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The Periodic Table - TeacherTubecdn-media1.teachertube.com/doc601/577.pdf · enabled Mendeleev to...

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1 The Periodic Table Unit 6 Introduction The universe is composed of approximately 120 elements. These are pure substances with a fixed number of protons: hydrogen has 1, helium 2, carbon 6 etc. They could be listed in a few rows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 But that wouldn’t really tell us much. Or maybe they could be organized another way, since for example 5 x 4 x 3 x2 x 1 = 120… but would there be a reason for organizing it that way? If the universe only has about 120 elements, it seems reasonable to expect some sort of organization to them. That is what the periodic table is about: trying to figure out But there’s a problem. The periodic table just doesn’t look right. Here it is below: how the most basic matter in the universe is organized. An important concept in science is known as Occam’s Razor, which suggests that the simplest answer tends to be the right one. In the table on the left most rows and columns are of different length, and it is in two pieces. This is What is the periodic table good for?


The Periodic Table Unit 6


The universe is composed of approximately 120 elements. These are pure substances with a fixed

number of protons: hydrogen has 1, helium 2, carbon 6 etc.

They could be listed in a few rows:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93

94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120

But that wouldn’t really tell us much.

Or maybe they could be organized another way, since for example 5 x 4 x 3 x2 x 1 = 120… but would

there be a reason for organizing it that way?

If the universe only has about 120 elements, it seems reasonable to expect some sort of organization

to them. That is what the periodic table is about: trying to figure out

But there’s a problem. The periodic table just

doesn’t look right. Here it is below:

how the most basic matter in the

universe is organized.

An important concept in science is known as

Occam’s Razor, which suggests that the simplest

answer tends to be the right one.

In the table on the left most rows and columns are

of different length, and it is in two pieces. This is

What is the periodic table good for?


not a simple table. Could it be that we humans just haven’t figured it out yet? I’m hoping you can do

better. Somebody should.

A Basic Idea for the Organization of Matter.

We learned in our last unit that the periodic table is

organized based on electron configuration. A good idea. But

consider this:

On the right is an organizational layout of the periodic table

based only on electronic configuration, that looks much more symmetrical. Notice how it closely it

resembles a triangle. Is this a better scheme for the elements?

This basic design may be a fundamentally better way of creating a more symmetical and revealing

periodic table. A periodic table based on this idea is

shown on the following page.

Other more creative periodic tables have been created,

including spiral designs like the one below (my


While we look at how the elements are organized, give

some thought to your own organizational scheme. Me,

being German, I am looking for major organization and

balance. Maybe your are comfortable with a more

abstract pattern to the universe, like the one I found

on the web shown at the bottom:

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6 6s2 4f14 5d10 6p6 7s2 5f14 6d10 7p6 8s2 5g18 6f14 7d10 8p6 9s2 6g18 7f14 8d10 9p6 10s2


Keep your mind open to your own pattern to the elements as we study them, and keep in mind that nobody has yet created the perfect periodic table…it is still a mystery waiting to be solved. - In our lab activity you will create your own pattern.


Name_______________________________ Period_________ lab6.1

Instructions: Please read this and answer the 8 questions within it as you go.

What is everything made out of… on Planet Kalamata?

Imagine that you are the scientific expert traveling to a far away planet, and everything seems….different. You are asked to find our what everything is made out of. How would you do it? This is the goal of the Kalamata Science Expedition Project you are about to begin. You will be given progressively more data on all the weird matter on Planet Kalamata, and you need to arrange things so that some sense can be made out of it.

Fortunately for you, this has already been done on another planet: Earth. The quest for a systematic arrangement of the elements on our home planet started with the discovery of individual elements. By 1860 about 60 elements were known and a method was needed for organization. In fact many scientists made significant contributions that eventually enabled Mendeleev to construct his table. The periodic table did not end with Mendeleev but continued to take shape for the next 75 years. There is definitely still room for improvement.

Use the information above to help answer the following question. 1. If you traveled to a foreign planet and were asked to find out what everything is made out of, what would you do first?


The development of the Periodic Table on Planet Earth.

By 1860 about 60 elements were discovered, with some basic data on them- not much more than their masses. Using this data alone, some patterns were discovered.

The development of the periodic table begins with German chemist Johann Dobereiner (1780-1849) who grouped elements based on similarities. Calcium (atomic weight 40), strontium (atomic weight 88), and barium (atomic weight 137) possess similar chemical prepares. Dobereiner noticed the atomic weight of strontium fell midway between the weights of calcium and barium: Ca Sr Ba (40 + 137) ÷ 2 = 88 40 88 137

Was this merely a coincidence or did some pattern to the arrangement of the elements exist? Dobereiner noticed the same pattern for the alkali metal triad (Li/Na/K) and the halogen triad (Cl/Br/I). Li Na K Cl Br I 7 23 39 35 80 127

In 1829 Dobereiner proposed the Law of Triads: Middle element in the triad had atomic weight that was the average of the other two members. Soon other scientists found chemical relationships extended beyond triads. Fluorine was added to Cl/Br/I group; sulfur, oxygen, selenium and tellurium were grouped into a family; nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and bismuth were classified as another group.

2. What was it that Dobereiner noticed about the masses of elements that he thought was interesting? Please use your own words to describe this.

3. Did Dobereiner arrange the triads into columns, or rows? ___________

Why do you suppose he did that?


The First Periodic Table It was a 19th century geologist who first recognized periodicity in the physical properties of the elements. Alexandre Beguyer de Chancourtois (1820-1886), professor of geology at the School of Mines in Paris, published in 1862 a list of all the known elements. The list was constructed as a helical graph wrapped around a cylinder--elements with similar properties occupied positions on the same vertical line of cylinder (the list also included some ions and compounds). Using geological terms and published without the diagram, de Chancourtois ideas were completely ignored until the work of

Mendeleev. 3. Try to draw the shape, and include some elements, for the periodic table that de Chancourtois created:

Law of Octaves English chemist John Newlands (1837-1898), having arranged the 62 known elements in order of increasing atomic weights, noted that after interval of eight elements similar physical/chemical properties reappeared. This was huge. Newlands was the first to formulate the concept of periodicity in the properties of the chemical elements. In 1863 he wrote a paper proposing the Law of Octaves: Elements exhibit similar behavior to the eighth element following it in the table.

4. Look at Newlands Columns. Compare to our known periodic table. Based on this, Newlands

a. Had a great idea and his columns are identical to the modern periodic table

b. Had a great idea and his columns are very close to the modern periodic table

c. Had an great idea but his columns bear little resemblance to the modern periodic table.


Mendeleev's Periodic Table Then in 1869, Russian chemist Dimitri Mendeleev (1834-1907) proposed arranging elements by atomic weights and properties (Lothar Meyer independently reached similar conclusion but published his results after Mendeleev). Mendeleev's periodic table of 1869 contained 17 columns with two partial periods of seven elements each (Li-F & Na-Cl) followed by two nearly complete periods (K-Br & Rb-I).

In 1871 Mendeleev revised the 17-group table with eight columns (the eighth group consisted of transition elements). This table exhibited similarities not only in small units such as the triads, but showed similarities in an entire network of vertical, horizontal, and diagonal relationships. The table contained gaps but Mendeleev predicted the discovery of new elements. In 1906,

Mendeleev came within one vote of receiving the Nobel Prize in chemistry.

5. Look at Mendeleev’s Columns. Compare to our known periodic table. Based on this, Mendeleev’s columns

a. are identical to the modern periodic table

b. are very close to the modern periodic table

c. bear little resemblance to the modern periodic table.


Noble Gases

Lord Rayleigh (1842-1919) and William Ramsey (1852-1916) greatly enhanced the periodic table by discovering the "inert gases." In 1895 Rayleigh reported the discovery of a new gaseous element named argon. This element was chemically inert and did not fit any of the known periodic groups. Ramsey followed by discovering the remainder of the inert gases and positioning them in the periodic table. So by 1900, the periodic table was taking shape with elements were

arranged by atomic weight. For example, 16g oxygen reacts with 40g calcium, 88g strontium, or 137g barium. If oxygen used as the reference, then Ca/Sr/Ba assigned atomic weights of 40, 88, and 137 respectively.

Rayleigh (physics) and Ramsey (chemistry) were awarded Nobel prizes in 1904. The first inert gas compound was made in 1962 (xenon tetrafluoride) and numerous compounds have followed (see xenon compounds)--today the group is more appropriately called the noble gases.

Moseley's Periodic Law Soon after Rutherford's landmark experiment of discovering the proton in 1911, Henry Moseley (1887-1915) subjected known elements to x-rays. He was able to derive the relationship between x-ray frequency and number of protons. When Moseley arranged the elements according to increasing atomic numbers and not atomic masses, some of the inconsistencies associated with Mendeleev's table were eliminated. The modern periodic table is based on Moseley's Periodic Law (atomic numbers). At age 28, Moseley was killed in action during World War I and as a direct result Britain adopted the policy of exempting scientists from fighting

in wars. Shown below is a periodic table from 1930:

6. Circle any of Mosely’s columns that are identical with the current periodic table.


The Modern Periodic Table The last major change to the periodic table resulted from Glenn Seaborg's work in the middle of the 20th century. Starting with plutonium in 1940, Seaborg discovered transuranium elements 94 to 102 and reconfigured the periodic table by placing the lanthanide/actinide series at the bottom of the table. In 1951 Seaborg

was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry and element 106 was later named seaborgium (Sg) in his honor.

7. Note the atomic numbers of the lanthanides and actinides- these are the bottom two rows of the modern periodic table. Find where those numbers are missing on the periodic table. Mark that spot on the outline of the periodic table above.

Now, draw what the periodic table would look like if these were properly inserted in the table, rather than dumping them down on the bottom:

8. Create a new element based on you. Include the symbol and name in the box.

Attention: New Addition to Periodic Table



Physical properties:

Chemical properties:



Next, you will use what you have learned about the development of our Periodic Table of Elements on Planet Earth to create a Periodic Table of Elements on Planet Kalamata.


The Urban Chemical Consultant Company

From: The Planet Kalamata Science Expedition

Date of Transmission: Nov 12, 2008 Earth Time

Dear Consultants:

The scientists in our expedition are having some difficulty arranging the elements we have been

studying according to their properties. We have heard that you on Earth are experts at this. Since we

have had no luck perhaps you could help us. Following is all the information we have gathered so far.

Your goal is to cut up these sheets and try to sort the elements into groups and then use them to

create an organized table.

At this point we have only melting point, state (solid, liquid, and gas), and size (atomic radius). We hope

to have atomic mass data soon.


The Kalamata Science Expedition Team


Tau Melting point (OB): -101

State: gas Atomic Radius (qm): 0.99

Upsilon Melting point (OB): -259

State: gas Atomic Radius (qm): 0.053

φPhi Melting point (OB): -218

State: gas Atomic Radius (qm): 0.066

ςChi Melting point (OB): 817

State: solid Atomic Radius (qm): 0.125

ΦPsi Melting point (OB): -7

State: liquid Atomic Radius (qm): 0.111

ΩOmega Melting point (OB): 181

State: solid Atomic Radius (qm): 0.152

Alpha Melting point (OB): 3,550

State: solid Atomic Radius (qm): 0.077

Beta Melting point (OB): -189

State: gas Atomic Radius (qm): 0.191

Gamma Melting point (OB): -220

State: gas Atomic Radius (qm): 0.072

Delta Melting point (OB): 217

State: solid Atomic Radius (qm): 0.114

Epsilon Melting point (OB): 1410

State: solid Atomic Radius (qm): 0.117

Zeta Melting point (OB): 1,278

State: solid Atomic Radius (qm): 0.111

ΦEta Melting point (OB): 64

State: solid Atomic Radius (qm): 0.227

ΦTheta Melting point (OB): 113

State: solid Atomic Radius (qm): 0.104

Iota Melting point (OB): -249

State: gas Atomic Radius (qm): 0.160

Kappa Melting point (OB): 98

State: solid Atomic Radius (qm): 0.192

Lambda Melting point (OB): 660

State: solid Atomic Radius (qm): 0.143

Mu Melting point (OB): 30

State: solid Atomic Radius (qm): 0.122

Nu Melting point (OB): 2,079

State: solid Atomic Radius (qm): 0.083

Xi Melting point (OB): 839

State: solid Atomic Radius (qm): 0.197

Omicron Melting point (OB): -272

State: gas Atomic Radius (qm): 0.122

Pi Melting point (OB): 649

State: solid Atomic Radius (qm): 0.160

Rho Melting point (OB): 44

State: solid Atomic Radius (qm): 0.115

Sigma Melting point (OB): -210

State: gas Atomic Radius (qm): 0.070


The Urban Chemical Consultant Company

From: The Planet Kalamata Science Expedition Date of Transmission: November 14, 2008 Earth Time

Further developments! We have just completed an analysis of the atomic mass of each one of our elements This information is listed below. We suggest that you add it to your element cards and make any needed adjustments in your group arrangements. Mass in trams

Alpha 48.04 Beta 159.79 Gamma 75.99 Epsilon 112.34 Zeta 36.04 Eta 156.39 Upsilon 4.00 Psi 319.62 Theta 128.24 Iota 80.72 Kappa 91.96 Lambda 107.92 Mu 278.95 Nu 43.24 Phi 63.99 Omega 27.50 Xi 160.32 Omicron 16.00 Pi 97.22 Rho 123.88 Sigma 56.03 Tau 141.81 Chi 299.69 Delta 315.84


The Urban Chemical Consultant Company From: The Planet Kalamata Science Expedition

Date of Transmission: Nov 19, 2008 Earth Time Dear Consultants: We have been working diligently to provide you more information about our elements. We have tried reacting each of our elements with the element Tau, and have determined the following ratios between each element and tau. Element Reacting Ratio

Element: Tau Element Reacting Ratio

Element: Tau Alpha 1:4 Nu 1:3 Beta --- Xi 1:2 Gamma --- Omicron --- Delta 1:2 Pi 1:2 Epsilon 1:4 Rho 1:3 Zeta 1:2 Sigma 1:3 Eta 1:1 Tau --- Theta 1:2 Upsilon 1:1 Iota --- Phi 1:2 Kappa 1:1 Chi 1:3 Lambda 1:3 Psi --- Mu 1:3 Omega 1:1 We suggest that you add this information to each of the element cards that we already sent. Then consider this information regarding your proposed groupings. Make whatever changes are needed to your groupings. We will continue to work with our elements and will fax you when we have some significant information.


The Urban Chemical Consultant Company From: The Planet Kalamata Science Expedition

Date of Transmission: November 23, 2008 Earth Time

Further developments! After many experiments, the Kalamatian scientists have determined the oxidation state of each one of their elements. This information is listed below. We suggest that you add it to your element cards and make any needed adjustments in your group arrangements. We have adjusted our oxidation data so it is consistent with earth data. For example, element Alpha loses 4 fetas to form a +4 oxidation state, and Gamma gains one feta to form a -1 oxidation state. Element Oxidation State Element Oxidation State Element Oxidation

State Alpha +4 Theta -2 Xi +2 Beta 0 Iota 0 Omicron 0 Gamma -1 Kappa +1 Pi +2 Epsilon +4 Lambda +3 Rho -3 Zeta +2 Mu +3 Sigma -3 Eta +1 Nu +3 Tau -1 Upsilon +1 Phi -2 Chi -3 Psi -2 Omega +1 Delta -2


The Urban Chemical Consultant Company From: The Planet Kalamata Science Expedition

Date of Transmission: November 27, 2008 Earth Time

Here is the final transmission from the Kalamatians. They have a major breakthrough. They have been able to analyze the nucleus and have discovered a subatomic particle called the vega. The number of vegas present in the nucleus of the atom of each element are listed below. Add it to your element cards and make further adjustments in your group arrangements. Element Number of

Vegas in the nucleus

Element Number of Vegas in the nucleus

Element Number of Vegas in the nucleus

Alpha 24 Iota 40 Rho 60 Beta 72 Kappa 44 Sigma 28 Gamma 36 Lambda 52 Tau 68 Delta 136 Mu 124 Upsilon 4 Epsilon 56 Nu 20 Phi 32 Zeta 16 Xi 80 Chi 132 Eta 76 Omicron 8 Psi 140 Theta 64 Pi 48 Omega 12


Kalamata Project Assessment Sheet

Attribute Points Possible

Points assigned by


Points assigned by CEO

Original cards submitted with all information added 10 Table submitted with three dimensional arrangement 20 Table is color coded 10 Table is attractively decorated 5 An explanation of the horizontal alignment is present and is based on scientific fact


An explanation of the vertical alignment is present and is based on scientific fact


An explanation of the 3rd dimensional alignment is present and is based on scientific fact


Explanations are combined into a KEY 5 Table is sturdy 5 A comparison of this table to the class periodic table is included and includes 5 points


The prediction for element X are reasonable and are filled in on below.


This sheet is completed by the team and is filled in. 10 Total Points 100

Predictions for Element X The Kalamatians have reason to believe that another element, call it X, exists somewhere between Mu and Chi. They have requested that you use your element arrangement to predict the following properties of this unknown element X.

Element X Melting Point:_______ State:________ Atomic Radius:________ Reacting Ratio, Element X:Tau_________ Atomic Mass:________ Oxidation State:_________ Number of Vegas in the nucleus:_______






Name___________________________________ Period_______ lab 6.2

Three-Dimensional Periodic Tables

lab6.1 30 points

Elements are not two-dimensional, so why should the periodic table be?

In the introduction to this unit, you saw several unusual versions of the periodic table. Your goal for this project is to create a useful three-dimensional version of the periodic table. The design is up to you. An example of a 3D periodic table with rotating parts will be displayed to help get you started. Work in groups of 1 or 2. An incredible resource is available within meta-synthesis.com. The best way to get there is to google “periodic table formulations” and click on the first hit, which should be: http://www.meta-synthesis.com/webbook/35_pt/pt.html . You’’ find more periodic table design ideas than you can shake a stick at. Here is the schedule for the project:

Homework for Day 1: Bring in printouts of your favorite 3-D periodic tables you found on the web, and materials to make it happen. Be creative! Materials can include cardboard, clay, wood, legos, boxes, marbles, pennies, etc. You are only limited by your imagination. Your work can be based on things you found on the web, but must have original contributions to it.

Note that any idea that includes functional lighting (for example using christmas lights) will receive 5 bonus points.

Day 1 in-class: Using equipment you have brought in, and anything available in the lab, begin construction of your 3D periodic table. You will have two class periods to complete your table. Homework for day 2: Bring in more material for yourself and for others. Day 2: Complete your 3D periodic table, and hang it or post it on the wall, or place it on a table. Homework: Prepare an informative presentation on your periodic table, that must include a handout. Day 3: Present your 3D periodic table.

Your score will be based on 1. 10 points: Functionality: the added dimension (and lights, if you use them) serves a useful purpose 2. 10 points: Creativity: The design is unique and shows imagination without sacrificing utility. 3. 10 points: Timeliness: The project is finished on time; each daily task is completed on schedule.


To help you get started some ideas are shown on the following page: 3-D Periodic Table Idea Generator

1. Here is the periodic table in the shape of a box, and a pyramid

A sphere, an elephant, cylinders

A spiral, more cylinders:

Use these ideas to create your own original 3D periodic tables. If you prefer, you can also create a histogram that shows a conventional periodic table where some property of each atom is compared; some examples are shown on the first powerpoint slide of this unit.

Have fun, while at the same time trying to create something that is not only coo-looking, but is also useful.


WS6.1 Name: ______________________________________ Period: _____

Periodic Table WS I: History and organization

1. List three elements that were known for over 2000 years 2. Lavoisier was the first major contributor to the periodic table. What was his contribution? 3. What was the big breakthrough that led to the discovery of nearly 50 more elements, and who is credited with the discovery? 4. Around when did this take place? 5. What did John Newlands get right, and what did he get wrong? 6. What three elements did Mendeleev predict? 7. The least reactive group in the periodic table is the __________ __________ 8. Which group of metals desperately wants to lose an electron? 9. Which group easily loses 2 electrons? 10. This is the first element in the d-block.



Name: ___________________________________Period: _____

Periodic Table WS II: Groups, periods, and reactivity

1. List three alkali metals 2. List two alkaline earth metals 3. What key feature do the families (also known as columns or groups) of the periodic table have in common? 4. How many valence electrons do the halogens have? 5. True or false: The noble gases are grouped together because of their high reactivity. 6. True or false: The noble gases all have 8 valence electrons. 7. Columns in the periodic table are known as __________ or _____________; rows are called _____________. 8. Write the ionic compounds that would form when the following elements combine:

Example: Sodium and chlorine:

Lithium and bromine:__________ Potassium and Iodine__________ Fluorine and Lithium___________ Beryllium and chlorine__________ Magnesium and oxygen____



WS6.3 Name: ____________________________________Period: _____

Using Periodic Trends to Predict Atomic Radius

Directions: Using the trends discussed in class, answer each of the following questions as “logically” as possible. 1. Which of the following kinds of atoms has the largest atomic radius? 31Gallium 11Sodium 19Potassium 2. Which of the previous kinds of atoms had the smallest atomic radius? 3. Rank the following three kinds of atoms by increasing atomic radius, highest = 1. 76Platinum 79Gold 47Silver 4. Rank the following three kinds of atoms by increasing atomic radius, highest = 1. 15Phosphorus 17Chlorine 35Bromine 5. Which of the following kinds of atoms has the largest atomic radius? 21Scandium 22Titanium 30Zinc 6. Which of the atoms in question 6 had the smallest atomic mass?


WS6.4 Name: ______________________________________ Date: ______ Period: _____

Using Periodic Trends to Predict Electronegativity

Directions: Using the trends discussed in class, answer each of the following questions as “logically” as possible. 0. What is electronegativity? 1. Which of the following kinds of atoms has greatest Electronegativity? 3Lithium (Li) 11Sodium (Na) 19Potassium (K) 2. Which of the previous kinds of atoms had the lowest Electronegativity? 3. Rank the elements from highest (1) to lowest (3) electronegativity. 13Aluminum 14Silicon 17Chlorine 4. Rank the elements from highest (1) to lowest (3) electronegativity.. 34Selenium 17Chlorine 9Fluorine 5. Which of the following kinds of atoms has the greatest Electronegativity? 35Bromine 20Calcium 12Magnesium 6. Which of the atoms in the previous question had the lowest Electronegativity?


WS6.5 Name: ______________________________________ Date: ______ Period: _____

Using Periodic Trends to Predict Ionization Energy

1. Which of the following kinds of atoms has highest Ionization Energy? 3Lithium 19Potassium 37Rubidium 2. Which of the previous kinds of atoms had the lowest Ionization Energy? 3. Rank the following three kinds of atoms by increasing Ionization Energy. 9Fluorine 16Sulfur 17Chlorine 4. Rank the following three kinds of atoms by increasing Ionization Energy. 3Lithium 5Boron 6Carbon 5. Which of the following kinds of atoms has the greatest Ionization Energy? 7Nitrogen 15Phosphorus 51Antimony 6. Which of the previous kinds of atoms had the lowest Ionization Energy?


WS6.6 Name: ______________________________________ Date: ______ Period: _____

Using Periodic Trends to Predict Elemental Properties

1. Which of the following kinds of atoms has highest Ionization Energy?

Fluorine (F) Francium (Fr) Cesium (Cs) 2. Which element wants electrons the most? Or, said another way, which element has the highest electronegativity?

Oxygen (O) Sulfur (S) Selenium (Se) 3. Rank the following three kinds of atoms by increasing Ionization Energy: 1 = highest, 3 = lowest

Fluorine (F) Sulfur (S) Chlorine (Cl) 4. Rank the following three kinds of atoms by increasing Ionization Energy.

Lithium (Li) Sodium (Na) Potassium (K) 5. Which of the following kinds of atoms has the lowest Ionization Energy?

Nitrogen (N) Oxygen (O) Carbon (C) 6. Which of the previous kinds of atoms had the lowest Ionization Energy?

Cesium (Cs) Iron (Fe) Fluorine (F) 7. Which ionic compound has the highest melting point

Cesium chloride (CsCl) cesium fluoride (CsF) cesium iodide (CsI) 8. Describe what electronegativity is using your own words. 9. Describe what atomic radius is using your own words. 10. Describe what ionic radius is using your own words.


How to Ace the Periodic Table Quiz Howtoaceunit6 To ace this quiz, review your notes, the Periodic Table PowerPoint, the worksheets, and the labs completed. Then, try the questions in this guide. Get help on anything you don’t understand, and finally, sleep well knowing you are in good shape.

Know the history of the periodic table Answer 1. List 3 elements known before 1790 2. Lavoisier: What was his contribution 3. Poor John Newlands: what did he get right, wrong 4. Mendeleev: Why is he “the father of the periodic table”? 5. Groups or families are ____________ 6. Periods are _________ 7. Metals, nonmetals, and metalloids: Where is the dividing line?

Groups: For each below know where they are, ions formed, and why

8. Alkali metals 9. Alkaline Earth Metals 10. Halogens 11. Noble Gases 12. S,p,d, and F blocks- where they are, how many electrons in each

13. Lanthanides are the ____ column in the ___ block 14. Actinides are the ____ column in the ___ block 15. Valence electrons- know for each family 16.Know the number of valence electrons for charged and uncharged atoms. And be sure to know what elements the charged atoms are isoelectronic with. For example, Sc3+ is isolectronic with _______

The 4 Trends: 17. Atomic and ionic radii. Largest element/ion is___; Arrange Ca, Cs, Sr

18. Electronegativity and ionization energy: Highest value is for the element _______. Arrange Cl, Se, Te

16. Know how to draw simple ionic compounds based on charge. For example sodium chloride = NaCl

17.Magnesium chloride, potassium oxide 18. Aluminum fluoride, lithium sulfide 19. Be sure to know the names of elements 1-40. 20. Describe a useful 3D periodic table Be prepared to give a one

paragraph answer 21. What is the periodic table good for? Be prepared to give a one page


