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The Order of Zalmoxis

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Reiki Master, Dorian (Whitewolf) Radu www.gnosa.ro The Order of Zalmoxis – therapeutic and spiritual accession system Motto: For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out in the open. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear. (Mark 4:22-23) The period when Zalmoxis lived is not known for sure. Herodot thought he was one of Pythagoras’ slaves (580-500 before Christ) whom subsequently gained his freedom. Herodot himself stated: “this Zalmoxis lived long time ago before Pythagoras”. Herodot said: ‘Zalmoxis (…) had his people build for him an assembly hall where he would accommodate and welcome his distinguished citizens; during dining time, he would teach them that neither him nor his guests and nor their descendants would ever die, but they were to live forever in a place where they would have all the best. While he was dining with his guests and talking to them like that, he had his people build him an underground house. When his house was finished, he disappeared from the middle of the Thracians and went downstairs in the underground rooms where he used to stay there for 3 years. The Thracians regretted his leaving and wept for him as if he were dead. The fourth year, Zalmoxis came up once again in the presence of the Thracians hence Zalmoxis made them believe all that he had told them. 1
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Reiki Master, Dorian (Whitewolf) Radu


The Order of Zalmoxis – therapeutic and spiritual accession system

Motto: For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be

brought out in the open. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear. (Mark 4:22-23)

The period when Zalmoxis lived is not known for sure. Herodot thought he was one of Pythagoras’

slaves (580-500 before Christ) whom subsequently gained his freedom. Herodot himself stated: “this

Zalmoxis lived long time ago before Pythagoras”.

Herodot said: ‘Zalmoxis (…) had his people build for him an assembly hall where he would

accommodate and welcome his distinguished citizens; during dining time, he would teach them that

neither him nor his guests and nor their descendants would ever die, but they were to live forever in

a place where they would have all the best. While he was dining with his guests and talking to them

like that, he had his people build him an underground house. When his house was finished, he

disappeared from the middle of the Thracians and went downstairs in the underground rooms where

he used to stay there for 3 years. The Thracians regretted his leaving and wept for him as if he were

dead. The fourth year, Zalmoxis came up once again in the presence of the Thracians hence

Zalmoxis made them believe all that he had told them.

Plato, one of Pythagoras’ students, writes about “those doctors of the Thracians’ king – Zalmoxis –

about whom they say they have the ability to make you immortal” (Charmide, 156 after Christ).

The Greek ancients became aware of the similarity between Zalmoxis’ teachings about immortality

and that of Pythagoras’ related to metempsychosis (reincarnation of souls). Pythagoras himself

stated that he could remember his 20 past lives. Both Zalmoxis and Pythagoras laid the foundations

of an initiating school. Due to this, the Greeks considered Zalmoxis to be Pythagoras’ ex-slave who

was initiated in his master’s mysteries.

The Pythagoreans, Pythagoras’ disciples, stated for the first time that the earth goes round a central

fire (the Sun). This was also known by the Dacians.

There is another similarity between Zalmoxis’ students, contemplative hermits, abstinent and

vegetarians, called ‘ktistai’ or ‘polistai” and Pythagoras’ students who were organized under a


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confraternity and who lived a simple, modest and stern life, practicing their patience and self-


The Dacians had access to very high level pieces of information. The more detailed pieces of

information point to the fact that the area of the Carpathians is one of the places where part of the

Atlants found their refuge after the decay of Atlantis. This area became one of the spiritual centres

of the world, besides Tibet, the Andean Plateau, Egypt. As a proof there is the symbol from Sinca

Veche: Merkabah, the tetrahedronic star (Star of David in 2D) in the centre of which the yin-yang

symbol is drawn.

The Merkabah principle is the basis of materialization, de-materialization, of surpassing the time-

space barrier and of the interdimensional journeys.

In other words, by manifesting the intention (the most powerful energetic form a man can have), a

man can transform his/her inner energy (the energy of the mental and emotional field) into Yin

energy. Due to this kind of energy, the particles of the body speed up to the point where the speed is

9/10 of the light speed according to the teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedec, according to the

Mystery Egyptian School.

Besides, the Yin-Yang symbol is the centre of the Milky Way which sends to the Earth the

information of the genetic code that creates all forms of life. Advanced civilizations (the Maya and

the Chinese civilizations) kept the Yin-Yang symbol included in the centre of the octagon,

geometrical figure that has on one of the sides the Vega star. Due to the fact that Vega was the star

which was heading towards the magnetic pole of the Earth 12,000 years ago when Atlantis was

sunk, it is very logic the conclusion that the Carpatho-Danubian civilization must have had serious

knowledge about this star.

Zalmoxis was one of the most famous initiated persons in the world, besides Buddha, Babaji,

Moses, Zoroaster. The main teaching of Zalmoxis referred especially to the immortality of man

physically speaking, not only from the point of soul speaking, but also from the point of the spirit.

One of the initiated people in Zalmoxis’ mysteries were the Solomones. There are many legends

about these initiated people and one thing is for sure: that the teachings of the Solomones

transcended the time almost up to nowadays.

Tha Dacians used to take soil in their hands when they were about to die according to the belief that

their Soul would not lose its identity due to this keeping this immortal corporeality. Some people


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make comparison to Christ’s resurrected body. The thing is that the Dacians used to have an

ancestral memory of a mysterious thing that brought them close to Christianity.

The Dacians used to make the difference between the body and the body of Soul-Spirit. From

their metaphysical point of view, they regarded the man as Soul and Body and beyond all

these the Unseen Body in which the Spirit and the body could be seen at the same time and

used to be joined seizing the Soul and the Body which could be seen only by the chosen ones.

Symbols, energies and practice

The system includes the following symbols: the Yin-Yang Merkabah (the symbol from Sinca

Veche), the Sacred Sun, Gebeleizis’ arch, the Flower of Life, Saint Andrew’s Cross and the Great

Shining Wolf. And also the energies: the purple flag and the sphere of the soul.

The symbols can be visualized or drawn according to your intention. In order to activate your hands,

it is enough to visualize the symbols with light in your hands.

The symbols included in this textbook are not new (except for the combination of Yin-Yang

Merkabah found in Sinca Veche, of the Sacred Sun and Gebeleizis’ arch received during a

meditation). Zalmoxis’ system was revealed containing the following symbols and energies.

Yin-Yang Merkabah

The yin-yang symbol means balance within merkabah, that is the balance of your own

energetic and etheric body

It can be used to protect the energetic body; one can visualize his/her body wrapped up in 3d

Merkabah, with light

It can open the dimensions for proxy therapies or attunements


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The Sacred Sun

Used for:

Physical body (it ensures protection); the body can be visualized within the Sacred Sun

Mentally: it can protect the third eye. Drawn on the 6th chakra (both on the front and on the

back of the 6th chakra), it can block the access of other persons to your thoughts

Visualized above your crown, in the 8th chakra: one has to stretch his/her arms, touching the

Sun with his/her hands and one can open a Sacred Space with the help of the rays for

protection and healing

Above your crown, in the 8th chakra: one can bring a sunray through every chakra for

cleaning, removing the negative energies, healing and energy

It can connect (through the cross) to the Rainbow Light Spectrum

Visualization and invocation: it can bring Light and the power required for healing

Visualized and drawn on projects with the intention of accomplishment and abundance

Emotionally: it can heal the relations with your parents (one can visualize the Sun

surrounding you and your parents with its rays)

Gebeleizis’ Arch


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Gebeleizis or Nebeleizis is the Supreme Divinity of the Thracians, lightning being one of the

weapons that he used to use.

Gebeleizis caused thunders and lightnings.

In some of the pictures, he sits on the throne and in some others, as a rider, holding an arch in his

left hand; a snake crawls down towards his horse’s head. It is also accompanied by an eagle with a

horn. The eagle is holding in its beak a fish when it symbolizes all by itself the above Divinity, and

in his claws it holds a rabbit.

This god is the master of Heaven and Earth, the master of military aristocracy; he might have

Uranian features, solar features. The greatest god, Gebeleizis, is also known as the Thracian knight -

Derzelas or Derzis. Sometimes, the God appears as a riding warrior accompanied by a dog; he has a

spear which he throws it towards a wild boar as his horse is running. When he does not appear as a

warrior or as a hunter, he appears to be a calm rider holding a torch in his hand or an abundance

hunting horn; sometimes he is illustrated with three heads (tricephalic), just like his accompanying

dog, sometimes as a blessing God, with his three fingers of his right hand pointing upwards or

spread and the rest folded in his palm.


You have to visualize it in 3D, surrounded by green light

It can be used in order to cut the strings of this life and of the past lives; it can be drawn on

chakras; it can cut the strings after a therapy session or after attunements

For erasing habits and attachments – applied on the 6th chakra

It can erase negative information of our fields – it can be drawn on chakras before a therapy


For getting pieces of information – it can be launched as a light arrow towards the problem

for which you would like to find out the answer


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It can be drawn in the corners of the room where you live or of the room for therapy in order

to eliminate negative energy

It can be drawn on crystals or on crystal grids in order to clear and erase programmes,

together with the Sacred Sun and the Flower of Life.

It can help for connection to earth if drawn on your entire body

The Flower of Life

It is the fundamental form of creation according to the sacred geometry. In order to find out the

deepest details about this symbol, I recommend you to read the book The Flower of Life – Drunvalo



One can visualize the Flower of Life in tridimensional shape

One can invoke the Flower of Life and can visualize his/her home or his/her therapy room

wrapped up by the symbol for cleaning and protection.

In order to clean each and every organ of the body, one has to include that organ in the

Flower of Life

In order to restore the fields, one has to draw the symbol in the palms and scan the fields

with the intention to restore them

Drawn on chakras for diseases of unknown origin

As a protection against energetic aggressions – one has to include the entire energetic body

in the Flower of Life

Saint Andrew’s Cross – a symbol revealed to Daniela Georgescu during her attunement in the

Zalmoxis’ system


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“ ‘Cause the first of the Apostles and brother Peter, for the Masters above all, Andrew, please

pray for peace in the world and mercy in our souls”

“A legend says that the last descendant of the last Dacians’ priest was in this place after Trajan’s

Romans had conquered. He hid in the mountains as a painter of icons… They say that the high priest

came here with an icon which illustrated Virgin Mary with the baby Christ in her arms. As he was

betrayed, he was found, but when they intended to kill him, a miracle occurred: fire came out of the

icon. Thus the soldier got blind, hence he managed to escape. Once he returned to his ancient land

from his journey to those experienced with the pyramids from Egypt, Zalmoxis’ last descendant

discovered Dacia which had been conquered by the Romans, with its people who would obey only

the ancient laws. After Decebal had died, the high Magus priest, hid in hermitages known only by

the natives, disguised in painter of icons, (…) he tried to reveal the New Secret of the Geto-Dacians.

First he was suspected that he gave up his original religion and within a meeting he was made to

choose: Zalmoxis or Christ. Here is what the old Magus answered them: “My beloved people, you

are aware from ancient times that the wisdom of Heaven came down on Earth through the Magus

priest, whose secret name was Zalmoxis. Along the generations, the old Magus invested somebody

else like him and the Divine Guidance was always there. We had better days… But the Power

beyond through the Magus on Earth was all mighty…Here is the secret that is going to be revealed

to the world: He Himself is coming down on Earth so that no one worships idols and wise men. My

people, here is what I have to tell you: I, the Magus – the descendant of God – an old man of the

Earth, God Himself comes down from Heaven and reveals Himself, I have met him and I have fallen

down on my knees and He rested his hand on my head and my Magus appearance turned into

another appearance. So, my people, from now on you will not have the old Magus, but the Christ’s



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For such a confession, the priest was accused of betrayal, but he also explained that Zalmoxe

himself left word: ‘ When God himself comes down on Earth, I will be another person. ‘Cause I am

just his shadow. You should be waiting for the big day that you will receive with your open heart,

‘cause the soul of this people has already got its secret. My people, you will recognize in Christ our

people. I, the Magus, the priest of this people, I fulfilled Zalmoxis’ order.” Then, coming to a

conclusion, a soldier asked: “So, you have been christened? And he said: “They say that an apostle

of Christ came to our Dacia and you, the great Magus, received him and you turned Zalmoxis’ secret

cave of into a church”, and after that he blamed him: “Old Magus, you will have to die for you have

changed your religion. But leave us a descendant, another Magus so we do not lose our connection

with Heaven.” The Magus priest told the people he had not betrayed, but he fulfilled the so long

waited religion. The apostle of Christ, Andrew, he did come to us and let us know about Christ in

front of whom I, Zalmoxis’representative, kneeled down and undressed the coat of Magus and I

received Christ’s new coat of priest.” Zalmoxis’ priest, with his new coat on, will be asked to die,

but to leave a Magus descendant, an accepted one: “I will go to Zalmoxis to whom I shall bring the

coat of christen instead of the Magus’ one, the coat of the Dacians, that begins a new immortal life,

like we had always believed from ancient times that would come true on this great day”. The Magus

told to those present that soon they would be aware of the Christ’s voice, according to which he

made the first baptize of the promised life, the new priest being baptized Andrew, after the name of

the apostle that let us know about Christ. “I, myself, am baptized Andrew instead of Zalmoxis”.

Plunged into swords by the three blindfolded soldiers, the Magus was received by the god Zalmoxis

as his last descendant, turned into Christ’s priest and sacrificed. Thus, Zalmoxis’ last descendant

became the first Christened Dacian martyr, his sacred blood rising this Earth to Heaven which

became Zalmoxis’ coat who, from now on, would not be God and Wise Man, but Christ’s priest

because only Christ is the Truth and the only God of Heaven and Earth.”

The X cross became known due to the martyrdom to which Saint Andrew was subjected to on it in

Greece in the first century of our era. They say Saint Andrew refused to be crucified in the same

way Jesus had been as he felt unworthy of such an honour; hence he was sacrificed on an X cross.

Uses of Saint Andrew’s cross:


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One can visualize himself/herself wrapped up in Light and one can draw it within the body

for protection and recovery

This symbol connects with Saint Andrew’s energy. Meditation on Saint Andrew’s cross can

reveal messages from the astral, personal messages or symbols.

The Great Shining Wolf – the Master Symbol

The Great Shining Wolf is the symbol of the Dacians. In ancient times, the Dacians were called

Daoi – a word derived from a Phrygian dialect and which meant wolf.

The Dacians would identify themselves with this animal and at the same time with the Great

Zalmoxis. There are sources that reveal that the inhabitants from the Northern Tracia would call

Zalmoxis as Apollo, the God of Sun from the Greek mythology.

The symbol is Axis Mundi that is ascended by the serpent – the primary energy, the kundalini

serpent wrapped up by the Light in the sky: from the Dacians’ point of view, Zalmoxis was Apollo,

the Great Sun.

The Great Shining Wolf is used:

in your personal therapy on your entire body in order to align, to clean and give energy to



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it can be drawn in order to help the kundalini serpent rise in the upper chakras. During the

treatment, it can be drawn on the back of the patients for the same purpose;

it is also used in order to balance the 5th chakra and for the 4th and the 6th chakra it is used in

order to get the required courage in order to overcome any obstacle.

Zalmoxe’s Purple Flame (red violet) – it is energy with a very powerful vibration.

In order to activate it, one has to invoke in his/her hands Zalmoxis’ Purple Flame.


in order to clean the body and the energetic body

for protection against negative energies so that they can be destroyed

in order to clean your home or the room for therapy

in order to clean and to give energy to your food and drinks

The Turqoise Sphere – you are attuned with this symbol at the 8th chakra


you bring this sphere in the 4th chakra in order to clean it on your body or on your patient’s

body. You can visualize your heart wrapped up in this sphere in order to get protection.

Attunement procedure:

Level 1

visualize the symbol of the Sun in the room for attunement and a sacred space is opened over

the master and the student

invoke the Light Energies and Zalmoxis in order to attune the student

Energetic touch of the student: your hands on the student’s shoulders. You can visualize the

Sun in the crown chakra. A sunray goes through all the chakras and cleans them and gives

them energy. You have to draw the Great Shining Wolf along the entire spinal chord

(chakras from 1 to 7).


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In front of the student: you must draw the symbols in the crown chakra, in the heart, in the

palms facing upwards, in the aura. You must blow the violet breath, holding your Hui-Yin

contracted and the tip of your tongue held on the roof of your mouth

It is done:”you have received Zalmoxis’ energy. Go in peace and spread Light”.

You must give thanks to the Entities that took part in the attunement and you must close the

sacred space

The master level can be done after at least 21 days

The procedure is the same, except that The Great Shining Wolf is drawn in the crown

chakra, in the heart and in the palms.

The persons that contributed to this textbook: Claudia Popa, Florentina Nedela, Daniela Georgescu


Mosul din Carpati / The Old Man from The Carpathians – Ieromonahul Ghelasie

Dictionar de simboluri / Dictionary of Symbols – Risvan Vald Rusu


