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The Ocala evening star. (Ocala, Fla.) 1914-07-04 [p THREE]. · nix ulaua KVE.NLNG STAK. SATURDAY,...

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THREE nix ulaua KVE.NLNG STAK. SATURDAY, JULV 4, 1914 DUXXELLOX 1XTS CATALOGUE FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE SILHAfl RETURNS 5 1 o c (Advocate) s Your sen on WOMEX the Florida ' S- Mrs. Wm. Griffith and Mrs J. A. ! of The catalogue 10 SALTiLLO Grumbles, accompanied by their children, are at Largo for a two weeks' visit at Dr. Griffith's orange grove. ': Miss .Mary Affleck, of Ocala, was " 77S ' . -- HS lis First Experience with Mexicans has Not Daunted Him in Ocala Tuesday to Friday in the in- terests of her hair goods business. Washington, July 4. Fully in-- ! structed as to the Washington gov Born, a boy. He "arrived last Monday to gladden the hearts of his ernments attitude towara every State College for Women, which is now being distributed by that col- lege, is of interest not only to every citizen who has a daughter to send to college, but to every one who takes pride in the progress of his state educational institutions. The book gives tSe history of the college and shows the substantial growth it has made since. it was founded. The list of the faculty and other officers inclusive of the state " boards, com- prise 42 names. The plant as de- scribed consists of a campus of 103 acres, and seven buildings, including a new $30,000 dining room. Infor- mation Is given also concerning the terms of admission to the college )hase of the 'Mexican problem, John parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stephens of Rockwell. K. Silliman left here yesterday for Saltillo to represent the LnitJ States at the temporary capital of WE STRIVE TO 3IAKE A HIT EVERY TIME WE C03IE TO BAT OLD DOBBIX RUXS THE BASES FOR US AXD MAKES 3LVXY- - A HOME RUX TRY THESE: ... Pure Guara Jelly, Pure Orange Marmalade, Pure Preserved Figs, Beeclinut Crab Apple Jelly, Beechnut Peach Jam, Beech- - nut Apple Jelly, Glace Pineapple, Ginger and Kum- - quats in tins. , Tiventy-On- e Pounds of Sugar for $1 with $1 Cash Purchase of other Groceries on Saturday and Monday Only. General Carranza, first chief of the constitutionalists. It is understood Silliman goes vir tually as President Wilson's person- al agent to talk with the constitu tionalist leader, to lend a hand, if and the Work of the various depart occasion offers, in dealing the Car- - Mr. and airs. R. B. Norton have a permanent visitor. It is a beautiful little lady, who arrived last Thurs- day and is the joy of her parents. Mrs. B. F. Duke left Wednesday for Mulberry, where she will join her sister, Mrs. Hannewacker, who will accompany her for a trip to Tampa. , J. (R. Hamilton, of Madison, and Miss Ethel Hunt were united in mar- riage last Monday at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hunt, at Rockwell. Dr. Waddell, of the local Presbyterian . church, performed the ceremony... The happy young couple will make their home in Madison, and the numerous J. t. SMITH GROCERY COMPANY- - ranza-Vil- la breach, and particularly Orders For: I I Seams . Channels, Angles and All Shapes. Roller Plato Tank Steel, Galvanized, Copper and Zinc Sheets. Truss Hods, - Stay Bolts Structural Iron Work Of All Kind. All Hard Woods. Launches, Dories and Skiffs Ruilt to j Order. Boiler?? and Tanks Built To Order. Pumps for all Purposes. Competent Force For lioad Work at all Times. lerrill-Sfevei- s PHONE "434 to further impress on the constitu- tionalists the urgent necessity of early peace in Mexico thru a provis ments, viz: the graduate school, col- lege of arts and sciences, the; normal school, the college of art, expression and music, as -- well as concerning the work carried on thruout the state by the extension division of the .home economics department. . . Among the items of interest to those who expect to go to college ional government as proposed at Niagara Falls. Silliman, who was a classmate of President Wilson at Princeton, is the regularly accredited vice deputy consul at Saltillo. He returns to his A! FoMFlffiii .off Jely Trip , in your automobile will be much surer of ending well if your have us post, now Gen. Carranza's headquar ters, under permission recently giv 1 en by Gen. Huerta. A few weeks soon, are the calendar for the acade- mic year, and the statement of ex- penses, which for regular students in the college and normal school are kept 'within the modest sum of $124 for 35 weeks. Not the least in- teresting part of the catalogue; is the register, which shows that during the past year there were in attend friends of the bride wish her all the happines3jpossible in married life.; sMayor and 'Mrs. Bos well have just returned from an auto trip to St. Petersburg, and Passe-a-grill- e. At St. Petersburg they visited Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith. The social given by the Presbyter overhaul your car now. If there Is ago he was a prisoner there, charged by Huerta officials with aiding their v.'y anvthinc wronsr with It have us re enemies, and his release was granted anly on condition that he leave Mex- - turif. to re ico not I'f bfa rrs ance at the college, 418 young wo pair it by all means Little breaks or defects have a habit of turning in- to big ones on the road. Let us fix what is needed now and you may avoid a serious smash-u- p. men from 49 Florida counties and 12 states. : "'; . i FABM EIl'S ATTEXTJOX The catalogue shbws clearly that ian Ladies Aid Society at the resi- dence of Mrs. C. ?E. Hood, was a very delightful and successful occasion. The prize for the flower contest wa3 won by 'Mrs. Austin Smith. Theree cars of cantaloupes were shipped this week which experts de- clared, to 'be as large and choice, as grown anywhere. Despite the unfa- - young ladies of 'Florida whd wish to receive, educational advantages, of Co; my the highest type and at the lowest cost, can do so within the borders of their own states Young women who vorable season the yield from the ex are thinking of attending college Jn Marine Construction and Repair Shops. 1914-1- 5, should write the president perimental fields here is estimated at eight cars, and proves that canta- loupes can be profitably . grown on Dunnellon soil, v of the college for a copy of this cat Jacksonville, Fla. alogue. ' " ' : The Marion Hardware Company wish 'to announce that they have-ar-range- with the American Steel & Wire Company for a moving picture entertainment of great interest to the farmers. This is entitled, "Thru the Furnace to the Farm," and deals with the : manufacture of steel, es- pecially the nails, barbed 'wire and woven wire -- 'fence used on the farm. There are 5,000 feet of film in .five reels, and these are just a few of the scenes shown: iMining with giant steam shovels. Mammoth clam-she- ll buckets. Huge ore-carryi- ng boats. Blast furnace in action. Drawing off the molten , pig iron. Bessemer and open , hearth pro- cesses. A train load of white-h- ot ingots. BEST DIARRHOEA REMEDY OXFORD If you have ever used Chamber PIN OUE FAITH. TO, "OCALA. 1 20 Per Cent Real Estate Investment Docs this Look Good to You? Two small four-roo- m tenement houses, in good condition, lot large enough for two more houses, in colored section, just west of S. A. L. Railway, on South 3d street, now rented to good tenants and paying 20 per cent on the price asked, S600 for the two. Titles perfect. If interested see me at once. They will not be long on. the market at this price. . ' rr lAf HITTA RealEstate and Fire Insurance lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bushnell Tinies: The farmers of ... this section have about wound up shipping, and we" are sorry to say with no flattering results. . 'In spite of the long drouth, some of our farmers say they will mal:e enough corn to do them and liave Remedy you know that it i3 a suc- cess. Sam F. Guin, . Whatley, Ala., writes, "I had measles . and got caught out in the rain, and it settled in mji stomach and bowels. I had an awful time, and . had it not. been for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I could not possi- bly have lived but a !few hours long r. uv, ui i i w, , er, but thanks to this remedy, I am OCALA, FLOIIIDA Phone 285 now well and .strong." For sale by PHONE 503 For Good Wood i BIG Load lor 81. Your Order will have Immediate Attention. J. L. SMOAR At Smoak's Wagon Shop. Rolling out' the plastic metal. Cold wire drawing. Galvanizing. -- Weaving wire fence, The proper way to build-fenc- on all dealers.' ; adv., " ' "' ' 'i NOTICE 3 plenty to feed to the hogs, though a few will hardly reap what the' have sowed. - . Mrs. W. M. Odell will leave in a few days for her former home in Pine 'Bluff, Ark., where she will spend the summer with relatives.. Mrs. J. W. Dixon and family left last Sunday for . Fitzgerald, Ga., where they will make their future home among relatives. After it is almost too late for a the farm. All tires and tubes sold at the establishment of "Davies the tire man" from July 1, will be sold only but with a v5 dis-- - 6-2- 8-tf for CASH, count. ' Eealy for . Bisliess. : ' . ... m I am now prepared to give my undivided attention to all kinds ot Jewelry aifl WaMi HepairiEg. ) I have all the. latest appliances for doing work of this class - . . quickly and at the . lowest possible expense. Give me a trial. news item, we learned that Mr.- - Clyde Perry and Miss Thelma Ogle were TxIE METROPOLITAN The manufacture of American steel fence posts. . , . These have been pronounced the greatest industrial pictures of the age, and it is worth while for any farmer to see them. Admission is by ticket only. Any farmer may ob- tain free tickets for himself and family calling on the Marion Hard- ware Company. - Don't forget the time and "place Tuesday, July 7th, at 3:30 p. m., at the Temple theater. Ad 7-4- -2 1. SAVINGS BANK married at the home of the bride several days ago. They were Visit ing Mrs. Scott, Sunday. This bank always open until 8 o'clock in the evening on Saturdays! and Mondays; on other days of the CURED INDIGESTION week it closes at 3 o'clock In the aft DeJicotis- - ernoon. The bank will observe all legal holidays, both "state and na JOHXSOX DEFENDS LITTLE JOE Ell SMI AISLES ii JJo C m tional and will remain closed on Fresh Daily. 7l Editor Star:, In your issue of those days. v'-.;- ' , v; ; . :'.''--"- ' r ' George Giles, President. Mrs. Sadie P. Clawson, Indiana, Pa., was bothered with indigestion. "My stomach pained me. night and day," she writes. "I would feel bloated and have headache and belch- ing after eating. I also suffered from constipation. My daughter had used Chamberlain's Tablets and they did her so much good that she gave me a few doses of them and in Carlisle Drug Store Building FLORIDA , Frank P. Gadson, Cashier., 3-1- 9-tf OCALA, July .2nd, appeared an editorial concerning the candidacy of ex-Go- v. Joe Brown for United States RAGS WAITED 1 Senator against 'Hoke Smith.- - In this sisted upon me trying them. They editorial you can Joe.tfrown a re lelped me as nothing else has done." When cleaning out ; , your- - trunks or sale by all dealers adv. actionary candidate of the railroads and other corporate interests I Made by Machinery and Baked by Steam and chiffonier drawers, packing away clothes for a trip or for the summer, 'm deny this from beginnig to end and WOODMEN OF THE WORLD save the clean cotton rags and bring would be very glad if you will fur- nish proof of the above statement. . them to the Star office and turn them Fort King Camp No. 14 meets in CARTER'S BAKERY Phone 360 into cash; whether you have five or I know Joe Brown and I know ronge's Hall at 8 p. m. ev-- y second a hundred pounds. . tf TABS Hoke Smith. T also know that Little and fourth Friday. "Visiting sov- ereigns alwavf welcome. Adv. Joe Brown is a statesman that can OCALA LODGE NO. 28(i; B. P. 0.E. be trusted at all times by all class- es of people. R J. Burden, C. C Chas K. Sage, Clerk. Ocala Lodge No. 286, Benevolent i) fa If',-.-' -- 7:1 , t)V . I am, sorry Mr. Editor that you and Protective Order of Elks, meets LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE have 'been misinformed about "Little Carl Wenzel & Son PLASTERS and CONTRACTORS the second and fourth Tuesday even- - Joe" Brown. Of course Lord Hoke i V1 vla ngs In each month. Visiting breth would have you believe that every- thing and everybody was all wrong. ren always welcome. Club house Ocala Lodge No. 699, L O. O. M., neets every Thursday ai 8:30 p. m. isiting brethren always welcome to How did Hoke get to be United opposite postoffice, east side. , David S. Williams, E. R. Joseph Bell, Secretary. A a. States Senator? By carrying the the lodge and club house, on Mag- nolia street near postoffice. representatives of. the legislature out to the governor's mansion, feed For Lathing Plastering and ituc-c- o work, also all kinds of Cement work. We take contracts any- where in the state. Wyominia and Washington Sts. OCALA, FLORIDA J. D. Rooney, dictator. J. E. Gates, Secretary. ad MARION COUNTY DIRECTORY ing them and giving them cigars and saying all manner of hard things against ex-Go- v. J. M. Terrell. That's Regular convocations of the Oeala CONCORDIA LODGE F. OF A. Chapter No. 13, R. A. M., on the how. Respectfully, fourth Friday in every month .at J. W. Johnson. 7:30 p. m. C. E. Simmons, H. P. Jake Brown. Secretary. Ad. Concordia L.oage, Fratornal Union of America, meets If Yonge's Hall on tfce second Thursaay evening of each month. Geo. L. Taylor, F.M. Chas. K. Sage. Secretary. Id OCALA PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTICE TO EASTERN STARS Open daily except Sunday from 3 to 5 p. m. Board of Trade rooms, Officers of Ocala Chapter No. 29, Ocala House bloc::., HEADACHE AND NERVOUSNESS , CURED O. E. S., are requested by the worthy Piione 481 If you want to bay or sell FUMOTUEE. New and Second Hand Household Goods ? Farm Tools, Harness Etc. .'.-.I-.- f e Easy Payments if Desired Louise E. Gamsby, LibrariaD. matron to meet at Yonge's hall Mon "Chamberlain's Tablets are entitl ed to all the praise I can give them." day, 4:30 p. m., to rehearse for in KNIGHTS OF PYTHLIS itiation for Thursday, July 9. -- C - OSKl lllli,! S ?iATOriS WJI.VTED TOR J i x ioc3Doa ill i vS r" on 1:f v?rjtr? ttu oq apjo ipwa imil ? h CO.. 63 &eewlct.U O ST1MI" Iimilli." III!"" I. MMMMIMU.IMai writes iMrs. Richard Olp, Spencer-por- t, N. Y. They have cured me of headache and nervousness and re- stored my normal health." For sale Ocaja Lodge No. 19. Conventions held every Monday at 7:30 p. m., at Castle Hall, over the James Carlisle Own your own nome nr ouylng a by all dealers. adv but. modern bungalow on easy terms of the Ocala Lumber & Supply Com k. 1. drugstore. A cordial welcome to vis iting brothers. Wm. M. Gober C. C. 5-1- 5-tf pany. 310 S. Main St. Ocala Fla. Ad Chas. K. Sage, K. R. S. a uioDe-Wernic- ke cabin el. will keep your papers so you can find them easily. See one at The Murray Company. 7-2- -Ct Society emblems, monograms or Those dinners at Rodoff's Cafe are initials will be put, on your trunk or Fresh shrimp every day at Rodoff's the best to be had in the city and the suit case free when' purchased from Star Want Ads. Bring Results Cafe. 6-3- 0-tf price is Tight. .6-30- -tf Advertise in the Star of results. B. Goldman. Why Pay More. 7-l- -4t
Page 1: The Ocala evening star. (Ocala, Fla.) 1914-07-04 [p THREE]. · nix ulaua KVE.NLNG STAK. SATURDAY, JULV 4, 1914 THREE DUXXELLOX 1XTS CATALOGUE FLORIDA SILHAfl RETURNS STATE COLLEGE



SILHAfl RETURNS 5 1 o c(Advocate)s Yoursen on WOMEX

the Florida'

S-Mrs. Wm. Griffith and Mrs J. A. ! ofThe catalogue10 SALTiLLO Grumbles, accompanied by their

children, are at Largo for a twoweeks' visit at Dr. Griffith's orangegrove. ':

Miss .Mary Affleck, of Ocala, was "77S ' . --HSlis First Experience with Mexicans

has Not Daunted Him in Ocala Tuesday to Friday in the in-

terests of her hair goods business.Washington, July 4. Fully in-- !structed as to the Washington gov Born, a boy. He "arrived last

Monday to gladden the hearts of hisernments attitude towara every

State College for Women, which isnow being distributed by that col-

lege, is of interest not only to everycitizen who has a daughter to sendto college, but to every one whotakes pride in the progress of hisstate educational institutions. Thebook gives tSe history of the collegeand shows the substantial growth ithas made since. it was founded. Thelist of the faculty and other officersinclusive of the state " boards, com-prise 42 names. The plant as de-

scribed consists of a campus of 103acres, and seven buildings, includinga new $30,000 dining room. Infor-mation Is given also concerning theterms of admission to the college

)hase of the 'Mexican problem, John parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stephensof Rockwell.K. Silliman left here yesterday for

Saltillo to represent the LnitJStates at the temporary capital of



TRY THESE: ...Pure Guara Jelly, Pure Orange Marmalade, Pure Preserved Figs,

Beeclinut Crab Apple Jelly, Beechnut Peach Jam, Beech- -nut Apple Jelly, Glace Pineapple, Ginger and Kum--

quats in tins. ,

Tiventy-On-e Pounds of Sugar for $1 with $1 Cash Purchase of otherGroceries on Saturday and Monday Only.

General Carranza, first chief of theconstitutionalists.

It is understood Silliman goes virtually as President Wilson's person-al agent to talk with the constitutionalist leader, to lend a hand, if and the Work of the various departoccasion offers, in dealing the Car--

Mr. and airs. R. B. Norton have apermanent visitor. It is a beautifullittle lady, who arrived last Thurs-day and is the joy of her parents.

Mrs. B. F. Duke left Wednesdayfor Mulberry, where she will joinher sister, Mrs. Hannewacker, whowill accompany her for a trip toTampa. ,

J. (R. Hamilton, of Madison, andMiss Ethel Hunt were united in mar-riage last Monday at the home ofthe bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Hunt, at Rockwell. Dr. Waddell,of the local Presbyterian . church,performed the ceremony... The happyyoung couple will make their homein Madison, and the numerous

J. t. SMITH GROCERY COMPANY- -ranza-Vil- la breach, and particularly

Orders For:I I Seams .

Channels,Angles andAll Shapes.

Roller PlatoTank Steel,Galvanized,Copper andZinc Sheets.

Truss Hods,- Stay Bolts

StructuralIron WorkOf All Kind.

All Hard Woods.

Launches,Dories andSkiffsRuilt to j


Boiler?? andTanks BuiltTo Order.

Pumps for allPurposes.

Competent ForceFor lioad Work at allTimes.

lerrill-Sfevei- s

PHONE "434to further impress on the constitu-tionalists the urgent necessity ofearly peace in Mexico thru a provis

ments, viz: the graduate school, col-

lege of arts and sciences, the; normalschool, the college of art, expressionand music, as --well as concerning thework carried on thruout the stateby the extension division of the.home economics department. . .

Among the items of interest tothose who expect to go to college

ional government as proposed atNiagara Falls.

Silliman, who was a classmate ofPresident Wilson at Princeton, isthe regularly accredited vice deputyconsul at Saltillo. He returns to his

A! FoMFlffiii .off JelyTrip ,

in your automobile will be muchsurer of ending well if your have us

post, now Gen. Carranza's headquarters, under permission recently giv


en by Gen. Huerta. A few weeks

soon, are the calendar for the acade-mic year, and the statement of ex-

penses, which for regular studentsin the college and normal school arekept 'within the modest sum of$124 for 35 weeks. Not the least in-

teresting part of the catalogue; is theregister, which shows that duringthe past year there were in attend

friends of the bride wish her all thehappines3jpossible in married life.;

sMayor and 'Mrs. Bos well have justreturned from an auto trip to St.Petersburg, and Passe-a-grill- e. AtSt. Petersburg they visited Mr. andMrs. J. B. Smith.

The social given by the Presbyter

overhaul your car now. If there Isago he was a prisoner there, chargedby Huerta officials with aiding their v.'y anvthinc wronsr with It have us reenemies, and his release was grantedanly on condition that he leave Mex- -

turif.to reico not I'f bfa rrsance at the college, 418 young wo

pair it by all means Little breaks ordefects have a habit of turning in-

to big ones on the road. Let us fixwhat is needed now and you mayavoid a serious smash-u- p.

men from 49 Florida counties and 12states. : "'; . iFABM EIl'S ATTEXTJOX

The catalogue shbws clearly that

ian Ladies Aid Society at the resi-dence of Mrs. C. ?E. Hood, was a verydelightful and successful occasion.The prize for the flower contest wa3won by 'Mrs. Austin Smith.

Theree cars of cantaloupes wereshipped this week which experts de-

clared, to 'be as large and choice, asgrown anywhere. Despite the unfa- -

young ladies of 'Florida whd wish toreceive, educational advantages, of

Co; my the highest type and at the lowestcost, can do so within the borders oftheir own states Young women whovorable season the yield from the exare thinking of attending college JnMarine Construction and

Repair Shops. 1914-1- 5, should write the presidentperimental fields here is estimatedat eight cars, and proves that canta-loupes can be profitably . grown onDunnellon soil, v

of the college for a copy of this catJacksonville, Fla. alogue. ' " ' :

The Marion Hardware Companywish 'to announce that they have-ar-range-

with the American Steel &

Wire Company for a moving pictureentertainment of great interest tothe farmers. This is entitled, "Thruthe Furnace to the Farm," and dealswith the : manufacture of steel, es-

pecially the nails, barbed 'wire andwoven wire --'fence used on the farm.There are 5,000 feet of film in .fivereels, and these are just a few ofthe scenes shown:

iMining with giant steam shovels.Mammoth clam-she- ll buckets.Huge ore-carryi- ng boats.Blast furnace in action.Drawing off the molten , pig iron.Bessemer and open , hearth pro-

cesses.A train load of white-h- ot ingots.


If you have ever used Chamber


20 Per Cent Real Estate InvestmentDocs this Look Good to You?

Two small four-roo- m tenement houses, in goodcondition, lot large enough for two more houses,in colored section, just west of S. A. L. Railway,on South 3d street, now rented to good tenants andpaying 20 per cent on the price asked, S600 for the two.

Titles perfect. If interested see me at once. They will not belong on. the market at this price. .


rr lAf HITTA RealEstate and Fire Insurance

lain's Colic, Cholera and DiarrhoeaBushnell Tinies: The farmers of...this section have about wound upshipping, and we" are sorry to saywith no flattering results.

. 'In spite of the long drouth, someof our farmers say they will mal:eenough corn to do them and liave

Remedy you know that it i3 a suc-cess. Sam F. Guin, . Whatley, Ala.,writes, "I had measles . and gotcaught out in the rain, and it settledin mji stomach and bowels. I hadan awful time, and . had it not. beenfor Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera andDiarrhoea Remedy I could not possi-bly have lived but a !few hours long r. uv, ui i i w, ,

er, but thanks to this remedy, I am OCALA, FLOIIIDAPhone 285now well and .strong." For sale by


For Good Woodi BIG Load lor 81.

Your Order will haveImmediate Attention.

J. L. SMOARAt Smoak's Wagon Shop.

Rolling out' the plastic metal.Cold wire drawing.Galvanizing. --

Weaving wire fence,The proper way to build-fenc- on

all dealers.' ; adv.," ' "' ''i


plenty to feed to the hogs, though afew will hardly reap what the' havesowed. - .

Mrs. W. M. Odell will leave in afew days for her former home inPine 'Bluff, Ark., where she willspend the summer with relatives..

Mrs. J. W. Dixon and family leftlast Sunday for . Fitzgerald, Ga.,where they will make their futurehome among relatives.

After it is almost too late for a

the farm.All tires and tubes sold at the

establishment of "Davies the tireman" from July 1, will be sold only

but with a v5 dis-- -6-2- 8-tf

for CASH,count.

' Eealy for . Bisliess. :

' . ...m

I am now prepared to give my undivided attention to all kinds ot

Jewelry aifl WaMi HepairiEg.) I have all the. latest appliances for doing work of this class -

. .

quickly and at the . lowest possible expense. Give me a trial.

news item, we learned that Mr.-- ClydePerry and Miss Thelma Ogle were TxIE METROPOLITAN

The manufacture of American steelfence posts. . , .

These have been pronounced thegreatest industrial pictures of theage, and it is worth while for anyfarmer to see them. Admission isby ticket only. Any farmer may ob-

tain free tickets for himself andfamily calling on the Marion Hard-ware Company. - Don't forget thetime and "place Tuesday, July 7th,at 3:30 p. m., at the Temple theater.

Ad 7-4- -2 1.

SAVINGS BANKmarried at the home of the brideseveral days ago. They were Visiting Mrs. Scott, Sunday. This bank always open until 8

o'clock in the evening on Saturdays!and Mondays; on other days of theCURED INDIGESTIONweek it closes at 3 o'clock In the aftDeJicotis- - ernoon. The bank will observe alllegal holidays, both "state and naJOHXSOX DEFENDS LITTLE JOE EllSMIAISLES iiJJo Cmtional and will remain closed onFresh Daily.

7l Editor Star:, In your issue of those days. v'-.;- ' , v; ;.

:'.''--"- '

r' George Giles, President.

Mrs. Sadie P. Clawson, Indiana,Pa., was bothered with indigestion."My stomach pained me. night andday," she writes. "I would feelbloated and have headache and belch-ing after eating. I also sufferedfrom constipation. My daughterhad used Chamberlain's Tablets andthey did her so much good that shegave me a few doses of them and in

Carlisle Drug Store BuildingFLORIDA ,Frank P. Gadson, Cashier., 3-1- 9-tf OCALA,

July .2nd, appeared an editorialconcerning the candidacy of ex-Go-v.

Joe Brown for United StatesRAGS WAITED1 Senator against 'Hoke Smith.- - In this

sisted upon me trying them. Theyeditorial you can Joe.tfrown a re lelped me as nothing else has done." When cleaning out ; , your- - trunksor sale by all dealers adv.actionary candidate of the railroadsand other corporate interests I

Made by Machinery andBaked by Steam and chiffonier drawers, packing away

clothes for a trip or for the summer,'m deny this from beginnig to end and WOODMEN OF THE WORLD save the clean cotton rags and bringwould be very glad if you will fur-nish proof of the above statement. .

them to the Star office and turn themFort King Camp No. 14 meets inCARTER'S BAKERY

Phone 360into cash; whether you have five orI know Joe Brown and I know ronge's Hall at 8 p. m. ev-- y second a hundred pounds. . tf TABSHoke Smith. T also know that Little and fourth Friday. "Visiting sov-

ereigns alwavf welcome. Adv.Joe Brown is a statesman that canOCALA LODGE NO. 28(i; B. P. 0.E.be trusted at all times by all class-

es of people.R J. Burden, C. CChas K. Sage, Clerk.

Ocala Lodge No. 286, Benevolent i) fa If',-.- ' --7:1 , t)V .I am, sorry Mr. Editor that youand Protective Order of Elks, meetsLOYAL ORDER OF MOOSEhave 'been misinformed about "LittleCarl Wenzel & Son

PLASTERS and CONTRACTORSthe second and fourth Tuesday even- -

Joe" Brown. Of course Lord Hokei V1 vlangs In each month. Visiting brethwould have you believe that every-

thing and everybody was all wrong. ren always welcome. Club houseOcala Lodge No. 699, L O. O. M.,

neets every Thursday ai 8:30 p. m.isiting brethren always welcome toHow did Hoke get to be United opposite postoffice, east side.

, David S. Williams, E. R.Joseph Bell, Secretary. A a.States Senator? By carrying the the lodge and club house, on Mag-

nolia street near postoffice.representatives of. the legislatureout to the governor's mansion, feed

For Lathing Plastering and ituc-c- o

work, also all kinds of Cementwork. We take contracts any-

where in the state.

Wyominia and Washington Sts.OCALA, FLORIDA

J. D. Rooney, dictator.J. E. Gates, Secretary. ad MARION COUNTY DIRECTORYing them and giving them cigars and

saying all manner of hard thingsagainst ex-Go- v. J. M. Terrell. That's Regular convocations of the OealaCONCORDIA LODGE F. OF A.

Chapter No. 13, R. A. M., on thehow. Respectfully,fourth Friday in every month .atJ. W. Johnson. 7:30 p. m. C. E. Simmons, H. P.

Jake Brown. Secretary. Ad.

Concordia L.oage, Fratornal Unionof America, meets If Yonge's Hallon tfce second Thursaay evening ofeach month. Geo. L. Taylor, F.M.

Chas. K. Sage. Secretary. Id


NOTICE TO EASTERN STARSOpen daily except Sunday from 3

to 5 p. m. Board of Trade rooms,Officers of Ocala Chapter No. 29,

Ocala House bloc::., HEADACHE AND NERVOUSNESS, CURED O. E. S., are requested by the worthy

Piione 481If you want to bay or sell

FUMOTUEE.New and Second Hand

Household Goods ?

Farm Tools, Harness Etc..'.-.I-.-f e

Easy Payments if Desired

Louise E. Gamsby, LibrariaD. matron to meet at Yonge's hall Mon"Chamberlain's Tablets are entitled to all the praise I can give them." day, 4:30 p. m., to rehearse for inKNIGHTS OF PYTHLIS itiation for Thursday, July 9.

--C - OSKl lllli,! S ?iATOriS WJI.VTED TOR Ji x ioc3Doa ill i vS r" on 1:f v?rjtr? ttu

oq apjo ipwa imil ? h CO.. 63 &eewlct.U O

ST1MI" Iimilli." III!"" I. MMMMIMU.IMai

writes iMrs. Richard Olp, Spencer-por-t,N. Y. They have cured me of

headache and nervousness and re-stored my normal health." For sale

Ocaja Lodge No. 19. Conventionsheld every Monday at 7:30 p. m., atCastle Hall, over the James Carlisle

Own your own nome nr ouylng aby all dealers. advbut. modern bungalow on easy terms of

the Ocala Lumber & Supply Comk. 1. drugstore. A cordial welcome to visiting brothers. Wm. M. Gober C. C. 5-1- 5-tfpany.

310 S. Main St. Ocala Fla. AdChas. K. Sage, K. R. S.a uioDe-Wernic- ke cabin el. will

keep your papers so you can findthem easily. See one at The MurrayCompany. 7-2- -Ct

Society emblems, monograms orThose dinners at Rodoff's Cafe are initials will be put, on your trunk or

Fresh shrimp every day at Rodoff's the best to be had in the city and the suit case free when' purchased from Star Want Ads. Bring ResultsCafe. 6-3- 0-tf price is Tight. .6-30- -tf Advertise in the Star of results. B. Goldman. Why Pay More. 7-l- -4t
