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The Oregon DO - August 2011

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  • 8/4/2019 The Oregon DO - August 2011


    Welcome COMP-Northwest Class of 2015


    The Oregon D.O.August, 2011

    Volume 91, No. 2

    John Stiger, DO,John Stiger, DO,John Stiger, DO,John Stiger, DO, has been continuing his efforts to collect the wonderful stories of the history of the osteopathic

    profession in Oregon. You can assist in this endeavor by submitting your story online at www.opso.org, or email

    [email protected]. In his most recent interview, Dr. Stiger speaks with John Aaronson, DO.

    One of the enjoyable aspects of this history project has been getting acquainted with and listening to the stories

    of the DOs who practiced outside the city of Portland in the state of Oregon. I recently had the pleasure of inter-

    viewing John Aaronson, DO John Aaronson, DOJohn Aaronson, DOJohn Aaronson, DO and his wife Carol at their lovely home in Myrtle Creek, Oregon. Dr. Aaronson is a

    lively ninety year old, still practicing OMT once a week at nearby Canyonville and every other week in Central

    Point, Oregon. This is his story.

    John was born into an osteopathic family in California. His father, a Kirksville graduate, worked until he was 84

    then shortly thereafter passed away. John entered the University of California but flunked out and was drafted

    into the US Navy. He became a corpsman, and was shipped to Hawaii where he was scheduled to enter the war

    at Guam. Because he was quite proficient with paperwork he became a clerk instead and stayed in Hawaii while

    his unit shipped for Guam where most of the men he trained with lost their lives.

    He was then approached and asked if he would like to become a doctor, and after he spent the night deliberat-

    ing, he embarked on his new career. He was sent to Gonzaga University to complete his premed and while there,

    his skill as a trumpeter allowed him to form a band that was so good, they had a weekly radio broadcast playing

    dance music. Premed completed, he was accepted at the Medical College of Virginia to be trained as an

    MD. About that time WW II was over and as soon as he could, he transferred to Kirksville and graduated in 1949.

    continued on pg. 3

    On July 30, over 1,500 attendees, including Governor John Kitzhaber, MD, assembled in

    Lebanon, OR to celebrate the opening of Oregons newest medical school, COMP-

    Northwest and recognize the 107 new osteopathic medical students at the Convocation

    and White Coat Ceremony. Philip Pumerantz, PhD, LHD (Hon.) president of WesternU

    presided over the Convocation and praised the work of many stakeholders, including the

    states osteopathic community, the people of Lebanon and the mid-Willamette Valley,

    who have embraced the school and Made us feel a part of the family from the moment

    we broke ground.

    Continued on pg. 4

    Inside this Issue

    AOA 2011 House of

    Delegates pg. 2

    Stories of OsteopathicMedicine

    John Aaronson, DO pg. 3

    AOA New Leaders pg. 3


    Convocation pg. 4

    AOA CAP Program pg. 4

    In Memoriam pg. 5

    Announcements pg. 5

    Team Peru, 2011 byAl Turner, DO pg. 6-9

    OPSO CME pg. 10Conference Registration

    PM&R pg. 12

    Primary Care pg. 14OMT pg. 16

    Stories of Osteopathic Medicine in Oregon

  • 8/4/2019 The Oregon DO - August 2011


    From the 2011 AOA House of DelegatesAugust, 2011 Page 2

    The Oregon D.O. Volume 91, No. 2

    Over 600 osteopathic physicians representing osteo-

    pathic state and specialty societies gathered in Chica-

    go July 14-17 for the 2011 AOA House of Delegates.

    Representing Oregon, Rob Richardson, DO, Kevin Mil-Rob Richardson, DO, Kevin Mil-Rob Richardson, DO, Kevin Mil-Rob Richardson, DO, Kevin Mil-

    ler, DO, Sarah Agsten, DOler, DO, Sarah Agsten, DOler, DO, Sarah Agsten, DOler, DO, Sarah Agsten, DO and Cory Maughan, DOCory Maughan, DOCory Maughan, DOCory Maughan, DO as-

    sessed almost 200 resolutions that were considered atthe meeting. Though many resolutions were simply

    continuations of previous policies, several new items

    were considered and discussed at the meeting.

    Highlights of several resolutions as reported by the AOA

    are listed below, while additional details can be found

    at the AOA website at www.osteopathic.org

    Resolutions ApprovedResolutions ApprovedResolutions ApprovedResolutions Approved

    H-330, Tenets for Guiding JAOA - The Journal of the

    American Osteopathic Association, which defines the

    tenets of osteopathic medicine and the principles ofpatient care that the JAOA should adopt and highlight

    as it realigns its content

    H-417, Research on Medical Marijuana, which sup-

    ports well-controlled clinical studies on the use of mari-

    juana for patients with significant medical conditions

    for which current evidence suggests possible efficacy

    and encourages the National Institutes of Health to

    facilitate such research studies

    H-434, Tobacco Free Colleges/Schools of Osteopathic

    Medicine, to support profession-wide efforts to curb

    and eliminate smoking at COCA-accredited colleges

    H 435, Addressing the American Obesity Epidemic, to

    initiate a profession-wide program to provide leader-

    ship in addressing the American obesity epidemic and

    encourage all family members to pledge to measure

    the BMI and waist circumference in every patient and

    in themselves

    H-439, Cyberbullying Through Social Media, to support

    increasing awareness about the dangers of cyberbully-

    ing through media and ask DOs to actively talk to their

    patients about cyberbullying and the lasting emotionaldamage that it can cause

    H-500, Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees -

    Composition, to add the Treasurer position to the AOA

    Executive Committee

    H-501, Amendment to the AOA Constitution, to change

    the method of announcing proposed amendments to

    AOA Constitution

    H-502, New Physician in Practice BOT Seat, to create

    the new physician seat on the Board of Trustees to give

    representation on the Board to the 14,000 DOs who

    are within five years of completing their postdoctoral


    H-504, CME and Maintenance of AOA Membership, to

    formalize the CME requirement for membership

    Resolutions DisapprovedResolutions DisapprovedResolutions DisapprovedResolutions Disapproved or Withdrawnor Withdrawnor Withdrawnor Withdrawn

    H-507, AOA House of Delegates Operations, which

    would have amended the AOA Constitution to cap the

    size of the House of Delegates

    H-206, Required the AOA to recommended to the Com-

    mission on Osteopathic College Accreditation not toconsider the development of any new osteopathic med-

    ical schools unless sufficient preceptorships and post-

    graduate training programs were established

    OPSO Welcomes the Following

    New Members

    Sandra Carter, DORod Elliott-Mullens, DO

    Stephen Hallas, DO

    Laurie Hamilton, DO

    Francis Celis, DO

    Monika Gandhi, DO

    Andrew Chen, DO

    AOA Delegates Rob Richardson, DO, Kevin Miller, DO, Sarah Agsten, DO and

    Cory Maughan, DO

  • 8/4/2019 The Oregon DO - August 2011


    He interned at Burbank Osteopathic

    Hospital, where he began his career

    as an anesthesiologist. Apparently,

    his trainers got him started adminis-

    tering anesthesia and once he be-

    came proficient they would leave

    the hospital turning the responsibili-

    ties over to intern Aaronson! Addi-

    tionally he had all of the usual re-

    sponsibilities of a DO intern in those

    days which included everything or

    anything that might happen in the

    hospital while the intern was on du-


    After completing his internship he

    decided to settle in Milwaukie, Ore-

    gon and for a brief time he prac-ticed there until he injured his back

    while constructing his own clinic

    building. He needed surgery so he

    returned to Burbank and had the

    required procedure. While recover-

    ing, he was contacted by a Dr. Falk

    Sr. who had a practice and hospital

    in Canyonville, Oregon. Upon arriv-

    ing in Canyonville, Dr. Falk informed

    him that he would be in charge for

    the next month. In that month he

    delivered babies, set bones, and

    attended to injured loggers. He

    even had to perform an emergency

    appendectomy; something he had

    seen performed but had never

    done. (One hears the old adage

    see one, do one, teach one men-

    tioned in the process of training

    John Aaronson, DO (continued)

    The Oregon D.O. Volume 91, No. 2

    August, 2011 Page 3

    young doctors but until now I always

    thought it was some kind of legend.)

    If that were not enough he didnt

    have an anesthesiologist present so

    one of the OR nurses gave the an-

    esthetic under Dr. Aaronsons su-

    pervision the patient lived! He

    served in Canyonville from 1952 to

    1967. In addition to his duties of

    house anesthesiologist for the sur-

    geon Dr. Falk, he enjoyed OB and

    delivered an estimated 2,000 ba-

    bies, all while seeing an average of

    60 patients a day! Additionally he

    served on the school board, was

    team physician for the local high

    school football team, and active inthe Oregon Osteopathic Association

    including a term as the Association


    Following Canyonville, Dr. Aaronson

    and his second wife Carol moved

    back to Los Angeles, where he prac-

    ticed anesthesiology almost exclu-

    sively. When time permitted he also

    continued his work as a GP and of

    course, continued to play his trum-

    pet. Not long after their daughter

    was born he witnessed an alterca-

    tion on one of LAs freeways which

    convinced him to leave LA at once.

    That night coincidently, he received

    a call from Max Flowers, DO in Cen-

    tral Point who asked if he would be

    interested in a position in Central

    Point at the local Crater General

    Hospital. It didnt take the family

    long to move to Central Point. Dr.

    Aaronson worked as a GP and anes-

    thesiologist there until 1994.

    To enhance his skills he often took

    courses in various subjects: a ma-

    nipulation course in Arizona, a car-

    diology course with emphasis on

    interpretation of EKGs in Chicago,

    etc. He also invited prospective

    medical students to shadow him

    while he saw his patients.

    In 1994 he decided to retire and he

    and his wife built their dream home

    in the little town of Myrtle

    Creek. He unretired shortly there-

    after and practiced with a nursepractitioner providing OMT skills

    and GP work besides. After 6 years

    of this he slowed down to his pre-

    sent pace.

    When asked what was the most re-

    warding part of his career as an

    Osteopathic Physician he stated

    that the satisfaction of being able to

    help nearly all of his patients in one

    way or another. OMT often provid-

    ed instant results that were very

    much appreciated. His biggest dis-

    appointment was when he had to

    stop his general medical practice. If

    he could he would still be working

    full time. His advice to young doc-

    tors Go for it. Learn OMT well, it

    can be a very rewarding and unique

    service you can offer your patients!

    Martin Levine, DO, MPHMartin Levine, DO, MPHMartin Levine, DO, MPHMartin Levine, DO, MPH, an AOA board-certified osteopathic family physician from Bayonne, N.J., and Asso-

    ciate Dean for Educational Development at the Touro College of Osteopathic MedicineHarlem, was inau-

    gurated as the 115th AOA President at a ceremony in Chicago on July 16. President Lev-

    ine has deep roots in the osteopathic medical profession as one of nearly 20 osteopathic

    physicians and students in his family. In his inaugural address, he challenged all DOs to

    Think Osteopathically: Practice It, Prove It, Publish It, Promote It.

    To the tune of Oklahoma, AOA Trustee Ray E. Stowers, DO, MPHRay E. Stowers, DO, MPHRay E. Stowers, DO, MPHRay E. Stowers, DO, MPH, Dean of the Lincoln

    Memorial University DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine, was elected AOA

    President-elect, after being nominated by the Oklahoma Osteopathic Association and the

    Tennessee Osteopathic Medical Association.Martin Levine, DO

    Ray Stowers, DO

    AOA Leaders Elected

  • 8/4/2019 The Oregon DO - August 2011


    August, 2011 Page 4

    The Oregon D.O. Volume 91, No. 2

    Clint Adams, DO, MPA, FACHEClint Adams, DO, MPA, FACHEClint Adams, DO, MPA, FACHEClint Adams, DO, MPA, FACHE, Dean of COMP, presided over the White Coat

    Ceremony, and in a special presentation, awarded Karen Nichols, DOKaren Nichols, DOKaren Nichols, DOKaren Nichols, DO, im-

    mediate past president of the AOA with an honorary degree from WesternU.

    Dr. Nichols delivered the White Coat Ceremony Keynote Address. Dr. Nich-

    ols spoke about the importance of caring for patients and how the relation-

    ships that students will develop with their peers and others throughout their

    career will be the most meaningful. Dr. Nichols welcomed the students to

    the osteopathic professions stating, You are dedicating yourself to this

    new and wonderful profession. We are here to dedicate your 107 minds,

    your 107 pairs of hands to this huge task ahead of you, adding, The most

    important thing were going to do today is to dedicate 107 hearts.

    As the students introduced themselves to the audience, members of the osteopathic

    community presented each student with their white coat, signifying the commence-

    ment of their medical training. COMP-Northwest Executive Associate Dean PaulaPaulaPaulaPaula

    Crone, DOCrone, DOCrone, DOCrone, DO led the presentation of the students and provided encouraging words for

    the historic inaugural class. Grow and mature into the physician that you are to be-

    come, she said. I applaud you for taking on this lifes work.

    Upon presentation of the white coats, Oregon Senator Alan Bates, DOAlan Bates, DOAlan Bates, DOAlan Bates, DO, led studentsthrough the Pledge of Commitment. Following the presentation, several osteopathic

    physicians, organizations and advocates for the profession who were instrumental in

    the development of COMP-Northwest, were honored with the Founders Medal.

    As the Convocation keynote speaker, Governor Kitzhaber reflected

    on his entry into the medical field and into politics. The Governor

    revealed that upon first entering into the political arena, though he

    practiced medicine, he had no interest in healthcare policy. Howev-

    er, in 1985, when 4,300 people were dropped from the Medicaid

    program as what was described as just an accounting exercise, as

    an emergency room physician, Dr. Kitzhaber saw the real life effects

    of this change. He talked about the influx of patients into the ERwho lost insurance coverage and he saw for the first time the wide-

    spread effects of changes in health care policy. These werent the

    faceless numbers that were discussed in a committee, but 4,300

    individuals, each with a unique story and need to access the

    healthcare system.

    Addressing the students, Governor Kitzhaber explained, It will take the next generation of physicians to move

    health care reform forward, away from a system of sick care to one that values prevention and the promotion of

    health. He further explained how it is the responsibility of all new physicians to be leaders in the change and to-

    gether, they can change the face of healthcare. Quoting Bobby Kennedy he explained, Few will have the great-

    ness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events. Pictures and more infor-

    mation from the event can be found at www.westernu.edu

    COMP-Northwest (continued)

    The AOAs 2011 Clinical Assessment Program (CAP) for the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) is now open.

    This year, participants are eligible for a 1% bonus payment.

    To apply visit the CAP for PQRS website at: www.osteopathic.org/inside-aoa/development/quality/cap-for-pqrs

    The website includes: 2011 CAP program changes; Requirements, deadlines and fees; Frequently asked questions; A step-by-

    step tutorial; The Patient Tracking Sheet toolAll data during the reporting period for 2011 must be submitted by Feb. 1, 2012Feb. 1, 2012Feb. 1, 2012Feb. 1, 2012, to be eligible for the PQRS bonus payment

    from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

    2011 AOA Clinical Assessment Program (CAP)

    Karen Nichols, DO

    Paula Crone, DO with

    Clint Adams, DO, MPA, FAAFP

    COMP-Northwest Students reciting the Pledge o f Commitment

  • 8/4/2019 The Oregon DO - August 2011


    Tribute to Stanley Schiowitz by Greg Esmer, DO

    Stanley Schiowitz, D.O.Stanley Schiowitz, D.O.Stanley Schiowitz, D.O.Stanley Schiowitz, D.O. passed away at the age of 88 on June 27, 2011. I first met

    Dr. Schiowitz several years ago when we invited him out to Portland to lead a CME

    conference for the NWAO and OPSO. In his distinctly Brooklyn way with the English

    language, he confessed that hed never been to Oregon and that anything outside

    of Yonkers was west of the civilized world. A gifted storyteller, Dr. Schiowitz spoke of

    his family doc and boyhood idol whod helped him get into medical school. Two

    years into his training, he learned that his hero was a DO and that he himself was

    studying in a DO school. Upon learning this, his response was, Whats a DO? He

    had assumed that all physicians incorporated Osteopathic Principles into their care.

    Ironically, Dr. Schiowitz went on to become a pioneer in the Osteopathic profession.

    The originator of Facilitated Positional Release, he taught his Osteopathic Manual

    Medicine approach to countless physicians throughout the country. A founder of

    the New York College of Osteopathic Medicine and the first Chair of the Depart-

    ment of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, he later became Dean of the college

    in 1992. Dr. Schiowitz received numerous awards, including the Distinguished Ser-

    vice Certificate, the highest award granted by the American Osteopathic Association.

    As we invited Dr. Schiowitz back time and again, I came to know Stanley as a joyful spirit eager to share what he

    knew with a wink and a wry grin, hoping to be of some service to his fellow Osteopathic Physicians. Dr. Schiowitz

    kept his instructions simple without becoming simplistic. Find it, fix it, and get the hell out of there, he would

    say. Over and above his skillful instruction in Osteopathic Manual Treatment, Dr. Schiowitz revealed some of the

    Osteopathic history that hed lived through. He recounted the story of the eminent DOs of his day disagreeing over

    the draft Glossary of Osteopathic Terminology, ultimately many disagreements over principle remained unre-

    solved. Nonetheless this glossary has gone on to become a primary source for testing in medical school and

    board certification. Dr. Schiowitz underscored that while Osteopathic Medicine offers different visions for restor-

    ing health to our patients, there has never been uniform agreement on how best to bring this about. To study theOsteopathic Manual Medicine that Dr. Schiowitz revealed was not simply to memorize the Osteopathic Canon, but

    to continue to invent our profession anew, while learning from those who came before. It is this wisdom that I

    found to be of particular comfort and this legacy that I hope to carry forward. A true inspiration and mentor, Stan-

    ley Schiowitz will be deeply missed.

    After his wife of 59 years passed away, Dr. Schiowitz helped fund a lecture series concerning Jewish Women in

    her name. Donations can be made to Temple Israel for the Lilian Schiowitz Fund, (108 Old Mill Rd, Great Neck,

    NY 11023) or to a charity of your choice.

    In Memoriam


    Adventist Health Medical GroupAdventist Health Medical GroupAdventist Health Medical GroupAdventist Health Medical Group has multiple practice opportunities for BC/BE physician internists interested in a

    primary care (outpatient only) practice in the Greater East Portland Metro Area. The Group offers an income guar-antee for new physicians to build their practice as well as a signing bonus, (paid) vacation, annual CME, and full

    benefits. The Clinics are on the EPIC electronic medical record platform and call coverage is phone call coverage

    with direct admissions and inpatient management covered by the Hospitalist team, also employed by the Group.

    To submit your CV or for additional information, visit www.AdventistHealthNW.com, or call 503-251-6310

    Independently owned and operated Nurse-Practitioner clinic is seeking a physician to provide very part-time medi-

    cal direction, consultation and chart review. The clinic which is located 30 minutes south of downtown Portland,

    provides primary health care services for patients and families, focusing on wellness and health promotion. The

    position requires that the applicant be on site twice a month and available for consultation services. It would be

    ideal for a DO not currently in active, full-time practice. Please respond to: Aurora Family Health and Midwifery Ser-Aurora Family Health and Midwifery Ser-Aurora Family Health and Midwifery Ser-Aurora Family Health and Midwifery Ser-

    vicesvicesvicesvices PO Box 73 Aurora, OR 97002 503-678-6269 fax: 503-678-1128 www.aurorafamilymedicine.com

    Stanley Schiowitz, DO demonstrating

    FPR with Greg Esmer, DO

    August, 2011 Pag

    The Oregon D.O. Volume 91, N

    The osteopathic community mourns the loss of AOA Past President Marcelino Oliva, DOMarcelino Oliva, DOMarcelino Oliva, DOMarcelino Oliva, DO, who passed away on July

    8th after a long battle with cancer. Dr. Oliva was the first minority elected President of the AOA in 1987-88, Great

    Pioneer, and longtime Chair of the AOA Bureau on Federal Health Programs, among other distinguished leadership

    roles. The AOA has posted a tribute to his memory through a Living Historyvideo at www.osteopathic.org

  • 8/4/2019 The Oregon DO - August 2011


    Wayne Centrone, N.D. with a young patient.

    In the heart of the Atacama, the driest desert on earth

    (averaging less than 2 inches of rainfall a year), lies the

    town of Ica, Peru. On the night of Aug 15, 2007, shortly

    before midnight, Ica and the surrounding region was

    devastated by an 8.0 earthquake, leaving 519 people dead,

    58,581 houses and 14 hospitals destroyed, according to

    Peruvian Government assessment.

    Nearly four years later, on July 9 th, 2011, shortly before

    midnight, the 25 members of Team Peru 2011, gathered at

    the Lima airport, climbed aboard a highway bus, and

    headed south on the Pan American Highway for the 6-

    hour trip to Ica. Our destination was Scripture UnionsCasa Girasoles, a home for abused, abandoned and

    orphaned boys, built in 2008, which would serve as our

    base of operation for the week.

    Team Peru 2011 was a project of Health Bridges

    International and was organized by Wayne Centrone,

    N.D., Executive Director. The team included 5

    physicians, 3 medical students, several nurses, and other

    volunteers essential to the success of our mission. In Ica,

    our team grew with 15 Peruvian volunteers including an

    optometrist, 3 dentists, a physician, and a medical student,plus 3 Peace Corp volunteers. Our intention was to

    provide medical outreach and hope to families still living

    in tents and temporary structures amidst the piles of

    rubble still present 4 years after the earthquake.

    TEAM PERU 2011

    The earthquake caused the roof and walls to

    collapse during a midnight mass, killing nearly150people.

    Part of our clinic is under the awning. Open til' dark.

    More than 150 families call this area home.

  • 8/4/2019 The Oregon DO - August 2011


    The first day in Ica was spent recovering from

    a day and night of travel, acclimating to our

    surroundings, and organizing the more than 25

    large bags and suitcases of clothes, supplies,

    equipment donated by Fred Meyers Stores,

    and medicines, including $7500 worth of

    medicines and supplies in the Ready Relief

    Box provided by the American Osteopathic

    Foundation and Heart to Heart International.

    For the next four and a half days we functioned

    like a M.A.S.H unit, providing non-stop patient

    care at a new location each day. As a result of

    one weeks activity, Team Peru 2011 recorded

    902 general and pediatric medical visits, 221

    dental visits (extractions, fillings, cleanings,

    etc.), more than 700 eye exams and 160

    patients in need of cataract surgery were

    identified, more than 750 toothbrushes weredispensed as part of Health Education talks on:

    Nutrition, Healthy Pregnancies, Dental Care,

    Tooth Brushing, HIV/AIDS prevention, Hand

    Washing which were available for everyone.

    Four classes of Neonatal Resuscitation were

    provided to Ministry of Health clinics and staff

    with over 70 attendees (physicians, nurses,

    midwives, etc.), and a 3 hour Introduction to

    Osteopathic Principles and Practice workshop

    was provided to nearly 50 physical therapy

    students training at Alas Peruanas University in

    Ica, and eyeglasses are being prepared for 22

    formerly homeless boys living at Casa


    Cody Talbot

    and Martin

    Peters, OMS3,

    sort medicines

    and supplies in

    preparation for

    the first clinic.

    Our pharmacy for

    one clinic day.

    Supplies and


    provided by the



    Foundation, Fred

    Meyers, and Heart toHeart International.

    Everyone is

    waiting their

    turn, even

    the dog.

    The quiet




    first clinic



  • 8/4/2019 The Oregon DO - August 2011


    Over the years, I have participated in numerous

    medical outreach projects in third world countries. I

    do it to remind myself why I went into medicine.

    Nothing quite compares to the expression of the joy,

    relief, and gratitude, when a laborer, no longer in

    pain, grabs you in a spontaneous bear hug; or the

    85-year old woman, who gets off the treatment table

    giggling and does a little dance to express her joy.

    I have encouraged the medical and pre-medical

    students that I mentor to participate in outreach

    projects like this, but, I always caution them to be

    prepared to have their heart broken and their life

    changed forever. I believe the hardened heart

    leads to an insensitive and uncaring physician, while

    a broken heart can expand, leading to a more

    sensitive and caring physician. I believe the students

    lives will be changed by experiencing first hand, the

    desperate condition in which the rest of the world

    lives and seeing the difference they can make as an

    osteopathic physician.

    Eager first time volunteer, Cody Talbot, is a Clinical

    Intern at Osteopathic Advantage in Portland Oregon.

    He took a year off after college to learn the business,

    language, and culture of medicine, and to prepare

    for osteopathic medical school. This trip was a

    graduation gift from his parents. In Peru, he learned

    about caring and service and how he can make adifference by just showing up. His life is changing.

    Martin Peters, a veteran Team Peru volunteer, is a

    third year osteopathic medical student at ATSU/

    SOMA doing an OMM rotation at Osteopathic

    Advantage. He has had his heart broken before. On

    this trip, Martin said a little girl, who worked all day

    in the market helping her parents eke out a living,

    asked him "What do children do in your country?"

    He told her that they go to school and they play. She

    questioned further ifchildren worked like she did.He didnt want to tell her that children in the U.S.

    spend their days playing video games, watching

    television and talking on cell phones. He didnt

    know how to respond to her question. Finally, and

    again, with a broken heart, Martin told her that

    children are allowed to be . . . children.

    Al Turner, D.O., Osteopathic Advantage,


    Type to enter text

    Al Turner, D.O., a grateful 85-year oldpatient and my translator, Erin Weaver.

    Martin Peters, OMS3, sharing his heart with acurious lad.

    Martin Peters, OMS3, enjoying a lollipopwith the kids.

  • 8/4/2019 The Oregon DO - August 2011


    All CME activities will take place at the Embassy Suites PortlandAll CME activities will take place at the Embassy Suites PortlandAll CME activities will take place at the Embassy Suites PortlandAll CME activities will take place at the Embassy Suites PortlandDOWNTOWNDOWNTOWNDOWNTOWNDOWNTOWN

    With all that downtown Portland, Oregon has to offer, we are excited to hold our conference at the

    PortlandDowntown Embassy Suites which is

    located at 319 SW Pine Street

    Portland, Oregon 97204.

    Please make your room reservation by going to

    www.embassyportland.comwww.embassyportland.comwww.embassyportland.comwww.embassyportland.com enter OSOOSOOSOOSO as the Special Accounts Group/Convention Code or you may

    follow the link at www.opso.org Or call 1-800-EMBASSY (1-800-362-2779).

    To receive the group discount, let them know you are attending the OPSO conference.

    Parking: Valet parking is complimentary for conference attendees. Please

    let the parking attendants know you are with the OPSO conference.

    Its not too late to register and earn up toIts not too late to register and earn up toIts not too late to register and earn up toIts not too late to register and earn up to

    41 141 141 141 1----A AOA CME CreditsA AOA CME CreditsA AOA CME CreditsA AOA CME Credits at our upcoming CME Programsat our upcoming CME Programsat our upcoming CME Programsat our upcoming CME Programs

    OPSO is pleased to announce three separate continuing medical education opportunities in Septemberthe PM&RPM&RPM&RPM&R

    ConferenceConferenceConferenceConference, the OPSO Primary Care CME Conference,OPSO Primary Care CME Conference,OPSO Primary Care CME Conference,OPSO Primary Care CME Conference, and the OMT ConferenceOMT ConferenceOMT ConferenceOMT Conference, with a Bonus OMT CourseBonus OMT CourseBonus OMT CourseBonus OMT Course (for those

    physicians who are not registered for the OMT Conference).

    The PM&R ConferencePM&R ConferencePM&R ConferencePM&R Conference will run September 13 through September 15. Physicians registering for this conference are

    invited to attend the Primary Care Conference for a reduced registration fee of $195 OROROROR the OMT Conference at a

    reduced registration fee of $295. Additionally, PM&R attendees who are not registering for the OMT Conference, may

    add the Bonus OMT Course for $95, which is offered on Friday afternoon.

    The Primary Care ConferencePrimary Care ConferencePrimary Care ConferencePrimary Care Conference will be held September 15 through September 18. Physicians registering for this con-

    ference are invited to attend the PM&R Conference for $195. Primary Care CME attendees may also purchase the

    Bonus OMT Course for $95.

    The OMT ConferenceOMT ConferenceOMT ConferenceOMT Conference takes place September 16 through September 18. Physicians registering for this conference

    are invited to purchase the PM&R Conference for the reduced registration fee of $195. All OMT Conference at-

    tendees may attend the Thursday portion of the Primary Care Conference at no charge.

    Please find the agenda for each program on the following pages along with the registration form. Agendas are sub-

    ject to change, and the most recent agenda for each program can be found at www.opso.org.

    In addition, the OPSO Annual Membership meeting will be held September 17, 2011, from noon to 2pm. All OPSO

    members are welcome to attend this meeting.

    You can register for the CME opportunities by completing the following form for the program you would like to attend,

    or visit www.opso.org to register online. Completed forms can be faxed to 503.433.1958, emailed to [email protected],

    or mailed to the OPSO office at:

    4380 SW Macadam Avenue Suite 125 Portland, OR 97239

    Questions? Call OPSO at 503.299.6776 or email [email protected]

  • 8/4/2019 The Oregon DO - August 2011


    Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of OregonOsteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of OregonOsteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of OregonOsteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of Oregon

    PM&R Conference SchedulePM&R Conference SchedulePM&R Conference SchedulePM&R Conference Schedule

    Up to 20.5 Category 1Up to 20.5 Category 1Up to 20.5 Category 1Up to 20.5 Category 1----A AOA CME Hours AnticipatedA AOA CME Hours AnticipatedA AOA CME Hours AnticipatedA AOA CME Hours Anticipated(pending approval by the AOA CCME)(pending approval by the AOA CCME)(pending approval by the AOA CCME)(pending approval by the AOA CCME)

    Tuesday, September 13, 2011Tuesday, September 13, 2011Tuesday, September 13, 2011Tuesday, September 13, 20111:00-2:00pm Registration

    2:00-3:00pm Jason Anderson, DOJason Anderson, DOJason Anderson, DOJason Anderson, DO

    Neck Pain Interventions

    3:00-4:00pm Kam Atwal, DOKam Atwal, DOKam Atwal, DOKam Atwal, DOMusculoskeletal Presentations of

    Sleep Apnea

    4:00-4:15pm Break

    4:15-5:15pm Kam Atwal, DOKam Atwal, DOKam Atwal, DOKam Atwal, DOExercise for the Asthma Patient

    5:15-6:15pm Jonathan Blatt, MD &Jonathan Blatt, MD &Jonathan Blatt, MD &Jonathan Blatt, MD &

    John Paul Garofalo, Ph.D.John Paul Garofalo, Ph.D.John Paul Garofalo, Ph.D.John Paul Garofalo, Ph.D.Multidisciplinary Care within an

    Interventional Pain ClinicWednesday, September 14, 2011Wednesday, September 14, 2011Wednesday, September 14, 2011Wednesday, September 14, 2011

    7:30-8:00am Registration

    8:00-10:00am David Siker, MDDavid Siker, MDDavid Siker, MDDavid Siker, MD (Breakfast Lecture)

    How Advancements in MRITechnology can Benefit

    Your Patients

    10:00-10:15am Break

    10:15-11:15pm Gajanan Nilaver, MDGajanan Nilaver, MDGajanan Nilaver, MDGajanan Nilaver, MD

    Management of Headaches

    11:15-12:15pm TBDTBDTBDTBD


    12:15-1:15pm Lunch Break

    1:15-2:15pm Susan Schmitt, MDSusan Schmitt, MDSusan Schmitt, MDSusan Schmitt, MD

    The Feldenkrais Method

    for Exercise

    2:15-3:15 Jerod Cottrill, DOJerod Cottrill, DOJerod Cottrill, DOJerod Cottrill, DO

    Ultrasound Guided Interventions

    3:15-3:30pm Break

    Wednesday, September 14, 2011Wednesday, September 14, 2011Wednesday, September 14, 2011Wednesday, September 14, 2011


    3:30-4:30pm Kevin Kane, DOKevin Kane, DOKevin Kane, DOKevin Kane, DOPharmacotherapy for Pain


    4:30-5:30pm Kevin Kane, DOKevin Kane, DOKevin Kane, DOKevin Kane, DOImportant Stretching Techniques

    for Mechanical Low Back Pain

    Thursday, September 15, 2011Thursday, September 15, 2011Thursday, September 15, 2011Thursday, September 15, 2011

    8:00am-noon Joan Takacs, DO & SonositeJoan Takacs, DO & SonositeJoan Takacs, DO & SonositeJoan Takacs, DO & Sonosite

    Diagnostic Ultrasound

    12:00-1:00pm Exhibits Open/Lunch

    1:00-2:00pm Frank Wong, MDFrank Wong, MDFrank Wong, MDFrank Wong, MD

    OpioidsTrouble in Paradise

    2:00-3:30pm Stephen Scheinthal, DOStephen Scheinthal, DOStephen Scheinthal, DOStephen Scheinthal, DOOsteopathic

    Continuous Certification3:30-4:00pm Break

    4:00-5:00pm Karl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DO

    Sports Physicals

    5:00-6:00pm Karl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DO


    6:00-7:30pm Reception with Exhibitors

  • 8/4/2019 The Oregon DO - August 2011



    PM&R Conference RegistrationPM&R Conference RegistrationPM&R Conference RegistrationPM&R Conference Registration


    September 13September 13September 13September 13----15, 201115, 201115, 201115, 2011

    Name ____________________________________________________ Guest Name ______________________________________________

    Name as you would like it to appear on your badge ___

    Mailing Address (credit card billing address if paying by credit card) ___City State Zip ___

    Phone Fax E-mail ___

    DO College ________________________________ Graduation Year __________________ AOA#_____________________________

    Specialties _________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    Check in the amount of $________ or Credit Card in the amount of $________

    _____Visa _____MC _____Discover _____AMEX Card Number______________________________

    Expiration Date___________ Security Code__________ Name on the card__________________

    Authorized Signature___________________________________


    4380 SW Macadam Ave, Suite 125, Portland, OR 97239

    or with Credit Card, Fax to 503or with Credit Card, Fax to 503or with Credit Card, Fax to 503or with Credit Card, Fax to 503----433433433433----1958 or call 5031958 or call 5031958 or call 5031958 or call 503----299299299299----6776677667766776

    or register online at www.opso.orgor register online at www.opso.orgor register online at www.opso.orgor register online at www.opso.org

    PM&R ConferencePM&R ConferencePM&R ConferencePM&R Conference

    *Physician Member $445 $______

    Physician Non Member $645 $______

    Retired Physician Member $120 $______

    Allied Health Care Professional $475 $______

    Guest $120 $______

    DO Student, Resident $100 $______

    (Student & Resident scholarships available. Apply at www.opso.org)

    Additional CME OptionsAdditional CME OptionsAdditional CME OptionsAdditional CME Options

    Primary Care

    Primary Care Conference $195 $______

    Bonus OMT (Friday afternoon) $95 $______



    OMT Conference $295 $______


    2011 OPSO Membership Dues $______

    Extra Function TicketsExtra Function TicketsExtra Function TicketsExtra Function Tickets (for guests not registered for the conference)

    # Adult # Children (6-12)

    Wednesday Breakfast ______X$25 ______X$15 $______

    Wednesday Lunch ______X$30 ______X$15 $______

    Thursday Lunch ______X$30 ______X$15 $______

    Thursday Reception ______X$30 ______X$15 $______

    Friday Breakfast ______X$25 ______X$15 $______

    Friday Lunch ______X$30 ______X$15 $______

    Saturday Breakfast ______X$25 ______X$15 $______

    Saturday Lunch ______X$30 ______X$15 $______

    Grand TotalGrand TotalGrand TotalGrand Total $______

    Additional CME Options:Additional CME Options:Additional CME Options:Additional CME Options:

    Physicians registered for the PM&R Conference are elig

    for a reduced registration fee of $195 for the Primary C

    CME Conference (a $200 savings) orororor physicians registe

    for the PM&R Conference may received a reduced regi

    tion fee of $295 for the OMT Conference (a $200 savin

    which includes the Bonus OMT Course offered Friday a

    noon. PM&R attendees who choose to register for the

    Primary Care CME Conference, and who would like to a

    tend the Bonus OMT Course, must purchase the Bonus

    OMT Course for $95.

    Please note that the Primary Care CME Con

    ence and the OMT Conference run concurren

    *To qualify as a physician member, your 2011 OPSO

    dues or other state osteopathic association dues

    must be current.

  • 8/4/2019 The Oregon DO - August 2011


    Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of OregonOsteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of OregonOsteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of OregonOsteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of Oregon

    Primary Care CME Conference SchedulePrimary Care CME Conference SchedulePrimary Care CME Conference SchedulePrimary Care CME Conference Schedule

    Up to 25 Category 1Up to 25 Category 1Up to 25 Category 1Up to 25 Category 1----A CME Hours AnticipatedA CME Hours AnticipatedA CME Hours AnticipatedA CME Hours Anticipated(pending approval from the AOA CCME)(pending approval from the AOA CCME)(pending approval from the AOA CCME)(pending approval from the AOA CCME)

    Thursday, September 15, 2011Thursday, September 15, 2011Thursday, September 15, 2011Thursday, September 15, 201112:00-1:00pm Registration/Exhibits Open/Lunch1:00-2:00pm Frank Wong, MDFrank Wong, MDFrank Wong, MDFrank Wong, MD

    OpioidsTrouble in Paradise

    2:00-3:30pm Stephen Scheinthal, DOStephen Scheinthal, DOStephen Scheinthal, DOStephen Scheinthal, DO

    Osteopathic Continuous Certification

    3:30-4:00pm Break

    4:00-5:00pm Karl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DO

    Sports Physicals

    5:00-6:00pm Karl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DO


    6:00-7:30pm Reception with Exhibitors

    Friday, September 16, 2011Friday, September 16, 2011Friday, September 16, 2011Friday, September 16, 20117:00-7:30am Breakfast/Exhibits/Registration

    7:30-8:30am TBATBATBATBA

    Abnormal Pap Smears

    8:30-10:00am Carol Beals, MDCarol Beals, MDCarol Beals, MDCarol Beals, MD

    Rheumatology Board Review



    10:30am-12:00n Michael Shapiro, DOMichael Shapiro, DOMichael Shapiro, DOMichael Shapiro, DO

    Approaches to CAD Screening, Risk

    Stratification, and Lipid Management

    12:00-1:00pm Lunch and Exhibits

    Saturday, September 17, 2011Saturday, September 17, 2011Saturday, September 17, 2011Saturday, September 17, 20118:00-9:00am Non-CME Sponsored breakfast lecture

    Approaches in Managing Mealtime

    Insulin in the Primary Care Setting

    Presented by Novo Nordisk

    9:00-10:00am Carol Beals, MDCarol Beals, MDCarol Beals, MDCarol Beals, MDTreatment of Arthritis in the Elderly

    10:00-11:00am Brion Benninger, MDBrion Benninger, MDBrion Benninger, MDBrion Benninger, MD

    Shoulder Girdle Anatomy: Current

    Knowledge and Beyond

    11:00am-12:00n Eden Miller, DOEden Miller, DOEden Miller, DOEden Miller, DO

    New Diabetes Medicines Update

    12:00-2:00pm Lunch Program

    AOA Update OPSO Annual Meeting DO of the Year Award

    Student Scholarship Award

    2:00-3:00pm Eric Sharp, DOEric Sharp, DOEric Sharp, DOEric Sharp, DO

    A Focus on Wellness: How toApproach Health and Wellness with

    your Patients

    3:00-4:00pm John Mozena, DPMJohn Mozena, DPMJohn Mozena, DPMJohn Mozena, DPMPodiatric Biomechanics

    Podiatric Biomechanics

    4:00-5:00pm Ashkan Babaie, MDAshkan Babaie, MDAshkan Babaie, MDAshkan Babaie, MD

    Atrial Fibrillation Update

    Sunday, September 18, 2011Sunday, September 18, 2011Sunday, September 18, 2011Sunday, September 18, 2011 Breakfast on your own

    6:30-7:30am Fit for Life Run/Walk

    8:00-10:00am Patrick Boyle, MDPatrick Boyle, MDPatrick Boyle, MDPatrick Boyle, MDHypoglycemia, the Limiting Factor in

    Achieving Normalization of Glucose

    9:00-10:00am Patrick Boyle, MDPatrick Boyle, MDPatrick Boyle, MDPatrick Boyle, MD

    Getting the Most out of

    Insulin Therapy

    10:00-11:00am Ed Barnes, MDEd Barnes, MDEd Barnes, MDEd Barnes, MD

    Update in the Management of

    Chronic Kidney Disease

    11:00am-12:00n Charles Webb, DOCharles Webb, DOCharles Webb, DOCharles Webb, DO

    The Good, Bad, and Ugly

    of Ergogenics

    12:00-1:30pm Concluding Lunch Lecture

    KKKKaaaarrrrllll KKKKaaaalllluuuuzzzzaaaa,,,, DDDDOOOOSports Medicine Jeopardy

    1:00pm1:00pm1:00pm1:00pm 5:00pm5:00pm5:00pm5:00pmBonus OMT CourseBonus OMT CourseBonus OMT CourseBonus OMT Course

    presented by Richard Feely, DOpresented by Richard Feely, DOpresented by Richard Feely, DOpresented by Richard Feely, DO

    Dr. Feely will lead attendees through a presentation and hands-onlab focusing on Cranial Osteopathy Diagnosis and Treatment. The

    course is designed to enhance the philosophical understanding ofOsteopathic Manipulative Medicine and to improve the diagnostic

    and manipulative skills of physicians in practice or training.

    The course is limited to physicians with DO or MD degrees, andthose in training programs leading to such degrees. The Bonus

    OMT course requires an additional registration fee.

    Northwest Osteopathic Medical FoundationNorthwest Osteopathic Medical FoundationNorthwest Osteopathic Medical FoundationNorthwest Osteopathic Medical Foundation

    Golfing for Scholars 1:30 pm Tee TimeGolfing for Scholars 1:30 pm Tee TimeGolfing for Scholars 1:30 pm Tee TimeGolfing for Scholars 1:30 pm Tee Time

    The tournament will be held at Oregon City Golf Club at Lone Oak.

    For additional information and to register, visit www.nwosteo.org

  • 8/4/2019 The Oregon DO - August 2011



    Primary Care CME Conference RegistrationPrimary Care CME Conference RegistrationPrimary Care CME Conference RegistrationPrimary Care CME Conference Registration


    September 15September 15September 15September 15----18, 201118, 201118, 201118, 2011

    Primary Care CME ConferencePrimary Care CME ConferencePrimary Care CME ConferencePrimary Care CME Conference

    *Physician Member $445 $______

    Physician Non Member $645 $______

    Retired Physician Member $120 $______

    Allied Health Care Professional $475 $______

    Guest $120 $______DO Student, Resident $100 $______Student & Resident scholarships available. Apply at www.opso.org)

    Additional CME OptionsAdditional CME OptionsAdditional CME OptionsAdditional CME Options


    PM&R Conference $195 $______


    OMT Bonus $95 $______


    2011 OPSO Membership Dues $______

    Name __________________________________________________ Guest Name _______________________________________________

    Name as you would like it to appear on your badge ___

    Mailing Address (credit card billing address if paying by credit card) ___City State Zip ___

    Phone Fax E-mail ___

    DO College Graduation Year AOA#______________________________

    Specialties ___

    Extra Function TicketsExtra Function TicketsExtra Function TicketsExtra Function Tickets (for guests not registered for the conference)

    # Adult # Children (6-12)

    Wednesday Breakfast ______X$20 ______X$15 $______

    Wednesday Lunch ______X$30 ______X$15 $______

    Thursday Lunch ______X$30 ______X$15 $______

    Thursday Reception ______X$30 ______X$15 $______

    Friday Breakfast ______X$25 ______X$15 $______

    Friday Lunch ______X$30 ______X$15 $______

    Saturday Breakfast ______X$25 ______X$15 $______

    Saturday Lunch ______X$30 ______X$15 $______

    Grand TotalGrand TotalGrand TotalGrand Total $______


    Check in the amount of $________ or Credit Card in the amount of $________

    _____Visa _____MC _____Discover _____AMEX CardNumber___________________________

    Expiration Date___________ Security Code__________ Name on the card____________________

    Authorized Signature___________________________________


    4380 SW Macadam Ave, Suite 125, Portland, OR 97239

    or with Credit Card, Fax to 503or with Credit Card, Fax to 503or with Credit Card, Fax to 503or with Credit Card, Fax to 503----433433433433----1958 or call 5031958 or call 5031958 or call 5031958 or call 503----299299299299----6776677667766776

    oooorrrr rrrreeeeggggiiiisssstttteeeerrrr oooonnnnlllliiiinnnneeee aaaatttt wwwwwwwwwwww....ooooppppssssoooo....oooorrrrgggg

    *To qualify as a physician member, your

    2011 OPSO dues or other state osteo-

    pathic association dues must be current.

    Additional CME Options:Additional CME Options:Additional CME Options:Additional CME Options:

    Physicians registered for the Primary Care CME

    Conference are eligible for a reduced registratio

    fee of $195 for the PM&R Conference. Addition

    physicians registered for the Primary Care CME

    Conference are also encouraged to register for

    Bonus OMT Course, which is offered Friday afte


    Please note that the Primary Care CME

    Conference and the OMT Conference r


  • 8/4/2019 The Oregon DO - August 2011


    Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of Oregon &Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of Oregon &Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of Oregon &Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons of Oregon &

    Northwest Academy of OsteopathyNorthwest Academy of OsteopathyNorthwest Academy of OsteopathyNorthwest Academy of Osteopathy

    OMT Conference ScheduleOMT Conference ScheduleOMT Conference ScheduleOMT Conference Schedule

    25 Category 125 Category 125 Category 125 Category 1----A CME Hours AnticipatedA CME Hours AnticipatedA CME Hours AnticipatedA CME Hours Anticipated(pending approval by the AOA CCME)(pending approval by the AOA CCME)(pending approval by the AOA CCME)(pending approval by the AOA CCME)

    *Thursday, September 15, 2011*Thursday, September 15, 2011*Thursday, September 15, 2011*Thursday, September 15, 2011(OMT Conference attendees are invited to attend the

    Primary Care Conference on Sep. 15 at no charge)

    12:00-1:00pmRegistration/Exhibits Open/Lunch1:00-2:00pm Frank Wong, MDFrank Wong, MDFrank Wong, MDFrank Wong, MD

    OpioidsTrouble in Paradise

    2:00-3:30pm Stephen Scheinthal, DOStephen Scheinthal, DOStephen Scheinthal, DOStephen Scheinthal, DO

    Osteopathic Continuous


    3:30-4:00pm Break

    4:00-5:00pm Karl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DO

    Sports Physicals

    5:00-6:00pm Karl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DO


    6:00-7:30pm Reception with Exhibitors

    Friday, September 16, 2011Friday, September 16, 2011Friday, September 16, 2011Friday, September 16, 2011Cranial Osteopathy Diagnosis and TreatmentCranial Osteopathy Diagnosis and TreatmentCranial Osteopathy Diagnosis and TreatmentCranial Osteopathy Diagnosis and Treatment

    7:00-8:00am Breakfast/Exhibits/Registration

    8:00-noon OMT Lecture/Lab

    Noon-1:00pm Lunch

    1:00-5:00pm OMT Lab (combined session with

    Primary Care Conference)

    Saturday, September 17, 2011Saturday, September 17, 2011Saturday, September 17, 2011Saturday, September 17, 2011

    8:00-9:00am Non-CME Sponsored

    Breakfast Lecture

    Structural Diagnosis and Treatment of HeadachesStructural Diagnosis and Treatment of HeadachesStructural Diagnosis and Treatment of HeadachesStructural Diagnosis and Treatment of Headaches

    9:00-noon: OMT Lecture/Lab

    Noon-2:00pm Lunch Program AOA Update OPSO Annual Meeting

    DO of the Year Award

    Student Scholarship Award

    2:00-5:00pm: OMT Lecture/Lab

    Sunday, September 18, 2011Sunday, September 18, 2011Sunday, September 18, 2011Sunday, September 18, 2011

    Breakfast on your own

    6:30-7:30am Fit for Life Run/Walk

    Structural Diagnosis and Treatment ofStructural Diagnosis and Treatment ofStructural Diagnosis and Treatment ofStructural Diagnosis and Treatment ofSinus and Facial painSinus and Facial painSinus and Facial painSinus and Facial pain

    8:00-Noon OMT Lecture/Lab

    12:00-1:30pm Concluding Lunch Lecture

    Karl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DOKarl Kaluza, DO

    Sports Medicine Jeopardy

    About Dr. FeelyAbout Dr. FeelyAbout Dr. FeelyAbout Dr. FeelyDr. Richard Feely is an Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon currently practicing in Illinois. While he is board certified

    in Family Practice, OMM, Acupuncture, Disability Evaluation, Independent Medical Evaluation and Quality Assurance;

    he has a special interest in the use of Osteopathic manipulation and acupuncture for migraine headaches, back pain

    and myofascial pain disorders. He has authored several articles on the effects of manipulation upon the eye, tem-

    poromandibular joint disorder, and low back pain. Dr. Feely is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Midwestern Universi-

    ty and lectures nationally and internationally with an emphasis on Cranial Osteopathy and Acupuncture.

  • 8/4/2019 The Oregon DO - August 2011



    OMT Conference RegistrationOMT Conference RegistrationOMT Conference RegistrationOMT Conference Registration


    September 16September 16September 16September 16----18, 201118, 201118, 201118, 2011

    Name ________________________________________________________ Guest Name _________________________________________

    Name as you would like it to appear on your badge ___

    Mailing Address (credit card billing address if paying by credit card) ___

    City State Zip ___

    Phone Fax E-mail ___

    DO College Graduation Year AOA#______________________________

    Specialties ___

    OMT ConferenceOMT ConferenceOMT ConferenceOMT Conference

    *Physician Member $545 $______

    Physician Non Member $745 $______

    Retired Physician Member $120 $______

    DO Student, Resident $100 $______

    (Student & Residents Scholarships availableapply at www.opso.org)

    Additional CME OptionsAdditional CME OptionsAdditional CME OptionsAdditional CME Options


    PM&R Conference $195 $______


    2011 OPSO Membership Dues $______

    Extra Function TicketsExtra Function TicketsExtra Function TicketsExtra Function Tickets (for guests not registered for the conference)# Adult # Children (6-12)

    Wednesday Breakfast ______X$25 ______X$15 $______

    Wednesday Lunch ______X$30 ______X$15 $______

    Thursday Lunch ______X$30 ______X$15 $______

    Thursday Reception ______X$30 ______X$15 $______

    Friday Breakfast ______X$25 ______X$15 $______

    Friday Lunch ______X$30 ______X$15 $______

    Saturday Breakfast ______X$25 ______X$15 $______

    Saturday Lunch ______X$30 ______X$15 $______

    Grand TotalGrand TotalGrand TotalGrand Total $______


    Check in the amount of $________ or Credit Card in the amount of $________

    _____Visa _____MC _____Discover _____AMEX Card Number______________________________

    Expiration Date___________ Security Code__________ Name on the card__________________

    Authorized Signature___________________________________


    4380 SW Macadam Ave, Suite 125, Portland, OR 97239

    or with Credit Card, Fax to 503or with Credit Card, Fax to 503or with Credit Card, Fax to 503or with Credit Card, Fax to 503----433433433433----1958 or call 5031958 or call 5031958 or call 5031958 or call 503----299299299299----6776677667766776

    oooorrrr rrrreeeeggggiiiisssstttteeeerrrr oooonnnnlllliiiinnnneeee aaaatttt wwwwwwwwwwww....ooooppppssssoooo....oooorrrrgggg

    *To qualify as a physician member, your 2011

    OPSO dues or other state osteopathic associa

    tion dues must be current.

    Additional CME Options:Additional CME Options:Additional CME Options:Additional CME Options:

    Physicians registered for the OMT Conferenc

    are eligible for a reduced registration fee of

    $195 for the PM&R Conference (a $200 sav

    ings). Physicians registered for the OMT Co

    ence are welcome to join the Thursday sess

    of the Primary Care CME Conference for free

    Please note that the Primary Care C

    Conference and the OMT Conferenc

    run concurrently

  • 8/4/2019 The Oregon DO - August 2011


    Upcoming Events

    Premed Osteopathic Awareness EventPremed Osteopathic Awareness EventPremed Osteopathic Awareness EventPremed Osteopathic Awareness Event September 8, 7:00pmOPSO Office, Portland. John Pham, DO along with

    osteopathic residents will discuss residency programs.

    OPSO PM&R CME ConferenceOPSO PM&R CME ConferenceOPSO PM&R CME ConferenceOPSO PM&R CME ConferenceSeptember 13-15 Embassy Suites, Downtown Portland. This CME program is

    geared for PM&R specialists, though all osteopathic physicians are encouraged to attend and earn up to 20.5 AOA

    CME credits.Visit www.opso.orgfor information and to register.

    OPSO Primary Care CME ConferenceOPSO Primary Care CME ConferenceOPSO Primary Care CME ConferenceOPSO Primary Care CME ConferenceSeptember 15-18 Embassy Suites, Downtown Portland. This CME program

    is designed to provide primary care physicians with the latest updates on subject areas and issues that they are

    likely to encounter in their practice. Earn up to 25 1A AOA CME Credits.Visit www.opso.orgfor information and to


    OPSO & NAO OMT ConferenceOPSO & NAO OMT ConferenceOPSO & NAO OMT ConferenceOPSO & NAO OMT ConferenceCranial Osteopathy in the Primary Care SettingCranial Osteopathy in the Primary Care SettingCranial Osteopathy in the Primary Care SettingCranial Osteopathy in the Primary Care Setting*September 15-18 Embassy

    Suites, Downtown Portland. Presented by Richard Feely, DO, FAAO, FCA, FAAMA, this practice workshop is designed

    to enhance the philosophical understanding of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine and to improve the diagnostic

    and manipulative skills of physicians in practice or training. Earn up to 25 1A AOA CME Credits.Visit www.opso.org

    for information and to register.

    NWOMF Golfing for ScholarsNWOMF Golfing for ScholarsNWOMF Golfing for ScholarsNWOMF Golfing for ScholarsSeptember 16Oregon City Golf Club at Lone Oak. Joint the Northwest Osteopathic

    Medical Foundation for the 22nd Annual Golfing for Scholars. Visit www.nwosteo for information

    OPSOs mission is to promote Osteopathic Health Care in Oregon.

    4380 SW Macadam Ave, Suite 125

    Portland OR 97239

    p: 503.299.6776 f: 503.433.1958

    We welcome your input and ideas. Together we can build a stronger osteopathic community and

    make a positive impact on health care in Oregon. Contact OPSO at (503) 299-6776 or [email protected]

    at http://twitter.com/emailopso

    at www.facebook.com/OPSO.FB

    Visit us on the web at: www.opso.org
