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The New York State Environmental Facilities...

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New York State Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program Updates Technical Assistance Partnership Forum September 6, 2012 The New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor Joseph J. Martens, Chairman Matthew J. Driscoll, President

New York State !Clean Water State Revolving Fund!

Program Updates!!

Technical Assistance Partnership Forum!

September 6, 2012

The New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation!

Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor ! Joseph J. Martens, Chairman Matthew J. Driscoll, President !

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!


Primary Programs: !!

Clean Water State Revolving Fund !�  1987 Clean Water Act Amendments!�  Provides financial assistance for wastewater and

water quality infrastructure !Drinking Water State Revolving Fund !

�  1996 Safe Drinking Water Act!�  Provides financial assistance for drinking water

infrastructure!Green Innovation Grant Program!

�  2009 ARRA and 2010 SRF grant!�  Green infrastructure, water and energy

efficiency, and innovative technology!!

The Environmental Facilities Corporation!


How SRF Programs Work!

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!


SRF Funding !Clean Water! Drinking Water!

Leveraged rate financing with 50% subsidy for up to 30 years!

Leveraged rate financing with 33% subsidy for up to 20 years!

Hardship financing as low as 0% interest for up to 30 years!

Grants up to $2 million for hardship projects + financing as low as 0%

interest for up to 30 years!Subsidy financing determined on priority scoring system, !

based on water quality and public health!Short-term financing for 3 years at 0% interest!

Market Rate Programs (AAA tax free rate)!

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!


Green Project Reserve (GPR)!�  EPA defines four categories of GPR as CWSRF eligible

projects which include:!�  Water Efficiency:!

�  Reuse, Conserve or Improve Water Efficiency!�  Energy Efficiency:!

�  Reduce Energy Consumption or Produce Clean Energy!�  Green Wet Weather Infrastructure:!

�  Maintain and restore natural hydrology by infiltrating, evapotranspiring and harvesting and using stormwater!

�  Environmental Innovation:!�  Manage Water Resources to Prevent or Remove Pollution in more

Sustainable Way!

�  GPR for FFY 2013 is not yet known!

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!


�  EFC is using $13 million in funding for GIGP projects from the FFY 2012 appropriation!�  90% Grant &10% Local match!�  Application process is through the Governorʼs

Consolidated Funding Application (CFA)!�  www.nyworks.ny.gov !!

�  Funding for GIGP in FFY 2013 is not yet known!!

Green Innovation Grant Program!

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!


Projects may be eligible for reduced interest or zero interest loans based on financial hardship!


�  Hardship offer has a 2 year expiration date !�  Projects serving residential areas!�  Projects with a majority of seasonal residents may require an

income survey!�  2010 Census data for MHI and population !!

CWSRF Hardship!

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!


Intended Use Plan (IUP)!

!�  Effective October 1st through September 30th !!

�  Project Priority Lists of potentially eligible projects!�  Annual List – expecting financing in current year)!�  Multi-Year List – Projects to be financed in future years!

The Intended Use Plan (IUP), published on an annual basis, identifies funds available to the SRF and uses of those funds.

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!


!�  Project Contact Information!�  Project Description & Schedule!�  Project Budget & Funding Sources!�  MWBE and EEO Participation Goals!�  Smart Growth Acknowledgement!�  Davis-Bacon Requirements Acknowledgement!�  Authorization by Municipality, Not-For-Profit

organization, or other Non-Municipal entity!!

Clean Water Project Listing Requirements!

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!


State Smart Growth

Public Infrastructure Act!�  All projects to be financed must be evaluated for

compliance!�  A Smart Growth Assessment is required with all

Engineering Reports!�  Guidance is posted on the EFC website !!

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!


Project Listing &Update System (PLUS)!

�  Web-based database !�  Portal for applicants to update existing project

information and add new projects !�  Engineering reports and other documents can be

uploaded to PLUS!�  Visit the PLUS website http://plus.efc.ny.gov!�  Or contact EFC to set up an account !!

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!


�  Federal Capitalization Grant amount is unknown!�  Estimate $90.95 million including state match,

based on House of Representativeʼs budget legislation!

�  Estimate $155.1 million including state match, based on the Presidentʼs budget!

�  CWSRF Funds are not sufficient for all needs. There is a subsidy line in Categories A, B & C.!

�  Additional subsidization is expected in the FFY 2013 budget. Amount is not yet known.!


CWSRF Funding FFY 2013!

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!


NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!



�  2010 US Census Bureau population data!�  Some projects moved between categories A and B!!

�  2010 American Community Survey data for Median Household Income (MHI) !

�  Some project scores changed by 10 points!!

�  2010 statewide MHI for New York is $55,603!

Project Priority List Modifications FFY 2013!

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!


� The maximum total project cost for hardship projects is $25 million!

� Reduced interest rate financing for up to $18 million in project costs!


CWSRF Hardship FFY 2013!

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!


Annual List Requirements FFY 2013!

�  To be included on the Annual Year Project Priority List:!� Approvable Engineering/Technical Report or

“Land Acquisition Plan” & Targeted Parcels List for Land Acquisition !And!

� Executed contract for engineering planning services for listings after October 1, 2012!


NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!


�  Beginning October 1, 2012, all financing applications are required to include:!1.  SEQR (complete) and SHPO (signed off)!2.  Sewer District Formation (where applicable)!3.  Bond Resolution adopted!

�  Applications not complete by February 1, 2013 are considered bypassed!

Finance Application Process FFY2013!

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!


� Applications for CWSRF financing submitted prior to October 1, 2010 will no longer be considered valid !


� Affected communities will have to submit a complete application by February 1, 2013 to be considered for CWSRF Financing!

Application Expiration FFY 2013


NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!


!�  Grants were offered in FFY 2012. Funds will also

be available in 2013!�  Grants available to communities for planning of

CWSRF-eligible projects!�  Grants will be administered in conjunction with

NYS DEC!�  Application process is through the CFA!

�  www.nyworks.ny.gov !

Engineering Planning GrantsFFY 2013!

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!



� All projects funded in FFY 2013 are required to comply with federal Davis-Bacon Prevailing Wage requirements !


� Davis-Bacon provisions are expected to continue for the foreseeable future!


Davis-Bacon Requirements

FFY 2013 !

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!



�  Statewide participation goal of 20% combined MBE/WBE !�  Goal applies to:!

�  Non-construction contracts/service agreements exceeding $25,000!�  Construction contracts exceeding $100,000!�  Any change order exceeding $25,000 !

�  Goal can be met through:!�  Any combination of MBE and/or WBE participation equal or greater than

20% per contract; or!�  Adequate demonstration of good-faith efforts exerted to achieve the goal!

�  Visit the MWBE/EEO section of EFCʼs Resource Library for additional information: www.efc.ny.gov/DocumentCentral.aspx !

MWBE/EEO Program ChangesFFY 2013


NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!


September 10, 2012 !Close of Public Comment period; Cut-off date for listing additional projects in the final IUP!

October 1, 2012 !FFY 2013 IUP effective date!

February 1, 2013 !Applications Due for Subsidized Financing for projects in Cat. D and above the subsidy lines in Cat. A and B!

May 1, 2013 !Deadline to submit Hardship Applications for inclusion in Category D of the 2014 IUP!

September 30, 2013 !End of FFY 2013 IUP financing period!

FFY 2013 CWSRF IUP Critical Dates!

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!


�  File listing forms & applications early!�  Contact staff of the NYSDEC Regional Permit Administrator to

discuss environmental reviews!�  Initiate district formation early (if applicable)!�  Submit engineering report and executed engineering

agreements early!�  Identify and apply for all required permits as early as possible!�  Involve your local counsel and bond counsel early, including

bond authorization!�  Municipal representatives need to be involved!

Helpful Hints!

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!


�  EFC staff is available for assistance with project specific questions !�  Application Assistance !�  Legal, Engineering, Financial

Expertise!�  Individual Project Consultations!�  On-site Visits!�  Field Offices!�  Public Outreach and Education!�  Co-Funding!

EFC Client Services!

NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation ! ! ! September 6, 2012! ! ! ! ! ! !!



Terry Deuel!Environmental Project Manager!

1285 Fisher Ave, Cortland NY 13045!607-753-3095 Ext. 252!

[email protected]!

