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The New Regimen_Draft 1

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PSC Newsletter
Volume 1 January 10 th , 2012 Sed quis mi. Etiam ultricies nonummy lectus. Nulla lacinia elit in dolor. Integer laoreet consectetuer augue. Nullam nibh mi, congue at, aliquam ac, euismod non, nulla. Fusce sollicitudin, elit eu euismod congue, tortor ligula convallis ipsum, ac placerat odio purus nec lectus. Donec id orci. Proin hendrerit, quam sit amet porta tempor, est tortor accumsan lorem, at sagittis felis nunc at arcu. Integer auctor purus eget nunc. Fusce sollicitudin. Aenean justo. Donec velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum dignissim sollicitudin est. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla cursus. Aliquam et diam. Nunc pretium ante ac risus. Vestibulum convallis ullamcorper nunc. Nulla posuere. Title In this issue: 2 Pharmacy Student Council 3 P-1 Class Student Council 4 P-2 Class Student Council 5 P-3 Class Student Council 6 P-4 Class Student Council 7 Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy 8 American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists 9 American Society of Consulting Pharmacists 10 Asian Pharmacists Association 11 Association of Indian Pharmacists in America 12 Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International 13 Community Drug Education Committee 14 Educational Policy Committee, Health Professions Student Council, and Senate 15 Illinois Council of Health System Pharmacists 16 Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity 17 Muslim Pharmacy Students Association 18 Phi Delta Chi Professional Pharmacy Fraternity 19 Phi Lambda Sigma National Leadership Society 20 Rho Chi Honor Society 21 Student National Pharmaceutical Association The University of Illinois at Chicago Pharmacy Student Council presents The New Regimen Page:
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Volume 1 January 10th, 2012

Sed quis mi. Etiam ultricies nonummy lectus. Nulla lacinia elit in dolor. Integer

laoreet consectetuer augue. Nullam nibh mi, congue at, aliquam ac,

euismod non, nulla. Fusce sollicitudin, elit eu euismod congue, tortor ligula

convallis ipsum, ac placerat odio purus nec lectus. Donec id orci. Proin

hendrerit, quam sit amet porta tempor, est tortor accumsan lorem, at

sagittis felis nunc at arcu. Integer auctor purus eget nunc. Fusce sollicitudin.

Aenean justo. Donec velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci

luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cum sociis natoque penatibus et

magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum dignissim

sollicitudin est. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient

montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla cursus. Aliquam et diam. Nunc pretium

ante ac risus. Vestibulum convallis ullamcorper nunc. Nulla posuere.


In this issue:

1 PharmPage

2 Pharmacy Student Council

3 P-1 Class Student Council

4 P-2 Class Student Council

5 P-3 Class Student Council

6 P-4 Class Student Council

7 Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy

8 American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists

9 American Society of Consulting Pharmacists

10 Asian Pharmacists Association

11 Association of Indian Pharmacists in America

12 Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International

13 Community Drug Education Committee

14 Educational Policy Committee, Health Professions Student Council, and Senate

15 Illinois Council of Health System Pharmacists

16 Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity

17 Muslim Pharmacy Students Association

18 Phi Delta Chi Professional Pharmacy Fraternity

19 Phi Lambda Sigma National Leadership Society

20 Rho Chi Honor Society

21 Student National Pharmaceutical Association

The University of Illinois at Chicago Pharmacy Student Council presents

The New Regimen


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2 The New Regimen, Volume 1 – January 10, 2012

“Vivamus porta est sed est.”

Pie-A-Professor - Student/Faculty Mixer

Pharmacy Student Council (PSC) By: Catherine Palladino, President It is hard to believe that yet another semester has come and gone. It seems as if not that long ago, the chapter Presidents, Health Professions Student Council, Educational Policy Committee and Senate representatives met in August for our annual summer leadership retreat. I could not have been more thrilled and more proud, as the Pharmacy Student Council President, to look back over the semester and see that collectively we were able to accomplish many of the goals we set for ourselves back in August. At our retreat in August we decided we wanted to focus on the following three goals for our 2011-2012 school year:

1. Promotion of inter-organizational collaboration 2. Maintain effective communication and

utilization of the lobby televisions 3. Increase inter-campus involvement

The chapter presidents have done a tremendous job collaborating and lending the strengths of their individual organizations to one another. The Illinois Council of Health System Pharmacists (ICHP) and The American Pharmacist Association Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) have teamed up to orchestrate the college wide immunization extra credit opportunity. The Muslim Pharmacy Students Association (MuPhSA) & the American Society of Consulting Pharmacists (ASCP) together held a successful falls prevention program at Friendship Village in Schaumburg educating seniors about falls and performing risk assessments while APhA and The Association of Indian Pharmacists in America (AIPhA) and MuPhSA collaborated to provide health screenings at the Indo-American Health Fair. These are just a few examples of the many great student run programs and efforts made by the college’s student organizations to promote inter-organizational collaboration. The College of Pharmacy Student Council (PSC) is composed of the executive board which includes the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Treasurer,

Treasurer-Elect and Secretary, various student representatives who sit on the Educational Policy Committee, Health Professions Student Council and the UIC Senate, the class student council members and the college’s chapter presidents. All of the students who are on student council give so much of their time and energy, outside of their individual studies, to the college, the community and the profession. Through the efforts of all the student organizations, students help more than 13,000 people each year not only in the Chicago and Rockford-land area, but also as far as Peru. Our representatives on the Educational Policy Committee, Health Professions Student Council and UIC Senate, actively ensure the students have a voice and help to keep the students at the college informed on curriculum and inter-professional opportunities. Additionally, all of our members serve on committees, and any student in the college of pharmacy is welcome to join any of our committees in the spring semester. This past semester, our committees were hard at work organizing a college wide blood drive, assisting the Office of Advancement with the Fall Formal, coordinating the organization of our org room and putting together the college’s best Student-Faculty Mixer! We are gearing up for another successful semester in the Spring, including our annual Spring Fling Week, which will be taking place the last week in March. I would like to personally extend an invitation to all students at the college to attend our bi-weekly PSC meetings on Mondays at 12:40pm in 134-1. Attending our meetings is the best way to stay up-to-date with everything that is happening at COP! In April, we will hold elections for several positions and any student is eligible to run. Also, next semester at our meetings, we will spot light one PSC position each meeting, and if you are interested in running, I invite you to join us for our meetings and learn more about the many wonderful opportunities that are available in PSC to be involved with.

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P-1 Class Pharmacy Student Council By:

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P-2 Class Pharmacy Student Council By: Elizabeth Berthel, President-Rockford

Elias Pittos, President-Chicago

This fall, the class of 2014 Student Council has continued to work with the faculty members and the college of pharmacy to make further changes so that the students at the Rockford campus and Chicago campus can work closer and more effectively together as one class. Our hope is to display our class council’s accomplishments as an exemplary model to all forthcoming Chicago-Rockford classes at UIC COP. As a step towards class unity, we are currently organizing a rather extensive class project aiming to increase understanding between the two campuses. This event will take place in the late Spring of next year and will allow Rockford and Chicago students to switch campuses for one school day; our goal is to strengthen the bond between Rockford and Chicago so that we can view ourselves as one class. Additionally, our class council has worked hard to raise money through several fundraisers. We had a successful P2 stethoscope fundraiser and were able to raise over $800 throughout the Fall term. The students at the Rockford campus also held a lucrative buffet fundraiser which was supported by the employees, faculty, and students at the campus. Our class council’s efforts are far from over: we look to raise more funds next semester through a t-shirt sale, bake sales, and other external fundraisers in the community. Apart from fundraising, we are working to have a class social at the end of the term so that the Chicago and Rockford students will have an opportunity to mingle before the year is over; we hope to increase the opportunity for interrelation between the two classes through such social events.

Fundraisers, socials and much more!

Our goal is to strengthen the bond between

Rockford and Chicago

Visit us at: https://sites.google.com/site/uiccop2014/

Chicago Campus Rockford Campus

UIC COP Class of 2014

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P-3 Class Pharmacy Student Council By:

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Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) By:

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American Pharmacists Association – Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) By:

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American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) By: Jason Bena

Jaimie Wrenn, President

Friendship Village

ASCP teamed up with MuPhSA and delivered one of the highlights of the semester for UIC-COP. Through our partnership we delivered a Fall Prevention Program at Friendship Village in Schaumberg in November. The event started with a Fall Prevention presentation by two P3 students, Jamie Wrenn and Wardah Kamal. Afterwards, the seniors took a Fall Risk Assessment, comprised of a Get Up and Go Test and a blood pressure screening. A game wheel entertained the seniors who were waiting to be assessed. The wheel was used to reinforce concepts covered in the presentation. At the end of the Fall Risk Assessment, there was a counseling station manned by students and our advisor, Dr. Ann Marie Kuchta, PharmD. This provided an opportunity for the seniors to ask questions and to discuss the results of the Fall Risk Assessment. Our program reached 25 seniors! Everyone that participated agreed that the event was an overwhelming success. Our future outreach programs will follow this model.

Visit us at: http://www.ascp-uicchapter.com/ 2012 General Body Meetings at 12:30-1:20pm on 1/18, 2/1, 2/15

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Asian Pharmacists Association By:

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AIPhA got off to a great start this year. We had several social and professional events throughout the fall semester. All the members have been actively participating in various events AIPhA conducted throughout the semester. AIPhA members showed strong attendance to all the social events throughout the semester. Social events for the semester included BBQ at Arrigo Park, Game Night with potluck, and Diwali Dinner. AIPhA also conducted several professional events where a lot of members volunteered throughout the semester. Professional events for the semester included Walk for Cure (Breast Cancer), Halloween with Spina Bifida children, and health fair in co-ordination with APhA. AIPhA also conducted the annual IV Workshop where we had a turnout of about 70 students, which included P1’s and P2’s. At the IV Workshop, students were educated on critical pharmaceutics skills such as pharmaceutical calculations and IV compounding skills. A new initiative was introduced this semester where AIPhA had an internship round table. At the round table, various AIPhA members who did an internship over the past summer talked about their internship application process and shared their experience at their respective internships. Overall, it was a busy but fun semester for AIPhA.

Association of Indian Pharmacists By: Mitul Amin, President

Visit us at: http://www.aiphapharm.com/index.asp

Students, Culture, and Community Service

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“Vivamus porta est sed est.”

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Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International (CPFI) By:

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Community Drug Education Committee (CDEC) By:

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Educational Policy Committee (EPC) By: Kelsey E. Johnson, Student Representative

This semester, I have served as an active member of the Education Policy Committee (EPC). In this committee, we look at all aspects of the curriculum from course coordinators, proposals for new electives, Chicago-Rockford interrelations, student insight (praises and complaints), and more. I have enjoyed being a member of this committee thus far. It is exciting to be in the middle of all of the curriculum discussions, and I really enjoy getting to see the “behind-the-scenes” information of the courses that I would not have experienced otherwise. This committee is a great way for me to work with the faculty and staff on a more personal level as well. My position on this committee is a two-year position, but in the spring we will be looking for a Class of 2015 Representative. If you think you may be interested in joining this committee, please let either me or Cathy Palladino (Class of 2013 Representative), and we can talk to you more about our personal experiences on this committee. Currently, EPC is hard at work on curriculum revision. If anyone has any thoughts or ideas concerning our curriculum that you would like the committee to be aware of, please let us know, and we will pass it on during our weekly meetings. Also, if you want to be more personally involved, a student curriculum revision subcommittee is in the process of forming. This committee would be a great way for you to disclose your experiences with the current curriculum and help to shape it for future students. Stay tuned for more information through the Pharmacy Student Council if you are interested in being an active voice during curriculum revision.

Health Professions Student Council (HPSC) By: Samuel Paik, Student Representative

HPSC represents the entire west campus colleges from medicine, pharmacy, nursing, applied health sciences, public health, and dentistry. HPSC highly encourages professional development in the forms of monetary aid and inter college collaboration at an early stage in our careers. The monetary aid is provided in the form of travel grants while the collaborative events are incentivized through the HPSC Leadership Series in which an applicant attends a series of lectures and receives a certificate of completion that will be displayed on his or her transcript. Each representative college hosts a HPSC event that goes towards the Leadership Series and ours was held on November 14, 2011. The purpose for this symposium was to showcase the diversity of the pharmacy. HPSC encourages students to attend professional events through the Travel Grants, which must be submitted electronically by the stated quarterly deadline and only one grant is awarded per fiscal year. To get more involved anyone is welcome to attend the monthly meetings. Our current representatives are Samuel Paik and Laurel Park. COP in general has a very active student body whose involvement also includes HPSC. We have had the largest turn out of participants who completed the HPSC Leadership Series last year and we currently have two of our own on the executive board: Samantha Keca (Vice President) and Michael Kenes (Secretary).

UIC Senate By: Anonymous

The UIC Senate is a body of individuals who meet to discuss their legislative functions in relation to education policy. Representatives from all colleges and schools both undergraduate and graduate level attend this meeting. Some of the most commonly discussed topics include what are the minimal requirements to be accepted to the various college and schools across campus or the requirements necessary for degrees and certificates. The academic calendar is also set by the UIC Senate. The senate is also allowed to suggest amendments to some of the decisions made by the President and the Board of Trustees of the university. The senate meets once a month to discuss any changes in policies. A typical meeting includes a brief introduction by the Senate presiding officer, reports by individual senate committees, as well as updating and amending the UIC Senate rules. The UIC Senate plays a pivotal role in shaping education policy to promote the academic well being of its students and in supporting the UIC mission statement of providing “the educational opportunity only a leading research university can offer.” The current UIC COP Senators are Bhanupriya Sirandas and Douglas Luebcke

We encourage professional development

Providing the educational opportunity only a leading research university can offer

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Illinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists (ICHP) By: Emily T. Lin, President

Fall 2011 Semester in Review

As I look back on the fall semester, I am reminded of all the great accomplishments the e-board made. The usual ICHP professional development opportunities were a success: residency roundtables featured a wide variety of speakers from different programs in the Chicago area, the Clinical Skills Competition gave students the opportunity to practice critical thinking and assess a patient, and the Internship Fair again was a through success, introducing a variety of different internships to P1 and P2 students. Along with this, came the successful $1300 our UIC team raised with APhA towards lung health for ALA’s Fight for Air walk.

Along with the regular opportunities ICHP proudly offers the student body (some of which not mentioned including visits from pharmacists practicing in different areas of pharmacy to expose students to different areas of practice, educating students about health-system pharmacy, and the traditional immunization extra credit in collaboration with APhA), there has been in development several new projects for students to get involved in. Our Mental Wellness Initiative which started last year is taking flight with the leadership of Shirley Yu and participation of several active and dedicated ICHP members. With a stronger clinical focus, the Mental Wellness Initiative has dedicated the fall semester towards creating a strong foundation of educating for students about depression so that they may best approach patients come spring time at health fairs and events. Methods of education included reviewing case studies and a Depression In-Service with attending physician Dr. Erick Gausche.

During our ICHP week of special events from November 14 to 18 (Mental Wellness and the Internship Fair took place the 14th and 15th), we finished off with an ICHP Alumni-Student Dinner on the 17th. The new event led by Ella Starzycka was a remarkable success - topped with a Thanksgiving theme, students were granted the opportunity to get to know ICHP alumni and faculty over sandwiches and snacks. This new networking opportunity created for students marked the beginning of many more to come in the future.

With so many additional events to come in the Spring, the ICHP e-board is well on its way to yet another successful semester this spring and we look forward to seeing everyone there!

Visit us at: http://bit.ly/uicichp

Mission: Mental Wellness. Completed.

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Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, ΚΨ By:

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Muslim Pharmacy Students Association By:

Visit us at:

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“Vivamus porta est sed est.”

Over $1,000 raised for cancer awareness in less

than one semester

Oncology Initiative: PDC began this new initiative as of last year with events starting in September of this fall semester. It was developed in order to help raise awareness of various types of cancers and to provide all COP students the opportunity to gain some experience in providing patient care in the oncology field. For Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month (September) we worked with Gilda's Club and the Chicago-land Ovarian Caner Alliance (COCA) to raise awareness on Ovarian Cancer at Soldier Field. For Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October) we organized volunteer opportunities with Strides Against Breast Cancer at Montrose Harbor, the Outpatient Care Center (OCC) and Wood Street Pharmacy by providing Informational Booths. At these booths pink bracelets were passed out and trivia games were played in order to test the general population’s knowledge concerning breast cancer myths and facts. The month of October also gave us the opportunity to volunteer at the Gilda's Club Annual Halloween Party. PDC efforts continued by promoting Prostate Cancer Awareness (November) with our Brothers forming their own Mo-vember team in order to raise funds while growing their awe-inspiring mustaches. In addition, educational items, such as bookmarks, were made and passed out for Prostate Cancer and Lung Cancer awareness during this time. In one night, our pledge class was able to raise over $1000 for the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital through their Make a Wish event. We are all proud to call these 35 individuals our new Brothers.

Donate life/Be the Match Initiative: PDC began this new initiative as of last year with events starting in October of this fall semester. Our goal is to inform others on the ins and outs of donation, as well as to dispel some of the myths that discourage people from becoming registered organ donors. As of October 2011, over 110,000 people are on the waiting list for an organ transplant in the US. Donate Life America is a nonprofit alliance of national organizations dedicated to educating the public about organ, eye, and tissue donation in order to save the lives of those in desperate need of an organ transplant. All COP students’ involvement was and still is encouraged. Informational booths with giveaways were held within our COP and we had a guest from Donate Life, Joshua Muller, come in and speak to the Chapter about the program.

Phi Delta Chi Professional Pharmacy Fraternity, ΘΔΧ By: Melissa N. McInnis, President

2011 – 2012 PDC Executive Board

Visit us at: http://sites.google.com/site/pdcalphasigma/

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Rho Chi Honor Society, ΡΧ By: Kristen Karlsen, President Every year, potential members ask us the same questions: “What is Rho Chi?” and “Is that one of the fraternities?”

Well, The Rho Chi Society is a fraternity of sorts, one that fosters excellence in intellectual achievement and promotes high standards of character and critical inquiry in the pharmacy profession. In other words, we are an honor society for pharmacists and for graduate students whose field of study encompasses pharmacy, such as pharmacognosy and biopharmaceutical sciences. Membership in our society is by invitation only and depends on one’s GPA. Initiation into our society takes place in March or April each year.

Our primary goal this year is to educate our colleagues at the College of Pharmacy about The Rho Chi Society. We plan to do this by giving the gift of Nerds to potential members (who can be anybody at this time!) the week before finals this semester. We will be placing little boxes of Nerds candy with tiny slips of paper attached that explain the mission of The Rho Chi Society and to wish everyone luck during finals week. Additionally, we will be selling mortars and pestles during the Spring Semester. Finally, we have a wonderful speaker lined up for the 40th Annual Albert Ebert Lecture, Dr. John Grabenstein, who is the Senior Medical Director for Merck Vaccines. The Albert Ebert Lecture will be on March 30, 2012, and we hope to see all of COP there! We hope that the events we have planned will increase awareness of our wonderful organization and encourage potential members to ask us more questions (we love questions because we are nerds, after all). We look forward to greeting new members in the spring!

Visit us at: https://sites.google.com/site/uicrhochi/

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Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) By:
