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THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY ; OCTOBER 8. 1887. SPECIAL NOTIOES . Advcrllsimciitii under this head. 10 cent* pe- Ino for the nut Insertion ,7 rents lor each sub loqticnt insertion , mdll.Wa line per month ho advertisement tnkcn for iststrunK ccnU- tor the first Insertion. Hovon words wll R * counted to the lines they mint run oonspoti- lively and must DO paid In advance. All adver- tisements ¬ nni ft bo handed In before In0o'cloc ; * p. ni.KDd under no circumstances Till they be- taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In thpfe column anasfiv- In - * the answer * addrefSfd In care of TB IIK- Rwlilpicntonsk for ( i check to enable thorn to iro- ttnclr letters , as none will bn delivered except on iiroroutatlon of check. All answers to adver- tisements ¬ should bo enclosed In envelope *. All advertisements In thow columns are pub- lished In both morning and evening edition s- ofTnr. HKE , the clrrulatlon of which aggro- rates more than 14.000 papers dally , and give * the advertisers the benefit. nut only of the city circulation of TIIR lire , but also of Council HlutTs , Lincoln and other cities anu towns throughout this part of the wost- .TVitrm . C Mi In miration.- ABSTBAOT3 . OF TITLE- .M . 11)1AN ) 1) Guarantee nnd Trust Co. , 150 * Farnam Ftroet Complete abstracts fur- Dished , nnd titles to jonl estate examined , por- tec - led nnd guaranteed -10 BUSINESS CHANCES. SALE Three chair harbor * hop , reclin- ing - chair * now and Urst-clasi. It. W. T. box 2WJ , Nobranka City , Nob. 013 BJ . "IOH OA1.TJ A meat inurktt In best location , A' peed business. For nearer information ndlrcsg | II 7, Hoe office. _ CM IJ- JT> lSlNKS8Chanco-Icslrouscf retiring from J- ' business , wo will sell the bnlanco of our stock of dry goods , etc. , with thrco Voiir * lease and fliturcs of store by January or Mnrolt- noxt. . Oldest Citnbllnhed and best located (store In city. Merchants muanlng to purclmso ad- drcts.lohn - 11. F , Lchmann & Co. , l'jlO-iU2 : Far- nnm - ftroet. Ml nf- TJ'OIt _ ' BALK llnkery complete , establlihcd- J1 buglncfs , easy terms , No. 713 Uroadway , Council UliilTs. EM 7- "IT10II _ BALK or rent ; a good paying rustaurnn- tJ- or boiirdlng house. Call out south 14th- troot. . C07 12- jTOH _ SALIJ Koitaiirant , pronts of buslnesa X ! $3i)0 per month. Locution tlrst class. Will bo sold cheap If sold this week. Addrosfl O DM , euro Dee otllco. 57H BJ BUSINESS Chanoo There Is a fine opening , rosUurnnt and baker right near the entrance of Kanscom park. Now storeroom , cheap rent. K L. Gregory , ai8 If.thst. KM ) _ TIIIIKK hiindrod ilollurswlll buy n stock ot , notions und uowg ; good stnnd ; low nut ; Investigate. SOtf Bo. Itithst. 48- 8IPO U PALK-A well estnbllihed money mek -- Inggenonil store at Ituptd City , Dak. ; lock nil DOW , ana Invoice * about 1IUUOO.uo coiiMjtltiK lirlnelpElly of dry goods and groc- oriBs ; reason for selling , death of senior pro prietor. Address 1. H. llnliortgon , admlnlstra- tor. . st. Paul , Minn. , or J. L. Bpaydc , Hapld- City. . Dak. _ 487 HJ BALF.-Kirit-clas * livery xtock with 3 yours lenso , barn now full of boarding uorsee , goud location In this city. M. Ij. HiK- 'Kins A Co , , lllft couth 16th gt. _CUP 9 "lANTKD I'urtnor in the best paying Bmal ' hotel In Oinnha ; cloarlnir $300 per month ; must take full charge : $1,000 required , or will Bell for part casn- and good so- ctirtty - ; InvoBtlgato ; have two pluooa , nud rauat soil one. Addrocs nee , ( I. 60. 545 SJ MAN with oxpfiricnco In the dry goods or hardware business can uiako it win by placing * stock of goods In the Fiton block 1'iirk HVO npd Woolworth Bt , F. L. Grpgnry , <gQ 8 ISth at. KM- OH SALE-Uourdlnir businow , ' 12 SJUth Ih H |J $ , stock of boots und Mmon to cxclmniro for Oinnbn propnrty. S. S. Campbell und U. W. Horvey , Chamber of Commerce. 437 " 171011 SALE An ofllcc business , f200 pnr . ' month guurnntcod profit , tlMX ) cash will buy U, O33 lleo olllce. 318- fTUHf SALE Corner biilnon onpuvedst ; re J-1 colpts J43 per day , $2,500 , $1,500 cnsh. G- SMIoe. . 200-1 IJ ) BALE Or trndo , a No. 1 hotel property , doing good trade , In ono of the best towns In Nebraska. 8. S. Cnmpholl nnd G. W.Ilorvoy BIO Chnmbpr of Commoreo , 437 FOR SALE In n good town , a well establish- Jewelry business. Host business In the city. Present owner hns too much utiior busl nets and will give n biirguln to right person. Come nud oxnmlno or address box 141 , Crete , Neb. 470 j ) HTED A stopk of groceries nnd general mdso. , for city lots paid for. C. J. Cnnun. KXCHAnOK Oinnha property for dry- goods , groceries , hurdwnro , druiM. oto- .Omnhn . property tor horses nnd cnttlo. S. S. Campbell und G. W. , 310 Chamber ol- Commerce. . liid " | TKll SALE Hotel property , ono of the bcsl 1 ? In the state. Will soil furniture am' lease house , or will sell property. Address .1 , E- Noldour , Albion , Nob. Hil ) 7J FOR SALE A complete steam laundry hav | twenty horse power online. ' .T. S- Rcunott , Suiindnrs add Clark ats. fl'n- A GOOD mont marknt Is bndly needed In the - " neighborhood of Woolworth st and Pnrk- avo. . , r.nd store-room cnn bo obtained nt ch < aj rent li Fitch block. F. L. Gregory , 320 S. Ifitl- TjTOR BATVB-A wholcxulo business , with n- JL paying trndo ostnbllshod. Capital ro | Ulrei about 14000. will take part Omaha real estate Address E 50. Bee ofBoe. 780 B10H SALE Tbo best pnylnff small hotel Ir city ; 2,000 cash will get it. C BLoo 1307 Farnam st 2- 1POR SALE Corner saloon , raoolpta $50 ppi . J4.500 ; 3.000 cash , near depot G I- Loo. . 1207 Farnam st 7M- TilOHSALEHy WH Green , 215 B Whit , n Jof the finest corner groceries on N Ittth st rood fiosh stock and cheap lease ; e ! o two mall stock *, small livery stock and (rood barn rood I6cotlon and cheap ground lonsu. it- TJBINKSSCHANCE ' ! - On uccount of sicklies- not being able to tend t i the business tlu restaurant and. lunch counter , will rent tin same to some good nnd responsible parties Apply to Joan A. King , 1303 Oouglns st. 601- "I71OU SALE Or eichangn, grain elevator JU WcMcrn lown. for land In Central Neb , o- trjrchandlss , address box 206 , Central City Neb. Sffioctl'- JJCIjAIBVOYANT. . tRS. IIATFIBM ) , Trance business medium past present and future revonlod , sic honied , lost found , homos made nnpny , sitting dally ut 421 8. 11 tint. i57 o 15J- R. . NANWKY. Warren , clairvoyant Modi- cnl , butlness and test medium. Ofllco H North Icth street , roomo 243 , Telephone nit 212 WANTED MALE HELP.- V . ANTBli--Ono man to solicit In this clt- i > and one in Council Illutrs. Must own gooi suit of clothce. havii tlO , and be nnxloiiH t maktt monpy , Commission with n guarnnteoi- alury r J75 per month. Address 5 euro o 1 160. 609 8 _ WANTED-iBovonly-flveshovolors four mile , uxtensio Chicago railway. Wages 1.7- iwr day ; board 13.60 per week. Work will Ins until December. C. P. Treat , Contractor.- M . ( I3- JWowant business men to Irnov- wo can till onlem from bookkeeper dowi- to poner , with llrst-olai > s help Ht the West n- Kmpioymcnt UBX'iioy , 1112 Farcamst. W1 6 T ANTBD-Agonta to canvass for n'unkri- TV Ute. Insurance Oo , , Lincoln , Noli. Nou but caporlencotl men need apply. 30- 1W1 ANTED Agent * In Nebraska for Oeii John A. Loc an's last work "Voluntee Soldier. " just published. Address J. M. Frencl- A. . Oft , One u tia. Neb. _ 2jM Th onoral public to know tha , we cuu supply jou with male or fomul- ihrlp thni will give satisfaction ; no delay nn- DO illshrnouitmont.Vosteru Employ men Uuteiui. Idl2 Knnium. Oil Jewelry and watoh sale : TT mnn ; mil ? : have a good knowledge of th- lowclry buitness. U. L. Erlckson & Co. , 212 ri lath Itroot. S'JU 7 _ IMV ) from 15 to IB yuar- i old who can ipoaY bwedUh , to usslat In- iry goods storu 1023 Suundora st tW 7J housekeeper , 2 drv good T> clurKS , 1 porter , 1 wniuhman , 5dlnliu room trlrla.'J cooks , glrU for gunorul housu work , hotel boy, foroludy for dining room , llrls for lown , uursu girl. Onto City Emplo ) Blent Agency. t'J7 8 - VANTl.U20 flric class carpenters at 27t- ""V andSownrdund 28tu und lllondo. U. Iain. a.'l HJ ANTED etilie mnsona on > ruble wotl- TT highest wages puld In thu btnlu.threi- ionths work. Apply to Dugran Jc Koblnitoi- IMnoy.Nub. . Ml tt for main and female help for all OHDKR8 of work received and supplied at Scandinavian Krap. lluronu , 1110 Knrnnm st. 608 8- r ANTED Men for railroad work. Al * brlght's labor agency. 1128 Farnam. 804- r ANTBD-A Rood farmhand ! | W ; steady i Job for winter ; 10 good canvassers fo city- .Canndlan . Erop. Office. Mrs. Hrcfrtt i Son , 810- S. . 15th. (U9 7J WANTED Oood blnckgmlth In snmll coun ¬ , German preferred. Inquire CIS N ICtli st. 443 8J Drug clork. registered , ono 11 ( peaking Gorman. Address with salary wanted , M. fc. , Heat rice , Neb , CIS BJ WANTED-12 good stone outters , winter' * at foot of Jackson at , Nor- cross Ilros. 57 * 7- JWANTKD At onca at the Western Cornice , 10 good cornice makers , 10 (rood tinners , to Rood men the highest wage * will be- paid. . C. Spccht , W3 510 8. 12th St. Di7 13 WANTED-Agents In every county In : and expenses. Sold by sample. Outfits nnd stock fret. Allworth- Mfg. . Co. , Hutherford , N. ) . 4C.i KJ ANY ono wanting1 employment should call dolny on 11 , Jenklnson Sc Co. , Em- ployment ¬ buronu , 1CIO Farnam , room 6. G01 10J WANTED-A mnn to solicit. Ono willing to hnrd work. Must own good ault of clotlios , hare f 21. and willing to leave city. No other np d nnsner. Salary f " 5 Per month. Address 11 5 core of Deo. BU'J 9- W ANTED Laborers , now round hnuai Mo- .t'aclQc . 11. 1C t2 per day. CO3 8j ; 5 travollnir sale mon '' salary and expense * : no experience necesS- Hry. - . Address with stamp , Viilmer & Co. , Wlnona. Minn , COS 8- JW ANTHD A good coat-maker. C. A. An- derson , Grand Inland , Nob. 4.19 S- JWANTEDA baker. 1818 St. Mary'n HV- 517 7- JRDA bnkor at Chlcngo bakery. 11- 8N.I 1th st. 54 7J WW ANTED Good first-class carpenter fore man. AddrossG fti , lice olllco. 548 HJ > 4 fierman boys to carry paper *, &n-509 a 12th. upstairs. 66 WANTED FEMALE HELP.- ANTEDGood . girl 1707 Cos ? . Olfi 7- JWANTEDGIrl for gencrnl housework . Mrs. Thos. F. Hull , 1513 Sherman nvo. M- OANTEDA lady to solicit In this city , Must own good wardrobe , hnve flO In money , bo good looking , not over 30 , nnd full of vim. Snlnry } 7J per month. Address lid cure of Ijco. UJ ) V * ANTED-Good girl. American or Germnn , for general housework , call at once , OK- N. . 7th. 5S77- JANTKDA llttlo girl to help take care of- bnby and muko herself geuerully uso- ful. - . Apply2518 Duvonport C04 WANTED A good girl for general house . Apply 171 Dodge st. 8)2 7J WANTED A good girl to do general house must bo good cook , nt 2310 Far mini. , 6011- 'JVANTEDA ' lady to solicit. Knlnry J75 poi TT month. Must be good address , hnve good clothes rnd willing to louvo city. Address IK- duro of Hoe. 8- W ANTKD-A young jflrl to take care ol child !) years old ; Germnn preferred. 2.11- 8Douglas. . 6fli H- JU * ANTED First-class drofsmukurs. 513- 14th St. 571 7- JTEDErrnnd * girl , Mrs. M. A. Wallace Mury's avo. 531 S- JW Girl for llirht housework : no- wushlnjr. . Mrs. Wiilluee.lBMVJ St. Mary's- nvo. . Kli 8- J'ANTUDOIrl forgonornl housowork,2) ) ') f- Mth street between l'immui und Douglas MS 7 good girl nt 518 S. llth streel- T T Immediately. 4'il ' " Tnlloress on custom couts nnC- T T vests , good wages und steady work tu right pnrty , apply at once. n S 10th Bt. 110 ! 2- 1ANTKO W Cook nnd laundress. Dr. Coll'- mun cor St. Mnry's uvo und 27th st. K>1 WATNED-2 girls to work In Kitchen al house , 4-J S IHth st. neur St- Mnry's nvo. 423. 7ANTEDLuundross und dining room girl for Mnnnlng , 2 laundresses for sntiK hotel In Ited Oak , Iowa , 2 tlrat-clnes dlnlni room girls for Wyo. f20 , a competent woman t ( tnko charge of n hotel laundry , must bo accus- tomed tomannging help , cook Rnd2glrls foi Wayne , Neb , , competent cook nnd laundress fur Pupllllon. cook nnd dining room girl foi- Sewurd , Nob. , nn nxparlenccd house girl ioi- Fullerton , Neb , all fares paid. In city , girl ioi- officer's family J5 , 0 women cooks f. to 87 poi wouk. 60 girls for housework fi to Ji a week bovnrnl girls to usslst in housework , 2 girls tc mind babies , 2'nice second girls. Cnnudlnr- Einp. . ofttLO. Mrs. llrcgn A Son S10 S l.'th. To 881. C28 7J WANTEU-GlrH andull others who ore leo ) to know that wo do no- phnrgo office lee unless place Is secured. H not tie deuolved by concerns who tnko yom money without givingvouu place. GntoCltj Employment Ollico. : ill i S 15th St. 630 'ANTED Girl for general housework n- No. . 1918 Capitol nvenue. 6C- 61TOTTND. . IrOUND lied leather pociet book with pn notes In it. Owner can bavo b' applying nt lleo 550 7- JT OST Oold medal on 17th st , botwconCnpi- JUtol nve find Cuss. Kinder Icnvo atY. M. a A rooms and receive reward. 5568 TAKEN uii-Sopt. no.pony.ftorrolj white him white otrlpo on fuco , lump on bnch branded on loft shoulder. Park stable , 2-tl ; and Loavcnwortn. 5(15 ( 8j LOST- .T . OST Or stolen , ono brown horse , ihort nn- U - hoivy pot , had on halter , please return t- L.. Altmun & Co. l'J17 Cumlngst. . Omalin , Neb. D 2 Uj _ - light bny mnro pony 2yVarsol with small whlto xtrlpu In foranoa 1. Flnde will recolvn rown d by rt-turning to Soutl Omaha hotel , South Omaha , Nob. 553 tj- STHAYED A brown gelding3 yrs old.weigh . Lett hind leir out with wire Hewurdpnld for his return to it. T. Maxwell South Omahn. 318 7- JI OST Hrown Melton cutaway ooat , lenvo n -Frank J. Itamgo's , Itamgo block , and to- cotvo reward. 27- 5HISOELLANEOUS WANTS.- TANTr.DEvoryliody . to cull nnd RO"- TT those Golden Star pnrlor henters uu Model Storllnir L-ook stoves ut Harbor & Dun nlng's , 812 N 16th St. , GSO 9 investment will give i TT prolltabli ) and pleasant business , Cnl from 12 to 2 or 0 to 8 Planters hotel , room 27 ( (117 UJ _ _ > Hoard in private family , term TT reasonable , by younjf lady. Address 1 S , Heo. _ 693 oj WANTED To rout , two or thre furnlsho rooms for llirht house keeping. In good locality by gentleman an wife , rofi-rcncos uxchunged. Address pom- onico box C7 , city. WANTED Dr two young gentlemen , roon with private family , or whor- a few boarders uro kept ; within fifteen mir utos walk from U P. Houdqnnrton , willing t- pty n reasonable price for homo comforts Address U 04, office of this papu- r.WANTEDImmodluWy . 1 second hand stor . Inquire 14- 0Dodgo. . 504 13 to room and board ; term T reasonable ; object , comotuiy. G M, lie office. 334 HJ want to buy a family coac- T T team. N. Merrlaui. Z'J " Cross to call N. B corlCt- TT and Capitol nvo. B35 7J WANTED To buy furniture of u ima lions centrally located. Ct operative Lund und L Co. , 205 N 15th st. 603 table boarders ut 211 Hurt si. B7 MONEY TO LOAM. MONEY on hnnd to loan on unproved prop , J. A. Holstund , Arlington hlk. 525n5- Ifel.tOOW to loan , H. B. Cole , 318 S 15th. Fin * * mortitago notes uought U7- BTtTONEV LOANED at C, f. Reed 4 Co,1 * Loa JJ . Olllce , on furniture , pianos , borsos.wagon personal property of all kinds , and all other a- tlclee of Talue , without removal. U9 8. 13tl over lilnphmn s ConimUaloo (tor* . All bud oecs Etrictlr conCdoatlal , MONEY To lonn. Notes nnd It R, tickets nnd sold. A. Formnn , 213 S. 13th st. . _ 135 $ S , OOn to loan , special rates on farm prop ¬ erty, Sobotker & Porrlgo , 1521 Farnnra st , to losn in any nmount nt lowest rnto P of interest. H. II. Irey. Frenror block. 313 MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , , etc. , low rates. J. J.Wllklinon & Co. . 324 Farnam , over llurllngton ticket oftlon. 2IT MONEY to loan to portion winhlnr to b iilM Campbell , 310 8 llth St. , Chamfcsr of Commerce. - n In itimsof 1500 and over tnloannt low rates , Huesoll A Ilarrott,313810th st. 215 to Lonu On Improved olty property at lowest rntos of Interest. No commis- sion charged. Sholes & Crumb , room 1 , Marker ilpct.jcpr 15th and Farnam U. 21- 0MONKV to loan on real estate. No delayl t mortgiiofl bought llatos , Smith ft- o. : . , 202 Hamno building , cor. 16th nnd Ilarnoy. 903 oct7 MONKY to loan on rlty property. Will buy notes. Beaver & YVblicomb , 16V9V- i'urnain. . 773 MONEY To loan. Lowest rate *. No delay. . Kite 4 Co. , over Commetclal Ni - lonal bank sis o LOAN Money t.nnns placed on Im- proved - ro.il cstnto m city or county for Vow Knglan-l Ioan S Trust Co. , by Douglas 3oumy bank.ltith and Chicago Bts. 213 MONKY to Iioan Uy the unilorslirnod , woo the only properly organized loan agency In Oinnha. Loans of f 10 to 1100 mndo- on furniture , pianos , organ *, horses , wagons , machinery , ota , without removal. No delnrs , All business strictly confidential. Loann so made that any port can bo paid at nny time , each payment reducing the cost pro rnta. Ad- vances mndo on floe watches and diamond *. Porfons should carefully oor.sldernho they are dealing with , as many new concern * are dully coining Into czlstonoo. Should you need money call and * * me. W. It. Croft , rootn 4 , Wlthncll building , 15th and Harnoy. gat (8500,000 To loan on Oinahs city property at 8- V p r cent. U , W. Bay , a. e. cor. Ex. Bid. 403 SHOUT Time loam made on any available . In reasonable nmounta. Bootired notes bought , sold or OTohnngpd , ( lunernt- lluanolal buslneea of any kind transacted promptly , quietly'nnd fairly t the Omaha Fl- tmnclal - Kxchanito , N. W. oor of 16th and Hnr- ney - Bta , over StBte National bank. Corbctt , manager 12- 7MONKY to Loan-O. P. Oavl * Co. , real 03- nnd loan agents , 1511 Farnatn st 750.000 TO LOANntO per cent Llnah.in & Mnbonoy , 150 Farnam. 227 MONEY to loan on Improved real onttito ; clmreed. Louvitt llurii- hnm - , rom , Crolghton block. 331- It.. C. 1'attcrsoa , 15th and llarney. 22- 3Tlf ONEY to loan , cixsh on hand , no dnlny.- LU. . - . J. W. and E. L. Squlro , 1413 Farnam it. , Piuton hotel bulldinc. 2- 5IF you wish to buynnolegunt parlor heater , olBco heater , Inrife heater for store or sales- room ¬ , or a iplondld cook stove , ranging from $10 up to $ < 0, call at llurbor & Dunning' * . M ! North Ifith st. 533 U- fTUin finest free lunch consisting , roust pig -L and potatoes , salad , etc. , also Utolntmiieer'a orchestra nt Ernst Mcyor , cor 18th nnd Pa- cific ¬ , at flo'clock Saturday. 010 B- JPECIAL Inducements to parties who wish to- build. > . II. E. CotoilO S15th. 5087 WHY advertise for help of nny kind , when can bo obtained Immediately by culling on or writing to H. Jenklnson & Co. , Hilo Fur- nnm - st. , room 8. 500 10 * WILL exchange eood property for horse bugfy. Ooo. J. StornsdorfT , ISO ? Fnrnam st. 497-7J ASH paid for second hand books at the Antiquarian , .1QJ N ICth st. 7JJ o 21- JANIiLO Amerlcun Mortgauo and Invoitmont olllco 212J FarnnmBt. John Outlay, mnnnger. flasoctSI- JflOKUEjiT Organs. $ p r month. Horpn. . 2- rPO EXCHANGE-For cnttln , 1 hnvo !X) and X forty iicrc * of peed western land to trudo- forcattln , nnd a good house and lot near the cnpltnl will exchane-n for cattle. Address S. G- .Urynn. . . Aslilnnd , Nub. 2JJ- ITO exchange for other property contract for Oil ) acres UH land In Chpyonno Co. , Nob. , two miles from railroad , ulso two 4 sou in Lin- coln Co . near rail road. McCulloch A Co. , cor- 15th nnd Fnrnnm sts. 9J- OOJ. . C.-Houso furmihlnir goodi , nil kinds ; cash or installment ; lowest prlcos at J- .Ilonnor . , K1IK Dougln * st 1- 0T7IOK KKNr Square rJmo , tmoctnlr. . A JC Honnfl. 151S Douirlt *. 22- RTCH"A8E'B iiow Pecplpr Hook and Housn- hold Physician , the "Memorial Edition" , of over 800 pages. The "Crowning Life Work"- of the greatest author nnd benefactor that overllvod. Just out Agents mnklnv Immense oales. 1)1 ? terms. Address , F. n. DIckorson & Co. , Detroit , Mich. Mention this paper.- T71OKKBN1 . Hq-jHro Huno ( J montblr. Ja Hobpo.1513 riouglni. 22A PERSON ATj. " | 5EHSNAL-Call nnd sen those elegant , Ool- JL den Star heaters nnd cook moves before purchasing nt IlurbcriRunning's , M2 N ICth- St. . 5SB 9 1 > EH80NAL A young lady wishes uyoiins lady roommate. Hotcrcncoi exchanged. Address U 8, lice office. B-'l I- II > EUSONALto the Indies of Omnhn. If you want good reliable help , cnll at the Omalin Employment bureau , the oldest pmployinenl- otnce In the city. 11'J ' N. Iflthst.H. JJ. White proprietor. 1142- 9TDEHSONALO. . S. Whitney Bells hard and JL solt coal , 1513 Farnam and 18th and Izard. 475 a a ) PUUSONAL Private homo for ladles during , strictly confidential , infanta adopted , addreu K 42. lice ofHce. 167 oot 8- fORHALK MISCELLANEOUS.- TpOH . SALE Stock of hardware and flxturoi- L1 - in one of the best cities In Nob. Invoice about 1300. Good locution In heart of city Would tnko port In property. Address ( i 72 Hoe office. 5 3 P- JFOH SALE Team , harness , wnironT150. Mra llarr.e. l th st.i : bl'ks from st car track.- W : nov 2 SAI.Kon easy terms Pony $ 30 0 ( Pony 40 Ul Pony 50 Of Pony harness und curt . 1250- 1lllrtpk driving horse , < W years old 100 W- G rny dell very horse , l.uou Ibs 100 n- cIrny ( draft horse 50 ( irny ( draft boise 75 ( G ray draft norBo 7501 Gray draft horse 15D n ( Llirht driving team mnros 20) O- tliny Middle horse fsiuplofoot ) 10) ) ( K Team roan ponies 120 ( IJuydrlvlnir horse 15001- W. . T. Seaman , East sldo Ifith st. north of Nicholas , Agent for Siudcbukor llugglod , Wagon ; . Ute ' 780- "ITUMt SALE Fumlly horse , gentle , tractable Jnnd good trnvoler , can bo drivrn by i child MIX ) cash will buy him. Address n in lieu ollico. KIT HJ SALE Onogood sot of barber tools , Ac Including three chairs cheap. Jncol- Landrook , 20111 Popplotou nve. , between 2Utt and Sid streets. 53U 81- TTUHt SAI.K A stenograph slightly used. Ad JL1 dre s "HSU ," Ben otHco. _35071- "I710K SALE Fine , gentle horse , harness JL road wagon , robe nnd whip. Price , flOO Address Patsy Fallen , Cottonwool Villa- .17MIl . SALE 100 first class steers for feeders -L good order , on ( Jacho creek , Nebraska Address Wm. IL Thompson , jr. , Hwlng , Holi- Co. . , Nob. 551 12- JIiwirSA LE Oil BXCIlANGE-Two' horses JL' * et harness nnd buggy , SU Charles , Harnpy bet. 12th and Uth. _ 616 8J- OH SALB 1 food mlll,24 In. French burrs. 1 Victor shcller. 75 bu per hour. 1 bolt for buckwheat or meal. 40 ft 2 In shafting , B hangers , elevator belt etc. Address 00 S2iltb gt. , Omaha. Neb. 325 U- JA _ SIX hundred dollar first mortgage on ron eitnto for sale. Inquire ut llrown J- Crelghton's , oor. ICtn anu Douglas. A 1 socuri- ty. . BIS ti- I _ . 'Oil SALE At a sacrifice. J1 Nine thousand dollars worth of Miscellaneous Hooks , which I deilro to closi out previous to my unrlr removal to east tlili- of I6tb it , north of Nicholas st , where I wl- lcarrr the largest variety of buggies , phaetons carriages nnd wagons to bo found at auy oni place In the city. W.T. Staman , Now at Farnam and llth sts. Agent for Stude baker. (XXlOctS- OJFOB BENT HOUSES tmd LOTS. 316 8 1Mb, can rbhl SO now. SJj HUNT 6-room iftuso S113 Popploton- nv , 6-roora houses , -13M Mlsml st- .Rroom . hoino.N side ol-Crt8s bet 23th and TOthsts. Goo. 1. Gilbert , f.'itbnoll building. | , ' * I * Oil HKNT in * room hou e,2lth and Doui- rlas7room - ; house 22d and Howard. 0. R- .Thompson. . . :m a. 15th st Ti _ . L- .OlTilENT5 . room house , * u cor 27th and Dodge17. J.H. 15th ft- F" " "olTllLNT A boauttfi'infow 8-room houso.- Hnnscom . place , botwcun Woolworth nnd- Poppleton nvonues. IxitBOJilSO , Just rlitht for Licnutlful torrnco. Houvf equipped with nil mudern Improvement * aup fconvcnloncos , sueh- Bsgus.clty water , clstorn , etc. This property will bo sold beneath Its true value , and on such terms n will command n buyer. Apply to- ChnrlosC. . SpOt.swooJ.aOVi S. IBth st. 550 HEST ' { the olTlcc , W.V, " . Uth St. , af- FOH the ntn of this month. Apply onrly. Charles C. Spotswood , 30'iVi 3. 16th St. 5T- jQH OU3E8 * Oll HKNT-2121 Sewnrd st , iieir house 10 rooms , bath , furnace , __ water nnd gns . , . . . . ' 'i !? OUCXjlfux st. , 0 rooms and bath .. . . lit 00 0017 Jnckoon st. , 7 rooms nnd bath . , n W- WJl Patrick nve. 7 rooms , now . 250- 0rornnrllurdelteniid2tthnt , Orooras. ... 2j UO Corner Ersklno st. and 27th St. ,7 rooms. . 20 OJ HMO Webster St. . nqw.O rooms . 15 00- IW. . Pnrk nvo. tlnt,6 roomsnnd bath. . . . no 00- 1I109 Park avo. . largo now Morn-room . 40 00 3 barns no r Loavcnworth and Pnrk nvo, fi 00- F.. L. Gregory , 20 & 15th St. 5oO HENT Housu of ten rooms with all modern convpnloncas , references re- quired. ¬ . Inquire at 1723 Capitol nvo. 6'J4 t } OH HENT Nnw , targa modern improved houses. M. EUjuttor. 1001 Fnrnnm st. 282 7- F HKST Store room on IPth st. near St. F Mary'aavo. Inquire4S3 S. 18th st. 11- 7FOH HENT Nice 4 room cottnge on 12nd ono and n half blocks south of Cum- Ing's - street. Apply 1011 Davenport 8t. 41210- OH HKNT If you wish to rent a house call F on lleiinwa& Co. , ICth st, opposite I . O. 470- TJIOK HENT-Ilouse 8 rooms In Manscom- C - 1'lace to n good putty. 3. S. Campbell and O. W. Ilorvoy,310 S ICth st , Chamber Com- merce ¬ , 167 Oil KENT 3-room house southeast cor 12tn and Dnvonport Bts. flolonsn for one your- .Coopoi . atlvo l> & L. Co. , 205 N Itith it. nlo S house 1010 Howard st.- L1 . - near 10th , 120 per month , a. Lehman , 110- 4Farnam. . Cl- lFOH IIINT 1H Btory cottage , finely finished , lath between Martbaund Cnstcllii- r.FOU . HENT-A 1 room cottage , 1120 N. 21st . npply to 31G S , 15th St. 070 HENT-Ten room brick house , I7J1 FT- J1OII Dodge. All modern Improvements. "M HKNT An elegant new 10 room IIOUFO. JLeist : front , onStn between Douglas und Dodgu. Marshall & Lobouk , room 9 , Chamber of Commorco. 4i J- "filOH llfiNT 7-room housoon Davenport st- J1 bet. 16th nnd 17th , rent 140, lenpo 1 year. Furniture for sale nt A bargain , Co-Opcratlvo Land nnd Lot Uo. , 20 > N. 16th. 435- 71IOH HKNT A flat. 1617 Howard street. In- X1 - quire nt Leo & Nichols' livery stable , "tth and Lonvcnworth , telephone 849. 421 THOU HUNT House of 5 rooms , with closet *. J ? puntry and cellar and hard and Foft water- .Inciuiroof . Mrs. Ward. llrfUiouBO enst of Sncred Heart convent , oiiBOUth stao of Curt street. ' ' ' 4TZ-9J POH ItENT-noUBOOf 6 rooms and furniture flulo , Inquire R23 N 21st St. 245 I I- JFOH KKNT-Ily CahnVVoolly , 1S22 Farnara House ot'B loomfl , ; n e corcl and Innl stH. . t.W per month.r House of S rooms ncnr' nauseam Pnrk , nil modern convenience *. 819. * ' ' ahousesof 7 rooms u.iuh.'liot and cold water bath rooms. $ X House of 7 rooms near Hnnscora Pnrk , J30. ' ' "Jj'.l HENT A nice n-rooni house ; ? 17 month ; JjlOH W. ror 2'Jth and Charles sts. full lloora 8 , Hcdlck lllock. _ 472 7j Oil HENT-Ahnll. Blre KiM foot , nt 1018 Karuiini si , over Continental Clothing Co , HENT 5 to 10 room houses. Good locu FOll . U.K. Cole iilOBUth. 4JO _ _ KENT -A lirgp und well finished store- room , prefer n tlrin'thatwlll hiuidlo ready mndo clothing nnd ponfR riirntshln goods , Addnm W. F..ConwolI , Outdalo , Neb , 1W, 1- 2FOH HENT House 4 rooms cor Hnrney nnd ets , 53.1 per mo. S. A. aioninn , Holl- m - mi block. . 2iiS Foil KENT Oflioo space Nat 152-J Farnam st furniture for tittle. A. H. Comstock , 1521 Fiirnnm si. 78- 2FOll KRNT NlfiMy fiirnlshod house , B rooms , ' ndd. Inquire 1U1 . 10th St. , ncnr Hickory. M5 HKNT New 8-room house , all modern Improvements , on Georgia avo. 11. O. I'ut- tcrson.cor - 15th nnd Harnoy. 3'J7 FOB RENT--KOOHS. Two or throe furnlslipd rooms WANTED bousrkeeplnir. Address II 1 , lleo- ollleo. . 51 C- JOH F HKNT Newly furnished front room ; moult second door , -te : Ctimlni; st. : tU : 8 * HUNT Well lighted basument , com- prising ¬ 2,001 square foot of flooring : wntor" and gnu : in nn excullont bus most locallir. Ad- dress G 37, Ueo olllce. M3 8- FOll KKNT-Tlircu unfurnished looms. 7H7 . 484- V. . "It HUNT Nicely furnished room lor- JU Binirlo gentleman ; gus , hath ; rent leason- ntile. - . ICO'i Dodge street. 2'J1 7J- HENT Nlcoly furnished front room , rtrst floor , KOI Capitul nvo. 475H- JF 1011 HKNT Largo furnished rootn. Call during evening , 712 N , 19th st. 477-7J KENT Nicely furnished front room. Apply at831 South 23rd st.orScandlnavlan- Etnp. . llureaii , 1610 Farnam. 517 7 " 171OR RENT Nlcoly furnished front room In- L - nice cottairo 18 per month. 408 William * t ; 8 minutes wnlk eouthcast U. P. depot. 619 _ HENT Furnished rooms , now rooms , furniture und bedding ; everything nice and quiet : for rpspcctnblu people only. Mrs. Har- bor ¬ , 812 North 18th 6t. _ 583 9 lll'.NT Largo room nnd board for gentlemen In n private family on car lino. Terms $45 per month. 113 B 24th St. 031 H- J"IjWIl HEN T- Suit of plonsnnt front room-i JU without board , to gentleman nnd wife.1 1C California et. 6,11 9- F IOH HENT-IMrnlshod rooms 18I Oodiro.- W9 . ( oct I- IF FOll RENT Two nently furnished rooms first-class table board. References desired. S. E. cor. 80th and Farnam 8tn.410.10J OH HENT-3 nlco unfurnished rooms suitable for housekeeping. 70)Si Pacific st1 FOR HKNT Furnished Iron ! room , second , Inrgo und plwifcant , thruo blocks west of ousmoss center , Wll Douglas st. JW10J- OR __ HENT-Nleely furnished parlor and bedroom , also other rooms to ladles or gen- tlemen , apply Mrs. Fannld-"Argylo , 311 N. 12th , "I710K HENT Room * , nicely furnished at JI.50 JU and $ iW n week 501 outh 18th. 507 12J- OK RENT Rooms wltlOor without furnlt- ure,2210 - Mason , near St. Mary's ave.- L . * C259J FOH RENT A nlco room fortwo , $10 with without board. 812 J } Kd st. 2lrj 7J- OH RENT-KlogantTrrmt rooms single 01- en suite , iras , bath , lutlrutu family threi blocks from P. a GuutleWnn only. Addrcsl- O 53 , Bee. 414 9- JifoTt HENT-Unf urnlshed pnrlor.1921 Chicugo U 'f 53- 8FOH RENT Iwiriro front room sul'.abln for S , inodora convonlonces , 010 N , 17th st , 24U FOK RENT Kioa-nntly furnlshel room on floor , with modern Improvements 1917 Cat * . (M- ST71OR HKNT Pleasant rooms nicely furnished Jj 1813 Dodgo. 154 10J FOR RENT Largo sunny pouthiiast front suitable for 2 or a gontlernun , board In neighborhood , 24 J rarnuut St. , s o. cor.- TJIOH . RENT-3 unfurnished rooms , 1027 N 20th- H HGNT-Furnlbhod room , 2HOFranUm t. . 3971I- JFOll RENT Suite of unfurnished rooms , furnlthod room ; no bousokocpI- ng. - . ITao Capital ave. 5J77- JFOH HRNT 3 unfurnished rooms In brick at 1421 N , nth tBuiUblo for FOR IIRST OlBco room , first floor , nt nu 9- .5lht. . . 4 45 rsT N"icoljr furlilshed- bnlh and furnace heat. 2iK7 Dodge , ill lu- FOll HENT3 nicely furnished rooms , St. Mary's avo. _ 528 FOR RENT -Two furnished room * , heat In- I Hand 14 per month , north side l.envenwortli. hot 17th _ nilmh _ _ Ms._ Mi 8J _ ll lir.NT3 nlc8 rooms furnlshptt. 101- 3Chlcagost. . tifidg- jf OR ir.NT ,1 unfurnished rooms suitable Jl1 for housekeeping , parties without children , C52I Culdwell. 5J4- TTIOH _ HRNT Nicely fiirnlshod front roomt , JD ItUlDodgo. _ IM FOR RKNT Kurnlshod pnrlornnd botlninm , for 2 or 4 goutlemon , nil modeni conveniences , board next door , 2207 Douglas. RKNT Rooms furnished nnd unfur- nished ¬ , 1609 Fnrnam , opposite Merchants' hotel , room 23. 434 J _ HENT Nlcoly furnished room inltabla . ror2gontlotnen , Inqulro2'lll St Marys ave , _ fiiS FOR HENT Nlcoly furnished room , hot nud water bath room , 018 South 17th , 47 _ FOR RINT-Pleas nt rooms , furnished , corner 20lh nnd Wrbstcr. 318 RENT Ono largo pleasant room , south front , brick Hat , suitable for 3 or 4 prirtlo- men , 14IB Chicago st _ 288 RENT Furnished rooms In Orounlgblk.- cor . 13th nnd Dodge at Inqulru of Goo. R- .Davis. . . Mlllnrd Hotel Ililllard room. 831- OR RENT Furnished rooms single or on- suite , with or without board , 1615 Dodir . 96- 0F SITUATION WANTED.- a . * Hrst-clnss cutter ; TI will not engage through third party. Ad- dress ¬ II , 0, Hoc olllco. 623 7j By a young man an coachman In- T private family ; IIHS two years' experience. Address 11. H , llcooillco. 571 PJ Situations for 29 girls at houso- T work , our office Is full of nice girin , come and get one. Mrs. llrcga & Son's Cnnatllan- Kmp. . oHIcn 310 3 15th. tol. 834. (US 1IJ _ . - as housekeeper by a pleasant , middle aged lady , Host of refer ¬ ences. Nont , saving nnd fond of children.- Mrs. . . H. box 751 , city. _ Kil * ._ Sltuntlonbysobor , steady nr.d ' Industrious young man , ( Swede ) to work In private family an coachman , groom , etc. Thoroughly experienced. No ollico Too. Cana- dian ¬ Ump ofDce , Mrs. Hroga & Son , BW 8 Ifith , 1018P4. 6J9 8- JAN Accomplished young Indy.a strnngerln the cltylntuly fiom Now York , who Is 11 com- petent ¬ milliner and trimmer nnd salosludydc- Fires a position with a city house. Addrc'n H 4, Hoe office. KM U JANTED-Sltur.slon ns n cook , cnll TO3 S- .ICth . st. 622 7- JirANTED Situation by conchninn. Address G70 , HcoolUoo. K5 7j an nccountont , books to- i ' post , collections made ut roasoiinblo- rntes. . Address O 71 lleo. t 03 13J by young mnn ( Our- TT - man ) us groom und conchman. 4 year * In German cavalry and 2 yoard In private family la this country. No office Ice. Canadian Kiun- Olllco. . yiOS 15th , tel 884. 577 7j Slluullon ns coachman In private >> family or would undortuko the lironklng- of young horses to ride or drive ; clipping and singeing done. Address O 49 , Bee. 1W! HJ WANTED Engagements to do dressmaking , address G 01 lice. 555 1'ij WANTHD-Pntltlnnby u young mun whore an onginctir. Wugos not an object. Aadross G GO , lau ottlco- ."IV'ANTED . Ily u young man , situation to ' work around a store or olllco as porter , ortolpurn some trudo. Apply Scandinavian Etnp. Huruau , Itiin l-'urnam. 511 7 ANTED Situation by two young men , i one ns bartender or work around u sa- loon ¬ or hotel , und one us conchman or uny- ithpr ( work uroiin I u store or olllco ; Address fccuniliimvhui Einp. lluro'ui , llilO Furnnin ft. 60T.7- X7ANI'I3D _ " Situation for men and tholr- T f wives on farms , rune-bos or private lam- Hies - , linvo some very nlco couploo of different nationalities : we till your orders free or uhurgo- Mrs. . ltroga& Son's Canndlnn Employmout of- fice ¬ , 310 S. 15th bt. Telephone 881. 503 8J Situation us foreman storo- T typer , morning or ovcnmg pnpur. Ai- ldrosi - "ritero , " enroot Ixrd is Thomas , Chic- ugo.jjl. - . _ 46.I 9J " I'lrst-elass Btenographor and t typewrltor operator desires omplovmpnt. Ton jonrs experience ; can furnish machine. Address " ( ! 38. ' lleo ofllco. aV8- Tl ANTEU Position by n young man with six ' i years oxporlonoe as bo6kkcopor und cor- respondent. ¬ . .Spunks and writes four lunguuges.- llcst . references. Address G 34 , Hoe otnce. 324 7* WANTED-Housuneopcrs , situation or any lived , practical womun , with good reference Address Western Employment agency , 1AI2 FarnnmBt. 2U7 STOttAQE.T- IIHSTCLASS . storage at 110 N. 13th St. QTOKAHK- Furniture , boxed goods , & .C. C1 terms reasonable , 714 Pacific. 233 FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. LIST your property , for snlo or exchange , tl. E. Colo.'nil 3. 15th. loom L 68- 2FOH SALE Fine corner near fair grounds , , a bargain. Hortsuck , 1031 O street.- Lincoln. . . 521 Jl- jM AHSHALL & LOUECK-Iiargalns. Lot 2 In block 0, Poppleton Park S 1,830 Lot !) block 3 , Lake's addition on Twenti- eth ¬ neur Luke with now eight rootn house , gas and water , cisternburn and line lawn at 7,000 Lots 15 and 16 block 9 , J. I. Itcdlck's sub , with largo house , burn , well nnd cis- tern at 7.000 Lot 10 block 8, Lincoln Place on Daven- port at POO Lots 4 nnd 5 block V, Lincoln Place near California , each nt BOO Lots 1 and 2 block 7. Lincoln Place , cor . 1,400 Lot G block fi , Lincoln place at fcOO 85 foct front on Sherman avenue neur- Lakostrcot Ht 8WO 44 feet front on Douglascorner of Tcuth street nt 30,00- 041otsln Hitchcock's iirst additioneach nt flOO Aero lots In Spring Valley near Dierk's Man- ufacturing ¬ company , on Missouri Pneiflo nnd Northwestern railroads nt the low nrlco of ? 50 ) toVKj per Hero. Lots In onmo nddltlon 60xl.fl ) f .'' 0 each. Call und examine our large list of property in nil purls of the pity. ) lots In Wlsu ! Put-in clo's addition at 1803 , o Marshall & Lobcck , Room 9, Chamber of Commerce , telephone 73. 4U2 TTXTHAOmINAu"Y"burgalnfull ( : lots nnd- IH - house 11 rooms nil modern Improvements , for sale at u sacrifice. John M Clarke , sole ngent. 01B 10- JriMIACICAGi : property for mlo , nrst-olnss lo- J. - cution.nour business centre , frontugo to stilt , cheapest bargain In city. Omahn Haul l.stato i TjNist Co. 572 0 your property , for snlo or oxohnnpc.- with . H. E Cole , 318 a 15th. room 1. 5S- 2T,1ST your houses for rent , with H. E. Cole , JU 318 Sl6th ; can rent Hi now. 5ru- OH SALE nollovuo. Nob. . 10 miles from Omnhn , 8 lots 46x111. Address Thos. F- .Ilyrno . , attorney , 24 Pnrk Plaou , N. V City. Cash offers will only bo entertained. 4Q4 7J NEW 8-room house with laundry and'eomunt- cellur in west part or rlty , two wiuuros off car line for sale on monthlir payments. F.- K. . . Darling , 418 H 15th t- 45S 8 FOH SALE -Now four room house , good cel ¬ , well , clatprn , earn und full lot , within two mlle limit , good location. fl.TOfl. Tor me to- suit. . Georgb J. Sternsdorlf , 15UU Furnam.4M 7 LIST your property for sale with Charles C. , 30Mi S inth st. CU ONE hundred nnd two ft on n.w, corner Cnss Ixjwo ave. A splendid locution for a- homo. . Can suit for S.I.UO Hnrnll umh payment nnd lonntiino. T. K. llarling. 4to 8 LOTS 18 und 19 Clark's addition , 1100 per ft. Is splendid residence property nnd n hotter locality nnd bargain cannot bu fouml In- Omuha. . Y. K. Darling. 4HS a SNAP CTxlW one-hulf block from postoincn South Omaha for * 4.VXwlth ) t.100cash 01 $1,200 with 81.000 cash , F. U Gregory , 320 S- .15th . K , 273 _ 1VJ : room house , nnd lot In Bouth Omnhn- on monthly payments. F. K. Darling , 416- 5th. . 408 8- CNAP east.front lot Arcade ' - Elpgant tit place , on Mth st between Lonvonwnrth- nnd poor furm f2OOJ , F. L. Gregory , 3'J ) S- .15th . st 27 SIXTY-hlX ft on founders neur Grace , fronts ; line liuilneg * and resident property , Ask about It. f. K. lUrllng. 414 So.- 10th. . . 4U3 H mo RXCHANOK-Tijully In. 4 ,8 and 10 roorrt Jkhouton ami lot * for paid up lot * . H. E. Cole. 31ft a 15th. 41- 0niHOMFsON.314 S 15th *irburf nnd seUslrMii Jettato , loans money , purclms necnrltlps , hn a (rood list of property for ale and want more. Notary public aM- "I710R 9ALK Flno imnrovod farm of 330 acres JU In Gospflr Co. , Neb. , all under fencerood house , and all out buildingprloo $ lax. Ad- dress ¬ J. R. Shaw , box VMUlty. 1U1 oil ] A FEW Moro lots Isft nt f ISO , easy term *. Money In this. Investigate. H. n. Cole , 3i ( S. Uth. t , <3- lp F. ItiNGRH , 119 N. l5tlT t- .t t. S,000-Shlnn's 1st. 3xl20 , house , 10 rooms , will exchange forlnts In KnuntzoPlnce.- V.5004 . lots on 8uun torsstoi poalto KounUc Place ; worth IlSJO- .13,00060x140 . , double houna , 8 rooms onrh bathroom , rlty water , etc. , rents foi 1100 per month , fl.OOO c h , 15,000 In other propi-ity , f .oon on limn- .6XW2 . lots.liouten rooms , barn.cto.Shlnn's 1st add. alone would bo cheap at the price asked.- 19piOO2 . modern houses ,7 and 11 rooms ruoh , 72x140 , near 23d , rents for 1150 per month , 25.003GGI120 , buildings coat 13,000 and cover nearly all thu ground , will rent toi 1160 per month. * 5.UOO cash , J8.00J other property , balance 1 and 2 yearfl.- S2ODOooo . worth of property In all parts of the city. If you want to buy or sell see E. F , Illnger , HUN. 15th st. B- Uf * 181'yoi'r property with S. 8. Campbell nnd JL-J a , w. Hervy If you want to soil or ex- change. - . 810 Chamber of Commeree. P0- 7ORSALKOno of the tlnosl lots on Orchard 81. , Orchard Hill. 1 his tot miiy be sold atf- .100 loss than its value If bought In n few days. Charles C. Spolswood , 303K 8. 10th st. 65- 0SA. . SLOMAN , Heal estate , 1311 Purnamjt. Farnam * t between Twentieth and Twenty-third , llgxI.'U , per foot 9 4J- JFaruara st corner Thirty-first. 136x133 , porfoot 15- 0Farnam st. near pavement , 47xiu ; 1,15- 0Farnam st. near pavement , MX 182 R.3U- OFaruam st. corner Fortr-tbird , 44x132. . . 8,60- 0Farnnm st. corner Nineteenth , Im- proved ¬ , 22x132 "O.OU- OFnrnnm St. between Nineteenth nnd Twentieth , Improved , 77xl.M 40,00- 0Farnam st near Eleventh , 20xlJ2 , rents for f 1,500 25,00- 0Farnnm st near Twenty-Seventh , Kxl3i- porfoot ) 20- 0llarney st near Twentieth , Improved 174X187 50,00- 3ilarnoy st. near Twenty-third , Improved , 50xit ! , 11,00- 0llarney st. near Fifteenth improved33z 132. . . I. ... 15.00D Sixteenth st. near Nlnliolas.'OUjixIM 12ftVI Sixteenth st. south of viaduct. 40x102. . .. fi.OUO Douglas at o.ist of Twenty-third. 08x132. . U.OOU Twentieth st, nourSt. Mary's ave , im- proved.40x120 ¬ fl.OOO Twentieth st , between Douglas nnd Dodge , improved , IKxOB R.01- 0Saundersst , corner Hurt , 100x51 7'JO ' Alice st , near I'nrnam , east front , 47x102. 1,830 Fifteenth st , corner Jonca. Improved , Bo- XI38 30,000 Fourteenth * tcorocr Jacksontmproved , 68x13 ,' 30,000 Fourteenth stcorncrChlcngoirairovcd | , Mxl.'K 18,001 Twelfth st. corner Jones , improved , 6iix- IIU 25,000 Eleventh st , corner Nicholas , trackage.- BOtlSJ . 6OW Thirteenth Bt , Paddook plnoo , trackage , 0(1x112 ( 2,500 Thirteenth at , corner Cnllfornlu , im- proved ¬ , rents Jl.WW 25,080 Park ivo , opposite Park. 60x150 2.000 Davenport it , opposite High school , fine modarn fourtoen-room house 00- xl32 16.0M- Cas * St. , between Nineteenth and Twen- tieth ¬ , twelve-room modern house 6Sx 132 1. . . 15,000 Nicholas St. . corner Twenty-second , trackage , 132x132 , improved 20,000 Charles St. , near St. Mury'i , itnprovod.Ot 1128 r 6,40- 0Cnlpy stnear Crolghton colleROmoder- ntonroom houso'l3xl42 0,350 Pierce st. .near Twentieth , 00x183 , fronts two ItrootsImproved C.Ho- ODodga St. , near Twenty-sixth , 38x132 , im- proved 3Of- KlTwentysecond st , near Grace. Mxl20. . . 3OOC West Omuha , In bou ton locality , 40 or 0 ] xlB5 , per foot ' Twenty-first , corner Vlnton. 52x100 . . 1,59- 0Cnstollar St. , next corner Eighth , Gl'x- lil 1,00 , Thlrty-thinl St. , corner Datawareliana- corn PI ice ItWilOO R-t * Louvonworlhst near Sixteenth , 2Ssl2. . .00i : Wobsterst. , near Twonty-olghth , 50x150 , ongradu I.1- In - addition to the nbnvo I have lots In. nil choice additions at low figures. " OH 8ALE-Or exclmngo , InTvulnut Htll.twc blocks west of l.owo nronuo on Mcrcoi- nvonuo , ono lot ruclnir Fouth , 50x150 feet , 01- grade. . Will exchange for ft smaller lot noaroi- postofllco niul south of locution. Address room 13 , Exchange building , South Omahn. 6J. AFBVV Moro lots loft nt f 150 ; cosy terms in this. Invobtlguto. H. E. Cole , 311- S. . 15th. 5S2 FOR SALE Or for lease. FIne business prop corner of S. 13th nnd Cnstellnr sts- I3xl2fi }{ . Innulro nt the promises. SU 12- JTIWO One east front residence lots frontlnti park , 5Ux2ld foot euch.frontlng 01 two streets. 1 cnn null those nt n fiuro ! tlin will Insure n good profit on small cash pay ments. F. K. Darling , 410 315th. 4US 8 FOR SALE Finest, locution for a homo It , ' t Omnhn , adjoining the mnnslor homos of Klrkend&ll , Coo , Brady , Easson um- othnrn. . Nothlni ; flnnr In the rlty. Can sol 105x187 or los <: tor prlcos nnd ttrms see S. A- pioman. . 1301 Fariinm st 73H _ IJ1OH SALE A bargain In 0-rooin house nm- JL? lot , cast front , on 28th t. , near Leiivon- worth. . No commissions. Addrc.3 G 51 , lleo oC- flee. . 5.14 PJ . . . . _ . 17 Clnrks ndd , Just off St- Mnrvson2 ! th uvo for $125 per loot. F- K. . Darling. 410 SISlh. SSI 7- OH SALE-Ry Sholes & Crumb , room Darker block , newsroom house in goo locality , f 1,500 , on onsy terms , a bargain. 573 TRADE Some flno lots on Ames nvo H- Solomon's ndd for equity In house nnd le- er will give mortirago buck on house for the difference in cqultyappty ; Chnrles C.Spotsnooi- 305H S Ifith St. 5.Y) LIST your pioperty. for sale or oxchnngo H. E. Cole.ilti ; & 15th. room L 682 GOOD things this wo k. iot8 in 39 , Soutli . $ J5u ; ti.W. Corner , 9 In 4 In AS Patricks' , street pnvlng- nnd stroct car building on Saunders now , lot block from Suundurs , cash ta , 1 2 and ii years deed and abstract , prloo $ I.V 0. Corner B in It HeoJs lft K eush , $ 000. Coiner It ) and 20 in 1 , Drakes , 100x14' ) , > j cusl ? 10KW. ( Corner 1 and 2 In A H Sanders , 134xl32.on 2111- 8t. . 1-4 rush , $IOOJ. ( These nrenll barpnlns. Gco. M. Cooper , 31- B 16th st 57U 8- ANRCOM _ PLACE , 18 block 17. Ono of the nicest residence lots In the pity facing park on Park nvonuo , half block f ron two street curs. I will sell this lot for J 1,500 (1,111)0 ) cash , tmlnnco to suit This is the cheap- est lot In the olty to-dny. Other lots cannnt in bought In n.imo block "Ions than $ WHI. 1 nn- thu owner ; ihnll be In the city only for a few days. Address or call , F. Fox , Arcudu note ! city. _ 514 ' rilO EXCHANdE-Somo mnnuy rtnd choice J land tor first class , Improved Inside prop orty. II. E. Colo.310a nih _ 41- 1IOH THAIK-Eiiity ) | ln 12 lots In Omnhi- L1 - Heights lor Improved Omaha innnnrty will puy cash dllfercncn. Address G OJ Hoc cit lleo. 540 UJ ELEGANTS room cottage , 8 mlniitos fron modprii conveniences , Pi und sowar taxes all paid. Look this 1111 , Locu lion , priao , nnd terms nro bound to suit , K K Darling , 418 a 15th Ht. 4bH fJIOll SALE 12lilO frtcor Howunl und iL ll- L - stK , next block to I5n Hon. llrady i .Mar tins houses , $7 500. Addioss E3J llooolllco. 0-0 _ _ 1710 H SALIi it2x3U ; ! ft on KH track on NluhoJ- L1 las and 13th with wuro house iMfOft : suirles , price flJ.OOO. Address Shnw It Field box 5IW , Omaha. _ 2Jj o3'- A CHOICE oust front lot on 33rd street. Jus- fV. - . on lcuvenwortli for f .O'lO. This Is th beat lot In MaynoPlucu. r. K. Darling. 410 l.'ith 4iw T _ IS r > onr property with S. 8. Cumphell n- mJJ G. W. Hervy , 310 Chumliiir of Common1- 8pcclal attention given to the exohani.'o of a kinds property. Improved and uminprovt city property , farms , her ee , euttlt , stoekK o goods , etc. H- HHOUbEund lot In South Omubn , well nn forfl.ono , Hinull pnh pnymonl bill monthly V. K. Darling , 418 S lull. 54 7 AFfcW Moro lots loft at $1W : ensy terms In this. Investigate , H. U. Cole , 31- S. . ISth. 5S2- E"XCHANGK I imvo two jotiTuiPpnT- up whinn I will oxchnnk'u for u good piec- of properly costing from fi.'tu to f 1,10 an will pny ( inference In cash , Cnnrlos C Spot ) wood , 3n > i 8 Kith flt , 51 J- IT10H SAI.KAt n sacrllioo , lots 3 nnd 5 , bli- L - 14 , Allirlif Ill's iiniiox. Lot 8 in I'ulhuin Place 1 share Lowe Avenue Terrnco llulldln us'ochi- tlonitock. . F. HamtU , with llullu i : Thnniie- on. | . 317 H ISth st. 851 _ LIST your houses for rent , with H. E. Colu S 15th ; can rout ft1 now , 5f'- JITlOlfsALKAtn bargain , two lots In Plain L view , ono u couth und oust corner One In- In KlrWwood. Owner needs money for nn proving property cloto by. Addrem ( (1 u , lie.- olllco.. * 'u ' ' " 1JKOWS ACRRinrtTON'SIUrgalns. } ' Improved. ( room house and lot on Corby ttroot , tlflH , IVfl cash. 8 room house , nnd lot 8(1x1 ( 33 on S 10th it root , f 5.1AM, IS.WM cash.- H . room house , and lotMxl..O , llnnscom placs. | 57.iO , M.OOO oiwh , _ 8 room house , and lot , IdlewtUt , ,t>90, $3,001- cnsh. . 7 room house , nnd lot 2ilth near CumlnrI- 4KX1 ( , II.ROJcash.I- Sdxl3J . Improved on Fnrnnm , f IO.OOJ , x , cash. I'nlmprovod.- BOtM . , Patrick' * 2ndtm20th street , t terms. lot 5 , city trnekatro , 9tWt Lot 06x140 on Pnnmtors street betwean Cliul- nnd Grace , fV.MO , fA.OOJ cash. Lot as foot fronton Ifith , corner Oruco.K.WJ , Lot WiTlSfl , Summit Plnon , jn.noti , Sl.'iM cnsh, Uit 33'sxl2.corner on Farnam street , f.MJ afoot ,H ensh , Lots In IlodforJ Plixce , lloyd'a add. . Orrliarl Hill , Walnut Hill , WestsldA , Kirk wood , nml at- OTorthoclty. . Acres for Plntttng. 125 acres 4 miles troni poMolllee. 10 ncrps 3 miles from postolllco. 5 acres II inlles from postolllcp. 0 ncros 3 miles from postofllco. 6 acres In NowKirt | 2 acroc In llelvmlcro- .llrown . A Crelfhton , so corner ICth nnd Dour las. W-l oct U FOR SALE Klcpnnt 10 room hoiiFO , all moJ < - coiivenlonc jonly $oOO oath required.- II. . . E.Cole , 31(1 ( W 15th , 813 SPLENDID opportunity to secure n horn* i built to milt you. Small cash pay- ment , balnncn monthly : It will pay you to lool- lhl > | II K I'.iln. nia IMh KKIIfl Proposals for ttic Construction of the Super- structure ¬ of the City Hall Building. SEALED Proposals wUI be ix'cclvnd by the until 1:30 : o'clock p. in. IVtohoi- 7th , 1KS7 , ror the construction of Biiporstrtio- .ttiro . of the city hall building. In accordnnc * with the plant and spoelllratloni on Illo In tin olllce of the Hoard of Publla Works. Rids will bo mndo on printed blanks fun nlshed by thn hoard , nnd to bo nceomnunlpd with n cut tilled check In the sum of f 1,100 , at- nn evidence of good faith. The Hoard reiorvel the. right to reject nay cr nil bids nnd to waive dufixts.S- T. . . A. 1 . IIALCOMm : , Chairman Hoard ot Publlo Works.- Omnhn . , Nob. .Sept. 5th 1HS7. e5r.tnwo9 NOTlCK-Tlie nrm hoioto- DISSOLUTION under the tlrin name ot D. 1- 1.Culdwell . i Co. Is to-dny dissolved by mutual consent , W. (1 , Lo Fovro continuing the busi- ness ¬ , nssuniing nil llnbllltlps , nnd colloiMlng all bilU. D. U. CALUVt ELL , W. G. LBFEVRK. Omnhii. October fl. 1SJ7. Cot 7d 3J THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES.- OMAHA. . . DUMMY TUAINS. Running Hotwcon Council Bluffs nnd South Omnna. In addition to the stations mentioned , trains stop at Twentieth and Twentyfourth- itroots , and at the Summit in Omaha- .WcHtvrnrct. . . lil.UITSU- NDEVELOPED PARTS of the body enlarged and strtnjtlicncd. Full purtlc- ( tailed ) fro. KUIK MEU. CO. . Iluflalo, N. V. , OMAHA , HEL 100 N. liith Slruct.- CALII'OltNIA . WINES , shipped direct from our vinnyiird ; Rloillng , Gutodel Clarets , Port , Sherriesotc. Bin .lose Vaults Seventh. Eighth , San Salvador und William sts. , Sua Jo-u , California. THE CAPITOL HOTEL Lincoln. Neb. Tim best known and most popular hole ] hi ( he slate. Locution rontrnl , appointinonlK It st duns. HondUurt | iK for commorcUl mon uii J Ul political und pulilic gatlinrliiKl.- K.P. . . ROOUU



Advcrllsimciitii under this head. 10 cent* pe-

Ino for the nut Insertion , 7 rents lor each subloqticnt insertion , mdll.Wa line per monthho advertisement tnkcn for iststrunK ccnU-tor the first Insertion. Hovon words wll R *counted to the lines they mint run oonspoti-lively and must DO paid In advance. All adver-tisements


nni ft bo handed In before In0o'cloc; *p. ni.KDd under no circumstances Till they be-

taken or discontinued by telephone.Parties advertising In thpfe column anasfiv-


* the answer * addrefSfd In care of TB IIK-Rwlilpicntonsk for (i check to enable thorn to iro-ttnclr letters , as none will bn delivered excepton iiroroutatlon of check. All answers to adver-tisements


should bo enclosed In envelope * .

All advertisements In thow columns are pub-lished In both morning and evening edition s-

ofTnr. HKE , the clrrulatlon of which aggro-rates more than 14.000 papers dally , and give *

the advertisers the benefit. nut only of the citycirculation of TIIR lire , but also of CouncilHlutTs , Lincoln and other cities anu townsthroughout this part of the wost-


C Mi In miration.-






11)1AN) 1) Guarantee nnd Trust Co. , 150*

Farnam Ftroet Complete abstracts fur-Dished , nnd titles to jonl estate examined , por-


led nnd guaranteed -10


SALE Three chair harbor *hop , reclin-ing

-chair* now and Urst-clasi. It. W. T.

box 2WJ , Nobranka City , Nob. 013 BJ

. "IOH OA1.TJ A meat inurktt In best location ,A' peed business. For nearer informationndlrcsg| II 7 , Hoe office._CM IJ-

JT> lSlNKS8Chanco-Icslrouscf retiring fromJ-' business , wo will sell the bnlanco of ourstock of dry goods , etc. , with thrco Voiir * leaseand fliturcs of store by January or Mnrolt-noxt. . Oldest Citnbllnhed and best located (storeIn city. Merchants muanlng to purclmso ad-drcts.lohn

-11. F , Lchmann & Co. , l'jlO-iU2: Far-


ftroet. Ml nf-


_' BALK llnkery complete , establlihcd-

J1 buglncfs , easy terms , No. 713 Uroadway ,Council UliilTs. EM 7-


_BALK or rent ; a good paying rustaurnn-

tJ- or boiirdlng house. Call out south 14th-troot. . C07 12-


_SALIJ Koitaiirant , pronts of buslnesa

X! $3i)0 per month. Locution tlrst class. Willbo sold cheap If sold this week. Addrosfl O DM ,euro Dee otllco. 57H BJ

BUSINESS Chanoo There Is a fine opening, rosUurnnt and baker

right near the entrance of Kanscom park.Now storeroom , cheap rent. K L. Gregory ,

ai8 If.thst. KM )

_TIIIIKK hiindrod ilollurswlll buy n stock ot

, notions und uowg ; good stnnd ;low nut ; Investigate. SOtf Bo. Itithst. 48-

8IPO U PALK-A well estnbllihed money mek- - Inggenonil store at Ituptd City , Dak. ;

lock nil DOW , ana Invoice * about 1IUUOO.uocoiiMjtltiK lirlnelpElly of dry goods and groc-oriBs ; reason for selling , death of senior proprietor. Address 1. H. llnliortgon , admlnlstra-tor. . st. Paul , Minn. , or J. L. Bpaydc , Hapld-City. . Dak. _ 487 HJ

BALF.-Kirit-clas * livery xtock with 3yours lenso , barn now full of boarding

uorsee , goud location In this city. M. Ij. HiK-'Kins A Co , , lllft couth 16th gt._CUP 9

"lANTKD I'urtnor in the best paying Bmal' hotel In Oinnha ; cloarlnir $300 per month ;

must take full charge : $1,000 required , or willBell for part casn- and good so-


; InvoBtlgato ; have two pluooa , nud rauatsoil one. Addrocs nee , ( I. 60. 545 SJ

MAN with oxpfiricnco In the dry goods orhardware business can uiako it win by

placing * stock of goods In the Fiton block1'iirk HVO npd Woolworth Bt , F. L. Grpgnry ,

<gQ 8 ISth at. KM-

OH SALE-Uourdlnir businow , ' 12 SJUthIh H | J

$ , stock of boots und Mmon to cxclmnirofor Oinnbn propnrty. S. S. Campbell und

U. W. Horvey , Chamber of Commerce. 437

"171011 SALE An ofllcc business , f200 pnr. ' month guurnntcod profit , tlMX ) cash willbuy U, O33 lleo olllce. 318-

fTUHf SALE Corner biilnon onpuvedst ; reJ-1 colpts J43 per day , $2,500 , $1,500 cnsh. G-

SMIoe. . 200-1 IJ

) BALE Or trndo , a No. 1 hotel property ,

doing good trade , In ono of the best townsIn Nebraska. 8. S. Cnmpholl nnd G. W.IlorvoyBIO Chnmbpr of Commoreo , 437

FOR SALE In n good town , a well establish-Jewelry business. Host business In the

city. Present owner hns too much utiior buslnets and will give n biirguln to right person.Come nud oxnmlno or address box 141 , Crete ,

Neb. 470 j)

HTED A stopk of groceries nnd generalmdso. , for city lots paid for. C. J. Cnnun.

KXCHAnOK Oinnha property for dry-goods , groceries , hurdwnro , druiM. oto-


property tor horses nnd cnttlo. S. S.Campbell und G. W. , 310 Chamber ol-

Commerce. . liid"|TKll SALE Hotel property , ono of the bcsl1? In the state. Will soil furniture am'lease house , or will sell property. Address .1 , E-

Noldour , Albion , Nob. Hil) 7J

FOR SALE A complete steam laundry hav| twenty horse power online.' .T. S-

Rcunott , Suiindnrs add Clark ats. fl'n-

A GOOD mont marknt Is bndly needed In the-" neighborhood of Woolworth st and Pnrk-avo. . , r.nd store-room cnn bo obtained nt ch < ajrent li Fitch block. F. L. Gregory , 320 S. Ifitl-

TjTOR BATVB-A wholcxulo business , with n-

JL paying trndo ostnbllshod. Capital ro | Ulreiabout 14000. will take part Omaha real estateAddress E 50. Bee ofBoe. 780

B10H SALE Tbo best pnylnff small hotel Ircity ; 2,000 cash will get it. C BLoo

1307 Farnam st 2-

1POR SALE Corner saloon , raoolpta $50 ppi. J4.500 ; 3.000 cash , near depot G I-

Loo. . 1207 Farnam st 7M-

TilOHSALEHy W H Green , 215 B Whit , n

Jof the finest corner groceries on N Ittth strood fiosh stock and cheap lease ; e ! o twomall stock * , small livery stock and (rood barn

rood I6cotlon and cheap ground lonsu. it-


' !-On uccount of sicklies-

not being able to tend t i the business tlurestaurant and. lunch counter , will rent tinsame to some good nnd responsible partiesApply to Joan A. King , 1303 Oouglns st.


"I71OU SALE Or eichangn, grain elevatorJU WcMcrn lown. for land In Central Neb , o-

trjrchandlss , address box 206 , Central CityNeb. Sffioctl'-


tRS. IIATFIBM ) , Trance business mediumpast present and future revonlod , sic

honied , lost found , homos made nnpny , sittingdally ut 421 8. 11 tint. i57 o 15J-

R. . NANWKY. Warren , clairvoyant Modi-cnl , butlness and test medium. Ofllco H

North Icth street , roomo 243 , Telephone nit212




ANTBli--Ono man to solicit In this clt-i > and one in Council Illutrs. Must own gooi

suit of clothce. havii tlO , and be nnxloiiH tmaktt monpy , Commission with n guarnnteoi-

alury r J75 per month. Address 5 euro o1 160. 609 8

_WANTED-iBovonly-flveshovolors four mile

, uxtensioChicago railway. Wages 1.7-

iwr day ; board 13.60 per week. Work will Insuntil December. C. P. Treat , Contractor.-


( I3-JWowant business men to Irnov-

wo can till onlem from bookkeeper dowi-to poner , with llrst-olai > s help Ht the West n-Kmpioymcnt UBX'iioy , 1112 Farcamst. W1 6

T ANTBD-Agonta to canvass for n'unkri-TV Ute. Insurance Oo , , Lincoln , Noli. Nou

but caporlencotl men need apply. 30-

1W1 ANTED Agent * In Nebraska for OeiiJohn A. Loc an's last work "Voluntee

Soldier. " just published. Address J. M. Frencl-A. . Oft , One u tia. Neb._


Th onoral public to know tha, we cuu supply jou with male or fomul-

ihrlp thni will give satisfaction ; no delay nn-DO illshrnouitmont.Vosteru Employ menUuteiui. Idl2 Knnium. Oil

Jewelry and watoh sale :

T T mnn ; mil ? : have a good knowledge of th-lowclry buitness. U. L. Erlckson & Co. , 212 rilath Itroot. S'JU 7_

IMV) from 15 to IB yuar-i old who can ipoaY bwedUh , to usslat In-

iry goods storu 1023 Suundora st tW 7J

housekeeper , 2 drv goodT > clurKS , 1 porter , 1 wniuhman , 5dlnliu

room trlrla.'J cooks , glrU for gunorul housuwork , hotel boy, foroludy for dining room ,llrls for lown , uursu girl. Onto City Emplo )Blent Agency. t'J7 8 -VANTl.U20 flric class carpenters at 27t-""V andSownrdund 28tu und lllondo. U.Iain. a.'l HJ

ANTED etilie mnsona on > ruble wotl-TT highest wages puld In thu btnlu.threi-ionths work. Apply to Dugran Jc Koblnitoi-IMnoy.Nub. . Ml tt

for main and female help for allOHDKR8 of work received and supplied atScandinavian Krap. lluronu , 1110 Knrnnm st.

608 8-

r ANTED Men for railroad work. Al *

brlght's labor agency. 1128 Farnam. 804-

rANTBD-A Rood farmhand ! |W ; steadyi Job for winter ; 10 good canvassers fo city-


Erop. Office. Mrs. Hrcfrtt i Son , 810-S. . 15th. (U9 7J

WANTED Oood blnckgmlth In snmll coun ¬

, German preferred. InquireCIS N ICtli st. 443 8J

Drug clork. registered , ono11 (peaking Gorman. Address with salary

wanted , M. fc. , Heat rice , Neb , CIS BJ

WANTED-12 good stone outters , winter'*at foot of Jackson at , Nor-

cross Ilros. 57 * 7-

JWANTKD At onca at the Western Cornice, 10 good cornice makers , 10 (rood

tinners , to Rood men the highest wage * will be-paid. . C. Spccht , W3 510 8. 12th St. Di7 13

WANTED-Agents In every county In: and expenses. Sold

by sample. Outfits nnd stock fret. Allworth-Mfg. . Co. , Hutherford , N. ) . 4C.i KJ

ANY ono wanting1 employment should calldolny on 11 , Jenklnson Sc Co. , Em-


buronu , 1CIO Farnam , room 6. G01 10J

WANTED-A mnn to solicit. Ono willingto hnrd work. Must own good

ault of clotlios , hare f21. and willing to leavecity. No other np d nnsner. Salary f"5 Permonth. Address 11 5 core of Deo. BU'J 9-

W ANTED Laborers , now round hnuai Mo-.t'aclQc

.11. 1C t2 per day. CO3 8j

; 5 travollnir sale mon' ' salary and expense * : no experience necesS-


. Address with stamp , Viilmer & Co. ,

Wlnona. Minn , COS 8-

JW ANTHD A good coat-maker. C. A. An-derson , Grand Inland , Nob. 4.19 S-

JWANTEDA baker. 1818 St. Mary'n HV-517 7-

JRDA bnkor at Chlcngo bakery. 11-8N.I 1th st. 54 7J

WWANTED Good first-class carpenter fore

man. AddrossG fti , lice olllco. 548 HJ

> 4 fierman boys to carry paper* ,&n-509 a 12th. upstairs. 6 6




girl 1707 Cos ? .Olfi 7-

JWANTEDGIrl for gencrnl housework. Mrs. Thos. F. Hull , 1513

Sherman nvo. M-

OANTEDA lady to solicit In this city ,

Must own good wardrobe , hnve flO Inmoney , bo good looking , not over 30 , nnd fullof vim. Snlnry } 7J per month. Address lidcure of Ijco. UJ) V

* ANTED-Good girl. American or Germnn ,

for general housework , call at once , OK-

N. . 7th. 5S77-

JANTKDA llttlo girl to help take care of-bnby and muko herself geuerully uso-


. Apply2518 Duvonport C04

WANTED A good girl for general house. Apply 171 Dodge st. 8)2 7J

WANTED A good girl to do general housemust bo good cook , nt 2310 Far

mini. , 6011-



lady to solicit. Knlnry J75 poiTT month. Must be good address , hnve good

clothes rnd willing to louvo city. Address IK-duro of Hoe. 8-

W ANTKD-A young jflrl to take care olchild !) years old ; Germnn preferred. 2.11-

8Douglas. . 6fli H-

JU* ANTED First-class drofsmukurs. 513-

14th St. 571 7-

JTEDErrnnd* girl , Mrs. M. A. WallaceMury's avo. 531 S-


Girl for llirht housework : no-wushlnjr. . Mrs. Wiilluee.lBMVJ St. Mary's-

nvo. . Kli 8-

J'ANTUDOIrl forgonornl housowork,2)) ') f-

Mth street between l'immui und DouglasMS 7

good girl nt 518 S. llth streel-T T Immediately. 4'il'

" Tnlloress on custom couts nnC-T T vests , good wages und steady work tu

right pnrty , apply at once. n S 10th Bt. 110 ! 2-

1ANTKOW Cook nnd laundress. Dr. Coll'-mun cor St. Mnry's uvo und 27th st. K >1

WATNED-2 girls to work In Kitchen alhouse , 4-J S IHth st. neur St-

Mnry's nvo. 423.

7ANTEDLuundross und dining room girlfor Mnnnlng , 2 laundresses for sntiK

hotel In Ited Oak , Iowa , 2 tlrat-clnes dlnlniroom girls for Wyo. f20 , a competent woman t (tnko charge of n hotel laundry , must bo accus-tomed tomannging help , cook Rnd2glrls foiWayne , Neb , , competent cook nnd laundressfur Pupllllon. cook nnd dining room girl foi-Sewurd , Nob. , nn nxparlenccd house girl ioi-Fullerton , Neb , all fares paid. In city , girl ioi-officer's family J5 , 0 women cooks f. to 87 poiwouk. 60 girls for housework fi to Ji a weekbovnrnl girls to usslst in housework , 2 girls tcmind babies , 2'nice second girls. Cnnudlnr-Einp. . ofttLO. Mrs. llrcgn A Son S10 S l.'th. To881. C28 7J

WANTEU-GlrH andull others who ore leo )

to know that wo do no-phnrgo office lee unless place Is secured. Hnot tie deuolved by concerns who tnko yommoney without givingvouu place. GntoCltjEmployment Ollico. :ill i S 15th St. 630

'ANTED Girl for general housework n-

No. . 1918 Capitol nvenue. 6C-


IrOUND lied leather pociet book with pnnotes In it. Owner can bavo b'

applying nt lleo 550 7-

JT OST Oold medal on 17th st , botwconCnpi-JUtol nve find Cuss. Kinder Icnvo atY. M. a Arooms and receive reward. 5568

TAKEN uii-Sopt. no.pony.ftorrolj white himwhite otrlpo on fuco , lump on bnch

branded on loft shoulder. Park stable , 2-tl;

and Loavcnwortn. 5(15( 8j




OST Or stolen , ono brown horse , ihort nn-

U- hoivy pot , had on halter , please return t-

L.. Altmun & Co. l'J17 Cumlngst. . Omalin , Neb.D 2 Uj_

- light bny mnro pony 2yVarsolwith small whlto xtrlpu In foranoa 1. Flnde

will recolvn rown d by rt-turning to SoutlOmaha hotel , South Omaha , Nob. 553 tj-

STHAYED A brown gelding3 yrs old.weigh. Lett hind leir out with wire

Hewurdpnld for his return to it. T. MaxwellSouth Omahn. 318 7-

JI OST Hrown Melton cutaway ooat , lenvo n-Frank J. Itamgo's , Itamgo block , and to-

cotvo reward. 27-




to cull nnd RO"-

T T those Golden Star pnrlor henters uuModel Storllnir L-ook stoves ut Harbor & Dunnlng's , 812 N 16th St. , GSO 9

investment will give i

TT prolltabli ) and pleasant business , Cnlfrom 12 to 2 or 0 to 8 Planters hotel , room 27

((117 UJ__

> Hoard in private family , termTT reasonable , by younjf lady. Address 1

S , Heo.

_693 oj

WANTED To rout , two or thre furnlshorooms for llirht house

keeping. In good locality by gentleman anwife , rofi-rcncos uxchunged. Address pom-onico box C7 , city.

WANTED Dr two young gentlemen , roonwith private family , or whor-

a few boarders uro kept ; within fifteen mirutos walk from U P. Houdqnnrton , willing t-

pty n reasonable price for homo comfortsAddress U 04 , office of this papu-


.1 second hand stor

. Inquire 14-0Dodgo. . 504 13

to room and board ; termT reasonable ; object , comotuiy. G M , lie

office. 334 HJ

want to buy a family coac-T T team. N. Merrlaui. Z'J

" Cross to call N. B corlCt-TT and Capitol nvo. B35 7J

WANTED To buy furniture of u imalions centrally located. Ct

operative Lund und L Co. , 205 N 15th st.603

table boarders ut 211

Hurt si. B7


MONEY on hnnd to loan on unproved prop, J. A. Holstund , Arlington hlk.


Ifel.tOOW to loan , H. B. Cole , 318 S 15th. Fin** mortitago notes uought U7-

BTtTONEV LOANED at C, f. Reed 4 Co,1 * LoaJJ . Olllce , on furniture , pianos , borsos.wagonpersonal property of all kinds , and all other a-

tlclee of Talue , without removal. U9 8. 13tlover lilnphmn s ConimUaloo (tor* . All budoecs Etrictlr conCdoatlal ,

MONEY To lonn. Notes nnd It R, ticketsnnd sold. A. Formnn , 213 S. 13th st.



$S ,OOn to loan , special rates on farm prop ¬

erty, Sobotker & Porrlgo , 1521 Farnnra st,

to losn in any nmount nt lowest rntoP of interest. H. II. Irey. Frenror block. 313

MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,, etc. , low rates. J. J.Wllklinon & Co. .

324 Farnam , over llurllngton ticket oftlon. 2IT

MONEY to loan to portion winhlnr to b iilMCampbell , 310 8 llth St. , Chamfcsr of

Commerce. - nIn itimsof 1500 and over tnloannt

low rates , Huesoll A Ilarrott,313810th st.215

to Lonu On Improved olty propertyat lowest rntos of Interest. No commis-

sion charged. Sholes & Crumb , room 1 , Markerilpct.jcpr 15th and Farnam U. 21-

0MONKV to loan on real estate. No delaylt mortgiiofl bought llatos , Smith ft-

o.: . , 202 Hamno building , cor. 16th nnd Ilarnoy.903 oct7

MONKY to loan on rlty property. Will buynotes. Beaver & YVblicomb , 16V9V-

i'urnain. . 773

MONEY To loan. Lowest rate* . No delay.. Kite 4 Co. , over Commetclal Ni -

lonal bank siso LOAN Money t.nnns placed on Im-


ro.il cstnto m city or county forVow Knglan-l Ioan S Trust Co. , by Douglas3oumy bank.ltith and Chicago Bts. 213

MONKY to Iioan Uy the unilorslirnod , woothe only properly organized loan

agency In Oinnha. Loans of f 10 to 1100 mndo-on furniture , pianos , organ * , horses , wagons ,machinery , ota , without removal. No delnrs ,All business strictly confidential. Loann somade that any port can bo paid at nny time ,each payment reducing the cost pro rnta. Ad-vances mndo on floe watches and diamond *.Porfons should carefully oor.sldernho they aredealing with , as many new concern * are dullycoining Into czlstonoo. Should you need moneycall and * * me. W. It. Croft , rootn 4 , Wlthncllbuilding , 15th and Harnoy. gat(8500,000 To loan on Oinahs city property at 8-

V p r cent. U , W. Bay , a. e. cor. Ex. Bid.403

SHOUT Time loam made on any available. In reasonable nmounta. Bootired

notes bought , sold or OTohnngpd , ( lunernt-lluanolal buslneea of any kind transactedpromptly , quietly'nnd fairly t the Omaha Fl-tmnclal

-Kxchanito , N. W. oor of 16th and Hnr-


Bta , over StBte National bank. Corbctt ,manager 12-

7MONKY to Loan-O. P. Oavl * Co. , real 03-nnd loan agents , 1511 Farnatn st

750.000 TO LOANntO per cent Llnah.in &Mnbonoy , 150 Farnam. 227

MONEY to loan on Improved real onttito ;clmreed. Louvitt llurii-


, rom , Crolghton block. 331-

It.. C. 1'attcrsoa , 15th and llarney. 22-

3Tlf ONEY to loan , cixsh on hand , no dnlny.-LU.

.- . J. W. and E. L. Squlro , 1413 Farnam it. ,Piuton hotel bulldinc. 2-

5IF you wish to buynnolegunt parlor heater ,olBco heater , Inrife heater for store or sales-


, or a iplondld cook stove , ranging from$10 up to $ < 0, call at llurbor & Dunning' * . M !North Ifith st. 533 U-

fTUin finest free lunch consisting , roust pig-L and potatoes , salad , etc. , also Utolntmiieer'aorchestra nt Ernst Mcyor , cor 18th nnd Pa-cific


, at flo'clock Saturday. 010 B-

JPECIAL Inducements to parties who wish to-build.> . II. E. CotoilO S15th. 5087

WHY advertise for help of nny kind , whencan bo obtained Immediately by culling

on or writing to H. Jenklnson & Co. , Hilo Fur-nnm

-st. , room 8. 500 10 *

WILL exchange eood property for horsebugfy. Ooo. J. StornsdorfT , ISO ?

Fnrnam st. 497-7J

ASH paid for second hand books at theAntiquarian , .1QJ N ICth st. 7JJ o 21-

JANIiLO Amerlcun Mortgauo and Invoitmontolllco 212J FarnnmBt. John Outlay ,

mnnnger. flasoctSI-JflOKUEjiT Organs. $ p r month. Horpn.

. 2-

rPO EXCHANGE-For cnttln , 1 hnvo !X) andX forty iicrc * of peed western land to trudo-forcattln , nnd a good house and lot near thecnpltnl will exchane-n for cattle. Address S. G-


. Aslilnnd , Nub. 2JJ-

ITO exchange for other property contract forOil ) acres U H land In Chpyonno Co. , Nob. ,

two miles from railroad , ulso two 4 sou in Lin-coln Co . near rail road. McCulloch A Co. , cor-15th nnd Fnrnnm sts. 9J-

OOJ. . C.-Houso furmihlnir goodi , nil kinds ;

cash or installment ; lowest prlcos at J-


, K1IK Dougln * st 1-

0T7IOK KKNr Square rJmo , tmoctnlr. . AJC Honnfl. 151S Douirlt *. 22-

RTCH"A8E'B iiow Pecplpr Hook and Housn-hold Physician , the "Memorial Edition" ,

of over 800 pages. The "Crowning Life Work"-of the greatest author nnd benefactor thatoverllvod. Just out Agents mnklnv Immenseoales. 1)1 ? terms. Address , F. n. DIckorson &Co. , Detroit , Mich. Mention this paper.-



Hq-jHro Huno (J montblr.Ja Hobpo.1513 riouglni. 22A

PERSON ATj."|5EHSNAL-Call nnd sen those elegant , Ool-JL den Star heaters nnd cook moves beforepurchasing nt IlurbcriRunning's , M2 N ICth-St. . 5SB 9

1> EH80NAL A young lady wishes uyoiinslady roommate. Hotcrcncoi exchanged.

Address U 8 , lice office. B-'l I-

II> EUSONALto the Indies of Omnhn. If youwant good reliable help , cnll at the Omalin

Employment bureau , the oldest pmployinenl-otnce In the city. 11'J' N. Iflthst.H. JJ. Whiteproprietor. 1142-

9TDEHSONALO. . S. Whitney Bells hard andJL solt coal , 1513 Farnam and 18th and Izard.

475 a a )

PUUSONAL Private homo for ladles during, strictly confidential , infanta

adopted , addreu K 42. lice ofHce. 167 oot 8-




SALE Stock of hardware and flxturoi-L1- in one of the best cities In Nob. Invoice

about 1300. Good locution In heart of cityWould tnko port In property. Address ( i 72Hoe office. 5 3 P-

JFOH SALE Team , harness , wnironT150. Mrallarr.e. l th st.i: bl'ks from st car track.-

W: nov 2

SAI.Kon easy termsPony $ 30 0 (

Pony 40 Ul

Pony 50 Of

Pony harness und curt . 1250-1lllrtpk driving horse , < W years old 100 W-

G rny dell very horse , l.uou Ibs 100 n-cIrny( draft horse 50 (

irny( draft boise 75 (

G ray draft norBo 7501Gray draft horse 15D n (

Llirht driving team mnros 20) O-

tliny Middle horse fsiuplofoot ) 10)) ( K

Team roan ponies 120 (

IJuydrlvlnir horse 15001-W. . T. Seaman ,

East sldo Ifith st. north of Nicholas ,Agent for Siudcbukor llugglod , Wagon ; . Ute' 780-

"ITUMt SALE Fumlly horse , gentle , tractableJnnd good trnvoler , can bo drivrn by ichild MIX ) cash will buy him. Address n inlieu ollico. KIT HJ

SALE Onogood sot of barber tools , AcIncluding three chairs cheap. Jncol-

Landrook , 20111 Popplotou nve. , between 2Uttand Sid streets. 53U 81-

TTUHt SAI.K A stenograph slightly used. AdJL1 dre s "HSU ," Ben otHco._35071-

"I710K SALE Fine , gentle horse , harnessJL road wagon , robe nnd whip. Price , flOOAddress Patsy Fallen , Cottonwool Villa-



SALE 100 first class steers for feeders-L good order, on (Jacho creek , NebraskaAddress Wm. IL Thompson , jr. , Hwlng , Holi-Co. . , Nob. 551 12-

JIiwirSA LE Oil BXCIlANGE-Two' horsesJL' * et harness nnd buggy , SU Charles , Harnpybet. 12th and Uth._

616 8J-

OH SALB 1 food mlll,24 In. French burrs.1 Victor shcller. 75 bu per hour.

1 bolt for buckwheat or meal.40 ft 2 In shafting , B hangers , elevator belt

etc. Address 00 S2iltb gt. , Omaha. Neb.325 U-


_SIX hundred dollar first mortgage on ron

eitnto for sale. Inquire ut llrown J-

Crelghton's , oor. ICtn anu Douglas. A 1 socuri-ty. . BIS ti-


_. 'Oil SALE At a sacrifice.

J1 Nine thousand dollars worth ofMiscellaneous Hooks , which I deilro to closi

out previous to my unrlr removal to east tlili-of I6tb it , north of Nicholas st , where I wl-lcarrr the largest variety of buggies , phaetonscarriages nnd wagons to bo found at auy oniplace In the city.

W.T. Staman ,Now at Farnam and llth sts.

Agent for Stude baker. (XXlOctS-


316 8 1Mb , can rbhl SO now. SJj

HUNT 6-room iftuso S113 Popploton-nv ,

6-roora houses , -13M Mlsml st-.Rroom


hoino.N side ol-Crt8s bet 23th andTOthsts. Goo. 1. Gilbert , f.'itbnoll building.

| , '* I *

Oil HKNT in * room hou e,2lth and Doui-rlas7room


; house 22d and Howard. 0. R-


. :m a. 15th st Ti _.



room house , * u cor 27th andDodge17. J.H. 15th ft-

F"""olTllLNT A boauttfi'infow 8-room houso.-


place , botwcun Woolworth nnd-

Poppleton nvonues. IxitBOJilSO , Just rlitht forLicnutlful torrnco. Houvf equipped with nilmudern Improvement * aup fconvcnloncos , sueh-Bsgus.clty water , clstorn , etc. This propertywill bo sold beneath Its true value , and on suchterms n will command n buyer. Apply to-

ChnrlosC. . SpOt.swooJ.aOVi S. IBth st. 550

HEST ' { the olTlcc , W.V, " . Uth St. , af-FOH the ntn of this month. Apply onrly.Charles C. Spotswood , 30'iVi 3. 16th St. 5T-

jQH OU3E8 * Oll HKNT-2121 Sewnrd st ,iieir house 10 rooms , bath , furnace , _ _

water nnd gns. , . . .. ' 'i!?OUCXjlfux st. , 0 rooms and bath . . . . lit 00

0017 Jnckoon st. , 7 rooms nnd bath. ,n W-

WJl Patrick nve. 7 rooms , now. 250-0rornnrllurdelteniid2tthnt , Orooras. . . . 2j UO

Corner Ersklno st. and 27th St. , 7 rooms. . 20 OJ

HMO Webster St. . nqw.O rooms. 15 00-

IW.. Pnrk nvo. tlnt,6 roomsnnd bath. . . . no 00-

1I109 Park avo. . largo now Morn-room. 40 003 barns no r Loavcnworth and Pnrk nvo, fi 00-

F. . L. Gregory , 20 & 15th St.5oO

HENT Housu of ten rooms with allmodern convpnloncas , references re-


. Inquire at 1723 Capitol nvo. 6'J4 t}

OH HENT Nnw , targa modern improvedhouses. M. EUjuttor. 1001 Fnrnnm st.

282 7-F

HKST Store room on IPth st. near St.F Mary'aavo. Inquire4S3 S. 18th st. 11-

7FOH HENT Nice 4 room cottnge on 12ndono and n half blocks south of Cum-


street. Apply 1011 Davenport 8t. 41210-

OH HKNT If you wish to rent a house callF on lleiinwa& Co. , ICth st, opposite I . O.470-

TJIOK HENT-Ilouse 8 rooms In Manscom-C- 1'lace to n good putty. 3. S. Campbell andO. W. Ilorvoy,310 S ICth st , Chamber Com-merce


, 167

Oil KENT 3-room house southeast cor 12tnand Dnvonport Bts. flolonsn for one your-


atlvo l > & L. Co. , 205 N Itith it. nlo S

house 1010 Howard st.-


- near 10th , 120 per month , a. Lehman , 110-4Farnam. . Cl-

lFOH IIINT 1H Btory cottage , finely finished ,lath between Martbaund Cnstcllii-



HENT-A 1 room cottage , 1120 N. 21st. npply to 31G S , 15th St. 070

HENT-Ten room brick house , I7J1FT-

J1OIIDodge. All modern Improvements. "M

HKNT An elegant new 10 room IIOUFO.

JLeist: front , onStn between Douglas undDodgu. Marshall & Lobouk , room 9 , Chamberof Commorco. 4i J-

"filOH llfiNT 7-room housoon Davenport st-

J1 bet. 16th nnd 17th , rent 140 , lenpo 1 year.Furniture for sale nt A bargain , Co-OpcratlvoLand nnd Lot Uo. , 20 > N. 16th. 435-

71IOH HKNT A flat. 1617 Howard street. In-X1


quire nt Leo & Nichols' livery stable , "tthand Lonvcnworth , telephone 849. 421

THOU HUNT House of 5 rooms , with closet *.

J? puntry and cellar and hard and Foft water-.Inciuiroof

.Mrs. Ward. llrfUiouBO enst of Sncred

Heart convent , oiiBOUth stao of Curt street.' ' ' 4TZ-9J

POH ItENT-noUBOOf 6 rooms and furnitureflulo , Inquire R23 N 21st St. 245 I I-

JFOH KKNT-Ily CahnVVoolly , 1S22 FarnaraHouse ot'B loomfl ,; n e corcl and

Innl stH. . t.W per month.rHouse of S rooms ncnr' nauseam Pnrk , nil

modern convenience * . 819. * ''ahousesof 7 rooms u.iuh.'liot and cold water

bath rooms. $XHouse of 7 rooms near Hnnscora Pnrk , J30.

' ' "Jj'.l

HENT A nice n-rooni house ; ? 17 month ;JjlOHW. ror 2'Jth and Charles sts. full lloora

8 , Hcdlck lllock._ 472 7j

Oil HENT-Ahnll. Blre KiM foot , nt 1018Karuiini si , over Continental Clothing Co ,

HENT 5 to 10 room houses. Good locuFOll . U.K. Cole iilOBUth. 4JO_ _KENT -A lirgp und well finished store-

room , prefer n tlrin'thatwlll hiuidlo readymndo clothing nnd ponfR riirntshln goods ,

Addnm W. F..ConwolI , Outdalo , Neb , 1W, 1-

2FOH HENT House 4 rooms cor Hnrney nndets , 53.1 per mo. S. A. aioninn , Holl-


mi block. . 2iiS

Foil KENT Oflioo space Nat 152-J Farnam stfurniture for tittle. A. H. Comstock ,

1521 Fiirnnm si. 78-

2FOll KRNT NlfiMy fiirnlshod house , B rooms ,' ndd. Inquire 1U1 . 10th St. ,

ncnr Hickory. M5

HKNT New 8-room house , all modernImprovements , on Georgia avo. 11. O. I'ut-


15th nnd Harnoy. 3'J7


Two or throe furnlslipd roomsWANTED bousrkeeplnir. Address II 1 , lleo-ollleo. . 51 C-

JOHF HKNT Newly furnished front room ;moult second door , -te : Ctimlni; st. :tU: 8 *

HUNT Well lighted basument , com-prising


2,001 square foot of flooring : wntor"and gnu : in nn excullont bus most locallir. Ad-dress G 37, Ueo olllce. M3 8-

FOll KKNT-Tlircu unfurnished looms. 7H7

. 484-

V. . "It HUNT Nicely furnished room lor-JU Binirlo gentleman ; gus , hath ; rent leason-ntile.


. ICO'i Dodge street. 2'J1 7J-

HENT Nlcoly furnished front room ,rtrst floor , KOI Capitul nvo. 475H-

JF1011 HKNT Largo furnished rootn. Callduring evening , 712 N , 19th st. 477-7J

KENT Nicely furnished front room.Apply at831 South 23rd st.orScandlnavlan-

Etnp. . llureaii , 1610 Farnam. 517 7

"171OR RENT Nlcoly furnished front room In-L- nice cottairo 1 8 per month. 408 William *

t ; 8 minutes wnlk eouthcast U. P. depot.619

_HENT Furnished rooms , now rooms ,

furniture und bedding ; everything nice andquiet : for rpspcctnblu people only. Mrs. Har-bor


, 812 North 18th 6t._

583 9

lll'.NT Largo room nnd board forgentlemen In n private family on car lino.

Terms $45 per month. 113 B 24th St. 031 H-

J"IjWIl HEN T- Suit of plonsnnt front room-iJU without board , to gentleman nnd wife.1 1C

California et. 6,11 9-

FIOH HENT-IMrnlshod rooms 18I Oodiro.-W9

.( oct I-


FOll RENT Two nently furnished roomsfirst-class table board. References

desired. S. E. cor. 80th and Farnam8tn.410.10J

OH HENT-3 nlco unfurnished roomssuitable for housekeeping. 70)Si Pacific st1

FOR HKNT Furnished Iron ! room , second, Inrgo und plwifcant , thruo blocks

west of ousmoss center , Wll Douglas st.JW10J-


HENT-Nleely furnished parlor andbedroom , also other rooms to ladles or gen-

tlemen , apply Mrs. Fannld-"Argylo , 311 N. 12th ,

"I710K HENT Room * , nicely furnished at JI.50JU and $ iW n week 501 outh 18th. 507 12J-

OK RENT Rooms wltlOor without furnlt-ure,2210


Mason , near St. Mary's ave.-L

.* C259J

FOH RENT A nlco room fortwo , $10 withwithout board. 812 J} Kd st. 2lrj 7J-

OH RENT-KlogantTrrmt rooms single 01-

en suite , iras , bath , lutlrutu family threiblocks from P. a GuutleWnn only. Addrcsl-O 53 , Bee. 414 9-

JifoTt HENT-Unf urnlshed pnrlor.1921 ChicugoU 'f 53-

8FOH RENT Iwiriro front room sul'.abln for S

, inodora convonlonces , 010 N ,17th st , 24U

FOK RENT Kioa-nntly furnlshel room onfloor , with modern Improvements

1917 Cat* . (M-

ST71OR HKNT Pleasant rooms nicely furnishedJj 1813 Dodgo. 154 10J

FOR RENT Largo sunny pouthiiast frontsuitable for 2 or a gontlernun , board

In neighborhood , 24 J rarnuut St. , s o. cor.-



RENT-3 unfurnished rooms , 1027 N 20th-

H HGNT-Furnlbhod room , 2HOFranUmt. . 3971I-

JFOll RENT Suite of unfurnished rooms ,furnlthod room ; no bousokocpI-


. ITao Capital ave. 5J77-

JFOH HRNT 3 unfurnished rooms In brickat 1421 N , nth tBuiUblo for

FOR IIRST OlBco room , first floor , nt nu 9-


. 4 45

rsT N"icoljr furlilshed-bnlh and furnace heat. 2iK7 Dodge , ill lu-

FOll HENT3 nicely furnished rooms ,St. Mary's avo. _ 528

FOR RENT -Two furnished room * , heat In-I Hand 14 per month , north side

l.envenwortli. hot 17th_ nilmh_ _ Ms._Mi 8J _

ll lir.NT3 nlc8 rooms furnlshptt. 101-3Chlcagost. . tifidg-

jf OR ir.NT ,1 unfurnished rooms suitableJl1 for housekeeping , parties without children ,

C52I Culdwell. 5J4-


_HRNT Nicely fiirnlshod front roomt ,

JD ItUlDodgo._


FOR RKNT Kurnlshod pnrlornnd botlninm, for 2 or 4 goutlemon , nil modeni

conveniences , board next door , 2207 Douglas.

RKNT Rooms furnished nnd unfur-nished


, 1609 Fnrnam , opposite Merchants'hotel , room 23. 434 J_

HENT Nlcoly furnished room inltabla. ror2gontlotnen , Inqulro2'lll St Marys ave ,


FOR HENT Nlcoly furnished room , hot nudwater bath room , 018 South 17th ,


_FOR RINT-Pleas nt rooms , furnished ,

corner 20lh nnd Wrbstcr. 318

RENT Ono largo pleasant room , southfront , brick Hat , suitable for 3 or 4 prirtlo-

men , 14IB Chicago st_


RENT Furnished rooms In Orounlgblk.-cor

.13th nnd Dodge at Inqulru of Goo. R-


. Mlllnrd Hotel Ililllard room. 831-

OR RENT Furnished rooms single or on-suite , with or without board , 1615 Dodir .





* Hrst-clnss cutter ;TI will not engage through third party. Ad-


II , 0 , Hoc olllco. 623 7j

By a young man an coachman In-T private family ; IIHS two years' experience.

Address 11. H , llcooillco. 571 PJ

Situations for 29 girls at houso-T work , our office Is full of nice girin , come

and get one. Mrs. llrcga & Son's Cnnatllan-Kmp. . oHIcn 310 3 15th. tol. 834. (US 1IJ_

. - as housekeeper by apleasant , middle aged lady , Host of refer ¬

ences. Nont , saving nnd fond of children.-Mrs.

.. H. box 751 , city._Kil * ._

Sltuntlonbysobor , steady nr.d' Industrious young man , ( Swede ) to work

In private family an coachman , groom , etc.Thoroughly experienced. No ollico Too. Cana-dian


Ump ofDce , Mrs. Hroga & Son , BW 8 Ifith ,1018P4. 6J9 8-

JAN Accomplished young Indy.a strnngerln thecltylntuly fiom Now York , who Is 11 com-


milliner and trimmer nnd salosludydc-Fires a position with a city house. Addrc'n H 4 ,Hoe office. KM U

JANTED-Sltur.slon ns n cook , cnll TO3 S-


st. 622 7-

JirANTED Situation by conchninn. AddressG70 , HcoolUoo. K5 7j

an nccountont , books to-i ' post , collections made ut roasoiinblo-

rntes. . Address O 71 lleo. t 03 13J

by young mnn ( Our-TT

-man ) us groom und conchman. 4 year* In

German cavalry and 2 yoard In private familyla this country. No office Ice. Canadian Kiun-Olllco. . yiOS 15th , tel 884. 577 7j

Slluullon ns coachman In private> > family or would undortuko the lironklng-

of young horses to ride or drive ; clipping andsingeing done. Address O 49 , Bee. 1W! HJ

WANTED Engagements to do dressmaking, address G 01 lice. 555 1'ij

WANTHD-Pntltlnnby u young mun whorean onginctir. Wugos

not an object. Aadross G GO , lau ottlco-



Ily u young man , situation to' work around a store or olllco as porter ,

ortolpurn some trudo. Apply ScandinavianEtnp. Huruau , Itiin l-'urnam. 511 7

ANTED Situation by two young men ,

i one ns bartender or work around u sa-loon


or hotel , und one us conchman or uny-ithpr( work uroiin I u store or olllco ; Address

fccuniliimvhui Einp. lluro'ui , llilO Furnnin ft.60T.7-


" Situation for men and tholr-T f wives on farms , rune-bos or private lam-


, linvo some very nlco couploo of differentnationalities : we till your orders free or uhurgo-Mrs. . ltroga& Son's Canndlnn Employmout of-fice


, 310 S. 15th bt. Telephone 881. 503 8J

Situation us foreman storo-T typer , morning or ovcnmg pnpur. Ai-


"ritero , " enroot Ixrd is Thomas , Chic-ugo.jjl.



_46.I 9J

" I'lrst-elass Btenographor andt typewrltor operator desires omplovmpnt.

Ton jonrs experience ; can furnish machine.Address " ( ! 38. ' lleo ofllco. aV8-

Tl ANTEU Position by n young man with six' i years oxporlonoe as bo6kkcopor und cor-


. .Spunks and writes four lunguuges.-llcst


references. Address G 34 , Hoe otnce.324 7 *

WANTED-Housuneopcrs , situation or anylived , practical

womun , with good reference Address WesternEmployment agency , 1AI2 FarnnmBt. 2U7




storage at 110 N. 13th St.

QTOKAHK- Furniture , boxed goods , & .C.C1 terms reasonable , 714 Pacific. 233


LIST your property , for snlo or exchange ,tl. E. Colo.'nil 3. 15th. loom L 68-

2FOH SALE Fine corner near fair grounds ,, a bargain. Hortsuck , 1031 O street.-


. 521 Jl-


Lot 2 In block 0, Poppleton Park S 1,830Lot !) block 3 , Lake's addition on Twenti-


neur Luke with now eight rootnhouse , gas and water , cisternburn andline lawn at 7,000

Lots 15 and 16 block 9 , J. I. Itcdlck's sub ,with largo house , burn , well nnd cis-tern at 7.000

Lot 10 block 8 , Lincoln Place on Daven-port at POO

Lots 4 nnd 5 block V , Lincoln Place nearCalifornia , each nt BOO

Lots 1 and 2 block 7. Lincoln Place , cor . 1,400Lot G block fi , Lincoln place at fcOO

85 foct front on Sherman avenue neur-Lakostrcot Ht 8WO

44 feet front on Douglascorner of Tcuthstreet nt 30,00-

041otsln Hitchcock's iirst additioneach nt flOO

Aero lots In Spring Valley near Dierk's Man-ufacturing


company , on Missouri Pneiflo nndNorthwestern railroads nt the low nrlco of ? 50 )toVKj per Hero. Lots In onmo nddltlon 60xl.fl )

f .'' 0 each. Call und examine our large list ofproperty in nil purls of the pity.

) lots In Wlsu ! Put-in clo's addition at 1803 ,o

Marshall & Lobcck , Room 9 , Chamber ofCommerce , telephone 73. 4U2

TTXTHAOmINAu"Y"burgalnfull( : lots nnd-IH- house 11 rooms nil modern Improvements ,for sale at u sacrifice. John M Clarke , solengent. 01B 10-

JriMIACICAGi : property for mlo , nrst-olnss lo-J.

-cution.nour business centre , frontugo to

stilt , cheapest bargain In city. Omahn Haull.stato i TjNist Co. 572 0

your property , for snlo or oxohnnpc.-with

.H. E Cole , 318 a 15th. room 1. 5S-

2T,1ST your houses for rent , with H. E. Cole ,JU 318 Sl6th ; can rent Hi now. 5ru-

OH SALE nollovuo. Nob. . 10 miles fromOmnhn , 8 lots 46x111. Address Thos. F-


, attorney , 24 Pnrk Plaou , N. V City.Cash offers will only bo entertained. 4Q4 7J

NEW 8-room house with laundry and'eomunt-cellur in west part or rlty , two wiuuros

off car line for sale on monthlir payments. F.-


. Darling , 418 H 15th t- 45S 8

FOH SALE -Now four room house , good cel ¬

, well , clatprn , earn und full lot , withintwo mlle limit , good location. fl.TOfl. Tor me to-suit. . Georgb J. Sternsdorlf , 15UU Furnam.4M


LIST your property for sale with Charles C., 30Mi S inth st. CU

ONE hundred nnd two ft on n.w, corner CnssIxjwo ave. A splendid locution for a-

homo. . Can suit for S.I.UO Hnrnll umh paymentnnd lonntiino. T. K. llarling. 4to 8

LOTS 18 und 19 Clark's addition , 1100 per ft.Is splendid residence property nnd n

hotter locality nnd bargain cannot bu fouml In-Omuha. . Y. K. Darling. 4HS a

SNAP CTxlW one-hulf block from postoincnSouth Omaha for * 4.VXwlth) t.100cash

01 $1,200 with 81.000 cash , F. U Gregory , 320 S-.15th

.K , 273_

1VJ : room house , nnd lot In Bouth Omnhn-on monthly payments. F. K. Darling , 416-

5th. . 408 8-

CNAP east.front lot Arcade' - Elpgant titplace , on Mth st between Lonvonwnrth-

nnd poor furm f2OOJ , F. L. Gregory , 3'J ) S-


st 27

SIXTY-hlX ft on founders neur Grace , fronts; line liuilneg * and resident

property , Ask about It. f. K. lUrllng. 414 So.-


. 4U3 H

mo RXCHANOK-Tijully In. 4 , 8 and 10 roorrtJkhouton ami lot* for paid up lot* . H. E.Cole. 31ft a 15th. 41-0niHOMFsON.314 S 15th *irburf nnd seUslrMiiJettato , loans money , purclms necnrltlps ,hn a (rood list of property for ale and wantmore. Notary public aM-

"I710R 9ALK Flno imnrovod farm of 330 acresJU In Gospflr Co. , Neb. , all under fenceroodhouse , and all out buildingprloo $ lax. Ad-dress


J. R. Shaw , box VMUlty. 1U1 oil ]

A FEW Moro lots Isft nt f ISO , easy term *.Money In this. Investigate. H. n. Cole , 3i (

S. Uth. t,<3-

lp F. ItiNGRH , 119 N. l5tlT t-



S,000-Shlnn's 1st. 3xl20 , house , 10 rooms ,

will exchange forlnts In KnuntzoPlnce.-V.5004


lots on 8uun torsstoi poalto KounUcPlace ; worth IlSJO-


, double houna , 8 rooms onrhbathroom , rlty water , etc. , rents foi1100 per month , fl.OOO c h , 15,000 Inother propi-ity , f .oon on limn-


lots.liouten rooms , barn.cto.Shlnn's1st add. alone would bo cheap atthe price asked.-


modern houses , 7 and 11 rooms ruoh ,

72x140 , near 23d , rents for 1150 permonth ,

25.003GGI120 , buildings coat 13,000 and covernearly all thu ground , will rent toi1160 per month. *5.UOO cash , J8.00Jother property , balance 1 and 2 yearfl.-


worth of property In all parts of thecity. If you want to buy or sell see E. F,Illnger , HUN. 15th st. B-Uf

* 181'yoi'r property with S. 8. Campbell nndJL-J a , w. Hervy If you want to soil or ex-change.

-. 810 Chamber of Commeree. P0-

7ORSALKOno of the tlnosl lots on Orchard81. , Orchard Hill. 1 his tot miiy be sold atf-

.100 loss than its value If bought In n few days.Charles C. Spolswood , 303K 8. 10th st. 65-

0SA. . SLOMAN , Heal estate , 1311 Purnamjt.Farnam *t between Twentieth and

Twenty-third , llgxI.'U , per foot 9 4J-JFaruara st corner Thirty-first. 136x133 ,

porfoot 15-0Farnam st. near pavement , 47xiu; 1,15-0Farnam st. near pavement , MX 182 R.3U-OFaruam st. corner Fortr-tbird , 44x132. . . 8,60-0Farnnm st. corner Nineteenth , Im-


, 22x132 "O.OU-OFnrnnm St. between Nineteenth nnd

Twentieth , Improved , 77xl.M 40,00-0Farnam st near Eleventh , 20xlJ2 , rents

for f 1,500 25,00-0Farnnm st near Twenty-Seventh , Kxl3i-


20-0llarney st near Twentieth , Improved

174X187 50,00-3ilarnoy st. near Twenty-third , Improved ,

50xit ! , 11,00-0llarney st. near Fifteenth improved33z

132. . . I. . . . 15.00D

Sixteenth st. near Nlnliolas.'OUjixIM 12ftVISixteenth st. south of viaduct. 40x102. . . . fi.OUO

Douglas at o.ist of Twenty-third. 08x132. . U.OOU

Twentieth st , nourSt. Mary's ave , im-proved.40x120



Twentieth st , between Douglas nndDodge , improved , IKxOB R.01-

0Saundersst , corner Hurt , 100x51 7'JO'Alice st , near I'nrnam , east front , 47x102. 1,830Fifteenth st , corner Jonca. Improved , Bo-

XI38 30,000Fourteenth * tcorocr Jacksontmproved ,

68x13 ,' 30,000Fourteenth stcorncrChlcngoirairovcd| ,

Mxl.'K 18,001Twelfth st. corner Jones , improved , 6iix-

IIU 25,000Eleventh st , corner Nicholas , trackage.-


6OWThirteenth Bt, Paddook plnoo , trackage ,

0(1x112( 2,500Thirteenth at , corner Cnllfornlu , im-


, rents Jl.WW 25,080Park ivo , opposite Park. 60x150 2.000Davenport it , opposite High school ,

fine modarn fourtoen-room house 00-

xl32 16.0M-

Cas * St. , between Nineteenth and Twen-tieth


, twelve-room modern house 6Sx132 1. . . 15,000

Nicholas St. . corner Twenty-second ,trackage , 132x132 , improved 20,000

Charles St. , near St. Mury'i , itnprovod.Ot1128 r 6,40-

0Cnlpy stnear Crolghton colleROmoder-ntonroom houso'l3xl42 0,350

Pierce st. .near Twentieth , 00x183 , frontstwo ItrootsImproved C.Ho-

ODodga St. , near Twenty-sixth , 38x132 , im-proved 3Of-

KlTwentysecond st , near Grace. Mxl20. . . 3OOC

West Omuha , In bou ton locality , 40 or 0 ]xlB5 , per foot '

Twenty-first , corner Vlnton. 52x100 . . 1,59-0Cnstollar St. , next corner Eighth , Gl'x-

lil 1,00 ,

Thlrty-thinl St. , corner Datawareliana-corn PI ice ItWilOO R-t*

Louvonworlhst near Sixteenth , 2Ssl2. . .00i :

Wobsterst. , near Twonty-olghth , 50x150 ,

ongradu I.1-In


addition to the nbnvo I have lots In. nilchoice additions at low figures. "

OH 8ALE-Or exclmngo , InTvulnut Htll.twcblocks west of l.owo nronuo on Mcrcoi-

nvonuo , ono lot ruclnir Fouth , 50x150 feet , 01-

grade. . Will exchange for ft smaller lot noaroi-postofllco niul south of locution. Addressroom 13 , Exchange building , South Omahn. 6J.

AFBVV Moro lots loft nt f 150 ; cosy termsin this. Invobtlguto. H. E. Cole , 311-

S. . 15th. 5S2

FOR SALE Or for lease. FIne business propcorner of S. 13th nnd Cnstellnr sts-

I3xl2fi }{ . Innulro nt the promises. SU 12-

JTIWO One east front residence lots frontlntipark , 5Ux2ld foot euch.frontlng 01

two streets. 1 cnn null those nt n fiuro! tlinwill Insure n good profit on small cash payments. F. K. Darling , 410 315th. 4US 8

FOR SALE Finest, locution for a homo It,' t Omnhn , adjoining the mnnslor

homos of Klrkend&ll , Coo , Brady , Easson um-othnrn. . Nothlni ; flnnr In the rlty. Can sol105x187 or los < : tor prlcos nnd ttrms see S. A-

pioman. . 1301 Fariinm st 73H_IJ1OH SALE A bargain In 0-rooin house nm-

JL? lot , cast front , on 28th t. , near Leiivon-worth. . No commissions. Addrc.3 G 51 , lleo oC-

flee. . 5.14 PJ

. . . . _ . 17 Clnrks ndd , Just off St-Mnrvson2 !th uvo for $125 per loot. F-

K. . Darling. 410 SISlh. SSI 7-

OH SALE-Ry Sholes & Crumb , roomDarker block , newsroom house in goo

locality , f 1,500 , on onsy terms , a bargain. 573

TRADE Some flno lots on Ames nvo H-

Solomon's ndd for equity In house nnd le-

er will give mortirago buck on house for thedifference in cqultyappty; Chnrles C.Spotsnooi-305H S Ifith St. 5.Y)

LIST your pioperty. for sale or oxchnngoH. E. Cole.ilti; & 15th. room L 682

GOOD things this wo k. iot8 in 39 , Soutli. $ J5u ; ti.W.

Corner , 9 In 4 In AS Patricks' , street pnvlng-nnd stroct car building on Saunders now , lotblock from Suundurs , cash ta , 1 2 and ii yearsdeed and abstract , prloo $ I.V 0.

Corner B in It HeoJs lft K eush , $ 000.Coiner It ) and 20 in 1 , Drakes , 100x14' ) , > j cusl

? 10KW.(

Corner 1 and 2 In A H Sanders , 134xl32.on 2111-

8t. . 1-4 rush , $IOOJ.(

These nrenll barpnlns. Gco. M. Cooper , 31-

B 16th st 57U 8-



18 block 17.Ono of the nicest residence lots In the pity

facing park on Park nvonuo , half block f rontwo street curs. I will sell this lot for J 1,500(1,111)0) cash , tmlnnco to suit This is the cheap-est lot In the olty to-dny. Other lots cannnt inbought In n.imo block "Ions than $ WHI. 1 nn-

thu owner ; ihnll be In the city only for a fewdays. Address or call , F. Fox , Arcudu note !


_514 '

rilO EXCHANdE-Somo mnnuy rtnd choiceJ land tor first class , Improved Inside proporty. II. E. Colo.310a nih_41-

1IOH THAIK-Eiiity) | ln 12 lots In Omnhi-L1- Heights lor Improved Omaha innnnrty

will puy cash dllfercncn. Address G OJ Hoc citlleo. 540 UJ

ELEGANTS room cottage , 8 mlniitos fronmodprii conveniences , Pi

und sowar taxes all paid. Look this 1111 , Loculion , priao , nnd terms nro bound to suit , K KDarling , 418 a 15th Ht. 4bH

fJIOll SALE 12lilO frtcor Howunl und iL ll-

L- stK , next block to I5n Hon. llrady i .Martins houses , $7 500. Addioss E3J llooolllco.


1710 H SALIi it2x3U; ! ft on K H track on NluhoJ-L1 las and 13th with wuro house iMfOft :

suirles , price flJ.OOO. Address Shnw It Fieldbox 5IW , Omaha._

2Jj o3'-A CHOICE oust front lot on 33rd street. Jus-fV.- . on lcuvenwortli for f .O'lO. This Is th

beat lot In MaynoPlucu. r. K. Darling. 410l.'ith 4iw


_IS r > onr property with S. 8. Cumphell n-

mJJ G. W. Hervy , 310 Chumliiir of Common1-8pcclal attention given to the exohani.'o of akinds property. Improved and uminprovtcity property , farms , her ee , euttlt , stoekK ogoods , etc. H-

HHOUbEund lot In South Omubn , well nnforfl.ono , Hinull pnh pnymonl

bill monthly V. K. Darling , 418 S lull. 54 7

AFfcW Moro lots loft at $1W : ensy termsIn this. Investigate , H. U. Cole , 31-

S. . ISth. 5S2-

E"XCHANGK I imvo two jotiTuiPpnT-up whinn I will oxchnnk'u for u good piec-

of properly costing from fi.'tu to f 1,10 anwill pny (inference In cash , Cnnrlos C Spot )

wood , 3n>i 8 Kith flt , 51 J-

IT10H SAI.KAt n sacrllioo , lots 3 nnd 5 , bli-L- 14 , Allirlif Ill's iiniiox. Lot 8 in I'ulhuin Place

1 share Lowe Avenue Terrnco llulldln us'ochi-tlonitock. . F. HamtU , with llullu i: Thnniie-on.

|. 317 H ISth st. 851_

LIST your houses for rent , with H. E. ColuS 15th ; can rout ft1 now , 5f'-

JITlOlfsALKAtn bargain , two lots In PlainL view , ono u couth und oust corner One In-

In KlrWwood. Owner needs money for nnproving property cloto by. Addrem ((1 u , lie.-

olllco.. * 'u ' '"

1JKOWS ACRRinrtTON'SIUrgalns.} ' Improved.

( room house and lot on Corby ttroot , tlflH ,IVfl cash.

8 room house , nnd lot 8(1x1( 33 on S 10th it root,f 5.1AM , IS.WM cash.-


room house , and lotMxl..O , llnnscom placs.|57.iO , M.OOO oiwh , _8 room house , and lot , IdlewtUt , , t>90, $3,001-

cnsh. .7 room house , nnd lot 2ilth near CumlnrI-

4KX1( , II.ROJcash.I-Sdxl3J

.Improved on Fnrnnm , f IO.OOJ , x, cash.


., Patrick' * 2ndtm20th street , t

terms.lot 5 , city trnekatro , 9tWt

Lot 06x140 on Pnnmtors street betwean Cliul-nnd Grace , fV.MO , fA.OOJ cash.

Lot as foot fronton Ifith , corner Oruco.K.WJ ,

Lot WiTlSfl , Summit Plnon , jn.noti , Sl.'iM cnsh,

Uit 33'sxl2.corner on Farnam street , f.MJafoot , H ensh ,

Lots In IlodforJ Plixce , lloyd'a add. . OrrliarlHill , Walnut Hill , WestsldA , Kirk wood , nml at-OTorthoclty. .

Acres for Plntttng.125 acres 4 miles troni poMolllee.10 ncrps 3 miles from postolllco.5 acres II inlles from postolllcp.0 ncros 3 miles from postofllco.6 acres In NowKirt|2 acroc In llelvmlcro-.llrown

.A Crelfhton , so corner ICth nnd Dour

las. W-l oct U

FOR SALE Klcpnnt 10 room hoiiFO , all moJ <

- coiivenlonc jonly $oOO oath required.-II.

.. E.Cole , 31(1( W 15th , 813

SPLENDID opportunity to secure n horn* i

built to milt you. Small cash pay-ment , balnncn monthly : It will pay you to lool-lhl > | II K I'.iln. nia IMh KKIIfl

Proposals for ttic Construction of the Super-



of the City Hall Building.

SEALED Proposals wUI be ix'cclvnd by theuntil 1:30: o'clock p. in. IVtohoi-

7th , 1KS7 , ror the construction of Biiporstrtio-.ttiro


of the city hall building. In accordnnc *with the plant and spoelllratloni on Illo In tinolllce of the Hoard of Publla Works.

Rids will bo mndo on printed blanks funnlshed by thn hoard , nnd to bo nceomnunlpdwith n cut tilled check In the sum of f1,100 , at-nn evidence of good faith.

The Hoard reiorvel the. right to reject naycr nil bids nnd to waive dufixts.S-


. A. 1 . IIALCOMm : ,

Chairman Hoard ot Publlo Works.-Omnhn

., Nob. .Sept. 5th 1HS7. e5r.tnwo9

NOTlCK-Tlie nrm hoioto-DISSOLUTION under the tlrin name ot D. 1-1.Culdwell


i Co. Is to-dny dissolved by mutualconsent , W. (1 , Lo Fovro continuing the busi-ness


, nssuniing nil llnbllltlps , nnd colloiMlng allbilU. D. U. CALUVt ELL ,

W. G. LBFEVRK.Omnhii. October fl. 1SJ7. Cot 7d 3J





DUMMY TUAINS.Running Hotwcon Council Bluffs nnd South

Omnna. In addition to the stations mentioned ,trains stop at Twentieth and Twentyfourth-itroots , and at the Summit in Omaha-




NDEVELOPED PARTSof the body enlarged and strtnjtlicncd. Full purtlc-

( tailed ) fro. KUIK MEU. CO. . Iluflalo , N. V.

, OMAHA , HEL100 N. liith Slruct.-



WINES , shipped directfrom our vinnyiird ; Rloillng , Gutodel Clarets ,Port , Sherriesotc. Bin .lose Vaults Seventh.Eighth , San Salvador und William sts. , SuaJo-u , California.


Lincoln. Neb.Tim best known and most popular hole ] hi

( he slate. Locution rontrnl , appointinonlK It stduns. HondUurt| iK for commorcUl mon uii JUl political und pulilic gatlinrliiKl.-


