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The Nontrad Journal

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Quarterly publication of ANTSHE
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THE NON-TRAD JOURNAL Association of Non-Traditional Student in Higher Education Back to School Edition September 2011 It’s time to “Rock” the books & reach those “Goals!” No worries folks! You know your capable plus you have the deter- mination to keep moving forward. Right! So now you need to read the ANTSHE “Non-Trad Journal” to gain inspiration and creative juices flowing. So here you go! Hey, how about sharing “What you did for the Summer?” Or “Did you find some new resources?” We would love to hear from all of you. If you don’t have time email then go to our ANTSHE facebook and stop by to say “Hi.” http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/ ANTSHE-Association-for-Non- Traditional-Students-in-Higher- Education/20028604506 Scavenger Hunt Up-Date p. 6 Membership Drive Up-date p. 6 “Do you have a Bucket List?” by Sandy McLelland p. 4 Why College? My Story” by Doug Boose p. 5 Conference Up-dates p. 2 Scholarships p. 7 Awards p. 8 Internships (article recap) p. 2 Welcome New Non-Traditional Students p. 11 Coping with Stress & Tips p. 9 & 10 By Kaplan University OWLS Club


Association of Non-Traditional Student in Higher Education

Back to School Edition September 2011

It’s time to “Rock” the books & reach

those “Goals!” No worries folks! You

know your capable plus you have the deter-

mination to keep moving forward. Right!

So now you need to read the ANTSHE

“Non-Trad Journal” to gain inspiration and

creative juices flowing. So here you go!

Hey, how about sharing “What you did

for the Summer?” Or “Did you find some

new resources?” We would love to hear

from all of you. If you don’t have time

email then go to our ANTSHE facebook

and stop by to say “Hi.”





Scavenger Hunt Up-Date p. 6


Drive Up-date p. 6

“Do you have a Bucket List?”

by Sandy McLelland p. 4

“Why College? My Story”

by Doug Boose p. 5

Conference Up-dates p. 2

Scholarships p. 7

Awards p. 8


(article recap) p. 2

“Welcome New Non-Traditional Students p. 11

Coping with Stress & Tips p. 9 & 10

By Kaplan University OWLS Club


Need or want to gain some experience? Then look no further because we have two websites

to tell you about. Internships.com is an awesome place to start if you’re looking for an intern-

ship. VolunteerMatch.com is perfect for finding local community volunteering. Both of these

websites offer a huge resource for finding ways to gain experience either in your field off

study or related to your field of study.

These days’ internships and volunteering are great for resumes and show that you took initia-

tive to gain experience(s) on your own. Even in the job market volunteering is seen as experi-

ence. Instead of worrying about how you’re going to gain experience and knowledge look at

these websites to find internships and volunteering experiences; here is the link http://



If you have resources you would like to share please send them to: [email protected]

ANTSHE 15th Annual Conference “Refreshing Your Past Downloading Your Future”

March 23 - 25, 2012

Hosted by

Eastern Kentucky University Conference Details Coming Soon



Eastern Kentucky University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and Educational Institution.

Come Join the Fun! An Experience You’ll Never Forget!


November 7—11 , 2011

Celebrate your Non-Trad student population

by hosting campus celebrations each day of “Non-Trad Week.”

More info. At www.myantshe.org/events

1st Full Week of November Each Year!

Be sure to send celebration schedules to the ANTSHE Secretary so

your campus can be entered in “Best Celebration Week” contest!


Do You Have A Bucket List? Sandy McLelland

Every man dies – Not every man really lives.” ~ William Ross

Do you remember the 2007 movie “The Bucket List”? The main plot follows two terminally ill men (portrayed by Jack Nicholson and Mor-gan Freeman) on their road trip with a wish list of things to do before they "kick the bucket." So this Bucket List can be a list of all the goals

you want to achieve, dreams you want to fulfill and life-experiences you desire to experience before you die.

I am not planning on leaving this life anytime soon but recently I have been talking about my own Bucket List. Nothing is written down it is

just stored in my memory banks. To be honest, I am not sure why this Bucket List concept has become so important to me. I have accom-

plished many things in my life. I married, had a family, and came back to college after 17 years as a non-traditional student to complete my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees. I have a great job and I really enjoy my role as a grandmother.

At work we have been reading the book: Helping College Students Find Purpose by Robert Nash and Michele Murray. It talks about the Quarterlife Generation, the period of life that spans ages from twenty to thirty-five, and how these individuals find meaning in their lives.

The authors touch on 5 cycles of meaning-making in the Quarterlife that tend to appear and reappear with each new meaning challenge. I am

well past the Quarterlife age but maybe this importance of my own Bucket List is just another stage for me.

Bucket Lists can provide purpose in your life. It can be used as a road map to assist you in accomplishing the goals you have set (OH, if you

haven’t set any goals the list just might act as an action plan to start setting some goals.)! Having a Bucket List can remind you of what is really important to YOU and then lets you act on them.

I love to travel. Many destinations are on my Bucket List. I visited two of my top locations... Hawaii last year and Alaska this past July. What fantastic trips! Now I am in the planning stages for next year’s vacation. There are many books that I want to read, things I want to do.

. Just maybe the time is here for me to create my written Bucket List. I would not want to forget anything!

In researching the reasons for a Bucket List I came across an article by Mark Raciappa,

5 Reasons You Should Make Your "Bucket List" Today (10/14/10). Here are his thoughts which I agree are good ideas:

1) Thinking about your list will remind you of your 'why.' So often, we are consumed by 'how' to do something (how to have a

better life, make more money, spend time with family, etc.). In the process we overlook why we want these things, in essence, if

we don't know 'why', the 'how' makes little difference. The 'why' defines our purpose and helps to provide some motivation to persist in spite of the challenges along the way.

2) Periodically reviewing your list is a great way to re-energize. How often do we find ourselves so busy running on the 'hamster-wheel' of life that we lose sight of the bigger picture? By refreshing our perspective, we sharpen our focus and get back on track.

Consider this: what are you more motivated to work for-what you want or what somebody else wants you to have?

3) Your reward list is ready to go. One of the most difficult things to do is to reward ourselves when we achieve a goal or mile-

stone. We rationalize: "But there is still so much to do!" You work hard, don't you? You deserve something special. Once you make this list, you have no excuse to deprive yourself. Now, when you set some great personal or business goals, you select the

reward that accompanies their achievement.

4) You leverage the law of attraction. Read Michael Losier's Law of Attraction to explore this phenomenon. By creating your list

and sharing it, you send out a 'vibration.' That makes it possible for others to assist you in achieving your dreams. If you are very

specific about what you want and communicate that to others, things fall into place over time. Of course this requires a positive attitude and some discipline on your part. Remember that when you construct your list.

5) Add to or build your legacy. How would you like to be remembered? Years from now, when stories are being told by your de-scendants at family gatherings, what distinctions would you like to hold? Consider the example you will set for future generations.

What an awesome privilege and responsibility it is to share your knowledge, wisdom, and experience! And you had fun doing it,

too! By the way, 100 is just a suggestion. You are only limited by your imagination and creativity. Encourage your spouse and friends to participate, and then compare your lists. You may discover something else you want to add to yours (we call this 'market



Why College? My Story by Doug Boose

Hello every one my name is Doug Boose, I live in a suburb or Cleveland Ohio, I am 39 years old and a

non-traditional student. I went to college twenty years ago because it was the thing to do. I did about two years

at a couple local institutions and decided I would rather own my own business. Fast-forward twenty years and to

different times. After years of trials and broken dreams I was devastated by the disease of addiction. I lost every-

thing. My wife of 12 years took our children left. We ended up divorced because it was safer and better for her

and the kids. I lost our house to foreclosure, our vehicles to repossession, and our finances to bankruptcy business

and all our finances. Eventually was left with a life changing decision. Get help or die. I sought help at a local

church in 2009 and my life changed in miraculous ways. Soon after entering the rooms of recovery I felt an over-

whelming desire to go back to school. I entered Kaplan University for one term in January of 2009 to see if I

could do it. I decided to take the summer and work on the emotional and spiritual strength it would take to com-

plete college.

When I came back to Kaplan in October of 2009, for a B.S. in Psychology, emphasis in Substance

Abuse, I made a decision to finish no matter what. I needed to understand about this huge problem in society. I

needed to find a way to help others deal with the pain of living life I like did. I have been attending Kaplan since

October of 2009 and I only have 5 classes left. It has not been easy but it has been worth it. My life has changed

dramatically. My wife and I choose forgiveness and we were remarried in March 2010. I started another business

and it is doing well. My kids are back in my life and we are developing great relationships. We just bought two

newer vehicles, we are renting a nice home, and we are looking forward to the future with great hope. Our goal is

serve and help people who have had similar life circumstances. Our desire is to give people hope for a greater

tomorrow. It is possible. Life can and does get better.

My point behind telling you all this is to encourage you to never lose hope. Do not let the daily prob-

lems of life rob you of the vision you started with. It is easy to start a journey and get people to back you in the

beginning. It is easy to finish strong and have people gather around you to help you celebrate, but the time be-

tween is when you learn what your strengths and weaknesses are. What you are capable of and what you need

help with. My journey at Kaplan has been difficult, yet extremely rewarding. I have learned a great deal about

myself, my friends, and my family along the way. I almost lost the vision a couple of times. I even contacted my

student advisor and inquired about quitting. I even tried to convince myself that I did not need to finish, “it

would not matter anyway.” Apathy is a dark and dangerous place. It will rob us of our future if we let it. I refuse

to let my feelings and emotions control my behaviors.

Friends I am calling you to hold yourselves to a higher standard. I am asking you to go back to the be-

ginning and honestly look at the reason you started this journey. Ask yourself the hard questions. Dig deep and

look at how far you have come. I believe every moment is a learning moment. We can do this. We can finish

what we started. Find a friend, a family member, or a fellow student to confide in. Complain, vent, cry and

scream your feeling to this person. It is acceptable to be frustrated and discouraged. Give yourself permission to

feel the feelings of fear. It is OK. Just do yourself and everyone around you a favor. Do not give yourself per-

mission to quit. Excellence takes time. Anything worth having does not come easy. You can do many things by

yourself, but we can do amazing things together. You can do it, I know you can. Reach out and ask for help, I

promise someone will be there.

“CHOICE,” No matter what you are experiencing, every situation affords you

the opportunity to choose to “BE GREAT.”

Choose to Be Great,

Doug Boose

Kaplan University Student


ANTSHE MEMBERSHIP DRIVE UP DATE Let’s keep building our membership! Non-Traditional students need to know that there is a place just for them. Not knowing means they miss out on resources, scholarships, awards, networking, connecting, and conferences. Can you help spread the word? We are looking for some unique and exciting new ways to get ANTSHE out to the non-traditional student population. We want colleges and universities to learn about ANTSHE so they can share information about us too. So here is the scoop on the membership drive; 1) Membership drive starts September 1, 2011 and ends January 7, 2011.

2) Develop a campaign or event for membership drive. Share your campaign or event so we can announce it in journal and online. 3) Make a list of every new member you bring to ANTSHE and win a special prize that will be presented at the 15th Annual ANTSHE Conference. More information contact: [email protected] or [email protected]


Time is running out quickly to submit your answer forms for the 1st ANTSHE “Treasure Hunt.” Due to school

starting we felt it would benefit everyone to extend our time for submitting answers. So the “New” submission

date is October 1, 2011.

If you haven’t started playing it’s not to late to get started. Go to www.myantshe.org to get a copy of the clue and

answer form. All the answers are within the website. The first “three” people to send in correctly answered forms

will receive “FREE” admission to the “15th Annual ANTSHE Conference.” Each prize is a value of $90.00 and at

the conference all those who submitted will have another drawing which is a chance to win two other prizes.


Marius ‘Gabe’ DeGabriele Scholarship for Graduate Students

& Kazimour Scholarships

For Undergraduate Students &

Contributors Annual Scholarship Awarded Based on Contributions

Don’t delay ~ the deadline is coming soon!



A.N.T.S.H.E. seeks to promote leadership and campus involvement, academic and personal success, and community engagement by offering four scholarships to its members. Ideal candidates will have contributed to the enrichment of their college and/or local community within in the last four years. Application Information: applicants must be a member of A.N.T.S.H.E. and ei-ther a graduate student, or an undergraduate student at either a two or four year institution. Eligible applicants must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average as follows: graduate students – 3.5, and undergraduate students – 3.25. The application is available online at www.antshe.org .



Below is a list of the current ANTSHE awards. If you know someone who is deserving of such recognition, please read each award description below, determine which one would apply, then submit your nomination to [email protected] no less than 30 days prior to the conference date. All awards will be presented at the business meeting at the annual conference. Nominees do not have to be present to receive recognition but are encouraged to attend. (Awardees are selected by committee and all determinations are fi-

nal) The ANT award was established by ANTSHE to recognize outstanding stu-dent members who have made significant contributions to their local organiza-

tion and serve as an inspiration to other ANTSHE members. This award is presented each year at the closing session of the Annual Conference and is voted on by the gen-eral membership. Nominations for the 2011 recipient of the ANT award are due no later than 2:30 pm Saturday March 1st, 2012.

The ATOM ANT award was established by ANTSHE to honor a faculty or staff member who exemplifies the spirit of ANTSHE by assisting Non-Traditional stu-

dents on their campus and making their educational experience as pleasant as possi-ble. This award is presented each year at the closing session of the Annual Conference and is voted on by the general membership. Nominations for the 2011 recipient of the ATOM ANT award are due no later than 2:30 pm on Saturday, March 1st, 2012.

The ANTSHE Brick award was established in 2005 by ANTSHE is an award that recognizes and honors those members who work behind the scenes‖ to

assist their respective organizations and goes above and beyond to support non-traditional students. This Brick award is for someone who is like a foundation‖ for the group.

The ANTSHE National Treasure award is given by nomination to professors or

academic professionals for their dedication and support of non-traditional students on their campus. This award recognizes individuals who go above and beyond in their re-spective positions, and who exemplify those who support (through action) non-traditional students throughout the year.


Coping With Stress In College

By Kaplan University OWLS Club (Part I )

As a college student, you are facing changes and challenges almost daily. All this can be ex-

citing, but it can also result in experiencing a good deal of stress. In fact, stress can be defined

as an emotional, intellectual and physical reaction to change or demands. Stress is the way our

bodies prepare itself to react to situations that are new - threatening or otherwise. Dealing with roommates, keeping up with academic demands, maintaining a social life, and developing romantic

relationships are just some of the ways that being a student can be both exciting and very stressful. Dealing ef-

fectively with stress while in college may be as important as doing well academically or having a lot of

friends. In fact, if you don't cope with stress well, being successful academically or having a good social life may

be down right impossible. Coping with stress effectively can help ensure a successful and enjoyable college career. Try our some of the

following tips to reducing stress. They really do work! 1. Learn a systematic, drug free way of reducing stress. Meditation, progressive relaxation, breathing and yoga

are some popular ways we have discovered to reduce stress. Recognize and accept your limits. None of us are

perfect, yet we have a tendency to set unrealistic and perfectionist goals. When we set unrealistic goals, we set

ourselves up for failing no matter how hard we work, or how well we perform. Try to set realistic and achievable

goals. 2. Learn how to plan and manage your time. Disorganization leads to stress. Having too much to do at one

time leads to confusion, forgetfulness, and feeling overwhelmed. Learning to manage your time and control any

tendency toward procrastinating can reduce your stress level significantly. 3. Exercise. Pick an exercise that you will enjoy and not just because others are doing it. An exercise routine

that is not seen as drudgery will more likely become habit. Remember, a few times a week is all you need to do. 4. Be positive. Focusing on the good in others will allow you to do the same for yourself. 5. Go to bed and awaken at a consistent time. Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep per night. 6. Talk. Find a friend, family member, significant other, clergy person or counselor that you can be open

with. Expressing thoughts and feelings to a good listening ear can provide a great deal of tension relief. 7. Increase your tolerance. Intolerance leads to conflict and anger. Learning to accept others who think differ-

ently, feel differently and act differently will not only help you grow as a person, it will also assist in keeping you

out of stressful interpersonal interactions. 9. Learn to have fun. Find activities that are both enjoyable and absorbing no matter what your level of ability

is. 10 . Eat Well. Eat balanced meals beginning with breakfast. Cut down on caffeine and other supplements that

only add to problems with relaxing and staying calm and focused. Remember the key idea is that all things change. Some changes are under your control, and others are not. Your

ability to adapt to change will determine how well you cope with the numerous stressors that are present while at

college. Reference: http://www.bw.edu/resources/counseling/topic/stress/


Stress Reducing Tips

(KU Article Part II )

1. Do not take on more than you can handle! This leads to not only burn out, but leaves the door open for let -

ting yourself down.

2. Make time for yourself every day that does not relate to school responsibilities.

3. Join clubs at your school that allow you to relate to your peers. This club should support you and your stress

and not put added demands on you.

4. When you are assigned multiple assignments that must be completed in one week, get started on them right

away. If you wait until the last minute, you will only stress yourself further by putting assignments off.

5. If you find yourself really stressed out, reach out to someone and get help before it gets worse. Ignoring the

stress will not make it go away.

6. If you are having trouble with a particular assignment, go to your professor and ask for guidance. Your pro-

fessors are there to help you.

7. If you are one of those people who loves to read, take your text book and read it while taking a long hot bath.

Your mind will be able to absorb more information if you are not stressed out as you read.

I hope that you will benefit from these tips and suggestions listed above.

“Remember Laughing increases your

Life’s Value!


Welcome New Non-Traditional Students!

It seems like we just finished spring semester and here we are ready to go back! Time sure flies by

when the summer months hit doesn’t it? As September (and the beginning of many fall semesters) fast

approaches, you may find yourself at the entrance to a new chapter in your life. Returning to college as

an adult student is an exciting (and daunting) time.

If you are an returning adult student I’m sure you didn’t enjoy the your typical student summer months

of lounging on a beach, or taking long trips with family to far off exotic locations. Like most Nontrads,

you probably continued to deal with your job, your families, and all the other responsibilities of your

life. And that is as it should be. But now, getting ready to step back through the doors of higher ed, your life is about to


Having been a Nontrad myself after retiring from the U.S. Army and sitting in a classroom at age 48 with 19 years olds to my

left and right, I can tell you it can be a different world on campus. For some, it can be a frightening aspect of getting back to

college—“how am I going to relate to my younger student colleagues in the classroom.” Well, speaking from first hand expe-

rience, you’ll be amazed.

Another aspect of returning to campus is you’ll begin to realize there are other “older, wiser, learners” in your classroom.

ACAPA estimates that the Non-Traditional students (adult learners) will make up to 34% of stu-

dents on campus this fall! So, look around your classroom—you’re not alone!

As a Non-Traditional “adult” student we often have to make many sacrifices to achieve our goals in

higher education. As you progress through your program you’ll find family and friends support can

be a critical aspect of reaching your goals. Whether it is a supportive spouse or loved one handling

domestic responsibilities that used to be shared, or friends willing to provide longer than expected

child care so you can stay with that study group just a little bit longer, having a good support system

in place is vital to your success.

A growing trend on many campuses across the country is the development of Nontraditional Student

Offices, or Offices of Adult Learners. No matter what your campus calls it, seek out the office as it can provide the unique

support resources a Nontrads benefit from. If none exist, a good place to start getting organized is with your ASG, or student

government. Most university student governments have a representative for adult students. Seek them out and get organized

to get the support you deserve!

ANTSHE can help in many ways. ANTSHE is an organization that promotes support for adult Non-Traditional students on

campuses across the country. We regularly provide assistance and guidance to student groups, individuals trying to get orga-

nized, or students just trying to find an adult colleague to relate to. We provide the opportunity to collaborate and communi-

cate with other adult learners, and provide an organizational foundation to bring people together with a common goal and


ANTSHE is much more than a national advocacy for Non-Traditional students. ANTSHE provides support for individuals as

well as university groups. We host a conference each year that brings together nontrad students, administrator, and university

officials, into a collaborative idea and knowledge sharing weekend. We continue to build on each other’s success! Join us at

Eastern Kentucky University for our 15th annual conference!

As a returning adult learner to campus you will soon find that you are not alone. Many have gone before you and been suc-

cessful in completing their higher education dreams. Don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from taking the first steps.

Many of us will offer help, guidance, and support as you begin your journey back to the classroom.

If your college or university is not a member of ANTSHE and you would like information on how to join simply contact

ANTSHE Membership Officer at [email protected] or call 970.812.3187

We wish you success on your decision to return to campus! Good Luck!

Jeffrey Bunnell

Executive Director, ANTSHE



ANTSHE Board Members

Immediate Past President Communications Officer President Jeffrey Bunnell Sherry Rochester Murray [email protected] Polk State College [email protected] Finance Officer Conference Officer Kay Mitchell Sandy McLelland [email protected] University of Utah [email protected] Membership Officer Scholarship Officer Keena Baker Margarita Jones Kaplan University Middle Tennessee State University [email protected] [email protected] Veterans Affairs Officer Consultant

John Mikelson Gabe DeGaberiele University of Iowa Board Member Emeritus [email protected] [email protected]


Share your ideas, resources, tips, comments, and concerns.

Email : [email protected]
