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The pitch

Date post: 14-Aug-2015
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The Pitch



For pitch 1 our group has decided to use Zombie-Horror.

This has a very mainstream audience and is a popular horror sub genre

What did you learn?

From researching our subgenre we found that it is vital to use the correct mise-en-scene, such as makeup to convey the ferociousness of the zombie. We learned that to do this we must use Foley's and follow a particular makeup routine.


For our opening title sequence we shall support generic conventions of this subgenre. These will include:

A desolate setting such as an empty school

A group of survivors looking for supplies

A post apocalyptic era

These all support the common conventions of a zombie film as it is not surprising and to be expected of a zombie film to an audience.


Zombie apocalyptic time

Survivors explore derelict school for supplies

The supplies are found

Zombie is introduced through a jump scare

A chase scene begins

The survivors hide

Zombie is shown to have found them

Camera cuts.


This opening title sequence will reinforce conventions to the audience. These will include: a group of survivors looking for supplies and a stereotypical male character.

We have made this decision as it allows the audience to perhaps relate to the protagonist or see how a experienced ‘survivor’ behaves.

Narrative enigmas

We will create enigmas by using a lack of dialogue and instead play non-diegetic music. This will leave the audience asking questions such as, who are they? What are they doing?

We will also cut the camera at the very end in order to leave a cliff hanger of what happened when the survivors were found.

Type of OTS

This OTS will be in a linear format. This is so that we can convey the story to the audience, but, without giving to many details away. This will also allow for a well done storyline which engages the viewer early on.

Linear title sequences are also very simple and will enable us to achieve full potential.

Character types.

We will represent characters in a masculine and stereotypical way. Our character social groups will be of working class, this will be portrayed by costumes and mise-en-scene.

The reasoning behind this is so that we will be able to give the impression that the survivors have been in the wild for a long time evident by their clothes.

Our first inspirational film is Zombieland

The reason behind this is that it allowed us to picture what a zombie should look like.

Our second film is Drive

This film inspired us because it shows how non-diegetic music is used to an effective nature.

Our USP is

We will use a derelict school as the main setting for our OTS. This is very uncommon with other zombie films and so offers a sense of originality.

We will also use multiple editing tricks in order to convey the apocalyptic nature. This will be conveyed by filming a busy area and fading to the same area when it is empty.

Our target audience

Our target audience will be males aged 16 and over. This is due to the popularity among men within the Zombie genre.

This graph shows the rising popularity of zombie films among teenage boys.

We will attract our audience by

We will use action and tension to attract the audience. The reasoning for this is that is what our research indicated the most about what they wanted to see within horror films.

Our research also indicated that our target audience enjoys a gory nature to zombies, this will be utilised within this proposition.

Pitch 2


This will be a slasher-horror. This is another very popular horror genre.

Research into this subgenre

After researching this sub-genre we found that there is a typical gender stereotype. This is true for the majority of slasher films as they usually have a stereotypical female being murdered.

For this pitch we have decided to defy this common convention and instead focus on the male characters, offering a unique selling point.

Conventions of our subgenre

Conventions we shall follow include:

Camerawork, such as high angles to portray the victim as beneath the antagonist

Setting, we will film it in a school, this is a common convention of many slasher films, such as ‘scream’

Editing, we will use fast cuts during any intense scenes


Antagonist murders a group of students

One survives

A hunt ensues

The antagonist finds the missing student

Jump-scare when the student realises

Chase begins

Challenging conventions

We are going to challenge the conventions of this subgenre, these will include:

Counter-typical male and female students

Counter-typical antagonist

By doing this we hope to achieve an original and unpredictable opening title sequence which engages the viewer.

Narrative Enigmas

We will create enigmas by following the antagonist before the murder scene, this will leave the audience asking questions such as Who and where is he? This will engage the audience with the rest of the film and opening.

Another enigma will be why is the Antagonist doing this to the students?

Type of OTS

This will follow a linear structure. The reason for this is that it is telling the story and setting the scene for the rest of the film. This is important as the viewer makes their first impression instantly.

The linear structure will also allow us to create certain enigmas and in turn intrigue the viewer.

Social groups

The social groups will be students aged 16-18 from middle class backgrounds in a school atmosphere. We will convey this to the audience by using setting, costumes and camera work, such as close ups on school bags etc

We will represent these characters in a counter typical way and challenge generic conventions and stereotypes.

Our first inspirational film is Scream

This film inspired us as to how to portray characters and what stereotypes we should challenge

Our second film isNightmare on elm street

This showed us on how to present the antagonist and how to build tension.

Our third films is Texas Chainsaw Massacre

This inspired us on how to build tension in an effective and intense way

Our USP is

We will offer an original and dramatic sequence which challenges conventions and stereotypes. By doing this we will engage the audience and offer a new experience which will be unpredictable

Our target audience will be

Our target audience will be males aged 16 and over from lower and middle class backgrounds. This is due to the popularity of slasher films among this demographic.

Our questionnaire also indicated that this age group enjoys slasher films.

We will attract our audience by

Our research indicates that slasher fans enjoy gory and entertaining deaths as well as some comedic value. To attract our target audience we will hop to offer this within our opening title sequence.

We will also use fast paced dramatic editing in order to raise tension and disorientate the audience.
