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The original sin

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The Fall of Man Original Sin God’s Wonderful Plan for Man; Adam and Eve failed

The Fall of ManOriginal Sin

God’s Wonderful Plan for Man; Adam and Eve failed

GOD PLAN FOR HUMAN BEINGS:He intended for them to live in friendship

and happiness with Him God created man and woman

in his images and likeness and He made them friends of


He intended for them to live in friendship and happiness with Him in Earth, knowing and loving Him

And they then would be take to heaven, where they will be happy with Him for ever

Original Sin and the Promise of a Savior

Today we will learn the basic truth of original sin as disobedience to God, our loving Father,

The lost of Grace as result of disobedience. And the consequences that suffered our first parents—

Adam and Eve. But God in mercy promised to send a Savior who would

restore us to God’s life of Grace.

God gave Adam and Eve Everything Of everting God has created in this world, He loves

us most. With the Creation God made many beautiful things. To whom God give all this?

To the first man and woman He made, Adam and Eve. They lived in the most beautiful place on earth, we call it the

Garden Paradise. God made Adam and Eve very happy and strong:

they were never tired, never sick, and they were not afraid of anything.

God made them masters over the lions, tigers, and all the animals.

But this was not all that they received from God.

Adam and Eve received Sanctifying Grace

Adam and Eve received something much more precious, the greatest gift of God, sanctifying grace.

What is sanctifying Grace? GRACE is new life; it is actually sharing in God’s own life.

We can not see our soul with our eyes here on earth, but one day, if we have grace, we can go to heaven and we will see God

and be happy with Him forever with all His children.

The Word GRACE comes from the Latin gratia, which means “favor” or “free gift”.

“Sanctifying” means “to make holy” God life in us make us holy and makes our soul beautiful and very pleasing to God

Grace = Original Holiness GRACE is a gift of God, which is the following:

God’s Divine Live (Eternal Life) Sanctity / Holiness The state of being Holy Sharing God’s Divine Life Friendship with God Ability to love & live in harmony with others

God Super natural power This Power enable us to know and love far beyond our

human natural abilities.

Enable us To Love Supernaturally Ability to love as God loves, and ability to know &

discern as God knows.

God Is The Source Of All


Sanctifying Grace Only God can give us Sanctifying grace because He

is the only Source of all Grace God gave Adam and Eve sanctifying grace, God’s

own life. They were very happy and love God very much.

1. What would Adam and Eve give to God in return for all that He had given them?

2. How could they show that they love God? Adam and Eve could show their love for God by

obeying Him, And by doing what He asked them.

God Gave Humans Beings The Grace

Share in His Divine Life, is something God has to give us, BECAUSE God himself is the only source of all GRACE.

God gave to our 1st parents (Adam & Eve) the gift of sharing His Divine Life.

He fills them with His own Holiness and Love

Since they have God’s Grace, it was easier for them to do good & reject evil.

Sanctity or Holiness = Heaven Since Adam & Eve were Holy, they did not have to die.

God is Going to take them into Heaven, at the end of their lives, so they do not have to suffered

A Spiritual death Or Physical Death

At the end of Adam & Eve’s human life, would be taken to heaven to be perfectly happy with God forever, sharing his Divine Live.

Indeed, God wants all of us to be Holy, and to be perfectly happy with Him in Heaven, He says:”Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.”  (Leviticus 19:2)

Everyone of us is call to be Holy!

The Grace was Lost !

Free to choose God’s Will

God pointed out to them a tree in the Garden of Paradise and said, “you are free to eat from any trees of the garden

except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From that tree you shall not eat; the moment you eat

from it you will die. Do you think there was anything wrong with the fruit

of the tree? No. Adam and Eve were free to prove their love to God,

so that they could go to be with Him in Heaven.

The Devil wants to Ruin Happiness

The devil saw how happy Adam and Eve were. He himself was not happy, so he wanted to ruin their happiness


He took the form of a snake and “ssss.., he crawled around the tree.

When Eve was close enough, he said to Eve;“Did God really tell you not to eat from any of the trees in the garden? Eve answered“it is only about the tree in the middle of the garden that God told us not to eat, so we would not die.”

They Disobey and Lost God’s Grace But the devil didn’t give up.

“you will not die. If you eat of it, you will be like God.” We know that was a great lie! but Eve believe him.

She took the fruit, ate of it, then gave some Adam too, and ate it. Adam and Eve hid themselves in the bushes.

Can you hide from God? We cannot hid from God, He sees us no matter where we are.

Suddenly they felt weak, afraid and ashamed. Why did they feel that way?

Because they knew that they had sinned; They lost Grace

SIN ENTERS into THE WORLD They disobeyed God, who was so good to them and

loved them so much. Adam and Eve disobedience brought chaos into the

Word Sin Enters into the world and brought chaos to the

creation All the perfection, harmony, and order of God’s

Creation became affected by Sin.

The Consequences of their Actions All our actions has consequences Adam and Eve had to pay the consequences of their

actions They were banished from the Garden. In front of the Garden He posted an angel with a flaming

sword. They could not re-enter.

Adam and Eve lost all the special gifts God had give to them. Now they had to work hard to earn their food; they became tired and could get sick They had to suffer, and finally, they had to die.

They were no longer masters over the them. Imagine the night when they felt tired for the very first time, and felt

weak and trembled when they heard the sound of the wild animals.

Worst of all, they lost Sanctifying Grace, the gift of God’s life which made them His beloved children. They could not go to Heaven without Grace.

Their soul lost all its beauty with the sin called Original Sin. Because of the sin Adam and Eve, our first parents, all of us

were born without God’s Special gift of Grace; Instead, we were born with original sin

They Lost Sanctifying GraceThe Gift of God’s Divine Life in Our Souls

They Can’t Transmit Grace

Since they lost His Grace, they can't transmit God’s Grace to others (to us) They have nothing to transmit to us

Therefore, Our human nature is hurt, our will is weaken, 1) Our flesh is subject to our passions,

and our reason to error.2) It is harder for us to do good, it is

easy for us to do evil.3) We born with a tendency to sin.

They lost the Gift of Grace for them and all their descendants

Since that day for humans being is more easy to do evil, and is more difficult to do the good,

God in His Mercy Gave

us Two Promises

The Mercy & Promises of God The Father

In the Old Testament we find 2 important Promises of God. God Promise to send:1) A Savior, (Redeemer, Messiah) He will restore

the Lost Grace2) And His Own Spirit. (The Holy Spirit) He will

change our stone hearts.

Promised that Sin & Evil Will Not Prevail

After God told Adam and Eve the consequences that will bring sin,

God the Father promised that sin and evil will not prevail and all descendants of Adam and Eve will defeat and overcome Sin. (Gen 3:15; Gen 12:13)

God did not stop loving them and being good to them. He promised to send someone to help men to get grace

back, and lead them to heaven God promised to send them a SAVIOR

But who was the One who wan back the Grace? Who was that Savior?

God Promise to Help Man by Sending a Savior to Get Grace


Who Won Back “the Grace” Lost?

Jesus Won Back Grace1. Jesus won back for us the GRACE lost by Adam

and Eve

2. And The Holy Spirit transmits God’s Grace to all human beings.

Jesus took out our place to make up the sin of Adam & Eve, and all our sins.

He overcame evil

God wants us to be with him forever, So he (the 2nd person of the Holy Trinity) became man,

and died in the Cross for us, so we will be not died forever.

Jesus is our Savior, who over come death, to give us Life in Abundance (Divine Live or Grace)

Jesus Paid For Our Sins, By giving his life, Jesus won back for us

the Grace that was lost by original sin.

Now the friendship between God and man is restored,

and It is possible to have God’s life in us.

Jesus Promise to Send us The Holy Spirit

While still on earth, Jesus promise to the apostles that after He ascended into Heaven, He will send the HOLY SPIRIT

At the Last Supper Jesus said to the Apostles: “It is better for you, that I go, for if I do not go the Holy Spirit will not come to you.”

He promise to be with us always, and the Holy Spirit makes it possible.

The Holy Spirit: The Sanctifier The Holy Spirit is the 3rd person of the Trinity (Father, Son,

& Holy Spirit)

The Holy Spirit is the Sanctifier, a) the one that make you saint.b) The one that transform you.c) The one who transmits us GRACE.

That’s what the Holy Spirit does to us. He transforms us, he changes us.

He change our hearts by God’s Grace We are change to move toward God, to be more & more like Jesus Christ.

So The Holy Spirit is the Sanctifier, who gives us Grace.

The Holy Spirit: God's Promise Of His Divine Help

We need God's help, through His Spirit, to obey Him from the heart and bring our thoughts, attitudes, and actions in line with His.“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

With God's Grace, we can be saints; We become able to do all good, and even to do little acts of love, such as:

Advocate, Helping others, having empathy Making right decisions & choices Loving others Smiling to others Being patient and act with kindness (All good deeds & works we do, come from

God, not from ourselves)

You want to became Holy, and that’s what The Holy Spirit is about: He transform you and Change you by God’s Grace.

The Mercy & Promises of God The Father

Thanks to our Merciful Father (the 1st Person of the Trinity), The Story Of Creation did not ended in tragedy, desperation, or sadness, but rather in HOPE! God himself enter the scene, and shows us his mercy by

giving us hope. God responds to the sin of humans, not to abandon them, but to show them Mercy and Love.

God loves you, and He wants to be near you. He wants to fill you with his divine life He wants to make you happy forever. He wants you to be forever in heaven.

God The Father Fulfills His Two Promises

1)God the Father promised to send us A SAVIOR: His Son Jesus Christ

(Genesis 3:14,15)

2)But God the Father promise to send us His Spirit as well: THE HOLY SPIRIT (Ezekiel


ORINGINAL SIN: ORINGIN means “THE BEGINNING” of something. All sins on earth began with that first sin of Adam and Eve. That is why we call it “Original Sin”

Adam and Eve committed the Original Sin. We can sin, too.

The sins the we ourselves actually commit are Personal Sins and are called: “ACTUAL SINS.”


Personal Actual Sin

When do we commit sin? When we do not do God’s will and we disobey Him. We don’t care what God wants us to do; we walk away from God.

God wants us to be good. He wants us to be good. Do we know what it means to be good? And what it means to

commit sin? Is stealing bad or good? Is telling a lie bad or good? Killing some one? Looking at bad pictures or movies? Saying bad words? Going with bad friends? Not praying?

VENIAL SIN God gave us our conscience, so we would know when we do something wrong, and we would

know when we do something good. There are 2 kinds of personal or Actual sin:

Venial And Mortal Sin

VENIAL SIN is a Less Serious Sin. What would be a venial sin? It would be a venial sin:

to get angry and use a bad word, To steal something that has little value, to tell a small lie

Although these deeds are not seriously wrong, they are sins because they weaken our soul and God does not wants us to do them And we go against His will and do them anyway.

So we commit Sin, but a venial sin. Venial sin, does not destroy Divine life-Sanctifying Grace, but it weakens our will to do what is

proper, right and just.

MORTAL SIN MORTAL SIN is a serious sin

MORTAL means DEADLY If we commit a mortal sin, we lose sanctifying grace. We call it moral sin because it takes away the Divine

life of the soul. We commit mortal sin when we disobey God.

When something is seriously wrong and I know that it is serious wrong, and I freely decide to do it anyway.

God gave each of us a conscience, so that we would know what we should do. We have to be in our guard to never commit a mortal sin! We also have to avoid less serious sins, because if we do not deep away from venial sins, we can easily became

more and more careless, and then do something seriously wrong.

Be Careful to Stay Away from Sin What is the sin that you commit more often? Be very careful to stay away from sin during this coming week; Each night before you go to bed,

be sure to tell God that you are sorry for the sins you did during the day. Ask Him to help you to do better tomorrow.

Remember Adam and Eve When they received all those gifts, what would have been the best way for Them to show their love and gratitude for God?

Let us remember to listen and obey God and to show Him our love and gratitude

God give us a very precious gift—Sanctifying Grace, and sharing in God’s own life.

We should be very grateful to Him for this gift of life and love Let us be sure to treasure Sanctifying Grace.
