is k s ........................... $363,618 66 O“ Manue Risks........................ 63,305 72 On River Risks ....................... 59,825 23 3,361 Taxes and Expenses less in- terest ..................................... Reinsurance, Return Premium and Profits and L o ss ........... 80.346 Reserved for Unat(juated Losses 45,000 01 ,$58 04 Leaves every SATURDAY, at 5 P. M., For Washington, Port Barre, __________ Siminsport, Church ville,aud ali interme- diate landings on the Coast, A tuhafavlay a River and Bayou Courtableau. The tight draught passenger steamer _ _ Trenton, E. Qnatrevaux, master, T. Jobin, clerk, will leave as above, every SATURDAY at 5 P. M , taking freight and passengers for Rayon des Glaises,' to be landed at Big Bend Landing or Simmaport» For freight or passage apply ou board, or to , J- M. DOWLING 25 Decatur street. je20 tf J. B. WOODS St CO.. 194 Gravier s t OUACHITA RIVER. BLANKS’S LINE OUACHITA PACKETS. FOR CAMDEN, TRENTON, MON roe and all way landings on Ouachita an Black Rivers. The very light-drangh passenger steamer . W illie, J. W. Blanks, master; E. B. Trinidad, clerks. Will leave every SATURDAY, at 5 P. M. connecting with steamers Ora for Bayou Bartholo- mew, Goose for Little River, Tensas and Bayou Ma- con, Bertha Bruner for D’Arboune, Ann S. for fimol f-.ver, and Stafford's little packet for Bayou Louis. BRITTON Sc EPPLER. ADAMS St WORK, 9 Commercial Place. jy21 lm W. IS. CLARKE, Ageun,. Profit.. The Companv have the following assets • Real Estate........... City Bouda_____ _______ Banks and Railroad Stocks »103,763 If FOR SALK. F OB SALE- TWO SECOND-HAND STAB COTTON OBIS. Cheap for Cash, at J. H. JENSEN’S, Jy25 t f 78 Carondelet street. 183. ; mr \ i \ sS afe M MANUFACTURE 'S.U1X SOUTHERN DEPOT, ..........Gravier Street.. ..................... 185 JelO tf $344,415 51 309,032 5C Notes secured by mortgage..I"".*"” " 364.™ 2 Notes secured bv Dledira ............ .. inn me » Bills receivable .... ^.. 2 Premium in coarse of collection....... ' *** ins V« n State Bonds........................................ ’’ o'ooo nr Insurance Stock................................... "** Stock Vallette Insurance Company!:!** Stock of Levee Steam Cotton Press ......... Stock of Marine Dry Dock and Ship Yaid Mortgage Bonds Turners’ Association' Mortgage Bonds Odd Fellow* H«tl 1,800 « 20,800 00 3(785 00 LOWER COAMT. REGULAR LOWER COAST PACKET TWICE A WEEK. Leaves every WEDNESDAY aud SATURDAY at 10 A. M. . fPSb F°K THJS FORTH, QUARANTINE I|g«eSgij^ Burns, Pointe-la- Hache, Jesuit’s Bend, and all plantation and way 'v '- i r s The new and staunch passenger steamer . . _ , diary Ida, A. J. Ruiz, master, J. L. Boyd, P. R. Barry, clerks. For rrenjnt «PP*V * will leave as above, board, if to l|v2K 4.000 M 9.000 « 5.000 Of Cash on hand................ 11*53 4* $1,363,704 7f The above statement is a Inst and correct script from the books of the Company „ _ PAUL FOURCHÉ, Preoident G. W. Nott, Secretary. ». u 0 F LOUISIANA, 1 P* T h °f ^ * 5 * 1 cit? °f New Orieaaa. I t 8w<TÎ-,t0 *“d »“hecribed before me the 8th dav al Jnne, 1874. P. CHS. CUVELErT Ti.» _____ NoUry PoMic, 140 Gravier street öld« T Ä n c L * * m tere,t U ****“ • *» P. Maspero, 8. Z. Refr (teU ttS* J-IL a ST V ROOMS ANI) board . UR NIB HKD ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT “ toed, central location. No. 209 Gravier street. Rear Baronne, tonna moderate, to suit times. ap28tf ^EW ORLEANS, ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO RAILROAD COMPANY. GREAT JACKSON ROUTS. Trams depart and arrive as follows : (From Calliope Street Depot.) depart . arriyi . Express ........7.-00 A. M. | Express 10JO P. M, 8:00 A. K. Can through to St, Eastern 6:00 P . M. t ollman Paine I .. ma, Chicago sad „ Gnjy one change o cities. Tickets tor sale and mtormatioa given at 22 Damp street, coiner Common. K. D. F L O A T , i q R O t f
Page 1: The New Orleans bulletin (New Orleans [La.]) 1874-08-20 [p ]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86079018/1874-08-20/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · OFFICE -NEW ORLEANS BULLETIN, Wednesday Evening,



W ednesday Evening, A ugust 19, 1874.

A ugust 15 . . . . . .A ugust 17.............A ugust 18------A ugust 19-----;

T hus lar th is v e tk Home tim e last'w eek.Total u s . wee* . ..Total week be! »re..

We have i;,) ne Money m arket, I'li ex ten t a t the hanke an d th e raten commercial* paper unchanged.

We continue to quote selected paper, with or w ithout collât «r alz, at 8@9 y cen t per annum first class at 10 '4 —, and A1 a t lUtfi 12. and sec­ond grade a t i § cent per month. F irs t class m ortgage cOntinuös to rule a t 10 y cent per annum , while nothing is reported in second grade.

We learn th a t the stockholders of the New O rleans Natioi ;il Bank have paid up 75 y cent of the am ount thij United Htates Controller of the C urrency coMed on them to contribute In order to m ake up for shrinkage in its assets ami restore i ts capital to tile form er par of $100 'y share.

Gold opened a t 109j@109j, against 109j at New York, 'and am ,r a m oderate business closed at

C'learingH. Balancez. . . . $485,125 08 $65,714 37

. , 645,734 13 92,315 34. . 726,856 81 79,089 41

480,158 97 74.324 hi

..$2,337,874 99 $311,443 92. 2,654.751 19 553,327 83

...3.724,544 51 493,819 21

. . 8 873.259 64 626,291 86feature to notice in tin

offering« contmno of fairand limited oiT the «treet,

1 0 9 l4 f0 9 i. a g u n s t 109| in th a t market, w here it touched 1091 during the interim . The sales sum m ed up $33,000, em bracing $1000 a t 1091. *2000 and $600» at 109j, $3000, *5000 and $6000 a t 1091, sud $10,000 a f lü 9 j.

T he only sal< of Silver reported was $1800 in A m erican half dollars a t 1041. American half dollars were still quoted a t 104@104*, and Mexi­can dollars a t 971 gold.

Under the ( J iu se of gold a t New York com­mercial Sterling was about 1-10 y cent higher. T he only sale reported was £1000 flrst-cla^s at 5.34*

Francs also responded improvement, ingold a t New York, closing higher, bu t not a dingle transaction was reported,'• At the close Sterling b ills 'h e re quoted a t 5.31 @6.'32J for bill; of lading and A1 clear, and 5.364 for bank, and f anes a t 4.734 for private, and — for bank.

The offerings of Domestic Exchange continue very light, and w ith a lim ited dem and rates were unchanged. No sales w orthy o f notice were re ­ported.a The beaks oentinue to check on New York a t 1 S cent prem ium , and commercial s igh t is stiff quoted at (@5-16.

In Stocks we.noticed a sale of 20shares of New O rleans City Rdiroail Company a t $150.

The sales of Bonds included $9000 City Oold Bearing Seven P er Cents a t th e v e ry low figure ol 46. They were quoted a t the opening at about 47. !

City Appropriation Certificates, M etropolitan Police W arrants and Tim e Certificates of 1873, a re now quoted nominal a t about 46@47, b u t no sales worthy of notice are reported.

Nothing tr&iispircd in State W arrants. Large wore still quoted nominal a t 30@31; m edium a t 326633, and sm,«!! at 346*36.

100 choice extra at i? 05, 25 and 25 a t $7 25, 150, 201), Jut), 200 and 475 bbl« on private term s.

CORN MEAL—G<xxl supply and dull. Offer ing at $3 70 ft bbl, and 110 sales, excepting 106 bbls a t $3 65 f ' bbl, a decline;

P U H K -D ull and nominal a t $24 y bbl for mess No sales. Dealers are retailing at $25 50 cash, and $26 tim e.

DHY SALT MEAT—None in first bands. 7000 lb shoulders, loose, sol 1 at 9 |c y lb. D ealers are retailing them at life y lb.

BACON—Dull, bu t no anxiety on the p a rt of holders to sell. Shoulders are held in lots at 10c, d e a r rib sides 134c, clear sides 13jc y tb. D ealers' ra tes in the ir job trade are 10jc for shoulders. 131c for d e a r rib sides, and 1 jc for d e a r sides. The m arket dosed stronger, under favorable W estern advices.

BREAKFAST BACON—Is in light supply and commands 1546916c y lb.

HAMS—Dull and offering a t 15@16§c y It, for choice sugar-cured.

LARD—The supply is ligh t and the dem and is limited. Tierce is quoted a t 15^@16c; keg 16® 16 c y If>. Dealer»’ ra tes are 164c for tierce and 17c for ken;.

WHISKY—Bull. Louisiana rectified is quoted a t $1 01 : choice Cincinnati $1 05 y gallon.

CORN IN BULK—Tlio m arket is bare. I t is offered, to arrive, a t 75c y bushel for mixed.

WHEAT IN BULK—The m arket is hare'. Sup­plies are offering, to arrive, at $1 22 f* bushel for No. 3 red winter.

CORN IN HACKS—Is in good supply and lim ­ited dem and. The sales are confined to 600 sacks, of which 200 yellow mixed a t 83c, 150 do a t 85c, and 200 white mixed a t 90c y bushel.

OATS—The supply is good and prices have de­clined 3@5c y bushel. The sales com prise 2000 sacks, of which 500 ordinary, new, a t 55c, 150 [trime new a t 57c, 100 do a t 58o, loO choice a t 60c, 800 new a t 60c, and 300 strictly choice a t 64c y bushel.

BRAN—I p in fair supply and lim ited demand. 100 and 150 sacks sold a* 90c y 100 lb.

HAY—Yesterday’s receipts are being lauded. The dem and is fair. The sales comprise 600 hales, of which 300 prim e a t $25; 100 do at $25 50; 100 and 100 choice a t $26 50 y ton.


Thursday Morning, August 20. )

George J . Duncan is the duly authorized Marine and River Reporter of the Bulletin.

C le ared Y es te rd ay .

Steamship Wut I1 Clyde, for Key West via Cedar Keys— I K Roberts

S eawship City of Dallas Hines, for New York —Rareshide A. Cameron

Steamship G.ssie, Farwell, for Galveston, in ballast - C A Whitney aco

A rriv ed .

Steamship New Orleans, Clapp, from New York rib bist, to A Moulton—ad dist 8

Schooner Linda, Trott, from Havana, to master. Al­giers


Sabine, Sinuolt, from High Dye Plantation Katie, White, from Terrence

M IS C E L L A N E O U S .

J U T T IN G & CO.’S

J NEW CROP CANNED SALMON,Just received and for sale, lowest m arke t price,

500 cases 11 lb cans) SALMON (C utting «V Co.)C. H. LAWRENCE A Co.

au l9 3t 39 and 41 Tchoupitoulas stree t.



New Orleans, Aug. 2Q, 1874. Sold.Arrived yesterday,

W estern beeves............ —Texas beeves.................... 20Calves and yea rlin g s .. 130H o g s .................................. —S h eep ................................. —Milch cows....................... —

PR IC ES.Texas beeves, com fed, 1st Texas beeves, 2d quality, y head


f i b .





B e lo w -C o m iu g I p.

Theresa (i, Gutierrez, Iront Havana


W ednesday Evening, Aug. 19, 1874. f 5 COTTON.

The sales to-day (not including 9 yesterday) embraced 268 bales, a t full pricos generally and higher figures fo r Middling, for which grade we revise our quotations, m aking no o the r change. We give also *ae Exchange figures and report as beloq :

1 G eneral Exchange1 quotations. Quotations.

Inferio r................................. 74® 9 —Low Ordinary:.................... 10 @104

- @ -, am quail LV, fp m a n . . . . . . . $406*55

Texas beeves, choice, f head..................... - 6*40Texas beeves, 1st quality, f h ea d ............ 30@35Texas cattle, 2d quality, ÿ bead ................ 206*28Texas cgttle, 3d quality, f bead ................ 12@15W estern beeves, f lb, n e t........................... —@—W estern bogs, f lb, g ross........................... 7466 8cTexas hogs, y lb, g ross..................................7@ 74«Sheep, 1st quality, f head.......................... $4@6Sheep, 2d quality, y head ............................ 4695Sheep, 3d quality, y head ........................... 3@4Milch cows, choice f head........................... $806*100Milch cows, y head.......................................3569 50Texas cows with calves................................. —69—Calves y h e a d ................................................$7,86910Yearlings f head............................................. 86910

Exports.KEY WEST VIA CEDAR K E Y S-P ci steamship

Wm P Clyile—1085 bbls flour 415 sacks coru 175 sacks oats 29 bbls whisky 18 bbls pork 22 casks bacon 854 pbgs sundries 72 h ;td stock

S E * YORK—Per sttaiuship City of Dallas—389 bales cotton 51 lihos tobacco 125 bales moss 32 bbls fireclay 25 birds iron 45 bbls iron M0 etuptv barrels

* Im p a rts .NEW YORK—l ’er .steamship Ntffv Orleans— As-

sortis 1 mdse

R eceip ts o f P ro d u ce .

HIGH DY E PLANTATION—Pel steamer Sabiue- 4 bales cotton to Jno Phelps Jcco—1 do (new) Oscar Chopin—1 do C L Walmsley &ci>—6 hides P E lloel- zel—3 do C L Walmsley Aco—2 do 1’ K Delavallade— 1785 staves Jos lllanco—20 head cattle C Mehle Aco— 2 do C C W ainriaht-aud sundries to order—and sun­dries to order—Total, C bales cotton It new crop)

TERRENCE. .Per’ steamer Katie. .57 bales cotton T H & J M Allen Aco—41 Richardson a May. .28 Jno I Adapts Aco—21 Meyer, Weis Aco—9 Clapp Bios A co—8 R L * W Adams—7 KT Buckner A Bro—6 Jno Cbaffe, Bro A Son—6 Lehman. Abraham Aco— 6 Jno 1 Noble—5 D Hadden aco—5 Jurey A Gillie—0 J L Harris Aco—4 Alcus, Scherck A Autey—3 A r Milteu- berger A Pollock—3 M Greenwood A Son—2 Blake- more Aco—2 C F Melvlile Aco. .2 Campbell \- Strong 1 R L Isabelle— 1 S B Newman Aco—1 J B Wolfe a c o 1 J Burnet Aco—I J Reeves Aco—1197 sacks cotton seed Louisiana Oil Co—421 do Union Oil Co - 233 do Bienville Oil Co—79 do A A Maginuis Sons—and sun­dries to order—Total, 225 balss cotton 1930 sacks cot­ton seed


NEW ORLEANS. ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO RAILROAD, August 19—4 bales cotton to LchinaD, Abraham Aco—3 Pritchard A Bickbaiu—1 J Bin-net

30 boxes CHOICE FANCY,Ju s t received and for sale by

C. H. LAWRENCE A CO., au l9 3t 39 and 41 Tchoupitoulas stree t.


AT BARNES HOTEL,Mississippi City,

A ugust 2 2 , 1 8 7 1 .T here will he a G rand Fete, Open Air Concert

and Ball given a t BARNES HOTEL, Mississippi City, SATURDAY, August 22, 1874. The dancing will be on the lawn, where a commodious plat­form will he erected for th a t purposo. -A tine band will be in attendance. Refreshm ents can he procured a t all hours during the night. The grounds will be handsomely illum inated, and every effort m ade to prom ote the enjoym ent of guests aud visitors. Excursion tickets good both ways, from S aturday till Monday, can bo pu r­chased a t both New Orleans and Mobile a t $2 each. All trains- will stop a t Barnes Station during the th ree days. J . D. MAYER & CO.,

au l8 20 22 Proprietors.


Aco—1 W Harrington Aco—100 bbl» lime B Bridge— 1 car hogs J J McGinnis—1 box mdse R It McDonald 1 coop chickens K Beer—1 fountain T S Waterman

O rd inary ....’.;.....................11*6612O r d in a r y . . . . . ........... U |Strict 46913

1 Ordinary.....................14 |@1S tric t Good O dinary ..........15 @15.






nominal.W ith nothing in the d ispatches to add

“ bUmuiua to tne dem and, the m arket appet very quiet during the m orning, hut la te r in

L o w ü id d lh ig .j...................... 16 @16jStrict Loir Mi id ling .......... 1646916;

■r i ta t Middling. '. '. ‘ ‘ ! 1 - @Good M iddling......................— @—

any. appeared

very quiet dus ing the m orning, hut la te r in the day there was'm ore inquiry, not only for the me­dium , b u t for the h igher grades also, which wero soarce and heltl above our recent quotations. At th e close 17c v?as given as the inside for Mid­dling, and sales of Middling to S trict Middling were m ade a t *74, 17 7-16 and 174c.

The receipts included i halos new crop, m aking a to tal to dabo of 1 bale from Texas and 21 from th e Miemssip)!ii Valley, which, with 15 from the Rio G rande, makes th e en tire am ount 37 bales, aga in st 6 last year and 296 the year before.

z1ie*tunouui on shipboard no t cleared, going DO board and engaged fo r shipm ent, was se t Sawn at the opining th is morning a t 5500 bales, em- b liS lng 4000 f ir Liverpool and 1500 for the N orth, which, when ; deducted frum th e stock on hand hy ou r rui ning sta tem ent la s t eve ring, leaves 9600 palus to represent the quan tity a t the landing and in presses unsold or sw&it- in* orders.

T he Exchange reports : “ Sales 225 bales.Q uiet and unchanged.’’

; COTTON STATEM ENT.■tea k an hand A ugust 31, 1873— bales 7,177Strived einoe Hast statem ent....... 310Strived previously......................1,328,649 1,328,959Re* corrections to May 25,

showing the balance between manifests duplicated and ad ­ditional m ade from waste, aomples, di in aged, city gin- ■in g of seed cotton, not on- ta red in m a.ii/ests, hu t cotton saved fo r sied , cleaning ma­chines in city mills, e tc . . . .

to*dAf- 389



Q e s rsd jw e i louzly............ .1,340,44)8

t e a SLehm an, Abra-

Co.’s Lane cotton

■ i n k in scuttled ship Ailsa, to be added, i recovered...........

■took on hand and on shipboard not eleered (corrections inclu­ded)..........; ..............................

k on hand not cleared same ne last year (corrections


2,552 1,344,149


12,885To-day’s c jports wero to New York.Receipts proper since last evenuig 277 bales,

against 212 last Wednesday and 243 last year, making an aggregate since Friday evening of 627 boles, ogams. 616 last week, and 878 last year. a< d since Augur. U of 1,216,986 bales, aga in st 1,237,714 laet year—corrections included botn years—decrease 20,728.

T bs Kxchicage telegrams make the receipts at Ol the port,, from 12 M. on yesterday to 12 M.


Thursday M orning, A ugnst 20, 1874. (T he undersigned is th e only authorized River

Itcporter of the Bulletin. All communications B lended for him will m eet with prom pt attention d left a t h is office, Koung’ Building, Canal S tree t Ferry Landing, from 6 A. M. to 6 P. M., or after th a t h our, a t th is office, 109 G ravier stree t.

Geo. J . Duncan.

T here was a war of factions in the elem ents yesterday. Whim th e god of day arose from his dewy couch he found Ju p ite r Pluvius in full pos­session of tho field, and after struggling all day for com plete control, was forced about 6 P. M. to re tire beyond the w estern horrizon and leave his antagonist m aster of the field. In plain English the w eather yesterday was m ore like April than A ugust ; 'twas a m ixture of cloud and sunshine, with an occasional shower. At th is w riting th e prospects for rain to-night are good.

We have nothing new to report iu regal'd to business.

We have no encouraging news from the tr ib u ­taries. Low w ater is the cry from every q u a r ­ter.

Mr. Geo. Hamilton has our thanks for late Alexandria papers.

The N atchez from Vicksburg, T renton from Opelousas, and Willie from Ouachita are due this evening.

For la te river te legram s see first page.For m anifests of arrivals see Marine column. The Sabine arrived yesterday and will leave

Saturday for G rand Ecore and all wav landings, a t 5 P. M.

New Cotton.—The now crop > as begun to come in freely; the Katie brought in four bales and the Sabine one.

The following from one of our Shreveport ex- lianges, we fully indorse ;

“ The river repo rter’s occupation is very near like Othello’s unless the re he a change for the better very soon he will close th is column in dis­gust. Selah.’’

The departures yesterday were tho St. .lohn for Baton Rouge, Josephine for Bonnet Carre, John Kyle for St. Louis, B ertha for Opelousas, and Mary Ida for Lower Coast.

The Susie Silver, (’apt. Silver, leaves on Auf ust j 26th inst., for St. Louis.

T he river a t this point continues to crawl down its banks.

Tho weekly G rand Ecore packet Sabine, is re­ceiving to leave bn Saturday, 22d iiiot., a t 5 P. M., ( 'ap t. Dick Sinnott, m aster, and Geo. Ham 1- ton, clerk. ;

steamers leaving this day.Fob Mouth of White River — Reoular

Thursday Packet. — T he peerless K atie (in place of the Frank Pargoud), Capt. J M. W hite, leaves at 5 P. M. to-dav for M outh of White River, Chicot City, Greenville, V icksburg and all way landings, connecting a t Vicksburg with steam ers of the Purisot’s Line for all points ou the Yazoo and Tallahatehio rivers. Mr. W. N. Calmes has charge of her office.

We clip the following from th e Alexandria Cau­casian, of the 15th inst.:

One foot and eight inches fall since our last re ­port, aud now th e river stands only 4 feet 3 inches above the low w ater o f 1872. A nother week like the last, and our river will be past naviga ion. Already, w ithout m any sand bars showing above th e surface of th e w ,te r , our packet boats are having m ach trouble. The fact is, the sand has se ttled in the channel, and there is not as good boating w ater now as th e re was in 1872, when the river was two and a half feet lower. The Sabine hove in s ig h t in th e reach below town a t 7 o’clock on Tuesday even-

boxes fruit A Fucich Aco—1 ox bncon Sclnuidt A Zeigler.,2 half beerb irreis Gso Merz—2 cars bricks E M Stella—Total, 9 bales cotton (7 new)

NEW ORLEANS. MOBILE AND TEXAS RAIL­ROAD, August 19—33 bales cotton to order—23 pkgs tobacco Maver Bros—170 do Wackerbarth A Joseph

For bovs over six years of age.R. M. LUSHER, Principal.

T enth session opens MONDAY, Sept. 7, 1874. No. 247 St. Charles s tree t, northw est section of Tivoli Circle.

F or term s, etc., aprfly to the P rincipal, a t the Academy, from 9 A. M. to 2 P . M. au l6 lm eod

S U M M E R R E S O R T S .

Bl a d o n s p r in g s , a l a — t h i s f a m o u sWatering Place is now open for the season.

Board per day #2 50 ; week $15 ; month $50. Childnes and colored servants half price. IAacson, Seixap A Co., grocers, 60 and 68 Common street, are agents for the sale of the Bladon Water in barrels, ana are au­thorized to make arrangements with families for the season, and will furnish further information.

The Li.tus No. 2, of the Carter Line, leaves Mobile for the Springs every TUESDAY EVENING a t 4

au4 lm MAE J . CONNER A CO.. Proprietor«. ARNES H O TEL.BJ


...... .-o, ,U1 persons.Band o f Music engaged for the season. Fax

ties com ing will ask conductor to pu t them oft a< Barnes H otel Station, half a mile west of mail depot.

TERMS.P er month. $50 aud $60, according to rooms. P er week, $17 50.P e r dav, $3.

J . D. MAYER A CO.,Jy l5 2m Proprietor«.



ander the management of Co'. J . O. NIXON, if opei for the season.

Board per month (of four weeks)....... $40 00Board per d a y ....................................... 2 50

Children and servants half price. ie20 ö

S T E A M B O A T S .



GIVING THROUGH TICKETS TO Boston, New York, Philadelphia Bala-

» ™ . “ »re Washington City, Buffalo, P itts ­burg, Cleveland. Cincinnati, Louisville, and



Will leave as below, at 5 o’clock, P. M..S U S IE S IL V E R ,

D. H. Silver, captaiu: John S. Lehmcr, clerk,WEDNESDAY, August 26.

Issuing, as usual, Through Bills of Ladiug in con­nection with the railroads to all the principal poin t* North and West.

J . B. WOODS A CO., General Agent«, myl 124 Gravier stree t



100 bbls lime Sam Jamison—264 bbls apples Miller A Meyer—148 bbls apples C F Melville Aco— 125 bbls potatoes F DelBonuio—20 do 55 bbls apple- Meyers A Maun—82 do 7 crates cabbage Davison A Pitcher—27bbls apples A Fucich Aco—32 do M Schwabacher—8 do W O Pomerade—72 do 16 bbls potatoes J K eller- 50 bbls oil J H Scott—13 casks bacon 15 tierces hams Vose Bros—16 bdls hides Hay A Mehle—5 pkgs to bacco Marshall A Earley. 1 cotton gin U V TTiomp- kins—1 do John W inship—9 pkgs paper Crane A James . 10 bales domestic C C Ketclium—40 boxes mdse D L Ranlett —25 do F Bauer—10 do E Booth—6 do C Lazard—32 bales domestic Lehman. Abraham A co—71 bl.ls rosin Jury, Joseph A J '—3 cotton gins Golsan Bros—1 do Tipp A Colt-man—1 do J B Wolfe Aco—129 bbls rosin J F Simpson..1 box drugs E J H art Aco.. 5doM Dowling—228 empty barrels O Per- rilliat—aud sundries to order—Total, 33 bales cotton

MORGAN’S LOUISIANA AND TEXAS RAIL­ROAD, August 19—2 liales cotton McWilliams, Ma­rion Aco—1 do G Lazar—22 do (1 new) J W Bur- bridge Aco—4 do A Tertrou—2 do Jno I Adams Aco 3 half bales moss 3 hhds sugar R Beer—20 bdls hides M Levy—2 half Indes moss Sevin A Oourdain—3 bbls sugar A A Mouton—10 half bales moss J M Walsh— 26 hides J Rykoski. .6 pkgs hides U IJ Terrebonne— $225 John Calder.. 12 hidf bales moss Ferguson A Ua her—15 do do J A j cock—28 do Herman A Vignes—6 bales do L Terrebonne—130 mail cattle P Servat— and sundries to order—Total, 31 balee cotton (1 new crop) 2 hlids sugar

Department of Assessments, ) City Hall, Room 15, Aug. 16, 1874. j

In accordance w ith section seven, city ordi­nance num ber 71, A dm inistration Meries, notice is hereby given th a t the A ssessm ent on Real Es­tate and Personal P roperty within th e city, for I he year 1875 is now com plete, and will be "open for inspection and correction a t the office of the D epartm ent o f A ssessm ents, Room 15, C ty Hall, from 9 o’clock A. M. till 3 o’clock P. M. (Sundays excepted), during th irty days from the date hereof, a t which time a'll complaints, of e ither excessive or inadequate assessm ents, will be con­sidered. ,

And tax-pavers are hereby notified to a ttend to the ir assessm ents in person, as no applications for the correction of assessm ents will ho en te r­tained by any clerk of tliis depart . ont, uni ss made by th e owner of the property in person or hv he legally authorized agent.’ This ordei m ust be stric tly obeyed.

au!6 lm H. F. 8TUROKEN, Administrator.


------ OF THE-------


May 23, 1874.

The trustees, in conformity to the charter, submit the following statement of the attairs of the company on the 30th of April, 1874 ;Fire prem iums..........................$219,708 28Marine premiums.................... 46,335 38River premiums........................ 134.551 35—$400,594 25Earned premiums, less reinsurance aud

return premiums ................................... 319,233 52Losses paid aud estimated—

On Are risks .. $80,455 14 On marine risks 28,477 38 On river risks 47,334 47—$156,266 99

Taxes, discount iu lieu of participation, interest ou capital, expenses, etc., lessdiscount, e t c ........................ 100,564 08— 256,831 00



- , FOR’ VICKSBURG, NATCHEZ,'D avis Bend and all intermediate land- 1 ings—The passenger steamer

H ob t. E . Lee.Wm Campbell, master, Jno. H. Mossop, clerk.

will leave as above, carrying United States mail." urg with Parizot Line for t a

points on Yazoo river; also, with commoting boatsconnecting at Vicksburg

Leaving net p ro fts .............................. $62,702 00


500 Rids Mess Pork.65 Bbls Rump Pork.

200 Bbls Corn Meal.125 Tierces Refined Lard.10 H alf Casks Sugar cured Shoulders.

In store and to arrive.E. K. CONVERSE,

au l6 5t 84 Magazine.

Re m o v a l — w e h a v e r e m o v e d o u roffice to No. 188 Common s tree t, between

Varieties Alley and Baronne stree t. au!5 lm MEYER, W EIS A CO.




Up, C leared an d S a iled fo r N ew O rleans.


Steamship City of Galveston, Evans__ sld Aug 12Steamship Gen Meade, Sampson............ sld Aug 15Steamship Hudson, Gager..................... sld Aug 15Bark Frank Marion. Dillon..................... ldg Ju ly 8


Steamship Wilmington, Holmes................sld Aug 7LIV ER PO O L.

Ship Golden Rule, H all............................... sld July 7Ship Expounder, Crocker..........................sld Ju ly 23Ship Formoso, Alien ................................ sid Ju ly 16Ship G Strickland. Strickland................. ldg Ju ly 31Ship Belgravia, Bell.. . sld Aug 1Bark Ceterina, Jones...................................sld Ju ly 9


Bark Trieste, Tobin.................................. ldg Aug IOLID.LIN.

Bhi k A In ahum..................................... .. sld Aug 4BEAUMARIS

Bark Duchess of Lancaster, Williams___sld June 20HAVRE

Bark Hortense Dusautoy, Cluzand............ sld Ju ly 5AMSTERDAM.

Bark Noah, Keilsen...................... .eld JaneK A K S I.il ,I.l-.s

sid Aug .sld Aug

sld July 17

Bark Marguerite.................................Bark Kaifaciucia...................... .........


Ship Ville de Bordeaux, Guillaume.ROUEN

Bark Maggie McNeil, H erron................sld JulyRIO DE JANEIRO.

Ship Osborne. Griffiths.............................ldg July

Offers superior advantages to young m en of the South. F irst-class facilities, low charges; board $10 per month. Expenses for ten m onths (including hoard, tuition and incidentals,) about $200. Location unsurpassed ill America. Twentv- second session opens Septem ber 2. Those wish­ing to. en ter should w rite at once. S tudents from 16 S tates, including Louisiana. City references given if desired.

For Catalogue, of 40 pages, addressREV. D. F. B ITTLE, D. D., President,

au la 2w Ur, apply at this office.


Cooper's Well aud Blue l ic k , on d raugh t, 5 cents

per glass, and 50 cents per gallon. Also Congress

Em pire, 25 cents per bottle, on ice, at 106 Camp

stree t. au l3 ThSuA Tu lm


any hue from Now York. Passengers booked tiirougli to »ny point in Europe from New Or­leans. Tours in Europe and all parts of the United S tates. For tickets and o ther information, apply to A. K. M ILLER A CO., 29 Corondelet s tree t. New Orleans. an l2 lm 4thp

S L A T E S .

BEST EN G LISH SLATES—COLOR R E D - Slate Roofs and R epaiis made to order by AURTCH, 629 M agazine stree t, near Jackson,

au 16 lm

The company have the following assets:Bills receivable... ....................$37.630 51Iaians on bond and. mortgage 72,028 66—#109,059 17Loans on pledge of stock at

call .........................................#138,205 86Cash on hand............................ 63,832,68— 202 038 54Real estate................................. 118,759 42City bonds, bank and other stocks......... 162,031 50Premiums in course of collection............ 60,160 59

$652,949 22The above statement is a tine aud correct tran ­

script from tlic books of the company.THOMAS A. ADAMS, President.

H e n r y V. Oolikn, Secretary.STATE OF LOUISIANA, »

Pal ish of Orleans, City of New Orleans. J Sworn to aud subscribed before me, this 23d day of

May, 1874. W. E. EVANS.Second Justice of the Peace,

Parish of Orleans, LaThe Board of Trustees Resolved, That after pay­

ing tlie Fourth Quarterly Interest of 2 1-2 per cent, on the capital stock of the’ compauv, that a dividend of TW ENTY-FIVE PER CENT, lm paid in CASH on and after the 23d day of June next, to those parties insuring with the company entitled to receive the same.

tor Sunflower, Deer Creek and Tallahatchie rivers. For freight or passage apply on board, or to

JOHN JANNEY,H ITE Sc. CARLIN, 4 Tchoupito 1 s s t..C. G. WAYNE.

au2 ADAMS Sc WORK, 9 Commrroinl Place.



Leaves every SATURDAY, a t 5 P. If.

FOR VICKSBURG, DAVIS’ BEND. Natchez, and all intermediate Undings— The passenger steamer


T. P. Leathers, master, J . F. Mas«; olerk, connecting a t Vicksburg with Parizot Line Ihr Yazoo, Tallahatchie aud Sunduwer Rivers, and with A nchor Line for Memphis. Cairo and St. Louis. For freight or passage apply on board, or to

JOHN JAN N EY , 117 Common st. or to H IT E St CARLIN, 4 Tchoupitoulas st.

aul 6m

Thos. A. Adams, Saiu'l II. Kennedy, John Phelps, Adam Thompson, P. N. Strong Jos. Bowling,Jno. M. Sanilidge, Simon Forcheimer, R. B. Post,Edw. Pilsbury, Chas. E. Slayuack, David Wallace, Andrew Stewart,

TRUSTEES :Sam’l B. Newman C. T. Buddeeke,A. G. Über,Henry Abraham, Victor Meyer, Edw. J . Gay, Simon Hemsheiin, Jos. B. WolfeL R. T. Torian,.lohn E. King, F red’k Camerden, J . L. Harris,Jos. Stone.

iny24 TliSaly

C O P A R T N E R S H IP S .

Dis s o l u t io n o f c o p a r t n e r s h i p —m r .Thom as A Do Wolf having determ ined to

rem ain in E ngland, w ithdraws from th e firm of SHEPH ERD & De WOLF, from A ugust 1, 1874, by m utual consent. The business will ba con­tinued by Mr. C. J Shepherd, for his own ac­count, under the style of C. J . SHEPH ERD A CO.

au!8 t f SHEPH ERD & DeWOLF.

B A N K E R S A N D B R O K E R S .

La b o r e r s , m e c h a n ic s , c l e r ic s a n do thers who desire to place the ir savings

wnere they will produce a fair ra te of in terest, and a t the sam e time be free iroui the hazards of fire, burglary or o ther accidents, to which it is so • ften exposed in dwellings and boarding-houses, should patronize the CITIZENS’ SAVINGS BANK, Gruuewald Hall, J . L. GUBERNATOR, president; M. BENNER, cashier. au9 lm

Lo u is ia n a s a v in g s b a n k a n d s a f e D E P O S I T C O M P A N Y ,

5 1 . Camp s tr e e t.....................51

......................... , ag;last year— increase 172,816. Exports (F ri­

day to Tncsilay inclusive) to G reat B ritain 7751 boles, agan.st 4396 last week and 7041 last year, and to the Continent none, against none last Week and m ue last year. Stock« a t all m e de­livery port« made up to 12 M. 130,678 bales, against 147:993 last week, aud 158,878 last year. The above ota.« at ail the ports are exclusive of oorreoliona.

TOBACC) '—There was more movement to ­day, »lie vales em bracing 157 hhds (14, 15, 21, 26 anq e l) a t —. This makes au ag ­gregate tipis far th is week of 199 hhds, against 142! last week, and 258 the week bc- fuie. Priti' s are reputed firm. The am ount oa sale iz estim ated a t 7575 hhds. We continue to quote :’ow td medium >ogs at Uirdu fort! lo line S‘@S*e low eai 9*lftl!l>e medium l-i@ ll |e , good to fine 12@i2*o. select torn ’S@14c. Received since last evon- ® fi R hinf i; exported 56 to New York. Stock on

by eOi* running statement 9493 hhds. F .R tlG ljlrj-T h e maraai continue«extremelv

anil, w uh.no sail loom lor Liverpool, and the Stozn-J... tj tor that •><*« team*: «ottoutt J@7-1M. we quote ('Z follows;

By eteeJBto Cotton to Liverpool, Id: to g r o j e t z , to Philadelphia . e; to Boston. P r o b e n « and Fall Biver, via Philadelphia Je

By «ail- Jottoa to Liverpool — ; to jfo«ven i®*

SUGAR -Only B hhds wsre received this morn­ing. Sale* 17 hhds pnme refilled at 9jc 9! B>.

MOLAR ES—No receipts aud no sales. City refimry r »boiled is selling in the job trade at 4tf@42c for couimou, 48@5Uc lor fair. 55@@57c lor good yiir, 60@62c for prim e and [email protected] chmee.

F .OUR -Fome inquiry for Cuba and f 00 bl D sohl on private tern.«. Vie ha e hea d of salts of 3D00 b"l*. particulars not trausp red. Other lots i < nro. ire .tv. The saies t • ths local trade are confined 1. 1 J700 bbls, of winch 96 superfine »t $4, ■ l a n d JUKI good treble extra at $5 75,100 a t $ 87J,

iug, and on Weduosdav m orning, aliout 8 o’clock, reached onr lower wliarf, being over th irteen hours in sight, wriggling, tw isting and scuffling th rough, working a channel to reach us, while “ one card ” ra tes were vanishing from our sight. We could not help adm iring “ M asser Dick,” and the energv displayed by bun to give our G rand j Ecore trade a good boat to deal with.

Un Friday m orning, alm ost up to time, the Fleta, Capt. Mit; hell, pu t in an appearance,shov­ing out her stago-plauk a t the Piimville wliarf ju s t about davlight, and seem ed to have a p re tty fair freiglit for low w ater—a fair freigh t now means lu-xt to nearly nothing.

The Bryarly ought to be down al>out to-m or­row. S team boat time is m ashed all in to a “ cocked h a t,” and we arc only “ certing” th a t they are lu re when we see them —no, when they have landed, we should ray.

O ur crops, t artieularly i’u th e pine-woods, are suffering very much for the w ant of rain , and a continued dry spell will reduce the yield very m uch—already we h ea r of forms falling off, and we fear the young bolls will not m atu re if we have no rain* in the course of a week. Dry, hot and sw eiteuug has been th e w eather for tlie past week.

D i s s o l u t i o n o f c o p a b t n e r s h i p - t h efirm of JOHN PH ELPS & CO., composed

of John Phelps and A. A. Yates, is th is day dis­solved by m utual consent. E ither < a rtner wil sign the nam e oi the firm in liquidation only.


New Orleans, A ugust 1st, 1874.

/CO PARTNERSH IP - TH E UNDERSIGNED VV have tliis day formed a copartnership for the purpose of e a rn in g on a Cotton Factorage and Commission business, under the nam e and style of JOHN PH E LPS St CO.


New Orleans, August 1st, 1874. au l lm

C A PIT A L ........................................................ $500,000E. C. PALMER, P res iden t JAM ES JACKSON, Vice P resident.


E. C. PALMER.I ts capital gives security to deposits.

. of F ifty Cents and upw ards received, and SIX PER CENT. INTEREST allowed.

Deposits I nd SIX F ‘

jylO 3m JOHN S. WALTON, Cashier.

C oop I tems. —A special to th e G alveston Xetcs from M arlin, (Texas), is a s follows:

▲ dry, sohorching drouth prevails, and crops are considerably shortened. Not more than half as much cotton as was made last year, and twice as much corn.

A dispatch to the same paper from Calvert, says t at cotton in that locality will not aver­age more than one-third of a bale to the acre, that the present drouth and extremely hot weather ore damaging the prwpect daily.

Per contra, the Brownsville •papers state that a much larger amount of cott in will be shipped thii year from the Rio Grande Valley than ever before. The cotton worm has en­tirely disappeared and picking is going on briskly.

Cadet Smith pii iuiseajto tell “ de troof, de hull trout, an' nnfiin but de troof” about Ins West Point experience.


VTOTICE - Mr. E. P. RARE8HIDE TH IS day withdraws from the firm of GEORGE A.

FOSDÏCK A CO. George A. Fosdick is charged with the liquidation of its affairs, and will con­tinue* tlie ship brokerage business under the sam e stvle and firm, GEO. A. FOiSDICK,

E. P. RARESHIDE. New Orleans, Ju ly 20, 1874.

M essrs. J . M. DOMINGUEZ and OLIVER P. REZEAU have an in terest in onr business from th is date. GEO. A. FOSDICK A CO.

Ju ly 2«*, 1874. jy 22

W& THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE THIS day formed a copartnership under the firm

name of RARESHIDE A CAMERON, for the transaction of a steamship, ship brokerage and gsneral commission business.


Office 171 Gravier street, near Carondelet.iy22


COMPANY.A Savings Bank, Chartered by the United States

March, 1865.

NEW ORLEANS BRANCH,182 C ana l S tree t, C o rn er o f D ryades .

Bank Hums from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.Open Saturilay Night to receive Deposits from 6 to 8

o'clock.In te re s t A llow ed on D eponits.

C. D. STUKTEVANT, Cashier. sp30 fun HENRY BACAS, Asms'. Cashier.


1 3 6 C ana l H tree t.TRUSTS»*.

Dr. W. Newton Mercer,G. F. Générés, David Urqnhart,George Jonas, John G. Gaines,Thomas A. Adams, Carl KoSn,Thos. Allen Clarke, Christian SchneiderChas. J . Leeds, Samnel Jamison.

Interest allowed o.. Deposits.„ L. F. GENERES, President.8AM JONES. Cashier. aoU ’Vz i r



THOS. A. NELSON, P resident.A. WOODRUFF, Vice P resident.BEN. MAY, Secretary.

A ssets N early 8 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .

Whole num ber of policies in force over 8000. Surplus to policy holders $500,000. Incom e in 1873, $1,643,249 70.

Reasons for insuring in the Southern L ife In ­surance « orupany:

1. I ts security,' its ratio of assets to liabilities being nearly $200 for even- $100 it owes, its sol­vency being unsurpassed by any com pany doing business in th e United S tates.

2. I ts being a sound Southern Companv, there is no danger of ils w ithdrawal from the country.

3. Its rates are as low as absolute security will allow, and have not been increased, while its m u­tual fea ture re tu rn s in equitable dividends the surplus to the assured.

4. I t is purely a Southern corporation; its Di­rectory em braces the nam es of m any of the ablest financiers, and m ost successful business m en t.f tlie South, and re ta ins all its accumulations at home, to improve and enhance your property.

5. The liberality to its policy* holders a re not only promised but practised.

New Orleaus Branch, No. 48 Carondelet street, corner of Union.

Refers by perm ission to Archbishop Perche, YVm. H enry,Bell & ilenge , R. T. Buckner A Bro.,Jno. Cliaffo, Bro. A 8on, Jas. A. Brown,Nelson, Lam phier A Co., Jam es Wood,G. W. Sentelf, Chas. T . Nash,Wm. M cMasters, Capt. J . J . Brown,Jack W harton, Mechanics and T raders’ Bank

JOH N F. BUTTS, G eneral A g en t J . A. WARNER, S uperin tendent of Agencies,

jv26 lm



1 0 4 C an a l S tre e t.


In conformity with the requirements of their char ter, the C o m p an y publish the following statement : Premiums received darin» the year ending May 31

Unearned Premiums of the previ



Leaves every THURSDAY. a t 5 o'clock, P. M.FOB CHICOT CITY, MOUTH

W hite and Arkansas riven. Oreeuviiile, Vicksburg, Natchez and way landing»—

The fine and last passenger packet K a tie ,

(In place steamer Frank Pargond,)J . M. White, master, C. Holmes, clerk,

will leave as above, carrying the United States mail and coimecting a t Vicksburg with the “ Parizot L ine” for all points on Yazoo and Tallahatchie rivers.

J . JAN N EY , 117 Common street, H IT E A CARLIN,

4 Tchoupitoulas street,•o l Agents.



Leaves on 8ATURDAY, 22d inst., a t 5 P. M.FOR CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE,

Evansville, Henderson, Shawneetowr, Paducah, Cairo, Memphis, and all iutei-

inetliate points— The passenger steamer In d ia n a ,

W. J . Rusk, master, A. L. Croxall, clerkwill leave as above. For freight or passage apply on board or to C. G. WAYNE, 106 Gravier street.


R E D R IV E R .


Leaves every TUESDAY, a t S P . M. Commencing on TUESDAY, Aug. 4th.

FOR GRAND KCOKE, ’ MONT- ixnery, Mouth Cane R iverjAlexandria, oriuan's, Harbin’s and all way landings

on Red River—The A1 and very light draught pas­senger steamer

F le ta .Jno. C. Mitchell, master, Jas. L. Robbins, clerk, will leave positively as above throughout the loW water season. The F leta will be replaoed by a larger boat when navigation permits.

For freight or passage apply on board, or to jy25 lm LORD St McPEAKE, 4« Camp street.

W EEKLY GRAND ECORE PACKET. Leaves on FRIDAY, Aug. 21, a t 5 P. M. i

F o r t DeRuHNey, B arb in '« , N s » ' man’s, Alexandria, Mouth Cane River, Montgomery, Grand Ecore and nil way

landings—The light draught pawwnger steamer C . H . D ur fee,

(In place of Sabine.)R. Sinnott, master, Geo. C. Hamilton, clerk.Particular attention paid to way and plantation

business. For freight or passage apply on board- or to T T St CARTER,




REGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET.F o r W a sh ing ton , P o r t B a r r e ,

Siminsport, Cburcüville and ail landings on the Coast, Atehafalaya River and Ba­

you Courtableau—the new aud light draught nasaon- gcr steamer

B e r th a , z aH. H. Broad, master, J . B. Sob mi f i t t e r k.

will leave as above, every WEDNESDAY, at 5 P. M taking freight and passengers for all landings on Bà- you des Glaizes, to be landed a t either Big Bead Land­ing or at either warehouse a t Siinmaport. For freight or passage apply on board, or to

au5 BRITTON St EPPLER, 10« Common st.

oub year:On Fire Risk .......................................... $693.30* 04On Manne Risks.......................................... Ml 7»nrOn River Risks.........................................*. 141 035-.

Total Premiums....................................... $915 131 2iLess Unearned Premiums........ ............ 195*900 00

Net Earned Premiums 31st Mav. 1873 *719 221 aiLosses paid— '

(to F5re R is k s ........................... $363,618 66O“ Manue Risks........................ 63,305 72On River Risks ....................... 59,825 23

3,361Taxes and Expenses less in ­

terest .....................................Reinsurance, Return Premium

and Profits and L o s s ........... 80.346Reserved for Unat(juated Losses 45,000 01

$« ,$58 04

Leaves every SATURDAY, a t 5 P. M.,F o r W ash in g to n , P o r t B a r re ,

__________Siminsport, Church ville,aud ali interme-diate landings on the Coast, A tuhafavlay a

River and Bayou Courtableau. The tight draught passenger steamer

_ _ Trenton,E. Qnatrevaux, master, T. Jobin, clerk,

will leave as above, every SATURDAY a t 5 P. M , taking freight and passengers for Rayon des Glaises,' to be landed a t Big Bend Landing or Simmaport» For freight or passage apply ou board, or to

, J- M. DOWLING 25 Decatur street.je20 tf J . B. WOODS St CO.. 194 Gravier s t



roe and all way landings on Ouachita an Black Rivers. The very light-drangh

passenger steamer . W illie ,J . W. Blanks, master; E. B. Trinidad, clerks.

Will leave every SATURDAY, a t 5 P. M. connecting with steamers Ora for Bayou Bartholo­mew, Goose for Little River, Tensas and Bayou M a­con, Bertha Bruner for D’Arboune, Ann S. for fimol f-.ver, and Stafford's little packet for Bayou Louis.

BRITTON Sc EPPLER.ADAMS St WORK, 9 Commercial Place.

jy21 lm W. IS. CLARKE, Ageun,.


The Companv have the following assets •Real Estate...........City Bouda_____ _______Banks and Railroad Stocks

»103,763 If

F O R S A L K .



Cheap fo r Cash, at


Jy25 t f 78 Carondelet street.




..........Gravier S tree t.......................185

JelO tf

$344,415 51 309,032 5C

Notes secured by m o rtg a g e ..I" " .* "” " 364.™ 2N o te s s e c u r e d b v D le d ira ............ .. in n m e »Bills receivable . . . . ^ . . 2Premium in coarse of collection....... ' *** ins V « nState Bonds........................................ ’’ o'ooo nrInsurance Stock................................... "**Stock Vallette Insurance Company!:!**Stock of Levee Steam Cotton Press.........Stock of Marine Dry Dock and Ship Yaid

Mortgage Bonds Turners’ Association'Mortgage Bonds Odd Fellow* H«tl

1,800 « 20,800 00 3(785 00



Leaves every WEDNESDAY aud SATURDAY a t 10 A. M.

. fPSb F °K THJS FORTH, QUARANTINE I|g«eSgij^ Burns, Pointe-la- Hache, Jesu it’s Bend,

and all plantation and way ' v ' - i r s The new and staunch passenger steamer . . _ , d ia ry Id a ,A. J . Ruiz, master, J . L. Boyd, P. R. Barry, clerks.

For rrenjnt «PP*V *will leave as above, board, i f to l|v2K

4.000 M9.000 «5.000 Of

Cash on hand................ 11*53 4*

$1,363,704 7f

The above statement is a Inst and correct script from the books of the Company

„ _ „ PAUL FOURCHÉ, PreoidentG. W. Nott, Secretary.

» . u 0 F LOUISIANA, 1P* T h ° f ^ * 5 * 1 cit? ° f New Orieaaa. I

t 8w<TÎ-,t0 *“d »“hecribed before me the 8th dav al Jnne, 1874. P. CHS. CUVELErT

Ti.» _____ NoUry PoMic, 140 Gravier s tree t. Ä ö l d « T Ä n c L * * m tere,t U ****“ • *»

P. Maspero,8. Z. Refr

( t e U t t S * J - I L a S T V

R O O M S A N I ) b o a r d .

UR NIB HKD ROOMS, W ITH OR WITHOUT “ toed, central location. No. 209 Gravier street.

Rear Baronne, tonna moderate, to suit times. ap28tf



Trams depart and arrive as follows :(From Calliope Street Depot.)

„ depa r t . a r r iy i.Express........7.-00 A. M. | Express 10 JO P. M,

8:00 A. K. C an through to S t,


6:00 P. M. t ollman P a in e I

. . ma, Chicago sad „Gnjy one change o

cities.Tickets tor sale and mtormatioa given a t 22

Damp street, coiner Common.

K. D. F L O A T , i q R O t f
