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The North-Carolina standard. (Raleigh, NC) 1840-07-15 [p...

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POFTRVi- - FROM THE GOSHEN DEMOCRAT. THE LAST WHIG SONG. Old North Bend was a jolly old soul, And a jolly old soul was he ; He called for his pipe and he called for his bowl, And he called his Committee of Three. He called for a mug of apple juice, The best there was in the larder ; And he told bis Committee "make no excuse, Every day it is growing harder !" As the General sat by his own fireside In the midst of advisers tnree ; 'I am puzzled," said he, "with my num'rous friends Why can they not quiet be 1 Borne ask me one thing some ask another, They bother me most to death ; II I say yes and no to this, that, and 'tother, 'Twill surely take all of my breath ! If I say yes to the North, I am gone at the South, I'm glad that the nation's no wider ; I declare I am very much down in the mouth, So give us a swig of that cider ! The Committee sat not a word they said, But thev keen uo a terrible thinking ; And thev watched the nod of the old man's head, While the mug of hard cider was drinking! At length they spoke "We've concluded, sir, That vou answer no more of these letters ; 'Tu strange how the People, poor, ignorant souls, - o ... - Will constantly pester their belters, You can hand them all over to us, North Bend, We'll be General for you awhile, But we'll give you advice the advice of a friend, Drink cider drink hard, or you'll spile !' " The General nodded, as wont to do, To this lordly Committee of Three, And ever since then the old man is micm, For a still small voice is he ! i Go down to North Bend the old hero you'll find. As jolly a coon as can be, But question him notor he'll send you away To ask his Committee of Three ! FOR THE NORTH CAROLINA STANDARD. MEETING IN ROCKINGHAM. A meeting of the Democratic citizens ot liock-in"-ha- m County, was held at mount Airy on the 4th, of July 1840, when Robert W. Lawson, was called to the chair, and John N. Watt, ap- pointed Secretary. Col. Divid S. Reed was called on to explain the nature of the meeting which he did in a few brief and pertinent re marks. After which the following resolution was handed in and unanimously adopted. Resolved, That this meeting approve of the convention proposed to be held in Raleigh on the 9th, of July 1S40, to nominate a Democra- tic Republican candidate for the Vice Presidency, and that the following Delegates be appointed to attend said convention, viz. Dr. Robert P. Williamson, Col. James Watt, Barker Doss, Joseph Neal, Alfred Ellington, Peter Cardwelf, John Lawson, John N. Watt, Robert W. Law-so- n William I. Gillum Esq. On motion, ordered that these Droceedins be sent to the Standard for publication and the Chairman and Secretary sisrn tho same. ' . R. W. LAWSON, ChrrCn. J. N. Watt, Sec'y. The new comers. A lady in this county nrsftnted her husband with twin boys a few days since; they were baptized Harrison and Tylet, and are familiarly called Tip and Ty. Cincinnati Gaz. That's nothing. There is a man down east that's got a slut that he calls Whiggery sjie has one black pup that he call3 Abolition one pied one that he calls Tory and another, that he calls Federalism; he keeps them all in a log cabin, and calls the whole 4 A comprehensive view of the Opposition." FROM THE PLOCGH BOV. Prospects in Harrison County. Ne- ver before, since my enlrence upon this political arena, have I witnessed such a sweeping re-actio- as has taken place in this county within the last two months ! Old grey-heade- d Democrats are rapidly taking the field th young" are buck- ling on their armor, and the honest, intelligent and influential whig3 are leaving the party, (like honest sailors froma Pirate ship the Captain of which had deceived them by hoisting an American flag!)as soon as they see the black flig of federalism, fairly unfurled ! Already the Democratic cry is onward P The spirit of 76 has aroused the whole of the Peo- ple ; and on the coming FOURTH OF JULY may be seen the reaLlog cabin boys ; who will know a " cannon from a dinner," and a log cabin from a splendid mantion the bone andi sinew of the country; rallying around the HICKORY POLE! They will pour out from among the hills of Harrison coun- ty, like swarming bees in May-da- y; and strike terror into the ranks of federal whiggery ! Already do the knees of the Aristocracy of Cadiz begin to tremble, and knock one against the other; and while the log cabin will be torn down for fire-woo- d or stand as a monument of Tom (Bingham) foolery their Ague fits will not cease, until they have taken a trip up Sail River. DEMOCRACY BY REV. W. S. BALCH. The system of democratic government is most beautiful in its structure and benevolent in its operations. It is a transcript of the government of God. Xt h supported by the profoundest researches of philosophy, by the sublimest teach- ings of religion, the purest piety, the deepest virtue, the firmest faith, the brightest hope, the most extensive charity. It gives to each the ritrht of all. Each man is estimated a unit, the sum of which makes up the whole. It confers no title, it bestows no immunities. It makes each accountable for the whole, and pledges the protection of the whole for the good of each The man that is born in insignificance, and bred in a corner, may by a continuance in. well doing Tise to ihe centre of glory and honor, Merit is its only avenue to success. And the sons and daughters of the rich, by the neglect of virtue and by indulgence in vice, will sink into merited insignificance. The man in oflice may be removed without a revolution, while vacant seats are onen to the emulation of all. "I can conceive no form of government so perfectly compatible with the sublime principles oi Christianity, or so airectiy caicuiaiea io pro mote the happiness of all mankind, as a democra cy.. It needs only to be understood in theory, and adopted in practice, by a people qualified to test its qualities, to secure the admirations and support of every philanthropist throughout the The Rev. John Newland Mai-fit- , the cel- ebrated and eloquent Methodist Divine, has comp out in "Thoughts that breathe and words that burn, through "he Cynthiana (Ky.) "Visitor against the present manifold and bare-face- d dissipations, immoralities and vices of the whig party. He is no nolitician: hut, as a servant of the Most High, he cannot be disturbed, in hisevening murlirnnnncr hv drunken brawlers, he cannot behold voimrr converts taken from his church to "Iocr rahin an d hard cider" sprees, the profanation of the Sabbath bv rolling cider into streets for the multitiidpns thev. ffo and return from church, and the desecration of god's holy temple by rolling it into it on week davs at whig caucuses without ex laiming against it. U he should noia nis peace. he thinks thft verv stones in the streets would ww cry out against lam. tie wants me pmpic 10 vote as they please, but to Mdr all things decent- ly and in order." Chicago Dem. Federal Whig contempt for the mechanics and working men. The contempt and derision in which these meri- torious classes are held by the purse-prou- d Aristo cracy, were truly exhibited by their great leader, Nirni.i9 Hinni.R. when addressing the Federal dandies at Princeton. He there breathed the true Federal feeling in the following passage which we extract from his address. Hear him fellow-citize- ns : "From vour own rreat elevation, watch calmly this SERVILE ROUTE (the people) as its tri-nmf- ths sween before vou. The avenging hour will at Inst rnme. It cannot be that our free nation will Inner endure the VULGAR TXOMINION OF ra rnr?A KCF and PR OFTAG A C Y. You will live to see the laws These BAN- DITTI (the people) will be scourged back to their caverns; the penitentiary will reclaim its fugitives in oflice, and the only remembrance wntcn nisiory will preserve of them, is the energy with which vou resisted and defeated them." Such is Federalism or modern Whiggery. Free men of the U. States ye who are thus denounced will any one of you vote for the NICK BIDDLE HARRISON PARTY ? for men who hold you in utter contempt, and who approve of all that Nick r.irldle has said concerning vou? You have alrea dy determined that you will not. Missouri paper: 3- - The School Committee of this County, (Wake) are hereby Requested to meet at the Court rimiiP in the Citv of Raleiirh. on Monday the 20th of July, at 11 o'clock A. M. TURNER PULL UN, Lnairmon. Raleigh July Sth 1S40. 207-2t-- f. NOTICE. will hp sold at the Court House door in the eity of Raleigh, on Monday 17th August next, the folkwing trans of Land, or enough thereof to pav the taxes for 183S. BV WHOM OWNED. Heirs of Newton Wood, Heirs of J. Garrett, Josiah Collins. Samuel Smith, Joseph Dilliard, Hunts, D. B. Saunders, Nancy Johbson, - Hally Honon, James Wfggins, t i. William Hopgood, William Carpenter, Clara Thomas part lot. Joseph B. Hinton, Alsey Bevers, W. A. Blunt for W. W. flood- - mon. Levy Williams, Kodv Burge Ber.jamin Hause, Adm'r. of Beejamin Kittrell, Do. for Major Thomas, Tialeigh, July 6th, 1S40. . - a. I I ACRES. VALUE. 1611 S SHOO 822 32 60 120 74 300 400 2 4S 200 150 92 92 276 171 186 139 87 65 130 50 405 405 2 52 172 25S 1 CO 400 1200 7 44 200 600 3 72 69 200 1 24 50 100 62 112 600 4 96 . 14 300 1 86 23 280 1 73 1280 12S0 7 92 172 400 2 43 43 43 30 299 59S 3 71 300 600 3 72 P. B. BURT, Sheriff. (Pr. adv. 8 7 00) 297-6t- . OF LETTERS remaining in the Post LIST at Wake Forest, July the 1st, A. D. 1S40, which, if not takeniut by the first of October, will be sent to the ueneral Post Othce, as dead letters. Alston W. M. 2; Boon William, Berry John, Baxter Oslcer F, Jones Drew, Martin Plumer, M. Marlin Hen ry L, Newsum Jas. D, Powell Miss Mary W, Parsley Mrs. Cynthea, Hicherson Rev. Daniel F, Taylor Dr. Alexander H, Woodward Wm. H, JOHN M. FLEMING. P. M. Wake Forest, July 1st, 1840. 297-31- . 13 IT VIRTUE OF A DEED OF TRUST, TO ME JLf executed, by Alexander M. Hish, for certain pur poses therein named, I shall proceed to sell at auction. to the highest bidder, at the residence of the said Alex ander M. High, at Raleigh, on Wednesday the 12th of August next, a tract ot LAND, lying in Wake county, consisting of 375 acres, known as Tipler sK Roads, a- - bout 9 miles from Raleigh ; Also, 400 acres adjoining the same, bought of John Black; 480 acres adjoining be same, bought of Becj. S. King: 100 acres, miles west ot Ualeigh, bought of Josiah Davis. ALbU, at the same time and place, the following negro LAV bS, viz: Tabby and her two children, .Bill andTuss; Milley and her three children, Bob, Mus, and barn : two negro men. Peter and Jim. ALSO, a two-hors- e WAGON ; 4 head of CATTLE two HORSES ; nine BEDS and FURNITURE, with other household and kitchen furniture. K7" Terras, CASH. NATHANIEL THOMPSON, Trustee. Raleigh, July 1, 1840. 295 7t p. of the State of North-Carolin- a. BANK oi three and a quarter per cent, on each bhare ot tne uapital block ot this Uank having been declared by the President and Directors thereof, the same will be paid (twenty hve cer.is being retained on eacn bhare belonging to Individuals, for the tax due to the State) at the Bank, on the 1st Monday in July next, and at the several Branches and Agencies filteen days thereatier. By order. C. DEWEY, Cashier lialeigh, July 1, 1840. yo-Jt- . CTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Orange Coun- - kj ty. Superior Court ot Law March Term, 1840. Robert M'Culloch vs. Margaret M'Culloch Petition for Divorce. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Margaret M'Culloch, the defendant in this case, is not an inhabitant of this state ; It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Hillsborough Recorder, and Kaleigh Standard, Tor tnree months, that th3 defendant appear at the next superior Uonft to be held for the countyof Orange at thecourthouse in Hillsborough, on the second Mon- day of September next, to answer, ptead or demur for tne petition in this case ; otherwise judgment pro con' icsso win De taken against ner. J.'H. NORWOOD, Clerk. April 8, (Price adv. $7 00) 284 3m lJ UilLli, was Coramited to the Jail of Ashe a isuuuty, on me ioin aay oi iUay last, a negro man, who says his name is Tom. and that he belohes to a Speculator by the name of John McCrat. But does nol know where he lives, that he was raised by John Campbell ot Craven County, about twelve Miles from Newbern, and was bought by said McCray some time in the month of January last, and was carried to the State of Georgia and Ran away from his Master in the month ot February last. Tom is about five feet seven or eight inches high, stout built, weighs about one hundred and fifty or sixty pounds, oPa copper color. speaks pert and sensible when spoken to, anLis about Twenty foui years old. The Owner is requested ip tome iorwara, prove property, pay charges, and take mm away, or be will be dealt as the law directs, GEORGE PHIUPS, Sheriff. Ashe Co. June 22ad 134U. 296-6- S- " WAYNE COUNTY. t ' 0- -; r form IRn ; 1 J Superior Coun 01 ww, - Rebecca Davis vs. Nathan Davis &c r Petition for Divorce. It nnnearinsr tome 5aunn.i - . t ;j f SfatA. it is J at the Court House in Waynesborough, Snrte fi5 Monday after the Jonrth Mondaj rm&pem- - hor ano mere w auswci, Vl ut"'- -' the Son in this case j otherwise judgment pro con-fess- o will be taken against him. . m v or o June24,lS40. (Price adv. uuj SPRINGS. The ROCKINGHAM the public, that he is in possesion of this well known establishment (Lenox k.,i n,t ianreoared with a mumber of Louses situated in a Pleasant Grove for the accommodation of private families. The Water of this Spring has been analyzed by competent Professors, and thought by eminent Phy i- - cians to be ettiracious hi umuj " The subscriber will spare no pains to accommodate all those who may iavor him with their patronage. June 24, 1840. 295-fit- - FEMALE ACADEMY. HIIXSBORO- - this institution take pleasure in announcing that it still Continues unuer me care oi iw former efficient and accomplished Instructresses. pains have been spaiea to place u in me of Female Academies. The ensuing session ...- - mence on Thursday, Ihe lbih ot Juiy. i u.cnw a..u Guardians are particularly requested to bring their daughters or wards in time to be readiness tor the opening of the school, as it is important that the pupils of each class should enter upon men same time. The modes oi insirucuou, text books adopted, are, as far as practicable, those re- commended by the American Common School Union. 1st Class Spelling, Reading, Writing Anthineiic, Grammar, Geography, with the usj ot me uiooes, History, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, iiyiuuiog Botany, Rhetoric, Astronomy, Geology, Political .Leo nomy. Dictation ana uomposiuon. ... - tTT . ft M.lkm.tl 2d Class Spelling, lieaoing. writing. Ain""'-- i Grammar, Geography, with the use ot the uiones. History, Natural Philosophy, Jhemisiry, u.ciauou uuu Composition. 3d Class Spelling. Heading, writing, Aiuumcu, Grammar and Geography. lih das Spelling, Heading, Writing, ana Aniu- - metical Tables. TERMS OF TUITION, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. First CI.ts. Sis 00 Second Class, Third Cla-- , Fourth Class, French or Latin, IMusic oa Piano or Guitar, Drawing and Painting, Working on Canvass, Working on Muslin, JAMES S. SMITH, CAD. JONES, Sen. WM. CAIN, HUGH WADDELL, STEPHEN MOORE, NATHAN HOOKEB, P. II. MANGUM, June 24, 1S40. J 00 15 (K) 12 40 15 00 25 00 12 00 6 HO 3 00 H 3 295-4- t. f V C. JONES. vary respectfully infoum the X Public, that he has lately purchased the Hotel occupied by H. S. Spivey, and is prepared to" accom modate gentlemen and ladies as well, ana on as noera: terms, as they can meet with in the State. His Stables are attended by as faithful Ostlers as reason couid d-.- .. i.i sire, ilis car as wen suppueu, as extravagance couiu ask, and his personal attention given in so unremitting a degree, that no one sshall have cause to complain ot his accommodation. His House is now undergoing a most thorough repair," and he earnestly hopes that those who feel disposed to give encouragement to honest exertion, will call upon him. June 24, 1840. ZIW-- By an order of the County Court of NOTICE. I proceed to sell, at the Court House door in the city of Raleigh on Monday the 17th August next a negro man by the name ot Henry, who says ne belongs to a man by the name of Rubin Turner, of Kentucky: he will be sold to pay Jail fees and other expenses. P. B. BURT SherifT. May lSih 1840. 292-3m- . ILOUK.- -I have sold out my heavy stock; and should like a new supply. But to credit it lor five per cent, is out of the question. I had rather keep my FLOUR, BACON, &c , than book them to be put off when I ask for pav. In fact, I design .i cash business only, lam very thanklul to all my prompt customers. July 1, 1S40. will. rcun. 296-tf- . OF WORTH CAROLINA, j STATE NASH COUNTY. J Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. Henry J. G. Ruffio, vs. William Burt, Sen'r. Original Attachment levied on one tract of land, the property of the defendant, called the Lihendge tract, adjoining the lands of Kinchen Taylor and others, lying in the county of Nash. IN this case, it aDDeanne to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant is a non resident of this State : Tt is ordered thai publication be made in "The North Carolina Standard," for six weeks, notifying the said William Burt to appear at the next term ot our Lonri of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the county of Nash, at the Court House in Nashville, on the second Monday in August next, then and there to pieau ana re- plevy, or final judgment will b entered up against him, and the property levied on, conciemneu io me satisfaction of the plaintiff's claim. 15 Witness, B. II. Blount clerk of our said Court, at of- fice the 2nd Monday in May, A. D. 1840. B. H. BLOUNT, C. C. C. July 1, 1340. (Pr. adv. $5 62.) 29'3 6t. ESoit's Cure for the Toolh-acli- e. THIS preparation (a wash) is applied to the part and without the disagreeable necessity of extracting the tooth, instantly removes the moat excruciating pain. By gurgling the throat, it complete- ly remedies caocer sores a disease prevalent among children. By swallowing a teaspoonful mornmg and evening, an acid or fou) stomach is corrected. Tt sweetens the breath, and is the best cleanser and pre server of the teeth, now known. Those who desire to obtain this article must be particular to inquire for Hoil's Cure for the Toothache, as others are in the market ; and he would not wish to assume the merit or censure which justly belongs to another. Among the thousands who have used Hoil's Cure for the Toothache, no instance is known ot us having tailed in effecting a perfect cure. The toiiowing letter, attesting to the efficacy oi "Hoit's Cure for the Toothache," is from a gentleman well known in tne literary world as the author or the "Letters-.bou- t the Hudson," and other productions of merit; and will, undoubtedly, be read with interest. 'ToCE. Hoit: My dear Sir It affords me great pleasure to bear testimony to the efficacy of your "Cure for the Tooth ache." It has been used in my family, and proved entirely successful in giving immediate and permanent reliel to one of the most irritating an disagreeable pains that "flesh is heir to," viz : the tooth acJie. Your very obliged, &c. FREEMAN HUNT. New York, March, 18 1839." DIRECTIONS. -- For the Toothache Hold the wash in zhe mouth till the pain ceases. For Sore Mouth Gargle threfc times a dav. For acid stomach Swallow a tea spoon full morning' and night. For Cleaning Teeth Use it with a brush, which also sweetens the Breath. TT The above medicine is fer sale at the office of THE NORTH CAROLINA STANDARD. Price 50 cents per bottle it will be sold at a liberal discount by the quantity. T. LORING, General Agent. For sale also by WILLIAM WARE of Wilmingion, N. C. M Raleigh, Feb. 6, 1838. 22S-t- f. MST OF 1ETTERS. Remainihg4ia the Post Officet Raleigh, on the 1st July 1840. George Bishop Allen Henry Allen Benj. Allen Sarah Allen Thomas Allen Soloman Augustus George L. Alston Lucraiia Ancre - B. Lewis & Battle John P. Burns Rev. M. Brock 2 J. A. J. Bradford James Bowland Spence Blackwtll A. H. Burtis Stephen Brooks . Joel S. Brown Sarah P. Brame A. Bell Burel Bell Fed Bell Redick Black James Buffalo Bryant B. Buffalo Albert A. Bryon 3 Alsey Borough S. R S. Boyd Charles Boyd Wm. T. Bain Albeit Breachy John R. Broadhurst Kiber Brown John L. Bmwn Joel S. Brown Joseph Belts Jane Beavers Silvanus Beasley Jess Bryant A. G. Banks Sarah T. Boddie 2 Giles Bowers John Barbee Francis Bryan Sarah Brickie Eliza. Felton Bonner C. John Cooper Andrew Cocks Robert B. Cunningham Henry Cole Samuel Cook William Closs Wm. Crosgrove Mathew Corr mons James N. Crosby Gree Cuthbert Daniel F. Caldwill Walter J. Cane John Copeland Daniel S. Crenshaw Mr. Canderbeck Daniel Culbreth 3 Mary Davis Thomas Donaho P. W. Dowd Joseph J. Dillard James Densies E. Robert A. Ezell Royde Emaddox J. I. Ervin F. GeorgeFisher James Fish Willie J. Fuller A. E. Ford Francis Floyd Daniel Thomas Fowler Comal Fa ire 2 G. Albert Gean Samuel Green 2 Ben Gouge E. T. H. Gibser Daniel B. Griffin A. M. Gorman Henry W. Gibbs H. H. B- - Hays LT. HHoIland Samuel Harris William Harrison J. W. Harris Bell Hamilton Willis G. Hamilton Alvin Hamilton Micogoh Hill Mark H. Hill Richard Hill John Hill Sandy High Rebecca W. High H. H. High Secretary Hiram Lodge No. 40. George Holley Abraham Hester " A. Hunter John Harrell Miss Hawks Isaac W. Hutching A. F. Harrison Wyatt Harrison John Harrison Francis Harrison Robert Harrison Henry Hammett Druae llorton J. James Y. Jorden Charley Jorden C. A. Jorden David Justice Benjamin Johnson S. Johnson Robert Jones Benson F.Jones Jones Henry Martin Jones Mrs. E. P. Jones Edward P. Jones John It. Jones Mrs. Mary W. Jones Miss Mary Jones Miss Mary R. Jonea Mary Jones Amelia Ann Jones Maria Johnson Araelia M. Jones John B. Johns Peterson Ivy K. Elizabeth Kinnon . Buckner Knipper Charles R. Kinney 2 Mary Keath. L. John Laster Mrs. Lowrla Claten Leigh William R. Lyle Mary A. Lumsden Sarah A. Lumsden John Lane J. B. Lane Als. Lee 2 William L. Long 2 Sewel Little John Little S. H. Lewyt 2 Isaac Lyous Armond D. Love esq. Augustus Lougee William'fc Arthur Leach Sally A. F. Lowe M. s J. G. Mitchel Celestia E. McDaniel Alx. Morphi Thomas Moley Tbds. S. Martitf Wm. F. Martin John Morri3 Geo. C. Mendenhall Wm. B. Mumfred Justin Martendale 2 Charles More Augustus Moore Joseph Mainard James C. Marcum AVillis H. McLeod Henry Miller William Miller Charles S. Martin John McCullers John Merrett' Miss Miller Mendenhall & Winston Daniel F. Munroe David McGregor N. Gen. S. Norris O. William E.Okeley David Outlaw John Oliver P. John T. Phifer Francis Prehnon "William Poget Susan M. Page Jesse Pettiefoard Susan Pope Mary B. Pallyren P. A. Prendle 2 J. A. Pleasants James W. Powell William Powell Henry I. Patterson Catharin Pool Theophilus Pool Hardy Penny President or Secretary Jocky Club William A. Porter 2 Andrea Pickett R. K. Rayner Eli Rayner Ann E. Rogers Jane W. Rogers Sion Rogers W. W. Roland Lewis or Isaac Roland Charles Rabon P. H. Roach Obadiah Reding Bryant Rennin Clary J. Ray Mary Regsbry John Roseman Serena Russell A. Rencher. S. James Stuart 2 Donald Stuart '3 Elizabeth Slears Martha Slawson John Sugg James Shaw William N. Shaw Virginier Smith John C. Smith J. B. Smith Samuel B. Smith James Smith S. S. Smith Redden Sauls James Sauls . Mary E. Steadman Gray Strickling Abram Spirleng Henry II. Spivy J. Stane Sheriff or Clerk Ephram Supp Alexander Straws 2 Hubbard A. Siege Peter P. Spencer Caroline A. Seawell Peter Schemerhorn Ary Stiles Elizabeth Stills Levenia W. Stephenson John A Scott Joseph Scott Samuel E. Snyder S. B. Spruell Carrel Sater T. Joseph H. Thomas Bottlom Thrierner Harrison's Tony James Tarry Saml Tucker Adaline B. Thompson George B. Thomas Lewis Tumbro U. A. B. Utley J. M. B. Utley W. William White William W. White Edward Wheaty Jorden Wiight Sarah C. Wheaton Mary Wheaton Ridley Warren 2 Margaret Warren Polly S. Wall Eroch Woolard William Worn ble Mary Jane Womble John A. Wicker Cyrus Whifaker Nathan B.. Whitfield Thomas Whitehead. A. S. Wyne &. Co. Malinda R. Wijliams . George Waterson Jane Woodard Christopher Woodard 2 Bud Woodard A Hunter & James Woodard 2 James Winters C. K. Wheeler Sterling M. Wheaton Margaret Warren Tomonis Warren Thos. C. Wells . V John Wills J. A. Walthal Samuel Walter Alexander Wilson Ellen Williams S. M. Wheaton Edward Wadsworth Lunfred Worlds Jacob Werts Gaston Watson . 6 Shadrick Wedding -- Nancy Whitley Elizabeth W. Whilalcer Nancy Young Hj. Young THOMAS G. SCOTT, P. M,- - 53" Persons calling for the above Letters, w.U please say their are Advertised. July Sth IS 10 , 297-3t.- - job rsiNTira EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AT THE STANDARD OFFICE T UMUEEl FOR SAXC The Subscriber has JLA ou hand, at hisTMiIls 17 miles North of Raleigh, . lare Quantity of excellent Lumber. Price at the Mills 1 dollar per hundred. ' All orders addressed, to . the Sub- - v I aw a j m a"11 scriber, r. JH. waueneia, or io w. Aitorat tne xuuis, will be promptly attended to. A. . r ua l April 15, 1840. 285-6m- . and forwarding Coininissioiv VA.'-- Ve solicit Con signments of Produce, dec. for sale in this Market, upon hich liberal advances will be made. Forwarding promptly attended to. particularly Tobac co to RichmoHd, upon .which all charges are paiiand collected of ihe consignees. ROWLETT, ROPER & NOBLE. Petersburg Va., June 10, 1840. . ' 293,i2m. . FASHIONABLE CARRIAGES, BUGGY. I have on hand, in this Citv. adioinine the Rail Road Depot, the above articles, which I will dispose of very low for Cash, or approved negotiable notes. These Carriaees are made in the most fashionable style, and finished out of the best materials; the work is faithfullv executed and will. I think, bear a romnarison. with anv Carriages broueht from the North to this Market, THOS. COBBS. June, 0, 1840. 292-t- f. Star, Weekly Register, and Bibliial Recorder, tf. NOTICE. Taken up and cocomitted to the Jail on the 12th April inst. a negro man Named EPHRAIM. Said negro is about 5 feet 7 inches high and was sold by a gentleman of this" Coun- ty about five years since to a Mr. Brooks of Guilford or Stokes Couoiy, was then as he reports taken to New Orleans by a Col. Banks and thence to Natchez where he made hk escape. The Owner of said negro is hereby notified to come forward, prove property and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. Greenville, Pitt Co. BENJ. M. SELBY, Sheriff. . June, 3, 1S40. 292-tl- . PUBLISHED AND READY FOR JUST at the North Carolina Book Store A DIGEST OF ALL THE REPORTED DECISIONS OF THE COURTS IS NQRTH CAROLINA, COMMENCING WITH THE EARLIEST REPORTER AND INCLUDING THE . DECISIONS OF THE SUPREME COURT AT THEIR JUNF TERM, 1837. PREPARED BY Hon. JAS. IREDELL, Auorney and Counselor at Law Turner & Hughes, the Proprietors, respectfully ask the natronaffp of the nnhlie for this work, which has been published at great expense. It contains near a thousand na?es. and is. therefore, necessarilv divided into two roval octavo volumes of about five hundred pages each, printed on good type and fine paper, and well bound. Price, nine Dollars a copy. Il is recommended not only to professional men, all of whom will doubtless possess themselves oi it, to ai-re- ct and abridse their labors, but it is also urged upon the notice of all Justices, Sheriffs, and other judicial of ficers, as affording them an exposition, in a lew words, cf the points which the Supreme Court of North Caro- lina has decided in relation to their duties. Fcr a sim- ilar reason, tt is recommended to private gentlemen who may have an inclination or feel an interest to know the determinations of the Supreme Court, which consti tute, so lar as they decide, ihe law ot the land, as im- perative as any Act of Assembly, and as binding in their operation upon every member of the community Jan. 8, 1840. 271-lf- . URNEIt & HUGHES 'keep coostayuii jo; sale the following Musical Works: The Boston Handle and Hayden's Collection, Ma- sons Sacred Harp, Jones' Evening Melodies, Smith & Little's Collection, Missouri Harmony, The Ameri- can Harp, Templi Carolina or Songs of the Temple, Music of the Chnrch, American Psalmody, The Harmonist, Dyres Philadelphia Collection, National Church Harmony, The Lyrist: - Violin, Flute, Gui- tar, Piano Forte, and Fife Preceptors, with an ex- tensive and valuable supply of the most approved Editions of American and EuropeanB&oks, in History, Biography, Travels 6c Voyages", .Theology, Poetry, Arts Sc Sciences, Classical and School Books, in Latin Greek, German, Spahish, French and English. Together with a general assortment and Enghsh Stationary, Musical Instruments, pf almost every description, Violin and Guitar Strings, together with a large collection ot music lor the Pianp. Call at The N. C. Book Store, if you wish to find articles of the above line good and Cheap. TURNER is HUGHES. Jan. 22, 1840 273-t- f. - - BY THE GOVERNOR PROCLAMATION. . $ 200 REWARD. Whereas, it has been officially reported to this De- partment, ihat on orjabout the 10th February, ult., a negro boy, ihe property of Col. Luke Russell, of Craven county, was supposed'to have been kidnapped by JOHN and SAMUEL SMITH, which boy was discovered, ten or twelve days afierwtrds, near the road side, in Greene county, murdered anl partially buried a ball naving been shot through hiahead, and his throat cut from ear to ear ; and as the sad John and Samuel Smith 6tand charged with the feloiy aforesaid, Now, theretore, to t be apprehended and proper issue miProclamation, reward of One Hundred Doll son persons, either of them jn Sheriff of Craven all .officers, State, use the cause be apprehe oitTj. Give By command 1, end that the said onenders may rought trial, I have thought to this offering a or who v or co require this to to 0. e to s for either of them, io any per II 'apprehend and confine them, e Jail, or deliver them to the ty ; and I do moreover hereby nether civil or military, within best exertions to apprehend or ed, the said fugitives. my hand as Governor, and t Seat cf the State of North Caro- - one at our City of Raleigh, Mareh 'EDWARD B. DUDLEY. C. C. Battje, Private Secretary JOHN SMITHis described as a man of near mid die age, about fi feet nine or ten inches high, stoutly built,' ruddy comjfexion and healthy appearance, dark hair and has losijtn upper front tooth. No description of Samuel is givu They were born and brought up in Craven but ninoved to either Georgia or Tennesse some years sincitbut returned under pretence of visit- ing their relatis and have been lurking about under circumstances for several months. very suspicions . . . a. I 1 J T TVT They had, wbf they irianappea uoi. uussers rtegro, a sorrell horfwith a flaxen mane and tail, with white feet 4Pd faeefind are said to have a variety of covers to their Cartftnd to change them very frequently. April tinder 283-tf- . DEPRAVITY. Some notorious HORRID have nearly killed several persons by sellingliem a spurious mixture of Hays' Liniment. The gemine is warranted petfectly harmless and ef- fectual, flevgr buy the article unless it have the writ- ten signure of COMSTOCK Sc CO. on the splendid wrapper.- - That firm are solely authorized to make and sell ihe rue article. Original proprietor, Solomon Hays. . P. -- The true Hays' Liniment is warranted toure PILESund RHEUMATISM, in all cases, or no. fay taken lor it. - - Soliat No. 2, Fletcher street, near Pearl street and . 1 L T "KT TT 1 - i iUauifii.Liu.ue, mew xorK, Dy : - COxMSTOCK Sc CO,r . : : Wholesale Draggisisv. - . HE HUOTAW HAIR is warrantedvslaid or restored, and the head kept free from dandruff, by genuine ULUUIUUL S BALM OF COLUMBIA. Remember the genuine as described below. This is certified to bv spvprnl Mnvnrs. Min?prs of - t. . ... ae uosp&i, British Consul, Physicians, and a. great number of our most honorable citizens, to be seen where UlSSOiU. j" Daring Fraud ! This article has been imitated by a iou s ounieneiter. L,et U never be purchased or uscunies? i nave tne name of L. S. COMSTOCK, or the signature of COMSTOCK & CO. .On a splendid wrapper. This is the only external test thatVill secure me udiic irom ueception. Apply at the wholesale andretaiJ Oflice, No. 2, Fletch er street, near Maiden Lane and Pear street. Addres COMSTOCK & CO., Whn'.psale Dniffffists. fET A constant supply of the above valuable prepa inium win De Kept tor sale by ' ' W. M. MASON & CO. Raleigh, March 18, 1S40. 281-12- DENTAL SU RGE RY. JDr. W. R. w public, that he has returned to ihUr U xiaieign, jan. zy, 1B4H. 27itf WILIilAlK WHITE has just recveTT of Ladies and Children Gentlemen's Pumps, &c He has also on hand , 0t large assortment of Gentlemen's fine Dresa r" erJ Superior quality. AUof which will be sold Cash. April 22d, 1840. W fj m T W fI TTT ! . a . T S86.tr. rfc i w jh. m.mjmm w as cuinuiiLi.ru ojsi mik .n 131 a negro man who says he is free and name is Whitaker Scott, he is about five feet li i nfRp or Sit iwr hicrh enn rp Kuilt i;,vV ... v0 - .WW. v. lie-Il- l 111II 1 Ft about twentv one or two vears old: hp. s.owo l 1 40(1 raised in Cumberland County. , The owner is requ1 ed to come forwards and pay charges and take v' away, or he will be-dea- ll whb, &s-th- e law directs " v p- - B. BURT, April, 25th 1840. SS3?i GOEjLICK'S MATCHLESS SANATIVF . ' BLEEDING op LUNGS, PALPITATION OF THE HEART t the merits of which are well attested, by ejp?r'; sanctioned by abundant certificates, is For Savi" Vi.vv - - - wm.v.w.m. wiuiiiwifu, ann n . v.- tVio Qiihcrrirtpr at T,h?J r? ti u pt Price 94 ou per bottle. May 20, 1840. Count.j; M. IZEJIWJP 1 FOR CIIOZ,ERaf Bernard's Remedy for Asiatic Cholera, an invaluah- - mcaicme, in cases oi unoiera Morbus, Diarrha;a i Spring and Summer Complaints of the bowels'"' which has the highest testimonials in jfS favor inf sale, at $1 per bottle, ai the Office of N. Cako Standard, and by Allen Parks, of HiUsbo'ro ' im Raleigh, N. C. 1840. A. 27 f. riuiiiAH JiJLlAIK,acure for COTJGW i ASTHMA, & INFLAMMATION op the LUSne is a vegetable extract, ot an agreeable taste, and cer Elixir," which he prescribed to a very.ereat extpnt out receiving any compensation whatever, except th reward which attends the performance of a good action I After the death of the doctor, from the samp KumKb. , is descendants continued the use of the re- - ....... ...0 .i...v, u.o u u iui.1 wus iT3umuna!s irjl show, till the increasingdemand made it necessary that they should form some such arrangement as should them from the trouble, and yet not diminish ij usefulness. The heir, therefore, finally willed tofcr" the business entirely by agency; making only so mo- derate a charge, as merely to defray the expenses ot m paring the medicine. With a view to this object, th executors have appointed C. E. HOIT the sole aget for North America and ihe West India Islands 5 Th' will reside in New-Yor- k, and appoint such sab-aem- i cates and letters of recommen'daiion may be had. of ihe' ageiits. where manv of the onsinals mat bemmm.i which would satisfy the most fastidious. As (he amt is not sold with a desire to make the profit an object ihe lolly ot a lalse repre&ention must appear obvious to every reasonable person. Price 1 per bottle. For sale by Thomas Loring, General Agent, aitbf oflice of the North Carolina Standard, Raleigh. Also by William Ware, Wilmington, ?f. C. and by Allen' Parks Hillsboro'. - - May Stb, 1839. 236-t- t PETERS' VEGETABLE Are daily effecting some ot the most astonishing anc wonderlul cures that ever have been known m conse quence of which they have now become a shining mark against which all the arrows of disappointed hope, envj and uncharitableness are levelled without distinction. The town and eountrv are alike filled with riieirwvvut The palace and poorhouse alike echo with their virtues. ' Iu all climates, under all temperatures, they still reiaitt iheir wonderful powers, and exert them unattended bv age or situation. They are simple in their preparation! mild in their action, thorough in their operation, and, unrivalled in their results. I PETERS' VEGETABLE PILLS j Are Anti-Biliou- s, Anti-Dyspepti- c, and Anti-Mercuria- and may justly be considered a Universal Medicine bil they are peculiarly beneficial in the following com I plaints: Yellovyand Bilious Fevers, Fever and Agut Dyspepsia,-Croup- , Liver Complaints, Sick Headachj Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargemel the SDleen. Piles. Colic, Female Obstructions. Ilea;! ' ' I . T burn, Furred Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the Ni mach and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhoea, Flatulence, Hat itual Coiveness. Loss appetite. Blotched or Sallon complexiou, and in all cases of Torpor of the Bowels where a Cathartic or an Aperient is needed. They an exceedingly mild in their operation, producing neiihe TCT These extraordinary and justly celebrate Pills are sold, in Raleigh, by WILLIAMS & HA WOOD, and W. M. MASON & CO., and in i the principal towns in the State. Retail price, ; cents per box. May 13, 1S40. 2E9-12- eow. rrWE BROTHER JONATHJT-ZVti- M A by N. WILLIS and H. HASTINGS WELD- -j the largest and cheapest newspaper in the world, acdj certainly among the best. Published everv Saturday,! by, WILSON & CO, at J32 Nassau street, New Yotk.r Terms, three dollars per annum, in advance. Upon entering the second volume this pioneer in the introduction of papers of itsclass, the publishers may bt excused for congratulating themselves upon the contin I of of P. of ued prosperity and advancement ot iheir periodical, from the issue of its first number, to the present limej Aware lhat competition is the life of business, they expected and have met with rivals but those rivs.'-hav- so far, been essential aids to the publicity and circulation of the Jonathan. New readers have been, made, where, comparatively, few existed before, acd the taste created for the elegant literature of the l hemispheres, carried into all parts of the country, andi made accessible to all, has produced a demand fur the Brother Jonathan, which it is gratifying to state ur continually on the increase. s With such addition to their resources and emct-- i ments, the publishers have aimed to give a commer-- ; innroQao in na valno anil tnlprpttt it 111 auuitiuu u mc lauui.i ui iiic j;cni icmcii in'"- - are anounced as editors, the publishers avail themselvs constantly of the aid of such uccasional contribuioB a! thev ran find space lor. For the foreign . correspondence ot ihe jobw - the services of IsaaS C. Pray, Jr.. have been engage" i and his fine literary taste, will also be exercised in iw, selection of ihings rare new, and worihy in the Earn pean literary mart! Selections from the cream oi m. r' : . - ill r T n ,iv A toreiK" raagnzuica wti oi couisc uv- - iui"""' MUSIC. In the progress ot improvement, feature has "been added to the Brother Jonatnan 1 anpr riublication of new and popular music. ve,J ' J , will contain something in this way, new and pleafan. reference hein had in the selection, rather to 6tic.? pieces as all can sing and play, than to recneixiic .v positions, suited only io me scienimc. a -- music type has been purchased, and a gentleman , gaged to superintend this department, of xcellc, f I nerience anu knowledge ol music. Anis wm , to give music a publicity which it never enjoyeo or to carry the same themes for carol to tne . . ;n the-- farthest back-wood- which delights the wr) the city drawing-room- . AjsimuUaneous popuiarn) ihhs be enjoyed all over the country by such c - tions as are adapted to the public taste, and o , the public lavor. . t,en:. Whatever oiher improvements may sog? est selves, will be adopted ; and no pains spared w ' the Jonathan a welcome visiter to all SOTl0 y Jr whose tastes are worthv of gratification. Otn r. odicals may be- - addressed to particular Pinl ! to particular, classes Jonathan will wander !ree' j,,,r' grave to gay, from lively to severe," and triv?. the aid he has enlisted, to compass the whole cin c give, in a word, a Cyclopedic, of whatever wa) ,' He appeals to the past for vouchers of what he ca i and what he can, herein. rnrflr TERMS Three dollars a year, in advance- .- ' - . : c .i ..,;u hp sent one ) will the p t oj one copy two years. In no case sent out of the city unless paid for in advance. DC? All Communications and Letters shouia j. July I, 2840. Wilson & compan . io. W3 au - 2963t
Page 1: The North-Carolina standard. (Raleigh, NC) 1840-07-15 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042147/1840-07-15/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · POFTRVi--FROM THE GOSHEN DEMOCRAT. THE LAST WHIG



THE LAST WHIG SONG.Old North Bend was a jolly old soul,

And a jolly old soul was he ;

He called for his pipe and he called for his bowl,

And he called his Committee of Three.He called for a mug of apple juice,

The best there was in the larder ;

And he told bis Committee "make no excuse,

Every day it is growing harder !"

As the General sat by his own fireside

In the midst of advisers tnree ;

'I am puzzled," said he, "with my num'rous

friendsWhy can they not quiet be 1

Borne ask me one thing some ask another,

They bother me most to death ;

II I say yes and no to this, that, and 'tother,

'Twill surely take all of my breath !

If I say yes to the North, I am gone at the South,

I'm glad that the nation's no wider ;

I declare I am very much down in the mouth,

So give us a swig of that cider !

The Committee sat not a word they said,

But thev keen uo a terrible thinking ;

And thev watched the nod of the old man's head,

While the mug of hard cider was drinking!

At length they spoke "We've concluded, sir,

That vou answer no more of these letters ;

'Tu strange how the People, poor, ignorant souls,- o ... -

Will constantly pester their belters,You can hand them all over to us, North Bend,

We'll be General for you awhile,But we'll give you advice the advice of a friend,

Drink cider drink hard, or you'll spile !' "

The General nodded, as wont to do,

To this lordly Committee of Three,And ever since then the old man is micm,

For a still small voice is he ! iGo down to North Bend the old hero you'll find.

As jolly a coon as can be,

But question him notor he'll send you away

To ask his Committee of Three !


MEETING IN ROCKINGHAM.A meeting of the Democratic citizens ot liock-in"-ha- m

County, was held at mount Airy on the

4th, of July 1840, when Robert W. Lawson,was called to the chair, and John N. Watt, ap-

pointed Secretary. Col. Divid S. Reed wascalled on to explain the nature of the meetingwhich he did in a few brief and pertinent remarks. After which the following resolutionwas handed in and unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That this meeting approve of theconvention proposed to be held in Raleigh on

the 9th, of July 1S40, to nominate a Democra-

tic Republican candidate for the Vice Presidency,and that the following Delegates be appointedto attend said convention, viz. Dr. Robert P.Williamson, Col. James Watt, Barker Doss,Joseph Neal, Alfred Ellington, Peter Cardwelf,John Lawson, John N. Watt, Robert W. Law-so- n

William I. Gillum Esq. On motion, orderedthat these Droceedins be sent to the Standardfor publication and the Chairman and Secretarysisrn tho same. ' .

R. W. LAWSON, ChrrCn.

J. N. Watt, Sec'y.

The new comers. A lady in this countynrsftnted her husband with twin boys a few

days since; they were baptized Harrison andTylet, and are familiarly called Tip and Ty.Cincinnati Gaz.

That's nothing. There is a man down eastthat's got a slut that he calls Whiggery sjie

has one black pup that he call3 Abolition onepied one that he calls Tory and another, thathe calls Federalism; he keeps them all in a logcabin, and calls the whole 4 A comprehensiveview of the Opposition."


Prospects in Harrison County. Ne-

ver before, since my enlrence upon this politicalarena, have I witnessed such a sweeping re-actio-

as has taken place in this county within thelast two months ! Old grey-heade- d Democratsare rapidly taking the field th young" are buck-

ling on their armor, and the honest, intelligentand influential whig3 are leaving the

party, (like honest sailors froma Pirateship the Captain of which had deceived themby hoisting an American flag!)as soon as theysee the black flig of federalism, fairly unfurled !

Already the Democratic cry is onward P Thespirit of 76 has aroused the whole of the Peo-

ple ; and on the coming FOURTH OF JULYmay be seen the reaLlog cabin boys ; who willknow a " cannon from a dinner," and a logcabin from a splendid mantion the bone andisinew of the country; rallying around the

HICKORY POLE! They willpour out from among the hills of Harrison coun-

ty, like swarming bees in May-da- y; and striketerror into the ranks of federal whiggery !

Already do the knees of the Aristocracy ofCadiz begin to tremble, and knock one againstthe other; and while the log cabin will be torndown for fire-woo- d or stand as a monument ofTom (Bingham) foolery their Ague fits willnot cease, until they have taken a trip up SailRiver.


The system of democratic government is mostbeautiful in its structure and benevolent in itsoperations. It is a transcript of the governmentof God. Xt h supported by the profoundestresearches of philosophy, by the sublimest teach-ings of religion, the purest piety, the deepestvirtue, the firmest faith, the brightest hope, themost extensive charity. It gives to each theritrht of all. Each man is estimated a unit, thesum of which makes up the whole. It confersno title, it bestows no immunities. It makeseach accountable for the whole, and pledges theprotection of the whole for the good of eachThe man that is born in insignificance, and bredin a corner, may by a continuance in. well doingTise to ihe centre of glory and honor, Merit isits only avenue to success. And the sons anddaughters of the rich, by the neglect of virtueand by indulgence in vice, will sink into meritedinsignificance. The man in oflice may beremoved without a revolution, while vacant seatsare onen to the emulation of all.

"I can conceive no form of government soperfectly compatible with the sublime principlesoi Christianity, or so airectiy caicuiaiea io promote the happiness of all mankind, as a democracy.. It needs only to be understood in theory,and adopted in practice, by a people qualified totest its qualities, to secure the admirations andsupport of every philanthropist throughout the

The Rev. John Newland Mai-fit- , the cel-

ebrated and eloquent Methodist Divine, hascomp out in

"Thoughts that breathe and words that burn,through "he Cynthiana (Ky.) "Visitor againstthe present manifold and bare-face- d dissipations,immoralities and vices of the whig party. Heis no nolitician: hut, as a servant of the MostHigh, he cannot be disturbed, in hiseveningmurlirnnnncr hv drunken brawlers, he cannotbehold voimrr converts taken from his church to"Iocr rahin an d hard cider" sprees, the profanationof the Sabbath bv rolling cider into streets for themultitiidpns thev. ffo and return from church, andthe desecration of god's holy temple by rolling itinto it on week davs at whig caucuses without exlaiming against it. U he should noia nis peace.

he thinks thft verv stones in the streets wouldwwcry out against lam. tie wants me pmpic 10

vote as they please, but to Mdr all things decent-ly and in order." Chicago Dem.

Federal Whig contempt for the mechanicsand working men.

The contempt and derision in which these meri-

torious classes are held by the purse-prou- d Aristocracy, were truly exhibited by their great leader,Nirni.i9 Hinni.R. when addressing the Federaldandies at Princeton. He there breathed the trueFederal feeling in the following passage which we

extract from his address. Hear him fellow-citize- ns :

"From vour own rreat elevation, watch calmlythis SERVILE ROUTE (the people) as its tri-nmf- ths

sween before vou. The avenging hour willat Inst rnme. It cannot be that our free nation willInner endure the VULGAR TXOMINION OFra rnr?A KCF and PR OFTAGA C Y. You willlive to see the laws These BAN-DITTI (the people) will be scourged back to theircaverns; the penitentiary will reclaim its fugitivesin oflice, and the only remembrance wntcn nisiorywill preserve of them, is the energy with whichvou resisted and defeated them."

Such is Federalism or modern Whiggery. Freemen of the U. States ye who are thus denounced

will any one of you vote for the NICK BIDDLEHARRISON PARTY ? for men who hold you

in utter contempt, and who approve of all that Nickr.irldle has said concerning vou? You have already determined that you will not. Missouri paper:

3-- The School Committee of this County,(Wake) are hereby Requested to meet at the CourtrimiiP in the Citv of Raleiirh. on Monday the 20thof July, at 11 o'clock A. M.

TURNER PULL UN, Lnairmon.Raleigh July Sth 1S40. 207-2t-- f.

NOTICE.will hp sold at the Court House door in the eity of

Raleigh, on Monday 17th August next, the folkwingtrans of Land, or enough thereof to pav the taxes for183S.


Heirs of Newton Wood,Heirs of J. Garrett,Josiah Collins.Samuel Smith,Joseph Dilliard,

Hunts,D. B. Saunders,Nancy Johbson, -

Hally Honon,James Wfggins,

t i.William Hopgood,William Carpenter,Clara Thomas part lot.Joseph B. Hinton,Alsey Bevers,W. A. Blunt for W. W. flood- -

mon.Levy Williams,Kodv BurgeBer.jamin Hause, Adm'r. of

Beejamin Kittrell,Do. for Major Thomas,

Tialeigh, July 6th, 1S40.

. - a. I I


1611 S SHOO 822 3260 120 74

300 400 2 4S200 150 92

92 276 171186 139 87

65 130 50405 405 2 52172 25S 1 CO

400 1200 7 44200 600 3 72

69 200 1 2450 100 62

112 600 4 96. 14 300 1 86

23 280 1 73

1280 12S0 7 92172 400 2 4343 43 30

299 59S 3 71300 600 3 72

P. B. BURT, Sheriff.(Pr. adv. 8 7 00) 297-6t- .

OF LETTERS remaining in the PostLIST at Wake Forest, July the 1st, A. D. 1S40,which, if not takeniut by the first of October, willbe sent to the ueneral Post Othce, as dead letters.

Alston W. M. 2; Boon William, Berry John, BaxterOslcer F, Jones Drew, Martin Plumer, M. Marlin Henry L, Newsum Jas. D, Powell Miss Mary W, ParsleyMrs. Cynthea, Hicherson Rev. Daniel F, Taylor Dr.Alexander H, Woodward Wm. H,

JOHN M. FLEMING. P. M.Wake Forest, July 1st, 1840. 297-31- .

13 IT VIRTUE OF A DEED OF TRUST, TO MEJLf executed, by Alexander M. Hish, for certain purposes therein named, I shall proceed to sell at auction.to the highest bidder, at the residence of the said Alexander M. High, at Raleigh, on Wednesday the 12th ofAugust next, a tract ot LAND, lying in Wake county,consisting of 375 acres, known as Tipler sK Roads, a--

bout 9 miles from Raleigh ; Also, 400 acres adjoiningthe same, bought of John Black; 480 acres adjoiningbe same, bought of Becj. S. King: 100 acres, miles

west ot Ualeigh, bought of Josiah Davis.ALbU, at the same time and place, the following

negro LAV bS, viz: Tabby and her two children, .BillandTuss; Milley and her three children, Bob, Mus,and barn : two negro men. Peter and Jim.

ALSO, a two-hors- e WAGON ; 4 head of CATTLEtwo HORSES ; nine BEDS and FURNITURE, withother household and kitchen furniture.


Raleigh, July 1, 1840. 295 7t p.

of the State of North-Carolin- a.BANK oi three and a quarter per cent, on eachbhare ot tne uapital block ot this Uank having beendeclared by the President and Directors thereof, thesame will be paid (twenty hve cer.is being retained oneacn bhare belonging to Individuals, for the tax due tothe State) at the Bank, on the 1st Monday in July next,and at the several Branches and Agencies filteen daysthereatier. By order.

C. DEWEY, Cashierlialeigh, July 1, 1840. yo-Jt- .


kj ty. Superior Court ot Law March Term, 1840.Robert M'Culloch vs. Margaret M'Culloch Petitionfor Divorce. It appearing to the satisfaction of theCourt, that Margaret M'Culloch, the defendant in thiscase, is not an inhabitant of this state ; It is thereforeordered by the Court, that publication be made in theHillsborough Recorder, and Kaleigh Standard, Tortnree months, that th3 defendant appear at the nextsuperior Uonft to be held for the countyof Orangeat thecourthouse in Hillsborough, on the second Mon-day of September next, to answer, ptead or demur fortne petition in this case ; otherwise judgment pro con'icsso win De taken against ner.

J.'H. NORWOOD, Clerk.April 8, (Price adv. $7 00) 284 3m

lJ UilLli, was Coramited to the Jail of Ashea isuuuty, on me ioin aay oi iUay last, a negroman, who says his name is Tom. and that he belohes toa Speculator by the name of John McCrat. But doesnol know where he lives, that he was raised by JohnCampbell ot Craven County, about twelve Miles fromNewbern, and was bought by said McCray some timein the month of January last, and was carried to theState of Georgia and Ran away from his Master inthe month ot February last. Tom is about five feet sevenor eight inches high, stout built, weighs about onehundred and fifty or sixty pounds, oPa copper color.speaks pert and sensible when spoken to, anLis aboutTwenty foui years old. The Owner is requested iptome iorwara, prove property, pay charges, and takemm away, or be will be dealt as the law directs,

GEORGE PHIUPS, Sheriff.Ashe Co. June 22ad 134U. 296-6-


0- -; r form IRn ;



Superior Coun 01 ww, -

Rebecca Davis vs. Nathan Davis &c rPetition for Divorce.

It nnnearinsr tome 5aunn.i - . t;j f SfatA. it is

J at the Court House in Waynesborough,Snrte fi5 Monday after theJonrth Mondaj rm&pem--

hor ano mere w auswci, Vl ut"'- -'

the Son in this case j otherwise judgment pro con-fess- o

will be taken against him.

. m v or oJune24,lS40. (Price adv. uuj

SPRINGS. TheROCKINGHAM the public, that he is in

possesion of this well known establishment (Lenoxk.,i n,t ianreoared with a mumber of Lousessituated in a Pleasant Grove for the accommodationof private families.

The Water of this Spring has been analyzed bycompetent Professors, and thought by eminent Phy i--

cians to be ettiracious hi umuj "The subscriber will spare no pains to accommodate

all those who may iavor him with their patronage.

June 24, 1840. 295-fit- -



this institution take pleasure in

announcing that it still Continues unuer me care oi iw

former efficient and accomplished Instructresses.pains have been spaiea to place u in meof Female Academies. The ensuing session ...- -

mence on Thursday, Ihe lbih ot Juiy. i u.cnw a..uGuardians are particularly requested to bring theirdaughters or wards in time to be readiness tor theopening of the school, as it is important that the pupilsof each class should enter upon mensame time. The modes oi insirucuou,text books adopted, are, as far as practicable, those re-

commended by the American Common School Union.1st Class Spelling, Reading, Writing Anthineiic,

Grammar, Geography, with the usj ot me uiooes,History, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, iiyiuuiogBotany, Rhetoric, Astronomy, Geology, Political .Leonomy. Dictation ana uomposiuon.... - tTT . ft M.lkm.tl2d Class Spelling, lieaoing. writing. Ain""'-- i

Grammar, Geography, with the use ot the uiones.History, Natural Philosophy, Jhemisiry, u.ciauou uuuComposition.

3d Class Spelling. Heading, writing, Aiuumcu,Grammar and Geography.

lih das Spelling, Heading, Writing, ana Aniu- -


First CI.ts. Sis 00Second Class,Third Cla-- ,

Fourth Class,French or Latin,IMusic oa Piano or Guitar,Drawing and Painting,Working on Canvass,Working on Muslin,


June 24, 1S40.J

0015 (K)

12 4015 0025 0012 00

6 HO

3 00



295-4- t.

f V C. JONES. vary respectfully infoum theX Public, that he has lately purchased the Hotel

occupied by H. S. Spivey, and is prepared to" accommodate gentlemen and ladies as well, ana on as noera:terms, as they can meet with in the State. His Stablesare attended by as faithful Ostlers as reason couid d-.- ..

i.isire, ilis car as wen suppueu, as extravagance couiuask, and his personal attention given in so unremittinga degree, that no one sshall have cause to complain othis accommodation. His House is now undergoinga most thorough repair," and he earnestly hopes thatthose who feel disposed to give encouragement to honestexertion, will call upon him.

June 24, 1840. ZIW--

By an order of the County Court ofNOTICE.I proceed to sell, at the Court Housedoor in the city of Raleigh on Monday the 17th Augustnext a negro man by the name ot Henry, who says nebelongs to a man by the name of Rubin Turner, ofKentucky: he will be sold to pay Jail fees and otherexpenses. P. B. BURT SherifT.

May lSih 1840. 292-3m- .

ILOUK.- -I have sold out my heavy stock; andshould like a new supply. But to credit it lor five

per cent, is out of the question. I had rather keep myFLOUR, BACON, &c , than book them to be put offwhen I ask for pav. In fact, I design .i cash businessonly, lam very thanklul to all my prompt customers.

July 1, 1S40.will. rcun.

296-tf- .


Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions.Henry J. G. Ruffio, vs. William Burt, Sen'r.

Original Attachment levied on one tract of land, theproperty of the defendant, called the Lihendge tract,adjoining the lands of Kinchen Taylor and others,lying in the county of Nash.IN this case, it aDDeanne to the satisfaction of the

Court that the defendant is a non resident of this State :

Tt is ordered thai publication be made in "The NorthCarolina Standard," for six weeks, notifying the saidWilliam Burt to appear at the next term ot our Lonriof Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the countyof Nash, at the Court House in Nashville, on the secondMonday in August next, then and there to pieau ana re-

plevy, or final judgment will b entered up againsthim, and the property levied on, conciemneu io mesatisfaction of the plaintiff's claim.


Witness, B. II. Blount clerk of our said Court, at of-

fice the 2nd Monday in May, A. D. 1840.B. H. BLOUNT, C. C. C.

July 1, 1340. (Pr. adv. $5 62.) 29'3 6t.

ESoit's Cure for the Toolh-acli- e.

THIS preparation (a wash) is applied to the partand without the disagreeable necessity

of extracting the tooth, instantly removes the moatexcruciating pain. By gurgling the throat, it complete-ly remedies caocer sores a disease prevalent amongchildren. By swallowing a teaspoonful mornmg andevening, an acid or fou) stomach is corrected. Tt

sweetens the breath, and is the best cleanser and preserver of the teeth, now known. Those who desire toobtain this article must be particular to inquire forHoil's Cure for the Toothache, as others are in themarket ; and he would not wish to assume the merit orcensure which justly belongs to another. Among thethousands who have used Hoil's Cure for the Toothache,no instance is known ot us having tailed in effecting aperfect cure.

The toiiowing letter, attesting to the efficacy oi"Hoit's Cure for the Toothache," is from a gentlemanwell known in tne literary world as the author or the"Letters-.bou-t the Hudson," and other productions ofmerit; and will, undoubtedly, be read with interest.

'ToCE. Hoit: My dear Sir It affords me greatpleasure to bear testimony to the efficacy of your "Curefor the Tooth ache." It has been used in my family,and proved entirely successful in giving immediateand permanent reliel to one of the most irritating andisagreeable pains that "flesh is heir to," viz : the toothacJie. Your very obliged, &c.

FREEMAN HUNT.New York, March, 18 1839."


For the Toothache Hold the wash in zhe mouth tillthe pain ceases.

For Sore Mouth Gargle threfc times a dav.For acid stomach Swallow a tea spoon full morning'

and night.For Cleaning Teeth Use it with a brush, which

also sweetens the Breath.TT The above medicine is fer sale at the office of

THE NORTH CAROLINA STANDARD. Price 50cents per bottle it will be sold at a liberal discount bythe quantity. T. LORING, General Agent.

For sale also by WILLIAM WARE of Wilmingion, N. C. M

Raleigh, Feb. 6, 1838. 22S-t- f.

MST OF 1ETTERS.Remainihg4ia the Post Officet Raleigh, on the

1st July 1840.

George Bishop AllenHenry AllenBenj. AllenSarah AllenThomas AllenSoloman AugustusGeorge L. AlstonLucraiia Ancre

- B.Lewis & BattleJohn P. BurnsRev. M. Brock 2J. A. J. BradfordJames BowlandSpence BlackwtllA. H. BurtisStephen Brooks .

Joel S. BrownSarah P. BrameA. BellBurel BellFed BellRedick BlackJames BuffaloBryant B. BuffaloAlbert A. Bryon 3Alsey BoroughS. R S. BoydCharles BoydWm. T. BainAlbeit BreachyJohn R. BroadhurstKiber BrownJohn L. BmwnJoel S. BrownJoseph BeltsJane BeaversSilvanus BeasleyJess BryantA. G. BanksSarah T. Boddie 2Giles BowersJohn BarbeeFrancis BryanSarah BrickieEliza. Felton Bonner

C.John CooperAndrew CocksRobert B. CunninghamHenry ColeSamuel CookWilliam ClossWm. CrosgroveMathew Corr monsJames N. CrosbyGree CuthbertDaniel F. CaldwillWalter J. CaneJohn CopelandDaniel S. CrenshawMr. CanderbeckDaniel Culbreth 3

Mary DavisThomas DonahoP. W. DowdJoseph J. DillardJames Densies

E.Robert A. EzellRoyde EmaddoxJ. I. Ervin

F.GeorgeFisherJames FishWillie J. FullerA. E. FordFrancis FloydDaniel Thomas FowlerComal Fa ire 2

G.Albert GeanSamuel Green 2Ben GougeE. T. H. GibserDaniel B. GriffinA. M. GormanHenry W. Gibbs

H.H. B- - HaysLT. HHoIlandSamuel HarrisWilliam HarrisonJ. W. HarrisBell HamiltonWillis G. HamiltonAlvin HamiltonMicogoh HillMark H. HillRichard HillJohn HillSandy HighRebecca W. HighH. H. HighSecretary Hiram Lodge

No. 40.George HolleyAbraham Hester "

A. HunterJohn HarrellMiss HawksIsaac W. HutchingA. F. HarrisonWyatt HarrisonJohn HarrisonFrancis HarrisonRobert HarrisonHenry HammettDruae llorton

J.James Y. JordenCharley JordenC. A. JordenDavid JusticeBenjamin JohnsonS. JohnsonRobert JonesBenson F.Jones

JonesHenry Martin JonesMrs. E. P. JonesEdward P. JonesJohn It. JonesMrs. Mary W. JonesMiss Mary JonesMiss Mary R. JoneaMary JonesAmelia Ann JonesMaria JohnsonAraelia M. JonesJohn B. JohnsPeterson Ivy

K.Elizabeth Kinnon .

Buckner KnipperCharles R. Kinney 2Mary Keath.

L.John LasterMrs. LowrlaClaten LeighWilliam R. LyleMary A. LumsdenSarah A. LumsdenJohn LaneJ. B. LaneAls. Lee 2William L. Long 2Sewel LittleJohn LittleS. H. Lewyt 2Isaac LyousArmond D. Love esq.Augustus Lougee

William'fc ArthurLeach

Sally A. F. LoweM. s

J. G. MitchelCelestia E. McDanielAlx. MorphiThomas MoleyTbds. S. MartitfWm. F. MartinJohn Morri3Geo. C. MendenhallWm. B. MumfredJustin Martendale 2Charles MoreAugustus MooreJoseph MainardJames C. MarcumAVillis H. McLeodHenry MillerWilliam MillerCharles S. MartinJohn McCullersJohn Merrett'Miss MillerMendenhall & WinstonDaniel F. MunroeDavid McGregor

N.Gen. S. Norris

O.William E.OkeleyDavid OutlawJohn Oliver

P.John T. PhiferFrancis Prehnon"William PogetSusan M. PageJesse PettiefoardSusan PopeMary B. PallyrenP. A. Prendle 2J. A. PleasantsJames W. PowellWilliam PowellHenry I. PattersonCatharin PoolTheophilus PoolHardy PennyPresident or SecretaryJocky ClubWilliam A. Porter 2Andrea Pickett

R.K. RaynerEli RaynerAnn E. RogersJane W. RogersSion RogersW. W. RolandLewis or Isaac RolandCharles RabonP. H. RoachObadiah RedingBryant RenninClary J. RayMary RegsbryJohn RosemanSerena RussellA. Rencher.

S.James Stuart 2Donald Stuart ' 3Elizabeth SlearsMartha SlawsonJohn SuggJames ShawWilliam N. ShawVirginier SmithJohn C. SmithJ. B. SmithSamuel B. SmithJames SmithS. S. SmithRedden SaulsJames Sauls .

Mary E. SteadmanGray StricklingAbram SpirlengHenry II. SpivyJ. StaneSheriff or ClerkEphram SuppAlexander Straws 2Hubbard A. SiegePeter P. SpencerCaroline A. SeawellPeter SchemerhornAry StilesElizabeth StillsLevenia W. StephensonJohn A ScottJoseph ScottSamuel E. SnyderS. B. SpruellCarrel Sater

T.Joseph H. ThomasBottlom ThriernerHarrison's TonyJames TarrySaml TuckerAdaline B. ThompsonGeorge B. ThomasLewis Tumbro

U.A. B. UtleyJ. M. B. Utley

W.William WhiteWilliam W. WhiteEdward WheatyJorden WiightSarah C. WheatonMary WheatonRidley Warren 2Margaret WarrenPolly S. WallEroch WoolardWilliam Worn bleMary Jane WombleJohn A. WickerCyrus WhifakerNathan B.. WhitfieldThomas Whitehead.A. S. Wyne &. Co.Malinda R. Wijliams .

George WatersonJane WoodardChristopher Woodard 2Bud WoodardA Hunter & James

Woodard 2James WintersC. K. WheelerSterling M. WheatonMargaret WarrenTomonis WarrenThos. C. Wells .


John WillsJ. A. WalthalSamuel WalterAlexander WilsonEllen WilliamsS. M. WheatonEdward WadsworthLunfred WorldsJacob WertsGaston Watson .


Shadrick Wedding --

Nancy WhitleyElizabeth W. WhilalcerNancy YoungHj. Young


53" Persons calling for the above Letters, w.U

please say their are Advertised.July Sth IS 10 , 297-3t.- -



T UMUEEl FOR SAXC The Subscriber hasJLA ou hand, at hisTMiIls 17 miles North of Raleigh, .

lare Quantity of excellent Lumber. Price at the Mills 1

dollar per hundred. ' All orders addressed, to.

the Sub- -v I aw a j m a"11scriber, r. JH. waueneia, or io w. Aitorat tne xuuis,

will be promptly attended to.A. . r ua l

April 15, 1840. 285-6m- .

and forwardingCoininissioiv VA.'--Ve solicit Consignments of Produce, dec. for sale in this Market, upon

hich liberal advances will be made.Forwarding promptly attended to. particularly Tobac

co to RichmoHd, upon .which all charges are paiiandcollected of ihe consignees.

ROWLETT, ROPER & NOBLE.Petersburg Va., June 10, 1840. .

' 293,i2m. .


hand, in this Citv. adioinine the Rail Road Depot,the above articles, which I will dispose of very low forCash, or approved negotiable notes.

These Carriaees are made in the most fashionablestyle, and finished out of the best materials; thework is faithfullv executed and will. I think, bear aromnarison. with anv Carriages broueht from theNorth to this Market, THOS. COBBS.

June, 0, 1840. 292-t- f.

Star, Weekly Register, and Bibliial Recorder, tf.

NOTICE. Taken up and cocomitted to the Jailon the 12th April inst. a negro

man Named EPHRAIM. Said negro is about 5 feet 7inches high and was sold by a gentleman of this" Coun-

ty about five years since to a Mr. Brooks of Guilfordor Stokes Couoiy, was then as he reports taken toNew Orleans by a Col. Banks and thence to Natchezwhere he made hk escape.

The Owner of said negro is hereby notified to comeforward, prove property and take him away, or hewill be dealt with as the law directs.

Greenville, Pitt Co. BENJ. M. SELBY, Sheriff. .

June, 3, 1S40. 292-tl- .






Hon. JAS. IREDELL, Auorney and Counselor at LawTurner & Hughes, the Proprietors, respectfully ask

the natronaffp of the nnhlie for this work, which has beenpublished at great expense. It contains near a thousandna?es. and is. therefore, necessarilv divided into tworoval octavo volumes of about five hundred pages each,printed on good type and fine paper, and well bound.Price, nine Dollars a copy.

Il is recommended not only to professional men, allof whom will doubtless possess themselves oi it, to ai-re- ct

and abridse their labors, but it is also urged uponthe notice of all Justices, Sheriffs, and other judicial officers, as affording them an exposition, in a lew words,cf the points which the Supreme Court of North Caro-

lina has decided in relation to their duties. Fcr a sim-

ilar reason, tt is recommended to private gentlemenwho may have an inclination or feel an interest to knowthe determinations of the Supreme Court, which constitute, so lar as they decide, ihe law ot the land, as im-

perative as any Act of Assembly, and as binding intheir operation upon every member of the community

Jan. 8, 1840. 271-lf- .

URNEIt & HUGHES 'keep coostayuii jo;sale the following Musical Works:

The Boston Handle and Hayden's Collection, Ma-

sons Sacred Harp, Jones' Evening Melodies, Smith& Little's Collection, Missouri Harmony, The Ameri-can Harp, Templi Carolina or Songs of the Temple,Music of the Chnrch, American Psalmody, TheHarmonist, Dyres Philadelphia Collection, NationalChurch Harmony, The Lyrist: - Violin, Flute, Gui-

tar, Piano Forte, and Fife Preceptors, with an ex-

tensive and valuable supply of the most approvedEditions of American and EuropeanB&oks, in History,Biography, Travels 6c Voyages", .Theology, Poetry,Arts Sc Sciences, Classical and School Books, in LatinGreek, German, Spahish, French and English.

Together with a general assortment andEnghsh Stationary, Musical Instruments, pf almostevery description, Violin and Guitar Strings, togetherwith a large collection ot music lor the Pianp.

Call at The N. C. Book Store, if you wish to findarticles of the above line good and Cheap.

TURNER is HUGHES.Jan. 22, 1840 273-t- f.

- -

BY THE GOVERNORPROCLAMATION. . $ 200 REWARD.Whereas, it has been officially reported to this De-

partment, ihat on orjabout the 10th February, ult., anegro boy, ihe property of Col. Luke Russell, of Cravencounty, was supposed'to have been kidnapped by JOHNand SAMUEL SMITH, which boy was discovered, tenor twelve days afierwtrds, near the road side, in Greenecounty, murdered anl partially buried a ball navingbeen shot through hiahead, and his throat cut from earto ear ; and as the sad John and Samuel Smith 6tandcharged with the feloiy aforesaid,

Now, theretore, to tbe apprehended andproper issue miProclamation, rewardof One Hundred Dollson persons,

either of them jnSheriff of Craven

all .officers,State, use the

cause be apprehe

oitTj. Give

By command


end that the said onenders mayrought trial, I have thought

to this offering a

or who v


requirethis to




s for either of them, io any perII 'apprehend and confine them,e Jail, or deliver them to thety ; and I do moreover herebynether civil or military, withinbest exertions to apprehend or

ed, the said fugitives.

my hand as Governor, andt Seat cf the State of North Caro- -

one at our City of Raleigh, Mareh


C. C. Battje, Private SecretaryJOHN SMITHis described as a man of near mid

die age, about fi feet nine or ten inches high, stoutlybuilt,' ruddy comjfexion and healthy appearance, darkhair and has losijtn upper front tooth. No descriptionof Samuel is givu They were born and brought upin Craven but ninoved to either Georgia or Tennessesome years sincitbut returned under pretence of visit-

ing their relatis and have been lurking about undercircumstances for several months.very suspicions

. . .a. I 1 J T TVT

They had, wbf they irianappea uoi. uussers rtegro,a sorrell horfwith a flaxen mane and tail, with whitefeet 4Pd faeefind are said to have a variety of coversto their Cartftnd to change them very frequently.



283-tf- .

DEPRAVITY. Some notoriousHORRID have nearly killed several personsby sellingliem a spurious mixture of Hays' Liniment.

The gemine is warranted petfectly harmless and ef-

fectual, flevgr buy the article unless it have the writ-ten signure of COMSTOCK Sc CO. on the splendidwrapper.- - That firm are solely authorized to make andsell ihe rue article. Original proprietor, Solomon Hays.. P. --The true Hays' Liniment is warranted tourePILESund RHEUMATISM, in all cases, or no. faytaken lor it. -

- Soliat No. 2, Fletcher street, near Pearl street and. 1 L T "KT TT 1 - iiUauifii.Liu.ue, mew xorK, Dy : -

COxMSTOCK Sc CO,r . : :

Wholesale Draggisisv.- .

HE HUOTAW HAIR is warrantedvslaid orrestored, and the head kept free from dandruff, by

genuine ULUUIUUL S BALM OF COLUMBIA.Remember the genuine as described below.This is certified to bv spvprnl Mnvnrs. Min?prs of-t. . ...ae uosp&i, British Consul, Physicians, and a. great

number of our most honorable citizens, to be seen whereUlSSOiU.

j" Daring Fraud ! This article has been imitated by aiou s ounieneiter. L,et U never be purchased or

uscunies? i nave tne name of L. S. COMSTOCK, orthe signature of COMSTOCK & CO. .On a splendidwrapper. This is the only external test thatVill secureme udiic irom ueception.

Apply at the wholesale andretaiJ Oflice, No. 2, Fletcher street, near Maiden Lane and Pear street.

Addres COMSTOCK & CO.,Whn'.psale Dniffffists.

fET A constant supply of the above valuable prepainium win De Kept tor sale by

' 'W. M. MASON & CO.

Raleigh, March 18, 1S40. 281-12-

DENTAL SU RGE RY. JDr. W. R. wpublic, that he has returned to ihUrU

xiaieign, jan. zy, 1B4H. 27itf

WILIilAlK WHITE has just recveTTof Ladies and Children

Gentlemen's Pumps, &c He has also on hand , 0t

large assortment of Gentlemen's fine Dresa r" erJ

Superior quality. AUof which will be soldCash.

April 22d, 1840.W fj

m T W fI TTT ! . a . T


rfc i w jh. m.mjmm w as cuinuiiLi.ru ojsi mik .n131 a negro man who says he is free andname is Whitaker Scott, he is about five feet lii nfRp or Sit iwr hicrh enn rp Kuilt i;,vV ... v0- .WW. v. lie-Il- l 1 1 1 I I 1 Ft

about twentv one or two vears old: hp. s.owo l 140(1

raised in Cumberland County. , The owner is requ1ed to come forwards and pay charges and take v'away, or he will be-dea- ll whb, &s-th- e law directs


vp- - B. BURT,

April, 25th 1840. SS3?i


BLEEDING opLUNGS, PALPITATION OF THE HEART tthe merits of which are well attested, by ejp?r';sanctioned by abundant certificates, is For Savi"Vi.vv - - - wm.v.w.m. wiuiiiwifu, ann n . v.-tVio Qiihcrrirtpr at T,h?J r? ti u pt

Price 94 ou per bottle.

May 20, 1840.



IZEJIWJP 1 FOR CIIOZ,ERafBernard's Remedy for Asiatic Cholera, an invaluah- -

mcaicme, in cases oi unoiera Morbus, Diarrha;a i

Spring and Summer Complaints of the bowels'"'which has the highest testimonials in jfS favor infsale, at $1 per bottle, ai the Office of N. CakoStandard, and by Allen Parks, of HiUsbo'ro ' im

Raleigh, N. C. 1840.


27 f.

riuiiiAH JiJLlAIK,acure for COTJGWi ASTHMA, & INFLAMMATION op the LUSneis a vegetable extract, ot an agreeable taste, and cerElixir," which he prescribed to a very.ereat extpntout receiving any compensation whatever, except threward which attends the performance of a good action IAfter the death of the doctor, from the samp KumKb.

, is descendants continued the use of the re- -....... ...0 .i...v, u.o u u iui.1 wus iT3umuna!s irjlshow, till the increasingdemand made it necessary thatthey should form some such arrangement as should

them from the trouble, and yet not diminish ijusefulness. The heir, therefore, finally willed tofcr"the business entirely by agency; making only so mo-derate a charge, as merely to defray the expenses ot mparing the medicine. With a view to this object, thexecutors have appointed C. E. HOIT the sole agetfor North America and ihe West India Islands 5 Th'will reside in New-Yor- k, and appoint such sab-aem-


cates and letters of recommen'daiion may be had. of ihe'

ageiits. where manv of the onsinals mat bemmm.iwhich would satisfy the most fastidious. As (he amtis not sold with a desire to make the profit an object

ihe lolly ot a lalse repre&ention must appear obvious to

every reasonable person. Price 1 per bottle.For sale by Thomas Loring, General Agent, aitbf

oflice of the North Carolina Standard, Raleigh. Also

by William Ware, Wilmington, ?f. C. and by Allen'

Parks Hillsboro'. - -

May Stb, 1839. 236-t- t


Are daily effecting some ot the most astonishing ancwonderlul cures that ever have been known m consequence of which they have now become a shining mark

against which all the arrows of disappointed hope, envjand uncharitableness are levelled without distinction.The town and eountrv are alike filled with riieirwvvutThe palace and poorhouse alike echo with their virtues. 'Iu all climates, under all temperatures, they still reiaitt

iheir wonderful powers, and exert them unattended bv

age or situation. They are simple in their preparation!mild in their action, thorough in their operation, and,

unrivalled in their results. I

PETERS' VEGETABLE PILLS jAre Anti-Biliou- s, Anti-Dyspepti- c, and Anti-Mercuria-

and may justly be considered a Universal Medicine bilthey are peculiarly beneficial in the following com I

plaints: Yellovyand Bilious Fevers, Fever and AgutDyspepsia,-Croup- , Liver Complaints, Sick HeadachjJaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargemel

the SDleen. Piles. Colic, Female Obstructions. Ilea;!' 'I . T

burn, Furred Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the Ni

mach and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhoea, Flatulence, Hat

itual Coiveness. Loss appetite. Blotched or Sallon

complexiou, and in all cases of Torpor of the Bowels

where a Cathartic or an Aperient is needed. They an

exceedingly mild in their operation, producing neiihe

TCT These extraordinary and justly celebrate

Pills are sold, in Raleigh, by WILLIAMS & HA

WOOD, and W. M. MASON & CO., and in i

the principal towns in the State. Retail price, ;

cents per box.May 13, 1S40. 2E9-12- eow.


the largest and cheapest newspaper in the world, acdj

certainly among the best. Published everv Saturday,!

by, WILSON & CO, at J32 Nassau street, New Yotk.r

Terms, three dollars per annum, in advance.Upon entering the second volume this pioneer in the

introduction of papers of itsclass, the publishers may bt

excused for congratulating themselves upon the contin






ued prosperity and advancement ot iheir periodical,

from the issue of its first number, to the present limej

Aware lhat competition is the life of business, they

expected and have met with rivals but those rivs.'-hav-

so far, been essential aids to the publicity and

circulation of the Jonathan. New readers have been,

made, where, comparatively, few existed before, acd

the taste created for the elegant literature of the l

hemispheres, carried into all parts of the country, andi

made accessible to all, has produced a demand fur the

Brother Jonathan, which it is gratifying to state urcontinually on the increase. s

With such addition to their resources and emct-- i

ments, the publishers have aimed to give a commer-- ;

innroQao in na valno anil tnlprpttt it

111 auuitiuu u mc lauui.i ui iiic j;cni icmcii in'"--

are anounced as editors, the publishers avail themselvs

constantly of the aid of such uccasional contribuioB

a! thev ran find space lor.For the foreign . correspondence ot ihe jobw -

the services of IsaaS C. Pray, Jr.. have been engage" i

and his fine literary taste, will also be exercised in iw,

selection of ihings rare new, and worihy in the Earnpean literary mart! Selections from the cream oi m.r ' : . - ill r T n ,iv A

toreiK" raagnzuica wti oi couisc uv-- iui"""'MUSIC. In the progress ot improvement,

feature has "been added to the Brother Jonatnan1 anpr

riublication of new and popular music. ve,J ' J ,

will contain something in this way, new and pleafan.

reference hein had in the selection, rather to 6tic.?

pieces as all can sing and play, than to recneixiic .v

positions, suited only io me scienimc. a --

music type has been purchased, and a gentleman ,

gaged to superintend this department, of xcellc,f


nerience anu knowledge ol music. Anis wm ,

to give music a publicity which it never enjoyeo or

to carry the same themes for carol to tne . .

;n the-- farthest back-wood- which delights the wr)

the city drawing-room- . AjsimuUaneous popuiarn)

ihhs be enjoyed all over the country by such c -

tions as are adapted to the public taste, and o ,

the public lavor. . t,en:.Whatever oiher improvements may sog? est

selves, will be adopted ; and no pains spared w '

the Jonathan a welcome visiter to all SOTl0 y Jrwhose tastes are worthv of gratification. Otn r.odicals may be- - addressed to particular Pinl !

to particular, classes Jonathan will wander !ree' j,,,r'grave to gay, from lively to severe," and triv?.the aid he has enlisted, to compass the whole cin c

give, in a word, a Cyclopedic, of whatever wa) ,'

He appeals to the past for vouchers of what he ca iand what he can, herein. rnrflr

TERMS Three dollars a year, in advance- .-' - . : c .i ..,;u hp sent one )

will the p toj one copy two years. In no casesent out of the city unless paid for in advance.

DC? All Communications and Letters shouia j.

July I, 2840.

Wilson & compan .

io. W3 au -2963t
