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The Ocala evening star. (Ocala, Fla.) 1911-05-19 [p ]. · and considering the weather it has...

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OCAXA EVENING STAR, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1011. THE WOMAN'S CLUB IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OGALA EVENING STAR Tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 the Wo man g Club will hold its last regular In the circuit court yesterday after- noon the trial of the negro Benbow for causing the death of the boy Mitchell, resulted in a mistrial. meeting for the season. There will be C L BlttJnger una it. K. Carroll, Editors and Publishers. reports from the various officers and chairmen, and a short civic program ft ft under the direction of Mrs. Tydings. PINELLAS BILL. PASSED ivic chairman. Mrs. Spencer and Mrs. C. L. BITTiyGER, Editor 1 Goin will be hostesses for the social iMla Tmi a Tai hour. Affect I as the laeoi Tbe Temple Theater Will be the Center of Attraction for Oeala People TkU Events The commencement exercises of the hig-- school will be held at the Temple Theater this evening. The exercises will open at 8:30, and it is hoped that all will be present at that time, as peo- ple coming in after the exercises com Tallahassee. May 19 Pinellas county u u K. R. GAHROLL, Rusiness Manager GRADUATION' OF HOSPITAL M'RSI A good-size- d audience was present J. s.,fiinx at the Woman's Club rooms last even ing to witness the graduating exer- - mence will cause confusion. Hon. R. J. B. Franz, the well known safe and cises of the nurses of the Marion Coun- - j A Burford will preside. Following is lock expert, died suddenly in Tampa . rT 1 , . iy uospuai. ine grauudiea were Jirs. vision, lopping off a portion of Hills- borough and converting it into a new county, passed, the Senate yesterday afternoon by a vote of 20 to 9. The sig- nature of the governor and a ratifica- tion of the measure by three-fifth- s of the residents of the newly created created county is all that Is needed now to make the measure a law. Moveover, the question Is already be- ing raised as to whether or not It will yesterday. Mr. Franz's home was In .Mary urace uuricnauer oi uunneuon Program Jacksonville, and he was in Tampa on and Miss L,izzie Glenn Harwell of Stockton. Ga. a business visit. He was a native of Mansfield. Ohio, and was about 66 yea.jp of aj?e. Mr. Franz did much work in Prayer 'was offered by Rev. Camp Invocation Dr. W. H. Dodge. Piano solo, "Mamenoi Ostrow" (Anton Uubinstien) Irma Blake. Oration. "Idols" Paul Weathers. bell Gray. Miss Gertie Peyser gave an exquisite piano o and Mrs. H. M. his line in Ocala, and was a frequent visitor here. He was a genial gentle- man and 'a fine business man, and his be necessary to take a vote on the measure, many contending that the signature of the governor is all that is necessary for the measure to be death will cause general regret Hampton, accompanied by Miss Wart-man- n, sang two beatuiful songs. Major L. T. Izlar delivered one of his classic addresses and Mr. T. T. Munroe made a short and pithy talk. throughout the state. come a law. Declamation, speech of Senator Hoar on the Philippines Leon Leitner. Chorus, "Rest" arrangement of Rub- instein's "Melody, in F." Oration. "Osceola" Edward Hender- son. Class History Herbert Martin. Class Will Jessie Wilson. sale of Men's Suits and OUR began last Monday and considering the weather it has certainly been well attend- ed. This is the grandest oppor- tunity for you to get a .suit or pair of pants at practically your own price. Boose Bill Shelved SAXCTIMOMOIS KM'SII Dr. W. V. Newsom delivered the ad The House had a strenuous day of dress to the graduates and presented them with their class pins, and the The height of absurdity has proba bly been reached by Gainesville, Fla it on good roads and liquor bills. All the morning hour was taken up in dis diplomas were given with appropriate cussing the bill to create and establish In the Bunday observance law which Is now in force in that unfortunate vil remarks by Judge W. S. Rullock. Mrs. Ia 11. McMeekin, the matron, who has special road and bridge districts and issue bonds and levy and collect a spe lage. conducted the hospital so well the past Drug stores are allowed to be open on Sunday only from 8 to 10 a. m., and cial road and bridge tax. It was final ly voted down. two years, was admitted to the medical profession. The exercises closed with the benediction by Rev. W. H. Coleman. from 2 to 4 p. m. News stands, only The Divis loquor bill regulating the Piano solo, Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 (Franz Liszt) Annie Laurie Perry. . Class Poem Laurie Izlar. Class Prophecy Anna MacDowell. Address, Dr. A. J. Farrah. University of Florida. Presentation of Diplomas Mr. L. W. Duval. Chorus, arrangement of waltz from Gounod's "Faust." Benediction Rev. W. H. Coleman. Kveulng Star Will Publlmh the Enaaya The Star has secured copies of the saloons was taken up and finally inde from 12:30 to 2:20. Restaurants mu.st close exceot from 5:30 to 8, from 12 MAHIOV t'OUSTYHOADS finitely postponed. All other liquor bills will likely be treated In the same to 2 and from 5:30 to 8. The oerson who is unfortunate enough to be caught in Gainesville on manner. Income Amendment Strike Sna A startling discovery was made yes Sunday must conform his health, hi habits and his appetite to these hours terday when the Senate found that It essays of the graduates and put them in If he needs medcine at any time out could not constitutionally ratify the income tax amendment as the House side of the prescribed hours, he mus type, and will publish them in full to- morrow. They are all good surpris- ingly good, considering the youth of All oi the l'OO suits offered in this Halt are dependable nierchandie ami you will nvr re- gret investing your moiiey in any of them. : : Every price mentioned repre- sents just about half of its ac- tual value. We must sell these goods now. STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT did several weeks ago. After debate die for the lack of it. If he wants to buy a newspaper or a magazine at any time except between noon and 2:30, he for many hours, vote was about to be taken when Senator Dayton read the followin gsection from the constitu A bulletin of the Florida Geological Survey says: "About 150 miles of sand-cla- y roads and 97 miles of crushed stone roads have been completed in Marion county. The roads are built 10 feet wide and vary in cost from $1,600 to $3,000 per mile, depending upon the availability of material and the distance of hauling. The county pays a 4-- road tax, which amounted in 1910 to approxi- mately $20,626. The county has a road superintendent. The county's road equipment consists of a traction engine, roller, scraper, mules and wagons, valued at $5,000. About 20 convicts are worked on the roads. All above this must do without his reading. If he get tion of the state of Florida: hungry or If by any combination o circumstances, he reciuires his meal "No convention nor legislature of the the authors couched in the most cor- rect language, all in good taste and de- void of egotism, overflowing with kind- ness of the graduates toward each oth- er, and containing many happy hits. Anyone who desires extra copies had better order them this evening or to- morrow morning early, as we do not expect to print additional papers, ex- cept on request. outside the usual meal hours, he mus state shall act upon any amendment o the constitution of the United States continue hungry until the law permit the restaurants to throw open thei proposed by Congress, to the several doors and feed him. states, unless such convention or legls And yet, we are told that this ordl lature shall have been elected after nance was a "modification" of another such amendment is submitted." All hold over senators, which Is half of the present Senate, were elected An automobile in good condition for sale at a great bargain. If interested, inquire at this office. more than J.wo years ago and prior to the submission of the income tax number are hired out and the receipts are applied to the road fund. The county has approximately 1000 miles of public roads. The chief road ma- terials are limestone or marl, flint, sand- - clay, and phosphate. The total expenditure on roadav and bridges dur- ing 1910 was between $40,000 and BELOW WE QUOTE A FEW PRICES SO AS TO GIVE AN IDEA OF THE MANNER IN WHICH WE EXPECT TO SELL THIS LARGE QUANTITY OF CLOTHING IN THE NEXT TEN DAYS amendment by Congress. The wording of this section of the Florida consti tution is very plain and the point rais ed by Senator Dayton will interest the entire country. The matter was re erred to a committee of five lawyers FOR LADIES members oi the Senate, wno win report Tuesday. No vote was taken yester day. The committee consists of Mes srs. Dayton. Stokes. Hudson, Williams 8.98 7.98 Men's Suits that we sold up to 15. at Men's Suits that we sold up to $1L at . and Davis. Abington. 111. After years of suffer- ing from kidney, bladder and rheu- matic trouble, was given up to die by my home doctors. A friend had me to use one bottle of Hall's Texas Wonder and it cured me. Mrs. Wm. Cline. Sold by druggists. Men's Suits that we I AO sold up to $7.5(Ut--4."- 0 Men's Suits that we O AO sold up to $. at utO Note the Following Reductions. and that even this does not meet the demands of the ministers' association. Such mawkish intolerance makes the " average man sick at the stomach. To put medicine, food and reading matter on the list of Sunday violations is to write down the promoters of such a law as human varieties of these ani- mals which run to ears rather than to brains. We are really sorry for Gainesville, which, naturally, is a real nice little city; but to be throttled by such a sanctimonious gang of numbskulls as that which seem to have charge of Its affairs at 'present, is more than any town can survive. No self-respecti- ng stranger will permit himself to be caught in Gainesville over Sunday and if we are not mistaken in the sort of people who make up a considerable portion of its population, all of its citi- zens who can get out of town will hunt other places for at least one day in the week Tampa Tribune. The proper place for strangers and traveling men to stop in this part of the state on Sundays Is Ocala, where" they can have all the religion, morality, cigars, soda water, magazines, papers, buggy rides and all the other things that make Sunday worth while. HE WILL COME AttAIX AXD HE DID COME AOAIX Give a show a big night and it will Men's Suits that we C AQ . sold up to 10. at.--t)- 70 come again. This shoe had a big time NOTICE enjoyed itself and "he came again." That black velvet strapless pump. Fits to perfection. Will not slip off. "By their style ye shall know them." Call and see them. Only $3.50 at II. B. Masters Company. THE "FOUXTAIN OF YOl'TH" is the soda fountain in our drug store. All the youth of both sexes patronize it, but that does not keep the old folks from enjoying it, too. Our soda is pure and refreshing, and flavored with all On account of my removal about July 1st from my present business lo- cation, I offer until then at greatly re- duced prices a large lot of meerehaum and briar pipes, cob and stone pipes in factory packages. Also offer for sale four new Victor safes, small sfzes sui- table for house or store, lot of show cases, counters, etc., one large double This Only Gives You a Faint Idea of the Values as in a Good Many Instances the Price Has Been Cut Less Than Half. MEN'S PANTS MUST BE SOLD DURING THIS SALE If you want medicines quickly, 'phone the Post Office Drug Store. No service better than ours. the popular syrups. You will find it ex hilarating, satisfying, cooling. Try it door safe and one cash register. once then you will recommend it your STAPLE- - WILL SOAR Charles Peyser. self. Only Five Cents. THE COUnt PHARMACY Plione 284 A DIUEC'T ( IIAHOK AGAIST LHKIMKH'S ELECTION Foley Kidney Remedy Acted Quickly M. H. George of Irondale, Ala., was bothered with kidney trouble for many years. "I was persuaded to try Foley Kidney Remedy, and before taking it three days I could feel its beneficial ef- fects. The pain left my back, my kid- ney action .cleared up, and I am so much better. I do not hesitate to re- commend Foley Kidney Remedy." Sold by the Court Pharmacy. "There is not enough cotton to go around, and the price will certainly go very much higher." is the statemtnt made by Frank Ii. Hayne of New Or- leans, the bull leader. Coming from the source that it it does, the statement is considered as sufficient. Hayne is the man who caused a great deal of excitement on the New Orleans cotton exchange when he of- fered to purchase 200.000 bales of May and July cotton at the market price, then going one better by offering an eighth of a cent higher than the ex 1.69 1.24 98c Men's Pai ts that we sol 1 up to $2."i0 at . Men's Pants that we s:ld up to $2. at . . Men's Pants that wh so!d up to l.;"U, at Men's Pants that, we iO sold up to 4, at L40 Men'sPants that we 2 sold up to $:t.ri0.aat--ee- ) Men's Pants that we 1 AO sold up to at 1"0 The report of the Helm senatorial committee, appointed to investigate circumstances surrounding the election of William Lorimer to the United States Senate has been returned tothe Illinois Senate. The two most vital points are a criticism by Judge Petit of Chicago for his ruling j the habeas corpus case involving Tilden, Cummins and Benedict, and this expression: "Your committee has reached the conclusion that the ejection of William Lorimer before the last general assem- bly would not have occurred had it not been for bribery and corruption." TAX C ALF TIIHKK BITTOX OXFORD A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF PANTS ARE GOING AT LESS THAN HALF FORMER PRICES See that tan calf three-butto- n oxford at Masters. Welt sole, wing tip. Looks right and is right. Something new. Wonderfully different. Full round toe, Stago last, medium heel a peach. Call and see it at H. B. Masters Co. t'HOWIl OF BAPTISTS change quotations for all cotton in the city. He continued by saying: "We know how much cotton we will get between now and September 1. There is not enough to keep the mills running. Some of them must close down. The world needs 27.000,000 bales, and all that it will get will be 14.500.000 bales, which means about 4.500,000 of the amount required. I certainly am of the opinion that cotton will go higher." COPYING WAXTFD The Jacksonville papers claim there are five thousand people in attendance on the Southern Baptist Convention. A worthy girl, who is deaf.and dumb, wishes copying to do. Please leave word at the Star office if you can give her any work. c FOR SALE AX EXGIXE AX D A POLICY can de more to relieve one's anxiety in case of fire, but it is a question if the polit-- is not the more powerful. It Is a good thing to have, in any case, for the fire is liable to wipe out everything before the engine arrives. Suppose you let us write you policy? It will take a load off your mind foneffuture days. CULBREATII & BELL Room l. Merchants Block, Ocala, AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE I have a first class touring: car to rent by the hour or day, with compe- tent driver. Call at my store or phone 300. H. W. Tucker. 1 have two good, gentle horses for sale, one an ideal family horse of heavy build and easy to keep, In good condition; the other an excellent sad- dle or farm horse. Will sell at reason- able prices. W. D. Carn. Samoaet Chocolates ehlef of them all at Devrey'a Cafe. See that tan calf Colonial strapless pump, one of the "Seven Wonders of Shoedom," at Masters! Just from fash-ionvill- e, only 4. H. B. Masters Co. 5 or 6 doses "eSO will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price, 25c. has never been THERE like this offered here. We are determined to sell this clothing. Men's clothing has never been slashed before as it is now. On account of an over purchase we are determined to sell off this not of suits and pants. THIS SALE LASTS ONLY 5 DAYS MORE Thursday, May 25th. at 7 P. M. is the end of this sale. . COME RIGHT NOW AND YOU ' WILL SAVE. XET RES I" LT OF XOTHIXO Samowet Chocolate eblef of them all at Devrey'a Cafe. We Carry everything that is handled by a First Class Up-To-D- ate GROCERY Our goods are fresh and the service is prompt Baxter Carn SUCCESSOR to MARTIN & CARN Outcome of the Wall-Edwar- ds Bribery laveMlft-atlo- a LOST Part of a Masonic charm with compass and square emblem. Finder return to Star office and receive suita- ble reward. XO (.HEAT LOSS (Tampa Tribune) The great two hundred dollar sensa- tion at Tallahassee has been investi- gated and the only result is that the messenger, who had a convenient loss of memory, has been discharged. Noth- ing has been learned, because of the said messenger's "forgettery" of whence the money came or whither it Originating in the restaurant at the Moncrief Park grand stand at Jack IT IS FAN SEASON sonville, fire consumed the entire struc Ahd we are not alluding to baseball . i t H - 7" thnca hat ildvt! m a Ir a t V . ture Thursday. A large crowd or peo- ple assembled to watch the blaze, but they were powerless, and could only I went, after it has been spurned by the breeze dispensing electrical fans ne- - ruggedly honest Mr. Wall ce.sary in every office, store, factory j watch the fire consume the building j which has durjng the past three win and home. Our business is to install these and take care of them as well as furnishing''all kinds of electrical sup- plies for every purpose. We are very reasonable in charges and prompt in our work. H. W. TUCKER Corner South First Street and Osce- ola Avenue. .PHONE 300 9 If the truth were known, it would doubtless be discovered that the Inci- dent was a "frame-up- " and that It em- anated from the gentlemen who were so active in advocating the passage of the anti-racin- g law. They realised that a mysterious tender of money jnst at that time would be charged to the rac- ing interest, because they were proper- ly supposed to be the only possessor of an ample "dough-bag- " then doing business at the capital. It turned out W. G. BLANCHARD CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER PLANS FURNISHED ON APPLICATION 1 P. O. BOX 40 OCALA. FLA. ters housed the greatest crowds in the history of winter racing in America. An open space between the grand stand and yf stables prevented the latter from being burned. It is not known how much insurance was placed on the grand stand, but the loss as represented by the structure will abount to between ten and fifteen thousand dollars. The structure was filled with chairs and all fixtures used during the racing meets which have been held in the past, making the loss doubly severe to the Florida Live Stock and Agricultural State 'Fair Associa- tion. At this early writing there are no means of knowing what the intentions" of the association will be in regard to rebuilding the stand, but as the de- struction of the grand stand follows so close on the heels of the enactment of anti-racin- g laws "by the state legisla- ture, there is a strong probability that Concrief Park has seen it last horse racing. Jacksonville Metropolis, 18th. just as the framers-u- p expected. Mr. j Wall, himself, in reporting the matter j to the House, mentioned the race-trac- k (interests first among those he suspect-- j ed of thensult. The members who I had not fully decided how they would vote on the racing bill were converted ;at once. They feared that a vote ; against the bill or a failure to vote j would put them under suspicion as ; having received ealed envelopes from jthe taciturn messenger. Foley Pill What They Will Do for Yon They will cure your backache, . C. J. PHILLIPS Contractor and Builder Plans aud Specifications Furnished Upon Request. 129 South Third Street OCALA FLORIDA It was a smooth trick and it worked. The messenger has lost his Job. but he has probably been "remembered" by j those in the deal. It is unfortunate. - BALKED AT COLD STEEL ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY LORETTO (Near Mandarin). FLORIDA. Boarding school for Boya Conducted by the Sisters of St. Joseph. Young Boya from S to 14 years Received. Carefully Trained along Physi- cal. Intellectual. Moral and Social Lines. Healthy Location. Magnificent Swimming Pool. Complete Equipment ln Schoolroom. Dormitories, Dining Hall and Recreation Rooms. Apply lor Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIOR. ST. JOSKeil'S ACADEMY, LOUETTO. FLORIDA. DR. J. T. SHAW, VETERINARIAN Graduate of the United States Col- lege of Veterinary Surgeons, WASHINGTON, D. (. Ideated at the Jonea Honpltal on South Flrat Street. Went OCALA, FLORIDA. All Calls Promptly Answered. Bii6.i6iucu jrwu "u"yo ww- - however, that the investigating com- - rect urinary irregularities build i mittee could not unmask the whole proceedings. It would have proved an up the worn out tissues, and : interestIng reVlation of the divers eliminate the excess UriC acid; methods adopted to influence legisla- - that causes rheumatism. Pre. j li"n al Tallanase vent Bright's Disease and Dia- - i piles CURED TS 6 TO 14 DAYS bates, and restore health ant pazo ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of itching, blind, bleed- - strength. Refuse substitutes. ; lng or protrudln& plles ln to 14 days SOLD by THE COURT PHARMACY or money refunded. 50c. "I wouldn't let a doctor cut my foot off," said II. D. Ely, Bantam, Ohio, "al- though a horrible ulcer had been the plague of my life for four years. In- stead I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and my foot was soon completely cur- ed." Heals burns, boils, sores, bruises, eczema, pimples, corns. Surest pile cure. 25 cents at Tydlngs & Co's.
Page 1: The Ocala evening star. (Ocala, Fla.) 1911-05-19 [p ]. · and considering the weather it has certainly been well attend-ed. This is the grandest oppor-tunity for you to get a .suit



man g Club will hold its last regularIn the circuit court yesterday after-

noon the trial of the negro Benbow forcausing the death of the boy Mitchell,resulted in a mistrial.

meeting for the season. There will beC L BlttJnger una it. K. Carroll,Editors and Publishers.

reports from the various officers andchairmen, and a short civic program ft ftunder the direction of Mrs. Tydings. PINELLAS BILL. PASSED

ivic chairman. Mrs. Spencer and Mrs.C. L. BITTiyGER, Editor 1Goin will be hostesses for the social iMla Tmi

a Taihour. Affect I as the laeoi

Tbe Temple Theater Will be the Centerof Attraction for Oeala People

TkU Events

The commencement exercises of thehig-- school will be held at the TempleTheater this evening. The exerciseswill open at 8:30, and it is hoped thatall will be present at that time, as peo-ple coming in after the exercises com

Tallahassee. May 19 Pinellas county u uK. R. GAHROLL, Rusiness Manager GRADUATION' OF HOSPITAL M'RSI

A good-size- d audience was presentJ. s.,fiinx at the Woman's Club rooms last even

ing to witness the graduating exer- - mence will cause confusion. Hon. R.J. B. Franz, the well known safe and cises of the nurses of the Marion Coun- - j A Burford will preside. Following islock expert, died suddenly in Tampa . rT 1 , .iy uospuai. ine grauudiea were Jirs.

vision, lopping off a portion of Hills-borough and converting it into a newcounty, passed, the Senate yesterdayafternoon by a vote of 20 to 9. The sig-

nature of the governor and a ratifica-tion of the measure by three-fifth- s ofthe residents of the newly createdcreated county is all that Is needednow to make the measure a law.Moveover, the question Is already be-

ing raised as to whether or not It will

yesterday. Mr. Franz's home was In .Mary urace uuricnauer oi uunneuon ProgramJacksonville, and he was in Tampa on and Miss L,izzie Glenn Harwell ofStockton. Ga.a business visit. He was a native of

Mansfield. Ohio, and was about 66 yea.jpof aj?e. Mr. Franz did much work in Prayer 'was offered by Rev. Camp

Invocation Dr. W. H. Dodge.Piano solo, "Mamenoi Ostrow" (Anton

Uubinstien) Irma Blake.Oration. "Idols" Paul Weathers.

bell Gray. Miss Gertie Peyser gavean exquisite piano o and Mrs. H. M.his line in Ocala, and was a frequent

visitor here. He was a genial gentle-man and 'a fine business man, and his

be necessary to take a vote on themeasure, many contending that thesignature of the governor is all thatis necessary for the measure to bedeath will cause general regret

Hampton, accompanied by Miss Wart-man- n,

sang two beatuiful songs. MajorL. T. Izlar delivered one of his classicaddresses and Mr. T. T. Munroe made ashort and pithy talk.

throughout the state. come a law.

Declamation, speech of Senator Hoaron the Philippines Leon Leitner.

Chorus, "Rest" arrangement of Rub-instein's "Melody, in F."

Oration. "Osceola" Edward Hender-son.

Class History Herbert Martin.Class Will Jessie Wilson.

sale of Men's Suits andOUR began last Mondayand considering the weather ithas certainly been well attend-ed. This is the grandest oppor-tunity for you to get a .suit orpair of pants at practically yourown price.

Boose Bill ShelvedSAXCTIMOMOIS KM'SII Dr. W. V. Newsom delivered the adThe House had a strenuous day ofdress to the graduates and presented

them with their class pins, and theThe height of absurdity has probably been reached by Gainesville, Fla

it on good roads and liquor bills. Allthe morning hour was taken up in disdiplomas were given with appropriatecussing the bill to create and establishIn the Bunday observance law which Is

now in force in that unfortunate vilremarks by Judge W. S. Rullock. Mrs.Ia 11. McMeekin, the matron, who has special road and bridge districts and

issue bonds and levy and collect a spelage. conducted the hospital so well the pastDrug stores are allowed to be open

on Sunday only from 8 to 10 a. m., andcial road and bridge tax. It was finally voted down.

two years, was admitted to the medicalprofession. The exercises closed withthe benediction by Rev. W. H. Coleman.from 2 to 4 p. m. News stands, only The Divis loquor bill regulating the

Piano solo, Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 (Franz Liszt) Annie Laurie Perry.

. Class Poem Laurie Izlar.Class Prophecy Anna MacDowell.Address, Dr. A. J. Farrah. University

of Florida.Presentation of Diplomas Mr. L. W.

Duval.Chorus, arrangement of waltz from

Gounod's "Faust."Benediction Rev. W. H. Coleman.

Kveulng Star Will Publlmh the EnaayaThe Star has secured copies of the

saloons was taken up and finally indefrom 12:30 to 2:20. Restaurants mu.stclose exceot from 5:30 to 8, from 12 MAHIOV t'OUSTYHOADS finitely postponed. All other liquor

bills will likely be treated In the sameto 2 and from 5:30 to 8.

The oerson who is unfortunateenough to be caught in Gainesville on

manner.Income Amendment Strike SnaA startling discovery was made yesSunday must conform his health, hi

habits and his appetite to these hours terday when the Senate found that Itessays of the graduates and put them inIf he needs medcine at any time out could not constitutionally ratify the

income tax amendment as the Houseside of the prescribed hours, he mustype, and will publish them in full to-morrow. They are all good surpris-ingly good, considering the youth of

All oi the l'OO suits offered in this Halt aredependable nierchandie ami you will nvr re-

gret investing your moiiey in any of them. : :

Every price mentioned repre-sents just about half of its ac-

tual value. We must sell thesegoods now.


did several weeks ago. After debatedie for the lack of it. If he wants tobuy a newspaper or a magazine at anytime except between noon and 2:30, he

for many hours, vote was about to betaken when Senator Dayton read thefollowin gsection from the constitu

A bulletin of the Florida GeologicalSurvey says:

"About 150 miles of sand-cla- y roadsand 97 miles of crushed stone roadshave been completed in Marion county.The roads are built 10 feet wide andvary in cost from $1,600 to $3,000 permile, depending upon the availabilityof material and the distance of hauling.The county pays a 4-- road tax,which amounted in 1910 to approxi-mately $20,626. The county has a roadsuperintendent. The county's roadequipment consists of a traction engine,roller, scraper, mules and wagons,valued at $5,000. About 20 convicts areworked on the roads. All above this

must do without his reading. If he gettion of the state of Florida:hungry or If by any combination o

circumstances, he reciuires his meal "No convention nor legislature of the

the authors couched in the most cor-rect language, all in good taste and de-void of egotism, overflowing with kind-ness of the graduates toward each oth-er, and containing many happy hits.Anyone who desires extra copies hadbetter order them this evening or to-

morrow morning early, as we do notexpect to print additional papers, ex-cept on request.

outside the usual meal hours, he mus state shall act upon any amendment o

the constitution of the United Statescontinue hungry until the law permitthe restaurants to throw open thei proposed by Congress, to the severaldoors and feed him. states, unless such convention or legls

And yet, we are told that this ordl lature shall have been elected afternance was a "modification" of another such amendment is submitted."

All hold over senators, which Is halfof the present Senate, were elected

An automobile in good condition forsale at a great bargain. If interested,inquire at this office. more than J.wo years ago and prior to

the submission of the income tax

number are hired out and the receiptsare applied to the road fund. Thecounty has approximately 1000 milesof public roads. The chief road ma-terials are limestone or marl, flint,sand- - clay, and phosphate. The totalexpenditure on roadav and bridges dur-ing 1910 was between $40,000 and



THE NEXT TEN DAYSamendment by Congress. The wordingof this section of the Florida constitution is very plain and the point raised by Senator Dayton will interest theentire country. The matter was reerred to a committee of five lawyersFOR LADIES members oi the Senate, wno win report

Tuesday. No vote was taken yesterday. The committee consists of Messrs. Dayton. Stokes. Hudson, Williams



Men's Suits that wesold up to 15. at

Men's Suits that wesold up to $1L at .

and Davis.

Abington. 111. After years of suffer-ing from kidney, bladder and rheu-matic trouble, was given up to die bymy home doctors. A friend had me touse one bottle of Hall's Texas Wonderand it cured me. Mrs. Wm. Cline. Soldby druggists.

Men's Suits that we I AOsold up to $7.5(Ut--4."- 0

Men's Suits that we O AOsold up to $. at utO

Note the Following Reductions.

and that even this does not meet thedemands of the ministers' association.

Such mawkish intolerance makes the" average man sick at the stomach. To

put medicine, food and reading matteron the list of Sunday violations is towrite down the promoters of such alaw as human varieties of these ani-mals which run to ears rather than tobrains.

We are really sorry for Gainesville,which, naturally, is a real nice littlecity; but to be throttled by such asanctimonious gang of numbskulls asthat which seem to have charge of Itsaffairs at 'present, is more than anytown can survive. No self-respecti- ng

stranger will permit himself to becaught in Gainesville over Sunday andif we are not mistaken in the sort ofpeople who make up a considerableportion of its population, all of its citi-zens who can get out of town will huntother places for at least one day in theweek Tampa Tribune.

The proper place for strangers andtraveling men to stop in this part ofthe state on Sundays Is Ocala, where"they can have all the religion, morality,cigars, soda water, magazines, papers,buggy rides and all the other thingsthat make Sunday worth while.


Give a show a big night and it will Men's Suits that we C AQ. sold up to 10. at.--t)-


come again. This shoe had a big timeNOTICE enjoyed itself and "he came again."That black velvet strapless pump. Fitsto perfection. Will not slip off. "Bytheir style ye shall know them." Calland see them. Only $3.50 at II. B.Masters Company.

THE "FOUXTAIN OF YOl'TH"is the soda fountain in our drug store.All the youth of both sexes patronize it,but that does not keep the old folksfrom enjoying it, too. Our soda is pureand refreshing, and flavored with all

On account of my removal aboutJuly 1st from my present business lo-

cation, I offer until then at greatly re-duced prices a large lot of meerehaumand briar pipes, cob and stone pipes infactory packages. Also offer for salefour new Victor safes, small sfzes sui-table for house or store, lot of showcases, counters, etc., one large double

This Only Gives You a Faint Idea of the Values asin a Good Many Instances the Price Has Been

Cut Less Than Half.


If you want medicines quickly,'phone the Post Office Drug Store. Noservice better than ours.

the popular syrups. You will find it exhilarating, satisfying, cooling. Try it

door safe and one cash register. once then you will recommend it yourSTAPLE- - WILL SOARCharles Peyser. self. Only Five Cents.



M. H. George of Irondale, Ala., wasbothered with kidney trouble for manyyears. "I was persuaded to try FoleyKidney Remedy, and before taking itthree days I could feel its beneficial ef-

fects. The pain left my back, my kid-ney action .cleared up, and I am somuch better. I do not hesitate to re-

commend Foley Kidney Remedy." Soldby the Court Pharmacy.

"There is not enough cotton to goaround, and the price will certainly govery much higher." is the statemtntmade by Frank Ii. Hayne of New Or-leans, the bull leader. Coming fromthe source that it it does, the statementis considered as sufficient.

Hayne is the man who caused agreat deal of excitement on the NewOrleans cotton exchange when he of-fered to purchase 200.000 bales of Mayand July cotton at the market price,then going one better by offering aneighth of a cent higher than the ex




Men's Pai ts that wesol 1 up to $2."i0 at .

Men's Pants that wes:ld up to $2. at . .

Men's Pants that whso!d up to l.;"U, at

Men's Pants that, we iOsold up to 4, at L40

Men'sPants that we 2sold up to $:t.ri0.aat--ee- )

Men's Pants that we 1 AOsold up to at 1"0

The report of the Helm senatorialcommittee, appointed to investigatecircumstances surrounding the electionof William Lorimer to the UnitedStates Senate has been returned totheIllinois Senate. The two most vitalpoints are a criticism by Judge Petitof Chicago for his ruling j the habeascorpus case involving Tilden, Cumminsand Benedict, and this expression:

"Your committee has reached theconclusion that the ejection of WilliamLorimer before the last general assem-bly would not have occurred had it notbeen for bribery and corruption."




See that tan calf three-butto- n oxfordat Masters. Welt sole, wing tip. Looksright and is right. Something new.Wonderfully different. Full round toe,Stago last, medium heel a peach. Calland see it at H. B. Masters Co.


change quotations for all cotton in thecity.

He continued by saying: "We knowhow much cotton we will get betweennow and September 1. There is notenough to keep the mills running.Some of them must close down. Theworld needs 27.000,000 bales, and allthat it will get will be 14.500.000 bales,which means about 4.500,000 of theamount required. I certainly am of theopinion that cotton will go higher."

COPYING WAXTFDThe Jacksonville papers claim there

are five thousand people in attendanceon the Southern Baptist Convention.

A worthy girl, who is deaf.and dumb,wishes copying to do. Please leaveword at the Star office if you can giveher any work. c


AX EXGIXE AX D A POLICYcan de more to relieve one's anxiety incase of fire, but it is a question if thepolit-- is not the more powerful. It Isa good thing to have, in any case, forthe fire is liable to wipe out everythingbefore the engine arrives. Supposeyou let us write you policy? It willtake a load off your mind foneffuturedays.

CULBREATII & BELLRoom l. Merchants Block, Ocala,

AUTOMOBILE FOR HIREI have a first class touring: car to

rent by the hour or day, with compe-tent driver. Call at my store or phone300. H. W. Tucker.1 have two good, gentle horses for

sale, one an ideal family horse ofheavy build and easy to keep, In goodcondition; the other an excellent sad-dle or farm horse. Will sell at reason-able prices. W. D. Carn.

Samoaet Chocolatesehlef of them all

at Devrey'a Cafe.

See that tan calf Colonial straplesspump, one of the "Seven Wonders ofShoedom," at Masters! Just from fash-ionvill- e,

only 4. H. B. Masters Co.

5 or 6 doses "eSO will cure any caseof Chills and Fever. Price, 25c.

has never beenTHERE like this offered here.We are determined to sell thisclothing. Men's clothing hasnever been slashed before as itis now. On account of an overpurchase we are determined tosell off this not of suits and pants.


Thursday, May 25th. at 7 P. M.

is the end of this sale.


XET RES I" LT OF XOTHIXOSamowet Chocolate

eblef of them allat Devrey'a Cafe.

We Carryeverything that

is handledby a

First ClassUp-To-D- ate

GROCERYOur goods are

fresh andthe service is



Outcome of the Wall-Edwar- ds BriberylaveMlft-atlo- aLOST Part of a Masonic charm with

compass and square emblem. Finderreturn to Star office and receive suita-ble reward.


(Tampa Tribune)The great two hundred dollar sensa-

tion at Tallahassee has been investi-gated and the only result is that themessenger, who had a convenient lossof memory, has been discharged. Noth-ing has been learned, because of thesaid messenger's "forgettery" ofwhence the money came or whither it

Originating in the restaurant at theMoncrief Park grand stand at Jack IT IS FAN SEASON

sonville, fire consumed the entire struc Ahd we are not alluding to baseball. i t H - 7" thnca hat ildvt! m a Ir a t V .ture Thursday. A large crowd or peo-

ple assembled to watch the blaze, butthey were powerless, and could only

I went, after it has been spurned by thebreeze dispensing electrical fans ne- - ruggedly honest Mr. Wallce.sary in every office, store, factoryj watch the fire consume the buildingj which has durjng the past three win

and home. Our business is to installthese and take care of them as well asfurnishing''all kinds of electrical sup-plies for every purpose. We are veryreasonable in charges and prompt inour work.

H. W. TUCKERCorner South First Street and Osce-

ola Avenue. .PHONE 300


If the truth were known, it woulddoubtless be discovered that the Inci-dent was a "frame-up- " and that It em-

anated from the gentlemen who wereso active in advocating the passage ofthe anti-racin- g law. They realised thata mysterious tender of money jnst atthat time would be charged to the rac-ing interest, because they were proper-ly supposed to be the only possessorof an ample "dough-bag- " then doingbusiness at the capital. It turned out





ters housed the greatest crowds in thehistory of winter racing in America.An open space between the grandstand and yf stables prevented thelatter from being burned.

It is not known how much insurancewas placed on the grand stand, but theloss as represented by the structurewill abount to between ten and fifteenthousand dollars. The structure wasfilled with chairs and all fixtures usedduring the racing meets which havebeen held in the past, making the lossdoubly severe to the Florida Live Stockand Agricultural State 'Fair Associa-tion.

At this early writing there are nomeans of knowing what the intentions"of the association will be in regard torebuilding the stand, but as the de-struction of the grand stand follows soclose on the heels of the enactment ofanti-racin- g laws "by the state legisla-ture, there is a strong probability thatConcrief Park has seen it last horseracing. Jacksonville Metropolis, 18th.

just as the framers-u- p expected. Mr.j Wall, himself, in reporting the matterj to the House, mentioned the race-trac- k

(interests first among those he suspect-- jed of thensult. The members who

I had not fully decided how they wouldvote on the racing bill were converted

;at once. They feared that a vote; against the bill or a failure to votej would put them under suspicion as; having received ealed envelopes fromjthe taciturn messenger.


PillWhat They Will Do for Yon

They will cure your backache,


Contractor and BuilderPlans aud Specifications Furnished

Upon Request.129 South Third Street

OCALA FLORIDAIt was a smooth trick and it worked.

The messenger has lost his Job. but hehas probably been "remembered" by

j those in the deal. It is unfortunate.



Boarding school for Boya Conducted by the Sisters of St. Joseph.Young Boya from S to 14 years Received. Carefully Trained along Physi-

cal. Intellectual. Moral and Social Lines. Healthy Location. MagnificentSwimming Pool. Complete Equipment ln Schoolroom. Dormitories,Dining Hall and Recreation Rooms.


DR. J. T. SHAW, VETERINARIANGraduate of the United States Col-

lege of Veterinary Surgeons,WASHINGTON, D. (.

Ideated at the Jonea Honpltal on SouthFlrat Street. Went

OCALA, FLORIDA.All Calls Promptly Answered.

Bii6.i6iucu jrwu "u"yo ww- - however, that the investigating com- -

rect urinary irregularities build i mittee could not unmask the wholeproceedings. It would have proved anup the worn out tissues, and : interestIng reVlation of the divers

eliminate the excess UriC acid; methods adopted to influence legisla- -

that causes rheumatism. Pre. j li"n al Tallanasevent Bright's Disease and Dia- - i piles CURED TS 6 TO 14 DAYSbates, and restore health ant pazo ointment is guaranteed to

cure any case of itching, blind, bleed- -strength. Refuse substitutes. ; lng or protrudln& plles ln to 14 daysSOLD by THE COURT PHARMACY or money refunded. 50c.

"I wouldn't let a doctor cut my footoff," said II. D. Ely, Bantam, Ohio, "al-though a horrible ulcer had been theplague of my life for four years. In-

stead I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve,and my foot was soon completely cur-ed." Heals burns, boils, sores, bruises,eczema, pimples, corns. Surest pilecure. 25 cents at Tydlngs & Co's.
