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The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 16 (14) Apr 25, 1962

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Published Semi-Monthly During the College Year by Journalism Students at the North Idaho Junior College
All Constitutiord Amerlfments Passed In Special Beman Final ruulla of the AprU 6 •l>"c:lal rlecUon abow tbat all proposed am•ndmellla •er. 11Uaed b7 lar,e aiaJortllu. Vollna was vrr1 llabt, bow- uer. •Hb onl.1 160 ·-cut on oae ame.ad•nt. and I &4 •otea cut on eac:hor the otber four The !Int ameDOmear, w hlch ,..de all "reculazl1 •iirollo.d aludMta of Nortb ldabo Jaalor Collece" ot tti. Aa· aoc:laled Studrni BodJ. WU paaM"d b7 a Toto Of 148 lo 16. Tbe aecoco ameooment, •hlcb concernf!d m"::btrsblp on lbe StudraJ Bo&td ot Control, pUaed b7 a TOii! or 133 lo 31. On lb<> Udn1 which concerned tile alandJna con1mltteea or the Student Ooard, lhe •ore favored the am•ndm•nl 142 10 22. The fourth amrndment on lbe ballot PUiied b7 a 'role or 133 to 31. ll Involved Ille or a nna.oc1a1 mana· 1or, and the tuka o that ofrict" Yott OD lbe final a11M1Jltl- n1ent wu 142 In favor and 18 aaaln•I. Thia amendlD"nl ('rovlded for rrllUlllberlnr of tour arllclea of the conaUtu· llon of Ibo lnarrtlon ut nr• ••MndmrnlA C ollege Band Gives Concerts For High Schools On Arrll 19. lhe NIJC band made ll1•lr annual lour of too art'& hlrh echoola. The band prrtorm!ld al II orlf'J, Plumrntr. St, Marl<'•. and Kootl>nal. At each achool th<- band 1•la.ad a concert, •Ub Bruce lila!OD acllo1 "" lllUIN of CNamontu. COileen Dunham •U fralurrd U V<>all aolutal, and fn&IU' of lh<' t.nd II <'ml"1ra wrrn rr1tur.·d In 1rou11fl . I ,ynn John•on and II•" n Gun\&Jdllon 1>t"rtu1111ud two l•lrlln, numbt'ra at och achciol On" or lh•lr numb<-" wu t>1•rformt>d .. llh burnlnr l.Nilun•. lland rot'mbt'rs en)oyad et"· ald•li1hl" oo th•u trip. At Plumm•r, Coll•rn Dun ha• and Iba Plumri."f c.-ch cue a Jltltrbuc ••blblUoo, and al SI K&r1a•. CIOlll daO<'t<l lllO l•lat wltb a SI. >t&rl'11 cttl. necauae Ibo "'"' •aa In UH at lb<- baJltl had to rtu oul.tlde, and lbllJ' ••l"'flenccd U•)Ubl" their mualc from blo•lnc a•ay. 'l'he band l•n !>UC nrl.! In lho mnrnln£. and r .. 1urncd Jal• ltl Uu 6 Teams Entered In Softtdl Alhl•llc DIU•Ctot RallJ liU· Uarr. r""ccntb annuuncf'd &lw rornalloo ol an lattam1>f&l aC>!t ball lncue. SU ,,...,,. are enter..t lo lbe lt!aJU•. Tbe)' are faculty. i....111eaa. edllC&· tton.. and tor•tr• lndualrtal arta and tire-prof...-. al oral. and •oeatlonal. Th<> carua wilt be pl.and at M•morl&l leld. bectnlllnc al 4 · 00 p.m. Each - 15 ach<-d· uled for fl•e lnnlncs. •Ith anen to nl114! Pla.YMA conall- t uttnr 1 l•am. Mr. II II llama &lated tha t If too m&l\1 a.mes are forfeited lb• 1 .. aue 1rlll ha•• to fold up i...:auae the sames are t,ylnc·up lllelDOtlal Fl•ld for ttutt da)-a ....... VOLUMF XVI, NO. - Barn(fd, Dmby Have 4.0 At Mid- Semester Th• real•trar•a otrlc• reoona \lal 67 rull-tlmr •Me dolna 3. or b.lcher work at tbe lael r.ud .. 0111 ... period. L•d Inc the croup 1'ltb 4. srade point a•trac• •tre MD l!l&r· narll and •tarr D&lbr. Otlrr• auraclnc "'B" aad abu•t •rro Jlld.ltll A.aderaot1, Diane Auallnaon. Cd1r&1d But· l•r. John Oulllr. Lnl".T Cla· n•J, SotmanCoatdlo, Ctatlrs Ualb1, Mrrrlll o .. 1a. Oanld l><'an, Ratb !kania. Katbulnt! Duncan. Rodpr Feacl. Gale U>b PllZSll!llDOAa, 8r•trl>' Gallah<r, Haul Gal· lat.-r, f(uby Oodwtn. Tuesa Ooochlln, Mat•ba Oroanda, Ur•nl llart, Hal Han, JoJr:• ll•llk', JQ,)"ce lllsitna, J<:>&DM Jacobsen. Lynn Jolmson. IUl- Uain l.eCoulllr, Tk:an Lane. Oa•o Lewb. Tt!T1 1i1ce01. lillchaolr ldclotJre. Jna Noaact:an. DI· aa;• Mi:rsro, lollcbael !"-et. J)o.'l&ld" 'utter. Ja=es O"Cr• c II. Sharon O D<sno O' Lar1, cunord c1w. - t .. r Jurlllb Pedtni a, Cllariu f'ettlt. Donald Pio 1. Joaan l'l•laratl, Robert Rael· ell, lolYTOn Rlcbaldsoa. Llllda \ ll"tOr li<lllllll>OG. La Hrna Scl:>uN, Sl'a- Patrick JJruc .. :,I on, Jam•e Stebbins. Charlrs Slolnnndel Pat SUce lo.area Stre•I.,, J.Uldred T?tm· bla1. !ilao Ann Undrnrooa. \ oct. llarltrn llataan. Cbde llelk:. Por a l"rle:, 'l'beo Ann 11.;u..,. .1aet llllaon and Jo ht. Yeef.-.. NOll&Ah O..UB JOt"S DAl Of llECOLLECT OH Tbo SIJC Sewman Clab Jolnrd ltb 1>1Jbllc a.ad paro- ctlal b!Jll ar:bool atudea:a tram the local aiea on Arri! 8 tor a O..r ot Recollect1011. Tb e O\tnl look rlace at St. Tllomas Church In Corur f'u t ured s pea ke r on t be pro- .,.. ., •aa Arehbl1ho1• Jamee J. B 1 r n t. new lr-•Protnt..d archblohop or lbe Dubuqu<, 1 .... a. Arclldtocese. Archbl· ohop 8J rnc b tbe tor er bl· ahop cl the Bola• Dlocrse. COEUR D'ALENE. IOAliO G as Li ne Being Leid EX-CO.U.UN/ST WILL SPEAK AT COLLE CE , arb cb<odaled u- are Yer r : Ille 1ea:. 'l'b•r• •Ill be. ltciwc•e1, a 1pealr.na1 il.1JC '1AJ Ill 111 tbr C!Y<flll!&:. Dr. &lb Docl4, a Se• Y 1k Cl:, la• •i ..-111 •-k for tbe pabllc. Tbe acth1t1 catd1 ".u a t students. Dr. Dodd ten:lll cf'C! c c- r:b• &ne• e be llC con- sidered c tbe top tea C01lllll ta la Al:lctta.. llr. Dodd asr tt ntl::eboolt .SC , ' Da•I: a. Ht• ID· r :cau n c cs rr= bM P<'r· aona. ipc•lcnce In c1u:aclz.111& IMC n Se• 1 :i. Hu •ub eel f lb<' apeecb ... tU be aboal s11b•e111lon In ST\10f"TS ASKED TO STAY CLEAR Of CONHRUCTIOH All SIJC ald•11alk aupeun- tendenla atould remain out- Rldr lb<' construction 1UU. Co. appn>etates tbe belo. but doe3c't •ant any ace dents. T'flO NIJC PIANISTS SCHEDULE RECITAL °"' ru O.Laca aad Vrrsene Lucu, NIJC duo-plan!tL•, wilt present a duo and solo 111ctlalal lbe end or Ma7. TbrJ are preeenll.r 8tudenta or Mrs. F1o E.dr:undson Outs. Ac· cardlna to present plana. the rec!l&l wUI be in Ille aew FA· m.lnater Student Uolon. ll4a DeLaca bu atQdted ccstc tor about elcht 1ears In l\:<'llou and ru one 1ear lo Coew St.e plus to =.!<or In 111uatc after lea•tna 11.1.JC llas 1nz. lolls• Lucas t:as mu- sic: for three ynr1 uadtr Mrs. Oa .. l.a. Sile bu •PP<'&.Ied In sneral local rtcltall and on tbe radio. She plana to rnlnor In music a.ner lu•ln1 l'IJC The two plan to conllnue In lllll$IC and plan to turn pro· teasloral after lea\'lnr arhool. saapshO:' ol atud•nt acU\'I· Ilea at• ll#ed<d rot th., Candid Camera patte or the yearbook. They ma.r be broucbl to 1 he ma1D ottlce. '*EDNESOA Y. APRIL 2S, 1962 Spe a ker Lists Thre Moti ves That Move People To Service "L. ir roi:: w rl. that tbr pt ""' oth·allon r r t, Dr. Orio 11. Bn!c told !l:IJ atudentaatan April 18 uar bb. a pnbllc rebll n reprnent&tt•e for lhc Nailor. ,\ssocbtlon of MlUUlf.lctuc spoke on the s11bJecl "Y Job and You." In his address, atatrd lhDI hWttna u.re cre.l\lut<•a c.t acllVllY, and lllal the lnltrr laled !lletors or l!Yt'ffDnl''B II••• a.re- dlrectlr Clffccled br the caUbr4' of their w rt acu .. Dr. Brees a a:itlonwld poll to allow that Am tlc:.n lllsh acbool atudents tl<lialb have mis cone "' 00 or taln busln(11S actl•lllea. Jn this reapec:I, ht> POlnlnd o t that In lbc rrtr futu: thn n • lion will need 54 n1U1on d I Iara lo pro\ldo neo• emplo HP alao Ito.Id 1i..1 It •ould CCllll 95 billion dollar lo repla ce now oolna Wll'd In lndu.•lr.I'. Dr. Brees also dlacusaed lb ettccl ot taxallon and fore sn competition on A erlcan b lneSll. lie pointed out I t \\eat GND::lr.J and Japo.n lnduatrt&I equipment Iha comparable •lib U.S. equl ment. bat I.her Inn I.he add uael or low tabot coata Basins bis state en on b.I own experiences. B! st Id the students ti..t in some r opean countries politics PllJ a bl&eer part lbau In deterintnln;: Another item from a au:vey which Brees the fact lhDt blch school students do no: believe that a 1M>rao11 needs to ex pend bla beat eno:ts In produ<"tl•o 1rnrt. Btf!es • 1tai..mccts on thla t tor lndlc:at th:ll be was c cc:ned about Ille thtll ldn D• Bree d ot...s I bit pail or his speech I lh• I that the oat Important c Sldcrallon f I a proepeCtlY empto1110 hould be Illa p r aonal tniereats. Ho cmpha· al%ud llmt money abOuld bfl the aole conald ration In aeekln• lie also pralled vocallonnl auld.tnce as I llll'ftll5 or pbcln' lltr&O In emp!D)'ment "tor which lhty're best suited." Bttea alao can the student& hJs "tb:ee 111ottns that OY a>eP 10 service.' II II.Sled them as Cl I neccs II)'. 2 du11. and (3) love. H auessea that auracllo:i lo a c ruto Ir.Ind or w0<k bcvJld c Pl.' people to t&ke Jobs. lie point· ed oat the dlT".,.111 ot th Jobe uallabl 10 l><'OPI toda1 Dr. Breea tncluded pertinent enmplca and clever pooms In hta address. and appeared ta be well reC<'I' od by lbr' lu- dut:l . Mr. £\1ln5 latroducrd th speaker, and Student Bod7 President Bill Turbin 01><1ned the uaembl,y •Ith the Plcd1• ot Alleriance and a rruer

All Constitutiord Amerlfments Passed In Special Beman

Final ruulla of the AprU 6 •l>"c:lal rlecUon abow tbat all proposed am•ndmellla •er. 11Uaed b7 lar,e aiaJortllu. Vollna was vrr1 llabt, bow­uer. •Hb onl.1 160 ·-cut on oae ame.ad•nt. and I &4 •otea cut on eac:hor the otber four amend~nta. The !Int ameDOmear, w hlch

,..de all "reculazl1 •iirollo.d aludMta of Nortb ldabo Jaalor Collece" ~m~rs ot tti. Aa· aoc:laled Studrni BodJ. WU paaM"d b7 a Toto Of 148 lo 16.

Tbe aecoco ameooment, •hlcb concernf!d m"::btrsblp on lbe StudraJ Bo&td ot Control, pUaed b7 a TOii! or 133 lo 31.

On lb<> Udn1 am~ndmrnl, which concerned tile alandJna con1mltteea or the Student Ooard, lhe •ore favored the am•ndm•nl 142 10 22.

The fourth amrndment on lbe ballot PUiied b7 a 'role or 133 to 31. ll Involved Ille c~tnc or a nna.oc1a1 mana· 1or, and the reqlllt~ tuka o that ofrict" T~ Yott OD lbe final a11M1Jltl­

n1ent wu 142 In favor and 18 aaaln•I. Thia amendlD"nl ('rovlded for rrllUlllberlnr of tour arllclea of the conaUtu· llon ~f'cauae of Ibo lnarrtlon ut nr• ••MndmrnlA

College Band Gives Concerts For High Schools

On Arrll 19. lhe NIJC band made ll1•lr annual lour of too art'& hlrh echoola. The band prrtorm!ld al II orlf'J, Plumrntr. St, Marl<'•. and Kootl>nal.

At each achool th<- band 1•la.ad a concert, •Ub Bruce lila!OD acllo1 "" lllUIN of CNamontu. COileen Dunham •U fralurrd U V<>all aolutal, and fn&IU' of lh<' t.nd II <'ml"1ra wrrn rr1tur.·d In IMlrurn~nt&I 1rou11fl . I ,ynn John•on and II•" n Gun\&Jdllon 1>t"rtu1111ud two l•lrlln, numbt'ra at och achciol On" or lh•lr numb<-" wu t>1•rformt>d .. llh burnlnr l.Nilun•.

lland rot'mbt'rs en)oyad et"· ~ral ald•li1hl" oo th•u trip. At Plumm•r, Coll•rn Dun ha• and Iba Plumri."f c.-ch cue a Jltltrbuc ••blblUoo, and al SI K&r1a•. ~·rr CIOlll daO<'t<l lllO l•lat wltb a SI. >t&rl'11 cttl. necauae Ibo "'"' •aa In UH at Kod~nat. lb<- baJltl had to rtu oul.tlde, and lbllJ' ••l"'flenccd U•)Ubl" LC'C!PIO~ their mualc from blo•lnc a•ay.

'l'he band l•n !>UC nrl.! In lho mnrnln£. and r .. 1urncd Jal• ltl Uu aftl)rnoon~

6 Teams Entered In lntrcmr~ Softtdl

Alhl•llc DIU•Ctot RallJ liU· Uarr. r""ccntb annuuncf'd &lw rornalloo ol an lattam1>f&l aC>!t ball lncue. SU ,,...,,. are enter..t lo lbe lt!aJU•. Tbe)' are faculty. i....111eaa. edllC&· tton.. e~lnffr111s and tor•tr• lndualrtal arta and tire-prof...-. al oral. and •oeatlonal.

Th<> carua wilt be pl.and at M•morl&l ~ leld. bectnlllnc al 4 · 00 p.m. Each - 15 ach<-d· uled for fl•e lnnlncs. •Ith anen to nl114! Pla.YMA conall­tuttnr 1 l•am.

Mr. II II llama &lated that If too m&l\1 a.mes are forfeited lb• 1 .. aue 1rlll ha•• to fold up i...:auae the sames are t,ylnc·up lllelDOtlal Fl•ld for ttutt da)-a .......



Barn(fd, Dmby Have 4.0 At Mid-Semester

Th• real•trar•a otrlc• reoona \lal 67 rull-tlmr StUd~al• •Me dolna 3. or b.lcher work at tbe lael r.ud .. 0111 ... t~r period. L•d Inc the croup 1'ltb 4. srade point a•trac• •tre MD l!l&r· narll and •tarr D&lbr.

Otlrr• auraclnc "'B" aad abu•t •rro Jlld.ltll A.aderaot1, Diane Auallnaon. Cd1r&1d But· l•r. John Oulllr. Lnl".T Cla· n•J, SotmanCoatdlo, Ctatlrs Ualb1, Mrrrlll o .. 1a. Oanld l><'an, Ratb !kania. Katbulnt! Duncan. Rodpr Feacl. Gale Fern~n. U>b PllZSll!llDOAa, 8r•trl>' Gallah<r, Haul Gal· lat.-r, f(uby Oodwtn. Tuesa Ooochlln, Mat•ba Oroanda, Ur•nl llart, Hal Han, JoJr:• ll•llk', JQ,)"ce lllsitna, J<:>&DM Jacobsen. Lynn Jolmson. IUl­Uain l.eCoulllr, Tk:an Lane. Oa•o Lewb. Tt!T1 1i1ce01. lillchaolr lilc~b. Gett~ ldclotJre. Jna Noaact:an. DI· aa;• Mi:rsro, lollcbael !"-et. J)o.'l&ld" 'utter. Ja=es O"Cr• c II. Sharon O C'o~ll. D<sno O' Lar1, cunord Ola~. c1w. -t .. r Par~, Jurlllb Pedtni a, Cllariu f'ettlt. Donald Pio 1. Joaan l'l•laratl, Robert Rael· ell, lolYTOn Rlcbaldsoa. Llllda Uurbt~. \ ll"tOr li<lllllll>OG. La Hrna Scl:>uN, Jae~ Sl'a­lta'<'~, Patrick ~11le, JJruc .. :,I on, Jam•e Stebbins. Charlrs Slolnnndel Pat SUce lo.area Stre•I.,, J.Uldred T?tm· bla1. !ilao Ann Undrnrooa. Ol~nn \ oct. llarltrn llataan. Cbde llelk:. Por a l"rle:, 'l'beo Ann 11.;u..,. .1aet llllaon and Jo ht. Yeef.-.. NOll&Ah O..UB JOt"S ~ DAl Of llECOLLECT OH

Tbo SIJC Sewman Clab Jolnrd • ltb 1>1Jbllc a.ad paro­ctlal b!Jll ar:bool atudea:a tram the local aiea on Arri! 8 tor a O..r ot Recollect1011. Tb e O\tnl look rlace at St. Tllomas Church In Corur ~·.,!Me.

f'u t ured s pea ke r on t be pro­.,.. ., •aa Arehbl1ho1• Jamee J. B 1 r n t. new lr-•Protnt..d archblohop or lbe Dubuqu<, 1 .... a. Arclldtocese. Archbl· ohop 8J rnc b tbe tor er bl· ahop cl the Bola• Dlocrse.


Gas Line Being Leid



arb cb<odaled u­are Yer r : Ille 1ea:.

'l'b•r• •Ill be. ltciwc•e1, a 1pealr.na1 il.1JC '1AJ Ill 111 tbr C!Y<flll!&:.

Dr. &lb Docl4, a Se• Y 1k Cl:, la• •i • ..-111 •-k for tbe pabllc. Tbe acth1t1 catd1 ".u a t students.

Dr. Dodd ten:lll cf'C! c c-r:b• &ne• e be llC con-sidered • c tbe top tea C01lllll ta la Al:lctta..

llr. Dodd asr tt ntl::eboolt .SC , ' Da•I: a. Ht• ID· r :cau n c cs rr= bM P<'r· aona. ipc•lcnce In c1u:aclz.111& IMC ~ n Se• 1 :i.

Hu •ub eel f lb<' apeecb ... tU be aboal s11b•e111lon In educa~l~l~o;;;;..~~~~~­ST\10f"TS ASKED TO STAY CLEAR Of CONHRUCTIOH

All SIJC ald•11alk aupeun­tendenla atould remain out­Rldr lb<' construction 1UU. ~lcl\:lm-K11tr Co. appn>etates tbe belo. but doe3c't •ant any ace dents.


Lucu, NIJC duo-plan!tL•, wilt present a duo and solo 111ctlalal lbe end or Ma7. TbrJ are preeenll.r 8tudenta or Mrs. F1o E.dr:undson Outs. Ac· cardlna to present plana. the rec!l&l wUI be in Ille aew FA· m.lnater Student Uolon. ll4a DeLaca bu atQdted

ccstc tor about elcht 1ears In l\:<'llou and ru one 1ear lo Coew d'!l~De- St.e plus to =.!<or In 111uatc after lea•tna 11.1.JC llas 1nz.

lolls• Lucas t:as atudl~ mu­sic: for three ynr1 uadtr Mrs. Oa .. l.a. Sile bu •PP<'&.Ied In sneral local rtcltall and on tbe radio. She plana to rnlnor In music a.ner lu•ln1 l'IJC

The two plan to conllnue In lllll$IC and plan to turn pro· teasloral after lea\'lnr arhool.

saapshO:' ol atud•nt acU\'I· Ilea at• ll#ed<d rot th., Candid Camera patte or the yearbook. They ma.r be broucbl to 1 he ma1D ottlce.


Speaker Lists Thre Motives That Move People To Service

"L. ir roi:: w rl. that tbr pt ""' oth·allon r r t, Dr. Orio 11. Bn!c told !l:IJ atudentaatan April 18 uar bb. Bl~ a pnbllc rebll n reprnent&tt•e for lhc Nailor. ,\ssocbtlon of MlUUlf.lctuc spoke on the s11bJecl "Y Job and You."

In his address, Bt~a atatrd lhDI hWttna u.re cre.l\lut<•a c.t acllVllY, and lllal the lnltrr laled !lletors or l!Yt'ffDnl''B II••• a.re- dlrectlr Clffccled br the caUbr4' of their w rt acu .. 111~.

Dr. Brees d~ a a:itlonwld poll to allow that Am tlc:.n lllsh acbool atudents ~ tl<lialb have • mis cone "' 00 or taln busln(11S actl•lllea. Jn this reapec:I, ht> POlnlnd o t that In lbc rrtr futu: thn n • lion will need 54 n1U1on d I Iara lo pro\ldo neo• emplo m~nl. HP alao Ito.Id 1i..1 It •ould CCllll 95 billion dollar lo replace ouldal~ 1~ulpment now oolna Wll'd In lndu.•lr.I'.

Dr. Brees also dlacusaed lb ettccl ot taxallon and fore sn competition on A erlcan b lneSll. lie pointed out I t \\eat GND::lr.J and Japo.n lnduatrt&I equipment Iha comparable •lib U.S. equl ment. bat I.her Inn I.he add uael or low tabot coata

Basins bis state en on b.I own experiences. B! st Id the students ti..t in some r opean countries politics PllJ a bl&eer part lbau ab1Ut1~ In deterintnln;: emplorm~nl.

Another item from a au:vey which Brees dlscu.~sl'd ••~ the fact lhDt ~111 blch school students do no: believe that a 1M>rao11 needs to ex pend bla beat eno:ts In produ<"tl•o 1rnrt. Btf!es • 1tai..mccts on thla t tor lndlc:at ~ th:ll be was c cc:ned about Ille ~v&J thtll ldn

D• Bree d ot...s I bit pail or his speech I lh• I that the oat Important c Sldcrallon f I a proepeCtlY empto1110 hould be Illa p r aonal tniereats. Ho cmpha· al%ud llmt money abOuld n~ bfl the aole conald ration In aeekln• cmploym~nt. lie also pralled vocallonnl auld.tnce as I llll'ftll5 or pbcln' lltr&O In emp!D)'ment "tor which lhty're best suited."

Bttea alao can the student& hJs "tb:ee 111ottns that OY a>eP 10 service.' II II.Sled them as Cl I neccs II)'. 2 du11. and (3) love. H auessea that auracllo:i lo a c ruto Ir.Ind or w0<k bcvJld c Pl.' people to t&ke Jobs. lie point· ed oat the dlT".,.111 ot th Jobe uallabl 10 l><'OPI toda1

Dr. Breea tncluded pertinent enmplca and clever pooms In hta address. and appeared ta be well reC<'I' od by lbr' lu­dut:l .

Mr. £\1ln5 latroducrd th speaker, and Student Bod7 President Bill Turbin 01><1ned the uaembl,y •Ith the Plcd1• ot Alleriance and a rruer •

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW r.ww..4 ~ °"'"" .... c.u... ...... .,_._ __ .,, ...




• o· · ., "' ' d by ,, t ' C' r . 'O f:X n'!

or11cl<'• "°'"''~ ovr • bo f 1& or rrer.:bc<> p n '""' cluo. The l?ov•l'IW '>Os boen vnob" t~. do • s l><'Co:-;so 1• snot cooed 1 rnal1 tic pro 11c • msett comm re :l s. ",.,.-.s c:• C\es.

Evon "°• in tho opinion of • s w"' '· •hct P 1t ca Sc nee Clvb I> ck <o• 111ng ol 0 low Ir com .. c •C " I :>II Rev "". Fo• 1011 r a•on, 1h11 odotoriol wo I ba o comp"'" y sub CC' w 'plug" for 11., Polo1ocol Sclenc'!l ub T~I• 1'11<1' th club ho, boon ono of tOc! • o~· "" $11.Jden•

or11<>n1za11on,_ Doting •hos echool yC>Qr •ho Po ioc:o Sc .. nce Club ho' pres~n1cod th >1udoni. wOIM any I no •P<>O •s en a """"'Y of •ub1oc•s. In ob101rimg 1huo •Pl> .,., • c tb con .. srendy •eloc1ed pe1 sons who ha"" some• ng r say k,,.,.,. ho-- 10soy11. lndo111duols from bo1 UC and wr• n; oreo hovo bo!cn lao1urod O• gwsl s~ke<s. •1-• o doub1, the Polo1ocol Scoonco Club ha• for >IXPQl>e<i the an..r JC "udom «gono:o1oons 1n bot •ho quanllly ond •ke q..a •y r:J •Is speakers.

On o por w 1h •ho lone spook~'' P'<!Sl!nl by the c ' l1velyd1,cus.s1ons. ond quo1•1on·~wer $CSs ~ _, "e

ngoaged n by the club mombors and the SP"Oi..e!s. - "-"'" ogeneov•palttocolv•O*sholdby ·i,,, "'l!mbe<s have cav.-1 s00>

I delxnes Of"""'''""' •'>is veor . L1s•en1ng •o such debcrn.s s c rto•n y o good woy to obra1n foes on bo1 s.O.s o' c.~ """'· Of covrso, s1udon1> .......<! no· merely s • ond s·~ nee '"'"ryone I~ en1o1lod ro on·e- •he ge<ll!ro d scuss ons. :!'hc forogo1ng ha• boon a b .. el s!.e1ch of • .,. ac"v .,., o'

r Polot col Sc1enco Cub. It should also °" mento~ •ho• 1t-. dues ore ON ond the lf'OC' ngs er" .choduled o· o ""'" •tar • c~n em fO( most 51udonis

AryOIY> who 1> 1ntN&s1.,d 1n 101nong '"" c u!:> should Contee r1 t 1r.or ".r. S•.one,t~odv1s.cx. • J.'.\.

DOWH WITH PESSIMISM r 1 or • ( < oi 1he wor Id, and 'llJC >eems •o ,., .,r. CIO..qw1 ,_....,,1, - Hn whoch 10 begin populo1o"9 ·ho

glaoo. .V&b"or del1nos 1 m a• pooplo who beloovo 1har •he 9>1Shng world os 1ho "'OISI po .. 1bJio. y.,,, ne<c QI school "'"" go e..-on farther. They not oniy bo 1eve n 1s the -...orsr poss1-

blo, but ore cont1nually s1rov1ng 10 keop '' 1lia1 ..oy. P<'<>Ple indulge on 1>C•S1mosm 10 d1lforen1 degr&es. The<-e ora

tho!tO who oxpect misfortune at every turn. They never O).Oft

1hems.,lvos ot •csr tlmo bocou"' 1hey will foil onywo}', rhoy don'• hone! 1n au1gn.,..n1> fet 1h<-y ore .. rong """' wH'1oul

king, ond rhcy SP<'..:! 1iloir lrco 11mo on •ho S.U. becou•o o c b would probably ba boring oven thougf\ he never o•tend!td 10 ind ou1. Tho"' oro tho masr no10coablo pc$>0mos:s, haw·

r, onot!'ler clos.5' doo~ 011(111.

""Ile .... ors.r 1ypo 01 pc~:s~m•$' is tt'lt'! ••sneaky .. one .... ho try5 10

ool vt-ryono lnlo •honking 1'1a1 he •• ac1uully a very lone person, Ru: somowhoro durong 1he doy ho lcc'1"'• ond ;:iecforms on oc thotconon yworson 1ho wors1 PQSs1b e. HP may iorpe• •ovo·e,

1y s. cor o.r.htroy 1n •r. por....i:.g lo•. use profori1•1. drop qcr •1 ashes on the S.U. I 00<, storro clown o f.,.., I ......,,. or • o PC'" r rough rhe lawn, s •oal a bool< Ct a IU'lCh. d1srup•

' w1tf,. a loud ''hotsa'" ough. or go oga•l"."S' •;"'1(1 rues at llPC1 •choo a••uo. There or.- a hundred d•"ar'°"' ways c .. -,.1 can '"°"' hunse r far whot he •s. and - a luiow • r eoreq1w o law VO<y such 'pessi- s•s" here a: "llJC.

poop con only rlrog our school bockwotd '" progr~ss, eii:re, 11 is up •a tK>Ch cne of us •o elor:i no•c pess•- sm

Ol6 choc. Holp •ho unfortunores '" see ,..., "brogltter" !),,. •• 1m1ng wit.., •ho• person .. -no •S •here

111so f. • M.W.


A OCIAll in o! \,>men l~nl o! SIJC hold lh~lr

•nnUlll S.dlo lla•klna DIJ d1nce April 13. As Is lhl.' tradition. cirls ukrd bOYl'. and nil lhos" attrndln« the dance drua"d In "Oocpalch" lllllre .

l<l.'!r"a~ats (punch &od coot· l•.s)••reurved. Or. E. Fetz, Mrs, Flncb t.nd tbt'l: husballds actt'd as cba!H'IOOJI lo: th• ocea1'1nn.


[Ya s.. : d '. d ucal!ona~ - poa.n ~ • .. zaU•e ot A:l.An.<as. t.)Jon com­pleunc Ille!> acl:ocl, Dr, l"'t!t% entt:ed lbr tachlnc l'>t !es· slo:> ane: to.kine llll! COWllJ board ei:a:::s.

Arter ( : :JU! ot lcsCldD; la A:=as, sbr ume.:took sraduatto w •k al lbe Unlnra!IJ o! bcoastn. Tbt:o abe re


ce1Ted a 11.A. am a Pb. D., •ltha llbtot1 ct.I ·aad mlnon ln edllC&U aad llOllUcal sdc~.

Dt. ~ tas lace 1 al Ala· i.- Cilrls Col ~· al ~ 1,.. Tt.llo. •hlc!i Is l«aled lll Ur Ct'OC?'lpll!C Ct!~r c: Alaba=. Aa l~restlllc •Ill• - la tbal Uw coll~r •&a bcull elchl ml lea I: DC tbe cl'>Sl'SI railroad ao boys cockfo't nm It - but lbO did'

In 1 lM I, abr lltl1Trd ID Ida bo &Dd rrslde:l ID 0a,1on Ci&tdon unlll l~H. wben abr blopn trachlnc at );!JC. Dr. Fetz l'lfPSt'llll,y ll'SCbC'a bislOr) Of ctnllza:lon, A rle.an co•tro­m<'nl. and abtc IOYtra111eot. Sh• be I onrs t various orsan· lzallons, 0111! or • blch la th• A.A.UP. ITbt' Aurloan Aa· aoclallon of Unl\·or~111 Pro· ressot~l.

Her ••P<'tlrnce also cover & UIPto £I: rope. one to 'lulco, and ah• laa e•llt"saed hope 10 tnl\'t'I to RaWllll Dt!JI.

Limpln9 H•wost Fod Al Co//e9•

LIJllPUIC .,._. Jo be a ""' !adatSIJC. ADdt>tQo,,. ha.a his owe l)rlY&l<l e1cusc (Qt

•P&r1111 t- "!uhlomblt" knee wrars or ual111: lbe oe• "transpottuloa dr\'lce", crutcbt's.

Sand)' B&rold bei;a~ t!w WI a month a: so :aco b1 aUPlllllS o::a the le. OD the- •a1 to actioo!. ¥u:a ColUM !oUGWt'd bu lead. .wore trCentl.1 G•r:a!d K•allt'd7 toot oa the co:ipa117 o! a lull· lee cast, co::iple:e with a Y&i· ca.blP au:~r o! ali•tgzes.

"ala's ""XI t U' t!N Ump-er!l' C.ub'


RENT • S4LE5 REP41 R Oralt1no & T1,.n1 s..,,11.,

1"1£RSTATE TY7'CWR1T£11 Co. <CH ~.,,.,.. .. Awe. .. P\oae 4..)411

I< J.C REVIE • . c- 4'AI-, ldol>o, •od .. A,.ol 1S. 1961

w.11., Off On 4·H To~r Of Wos~1n9ton

Cl1G • .l•r. Cr••b9aa at ~IJC, •·n SPGl:.an• Frl.d&J =zalns. A~lll 29 tor 'lluhlns· lo:i, o.c. II~ ••nt b7 plant &lid anl•od wlth!A 11.1 hollB al lhe C.Pll.01. Clld•. and a (1.X:P ad• ap otrol'1 •·R MID· ~ts fr ftCb ltatl, wlll apelld unn da1s lounns lbt UncolD • mortal , l~ Waab­lllct011 llocu::e111. alld IM 111111~ Hou:ao. lie • Ill Ila•• an oppor· luol17 10 •Pftk •Ith ldabo'a aeaatGrs and ~prueotall•ea.

Cl7de •Ill tben 10 on 10 New York rora l•o-d&7 •tall, w ltlch •Ill lllcludt a •lewlns or lbe 8roadwa7 pla7, "Sollnd o! Alu· •le". lie will nllurn bOIU Crom ~"' York, arrlvlnc APrll 30.

He was cboun !or lhla irlp tor hl.s outatandlns ceneral 4·11 •ork, hls panlclpallon In co111-111ualt1 acll•lllu and hla 1cho­lultc acco111p!J•bments.

Oanclne la wond9r!ul tr&ln· ins for 1111.s, 11 ·a lhe Ural • .., the7 learn to sueu what a man la 101111 lo do be!ore h• doea 11. ·- Christopher l!Orler

Woodcock's Drug Store Cond:., - S..ndr;es

P.-..aiption• 12• N "-"It St •• C..W 4' JJ. ..





msi. ........

NIJC Young Democrats Make Convention Plans

The Youns Democrall o! SIJC lad a Youns D•mocrat1 Free Cot!tt Brtak held In the Student Union Bulldl.n1 April I I. Tbe mHtln1 "" held to Introduce Bob !llCF'arland, a reprntnlall•• o! U or I Youns Democrats. wbo ca"'e lo dis• cuu lbe Slate YoU111 Democrat coovenUon whlcb la to be held on Aullll8t 10 and 11, and to help tho local 11oup orpn!Le IO set nvo &late 111emt...111hlpe tor lholr clatter. He dlacusstd lhe e111ercenc1 or the ch&rtrr and thf' necuaat1 preparallolUI tor lhe con•enllon. He also sav• h~lp!ul hlni. ror the aroup.

Tho new pruldenl and •Ice· Pttaldent or the Kootenai Couo1.1 Youns D•mocrai. alao attendt'd lh<1 m••Un1.

SOUVENIR RECORDS " IC .. , 4 Rec.,./ Ol It"

,.,_ MOl.ewl Mm

m si...-. """· COlUl D'AUNf, IDAHO


P .. o•c. MOIU..,. • ·• • 1a

t OO H ' ' " ST• CCT

Co cu• o·A L C:ML lo• MD





1 hll )"111 1l b11nd COITTl>O!lt'd ! hlSh llchu,>I ond Collea• ludenta Pl&>l.'d !or th• dance. Tb• dan•e we' hrld In th\'

""'" '1U<h nl union bulldln«. • hlch hnd b•~n a1111rop1tat1."I.)" dee rot!!fl !or tho occulon.

The pubUoa t!ons staU would like I<' oxpru& !ta •Poree!&· lion !or lh• help ll bu received In prcpulna lhe annual fiom Lh~ Cardinal Servle1? Club and a numb<>r oflndMdUllls. !Jucb more work la stlll to be done on the annual, and turtbet sto­dent help 11!11 ti.o nredrd.

DrPepper D~NK n FROSTY

COl.O DR. PEPPER n.. fn• Hly ... ,.,,..,.u,,.,·



Alao Ord.. To Go

Your Officers

DE'llNIS l/CNTO•J AS8 Vu'.• p,..,, 1..,r

Denni• Newton , vice pre.I· denl or the Auoclated Student body la a treahman mualc ma· Jor. Denni.I llvea In Coeur d • Alent with hi• parenta. He a ttended Kellocs hl1h school tor 1wo1eara and la a 1ra;!uate or Coew d 'Al~ne lll1h School.

Music la Denni&' main lr>­lere"I and be PlaM 10 teach It. Swtmmlna and akllna ase h1I tavorlto aoorta. Denn .. laa hold numeroua otncea 1btou1hout hl1h aehool. Ht .. preaenll1 vlae prealdent or lhe NUC band and a member of lbt< Chet~ K. .

Dunta 11ated lhat wt are tortuMt• to ha.. a collese ht-re to 101 the tint two 7eara at a oaall coll~&• and prepare US ror the lar1er unh~ralllH. llP also hoot• thou NUC wlll pr,.oer and pro1ru1.


A na"'be' or new boots hue been rece!Ted lD :be l1lnzy to rece:% weeu. AmOllC t!leci ase· Eco!IOCllca lD Action. A!rlca Todar and Tomorrow, America F'acu Ille Sac~as Ase. SLt eri.ea, Dae Hammer· akJold. R~:t f"roat, "B«s: Butler, Tiie Lost Pla~e­Del8, Oe&IJTe Ambsla. Tbe Ma(ll1!1cem Cein:t1. Ral:ai.1at or 011a1 Kla7TL=. BemlJllWar. and Aft1cao Geaeala.

A new set o! AmertC&JJa e11-c.rclopedlu bu &lao been par­cbued, aloa1 with tbe 1eaz· boob tor tbe various eaeyclo­oedla aeui.


A new mapztnewu recentl.J nbacr1bed lo b7 the NUC 11· bm1. It la USA • I, a monlbb ma~loe. The .. pzlne re· vlewa recent news hapoeninet with lntormatJve artlclea aad ucellent photosraphs.

The April issue. wblcb la now lo lbe 1Jbw1, la divided lDto tbtu deoartmeDUI: U.S. Wmld. U.S. Times. and u.s. wa.ra or LUe.

Some or IM artlclea lo tbe AprU .. aoe ase· " •we ase co­ins lo •Ill In South Vletia11>' .. "Lite or an OJl11>ao", "J.F .IC.'a V.orld''. and ""The Slruule for IUchlpn."

The /\prll laaue conl&llls 88 paaea. •ltb •ei:r '"" ad•l!t· tllemeni.. The dlml!tlSlom o! the -c-u~ ase aboat tbe nme u ~e o! The Satmdar £-<enlnc p,.1.

MODERN DRUG CENTER p ,.1crlpt/oo Sp•clol/111 • C /(11 A Speclolry

1107 N F""rlll MO ... 223

] 95 & 6 9S

I. X. l. T 0 G G E RY 111 --"'"· • C0£UI D"AUNI. IDAHO • ,._. Mot...ft ..__

Attorney Advocates Active Interest In Politicm Activities

Political Sel•nCtO Ch:b mem· bers and It.II &'llMUI heard Scoa Reed. a local 1.«oroe1 and Carmer ualatacn ldabo al· tcme1 seoeral. aoeak at tbelr banQaet beld April Ii !JI Ille atlldem Wlloo.

i.i:. Bttd spoke abou: poUU· ciana. u he w.a 11, •aall7 a "d!tl;T" Won! 14 mo&I ~Opie. Be u!d U.t poUllctam aae

lb" partlea cob to II.la pewer and lbal our l)llrtJ' 1.11 tem ta somewbot panodox lea I. H COlllpared our aYateio • lUI ti..t of £oclaod and Prance, ocu111 that France bu c.:.re Of a II democracy ID tbat all,JOne •II~ aD ldea can alan b.ls own Ull l)llrtJ' w llh reprn.,ctall•es. • loll. Reed alao &&Id Iba! !be llouble with 11W1.J poUUclaJI& la tbat U..1 are ooe-ldes meo. Tbu so 14 lbe l"sialatiue •lib one ~t bl D. 1 o be passed, and 1ht1 oneo !:old uo other Im IDt'" tant work b7 lmlsllns on tbelr one Id•. a.,aald, tllrtbe:, tbat a pollttct.ao mml co::ipromlu, 1.Dotber "ditty" wc.td.

To be a sood pollllclao, ooe mmt I • be •IWnc 14 work and :? • DOI quick 14 • ., tbat the other pe111on I.a •ronc be· cause he dlsapeea •lib 7ou.

llr. Scott a ueued Ille fact tbat tho poUlleal act•nce club oie11bera will SOOD be able 1

vet•. fie advocated cbooalac llle party tbat tbe7 !eel repre­oeota tbelr treUllCI and abo Joto otbc: wgntutlom that repr.seat ao ldu, a11eb u the LMSUC of V.muc Votera. This .. ., tbe, .. m ~ a be:tu •le• or patltlca.

fie cone lDd ed ~ aaJ'lftc tbot 01:1 StJYermi>eot baa a:wrtved looter tbao a:cst otbera and Iba! It wlU ~I !ODC lo I~ h:ture, "e•u• tt.:11111!1 all t • Ktru:edn." ~ Oris• quaztet pravtd9d t~ eatenalo.m~t. Collrea oim11aa. S!ll.roo o·eonoe.;. Oii.De Ausllllaat1. and Ca"' sue M-'11111 aalld "R~ S&u. lDUw SW.ct ... ·~OJl..:ll R1wer .. and ··cu,.b E:ff11 "'>1101a10 ...



Care ful




SCHOOL CLOTHES Coeur d'Alene Laundry

& Dry Cleaners Fne Pickup and o.i;_.,

)07 i:...1 MO ... _. ... ,. ..

N.t.J.C REVIEW, CH"' 4"AI-, lciollo, Wed., Ai>•ll 25. 1962 St

E. - • A.qa&.~EA.



With E.utu \"a.cation alrody Ila.shine the "Walk'' siiu. why no decide bt/ort you ID home on rour n11,,.6<r """ nit and the real o your wardrobe. Aside from the traditional dnu-up hollda.y, thtl" m&)' be decith•e 1nttrv1ews for either a summer job or a permanrn one If you're a graduati~ senior-and Lhe clothes you wcar-plu the way that you wear them-make the pivotal first impreasion You want It to be rleht al tll'llt aleht. eo. let's take a run-down on what you mleht well 1eloct l.ltis Spring In fuhion.

YOUR NUMBER ONE SUIT for worme r \\tather ia next to wele htlus In the new llghtcr­than•vtr ftanncla and polyester /wool blend5. Color-wise, coruidtr the lflOrt dt/inilt bluu, the "'" l111htn 11r•••: ace the cl&&aic Glen Urquhart or 'gin' plalda

THE GIFT OF 'GAB' you iret with the tttum or Ml~nal 1411 1106archrw. Ila 11.M diagonal tw!U ,.,.ave and aurtace aheen make it an excell~t choice for rour Number One Suit. Toda>"• pl>­ud1n• aJao come in lirhter -isht woob a11d ""'°"' poly .. tcr ..-ool blends

STILL THE FAVOREO SILHOUETTE ia the Natural Shoulder th--b llon •tra11ht·hanc1nr iaclcet with center vent and flap pockets The F11"11t Ex«:um·e Look. ep11omiud by President Kennedy, may be -r.o.Bullon biu the Campua Loolc. coast to coast, rerna1ru dc•'Ot«lb Thr.-Butwn with ahm. pleall ... trowiel'll iaillt cu!b

PRIDE OF THE OUTFIT: REGIMENTAL STRIPES ... the reaur,ence not«! b7 ESQUJRI:; Lut fall i• s&inmir momentum for Regimental Stri~the traditional colon1 ot tbe historic British reg1men11. With 11eores of th..., famed reglmenu-llke the Grenadier Cuarda, t!i• Royal Fuailiera, th" lnakillinr Draroons­there'a quite a roU..,all of atrikinr color com b1natloru 1n pure 1illc repps for your acl«:tion

ORESS SHIRTS-SHOES-BELT .. white Button Down O:rlord• r •Ill .• ,., m""h dt rio•••. and there are handsome varlatioru in

nar,.. i..pe tr1119& of blue. rrey. olive. Also. a.lthoush you ·cn.n't so '"'°"1 .••th a white broadcloth tab collar drcu ahirt, why nol drtu ap •Ith th• n...,01 pale times or blue, olive or cream. Wath • 11 in Bll:e ~r G"'Y. wur BLACK SROES or the VERY DARK· EST BROW~S and RIB SOCKS are alwll)'ll arnart and eorrocL

Your DRf'-<;S Rt~L~.l:.~£ATHER with an important!! ha·r-.on·eao-' t'yp.

AT THE SUMMIJ- YOUR HAT . where the G -ca ,.,... I"!! dr it'• t.ht narro"A .-nap.brim ~"·' " t1f"I' "'· r oh •ci-- 11.d• edfP raw tdse or I' IT1' "• ind

BIG SWEATER ON CAMPUS-THE CARDIGAN .Ute button· "ri "it ll"1'1-ruter 11 Wpr in t:2mpt.U popularity Tops in f&\"Ca •~

· .• I f•, Shr:land and the open·knll Alpaca wool or wool blenda 1n f•d cokirs or drapes.

BEACH-BOUND? Should your •-acauon 6nd you beuhed around Ft Lauderdale or Bermuda. say, then aporto· v.·~ar mo\u into number one spot He-tt you'll att a lot of TIGER-the bold. tawny color that'• get11n1r the roar or appro•oaJ Crom campus men everywhere They pick 11 up in '1'0•td1rt• lik• tht.t, aweateno. ues, 1«k1. Find it In aharp. eolid tones or mixod-for uampl~. a hound.tooth aportcoal chtd<ed In Bloclc and Tiger . and lei th~m ttt you "burnlnir brirht" 1n faahlon.



41 1 SMrfM,• Awe •• MON~ 4-4111

S,..clol Uorll Moy I, 1967

Pe""""""" $7.50 109 ~ Aw. Mot.-1< 4.a993

Win Skeet Trophy

"-OW" l)bOY• ",.. ,.,. lft.,.,ber• of '~ NIJC .~ .. , grOVKI 0'• Gory Portont o.,d J""" Ac ff. S•.J"'Hf "0 ; ,., ,,.#Heh won , ,.,., cho,,.p1on1ft1p " ,-,. Coe"r tr ,,.,.,, nd ·~ ot• l etr ro r 'rft' E Jae~ I\ '' At.en. Pr•u SJie• r t°"mo'"•'"· (ot:'1 of tM 'eta"' K•"'•r. Mor•• F•,..der. Dr. A. ••ond.t. a;;.;/ Oa.,. ,,.. b-on: 1oc•lvedon lndn11duol rroph., ond t • ,~~ Anders~

to 1 1v..d · lorq. rtf>Plry. Knet _•o..___".,..'...;'~;....;'"' .... •;..·- ------ ----- - - - - --

Thr ~JC akeN team mem• bcra ..-e~ pruented lrophlu AfJril 18 at the 11&,)'den l.akt' Counuy Club. Tbe trophlea "e:c cl\ en at a a pee la I ban­quet bonorlnc lb• t t'am ror wlnnlnit I he lla.Tden Lake ll&Ddtc:ap tournament and tne Coeur d ·Alene Skeet Tourna-

111 . Added bonora ..-ent to Don

Ale:uiadN, who won tbe hand· cap troplu'. Monte Fender , the ch team tropllJ. and Dave

And<r on, who wu runner up 111clus "D". lncllvldual team trophlf!ll •ent to Cazy ParaoM, Kirk Keutor, Jim Acurr, and E.d Jacobson. the remalnlna

mbua or t h<- team. Th~ akert team had a very

fine ahoottna year , u eVI· denced by the number or awards glT•n. Buld•• ahootlns In the local tournamenta. the tum rnt•Md the Northwest Skeet rournument In Sp0kane, but lo t to some ahu p competlto ra rr 11 •ll over the Northwest.


TOP TEN I. Don Arthur

\\'alt Z immerman

~- ~~~fi.~~~ 5- Dll\"(' l..lndle1 6. vein Rumea 1. Bill Turner a. \lenlll oavl8 9. CIYd~ \\eller

10. Kent Heber

186 119 111 161 159 158 155 155 154 151



,,..._ Th•• w .. 11· , 8owl1nt c;u .. , of Honor

8tttr O""'bt'• p,. .. ,., • 4 for rr .. 90"" thlt ... tt.

C •plJ Cf ills Th~ Frencb c •b wu l>PSQD

In 19~ b1 ~~Ill ot tbe r'rench ct.au. All mH•bera or the French claaa.a an el· lCJbl e to Jol11 the F~DCb clab. It bu U Ila PUIPOR I.be ~· 1'elopme111 ol 111 1.cte:ut In, and curiosity about, f'rencb custoe>a. Tbe meIObers o! tbe Frencb club are en~ed \0 use the lans;uace tbey aze l~arnlm:. The bl~Eesl e<e:it

MILDRED TREMBLAY f-tettel> Club Pr.,1.i..r

or thr 1car ror members or the French club ls the banquet, done In the style ol • mlddle­clua French reaiaurant. \\al· !era llnd ..-al\resses dress lo the F rench s tyle and the tables aze decorall'd with red-checked cloths and sprlna Oowers.

Arnone other lblllp. t~ French club tries to do some­thlns userul ror tbe school. •toney ts raised l>Y a C&DC!.r sale for this pUlJIOSe and e1 -eryooe bas a vote lo decldln& how the mo.,.,y •hllll be spent. Thlni:a such as the bl:d l:atb 1 n the back ol the school and the puncb-bo'ifl donated by last year's class an doaated to cbe acbool by l"n:m;b club members.

Tbls yar officers were elect· ed rrom two Freocb classes. ~use so -111 people wsnt· ed to tllke French tbls year. ..-e had to baYe two classes. Tbe president, lilldred Tremb­..:r. and tbe treasurer. Kermit KJeberl. COQe rrom Mn; . BIC• aall's class. Tbe secrebuy. Dia.lie Sturl4, and the repaftez Joann Pleltarsk.I, come lrom Dr. Ptlddy's class.

The Cir! 'a P. E. propam bu chan'fd to summer or sp.-tna actl•IUes. Bal! or the sirls are playlna buel:all and the rcM are either playing tennis, badminton o r volle.rl:aU. There uc lrl&lde and outside actl•I· le• . The girls bave their choice as to,.hat acttvtlJ' tbe1 wish to p&ltlCllJlllC lo.

Arthur (o~tes In Collegiate Fillds

D< • \rt .1 c i. ~ ·~ tbe Naw. 21 lnt •_, ... ~t..- b...:•I· las f oals In De• ' aes. lowa on Alltil 7·9. He tttraoed 011 M>:.111.

Don Wtllt to LIU.' to.:rta!llCDl as a ruclt ot placlDC In the :eciooal t01::m':lWI brld at Pulllll&ll. I~ lM n.dt>nals, Don bad a al1111le Hnea of 183 Tbls wu lb blcbeal Qaall b'1nc SC4:e lo lhe ,.tlon.. Ten tbaaulld bow ltra competed IA ~c.lo:al c~llU011.

At the 11.aals. Don placed ::5th lD st~es c o:~Ullon. He tnl:led •Ith Chuck Ll.dten or the UclYersllJ' o: Oreson to take nlnlb place in the double&. ~ nm.la •tctled nn1 of lbe llltlOD'a I p collu,lat.e bowltra.

'll"hlle In DH AIOlnea, Don bl&J'ed at tbr llollda7 IM. a botrl-rnotrl combl,.tlon.

On lbe Urat ClaJ' or the lour· namt'nt, tbt' bo• l•ra rece!Yed bowllna ablr111. \\hll• tl\l're. lhe bowlers aao -·~ lll•eo a tour or th<' A~rlcan Bowllna Conc:ress, slit' ol the Mast.er'• touroameot. A bowll111 banquet '"'" al!lo civen ror the compe­tl\ors. •llb sparl6caater 8111 Slern U muter or Ct~:t:ODll'S. Tb<- \10<e"'1td-Patteraon -1-tnc rrophJ' •as ""ardC'd at u,. baa:iu•t. All n~aaea •ere paid by the Amtrican Machi"' and Foundry C m:>ar•



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Award Winner:s

Th.~ aft pJC ,..d abo~ o,.. .\t-Of"I,. F•ft<#r O"'<t Don A•• nd.r, ~,.. o/ '"'- NIJC S°lllfff J90m f • rtaer • 01 tM .,.,,,,..,., of flit• It~ ,~ on ft'9 ""llJC ~901'1'1 a~~\ •-0"'1fl,. rwc• ived ' "'• ~ ~ rr~ 01 N1JC•a c+aeio ansJr.10 , ..,.,,.

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