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The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1882-03-04 [p ].hogs, nway upstairs in dirty tonomont-houses,...

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' n | , Jl'HJii OMAHA 1Ali.Y . BJiE : SATURDAY. MAPCH 4 188S. OLAEA BELLE'S BUDGET In the Spring a Woman's Fancy Lightly Turns to - Thoughts of Dress.- A . Craza for Witchery of the Voudoo Sort.- TUo . Cruelty of nn Aucllonco to n Thin Qlrl-A Mnn In ft PoJamn-Othor Matters nolntlnff to Clothos.C- orroipondenco . of the Cincinnati Enquirer , NEW YOIIK , February 24 , 1882. - Nobody could giuss what is the new- est ¬ fftshioimblo froixk of inotropolitrvii- girls. . It is to i Spiritual modiuins aiul fortune-tullora. There is diversion at a nciuico , possibly , whcro the circle sits in n dim light , clasping one another's hands , with a skip-uud-go-ono arrnimoinunt an to how the HCXCS nro noateu , in order to- accuro , os I hoard a medium phrnso it , "a polarity of oleclrlo forco. " But having fortunes told by weird old hogs , nway upstairs in dirty tonomont- houses , is hardly concoivnblo ns an- amusement. . The fact is that a wave of Bupcratilion has nrison , and is how slopping on us. Negro women arc the favorite witches , and about every second house in West Twenty-fifth street , the successor of Thompson street for negro residence , holds a- sorcerer. . Never before hayo so many silk skirts been lifted over the moral and physical mud of that thoroughf- aro. - . Most of the pricatcssos of vou- doe * are quite commonplace shufllors- of greasy cards and peepers into tea- cups ¬ , but several are more pretentious. One mulatto of great size aiid consul- able beauty wears a robe covered with queer figures the manner of con- ventional ¬ astrologers , nnd sits in n quaintly embellished room , in the midst of stuffed birds , snakes and al- ligators. ¬ . She is in high repute with Murray Hill girls , nnd she gives them the nicest posmblo information about present lovers and future joys. You pay her a dollar Tlion she puts on a- cockloslmpod cnp , waves a wand , closes her eyes , and lies to you like an expert. She has considerable tact in drawing out facts from her unwit- ting ¬ callers , and is thereby able to startle thorn with the very points they have given her. Of course a good proportion'of those who nro indulging in this freakish sort of thine ; merely do it because others do , but many are really credulous , and it is astounding how linn a lodgment superstition has in feminine heads , right alongside their cultivated brains. Ridiculous Blories tell how uomo of the fortune- tellers - arc abusing their opportunities by bringing their innocent patrons into acquaintance with awfully naughty men , and so on. Uosh ? The upper-ton girls of New York nro just as knowing as they are innocent , and they don't ' take introductions to- atrango men through fortune-tollers. Getting their fortunes told may bo re- garded - as sufllciontly.coromomous for .1 . LENT , I' J which has come upon us before wo hardly know jt. This is a penitential Reason , I am aware , yet I must write about the fashions all the samo. The garments most noteworthy this week m the suit departments of our boq- tdrygoods stores are fatigue costumes and'Utihty suits for early fp'ring.wear. They are made of dark-blue and gray flannels , chaviot mixtures and light meltons. Those intended for fatigue or excursion suits are flannel , and have gored skirts , upon which are superim- posed - a deep kilted flounce reaching to a point above the knco ; also , an apron draped high , and back drape- ries ¬ looped high and somewhat bouf. ' font. With such a skirt is commonly worn an unlined hunting jacket or- boxplaited blouse belted in at the waist lino. The sleeves are also un- linod. . Such suits come cheap , and at the same time are tasteful and service ¬ able. Spanking of cheapness , I can't understand why wo are such fools as- to turn up our HOBOS at things because they , don't cost much. I am not one of , thoao who believe it is extravagant for a- Mrs. . Astor or a Mrs. Yandorbilt to- p y $5,000 for a cloak. They've got the money to spend freely , and who is harmed by their doing it } On the other hand , a woman who can't ' afford to put five thousand conta on her body at on30 , from the hat all the way down to shoo.too , ought to accept the situation amiably. She can use just as good taste as' Mrs. Aator or Mrs VandorbiU , at least , by the ayoidanoo- of anything , inartistic , And right jhoro is the consolation : 'Not'one man in a dozen knows the differences iri textures. Consequently , if the style bo quiet , shapely and becoming , flannel is as- pleasing in' his eyes as embossed velvet. The cheviot and cloth suits for the ensuing season are admirably calculated to reconcile sen- sible ¬ woman to the doottino I have put forward , for they nro both pretty and fairly cheap. They have sLirts like those ubovo 'described , ' but "tailor-made" jackets or basques uro worn with them. The fit and finish of the suit constitute its chief beauty , and if the wearer is blessed with a good uguro nho iu bolter oil in it than the Grooms' daughter in silk , if the latter happens to bo- HHAVEI ) L1KK A U1UAU filON. 0 , slmpo is all potent ns n factor in good looks , and thu aspiiing belle ought never , never to for t it. Them ; dresses nro made up In nurture * and plain cloths , showing all the now mid standard sh idui of color , the lusthetiu tints of yellowish green and olive , bronze , blue , gray and p.rayisli purplo.- as . well as the standard favorites dark-blues , hunger's greens , seal nnd tobacco browns nnd oorus. Thp 1 urred uud checked goods , the shep herd plaids , nnd the invisible-barred cashmeres are also to be put into cos tumes for spring , and it is pretty cer- tain that no material changes will be made in the form of either * klrU at basques. So my readers may con fidently 0 right ahead in making their Bpnng suita. In the matter ol- clonks , modified Uubbards and rhitet are coming into fashion , They art now made only half long , BO that the droas skirt gota a chance to show it- flolf.. The only other change is in ' fllightly closer fitting of the figure , Many new cloaka , in anticipation ol . milder weather , are not waddod. bul merely lined with heavy satin. Bonn of the liningi uro bright , but tht greater number are black. Wcmor H * who ride in carriages may wear hand- some ¬ Spanish mantles of ladies' cloth of a now brown or gray , trimmed with rich ohonillo nppliquo bands in n darker shade of the same color , nnd closed at the throat with n chenille cord and tassel *. Short volvnt skirts , with bodice nnd panicrs of n soft woolen texture , nnd n pelerine nnd deep cuffs vclvot , will bo a fashionable walking costume. Indian , Paisley nnd other handsome shawls are being trans- formed ¬ into cloaks , with chunillo fringes added , and lined with silk or- sntitii Cloth suits are rendered dressier by means of cords draped across the front of the basque , and sometimes down the skirt. Quanti- ties ¬ of now shepherd plaids , very good for young girls' suits , como in light wool stuffs , with the tamiliar chucks nnd bars rnndy more artistic with oorgo and jncquard effects. The same is observed in a now style of baya- doro'Stripcdgoods - of Bilk nnd wool texture , The wooli goods in bust favoritism nt present are pclkadottcd- sateens , percales and American cali- coes. ¬ . Polka dots are nlao fashionable 011 satin foulards ; also on scarfs for the neck. There nro aomo no'V things in millinery , but not many , because nearly everything in that line is held back for Easter bonnets. In the meantime , most of us will affect n certain decree of sanctimoniousness during Lout. Wo will not sit down in sackcloth and ashes exactly , for only the acutely devout go very far toward actual deprivation for religion's sake ; but it is fashionable to make n slight pretense of observing the Lenten sea ¬ son. The scries of public balls and big private parties terminates , and some folks stop going to the theatres. The business of ( ho theatres is affected more in theory than in fact , however , for the lack of other amusements compensates for the absence of Catho- lic ¬ and Episcopalian devotees. Speak- ing ¬ of GOING TO THRATKUS VASIIIONAI1LY. The time was not long ngo whim the painfully swell-claim would bo seen in- none other than Wallnck's. It is wholly different now. Wallnck'a re- mains ¬ fashionable , but it is no more so than the Union Square or Daly's and rather less so than the Madison Square ; while the growth of musical pieces in the favor of high circles sends wealth and fashion to whatever theaters perform them nccoptibly. Thus it happens that the exclusivc- ncas - formerly appertaining to Wul- lack's - has been dissipated. The daint- iest ¬ among us now go to Tony Pas ¬ tor's occasionally. I saw as liancl- fjomo - an audiunco thcio the other evening as over was delighted by a poor variety show. Bo it known that Tony seldom him so good u company at homo as ho takes out on his sum- mer ¬ tours. On this occasion I wit- nessed ¬ a characteristic exhibition of the UTTJ5H IIEAKTLKSSNKHH- of an audience. The ( entertainment included a burlesque- Patience with n full force of love-sick maidens. One of the girls was extremely thin. In ordinary attire , with her arms and neck covered , her acrawniness would not have attracted attention ; but with her almost flcshloss arms bared to the shoulder , the bones of her neck pro- tuding - and her ribs all but visible through the shapeless garment which was wrapped once and a half around her she was OB horrible as the living skeleton a museum. Did the audi- ence ¬ Jloor crtUturo ? .Not u bit of'it. ' They greeted her first ap- pearance ¬ with a titter , which soon be- came ¬ a ffuffaw , loud and long. She understood it after a minute or two , faltered in her singing , seemed inclined to retire , but coweringly ro- nainud. - . But the assembly was mar- ilcss - ' , and continued the uproar as pug ns she was in sight. This wasn't "one by the gallery boys , mind you , ut by porsoifs in the orchestra clwiru , with the clothes of ladies and gontlo- non. - . Right in front of mo sat a- iookbcnked , slab aided woman , who would haye stripped as unhandsomely as the singer , I'll ' bo bound , nnd her to-hu and ha-ha wore as loud as arty- body's. - . I suppose the girl on the sta'go hadn't ' realized how much eho depended on dross. The lesson was taught her most cruelly , and I under- stand ¬ she did not return to that school next night to have it repeated. But , o resume my FASHION NEWS. Plain black gros grain ailk is begin- ning ¬ to find favor once more. It is combined with other silk fabrics , notably the moires nnd satin faces. They nro brought in a wide range of grades and prices , some running as low as 75 cents a yard , and from that upward to 2.50 , They are in all the colors. The now cashmeres nro light nnd exquisitely finished. Some are smooth surfaced and some are fulled , BO an to present nn appearance of being slightly .fleeced. Others , called impe- rial ¬ serge , nro woven in largo diagonal or serge effects. As theno goods , like the nun's veilings , como in all the light evening shades , as wall as the dark street colors , they are used to an almost unlimited extent for evening dresses , and will bo popular for drossy Btreot costumes aa the season advances. The most elegant white- wash dresses of the coming summer mil bo linen lawn and sheer linen cambric , soft ui India muslin nnd al- most ¬ us transparent. New lusthotio neckerchiefs consist of a square of pale rosej blue , olive grotm or mauve mull , with bright roses , pausics and other flowers , printed on them in cx- uggerutod - sizus , but natuml an to- colors. . AiHoni' tho' novelties uri looking-glacs bfiids tiny mirrorn used on the latest imported bull drosses. A feature of the evening costumes of the closing season were wide-striped satins in palo colors , al- ternating with those of gold or silver moire. But ull that is ovur for iln winter Thorp is a newness in fash ionable chemises , They tire made of linen cambric , trimmed witli insertion and odgingmgs oi Yaloncieunoa' lace , liand.wroughl in uniting the face , with open work to admit narrow , tinted drawstrings , Medallions of tbo fine needlework ar < applied at intervals , with admirable effect , and all the seams about tlu boaom and sleeves are dolicatelj feather-stitched. The ahouldor-slrapi are long and high , and the sleeves arc only an edging of Inco sowed on f band of insertion. The nook is cul low , in heart shape , back and front Night-gowns are made in the same pretty style ; but others are of palt- er unite surah silk , trimmed nitl lace edged ruflloa , ahirrings , nnd some times with bands of Bwnn's-dowti. Some of ilicso garments , while for boudoir nnd bod-chamber use , nro not1 slept in , and nro really Princess' robes. But everything in the way of elegant night-wrappings for women la eclipsed by the l-AJAMAH , Which men of fashion have lately been putting themselves into so num- erously ¬ , Pajamas are worn by gentle- men ¬ of luxurious tastes for neglige and chamber use , ns well as to sleep in. The pajania in n suit of pongee silk , consisting of n loose Japanese blouse nnd loose Oriental trousers.- I . have soon them hanging up in the stores -plain affairs in dark blue with white dots of daintier in bright Chi- nese ¬ silk , nnd positively gorgeous in- dolicnto shades nnd embroidery. How- ever ¬ , my knowledge of the pajania is not confined to the unsold oxnmplos- .I . saw ono with a man in it. My look was hasty , but comprehensive. I was passing a window in n corridor of a certain Hotel. A figure in the room caught my eye , and I mis- took ¬ it for n Chinaman in native dress.- So . gay was ho that , for the moment , I reverenced him ns n mainlorin at the very least. A brief , square showed mo "that ho was an American swell in a pajania , nnd I no longer tar ¬ ried. His togs were made of light yellow silk , almost covered with dcli- cato embroidery. They wore beauti- ful ¬ in themselves , but they hung on him Bliapolossly , nnd made him look' like n silly fool. Men had bettor leave such finery to women. Did I hurry nway because the follow inpajamawaa indelicately clad ? Not at nil. Ho was delicacy itsolf. But 1 was afraid the sweet , sweet thing would pluck a feather from his pillow and strike mo with it real high. OLAIU. BBLLR. Noting the Effect. 11. Glbbs , of HufTalo , X. Y. , writes : "Hearing your BunnocK BLOOD BITTEUH favorably ipoken of, I wa induced to watch ficir clFcctH , nnd find that in- chronloJplacaBes of the blood , liver nnd- hitlnoyh , 'your bltturs have boon signally inarkud with feuccesH , I liavo used them myself with best results for torpidity of the liver ; nnd In the case of n friend of- mlno Buffering from drormy the effect was marvelous. " Prlco 1.00 , trial slzo 10 cts- .feb28deodlw . THAT COUGH- .If . you nro suffering from a Cough , Cold .Asthma , Bronchitis , liny Fever , Consumption , loss of voice , tickling of the throat , or any affection of the Throat or Lungs , use Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption. This is the great remedy that is causing so much excitement by its wonderful cures , curing thousands of hopeless cases. Over a million bottles of Dr- .King's . N"ow Discovery have been used within the last year , and have given perfect satisfaction in every instance.- Wo . can unhesitatingly say that this is really the only sure cure for throat and lung affectioits , and can cheerful- ly ¬ recommend it to all. Call and got a trial bottle free of cost , or a regular size for § 100. Ish & MoMahon , Om- 1m - ( (3)- Jncob ) Mnrtzolf. of Lancaster , N. Y. , says your Syrup BlotBom works well for everything you recommend it ; myself , wife and chilareu have all used it , and you can't find a healthier family in New York State Ot. 5 , 18SO. Price pO cenU trial " ottles 10 cents. fol 28-dodlw , , 'ost for bnlni; tbc icort direct , qnlckeita -tttcst line connecting tha great Metropolis. Gill 'AdO , and the EiBixax , NottTH-EASTrim , I MI- u] BOUTU-GIOTIBN LINK !) , nhlch tormltuto there , rlth KANSAS Cnr , LXAVHSWOUTII , AICIIISON , UNCH DLUTPS and OMIUA , ( bo COUMHECU ; uinuu from which r&dlato EVERY LINE OF RADi- bttpcnotratw the Continent th * UUxonr.- Uver to the Puclfla Slope. The OHlOACfO HOOK ISLAND & PA- OIFIO RAILWAY the only line from Chicago owning tnei In Kansas , or yhlch , by Ita own row! , reaches th- x , lnta above named. No Tiutwuis BT OARRUOR- No HisaiKO DOHtnumoNS I Mo huddling la II- IrentlUtal or unclean can , as every patsonjer carried In roomy , clean and ventilated coacbea- ipou Fast Express Trains DAT CAM of unrivaled maznlflcimco , PDLLVA- i'ALlCR BuxrNo | CAM. and ourovrntvorld-famou ) Disraa Oi&s , upon which meals are served of un- lurpaaaod - excellence , at the low rate of BKVXMTT Km CiijTg IAOII, with ample tlmo for he >Ubfu- nloymont Through , Oara between Cblca o , Pooilt , J1H- waukoe aod Mlsaourl lUver Folntu : and cloje COD nectlons at all point * of Intersection othrrr- oads. . We ticket ( do not forget thU ) directly to evert place of Importance In Kansas , Nebraska. BUcV- JIllls , Wyoming , UUh , Idaho , Nevada , C&llfurnU , Oregon , wnahlncton Territory , Coionvdo , Arlfom and New Mexico- .Asll . boral ArraucorncnU regarding b wii ; M- any other line , and rates of faro alnnye asl ow a- coiupetltore , wha furnish but % tlcho o the com fort.DORS and Ucklo of u | orUmen free.- TIcKoU. . . maru anil foldera at all prlnclpa- ofllccs In the United States and Oauala. 11. H. CABLE, K ST. JOHN , Vice I'rcd't & Oen. Don. TUt aodPaai'rAg Ohlcwro Chlcair- o.NOTICE. . . O. fl. Dodfro. of the firm of 1'rlco , McDcrinott & lodio , a ? I'lumberi and Oas Fit cr , at Omaha n&adlssoUodas toO. 0 , Dodtro , who asalgnud to Thomas I'rlco all hli Internet Sept. ilOth , 1881 and Tt'omas I'rlco ojjuiuti the tlilrd share o flnnllablltlos for ld O. a. ; DoJ0 , In cnr--- u of said transftr. O. G. r 1880. SHORT LINE. 1880- .EAHSA& . CI'IT , StrJoe&OounoUBlnffs- U TU * 0-VLT Direct Line to ST , From Omaha and the Went.- Ho . change of can between Omaha and bi. ixinl * and bul ono between OMAUA and NEW YOH- K.eix . K Daily Passenger Trains tuonna AU , EABTEIIN AND WE3TEUN CITIES with LEE CIIAHQKS and IN ADVANCE ol AIL OTHEU LINKS- .ThU . entire Una U oqulppad with Pullnun lUaco Bleeping Can , Palace lajCooctiM , Miller- 'Sttuty I'Utlonu and Coupler , and the celobrattt- VostlDehouNAlrbraVa. . that your ticket read * VIA aU.'SA CITV , tT. JOSEl'U & COUNCIL BLUm Ual road , via 8t Joseph aud St. Louis. Ticket ! for sale al oil coupon station , to th We1. J. X. BARNARD, A * 0. DAWE3. Oen. Bunt , Bt Jocph , Mol den. I'au. ana Ttckcl Agt. , bt. Josepli , ilo, ' A> DJ BOECU , Tlckiit Aenl , 1020 Farnham ( tree *. 4, D , 1UM1ED General Agent , OUAIIA.NE A romf tly with ouch n representation a Hos- ettcr'sStemich - Hitlers a fair trinl If- ou are dyspeptic , jour malady nlll ocntually- loil toll ; If j on Bre feeble , lick flesh and foci otpondcnt , It n ill both build nriil cheer jou up : lounroconnllptttd Itulll relieve jou , and If- illoiis , hculthful etlmulktoonr Ihcr. Don't cspo n but make this effort In the right dlrco- on. - . For tulo by all ilnigolsti and dealers generally , feb13to ml Gentle- Women Who -want glossy * luxuriant nnd wavy tresses of abundant , beantifiil Hair must nso- LYON'S KATHAIRON. This elegant , cheap article always mates the lluir prow freely and fast , keeps it from falling out, arrests and cures gray- ness - , removes dandruff and i tiling , makes the Hair s'Tong ' , giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in- nviy desired position. Beau- tiful ¬ , lioaltliy Hair is the sure result of usiug Kathoiron- .To . Nervous iSurterers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. . J. B. Simp.'jau'o Specific It ' u] c iUvecuri ! far Spennatoirnti , Su.ulckt- okLoM. . Irai t-.U'.y , n-id all lUcc ice ir jultln. rani SclI-Abuje , t.t Menta ! , Ixiri- aUerrory , Falne lu thii UaiA OfBlde , aid dl'cosct ' thit ic.xl to- Consumption lii'anlty on early grave O Bpcclttc Medicine ' . , with tul 1 nruphletk- nt frco t.-j til. Write lor thurn and get full v"l- eulftni. - . Price , tli ilOe , H.W per pack Ki ) , or vlx pact- agcsJor 'f.Cfl. Addrees all or Jem to 1) : 8IM80N MEDICINE CO.- NC.S . 101 a. Id 103 Mala St. BuOalo , N. Tf- .Solil . In Omaha by C. F. Qooilman , J.V. . linll ' . K. Isb , and all Itncn < la' evi rvwhurB.K- ICM . BDi ' Srtfcw 11- our - , dutlca ovoli- 1Hhuillnii'Jiind night n urk , tu rei- torobralnri u * TTPRC- 'waft' Hop Bittoro.- If . . - , u ti J op Bi- snttcnnl you are ycunp nit ? from our IL- tluni diwii tloii or di sl.a- rleil It youninua ? or nlnrle , old or- roorlualUi ounff.sniri-rlnr 'roc or lonCT- iueai nit on ft bed ot-'lci. , rily on H o- Whoovet ltterc.- Tliousaiiajiiie . you nre- .fhenorcr . n- nJullvfruni iwiue - yon Ket Hfrtcm format KlonOj that your that uuili' needs clenimnp , ton- tnif - OiJlk. cumulating , have lioenpre cnle ; or by tlmnly ' . ' .nice Hop Oiite . yrjatn , IMntV O , I. O- is sri 'nor i - an BbxcluU fiatn , . UlscaB- Oiolth" and Irrealut- ableeuru ttomncn , fo : bated * blood , drunkennenf- uio liver otntnai ot oplaiu , You will DC- CTiredlf tobacco ,o * jouuse narcotic * Hop Blttors- If are dm- Sold by drag you ts ficnJfoi- Clreulur ely weak and Iow pirltcdtrj- riti It may anve your HTQ CO. life. It hae- avod , hun K kettrRl- A dreds. Toronto , O- aGRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARKTho Gre TRADE MARK Engllshrem- ody. - . An un- failing euro for Seminal WeaknoiB , Bpormntor- tbea - , Impot- on - cy, and all- OUcaaeathat4 follow M 11 BEFORE TAKNQ.Boquonco ! of AFTER TAIINB.- JoUAl . use ; as LO B of Memory , Unhcrsal Laaal- ludo , Fain In the Hack , Ulmnora of VJalon , Pre- mature Old Age , and many other Dloeasoa that cad to Insanity or Consumption and a 1'remH' ureOrae.f- l"Kull . particulars in our pamohlut , which we desire la tend frco trinall to everyone tSTTtie Siicclflc iicdlcino Is told by all drugKleti- it tl I r firkaKei or 0 packtyea for $0 , or will .1 > B tent frco by mail on real ptof the money , bj- addreaaliig y THE QUA JEDIC1NECO. , Buffalo. N. Y- .or . Bale bv 0. V (loodr octme-ood The Great English Eoinodyi- Ncrcr falls to CIIK ] Venous Deblllt } . VI- tnl Kxhaustlon , Kmts Jdons , Seminal Wea- kncmea.LOBTMAN - HOOD , and all th ( 11 iffects of youth 'ul iolliig and excos.I- C8. . . It stops perma- lilently all weakening liintaryloss sane . ._ .DH uiwn the ) II Cy lr'ul'uracti- cca ' , li ihMfuso doatrue ho to mind mid l odj- MI J ma1He miserable , oitcn luidln ); to liuan- livanddeath Hs'reinjtheiiB tliu Ntnrs.llraln- mcinorU ( lllodl , Mus le , I Uc tlve am Uopro- Uuttlro ON ns , It restore * M all the orcaril- ifunctlinj their former Ugor and vital ty , ma.- Inir . llfo cheerful nnd onjojabla I'rlce , 3i bottle , or four times ti.e quantity 910. Bent bj- cxvtrcsj. . secure from eb rTatlon , to nnv address on receipt of price. No. C. O. I > . soiit. oxtep- on receipt of 81 as c euara-i ( < . LettoM rj- ue tlll anjtr u.utt li.cloje ttaxp- .Dr . , Mintie's Paodehon are the best and cheapo J | cpsla and bllllou cure In the market. So y all druggist *. 1'rlc 60 ceuli.- DB. . . Mi Ti 's KiD rr RI IBDT , GirmmcuH , Cure.ol ! kind of Kidney and bladder coiuplalnU- 'ouorrlica , elect and Icucorrcca. For eale try al- mQMi INSTITOTK 718 Olive St. , Bt. Louli , M- o.Jan2olv . _ _ __ RAIG'S ' OITY GREEN HOUSE U now open to the public with a full supply Cut Flowers and Plants For Sole. Wo will bo glad to nave tbo publ call anil sou us- .Bouauots . or Any Floral Design Mftt- lto OrUor- ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. City Green Houw, 8. W. Cor 17th and We- irt r ono block from 10th dtreet cam. Nurtor J ; 23d ltret , opposlta Koit. J J. Y. Orals , Horn aud Laad cap OarUoer. * eu * Cm , Burdock Mrs. J. O. Hr iprton , 1'lttsbiirir , I'u , wrllti ! " ! MAI eullcrlra from general ilelillltv. want of ap- petite , connlpixtlon , etc. , no thntllfoua Imr- den ; after ti > lnc Dunlock nlooil Hitters 1 felt liet- ter - than for jiars. I cannot praise jourlilttern too much , " It. Glbbs. of ntiffttlo , N. Y. , writes : "Vour- Itunlock Hlei lilttrrn , In chronic dlstftsos of tlia- Mooil. . Ihcr a J Milncta , hate been slKnalh marked vt Itli f uccc-"i. I n&e used them mj sol f with best results , for toqildlty' ottbolUcr , nnd In- case of a friend of mli'o suffering from ilrnjis ) , the effect w as man olouo. " Bruce Turner , Uochcstcr , N. V.wrltcs : ' ! bale beet ) subject to serious disorder of the Idilnoja. and unable to attend to business ; Durdock DlooU Hitters rcllexcd mo before half a bottle was used I feel confident that they vtlll entirely cure mo. " , F. Ascnlth Hall , ninghampton , N. Y. , rites : "I suffered with a dull pain through nn eft lung and shoulder. Lost my spirits , appetite and color , and could with dltllcult ) keep up all day. Took jour llitrdock Blood Hitters as di- rected , and have felt no pain since llrst wecV af- ter using them , " Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. , writes : "About four years ago I had an attack of bilious fecr , and never fully recovered. My digestive organs were weakened , and I would be completely pros- trated ¬ for days. After using two bottles of jour Burdock Blood Bitters the Improvement was eo visible that I was astonished. 1 can now , though 01 j ears of age , do a fair and reasonable day's work , 0. Blacket Robinson , proprietor of The Canada Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , vvritn : "Ferytars- I suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I used your Burdock Blood Bitters with happiest results , and I now tlnd rui oclf In better health than for years past. " Sirs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y, writes : ' -I have used Burdock Blood Hitters for nervous and bil- ious headaches , and can recommend It to an j ono requiring a cure for billlousncss. " Mrs. Ira MullnolUnd , Albany , N. Y , writes : "For several jcara I have suffered from oft-recur ring billlous headaches , djspepsia- and com- Slalnts - peculiar to my sex. Since uilngour Blood Blttcrsl am entirely relieved. " FOSTER , MILBUEK , & Co ,, Props , BTUTAtO , W. Y. old at wholesale by Ish & MoMahon and C. F- .Goodman. . . Jo 27 cod-mo CAUTION "Stevens' Patent Egg Case" Sus- tained ¬ by the Ooarts , You nre hereby notified that wo are the solo owners of letters patent 1-sucd to Jo n li. nvl George W. Stevens , on the CGtli daj of February , 1807 , and rtlibued Teh. II ) . 187 , reissue No 6091 , for Improvement in Egg Cases After ncatlr four ) ears of litlgattcnvith "Schroder & bcav crs" of New York , and aft r a- "flnal heart g" upon the merits , the said "Sto- ons" - relasucd patent , No. ScDl was decided to- bo a coed anrl valid patent by His Honor HojtI- I. . Wlicoler , U. S. Judge , atNivv York , on the 13th day of July , 1S31 ; ai d thereafter , and on the Bth ctiy of Au ust , 1BS1 , a final decree wa entered In said cause , awarding a perpetual In- junction ¬ against "achrodcr & Scavirg" and for an account for profits and damages. After thii above decree wa , filed , an appllca- tlon was inu'le by the ( aid "Schroder & Sen crs" for a rehearing , bald rehearing vvasgrantol , and on the > 24th day of January , 1882 , Ilia Honor Il9yt"l n heeler atllrmcd his former do- csion - , thus fully sustaining the patent affr a double hearing.- On . Feb. 10 , 1882 , Ills Honor Oeo , W, Me- Cntry - , V. S. Judge at Kccluk , Ion a , Krautcjl aa Injunction against Henry wela (manufacturerof- tue "North Star Case" ), Burlington , lovva , re- straining him from further manufacturing celling or using raid casci- In addition t ) the above , the following In- junctions have recently been Issued : Agali Et John II. Palmer , of Cedar R pld , jona , by- U.. H. Judges McCrary and Lore at Des Moines , IOAO- ."Epg . Ca-rler and Tenter Co , " of Chicago , by His Honor Henry W. fllodgct ! , U. S. Judge nt Chicago , which as appealed to Ills Honor Thomas Drunnnond , U. S. Judge at Chicago , who alllnned the opinion of Judge BloJgett- Feb. . 14 l 8l ; also against Chas. A. OllllMiic , of Chicago , by lilt Honor Henry W. niodgctt , at Chicago , Sfarch 7 , 1881 , and several others all fully sustaining the Storcns' rcis-mcd patent CATJTION , W therefore hereby notify I ho public that the use of nmovabla dividing boards between travs containing bottomless compartments ( with ut regard to the shape ol the compartmenta , or to the manner In which the pieces forming them are put together ) is a direct infringement on the Stevens 1'atent Egg Cane , rclasuo r-o. 6001 and all pirtlcs making , BO! ing oruiing Egg Cases so constructed without our consent will be beld accountable to us. BILLINGS , COIJURN fc CO. Chicago , February, 1882. febZl-meod 3t- Tuts great ipocific cures that most loathsome di- seaseSYPHILIS "Whether la it * Primary , Sooondarj- or Tertiary Stage- Removes all traces of Mercury from the sja tem , Curea Scrofula , Old Sores , Rheuma- tism , Erzema , Caurrh or any Cores Wbon Hot Springs Fall I Mahcrn , Ark. , May 2,1881.- Wo . our ton n who lived at Ho Springs and Hero dually cured with S. H. S- .IJcOAMUO.X . & MCllttV- .Mcniphli. . . Menu. , Hay 12,1881- Wo ba > o Bold l.SOfl bot'Ics ' of 8.8 , S. In a 3car- It has given universal sUUfactlon. i'alr mlndo- iphjslclans now recommend It us a poaltlvi- spcclflc. . 8. MAitsriBLD & Co- .I.oul8llle . , Ky ,. May 13.1831.- S. . . S. B. liaa irlvtn better Batltfocllon than an ; medicine I hao om sold. J. A. FLKXNB- R.IJemvi.Col. . a . , HayS , 1831. Every punho cr ipcaUaln the hlgncst t .rnj 0) ) 8. 8. 8. I" MeU ctnr.- Richmond. . . Vo. . May 111881. You can refer ambcvly ro iw t'l reyard to thi- nitrlU of S. B. 8. rolK , Miller & Co- .JIa . e not cr know nH S.H to fall to cure a casi- f f fajphllls , when proper ! } taken.- o . The above slgnera aroKcntlcinan of hlgli ttandI- ng. . A U COLQU1TT , aateruor oiOoorirfi.- of . IF vou wisn WK WILL TAKE VOUKSK c- TO BE PAID FOR WHEN CURED. Write for particulars and oopy ol ittl book -'Message to the Unfortunate- .1.OOQ . Reward w l be paid to an chemist who will iliiii , on analsis 100 bottle B. 8. 8. , one particle of Mercury , lodUo i'otai- eiuru or any Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Propa. Atlanta , ax- Frlct of regular ilio reduced to 1.75 I er bol- Ue. . fimall tuo , holding half the quantity , prlc- SI 00. 4 Bold by KVajNARD b CO. , and DruggUU Ucnera- llyOohi Lo Q. Uacobs , { UNDERTAKEF DIRECTORY OF LEADINC WESTERN HOTEL ?. . HOTELS , PROPltTETORU- J. ARLlNQTON , . O. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb- .Mllford . SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8. STELLINIU8 , , Nob- .Stromiburg . COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN, , N- Louttvllle HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL, CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb- .Nellgh . COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. O. MEAD , , Neb- Nebraska GRAND CENTRAL 5. SEYMOUR , City , Neb MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. U THORP , Weeping Water , NB COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb- .Greenwood . GREENWOOD HOUSE , O. W. MAYFIELD , , Neb- Olnrlndn COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. 6TOREY.- E. . , Iowa- .Eremonl . END'S HOTEL , . L. END , , Neb- .Athlund . EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. D, HACKNEY , , Neb- .Atklnion . METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LCVELL , , Neb. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L , QRUUO , Guide Recd , Neb- .Orcston . SUMMIT HOUSE , OWAN & DECKER , , la. JUDKIN3 HOUSE , OUDKINS & BRO ,, Red Oak, la. HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO.OALPH , Extra , la- .Atlantic . REYNOLDS HOUSE , O.M.REYNOLDS , , la, WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la- .Noola . COMMERCIAL HOTEL , , 8. BURGESS , , la- .Harlan . CITY HOTEL , Dl D. WILLIAMS , , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQS , Corning :, la- .Gtanton . NEBRASKA HOTEL , J , L. AVERY , , PARKS HOTEL , Shenandoah , la, MERCHANTS HOTEL , j. W.IDOULWARE , Burlington Junction , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blanchard , la- .Dayld'city . COMMERCIAL HOTEL , , Neb.- VIMI.cn . COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , , la- .Malvern . JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , , la, DALL HOUSE , H. H, PERRY , IdnlOrove , la- Odebolt COMMERCIAL HOUSE , B , F. STEARNS , , la- Oolumbut GRAND PACIFIC , J. NORTON , , Neb- .Oiceola . WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , , Nob- .Olarks . - DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HACKNEY , Ashland , Neb , INVITATION TO ALL WHO HAVE WATCHES AND CLOCKS TO BE REPAIRED ICT Gh EA. . "V11ST G- TO BE DONE Oil While our Work is better, our Prices are Lower than all others I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our lin- eonipetitors. Over All . For the Best Watch "Work, For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST 0-ooios DISPLAYED , ETC. Having lately enlarged my workshops and putting In new nd improvou- chinory , I hope to still more improve the quality and finish of our ork"and fill orders with more promptness than is usual.p v- My Mctto has always been and always wjUhe : "First to gain qfliarior- tiee and then advertise the fact notpisrorono wild advertisements Seme unprincipled dealers being in the' habit of espying my announcements , I would beg you , the reader of this , to draw a line between ouch copied advertisements nnd thoao of Yours very truly , y a&- A. . B. HjgtEfira The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha ,I Neb. , Sign of the Striking Towr Siocl ?, Opera House Clothing Store ! cr. IP. Dolly Arrivals of Now Soring Goods In Clothing and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ! GOODS MARKED IN PLIAN FIGURES , And Sold A- t"STRICTLY ONE PRICE P- I am selling the Celebrated Wileon Bro.'s Pine Shirts , known as the BEST fitting and Most Durable Shirts Made. 217 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET. mlcodlm ATTENTION ! BUSINESS MEN.- We . have in Stock THE FINEST .AND MOST COMPLETE LINE OP BLANK BOOKS ! Of all Kinds Qualities and Grades in Omaha , ALSO BARGAINS IN Give us a Call and be Convinced , GILiA.'l R. DAVIS & " ( Successor * to Wooloy & Davis. ) 105 South Fifteenbh Street Opposite Postofflce.fc- WMmood . ' WHOLESALE 1 BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND DEALER N- Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb.
Page 1: The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1882-03-04 [p ].hogs, nway upstairs in dirty tonomont-houses, is hardly concoivnblo ns an-amusement.. The fact is that a wave of Bupcratilion

'n | ,



In the Spring a Woman'sFancy Lightly Turns to- Thoughts of Dress.-



Craza for Witchery of theVoudoo Sort.-



Cruelty of nn Aucllonco to n ThinQlrl-A Mnn In ft PoJamn-Othor

Matters nolntlnff to Clothos.C-



of the Cincinnati Enquirer ,

NEW YOIIK , February 24 , 1882. -Nobody could giuss what is the new-


fftshioimblo froixk of inotropolitrvii-girls. . It is to i Spiritualmodiuins aiul fortune-tullora. Thereis diversion at a nciuico , possibly ,

whcro the circle sits in n dim light ,

clasping one another's hands , witha skip-uud-go-ono arrnimoinunt an tohow the HCXCS nro noateu , in order to-

accuro , os I hoard a medium phrnso it ,

"a polarity of oleclrlo forco. " Buthaving fortunes told by weird oldhogs , nway upstairs in dirty tonomont-houses , is hardly concoivnblo ns an-

amusement. . The fact is that a waveof Bupcratilion has nrison , and is howslopping on us. Negro women arcthe favorite witches , and about everysecond house in West Twenty-fifthstreet , the successor of Thompsonstreet for negro residence , holds a-

sorcerer.. Never before hayo so manysilk skirts been lifted over the moraland physical mud of that thoroughf-aro.


. Most of the pricatcssos of vou-doe * are quite commonplace shufllors-of greasy cards and peepers into tea-


, but several are more pretentious.One mulatto of great size aiid consul-able beauty wears a robe coveredwith queer figures the manner of con-


astrologers , nnd sits in nquaintly embellished room , in themidst of stuffed birds , snakes and al-


. She is in high repute withMurray Hill girls , nnd she gives themthe nicest posmblo information aboutpresent lovers and future joys. Youpay her a dollar Tlion she puts on a-

cockloslmpod cnp , waves a wand ,

closes her eyes , and lies to you likean expert. She has considerable tactin drawing out facts from her unwit-ting


callers , and is thereby able tostartle thorn with the very points theyhave given her. Of course a goodproportion'of those who nro indulgingin this freakish sort of thine ; merelydo it because others do , but many arereally credulous , and it is astoundinghow linn a lodgment superstition hasin feminine heads , right alongsidetheir cultivated brains. RidiculousBlories tell how uomo of the fortune-tellers


arc abusing their opportunitiesby bringing their innocent patronsinto acquaintance with awfullynaughty men , and so on. Uosh ? Theupper-ton girls of New York nro justas knowing as they are innocent , andthey don't' take introductions to-

atrango men through fortune-tollers.Getting their fortunes told may bo re-garded


as sufllciontly.coromomous for.1 . LENT ,

I' J which has come upon us before wohardly know jt. This is a penitentialReason , I am aware , yet I must writeabout the fashions all the samo. Thegarments most noteworthy this weekm the suit departments of our boq-tdrygoods stores are fatigue costumesand'Utihty suits for early fp'ring.wear.They are made of dark-blue and grayflannels , chaviot mixtures and lightmeltons. Those intended for fatigueor excursion suits are flannel , and havegored skirts , upon which are superim-posed


a deep kilted flounce reachingto a point above the knco ; also , anapron draped high , and back drape-ries


looped high and somewhat bouf.' font. With such a skirt is commonlyworn an unlined hunting jacket or-boxplaited blouse belted in at thewaist lino. The sleeves are also un-linod. . Such suits come cheap , and atthe same time are tasteful and service ¬

able. Spanking of cheapness , I can'tunderstand why wo are such fools as-

to turn up our HOBOS atthings because they

,don't cost

much. I am not one of , thoaowho believe it is extravagant for a-

Mrs. . Astor or a Mrs. Yandorbilt to-

p y $5,000 for a cloak. They've gotthe money to spend freely , and who isharmed by their doing it } On theother hand , a woman who can't' affordto put five thousand conta on her bodyat on30 , from the hat all the waydown to shoo.too , ought to accept thesituation amiably. She can use justas good taste as' Mrs. Aator or MrsVandorbiU , at least , by the ayoidanoo-of anything , inartistic , And right

jhoro is the consolation : 'Not'oneman in a dozen knows the differencesiri textures. Consequently , if thestyle bo quiet , shapely and becoming ,flannel is as- pleasing in' his eyes asembossed velvet. The cheviot andcloth suits for the ensuing season areadmirably calculated to reconcile sen-sible


woman to the doottino I haveput forward , for they nro both prettyand fairly cheap. They have sLirtslike those ubovo 'described , ' but"tailor-made" jackets or basques uroworn with them. The fit and finishof the suit constitute its chief beauty ,and if the wearer is blessed with agood uguro nho iu bolter oil in it thanthe Grooms' daughter in silk , if thelatter happens to bo-

HHAVEI ) L1KK A U1UAU filON.0 , slmpo is all potent ns n factor

in good looks , and thu aspiiing belleought never , never to for t it. Them ;

dresses nro made up In nurture * andplain cloths , showing all the now midstandard sh idui of color , the lusthetiutints of yellowish green and olive ,bronze , blue , gray and p.rayisli purplo.-as

.well as the standard favorites

dark-blues , hunger's greens , seal nndtobacco browns nnd oorus. Thp1 urred uud checked goods , the shepherd plaids , nnd the invisible-barredcashmeres are also to be put into costumes for spring , and it is pretty cer-tain that no material changes will bemade in the form of either *klrU atbasques. So my readers may confidently 0 right ahead in makingtheir Bpnng suita. In the matter ol-

clonks , modified Uubbards and rhitetare coming into fashion , They artnow made only half long , BO that thedroas skirt gota a chance to show it-flolf.. The only other change is in' fllightly closer fitting of the figure ,

Many new cloaka , in anticipation ol. milder weather , are not waddod. bul

merely lined with heavy satin. Bonnof the liningi uro bright , but thtgreater number are black. Wcmor

H *

who ride in carriages may wear hand-some


Spanish mantles of ladies' clothof a now brown or gray , trimmed withrich ohonillo nppliquo bands in ndarker shade of the same color , nndclosed at the throat with n chenillecord and tassel * . Short volvnt skirts ,

with bodice nnd panicrs of nsoft woolen texture , nnd npelerine nnd deep cuffsvclvot , will bo a fashionable walkingcostume. Indian , Paisley nnd otherhandsome shawls are being trans-formed


into cloaks , with chunillofringes added , and lined with silk or-

sntitii Cloth suits are rendereddressier by means of cords drapedacross the front of the basque , andsometimes down the skirt. Quanti-ties


of now shepherd plaids , very goodfor young girls' suits , como in lightwool stuffs , with the tamiliar chucksnnd bars rnndy more artistic withoorgo and jncquard effects. The sameis observed in a now style of baya-doro'Stripcdgoods


of Bilk nnd wooltexture , The wooli goods in bustfavoritism nt present are pclkadottcd-sateens , percales and American cali-



. Polka dots are nlao fashionable011 satin foulards ; also on scarfs forthe neck. There nro aomo no'V thingsin millinery , but not many , becausenearly everything in that line is heldback for Easter bonnets. In themeantime , most of us will affect ncertain decree of sanctimoniousnessduring Lout. Wo will not sit down insackcloth and ashes exactly , for onlythe acutely devout go very far towardactual deprivation for religion's sake ;

but it is fashionable to make n slightpretense of observing the Lenten sea ¬

son. The scries of public balls andbig private parties terminates , andsome folks stop going to the theatres.The business of ( ho theatres is affectedmore in theory than in fact , however ,for the lack of other amusementscompensates for the absence of Catho-lic


and Episcopalian devotees. Speak-ing




The time was not long ngo whim thepainfully swell-claim would bo seen in-

none other than Wallnck's. It iswholly different now. Wallnck'a re-mains


fashionable , but it is no moreso than the Union Square or Daly'sand rather less so than the MadisonSquare ; while the growth of musicalpieces in the favor of high circlessends wealth and fashion to whatevertheaters perform them nccoptibly.Thus it happens that the exclusivc-ncas

-formerly appertaining to Wul-


has been dissipated. The daint-iest


among us now go to Tony Pas ¬

tor's occasionally. I saw as liancl-fjomo


an audiunco thcio the otherevening as over was delighted by apoor variety show. Bo it known thatTony seldom him so good u companyat homo as ho takes out on his sum-mer


tours. On this occasion I wit-nessed


a characteristic exhibition ofthe


of an audience. The ( entertainmentincluded a burlesque- Patience withn full force of love-sick maidens. Oneof the girls was extremely thin. Inordinary attire , with her arms andneck covered , her acrawniness wouldnot have attracted attention ; but withher almost flcshloss arms bared to theshoulder , the bones of her neck pro-tuding

-and her ribs all but visible

through the shapeless garment whichwas wrapped once and a half aroundher she was OB horrible as the livingskeleton a museum. Did the audi-ence


Jloor crtUturo ? .Not ubit of'it.' They greeted her first ap-


with a titter , which soon be-


a ffuffaw , loud and long. Sheunderstood it after a minute or two ,faltered in her singing , seemedinclined to retire , but coweringly ro-


. But the assembly was mar-ilcss


, and continued the uproar aspug ns she was in sight. This wasn't"one by the gallery boys , mind you ,ut by porsoifs in the orchestra clwiru ,

with the clothes of ladies and gontlo-non.


. Right in front of mo sat a-

iookbcnked , slab aided woman , whowould haye stripped as unhandsomelyas the singer , I'll' bo bound , nnd herto-hu and ha-ha wore as loud as arty-body's.

-. I suppose the girl on the

sta'go hadn't' realized how much ehodepended on dross. The lesson wastaught her most cruelly , and I under-stand


she did not return to that schoolnext night to have it repeated. But ,o resume my


Plain black gros grain ailk is begin-ning


to find favor once more. It iscombined with other silk fabrics ,notably the moires nnd satin faces.They nro brought in a wide range ofgrades and prices , some running aslow as 75 cents a yard , and from thatupward to 2.50 , They are in all thecolors. The now cashmeres nro lightnnd exquisitely finished. Some aresmooth surfaced and some are fulled ,BO an to present nn appearance of beingslightly .fleeced. Others , called impe-rial


serge , nro woven in largo diagonalor serge effects. As theno goods , likethe nun's veilings , como in all thelight evening shades , as wall as thedark street colors , they are used to analmost unlimited extent for eveningdresses , and will bo popular fordrossy Btreot costumes aa the seasonadvances. The most elegant white-wash dresses of the coming summermil bo linen lawn and sheer linencambric , soft ui India muslin nnd al-most


us transparent. New lusthotioneckerchiefs consist of a square ofpale rosej blue , olive grotm or mauvemull , with bright roses , pausics andother flowers , printed on them in cx-uggerutod

-sizus , but natuml an to-

colors. . AiHoni' tho' novelties urilooking-glacs bfiids tiny mirrornused on the latest imported bulldrosses. A feature of the eveningcostumes of the closing season werewide-striped satins in palo colors , al-ternating with those of gold or silvermoire. But ull that is ovur for ilnwinter Thorp is a newness in fashionable chemises , They tire madeof linen cambric , trimmed witliinsertion and odgingmgs oiYaloncieunoa' lace , liand.wroughlin uniting the face , with open workto admit narrow , tinted drawstrings ,

Medallions of tbo fine needlework ar <

applied at intervals , with admirableeffect , and all the seams about tluboaom and sleeves are dolicateljfeather-stitched. The ahouldor-slrapiare long and high , and the sleeves arconly an edging of Inco sowed on fband of insertion. The nook is cullow , in heart shape , back and frontNight-gowns are made in the samepretty style ; but others are of palt-er unite surah silk , trimmed nitllace edged ruflloa , ahirrings , nnd some

times with bands of Bwnn's-dowti.Some of ilicso garments , while forboudoir nnd bod-chamber use , nro not1slept in , and nro really Princess' robes.But everything in the way of elegantnight-wrappings for women la eclipsedby the


Which men of fashion have latelybeen putting themselves into so num-erously


, Pajamas are worn by gentle-men


of luxurious tastes for negligeand chamber use , ns well as to sleepin. The pajania in n suit of pongeesilk , consisting of n loose Japaneseblouse nnd loose Oriental trousers.-I


have soon them hanging up in thestores -plain affairs in dark blue withwhite dots of daintier in bright Chi-nese


silk , nnd positively gorgeous in-

dolicnto shades nnd embroidery. How-ever


, my knowledge of the pajania isnot confined to the unsold oxnmplos-.I


saw ono with a man in it. My lookwas hasty , but comprehensive. Iwas passing a window in n corridorof a certain Hotel. A figurein the room caught my eye , and I mis-took


it for n Chinaman in native dress.-So


gay was ho that , for the moment , Ireverenced him ns n mainlorin at thevery least. A brief , squareshowed mo "that ho was an Americanswell in a pajania , nnd I no longer tar ¬

ried. His togs were made of lightyellow silk , almost covered with dcli-cato embroidery. They wore beauti-ful


in themselves , but they hung onhim Bliapolossly , nnd made him look'like n silly fool. Men had bettor leavesuch finery to women. Did I hurrynway because the follow inpajamawaaindelicately clad ? Not at nil. Ho wasdelicacy itsolf. But 1 was afraid thesweet , sweet thing would pluck afeather from his pillow and strike mowith it real high. OLAIU. BBLLR.

Noting the Effect.11. Glbbs , of HufTalo , X. Y. , writes :

"Hearing your BunnocK BLOOD BITTEUHfavorably ipoken of, I wa induced towatch ficir clFcctH , nnd find that in-chronloJplacaBes of the blood , liver nnd-hitlnoyh , 'your bltturs have boon signallyinarkud with feuccesH , I liavo used themmyself with best results for torpidity ofthe liver ; nnd In the case of n friend of-

mlno Buffering from drormy the effect wasmarvelous. " Prlco 1.00 , trial slzo 10 cts-




you nro suffering from a Cough ,Cold .Asthma , Bronchitis , liny Fever ,Consumption , loss of voice , tickling ofthe throat , or any affection of theThroat or Lungs , use Dr. King's NowDiscovery for Consumption. This isthe great remedy that is causing somuch excitement by its wonderfulcures , curing thousands of hopelesscases. Over a million bottles of Dr-.King's

.N"ow Discovery have been used

within the last year , and have givenperfect satisfaction in every instance.-Wo


can unhesitatingly say that this isreally the only sure cure for throatand lung affectioits , and can cheerful-ly


recommend it to all. Call and gota trial bottle free of cost , or a regularsize for § 100. Ish & MoMahon , Om-





Mnrtzolf. of Lancaster , N. Y. ,says your Syrup BlotBom works well foreverything you recommend it ; myself , wifeand chilareu have all used it , and youcan't find a healthier family in New YorkState Ot. 5 , 18SO. Price pO cenU trial" ottles 10 cents. fol 28-dodlw

, , 'ost for bnlni; tbc icort direct , qnlckeita-tttcst line connecting tha great Metropolis. Gill'AdO , and the EiBixax , NottTH-EASTrim , I MI-u ] BOUTU-GIOTIBN LINK !) , nhlch tormltuto there ,rlth KANSAS Cnr , LXAVHSWOUTII , AICIIISON ,

UNCH DLUTPS and OMIUA , (bo COUMHECU ;uinuu from which r&dlato

EVERY LINE OF RADi-bttpcnotratw the Continent th * UUxonr.-Uver to the Puclfla Slope. TheOHlOACfO HOOK ISLAND & PA-

OIFIO RAILWAYthe only line from Chicago owning tnei In

Kansas , or yhlch , by Ita own row! , reaches th-x, lnta above named. No Tiutwuis BT OARRUOR-No HisaiKO DOHtnumoNS I Mo huddling la II-IrentlUtal or unclean can , as every patsonjercarried In roomy , clean and ventilated coacbea-

ipou Fast Express TrainsDAT CAM of unrivaled maznlflcimco , PDLLVA-

i'ALlCR BuxrNo| CAM. and ourovrntvorld-famou )Disraa Oi&s , upon which meals are served of un-lurpaaaod

-excellence , at the low rate of BKVXMTT

Km CiijTg IAOII, with ample tlmo for he >Ubfu-nloymontThrough , Oara between Cblca o , Pooilt , J1H-

waukoe aod Mlsaourl lUver Folntu : and cloje COD

nectlons at all point * of Intersection othrrr-oads. .

We ticket (do not forget thU ) directly to evertplace of Importance In Kansas , Nebraska. BUcV-

JIllls , Wyoming , UUh , Idaho , Nevada , C&llfurnU ,Oregon , wnahlncton Territory , Coionvdo , Arlfomand New Mexico-


boral ArraucorncnU regarding b wii; M-

any other line , and rates of faro alnnye asl ow a-

coiupetltore , wha furnish but % tlcho o the com

fort.DORS and Ucklo of u | orUmen free.-TIcKoU.

.. maru anil foldera at all prlnclpa-

ofllccs In the United States and Oauala.11. H. CABLE , K ST. JOHN ,

Vice I'rcd't & Oen. Don. TUt aodPaai'rAgOhlcwro Chlcair-




O. fl. Dodfro. of the firm of 1'rlco , McDcrinott& lodio , a ? I'lumberi and Oas Fit cr , at Omahan&adlssoUodas toO. 0 , Dodtro , who asalgnudto Thomas I'rlco all hli Internet Sept. ilOth , 1881and Tt'omas I'rlco ojjuiuti the tlilrd share oflnnllablltlos for ld O. a. ; DoJ0 , In cnr---

u of said transftr. O. G. r1880. SHORT LINE. 1880-




U TU * 0-VLT

Direct Line to ST ,

From Omaha and the Went.-Ho


change of can between Omaha and bi. ixinl *

and bul ono between OMAUA andNEW YOH-K.eix


Daily Passenger Trainstuonna AU,





entire Una U oqulppad with PullnunlUaco Bleeping Can , Palace lajCooctiM , Miller-'Sttuty I'Utlonu and Coupler , and the celobrattt-VostlDehouNAlrbraVa. .

that your ticket read* VIA aU.'SACITV , tT. JOSEl'U & COUNCIL BLUm Ualroad , via 8t Joseph aud St. Louis.

Ticket ! for sale al oil coupon station , to thWe1. J. X. BARNARD,A* 0. DAWE3. Oen. Bunt , Bt Jocph , Mol

den. I'au. ana Ttckcl Agt. , bt. Josepli , ilo, 'A> DJ BOECU , Tlckiit Aenl ,

1020 Farnham (tree *.4 , D , 1UM1ED General Agent ,


A romf tly with ouch n representation a Hos-ettcr'sStemich

-Hitlers a fair trinl If-

ou are dyspeptic , jour malady nlll ocntually-loil toll ; If j on Bre feeble , lick flesh and fociotpondcnt , It n ill both build nriil cheer jou up :

lounroconnllptttd Itulll relieve jou , and If-

illoiis , hculthful etlmulktoonr Ihcr. Don'tcspo n but make this effort In the right dlrco-on.


.For tulo by all ilnigolsti and dealers generally ,

feb13to ml


Who -want glossy * luxuriantnnd wavy tresses of abundant ,beantifiil Hair must nso-LYON'S KATHAIRON. Thiselegant , cheap article alwaysmates the lluir prow freelyand fast , keeps it from fallingout, arrests and cures gray-ness

-, removes dandruff and

i tiling , makes the Hairs'Tong' , giving it a curlingtendency and keeping it in-

nviy desired position. Beau-tiful


, lioaltliy Hair is the sureresult of usiug Kathoiron-




. J. B. Simp.'jau'o Specific

It ' u ] c iUvecuri ! far Spennatoirnti , Su.ulckt-okLoM. . Irai t-.U'.y , n-id all lUcc ice ir jultln.

rani SclI-Abuje , t.t Menta ! , Ixiri-aUerrory , Falne lu thii UaiA OfBlde , aid dl'cosct' thit ic.xl to-

Consumptionlii'anlty on

early graveO Bpcclttc

Medicine '.,


1 nruphletk-nt frco t.-j til. Write lor thurn and get full v"l-


.Price , tli ilOe , H.W per pack Ki ) , or vlx pact-

agcsJor 'f.Cfl. Addrees all or Jem to1) : 8IM80N MEDICINE CO.-


101 a. Id 103 Mala St. BuOalo , N. Tf-


In Omaha by C. F. Qooilman , J.V. . linll'. K. Isb , and all Itncn < la'' evi rvwhurB.K-


BDi ' Srtfcw


our- ,

dutlca ovoli-1Hhuillnii'Jiind

night n urk , tu rei-torobralnriu * TTPRC-

'waft'Hop Bittoro.-If

. .-, u ti J op Bi-snttcnnlyou are ycunp nit ? from our IL-

tlunidiwii tloii or di sl.a-rleil

It youninua ?or nlnrle , old or-

roorlualUiounff.sniri-rlnr 'roc

or lonCT-iueai

nit on ft bed ot-'lci., rily on H o-



you nre-

.fhenorcr. n-

nJullvfruni iwiue- yon KetHfrtcm format KlonOjthat your that uuili'needs clenimnp , ton-

tnif- OiJlk.

cumulating , have lioenpre cnle ;or by tlmnly ' . '.nice HopOiite .

yrjatn , IMntV O , I. O-

issri 'nor i - an BbxcluUfiatn , . UlscaB-Oiolth"

and Irrealut-ableeuruttomncn , fo :

bated * blood , drunkennenf-uioliver otntnai ot oplaiu ,

You will DC-

CTiredlftobacco , o *

jouuse narcotic *Hop Blttors-

If are dm- Sold by dragyou ts ficnJfoi-Clreulurely weak and

Iow pirltcdtrj-riti It mayanve your HTQ CO.life. It hae-


hun K kettrRl-Adreds. Toronto , O-




. An un-failing eurofor SeminalWeaknoiB ,Bpormntor-tbea


, Impot-on


cy , and all-OUcaaeathat4follow M 11


.use ; as LO B of Memory , Unhcrsal Laaal-

ludo , Fain In the Hack , Ulmnora of VJalon , Pre-mature Old Age , and many other Dloeasoa thatcad to Insanity or Consumption and a 1'remH'ureOrae.f-

l"Kull.particulars in our pamohlut , which

we desire la tend frco trinall to everyonetSTTtie Siicclflc iicdlcino Is told by all drugKleti-it tl I r firkaKei or 0 packtyea for $0 , or will.1> B tent frco by mail on real ptof the money , bj-




Bale bv 0. V (loodr octme-ood

The Great English Eoinodyi-Ncrcr falls to CIIK] Venous Deblllt } . VI-

tnl Kxhaustlon , KmtsJdons , Seminal Wea-kncmea.LOBTMAN


HOOD , and all th (

11 iffects of youth'ul iolliig and excos.I-C8.. . It stops perma-

lilently all weakeningliintaryloss sane

. . _ .DH uiwn the )II Cy lr'ul'uracti-


, li ihMfuso doatrue ho to mind mid l odj-

MI J ma1He miserable , oitcn luidln ); to liuan-livanddeath Hs'reinjtheiiB tliu Ntnrs.llraln-mcinorU( lllodl , Mus le , I Uc tlve am Uopro-

Uuttlro ON ns , It restore * M all the orcaril-ifunctlinj their former Ugor and vital ty , ma.-

Inir. llfo cheerful nnd onjojabla I'rlce , 3ibottle , or four times ti.e quantity 910. Bent bj-

cxvtrcsj. . secure from eb rTatlon , to nnv addresson receipt of price. No. C. O. I> . soiit. oxtep-on receipt of 81 as c euara-i (< . LettoM rj-

ue tlll anjtr u.utt li.cloje ttaxp-


, Mintie's Paodehonare the best and cheapo J | cpsla and blllloucure In the market. So y all druggist *. 1'rlc60 ceuli.-



. Mi Ti 's KiD rr RI IBDT , GirmmcuH ,

Cure.ol! kind of Kidney and bladder coiuplalnU-'ouorrlica , elect and Icucorrcca. For eale try al-

mQMi INSTITOTK718 Olive St. , Bt. Louli , M-

o.Jan2olv._ _ __


U now open to the public with a full supply

Cut Flowers and PlantsFor Sole. Wo will bo glad to nave tbo publ

call anil sou us-


or Any Floral Design Mftt-lto OrUor-


City Green Houw, 8. W. Cor 17th and We-

irt r ono block from 10th dtreet cam. NurtorJ;23d ltret , opposlta Koit. J J. Y. Orals , Hornaud Laad cap OarUoer. * eu* Cm ,


Mrs. J. O. Hr iprton , 1'lttsbiirir , I'u , wrllti ! " !MAI eullcrlra from general ilelillltv. want of ap-petite , connlpixtlon , etc. , no thntllfoua Imr-den ; after ti > lnc Dunlock nlooil Hitters 1 felt liet-ter


than for jiars. I cannot praise jourliltterntoo much ,"

It. Glbbs. of ntiffttlo , N. Y. , writes : "Vour-Itunlock Hlei lilttrrn , In chronic dlstftsos of tlia-Mooil. . Ihcr a J Milncta , hate been slKnalhmarked vt Itli fuccc-"i. I n&e used them mj sol f

with best results , for toqildlty' ottbolUcr , nnd In-

case of a friend of mli'o suffering from ilrnjis ) ,the effect w as man olouo. "

Bruce Turner , Uochcstcr , N. V.wrltcs : ' ! balebeet) subject to serious disorder of the Idilnoja.and unable to attend to business ; Durdock DlooUHitters rcllexcd mo before half a bottle was usedI feel confident that they vtlll entirely cure mo." ,

F. Ascnlth Hall , ninghampton , N. Y. , rites :

"I suffered with a dull pain through nn eftlung and shoulder. Lost my spirits , appetiteand color , and could with dltllcult ) keep up allday. Took jour llitrdock Blood Hitters as di-

rected , and have felt no pain since llrst wecV af-ter using them ,"

Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. , writes : "Aboutfour years ago I had an attack of bilious fecr , andnever fully recovered. My digestive organswere weakened , and I would be completely pros-trated


for days. After using two bottles of jourBurdock Blood Bitters the Improvement was eovisible that I was astonished. 1 can now , though01 j ears of age , do a fair and reasonable day'swork ,

0. Blacket Robinson , proprietor of The CanadaPresbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , vvritn : "Ferytars-I suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. Iused your Burdock Blood Bitters with happiestresults , and I now tlnd rui oclf In better healththan for years past. "

Sirs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' -I haveused Burdock Blood Hitters for nervous and bil-ious headaches , and can recommend It to anj ono

requiring a cure for billlousncss. "

Mrs. Ira MullnolUnd , Albany , N. Y , writes :

"For several jcara I have suffered from oft-recurring billlous headaches , djspepsia- and com-



peculiar to my sex. Since uilngourBlood Blttcrsl am entirely relieved. "

FOSTER , MILBUEK , & Co , , Props ,

BTUTAtO , W. Y.old at wholesale by Ish & MoMahon and C. F-


. Jo 27 cod-mo


"Stevens' Patent Egg Case" Sus-



by the Ooarts ,

You nre hereby notified that wo are the soloowners of letters patent 1-sucd to Jo n li. nvlGeorge W. Stevens , on the CGtli daj of February ,1807 , and rtlibued Teh. II ) . 187 , reissue No 6091 ,for Improvement in Egg Cases

After ncatlr four ) ears of litlgattcnvith"Schroder & bcav crs" of New York , and aft r a-

"flnal heart g" upon the merits , the said "Sto-ons"


relasucd patent , No. ScDl was decided to-

bo a coed anrl valid patent by His Honor HojtI-I. . Wlicoler , U. S. Judge , atNivv York , on the13th day of July , 1S31 ; ai d thereafter, and onthe Bth ctiy of Au ust , 1BS1 , a final decree waentered In said cause , awarding a perpetual In-


against "achrodcr & Scavirg" and foran account for profits and damages.

After thii above decree wa , filed , an appllca-tlon was inu'le by the (aid "Schroder & Sen crs"for a rehearing , bald rehearing vvasgrantol ,and on the> 24th day of January , 1882 , IliaHonor Il9yt"l n heeler atllrmcd his former do-


, thus fully sustaining the patent affr adouble hearing.-


Feb. 10 , 1882 , Ills Honor Oeo , W, Me-


, V. S. Judge at Kccluk , Ion a , Krautcjl aaInjunction against Henry wela (manufacturerof-tue "North Star Case" ) , Burlington , lovva , re-

straining him from further manufacturingcelling or using raid casci-

In addition t ) the above , the following In-

junctions have recently been Issued : Agali EtJohn II. Palmer , of Cedar R pld , jona , by-

U. . H. Judges McCrary and Lore at Des Moines ,IOAO-


Ca-rler and Tenter Co , " of Chicago , byHis Honor Henry W. fllodgct ! , U. S. Judge ntChicago , which as appealed to Ills HonorThomas Drunnnond , U. S. Judge at Chicago ,who alllnned the opinion of Judge BloJgett-Feb. . 14 l 8l ; also against

Chas. A. OllllMiic , of Chicago , by lilt HonorHenry W. niodgctt , at Chicago , Sfarch 7 , 1881 ,and several others all fully sustaining theStorcns' rcis-mcd patent

CATJTION , W therefore hereby notifyI ho public that the use of nmovabla dividingboards between travs containing bottomlesscompartments (with ut regard to the shape olthe compartmenta , or to the manner In whichthe pieces forming them are put together ) is adirect infringement on the Stevens 1'atent EggCane , rclasuo r-o. 6001 and all pirtlcs making ,

BO ! ing oruiing Egg Cases so constructed withoutour consent will be beld accountable to us.

BILLINGS , COIJURN fc CO.Chicago , February , 1882. febZl-meod 3t-

Tuts great ipocific cures that most loathsomedi-seaseSYPHILIS"Whether la it* Primary , Sooondarj-

or Tertiary Stage-Removes all traces of Mercury from the sja

tem , Curea Scrofula , Old Sores , Rheuma-tism , Erzema , Caurrh or any

Cores Wbon Hot Springs Fall I

Mahcrn , Ark. , May 2,1881.-


our ton n who lived at HoSprings and Hero dually cured with S. H. S-


& MCllttV-



. Menu. , Hay 12,1881-Wo ba > o Bold l.SOfl bot'Ics' of 8.8 , S. In a 3car-

It has given universal sUUfactlon. i'alr mlndo-iphjslclans now recommend It us a poaltlvi-spcclflc. . 8. MAitsriBLD & Co-



, Ky , . May 13.1831.-S.


. S. B. liaa irlvtn better Batltfocllon than an ;

medicine I hao om sold. J. A. FLKXNB-



. , HayS , 1831.Every punho cr ipcaUaln the hlgncst t .rnj

0)) 8. 8. 8. I" MeU ctnr.-



. Vo. . May 111881.You can refer ambcvly ro iw t'l reyard to thi-

nitrlU of S. B. 8. rolK , Miller & Co-



e not cr know nH S.H to fall to cure a casi-

f f fajphllls , when proper ! } taken.-



The above slgnera aroKcntlcinan of hlgli ttandI-ng. . A U COLQU1TT ,

aateruor oiOoorirfi.-




TO BE PAID FOR WHEN CURED.Write for particulars and oopy ol ittl

book -'Message to the Unfortunate-.1.OOQ


Reward w l be paid to anchemist who will iliiii , on analsis 100 bottleB. 8. 8. , one particle of Mercury , lodUo i'otai-eiuru or any Mineral substance.

SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Propa.Atlanta , ax-

Frlct of regular ilio reduced to 1.75 I er bol-

Ue. . fimall tuo , holding half the quantity , prlc-SI 00. 4

Bold by KVajNARD b CO. ,and DruggUU Ucnera-


Q. Uacobs ,









LouttvllleHALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL,












. , Iowa-


END'S HOTEL , . L. END , , Neb-











WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la-







PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQS , Corning :, la-




PARKS HOTEL , Shenandoah , la,

MERCHANTS HOTEL , j. W.IDOULWARE , Burlington Junction , M

COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blanchard , la-







DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , IdnlOrove , la-


OolumbutGRAND PACIFIC , J. NORTON , , Neb-




.Olarks. -





While our Work is better, our Prices are Lowerthan all others

I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMSoffered for Competition in our lin-

eonipetitors.Over All .

For the Best Watch "Work,

For the Best Jewelry , (own make. )

For the Best Engraving ,

For the Best Diamonds (own importation )



Having lately enlarged my workshops and putting In new nd improvou-chinory , I hope to still more improve the quality and finish of our

ork"and fill orders with more promptness than isusual.p


My Mctto has always been and always wjUhe : "First to gain qfliarior-tiee and then advertise the fact notpisrorono wild advertisements

Seme unprincipled dealers being in the' habit of espying myannouncements , I would beg you , the reader of this , to

draw a line between ouch copied advertisementsnnd thoao of Yours very truly , y a&-

A. . B. HjgtEfiraThe Reliable Jeweler, Omaha , I Neb. ,

Sign of the Striking Towr Siocl ? ,

Opera House Clothing Store !

cr. IP.Dolly Arrivals of Now Soring Goods In

Clothing and Gent's' Furnishing Goods !


And Sold A-


I am selling the Celebrated Wileon Bro.'s Pine Shirts , knownas the BEST fitting and Most Durable Shirts Made.





BLANK BOOKS !Of all Kinds Qualities and Grades in Omaha ,


Give us a Call and be Convinced ,

GILiA.'l R. DAVIS &" (Successor * to Wooloy & Davis. )

105 South Fifteenbh Street Opposite Postofflce.fc-WMmood




Wall Paper and Window Shades.1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb.
