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THE POINTERpl:1~· w:1:,1 rt•:-iu111NI ~l e was foulrd while dribhli11g-, 111aki11g ~ood his try....

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THE POINTER Se ries III. Vol. III. No. 12. CAGE ATHLETES OF CENTRAL WIN OVER FAST STOUT SQUAD SQUAD OF CENTRAL PLAYS GOOD GAME TO WIN 42-20 C1·11t r:1l Stat~· 'l'l•acher:-:' Coll ege wo11 tlwir s1.·(·01Hl 1:unfc rl."11r c tilt by boating the :,;nappy , 'tout c1ui11tct, - tl -:!O in th'? Jo1·al g~·111 la:-;t Saturda~· even ing. 11 was 1111i11t('rt•:-iti11g as a cage game frvrn n spcC'tato r 's point of view as ho1h • h-11111:,,; \\'l'rl' off form, both in tl':ttuwork :i nd ~ho111i11g. 1.'hc In st itute s ~l'('111c•, I to he a :,,.ho rt :,: ho t team, nnd , failing for th e must to penetrate tho Po i nt dC'f1..·11tC', rt':--o rtl·d to long he ave.; whil·h wnc not consistcnt1v acc ura te. DICK MARSHALL STARS Th<· l't•ntrals, nl:,:o work in g for short lo:--:,;1•s, clil.111 't h an! 111uch lu ck Lill Di ck .\lnr:-:hnll, ,·e nt er, foun1.l his eye in tho :o.t.t"o 1ul fr: 1111r . fi11 is hi11g th e g:1me with ~r vcn ri11gt·r:,1 to hi s cre dit . FIRST HALF :--.hortl y :ifl er tlu.• whistle, Point miss· t•d :o:(•,·cr:d t rit •s 1·lu:,1r in - "' hitc bl ew fn•e throw - Xo. '~ J O and 11 for Stout fouh•tl Ly \Vcronkc nm! )farshall; 111ndl· good both t rir~, score S-2-P-O. \ Vhitc stur1·d two gift tosses to tic :,1c•o re :it :! all. Point offe ns e not work- ing so h 11t, hu t cl c f<'11sc good, keeping Stout ·:,1 :,1 hots long. 'l'ime out. Aft er pl:1~· w:1:,1 rt•:-iu111NI ~l e was fou lrd while dribhli11g-, 111aki11g ~ood his try . \Ybit c add t>d :rnothc>r char i ty basket nnd soou after :,1eoretl t he first field goal of the g-:1111f' from the micltl le of th e c ourt. ~o. fl of Stout addc<l one poi nt on Mc 's fou l bringing th e c·ount to u.:i in Cen trals' favor. Fou):,1 11u111l •r.ius. ~Ir made a free throw and in cid rnta 11 y th e offcnd in ~ ~o . :j ,,·:-i:-- r,;ent to the s howers . An m1s ist, )fr to )l ars h:ill, add ed a nice i-.hot, whilt• n f ew lllinut es lat er Mar- ~h.-.11 ng:li11 :,1cored n long-:-ihort one to hri11g th e ta lly to J :!-:-{, Sto ut 1ime out. (Co n tinued 0 11 p:tge 2 Co l. 4 ). Arrange For Girls _ Glee Club Try-Out Prof. J•cn•iva1 states that the Girls Glee Club will per h aps ha\'e room for new nwmbc rs th e set·oncl Sl'mester. An yo ne \Vho dcsir<'s to en t er th e Gleo Club· may make an appointment with Mr. Perc ivnl for a try -out. Former mem- bers wi11 be re instnte<l without further e xamination. All girls who arc interested, are urged to arrange for th is work on the ir pro- grams as a study. Glee Club e:1r ri rs one ho ur of c·n.• <lit a se mest er. Award 3 Credits To Member Of F aculb!_ --:xr rss-Enuly \Vilson of the ,·o ll ege fa cul ty rompleted wo rk for thr ee mor e cre dits toward her lf. A. drgr ee during th e Christma~ holidays. : Miss Wils on attenclrd )Ianhnttan dur - ing one Wl'Ck of her ,·:u:r1 ' tion whidt w ll!J s ufficicu t to c •o mpl ete th e work men · tion ed above. Elliott And Aanrud "' Stage Puppet Sho,.ps Th e Int e rm ed iate ancl Grammar Li te aturc Classes, under the dir ect ion of )Ii ss llu ssey, staged a P u ppet Show for th e 4, 5, ancl 6t h grades in the Audito· rium, last Friday. The first show Was Van Dyk e 's "Tho Other \Vi se Man," und er the dir ec tion of )Jona Aanrud , th e second was Di cke ns' '' Christmn s Carol'' dir ec ted by Ev elyn- Elliot . St eve ns Point, Wi s., Januar y 24, 192 0 Pric e 7 cents Sophomores Wi[l Give College Hop Th e> so phu111 orri-l n rc cntcrtu inin g tho fal'ult,· 111l'111i>cr:-: and student bo<ly at :111 all· :·u·houl part~· in th e co ll ege g;·n, . 1:11:,1iu111, l ·' rid:1y e,·c ning, .Jan. :!5. Th e pr l'sitlc 11t 1 Hit·hard . \lar s hall , ha s appointed seve ral com111itt ecs to car ry ou1 the program. 'J'hr c11h>rt:ii11111 e nt co111mill ce. cull· ..iisl ing of Sy l via Bri c kson and .I:.: l iza· hl'lh Co llin s, ha i; mad e arraugcmc nt s for a prize (ianec, whi ch will li e the fr11turc o f. the evening. Tu th e lwst cc,uplc a prizt> will be a w:1 nletl. As ,·ct th e c 11 lcrtai 11 mout <·ornmittr(' ha s ,; ot divulged the secr et. uf whnt the prize will he. Th ey promise, how e ver, th at it will be ,,ell worth rh c whil e of th e parti uipators Lo he prl'lWIII. The t!ctoration co111111itt. ee ha s arrang,•d for :Ill cffcc-t iv c ,·olor schcml· in the 1'1:1 ss co l or:-; . Dul' 111 th o fac•t lh:t t this is the first of all sd1 uo\ parliei-1 sincl-' th e College dosed for tlw holiday s_, .1 l:trgc c rowd i:-: 1•xpet · h.•<l . Tlw sopho mores :ire a large c lass, 0 110 of the l:1rgr~t iu sr hool. Wi th th e CO· 01w ra1iu11 of' the \'uriou s ·0111mittccs wh i<·h ha , ·c IJet' u appoiu lcd, the :-:u1,h o111or c pur ty :-: hou lU be u ucces:,,,. Singing Of Artists ls Declared Supetb 'l'hc joint conecr t giveu at the Co1lcgc )fonclny night wns well n•i: c h ·ccl hy a large audi ence. The vo(·:tl rc·11ciiti0 11s by Stanley Dea - con, hariton c, and Edna Swnuson Ver Harr, contra lto, were of suc h qunlity as to re ce i ve abundaut applnusr. '!'he artists were liberal wi th their encor es which were of a light er natur e and ver y ple nsi ng. 'fhe ple asiug pcnwna li ty of bot h nr· tists ,Vas evident through out the pro· grnm which consisted of an ope ratic re · pertoire spri,nkled with songs of a light- er and more hu morous type. T he a rt ists were effic ien tly accom· panied by Miss Els ie \Volff C:impbcll at th e pinno. "Central Fence" To Rival That Of Yale Yale ha sn't anything over on us. \ Ve have henrd of th e "Ya le fe nce" but n ow we have a '' Ce n tra l fence.' ' Casting all jok es nsidc, th e fact is that the library h as received u very us e- ful as wc1l ns ornamental pi ece of new e quipme nt. It ,·ons ists of n wooden nrrangemc nt w hi ch e xt c n<ls from each side of the librnri nn 's d es k across the li bra ry in front of the book stacks. Snrnll swinging gates arc found on each side of th e desk whic h permits of e trnnl'e and exit. On the rear si de of this e quipment arr many she lves wh ich ndd extra space for new bo oks. The en ti r a ppo rat us__ls__wu.de._u.f__a_ heu ut ifull y grain e d, highly polished woocl and in all is quit e attra c ti ve . Present Program To Y. W. C. A. Members !Jue to unfa,·orablc ci rc um sta nces th e Y. \V. sle igh ride, scheduled for last Thursday night had to be postpo ned. There wa s, h owever th~ regular me et- ing in the Re<· rc ation room . Th e pro · gram consisted of a , ·or al du ct Uy tho 1fi sses Lora Di ck and Lela Buttgcn aud a sto ry , ' 'Iler Lnst Inh l'ritnnc·c'' told 1 ,y Miss Ruby Lihbaken. . A ftC'r th e program c ,·eryon c c n,1oycJ mapl e-uut ice cream. Pointers play Tead1 c r's Saturday even ing th e• lu,•al gym. B<' thrrf'. Mardi Gras Will Be Biggest Ever ) lardi liras which will be FcbrJnry l:.! i~ :tlrf•:ul~· :1 topic uf 111ul'h discuss ion :i 11111 11 g thf' st ud e nt s. l·'ra11k l.:1 :-:ei: ke , president of t.ho s,• 11i11 r ,·l:1~:,1, is working hard ·. ,·ith hi s P0111111i11 t•,•:,; to uiake th is eve nt one of th e mo st successful. ol 0 11 ly dot:s ho wish ii to ut ta in the rt•putaiion uf, fo r111rr y 1•:1rs :,ut he plan s to r ev ise :,1,1111c pha:,1c:-: of it to better coin cide with till' feature show thi:,,, yettr. 'l'lw populari t.v l' o11l est which is au t•s1:d di sh d 1.: 11 :,1 t• 1111 111·eccti i11g this eve nt l'Ht ·h .n•:ir will i1l·~i11 ut or1re. Th e ohl id C' :1 of d cpart11tl·11ta l co nt cs ta11ts hus bct>n <li:,1c.:a rclcli 1 u h l' rl'p la(· C' d hy ei:n,s t·u nl t•slarits. Tlwt is, two co 1 r1c:,1ta11t:- , 111:(' hoy anti 01:t g-irl, will be chosen fro ;u c:u·h of th e Fn•sh111: 111 1 8opho111orc, ,Junior, :111d St11io1· l·la:-::-:c... Each boy :111 d i;irl t'lC'dcd will li e ailed tho k 111g and queen of the chlss. \'ot cit will th en hl· (·ast for t hl':-:c JH:o pll' until the eve of )lar,li Gra:-:. ThC' boy and girl wiuntug tl11• 4•11111t•st will Lt(' crown(•d as l'- iu g :111d Qul ·C'n of the ci.Jlege. .-\ 11 :,1idc :-:hows wi ll be c li111i na.tod t hi~ y1•ar a1icl \\'ill he supplanh= <l with pt•p :-: tuul:,,,. )lo st ef fort s ;i re b <; ing- 011l'c>11~ rated 011 the muin s ho,,•. )l-1r,li Cir:1:,1 i :,1 a cm:1t. um e affair audit is s aid 1h:1t rnauy ha,· e alr eady com· pl(•tcd illcas for raiment . As U,:, UO. ) priz 1•s wi ll be gi\'(' ll for the besL co:,1tl11.1c:,1. Corumitll.:t·:-: h:1vp bee n appoinlcct us follows: )J ain :,;ho w: Clan•11 ce rr l':-: k c, )lau <l ~lar sh, B ecty Collin:-:. Popularity cont.est: Ni,·k Allen , \ \':liter \\ 'nsrud, Palmer lluual,1. Eats: · Leota Andr e ws, Loise Ge rhk c, )li ldrcd Bn r 11u111. Dance: ~cal Pn·court. Lawrrnc e lleauchn, E\'cln1 Elliott. P e.p: I , l'o11:1 r<l Sprague. .\ dv c rti se ment: A ll en McVey. Counter: 1.awn .. •n<·c Beaudi n. A1 101hf'r mee ting }\'ill be he ld today for co111111it1ec•s at fo ur o'clock in . \Ir. C'olli11:--' room. Coeds Skate, Tunible; Alter B. B. Schedule 'l'hc skat i ng riuk is in fine shapt•. COLLEGIANS BUSY IN FORENslC WORK OF LOCAL COLLEGE NEGATIVE DEBA TE TEAM OF SCHOOL HAS BEEN . SELECTED · 'ht• 111• ,. tiv «! d ebate tcn111 ha s bucn d1osc11 and l'O ists of }'rank Lnscck e, l ~c\tr ~o llin s, Ghvc ul'<.' 'l'c~ko :ind C. C,. I hc 1s. Prof'. 1:!nrroughs p l:tn s to tukc the tt!ams aro und to t hl' lligh Sc h ools iu this sec tion of. th (' s t:1l o :is pradi vc in d eb :1te. · Ir I ht· public :,1pcaki 11:,: play s win ch :irl' 1 11 li t.• g- i\·e n in th e uear fu ture aro :i t'i11:i1u·ial :,1 u1·1·t·ss, the ncgntivc team will gu to Eau Cla ir('. NORTHLAND COLLEGE COMING ~orthlaud College is com ing here l·\·1Jru:1ry :.!:.! to upposc · tho negativ e tra111 . Th e affirma ti ve tcn111 has al- r,. ;u.l~· had the opportuuity of' e nt e rmg iulo c lt·b:11(• :1t )lnrquett e, 1\filwaukce. \Vhill' 11 1,•re they al so had the pri\' ilogo uf hl•:iri,fg th e tr inug ular debate be- tween C..:arroll Co ll ge, ~: tilwuuk c<· State Tc:u_ ·ht•r's Co ll<'ge uncl )l a rqu e tt c. Th eY.. u:,1 cd a rath er 110,·e l idea iu that Lh o :lffi r11 1ath·c a11d negative 1110111bers fo r the dch:1fl' Wl'rc ch ose n one member for l'ach tca111 from each school. WORK ON ORATIONS 'l'h ~ 11ratio11s whi ch are being pr p:trt•d anll S follows : 11 Mun kin cl and the <..: rus:,1ruads' ' - J.('una rd Sprague, 1 ' Pilot:,1 of Progrci-.l'tivc 'ivilizn ti on" - Wultl'r W:i s rud , 1 ~l odcrn Youth'' - ~i;, \:: 1 :~:\ 3 c;,~;~~1; 1 :r. 11 Thc New South'' , \ "c m 8t:11:1ff11er has gone to Green- wood to fill a tca c hi11g posit i o11; con , :-:<•quen t,ly th e lis t of co nte:,1t1111ts is ut to th ree. PRELIM CONTEST JAN. 29 /';t11dt•11t. :-: ar e uskctl to remember the date of the pr e liminary oratorical con· test whi ch will Uc , January 29. After th e <' 011t c:-; t u oue nd pl ay 11 1\frs. Pnt 1111d 1he I.aw " will be presented free of elm rgc. Th e pluy i !j under the tJ_ j. r ed io11 of .\fi:-is Kutlfryn Thompson. 'J'h r <·nst uf <·haractc rs is as f oll ows: 1'11 t . . . . . . Lu lu Cloc ks in )I r:,1. Pat ........... Sylv ia B ri ckson . .T i11 1111y . . . . . . . . . . Kath r yn Thompson. . \l is:,1 . \f arrol ..... . : Marie Stephenson. .roh n Hing ....... .. Viv i anne Nic hoig. "B " C · ee ongregatron Beaten By Preacher Many girls spe nt l ust Friday evc 11i11g ice sk ati ng E t. t' f t JI Th e " B~e " Ba~kctball sq uad trn- eve r y~nc g~t ff:e~ cw um J cs, ,·e lc.d to Amherst last ' rhur sda y e, ·c n- . A large number of gir ls ha ve reported ing, losing their re turn cngugcment to to all basketba ll practices. The sc h c- th e city tea m Ly a Ncore of 25-21 be fore dule ha s been ch anged and is : 18 followR: a pa(•kcd ho us e. :Monday - 4:10 1\s th e score indi t:a t es, it wus a nip }.,ridav ~ -"--''-'-'-"--------t"" "~""; d'"7. tuf-ck uffa ir ·di th :1ov.a. th. r-ough Sat u rday - 9:00 :111d if the· Point gunrds !i nd been pi ny - T he dntes of pral'ticcs arc : ing gu ard tho 'Inst quart er, the scor o .Jan. 21 • 26 - Prn cti.ce for all might hav f' hec>n differ e nt . Jan. 28-i\lar. 2 - T ea m prnetices aud Amb ers.I was visibly ''off'' during practic:c gamrs . the first half, although th e Coll e~iatcs )f ar. 4 . . 9 - ' fournnm e nt. lc<l hy only ·One ~If . Th e Hc,:oncl hal f Central State Books Wisconsin "B" Team Central Coll ege football te am for 192!1 has been Sl'hl·dulcd for a g:1111c with th <' Vv'i !,u, ons in R tc nm Ottoh('r 5, at Madison. ' . T hi s . gamc_ will be a pr e liminary to th.c 11 big ten team" and will be govern ... cd ar cording to th e fr e shmnu rule. It is said that many of the Stnte Tench er ' !_,I CoJJcg<•s arc seriously con- s id cr iug the adoption of t}t is freshman clligibility rule. wa ~ fast a nd furiomt, wit h th e F lying Pr l•:h' hc r leading the Vi ll age r's scor i ng . Th e s('ore r h:111gcd about eve ry ha lf minut e, scn<l iug the fn11s into wild screams of exc itc·m<•nt. 'Everyo11c ex- presse d hi s mon ('.Y 1 !'1 worth at the ex- hibiti o n. )lessrs . S<·hmeeklc anti Davidson act ed as transportat ion and chapero nes for the OC'<'asion. ~\fr . Schmeekl e re- fe reed the tussl o. :11ul did n vny fine job of it. Nin e plnyer:-1 took part in the HCrn F and earned th ei r feed at the Spot after• wnrds: ,John son, :M.rrrsh, A Id rich, Met · ca lf, Lintn e r, J {itowski 1 Stcph venson, Fritsch, and Albe rts.
Page 1: THE POINTERpl:1~· w:1:,1 rt•:-iu111NI ~l e was foulrd while dribhli11g-, 111aki11g ~ood his try. \Ybitc addt>d :rnothc>r charity basket nnd soou after :,1eoretl the first field

THE POINTER Series III. Vol. III. No. 12.



42-20 C1·11t r:1l Stat~· 'l'l•acher:-:' College wo11

tlwir s1.·(·01Hl 1:unfc rl."11r c tilt by boating the :,;nappy , 'tout c1ui11tct, -tl -:!O in th'? Jo1·al g~·111 la:-;t Saturda~· evening.

11 was 1111i11t('rt•:-iti11g as a cage gam e frvrn n spcC'tator 's point of view as ho1h • h-11111:,,; \\'l'rl' off form, both in tl':ttuwork :i nd ~ho111i11g. 1.'hc Institutes ~l'('111c•,I to he a :,,.ho rt :,: ho t team, nnd, failing for th e must to penetrate tho Po int dC'f1..·11tC', rt':--o rtl·d to long heave.; whil·h wnc not consistcnt1v accura te.

DICK MARSHALL STARS Th<· l't•ntrals, nl:,:o work in g for short

lo:--:,;1•s, clil.111 't han! 111uch lu ck Lill Dick .\lnr:-:hnll, ,·ente r, foun1.l his eye in tho :o.t.•t"o 1ul fr: 1111r. fi11 ishi11g th e g:1me with ~rvcn ri11gt·r:,1 to his c redit .

FIRST HALF :--.hortly :ifl e r tlu.• whistle, Point miss·

t•d :o:(•,·cr:d t rit•s 1·lu:,1r in - " ' hitc bl e w fn•e throw - Xo. '~ J O and 11 for Stout fouh•tl Ly \Vcronkc nm! )farshall; 111ndl· good both t r ir~, score S-2-P-O. \Vhitc stur1·d two gift tosses to tic :,1c•o re :it :! all. Point offense not work­ing so h 11t, hu t clc f<'11sc good, keeping Stout ·:,1 :,1 hots long. 'l'ime out. Afte r pl:1~· w:1:,1 rt•:-iu111NI ~l e was fou lrd while dribhli11g-, 111aki11g ~ood his try . \Ybitc add t>d :rnothc>r chari ty basket nnd soou after :,1eoretl t he first field goal of the g-:1111f' from the micltl le of the court. ~o. fl of Stout addc<l one poi nt on Mc ' s fou l bringing th e c·ount to u.:i in Cen trals' favor.

Fou):,1 11u111l•r.ius. ~Ir made a free throw and in c id rnta11y th e offcndin~ ~o. :j ,,·:-i:-- r,;ent to t he showers. An m1s ist, )fr to ) larsh:ill, added a nice i-.hot, whilt• n f ew lllinut es later Mar­~h.-.11 ng:li11 :,1cored n long-:-ihort one to hri11g th e ta lly to J :!-:-{, Stout 1ime out.

(Con tinued 0 11 p:tge 2 Co l. 4 ).

Arrange For Girls _ Glee Club Try-Out

Prof. J•cn•iva1 states that the Girls Glee Club will perhaps ha\'e room for new nwmbc rs th e set·oncl Sl'mester.

An yone \Vho dcsir<'s to en ter th e Gleo Club· may make an appointment with Mr. P erc ivnl for a try-out. Forme r mem­bers wi11 be reinstnte<l without further e xamination.

All girls who arc interested, are urge d to arrange for t h is work on t he ir pro­grams as a study.

Glee Club e:1r ri rs one hour of c·n.•<lit a semeste r.

Award 3 Credits To Member Of F aculb!_

--:xr rss-Enuly \Vilson of the ,·o ll ege facul ty rompleted wo rk for three more credits toward he r lf. A . drgree during the Christma~ holidays.

:Miss Wilso n attenclrd )Ianhnttan dur­ing one Wl'Ck of her ,·:u:r1 'tion whidt w ll!J sufficicu t to c•ompl ete th e work men · tioned above.

Elliott And Aanrud "' Stage Puppet Sho,.ps

The Inte rm ed iate ancl Grammar Li te r· aturc Classes, under t he direct io n o f )Iiss llussey, staged a P uppet Show for the 4, 5, ancl 6th grades in the Audito· rium, last Friday.

The first show Was Van Dyke 's "Tho Other \Vise Man," under the direc tion of )Jona Aanrud, th e second was Dicke ns' '' Christmns Carol'' directed by Evelyn- Elliot . •

S tevens Point, Wis., January 24 , 1920 Price 7 cents

Sophomores Wi[l Give College Hop Th e> so phu111 orri-l n rc cntcrtu ining tho

fal'ult,· 111l'111i>cr:-: and student bo<ly at :111 all· :·u·houl part~· in the coll ege g;·n, . 1:11:,1iu111, l·' rid:1y e,·c ning, .Jan . :!5.

Th e prl's itl c 11t 1 Hit·hard .\larshall , has appointed seve ral com111ittecs to carry ou1 the program.

'J'hr c11h>rt:ii11111 ent co111mill ce. cull· ..iisl ing of Sy lvia Bric kson and .I:.: liza· hl'lh Co llin s, ha i; made arraugcmcnts for a prize (ianec, which will lie t he fr11turc o f. t he evening.

Tu th e lwst cc,uplc a prizt> will be a w:1 nletl. As ,·ct the c 11 lcrtai 11 mout <·ornmittr(' ha s ,;ot divulged the secr et. uf whnt the prize will he. They promise, how ever, th at it will be ,,ell worth rh c while of th e partiuipators Lo he prl'lW III.

The t!ctoration co111111itt.ee has arrang,•d for :Ill cffcc-t ivc ,·olor schcml· in the 1'1:1 ss color:-; .

Dul' 111 th o fac•t lh:t t this is the first of all sd1 uo\ parliei-1 sincl-' th e College dosed for tlw holiday s_, .1 l:trgc c rowd i:-: 1•xpet·h.•<l .

Tlw sopho mores :ire a large c lass, 0110 of the l:1rgr~t iu sr hool. Wi th th e CO·

01w ra1iu11 of' the \'urious ·0111mittccs wh i<·h ha ,·c IJet'u appoiu l cd, the :-:u1,h o111orc purty :-: hou lU be u ucces:,,,.

Singing Of Artists ls Declared Supetb

'l'hc joint conecr t giveu at t he Co1lcgc )fonclny night wns well n•i:c h ·ccl hy a large audience.

The vo(·:tl rc·11ciiti0 11s by Stanley Dea ­con, haritonc, and Edna Swnuson V e r Harr, contra lto, were of such qunlity as to receive abundaut applnusr. '!'he artists were liberal wi th their encores which were of a lighte r nature and very plensi ng.

'fhe pleasiug pcnwna li ty of both nr· t ists ,Vas evident throughout the pro· grnm which consisted of an ope ratic re · pertoire spri,nkled with songs of a light­er and more humorous type.

T he a rt ists were efficie n tly accom· panied by Miss Els ie \Volff C:impbcll at the pinno.

"Central Fence" To Rival That Of Yale

Yale hasn't anything over on us. \ Ve have henrd of the "Yale fe nce" but now we have a '' Centra l fence.' '

Casting all jokes nsidc, th e fact is that the library has received u very use­ful as wc1l ns ornamental piece of new equipment. It ,·onsists of n wooden nrrangemc nt w hi ch extc n<ls from ea ch side of t he librnrinn 's desk across the li bra ry in front of t he book stacks. Snrnll swinging gates arc found o n each side of the desk which permits of en· trnnl'e and exit. On t he rear s ide of this equipment arr many shelves wh ich ndd extra space for new books.

The en ti r a ppo rat us__ls__wu.de._u.f__a_ heuu t ifully grain ed, highly polished woocl and in all is quite attrac ti ve.

Present Program To Y. W. C. A. Members !Jue to unfa,·orablc ci rcum sta nces the

Y. \V. sleigh ride, scheduled for last Thursday nigh t had to be postpo ned. There was, however th~ regular meet­ing in the R e<· rcation room . Th e pro · gram consisted of a ,·or al duct Uy tho 1fisses Lora Di ck and Lela Buttgc n aud a sto ry , ' 'Iler Lnst Inhl'ritnnc·c'' told 1,y Miss Ruby Lihbaken. .

A ftC'r th e program c ,·eryon c c n,1oycJ maple-uut ice cream.

Pointers play Tead1c r's Saturday even ing th e• lu,•al gym. B<' thrrf'.

Mardi Gras Will Be Biggest Ever

) lardi liras which will be FcbrJnry l:.! i~ :tlrf•:ul~· :1 topic uf 111ul'h discuss ion :i 11111 11 g thf' stude nts .

l·'ra11k l.:1 :-:ei: ke , president of t.ho s,• 11i11 r ,·l:1~:,1, is working hard ·.,·ith his P0111111i11 t•,•:,; to uiake th is e ve nt one of th e most successful. ~ ol 0 11 ly dot:s ho wish ii to ut ta in the rt•putaiion uf, fo r111rr y 1•:1rs :,ut he plans to r ev ise :,1,1111c pha:,1c:-: o f it to better coincide with till' feature show thi:,,, yettr.

'l'lw populari t.v l' o11l est which is au t•s1:d dish l·d 1.: 11 :,1 t •1111 111·eccti i11g this event l'Ht·h .n•:ir will i1l·~i11 ut or1re. Th e ohl id C' :1 of dcpart11t l·11ta l co ntcs ta11ts hus bct>n <li:,1c.:a rclcli 1 u hl' rl'p la(· C' d hy ei:n,s t·u nl t•slarits. Tlwt is, two co1r1c:,1ta11t:- , 111:(' hoy anti 01:t• g-irl, will be chosen fro ;u c:u·h of th e Fn•sh111: 111 1 8opho111orc, ,Junior, :111d St•11io1· l·la:-::-:c... Each boy :111 d i;irl t'lC'dcd will lie ,·ailed tho k 111g and quee n of t he chlss. \'otcit will th en hl· (·ast for t hl':-:c JH:o pll' until the eve of )lar,li Gra:-:. ThC' boy and girl wiuntug tl11• 4•11111t•st will Lt(' crown(•d as l'- iu g :111d Qul·C'n of the ci.Jl ege.

.-\ 11 :,1idc :-:hows wi ll be cli111ina.tod t hi~ y1•ar a1icl \\'ill he supplanh=<l with pt•p :-: tuul:,,,. )lost ef fort s ;i re b <; ing-1·011l'c>11~ rated 011 the muin sho,,•.

)l-1r, li Cir:1:,1 i:,1 a cm:1t.um e affair audit is said 1h:1t rnauy ha,·e already com· pl(•tcd illcas for raiment. As U,:,U O.)

priz1•s wi ll be gi\'(' ll for the besL co:,1tl11.1c:,1.

Corumitll.: t·:-: h:1vp bee n appoinlcct us follows:

)J ain :,;how: Clan•11 ce rr l':-: kc, )lau <l ~larsh , B ecty

Collin:-: . Popularity cont.est: Ni,·k Allen , \ \':liter \\'nsrud, Palmer

lluual,1. Eats: · Leota Andre ws, Loise Ge rhk c, )li ldrcd

Bn r11u111. Dance: ~cal Pn·court. Lawrrnce lleauchn,

E\'cln1 Elliott. P e.p: I ,l'o11:1 r<l Sprague. .\ dv c rtisement: A ll en McVey. Counter: 1.awn .. •n<·c Beaudi n. A 1101hf'r mee ting }\' ill be he ld today

for co111111it1ec•s at fo ur o'clock in .\Ir. C'olli11:--' room.

Coeds Skate, Tunible; Alter B. B. Schedule

'l'h c skat ing riuk is in fine shapt•.



. SELECTED · 'ht• 111• , . tiv «! debate tcn111 ha s bucn

d1osc11 and l'O ists of }'rank Lnsccke, l~c\tr ~ollin s, Ghvc ul'<.' 'l'c~ko :ind C. C,. I hc1s.

Prof'. 1:!nrroughs p l:tn s to tukc t he tt!ams around to t hl' lligh Schools iu this section of. th(' s t:1l o :is pradi vc in deb:1te. ·

Ir I ht · public :,1pcaki 11:,: p lays winch :irl' 1 11 li t.• g- i\·e n in th e uear f u ture aro :i t'i11:i1u·ial :,1 u1·1·t·ss, the ncgntivc t eam will gu to Eau Cla ir('. N ORTHLAND COLLEGE COMING

~orthlaud College is com ing here l·\·1Jru:1ry :.!:.! to upposc · th o negativ e tra111 . Th e affirma ti ve tcn111 has al­r,. ;u.l~· had t he opportuuity of' ente rmg iulo clt·b:11(• :1t )lnrquette, 1\filwaukce. \Vhill' 111,•re they also had the pri\' ilogo uf hl•:iri,fg th e tr in ug ular debate be­tween C..:arroll Coll ge, ~:tilwuukc<· State Tc:u_·ht•r's Coll<'ge uncl )l a rque ttc. TheY.. u:,1 cd a rath e r 110,·el idea iu that Lho :lffi r11 1ath·c a11d negative 1110111bers fo r t he dch:1fl' Wl'rc chose n one member for l'ach tca111 from ea ch school.

WORK ON ORATIONS 'l'h ~ 11ratio11s which are bei ng pre·

p:trt•d an.· ll S follows : 11 Mun kin cl and the <..: rus:,1ruads' ' - J.('una rd Sprague, 1 ' Pilot:,1 of Progrci-.l'tivc 'iviliznti on" -Wultl'r W:i s rud, 1

• ~l odcrn Youth'' -




T hc New South'',

\ "c m 8t:11:1ff11er has gone to Green­wood to fill a tcachi11g positio11; con, :-:<•quen t,ly th e lis t of conte:,1t1111ts is ut to th ree.

PRELIM CONTEST JAN. 29 /';t11dt•11t. :-: are uskctl to remember the

date of the pre liminary oratori ca l con· test whi ch will Uc ,January 29. After th e <' 011t c:-; t u oue nd play 11 1\frs. Pnt 1111d 1he I.aw " will be presented free of elm rgc. Th e pluy i !j under the tJ_j. red io11 of .\fi:-is Kutlfryn Thompson. 'J'h r <·nst uf <·harac t c rs is as f ollows: 1'11 t . . . . . . Lu lu Clocks in ) I r:,1. Pat ........... Sylv ia B rickson . .T i11 1111y . . . . . . . . . . Kath ryn Thompson. .\l is:,1 .\farrol ..... . :Marie Stephenson. .roh n Hing ....... .. Viv ianne Nichoig.

"B " C · ee ongregatron Beaten By Preacher

Many girls spe nt lust Friday evc11i11g ice sk ati ng E t. t' f t JI The " B~e " Ba~kctball sq uad trn­every~nc g~t ~~~~1i ff:e~ cw um J cs, ,·e lc.d to Amherst last 'rhursday e ,·cn­. A large numbe r of gir ls ha ve reported ing, losing their re turn cngugcment to to all basketball practices. T he schc- th e city team Ly a Ncore of 25-21 be fore dule has been changed and is :18 followR: a pa(•kcd house.

:Monday - 4:10 1\ s the score indi t:a t es, it wus a n ip }.,ridav ~ -"--''-'-'-"--------t"""~"";d'"7.tuf-ck uffa ir ·di th :1ov.a. • th.r-ough Satu rday - 9:00 :111d if t he · Point gunrds !i nd been p iny -

T he dnte s of pral'ticcs arc : ing gu ard t ho 'Inst quarter, the scoro .Jan. 21 • 26 - Prn cti.ce for all might havf' hec>n differe nt. Jan. 28-i\lar. 2 - T ea m prnetices aud Amb ers.I was visibly ''off'' during

practic:c gamrs. the first half, although th e Colle~iatcs )far. 4 . . 9 - 'fournnm e nt. lc<l hy only ·One ~If . Th e Hc,:oncl hal f

Central State Books Wisconsin "B" Team Central College football te am for

192!1 has been Sl'hl·dulcd for a g:1111c with th <' Vv'i !,u,ons in R tc nm Ottoh('r 5, at Madison. '

. T his .gamc_ will be a preliminary to th.c 11 big ten team" and will be govern ... cd ar cording to the freshmnu rule.

It is said that many of the Stnte T ench er ' !_,I CoJJcg<•s arc seriously con ­s idcriug the adoption of t}t is freshman clligibility rule.

wa ~ fast a nd furiomt, with the F lying Prl•:h' hc r leading the Vi ll age r's scor ing. Th e s('ore r h:111gcd about e ve ry half minute, scn<l iug the fn11s into wi ld screams of exc itc·m<•nt. 'Eve ryo11c ex­pressed hi s mon ('.Y 1!'1 worth at t he ex­hibiti o n.

)lessrs. S<·hmeeklc anti Davidson acted as transportat ion and chaperones for the OC'<'asion. ~\fr . Schmeekl e re­f ereed the tussl o. :11ul did n vny fine job of it.

Nin e plnyer:-1 took part in t he HCrn F and earned thei r feed at the Spot after• wnrds: ,John son, :M.rrrsh, A Id rich, Met· calf, Lintne r, J{itowski 1 Stcph venson, Fritsc h, and Albe rts.

Page 2: THE POINTERpl:1~· w:1:,1 rt•:-iu111NI ~l e was foulrd while dribhli11g-, 111aki11g ~ood his try. \Ybitc addt>d :rnothc>r charity basket nnd soou after :,1eoretl the first field



Published \ Vcck lv :\t Stc\·c ns Point hv the stud e nts of t he Cc ntrn l WiscO nsin State Teat hers' College. · 1

Ent e red as scco nd -cl:1ss m:i ttcr "May 26, 19:17. at t he pvst office at Steve ns Point, Wisconsin, unde r t he Act of :i\l nrd1 :{, 18i!).

Subscription Price $2.00 pe r yc::tr.

Ed itor News Editor Society Edit or Hu mo r Editor Girls' At.hletics ... F eatures ... R e port e rs

J-'roof R ender


. . . C. (:T. The is Fe rn Pugh

Hut.h J ohn son Carlton Lintner

Ethel Maes Pearl Staples :Marie Molleu

l~athryn Thompson Maxine Korotev Rogers Co nstance

..... Ethel . Madsen Business :i\lnna~cr . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . • . . • . • . . . . . . . . John Pralguski Circ ula t ion '?'il"anngcr ... , . . . . • . . ..•. . . . . . .. . , . . . Richnrd Marshall Ass 't. Circulat ion l\lanagcr . . . . • . . • . . . . .. . .. John W. Kolka

'J.1ypi ~t . . L ouise Meink e Ji,a cul ty Advittor Mr. R. M. Rightsell

COMMENTS ON BACON lt is re.,1·cta blc that more of. 11 s are unahle to imitate Bacon's

cryptie a nd ~concise s ty! ,• of' writinµ-. If ~-ou ha Ye taken English Lit­erature 11nd l' r }[1·. Burroughs, you will know Baco n, his conciseness, t ru th [uln ess. ro 1·s iµ-ht eclness and aptness at exp 1·ess ion.

He was born in 15fil and had co ntact with the go verning el m:;: through his p,mmts. He wa s po liti ra lly unsuccess ful but t his was best .tor µ-e nerations late1· as it was i11 st rumcnta) in his becoming in­tensely interes ted in writin g- literiltnrc and philosophy. Hi:· essay illu st rnte his k,,,•11ness or mind. his p ract ica l wordly wisdom, and tlrn tense incisinn <'ss of hi s sty le. His death was due to a pract ica l ex­perim ent wh ich he perfo rmed in th e ad va ncement of science. He con­t r,ict cd a chill wh c:1 h, g-a th ert'cl sno"· to stuff a fowl to investigaLe the .cffed of' ,·old 011 p1·esc•rrn tion of meat. .

As fut.u 1·e teachers. we should ten,l to imp rove our p1·esen tat iou of matr 1·ial hy stud.,· of accepted leaders in compo. ition. Let's ex­am ine t.ogct he1· a few sente11 ces taken from Bacon's essays.

He says on sa1·casm : " Generally men ought to find the diffe rence between sa ltness and bitterness . Cert a inly he that hath a satirical vein , a· he makc•th othl' rs al'rn id of his wit, so he need be afraid of othe 1·s' memory." Most of us unconsc iously ava il ourselves of the use of sarcasm to revenge a hurt pr ide. Sometimes to appear hu: morous, othe r times to attach a t horn to a bouquet of roses. Too many times we spea k thoug htlrssly, no t" realizing th e effect of our wo,·ds nor thr_last ing- imp1·essi011 le ft with the listener.

A comm on though usuall.,· un consc ious defect in our writing or speaking is 1·eitc rntions. Bacon says: " Iterations are commonly loss of t ime; bu t the re is no such gain of tim e as to iterate often the state of the question: for it chasc th away many a frivolous speech as it Is coming fo 1·th. " How many speakers have grown tiresome to your ea r by cont inu al repetition : No doubt just as many as have bored yo u by rambling in th eir speech from a discussion of an an t to an elephant. A shor t ta lk is best as a long robe never is worn fol" a race.

Be careful of the use of the first personal pronoun . as he ab ly s tated so concise ly in the~c scornful words : " H e must needs be a wi:;c man, he speaks so much o[ himself. "

T lu·ec sta tements have been taken from his essay on "Of Studies" to ('X empli f .v hi s attitude on education. "Crafty men con­demn studies. s imple ml· n admire th em, and wise men use them." " Studies ser n fo r delight, for ornament , and fo r ability. Their chief nse fo r delight is in prin1teness and 1·etiring; for ornament is in dis­course; and fo r ability is in the judgment and disposition of bus­ine s. " "Some books a1·e to be tasted, oth ers to be swallowed and some few to be chewed a11rl digested - that is some books are to be ,.cad only in parts. oth ers to be read , but not curiously, and some few to be read wh olly, and with di ligence and attention."

. And to clo_sc b:. a sta tement conce1·ning his suggestion against ~~oil mg th e .''.h ild : .. .\Ien have ~ fooli~h manner (b_o,.t;. _h parents, ap_<l.

- schoolmaste1 s,and ~ervm1tsr,-m cl'eatmg andoFeec11li'g an emulation between brothe1·s dur ing childh ood, which many ti mes sot·teth to dis­co1·d when t hey a rc men, and disturbeth fam ilie·s."

IMPORTAN T RETURN BOOKS Text books arc to be re turned during th e followi ng hour!\! at th (• i· losc

of the first semester : Rural D ept. Tuesday P. )l. Pebruary ~th J ::{0 to 2 :30 Primary a nd Grammar Dcpts. Tuesday P . :\[. Pc1Jru:1 ry :)th 2:30 to 4 :00.

High School Dept. Wcd11 esclay A . . \I. l"cl;ruary 6th 9:0IJ to 10::lO Home E co nomics D ept. \Vedur~day A. M . Fcb


ruary ()th 10 :30 to 12:00

Do a ll your study ing befo re t he hour your hooks a h.! to be re t urn ed because a fine of 25 ce nts a book is cha rged for hooks 11ot ret urn ed dur­ing t he ti me specified for the <lck,artment. .

Text libra ry wiJl be open Th ursday, l 1c1Jruar,Y 7th, 1929--, J rom J.O to 12 A. M. and 1:30 to 4 :30 P. 11. for purpose of g iving books out fo r 2nd semester.

~"'-~~ 1 (po nt inur d fro m Page l Col. 1 ) .


H U MOR Th1.• Htout :1ggrog-:1ti 1 111ust have · l·1111k1·d • up ~omt• st roug 111cdi r i11 c, :t :,

rh,•,· 111:uk tlH~ir f irst l1t· ld shot of t h e

t~MQR~E QR~~LESS ~ dai afl,•r pla,· was rt•sumo,l; :H.<l ing a 11'\ng ~hot tu hri11g .tlw coun t t o 12-7. Whit,· a,ltkd :1 fn.• c 1hrow, and No. 12

STOP-LOOK-AND PICK THEM UP Greg Uharlcs worth ncvt.' r w orries

about gctti 11g g c nui1u.•_ l:'orcl parl !-1 . Jk just watc h('S t he H. IL ' n oss ings.


Then we've beard of the family that should be in the Museum. The f a ther had a wooden leg and the mother had a cedar chest.


One of t he c·o-c ,l s rl'l't: 1111'" :iskL· tl u.-. if t he .:\ l cx h·nn horrlc>r h:id to' pay l'l'nt.

NOW IS THAT NICE? A classroom may be likened to a

Ford in that the crank sets in front.


\'vc wr rc sul'pri sc<l to h t.•a r that Sl·Ol"t," :\ fo D011 :1l d ,,·ns 1::rnght suappi nJ.! h is f ingc>rs la st fo ur th of ,July.

HIGH HAT?????? Jean says a kiss over a telephone is

lika a. straw hat- It 's not felt.

BRING YOU_R OWN PILLOW Th e dorm g il'ls found out tha t skating

c:an he lcnrncd in scvl' l' a l s ittinJ!S.

AND NOW YOU KNOW Floyd Higgins recently explained a

nightmare - It' s the Milkman 's horse.


\¥hen ns k<>cl to use the word '' afford' ' on e of thr pr:il'ti ('(' pupi ls turn ed this in , 1

' ) Ty fat h t•r ow us :i

F ord.''

EXTRA!! EXTRA!! We beard that twenty souls were lost

in a shoe factory explosion and also that a man shot seven in a crap game.­But the latest is that an automobile ran over a nickel and killed five coppers.

ETIQUETTE PLUS Don't put t he ee lrry in your lmtton


STUDENTS ODE T O A P ONY • ' I ' ll get by as long as I have you.' '

"Now re me mbe r, m.,· d e11 rs,' ' ·said ·Mothe r R acoou to he r l·hilclre n, '' You must always watch ~our step, het: ausc you have t he skin the co ll cg t• ho;\'s lon• to touch."

~rc n•han t : " Befo re I c·a 11 c ngngc you, you will h:i,·C' to pa s!-1 au inte lligc n t:C' test. ' '

Girl Ca n,lidntc : "Intc lli g r nrl' h .'sl? Why, the a dve rtisr 111 r- 11t s:i icl ~·ou waut cd a 8tcnogrnph {' r.''

When Noah sailed the waters blue He had his troubles, same as you. For forty days he drove the Ark Before he f ound a place to park.

• 1 I vant some powder.' ~

''Mennen's?'' ' ' No, vimmens1' ' ' ' Scented?' ' • ' No, I will take it mit me. ''

Clerk:.....' ' Did you gc.t- i:icl o! a uy ..JD..Olh s with those moth hall s you hought'l

No rm: "No, T tr i(•d for fiv e hoµ r:i an,1 I f'o uldn 't hit :l one•.''

of ~tout 111 i:iS l· d ntH' . • \ft cr n d espe rate s<·r:1111hl1• undc•r th l' basket, Stout 's ccn- · tt.> I' tappl'•d 111u• i11. Numorom: p onal tiett fu r lran•ling-. ~tout wo rked g·Jod in re · to,·l·ring l' ro111 Poi11t ·s hounding board. ~larsh:d l :,; ,•on•d agaiu, brought sco re to l :i-!1 in C1·11tr;1l~' fa ..-01· as g u11 bark­ed.

SECOND ROUND ) l n11y ~hots :11 both C' 11Cls of Jloor -

' · H11oz;.l l''' Nl•ulwrgl'r :rnnk hi s f irst :1 f't l' I' Big Ben had :u h ·a111·cd the lea th· e r. J\l c to~~c tl in n free throw. \Vhit c s1·ort•d f ru 111 t he :; itle, followed b,r a dribhll' and ,• lose ~hot hy i\farshall -sco re 22-U. Stou t a d<lcd 1 }'. · 'J'. 0 11

Be nny·.-. fou l ; :li~u sco ring a suckOr aftl• r a ligh t eni ng drihl>lc, brin gi ng t he eouut ·to 22-12. P ointer 's shot s rolle d around r iu g a11d mo~t ly out. McDona ld a d dl•d j wo poi nt.-. ()fl a v c11alty, whi le Stou t l·Oll t·tlt.' d I point on \Vlut c 's t'l'l'lll". l'oint sunk a :-:hur t to~s, fo llow-1• ti hy a ht•a ut~· hy .\lar.-.hall, uss is t c d by .\ 11 1)1,na ld .• 'tout fo ll C1wed i n :111 e rrai-

' ii: lt111g out..•, ti p1 ,i11g t he lcntlwr iu for a :!S -1:l scun·. Sto ut ~ubstitut.ed nt ceu~ _ l l' I' - .\ l :ir:,:.ha ll i,;ank long po t s hot. No. I :! •>f Stou t mad e 1 of :.!. free throws nfft'l'f•d hi111 lw the 8cutP h111a11. White wa.-. fouled :; .-. h c- s hot, rnakinJ! t nc haskcl hut faili11 g a t the IinC'. Ou \\'h ill'·.-. foul, 'X o. l :! again bl e w fli s fir~ t and 11 1:1d L· good his sero 111l try at t lll' lin t' . ~u. 10 rl' pc-atcd his tcam-11 1:1h· ·s t'eal , Sl·OJ'l' :1:!- IS. Neuberger s hoot ing in h:ll'cl lu ,· k. ). Jc Do:ia ld 11111~s-

L'd up a sure short on e .foT Stout -Sn ozz lc cu 1111 cc t cd fo r a ringe r, fo ll ow· l.'d hy 0 11 0 of Mc 's frco t h ro ws. A Stout wa rri o r sco red from t he mid it lc Mco ro 35 -20. Benny got ma d. Stout's long t ri rs we re wnv off. ).[c f oul eel N o. 1 2 who pro111pt ly· hlc w h(lt h tri<'s, mu.kin!:{ ld111 th e da v's hnrtl luc k f ree thrower. ~ c ubc rger


addcd two points when h e was t'o ul cd whi le shootiug. 'l'im e out. Charl Pswo rth for Weronke, Schroeder for Neuberge r. Sco re :{7.20. \Vhitc r c-111o vcd for four oflc nccs. \ "robe! for Whi te - Purious sprints up uud down floor. Schroeder t;o :\larsha ll netted n goa l for tho )loll -me n. 1[c Doua lcl a <ld-l'cl a f'rN• throw to make it -tO-:!U Cha rl eswo rth f ini:-.hccl thc duy 's seo ri1,g by dribblin g dow n to the free throw li11 L· and pot1i11g u n ice goal. Gun. l·' i11 al ~co rl.' - 4~·:!0 .

BOX SCORE i-'oi 11t

"F'G r''l' P~' Neuhe rg t: r, rf . . l Whitl', I f 4 :\far~hall , C .. . 3 \Vcro uke, rg .. a :\leDon:1111, lg 3 Sc i, rocder , f .. . 0 Vrohcl, f 1 Cha r le~wo rth, g 0

'1.'otn l 14 H ];l Htout :\li('hull s, rf 0 0 4

oth:1rurt, f J ~ 3 l'aulus, If I ·I 0 Evans, C 0 0 1 Hude, C ... J 1 i; Dec ke r, rg . . . 0 1 .4 Wulll!!_,_g_ . jJ 0

li:111 !-10 11 , lg .I 3_

Tot:ol ;; 10 16 Ht>f'erce : Do<• hli ng, Hipon - Umpire :

Hie h:i .v, 'c ntrnl. Marksmen all

Cua ch .:\lo ll can heave a sigh of relief 11 0w t h:it hi s boys have demonst rated t hf' ir alJ ili ty to score, even while not playing bril li a n t ball. ' 'J'h e main trouhlc in prev ious years wns t ho Jack of ,·o n.-. is tc11t ~hooting, g ivin g the Pur-11l l' some ba d seasons.

Wi t h a tea111 of re li able shots, good fig-htc r:-i, an d heady p laye rs tnkiug the hrca ki,1 w he n offered, he is extremely II H·k.v ns a coac h ,to inh e rit such mater· in l. ·

Th_e Poln.t,...lloorah. t----­Pt!ople not~ccd. the cheering, i t kept

t hc111 awake 111 dull mome nts.. Keep 1t up.

Page 3: THE POINTERpl:1~· w:1:,1 rt•:-iu111NI ~l e was foulrd while dribhli11g-, 111aki11g ~ood his try. \Ybitc addt>d :rnothc>r charity basket nnd soou after :,1eoretl the first field



Dormites Amused By A Polish Nobleman

Nelson Jl:111 fa mily arc t1·yi11g out a new player pi:1110. rf t hey desire t.o kL•cp it , this will Tll f'a n many incxpt·n· sivc dan cC'S and c11trrta inmc nt :-1 that will afford amuse ment to all the stu ­dC"nts. lf these plans arc l·arri cd out, thcrC' will l.>c a cl:rnc·p ev(' r_v Tm•sday night from ti:30 t,o 7:15 for w hi t'h a s mall :1 dmission will he e h,1rgcd .

A P olish g t•1ll lc ma11 from t he 1:0\111 -tn· w: 111 de rcd into ).1'(' ) !'!011 Hall anti affonh•d grl'at amusement lo tlit• gir ls wh C' n h e inquin•a where t he youn~ lady \'fas who had just had an O\H' rafion.

Y. \V. and Y. M. C'ahin('t cntcrt:1incd i\lr . .Tc nscu, Statt• Y. ) t . C. A. Sl't·rct.1r~-. at Iund1, ) Jn nday. 1)1·. Baltlwi11 1 ). l iss See n, and )fi ss .llm1s<'y ,,·t•r r also prc,• ­scnt. After lunch Mr . . Jensen g:t,·t· an i11tc n•sti11ir talk 011 thl' <·00 1wratio11 of t he t.wo organizatious i11 (·ol lcg1•.

Luc-ille Hyland, :\ li ct' Falk, :111\1 Do· rothv Olso n cntcrtainC'd S un day at a ,1in1lc r party in h onor of :Miss Agnes Royle.

itr. and )frs. Rohcrts a11d d:H;ght cr \V inni fred a nd Mr. Delze ll were e nter· t:1i11ed Sm:cl:w at 1li 1111 e r :1t Ne lso n Hall by )i[i ss Rus'scy.

Suit or Overcoat $ij7 [n Tailored to Measure lil. ilU

The Lest dre,sed 111c11 in t he coll ege wear Nash Clothes. Phone me for appointment

L. C. ZIGLER 315 Water St. Phone 964J

Representative for The Nash Co., Inc.

I C. Teske Speaks At Grammar Meeting

(:1·:1111111:ir Hound Tabk m l't i11 t hl' olJs('n·:dio11 room TuP:s<la~·

1 Jamiar~· 15.

I J'l:111s had i,l'l'U 111:1d <' for a slC' i~h rid t• party 1,u t it ,\· :1 s d et· i<l t> tl to g:iv1.• a ben e­fit mo,·i t' somC' ti1111.• i11 the uear t'uturt• . l .t•1111:1rd Spragut• \\·as 111a d1..• t.· h1.1irma 11 of tlw to 111111itt co to pi(·k :i sui table film :ind make al l arrn11gc·mt.•11 ts. Dcfiu it c 11otit·(' will IJ c• given latt>r.

At the 1.·los<> of the h us inesi; mcl'ti11g1

t h(' Round Tahlc li s tc•nNI to :1 ta lk hy C'larC' 1Wc 'l'l':skl•. li e s howt•d pidn,:t·~ :1111! told of hi s trip through th (' w est IHst s umm e r.

Former Student To Be Married Feb. 1

\\' ord has hccn rcc(•iH•d that Ve ra Jordan of Hhin c lauti ('r1 t'ornn· rl~· a stu · d<'ut :it (\•ntra l State , and Pau l T c ufcr, grnduatt• of tht• Un in.•rsity of ). [ it·hig,111 , will ht· 111:trri<'d J\, hru ;H\' tlH' first at th,: Uni\' e rs it~r Ch:qJl'l of Ch i1·agc,. fl C' is :it prese nt coa ch at Port C linton. Ohio; howC',·('r1 th1..•y wil l rC'sidc in \V:rnk1..•g:111 during the su 11 11nN month s.

Literati Hear Talk By Mr. F. N. Spindler

.Ponnal init i:1ti o11 of tlu• 1<' 11 )larg:irC't :\shmun p!C',dg·PS wa s he ld \\' Nl11 csda~· night i11 lht• Rur:11 Assc mhly !{._o o111: ThcSl' plPdgcis had n prolong<'tl Jl t.' r~HI ot 1111t ieipatio 11 du l' to the• cx tr:1 wcC'k of ('hri s tm :t s ,·a cati o11 1 hu t now th('y 1·er· t:tin ly ar(' glad to ha ,·e it a ll o,·e r with. Aft e r ha,·irig <'lllC'rtaine<l th1.· old n H'lll ·

bcrs the,· wc rC :1llowcd to c njo,· t li l• l't'·

fresi1mc1its of the rn~ ning. · · !11 F('l,ruary pledges will ag:.1i11 be

chose11 for t hi :i org:,rni zatio n. As yet t.h c 11umlJ('r of n r w memhC'rS ha s not h ee n determined

) l r. ·spindler g:i,·e a ,·er~· interl'sting tn l k in his own in clivicl u :1. li sti e manner.

Prompt Service

rhone 688


Dres~es --eorsets

Coats - Sweaters

Dress Goods Coatings Scarfs

Blankets Hosiery

Underwear Flannels Linens

Moll~Glennon Co.


SOMETHING NEW! vV/andala}!

Punc'h Bottled by

Stevens Point Beverage Compa~y


Full Line of Carbon­ated Beverages.


TAXI ·Phone 65




No extra charges for collection and delivery


THE SPOT RESTAURANT 414 Main St. Phone 95

A TYPICAL SON Friend: "What is your son taking ·UP

in college this year?'' Dad: ''Space; nothing but space!''



Easily Accessible Expense RelativelJ Low Location Unsurpaued For Health fulness

An Influ ence A, Well As a School Credit.I Accepte~ Ar All Universicies

Degree Course. For All Teachers Special Trainin g For Home Economica And

Rural Ed ucation

A dd ress Pres. Robert Dodge Baldwin

Stevens Point, Wis .


309 Strongs A vc. Phone 82 ALWAYS OPEN


~ ..... WOMBAT






$30.00 TO




"Above All The Righ t Hot"



Service Quality

Price and Style

Shoes and Rubbers For The Family

THE UNITY STORE A note in the newspaper says that tho

short skirt will disappear. Well, believe us, it hasn ' t far to go.

CITY FRUIT · EXCHANGE Fruits and Vegetables

Phom: 51 451 i\fain St.


Just For Spoil

422 MAIN ST.

Page 4: THE POINTERpl:1~· w:1:,1 rt•:-iu111NI ~l e was foulrd while dribhli11g-, 111aki11g ~ood his try. \Ybitc addt>d :rnothc>r charity basket nnd soou after :,1eoretl the first field


Brings In Shekels THE PIANO IN

TEN LESSONS Dance After Battle 1·1 LEARN

-----IH.:i;~1~n ~~:~-~ :f,~,;nf;1 :~~~~~rs.\-t~~e~::~! ! TENOR-BANJO OR 1111t a 5. Sl•lt'-suppo rting :is till' fm1th:dl MANDOLIN IN FIVE gann·s of lhC' p:tsl sca:-.011. En·n though LESSONS th,• rP•·ript~ from thC' gauw wuC' $ 12a .o.-, aud lh l' <l:111,·C' 11t.·tt cd th t.• l:irge sum of j $6 7.75, it was llCl'l':ssary to u st.· $20.(.i;'j of the $50.00 ehec k dr:iwn on t he Stu - I dent Assoc ialC'1l Puncl. An itrmi icd s t :i tcm cnt of the game follows:

H<'port of St out C:ll llH' .

C'hcckr·d from , tudcnt Fund $ 50.00

123.0.; fii.i:i I H-ccC' ipt s from Came

H<'t·Pipt s from Daill'<'

Total Ht.·<-t>i pls ~ Expenses

Guarn'.fit ee t o Stout . $ 150.110 One-half ex pen ~{' of

>240.80. J

offil·i:il s Orchestra l·lc lp at G:im<·s . . Paid Zl•igl c for RL"d 'Pop

Game . . . Borax .. .

Tot al Exp<' 11 S(•s

~(i.9:i 26.00 3.00

5.00 .30


Balant·l' rC't urn ecl $ 2fUt:j 8ubmittcd,

F . J . Sc hmcckk. ")fr. Schmecklc was rather unplcasant­

ty surprised when a third offi(· inl showed u p for 1:ts t week 's game. 'fhis personage w:is none ot her t han "Ro lli e Barn um of Wi sconsin f:lmc and wh o hails from \Vaus:rn. Aft ('r clue expla­nations the f' h:tirman of the athlcti<" com mittee disr O\'C'rccl that Barnum had been given th <' contract for r cfcreri ng all of the Point's hom e games. Bl•cause of this previous l'Ontrnc·t , n fe w of our gam es will be rather expcns i\'c because of th e quality and resulting ehnrgcs of the referees employed.



To Know The Difference


C . T. C .


FERDINAND A. HIRZY "1!:bt ~ift Counstlor"

HEADQUARTERS For The Best Dressers

Kirschbaum Clothes

The Unity Store

THE CAUSE Fassing--Motoriat:--' '"YouJ re hurt.

There's blood on your face." Victim of Auto Accident: "No -

that's lipstick. ''


MQ',!lag Washers Hoover Vacuum Cleaners

Silent Automatic Oil Burners


\V ithont U('f\"l' · ratking-, hen rt• lJn•akiu~ ~c·:dp:,: antl t•xcrci:,:c~. Yon :in· tau ~ht to play hy 1111te in reg· 11l:1r profl':-:~io n:d chord sty le . ;In n1ur ,·e n · first )(':,;:,;011 ,·on will be ;,hie io j1J:1y .a popular · number b~

·no te.

SEND FOR IT ON APPROVAL 'l'h{• '' Hallmark Self-Inst ructor,''

i:,; th C' title of this me thod . E ight yea rs were required to perfect t his great work. 'l1 hc entire cou rse wi th the neces!'w.ry examination sheets, i s hound in one volume. The first 1c~~o11 is unscaled which the student ma,· cxnm in c and be his own " .iUDGE and .JURY." The la te r part of the "Hall mark Self-In­structor ' ' is scaled.

l"pon the student returning any copy of the "Hnllmnrk Self-In­structor" with the seal mi -broke n, we will re fund in full a ll money paid.

This amazing Self-Instrhctor will he sent anywhe re . You do not need to send any mon ey. '\Vh en you re­ceive th is new method of teaching music, deposit with t he Postman the sum of ten dollars. If you arc not entire ly satisfied, t he monev paid will be returned in fu ll, upo;l written request. The Publishe rs arc anxious to place this ' 1 Self-Instruct: or 11 in the hands of music lovers a ll over t he coun try, aud arc in a posi­tion to mak e an attrneti,·e p roposi ­tion to agents. Send for your c·opy today. Address The ' 1 Hallmark Self. Instructor" Station G, Post Offil' e Box 111, N c \,· York, N. Y.

Home Made Candy -- AT --·


A man with a Bank Account has a grub-stake in Prosperity and will make the best worker in the world's workshop.


OF STEVENS POINT Ellabtished 1883

No matter bow sad a man may be, a blanket 1B always a comforter.


"Tit• Bank That Service Built"



VETTER MFG . . CO. Sash Doors Lumber

Phone 88

French Campbell & Co. S tudent, Supplies

44(Main St. Phope 98-J

Enjoy the smooth ri<lingTrctnsportdtion comforts of ~rotor Coach ili) Transportation. }ifake your O next trip home by Or:111gc Linc, or plan a week cucl .

tri_P thr_ough the be:tutiful ·PORTAGE d " ' 1seousm River region. an

Ornngc Linc B usses Ica,·c

Stevens Point for Portage MADISON an d lfaclison at 7 A.1\L -2:30 P.llf.

For complete information call 607 or write the ORANGE LINE, Madison .

WHITING MEN'S SHOP Otto von Neupert Co. Inc.



le. to $1.00

Heart Boxes of Candy 1/2-1-2 a nd 3 lb.

TAYLOR 'S Drug Stores

109-111 Srongs Ave. 752 Church St.

Found on a freshman's registration card:

Question: Give your parents names. Answer : Mama and papa.


BURCH BARBER SHOP ::1 14 i\l a in S t.


"Blue Ribbon" Thousand Is land Dressing

Mayonnaise pressing Sa ndwi ~h S~read

Try ""Blue "R.,ibbon " .. &tier Than The Rest

Footwear For All Occasions

C. B. Mayer Shoe Co.

Prescription Druggists MEYER DRUG CO.

305 Main S t . ·



- Complete Seleecions for your

Fall Costume Coats Suits


_Dresses ·, Millinery

Fiscf?er's Special/ )! Sqop For Women

Hofe/ Whiting "Bleck
