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The Patriot - September 13, 2013

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The September 13, 2013 edition of The Patriot. The Patriot is the official biweekly student newspaper of the University of the Cumberlands.
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2 September 13, 2013

What’s Inside

Our StaffEditor-in-Chief

Christin Miller

Assistant EditorsNatasha JonesTimothy Wyatt

Online EditorHayley Davis

Copy-EditorsBrandy NormanJannica Brady

Photo EditorWhitley West

Graphic DesignerBrad Pearce

Staff WritersAbbey CherryAlex Williams

Autumn CooneyCaleb Vander Ark

Emily HemphillKristina SmithRyan Poynter

Solomon WhitakerTyler Bird

Staff PhotographersCarleen Fletcher

Chloe GuCody Ellis

Jillian Carpenter

Faculty AdvisorJeremiah Massengale

Editorial Review BoardLisa Bartram

Marianne Worthington

- 7609 College Station Drive Williamsburg, Ky 40769

How to survive freshman year(from someone who did)

(606-539-4172 /patriotnewspaper @UCThePatriot *[email protected]

The Patriot is the biweekly student publication of the University

of the Cumberlands. Our goal is to provide timely and original

content by highlighting campus news and views.

Award winning member of the Kentucky Press Association.





12 He is all we need

14 Amethyst

Oh, the places you’ll go

Inside UC cheerleading

What you want to hear:a Q&A series



Photo by Natasha Jones

U 3

Tony Nolan returns to UCfor OpeningConvocation

Tony Nolan, a well-known Christian

speaker and author, returned to campus on

Sept. 3 to speak to the students for the first

convocation of the fall 2013 semester.

Nolan took the stage and warmed up the

crowd with a quick joke saying, “Turn to

your neighbor and tell them that they are

blessed to be sitting beside you tonight.”

Nolan then began to reveal his testimony of

very tragic circumstances to the student body

and how he had been “changed by the love

of God.”

Mallory Harper, a psychology major at

UC who heard Nolan speak at a convocation

event last year, said, “I went the first time and

he did a good job, so I knew he would do a

good job again.”

Nolan encouraged students to not go

down the difficult path that he had to, to


“Listen to me carefully. This room is

filled with two types of people, those that lis-

ten and learn and those that live and learn. Be

a listen and learner; I came to a haunting re-

alization, that the highs from the alcohol and

drugs will never ever be stronger than the

hurts. You will never smoke your way out of

your funk, you will never be able to drink

your way out of that person that you see in

the mirror. It won’t happen.” said Nolan.

Nolan spoke encouragingly to the audi-

ence before him about listening too much to

what others thought about him. “We start be-

lieving what’s true about us is what every-

body else is saying, that we can’t quite

measure up. What’s true about you is what

God says about you,” said Nolan.

Nolan talked about of how someone

shared the verse John 3:16 with him, some-

one who wasn’t focused on going to church

but about being the church and this changed

his entire perspective about Christianity.

Nolan said, “I thought Christianity was a club

for the good people and I wasn’t invited.”

Nolan said he was stunned by the story

of how God loved him (and us) so much; he

sacrificed his only son for our sins.

“That night the love of God swallowed

me and changed me from the inside out,” said


Samantha Vickers, a special education

major at UC said, “His story was very inspir-

ing and it touched my heart. What he said re-

ally made me think about my life and I’m

thankful that he came and spoke to us.”

Nolan’s speech was so moving to stu-

dents that as the student body joined in

prayer, many students repeated after Nolan

as they dedicated their lives to Christ. The

community of campus came together and

bonded as a different kind of family that

night; it was a wonderful way to kick off the



Assista nt EditorTony Nola n sha res his testimony to t he student body of UC in t he O. Way ne Rollins Center on September 3, 2013.


The great beards of UC


Sta ff Wr iter

In the history of man, many great men

have donned one. Chuck Norris kicked his

way into fame while men stared at it. Walt

Whitman wrote poetry while it sat in front of

him. Even God is commonly depicted wearing

one on his face. At the University of the Cum-

berlands, many men have attempted to create

it. Dr. Keith Semmel, Caleb Hetrick, Alex

Franklin, and Timothy Smith, among others,

have succeeded in doing so. So what have

these gentlemen done to be in the same ranks

as Norris, Whitman and perhaps even God?

They grew an awesome beard.

Dr. Keith Semmel, the chair of the com-

munication arts department at UC, has had a

beard for over 26 years. “Almost immediately

after I started college, I grew my beard and I

kept it,” Semmel said. Although his beard is a

staple of the professor, his beard and his fam-

ily have been at odds for a long time. “One of

the battles I used to have with my parents was

about hair length, Beatle haircuts and facial

hair,” Semmel said.

His wife, Marianne Worthington, empha-

sized this point. Worthington, an associate

professor of communication arts at UC, said,

“His mother always wanted him to shave his

beard. She’d use every excuse in the world to

try to get him to shave his beard.”

Worthington said that Semmel’s mother

attempted to get him to shave his beard for his

college graduation, while he received his

Ph.D. and even for his wedding. “She always

thought some big occasion would make him

shave his beard and nothing did,” Worthington

added. Thankfully, Dr. Semmel stayed true to

his beard and kept it.

Caleb Hetrick, a graduate assistant at UC,

also keeps a trimmed beard. “I like beards. I

think they’re manly,” Hetrick said. He has had

a beard on-and-off since 2009 and created the

UC Bearded Men’s Club on Facebook in

2011, although it has been inactive for a while.

Hetrick has a firm belief that everyone that can

grow a beard should.

“If someone can grow a beard, they ought

to because it’s manly. If you think about it,

lions have a mane, horses have a mane and

those are awesome animals. Have you ever

seen a horse with its mane shaved? I don’t

think that’s a good idea, so I don’t think that

we should shave our mane either,” Hetrick


Timothy Smith, the senior life assistant

of Robinson-Cook Hall, agrees that everyone

should grow a beard if they can. “I think that

it makes men look better and it keeps your

face warmer,” Smith stated. Smith, a senior at

UC, has been growing beards for over seven

years also thinks that beards make a man look

more masculine and distinguished. However,

Smith’s longtime girlfriend likes his beard, but

doesn’t like it too long.

Alex “Wildman” Franklin, a sophomore

at UC, disagrees with Hetrick and Smith.

“Some men just don’t need a beard. They have

a perfectly fine life with a bare chin,” Franklin

said. Franklin, who has kept his foot-long

beard for two years, said that last time he has

shaved was in his junior year of high school.

Franklin has also earned the nickname “Wild-

man” not only because of his wild and rugged

beard, but also because of his antics outdoors.

He mentioned that he intends to join a bear-

watching event with the Patriot Adventure

Club later in the week.

Beards are a beautiful thing. They are

adaptable, grow back easily and look great.

And wherever you look, whatever the reasons,

there’s no doubt beards have been making a

comeback. That’s the big, hairy truth.

Okay. You’ve made it this far. The cap

and gown are happily collecting dust in the

back of your closet at home while you pack

your bags for bigger and better adventures.

Are you ready for the real world? (You’ve got

four more years to prepare for it!)

Back when I was a freshman, (approxi-

mately a year ago), I was pumped. Equal

amounts of excitement and terror were rushing

through my veins, and I just want to let you

know… college can be hard, especially the

first few months. Luckily, there are plenty of

things you can do to prepare yourself for the

quest of secondary education.

Tip #1: Don’t Be a Hermit (Or a Home-


College can be a little nerve-racking and

some students (like me) might be introverts

who don’t easily mesh into new friendships

and new places. And when you’re all by your

lonesome, it’s easy to just go into default-

mode and head home every weekend. While

home is where the heart is, college needs to be

your new home, and no matter how much you

love your family, you need to experience life

semi-on your own, so try to stay on campus

for the first whole month of classes. Try to not

call your best friends that aren’t at college

with you every single day. Sit at some random

tables in the cafeteria and chat with the person

next to you in your Bio lab. A new environ-

ment can be scary, but you’re not alone!

There’s a ton of other freshmen around you

that don’t know what they’re doing either, so

join the club. Speaking of which, there are

many extracurricular activities that you can

get involved in – there’s the Activities Fair in

the first week of school telling you all about

the clubs on campus.

Whatever you do, don’t avoid people and

sit in your dorm room all weekend long –

there will be plenty of things going on around

campus for you to enjoy, but not unless you

open your door! So don’t be hermit or a home-

body. If you live eight hundred miles away,

this is easier than if you’re just ten miles down

the street. Either way, it will be really hard to

get the full college experience if you are con-

stantly going home and missing out on cam-

pus-wide events.

Tip #2: Pack Lightly, but Not Too Lightly

How you pack will depend on where you

live. Unless home for you is within fifteen

minutes, I would bring the most necessary and

obvious items, including bed covers, books,

toiletries, and microwaves. (Popcorn and hot

pockets make the perfect study snack!) Re-

garding clothes, it’s best to just bring the

clothes you need for the current season. You’ll

always need an umbrella and rain jacket, but

you won’t always need a winter coat. The

most important thing to remember when

you’re packing is that you’ll be sharing your

room with at least one other person, so your

whole room can’t go with you. When you go

to pack everything, take out about half of it,

because that’s how much you’ll actually use.

For my freshman year, I chose to bring lots of

DVDs but forgot to bring my laptop charger

and an extension cord. Hence, pack the bare

necessities first. It’s better to get things mailed

to you from home than for you to be over-

whelmed with piles of stuff!

Tip #3: Prioritize: “The Bermuda Triangle”

of College Life

There will always be things to do, places

to go, and people to see, so plan your week-

ends and weeknights wisely. You’ll need some

time for homework, believe it or not, but

you’ll also need to get out and have fun. The

problem we students run into is finding room

for sleeping and eating. Social life, academic

life, and physical life make up the college ver-

sion of the Bermuda Triangle, and if those

three portions of your life aren’t balanced, you

won’t be. So be prepared to say no to some fun

events and yes to some studying and/or sleep-

ing, and vice versa. On occasion, your grades

will thank you for it.

Tip #4: Use Your Freedom for Good (Not


Finally, you’re a college undergrad. Sud-

denly you are liberated from your parents and

think you own the place. However, just be-

cause your newfound freedom allows you to

sleep whenever you want, eat whatever you

want, and clean your dorm room whenever

you want (for the most part), you’ll find that

it’s easy to overload and, like the tip #3, get

out of balance with the sync of collegiate suc-

cess. Don’t sweat it. Just set some rules for

yourself so that you don’t fall off the edge of

glory. I made Saturday mornings my “Catch-


time, so that I could hang out with my friends

for the rest of the day. In the words of Peter’s

Uncle from the best Spiderman movie ever:

“With great power comes great responsibil-

ity.” Use your amazing freedom for good.

Freshmen year is important. It’s the year

you decide where to settle into for the next

four or more years, and while college has tons

of fun lurking around every corner, it really

should be taken seriously. You’re becoming an

adult! You’re going to influence the world!

Call it cheesy all you want, but Dr. Seuss was

totally right: “You’re off to great places!

You’re off and away!”

People – like you – can make a differ-

ence. U of Cumberlands is here to help with

that, so take advantage of the highly trained

staff on board for your success. We don’t just

want to survive in life… we want you to thrive

in life.

Courtesy of GoUnCommon.com.

How to survive freshman year(from someone who did)


Online Editor


6 dFeatures

Making enemies in your dorm


Sta ff Wr iter

We’ve all been there. That brand new ex-

perience of a lifetime where you don’t really

have a clue at what you’re doing. So you wing

it. You say a little prayer under your breath

that you don’t come out looking like a moron

and let out a huge sigh of relief when you

don’t get a “what the heck are you doing?”

look from the person closest to you.

Perhaps one of the most nerve-wrecking

experiences I’ve ever had was that first month

or two of dorm life. I mean, hasn’t everyone

seen some Lifetime movie about a crazy

roommate? My greatest fear was that I would

make the wrong person mad over a silly

rookie mistake and wake up one night with

somebody hovering over my shoulder.

OK, maybe my imagination is a little

overactive. But there’s no way I was the only

freshman with those types of fears.

This year will make my third year living

in the dorms and I can confidently say I have

done almost everything to aggravate those liv-

ing around me. (Sorry!) However, I’ve also

experienced my fair share of frustrations with

dorm life. Combine these two experiences and

I’ve got a great list of how to really get under

the skin of the people you’re living with.

The Bathrooms

Let’s get real. Nobody likes sharing one

bathroom with 20 other people. Yet that still

doesn’t give you the right to trash the place.

Maybe you’re OK with it being messy and

smelly, but I’m going to go out on a limb and

say that 99 percent of those around you are


University of the Cumberlands student

Jordan Johnson says that guys shouldn’t

“shave their head and then just leave their hair

everywhere in the bathroom” for instance.

The dorms have hard-working staff to

keep these areas clean. Don’t make life more

difficult on them just because you’re too lazy

to clean up after yourselves. Not only are you

being a nuisance to the cleaning staff but also

to everyone who comes into the bathroom

after you. Your neighbors will remember you

as a slob. It will be a frustrating situation for

all those involved. Just don’t do it.

Oh, and one more thing: flush.

Your Room

UC student Debbie Walters believes that

the way to be a bad roommate is to “take my

Butterfingers and mess with my things.”

One virtue a bad roommate lacks is respect.

Be sure communication lines are open and you

talk to your roommate before borrowing, or

eating, anything that is theirs. And remember,

if you break it, you buy it.

However, what is perhaps even more

frustrating is breaking your roommate’s con-

centration when they’re writing that 15 page

paper that’s due tomorrow that they procrasti-

nated on.

UC student Shannon Whittenberg asks

that roommates don’t “play loud music when

I’m trying to read or write a paper.”

The same goes for when your roommate

is sleeping. Nap times are more valuable than

gold to college students. Interrupt that and

you’ve followed the one step process to a

cranky roommate.

“Nothings more annoying than having

your roommates Shakira alarm clock going off

at 6 a.m.” says UC student Rhyana Barker.

By the way, odds are your neighbors can hear

that loud music…and Shakira alarm clock,


General Living Areas

The laundry room, the hallways,

kitchens, and lobby areas are places where you

will actually have to interact with your peers

as scary or mind-blowing as that may sound.

These are also the areas to really prove how

tolerable, or annoying, you are.

Lucky for you though it all comes down

to what we’ve already discussed: respect.

University of Kentucky student Claire Robb

says it’s a major foul when “people take my

things out of the dryer before it’s finished and

replace it with their things.”

Western Kentucky University alumnus

Daniel Richardson reminds everyone that “it’s

not funny to set off fire alarms at 3 a.m.”

Other things that it’s not cool to do at

three in the morning? “Stop with the ridicu-

lously loud noises,” pleads UC student Jannica

Brady. “We live in a dorm, not a zoo.” Lastly,

UC professor Jeremiah Massengale encour-

ages everyone, “don’t burn food.”

Photo by W hitley West

7d Features

Milly’s On Main

In photo: Liz Guiller mo

If you are looking for a change of pace from the Caf or the Grill for lunch, take a short walk downtown to Milly’s—a local sandwich shop

with a charming feel. Liz Guillermo says, “I love it because it’s local and the people are fantastic. They really care about the community and

they interact in such a friendly way with each customer. The atmosphere alone is worth the trip, but the food is so good.”

Milly’s menu features a wide variety of sandwiches made right in front of you as well as fresh salads and soups.

“It’s a taste of home every time you go .” -Liz

Oh, The Places You’ll Go! BY CA R LEEN FLE TCHER

Sta ff Photographer

“You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!”

- Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Dr. Seuss had it right. Today is your day. While you find yourself in the small town of Williamsburg, Kentucky there is still a lot to get out there and see, find, do, and explore. So before

you get the small town blues, here are some places to check out this month.

Cumberland Falls

In photo: Nicholas Mor r is

Cumberland Falls is a local tourist hotspot—many people come to enjoy the outdoors and see the falls. If you have a grander sense of ad-

venture however, there are a variety of other trails to explore. Eagle Falls is a must see; anyone can hike the trail, but it still presents enough

challenge to be fun and a good workout. Don’t pass up the chance make a pit stop up to the lookout on the way. The view is spectacular.

The Spillway

In photo: Ma rk Ba ker

The spillway down at the Holly Bay Marina is definitely the place to go for a relaxing time—cool breeze, lake, and soaking up some rays

with friends—what more could you need, right? If you find yourself craving adrenaline over relaxation though, make sure to check out some of

the cliff jumping spots. It’s definitely a good way to let go of some class anxiety and worthy of a bucket list check.

You & Me Coffee & Tea

In photo: W hitney Johnson, Jorda n A llen a nd t he Bellwet hers (Jorda n A llen, Ca leb Bla ir, a nd Justin R iley)

If you are looking for a relaxed place to just hang out, You & Me is the place to be. This locally-owned coffee shop has a funky and eclectic

style, featuring local artists’ works hanging on the walls, a wide variety of old furniture, and even a bicycle. It makes for a great place to study

or to have some fun. Grab some friends and head over—they have a ton of great board games on hand and bring in local bands, like Jordan

Allen and the Bellwethers. Many people are devoted to the place, like Caleb Blair, who goes for the “great coffee, creative atmosphere and

unique style, and the effort and service shown by the staff.”


Photo by Jillia n Ca r penter

Photo by Chloe Gu


Photo by Chloe Gu

Photo by Chloe Gu

Photo by Chloe Gu


How I see it:What Johnny “Football” can teach us


Assista nt Editor

Some of the best and most interesting athletes of the day are also the

most polarizing. Take LeBron James, for example. Who can honestly argue against him being

the most dominant, physically-gifted player currently in the NBA? OK, scratch “honest.”

Who can make an effective argument? The short answer is “no one.” And there are just as

few people riding the fence when it comes to their opinion of LeBron. You love him. You

hate him. Period.

While LeBron has far and away ruled the media’s teeter-totter of praise and scrutiny

the past several years, his large shadow has finally been eclipsed. In his place stands a very

different figure. His name: Johnny “Football” Manziel. (Just to be clear, in no way am I say-

ing Manziel’s talent is comparable to that of LeBron’s.)

Being the first freshman to ever win the Heisman has its perks. Many of which we won’t

discuss for obvious reasons. But, as with most things in life, it comes with just as many neg-

atives. A big one being the blinding spotlight Manziel has found himself in. Especially when

you live the type of life he does.

An overwhelming portion of student-athletes come from broken homes or poverty-

stricken areas. Not, Johnny “Football.” In fact, if he were to have any other nickname it

would be “Money.” Speaking of which, one of the many reasons he’s become so vilified is

due to all those dead presidents burning a hole in his pockets.

Within weeks of being donned the title of “best college football player of the year” he

was sitting courtside of Miami Heat games and taking photos with the man whose place he

took—LeBron. He was throwing parties, going to parties and getting kicked out of parties.

And, man, did he sign a lot of autographs. So much so that even though the NCAA couldn’t

pin any actual wrongdoing on him for allegedly selling his signature, he was slapped on the

wrist for virtually being guilty by association and ruled ineligible for the first half of Texas

A&M’s Aug. 31 season opener against Rice University.

Did anyone happen to catch his touchdown “celebrations” during that game? He mimed

the motion of signing his name and then later held up his hands and rubbed his fingers to-

gether, mimicking the universal sign for money. That alone should’ve parted the waters of

those who were indifferent of Manziel. It sure did for me. I mean, I went full-blown Icona

Pop during that moment: “I don’t care, I love it.” Yet, just as many people hated it and thought

it was despicable and that he was just being immature.

And he’s not even changed what he was doing. All that’s changed is the amount of eyes

that are on him. Being literally referred to as “Football” is kind of connotative anyway. You

would expect someone with that moniker to exude confidence and bravado, right? Manziel

is just giving you what you paid for—entertainment. Not to even mention the fact that he’s

doing it well, too.

Among the shuffle though, there is a lesson to be learned from all of this. It doesn’t

matter who you are or what you do. Yeah, some people are going to hate you for being you,

but other people are also going to love you just as much for it.


Inside UC Cheerleading Cheerleading catches a lot of flak on

whether or not it’s a “real” sport. UC students

come to the football games to watch the boys

of fall but they aren’t the only ones out there

in uniform. As a fan, you see the big bows and

dances but rarely ever do you get to see the

hard work and sweat that the UC cheerleading

squad puts in when they aren’t on the side-


Although standing in 90 degree weather

for five hours is tiring, it’s understandable how

one could think that yelling involves zero ath-

leticism. However, competitive cheerleading

definitely does and once competition season

rolls around, practice is more important than

anything else to the squad.

“Most people don't even realize that

there's a competitive side to cheerleading.

They only see what we do on the sidelines and

even then we have rules that don't allow us to

do some of the more difficult and ‘cooler’

stuff,” said UC junior Hannah Johnson.

Between cheering football and basketball

games and attending gymnastics, UC cheer is

also practicing all season for the Mid-South

Conference title. From experience I will tell

you that while cheerleading is a whole lot of

practice and a little bit of fun, the team’s con-

nection with one another has this cheerleading

season off to a great start.

“I feel that the team will go far this year.

The team unity that they have built alongside

their dedication during preseason is impres-

sive. They have a long year ahead but if they

can keep this mentality that they have right

now, they will be awesome,” said UC cheer-

leading coach Beth Wooley.

The athletic side of cheerleading takes

place off the field and out of sight. Practice is

five days a week and sometimes more when

competitive season strikes. It’s not all lipstick

and skirts and it’s not all about being a girly

girl; just ask the guys on the team. From hit-

ting the weight room, to 6 a.m. practices, the

squad goes hard to ensure that they are doing

everything they can to bring home another tro-


A new member of the squad, and a fairly

new member to the sport, Michael McKamey

talks about UC cheerleading saying, “The

workouts are pretty rough. Everyone thinks

we just stand around and yell at people but I’d

love to see half the athletes here do a ‘Coach

Beth workout.’ It’s not fun. People think just

because they can bench press 300 pounds,

they can toss around a 120-pound girl but they

are dead wrong. There is so much technique

involved and having chemistry with your flyer

is a must.”

Cheerleading is just like any other sport

and team on campus. It takes time, dedication

and hard work on and off the field. Forming a

relationship with teammates also helps make

college a great experience and is something

that the UC cheerleading squad values most.

“Cheerleading in college has been one of the

best experiences for me while here at UC. I

believe God lead me to cheer here to make the

relationships with the amazing friends I have

made over the years,” said UC senior Karen


The UC cheerleading squad is off to a

great start and they have high hopes for the

season. The hard work and dedication will

continue as the year progresses and they hope

to gain support and a fan base for the Mid-

South Conference cheerleading competition.



Sports 11

While the phrase “all great things have

small beginnings” may seem like a stretch

when it comes to describing University of the

Cumberlands’ foray into the world of bowling,

it has never been truer for head bowling coach

Kevin Reigle.

Manning the helm for the Patriots’ inau-

gural season will be anything but easy, espe-

cially with the University of Pikeville in the

same conference, one of the premiere bowling

schools in the entire country. Aside from that,

it is Reigle’s alma mater, where he was a part

of the 2004 national tournament team and later

served as UPike’s women’s coach during two

of their national title runs.

With UC’s bowling debut set for Sept. 28

at the Green River Classic in Campbellsville,

Ky., Reigle is hoping to see his team come out

strong. But before all those competitive juices

start flowing, he took a break to sit down with

me and talk about how his team is shaping up

so far, some of his big and small goals for the

season and even his thoughts on M. Night


TW: Do you feel more pressured now that

practices have started than you did last se-

mester when you were just recruiting?

KR: No, I feel less because we have a team

now. [laughs] I thought there was a lot of pres-

sure because we got started so late and I got

hired so late. Because a lot of times, like with

the lacrosse team, they’re bringing in a coach

pretty soon and they won’t play until spring,

not this one but the following spring. So,

they’re going to have basically three semesters

plus the summer to bring in players. You

know, I had February, March, April and then

the summer. I had one player sign just days be-

fore classes started.

From just the one week of practice that

you’ve been through with your team, what

is your biggest concern at the moment?

Focusing on the spare shooting and lane pat-

terns will be the biggest transition for players

in the first couple of tournaments. I think we’ll

do really well at Campbellsville because it’s a

real hooking surface and it’s a shorter pattern.

What do you foresee being your biggest

hurdle this year?

I think both teams will do really well, so I be-

lieve our biggest hurdle will be Pikeville.

Speaking of UPike, what are your thoughts

on facing your alma mater?

I’m excited. I think we have the potential here,

certainly in a couple of years, to go by them. I

think we’ll be competitive right off the bat.

The biggest issue is that they have a team of

juniors and seniors who have bowled 60 to 70

college tournaments. We have just as much

talent but just not the same level of experi-

ence. We’ll make them show up to the tourna-

ments and play well. It’ll be a pretty good

rivalry because nobody else in the conference

has really stepped up.

What would you say is one of your more

lofty goals for this first year?

Well, winning the conference would obviously

be the loftiest goal and getting into the na-

tional tournament. But, I guess that’s every-

body’s goal in every sport. If we can get to the

title matches then anything can happen, so

that’s really our goal.

What about one of your smaller goals?

To win one of the regular season tournaments

or something like that would be great. And

we’ll definitely have some chances. That and

if we could get a couple bowlers onto the

all-tournament teams. Both of those would be


Make a prediction: what do you think Pa-

triots fans can expect out of this season?

Oh, like, realistically? [laughs] I honestly be-

lieve that they can expect a second or third

place finish in the regular season for both


What’s your average?

Right now, my league average is 207. But

that’s after just one week of league. [laughs]

I know especially with sports like football

and basketball, players have before-game

rituals to pump themselves up. Do you do

anything like that?

Like, in league? No. When I bowl tourna-

ments I’m always pretty focused though.

So, no music or anything?

No, not really. I just try to get into the mindset

of not worrying about the score and just taking

each shot at a time and focusing on the quality

of each shot. You know, in football if you

throw an incomplete pass or in basketball if

you drop a pass it’s not like that stat is up

there. You look at it later. In bowling, you miss

a four pin and there it on the scoreboard for

the world to see.

If you hadn’t been a bowler, what could you

see yourself doing?

Probably a writer. Like, a playwright or a

screenwriter, maybe. Something creative like


OK, then what would be your genre? If you

turn on the TV, what are you watching?

Oh, I love M. Night Shyamalan. I like the

thriller. I like the big twist ending. “Alfred

Hitchcock Presents,” “Twilight Zone,” Rod

Serling: I like that stuff. Things that challenge

the viewer are great. You don’t know what’s

coming but you know something’s coming,



Assista nt Editor

UC Bowling Coach Kevin Reigle

Photo by Timot hy Wyatt

12 Faith and MinistryU


Sta ff Wr iter

Leviticus 18:1-5 (HCSB)

Yahweh spoke to Moses: “Speak to the

Israelites and tell them: I am Yahweh your

God. Do not follow the practices of the land

of Egypt, where you used to live, or follow the

practices of the land of Canaan, where I am

bringing you. You must not follow their cus-

toms. You are to practice My ordinances and

you are to keep My statutes by following

them; I am Yahweh your God. Keep My

statutes and ordinances; a person will live if

he does them. I am Yahweh.”

I love the book of Leviticus, because

Christ’s fingerprints are all over it. Most peo-

ple do not like the book due to its “harsh” or

“out of date” content. I guess I may be weird

or even a little old school, but Leviticus still

has just as much value today as it did the day

when God inspired Moses to write the book.

Sure, Leviticus is full laws and command-

ments that may seem very inhuman and al-

most bloodthirsty, but the main point of the

book is to prompt the reader to obey the Voice

of God.

As Leviticus 18: 1-5 states, we are to fol-

low God and to live the way He has instructed.

In verse 3, the Lord told Moses to warn the

people not to return to the lifestyle that they

had once been a part of and to not seek a

“new” way of living that is similar to that of

their slavery.

I would say that the same warning that Is-

raelites were issued by God still applies to us

today. You and I must make a choice to live in

slavery to sin or to follow God with all that we

are and experience the freedom that He pro-

vides. God brought the Hebrew people out of

oppressive slavery after about 400 years spent

serving the Pharaohs of Egypt. When they had

been delivered, they wanted to go back be-

cause they thought that following a God they

could not physically see was too difficult. The

Old Testament tells many tales of when the Is-

raelites grew tired of following God and they

went off and did their own thing, even though

there were dire consequences.

Leviticus applies to us today because

everyone on the planet is called to make a de-

cision about following God. We are to make a

choice this day and decide whom we will

serve. My reason for writing this is to urge you

to really take a look at where you stand with

Jesus Christ.

In chapters 25 and 26 of Leviticus, God

promises blessings and providence for those

who follow Him, but for those who choose not

to heed His warning had to face many brutal

consequences. Jesus created us to follow Him

and to have a relationship with Him; He loved

you so much that He died for You.

God did not want His people to disobey,

but they made a choice to. He is a God of jus-

tice and since they did wrong, He had to pun-

ish them. You too have a choice. He does not

want you to have to pay the eternal conse-

quences in hell, but He desires to set you free.

He is all we need!

He is all we need



Sta ff Wr iter

Back in July, Google announced a slew

of new products and services. Most of the an-

nouncements were expected, run of the mill

sort of things. However, the reveal of the

Google Chromecast took nearly everyone by

surprise. Google ventured into the smart TV

market with Google TV a few years ago. The

platform really never caught on, and suffered

from poor manufacturer implementation and

high prices. In contrast, Apple TV provided a

simplistic, refined, and cheap solution.

Google needed an answer. The result?


The Chromecast is an incredibly simple

product. It consists of an HDMI-dongle and

a USB power cord. That’s it. When I con-

nected mine to a TV, I couldn’t even tell it was

there. The basic idea behind the Chromecast

is to turn any device (be it laptop, desktop,

smartphone, tablet, etc.) of any brand (Win-

dows, iOS, Android) and turn it into a remote

for your TV. Most smart TV applications, as

well as the Apple TV, use a small, keyboard-

less remote for navigation. This makes typing

in movie names on Netflix or spelling out

YouTube searches an incredibly tedious task.

On top of the poor navigation, the interfaces

are usually unbearably slow and full of input

lag. By having the Chromecast rely on de-

vices with keyboards already present, Google

automatically overcame one of the biggest

flaws in most smart TVs.

So what does the Chromecast actually

do? Unfortunately, not much. As of right

now, it can only play Netflix, Youtube, and

Google Play videos and music. However, it

can also stream tabs from any device running

Google’s Chrome web browser. Streaming

tabs from Chrome to mirror on your TV is

cool, but may not have much practical appli-

cation for many people.

For only $35, it really is a good deal.

Being able to use your laptop or smartphone

to control Netflix is extremely useful, and you

can even run games or other applications

while controlling Netflix. Google is working

on expanding the apps that can be used with

Chromecast, and the next app scheduled to

launch is Pandora Radio.

One thing that is important to note about the

Chromecast that sets it apart from other de-

vices that stream content from your laptop or

smartphone is that any Chromecast App (like

Netflix or YouTube) actually uses the

Chromecast to run, rather than relying on your

laptop’s power. Thus, the video signal is sent

directly to the Chromecast from Netflix, rather

than going to your laptop first. Most tradi-

tional devices that stream video and applica-

tions from laptops experience heavy amounts

of stuttering and input lag, much like most

smart TVs.

All in all, the Chromecast is an excellent

device for anyone who likes to roam around

and watch Netflix on different TVs. Even if

you just use it for your own TV, the ability to

just walk into the room and already have your

device connected to the TV via Chromecast is

pretty nifty.

In our modern world, the use of technol-

ogy in education is widespread and growing

at an increasingly fast rate. Technology that

used to be expensive and inaccessible for most

people has become cheap and common. Tech

devices ranging from laptops and tablets to

Playstations and smartphones have all carved

out their own roles in a college student’s life.

However, a few tech products stand out as es-

sential for a new (or returning) college stu-

dent. Here are my top five tech products every

student should own (or have access to).

1. Laptop

Owning a laptop should be the corner-

stone for any college student’s arsenal of tech-

nology. Desktops are not portable, tablets are

not productive. Owning a good laptop is in-

valuable to staying effective in a very mobile

environment. Look for laptops with Intel Core

series processors from Asus, Sony, Samsung,

Lenovo, and Toshiba. Stay away from less re-

liable brands like HP, Acer, and Dell.

2. Cellphone/Smartphone

Every college student should have a mo-

bile phone simply for the sake of safety.

Whether it be a basic prepaid phone, a slick

iPhone, or a top-rated Android phone, every

student should have something. Contrary to

what many people say, a smartphone is not es-

sential. Handy? Yes. Essential? No. For any-

one on an AT&T or Verizon contract, having

a smartphone can cost up to $360 more each

year on top of your regular phone bill. If you

have a prepaid device the additional cost for a

smartphone is generally miniscule, though you

generally have to settle for a less than impres-

sive phone. Need a cheap prepaid smartphone

that still beats most of the crowd? Pick up

Google’s Nexus 4 for only $199 without a


3. Microsoft Office

Whether or not you like Microsoft, the

Office suite of products remains the number

one choice in academics today. However, the

price tends to be a bit of an issue. If you are a

student, buy the University edition. For only

$80, you get the Microsoft Office suite for

four years. Not only that, but you can install

it on two different devices as well as your

tablet and smartphone! Still too much?

Check out openoffice.org or libreoffice.org.

Both sites offer free alternatives that are not

quite as powerful, but they are fully compati-

ble with Microsoft Word.

4. Cloud Storage

As computing takes to the proverbial

skies, several companies have started offering

free cloud storage. The best solutions let you

actually specify a folder on your computer to

automatically sync with your online account.

Basically, anything you put in that folder will

be accessible from any computer with an in-

ternet connection. This is incredibly useful for

school papers. By default, I save all my doc-

uments to my cloud folder. That way, I can

print them off on the other side of campus if I

need to. Google Drive is one of the simplest

solutions, Microsoft’s Skydrive is pretty good

as well.

5. Anti-Virus Software

Let me get one thing straight: Never pay

for antivirus software. Many free and effective

solutions exist. The first thing you should do

when you get a new laptop is uninstall the pre-

loaded antivirus software (usually Norton or

McAfee). Next, activate or download Mi-

crosoft Security Essentials for free. Then, go

to malwarebytes.org and download Malware-

Bytes, another free security program. If you

have an Apple computer, download “Avast!”

antivirus software (also free). It is important

to note that, contrary to popular belief, Apple

computers are susceptible to viruses.

If you have any questions about technol-

ogy, send your questions for Caleb to thepa-

[email protected]. Your question (and

answer) could appear in the next edition of

The Patriot.

A guide to essential college techBY CA LEB VA NDER A R K

Sta ff Wr iter

The Google Chromecast – what smart TV should be

14 Creative?


Sta ff Wr iter

Prompt: You had planned to attend a

friend’s birthday party and plugged her ad-

dress into your GPS system, but the system

guided you to somewhere else. Oddly enough,

there was a man waiting for you at this mys-

terious place. “Sorry I had to rig your GPS,

but this is urgent,” said the person.

I stared at the man profoundly. He was

dressed in a black suit and wore slick, black

sunglasses, handcuffs clinging in his hands. A

black sack came over my face, turning every-

thing to thick darkness. The cuffs were clasped

on my hands and I was led to a vehicle.

The trip seemed to last forever and then

we finally stopped. The bag was lifted off my

face and I was staring at three men, the one in

the middle was the man I had seen earlier, the

one who had seemingly rigged my GPS.

“You are Dr. Logan Dundon, the cardio-

vascular specialist, are you not?”

“I am,” I replied with fervent confusion.

“Good, we need you to cut open this man

and find out what killed him,” the pointed to

a table and a light came on, showing the dull

paleness of a dead body. The man uncuffed me

and handed me a scalpel. I slowly walked to

the table and bent over the body.

“There seems to be lacerations in the

mouth, the marks are typical of a … of a ten-

tacle,” I stated, my confusion turning to puz-

zlement. I opened up the cadaver’s chest only

to find no heart, nor kidney, nor lungs.

“All of his organs are missing,” I ex-

plained. Just then, I felt something slither up

the back of my shoulder. I turned my head to

see a purple tentacle, which was attached to a

purple head with black eyes, coming toward

my mouth. In that moment I knew we as a sen-

tient species were not alone, nor safe.

Want your piece of fiction to appear in

a future issue of The Patriot? Send your re-

sponse to the following prompt to thepa-

[email protected]. Entries (500 words

or fewer) must be received by September


Prompt: You are walking to your car

when you pass a boy selling newspapers on

the street. You buy a copy, only to discover

that it’s dated a week from today. And one par-

ticular story makes you realize you need to

take action—now.


PhD Comics


Sta ff Wr iter

A few years ago, it was easy to see that

the number one hit subgenre of young adult

fiction was what became known as “paranor-

mal romance” – books about normal girls get-

ting swept off their feet by normal-looking

boys who turned out to be vampires, were-

wolves, ghosts, or any number of other non-

human entities. Now that the times have

finally changed with fading of “Twilight,”

what is taking its place in the hearts and on the

bookshelves of today’s readers? A clear an-

swer has articulated itself, and it is the fan-

tasy/science fiction realm of the dystopia.

The opposite of the sought-after utopia –

or perfect world – a dystopia is a universe in

which everything has gone about as bad as it

can go. This subgenre includes everything

from the post-apocalyptic settings in popular

TV shows like “The Walking Dead” and

“Revolution” to the plots and themes of the

few movies that interrupt comic-book hero cy-

cles, such as “World War Z” and “The Hunger

Games.” The later of these is, of course, based

on the book trilogy that pushed the dystopian

craze in young adult fiction to the forefront.

For anyone who has read “The Hunger

Games” and watched these shows and is still

looking for more to read in the same vein,

there are a multitude of options available.

Michael Grant’s “Gone” series was com-

pleted this year with the publication of the

sixth book, so this is a good option for some-

one looking for a long story who doesn’t like

to wait for books to come out. Set in a small

town on the coast of California, “Gone” fo-

cuses on many important characters struggling

to survive when an impenetrable opaque globe

appears around their beach town, and they dis-

cover that they cannot climb, fly, or dig their

way out. Simultaneously, everyone inside the

area of this globe who was older than fifteen

years of age disappears, leaving the children

fourteen and younger to fend for themselves

for food, medicine, and other essentials. A sort

of blend between the 1990s “Left Behind”

books and an “X-Men” movie, some of the

children begin to develop unusual abilities that

make them powerful and frightening, often

when they are only attempting to help.

The good news is, if this doesn’t sound like a

good fit, there are plenty of other options. “Di-

vergent” by Veronica Roth, “Delirium” by

Lauren Oliver, Legend by Marie Lu, and

“Matched” by Ally Condie are just a few ex-

amples of dystopia series, and some of them

are yet to be finished.

The best news of all, however, is that

when these books become boring or finished

or have too much romance, there’s always a

phenomenal list of dystopian classics to go

back to! Books like Lois Lowry’s “The Giver”

and its sequels, the “Ender’s Game” sequence,

and single books such as ”Brave New World,”

“1984,” “Fahrenheit 451,” Ayn Rand’s “An-

them,” and “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Mar-

garet Atwood remain excellent reading.

Although the genre is becoming hugely

popular, these books show that dystopian fic-

tion is not a new invention. Why is it coming

back around? What makes today’s dystopian

novels different from those written in the

twentieth century? I guess the only way to find

out is to read a little bit (or a lot) of both.

The Dystopia obsession15EntertainmentJ

Theatre major Liz Guillermo spent 10 weeks

of her summer in Santa Cruz, California with

CRU, along with 58 people from 10 different

states. While in California, Liz strengthened

her relationship with God and the people she

stayed with, and also worked at what she con-

sidered to be the world's best seaside amuse-

ment park.

Communications major Junior DeVaux's ap-

pendix ruptured just two days after UC's

spring game. He spent most of his summer re-

covering and in physical therapy, but once he

became well, he got to enjoy the rest of his

summer in Orlando visiting his brother.

Public Health major Coleton Terry took his

first trip out of the country this summer on a

cruise to the Bahamas. While there he visited

Atlantis, beautiful beaches, saw dancing

lizards, and rode a water slide that took him

through a shark tank in Atlantis' water park.

The rest of the summer he spent working and


Public Health majors Alyssa Parrott and

Alaina Jackson spent their summer contribut-

ing to the work study program. They also went

on a week long vacation to Gulf Shores, Ala.

During their stay they spent the majority of

their time relaxing on the beach and eating

way too much seafood. They also went put-

putting and dolphin watching.

Around UC: What did you do over summer break?BY W HITLEY W ESTPhoto Editor

A kitten purrswith every like*

*Not yet proven

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