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The Paducah weekly sun. (Paducah, KY) 1906-10-10 [p...

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r 4 7t rair M- y The Paducah Week1 Sunz VOL XVIII NO 33 PADUCAH KY WEDNESDAY EVENING OCTOBER 10 1906 SLOOA 1 YEAR MANY CELEBRITIES TO F SPEAK AT INSTITUTE I COMPUTE PROGRAM rI FOR THREE DAYS Outlined Uy Coiiiniissioiiei Agriculture nktJ1 w r t utlitviiUTii Kentucky Faniurn + Will 1 hear flume Kwellent AdilrvsMo Nest Week r V 6UIIh1 x 01 KANSAS i COMING Tho Kompluto program for tho J Southwestern Kentucky Farmers iDtllute which meets In Poducali October 18 19 mid 20 has been pub ¬ tithed by Commissioner ot Agrlcul tutu Vrcolqnil Thp expense to the Btato for this meeting will bo thous ¬ ands of dollar as sonic of the best l talent In agriculture In tho country hat been secured Including Secreta ¬ ry of Agriculture Coburn of Kang- as who declined tho office of UnitedI I States scnntor to pursue lila J gations Many government depart ¬ f mental heads nro found In tho list of speakersA one fare plus 25 cents from all points In Kentucky has been offered by the railroads and a large attendance Is expected from all over 1the purchase Commissioner Vrec land and several member of the elute board of agriculture will nt tenth Following Is the complete pro grain for the throe days TliunSDAY Morning Session f Invocation Dr W ECuYc MuildAddrcsi 1 of Welcome Mayor D 1ebr llesponw Hon Joseph l It Fried ¬ + man President Commercial Club Afternoon icxolon MuhlcTlioiScarclty of Farm iabur and the Remedy Hon W J Stone I Kut a tawa Ky- Expcrlmontrt r with Dark Tobacco Prof W IL Schorfllits nutlonol de- partment ¬ of agriculture Modern Methods of Seed Corn Se ¬ lectIOIlO I Christie Perdue Uni ¬ versity Lafayette laid- FIIDAY Morning Session MusicIntelligent Feeding or Ltvo Stock Q Prof M 1 A Scorch director agri ¬ cultural experiment station Lexlng ton Kj- Food Adultonalou Prof It M I Allen puro food department Ken ¬ lucky oxpurlmcnt fetation Afternoon Sedition Music Scud Adulteration Dr J W TI Duvel bureau of plant Industry na ¬ tional department of agricultureI The Value of Good Heads and Ho tYt Pjocuro Them Hou W J Hldno Kuttawa C M I Hanua Shel- by I ¬ county Ky SATUUUAY v Momlng Session Music lfaJruF O Coburn socrotury state board of agriculture Topeka Kan- t I Dairying In I Kentucky Prof It M Allen experiment station Lox ¬ ington Afternoon Session IulilcH Address1roL H Garman orals entomologist her Soil FerUtityProf Ml A Scovoll director Kentucky experiment ate tlon Lexington I Ky It Intoiulvo Farming and Truck Cay was donlng Lecturer to be supplied j bo to OA8 KXPLOSIOX Slug Stops Up Pent and Two Lives Are Forfeit i of Chicago Oct 10lIIn levies was killed another nuii U reported to havo died and 20 oilers wero In ¬ jured UB tho result of A terrific ex plosion of gax in the fatoace of the L Illinois Steel company I tth Chi Jngo today A piece pflDoansPklnh E 1hl 1 1a < c f- r CS < 1oK X HH N < < << It O ft Tho following will be premiums offered by Hubert Yrecland commls 5 sinner of ngrlcultnre for dark tobacco Sample Khali tonlist of 12 w s + hand of I 12 leaven each All tobacco must be grown 4o Kentucky ft Growers only will bo allowed to compete J8 Flint Second S gf 8 g 0001t i I uNco Stemming Leaf any typo i j j 800 BOo 9 7t F t i iTwie earn shall coustltuti anwihllilt Com niiist be grown In Kentucky nnd cxlillillcil by the gnawer f jf N rirst Second + + While Dent day variety 1MOO 200 Jg S Yellow Dent dOD 200 A- ft Boono county ulilK 100 200 4 l + t <<<< >X >X >>K W > PRACTICAL JOKER IS SHOT BY HIS VICTIM Mr Richard Bell Gives New Version of f Fable Of The Wolf Richard Doll the wailknown rlcd slightly tho old fourth reader often but his version points a moru quite more entertainingly than the practical Joko with tho wolf scare tho hunter did and ho Is bolstered I No u squirrel shot out ot hIs skin The Joke was a great success Tho subject of the Joko was original negro employed ou Hells faro hut of tho Joko got turned around lu the reason tho doctors ffftrtfo bpay at Spccur Young has to walk morning at 4 oclock nod ho 1 Ctuso ho doesnt own a gun Dell Ing n conversation In which ho rcl wolfish atrocity ho could think of away train work any morning b the negro also had a dread of that tht door ot pour folks cabins However ho frightened Young calculated on and while Dell prepar prepared for the wolf and they met Mr Bull after Informing tIe dawn dowi Iho road leading from ho hid In the shadows and as the highway peering every which way growl and rushed out on all fours Tho result was more than ho With a half frozen cry on his shotguq to his shoulder and let lly Down ou Ills face went Mr Doll the dismayed scream of a wounded Dackward through the frosty polled by tho rebound of the ovorcl I The negro was tho first to his dairyThat was fortunate for tho oth Young had shot at the wolf return tho remains of their beloved employ All they found was a disturbed drops of blood The wolf had made and tho family oven then was calling It will bo a sad day for tho real ties to this drama In the Mayfield MCREARY WILL SPEAK AT THE KENTUCKY OX MONDAY NIGHT Friends Ar Seeking to Make Nota ¬ the Demonstration to Offset ReckhiiinN Welcome Senator James U McCrcary will Hpeak in Paducah Monday nIght October 1C logical of Tuesday Oclo 1C as nt first arranged Tho friends of the senator have arranged- to eecuro tho Kentucky theater and was on this account that the date changed A demonstration will rondo by his friends who desire give him as good sendoff as Coy error Deckham was accorded on the occasion of his visit With good weather they anticipate considerable a crowd Trusty t Kills Guard Memphis Tonal Oct 10I1 ntownrt a trusty killed tho guard R Houston on R E Alcorna county convict farm today at Lake Vlllugn Ark and nlno prisoners es caped A sheriff and 1 posed aro In pursuit dairyman on the Mayfield road nI ilory of the boy who cried wolf too 1 and adorns a tale just as well an original Like tho boy he played but Instead of Iho wolf getting himI up In tied while doctors Bra picking c nhounding In surprises both ways lly Intended to be Spencer Young n tomohow the f subject and predicate I darkness this morning Thatstho Bclla boulOut I about a mile to Dells dairy every i terribly worried about tho wolf be I ascertained this fact last night dur 1 I Intcd to Young story horrlblo tale of- Ho didnt count on Young staying rrcason of his tear because ho know I I other gaunt wolt that stalks about t Into doing something else he hadnt i red a wolf for Young Spencer Young 1 this uiorulng hands nt tho dairy sot forth beforei t t- Youngs house to the dairy Then negro came cautiously along the Mr Doll uttered n most terrifying bad anticipated lips tho negro lifted a borrowed with both barrels giving a most accurate Imitation of wolf air turned the frightened negro Im urged shotgun J feet nnd he ran straight for Dells hands when they heard that d with him to the spat to gather up or spot In life road flecked with tiny tracks backway for the kitchen door a doctor by telephone wolf If ho ever meets any ot the par road It INCREASE 24722 cd TOTAL RECEIPTS OFPOSTOFFICE 4 FOR SEPTEMHER 9lUtUlU 1 I I I l <iirgcht Months Iliislinss for Local UIIlHIIKJrt IN Just Completed Tho poatofflce receipts for Soptem of ber show n marked Increase over Soptembor of laOG The lecolpts fol low September 130C 4CflC13 September lJ03 444891 Incrcaso 5 2472 Mrs K L Huddleston will leave today for a visit In Hot Springs Ark I J r It Is Iho dally average circu ¬ latlou of a newspaper that the shrewd ndvwtltcr Investigates High Water days doar count The Suns dully average lost mouth hits 803U 1 INTEREST CENTERS IN CONVENTION Republicans Occupy Boards in- P1tdilcilll1Ilis rrri II t Weeks JIi tilli CUr Jeket to lie Chosen Tomorrow o IIi1Y L11YCIiS AJIUSG TIIEJ Irost In Paducak con ters aboutuSCactlon ot the Rdpubli eau convau nt she city hall to- t morrow allot eon at oclock when candidates fondly Judge boards of aldermen and onncllmen and Bchool trustees vrlH o selected There nro- W four vacancies In tho aldcrmanlc board caused by tiro expirations ot the terms offthjb members and It t Is expected that the Incumbents will lie I accorded renomlnatlons unless theII dccllno to accept They are President I O D Star T and Aldormen E E 5 Dull John Farley and W T Miller I I They arc Elected from the city at large There will be throe now names on I tj tho councllmaulc ticket caused bI I tho declination of President George 0 McBrooni of the First ward and tof Councilman Race Dipple whoso place was temporarily filled by an appointee of Mayor Yelscr Tho oth- er ¬ members whoso terms expire andJ who aro expected to run again are Councilmen O M 1 Oehlschlaeger of Katterjoland ofa I the Fifth ward and U S Barnett of the Sixth ward Several available men for Iho va ¬ cancies Rare been meatlonedamong whom are nf Wells In the Third ward to succeed Councilman L P Kolb John W Debout In tho First ward to succeed President Georgu IJO asp running mate for Councilman Iatn terjoln to succeed Councilman Race DippleL1 j It Is believed that all the school rctruslees 11L ocg cept renomlnatlon In the Fifth theta are two vacancies ns Trustee Byrd not qualified for the place when he ran before but by courtesy of thoII school board was appointed to nil CIthe election In that ward John Murray and U C Marlow1 era prominently mentioned as available for candi- dates Other members who probably will be renominated aro President Williamson of tho Second ward H 1 Gallman of the First ward DrWII Pitcher of tho Third ward P Beck onbnch of tho Fourth ward and Dr S Troutman of the Sixth ward Hon E W Bagoy Is probably most prominently mentioned for city judge Ho hue been approached by 1 different delegations of Democrats requesting him to msKo the racoand ho apparently will carry great strength In the contest He has canH sldered the matter and deddedtou- Aow his name to bo used although was against his desire In the be ¬ ginningPresident George 0 McBroom of tho board of councilman hue bean urged by friends to stand for floe 1 nomination Bud others aro mention as available the i PAILS TO TAKE HHIIIER ml lit mi Sheriff Returns from Canada 1Without O A linker in FIIndlonollolls Sourblcr who has been dickering j with Oscar A Decker Indicted agent tho American Tobacco company charged with attempting to brlbo 1egm Islators to veto against the antlclg grotto law returned from Hamilton Ont today after falling to lure his man from Canada It Is Dotterel Baker has gono to Ireland In HULL KILLS YOUXG BRIDAL PAiitei Gores Youth dud Piro of I 17 WhoI I Kloinlf Just After Ceremony j k Murtlnsburg WjVn Oct 10 < Just as they left the homo of tilt clergyman In Klclimoml Falls who had married them Frederick Gordon bridela bull and gored to loath A red dress whlchi tho young wife woro U be ¬ lieved to have angered the bull and Deed the cause of the tragedy JOHN S HOPKINS SAVED BY SHOREWARD BREEZE t < + J1 JllmISlltTJOX DY i J + TtKSUAY OCTOBER 10 f f- g j + SIX TO NINE OCLOCK A fffi tfi hit 1111 lUll day will bo Tuesday + t r4 October 10 trout 0a m to 0 t X p m All thoso who have not a x V rcgMiiillon Issued October tt Ijt certificate must register next + D Tuesday If they would vote nt it r rUe municipal I election Besides i ithe I Itsiio of endorsing the con iS 4 duct of the Republican genera council mid school board there gj i Is n police Judge to elect the is ffi I ijt sue In which Tire will be tight f I ly drnwii Also the park bond A g Issue of 8100000 und the cltyj b water contract ate to bo voted I i 2 on All voters iiie urged to rcg Ister mid cxpiiiNN their prefer j j J encc mid opinions They should 1 j + + register early us the political or t > j J ganljitlons will limo their hands full looking after the dlljj tt + story ones tt < EIGHT X1HCTM KNTS AUK UKTUIXKU AGAINST SUGAIl TRUST dmerican Itenning In New York New York Oct toElght Indict meats In the socalled sugar rebate case were handed down by the Octo ¬ federal grand Jury which corn Its labors today The Indict ¬ were found earlier In the year but were never officially reported un ¬ today Tho Indictments were ns Against the American Sugar company the American Su ¬ Refining company of New York and C Goodies Edgar und Edwin Earle for receiving rebates from the New York Central Railroad com ¬ t against the Western Transit for giving rebates to tho American Sugar Kcflnliy company and tho American Sugar Refining company of Now York against the American Sugar Refining company of Now York for receiving rebates from the Western Transit company against tho Delaware lackawanna Western Railroad company PLAY TAG WITH HALLOOXS AND AUTOMO RILES IX GERMANY Cl Wllliclm Has New War Gnmo in Which Machines Try to Catch Aeronaut i Berlin Oct l01 game of tag between motor cars and balloons was Inaugurated today by Emperor William as a method of celebrating twentyfifth anniversary pf the rounding of tho Dcrlln Ballooning as soclatlon Tho real purpose of the novel contest Is to test tho relative values of balloons and automobiles certain kinds of war maneuvers balloons wero sent away slmul ¬ taneously and sixteen motor cars Immediately acre started In pursuit The automobiles aro piton twenty In which to reach tho bal- loons ¬ utter they land Ii they do this they will win Detroit Oct 10It Is rumored hero that an unknown steamer sank Huron bay during a storm and lives worn lost Owing to the Inaccessible location of the place It 1 Impossible to verity the report Kiiir 1 tonight with henry und probably killing frost Thursday fair and wanner The highest tempcrture reached lstenlllI waa 00 and she lowest today was 38 r I i Pilot House of Steamer Was Con 1 1f f sumed > By Flames Thisi 1 Morning i if 1 1 Crew and Firemen Aided By Windif Work Valiantly and Prevent I Spread of Fire ii i i FIRE ORIGINATED FROM THE STOVE a Wind saved tho steamer John S Hopkins from total destruction by fire this morning at 7 oclock The fire started In tho forward end of the Texas cabin or pilot house presum- ably ¬ from the stove the only fire on thin boat Some think that sparks front the smoldering fire In tho Mc Klnnlo Veneer and Lumber com panys yard sot the steamer afire The damage will bo 2000 fully covered by Insurance The personal effects of the captain and crew were burned or ruined by water Much was thrown overboard In fighting the fireThe theory of a spark from the shore Is offset by the direction the wind was blowing which was on shore Tho wind blowing away from the boat prevented the flames from spreading rapidly and tho splendid work of fire company No 2 saved the boat Startled by the furious ringing of the boats bell the crew of tho Hop kins returning from breakfast on- shore hurried to an open view of the river on Myers street and saw the steamer on fire Dick Drown a col ¬ ored helper on tho boat was the only person there and discovered the fire Hose was laid from Myers street to tho rivers bank many hundreds coveriTho curlcl111the The who assaulted J U Ford tho old soldier on First street near the New Rich ¬ mouth hotel Sunday night aro guilty of murdor to tho follow ¬ ing dispatch received from Princeton Ky this D Ford who left Paducah ¬ reputed to have been a for FOUND TO UK IX A 1 Hoard of Public Works Inspects BIt nllthlu Paving and Jefferson sand avenue from Fourth street to Ninth street were afternoon by tho board ot public works accom ¬ panied by several citizens and this Jefferson street was gone over The work was found to be sat fsfactory It Is said end the boar will doubtless accept tbo work at this meeting The board will also look after the filling In of Caldwell street where the new con crclo culvert was IS ILL Is From n Cold Now York Oct R Hearst enil League candidate for governor Is ill at hla homo In this city with a severe cold Mr Hearst expects however to bo able to address a meeting ot the Leaguo la West Chester Jo n yf 1 t doomed Alter the stream began to acontrol a the shell of the Texas cabin j t remains and the pilot house with the I steering wheel and gear are gone Water soaking through the floor of 4 tho Texas Injured tho passenger 3 cabin and I jj is valued at 25000 I and was Insured for 10000 with i tho Green Green ti agency of This company jj was notified by of the fire this morning and an adjuster Is ex r partI j j trade next week 1 Capt Harry Gilbert Is in command and was at breakfast down town when a he learned of the flea In the grew j were Harry Stanley und Ed Latham a engineers Clyde Shaw carpenter a ft sailor mate and watchman Alt their clothes except what they wore were lost > The has boon tied to the a bank of the river Just be- low 1 the mill for several weeks and went through the fire at i that mill without the shore The crew have been taking their meals on shore at Fourth and Myers street 1 Fire Is still active In tho sawdust heaps at the mill and fire company No 2 after say tag the boat to renew the effort to put it out i VICTIM OF HIGHWAYMEN IS DEAD AT PRINCETON t highwaymen Confederate according morning- J yes- terday STREET WORK COMPLETED SATISFACTORY MANNER onKcutncky Broadway Kentucky Inspected yesterday morning afternoons built- 11fIRST Gubernatorial Candidate SulTcring IgrrWJlllum Democratic Independence Independence county orpevVD controlOnly storerooms ThoHopklna Underwriters Evansvlllc telegraph Evansville Hopkins Tennessee McKlnnle leaving McKlnnle remained mcr sheriff of Caldwell county ar f rived In this city at fin early hour yesterday and on account of his pro dellctlou for strong drink was not a received In many saloons ot this city I but he was offered shelter from the j wintry blast and at about 10 oclock ho expired Ford had been addicted t to drinking Ho will be burled here SULTAN SHOT KUItDISH FAVORITE GETS JEAL f OUS OF HER MAST Il I 4 d Ho Showed Too Much Attention to a Circassian Beauty in tho Harem Paris Oct toA dispatch to the Petit Purlslcn from Constantinople 1 declares that the real secret of the wkey w domes ba Kurdish woman who r was Jealous of his latest favorite In the harem a beautiful Circassian f girl According to the story the r Millet was extracted bn Gorman x physician tho sultan going under thilc operation without taking chloroform and displaying great nerve OMAN ImO LAIU TO WORRY Troubles Said to hive Caused Demise of Rock Island Resident Rock Island Oct 10Worry Is declared responsible for the death to- day of Mrs Catherine McArde She had recently lost her property at Her shey Keb and was contesting the will of her brother the late Doan Thomas MacjUn who left the bulk ol his estate t9l4iRtant relatives > 1 I r t J M

r 4 7t rairM-






Outlined Uy CoiiiniissioiieiAgriculture

nktJ1 w

r tutlitviiUTii Kentucky Faniurn + Will1

hear flume Kwellent AdilrvsMoNest Week


Tho Kompluto program for thoJ Southwestern Kentucky Farmers

iDtllute which meets In PoducaliOctober 18 19 mid 20 has been pub ¬

tithed by Commissioner ot Agrlcultutu Vrcolqnil Thp expense to theBtato for this meeting will bo thous ¬

ands of dollar as sonic of the best l

talent In agriculture In tho countryhat been secured Including Secreta ¬

ry of Agriculture Coburn ofKang-

as who declined tho office of UnitedIIStates scnntor to pursue lila

J gations Many government depart ¬

f mental heads nro found In tho listof speakersA

one fare plus 25 centsfrom all points In Kentucky has beenoffered by the railroads and a largeattendance Is expected from all over1the purchase Commissioner Vrecland and several member of theelute board of agriculture will nttenth

Following Is the complete prograin for the throe days

TliunSDAYMorning Sessionf Invocation Dr W ECuYc


of Welcome Mayor D1ebrllesponw Hon Joseph lIt Fried ¬

+ man President Commercial Club

Afternoon icxolon

MuhlcTlioiScarcltyof Farm iabur and

the Remedy Hon W J Stone IKuta

tawa Ky-

Expcrlmontrtr with Dark TobaccoProf W IL Schorfllits nutlonol de-


of agricultureModern Methods of Seed Corn Se ¬

lectIOIlO I Christie Perdue Uni ¬

versity Lafayette laid-

FIIDAYMorning Session

MusicIntelligentFeeding or Ltvo Stock

Q Prof M1 A Scorch director agri ¬

cultural experiment station Lexlngton Kj-

Food Adultonalou Prof It MI

Allen puro food department Ken ¬

lucky oxpurlmcnt fetation

Afternoon SeditionMusicScud Adulteration Dr J W TI

Duvel bureau of plant Industry na ¬

tional department of agricultureIThe Value of Good Heads and Ho

tYt Pjocuro Them Hou W JHldno Kuttawa C MI Hanua Shel-

byI ¬

county Ky

SATUUUAYv Momlng Session

MusiclfaJruF O Coburn socrotury

state board of agriculture TopekaKan-


Dairying In IKentucky Prof ItM Allen experiment station Lox ¬


Afternoon SessionIulilcHAddress1roL H Garman oralsentomologist her

Soil FerUtityProf Ml A Scovolldirector Kentucky experiment atetlon Lexington IKy It

Intoiulvo Farming and Truck Cay wasdonlng Lecturer to be supplied jbo


Slug Stops Up Pent and Two LivesAre Forfeit i of

Chicago Oct 10lIIn levieswas killed another nuii U reportedto havo died and 20 oilers wero In ¬

jured UB tho result of A terrific explosion of gax in the fatoace of the LIllinois Steel company I tth ChiJngo today A piece pflDoansPklnh

E 1hl11a< c f-r

CS< 1oK X HH N<<<< It Oft

Tho following will be premiums offered by Hubert Yrecland commls 5

sinner of ngrlcultnre for dark tobacco Sample Khali tonlist of 12ws


hand of I12 leaven each All tobacco must be grown 4o Kentucky ftGrowers only will bo allowed to compete

J8 Flint Second Sgf8 g0001ti



Stemming Leaf any typo i j j 800 BOo 97t Ft

iiTwie earn shall coustltuti anwihllilt Com niiist be grown InKentucky nnd cxlillillcil by the gnawer f


N rirst Second++ While Dent day variety 1MOO 200 Jg

S Yellow Dent dOD 200 A-

ft Boono county ulilK 100 200 4l+

t<<<< >X >X >>K W >


Mr Richard Bell Gives New Version off

Fable Of The Wolf

Richard Doll the wailknownrlcd slightly tho old fourth readeroften but his version points a moruquite more entertainingly than thepractical Joko with tho wolf scaretho hunter did and ho Is bolsteredI

No u squirrel shot out ot hIs skinThe Joke was a great success

Tho subject of the Joko was originalnegro employed ou Hells faro hutof tho Joko got turned around lu thereason tho doctors ffftrtfo bpay at

Spccur Young has to walkmorning at 4 oclock nod ho 1

Ctuso ho doesnt own a gun DellIng n conversation In which ho rclwolfish atrocity ho could think ofaway train work any morning bthe negro also had a dread of thattht door ot pour folks cabins

However ho frightened Youngcalculated on and while Dell preparprepared for the wolf and they met

Mr Bull after Informing tIedawn dowi Iho road leading fromho hid In the shadows and as thehighway peering every which waygrowl and rushed out on all fours

Tho result was more than hoWith a half frozen cry on his

shotguq to his shoulder and let llyDown ou Ills face went Mr Doll

the dismayed scream of a woundedDackward through the frosty

polled by tho rebound of the ovorcl I

The negro was tho first to his

dairyThatwas fortunate for tho oth

Young had shot at the wolf returntho remains of their beloved employ

All they found was a disturbeddrops of blood The wolf had madeand tho family oven then was calling

It will bo a sad day for tho realties to this drama In the Mayfield



Friends Ar Seeking to Make Nota ¬

the Demonstration to OffsetReckhiiinN Welcome

Senator James U McCrcary willHpeak in Paducah Monday nIghtOctober 1C logical of Tuesday Oclo

1C as nt first arranged Thofriends of the senator have arranged-to eecuro tho Kentucky theater and

was on this account that the datechanged A demonstration will

rondo by his friends who desiregive him as good sendoff as Coy

error Deckham was accorded on theoccasion of his visit With good

weather they anticipate considerablea crowd

Trustyt Kills GuardMemphis Tonal Oct 10I1

ntownrt a trusty killed tho guardR Houston on R E Alcorna

county convict farm today at LakeVlllugn Ark and nlno prisoners escaped A sheriff and 1posed aro Inpursuit

dairyman on the Mayfield road nIilory of the boy who cried wolf too

1 and adorns a tale just as well anoriginal Like tho boy he playedbut Instead of Iho wolf getting himIup In tied while doctors Bra picking


nhounding In surprises both wayslly Intended to be Spencer Young ntomohow the f subject and predicate I

darkness this morning ThatsthoBclla boulOut I

about a mile to Dells dairy every i

terribly worried about tho wolf be I

ascertained this fact last night dur 1I

Intcd to Young story horrlblo tale of-

Ho didnt count on Young stayingrrcason of his tear because ho know II

other gaunt wolt that stalks aboutt

Into doing something else he hadnt i

red a wolf for Young Spencer Young 1

this uiorulnghands nt tho dairy sot forth beforei tt-

Youngs house to the dairy Thennegro came cautiously along theMr Doll uttered n most terrifying

bad anticipatedlips tho negro lifted a borrowedwith both barrelsgiving a most accurate Imitation ofwolfair turned the frightened negro Imurged shotgun Jfeet nnd he ran straight for Dells

hands when they heard thatd with him to the spat to gather uporspot In life road flecked with tinytracks backway for the kitchen doora doctor by telephone

wolf If ho ever meets any ot the parroad It






l <iirgcht Months Iliislinss for Local

UIIlHIIKJrt IN JustCompleted

Tho poatofflce receipts for Soptem of

ber show n marked Increase overSoptembor of laOG The lecolpts followSeptember 130C 4CflC13September lJ03 444891Incrcaso 5 2472

Mrs K L Huddleston will leavetoday for a visit In Hot SpringsArk I


It Is Iho dally average circu ¬

latlou of a newspaper that theshrewd ndvwtltcr Investigates

High Water days doar countThe Suns dully average lostmouth hits 803U




Republicans Occupy Boards in-

P1tdilcilll1IlisrrriII t


JIitilliCUr Jeket to lie ChosenTomorrow



Irost In Paducak conters aboutuSCactlon ot the Rdpublieau convau nt she city hall to-

t morrow allot eon at oclock whencandidates fondly Judge boards ofaldermen and onncllmen and Bchooltrustees vrlH o selected There nro-

W four vacancies In tho aldcrmanlcboard caused by tiro expirations otthe terms offthjb members and It tIsexpected that the Incumbents will lie I

accorded renomlnatlons unless theIIdccllno to accept They are President I

O D Star T and Aldormen E E 5

Dull John Farley and W T MillerI


They arc Elected from the city atlarge

There will be throe now names on Itj

tho councllmaulc ticket caused bII

tho declination of President George0 McBrooni of the First ward andtofCouncilman Race Dipple whosoplace was temporarily filled by anappointee of Mayor Yelscr Tho oth-er


members whoso terms expire andJwho aro expected to run again areCouncilmen O M1 Oehlschlaeger ofKatterjolandofa Ithe Fifth ward and U S Barnett ofthe Sixth ward

Several available men for Iho va ¬

cancies Rare been meatlonedamongwhom are nf Wells In the Thirdward to succeed Councilman L PKolb John W Debout In tho Firstward to succeed President GeorguIJOasprunning mate for Councilman Iatnterjoln to succeed Councilman RaceDippleL1j

It Is believed that all the schoolrctruslees11Locgcept renomlnatlon In the Fifth thetaare two vacancies ns Trustee Byrd

not qualified for the place whenhe ran before but by courtesy of thoIIschool board was appointed to nilCItheelection In that ward John Murrayand U C Marlow1 era prominentlymentioned as available for candi-dates

Other members who probablywill be renominated aro PresidentWilliamson of tho Second ward H 1

Gallman of the First ward DrWIIPitcher of tho Third ward P Beckonbnch of tho Fourth ward and Dr

S Troutman of the Sixth wardHon E W Bagoy Is probably

most prominently mentioned for cityjudge Ho hue been approached by 1

different delegations of Democratsrequesting him to msKo the racoandho apparently will carry greatstrength In the contest He has canHsldered the matter and deddedtou-Aow his name to bo used although

was against his desire In the be ¬

ginningPresidentGeorge 0 McBroom of

tho board of councilman hue beanurged by friends to stand for floe 1

nomination Bud others aro mentionas available



ml lit mi Sheriff Returns from Canada

1Without O A linkerin

FIIndlonollollsSourblcr who has been dickering jwith Oscar A Decker Indicted agent

tho American Tobacco companycharged with attempting to brlbo 1egmIslators to veto against the antlclggrotto law returned from HamiltonOnt today after falling to lure hisman from Canada It Is DotterelBaker has gono to Ireland


Gores Youth dud Piro of I17 WhoII

Kloinlf Just After Ceremony j


Murtlnsburg WjVn Oct 10 <

Just as they left the homo of tiltclergyman In Klclimoml Falls whohad married them Frederick Gordon

bridelabull and gored to loath A red dresswhlchi tho young wife woro U be ¬

lieved to have angered the bull andDeed the cause of the tragedy



< +J1






+ SIX TO NINE OCLOCKAfffitfi hit 1111 lUll day will bo Tuesday +

tr4 October 10 trout 0 a m to 0 tX p m All thoso who have not a xV rcgMiiillon Issued October ttIjt certificate must register next +

D Tuesday If they would vote nt itrrUe municipalI election Besides

iithe IItsiio of endorsing the con iS4 duct of the Republican genera

council mid school board there gji Is n police Judge to elect the is ffi

Iijt sue In which Tire will be tightf Ily drnwii Also the park bond Ag Issue of 8100000 und the cltyjb water contract ate to bo voted I i

2 on All voters iiie urged to rcgIster mid cxpiiiNN their prefer j j

J encc mid opinions They should 1


+ register early us the political or t>j J ganljitlons will limo their

hands full looking after the dlljjtt+ story ones

tt <



dmericanItenningIn New York

New York Oct toElght Indictmeats In the socalled sugar rebatecase were handed down by the Octo ¬

federal grand Jury which cornIts labors today The Indict¬

were found earlier In the yearbut were never officially reported un ¬

today Tho Indictments were nsAgainst the American Sugarcompany the American Su ¬

Refining company of New Yorkand C Goodies Edgar und EdwinEarle for receiving rebates from theNew York Central Railroad com ¬

t against the Western Transitfor giving rebates to tho

American Sugar Kcflnliy companyand tho American Sugar Refiningcompany of Now York against theAmerican Sugar Refining company ofNow York for receiving rebates fromthe Western Transit companyagainst tho Delaware lackawannaWestern Railroad company



Cl Wllliclm Has New War Gnmoin Which Machines Try to

Catch Aeronaut


Berlin Oct l01 game of tagbetween motor cars and balloonswas Inaugurated today by EmperorWilliam as a method of celebrating

twentyfifth anniversary pf therounding of tho Dcrlln Ballooning assoclatlon Tho real purpose of thenovel contest Is to test tho relativevalues of balloons and automobiles

certain kinds of war maneuversballoons wero sent away slmul ¬

taneously and sixteen motor carsImmediately acre started In pursuitThe automobiles aro piton twenty

In which to reach tho bal-


utter they land Ii they dothis they will win

Detroit Oct 10It Is rumoredhero that an unknown steamer sank

Huron bay during a storm andlives worn lost Owing to the

Inaccessible location of the place It 1

Impossible to verity the report

Kiiir1 tonight with henry undprobably killing frost Thursdayfair and wanner The highesttempcrture reached lstenlllIwaa 00 and she lowest today was38



i Pilot House of Steamer Was Con 11f


sumed >By Flames Thisi1 Morning iif


Crew and Firemen Aided By WindifWork Valiantly and Prevent I

Spread of Fire iii



Wind saved tho steamer John SHopkins from total destruction by

fire this morning at 7 oclock Thefire started In tho forward end of theTexas cabin or pilot house presum-ably


from the stove the only fire onthin boat Some think that sparksfront the smoldering fire In tho McKlnnlo Veneer and Lumber companys yard sot the steamer afire

The damage will bo 2000 fullycovered by Insurance The personaleffects of the captain and crew wereburned or ruined by water Muchwas thrown overboard In fighting the

fireThe theory of a spark from theshore Is offset by the direction thewind was blowing which was onshore Tho wind blowing away fromthe boat prevented the flames fromspreading rapidly and tho splendidwork of fire company No 2 savedthe boat

Startled by the furious ringing ofthe boats bell the crew of tho Hopkins returning from breakfast on-

shore hurried to an open view of theriver on Myers street and saw thesteamer on fire Dick Drown a col ¬

ored helper on tho boat was the onlyperson there and discovered the fire

Hose was laid from Myers streetto tho rivers bank many hundreds


The who assaulted JU Ford tho old soldieron First street near the New Rich ¬

mouth hotel Sunday night aro guiltyof murdor to tho follow ¬

ing dispatch received from PrincetonKy this

D Ford who left Paducah ¬

reputed to have been a for


Hoard of Public Works Inspects BItnllthlu Paving and


sand avenuefrom Fourth street to Ninth streetwere afternoonby tho board ot public works accom ¬

panied by several citizens and thisJefferson street was gone

over The work was found to be satfsfactory It Is said end the boarwill doubtless accept tbo work atthis meeting The boardwill also look after the filling In ofCaldwell street where the new concrclo culvert was


IsFrom n Cold

Now York Oct RHearst enilLeague candidate for governor Is illat hla homo In this city with a severecold Mr Hearst expects howeverto bo able to address a meeting otthe Leaguo la WestChester Jo n

yf 1


doomed Alter the stream began to


the shell of the Texas cabin jt

remains and the pilot house with theI steering wheel and gear are goneWater soaking through the floor of 4

tho Texas Injured tho passenger 3

cabin and



is valued at 25000I and was Insured for 10000 with i

tho Green Green ti

agency of This company jj

was notified by of the firethis morning and an adjuster Is ex

rpartI jj

trade next week 1Capt Harry Gilbert Is in command

and was at breakfast down town when ahe learned of the flea In the grew jwere Harry Stanley und Ed Latham a

engineers Clyde Shaw carpenter a ftsailor mate and watchman Alttheir clothes except what they worewere lost >

The has boon tied to the a

bank of the river Just be-


the mill for severalweeks and went through the fire at ithat mill without the shoreThe crew have been taking theirmeals on shore at Fourth and Myersstreet 1

Fire Is still active In tho sawdustheaps at the mill and firecompany No 2 after saytag the boat to renew the effort toput it out i





morning-J yes-





Broadway Kentucky

Inspected yesterday





Gubernatorial Candidate SulTcring

IgrrWJlllumDemocratic Independence

Independencecounty orpevVD










mcr sheriff of Caldwell county ar f

rived In this city at fin early houryesterday and on account of his prodellctlou for strong drink was not areceived In many saloons ot this city Ibut he was offered shelter from the jwintry blast and at about 10 oclockho expired Ford had been addicted t

to drinking Ho will be burled here




Ho Showed Too Much Attention to aCircassian Beauty in tho


Paris Oct toA dispatch to thePetit Purlslcn from Constantinople


declares that the real secret of thewkeyw

domes ba Kurdish woman who r

was Jealous of his latest favorite Inthe harem a beautiful Circassian f

girl According to the story the rMillet was extracted bn Gorman x

physician tho sultan going under thilcoperation without taking chloroformand displaying great nerve


Troubles Said to hive Caused Demiseof Rock Island Resident

Rock Island Oct 10Worry Isdeclared responsible for the death to-

day of Mrs Catherine McArde Shehad recently lost her property at Hershey Keb and was contesting thewill of her brother the late DoanThomas MacjUn who left the bulk olhis estate t9l4iRtant relatives

> 1I r t J

