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The Online Caoches Blog - 20/03/2017

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There will be certain stuff you’re avoiding right now in your business, life and finances. I can GUARANTEE it because we all do it on some level till we become aware of the truth.

I don’t know exactly what is it for you but here’s a list of common ones:

-Managing / facing finances. -Following through with your daily business actions. -Learning the new skills that will help you grow. -Your morning routine. -Admitting you SUCK at something. -Telling yourself you’re doing better than you actually are. -Stuck learning / following instead of being / doing - PROCRASTINATION -Avoiding being PROACTIVE and putting yourself out there -Escaping through addictive tendencies - could be alcohol, porn or Facebook scrolling due to frustration with the SELF

The list could go on my friend and I’ve been hostage to all of them so don’t worry you’re not alone, you’ve just got to become aware of it and face your shit head on. The BIG game changer so you have to look in the mirror daily is:

Daily / Weekly / Monthly / 90 day planning system

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When you have this in place, you start to realise that you SUCK at planning and this is where most people give up because they don’t want to face the harsh reality of asking themselves tough questions on a daily basis. You want to figure out on a daily basis (weekends included):

-Where you were uncomfortable in the day -What went right (your wins) -Where you need support

But the HARSH reality is most people will not face their SHIT head on and go inward. This is why MEDITATION is KEY in your journey. As this is a tool to help you become more present in your day and it will help you quieting down your monkey mind.

And when that happens, you can see more clearly and you will have access to the real answers rather than LYING to yourself on a daily basis.

You’re probably sitting there reading this frustrated as hell but not willing to FACE it, this leads to you dicking around from coach to coach and from idea to idea.

This is NOT an attack, this is a wake up call. No judgments as I’ve done ALL of this and more. But as a mentor / coach I am always willing to be real, transparent and face my shit head on so I actually learn from it.

You’re NOT alone……

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So, stop being scared to ask for help. You’ll be amazed at how many people WANT to help you right now and I can guarantee that what you’re hiding from is affecting your business, especially across these areas:

-Daily productivity. -Clarity on where you’re going. -Clarity on what you want to deliver. -Your lead generation -Audience / authority building -Your sales -Your own mindset

You’re dabbling in and out, therefore you settle for the old and fall backwards instead of moving forwards in the direction of your dreams. Stop judging yourself against the highlight reels on Facebook.

NO-ONE has all their shit figured out, and anyone who says they do are lying to themselves. Focus on YOURSELF and consistently figuring out what your strengths / weaknesses are so you can then focus on your strengths, work on your weaknesses and eventually OUTSOURCE your weaknesses.

This is another amazing thing that happens when you commit to daily planning and facing your shit. You identify the areas that you should outsource later down the line in your business so you can FOCUS on your strengths.

Have I convinced you yet….?

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Now, it’s time for you to LEARN and face your shit head on. Here to support you my friend….

I am running a low investment BETA group which the main focus is around creating a FREE lead generation system for you so you have a solid foundation in this part of your business.

The system I am going to teach you is the one I used to generate 6 figures from without spending any money on ad’s or building fancy funnels. This will serve you for YEARS & YEARS to come if you stay persistent with it.

You invest 6 - 10 hours in setting it up and 30 - 90 minutes per day maintaining it. You don’t want to put all your EGGS in one basket and I believe in having a bread and butter to fuel your business.

Don’t allow EGO to come in and feed you some bullshit, get your head down and put in the work, then you will reap the rewards - if you don’t you’ll make the same mistakes I have and lose a SHIT load of money.


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This is a massive problem, you get told to just get ‘busy’. But is getting ‘busy’ actually mastering your craft or is it just stressing you out…?

I am guessing you agree..?

It STRESSED me out massively because I had so much that I wanted to do / learn, but I never seemed to have the time to actually do anything. So what naturally happens:

You try juggle multiple projects…. Then what happens…?

You get caught in the LOOP and it’s hard to even see that you’re doing it till you get called out. So stop for a minute and just ask yourself if this is you. And be honest, because the first step to change is HONESTY.

Because let’s face it, it doesn’t matter how many clients you’ve got for the week, you’re still running around like a mad man stuck in your head because you’ve built a muscle around it.

Running around like that, isn’t progress. So when you sit down and lay on the couch or your bed telling yourself, “Busy Day”. Then you feel good for a second because you think busy = progress.

That’s what you call being DELUSIONAL…

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Don’t worry, it’s one of the things we do as humans, you ain’t alone :)

But you’ve got to realise and become SELF-AWARE. This is always the first BLOCK for people, if you can’t see what you’re doing, how are you meant to make a powerful decision in the direction of your real dreams.

Deep down craving the freedom to look after your own schedule but continuing to be a YES man and operate in the same way…

“ONE day I will acheive X” Or “This time next year I will be out of this position”

Tell me how that went the last time you promised promised yourself that..? Here’s what you’ve got to do in 6 steps:

1- Make a decision on where you want to take your business and base that decision around the lifestyle that you want to live - can you really see yourself doing what you’re doing now in 10 years time?

If not, which I am guessing that’s what you said. Then change NOW, not when X happens. You’ve got to find yourself and some motivation to make this shift…. DO IT NOW...

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2- Instantly create a new DEFAULT DIARY - start choosing when you coach clients so you can create more productive time to work on the project you actually want to work on.

When I made this decision, I instantly dropped to 4 days a week and eventually 3 days. It’s a decision away and stop fearing letting people down and losing clients. Create daily, weekly, monthly & quarterly planning systems so you get the vital feedback / data to improve every single day.

PRODUCTIVITY is a huge constraint for you right now isn’t it? How IMPORTANT is your future to you..?

3- Get CLEAR on who you want to serve - stop saying that this doesn’t matter, because it does, especially if you want to stand out. It’s a very LOW BAR entry into the coaching space.

Most people are just winging it, they don’t give a shit and they sit on their phones ALL day long even when with clients - they’re in it for the pay cheque. You know the kind I am talking about.

If you want to stand out - DEFINE your target market / dream client…..

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4- Create a LEVERAGED system for DELIVERING - make the shift from 1-2-1 to 1-2-Many. You’ve got to take all your knowledge & experience that’s in your brain and create your own platform that’s going to change lives.

You can put current clients into this and put your new clients through this to create more TIME & MONEY for yourself.


5- Lay solid FOUNDATIONAL organic marketing systems - this big mistake I made was, going to quick due to comparing myself to others who were 10 years ahead ofme.

The RESULT - £23k down and in debt. You’ve got to master your marketing & message before you start thinking about leveraged marketing. Most people are not ready for those steps because they’ve always HIDDEN from the foundational work.

It’s the foundational WORK that provides you with the data and mastery you need to move into stage two of growth. Plus, if everything just changed tomorrow and you couldn’t advertise or some disaster happened, what would you have…? No FOUNDATION would = CRASH

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But solid foundation with ongoing GROWTH to the foundation = SUSTAINABILITY because you’re constantly growing & nurturing your network. It doesn’t have to cost you anything to do this…


6: Create CONVERSATIONS that lead to CONVERSIONS - the truth is, nothing happens outside of a conversation so if you’re not taking the time to open up meaningful conversations on a daily basis…..Then, what do you think will happen..?

NOTHING, you will keep going round in circles. Most people RESIST the hell out of the ‘sales’ part of the process. You’ve got to overcome that shit and get focused on creating conversations.

NETWORK with people, human connection is a beautiful thing. Find out if or how you can help people, then offer opportunities. The outcome of someone working with you is 100X the value you’re perceiving right now. Change that perception and get out on a mission to serve….

Sounds like A LOT right…? Wrong, if you put in the work with structure and discipline, it’s not hard. The question is:

Are you willing to get out of your own way to allow it to happen…?

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That’s the question to ponder today my friend. I am running a low investment BETA group which the main focus is around creating a FREE lead generation system for you so you have a solid foundation in this part of your business.

The system I am going to teach you is the one I used to generate 6 figures from without spending any money on ad’s or building fancy funnels. This will serve you for YEARS & YEARS to come if you stay persistent with it.

You invest 6 - 10 hours in setting it up and 30 - 90 minutes per day maintaining it. You don’t want to put all your EGGS in one basket and I believe in having a bread and butter to fuel your business.

Don’t allow EGO to come in and feed you some bullshit, get your head down and put in the work, then you will reap the rewards - if you don’t you’ll make the same mistakes I have and lose a SHIT load of money.


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It can be easy to get frustrated right here in this very moment, but if you look at the grand scheme of things. It’s not all about NOW….

So why get stressed, worked up, frustrated with what’s going on for you right now, when in reality you’ve got YEARS and YEARS of awesomeness ahead of you…?

I don’t know exactly why you’re frustrated right now:

-You could be your wasting money on ad’s / marketing and not seeing the return you want.

-It could be your days are controlling you. -You could be self-sabotaging other areas of your life due to business. -It could be no shows from clients and/or prospects. -You could be burnt out. -Or you might not have figured out how/what to deliver with your new online coaching business.

Here’s the thing, there’s a lot of pressure and noise around you everyday so if you just get sucked into the chaos you’ve created for yourself day after day.

You’ll miss the importance of where you’re going:

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-You’ll try and rush. -You’ll compare yourself to others & then try be like them. -You’ll give yourself way too much to do. -You’ll continue doing the same shit because you don’t have a bird's eye view. -You’ll tell yourself a story about it all. Then you’ll stay stuck down the same hole, or even better, dig it deeper. Here’s the question I want to ask you:

Do you have FULL clarity on where you’re truly taking your life & business…?

Because the truth is, most don’t, and this leads to you either buying into the shitty system in the industry leading to you being completely burnt out with no life or you following in someone else’s footsteps telling yourself - “but success leaves clues”.

And it does, but you can’t walk someone else’s path, you’ve got to create your own and start making your own choices / decisions with your business and life. Even if that person aligns with you….

Doesn’t mean you jump like a little puppy dog looking for his next treat….

The TRUTH is, you will never of ‘made’ it and you will never be done so you may as well make peace with that right now and wake up each day excited to be a student.

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But what I want you to think about today is:

-Where are you going…? -Who are you serving…? -What makes you unique…? -What are your strengths…? -What are your passions....? -What’s your ZONE…? -What skills do you have…? -What experience / knowledge do you have…?

Are you fully utilising ALL that you are, or are you still following and buying into industry systems / beliefs plus the paths that your peers have taken before you…?

I 100% believe in having support on your journey from a coach or mentor but one with some structure for you and more INTUITION so you find out what works for you…..

There’s a HUGE difference and trust me, following and fully buying into other people’s ways will shut you down to the awesome opportunities all around you.

Let go of the EGO and be a student, every day.

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Once you have this clarity, think about these areas and ask yourself, “what’s the next step?”:

-Your identity -Your productivity -Your products / service -Your audience / tribe / database -Your authority -Foundational lead generation / marketing / messaging -Content distribution -Sales -Your own mindset / personal development

Do you have solid basic systems in place…?

Or does it feel like you’re chasing your tail all the time because you’re trying to do the shit you’re not really ready for…?

Something to PONDER today my friend...
