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The Polk County News. (Columbus, NC) 1902-01-09 [p...

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A. k. The Polk County News SUITS Columbus, tt. C. ; f ,.' ,. T 'J, . ! -- THAT WILL - MIMTBB -- j SHORT LOCAL ITEMS ; Local Items Too Short for a Head Grouped Together. 13 ojiyjiiLiiiiiiLi; s U I T : MANUFACTURER OF: leaf" and "Turn orer a new. -- YOU, EUMBER; BLACKSMITMNG and i SVBAM.DRK1LH ;' J&&r,ar&Proinpt attention given to all orderB-Oi-ca-- Cl " v' ' - - ..Your patronage solicited . write it 1902. G. E. Ponder, of Pearidge, was on our streets Wednesday. ' ' - We are sorry to note the illness of Mrs. Pr. Green, of Mills Spring. . Robert Camp, of Green River, was in town Monday. Mr. J. C. Powell was in town on -- Monday and renewed bis allegiance The News. , v to -z;, lr. Egerton-.o- f Poplar Giove was a pleasant caller at The News ' office on Monday. -- Miss Ma$ia Clement, of New Prospect, visited in town a few days, guest of Mrs. R. A. Denton. ; Monday was quite a busy day for the commissioners, sheriff and lawyers. T v The debut, (dabu) of Miss . Alice' . .Roosevelt was said to have been a very brilliant affair. A saw-du- st walk .has been made across the street in front of the court house door. Thisyis good while it lasts. ' Mr. Hughes is 'real estate dealer here and is working up quite a little interest along that line, he is expecting other deals soon and other additions to our population. The oyster supper- - at the hotel last Friday night was a . delightful occasion. Plenty of oysters well prepared and a jolly crwd to de- vour them. Columbus needs a barber shop. . Perhaps it would pay some one to set up one here and run a shoti-mendi- ng shop in connection with - it. .,; ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS. 6R ARE WOW q by our new invention. Only tho'se born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAtt, OF DALTIMORC, GAYOi '! i BAI.TIMOK.B, Md., MftfCh. JO, MOt Gentlemen : Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, X will now bti yea full history of my case, to be used at your discretion M - : j , About five years aeo mv rieht ear becan to sinsr. and this kerjt on firettinir om. until X iaA xnv hearing in this ear ntirelv. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted num- ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told tae that only an operation could help tne, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises woo& then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be" lost forever. . ; I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered yourtreaW utufc. ajiu x uau ucu lb uxiiy a xcw uays attoruinsr 10 your uircctions, tne noises ceasea. ana to-da- y, after five weeks, mj hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank vtm MCKiiiiy huu ucg to remain . very iruiy. yours, I F. A. WERMAN, 730 8. Broadway, Baltimore, 22d 4 Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation S4 YOU CAII: CURE' YOURSELF AT IIOHE 2Saa I S23&S O olumbus J. P. Morris was urgently called to Rutherford ton on Tuesday of this week, presumably in the inter ests of the famous Amos Owens cherry tree suit. . v . ' J. P. Arlege will sow two . crops of what in 1902, he is now sowing ono and expects to Jsow again next fall- - , - - . At the meeting: of the toWn nnnno.il on .Wednesday nif?ht. .the subiects of a Idojr law and ' sale of. J pistol cartriges was warmly dis- cussed, but no definite action was taken. Anions other m atters of L interest the Board ordered the Marshal to inspect arid repair the side walks. We think this is sorely needed. , An orpler was also mad iVinf fVifi collector of town taxes.i give tne delinquents notice that all taxes duo must be settled in this month. See notice elsewhere in' this issue. Extracts of a letter received from MlSS Minnie, Smith, of 15erea, - ( ). : r 'I it Tho last copy of The, .News i had told about tiie box supper at the school building for the benefit of the .Xmas' tree. Every paper has somethinGf of iuterest m it for me.. Will you not sendyme the numbers I: have not 'had ? I like to keep in touch with the people of Columbus. I remember some very pleasant times I have had there. Wishing you all a very happy and successful newyear, I am, " Yo u rs sin cerely, ' " Minnie mith." PLEASE REMEMBER. All matter for advertising and changing of " adds " should reach us not later than Monday noon. ; NOTICE. Alt taxes due in the town of Columbus, N. C, must be settled (lurm. tu!. n?out3 Ay"A Alter tne limit oi mis uuuuw Collector . shall proceed to collect according to law. By order of the board. F. M. Btrgess, Collector. food's Seeds BEST FOR THE SOUTH. ONE OF OUR LEADING SPECIALTIES. We have thousands of barrels in etock; the best IX alne-gro- wn and Virginia Second Crop Seed. W ood' s 1902 Catalogue gives comparative crop results, both as to earunessana yieia, witu ajAtnuc-grow- n and Second-cro- p seed. It also contains much other useful and valuable information about Potatoes, Write for Catalogue and Special Potato Price List. - Wood's Descriptive Catalogue for 1902 gives rel iable, practical, up-to-da- te Information about all Seedspiving not only descrl ptions, hut the best crops to ffrow, most- - successful ways of grow- ing different crops, and much other in- formation of special interest to every Trucker.Gar dener and Fanner, ilailea free upon request. T.W. VVood & Sons; Seedsmen, ' RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Truckers and Farmers requiring large quantiUea of seeds are requested -- - to write for special prices. GENERAL REPAIRING. HEAlSlM CURABLE ' ' 69S LA CAIU AVE, C:iI3AC3, IU. f . " - . 1 A LEST, .J..'.. YOU SHOULD FOR- - GET, WE WILL SAY IT . ' AGAIN : IF YOU WANT Envelopes, Letter-Head- s, Note-Head- s Dodgers or Cards, Call at THE NEWS office. Wanted-- An Idea of ioat iiinh thing to paU Atl Protect vour Ideas i tnr mar brlnr roa wdiA. Write JOHN WKODZRBDRlf CO., Patent Attoaw Bey, Wathlorton. O. C. for their 1,100 prli oilss ua new w os oum uouuaa awniam fr "BigiFoMr" ?CalifornfQ Colorado- - St..L6iiiils WAtttN J. LYKC3 XI.f.tZTTZ. - 0 & Lynn ; Columbus Lodge, : No.0L14,v Knights of Pythias .Meets ,t every Tu e ad ay - n i g h t a t 7 30 o'clock. O. T. Baynard, C. C - 'A Morris, K. of it. & b. " . TO CURB A COUGH IN ONE DA Y Take Laxative Baonio Quinine Tab lets A.d (Ivuirirlsts-reu- n the mon- - ey if it fails to euro. E; W. Grove's siguature is on eacn box. zbc , '. a - Notice to Gf editors. Haying qualified as admihistraior on the estate of Wm. A, Mills, de- - ' ceased, this IS to notify all persons ; having claims against the estate to present them to me for payment by tlie 23rd day of Dec. 11)02, or thiW notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and. all. persons indebted to the estate will be required to make prompt' pavment. This Dec. 23rd, 1901. James A. TifiLLS, Adm'r. ' Stops the Cosgh ; - and Works off the Cold. I Laxative 5romo-Quijiin- o Tablets cure a cold , iu one day. No Cure no Pay. Price 25c. jftsT WELL DIGGING. I am.; pre- pared to do your well digging. My prices are as follows: V Digging dirt. 40c per foot. " - rock $3.00 Walling . ' 40c M - " . For cleaning wells without any cave $2.00. Resiectfullyr J. A. Garmony, Columbus, N. C. WANTED. Capable, reliable persons in every county to represent lare company of solid financial reputation; $936 salary per year, payable weekly; $3 per day.abso-lutel- y sure and all expenses; straight, bona fide, definite salary j no commission; salary paid " each Saturday and expense money advanced each week. STANDARD HOUSE 334 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. JUSTICE & MORRIS, Aittorneys-aULaw- y Justice of ButHerfordton and Morris of Columbus. o , Offioe in G.. 0. Justice's old office oji Main St., Columbns, N. C. ' . w . S' All business entiusted to us will be'giv en nrompt attention. . Criminal .Law and special proceedings a specialty, f " ! ' . jNotice. All money sent to us otherwise than in registered letters, will be at the senders risk. : All re- - f mittances should be by cheok, bank draft, registered letters, or postal , . ' - money order. s x Undrtakin g AND; I Embalming All details of Funerals - ' . attended to - P. H. M'DONNALD The friends of Miss Lilly Geef w ill be sorrv to. hear of her serious illness. . Miss Geer was one of the very brightest students at the Institute last spring term. W. E. Jennings and family re-- ; turned from their holiday vacation at Westminster, S. C, on Thursday of last week. They also enjoyed a visit among relatives in Cooper lastVeek. Uev. Mi JSantee preached an ex- cellent sermon last Sabbath lnofn-in- g at the Institute, his subject be- -, ing " The Increase of Christ's King- - domi" Text, He must increase but I must "decrease' John 3 ; 30 On his way to Louisville, Ky., on Monday noon; Mr. N. M. , Ponder, of this county, paid his respects to The , News office and Jleft his ' cash order for a years subscription. Mr. Ponder is one of Polk,s most pro- gressive young men. I We wish him a successful future. - 1 i?ev. G. A. Bransom, of Melvin Hill, brings good'news of nis new roller mill. He invites the custom of the country, and challenges com- petition on making c good brand of flour and proposes to give satis- faction to any and all those who can be satisfied reasonably. The population of our commun- ity has of late been quite materially increased. Besides the families of Rot Santee and Mr. Goss, we have to place on the list, Mr. Miller aid family, also Mr. Campbell aid family. These all are esteemed additions to the citizenship xt Polk and yet there is room. , The genial face of Mr. Robert McClure was seen upon our streets this week. He has charge of the -- fcjrskine residence near Tryon, and is now making preparations for the Erskine family, whom he. expects 10 arrive; about the 1st of Eebruarv. Mr. McClure is a pleasant l and wel come ,Tisitor. here and has many warm irienas. - .. : Mr. Campbell is located on the larm formerly owned by Mr. Hughes, better known as the Roach place, two miles south west of town. He ik well prepared for business on the farm having brought with him about six head of horses, besides other ea moments. Mr. Miller and family- - are occupy- ing the house vacated some time ago by lawyer Justice. INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, J&UiW!1. W 1 1MILL5 To euro SICK HEADACHE, HABITUAL CONSTI PAT I O ft, and all diseases arising from In- digestion. They will purify your blood and make your comploxion as FAIR AS A LILY. They are ffelatln coated. PRICE 25 CENTS. ; The greatest amoition of Amer- ican men and - women is to have homes blessed with children. The woman afflicted with female- - dis- ease is constantly menaced with becoming a childless wifeL Nq M xueuiuine can resioro aeaci . or- gans, but Wine of Cardui does regulate derangements that pre vent conoeption ; does prevent miscarriage does restored weak functions and shattered - nerves and does brinj babies to homes barren and desolate far years. Wine of Cardui gives women the health 'and strength to bear heal- thy chHclren. You oan :. get a dollar jbottle of Wine of Cardui from your dealer.- - mm EDI " y - 143 Market kcreet,- - ' " Memphis, Tenn., April 14, 1901. ' Wine of Cs rdui and one packaere of Thedfords Black-Draug- ht. I had been married fifteen yeara and had never given bfrtU to a child until I took Wine of Cardci.: Not I am mother of a fine baby firl which was born March 31, 1901. The baby weighs fourteen pounds and I feel as well as any person could feel. Now my-hom- e is happy and I never will be without Wine of Cardui in my house again. - , t Mrs. J. W. C. SMITH. For adricA and literature, addremi: vixinsr Bymptomg, "The Ladies' Adyisorr Depart- - mens , me t;naiianooira iiiecucine C( Hnpany, - HavirTg secured the .services of jg$10.00 REWARD for the IfL Govil, I have opened a black- -. noraon nrnersons who smith and general repair shop in Columbus,; and : hereby solicit the patronage of th,e pnblic. . . H, E. Gray, set fire to my wood, near thePink Wallace place, on or about the 29th 0f 0v. 1901. , Vance Tallant, 4 : i Columbus, N, C.

A. k.

The Polk County News SUITSColumbus, tt. C. ;

f ,.' ,. T 'J,

. !



j SHORT LOCAL ITEMS ;Local Items Too Short for a Head

Grouped Together.13 ojiyjiiLiiiiiiLi;s U I T : MANUFACTURER OF:

leaf" and"Turn orer a new.



SVBAM.DRK1LH ;'J&&r,ar&Proinpt attention given to all orderB-Oi-ca-- Cl

" v'' - -

..Your patronage solicited .

write it 1902.

G. E. Ponder, of Pearidge, was

on our streets Wednesday.' '

- We are sorry to note the illnessof Mrs. Pr. Green, of Mills Spring.

. Robert Camp, of Green River,was in town Monday.

Mr. J. C. Powell was in town on-- Monday and renewed bis allegiance

The News. ,v to -z;,

lr. Egerton-.o- f Poplar Giovewas a pleasant caller at The News

' office on Monday.-- Miss Ma$ia Clement, of New

Prospect, visited in town a few

days, guest of Mrs. R. A. Denton. ;

Monday was quite a busy day forthe commissioners, sheriff andlawyers. T v

The debut, (dabu) of Miss.Alice'

. .Roosevelt was said to have beena very brilliant affair.

A saw-du-st walk .has been madeacross the street in front of thecourt house door. Thisyis goodwhile it lasts. '

Mr. Hughes is 'real estate dealerhere and is working up quite alittle interest along that line, he isexpecting other deals soon andother additions to our population.

The oyster supper-- at the hotellast Friday night was a . delightfuloccasion. Plenty of oysters wellprepared and a jolly crwd to de-

vour them.Columbus needs a barber shop.

. Perhaps it would pay some one toset up one here and run a shoti-mendi- ng

shop in connection with- it. .,;



q by our new invention. Only tho'se born deaf are incurable.


'! i BAI.TIMOK.B, Md., MftfCh. JO, MOtGentlemen : Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, X will now bti yea

full history of my case, to be used at your discretion M - : j ,

About five years aeo mv rieht ear becan to sinsr. and this kerjt on firettinir om. until X iaAxnv hearing in this ear ntirelv.

I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted num-ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told tae thatonly an operation could help tne, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises woo&then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be" lost forever. . ;

I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered yourtreaWutufc. ajiu x uau ucu lb uxiiy a xcw uays attoruinsr 10 your uircctions, tne noises ceasea. ana

to-da- y, after five weeks, mj hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank vtmMCKiiiiy huu ucg to remain . very iruiy. yours,

I F. A. WERMAN, 730 8. Broadway, Baltimore, 22d 4

Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation




J. P. Morris was urgently calledto Rutherford ton on Tuesday ofthis week, presumably in the interests of the famous Amos Owenscherry tree suit. . v . '

J. P. Arlege will sow two . cropsof what in 1902, he is now sowingono and expects to Jsow again nextfall- -

, - - .

At the meeting: of the toWnnnnno.il on .Wednesday nif?ht. .thesubiects of a Idojr law and ' sale of. J

pistol cartriges was warmly dis-

cussed, but no definite action wastaken. Anions other m atters of L

interest the Board ordered theMarshal to inspect arid repair theside walks. We think this is sorelyneeded. , An orpler was also madiVinf fVifi collector of town taxes.igive tne delinquents notice that alltaxes duo must be settled in thismonth. See notice elsewhere in'this issue.

Extracts of a letter received fromMlSS Minnie, Smith, of 15erea,

-( ). : r'I

it Tho last copy of The, .News ihad told about tiie box supper atthe school building for the benefitof the .Xmas' tree. Every paperhas somethinGf of iuterest m it forme.. Will you not sendyme thenumbers I: have not 'had ? I liketo keep in touch with the people ofColumbus. I remember some verypleasant times I have had there.

Wishing you all a very happyand successful newyear, I am,

" Yo u rs sin cerely, '" Minnie mith."

PLEASE REMEMBER.All matter for advertising and

changing of " adds " should reachus not later than Monday noon. ;


Alt taxes due in the town ofColumbus, N. C, must be settled(lurm. tu!. n?out3 Ay"A

Alter tne limit oi mis uuuuwCollector . shall proceed to collectaccording to law.

By order of the board.F. M. Btrgess, Collector.



We have thousands of barrels inetock; the best IX alne-gro- wn

and Virginia Second Crop Seed.W ood' s 1902 Catalogue givescomparative crop results, both asto earunessana yieia, witu ajAtnuc-grow- n

and Second-cro- p seed. Italso contains much other usefuland valuable information aboutPotatoes, Write for Catalogue andSpecial Potato Price List. -

Wood's Descriptive Cataloguefor 1902 gives rel iable, practical, up-to-da- te

Information about all Seedspivingnot only descrl ptions, hut the best cropsto ffrow, most- - successful ways of grow-ing different crops, and much other in-

formation of special interest to everyTrucker.Gar dener and Fanner, ilaileafree upon request.

T.W. VVood & Sons; Seedsmen,' RICHMOND, VIRGINIA.

Truckers and Farmers requiring largequantiUea of seeds are requested --

- to write for special prices.



69S LA CAIU AVE, C:iI3AC3, IU. f. " -

.1 A




. ' AGAIN :



Letter-Head- s,



or Cards,Call at THE NEWS office.

Wanted-- An Idea of ioat iiinhthing to paU AtlProtect vour Ideas i tnr mar brlnr roa wdiA.Write JOHN WKODZRBDRlf CO., Patent AttoawBey, Wathlorton. O. C. for their 1,100 prli oilssua new w os oum uouuaa awniam


?CalifornfQColorado- -

St..L6iiiilsWAtttN J. LYKC3 XI.f.tZTTZ. -


& Lynn; Columbus Lodge,

: No.0L14,v

Knights of Pythias

.Meets ,t everyTu e ad ay - n i gh t a t

7 30 o'clock.

O. T. Baynard, C. C- 'A Morris, K. of it. & b.



Take Laxative Baonio Quinine Tablets A.d (Ivuirirlsts-reu- n the mon- -

ey if it fails to euro. E; W. Grove'ssiguature is on eacn box. zbc

, '.a

- Notice to Gfeditors.Haying qualified as admihistraior

on the estate of Wm. A, Mills, de- -'

ceased, this IS to notify all persons ;

having claims against the estate topresent them to me for payment bytlie 23rd day of Dec. 11)02, or thiWnotice will be plead in bar of theirrecovery, and. all. persons indebtedto the estate will be required tomake prompt' pavment. This Dec.23rd, 1901.

James A. TifiLLS, Adm'r.

' Stops the Cosgh ;- and Works off the Cold. I

Laxative 5romo-Quijiin- o Tabletscure a cold ,iu one day. No Cure noPay. Price 25c.

jftsT WELL DIGGING. I am.; pre-pared to do your well digging. Myprices are as follows: V

Digging dirt. 40c per foot." - rock $3.00

Walling .' 40c M - "


For cleaning wells without anycave $2.00. Resiectfullyr

J. A. Garmony,Columbus, N. C.

WANTED. Capable, reliable personsin every county to represent lare companyof solid financial reputation; $936 salaryper year, payable weekly; $3 per day.abso-lutel- y

sure and all expenses; straight, bonafide, definite salary j no commission; salarypaid " each Saturday and expense moneyadvanced each week. STANDARD HOUSE334 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.

JUSTICE & MORRIS,Aittorneys-aULaw- y

Justice of ButHerfordton and Morrisof Columbus. o ,

Offioe in G.. 0. Justice's old office ojiMain St., Columbns, N. C. ' .


S' All business entiusted to us will be'given nrompt attention. .

Criminal .Law and special proceedingsa specialty, f " !



jNotice. All money sent to usotherwise than in registered letters,will be at the senders risk. : All re- - fmittances should be by cheok, bankdraft, registered letters, or postal

, .' -money order. s x

Undrtakin gAND; I

EmbalmingAll details of Funerals

- ' . attended to -


The friends of Miss Lilly Geefw ill be sorrv to. hear of her seriousillness. . Miss Geer was one of thevery brightest students at theInstitute last spring term.

W. E. Jennings and family re--;turned from their holiday vacationat Westminster, S. C, on Thursdayof last week. They also enjoyed avisit among relatives in Cooper

lastVeek.Uev. Mi JSantee preached an ex-

cellent sermon last Sabbath lnofn-in- g

at the Institute, his subject be- -,

ing " The Increase of Christ's King- -

domi" Text, He must increasebut I must "decrease' John 3 ; 30

On his way to Louisville, Ky., onMonday noon; Mr. N. M. , Ponder,of this county, paid his respects toThe , News office and Jleft his ' cashorder for a years subscription. Mr.Ponder is one of Polk,s most pro-gressive young men. I We wish hima successful future. -

1 i?ev. G. A. Bransom, of MelvinHill, brings good'news of nis newroller mill. He invites the customof the country, and challenges com-petition on making c good brandof flour and proposes to give satis-faction to any and all those whocan be satisfied reasonably.

The population of our commun-ity has of late been quite materiallyincreased. Besides the families ofRot Santee and Mr. Goss, we haveto place on the list, Mr. Miller aidfamily, also Mr. Campbell aidfamily. These all are esteemedadditions to the citizenship xt Polkand yet there is room. ,

The genial face of Mr. RobertMcClure was seen upon our streetsthis week. He has charge of the--fcjrskine residence near Tryon, andis now making preparations for theErskine family, whom he. expects10 arrive; about the 1st of Eebruarv.Mr. McClure is a pleasant l and welcome ,Tisitor. here and has manywarm irienas. - .. :

Mr. Campbell is located on thelarm formerly owned by Mr.Hughes, better known as theRoach place, two miles south westof town. He ik well prepared forbusiness on the farm havingbrought with him about six headof horses, besides other ea moments.Mr. Miller and family- - are occupy-ing the house vacated some timeago by lawyer Justice.


J&UiW!1.W 11MILL5To euro SICK HEADACHE,HABITUAL CONSTI PAT I O ft,and all diseases arising from In-digestion. They will purify yourblood and make yourcomploxionas FAIR AS A LILY. They areffelatln coated. PRICE 25 CENTS.

; The greatest amoition of Amer-ican men and - women is to havehomes blessed with children. Thewoman afflicted with female- - dis-ease is constantly menaced withbecoming a childless wifeL Nq M

xueuiuine can resioro aeaci . or-gans, but Wine of Cardui doesregulate derangements that prevent conoeption ; does preventmiscarriage does restored weakfunctions and shattered - nervesand does brinj babies to homesbarren and desolate far years.Wine of Cardui gives women thehealth 'and strength to bear heal-thy chHclren. You oan :. get adollar jbottle of Wine of Carduifrom your dealer.- -

mm EDI"y - 143 Market kcreet,- - ' "

Memphis, Tenn., April 14, 1901.' Wine of Cs rdui and one packaere ofThedfords Black-Draug- ht. I had beenmarried fifteen yeara and had nevergiven bfrtU to a child until I took Wineof Cardci.: Not I am mother of a finebaby firl which was born March 31, 1901.The baby weighs fourteen pounds and Ifeel as well as any person could feel.Now my-hom-

e is happy and I never willbe without Wine of Cardui in my houseagain. - , t Mrs. J. W. C. SMITH.

For adricA and literature, addremi: vixinsrBymptomg, "The Ladies' Adyisorr Depart- -mens , me t;naiianooira iiiecucine C(Hnpany, -

HavirTg secured the .services of jg$10.00 REWARD for theIfL Govil, I have opened a black- -. noraon nrnersons who

smith and general repair shop inColumbus,; and : hereby solicit thepatronage of th,e pnblic. .

. H, E. Gray,

set fire to my wood, near thePinkWallace place, on or about the 29th0f 0v. 1901. , Vance Tallant, 4

:i Columbus, N, C.
