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The No Bullshit Guide to Succeeding at Online Courses

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The No Bullshit Guide to Succeeding at Online Courses 9 Specific Steps to Getting the Most out of Online Courses and Dominating Online Education
  • The No Bullshit Guide to Succeeding at Online Courses

    9 Specific Steps to Getting the Most out of Online Courses and Dominating Online Education

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    For two years, many people have been talking about how Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and MOOC providers, like Coursera, will revolutionize the future of higher education. Former U.S. Secretary of Education William Bennett has written that he senses an Athens-like renaissance in the making. Stanford president John Hennessy told the New Yorker he sees a tsunami coming. This isnt just talk. Coursera already boasts an enrollment of over 9 million students to date.

    What Coursera and its supporters are not bragging about are recent studies showing online course completion rates as low as 7%. Those are not meant to be words of

    discouragementjust the truth. It is still possible to pursue your passion, avoid being saddled with student loans, and have a lucrative career. In fact, there is literally a Hall of Fame full of famous rich people who dropped out of college or high school and found success.

    If you are focused, online learning may not guarantee you to become the next Richard Branson, but it can put you on a solid path to employability. The trick is to avoid being one of the 93% who sit in front of their computer for two hours and lose interest; and here is how you can do it.

    Getting the Most from Online Courses


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    Pick a Subject You Have a Passion For1


    Former pro-tennis player, Guy Forget, put it so well, Anything is possible as long as you have the passion. Self-learning requires discipline and drive because there will be no teacher around to snap his or her fingers

    when you drift off into a daydream. Thus, the foundation of online learning is picking a subject that you have a genuine interest.

    Picking a course that you dont care for is the equivalent of taking a college elective that you need to graduate but have no interest in. One month in, you end up in the back row of a 500 person auditorium surfing Facebook and Snapchatting your BFFs. Online education

    is the same minus the other 499 people.

    To avoid the aforementioned pitfalls, you need to start with a deep soul search and figure out what you want. Its not going to

    be easy. Famous life coach Martha Beck says when advising on finding passion, half of her clients complain, I feel so stuck. I need to find a passion, but I just cant. You can use the resources below to get unstuck and find what youre passionate about.

    anything is possible as long as you have the passion. - Guy Forget, Pro-Tennis Player

    / Sadly, there is no downloadable app to help you find your passion. However, this interactive guide on finding your passion from Oprah is close.

    / Read The Short but Powerful Guide to Finding Your Passion from Leo Babauta, author of Zen To Done.


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    Treat It Like a Full Time Job2


    College today is perceived as a rite of passage with a strong focus on the social experience,

    leaving academics to get lost in the fray. According to a 2010 American Enterprise Institute study, the time college students spend studying decreased by 10 hours between 1963 and 2003 to 14 hours per week!

    According to the AEI, the traditional standard is 30 hours, the equivalent of 2 hours of self-study for every one hour of course time. To

    avoid this you should treat school like a job and set aside 20-40 hours a week for learning.

    Put in 2-3 hours of self-study and homework for every 1 hour of class. Dedicating this time will ensure the course material sticks and gives you the opportunity to clear up any confusion before the next lecture.

    / Sync all of your course assignments, lectures, and all other milestones with your Google Calendar or other mobile calendar apps. Dont forget to build self-study time into your schedule.

    / A schedule is nice, but will you remember it? There are a host of apps for Android and iOS that take reminders to the next level.

    if you want to [party], go to college. if you want an education, go to the library. - Frank Zappa, musician


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    Tune Out the Distractions3step

    Distractions are a serious threat to your learning experience. While a few minutes

    here and there doesnt seem like much, over time it adds up. In fact, a 2006 Basex study revealed that interruptions in the workplace cost U.S. businesses $588 billion per year.

    To avoid loss of time and energy during your class or self-study sessions, make sure you are someplace where you are not

    going to be disturbed. Get some heavy-duty headphones so that all you can hear is your

    instructor or your classmates, and even if the phone is ringing you cant hear it.

    Speaking of which, turn off your cell phone and toss it in a drawer. Shut off any apps that might distract you like iTunes, Spotify, Skype, GChat and the like. Nothing should get in the way of you and your learning.

    work is hard. distractions are plentiful. and time is short. - Adam Hoschild, author & journalist

    / Use SelfRestraint (PC) and SelfControl (Mac) to block distracting websites for predetermined periods of time.

    / Concentrate and Think are two very cool apps (Mac only) that help you eliminate distracting software on your desktop.

    / A break every once in awhile is helpful. Try SmartBreak (PC) and Time Out (Mac) for gentle reminders to get away from the computer for a few minutes.


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    Take Notes4step

    In 1885, Hermann Ebbinghaus pioneered the Forgetting Curve experiments, which proved that the average person forgets 40% of what they learn within 20 minutes. However, this

    natural memory decay can be prevented with daily and weekly reinforcement. Taking notes is an important part of the learning process and absorption of newly found knowledge.

    Recording and reflecting on lectures serves as a memory aide. If you have horrible handwriting, this is where some extra hardware can come in handy. A second monitor or tablet will allow you to watch on one screen, while recording on the other. After the lecture review your notes and highlight areas that need clarification and questions.

    Some online courses do not have much in the way of homework assignments, so an alternative path you can take is to create your own blog or wiki on the subject. Writing

    about what you are learning will solidify its place in your mind. Alternatively, you can search online for assignments. You would be amazed at the stuff you can find.

    ive a grand memory for forgetting. - Robert Louis Stevenson, novelist & poet

    / Evernote (PC/Mac) is the ultimate trapper keeper, but digitized. Creation, organization, and searching of notes is a walk in the park. It is also available for mobile and has a bunch of companion apps like Skitch, which lets you take photos of notes and sync with the rest of your work.

    / Google Drive and OpenOffice are two free alternatives to Microsoft Office that can help you create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

    / FocusWriter (PC/Mac) is a desktop app that lets you write in solitude against a plain grey background, blocking out all desktop distractions.


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    Participate In Discussions5step

    Group discussions foster an environment of collaborative learning and require students to process, rather than just receive information.

    Research has shown substantial evidence for the cognitive, social, and affective benefits of collaborative learning.

    There is a lot of variation in format in online courses. If you are lucky, you will have a cohort that you are taking the class with and a forum to discuss questions. Be active in the forum, both answering and asking questions.

    If you do not have a built-in discussion forum, go out and seek outlets to talk about what you are learning in class. Even MOOC students

    should consider alternatives, as forum discussions can be of varying quality and local study groups can be flaky. These days most subjects have some sort ongoing dialogue happening on the Internet. Be part of it.

    a scientists aim in a discussion with his colleagues is not to persuade, but to clarify - Leo Szilard, physicist

    / StudyRoom is a platform that simulates the effect of private study rooms complete with a virtual whiteboard.

    / Find a Meetup to talk about your course with real people. Look for online meetups in the form of forums, chat rooms, and Google groups.

    / Student-teacher interaction isnt always ideal online. Strive to find an expert or mentor who is willing to discuss with you on a weekly basis.


  • Make Your Own Homework6


    According to Robert Greene, author of Mastery, Its not a question of some natural talent or brilliance that you have, its that you have reached that level of experience or practice. In many subjects, the best way to learn is by doing. For those who are learning a hard

    skill, often you are watching an instructor create something via pre-recorded video. If thats the case, make sure you are working on your version in tandem with the instruction.

    Sometimes the learning platform will provide you with before and after working files. To go the extra mile you should create your own versions of the files and experiment with the techniques instructors provide you. If you are learning Excel, you can experiment

    with your own financial models. If you are learning web development, create your own site. Programming is slightly different, in that rather than practicing by yourself, you should practice on open source projects.

    its not a question of some natural talent or brilliance that you have, its that you have reached that level of

    experience or practice. - Robert Greene


    / For those who are creating digital assets, Dropbox is great for storage and working from anywhere.


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    If you make it all the way through the course, this step is your master stroke. The fact is when you take an online course, aside from a

    digital certificate, there is very little you can do to prove you mastered the subject or skill. However, according to Kevin W. Grossman, author of the Tech Job Hunt Handbook, If you

    have specialized skills and are helping solve real-world problems, you are two steps ahead of everyone else when it comes to landing-

    and keeping-a job. Thus, saving your work and posting it online where a prospective employer can look at is a game changer.

    Save Your Work & Make a Portfolio7


    if you have specialized skills and are helping solve real-world problems, you are twosteps ahead

    of everyone else when it comes to landing and keeping a job. - Kevin W. Grossman

    / Use Accredible and Pathbrite to pull together your working portfolio side by side with your digital certificate.

    / Designers can create their portfolios via Behance or Dribbble, which could even lead to a business transaction.

    / Programmers can use Github and Bitbucket to practice and display their coding chops.

    / Make sure you include links to these resources in your LinkedIn account.



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    Although getting all of your information from one source can be sufficient when it comes to online courses, youll be more likely to succeed if you draw from multiple sources. According to Joe Landsberger, author of over 250 learning strategy guides, additional readings and secondary learning

    sources can help you familiarize yourself with subject matter and process opposing views, enriching your overall knowledge of a subject. With advances in modern

    technology, a multitude of alternate learning sources are available at your fingertips.

    Even if you have paid for premium content, you should still mix in current content from other learning resources. If you are paying $30/month for an online course, that should

    not stop you from utilizing alternative sources like books, magazines, blogs, wikis, tutorial sites, and any other specialty resources related to your area of interest.

    Mash It Up8step

    perspective is worth 80 IQ points. - Alan Kay, computer scientist

    / Use Google and Topsy alerts to get the most current news on subjects that matter to you.


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    Keep a Log, Make Adjustments, and Repeat9


    The final component is tracking your progress. This daily journal of sorts will serve two purposes: a way to track your attendance and create an internal dialogue about your learning process. You can write about anything

    and everything you encounter during your self-learning, perhaps about what you are learning and what resources you are using, but also what is working and what is not. It

    may sound a bit corny but journaling provides many benefits. Not only can it help you better understand yourself, but it can provide an accountability check and measurement of progress. After all, if you stop going to online

    class nobody is going to call your parents. Youll only be letting yourself down.

    writing in a journal reminds you of your goals and of your learning in life. it offers a place where you can

    hold a delberate, thoughtful conversation with yourself. - Robin Sharma, leadership expert

    / Use Toggl to track how much time you are devoting to each activity.

    / Use ManicTime (PC) and Tracktime (Mac) to audit how much time you are really spending in each application.


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    Which Path Will You Choose?

    The world of education is changing around us. With all of the cheap, high-quality and readily-available education out there, everyone from high schoolers to second degree seekers are thinking twice about higher education.

    Its not for everyone, but if you have the passion, drive, and focus to pursue self-learning, you can take what youve learned and turn it into a portfolio. This new knowledge even has the potential to morph into your lifes work and a thriving business as it did with Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson, and Bill Gates,

    to name a few. With recent developments in online learning, we will be seeing more and more people choosing the road less traveled and having successful careers.

    Taking an online course means believing in yourself more than anyone or anything else. It means believing in your ability to stay focused and be self-motivated. If you can do this, your passion will propel you the rest of the way until you have all the skills and knowledge you need for a successful career.


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    Our ultimate vision is to transform education as we know ithow its delivered, how much it costs, how quickly it helps people get to a career they love.

    We built SkilledUp because we believe online courses can help anyone gain and improve their skills, and make anyone more marketable to employers. When compared to degree-focused options, online courses are incredibly inexpensive and offer more tangible results.

    The SkilledUp team uses online courses whenever possible to improve our own skillset. Searching the web for how to blank can be monotonous, and you often only get disparate, contradicting versions of how to go about doing something. Online courses help you build a foundation of knowledge that enables long-term growth.

    Learn to do what you love!

    About SkilledUp.com

