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The Production Process of Salted Eggs at Smkn

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1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Problems Salted eggs are a common term for egg -based dishes are preserved by means of marinated (given salt excess to deactivate the decomposer enzyme). Most eggs are salted duck eggs, although it is possible for the other eggs. Salted eggs consumed in one month (30 days). In Indonesia, especially in Java salted duck eggs are usually produced dash runner ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) that have a characteristic green   blue egg shell. These snacks are practical and can be combined with a variety of dishes such as  jamblang rice, and Lengko rice, even can also be eaten without rice. Fishermen who sail or people who are traveling for a long time used to take salted egg for lunch. In Central Java, Brebes area known as the main producer of salted egg. Salted egg industry in Brebes sufficiently expanded to provide a wide selection of quality salted eggs. Each manufacturer has its own stamp which can usually be seen on egg shells. Although one diverse, salted egg is considered a high -quality parts if the egg yolk is colored bright orange to reddish, “dry " (if bitten not excrete fluids), do not cause fishy smell and salty taste is not overpowering. A salted duck egg is a Chinese preserved food product made by soaking duck eggs in brine (salted water), or packing each egg in damp, salted charcoal. In Asian supermarkets, these eggs are sometimes sold covered in a thick layer of salted charcoal paste. The eggs may also be sold with the salted paste removed, wrapped in plastic, and vacuum packed. From the salt curing process, the salted duck eggs
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A.  Background of Problems

Salted eggs are a common term for egg -based dishes are preserved by means of

marinated (given salt excess to deactivate the decomposer enzyme). Most eggs are

salted duck eggs, although it is possible for the other eggs. Salted eggs consumed in

one month (30 days).

In Indonesia, especially in Java salted duck eggs are usually produced dash runner

ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) that have a characteristic green  – blue egg


These snacks are practical and can be combined with a variety of dishes such as

 jamblang rice, and Lengko rice, even can also be eaten without rice. Fishermen who

sail or people who are traveling for a long time used to take salted egg for lunch.

In Central Java, Brebes area known as the main producer of salted egg. Salted egg

industry in Brebes sufficiently expanded to provide a wide selection of quality salted

eggs. Each manufacturer has its own stamp which can usually be seen on egg shells.

Although one diverse, salted egg is considered a high -quality parts if the egg yolk is

colored bright orange to reddish, “dry " (if bitten not excrete fluids), do not cause

fishy smell and salty taste is not overpowering.

A salted duck egg  is a Chinese preserved food product made by soaking duck

eggs in brine (salted water), or packing each egg in damp, salted charcoal. In Asian

supermarkets, these eggs are sometimes sold covered in a thick layer of salted

charcoal paste. The eggs may also be sold with the salted paste removed, wrapped

in plastic, and vacuum packed. From the salt curing process, the salted duck eggs

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have a briny aroma, a very liquid egg white and a firm-textured, round yolk that is

bright orange-red in color.

Salted duck eggs are normally boiled or steamed before being peeled and eaten

as a condiment to congee or cooked with other foods as a flavoring. The egg white

has a sharp, salty taste. The orange red yolk is rich, fatty, and less salty. The yolk is

prized and is used in Chinese moon cakes to symbolize the moon.

Despite its name, salted duck eggs can also be made from chicken eggs, though

the taste and texture will be somewhat different, and the egg yolk will be less rich.

Salted eggs sold in the Philippines undergo a similar curing process, with some

variation in ingredients used. They are dyed red to distinguish them from fresh duck


Salted egg is an egg is preserved by means of marinated with salt given way to

deactivate the destroying enzyme, most of the eggs are duck eggs, and it could be

the other eggs. Salted egg can reach one month (30 days). Salted egg producer or

seller who is already very well known is in the brebes.

Brebes salted egg industry in itself very much with its wide selection of quality,

they have their own stamp and ordinary can be seen on the skin with a stamp egg,

salted egg is considered to have a high quality traits of the egg yolk bright orange to

reddish, " dry " and if bitten not discharge, nor cause a fishy smell, taste salty and

not overpowering.

Salted eggs are duck eggs packed in tubs and covered with a mixture of finely

ground charcoal in brine (salted water). After 6 weeks to 3 months, the yolk

becomes firm and the white become salty as the salt diffuses in. They are cooked by

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cleaning and boiling for 10 minutes. Used in curries and as hors d’oeuvres. The yolks

are used in Chinese moon cakes. Common in China and Southeast Asia.

Based on the explanation above, writer is interested to do a research about the

processing salted eggs in SMKN 1 Pacet as a condition of fulfilling the task of

Scientific Writing and as a condition of graduation in Islamic Junior PB Soedirman,

Cijantung, East Jakarta, and a Year 9 student FLC academic year 2013/2014

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B.  Identification of Problems

Based on the background above, author identifies some problems that

expressed by the following questions:

1.  How salted egg marinate technique is best?

2.  How long does the process of marinating salted egg?

3.  How traits - traits that can be marinated poultry eggs?

4.  How do I determine the amount of material that must be used to obtain the

most delicious flavor?

5.  How stage - the stage of processing salted eggs right?

6.  How does the processing or manufacture of salted eggs good for the


7.  How to save salted egg so durable and last a long time?

8.  How to know the nutritional content contained in the salted egg?

9.  What events happened in the process of marinating chicken eggs or duck


10. What are the advantages of marinating poultry eggs?

11. What are the things - things that need to be considered in the processing of

salted egg?

C.  Limitation of Problem

Identification of previous problems, the writer limits 5 issues, as follows:

1.  How to use the salted egg at SMK 1 Pacet?


What events happened in the process of marinating chicken eggs or duck


3.  How characteristic of marinated poultry eggs are viable?

4.  How to save salted egg that last a long time?

5.  What are the advantages of marinating poultry eggs?

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D.  Formulation of Problem

Based on the background of the problem, identification of problems,

limitations issues, problems, the formulation of the problem can be

structured as follows:

1.  How to cultivate salted egg at SMK 1 Pacet

2.  Events that occur in the process of marinating salted egg

3.  Characteristics viable eggs marinated poultry

4.  How to keep a salted egg that last a long time

5.  Advantages of marinating poultry eggs

E.  Purpose

The purpose of the research is:

1.  To find out how to process salted egg at SMK 1 Pacet

2.  To find events that occur in the process of marinating eggs

3.  To determine the characteristics of viable eggs marinated poultry

4.  To know how to keep a salted egg that last a long time

5.  To know the advantages of marinating poultry eggs

F.  Benefits of Research

Formulation of objectives above problem, the author and the reader is

expected to:

1.  Knowing how to process salted egg at SMK 1 Pacet


Knowing the events that occur in the process of marinating eggs

3.  Knowing the characteristics of viable eggs marinated poultry

4.  Knowing how to keep a salted egg in order to last a long time

5.  Knowing the advantages of marinate poultry eggs

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According Zubaidah’s opinion, (2007) that the study of the theory of

functions include: (1) knowing the history of the research problem, (2) helping to

select procedures, (3) understand the theoretical background of the research

problem, (4) determine the benefits of previous studies, (5) avoid duplication and (6)

provide justification election research problem.

A.  Definition of Processing

A1. Process, ways, actions processing;

A2. Formal language of workmanship, cultivation, formulation

A3. Process to pursue or doing something might be more perfect.

A4. According to Wikipedia, Food processing is a collection of methods and

techniques used to transform raw ingredients into food or turn food into

other forms for consumption by humans or animals at home or by the

food processing industry.

According to the writer opinion, the meaning of the word processing is an

Activity or process to make something into something new.

B.  Definition of Salted Eggs

B1. According to Wikipedia, salted egg is a general term for egg-based dishes

are preserved by means of marinated (given salt excess to deactivate

the enzyme decomposer). Most eggs are salted duck eggs, although it is

possible for the other eggs. Salted eggs consumed in one month (30


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B2. Salted egg is a Chinese preserved food product and is made by soaking

duck eggs in brine, or packing each egg in damp, salted charcoal. In

Asian supermarkets, these eggs are sometimes sold covered in a thick

layer of salted charcoal paste. Eggs can also be sold with a paste of

charcoal that has been removed, wrapped in plastic, and vacuum

packed. Of the salting process, salted egg has a salty aroma, a very liquid

egg white and a firm-textured, round yellow-orange colored bright red.

B3. Salted duck eggs are packed in a tub and covered with a mixture of finely

ground charcoal that has been in salt water

B4. Salted egg is an egg is preserved by means of marinated with salt given

way to deactivate the enzyme excess perombak, most eggs are salted

duck eggs (duck), and it could be for other eggs.

C.  Profile of SMKN 1 Pacet

C1. SMK Negeri 1 Pacet was born in 2003 as a sister school of SMK Negeri 3

Cianjur, at first SMK Negeri 1 Pacet had 58 students that learning with

limited facilities and infrastructure and the teachers are volunteers.

C2. SMKN 1 Pacet, Cianjur, West Java, is an agriculture school. They taught

the students on how to take care of the trees red and yellow peppers

and other hydroponics plants. Agricultural products from this school,

such as red and yellow peppers, got famous in some supermarkets in

Jakarta. The school status is international schools (RSBI) and is capable

of processing a variety of foliage vegetables into chips. Production of

chips cassava leaves, carrot leaves, spinach leaves, leaf lokat virtual (wild

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plants), to curly chili powder processed in a modern way. Product

program if the student is given the processing of agricultural products

market brand "Edutekpan". Marketing not only in the surrounding area

and the peak tourist Pacet, but also go into a modern market

C3. SMKN 1 Pacet was built in 2003 in the form of stub. At the beginning this

school's land belonged to Mr. Abah Ibin, then Mr. Haji Akib built this

school as vocational school. In the year 2007, the school just got

inauguration by goverment people and Mr. Haji Akib as the leader

D.  Hypothesis

Allegedly, production methods of Salted Eggs at SMKN 1 Pacet are by using

pasta coated charcoal-containing salt, eggs used to be in good quality and

salted egg products should not be put in place that is too hot or too high in

order to last longer.

The writer also suspect that the events that occur during the process of

marinating salted egg is the process of absorption and the advantage of

processing salted eggs are eggs can last longer.

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The author wrote this paper using four ways, they are:

  Observation : the author visited a place to make this


  Descriptive : many writers take the reference from

the internet.


Non-experimental approach : the writers analyzed the processing of

eggs salty, but not practiced.

  Interviews : writers asked the interviewees in the


B.  Population and Sample

  Population : Salted Egg


Samples : Salted Duck Egg at SMK 1 Pacet, Cianjur

C.  Variables

The author uses two variables, namely:

  Variable X : Salted Egg Processing

  Variable Y : The SMK 1 Pacet


Time and Research Place

Writer’s research of salted egg processing is happened at SMK 1 Pacet,

Cianjur, West Java on December 20 to December 21, 2013.

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E.  Source of Data

The author got the information about the processing of salted egg:

  Tutors (SMK 1 Pacet students as tutors)


F.  Research Procedures

The author got a lot of information from various sources, namely:

  Interviews with tutors : The author received various

explanations and information about

how to process salted eggs right from

the source

  Internet : In addition to an explanation of

guides, the author took some

references on the internet about

salted eggs

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Based on the research that has been done by the writer for 2 days in SMKN 1 Pacet,

writer makes the result of the research as are follows:

A.  The production methods of Salted Eggs at

SMKN 1 Pacet

The production methods of Salted Eggs at

SMKN 1 Pacet are divided into 3, namely:

1.  By using red brick

2.  By using the paste or ashes

3.  By dipping it in salt water


1)  Best quality duck eggs (30 eggs)

2)  Ashes or red brick powder (1 ½ liters)

3)  Salt (1 ½ kg)


Clean water sufficiently



Plastic pail


A pot

3)  Stove

4)  Stirring tool

5)  A jar to store the eggs

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Steps to make the salted eggs:


Wash and rinse the eggs

2.  Sandpaper the egg shells, if the egg shells are going thinner, don't

continue sanding egg shells.

3.  Create a solution or mixture to be used in marinating eggs.

  For processing with brick red and ashes, combine the red bricks that

have been mashed or ashes it with salt with the comparison should

be 1: 1 (proportional).


For processing by using brine, combine water and salt comparison 1:

1 (proportion).


Cover the egg shell with red brick or ashes solution and let it for 1 - 2

weeks in an enclosed place if processing with redbrick or of ashes rub. If

using brine, dip the eggs in brine for 1 – 2 weeks

5.  Try to keep the egg not breaking, store it in clean place

6.  After all the process is completed, wash the eggs.


Boil eggs that have been washed and salted eggs are ready to be served.

B.  Events that occurs at marinating process

a.  When sanding the egg, egg skin exfoliates that facilitate the entry of

salt into eggs.

b.  Salting is the process of penetration of NaCL is marinated in a

diffusion manner (flow event of a substance in a low concentrate

solvent). The salt acts as a preservative and flavors, while the water

as a medium of diffusion (carrier)

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C.  Characteristics of egg that are worthy to being marinated

a.  Soak the eggs in clean water of approximately 2 minutes. Notice

when soaking “if eggs float” it means the eggs are ugly (should not be


b.  Inner quality of eggs

i.  The yolk and the white part of the eggs (albumin) are rich

ii.  The yolk position is still in the white part of the egg

iii.  There is no spot or blood spot on yolk or the white part of the


c.  Outer quality of the egg

i.  Shape and color of egg shell ( the color is not dark)

ii.  Eggshell surface is not cracked

iii.  The eggs parts are complete

iv.  The eggshell is clean

D.  The correct ways to save the salted eggs are it should be placed at the

optimum temperature because if the temperature is too high, it will

accelerate the decaying process and humidity should also moderate.

E.  Benefits from marinating process of eggs

a.  Marinated eggs are stable, can be saved without experiencing the

destruction process

b.  Eggs’ fishy taste diminished, not stink, and tastes good 

c.  Poultry eggs can survive much longer than before the marinated

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After the writer did some research and discussion in the previous

chapter, the writers conclude:

1.  It is proven that the procedure of making in SMKN 1 Pacet divided

into three ways there are by using redbrick, or of ashes, by means of

paste by dipping eggs and poultry in salt water


It is proven that process happened when the marinating salted egg is

the process of diffusion

3.  It is proven that the egg that are worthy to being marinated are the

eggs with the best quality with characteristics:

a.  Soak the eggs in clean water of approximately 2 minutes.

Notice when soaking “if eggs float” it means the eggs are ugly

(should not be used).


Inner quality of eggs

i.  The yolk and the white part of the eggs (albumin) are


ii.  The yolk position is still in the white part of the egg

iii.  There is no spot or blood spot on yolk or the white part

of the egg

c.  Outer quality of the egg


Shape and color of egg shell ( the color is not dark)

ii.  Eggshell surface is not cracked

iii.  The eggs parts are complete

iv.  The eggshell is clean

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4.  It is proven in a saving manner salted eggs should be stored in a place

that the temperature was a cool place

5.  It is proven if benefits from marinating process of eggs are eggs’ fishy

taste diminished, not stink, and tastes good, poultry eggs can survive

much longer than before the marinated

B.  Implication

Based on the conclusion, writer will arranged implication in the following


1.  Will prove that the procedure of making in SMKN 1 Pacet divided into

3 ways there are by using redbrick, by using ashes or paste, and by

dipping eggs and poultry in salt water. But according to interviews

results, processing with a paste or of ashes is the best ways.

2.  Will prove that an event that occurs at marinating process is the

diffusion manner that means the flow event of a substance in a low

concentrate solvent.

3.  Will prove that eggs that can be processed into salted egg is an egg

that the quality is good with one of the characteristic is a shell of its

eggs not cracked.

4.  Will prove that in a saving manner salted eggs should be stored in a

place that the temperature was a cool place

5.  Will prove that benefits from marinating process of eggs are eggs’

fishy taste diminished, not stink, and tastes good, poultry eggs can

survive much longer than before the marinated

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C.  Suggestions

a.  For PB. Soedirman International Islamic Junior High School

1.  Scientific writing subject should be discussed more deeply so that

when the science is practiced, students had no difficulty in writing a


2.  Writer think Scientific writing subject should be maintained

because it doesn’t cover the possibility if  this subject will be used

at any other level after junior high school level 


For SMKN 1 Pacet

1.  Writer recommend if the school has prepared materials and

tools for processing so that researchers can find out stages of

making the product 

2.  Its better if the processing results must be already prepared in

advance to be presented to researchers 

3.  Its better if the tutors is more active so all of the questions

from the researcher can be answered and give the explanation

not only depended from the question of researchers 

c.  For Local Government 

1.  Writer suggested if the potential of students in SMKN 1 Pacet

in processing product and cultivating plant must be more

noticed and developed

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Alam, Nur. 2012. Karya Tulis Ilmiah, Jakarta: Yasma PB. Soedirman

2.  Warisno. 2005. Membuat Telur Asin Aneka Rasa. Solo: AgroMedia.

3.  http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telur_asin accessed on 14/12/2013

4.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salted_duck_egg accessed on 16/12/2013 

5.  http://www.dictionarycentral.com/definition/salted-duck-eggs.html accessed on


6.  http://artikata.com/arti-372452-pengolahan.html accessed on 19/12/2013 


http://sinonimkata.com/sinonim-160931-pengolahan.html accessed on 19/12/2013 

8.  http://kumpulantugaskuliahpertanian.blogspot.com/2012/03/pengertian-

pengolahan.html accessed on 19/12/2013

9.  http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pengolahan_makanan accessed on 19/12/2013

10. http://smkn1Pacet.siap-sekolah.com/2012/05/15/wajah-lain-smk-pertanian/ 

accessed on 21/12/2013 



accessed on 21/12/2013 

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Farah Fairuz Luthfiyyah is a student of 9F in PB. Soedirman

International Islamic Junior High School, Cijantung, East

Jakarta. Writer born at Purwokerto, September 21st

, 1999.

She is the 1st

  of 2 siblings. Writer has a brother named

Maulana Noor Faiq Al Farouq. She has a father named

Syamsul Huda and a mother named Ervina Dian Haryati. Now

the writer lived at Mahoni Tanjung Barat Town House Kav. 5,

Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta. Writer’s hobbies are drawing,

creating something, listening to music, browsing, travelling,


The first place for writer to took some lesson in Play Group Ath – Thaariq, Singaraja,

Bali  and continued to Ath  –  Thaariq Kindergarten, Singaraja, Bali. Shortly

afterwards, writer move to Bandung, west java and educated at TK Al – Habra.

Writer continued her school on Al –

  Biruni Islamic Elementary School, Bandung 

(2005-2006) as a 1st

  grade student. Then, she moved to Tawakkal Islamic

Elementary School, Denpasar, Bali (2006-2007) from the 2nd

 grade to 3rd

 grade first

semester. For the 3rd

 grade second semester and 4th

 grade in first semester, she was

educated in Tembokrejo II Public Elementary School, Pasuruan, East Java  (2008).

Writer continued her school for the 4th

  grade in the second semester and the 5th


grade at 11 Public Elementary School, Manado, North Sulawesi  (2009-2010). She

finished the elementary school level in Ungaran III Public Elementary School,

Yogyakarta (2010-2011) for 1 year long.

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She continued her study as a 7th

 grader at 12 Public Junior High School Yogyakarta 

(2011). Writer only took 2 weeks for studying there because she need to follow her

father moved to Denpasar, Bali. So she continued her 7th

 grade at first semester in

10 Public Junior High School, Denpasar, Bali (2011). Next, she moved to Jakarta and

learn at PB. Soedirman International Islamic Junior High School, Cijantung, East

Jakarta (2012-now) since the 7th

 grade in second semester until now.

Writer wants to be an architect because the writer’s hobby is drawing. Then writer’s

goal is to get a college scholarship in Paris, France. Writer has some achievements,

one of them is has been chosen to be a great 25 OSN (Olimpiade Sains Nasional)

finalist in social subject at East Jakarta region.
