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The News of San Patricio Classifieds - Newz Group · 9/27/2018  · county of san patricio, texas,...

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The News of San Patricio Classifieds Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018 Page 8B STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF SAN PATRICIO ORDER OF THE CITY OF SINTON- BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION CASE NO. 2018-01 WHEREAS, on Monday, September 24, 2018 at 6:00 p.m., a public hearing was held by the Building Standards Commission ("Commission") in the City of Sinton City Hall Chambers located at 301 E. Market, Sinton, Texas regarding the structure and property described as: Lot Five (5) and the West Five Feet (W 5') of Lot Four (4), Block Five (5), J.H. MYNIER ADDITION to the City of Sinton in San Patricio County, Texas, as shown by map or plat of same of record in Volume 1, Page 30 of the Map Records of San Patricio County, Texas, to the City of Sinton in San Patricio County, Texas, and more commonly known as 213 Short Street, Sinton, Texas ("Property"); and WHEREAS, a diligent search in accordance with Sec. 150.67 (c) City of Sinton Code of Ordinances was made to determine identity and address of any existing owners, mortgagees and lienholders of record and those efforts indicated that First National Acceptance Company is/are the record owners of the property; and NONE is lienholder of record; and WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing was mailed to the Owners, Lienholders if any and persons with interest, if any, thirty (30) days prior to the date of the hearing; and WHEREAS, the Commission finds that the defects, conditions set forth on the Code Violations, Exhibit A, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Hall, are present on the Property; and WHEREAS, the Commission finds from evidence presented at the public hearing that the structure on the Property is in violation of the standards set forth in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sinton, Chapter 150, Sec 150.66 "Minimum Standards", and that the defects or conditions exist to the extent that the structure on the Property is substandard and a hazard to the public health, safety, and/or welfare; and WHEREAS, the Commission finds that the Owners did not show by a preponderance of the evidence that the work could not reasonably be completed within thirty (30) days of the notice; and WHEREAS, the Commission establishes a specific time schedule for the Owners to complete the work; NOW, THEREFORE, THE BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION HEREBY ORDERS, that the Owners demolish the structure and remove the debris described as: Lot Five (5) and the West Five Feet (W 5') of lot Four (4), Block Five (5), J.H. MYNIER ADDITION to the City of Sinton in San Patricio County, Texas, as shown by map or plat of same of record in Volume 1, Page 30 of the Map Records of San Patricio County, Texas in conformance to the codes of the City within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Order. Owners must immediately secure the Property to prevent unauthorized entry. This effective date of this Order is the date of this Commission Hearing. Therefore, the property Owners have until October 23, 2018, to comply with this Order. ANY MORTGAGEES OR LIENHOLDERS OF RECORD have additional reasonable time to comply with the Ordered action should the Owners fail to comply within the time provided by this Order. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO APPEAL THIS ORDER to a court of competent jurisdiction. You must file any appeal within thirty (30) days of the date of this Order. An appeal does not stay the time to comply with this Order. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REQUEST AN AMENDMENT to this Order. If you believe that extenuating circumstances exist that will prevent the completion of the repair or demolition of the structure, you may request an Amendment of this Order to provide more time. You must file your request in writing and submit the request to the Code Compliance Department, 301 E. Market St., Sinton, Texas 78387. Code Compliance must receive any request for an Amendment before the close of business on October 20, 2018. After that date, the Building Standards Commission will not consider any extension of time. You may only apply for an Amendment one (1) time under this Order. You may contact the Code Compliance Department for an Amendment request form at the address listed above. IF THE STRUCTURE ON THE PROPERTY IS NOT REPAIRED IN CONFORMANCE TO THE CODES OF THE CITY OF SINTON OR DEMOLISHED AND DEBRIS REMOVED IN THE TIME PRESCRIBED BY THIS ORDER, THE CITY OF SINTON IS AUTHORIZED TO ENTER THE PROPERTY AND DEMOLISH THE STRUCTURE, WITH COSTS TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST THE PROPERTY OWNERS WITHOUT ANY FURTHER NOTICE GIVE TO THE OWNERS. In the event that the City exercises this right, the costs, together with interest accruing at 10% per annum, will be assessed as a charge against the land and a personal obligation of the Owners. If the Owners fail to reimburse the City promptly for its expenses, the City will place a lien on the property for the amount owed, plus any accrued interest. In addition, the City may file a lawsuit against the Owners and/or the property for payment of any unpaid liens. SIGNED this the 24th day of September, 2018. AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Cathy Duhart, City Secretary City of Sinton 301 E. Market St. Sinton, Texas 78387 A complete copy of the order can be obtained from Sinton City Hall, 301 E Market Street, Sinton, Texas 78387. The Board of Directors of the San Patricio County Appraisal District Is Accepting Applications for Appraisal Review Board Members (ARB) To Serve for a Two-Year Term Beginning January 1st, 2019 Appointed ARB member serves a two year term, and may be appointed for two additional two- year terms. The current term for this position will begin January 1st, 2019. ARB hearings meet only 1 or 2 days per month during the months of January through mid-May, and from mid-Au- gust through December. During the latter part of May, the entire month of June, and the first 3 weeks of July, the ARB will meet Monday through Friday, approximately from 8am until 5pm, as necessary to complete the Board’s duties as required by law. Applicant must be a current resident and have lived in San Patricio County for at least the past two years. Other eligibility restrictions may apply. A background check will be conducted on all potential members. Please visit our website www.sanpatcad.org to download an application. For more information contact: Robert Cenci at 361-364-5402 Ext 104 Email: [email protected] Deadline: October 26, 2018 INVITATION TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals, addressed to the City of Portland, Texas (Owner) for: CITY OF PORTLAND WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT REHABILITATION OF EXISTING SLUDGE DRYING BEDS consists of the rehabilitation of the existing sludge drying beds with a sludge dewatering process system. The rehabilitation of the existing sludge drying beds includes the removal of the existing drying bed media, underdrain piping and concrete ramps prior to installation of new under- drain piping, the sludge dewatering process system, and filtration media. The Project also includes the removal and replacement of an existing 6” sludge force main, a polymer building to house the polymer and injection pump, a Rapid-Floc polymer mixer, and a temporary 1” potable water line. The existing sludge dry- ing bed access driveway will be widened and improved to accept roll-off contain- ers for the haul-off of the dried sludge. One (1) existing sludge digester pump will also be replaced at the existing digester/thickener. This work, along with yard piping, site work and other appurtenances are all to be constructed in strict accordance with the construction plans, specifications and contract documents. Bids will be received at the office of the City Manager, 1900 Billy G. Webb Drive, Portland, Texas 78374 until 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 23, 2018 and then publicly opened and read. Any bid received after closing time will be returned unopened. A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. in the City Council Chambers 2nd Floor, Portland City Hall, 1900 Billy G. Webb Drive, Portland, Texas 78374. The pre-bid meeting will be conducted by the Engineer and the City. A site visit to the wastewater treatment plant will follow the meeting. A bid bond in the amount of 5% of the highest amount bid must accompany each proposal. Failure to provide the bid bond will constitute a non-responsive pro- posal which will not be considered. Failure to provide required performance and payment bonds for contracts over $25,000.00 will result in forfeiture of the 5% bid bond to the City as liquidated damages. Plans, proposal forms, specifications and contract documents may be procured from the Engineer, LJA Engineering, Inc. (LJA), 5656 S. Staples, Suite 230, Corpus Christi, Texas 78411, upon payment of Thirty Dollars and 00/100 Dollars ($30.00). Documents can be obtained by mail upon receipt of an additional ($10.00) which is a non-refundable postage/handling charge. The payment is non-refundable Plans and Specific- ations will be available at no charge to download through Sharefile. In order to obtain instructions to download please contact our office at 361-991-8550 or via emai l [email protected]. Include all company contact information when utilizing Sharefile. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive irregularities and to accept the bid which, in the City’s opinion, seems most advantageous to the City and in the best interest of the public. CITY OF PORTLAND, TEXAS /s/ Randy Wright City Manager ORDINANCES ORDINANCE #O-18-09-20 WATER SERVICES FEE AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MATHIS, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A FEE SCHEDULE FOR WATER SERVICES, PROVIDING OFR A SAVINGS AND SEPARABILITY CLAUSE, REPEAL OF CONFLICINT ORDINANCES AND PROVISIONS, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE #O-18-09-21 RESTRICTING LARGE/OVERSIZE PERMITTED LOADS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MATHIS, TEXAS OF THE COUNTY OF SAN PATRICIO, TEXAS, RESTRICTING LARGE/OVERSIZE PERMITTED LOADS ON SAN PATRICIO AVENUE/TEXAS STATE HIGHWAY 359 BUSINESS ROUTE DURING SCHOOL OPENING AND CLOSING HOURS, PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR NON COMPLIANCE AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 14TH DAY OF MAY 2018. Public Notice The City of Mathis will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Monday, October 15, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. at the Mathis City Hall Council Chambers, 411 E. San Patricio Ave, Mathis, Texas 78368. The subject of the Public Hearing will be to discuss, in- form and receive comments from the citizens of Mathis concerning the Re-Zon- ing and Plating request of Approximately 28.05 acre tract of land made up of a 21.61 acre tract deeded to Mathis Economic Development Cor- poration and 6.78 acres out of a called 99.77 acre tract, deeded to Math- is Economic Development Council being in the M.P.J. and N. Delgado Survey, Abstract 4, in San Patricio County, Texas. The public is invited to attend and participate in the Public Hearing process. Legals 0910 Legals 0910 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that San Patricio County will be accept- ing bids no later than 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 4, 2018 for the "RENTAL OF SNACK BAR" located in the County Court- house. Specifications may be obtained in the office of the County Audit- or, 400 W. Sinton Street, Room B-50, Sinton, Texas 78387 or by emailing alonzo.arce@co. san-patricio.tx.us. Bids are to be opened by Alonzo Arce, Asst. County Auditor. The deadline for receiving bids is 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 4, 2018. All bids are to be sealed and marked "RENTAL OF SNACK BAR" on envelope. All bids will be presented to Commissioner's Court in ses- sion for consideration and ac- tion. San Patricio County re- serves the right to reject any and/or all bids. Homer Roblez Chief Assistant County Auditor September 20, 2018 TO9-20&27 Legals 0910 RAILROAD COMMISSION OF TEXAS OIL AND GAS DIVISION DISTRICT 04 Rule 37 Case No. 0313518 DATE OF ISSUANCE: Sep 11, 2018 Status/Permit No. 819407 NOTICE OF PROTEST DEADLINE: 5:00 PM, Oct 16, 2018 Address: Railroad Commission of Texas ATTN: Drilling Permit Unit P. O. Box 12967 Austin, Texas 78711-2967 Fax: (512) 463-6780 Email: [email protected] NOTICE OF APPLICATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the NYE EXPLORATION & PROD, L.L.C., [RRC Operator No. 616967] has made applica- tion for a spacing exception per- mit under the provisions of Rail- road Commission Statewide Rule 37 (16 Tex. Admin. Code section 3.37). Applicant seeks exception to the lease line dis- tance requirement because the Applicant is less than the re- quired Rule 37 lease line dis- tance to an unleased or non- pooled interest within the sub- ject unit for the AMENDED NEW DRILL permit in Sec., Bk., MOR- RIS, G Survey, A-19, MORGAN (5700 RILEY SAND) and MOR- GAN (5200) Fields, SAN PATRI- CIO County, being 3 miles W direction from SINTON, Texas. PURSUANT TO THE TERMS of Railroad Commission rules and regulations, this application may be granted WITHOUT A HEAR- ING if no protest to the applica- tion is received within the dead- line. An affected person is en- titled to protest this application. Affected persons include own- ers of record and the operator or lessees of record of adjacent tracts and tracts nearer to the proposed well than the minim- um lease line spacing distance. If a hearing is called, the applic- ant has the burden to prove the need for an exception. A Prot- estant should be prepared to es- tablish standing as an affected person, and to appear at the hearing either in person or by qualified representative and protest the application with cross-examination or presenta- tion of a direct case. The rules of evidence are applicable in the hearing. If you have any ques- tions regarding the hearing pro- cedure, please contact the Com- mission's Docket Services De- partment at (512)463-6848. If you have questions which are specific to the Application or the information set forth in this No- tice, please contact the Com- mission's Drilling Permit Unit at rule 37 (512)463-6751. IF YOU WISH TO REQUEST A HEARING ON THIS APPLICA- TION, AN INTENT TO AP- PEAR IN PROTEST MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE RAIL - ROAD COMMISSION'S AUS- TIN OFFICE AT THE AD- DRESS, FAX NUMBER, OR E- MAIL ADDRESS SET OUT ABOVE BY Oct 16, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. IF NO PROTEST IS RECEIVED WITHIN SUC H TIME, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR RIGHT TO PROTEST AND THE REQUESTED PERMI T MAY BE GRANTED ADMINIS- TRATIVELY. THIS NOTICE OF APPLICATION REQUIRES PUBLICATION The location and identity of the well is as shown below: FIELD: MORGAN (5700 RILEY SAND) --------------------------------- Lease/Unit Name: NYE Lease/Unit Well No.: 1 Lease/Unit Acres: 85.72 Nearest Lease Line (ft): 481.3 Lease Lines: 507.6 F East L 481.3 F North L Survey Lines: 507.6 F East L 1952.6 F South L FIELD: MORGAN (5200) Lease/Unit Name: NYE Lease/Unit Well No.: 1 Lease/Unit Acres: 85.72 Nearest Lease Line (ft): 481.3 Lease Lines: 507.6 F East L 481.3 F North L Survey Lines: 507.6 F East L 1952.6 F South L Field Rules for ALL fields on the permit application are as follows: MORGAN (5700 RILEY SAND): OIL Statewide rules 467/1200, 40.0 acres MORGAN (5200): GAS Statewide rules 467/1200, 40.0 acres This well is to be drilled to an approximate depth of 7000 feet. If you have questions regarding this application, please contact the Applicant's representative, Austin Nye, at (361)4521435. TO9-13,20,27&10-4pd PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that San Patricio County will be receiving bids no later than 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 04, 2018 for: PURCHASE OF TWO (2) TRACTORS WITH ENCLOSED CAB, AIR CONDITIONING, and HEATING Specifications may be obtained in the office of the County Audit- o r, 400 West Sinton Street, Courthouse Room B-50, Sinton, Texas 78387 or by emailing alonzo.arce@co. san-patricio.tx.us B ids will be received and opened by Alonzo Arce, Asst. County Auditor. The deadline for receiving bids is 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 04, 2018. All bids received after time and date will be returned unopened. All bids are to be sealed and ref- erenced thereon to the type of bids. All bids will be presented t o Commissioner's Court in session for consideration and action. San Patricio County reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids. Homer Roblez Chief Assistant County Auditor September 17, 2018 TO9-20&27 COASTAL PLAINS COMMUNITY MHMR Effective September 30, 2018 Community Action Corporation of South Texas will no longer be Coastal Plains Community Centerʼs primary care provider. Coastal Bend Wellness Founda- tion will be the new primary care provider for Coastal Plains Community Center effective October 1, 2018. TO9-13,20,27&10-4 2nd NOTICE OF ABANDONED VEHICLE The following vehicle was towed and being stored at Hotrod Towing 623 N. Front St. Mathis, Tx 78368 (361)-207-4242 Trailer #0653611VSF Metal/tin homemade trailer No Vin No Plate Vehicle may be claimed with proof of ownership and paying total charges due: $335.00, plus $20.00 a day storage. www.tdlr.texas.gov/complaints. TO9-27pd Legals 0910 Legals 0910 Legals 0910 YOUR AD LOOKS GOOD IN PRINT classifieds Buy Sell New Used 361-358-2550, ext. 1 Need to advertise your legal? classifieds@my soutex.com or call 361-358-2550 ext. 1 Email to:
Page 1: The News of San Patricio Classifieds - Newz Group · 9/27/2018  · county of san patricio, texas, restricting large/oversize permitted loads on san patricio avenue/texas state highway

The News of San Patricio

ClassifiedsThursday, Sept. 27, 2018 Page 8B



WHEREAS, on Monday, September 24, 2018 at 6:00 p.m., a public hearing was held by the Building Standards Commission ("Commission") in the City of Sinton City Hall Chambers located at 301 E. Market, Sinton, Texas regarding the structure and property described as:Lot Five (5) and the West Five Feet (W 5') of Lot Four (4), Block Five (5), J.H. MYNIER ADDITION to the City of Sinton in San Patricio County, Texas, as shown by map or plat of same of record in Volume 1, Page 30 of the Map Records of San Patricio County, Texas, to the City of Sinton in San Patricio County, Texas, and more commonly known as 213 Short Street, Sinton, Texas ("Property"); andWHEREAS, a diligent search in accordance with Sec. 150.67 (c) City of Sinton Code of Ordinances was made to determine identity and address of any existing owners, mortgagees and lienholders of record and those efforts indicated that First National Acceptance Company is/are the record owners of the property; and NONE is lienholder of record; andWHEREAS, notice of the public hearing was mailed to the Owners, Lienholders if any and persons with interest, if any, thirty (30) days prior to the date of the hearing; andWHEREAS, the Commission finds that the defects, conditions set forth on the Code Violations, Exhibit A, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Hall, are present on the Property; andWHEREAS, the Commission finds from evidence presented at the public hearing that the structure on the Property is in violation of the standards set forth in the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sinton, Chapter 150, Sec 150.66 "Minimum Standards", and that the defects or conditions exist to the extent that the structure on the Property is substandard and a hazard to the public health, safety, and/or welfare; andWHEREAS, the Commission finds that the Owners did not show by a preponderance of the evidence that the work could not reasonably be completed within thirty (30) days of the notice; andWHEREAS, the Commission establishes a specific time schedule for the Owners to complete the work;NOW, THEREFORE, THE BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION HEREBY ORDERS, that the Owners demolish the structure and remove the debris described as:Lot Five (5) and the West Five Feet (W 5') of lot Four (4), Block Five (5), J.H. MYNIER ADDITION to the City of Sinton in San Patricio County, Texas, as shown by map or plat of same of record in Volume 1, Page 30 of the Map Records of San Patricio County, Texasin conformance to the codes of the City within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Order. Owners must immediately secure the Property to prevent unauthorized entry. This effective date of this Order is the date of this Commission Hearing. Therefore, the property Owners have until October 23, 2018, to comply with this Order.ANY MORTGAGEES OR LIENHOLDERS OF RECORD have additional reasonable time to comply with the Ordered action should the Owners fail to comply within the time provided by this Order.YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO APPEAL THIS ORDER to a court of competent jurisdiction. You must file any appeal within thirty (30) days of the date of this Order. An appeal does not stay the time to comply with this Order.YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REQUEST AN AMENDMENT to this Order. If you believe that extenuating circumstances exist that will prevent the completion of the repair or demolition of the structure, you may request an Amendment of this Order to provide more time. You must file your request in writing and submit the request to the Code Compliance Department, 301 E. Market St., Sinton, Texas 78387. Code Compliance must receive any request for an Amendment before the close of business on October 20, 2018. After that date, the Building Standards Commission will not consider any extension of time. You may only apply for an Amendment one (1) time under this Order. You may contact the Code Compliance Department for an Amendment request form at the address listed above.IF THE STRUCTURE ON THE PROPERTY IS NOT REPAIRED IN CONFORMANCE TO THE CODES OF THE CITY OF SINTON OR DEMOLISHED AND DEBRIS REMOVED IN THE TIME PRESCRIBED BY THIS ORDER, THE CITY OF SINTON IS AUTHORIZED TO ENTER THE PROPERTY AND DEMOLISH THE STRUCTURE, WITH COSTS TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST THE PROPERTY OWNERS WITHOUT ANY FURTHER NOTICE GIVE TO THE OWNERS. In the event that the City exercises this right, the costs, together with interest accruing at 10% per annum, will be assessed as a charge against the land and a personal obligation of the Owners. If the Owners fail to reimburse the City promptly for its expenses, the City will place a lien on the property for the amount owed, plus any accrued interest. In addition, the City may file a lawsuit against the Owners and/or the property for payment of any unpaid liens.SIGNED this the 24th day of September, 2018.

AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO:Cathy Duhart, City SecretaryCity of Sinton301 E. Market St.Sinton, Texas 78387

A complete copy of the order can be obtained from Sinton City Hall, 301 E Market Street, Sinton, Texas 78387.

The Board of Directors of the San Patricio County Appraisal DistrictIs Accepting Applications for

Appraisal Review Board Members (ARB)To Serve for a Two-Year TermBeginning January 1st, 2019

Appointed ARB member serves a two year term, and may be appointed for two additional two-year terms. The current term for this position will begin January 1st, 2019. ARB hearings meetonly 1 or 2 days per month during the months of January through mid-May, and from mid-Au-gust through December. During the latter part of May, the entire month of June, and the first 3weeks of July, the ARB will meet Monday through Friday, approximately from 8am until 5pm,as necessary to complete the Board’s duties as required by law. Applicant must be a currentresident and have lived in San Patricio County for at least the p ast two years. Other eligibilityrestrictions may apply.

A background check will be conducted on all potential members.Please visit our website www.sanpatcad.org to download an application.

For more information contact:Robert Cenci at 361-364-5402 Ext 104

Email: [email protected]: October 26, 2018

INVITATION TO BIDDERSSealed proposals, addressed to the City of Portland, Texas (Owner) for:CITY OF PORTLAND WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT REHABILITATION OFEXISTING SLUDGE DRYING BEDS consists of the rehabilitation of the existing sludgedrying beds with a sludge dewatering process system. The rehabilitation of theexisting sludge drying beds includes the removal of the existing drying bedmedia, underdrain piping and concrete ramps prior to installation of new under-drain piping, the sludge dewatering process system, and filtration media. TheProject also includes the removal and replacement of an existing 6” sludge forcemain, a polymer building to house the polymer and injection pump, a Rapid-Flocpolymer mixer, and a temporary 1” potable water line. The existing sludge dry-ing bed access driveway will be widened and improved to accept roll-off contain-ers for the haul-off of the dried sludge. One (1) existing sludge digester pumpwill also be replaced at the existing digester/thickener. This work, along withyard piping, site work and other appurtenances are all to be constructed in strictaccordance with the construction plans, specifications and contract documents.Bids will be received at the office of the City Manager, 1900 Billy G. Webb Drive,Portland, Texas 78374 until 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 23, 2018 and thenpublicly opened and read. Any bid received after closing time will be returnedunopened.A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. inthe City Council Chambers 2nd Floor, Portland City Hall, 1900 Billy G. Webb Drive,Portland, Texas 78374. The pre-bid meeting will be conducted by the Engineerand the City. A site visit to the wastewater treatment plant will follow themeeting.A bid bond in the amount of 5% of the highest amount bid must accompany eachproposal. Failure to provide the bid bond will constitute a non-responsive pro-posal which will not be considered. Failure to provide required performance andpayment bonds for contracts over $25,000.00 will result in forfeiture of the 5%bid bond to the City as liquidated damages. Plans, proposal forms, specificationsand contract documents may be procured from the Engineer, LJA Engineering,Inc. (LJA), 5656 S. Staples, Suite 230, Corpus Christi, Texas 78411, upon paymentof Thirty Dollars and 00/100 Dollars ($30.00). Documents can be obtained bymail upon receipt of an additional ($10.00) which is a non-refundablepostage/handling charge. The payment is non-refundable Plans and Specific-ations will be available at no charge to download through Sharefile. In order toobtain instructions to download please contact our office at 361-991-8550 or viaemai l [email protected]. Include all company contact information whenutilizing Sharefile.The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive irregularities and toaccept the bid which, in the City’s opinion, seems most advantageous to the Cityand in the best interest of the public.


City Manager





Public NoticeThe City of Mathis will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Monday, October 15,2018, at 7:00 p.m. at the Mathis City Hall Council Chambers, 411 E. San PatricioAve, Mathis, Texas 78368. The subject of the Public Hearing will be to discuss, in-form and receive comments from the citizens of Mathis concerning the Re-Zon-ing and Plating request of Approximately 28.05 acre tract of land madeup of a 21.61 acre tract deeded to Mathis Economic Development Cor-poration and 6.78 acres out of a called 99.77 acre tract, deeded to Math-is Economic Development Council being in the M.P.J. and N. DelgadoSurvey, Abstract 4, in San Patricio County, Texas.The public is invited to attend and participate in the Public Hearingprocess.

Legals 0910 Legals 0910

PUBLIC NOTICENotice is hereby given that SanPatricio County will be accept-ing bids no later than 2:00 p.m.on Thursday, October 4, 2018for the

"RENTAL OF SNACK BAR"located in the County Court-house.Specifications may be obtainedin the office of the County Audit-or, 400 W. Sinton Street, RoomB-50, Sinton, Texas 78387 or byemailing

[email protected].

Bids are to be opened by AlonzoArce, Asst. County Auditor. Thedeadline for receiving bids is2:00 p.m. on Thursday, October4, 2018. All bids are to besealed and marked "RENTALOF SNACK BAR" on envelope.All bids will be presented toCommissioner's Court in ses-sion for consideration and ac-tion. San Patricio County re-serves the right to reject anyand/or all bids.

Homer RoblezChief Assistant County Auditor

September 20, 2018TO9-20&27

Legals 0910



Status/Permit No. 819407NOTICE OF PROTEST

DEADLINE: 5:00 PM,Oct 16, 2018

Address:Railroad Commissionof Texas

ATTN: Drilling Permit UnitP. O. Box 12967Austin, Texas 78711-2967Fax: (512) 463-6780

Email:[email protected] OF APPLICATION

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthat the NYE EXPLORATION &PROD, L.L.C., [RRC OperatorNo. 616967] has made applica-tion for a spacing exception per-mit under the provisions of Rail-road Commission StatewideRule 37 (16 Tex. Admin. Codesection 3.37). Applicant seeksexception to the lease line dis-tance requirement because theApplicant is less than the re-quired Rule 37 lease line dis-tance to an unleased or non-pooled interest within the sub-ject unit for the AMENDED NEWDRILL permit in Sec., Bk., MOR-RIS, G Survey, A-19, MORGAN(5700 RILEY SAND) and MOR-GAN (5200) Fields, SAN PATRI-CIO County, being 3 miles Wdirection from SINTON, Texas.PURSUANT TO THE TERMS ofRailroad Commission rules andregulations, this application maybe granted WITHOUT A HEAR-ING if no protest to the applica-tion is received within the dead-line. An affected person is en-titled to protest this application.Affected persons include own-ers of record and the operator orlessees of record of adjacenttracts and tracts nearer to theproposed well than the minim-um lease line spacing distance.If a hearing is called, the applic-ant has the burden to prove theneed for an exception. A Prot-estant should be prepared to es-tablish standing as an affectedperson, and to appear at thehearing either in person or byqualified representative andprotest the application withcross-examination or presenta-tion of a direct case. The rulesof evidence are applicable in thehearing. If you have any ques-tions regarding the hearing pro-cedure, please contact the Com-mission's Docket Services De-partment at (512)463-6848. Ifyou have questions which arespecific to the Application or theinformation set forth in this No-tice, please contact the Com-mission's Drilling Permit Unit atrule 37 (512)463-6751.IF YOU WISH TO REQUEST AHEARING ON THIS APPLICA-TION, AN INTENT TO AP-PEAR IN PROTEST MUST BERECEIVED IN THE RAIL-ROAD COMMISSION'S AUS-TIN OFFICE AT THE AD-DRESS, FAX NUMBER, OR E-MAIL ADDRESS SET OUTABOVE BY Oct 16, 2018 at5:00 p.m. IF NO PROTEST ISRECEIVED WITHIN SUCHTIME, YOU WILL LOSE YOURRIGHT TO PROTEST ANDTHE REQUESTED PERMITMAY BE GRANTED ADMINIS-TRATIVELY.


REQUIRES PUBLICATIONThe location and identity of thewell is as shown below:


---------------------------------Lease/Unit Name: NYELease/Unit Well No.: 1

Lease/Unit Acres: 85.72Nearest Lease Line (ft): 481.3

Lease Lines:507.6 F East L481.3 F North LSurvey Lines:507.6 F East L

1952.6 F South LFIELD: MORGAN (5200)Lease/Unit Name: NYELease/Unit Well No.: 1

Lease/Unit Acres: 85.72Nearest Lease Line (ft): 481.3

Lease Lines:507.6 F East L481.3 F North LSurvey Lines:507.6 F East L

1952.6 F South LField Rules for ALL fields on thepermit application are asfollows:

MORGAN(5700 RILEY SAND):OIL Statewide rules

467/1200, 40.0 acresMORGAN (5200):

GAS Statewide rules467/1200, 40.0 acres

This well is to be drilled to anapproximate depth of 7000 feet.If you have questions regardingthis application, please contactthe Applicant's representative,Austin Nye, at (361)4521435.


PUBLIC NOTICENotice is hereby given that SanPatricio County will be receivingbids no later than 2:00 p.m. onThursday, October 04, 2018 for:



Specifications may be obtainedin the office of the County Audit-or, 400 West Sinton Street,Courthouse Room B-50, Sinton,Texas 78387 or by emailing

[email protected]

Bids wi l l be received andopened by Alonzo Arce, Asst.County Auditor. The deadline forreceiving bids is 2:00 p.m. onThursday, October 04, 2018. Allbids received after time anddate will be returned unopened.All bids are to be sealed and ref-erenced thereon to the type ofbids. All bids will be presentedto Commissioner's Court insession for consideration andaction. San Patricio Countyreserves the right to reject anyand/or all bids.

Homer RoblezChief Assistant County Auditor

September 17, 2018TO9-20&27


Effective September 30, 2018Community Action Corporationof South Texas will no longer beCoastal Plains CommunityCenterʼs primary care provider.Coastal Bend Wellness Founda-tion will be the new primary careprovider for Coastal PlainsCommunity Center effectiveOctober 1, 2018.



The following vehicle was towedand being stored at

Hotrod Towing623 N. Front St.

Mathis, Tx 78368(361)-207-4242

Trailer #0653611VSFMetal/tin homemade trailer

No Vin • No PlateVehicle may be claimed withproof of ownership and payingtotal charges due: $335.00, plus$20.00 a day storage. www.tdlr.texas.gov/complaints.


Legals 0910Legals 0910Legals 0910


classifi edsBuy • Sell • New • Used

361-358-2550, ext. 1

Need to

advertiseyour legal?

classi� eds@my soutex.com

or call361-358-2550

ext. 1

