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The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review Vol 18 No 17 May 20, 1964

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Published Semi-Monthly During The College Year By Journalism Students At The North Idaho Junior College
Scraff ord, Drees Named Co-Editors Of '64-65 Review Co-ed!IOra of Ille Rcr a.' • ror 1964-i!S are Barbara scratrord and t.ornune Drees. Barbara, a Journalism ma ,Jor. ls ortglnal l.Y from Ore80n. " thousb her home f5 novi In Lake Tahoe. CallromJu. AS an acU ve member or the sLa!! thJs year. Bar· 11ara bas bad an opportunl ty lo observe the WOtklDl(S or Ille paper and bad U 1h> to s-.v conoemln1 the publi cation . ""nle maJ or thi ns which would Improve the paper la orp nlzaUon on the part ol • Ille statf. If we had a Journ· aJlsm clL<s "'here Ille sw· d«il8 worked In coO!)eruUon with &he Rc t• cw. this "ould , make for more or aanizatlon and eonsequ en Uy a bt•Uer paper." Lorraine Drees . also a Joun111Usm mnJor, at NIJC second Ori· stnall.Y a na tlve of Ne1< York. LO!tf.lne moved t.o Sptrlt Lake about five Yt'DN aci> . The ll'nther Of thrPe Chlldrt>n , Ille o ldest a senior at En.'ltem r;ashtnl!IOn Stntl' Larraine brcame lnt erei.ted In the Re vie w this 11 Interviewed For Social Committee These 11 people were In· tervlcwcd fo r the Soelal Acth'IUcs Committee bcln& ronnt>d ro r the school Jeat" Carol Olson . Mur R Knmlln, Be\• Bouahton, Bnrb McKay, Krl s Horbau11h. Qiu· l•ttn J11gnrs , Ba rba111 Hnll , Bo b L cl sht y, Prrd MDlln, Don l\ 1ui;!, a.nd Torn Gilbert. The fnlervl ev. fng committee ronslstf1d of Be\• P lswnus, chaJnn111 , Sharon Parnou, Co.rlbcrc. MOIL Erick· 90n. 011 ve Johnson, Mr. 11nd Mr. Hnteb. All wrre t ntervl ewl'd Til e commltwr md ldonday to srlect t hl' nnm<"S of th!' s ll most qualtllrd to pr csen1 lo the Student Bot ud. T he Student Ba11d .. 111 In Lu rn .i•Ject three "ho, wllh thl' .ASB Vlce·Pres ldcnt, Rll.Y ll an•cn, "Ill be >0p homor" m1•mbNs of tht> a>mmltt(><' nex t schc.>ol F'rrshman mrmbN.S •Ill be lntt•f\ 1ew< '<I In lhl' fall and selected In a similar manner. NIJC Student ies In Crush NUC sophomorr La rr) ll nali wa" klllCld F'rldll.)· nli;hl tn u u ccl dunt two mtlc ·est or Coeur d'.All'nl! on tht> Harbor lslAnd Rood. l.Arry, lhc o nl,y one In th<' car on hi" -.. a\ home ht'n tho 11ccl dcnt hnpponed. H• GPIXl!Pnll y ) o,, t cuntflll ol lhr convert! bl e \\ hl "h travr led 200 feet before r olUng nnd ' "'PPlng him undume11tn. Re WU found dead b• l\IJC student Bob Dnhlb1' rg v. h•> near the sct>n r ol the cclde nt. A :.octol oi;Y m11JOr, L.nrr> would ha\' C from ,,IC this yea r. He 1s th" ,on of Mr. and Mrs. Ern est llaas , Routr I . Co L'Ur Students 11re 11 n11ndl'd that will not recel \ ·1· tx•und Caples or the ff<" I I< II' t hi Y ear ..,. has bN•n tht> prll cUer In )"ellJS p11st. St)'le Shou Hi g hl ights .\1 others Tea S cho larships Offered By NW Metals Ylorkers lnformallon has been re· ce1vod ut ll1c colle1" lh:lt lhP North\\est Mcu.I \\ 1rter Union, Inc . Is 11"ard1ni; &ch orshlps t.otaling $l<IOO to iiny coll ct" hi· dt'nts or hlllh 11cbool nlo whOS(' fo1t1l ly f!Ul\' inc!UdP II ITICmbl't or the IJJ\lOll. Those cU,Pbll! to UPI l.r me.y request an appllaatlon by mnll or pick II up ol lh union urfiC<'. North lllll s: .. 1Box 958), Kt•llolllf, Idaho. All lll!Jlllcallon hou1d bl' tn thal orricl' b.r June "'· 16 r. WIHS PUBLICITY POST L4tn Bol'-llrth I 1 b n rlr.ctc<I b" th<· Stud<nl Boord to the po•l of NI.JC "luullcll\ cha.I rn1011 for 1 !16-1 TURH IH LOCK S All lodtl'I lock nu be: turnl'd lo to \Ir St } m ur by \ ID) 21. •hOl!I' lock It. ml sing \\Ill be required lo P<l.\' .00. E11g i neers ·Queen Th" A\\S "l!Dnsored thl." MolhN' Do.v teo 7 an the i;rm. Decoratlons •ere the 1111dlt.onal ca!e H' le -'Ith t.vo lar1e rose muro.Js odornlng the Kl&hll&hUng tbe onemoon wu u si., le show com· l!Hnllll"'1 b) BArbnrn Sera!· fold, fo\lo"lllR a 8hOrt llPCtth of wt"ICOml' lrom Dr. Ft12. Al\'S ad•1sor. Models "'"'" BeHrb· BouchlOn and hrr nl!!Ce Dana, l.lari: KamUn. I.£ nn \1 rrow, Judy Henza. l\llnC\ PllltNSOll, Beck' Kraui;c, Bnrt..ru Hall, Kris Can>t,·n Xlcb<>IB, \\ui; Anna MAY Hill. Luu111 Lee Yeournans, Tina Thll) r. Maroha L.eFran.-!s, L.Ynn L"Fnsncl , Jo)ce Baill'), M:>.<1111' Younr. Pal ML>ot r. f.nl!'i:N, Mary Lou K1uror, Linda Jor1:enson. f: c •rt.a "err Ertekson and I :rr B:lhni:. · Enl<'ruunmmt pr'O\lded b) Fl Peck. "ho pve a Jr>alcc C'ollll>ton. "b 11anc "Qypay Ro tr". .. If f:' r I Could L"'1\·e \0<:". and "I E:nl B 1ng a Girl... lllld I.he "'COl'Ur d. F.ll ... who lllso pr" Dted t' ru numb 1'1!. R fr WNC p: Vldl'd b rls 11nd ened by AU TOGRAPH FOL DERS AVA ILAB LE IH OFFICE Sruel nl .. bO r.a, • not p:tld the !Sr ti:l..ilns r ate rrmlnded to ruck th!'lr annU11.ls UP ul Ibo llbr:uy afte: AUtiiltil 30. AllYOnt' •1111tlnc 11n llUll'.!"1'!111h : ldN 0>0.Y pld: nc up tn I.be office. Tile e .. e:t! rum1sh"'1 bv 1h• Pi5C bel <." P• nr beca1tse the aonu11l6 "111 not arn\"e b r rl' the sem •r t'rds. Oabll• 11.n ! other pl:>n\$ are on .,., no., In 1hc swdent Unloa. Thcs" wt!!\ i:rov.n bl're at the c .I t<- Proceeds fro:ri the nl go IO'hard t:urlnc di rubs tor the eampus. &.u n Boi se Re por ter To A ddress Grad uates At Co mme ncement r t r commencement M" Z9 will Dwtr,ht Jens.,n, reporter ror KBOI Radlo and T1>le\1 s1on In Be also handles duties of nldlt editor and l"RlsloUYe for !he &talion. His 'Peech iopte "Ill bt' ••;i1Je'" 11 au You Put tbe Pnmd•llln• .. Jensen hu wid<> ex· pencnce In I.he neld or jour- r.11lbm. He Is also 115.,oclat" edJl.or or the /daAo Ob ttl er ln and o.Jsc as columnist and edJtnrlaJ writer. lie ls also Boise correspon· drmt ( I th!' l. <" !DA l/Onung Tn brr• and ls a lo rm er ne-.. s dU<'Cl r r KSEI Radio In P cat•ll Mr. Jensen ha:; dJUlr orwspap r l<'porUnc es iie· · nc rut Pol'<':" in B<Hse. tll&b aod The 1puker al. hell'«i found aad ""'s !ln;t president cl the ld!iho Club and Ii; cu::.:?D.11! a member or 11s ruct:tln lllso lll'TVC5 a.• u,tsra111 re111unal dlrM:tor f r southern ld.>bo f r Sai;ma Drlrn CbJ. nail ,na.I protesslorol Joumnllsm S<.· clelJ. IUld Is a ember ol Ille !da!x> Pf"SS Asl!OclaUon. Hf' Is ao assoelali' mrmber or Rndlc·TtlCTI I Q Cor:es· p0nd rU' Asscclllt!<>o ot Wubillj;ton, D.C. M:. Jtl en 1011 born in .M3ID.d ctt.T. ld.ab:J sll(l UP n !brook. fie WCJll I bldl scb:>ol In Uaytor.. !dab and obtalaod h. B.A. rrom llbho Stlll.' Coll i:r In 1055 and hl!S don" sr d.:il w rk 111 \\e.sl'°rn ::iut Cotleie or Col node and lb Unlversl 11 or 'l'Oa&hlnswn. Hla exptnt!llee lneludes a lnt ot hlllh school En at E :ril'lt. fl<' bold a rcsef\'C eommlaston 1111d served 11S " u .s. .A imy or· (Jeer ln the ArllU' secualJ' AC11ncy and S!sral C ll'S In Ellr • ' two and a ball y E RI CKSON WI LL HE .l. D llEW MAH CLUB FA LL Pr ,d ... I the' !'L'Wnuari Club tar next Vt'at ls Phil Ertcl<son. ?.Ill" Kl U Is 11 .. c . secrernry. Pllll 11nd .'\nn:> Ma" ..-e.1• e!M:ted al a 1111.'eans bt•ld IS. MAY 20, Regi s tnr Rele ases Pro cedures For Gr ads For Commencement GrnOW1Uon 1nronn31Jon u 11\'ffl bv tl>1 rt'lli&trnr. \ U"" Nishio. ls as follows The promun will 11<>11n al 10.00 o.m., F'rlday, Mu) 20. All those "Ill b<: par· tlclpnUng Utt" ukl'd t<1 bt> ln or around l.b<' vlclnlt.J of room 3 at the c b) 9.00 In order to reccl\'<! In· stmc:llons. There ''Ill be: !!!?. rehear.;al. An academic proceaalon "Ill 1"' led by the board of trustees and tnculty. Slu· dents Wiil march In sln1tle tile, alphabetlettll.Y by lalit nnme. .. 111 n> · c •Ive a dJploma unless he puUc!pates In the program. Cops and will be A\'llllablc tn the ornce In the next '"" days. Candidates for graduaUon and tbe raculi.y should pick them up a.Jlowlng pion!;)' ol umc IO havr them rressed, The GUrments must be rcwrned. boxed. lmmed· latrlv follo\\\ng lhe prOiiiiiiil. Thi. year. lL•:.eb .D.!ll bl.- kl'l!t unfoss thr srudent .. 1 shrs to Pll.V for It In the otncr. Invitations ore bPini; sent to port'nts. husb:uids, and w Ives 01 Crrlduate,;. Th Ne will lJ., a rtl'N t'ltra lnVllll · lions ll'rt In lhc offlcr If 111u.duales wlllb lo purchase them. Aru l'UrthN qubtlons cnn b,• answrrcd bl" nt th<> reR]stmr's ornec. B row n, Hanse n Win ASB Offi c es For ' 64-65 Year Campus c11mPu.111Ds cllmoxed last wttb the "lecUon of Russ Bro"·n llS !I. SB pres· Iden! and Ray Ro.nscn as ASB •lce-prl!>l!dent. Russ 15 prP,,.,ntiy SCf\'lng Oii Ille t Boud Frt3hlllan c l.aJ;b P' esldent. He hu bPen active an school lt'llderslup In bolh hlah cbool und Han&en Is new at NIJC th.111 His lcpr"'5Jll\'e campali:n In· diealed atronK ltwll'f8hlp 11nd forr:1•tul d1! vr. EltcUon results al" ..,. foll'l'l'tll President - Rull& Br<PNn 254, \\arren Aller 114. lce·Prcsldent - Ray Hlln- aen 203. Toll)" Edwards 89. Barb McKllV 73. TOCAI votes cast were 368. Which lS c little over on• hair of tbe student. nt the J.C. NEW FRE SlDENT OF SN EA IS N ICHOLS Corol•n Slchol. 1111U> rl- cenlly Sl\'EA pros· ld .. nt ror 19665 nt an elecllon or held 15. Oth •n "ho W<•re nom!not C'd for 11115 ortlce 1>e1< Dick Dunsmore nnd Z\'onev

• Scraff ord, Drees Named Co-Editors

• Of '64-65 Review Co-ed!IOra of Ille Rcr a.'

• ror 1964-i!S are Barbara scratrord and t.ornune Drees.

Barbara, a Journalism ma,Jor. ls ortglnal l.Y from Ore80n.

" thousb her home f5 novi In Lake Tahoe. CallromJu.

AS an acU ve member or the R~t1UW sLa!! thJs year. Bar·

• 11ara bas bad an opportunl ty lo observe the WOtklDl(S or Ille paper and bad U1h> to s-.v conoemln1 the publication .

• ""nle maJo r thins which would Improve the paper la orp nlzaUon on the part ol

• Ille statf. If we had a Journ· aJlsm clL<s "'here Ille sw· d«il8 worked In coO!)eruUon with &he Rct• cw. this "ould

, make for more or aanizatlon and eonsequ en Uy a bt•Uer paper."

Lorraine Drees . also a Joun111Usm mnJor, s car~ at NIJC second scm~tcr. Ori· stnall.Y a na tlve of Ne1< York . LO!tf.lne moved t.o Sptrlt Lake about five Yt'DN aci> .

The ll'nthe r Of thrPe Chlldrt>n, Ille o ldes t a senior at En.'ltem r;ashtnl!IOn Stntl' Collci:~. Larraine brcame lnterei.ted In the Revie w this seme~tN.

11 Interviewed For Social Committee These 11 people were In·

tervlcwcd fo r the Soelal Acth'IUcs Committee bcln& ronnt>d ro r the comln~ school Jeat" Carol Olson. MurR Knmlln, Be\• Bouahton, Bnrb McKay, Krls Horbau11h. Qiu· l•ttn J11gnrs , Ba rba111 Hnll , Bo b L clshty, Pr r d MDlln, Don l\ 1ui;!, a.nd Torn Gilbert. The fnlervl ev. fng committee ronslstf1d o f Be \• P lswnus, chaJnn111 , Sharon Parnou, T~rry Co.rlbcrc. MOIL Erick· 90n. 011 ve Johnson, Mr. RJ~bo> 11nd Mr. Hn teb.

All wrre t ntervl ewl'd la~! w~ek. Tile commltwr md ldonday to srlec t t hl' nnm<"S of th!' s ll most qualtllrd candldtlt~s to prcsen1 lo the Student Botud. T he Student Ba11d .. 111 I n Lu rn .i•Ject three "ho, wllh thl' .ASB Vlce·Pres ldcnt, Rll.Y ll an•cn, "Ill be >0p homor" m1•mbNs o f tht> a>mmltt(><' nex t schc.>ol ~oar. F'rrshman mrmbN.S •Ill be lntt•f\1ew<'<I In lhl' fall and sel ected In a similar manner.

NIJC Student ies In Crush NUC sophomorr La rr) ll nali

wa" klllCld F'rldll.)· nli;hl tn u unP~ar uccld unt two mtlc ·est o r Coeur d'.All'nl! on tht>

Harbor lslAnd Rood. l.Arry, lhc o nl,y one In th<'

car wa~ on hi" -.. a\ home ht'n tho 11ccldcnt hnpponed.

H• GPIXl!Pnll y )o,,t cuntflll ol lhr convert! ble \\ hl"h t ravr led 200 feet before rolUng nnd

' "'PPlng him undume11tn. Re WU found dead b• l\IJC student Bob Dnhlb1' rg v. h•>

\live~ near the sct>n r ol the ccldent. A :.octol oi;Y m11JOr, L.nrr>

would ha\'C grudu~ted from ,,IC this yea r. He 1s th" ,on of Mr. and Mrs. Ern est llaas, Routr I . CoL'Ur d 'A l~n'"

Students 11re 11•n11ndl'd that ~e)' will not recel \ ·1· tx•und Caples or the ff<" I I< II' t hi Year ..,. has bN•n tht> prllcUer In )"ellJS p11st.

St)'le Shou Hig hlights .\1 others Tea

Scholarships Offered By NW Metals Ylorkers

lnformallon has been re· ce1vod ut ll1c colle1" lh:lt lhP North\\est Mcu.I \\ 1rter Union, Inc . Is 11"ard1ni; &ch l· orshlps t.otaling $l<IOO to iiny und.,rgrodwll~ coll ct" hi· dt'nts or hlllh 11cbool nlo whOS(' fo1t1l ly f!Ul\' inc!UdP II ITICmbl't or the IJJ\lOll.

Those cU,Pbll! to UPI l.r me.y request an appllaatlon by mnll or pick II up ol lh union urfiC<'. North lllll s: .. 1Box 958), Kt•llolllf, Idaho.

All lll!Jlllcallon hou1d bl' tn thal orricl' b.r June "'· 16 r.

WIHS PUBLICITY POST L4tn Bol'-llrth I 1 b n

rlr.ctc<I b" th<· Stud<nl Boord to the po•l of NI.JC "luullcll\ cha.I rn1011 fo r 1 !16-1 ·u~.

TURH IH LOCKS All lodtl'I lock nu be:

turnl'd lo to \Ir • St } m ur by \ID) 21. An,on~ •hOl!I' lock It. ml sing \\Ill be required lo P<l.\' ~J .00.

E11gi neers ·Queen

Th" A\\S "l!Dnsored thl." MolhN' Do.v teo \!~· 7 an the i;rm. Decoratlons •ere the 1111dlt.onal ca!e H' le -'Ith t.vo lar1e rose muro.Js odornlng the sta~e.

Kl&hll&hUng tbe onemoon wu u si., le show com· l!Hnllll"'1 b) BArbnrn Sera!· fold, fo\lo"lllR a 8hOrt llPCtth of wt"ICOml' lrom Dr. Ft12.

Al\'S ad•1sor. Models "'"'" BeHrb· BouchlOn and hrr nl!!Ce Dana, l.lari: KamUn. I.£ nn \1 rrow, Judy Henza. l\llnC\ PllltNSOll, Beck' Kraui;c, Bnrt..ru Hall, Kris Harbau~h. Can>t,·n Xlcb<>IB, \\ui; Ber~. Anna MAY Hill. Luu111 Lee Yeournans, Tina Thll) r. Maroha L.eFran.-!s, L.Ynn L"Fnsncl , Jo)ce Baill'), M:>.<1111' Younr. Pal ML>ot r. i\{lf~n f.nl!'i:N, Mary Lou K1uror, Linda Jor1:enson. f: c •rt.a "err ~!.tu Ertekson and I :rr B:lhni:.

· Enl<'ruunmmt •a.~ pr'O\lded b) Fl Peck. "ho pve a rl'ndln~ Jr>alcc C'ollll>ton. "b 11anc "Qypay Ro tr". .. If f:' r I Could L"'1\·e \0<:". and "I E:nl ~ B 1ng a Girl... lllld I.he "'COl'Ur d. F.ll ... who lllso pr" Dted t' ru numb 1'1!. R fr bm~ntB WNC p: Vldl'd

b rls 11nd ened by


Sruel nl .. bO r.a, • not p:tld the !Sr ti:l..ilns r ate rrmlnded to ruck th!'lr annU11.ls UP ul Ibo ~WC llbr:uy afte: AUtiiltil 30. AllYOnt' •1111tlnc 11n llUll'.!"1'!111h : ldN 0>0.Y pld: nc up tn I.be office. Tile e .. e:t! rum1sh"'1 bv 1h• Pi5C bel <." P• nr beca1tse the aonu11l6 "111 not arn\"e b r rl' the sem •r t'rds.

Oabll• tuber~ 11.n ! other pl:>n\$ are on .,., no., In 1hc swdent Unloa. Thcs" wt!!\ i:rov.n bl're at the c . I t<- Proceeds fro:ri the nl go IO'hard t:urlnc di rubs tor the eampus.

&.u n ~·

Boi se Reporter To Address Graduates At Comme ncement s~ea' r t r commencement re~• M" Z9 will ~

Dwtr,ht Jens.,n, reporter ror KBOI Radlo and T1>le\1 s1on In Bois~. Be also handles duties of nldlt editor and l"RlsloUYe cot1espond~t for !he &talion. His 'Peech iopte "Ill bt' ••;i1Je'" 11 au You Put tbe Pnmd•llln• ..

~Ir. Jensen hu wid<> ex· pencnce In I.he neld or jour­r.11lbm. He Is also 115.,oclat" edJl.or or the /daAo Ob ttl er ln 8"11>~. and o.Jsc ~ef\·e• as columnist and edJtnrlaJ writer. lie ls also Boise correspon·

drmt ( I th!' l.<" !DA l/Onung Tn brr• and ls a lo rm er ne-.. s dU<'Cl r r KSEI Radio In P cat•ll • Mr. Jensen ha:; dJUlr orwspap r l<'porUnc es iie· · nc rut Pol'<':" in B<Hse. tll&b aod P•nn~~ l· ~an!A.

The 1puker al. hell'«i found aad ""'s !ln;t president cl the ld!iho Pre~s Club and Ii; cu::.:?D.11! a member or 11s ruct:tln bo~rd. R~ lllso lll'TVC5 a.• u,tsra111 re111unal dlrM:tor f r southern ld.>bo f r Sai;ma Drlrn CbJ. nail ,na.I protesslorol Joumnllsm S<.· clelJ. IUld Is a ember ol Ille !da!x> Pf"SS Asl!OclaUon. Hf' Is ao assoelali' mrmber or Rndlc·TtlCTI I Q Cor:es· p0nd rU' Asscclllt!<>o ot Wubillj;ton, D.C.

M:. Jtl en 1011 born in .M3ID.d ctt.T. ld.ab:J sll(l ~..,, UP n H· !brook. fie WCJll I bldl scb:>ol In Uaytor.. !dab and obtalaod h. B.A. rrom llbho Stlll.' Coll i:r In 1055 and hl!S don" sr d.:il w rk 111 \\e.sl'°rn ::iut Cotleie or Col node and lb Unlversl 11 or 'l'Oa&hlnswn.

Hla exptnt!llee lneludes a lnt ot tochln~ hlllh school En 1:h~!I at E :ril'lt. fl<' bold a rcsef\'C eommlaston 1111d served 11S " u .s. .A imy or· (Jeer ln the ArllU' secualJ' AC11ncy and S!sral C ll'S In Ellr • ' two and a ball

y ~·~~~~~~~~


Pr ,d ... I the' !'L'Wnuari Club tar next Vt'at ls Phil Ertcl<son. .~nna ?.Ill" Kl U Is 11 .. c . secrernry.

Pllll 11nd .'\nn:> Ma" ..-e.1• e!M:ted al a 1111.'eans bt•ld ~'1J IS.

WEONESOA~ MAY 20, 196~

Registnr Releases Procedures For Grads For Commencement

GrnOW1Uon 1nronn31Jon u 11\'ffl bv tl>1 rt'lli&trnr. \U"" Nishio. ls as follows

The promun will 11<>11n al 10.00 o.m. , F'rlday, Mu) 20. All those ~ho "Ill b<: par· tlclpnUng Utt" ukl'd t<1 bt> ln or around l.b<' vlclnlt.J of room 3 at the c olle~<! b) 9.00 In order to reccl\'<! In· stmc:llons. There ''Ill be: !!!?. rehear.;al.

An academic proceaalon "Ill 1"' led by the board of trustees and tnculty. Slu· dents Wiil march In sln1tle tile, alphabetlettll.Y by lalit nnme. ~o stud~nt .. 111 n> · c •Ive a dJploma unless he puUc!pates In the program.

Cops and ~owns will be A\'llllablc tn the ornce In the next '"" days. Candidates for graduaUon and tbe raculi.y should pick them up a.Jlowlng pion!;)' ol umc IO havr them rressed, The GUrments must be rcwrned. boxed. lmmed· latrlv follo\\\ng lhe p rOiiiiiiil. Thi. year. lL•:.eb 11111~ .D.!ll bl.- kl'l!t unfoss thr srudent .. 1 shrs to Pll.V for It In the otncr.

Invitations ore bPini; sent to port'nts. husb:uids, and w Ives 01 Crrlduate,;. Th Ne will lJ., a rtl'N t'ltra lnVllll · lions ll'rt In lhc offlcr If 111u.duales wlllb lo purchase them.

Aru l'UrthN qubtlons cnn b,• answrrcd bl" lnqulnn~ nt th<> reR]stmr's ornec.

Brown, Hansen Win ASB Offi ces For '64-65 Year Campus c11mPu.111Ds cllmoxed

last w~PI. wttb the "lecUon of Russ Bro"·n llS !I.SB pres· Iden! and Ray Ro.nscn as ASB •lce-prl!>l!dent.

Russ 15 prP,,.,ntiy SCf\'lng Oii Ille Sllld~n t Boud a.~ Frt3hlllan c l.aJ;b P' esldent. He hu bPen active an school lt'llderslup In bolh hlah cbool und coll··~e. ~ Han&en Is new at

NIJC th.111 sem~~r. His lcpr"'5Jll\'e campali:n In· diealed atronK ltwll'f8hlp 11nd forr:1•tul d1! vr.

EltcUon results al" ..,. foll'l'l'tll

President - Rull& Br<PNn 254, \\arren Aller 114.

~ lce·Prcsldent - Ray Hlln­aen 203. Toll)" Edwards 89. Barb McKllV 73.

TOCAI votes cast were •PP<"~Jlrr:iteh 368. Which lS c little over on• hair of tbe student. nt the J .C.


Corol•n Slchol. 1111U> rl­cenlly ohos~n Sl\'EA pros· ld .. nt ror 1964·65 nt an elecllon or m~mbcrs held ~la; 15. Oth •n "ho W<•re nom!notC'd

for 11115 ortlce 1>e1< Dick Dunsmore nnd Z\'onev 01.~on.

THE N.I.J. C. REVIEW Publi1ked St"t;·MOl"llMy Owri,,9 th• College YH r

91 JowrNI '"' St"dt'lh •f •Iii• NORTH IDAHO JUNIOR COLLEGE


fd•tor ••• • • • • • • • • ••• •• • •• • • •• ••• • •••• Bee~ llC'°""$C" II 1A3liwp Ed· '~' ...... ............ .. . .. - .. A~ Gr·!rt°"" SOOf' I Ed 'o' . • ... ....• ... •.. . . ...... . . ~tt Er c.• son C rculc r on •••••• • ••••••• • Bcrbeta Scf'olford, ~t'Ol'l Sdie-rf' Pho1°'1opher1 ••• • ••••••••• •• • R clii Acl.t:''N~ .. Povl Womet R"1<>t t t t• lerry Bozonllt, Bob '[Nfru ....... Pt"D'Y Good-"* J .... H•l~son. Tom Ho. ' • Do· d ~(oyghno, Flo Pee:~. C1=irc Robbi •



was gain~ ·~ ~ n;i t:o• Hocr;i1 •·

f.,.. ·n· 1ss..a - •

•ho• w1I '11•55 •ho " 1ob." ISS OS "1UCh a~ rhe people

>' or '• c d r , Borboro Scrolfo-rd end Lcrro1~ ~ d UC 1n rro 1rg tho


f >' 0 I OD 0 '"O Of')' frasr • l , Q - ot:'I r 11g

1 o paying 1ob end a•r rds sxh bener 1

I nc• on ;v'11c'l wou d otherw e A. a •"em s pres·•~ .,,.

d see 1.;-. '.endt as


Mrs. Culton Tokes Leave Of Absenc e

\Ir~. S:.r.il A. CU .r n, •'' uf tht: educauun V\_'"'..rLm~nt at sue has bttn 1ran1ut lea•e o r ablit'llC<' !or one academic y ear s lnrtln i: S. 11 · tem~r I. 1964. Sbe has ~n o l!ered and ha.-. accep tt'd a n.• l•ersltr ri-110...-shJp In CUldance IO \\Olk IO,.ILtd the docto ral de cre e at the Unt· •er51ty of Idaho !or the ..c:Mf,.cuc ,ear or 1964-65. 11<>!· t" comln s: to the nlor c •ll<'S\', :.trs. Culton held a rello• sb1p at l\°ashlncU>:t

State t;olven<l~ and c m· plet•'<I one ~·car's \\Ork to,.ard this dei:rl'e. She plan& to co::iplN<' 1be rema1n1ns work and ~r3'1uate In I 96S. Dr. Eui:ene Giies and Dr. \\llllam H. Borer or the Cnl.-crsll) o: l dabo Pllyc!l'.llocr Depan· me nl have exprt':.111<.'d the! r happiness al the nomination of ws. Culton for lhla foll • · s'iip nwnrd .

!Jr• . CUiton has abo been awa llled Ute 1964 acholar­:;tllp pr0\0 ld<.'d by t be L'ti r· llllDOllll l SCholru shlp Comml! · t<'e o r th" AIPhll Delti. Kappa T ea.Cher's Honorary) . The

scholnrsh1p chairman al Alphn Oeliu Kappu stntl'd In h~r lette r to ~lrs. Culton ,

LETTERS TO TH E EDITORS N te· T 1• R•v••• we ..

~,. ..... ,... , ' ,,.,. •d IOIS on

O""V 1vt>l• t '' sNd.,, ,~ l~el

•''"~ y ·~ o~t ro slOf'" r"'9 • ttom••· T"ese lerters do no• "9f14Kt ,,. ews ol 11'1• ..O•rors ' nee ,,,... '-• I a college POP'e'

ahoi.r JC. pol , co ly "•..,.rrol.J Edllar

)lllnners are the bas15 or any 60c1al en,1ronmmL \\hen one pcrsoo or l!?OuP reruse!i to u se ..:ceptable rrenners. lhr. •• hole 1roup ls arrect<'d . :\ 11ood uamp le or tlll, was !ht' deplo rable lack or respect or a re" Of the lnSINCtolS and 11ome studl'nts during the rl'Cent campaign spl'echl'!l which wc11• ht>ld In the Stu· dt•nt Union Bulldlng during 11r t" llv prrtad.

Thr ~ludl'nL'I are l'~proled to mu.lntuln n degrl'l' or rci<pec l to the lnNlructOr whlh• In lhl' classroom, and I t r that mnUcr DUI or the cla.~s room. In olllt•r to secure

"I v.J ~h t.o campllml'nt you on the hl J h ll'VC'I o/ P<'l'lOnol, pr resslonal, and acad•mlc c • ccllc nc c uempll!lcd In 'our appllc n!lon."

\!rs. CUiton camr lo the :-: rth ldallo Jumor Co llege In 1961 as an Instructor In E)1ucaUlln and Enall•h. She has a lso ~erved :i s pre­h?tll &lrallon counselor dunng tile months o r Aucust o r .. ach lillDJDJN for the Junior Col· let<'. and tauRhl courses for the l:nhN >ll> o r Idaho Res· Id nl SUmmf'I S<>sslon on the Junior Colleae campu s rach 11umml'r durins the months o r June and July. She pl:>ns lo cananue In Lh11 capacity this summf'l comp leuni: hl'r work bv ::;o•pt .. m brr 1. 1964.


DR. PEPPER n. " ... d 1 ,.,,.,.up,._,. ..


Darlene Skirts, Sweaters

Blouses, Capris, Coats,

Car Coats, Suits, A ccessories


resprc:t. onr mu&t lhe d respret whNe 11 lft •all~ ror.

' Dunne the rrcent C•l!ll>•llll, 'ome or Ute lnstiuc1011 showed d1sre~p~t lo Ibo camrat so ~PPak•"'· Thltr constant talklna. even an obvious sucEe"uon~. 'WU t: m"°r dhtraction to ~ people .-ho •rre lnl•tl'sttla in hrartni; th.. call:l>atci 5P"«he>. .

1\lth all due '""t>•ct t> their position u lnstruttor "" would Ukc- to r"d•~r ~ protest concrrnlnc their In· considerate 11c Uons. II,• students we !!hould not, and nrut't not. 5:incuon thl1 uucr d~ recant for our PO hey making Or!QlnlzaU 1n, t ASSOCIATED STUDE~i BODY.

D~a r Ec11 tor·

Pliul N. "amrr Connie IJtA

Con1t1~lulnlluns 111 Ruu Brown I He hwi r~cr1v1'<1 lh• hi f!)ll'sl und most honornbf\, 1•lect1-d po~lllon at N••rlh Id11ho Junior Collea... Thia Job I& a v..r1 ""'P<>nslb\!' onr, Indeed . llcn•MN, I kno'I\ lhut Russ "Ill rulrtd IL to th" bl•st ul hl5 nblllura and hts abllloes are 1110L ,

"" will haH• my run sup­port In tllt- camlnc )•ar r r I am 1 er1 confident !bat b• .. 111 do a co ti Job. ,

[ 'AOUld lJkl' IO ltlke ltJI apportunl~ ID thank eHqoae .,, ho cast h1a \Ole r r i:e. ~tT bPeclal thanks to tln1: "ho n• Idly upp ned 1:J CllmP&llll'I.

JI was an honor l<l be n rt· lnated and to run In Ille c lee uan. Thank you tor lht pn• 11"•"·

Slnc~r•h voulli, \la11tc All r

Did you know that tbe Lui JlUS Of water JOU drank -aix billion yurs old1 ScitlllllU have aomebow calculalecl 11111 !act. TMlr condusion cotne1 from the lbeory !Ut budJ,, one drop o! new water lw been created 11nco the earth wu formed Next lime 1ou pour yourself a glass al waler. remember It IS old, lllldeal, •nd de.$enes respetl


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INTERSTATE TYPClUITCll Co •11 SJ-.NNft Aq • ,..,.. '-l'tl

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226 sa.,.,,... A.e


Woodcock's Drug Store Cond•et - S ... no, e ~

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t·n N. Fount- St · c....,, I JtJ. ..



P .. o• c .. a ...... . • • • •• • 100 N .... §T•ICT

Cocu• o'ALC .. c. I DAMO


Junior Colleges New Approach, Educator Says

Edmund J. 011'117.et, Jr., .,,. rcuun• dlreCIQr of the AAJC. 11&1d th .. communllY collccea arl' u•11tsUn1 the tendency "lo pour""" educauonal wine into old bot1Je5 of 1radltlonal acadl•mtc concPpts. ..

The communlly colleee. be sa)S, Is ll n•"• kind of col· lue. not Just a r..o-.re111 proKT&IT• ll-11c1Jnc to a b11c­c.U11Ur<-111v deitree. "II offers ai> wt-II u noncr('dJt proi:rams i"ncrlll educauon i.o fill sw­dcnts. and 11 two-ycar program which reflects the economic net'ds of the communlt~. It offer~ conlsnuinc opportunhy ror reualntn~ and upcradtn11 an eontlnutn11 \ocallunal edu­callon.

"Jr th•• trend toward un· speclrled Orne units for fitudY In ~rcondan schools con·­tlnu cs. the community colltce wlll bt>com1• the nntura.I tnm· 111uon point ror students mov1n~ nlc.ni: Jn i;chool ns rapid! v us lhelr IJl>llllles rrmll." BrteO\-. the communil> Clll·

PRC ofrNI', In lhe word~. c.f n<' collogt' IH!'sldt-nl, " up-

porttmll> whet• opp0rtunll) Id not f'll~t befur<." Bild otrlclala are elflctl'd by

rtood.clttzcns who don't vote.


• .ch~k these. men! RHI

• paces~tt1ng fa.shton-trtm Ihm and tailored w1lh the 11irw A· I pockets and built in ·· 111 .. 1 rn eo ahead $hades

• and fabrics that took l>C!lter a lter ~ry wash. Only $4.98 lo $6 98 al your lavorile campus 1tore.

• (R-1)

·Racers~ •


Put an arm around a young man's shoulder Business and im/11 .. ~try ,,,.,, helping

to P".r tl1e costs nf uulay's e<im·ation

If you'vt! sl•nt nny sons.or dnughlers to college lateh· . y<'u :•I'<-' no s.t rm1g-,•r to the risinJ? costs of eclucntion. Tuition rnte:> h:we incren.scd ns much ni>300 pt>r cent

:.il\Ct: l\);;O.

An· tlw :,.choob mnking cncls mwt 7 Hnrdly. Al most college~ and uni\'ers1tics. th<' tuition you p.1s co' vrs 1,,,, 1ha11 ha// th•• co>l of your child's educ:1tion.

Sum•-onc has t<> pruvidc the remnindcr.

America·~ corf'\>rauons nre contributing in m.•nY wa):.. StanJnr<l will pron<l.: n~,,rl) $11: million

this year for scholnrshi11s. followship~. granl.ll and matllrinb for •chools and coll"!-.~·

Our scholnr:ihips and fellowsh1p.' hnve no strings attached. \\'t• do not sdcct th<' rt.'Clptcnts, nor do we expect them to come to work in our Company.

It's simply a wnr of puttinit nn arm around the shouhkrs of promising young men 11nd women. And helping to nn,;wcr the plea: ..Che us mor<' trnined minds to serve the nation."

Pini• nin1111/1• "d to serrr 11011 brtlrr


I f

Pep Ba11d Gir•es Spring Concert ... Rf;VIEW. Co•ur o'A •"'-•Idaho, Wed •• Mo, 20, 196'

Film On Communism To Be Shown May 29

Pep Band Gives Spring Concert

Pro\'lnr thl• old .a~intt that .. tho bl'sl tlunllb In 1111' arl.' lll't'. " thl' N IJC Pr11 B11nd ~,.,, on ('lCt'll«•nt frN~ Jh'f· lonouncc Inst Wcdn esd11.' r\ c•ntnt: to o rc sponsiq~

llUdlenCI' or about 200. Prnn) Bodin• "08 mlstr.•ss of ceu•nontes .

Dlroc ior Jtm Burns led lht' bond thruuch a vanct~ or ropular srlectlons. Including a tn bulc to Duke El Un, ton. "Take FIVt>," "Bos.~• S O\D.' ' .. A T ouch or Ja7.z.' • and "l•>onllaht lierenad•'. •• 10 name a f~. S<>vl'n sololsb , tncludtn1t \-ucallM Janice Cortpton. btchllch1ed the performance.

A Sl'lection omlllt'd lrilm the Inst IS5Ul' OI the Re• ICIT .,,., "Aile' Cal.'' to which Sharon Parriott nnd BM Boullhton twlrlt'll lll•~r baton~.

Spanish Club Has Barbecue At Beach

Th,. Spunt'h Club b••ld tts last ~1·t·lo~l'lhN ,,, lhe '<'DI

on lhr ullt•rnoon or \fll) 9. Thr club hdd 11 burb<•qu1• nl thl' Clll b1•nCh. Jn spit" O! u t:U"'t' \\tnd, -th • m••mb1>rA n.nd \tr. o nd \!rs •• Jflhn '.lc~·nrland "'ll\'Qft"d unUcuC"hos, t 1rt11las. rclrtt '· ,, \D!ll'l\ ol othr• di h1·. and pun• t ..

Debaters Find Big Sky Tourney Tough

Tho B<f S~' l tr"° 1Uei.:ut SP<'t'Ch TournarJent hdd '" ~ISi! In l~•soula. ~l.lntana PIO\t'd lo be QUll<! a ch:U­h•ni~ t JC j•batero L~d BPE'f'Ch stude-nt-s.

JC do: bntc tl.'a Bel> l.l'li:.t: ­tJ-Pt-nrn G CJd .. in earned • "in-I rec rd r 4-2 .,.11 th~ team o: Jlc He!~ ' a­JU!l Brooks e•med a I~ ll'<:O<d. In !'cl I LO 11~ h 101 lh< llnals, tro n""'1ed lo v.1n :'> u1 <II 6 de bill' •

Olbcr e•enr,, •alered " : JI Brooks .n e~le:::po-ranl"Ous spe ... t~i: BOO l.<'!Ght). P"nm G ocho "· and Beclo' Kran•e 10 '"' lnl<rprttall n. O! hb lltn.'l' prl"limu.uul" co:itc~ts. Bob reces' I'd Iv. ilrs1 p!llce rn tJ n i:s .. 111 ch quail !led him lor the !Ina.-. bov. eHr. he did not plact'.

Rerue ~rted til ltit.• touma· me-nt Y.t'r( :!i col1e~<'!'.i and UDl\erstUr:; Ir ::i 10 5tat .. ,,, ~lont•nc. ;1ashln~ton. I\; -mm~. Cal1romh, Nebt11ska. Utah, Mtnn • .,,o.u. N•\'ado. North Dakota, and ldAho. Among th""" coUege,_ JC comti1•Lrd :11;alns1 n an et• . lncludLn« 11 30<>- tud•ntJunlor cou.,,~ In ll)onin~ to uni ­' ersl ue,, such D> BYU in \.:t..n.


DaHy Definit ions tr " u t.i&\"t ..,., n~ lo

\ ft turnK ou t, B\•tut .. h1L1rcul5 arr tl"11lh old hat -500 H•nr o kl hat a 11 mottl'I

f r 1CI. Kin~ lh•nn· \' ll!ld h \\llrnors wNe 111 porUn8

mPthlng o1kln to the cum•nl Ind In th" 2~1h CNllll!Y. UC · a.rd.n~ lo thr pl•\•'" or 'J')nlll< Outhnl' Thontr1.


"Group, do you realize

everyl1me you pul your

besl loot lorward there's

a leg alioched to it? And

is lhot leg covered with

som~ old 9unny sock

cloth? Dress up, gov!

Good looks are on asset."

We agree, Jerry, good

looks ore an asset. And

when good looking

slacks can be bought for

$4.50 to $8. 95, there are

hardly any reasons left

for not being sharp. A-1

slacks are made in

7 styles and all

the latest fabrics.

Ask for A-1 's by name

at your favorite store

or campus shop.


On Friday nlch1. *' 29 at 8 >'clock at the •ulin&loii \\&IN PO\\ er Aud1tor1..,. "' Comm111ee of Cance~ Americans will present Ila mon thi)· Ohn·•Praker Pll>Dait. The tlln. enUlied "Co-lllal Ac cent on YouUi" •111 r... Pl'?,enled. A "docummta1r l'llocd In "anou, cou111r1 .. such a~ Japan, Ei:.'fllt 191 Uru~a.' . lltl• Picture dfllkb studrnts in,·oh·cd in rlou01 and violence .. Gue•t ~Pt'llker ol lbt

l'n•nln~ "111 ~ E. ldadl.0• Ot'Oflte, author nnd hllll school tipo.cher from Bonntt1 Frrn. A local l'duta(fi \\hos" netd or lnlerrs1 11 Am .. rlcll!l hlHtorv wlll allO commenl on lhc Olm and 111 lmpllcuuon~ for all AtnH· CBOR .

Dn,.ld B. Johneon, Tom Pullon. and Dn•c Mill& or N UC will bl' In chnrK~ •I nrraniwmcnls. Thi• prosrl!ll I.II rrec ol chnr~c and tht pu bile I~ lnvtwd 10 nucnd.

JERRY LEWIS soon to be s.een In 41



Racers .. Tapers·- PE66ERs·- Chargers • (1=1-1, K 0 l Z i 'l C 0. : IOO S.1n1"' S1tr<t, '"°" An~rJ .... C..lifnrnta 9001~

• On Stage A11d Behi11d Stage

-Golfers Finally Suffer Def eats

A!t• f '-' .nn.r.a: r JI · JI hes I ;a. fuil\. U1t l.:atdluu1 ,Jl)Jf

I tumbled 11nd lost IQ thr Columbla Bllliln lla,.kB, &-3.

• \llllala. who hod .)'cl lo hoot U~lt'r 80 I r lhl' llokB

th ts ,, r. rued a 11corc:hlnc 71 on lht' d1•mandln1:: CO< ur

i'tl 'Aleni Public Coursr. O•)n \ll lm1°" •11 1011 m!'d11I i;l.,l!t• r I I :"<IJC "1111 II 79. '"llow •-d b1 thtt trudy Dari t.••11111

Ith 11n 80.

s~c u.I for

Wodding lnvitation1

ead.er 216 N 41h Str~~!

The Cardinals 00-1 Spotan~ Comlllllnlly Collecf' In lbtlr !lt6t threi' na tell ca this sprtnc but found the Spokane Ind Ian Ca"'· n cour.se too ll~ui;h in th1 ll fourth out1n11. Th~• "Ml' -0undly trounced 13·2 Ir lhl fl)Uflh match on May 7.

Larry 01 or11k shot 11 78 for 1'CC on Ulla lOUChP~I COUtJ<P In the Inland Empire. D •n \\limes tihOt an 80 for ~IJC.

On Mnl 9 , ~IJC played a quadrnn1ular m111ch ... 1th th~ Idaho f ru h, \\Sll Froall tux! Spnkanr Cu1nmu111t1 College on lht• ld11hn cour ~.

\\SU 11on th• m1 ··t. folio" eel b\· tdnho, N JJC and SC:C' In lhut urdN. Sr<Hto~: llSU ~it.;,, ldut>J :!•I, SI.IC 11. sec~:.

1 Ill' ••II son rndrd la.~1 Sa1urd11\ in th•' IDC"al f'Ubllc rour:s•• "llh a l!'lll tch "Ith Blv Brnd C trr'Un.I\ C llt-r-

:. t• to l"Ubll ·II " 'Ill t


1207 N. f..,,.., MO· l-3223

Coeur d'Alene CREAM ERY



I ••

Approximately 600 people attend"d tht' d111ma depart· ment'» production "!o!Jsll'r Roberts.'' The audlt'nce traction &t t'DCb O( the two performances •as exc1tllen1.

Allhoui:ti a nnal talh or ranunp •as not a\'all~ble, tbr play adtnlsalon clurl.'d expelllies.

Rf'prd1nc tht- plar. Mn;. Galf', drama di rec tor. said "t rttl Iha.I this •·ear·.s dnur.a c!JL<>s showed excf'l)tfanal a~tJ and talent In the pre· 5entallon of lher Pia>. 'Ml !er Rebert..'."

"The c:ooperallon of even · OD<', 1nc:ludtn1 faculty Ill' d maloienance men. "as ou • standln1. such coopenitl ls Indeed unuaual and U d111ma class IA l!ttrmiel i:rateful ror 11."

Strvlnc u a p1onetr for the futurf'. "MlltN R•ibeM" w:is the nnu pla\' to be pre· llt'nll!d at JC 1n stHral year•.

Plans for 196~-0$ Include a pt&y for October 30-31 and anothrr for thr nrst •erk In May. Sef\101 u lht nuClt'US O( the !!rat stmetltN 11 lll bl' rP1um1 nc &ludenla lrom this year's dnama claas.

Altbou&h both 1"lll br ror the public. th" Oc1obt-r play will ba\'e a d>uble purpose In that It •Ill be Ci' rn !or thr l~ $l>t't1Cb C •nHmt. n t 1 be beld al \!JC.

It 15 betlN to cl•• t'a to lend, and the cost I abt•ul t!'\e ..,..., ...





Cleonl11 9



c-ur d'Alene Laundry & Dry Cleaners

Ft.. Pickup • nd 0.0....., )07 ffNI MO~·,.\ +lSI•

N.l.J.C. REV_l_EW. c .. ,~ ~'41on .. ldoho, >led., Moy 20. 196J

A 11-Regi on Cage Berth For Joe

SI JC ba b•lb&ll PIA)' tr Jam.,, Jo• •• .. 1rc1ed for the> R~clon I 196~ NJCAA Reclcul All'61ar Ba.aktlball Tt'aln for hla outatandlnc Ol'N&ll abilllY u a pl.a)tr. JDC', "bfl a•tna~~· lS. 'l POIOIB Pf'I i.:amt, also mad<' tht "A 11'611lt" tea:n al th" r,... &IC>Dlll IOUtllllml!lll.

Tbt SJCM bu a ciembt:­sblp or 11bou1 500, almost all Ille Junlo: co lit res lo UU! llnhtd States. Tbet col­lt&e$ are dl•lded loto 16 bukttball rtdons acoonllnc to &NL

lo Re11on I are coUties rrom Idaho, 'Kuhlnston. Ore· con. Utah, CalJtomta. Anmna, and \lontana..

Othtra ma1Un1 lhc 196~ All'6tar tnm are:

Frrddlt L.t .. ls, Ea.stem ArlZona Junior College, Thatcher, Adzona. Lewis •u voted thl' most valuablt plAyt't In the Re11ooal. He wu at lee 1ed IO the second team "All·Amcrtca.'' A\'er­allinc 2~.3 points per pme. Ltwla Utd with Denni& CaeteA ror 21st hllhcst •corer 1n the top SO.

l>Pnn1s Coates, Sno"· Col· ltll'. Ephnalm. Utah. u·t1111ed z~.3 polnta.

O"°rCt Rausch, Mesa Col· lest. Otall<I Junction, Colo· nado, the O!lh ltadlnc scorer In the llllUon vdlb an annace of 30. 2 points, also receh'l!d honorablt mftltloo lo tht ... ll·Arntrlca nnals.

V.lnzt!l Marlln, Phoenix Collect. Pb<>en11, Anzona, a •na .J :? I. 2 point...

T rock Team Sets Records In l osi ng C U11.111 track squad ..i .. a .:red1tabl"' showtnc In

a l:lt'~ wllb tbe Idaho Flosh at Moscow ).lsy 8. lhou&h 11!1 ins ss .... o. SeTtn NJ.JC rec«ds ~rt broken by the CudJnal aquad.

Event and plact for NUC entries:

HO relu··Mark Hutchison and Bob Leno, •ea>nd. ~tlle-·Fred Mann, second ,

5'39.5. NIJC rl!<lOrd. HO-Hutchison, lhlnl, . 54.3.

N IJC rK'onl. 100-LllTJ Smith. second .

10.3. 880-Ran •Y Srnllb, &ea>nd .

:"17.~. Terry Ftsber. llilrd. :?':?3.2. NIJC recom.

l&lle relt.r-M&nn. sm1ui. Hateblaon, Ft sher. aeccnd. 1'43.-1. SIJC ll'alrd.

Pole raull-Bob L.eno. flrat, 11·6. ~1JC :MXJrd.

SllOt ptJ.-Du Nlpp.at'Cmd, -16-5. Dan Str81e, thlnl. ~ :!-5'!:.

Dlsciz-Dan Sipp. tltat. Ul-8 3 ~. S UC rtlCQrd.

Broad JW!:p-Doa Sllate. tlr:st. ~s 3 ~ . Bob L.eno. aecOlld, 18·9)< Hane1 S::tltb, tbud. 18·8.

H®. skip aa:I Jump-Don Slrau.. nut. .io+. L.arry SallL'l, thlld, 31·91 ~ :0.1JC ll!COrd:;.;·:......------

Cros:sln& bndJ h• fNe you ~rl 10 lhetn &llll IPD\l'b )OU •n lhl Id•· f th• llV•·r.


Cl J • t ..;... ' 'II O'J4 )18 Moller -MO 4-8218

Cot"' d" A.I~•. ldoho

DeJonovich Powers Cords To Twin Win

Dale D•·Jan •\ICh •UPPllt'd the ma •or po,.tr for th<' day L• the Cuds nept a doublt'· beadrr from Lr•ls A Clark Normal May I:? al lolmorlal Fii!' Id, 5-1 and I 0-5. Re strokl!d homers In bolll carriea, drl\'lnC In sis runs for lb" ~- Chub Eastman chlppfd In '111111 a !our·ba11er In the 1eoond •llh M..idod: on b&6e.

Canhoal Piicher.; were backed with two double playa In ncb same. IOeter sca\tered Sil hlt& In lbe opener but cue up three run~ In me l!!th. In the finalt-, Atc:hl.-on IJmlt'd the l\'arrtor- IO !our hits, one 1. homer by l\lcks.

NUC batted around In the second immt!> 1n sconnc sis UC>? s In the lbt Ill. after opening lhe came wllh three runs. Bradbul)' led the at· toalt wt lb 3 for 4,

Other s1uu1nc: In thP nrst 111me. doubll.'5 by 11 lck11, Skelton. Storey, Dunsmore. Johnston o.nd K 1eter. In the sec:ond i::une, doublC!< by B!1ldbuiy o.nd ounsmow, lhree base bJt by Johnsion. N.l.J.C. 5

AB R H It fnwf'litr. 2b l 0 0 0 ar-dbury. c.f . I I 0 D\:i:o•-... rf • I I 0

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•1c-ll•. rf J 0 I 0 0-.7.d I 0 0 0 y..,....,....,Jb , 0 0 0 ..._ ......... " J I 0 0

H.IJ.C, 10 Wlw•t~r. :t. 0 0 • llradlowy. cf ~ J 0 o.... ....... , . , 0

tj ... '-:ie:.. It . i I 0 • I , I !ol•tn..s. •• , 0 I I ~'k. lb I I 0 I Ce•ta.wi. It. • I I 0 Atcbi••• p • I l 0

L&111$-CLARX NOR.MAL $ GUJJ•n. •• I 0 I Sll•lton. Sb I 0 0 •~•J, rf 0

l 0 •'::•.uc 0 • I I 0 ~y.d 0 0 0 YO!Olm•H• :b 0 0 I 0.MW!f, p 0 0 0 Pitner, Jb 0 0 0 -· • 0 0

Awards Made At Bowling Banquet

RBI 0 0 0 I , 0 0 I I

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 I , I • 0 0 , 0

0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0

The bowllnc banquet fo1 sec:ond semester leacues will>

held In the Student Union Build nc \l:ly 6. The ban· quel "'as arran cl!d by the l"acue presidents.

Tom R:inson award~ tro· pl-Jes IO tbt lollow1n1 bowl· ers: ~rtr. Hutchison. Gal) Fre:i8d?r! &."Id Terry FtSMr, 'll!lo consUwll!d the 1('9 tea:::. The Poontancecs. Me bers c.! another team 11<tre Franlt PtoRito. &it Som.rs, Jim Scdlrnaytr and Frank Hal»! and maldnc up a third te.im •err Curt s1artr.. 'lfayne Clayton. Dave Stone llnd Bob "heeler.

R?!linc lllch sames for the Seu.or. "t'le' women - Mary L.ou Kaner. Chel'J'I Gulk<', and Oatleatta Japl!I, men -Mike Swsnk, Rues niompson and L.ee l'i3Ccarato. Roi Uni lllllh senes were· ..am~n -

Mar; Lou Karrer. Gnrlraua Japr. and Valot•" ~lcEnror mm - Rus" Thompson. Mike s .. 3nk and Ler Nncearato.

All bcrnd :otudent" mu't tum their uniforms In to w. Bum• before the~ Clln recelH' their final grtldt>,._

Idaho Frosh Foll Twice To Coriinols

Coach Hurrman ' Chara..,. ~ >n both t>nds or 0 doubl..­hcader rrom lht> Idaho F rosh ~la' 'I, S· i and 9-4.

tri lhe n.,.1 1amr, Ille Coros O\-ercame a "'•·run blnc., by I/le Fro~h In lh,. !11111 lnnlns. "snnlna the 1am.. •nib a run In th<' last or tht> uv.-nlh. Th<' b11 blow or th" same \\85 Dale DPJllnO\ lch'4 35(>-ll. homt' run Cl\ er the lr!t-<:l'nlt'I fl old ft'nce "'Ith hl'O on In th~ Cifth.

Gao· DrcstPn "as ,.,IY cfft'CU\e on I/le mound for :-;uc aftN th" first. Al Slmmollll was the los•·r (or tht Frosh and the Cardo iappl'd him ror IO hlll\. Jim Johnston !rd the attack "1th 3 for 4, Don Le" IS and OeJonovtch ench had two hits.

In the n1 ~htcop, the Cards exploded for five run~ In lM l hlro and added t\\O each ln the fourth and nnh lnntn~s. Thi• Cards ~ot 11 hits ofr Hall and Elml'ni while 1..c Fe••bre UmllPd the Frosh 10 six.

N IJC balled a round In the thlro , ending up wllh 4 hlt~. :? Yialk.~ nnd lhrec Frosh error' to ht'IP their cauBI'. Ea~tman, .. uh o double,

and See!rled "llh a tnple, llDI e1llll bast' hits for s IJC. Oun.~morc hlt 3 for 4 "hllr Eastman and UF<'bue each had l'l\O hllb.

Dan Lewis le!t the came tn !hr <l\th 1l'11b a IU'HIC head· ache rcsulltnc !rom b"lna hll on the head b) a Piich In thl' ftr,.1 lnnlnc of the open('r. He Is out for the aeuon and probabl) v.111 ha\C• lo l'nd Ill ba.•eball career accoldlnc lo doctor reporL~.

Tne ~·ounc applicant for a pol'.lllon a~ Junior accountant clerk "as beln c lntervle" ed. \\hen the 5ubJCCI Of OUl81de lntNests arose. lhc 3·oulh loful) 5aJd . .. ~b a\ocouon ls color photo,raphy. "

The pe111onnl'I manaaer told down his pf'n. "Youna man," he said 'Lead!ly . "vice pr!'sldenllt hovt• avo· codons. Department hcadij have hobbles. What you ' re doin~ ls roollnK around. "


.SI t "

J» g S"•''""" MO l ·lt SS




Cords Win Two From Big Bend Thi' ,.,. on record .tood

11 6-6 at1u lb,. ca.rolnal!! won a doubll'Mad•r from BlG Brnd Colluc lo.la.; 5 cin th!' home diamond, 11 · 6 &ad :H.

Kle!er i;ue up two rues la the !11s1, but the C&lds camf' back •Ith t•-o In L!lel: halt and add~ ah me"' in lhl' second ~, salt the i:a::ie awaT. SIC Bend mantl;ed sb bllll ort Kl!!fe:. ,..bo •ent I.be r~uu. :';IJC pounded Faro It' f111 IO h ts, :? eneb by Ouns:nor!', E:utman and K1dN.

Chub Ea5t'l!an sas:r>lled th!' slucclnc po• er • ltb a pair or lrlph•s, whlle ou.~sr:ior<

and Dl'Jancmch eacb added doubles. Foi Bl~ Bead. Lobdell. llorprd!'a and Ovr­song nch had :? hlu.. The rour caro errors "•~ olfset b) their work at lhe plate.

In the second i;ame. N IJC scored one In the Or.n, another In the rourth and three In the ftflh . 10 o»er· come a 4-1 lend by Bii: Bend. Wheeler and Bmdbury led the Cards at thl' plate with two hi ls each. P! teller Lob­de 11 had '"o for BBC.

Card hurlci Archison limited Bia Bend LO the sini:les. but bis motes ai;aln com­mitted four erroffl. Eura bas!' blov.s wNe a tnple b» Seefrted and do.>ubles br llh!'eler and Oun~"'°'"'·

Dan Meddock, !IO IJC thl rd bllseman, suffered an arm Injury In the pre-i;:>fl!t' 11"Drmup and had lo lea•·e the i;amc In th<' till rd. L~' 1s mo\'ed over 10 third and Seefned •<'Placed him al shortslOp.

Pi rote Frosh Hand Cardi nal s 9-2 Loss

L.ert nelder Amsn of the Whitworth Frosh acted like o on!"'man team "llh five for live at the platl', Including two home run,;, and drove In (Ive runs May 7 as lhe Cards dropped a 9·2 decision. One or the home runs, however, was a foul ball In the minds or some obse.-·ers at the i;ime. ll didn ' t alter the out· come or the game, neverlhe.-1 ... ~s.

Whit" orth i;cored tbree Umt'R in the second a ad ended any doubl with rour tn the ninth. The Cards scored once each la the fourth and •eventh.

Chub Ea.simon led the Catds w llh two doubles in 4 tnp" • hlle Bradbury added a tnple. la.It St:rnama sufled S UC 'Id! en 11 coun led. Tb~ P1ratl'S PDUnded Card pitchers Olson and Kief Pr fo: H hits.

Time voQ en 01 ci.stlr~ I t •a ted ·;me.

For a Lifetime of

PLEASURE leam to

BOWL You Are Young

lake City lanes, Inc. 14 14 N. F..nh St. • Coevr cl"Alena

BOX SCORES ~uc s .,...1.,. ~t:>

Bradbu'°'• C'C 0..•l'llO,.. rl

t-:~·. ii~ ~ocll.a S.•fnitd. •• S.•t--.lb ~•brn, p 0.J•QOT,d•~ •f Ol•Orrlo p

nu F'ROIH • IJigyl•, cf 9d11.Ur. •• ............... .~ ..... ~ Gron. rf ac..u.-•• 2b en.i.. < l'•-1 a-ttf, u W..d••"· p

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0.· c ~as tt:s' Service ,,, Town

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If 1ou do not alrt>Dd v kno11 that final r1am11 start iomor· ro... II Is too late anyway and t 1 nouc• "111 not do •ou any i:ood io rorcct 11 •

ono '' c 1.111)1'1) n·


lOS S"•'"'•" A'"•· - MOfJ•w\ 4-Snl

Cords Find WSU Frosh Too Tough Th~ WSU Fr • b prov..i ~

ha'• to m11ny cun' f , ll>o Card.inuh, "'lnnlnc both • or a doubl<'hl'&d<'! lolav 2 ll Per.<OD Fttld. 9-1 Md l~·S. Thi! onb edR" :\ IJC COUid clal:n was lo lleld1nc. "'i6i onl1 on" In each P.Jr.(' •hilt lhe Coubabea muffl'd 2 In lbe opener and ~ In tilt nlihtcap. •

The Frosh pit an !'llrl1 s1ar1 "''th three runs In Ill• fll!ll of th" Ol'enu and 1dd<;1 :? In the third and ~ In lilt fourth. The lone S UC nm com~ 10 the lu.t or ah,. 7th..

Jl'lr) Obon "'""' •'d Del'OIL\? In thr. fourth and h~ld lhr!ll In chec:k.

WSU pltchN Mael•an ha•! 11 no-h1llrr 110lnc nninat the Coldinals until lhl' la t lnntni:. then MBVc u1> t"o sln~les.

Only l'x!rn bll>H' blow ol 11" Rnme was a double by Dunlap fo r WSU. HllkanHon It'd lh• Coubnbl' u t tack Yollh 3 tor l .

The Cord• hod bell•·r lu•'o at the plat~ agulnst Fl•klond ID thl' ~ .. cond pmt•. Jlfll Johnst0n had a doubl1• lltld i;ln&le lor th" Ctlrd , fQr tl <J of their [lvt' hi LS. M«an" lt!I•. 11su ·~ Frosh p<Jund•~ L<· lebvre tor 9 hits, Sehllb h"1 two doubles and Galle1 \ home run. Ounsmor" round<'d out a tnple for the Card.1.

\\SU Iced lhls aame tn t~ ril'!lt lnnlnc nlso, "lib runs. SLIC came back w11b two In lhPu ball. n..... " In th" Sc'Cond PH' !hr ncc"'\­sory Insurance lor Y.Sl/. Other Card run11 camC' In th" thud Md lle\.t'Oth •

SchUh had ~ for S f>r 'A5' at the plate.

11 15 Sll.ld the world'a most traipc !l111Jn• Is Lhr> i:ol! .. • "ho hw Jusl :sb">I a h l•·1n· Ont' w1 d n• bodv Will I• Ir • ·


EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP "'Fot 01i1•llfy •nd S.nic.•" •

P>.011to MO~ .... •·ll • S O' .. 6476 l l l Stt•rmtl"I ""•· • C.O.v' cfAl.a•

exam ••• pencil ••• paper proctor •.• time .•• begin· think ... blank ... tick tick · guess ..• tick tick ••• write


tick tick ... hurry ••• finish. time .•. pause •••

things go •

Domed undt r lht •ulhor.11 or Tho Coc.a•Col• Col"'tp.ttlf ":EMPIRE

b~~th Coke • •

