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The Ogden Standard. (Ogden, Utah) 1909-03-18 [p...

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> f T r r y f THE STANDARD OGDEN UTAH THURSDAY MARCH 18 190 The Fountain Head of Life- Is The Stomach stomach and who docs not A man who has n weak and impaired his blood has become that I di test his food will soon find propcr t I d- k nod fmpavarishcd and that iris whole body IS Improper y an- wea insufficiently nourished- Dr PIERCES GOLDEN flIEDG 71L DISCOVERY the 1101ot- nli1kcs the stomrrclr stronu Promotes lulees restores the lost nppe tJ- dJfjct1tC te Hakes liver slid th- purfflcs Jtcs Intj1or nsslmllatlon Dcrfect tlc 1rcat bloodmoicrl- lUJJdcr ilnel enriches tile blood It IS and restoriltlte nerto tonIc It makes mrn mind and cool In ad1emcnt la strong in body ilCtJlC extract of American medical roots Iyccri This Discovery is a pure habitforming drugs All its and all injurious absolutely free from alcohol It has no relationship with secret ingredients are printed on its wrappers Fs endorsed by the lenders in all the schools of ngredicnt Its nostrums every substitute for this time ns a proycn nostrum medicine Dont accept a secret t ASK TOUR tntGneaas They must know of x oaN COMPOSITION remedy on right in your own nciehborhood 40 cars made by it during past many cures Pierce i Buftalo Worlds Dispensary Medical Association Dr KV res NY = J U JfV I >J a- IT9S DIFFERENT NOW 1 clamsholl nnd Eve fastened Cains dlapor Adam shaved with a with a thorn Those were tho clamshell diaper days 2 Simplest Dont Bo 4 r 1 f Safest a way back- number a Most Reliable YOa t t Motor Washer J t 10 t o fi 1Y AS r Made Tho Yost- Gearless k r 4- t i Water Motor rY i It puu- Cobwebs i Washing a ± u t Machine on i Is E your the modern js j washboard helper t and 1 for washday 1r 59 saves tho- voman troubles fi TIlE MUD TUTLELa- ys as many eggs as the hen But the mud turtle does not cackle c Moral It pays to advertise By advertising our Yost Gearless motor washing machine in tho Local Papers we have mado wash a day of pleasuro instead of one of drudgery In many homes in Ogden Will your home be the next Machine can be seen In operation at W H Wright Sony I A o LOWE CO- t I- AGEO zt jff V I orIlI1 atp J t llowto- Read Your I itt Electric A a- To F4zQK1Vri leter read the dials of an electric meter it Is only necessary to note the record of each dial begluuimj with the right and writing the re- sult from right to lelt to obtain the readings Owing to tile close- ness ¬ n of the observation required and the possibilities of errors caused by the angle of sight It is necessary to read each dial ex ¬ cept the right hand one In connection with the one of next lower J value I AS A GENERAL RULE IT MAY BE STATED THAT WHEN A POINTER STANDS BETWEEN ANY TWO NUMBERS ON A DIAL THE LOWER NUMBER IS ALWAYS READ The small figures above each dial give the numerical value ot I one division thereon as Is units lOs tens 100s hundreds 1000 tthousands Each division of the units dial represents lie worth of electricity READING THE METER- In reading the dial shown above tho lowest or Is dial Is first read the result being 1 The 10s dial follows The pointer stands between- the r 8 ana the 9 and is read t and the reading of the two dials is 81 On the 100s dial the pointer has passed the 5 and stands almost on the 6 It cannot however be read G until the pointer on the los dial has completed the revolution of which 08 has been Overed conse ¬ quently the pointer Is read 5 and the total reading of the three dials- is i 6SL Likewise the pointer on the 1000s dial must be read 1 since the pointer on the 100s dial has made but 05 of a revolution since the pointer on the 1000s hand stood at 1 The total reading of the meter is 15SL FIGURING THE BILL- In order to figure the bill suppose your register now stands at 1581 while at the previous reading It stood at 15i7 the difference lij would show the number of units consumed during the period and the bill would be 24 unitsxllc or 264 With a little practice ono can learn to read the meter without difficulty and a few seconds spent each day in glancing at the rend Ing and checking the consumption will enable one to keep in touch a with the amount of current being used and in this way keep the bills down i Utah 0 Railway Co- t I D DECKER Local Manager wII I GOLD SILVER LEAD COPPER TUNGSTEN MOLY- BDENUM CINNABAR found in the mines of the Aura King 60ld Mining Co AND i Spanish Belt Mining Co Thirty Mining Claims 500 acres good Mineral Ground i two Mills properties already producing Limited amount of l f treasury stock offered to Ogden people nt a low price Let is 1 tell you about our COMBINATION PLANthe best way- to buy Mining Stock ever proposed if R P HUNTER President I t First National Bank Bldg Ogden Utah rl f Want Ads Brings Big Results r Ad490ompQ m4 tdt+ 60 tlO AAAA + mHem o o4ammommvmomomemm o emmmraymooom- oore m m m P v- iSP o < OR T Y 60 y ol- mp4004m04m r e < + 4 + t + + + + + lAd00Omd0Aom0o04ym0 + + Y- V6Jeffries A Called Down By Former T raiDer By Tad New York March lSBllIy DC lanes was up to see us again Lncl Bill has things to utter concerning Jeffries too He said II think its about time that Joffries came out am let tho public know whether ho is go lug to fight or not dont you I have 10000 to be bet that Al Kaufman car beat him and Id like to know whether lie wants to cover It or not I put ovei two champions Corbctt and Jeffrie and if I make Al Kaufman champion- Im willing to retire Jeff Is going around the country posing as the best white heavyweight in the world and getting easy mono p on the stage If lies anxious let him say so and the tightloving public cat look to a now man to fight Johnson- To tell you the truth I think Johnson- can beat Kaufman but a year from now Im willing to have Al fight him and think that he will win These oldtlmcrs didnt need six months to find out whether Uidy were In condition or not I really tint that Jeff is stalling but the public falls for It anyway If he wants to find out how good he is why doesnt he fight Kaufman You know he never did like to fight for he was the most fretful follow I ever handled and now that he is being called I guess that lies more fretful than ever I appear to be sore at Jeff Oh no but I like to see a man conic out and set on one side of the fence or the other He promised to fight Tommy Burns some time ago out west and the next morning ran out on it I declaring timing that he never said such a Then whon Squires came over he agreed to fight him and when I had arrangements made he said he didnt want to fight any more 1 think Kauf man can beat him yes Five years ago of course Jeff was a marvel I- do not think that anyone could have beaten him then but now Id bet that both Johnson and Kaufman can trim him Will Kaufman fight Barry or Ber- ger Yes Ill haVe him fight Berger here 10 rounds but Barry will havo to go a longer distance Al chased Barry all over the ring in Los Angeles and I dont want to have him box such- a short go with a fellow who takes to his heels all the way Al is a longdis ¬ tance fighter tiles Battling Nelson It doesnt do either one of them any good- to get into these short goes Tim Barry was up today making a noise like a dynamite bomb Jim wants- to tIght Ho doesnt care who the other fellow is but he wants to fight Al Kaufman Sam Bergor Sam Lang ford Jim Stewart or Jack Sullivan Ho will bet Kaufman 1000 that ho can beat him and terribly anxious about getting busy- AWFUL TRUTH ABOUT GRIFF Western Writer Figures Out How Many Balls He Has Pitched Slowly but surely the secrets of Clark past life are leaking out It Isnt because his pitching arm is glassy that Manager Clark Grlllith will not be a regular on the Reds staff next season says a western writ erThe simple and logical reason Is that during his career on the professional diamond Griffs wing has beon swung 17538792 times BO that the hinges are pretty wolf worn and sag a little at the connections after he has work- ed ¬ out a bit If you dont believe the figures are correct got a pencil and a block of paper and work It out yourself I BASEiliLl CHICAGO 12 VERNON 5 Los Angeles March 17 Chicago No 2 defeated Vernon today 12 to 5 In the first game ora two weeks series Summary R H E Chicago 1U 11 1 Vernon 5 10 1 BatteriesSutor and Owen Shaefer and Hogan Oakland March 17The game be- tween ¬ Chicago White Sox No 2 and Oakland resulted as follows Score Chicago White Sox No 2 2 10 2 Oakland 1 5 b Batteries Spencer Altrock and Payne Christian hairs Thomas and LaLonge EMERYVILLE RESULTS Oakland March 17FIne sport marked tho racing at Emeryville to ¬ day with the St Patricks Day handi ¬ cap as the feature The event result- ed ¬ in one of the best finishes of tho season Doiante well handled by Lee won by half a length from Stanley Fay Dose Queen the favorite was slow- to get going but went to tho front and led until the stretch was reached Mendon proved a surplse by winning- the two mile race He was quoted at 20 to 1 Results First race six furlongs soiling Toll Box 100 Walsh 10 to 1 won I Hazlet lOG Butler 20 to 1 second Altamor 107 Rotltg 40 to 1 third I rime 11415- Second > S race four furlongs purse Olathe 101 Gross 15 to 1 won Indian Mall 97 Ross a to 2 second Gerando 112 McIntyre 7 to 1 third Time 048 Third race two miles selling Men ¬ don 104 C Mlllor 20 to 1 won Henry 0 105 Clark 2 to 1 second Bonvolio 104 Butler 7 to 1 third rime 334 25 Fourth race mile and seventy yards- St I Patricks Day handicap Doranto 199 Lco 3 to 1 won i Stanley Fay 117 Clark 11 to 5 second Rose Queen 95 Deverich 9mto C third I Time 145 Fifth race one mile and twenty yards selling Doscomuctsr 93 Ross > 5 to 1 won Fantastic 107 Buxton 2 I to 1 second Flgont 91 Devcrich li to 1 third Time 14215 Sixth race Futurity course soiling Bellwether 110 Sandy 3 to 1 won Madman 100 Walsh 23 to 5 second Boggs 101 Scovllle 30 to 1 third Time 11025 SANTA ANITA RESULTS Los Angeles March 17Tho St I Patricks handicap at one mile tit feature of an excellent card was cap lured by Vox Popull at Santa Anita I park this afternoon Glorlo beat the barrier and cut out the pace until tho last sixteenth where Vox Populi came with a rush and got tho verdict by a short head from Glorlo with Czar only a neck away First race six furlongs selling Henry of Shennacmre 117 Shriner S to 1 won Charley Heenoy 117 J Brooks 8 to 1 second Talarand 117 Preston 5 to 1 third Time 114 1 Second race four furlongs two year olds purse Franlfi G Hogan 110 Mc Gee 3 to 2 won Lcvonghton 98 Wilson G to 1 second Sureget 110 V Powers 7 to 1 third Time 017 Third race six furlongs selling Elizabeth Harwood 101 J Howard 9 to 5 won Billy Bodemer 106 Mus grave S to 1 second Otllo 107 Brooks 5 to 1 third Time 11315 Fourth race one mile St Patricks Day handicap Vox Popull 112 Hut well 4 to 1 won Glorlo 109 V Pow- ers ¬ 13 to 5 second Czar 107 Ken- nedy ¬ 11 to 5 third Time 138 Fifth race milo and an eighth soil IngCloyno 97 C Russell even won County Clerk 110 Powers to 1 second Day Star 103 Rico 20 to 1 third Time 15315 Sixth race one mile selling Third Rail 101 C Russell h 10 to 1 won Dredger 100 Biltwell S to 1 sec- ond Mllpltas 10D V Powers 4 to 1 third Time 13915 I Seventh race five and a halt fur- longs ¬ purse Tom McGrath 115 V Powers 2 to 1 won Bat Masterson 115 Butwoll 2to 1 second Lady Irma 102 Kennedy 7 to 2 third Time 10515 NO RECORDS BROKEN PlUsburg March 17 = Tho first games- of the International events between- the 1908 champions of the American Bowling congress the National Bowl- Ing Association the Canadian Bowlers Association and tho Middle West Bowling Association drew a large at ¬ tendance tonlgh Time Bonds team of Columbus Ohlo the A B C cham- pions ¬ rolled 2515 the Brunswlcks ot Now York tho N B A champions making a scorn of 2GO and tho De Sota Stars of St Louis M W B A champions totalled 2635 There appears td be little expecta ¬ tion ot any records beIng broken this being shown by a message sent ny Secretary Langtry today to F Brugge mann of Sioux City Iowa and Larry Sutton ot Rochester N Y to como hero on Saturdays to roll off their tie of 691 for first place In the Individual event j j WESTON REACHES BLUE STORES Poughkeepsie N Y March 17Ed ¬ ward Payson Weston finished tho third day of his crosscontt nont walking trip by reaching Blue Stores Colum- bia ¬ county tonight footsore and weary Tomorrow ho will start for Hudson ton miles distant going thenco to Albany TENROUND DRAW New Orleans March 17 Ueorgo Kitson of Now York and Kid Greaves- a local bantamweight fought ten founds to a draw tonight In the eighth round orn scheduled ten round preliminary Patsy Hogan ot Now Orleans was given the decision over Kid Burns of Atlanta DEFEATED TWO FALLS Baltimore March 17 Wrestler Gus Schoneloin of this city tonight de feated Bob Monefoff of Asia In two straight falls catchascatchcan I Personal experience with a tube ot Manzan Pile Remedy will convince- you it Is Immediate relief for all form of Piles Can be applied directly to the affected parts reducing Intlam- ination swelling and itching Guar- anteed Prlco 50c Sold by Geo 1 Cavo and Depot Drug Store STRICKEN BLIND Tho performance at tho Utahna this week a finely arranged society drama entitled Stricken Blind has more than met expectations It has drawn well and the audiences have express- ed their delight most apprecia- tive ¬ manner The story is plainly set forth and easily followed and the Interest Is held from first to last It Is plainly apparent that the Moore Stock com pany is becoming very popular with Ogden theatergoers Every now play- of late adds to their laurels It is becoming more and more manifest that popular prices do not mean an Inferior show Stricken Blind1 will boar a favor- able comparison with the beat per ¬ formances of the season anywhere and Is far above the average The character of Jas Maitland Is es- pecially adapted to Mr Frederick f JYW i fJ OGDE TUFF EXCHANGE Private Wires to All Call fornia Tracks OVER ELITE CAFE Moore who appears in that role Ir tho scene whero ho rebukes his wife for her supposed inconstancy tin I jealousy of his nature Is strongly por rayed and Mr Moore does fine acting Pearl Ethlor Moore tribes the rolo or Mrs Mnitlnml with her usual excel lenco and tho two In their various on tanglemciits constitute tho center or tho play The mother lovo brough out In tho sacrifice which she makes of her little boy for his advancement in tho world Is beautifully presenter It was splendid acting nnd handkor chiefs were in evidence in every quar- ter of the house The parts aro all well cast Thor Is not a poorly presented charactor In the entire play And this is ono of UK features of the Moore Stock company I Mr Moore Is especially happy in th combination of talent In his sorvlco Miss Storm appeared toHno al vantage as Ada Bruce Likewise Mr Eailo as the ovlliconipanlou of Jas Maitland- Mr Whittier plays well always but the character of Sir Walter Bruci floes not afford him tho opportunity for his best work Air Sold Roach how- ever has better opportunities as Laz- arus and Joseph Levant and takes good advantage of them Annlo Ince as Laura Bruce who fall in love and Is willing to run away with the bad man in the play does hersel great credit In a role quite dlfferoni from those which It Is hor usual par to take And Mr Roscoes part as th < lock lccoper while not so Important wns well taken as was also that of Mr William S Donovan in the bettor role of William Wyman And las but not least excopt In statue was Illtlb Ruth Osborn who played the part of little Arthur tho stolen child She remembered her part well and gave It clearly The play Is an excellent perform ante all around and reflects great credit on tho entire Moore Stock com- panFRANCUISE PRINCIPAL TOPICi rTV CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOLDS LENGTHY DISCUSSION r Committee Appointed to Confer With City Council ntSpcclal Meet- ing Friday Night The Ogden Chamber of Commerce hold an Interesting meeting last oven ing tho principal topic of discussion being the proposed granting of a Iran chlso to time Ogdcn Rapid Transit com- pany over Wall avenue from Twenty fifth street to Thirtythird street Tb discussion entered Into at tho meeting may be summarized In the fallowing manner The question as to whether a street- car company holding a franchise over the streets of Ogden City can hole said franchise for an indctlnlto length of time upon the streets that are not being used by tho company in othei words over streets upon which tlio not constructed a car service and whether the city council does not have time power to revoke thefran chlse under such conditions Whether It is not a fact that any franchise granted by Ogden City tc any and all street car companies on Wall avenue would be detrimental tc tho better interest of the taxpayers and to the city ns a whole by render- Ing it Impossible for a trunk railroad line to enter the city and would It not be bettor for the city to withhold the granting of tho franchise to the street car company so that It would be free to grant a franchise at some future time to a railroad company that might desire to build a trunk lino Into the city These questions were thoroughly cussed by the members present some taking ono view of tho matter and others another view Tho conclusion finally arrived at was that the public utilities committee of tho Chamber ot Commerce be Instructed to meet with tho committee of the whole of the city council Friday night when that body will consider the franchise asked for over Wall avenue by the Ogdon Rapid Transit company The com- mittee was instructed to take a stand either for or against the proposed franchise but to discuss tho question with the city fathers as might seem best to them The franchise in question has passed its second reading beforo tho city council and the meeting of the com- mittee of the whole Friday night Is to further discuss the merits of the ques- tion ¬ that a report favorable or against the third and final reading of time ordinance providing for tho franchise as the case might be mado at the reg- ular ¬ session of the city council next Monday night and thereby finally dis paso of St A member of tho council stated last evening that those IL favor of grant- Ing the franchise and those opposed to it would have the opportunity Fri- day ¬ night of expressing their views on the question and that it Is hoped- by the solons that a free discussion of the bill wilt bo entered Into at that time He said that the council de- sired ¬ to act wisely in tho matter anti that they could hotter do so If nil tho phases of the question were threshed out before them ARRESTEDF- OR SMALL THEFT DEPUTY SHERIFF OF DAVIS COUNTY AFTER PRISONER- One C M Brown Wanted for Alleged Theft of Seven Dollars From His Employer Deputy Sheriff Rose of Davis county came to Ogden yesterday to got ono C Al Brown who had been captured by the pollcp force of tho city at tho 1 I NEW SPRING SUITS I ARRIVING DAILYI- N ALL THE LEADING SHADES AND STYLES YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD The Mercantile Installment Co 366 24TH ST HARRY REINSHRIBER Mgr No Better Car at Any Price one Interchangable- Cadillac 1 Complete in Every Detail t CADILLAC THIRTY PRICE 155000 DELIVERED IN OGDEN Silence Elegance Comfort and Reliability Lot us show you this masterpiece in automobiles at our Garage Grant avenue oJ BROWNING BROS CO 2461 WASHINGTON AVENUE OGDEN UTAH ri THE FRED J KIESEL COT- HE PIONEER EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE GROCERY HOUSE IN THE STATE OGDEN UTAH Sole Agents for tho Pabst Brewing Co Milwaukee Wla Distributors and General Agents for IDANHAMona- rch of Table and Medicinal Waters Is a purely natural mineral waterthe ONLY in the United Statesbottled at the Natural Mineral Water Springs SODA SPRINGS IDAHO I The UTAH NATIONAL BAN- KOGDN of UT At Ue OFFERS TO DEPOSITORS EVERY FACILITY WHICH THEIR BALANCES BUSINESS AND RESPONSIBILITY WARRANT- J E Dooly President Ralph E Hoag Cashier Herace E Peery VicePres A V McIntosh Asst Cashier OGDEN STATE BANKOG- DEN UTAH We endeavor to advance the business interests 1 of our customers in every legitimate way w II C Bigelow Prest J M Browning VicePrest e A P Bigelow Cashier U S Depositary FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OGDEN DTA0 Capital and Undivided Profits 27500000 David Eccles Pres M S Browning VicePres G II Tribe ViccPrcs John Pingree Cashier John Watson VicePres Jas F Burton Asst Cashier request of the Davis county ofllcora Drown is charged with stealing S1 from a farmer near Parmlugton It was said by Olllcor Rose that a few dayslago Brown was given a job by county farmer and that while the family was away from homo ho entered the house and Is alleged to havo stolon tho 7 A fourteenyear old lad accompanied tho deputy shorin to Ogden and when confronted by Mr Brown readily recognized him as the man wanted for the alleged offense Brown is very extraordinary man physically Ho Is 7 feet a inches tau and weighs a llltlo over 200 pounds- Ho wears workingmens clothes anu carries every sign of tho working man his clothes uhoqs anti hat are such aJ the laborer usually wears and his hands show tho callouses f the bard worker He expressed considerable surprise that he should bo arrested for taro theft of S7 or any other amount lor that matter but very modestly sub- mitted to the arrest willingly Iferinc to return to Davis county with the donut sheriff Ho stated to the Io pnrtincnt horo that he Is an expolico man of a pity In Texas stating that ho carries his formeruniform In hts trunk which is now in the hands of tho railroad company ho not yot box- ing ¬ presented his check for the saute Mr Brown was considerably amused over his arrest and the posltlveneas of the boy who branded him as mho man wanted Some of the opQcors at tho Ogdon station think the erstwhile ollicor ot Texas is the Bubject of n mistaken tidentity and that withal It sa hugo- joke on tho big man
Page 1: The Ogden Standard. (Ogden, Utah) 1909-03-18 [p 7].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058398/1909-03-18/ed-1/seq-7.… · f T r r y f THE STANDARD OGDEN UTAH THURSDAY MARCH 18 190




The Fountain Head of Life-Is The Stomach

stomach and who docs notA man who has n weak and impaired

his blood has becomethatI di test his food will soon findpropcr t I d-

k nod fmpavarishcd and that iris whole body IS Improper y an-weainsufficiently nourished-


nli1kcs the stomrrclr stronu Promoteslulees restores the lost nppe tJ-

dJfjct1tC te Hakesliver slidth-

purfflcsJtcsIntj1ornsslmllatlon Dcrfect tlc 1rcat bloodmoicrl-

lUJJdcrilnel enriches tile blood It IS

and restoriltlte nerto tonIc It makes mrnmind and cool In ad1emcntlastrong in body ilCtJlC

extract of American medical rootsIyccriThis Discovery is a pure habitforming drugs All itsand all injuriousabsolutely free from alcoholIt has no relationship with secretingredients are printed on its wrappers

Fs endorsed by the lenders in all the schools ofngredicntItsnostrums every substitute for this timens a proycnnostrummedicine Dont accept a secrett ASK TOUR tntGneaas They must know ofx oaN COMPOSITIONremedy on right in your own nciehborhood40 carsmade by it during pastmany cures Pierce i Buftalo

Worlds Dispensary Medical Association Dr KV res N Y

= J U JfV I >J a-


clamsholl nnd Eve fastened Cains dlaporAdam shaved with awith a thorn Those were tho clamshell diaper days

2 SimplestDont Bo 4r

1 f Safesta

way back-


a MostReliable

YOa t t Motor WasherJ

t 10 t o fi 1Y AS r MadeTho Yost-

Gearlessk r



Water Motor rY iIt puu-



Washinga ± u t

Machine oni



the modern js j washboardhelper t and

1 for washday 1r 59 saves tho-



TIlE MUD TUTLELa-ys as many eggs as the hen But the mud turtle does not cackle

c Moral It pays to advertise By advertising our Yost Gearlessmotor washing machine in tho Local Papers we have mado wash

a day of pleasuro instead of one of drudgery In many homes inOgden Will your home be the next

Machine can be seen In operation at W H Wright Sony


I-AGEOzt jff V I orIlI1 atp J

t llowto-

Read Your I itt

Electric A




read the dials of an electric meter it Is only necessary to notethe record of each dial begluuimj with the right and writing the re-

sult from right to lelt to obtain the readings Owing to tile close-ness


of the observation required and the possibilities of errorscaused by the angle of sight It is necessary to read each dial ex¬

cept the right hand one In connection with the one of next lower J

value I


THE LOWER NUMBER IS ALWAYS READThe small figures above each dial give the numerical value ot Ione division thereon as Is units lOs tens 100s hundreds

1000 tthousands Each division of the units dial represents lieworth of electricity

READING THE METER-In reading the dial shown above tho lowest or Is dial Is first read

the result being 1 The 10s dial follows The pointer stands between-the

r8 ana the 9 and is read t and the reading of the two dials is 81

On the 100s dial the pointer has passed the 5 and stands almost onthe 6 It cannot however be read G until the pointer on the los dialhas completed the revolution of which 08 has been Overed conse ¬

quently the pointer Is read 5 and the total reading of the three dials-is


6SL Likewise the pointer on the 1000s dial must be read 1 sincethe pointer on the 100s dial has made but 05 of a revolution sincethe pointer on the 1000s hand stood at 1 The total reading of themeter is 15SL

FIGURING THE BILL-In order to figure the bill suppose your register now stands at

1581 while at the previous reading It stood at 15i7 the difference lijwould show the number of units consumed during the period andthe bill would be 24 unitsxllc or 264

With a little practice ono can learn to read the meter withoutdifficulty and a few seconds spent each day in glancing at the rendIng and checking the consumption will enable one to keep in touch

a with the amount of current being used and in this way keep thebills down


Utah 0 Railway Co-


I D DECKER Local Manager



BDENUM CINNABAR found in the mines of the

Aura King 60ld Mining Co


i Spanish Belt Mining Co

Thirty Mining Claims 500 acres good Mineral Ground

itwo Mills properties already producing Limited amount of


f treasury stock offered to Ogden people nt a low price Let is1

tell you about our COMBINATION PLANthe best way-

to buy Mining Stock ever proposedif

R P HUNTER PresidentI t

First National Bank Bldg Ogden Utah

rl f

Want Ads Brings Big Results


Ad490ompQ m4 tdt+ 60tlO AAAA + mHem oo4ammommvmomomemm o emmmraymooom-

oorem m m P v-




y ol-

mp4004m04m r e < + 4 +t + + ++ + lAd00Omd0Aom0o04ym0 + + Y-



Called Down

By Former TraiDerBy Tad

New York March lSBllIy DC

lanes was up to see us again Lncl

Bill has things to utter concerningJeffries too He said II think itsabout time that Joffries came out amlet tho public know whether ho is golug to fight or not dont you I have

10000 to be bet that Al Kaufman carbeat him and Id like to know whetherlie wants to cover It or not I put oveitwo champions Corbctt and Jeffrie

and if I make Al Kaufman champion-Im willing to retire

Jeff Is going around the countryposing as the best white heavyweightin the world and getting easy mono p

on the stage If lies anxious let himsay so and the tightloving public catlook to a now man to fight Johnson-To tell you the truth I think Johnson-can beat Kaufman but a year fromnow Im willing to have Al fight himand think that he will win

These oldtlmcrs didnt need sixmonths to find out whether Uidy wereIn condition or not I really tintthat Jeff is stalling but the publicfalls for It anyway If he wants to findout how good he is why doesnt hefight Kaufman

You know he never did like to fightfor he was the most fretful follow Iever handled and now that he is beingcalled I guess that lies more fretfulthan ever I appear to be sore at JeffOh no but I like to see a man conicout and set on one side of the fenceor the other He promised to fightTommy Burns some time ago out westand the next morning ran out on it

I declaringtiming

that he never said such a

Then whon Squires came over heagreed to fight him and when I hadarrangements made he said he didntwant to fight any more 1 think Kaufman can beat him yes Five yearsago of course Jeff was a marvel I-

do not think that anyone could havebeaten him then but now Id bet thatboth Johnson and Kaufman can trimhim

Will Kaufman fight Barry or Ber-ger Yes Ill haVe him fight Bergerhere 10 rounds but Barry will havoto go a longer distance Al chasedBarry all over the ring in Los Angelesand I dont want to have him box such-

a short go with a fellow who takes tohis heels all the way Al is a longdis ¬

tance fighter tiles Battling Nelson Itdoesnt do either one of them any good-

to get into these short goesTim Barry was up today making a

noise like a dynamite bomb Jim wants-to tIght Ho doesnt care who theother fellow is but he wants to fightAl Kaufman Sam Bergor Sam Langford Jim Stewart or Jack Sullivan Howill bet Kaufman 1000 that ho canbeat him and terribly anxious aboutgetting busy-


Western Writer Figures Out HowMany Balls He Has Pitched

Slowly but surely the secrets ofClark past life are leakingout It Isnt because his pitching armis glassy that Manager Clark Grlllithwill not be a regular on the Redsstaff next season says a western writ

erThe simple and logical reason Is thatduring his career on the professionaldiamond Griffs wing has beon swung17538792 times BO that the hingesare pretty wolf worn and sag a littleat the connections after he has work-



out a bitIf you dont believe the figures are

correct got a pencil and a block ofpaper and work It out yourself


Los Angeles March 17 ChicagoNo 2 defeated Vernon today 12 to 5

In the first game ora two weeksseries Summary R H EChicago 1U 11 1

Vernon 5 10 1BatteriesSutor and Owen Shaefer

and Hogan

Oakland March 17The game be-


Chicago White Sox No 2 andOakland resulted as follows ScoreChicago White Sox No 2 2 10 2

Oakland 1 5 b

Batteries Spencer Altrock andPayne Christian hairs Thomas andLaLonge


Oakland March 17FIne sportmarked tho racing at Emeryville to ¬

day with the St Patricks Day handi ¬

cap as the feature The event result-ed


in one of the best finishes of thoseason Doiante well handled by Leewon by half a length from Stanley FayDose Queen the favorite was slow-to get going but went to tho frontand led until the stretch was reachedMendon proved a surplse by winning-the two mile race He was quoted at20 to 1 Results

First race six furlongs soilingToll Box 100 Walsh 10 to 1 won I

Hazlet lOG Butler 20 to 1 secondAltamor 107 Rotltg 40 to 1 third

I rime 11415-Second

>Srace four furlongs purse

Olathe 101 Gross 15 to 1 wonIndian Mall 97 Ross a to 2 secondGerando 112 McIntyre 7 to 1 thirdTime 048

Third race two miles selling Men ¬

don 104 C Mlllor 20 to 1 wonHenry 0 105 Clark 2 to 1 secondBonvolio 104 Butler 7 to 1 thirdrime 334 25

Fourth race mile and seventy yards-St


Patricks Day handicap Doranto199 Lco 3 to 1 won i Stanley Fay117 Clark 11 to 5 second RoseQueen 95 Deverich 9mto C third I

Time 145Fifth race one mile and twenty

yards selling Doscomuctsr 93 Ross >

5 to 1 won Fantastic 107 Buxton 2 I

to 1 second Flgont 91 Devcrich li

to 1 third Time 14215Sixth race Futurity course soilingBellwether 110 Sandy 3 to 1

won Madman 100 Walsh 23 to 5

second Boggs 101 Scovllle 30 to 1

third Time 11025


Los Angeles March 17Tho StI Patricks handicap at one mile tit

feature of an excellent card was caplured by Vox Popull at Santa Anita

I park this afternoon Glorlo beat thebarrier and cut out the pace until tholast sixteenth where Vox Populi camewith a rush and got tho verdict by ashort head from Glorlo with Czaronly a neck away

First race six furlongs sellingHenry of Shennacmre 117 ShrinerS to 1 won Charley Heenoy 117 JBrooks 8 to 1 second Talarand 117Preston 5 to 1 third Time 114 1

Second race four furlongs two yearolds purse Franlfi G Hogan 110 McGee 3 to 2 won Lcvonghton 98Wilson G to 1 second Sureget 110V Powers 7 to 1 third Time 017

Third race six furlongs sellingElizabeth Harwood 101 J Howard9 to 5 won Billy Bodemer 106 Musgrave S to 1 second Otllo 107

Brooks 5 to 1 third Time 11315Fourth race one mile St Patricks

Day handicap Vox Popull 112 Hutwell 4 to 1 won Glorlo 109 V Pow-ers


13 to 5 second Czar 107 Ken-nedy


11 to 5 third Time 138Fifth race milo and an eighth soil

IngCloyno 97 C Russell evenwon County Clerk 110 Powersto 1 second Day Star 103 Rico 20to 1 third Time 15315

Sixth race one mile selling ThirdRail 101 C Russell h 10 to 1 wonDredger 100 Biltwell S to 1 sec-ond Mllpltas 10D V Powers 4 to1 third Time 13915


Seventh race five and a halt fur-longs


purse Tom McGrath 115 V

Powers 2 to 1 won Bat Masterson115 Butwoll 2to 1 second LadyIrma 102 Kennedy 7 to 2 thirdTime 10515


PlUsburg March 17 =Tho first games-of the International events between-the 1908 champions of the AmericanBowling congress the National Bowl-Ing Association the Canadian BowlersAssociation and tho Middle WestBowling Association drew a large at¬

tendance tonlgh Time Bonds teamof Columbus Ohlo the A B C cham-pions


rolled 2515 the Brunswlcks otNow York tho N B A championsmaking a scorn of 2GO and tho DeSota Stars of St Louis M W B Achampions totalled 2635

There appears td be little expecta ¬

tion ot any records beIng broken thisbeing shown by a message sent nySecretary Langtry today to F Bruggemann of Sioux City Iowa and LarrySutton ot Rochester N Y to comohero on Saturdays to roll off their tieof 691 for first place In the Individualevent j jWESTON REACHES BLUE STORES

Poughkeepsie N Y March 17Ed ¬

ward Payson Weston finished tho thirdday of his crosscontt nont walkingtrip by reaching Blue Stores Colum-bia


county tonight footsore andweary Tomorrow ho will start forHudson ton miles distant goingthenco to Albany


New Orleans March 17 UeorgoKitson of Now York and Kid Greaves-a local bantamweight fought tenfounds to a draw tonight In theeighth round orn scheduled tenround preliminary Patsy Hogan otNow Orleans was given the decisionover Kid Burns of Atlanta


Baltimore March 17 Wrestler GusSchoneloin of this city tonight defeated Bob Monefoff of Asia In twostraight falls catchascatchcan


Personal experience with a tube otManzan Pile Remedy will convince-you it Is Immediate relief for all formof Piles Can be applied directly tothe affected parts reducing Intlam-ination swelling and itching Guar-anteed Prlco 50c Sold by Geo 1

Cavo and Depot Drug Store


Tho performance at tho Utahna thisweek a finely arranged society dramaentitled Stricken Blind has morethan met expectations It has drawnwell and the audiences have express-ed their delight most apprecia-tive


mannerThe story is plainly set forth and

easily followed and the Interest Is

held from first to last It Is plainlyapparent that the Moore Stock company is becoming very popular withOgden theatergoers Every now play-

of late adds to their laurels It isbecoming more and more manifestthat popular prices do not mean an

Inferior showStricken Blind1 will boar a favor-

able comparison with the beat per¬

formances of the season anywhere andIs far above the average

The character of Jas Maitland Is es-

pecially adapted to Mr Frederick

f JYW i fJ


Private Wires to All Callfornia Tracks


Moore who appears in that role Irtho scene whero ho rebukes his wifefor her supposed inconstancy tin Ijealousy of his nature Is strongly porrayed and Mr Moore does fine actingPearl Ethlor Moore tribes the rolo orMrs Mnitlnml with her usual excellenco and tho two In their various ontanglemciits constitute tho center ortho play The mother lovo broughout In tho sacrifice which she makesof her little boy for his advancementin tho world Is beautifully presenterIt was splendid acting nnd handkorchiefs were in evidence in every quar-ter of the house

The parts aro all well cast ThorIs not a poorly presented charactor Inthe entire play And this is ono of UKfeatures of the Moore Stock company

I Mr Moore Is especially happy in thcombination of talent In his sorvlco

Miss Storm appeared toHno alvantage as Ada Bruce Likewise MrEailo as the ovlliconipanlou of JasMaitland-

Mr Whittier plays well always butthe character of Sir Walter Brucifloes not afford him tho opportunity forhis best work Air Sold Roach how-ever has better opportunities as Laz-arus and Joseph Levant and takesgood advantage of them

Annlo Ince as Laura Bruce who fallin love and Is willing to run away withthe bad man in the play does herselgreat credit In a role quite dlfferonifrom those which It Is hor usual parto take And Mr Roscoes part as th <

lock lccoper while not so Importantwns well taken as was also that ofMr William S Donovan in the bettorrole of William Wyman And lasbut not least excopt In statue wasIlltlb Ruth Osborn who played thepart of little Arthur tho stolen childShe remembered her part well andgave It clearly

The play Is an excellent performante all around and reflects greatcredit on tho entire Moore Stockcom-






rCommittee Appointed to Confer With

City Council ntSpcclal Meet-ing Friday Night

The Ogden Chamber of Commercehold an Interesting meeting last ovening tho principal topic of discussionbeing the proposed granting of a Iranchlso to time Ogdcn Rapid Transit com-pany over Wall avenue from Twentyfifth street to Thirtythird street Tbdiscussion entered Into at tho meetingmay be summarized In the fallowingmanner

The question as to whether a street-car company holding a franchise overthe streets of Ogden City can holesaid franchise for an indctlnlto lengthof time upon the streets that are notbeing used by tho company in otheiwords over streets upon which tlio

not constructed a car serviceand whether the city council does nothave time power to revoke thefranchlse under such conditions

Whether It is not a fact that anyfranchise granted by Ogden City tcany and all street car companies on

Wall avenue would be detrimental tctho better interest of the taxpayersand to the city ns a whole by render-Ing it Impossible for a trunk railroadline to enter the city and would It notbe bettor for the city to withhold thegranting of tho franchise to the streetcar company so that It would be freeto grant a franchise at some futuretime to a railroad company that mightdesire to build a trunk lino Into thecity

These questions were thoroughlycussed by the members present sometaking ono view of tho matter andothers another view Tho conclusionfinally arrived at was that the publicutilities committee of tho Chamber otCommerce be Instructed to meet withtho committee of the whole of thecity council Friday night when thatbody will consider the franchise askedfor over Wall avenue by the OgdonRapid Transit company The com-

mittee was instructed to take a standeither for or against the proposedfranchise but to discuss tho questionwith the city fathers as might seem

best to themThe franchise in question has passed

its second reading beforo tho citycouncil and the meeting of the com-

mittee of the whole Friday night Is tofurther discuss the merits of the ques-



that a report favorable or againstthe third and final reading of time

ordinance providing for tho franchiseas the case might be mado at the reg-


session of the city council nextMonday night and thereby finally dispaso of St

A member of tho council stated lastevening that those IL favor of grant-Ing the franchise and those opposedto it would have the opportunity Fri-



night of expressing their viewson the question and that it Is hoped-

by the solons that a free discussionof the bill wilt bo entered Into at thattime He said that the council de-


to act wisely in tho matter antithat they could hotter do so If nil thophases of the question were threshedout before them





One C M Brown Wanted for AllegedTheft of Seven Dollars From

His Employer

Deputy Sheriff Rose of Davis countycame to Ogden yesterday to got onoC Al Brown who had been capturedby the pollcp force of tho city at tho






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No Better Car at Any Price

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Lot us show you this masterpiece in automobiles at ourGarage Grant avenueoJ







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J E Dooly President Ralph E Hoag CashierHerace E Peery VicePres A V McIntosh Asst Cashier



We endeavor to advance the business interests 1

of our customers in every legitimate wayw

II C Bigelow Prest J M Browning VicePrest e

A P Bigelow Cashier

U S Depositary


Capital and Undivided Profits 27500000

David Eccles Pres M S Browning VicePresG II Tribe ViccPrcs John Pingree CashierJohn Watson VicePres Jas F Burton Asst Cashier

request of the Davis county ofllcoraDrown is charged with stealing S1

from a farmer near ParmlugtonIt was said by Olllcor Rose that a

few dayslago Brown was given a jobby county farmer and thatwhile the family was away from homoho entered the house and Is alleged tohavo stolon tho 7 A fourteenyearold lad accompanied tho deputy shorinto Ogden and when confronted by MrBrown readily recognized him as theman wanted for the alleged offense

Brown is very extraordinary manphysically Ho Is 7 feet a inches tauand weighs a llltlo over 200 pounds-Ho wears workingmens clothes anucarries every sign of tho workingman his clothes uhoqs anti hat aresuch aJ the laborer usually wears andhis hands show tho callouses f thebard worker

He expressed considerable surprisethat he should bo arrested for taro

theft of S7 or any other amount lorthat matter but very modestly sub-

mitted to the arrest willingly Iferincto return to Davis county with thedonut sheriff Ho stated to the Iopnrtincnt horo that he Is an expolicoman of a pity In Texas stating thatho carries his formeruniform In htstrunk which is now in the hands oftho railroad company ho not yot box-


presented his check for the sauteMr Brown was considerably amusedover his arrest and the posltlveneasof the boy who branded him as mho

man wantedSome of the opQcors at tho Ogdon

station think the erstwhile ollicor otTexas is the Bubject of n mistakentidentity and that withal It sa hugo-

joke on tho big man
