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The Power of Client Testimonials for Legal Practices

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The Power of Client Testimonials TESTIFY! Einstein Law | 6675 Mesa Ridge Rd, Ste 101, San Diego, CA 92121 | (800) 650-0003

The Power of Client Testimonials


Einstein Law | 6675 Mesa Ridge Rd, Ste 101, San Diego, CA 92121 | (800) 650-0003

Multiply the Value of Word of Mouth

ü  You’ve dedicated years honing your skills as an attorney and developing a thriving, successful law firm.

ü  You have a long line of satisfied clients who are more than willing to sing your praises to friends and families.

ü  You regularly log word-of-mouth referrals, though perhaps not as often as you would like. (Do people talk to their neighbors anymore?)

What’s Missing?

 To reach new clients you need to turbocharge word of mouth praise by turning words into a tangible asset:


Video brings a testimonial to life.

Amplify Word of Mouth

 By strategically embedding client testimonials into your website and other promotional materials, you harness the power of word-of-mouth and amplify its power by broadcasting to a larger audience.

 Employ social media and amplification takes on exponential growth..

Testimonials Amplification

ü Social media combines the best elements of word-of-mouth marketing with the unique power of the Internet to spread messages quickly to an ever expanding audience.

ü If executed properly, social media takes the words of your clients and uses them in a low-cost, systematic way to spread your reputation beyond the confines of your website.

Turbocharge Testimonials with Social Media

Twitter is a great place for testimonials.

It just takes a little planning

Making the Most of Testimonials

Tips to Grow the Power of Testimonials

Most law websites include some type of client testimonials, but not all testimonials are equally effective as marketing tools.

By keeping the following tips in mind as you solicit testimonials and integrating them into your online marketing, you can attract a strong, steady flow of new clients.

What makes a great testimonial?

Not All Testimonials Are Created Equal


Honest & Specific

Offers Feedback

Gently Edited for Clarity

Details Matter

Exaggerated praise and vague descriptions of the client experience will only undermine the trust that these testimonials are intended to inspire.

A Balanced View

Testimonials that offer constructive feedback in addition to praise are often viewed as more trustworthy than over-the-top, glowing reviews.

Make It Clear

Testimonials that are overlong, rambling, confusing, or otherwise poorly written can cause potential clients to doubt the professionalism of the firm posting them.

Anatomy of a Great Testimonial

Sometimes even positive reviews can hurt

More ≠ Better

You may be tempted to display as many positive testimonials as you can gather on your website.

But be careful. You don’t want to dilute the power of your best, most engaging testimonials with those of lesser value.

When Less is More

The testimonials with the greatest value to your practice will not simply proclaim how great you are.

A compelling testimonial will also give details that make it informative and believable, while maintaining an honest, balanced perspective.

Be Selective

Ben Morrison is a wonderful attorney! I love him and his staff.

He and his team helped me receive a settlement to help with my medical costs!

Consider Two Hypothetical Examples

Example #1

Consider Two Hypothetical Examples Example #2

I was made to feel comfortable from the moment I walked into Ben Morrison's office to discuss my case. He took the time to answer my questions thoroughly and learn about my unique case.

Mr. Morrison saw me at my appointed time and asked questions to learn more about my situation. He told me more about what steps we were going to take as we pursued my case.

Before we went to trial, Mr. Morrison was able to settle out of court. He kept in touch with me throughout every step of the way.

 Of the two previous testimonials, both are positive. However, the second is by far the more compelling of the two.

ü The first example, while certainly glowing in its praise, doesn’t communicate anything of substance to your visitors.

ü The second example provides plenty of detail without wearing out its welcome. It’s simple and readable, and it is benefit-oriented without seeming inauthentic or “sales-y.”

Anatomy of a Great Testimonial

Complacency is the enemy of effective marketing

Don’t Stop Soliciting Testimonials


Always Solicit Testimonials

You have many satisfied clients who are willing to attest to your skills.

You are continually building your reputation instead of relying on your past accomplishments.

You offer a diverse range of benefits and skills to a diverse range of clients.

A continual flow of fresh testimonials shows people that:

You have a loyal following

You don’t rest on your laurels

You’re not a one-trick pony

Visitors Come Back, Again & Again

 Remember! Prospective clients may visit your website several times over the course of months or even years, unsure of whether to contact you.

 If they encounter fresh testimonials during this time, it could help influence them to schedule that first consultation.

Are you taking advantage of video?

Reach Across the Digital Divide

Video Brings Words to Life

Video gives life to words and creates the emotional connections that elevate you from a mere "business" to a caring and knowledgeable professional.

Benefits of Video

Increased Trust

Reduced Skepticism

Higher Conversion


Eighty-eight percent of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Video testimonials reinforce this trust by showing real people speaking about your firm.

Having a library of video testimonials at your disposal is like having a full-time sales force on call, 24/7.

But, unlike salesmen, your satisfied clients are seen as objective and sincere third parties.

More than 90 percent of consumers agreed that video factored into their decision to purchase, according to a study by Social Media Today.

Videos can keep users engaged and ultimately convince them to contact your practice.

People Think & Remember Using Images

ü 60 percent of people prefer watching video over reading text.

ü Video keeps visitors on your website longer.

ü People remember more from a video than from written content.

When you layer the human voice onto imagery by using video, you infuse your message with compassion and commitment. Other benefits of video:

Once is never enough

If you want to get the word out …

The more ways you broadcast your message, the greater the chances a potential client will find you. People gather information from different sources (social media, review sites, websites) and with different tools (smartphone, tablet, desktop). Each method can affect how your message resonates, so embrace as many as you can.

ü Some people intuitively trust online reviews more when they can see and hear the reviewer speaking in a video.

ü Others are drawn to a powerful quotation that is set apart from the rest of the text, such as a quote that is highlighted in a block of text.

Be Seen Wherever Your Customers Wander

Re-use, Re-purpose Testimonials

Post them in Social Media

Feature them in newsletters

Add testimonials to your email signature

Include testimonials in brochures

And, of course, post to your website

 When used strategically …  Client testimonials combine the best elements of word-of-mouth marketing with the unique power of the Internet to spread messages quickly to an ever expanding audience.

 Put some thought and effort into collecting and presenting your testimonials, and you and your satisfied clients will effectively be promoting your firm twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week across a variety of platforms.

Word of Mouth

Power of the Internet

Would You Like to Know More?

Many attorneys find the promise of the Internet elusive. But over the course of 20 years, we’ve proven many times over that a properly designed online strategy grows your firm.

Consider taking advantage of Einstein Law’s years of online expertise. Just call us at (800) 650-0003 or visit our website:

Einstein Law | 6675 Mesa Ridge Rd, Ste 101, San Diego, CA 92121 | (800) 650-0003

