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The Oil and Gas Industry and Climate Change
Page 1: The Oil and Gas Industry and Climate Changeingenieroambiental.com/4030/siaf_climatechange.pdf · This report summarizes IPIECA activities on climate change and highlights efforts

The Oil and Gas Industryand Climate Change

Page 2: The Oil and Gas Industry and Climate Changeingenieroambiental.com/4030/siaf_climatechange.pdf · This report summarizes IPIECA activities on climate change and highlights efforts


Background 3

Industry activities through IPIECA 5

Enhancing industry’s understanding of climate change 5

Contributing to climate change policies 6

Engaging in climate change science 6

Developing best practice guidance 7

Oil and gas company actions 8

Case studies 9

ExxonMobil’s cogeneration initiatives 9

Marathon’s flare reduction in Equatorial Guinea 9

Total and climate change 10

Shell delivers North Sea wind power 11

Statoil captures carbon dioxide at Sleipner T 11

BP’s Carbon Calculator 12

Partnerships 13

The Global Climate and Energy Project 13

The CO2 Capture Project 13

The Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership 14

The Partnership for Fuels and Vehicles Research 14

The Carbon Mitigation Initiative 14

References and further resources 15

© IPIECA, June 2007. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, withoutthe prior consent of IPIECA.

This publication is printed on paper manufactured from fibre obtained from sustainably grown softwood forests and bleachedwithout any damage to the environment.


Task Force Members

Tim Stileman/Bill Boyle (BP) • Chee Yong Ong (ExxonMobil) • Charlie Curlee, Chair

(Marathon) • Garry Mann (Nexen) • Mark Weintraub (Shell) • Johana Dunlop

(Schlumberger) • Dominique Chauvin (Total) • Sophie Depraz/Luke Warren (IPIECA)

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Concern about climate change and thechallenges and risks it poses will requiresustained efforts to develop understanding andeffective solutions while at the same time meetingthe growing needs of society for energy.Addressing these risks requires appropriateactions now, recognizing that near-term actionsalone cannot address the long-term, globalchallenges and risks of climate change.

Meeting global energy demand while limiting orreducing carbon dioxide emissions presents anenormous challenge. Energy outlooks show thatbetween now and 2030 the bulk of the increasein energy demand will be met by fossil fuels(Figure 1). Renewable energy sources, such aswind and solar, will enjoy high growth rates;however, they start from a very low level and willhave a limited impact in this timeframe.

The Oil and Gas Industry and Climate Change 3


Figure 1: World energy demand by fuel

nuclear (6%)



other renewablesand biomass (11%)

hydro (2%)

oil (35%)

gas (21%)coal (25%)

other renewablesand biomass (12%)

hydro (2%)

oil (33%)

gas (23%)

nuclear (5%)

coal (26%)

Energy demand in the Reference Scenario











1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030



nuclearhydropowerbiomassother renewables


on to


of o

il eq



Source: based on data from the OECD/IEA World Energy Outlook 2006

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4 The Oil and Gas Industry and Climate Change

Greenhouse gas emissions have grown, andare projected to continue to grow, along withworldwide economic activity and energydemand. Making deep reductions in globalgreenhouse gas emissions would entailsignificant changes in the way societyproduces and uses energy, necessitating thedevelopment and deployment of energy-efficient and low-emission technologies for allmajor sectors of the economy and for all majorregions of the world.

The oil and gas industry realizes majorchallenges and opportunities lie ahead inaddressing climate change risks. These includetaking actions now to reduce emissions,providing new more powerful energy options,and gaining a clearer understanding to betterguide society’s response. These efforts will needto be undertaken while continuing to provideenergy for socioeconomic needs.

This report summarizes IPIECA activities onclimate change and highlights efforts of IPIECAoil and gas member companies, illustrated byselect representative case studies and relatedindustry-led partnership projects. Through thesesteps IPIECA members intend to be a source ofsolutions to challenges and concerns aboutclimate change. In this goal IPIECA plays animportant role for members by helping todevelop and exchange knowledge and engagein international deliberations.

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International cooperationis critical if society is tomanage the risks posedby global climate change.To date, attention hasbeen focused on theemission targets of thefirst commitment periodof the Kyoto Protocolthat apply to mostdeveloped countries.

However, these emission targets encompass onlya minority of global greenhouse gas emissions and donot yet continue beyond 2012. As a consequence,initiatives to implement existing low-emissiontechnologies, and to develop new technologies, aremaking progress in an environment of uncertaintyregarding future climate change policy.

Meanwhile, massive investment in essentialinfrastructure is under way to deliver the energynecessary to ensure future growth and socio-economic development.

Against that background, how caninternational policies best manage the risks ofclimate change? And what are the implications ofthese policies for business? To address questionssuch as these, IPIECA convened an internationalworkshop in October 2005 to consider the futureof international policy architectures to manageclimate change risk. The workshop broughttogether approximately 100 experts from academia,business, governments, and international and non-governmental organizations. It was held in China toenable broader regional participation, and examined:● key elements of climate change risk

management;● attributes of different policy architectures to

address climate change;● issues and opportunities that arise from policy

architectures and their interaction withinternational trade; and

● transitions from current policies to futuremeasures, given uncertainties and a sequentialdecision-making process.

International policy approaches to address the climate change challenge

The Oil and Gas Industry and Climate Change 5

outcomes from workshops detailing IPIECA’sunderstanding of climate change issues as wellas providing guidance relative to theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) and UN climate change negotiations. Aselection of titles from the IPIECA ClimateChange publication series can be found onpage 15.

Enhancing industry’s understanding ofclimate change

To contribute to members’ understanding ofclimate change, IPIECA organizes meetingsand workshops on the technological, scientific,economic and policy aspects of climate change.These events attract experts from government,academia, policy institutes and business andindustry, and present a valuable opportunity toexchange information and best practices. IPIECAproduces, and widely distributes, a publicationseries for industry, government and UnitedNations (UN) observer organizations. Thisseries includes reports that summarize the

Industry activities through IPIECA

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6 The Oil and Gas Industry and Climate Change

Natural gas, as arelatively low-carbonfuel source, can play asignificant role in acarbon-constrainedenergy future. Whilemuch of the technologynecessary to increase thesupply of natural gas tothe energy marketalready exists, the

application of that technology must overcome anarray of commercial, political, environmental andsocial barriers before its full potential can be

realized. There are also economic and technicalchallenges to overcome in commercializing reservesof ‘unconventional’ gas.

IPIECA co-sponsored a workshop with theMethane-to-Markets Partnership and USEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) on‘Natural Gas as a Climate Change Solution:Breaking Down the Barriers to Methane’sExpanding Role’, in September 2006. Thisworkshop brought together experts from academia,business, governments, and international and non-governmental organizations to focus on ways tobring methane to market that increase supplieswhile decreasing fugitive methane emissions.

Natural gas as a climate change solution

Contributing to climate change policies

IPIECA holds formal UN observer status andattends all of the negotiating sessions of theUnited Nations Framework Convention onClimate Change (UNFCCC) on behalf of theinternational oil and gas industry. Asnegotiations become more complex, IPIECAplays an increasingly important role inkeeping members apprised of developments,providing analysis of issues and theirimpacts, and serving as a forum fordiscussion. IPIECA also provides expertpetroleum industry input to internationalforums working on climate change issues.These activities contribute to the developmentof policies that balance risks and costs inaddressing climate change by enhancingpolicy makers’ understanding of key issues.

Recent IPIECA workshops and involvement ininternational forums have included:

● Subsidiary Body for Scientific andTechnological Advice (SBSTA) in-sessionworkshop on carbon dioxide (CO2) captureand storage (CCS), SB-24; UNFCCC,Bonn, Germany, 20 May 2006;

● CO2 capture and storage as a climate changemitigation option, side event at the twelfthsession of the Conference of the Parties tothe UNFCCC (COP-12); UNFCCC, Nairobi,Kenya, 17 November 2006;

● G8/International Energy Agency (IEA)petrochemical products workshop onfeedstock substitutes, energy-efficienttechnology and CO2 reduction, Paris,December 2006.

Engaging in climate change science

IPIECA is recognized as a valuable source ofindustry knowledge and expertise, with itsClimate Change Working Group (CCWG)

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The Oil and Gas Industry and Climate Change 7

jointly initiated development of guidelines topromote credible, consistent, and reliable GHGaccounting and reporting practices from oil andgas operations. To maximize the acceptanceand use of these guidelines, they have beendeveloped with the broad participation ofpetroleum operators, including those alreadytracking GHG emissions from their operations.To gain the widest acceptance, the guidelinesstrike a balance between flexibility and costeffectiveness in accounting and reporting withthe need for consistency and accuracy in thereported results.

functioning as the focal point for theinternational oil and gas industry’s interactionwith the IPCC. Such interaction is essential forsound assessments, and to ensure that relevantpolicies are appropriately framed. The text andcomments prepared by IPIECA for the IPCCdraft papers and reports are frequentlyincorporated in the final publications.

CCWG experts contributed, as authors andreviewers, to recent IPCC assessments including:● The Fourth Assessment Report;● Special Report on Carbon Capture and

Storage; and ● 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse

Gas Inventories.

Developing best practice guidance

For more than a decade IPIECA members havebeen active in reporting GHG emissions fromtheir operations. In 2003 members worked todevelop a credible, cost-effective and reliablemethod for measuring, accounting andreporting GHG emissions. To respond to this,IPIECA, in close cooperation with a number ofother oil and gas industry associations,produces industry best practice guidelines forreporting GHG emissions. The guidelinesenable companies to compile consistent andreliable emission inventories.

Oil and gas companies use these data in avariety of settings, among them to understandand manage their GHG emissions from allsources to comply with national regulations,and as the basis for emissions trading systems.

As part of this effort, IPIECA, the AmericanPetroleum Institute (API), and the InternationalAssociation of Oil and Gas Producers (OGP)

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8 The Oil and Gas Industry and Climate Change

Oil and gas company actions

IPIECA oil and gas member companies aretaking steps to limit GHG emissions from theirown operations and to improve customers’ability to use their products more efficiently,now and in the future. Companies areimplementing such policies through operationalmanagement systems, investments, andresearch and development. Oil and gascompanies are also working in partnershipwith other industries, national governments andinternational bodies in both developed anddeveloping nations to limit GHG emissions.

Though actions differ from company to company,they incorporate common steps such as:● reducing GHG emissions through more

efficient use of energy, efficiencyimprovements from operations andinvestment in cogeneration facilities;

● achieving GHG emissions reduction fromoperations by deploying CCS technology,reducing venting and flaring whereverpossible and reducing fugitive emissionsfrom natural gas transmission networks;

● deploying existing low-carbon technologiesand investing in new fossil and non-fossilfuel technologies including renewables,hydrogen, cleaner fuels, biofuels and fuelcell technologies;

● participating in voluntary market-basedinitiatives and agreements such asemissions trading, Joint Implementation (JI)and the Clean Development Mechanism(CDM) that seek cost-effective reductionsacross diverse operations;

● taking action to educate and encourageconsumers and others to use petroleumproducts more efficiently; and

● working in partnership with researchorganizations, other sectors andgovernments to develop collaborative andinnovative solutions to meet the challengeof supplying energy in an environmentallysustainable manner.

Through these steps, the oil and gas industryintends to be a source of solutions for thechallenges and concerns triggered by GHGemissions from its operations and products.The case studies that follow give an indicationof what the industry is doing. More casestudies are available on the IPIECA website:www.ipieca.org

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The Oil and Gas Industry and Climate Change 9

Achieving a similar reduction by using windenergy would require more than 40 per cent ofall the installed wind generation capacity thatexists today in Germany, or more than 75 percent of Spanish capacity, or 85 per cent in theUnited States (the first, second and third largestwind energy markets respectively.)

In early 2006, the US Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) recognized two of ExxonMobil’snew cogeneration facilities in Texas. TheEPA/Department of Energy Combined Heatand Power (CHP) Partnership (a division of theUS EPA) awarded Baytown’s new 160 MWcogeneration project its ‘Energy Star’ award for‘demonstrating exceptional leadership in energyuse and energy management.’ The new495 MW cogeneration project at Beaumonthas been awarded EPA’s ‘CHP Certificate ofRecognition’ and is currently eligible for the‘Energy Star’ award, having achieved twelvemonths of continuous operation.

Marathon’s flare reduction inEquatorial Guinea

When Marathon Oil Company took overoperation of the Alba Field offshore EquatorialGuinea in 2002, the company began thorough

ExxonMobil’s cogeneration initiatives

Cogeneration, the simultaneous production ofelectricity and thermal heat or steam, hassignificantly improved energy efficiency atExxonMobil facilities around the world.ExxonMobil now has interest in about 100cogeneration facilities in more than 30locations, with a capacity to provideapproximately 4,300 megawatts (MW) ofpower—or enough electricity to meet thedemands of close to seven million householdsin Europe. The company is continuallyconsidering new cogeneration projects: severalare under construction in Kazakhstan, Belgium,and China; and a project in Singapore isbeing further developed. These four projectsalone represent a combined capacity of875 MW of power and will bringExxonMobil’s total cogeneration capacity tomore than 5,000 MW by 2010.

With the latest turbine technology,cogeneration can be twice as efficient astraditional methods of producing steam andpower separately, since cogeneration recoversenergy otherwise discharged into theatmosphere or lost during the process ofcondensing steam back to water at traditionalpower plants. This captured energy is useddirectly in the company’s manufacturingprocesses. A new approach, called directprocess heat integration, has achieved evenhigher efficiencies and could provide the basisfor a number of new projects. ExxonMobilfacilities in Antwerp are the site of the largestprocess heat integration facility to date.

The cogeneration plants in which ExxonMobilhas interests reduce CO2 emissions byapproximately 11 million tonnes annually.

Case studies

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10 The Oil and Gas Industry and Climate Change

reservoir engineering studies in order to improveoperations and capitalize the value of theassets. Under the previous operator, the offshorehydrocarbon resources were typically piped toshore for processing through productionfacilities and a methanol manufacturing plant.Condensate liquids and methanol were exportedvia tanker and excess natural gas was flared.As developmental drilling activity continued,the natural gas production rose, far exceedingthe capacity of the methanol plant.

Under this operating system, Marathonrecognized the flaring of methane could onlyincrease as production increased. This was awaste of natural gas. With a long-term viewtowards monetizing Alba’s natural gas vialiquefied natural gas (LNG) export, Marathonbegan implementing an operational reservoirmanagement plan that to eliminate flaring.This involved construction and installation ofthe processing facilities, compressors andpipelines needed to send natural gas that hadpreviously been flared back offshore for re-injection into the producing formations.

Operation and commissioning of the re-injection facilities began in mid-2004. By2005, the process was fully operational. Theresulting process improvements have achieveda reduction of flared volumes of more than90 per cent from early 2004 flaring volumes.In addition, this flare reduction programmesupports the Equatorial Guinean government‘sparticipation in the Global Gas FlaringReduction Initiative (GGFR) and helps thegovernment promote economic growth andquality of life improvements for its citizens.The process has also decreased significantlyGHG emissions associated with oil and gasdevelopment in Equatorial Guinea.

Total and climate change

One of the key challenges of the 21st centuryis to learn more about the mechanismsinvolved in climate change as well as theaction required to slow this process and reducefuture consequences.

Though there is an urgent need for appropriateaction, it is equally important to make availablethe information needed to ensure that suchaction is effective. That is why, going beyond itsinitiatives to reduce the environmental impact of

Figure 2: Flare profile 2004–06: Marathon,Equatorial Guinea











2004 2005 2006

% re





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The Oil and Gas Industry and Climate Change 11

offshore is currently about twice as expensiveas onshore, so government support remainscritical to making it a viable alternative.

Statoil captures carbon dioxide at‘Sleipner T’

Statoil and partners ExxonMobil, Total andNorsk Hydro have succeeded in keeping thecarbon dioxide content of natural gas from theSleipner West Field, in the Norwegian NorthSea, below 2.5 per cent to meet contractualspecifications. ‘Sleipner T’ partners did this bycombining amine with the natural gas in acontacting tower at high pressure and moderatetemperature. The amine, which is an organiccompound derived from ammonia, binds the

the company’s operations and products, Total ispartnering to gather data that will help thescientific community and the policy makers gaina better understanding of this phenomenon.

As a contribution to this effort, Total issupporting a new expedition to the North Pole,to be led by Jean-Louis Etienne. This first fieldcampaign to measure the thickness and extentof the polar sea ice should provide informationthat will be vital to further research on the icepack and climate change.

The Total Pole Airship expedition is beingundertaken as part of the International PolarYear 2007–08 and will use innovativemeasurement technologies. As a result,advanced scientific knowledge in this area, keyfor climate change, will be available and willcontribute to inform climate science in general.

Shell delivers North Sea wind power

In October 2006, households in The Netherlandsbegan receiving clean, wind-generatedelectricity from the Egmond aan Zee OffshoreWind Farm in the North Sea. Developed byShell WindEnergy and power company Nuon,the 108 MW wind farm supplies enoughcarbon-free power for more than 100,000Dutch homes, saving around 140,000 tons ofCO2 emissions a year. Shell’s offshore oil andgas experience helped overcome the technicalchallenges and enabled the company to deliverthe project on time and on budget.

Now, the project’s focus is on improving theoperational performance of offshore wind byreducing maintenance costs and increasing theamount of time that turbines are available toproduce power. Generating wind power

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12 The Oil and Gas Industry and Climate Change

carbon dioxide, which separates out at the bottom.From there, it is transferred to a stripping towerwhere the pressure is lower but the temperaturehigher. The carbon dioxide is subsequently boiledoff, compressed and transferred to the ‘A’ platformon the Sleipner East field for pumping into theUtsira Formation, a shallow (800–1000 metresbelow sea floor) saline sandstone aquifer througha dedicated, near-horizontal injection well.

This was the first commercial deployment ofgeological storage for the purpose of reducingemissions. It has fostered a research partnershipfor the purpose of providing understanding andadvancing science of the CCS option. Sleipnerhas and still is playing an invaluable role as ademonstration of CCS which is important forpublic assurance.

The ground-breaking development of the SleipnerCO2-storage project gave way for further researchon the behaviour of the CO2 stored underground.Periodic seismic surveys proved to be aninvaluable monitoring tool and continue to provideinsight into the Sleipner CO2-storage techniquewhich has been cited in a large number ofpublished papers in journals around the world.

BP’s Carbon Calculator

The Carbon Calculator is an interactive on-linetool, designed to engage and educate anenvironmentally conscious audience. It also helpsto articulate BP’s own efforts to reduce emissions.More than half a million people visited the CarbonCalculator in the first six months after its launch inNovember 2005. During the course of those visits,each visitor was able to assess the size of his orher household’s carbon footprint, learning:● how different household and lifestyle

options affect the carbon footprint size;

● how to estimate emissions without enteringdata from utility bills; and

● how to communicate the results of theirfindings to friends and colleagues via email.

The BP Carbon Calculator works from a data-basethat consists of results from national energy surveysfor different types of housing within each country.Energy use is broken down between thermalrequirements (space heating/cooling and hotwater), lighting requirements and electricity forappliances. These figures are then adjusted for thetypical effects of various features (e.g. insulation),behaviour (e.g. switching off lights and applianceswhen not needed), and new technologies (e.g.solar water heating) selected by the user.

Emissions from electricity usage are calculatedby multiplying the estimated usage by averageelectricity grid carbon intensity factors for eachcountry. The transport section of the calculatoris based on the fuel usage by different vehicles(per passenger in the case of public transportand aviation) according to vehicle type andmileage selected.

More details, and the on-line Carbon Calculatoritself, are available at:www.bp.com/carbonfootprint

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The Oil and Gas Industry and Climate Change 13

Another 13 faculty are engaged from 8 otherinstitutions in Australia, Japan, Europe and theUnited States. Current research efforts arefocused on solar energy, biomass, hydrogenproduction, fuel cells, advanced combustion intransport and coal use, energy storage, andcarbon capture and storage. Future activitiescould involve advanced nuclear energy,geoengineering and energy distribution.

Key partners are ExxonMobil, General Electric,Schlumberger, Toyota and Stanford University.

The CO2 Capture Projectwww.co2captureproject.org

Eight oil companies and three governmentagencies set up this project in 2000. Its aim isto develop and demonstrate the efficacy oftechnologies that can capture carbon dioxidefrom the combustion of fossil fuels and storethat captured gas in secure undergroundreservoirs.

The project’s work focuses on five areas ofdevelopment: capture, storage, economics,communications and policy. An independentTechnology Advisory Board, consisting ofmembers from both private and public sectors,objectively evaluates the project’s research andguides future developmental work.

Some promising technologies have emergedfrom the project, showing considerablepotential for cost-efficient carbon dioxidecapture on a large scale. Pre-combustioncapture is suitable for all fossil fuels and mayalso produce enough hydrogen to open theway for a future hydrogen fuel-based economy.

Since the 2002 World Summit on SustainableDevelopment, partnerships targetingsustainable development have been recognizedas an increasingly important cross-cuttingtheme and enabling mechanism.

The IPIECA Publication,Partnerships in the Oiland Gas Industry(2006) communicateshow the oil and gasindustry is usingpartnerships to respondto challenges ofmeeting global energydemand and tocontribute to

sustainable development. A few of thepartnerships particularly relevant to addressingthe oil and gas industry’s activities pursuant toclimate change are highlighted here:

The Global Climate and Energy Projecthttp://gcep.stanford.edu

Begun in 2002, this 10-year programme,with $225 million funding, aims to acceleratedevelopment of commercially viabletechnologies that can meet global energydemand while dramatically loweringgreenhouse emissions.

Five years on, the project has awarded morethan 40 research programmes with funding of$61 million. At Stanford University inCalifornia where the project is based, itsresearch programmes have involved more than200 students and postdoctoral fellows and 37faculty from 13 departments.


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14 The Oil and Gas Industry and Climate Change

The Global Gas Flaring ReductionPartnership www.worldbank.org/ggfr

Another initiative launched at the 2002 WorldSummit, this partnership consists of thegovernments of 12 important oil and gasproducing nations, 10 major oil and gascompanies and the World Bank. It aims tosupport national efforts to use the gasassociated with oil production rather thanwaste it through flaring and venting.

The partnership’s work programme concentrateson commercialization of associated gas, relevantregulations, a voluntary standard for flaring andventing and the use of carbon credits.

To date, the partnership has succeeded inraising the profile of flaring and venting as aglobal issue—but one best resolved throughlocal and regional initiatives. To that end, thepartnership has embarked on flare eliminationdemonstration projects in Angola, Algeria andNigeria, and facilitated cooperation betweenoperators, the national oil company andgovernment regulators in Equatorial Guinea. Toenable further progress, the original remit forthe partnership has been extended to 2009.

The Partnership for Fuels and Vehicles Research www.concawe.org

CONCAWE, the oil companies’ Europeanassociation for environment, health and safetyin refining and distribution; the EuropeanCouncil for Automotive R&D; and the JointResearch Centre of the European Commissionjoined forces in 2000 to generate scientificand technical information on the developmentof road vehicles and associated subjects.Specifically, the partnership sets out to

establish a solid and shared technical basisfor future EU regulations on fuels and vehicles,and create a constructive working relationshipamong all members of the partnership.

The first outcome of the partnership was a‘Well-to-Wheels’ study published in 2003. Itanticipated increased focus on alternative roadfuels and vehicles to address carbon dioxideemissions and security of supply. The studyresults formed the basis for discussions andpolicy recommendations in many forums,including the European Commission’sAlternative Fuels Contact Group during 2004.

Since then, the partnership has embarked on asecond project to measure the evaporativeemissions of vehicles with different fuels.

The Carbon Mitigation Initiative (CMI)

This partnership linking BP, Ford MotorCompany and Princeton University was foundedin 2000 and seeks to develop new approachesto carbon management. Recognizing thecomplexity and longevity of the issues, bothindustrial partners made substantial 10-yearcommitments totalling more than US$20 million.

Current work concentrates on carbon captureand storage, as well as quantifying naturalcarbon dioxide sources and sinks, andassessing the economic and environmentalimpacts of carbon mitigation strategies.

Six years on, there has been progress inachieving a better understanding ofunderground storage issues and work onscenarios involving a variety of energysources including coal, natural gas, biomassand wind power.

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IPIECA Climate Change Working Grouppublications are widely distributed amongstindustry, government, academia and otherstakeholders. Copies are freely available fromthe IPIECA website or by e-mailing the IPIECAsecretariat ([email protected]). A selection ofpertinent publications is listed below.

Workshop Report Series

Long-Term Energy and Carbon Management:Issues and Approaches (Cambridge, USA, 2001).

Development and Climate Change: Issues andApproaches in Asia(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2002).

A Practical Approach to Identifying EmissionOpportunities: Examples under the KyotoMechanism in Latin America and the Caribbean(San Jose, Costa Rica, 2002)

Carbon Dioxide Capture and GeologicalStorage: Contributing to Climate ChangeSolutions(Brussels, Belgium, 2003)

Transportation and Climate Change:Opportunities, Challenges and Long-termStrategies(Baltimore, USA, 2004)

International Policy Approaches to Address theClimate Change Challenge(Beijing, China, 2005)

Natural Gas as a Climate Change Solution:Breaking down the Barriers to Methane’sExpanding Role (Washington, USA, 2006)

The Oil and Gas Industry and Climate Change 15

Increasing the Pace of Technology Innovationand Application: Enabling Climate ChangeSolutions(Washington, USA, 2006)

Guide Series

Buenos Aires and Beyond—a Guide to theClimate Change Negotiations (1999)

Climate Change: a Glossary of Terms(Third Edition, 2001)

A Guide to the Intergovernmental Panel onClimate Change (Fourth Edition, 2006)

Best Practice Guidelines

Petroleum Industry Guidelines for ReportingGHG Emissions (2003)

Clean Development Mechanism Navigator(IPIECA Website, 2005)

Petroleum Industry Guidelines for GreenhouseGas Emission Reduction Projects (2007)

IPIECA website

Visit: www.ipieca.orgFurther details of IPIECA’s activities, includingmore case studies, can be found on the ClimateChange page of the IPIECA website.

References and further resources

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International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association5th Floor, 209–215 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NL

Tel: +44 (0)20 7633 2388 Fax: +44 (0)20 7633 2389E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.ipieca.org

IPIECAIPIECA is the single global association representing both the upstream and downstream oil and gasindustry on key environmental and social issues, including: oil spill response; global climate change;fuels; biodiversity; social responsibility and sustainability reporting

Founded in 1974 following the establishment of the United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP), IPIECA provides a principal channel of communication with the United Nations. IPIECAMembers are drawn from private and state-owned companies as well as national, regional andinternational associations. Membership covers Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe, the Middle Eastand North America.

Through a Strategic Issues Assessment Forum, IPIECA also helps its members identify emergingglobal issues and evaluates their potential impact on the oil industry. IPIECA’s programme takes fullaccount of international developments in these issues, serving as a forum for discussion andcooperation, involving industry and international organizations.

Company membersBG Group

BHP Billiton







Hess Corporation

Hunt Oil


Kuwait Petroleum Corporation

Mærsk Olie og Gas


National Hydrocarbon Corporationof the Republic of Cameroon (SNH)


NOC Libya




Petroleum Development of Oman





Saudi Aramco





Woodside Energy

Association members

American Petroleum Institute (API)

Australian Institute of Petroleum (AIP)

Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP)

Canadian Petroleum Products Institute (CPPI)


European Petroleum Industry Association (EUROPIA)

Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP)

International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP)

Petroleum Association of Japan (PAJ)

Regional Association of Oil and Natural GasCompanies in Latin America and the Caribbean (ARPEL)

South African Petroleum Industry Association (SAPIA)

World Petroleum Council (WPC)
