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The Prophets, Their Lives and Their Stories

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 THE PROPHE TS, THEIR LIVES AND THEIR STORIES by Abdul-Sâhib Al-Hasani Al-'âmili Translator's Word This is my humble translation for the book of Abdul-Sâhib Al-'âmeli. Of course, and because of the high flexibility of Arabic and it's numerous words and divisions, my translation won't exactly be in the same line of the book, but I tried my best to give the overall meaning as much as and as clearer as possible. This  book is co nsidered a valuable item in an y Shiite library, an d I would like to notice out that there is another book and considered older than this one which was written  by a schol ar and a h oly fait hful man cal led "Al-Sayed Al-Jazâ'iri" but I really did not get to know this book very well, but in this translation of the book of Abdul- Sâhib you will find some reference for the book of Al-Sayed Al-Jazâiri. I faced many troubles analysing and trying to understand the complex  philosop hical terms in order to proceed w ith my t ranslation but I coul dn't be lu cky all the time, so whenever I couldn't continue translating I've put a notice of that  between s quare brackets [..]. Maybe it is important to show some of the characteristics of the creed of Shiite in order to understand some parts of the book, of course if you are an Arabic learner and could read, then reading this book by its Arabic contents would be far more  beneficial to you to understan d what is going on. For Shiite people, they believe that every prophet or a messenger from God, since the time of Adam until the last messenger which is Muhammad, every one of them got a viceroy or a saint that would take care of things after the death of the prophet or the messenger himself. For example, there is Asaph the son of Berechiah who was a viceroy for king Solomon, and there is Joshua the viceroy of Moses and lot others, and so do the prophet Muhammad got a viceroy, which is his cousin and the husband of his daughter, 'Ali ben Abi Tâlib, and after 'Ali ben Abi Tâlib comes his children and his descendants. For sunnite muslims, they do not believe in such thing, but believe that the prophet ordered things to be organized in a committee after his death, and such thing is denied by Shiite believers. It is important to note out that Shiite and Sunnite are creeds and not bound to some borders and to some countries as some others think. Lot of people think that a Shiite would mean Iranian person which is something not true at all, but people got this impression  because su pposedly that the modern isla mic gove rnment in I ran is a Shii te
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THEIR STORIESby Abdul-Sâhib Al-Hasani Al-'âmili

Translator's Word

This is my humble translation for the book of Abdul-Sâhib Al-'âmeli. Of course,and because of the high flexibility of Arabic and it's numerous words anddivisions, my translation won't exactly be in the same line of the book, but I triedmy best to give the overall meaning as much as and as clearer as possible. This

 book is considered a valuable item in any Shiite library, and I would like to noticeout that there is another book and considered older than this one which was written

 by a scholar and a holy faithful man called "Al-Sayed Al-Jazâ'iri" but I really didnot get to know this book very well, but in this translation of the book of Abdul-Sâhib you will find some reference for the book of Al-Sayed Al-Jazâiri.

I faced many troubles analysing and trying to understand the complex philosophical terms in order to proceed with my translation but I couldn't be luckyall the time, so whenever I couldn't continue translating I've put a notice of that

 between square brackets [..].Maybe it is important to show some of the characteristics of the creed of Shiite inorder to understand some parts of the book, of course if you are an Arabic learnerand could read, then reading this book by its Arabic contents would be far more

 beneficial to you to understand what is going on.

For Shiite people, they believe that every prophet or a messenger from God, sincethe time of Adam until the last messenger which is Muhammad, every one of themgot a viceroy or a saint that would take care of things after the death of the prophet

or the messenger himself. For example, there is Asaph the son of Berechiah whowas a viceroy for king Solomon, and there is Joshua the viceroy of Moses and lotothers, and so do the prophet Muhammad got a viceroy, which is his cousin and thehusband of his daughter, 'Ali ben Abi Tâlib, and after 'Ali ben Abi Tâlib comes hischildren and his descendants. For sunnite muslims, they do not believe in suchthing, but believe that the prophet ordered things to be organized in a committeeafter his death, and such thing is denied by Shiite believers. It is important to noteout that Shiite and Sunnite are creeds and not bound to some borders and to somecountries as some others think. Lot of people think that a Shiite would meanIranian person which is something not true at all, but people got this impression

 because supposedly that the modern islamic government in Iran is a Shiite

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government, although it has different aspects than other sub-Shiite creeds, and thespeech about this will take long time and maybe it needs a book for its own sake.

Here are some of the abbreviations and notifications first that I used in mytranslation:

PUH: Peace Upon Him (Her)PUT: Peace Upon Them--------------------from (name1) from (name2) ...etc: This is called the chain of the speech or sayingand points out the names of people that carried the tidings or news.

[..] = a personal note(..) = further translation or an abbreviated expression

(?) = means not clearly understood or couldn't be explained ben = "The son of", like the Irish "mac" þ,Þ = TH as in ThinXXXXX ð,Ð = TH as in There

Here I mention the names of the Household of Muhammad, whom Shiite believe in, notice that "ben" means "son of", it is like the Irish "mac" in names, and thenames between the brackets are the most famous surnames for each one:

1. the prophet Muhammad (PUH)2. 'Ali ben Abi Tâlib, the prince of believers (PUH) [the husband of Fâtima thedaughter of the prophet, and the cousin of the prophet and his viceroy]

3. Al-Hasan ben 'Ali (Al-Mojtabâ)4. Al-Husain ben 'Ali (Al-Shaheed: meaning the martyr)5. 'Ali ben Al-Husain (Zayn Al-'Abedeen)6. Muhammad ben 'Ali (Al-Bâqir)7. Ja'far ben Muhammad (Al-Sâdiq)8. Musa ben Ja'far (Al-Kâðim)

9. 'Ali ben Musa (Al-Ridha)10. Muhammad ben 'Ali (Al-Jawâd)11. 'Ali ben Muhammad (Al-Hâdi)12. Al-Hasan ben 'Ali (Al-'Askiri)13. Muhammad ben Al-Hasan (Al-Mahdi)

and the last one is called the "awaited" because Shiite believe he is still alive andwill appear at the time when wrong and ill comes all over the world and he will bewith Jesus to place justice all over the world.

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This is all for this event, I hope I've answered most of the questions and I hope thismight help in understanding what is mentioned in the translation of the book.

At the end I would like to thank the owners of some sites that helped a lot in mytranslations and they are:www.sacred-texts.com : for the Pickthall translation of the Quran

www.biblestudytools.net : for the old and new testaments translation within Greekand Hebrew which helped a lot in translating the prophets and saints names intoEnglish as much as possible.

The translator:Taher Al-Shemaly (TJ)Kuwait

Introduction In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

And prays on the most righteous of His creation, Muhammad and his Householdand his mates the honourable and guided 

(It is)About what concerns a bunch of prophets, and viceroys, in some of their ownmatters 


that our believe in prophets, and their viceroys and the Angels (PUT), they areinfallible and purified from any impurities and they don't guilt either a big one or asmall one, and never refuse the commandments of God and do whatever they arecommanded with, and whoever refuse the idea of their infallibility in any situationthen he did miss them.And our believe in them is that they are described with completeness of wisdomand honour and patience and bravery and so on and never described with lessaspects in any of their matters.Then, the prophets and viceroys and the purified Imams and the like before them(PUT), it is doubtless that their times are busy with God and their hearts are full ofHim and their minds are connected to the heavens world and always watching forGod, for he said (The prophet PUH): worship God as you see Him, so if you don'tsee Him, He sees you. So, they are always watching, attending toward Him, theExalted, with their total.Whatever is apparent in their prays (psalms) and their speeches and their books andthe other of their sayings about falling in sin it is just to behave humbly for God

and it includes the maximum thankfulness for Him, the Exalted. It is mentioned

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about our prophet (PUH) that he used to exhaust himself in worshipping, so one ofhis wives asked him: didn't God forgive you for whatever was made and whateverwill be from your sins? So he said to her: Yes, but shouldn't I be a thankful slave?Until The Holy called him by His call "Ta. Ha. We have not revealed unto thee

(Muhammad) this Qur'an that thou shouldst be distressed"(Ta Ha:1-2) meaning notto exhaust yourself and spend the maximum of your power in worshipping.In it also there is a teaching for people and directing them towards Him, theExalted, and to take people away from pride and preventing the worshipping and

 praying, and to be humble for Him, the Exalted. How shall we consider whatevercomes from them (the prophets PUT) from deeds and sayings what is apparent to

 be a sin that is indeed a sin towards God, the Exalted? God forbid! And they aremore honourable and faithful than that level to be blamed for a sin.

Aren't they the commanders by God over the creatures and His loyals for His lawsand His religion and the callers to obey Him, and God put them for this purpose, sothey are the tongue of God that speaks to His slaves and Its translator to Hiscreation. So, how come they do a sin and how come they become like normal

 people and not destinctive from them, and they are the ones who take care of Hiscommandments to His creation, and is it rightful by logic for them to be loyals forGod over His creation and someone would say to them "Enjoin ye righteousnessupon mankind while ye yourselves forget"(Al-Baqarah: 44) Are they mentionedwith sin?It is the reason to let people go away from them. Doesn't the sinner get thrown bystones if he tried to forbid people of the sins he did himself, or gets his head in thesand and told to him: discipline yourself and your people before you try todiscipline others? So, how come they can be loyals to God and they are pollutedwith sins and people should have gone away from them and deny their deeds?Don't people understand the claim of sins to the saints of God (apostles of God,faithful people), don't they stop? Was God unable to Make infallible people anddestinctive from others to take care of His laws? No, and God forbid! But He did

not Send any messenger and Made a viceroy after him except he was purified andinfallible and without any sins and mistakes or impurity.So, how do we consider anything done by them as a guilt and it is a sin and thattheir humilating for themselves for God and sanctifying Him is because that theyare like all creatures and their Lord did not Make them special or Care much aboutthem. Look with your heart to some of the slaves in this life whenever they refusethe commands of their masters and their masters heard about that, won't they be

 blamed by people and deserved for punishment as they think. So what do you think

of the Lord of lords and the King of kings that nothing can be hidden from Himfrom his kingdom on earth or in heavens, and for this he pointed out (PUH)

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[maybe 'Ali ben Abi Tâlib is meant here] : the good deeds of the faithful are thesins of the close relative (?).Some said: it might be said that doing something undesirable and leaving thedesirable deed and do some of the allowed things might look like in the eyes of the

infallible persons like prophets and saints (viceroys) that they are sins so theysanctify God (asking for forgiveness) and if they did it again they become moresad for it and have great sadness in their holy souls. Look with the eye of yourheart to the psalms (prays) of the Prince of Believers (PUH) and the psalms (prays)of Al-Imam Al-Sajjâd Zain Al-'âbideen[i.e. 'Ali ben Al-Husain ben 'Ali ben AbiTâlib PUH] in Al-Saheefah Al-Sajjâdiyah [it is a name of a book that contains

 prays and psalms of the Imam] and his psalm that mentioned by Abi Hamzah Al-Þomâly and to his boredom in his prays and the hard sadness over him and the

great sorrow of him for what he did beside his Lord and others than him from hisfathers and children and how great is their humilation and their perishableness inthe Self of God for they had the deep view into His might and His power and prideand they know very well how great He is and how gracious He is. So, for this,most of their deeds in their worshipping and prayers were for someone that wassure of the torture and punishment. As if he commited every crime and done thegreat sins.From this concept was the mistake of our father Adam (PUH) where the fobid ofeating from the tree inside paradise was only for honourable purposes and not astrict forbid as for a sin. As it is mentioned and approved in books made for thissubject (the infallibility of prophets) by 'Alam Al-Huda Al-Sayid Al-Mortadhâ andothers, check out. And God forbid that prophets and the messengers and the saints(viceroys) and the Arch-Angels may commit any sin and they are the ones thatwere assigned by God to take care of His religion and the callers and the ones thattake care of His slaves and His rulers over His creations.Then if we did accept that they do sins and guilt so then we don't mind them to dothe great sins for which punishments must be applied without any difference. So

who will do the punishment of them? Only the one that takes care of religionwould do the punishment, so would he do it over himself? Or someone else woulddo it over him by an order from him? (Answer me may God have mercy upon you,isn't that one who claims this shy of God for this?). Or maybe the one who claimsthis have some sickness in his soul to let other wear this dress [meaninginfallibility] and let others take their places instead (places of prophets), Those whodo wrong will come to know by what a (great) reverse they will be overturned!And your Lord is not in the least unjust for the slaves.

Then do not forget that all the prophets and saints (viceroys) had been oppressedand hurt and no one answered their calls except few from their nations (Few of My

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 bondmen are thankful) (Saba': 13)Then what does it mean God's saying "Lo! We verily do help Our messengers, andthose who believe, in the life of the world and on the day when the witnessesarise"(Al-Mu'min, Ghâfir: 51)? Al-Imâm Al-Sâdiq (PUH) was asked about the

meaning of this holy phrase and he answered: this is, and I swear by God, in theday of coming back, didn't you know that lot of the prophets of God did not get avictory in life and the viceroys after them got killed and never helped in life, butthey will gain victory in the day of coming back before the doomsday. And thewitnesses are the Imâms (PUT).The tidings coming from the Holy Household for this subject are a lot and in briefit points out that the return of the prophets to the life after death and before thedoomsday is something essential and no way out of it to get revenge from their

enemies that wronged them and hurt them and fought them and didn't believe inthem and set wars against them and took their rights from them: but when that isgoing to happen? It would be at the day when the witnesses arise and they are the

 purified Imâms from the Household of Muhammad (PUH) and that is when the"awaited" appears, the ruler of the current time that we are in and he is the Imâmthat his name is the same as the messenger of God (PUH) and his surname is thesame as well and he is the son of Al-Hasan ben 'Ali ben Muhammad ben 'Ali benMusa ben Ja'far ben Muhammad ben 'Ali ben Al-Husain ben 'Ali ben Abi Tâlib(PUT) (the one born in year 256 Hejira) in Sâmarra' in Iraq.Al-Sayid Al-Jazâ'iri said in his tales:The meaning of the messengers in the holy phrase "Lo! We verily do help Ourmessengers" is the prophets. The apparent from this Holy Speech and whatevercomes in its meaning is a sign that all the prophets will come back to life in thesmall doomsday and God will give them victory by power and Angels over theirenemies and the enemies of the Household of Muhammad (PUH), and God willgive life again to their nations that hurt them and the bad ones from Umayyads[Bani Umayya or the Children of Umayya, who had a kingdom in Syria and the

surroundings, they were usually marked with aggressive nature and even killed thegrandson of the prophet, but still some people deny this although it is a well knownfact in history!] and whoever accepted their deeds from their children and others.Also God will give life to whoever had a pure faith from the nations to let themwin the rewards of victory and fights and live in the kingdom of Muhammad'sHousehold (PUH). [here comes a holy phrase but I couldn't locate it in Quran,maybe the writer didn't memorize it so well!]Then all the prophets since Adam (PUH) until their end and the master of

messengers Muhammad the Chosen (PUH), and they count for one hundredthousands and twenty four thousands prophets and one hundred and twenty four

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thousands viceroys, for every prophet has a viceroy and their masters are five uponwhich life went around and they are the owners of laws and whoever came withrepeated laws they were copied from the previous and they are Noah, Abraham,Moses, Jesus and Muhammad and they are the "prophets of constancy", may peace

 be upon them all. This is what was pointed out by tidings and what was said by ourscholars and as said by Al-Sayed Al-Jazâ'iri and whatever points the opposite ofthat it would be carried by self trial for interpretation. About the messengers, asmentioned by the prophet (PUH) and the sure paths that they were (three hundredsand thirteen) messengers..etc and it is probable also that the books are one hundredand four books, and twenty one books were revealed on Adam (PUH).It is mentioned also that it was revealed on Seth the gift of God (PUH), by God,fifty books and on Enoch (PUH) thirty books, and on Abraham twenty books, and

Revealed (God) Torah, Bible, Psalms and Quran and this speech been repeatedmany times so no doubt about its contents. And they were called the "ones ofconstancy", and they are the five masters but because they were sent to the east andwest and to people and Djinns and this meaning is mentioned in lot of tidings andmentioned by lot of Muslims scholars, by Ibn 'Abbâs and Qotâdah.And they say that they were called "ones of constancy" because they were the firstto believe in God in the world of atoms and believed in every prophet that wouldcome before or after them and decided to have patience inspite of calling them liarsand being hurt. And said also that they were called like that because they wereones of laws and regulations so that every prophet that came after Noah (PUH) wason his (Noah's) laws and path and a follower to his books until the time ofAbraham (PUH) and then until the time of Moses the son of Amram (PUH) thenuntil the time of Jesus the son of Mary (PUH) and then until the time ofMuhammad (PUH).Then the difference between the messenger and the prophet is that the messenger isthe one that gets inspiration from God the Exalted by a message or a book orallowances and non-allowances and so on, and so he is a messenger from God to

the ones who are sent to from His slaves and creation. The messenger could benon-human but it may be an Angel like Gabriel and Azrael and others (PUT). Or itmay be a bird like the hoopoe of Solomon the son of David (PUH) and so on eitherfrom God or from the creature as it appears.And the prophet is the one that God inspires and Guides him and whatever Godwants from him flows in his heart without any doubt or imagination and he listensto the sound of Angels in his dreams but he can't see them, and the messenger alsocan dream about Angels and listens to them and also see them as we see each

other. But the viceroy that is appointed from God to take care of matters after themessenger can hear the Angels but can't see them. It is mentioned in Al-Saheeh

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[seems a book name] from Al-Ahwal said: I heard Zorârah ben A'yon asking AbâJa'far Al-Bâqir (PUH) so he said to him: tell me about the messenger and the

 prophet and the speaker. So he said in his answer: the messenger is the one thatGabriel (PUH) come to him so he can talk to him and see, and the prophet is the

one that see in his dreams as it was for Abraham (PUH) and as the prophet of God(Muhammad PUH) did see the reasons of prophecy before getting inspired untilGabriel (PUH) did come to him from God with the message and and whenMuhammad (PUH) got the prophecy and the message from God, Gabriel (PUH)used to come to him and talk to him about it, and the speaker is the one that speaksand listens but do not see in his dreams nor in his awakeness.What is understood from the trusted speeches that one person can have the

 prophecy and the message and the imamship [imam = viceroy] like our prophet

Muhammad (PUH) and Abraham (PUH) and others than them, and Abraham was a prophet and not a viceroy until God said to him "Lo! I have appointed thee a leaderfor mankind. (Abraham) said: And of my offspring (will there be leaders) ? Hesaid: My covenant includeth not wrong-doers" (Al-Baqarah: 124) and it is that whoever is wrong and worshipping idols will not get the covenant of God so won't be aleader (imam) taking care of matters and a viceroy for the messenger for his nationand whoever the messenger was sent to, and so he won't be appointed by God forthis purpose to save the religion and the laws after the messenger is lost, so hewon't be good for imamship (caliphate) after him (the messenger) and doing thethings after him except these who are purified from a pure descendants. Becauseimamship is the general leadership over all the creations from human beings andDjinns and it is not to be except from God, the Exalted, and by Hiscommandments, and He supported the imam with miracles and virtues and he must

 be the most intellegent among people and the most brave and the most faithful oneand the most eloquent the knows the most about everything and about everythingthat the creation needs from living purposes and have the knowledge of everytongue and language and can speak it better than its natives even. There are other

stuff concerning the imamship that the human brain can't take nor bear but only thespecial of them, so imamship is better than prophecy and more honourable andhigher with no doubt.Then our book that is between your hands, is to obtain some of the conditions of

 prophets and messengers that were mentioned in Quran by names or by some oftheir characteristics, and Quran may point to someone by his character only and theMuhammedan laws (tales) mention him by name and person. We may mention alot of them that Quran did not mention but the tales come to mention them where

Quran did not mention of prophets except few of them that do not exceed fortyalmost. Then the dependance in obtaining their conditions was on the

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Muhammedan tales that were reached by the trusted persons who interpreted it and by the tidings from the Household of Muhammad (PUT) that were taken from thetrusted books and persons, with a notification of what was taken from the Torahand the Bible.

Lot of people wrote about this subject but it is a great sorrow that I did not see anyof such writings that would satisfy, but it was the opposite. Lot of them mixedthings together and lost the truth and deformed the beauty of such thing and somade others be away from catching some of its seas. And no one of its subjects'matters would be without a collection of the thin and the fat and edited with weirdstuff and picked from it several straws or written with ill hand, so it looks with anill eye and ill heart inclined away from the path of truth.So there were no subject that keeps up its own matters or collects its own

requirements. But this one between your hands (and thanks be to God, for Him bethe pretty praises) we were lucky to get it organized and check all of its contents toits certain limits except few which, for necessity, had to be planted other than its

 position, and God is the Guider to the path of truth.

In the name of God, the Beneficent, the MercifulIntroduction of The Second Edition I did not expect when I started to write my

 book (The prophet, their lifes and tales) that it would be so famous and hands willtry to get it from the press before it becomes available in the markets, although Idid not come up with a miracle. But all what I was able to do is to show a completesummary for the lives of some of the prophets and their tales which was writtenwith lot of mistakes sometimes and fabricated in other times, so my style was easyand simplified to be fit for all levels, and that had the good effects over the readersand this is what I thanked God for, and after a while all the copies were sold outfrom markets although it was printed in the offset without a previous permissionand we had a tale with them, and inspite all of that we got lot of requests to re-printit with some fixes and corrections, so we answered the call of "Al-Tawjeeh Al-Islami" press, for they publish the islamic book away from the benefits. May Godhelp these who run it.

Then I ordered our son, the scholar, Mr. Muhammad 'Ali Al-Hasani to notice outsome chapters and check and correct whatever mistakes did occur by coincedencein the first edition to let out this new edition in a satisfactory and proper waycompared to the researches of this book, and that it gets the satisfaction from thereaders and the Prevention is for God's only.I won't exaggerate when I say that when I started writing I've feared the situation,

 because the search is in the lives of prophets died thousands of years ago, and intheir lives that was full of action and humanity and dignity and nobility, and tomention the mysteries of these long times of their movements and their lives andspreading out the religion that was assigned to them by God, and for which Goddid send them and made them prophets and messengers, but this fear did fade away

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when I started and began although it did take lot of my time in looking at thenumerous resources and investigating that needs a time not be considered easy andchecking in some stories and tales that opposes each other sometimes in the life ofeach prophet, not as the books I made before and after this book whatever was

 printed of them and whatever still written, until God helped me with success so itcame out with this relatively good picture to the existence, and thanks to Godfirstly and lastly, asking Him to Accept it from me with a good acceptance andGive me from His grace, and Make the believers that avoid the stumbles benefitfrom it, and God is the Helper. 

The AuthorMarkabâ-Jabal 'Âmil-Lebanon1/1980AD - 2/1400H

About Some Conditions of The Father of Human Beings "Adam" (PUH) and TheBeginning of This Creation

Said God in his Holy Book: And when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I amabout to place a viceroy in the earth, they said: Wilt thou place therein one whowill do harm therein and will shed blood, while we, we hymn Thy praise andsanctify Thee ? He said: Surely I know that which ye know not.Since "Viceroy" by language and tradition points out to what takes the place ofwhat was before in time, then there must have been another Responsible agent

 before him (Adam), and that is pointed out by the opposition of the Angels, and

this opposition is not done except by them for they bear the knowledge of the ex-mischiefers because they said "Wilt thou place therein one who will do harmtherein and will shed blood, while we, we hymn Thy praise and sanctify Thee?"and it was pointed out by news, tidings and traces that the existence of pre-Adamcreatures did take place and they are the Djinns and others and earth was full ofthem. And also pointed out of the existence of lions, beasts and all of the otheranimals, and also the existence of rulers and vicegerents for God, command by Hiscommandment and prohibit by His prohibition, so they were ordering forGoodness and prohibiting the Mischiefts, but the Djinn got wicked and rebelled,

and they refused the commandments of God and changed lot of His orders andlaws.From 'Ali ben Ibrâhim from Albâqir (PUH) from the Prince of Believers, 'Ali benAbi Tâlib (PUH) that he said: When God wanted to create a creation by His handand that was after Djinn and Nesnas spent seven thousands years on earth, Heremoved the layers of heavens and Said to the Angels: Look to the inhabitants ofearth from my creation of Djinn and Nesnas, and when they saw what was done bythem (Djinn and Nesnas) of mischiefs and evils, that grew hard upon them(Angels), and said: our Lord you are the Almighty, and this is Your weakworthless creation, live by Your grace and refuse to take your orders and You don't

take a revenge of them? And when He heard that from the Angels He said "Lo! Iam about to place a viceroy in the earth" and he will be a ruler on earth. The

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Angels said: Are You going to place someone that will make mischiefs and evils asthe Djinn did? May you make the viceroy one of us, and we don't refuse Yourcommandments and "we hymn Thy praise and sanctify Thee", so the God said: Iknow what you know not, I want to make a creation by my Hand and make out of

his descendants prophets and faithful slaves of mine and guiders. I will make themrulers on my creations in my earth and purify my earth from the Nesnas and movethe rebellious Djinns those who refused my commandments away from mycreation and make them live in the air and shattered across the lands and make aveil between Djinns and my creation. Angels then said: Our Lord You commandand prohibit, praise to You, no other god than You, and You have the knowledgeof everything. Then they got farthest (Angels) from the Holy Throne a distant offive hundreds years of travelling. Until the Imam ('Ali ben Abi Tâlib PUH) said ina long speech: then God held the clay of Adam (PUH) and worked on it the fournatures of air, mucus, bitterness, and blood. And connected with the air the love of

women, length of hope and caution. And connected with the mucus the love offood, drinks, goodness, gentleness and easiness. And connected with bitterness theanger, stupidity, evil, pride, and haste. And connected with the blood the love ofwomen, pleasure, and doing sins.And the summary of some of the tidings is that God created Angels from light, andcreated Djinn from fire, and created Adam from clay, then He ran the light, thefire, the air and water, so with light he saw and understood and by fire he ate anddrank, and if it wasn't the fire in the stomache (the heat of the stomache) foodwon't be cooked (digested), and if it wasn't the air in the body of people to flamethe fire, fire wouldn't be existed, and if it wasn't the water existence to cool it downand extinguish it, the stomache would have been burnt and the body would be

 burnt in return.And it has been said that it was meant by the black wind of stomache -or soul- thatit might be the stomache's movements with breathing that leads to the foundationof cells with the heat of the core (?)And the most probable that Adam (PUH) was created from all types of clays and ifhe was created with one type only people wouldn't know each other and all would

 be with one shape, but instead he was created from the easiness of the earth and itssadness, bitterness, sweetness, and saltness, and from all its shapes and colors,

from its whiteness, redness, yellowness, blackness and (blondeness)..etc and that'swhy you see human beings differ in their colors and types.From the Prince of Muslim (PUH) that God sent Gabriel and ordered him to bringfrom the skin of earth (Arabic: Adeem) four clays: white, red, yellowish and blackand that would be from its (earth) easiness and sadness. Then He ordered him(Gabriel) to bring four types of waters: sweet, saline, bitter, and stinking. Then Heordered him (Gabriel) to pour all the waters in the clay so He made the sweet in histhroat, the saline in his eyes, the bitter in his ears and the stinking in his nose.And in "Tawheed Al-Mofadhal ben Omar" (??) from Al-Sâdiq (PUH): The sweetwater was placed in the throat to make him (Adam or the human) able to eat and

taste the food, and the saline water was placed in the eyes to protect the flesh of the

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eyes since the flesh will remain when salt or saline water is placed on it. And forthe bitter water in the ears it is to protect the brain from the attacks of insects andorganisms since they die when they reach the bitter water in the ear. Maybe theycan get pass over the bitter water and reach the brain for their power and the small

quantity of bitter water in the ears and that might be because of the weak body forit might be a sick man, old man, or a child. And they brought many cases, tidingsand witnesses for the truthfulness of such analysis and some of those cases wereduring the time of Plato and other perfect doctors that found an animal (organism)that grew up in the brain and didn't find any other way than the ears to let it reachthere.

(Subjects from different sources with agreement in contents)

Adam was named as Adam because he was created from the skin of the earth

(Arabic: Adeem) and from Al-Sadooq: that the fourth ground (or earth) was calledAdeem and from it Adam was created and that's why he was called Adam, and themother of human beings Eve (Arabic: Hawâ') was called like this because she wasmade from the living (Arabic: living = Hay) and that is Adam (PUH). And fromAl-Sâdiq (PUH): that God created Adam from clay and created Eve from Adam,and so the work of men is on land (earth, ground) and the work of women is inmen. It was told that when Adam was created and God placed the soul in his bodyHe made him stand between His hands then Adam sneezed and praised the God bysaying: Praise be to the God. then God said: O Adam, you praised me, and I swear

 by my Highness, if it was but to make two slaves at the end of time, I wouldn't

have created you. Then Adam said: O Lord, by their endearment and their valuesto You, what are their names? So God said: O Adam, look to the Throne. So Adamtook a look and found two lines made of light. The first line was: No God butAllah, Muhammad the prophet of mercy and 'Ali is the key of paradise. The secondline was: I decided to bear mercy for these who be victorious to them and followtheir path, and torture these who oppose them.The trustworthy 'Ali ben Ibrâhim had told from Abi Jafar Al-Bâqir (PUH) in tellingthe meaning of God's saying "And verily We made a covenant of old with Adam,

 but he forgot, and We found no constancy in him" (Taha:115) he said: God made a

covenant with him in Muhammad and the Imam's after him (PUT), but he left thatout and he never thought they were (Muhammad and the Imam's PUT) in suchhigh place and value, and the "Them of Constancy" (meaning: Noah, Abraham,Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad) are called like that because God made a covenantwith them in Muhammad and the viceroys after him and in Al-Qâ'im (PUT) andgathered their constancies in admitting their (Muhammad and his viceroys PUT)rights and virtues. And from Abi 'Abdullah Al-Sâdiq (PUH) that he said: the sonsof Adam (PUH) gathered in a house and had an argument about who's better,Adam or the close Angels. Some of them said that our father Adam is better andothers said the close Angels are, and few others said the carriers of the Throne.

While they were like that, "Gift of God" Seth (Also: Sheth PUH) entered and theytold him the story, so he got back to his father Adam (PUH) and told him the story

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of the fighting men and they asked him (asked Seth) but he didn't have an answerfor this, then said Adam: O son, I've stood between the hands of God may praise beto him, then I looked into a line on the door of the Throne that was written on it:By the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Muhammad and the

descendants of Muhammad are the best of what Allah started.From Al-'Ayyashi from Amr ben Abi Miqdâm from his father that he said: I askedAba Jafar Al-Bâqir (PUH) from what thing did God made Eve (PUH)? he said (Al-Bâqir PUH): and what thing do they say about this creation? I said: they say fromone of Adam's (PUH) ribs, then he said (PUH): they lied. Is God unable to createher except out of Adam's rib? Then I said: O may I be a ransom to you son of the

 prophet of God, of what thing did God create her? He said (PUH): my father toldme from his fathers that the prophet of God (PUH) said: God, may praise be toHim, held a clay and mixed it with his right hand, and both of His hands are right,so He created out of it Adam and part of it was left untouched so He created Eve

out of it (Al-Sayed Ne'mato-Allah Al-Jaza'eri said: this Hadith or speech istrustworthy and believed in among our comrades and partners. Meaning what had

 been told by Al-'Ayyashi..etc) and this speech has what supports it and there is nodoubt among us about its contents and anything oppose it would oppose the rulesand laws of what God made what we are in now, and so the claim of creating Eveout of his (Adam) rib is something strange and weird instead of creating her out ofthe remaining of his (Adam) clay as it was told by them (meaning them the Holyfamily of Muhammad PUT) many times.About the story of creating Eve out of the rib, and that is the little left rib, is carried

 by explaining according to the pictorial match for these who believe it and thereare other taken paths and God only knows.And it is probable that God createdAdam and Eve without a mother and father and created Jesus (PUH) without afather to let know that He is able to create anything anyhow, and His laws in natureused to be creating any creation out of a father and a mother except thesementioned before. And it is told that the Angels (PUT) when they felt about theirmistake and got sorrowful for their arguing with God about the creation of Adam(PUH) and saying "Wilt thou place therein one who will do harm therein and willshed blood" and they knew that they made a mistake and regretted and got to theThrone praising and asking for pardon for what they did, and this was a reason to

 put up a house in the fourth heaven at the edge of the Throne and was called Ad-Dhirâh, then after that He put up a house in the earth's sky and Called it Al-BaytAl-Ma'moor (The Great House) at the edge of Ad-Dhirâh, and Put up on earth Al-Bayt Al-'Ateeq (The Old House, or Holy House) at the edge of Al-Bayt Al-Ma'moor. Then after He ordered his slave Adam (PUH) to go around it and so hedid, so He had mercy upon him and that spread out among his sons until thedoomsday. And it was told that Adam (PUH) visited the Holy House for athousand times on his feet, for seven hundreds Hijjas (pilgrimages) and threehundreds 'Omras ('Omrah = A visit not in the pilgrimage time)

(Angels prostration for Adam PUH)

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Said God let praise be to Him: And when We said unto the angels: Prostrateyourselves before Adam, they fell prostrate, all save Iblis. He demurred through

 pride, and so became a disbeliever (Al-Baqarah: 34). And in another position Hesaid to Iblis blaming him for not prostrating: He said: What hindered thee that thou

didst not fall prostrate when I bade thee? (Al-A'raf: 12). The damned said then: Iam better than him. Thou createdst me of fire while him Thou didst create of mud,and continued: Now, because Thou hast sent me astray, verily I shall lurk inambush for them on Thy Right Path, then I shall come upon them from beforethem and from behind them and from their right hands and from their left hands,and Thou wilt not find most of them beholden (unto Thee). And also said:Reprieve me till the day when they are raised (from the dead). and God answered:Then lo! thou art of those reprieved Till the Day of appointed time. And God saidalso: and they fell prostrate, all save Iblis. He was of the jinn, so he rebelled againsthis Lord's command (Al-Kahf: 50)

So the phrases that points out the facts about the creation of Adam (PUH) and the prostration of Angels before him after the commandments of God and the rebel ofIblis against God's command for he is created of fire and Adam was created of mudor clay and God's damnations upon him and his exile out of paradise and keepinghim unable to get through the veils while he used to go through them with Angles

 before and the request of Iblis for God to compensate him for his worship to Godfor thousands of years and the God's answer to him and giving him whatever helikes of life's goods and the most important of those goods is staying alive as longas life do exist and being in control of Adam's descendants and being close to themas blood in the vessels and Made (God) their chests a home for him and for hissons (Iblis) except the faithful slaves of God, such phrases are a lot in the HolyBook and they can be founded also in Holy Books that was revealed before Quran.Meditate in these Holy phrases a meditation of thinking and not as memorizing atale. Without understanding the desired meaning of God's speech, and you mustcheck out the truth from these who who know Quran very well, or their viceroys,who act and do as they did, and don't take saying meant to give explanation to the

 phrases of the Book of your God who said: None knoweth its explanation saveAllah. And those who are of sound instruction say: We believe therein; the wholeis from our Lord; but only men of understanding really heed (Al-Imran: 7), and

those who know are only who upon them the Holy Book was revealed and that isMuhammad (PUH) and his descendants who had the Prevention (They make nomistakes) and they know better. [Note: this paragraph contained a high level of

 philosophical terms which I couldn't translate nor understand, so it wasapproperiate to take the overall meaning and translate it]And what was told of tidings from them (the Holy Family PUT) that growing

 proud was the first sin, so Iblis did say: O Lord, release me from prostration beforeAdam, and I used to worship you as no close Angel did nor a sent prophet, then theGod did say to him: no need for your worshipping, but I want to be worshipped asI want not as you want. And so Iblis refused to prostrate, then God said to him: Get

out of it, you are damned. Then said Iblis: O Lord! how? and you are the Just that

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does no wrong, so my reward for worshipping is false? Then God said to him: No, but ask anything of life's matter as a reward for your deeds and I shall give it toyou. The first thing he asked was to be immortal until the time of the doomsday, soGod said to him: it is yours.Then he asked to be in control of Adam's descendants,

so God said to him: I made you of control. Then he asked to make him run throughthem as blood in vessels, so God said to him: I made you run through them. ThenIblis did say: no one would give a birth for one, shall be accompanied by two forme, and I will see them but they won't and I would be shaped in front of them inwhatever shape I like, so the God said then: I give all of that. Then the damned(Iblis) said: O Lord, give me more. So then the God said: I made for you and yourdescendants homes in their chests. After all that Iblis did say: O Lord, this isenough for me. Then that he did say: O Lord by your Highness I would make themdo mischiefs except your faithful slaves, then I shall come upon them from beforethem and from behind them and from their right hands and from their left hands,

and Thou wilt not find most of them beholden.It was told about the explanation of the Holy phrase "then I shall come upon themfrom before them" is that "I will make them not serious in thinking of thedoomsday" like telling them that God is merciful and only punishes forworshipping another, but everything else God can forgive you about. And "from

 behind them" that is "I will order them to keep on gathering money and be misersto keep it for their heirs", and "from their right hands" that is "I will worsen their

 believes and let them add and change their creeds", and "from their left hands" thatis "I will make their hearts in great love for joys and amusement and whatever likeit."From Ibn 'Abbâs, that the first one to measure (compare) was Iblis, and he waswrong in this matter, and whoever after him would do the same he would be paired

 by God in the doomsday with Iblis, and the measurement (comparement) is thatwhen he said: You made me of fire and made him of mud (or clay), and that meantto be that I'm (Iblis speaking) of more honour than him (Adam) and better, becausefire is higher and of more honour than mud, and so the prostrate must have beenfrom him (Adam) to me (Iblis) and not the other wise by the measurements ofhonour and priority, and the damned didn't know the honour of Adam and of whatGod knows from his virtues (Adam's) and the Holy Lights that he bore in his

descendants, and it will come from his descendants the prophets and their viceroyswith the saints and the faithful, and the masters of the creation, Muhammad and hisHousehold (family, descendants) that God wish is but to remove uncleanness farfrom them, and cleanse them with a thorough cleansing, who are the main reasonfor the creation of the universe and everything in it. And so he (Iblis) envied him(Adam) and got wicked. And for the God's saying "Lo! I am about to create amortal out of mire, And when I have fashioned him and breathed into him of MySpirit, then fall down before him prostrate" (Sad: 71,72) the Prince of Believers('Ali ben Abi Tâlib PUH) commented about this: They all prostrated, except Ibliswho got pride growing into him for his creation of fire and scorned the mud (or

clay) creation, and so God gave him the delay for he (Iblis) deserved damnations,

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and for the completeness of his trouble, and the completeness of his mortality, soGod said to him: Then lo! thou art of those reprieved, Till the Day of appointedtime (Al-Hijr: 37,38).

 Notice how much did the Prince of Believers (PUH) overflow us with the facts

about this interesting matter of unique meanings and wisdom that could bededuced from its deepest secrets and its hidden jokes. We have left out most of hisspeech (PUH) for the fear of boredom, and it was told that after what God gave toIblis from control and power, Adam (PUH) said: O Lord, you have given Iblis thecontrol over my descendants and made him run as the blood in the vessel into themand all of the other things that you gave to him, so for what for me and mydescendants? So God answered him: the wrong done would be counted as one, andthe good done would be counted as ten. Then did Adam (PUH) say: O Lord, giveme more, so the God answered: Repentance would be accepted until the soulwould come to the throat [apparently meant at death time], then Adam (PUH) said:

O Lord, give me more. So the God answered: I will forgive no matter what, thenAdam (PUH) said: O Lord this is quite enough. One questioner did say to Al-ImamAl-Sâdiq (PUH): O may I be a ransom to you, for what did Iblis deserve all ofwhat God gave him? he answered (PUH): for something he did to God and Godappreciated that for him, then the question did say: and what did he do may I be aransom to you? he answered (PUH): for two bows (kneeling, in prayer) he did inheavens in a time of four thousands years. And it was told from Al-Nahj [Nahj Al-Balâgha, a book that collected speeches of 'Ali ben Abi Tâlib PUH] that Al-Imam'Ali (PUH) said that he (Iblis) did pray two bows in heavens in six thousands years.It is not known if it is counted as years of earthly time, or in time of heavens, and itis not quite far that both tales are true and God only knows.From Tawoos and Mojâhid: that Iblis before doing the sin was one of the Angelsand his name was 'Azâziel, and he was one of the earth's inhabitants, and theinhabitants of earth from Angels were called the Djinn, and among Angels therewere on like him in his worshipping and wisdom, so when he rebelled against Godmay praise be to Him, God damned him and made him a demon and called himIblis, and he was noted as being a disbeliever in God's knowledge. The apparentfrom this tale that Iblis was one of the Angels opposes the apparent phrase from theHoly Book "all save Iblis. He was of the jinn, so he rebelled against his Lord's

command" (Al-Kahf: 50) and also opposes the famous opinion among the wisemen of Muslims and its tales and stories, and it is the base that all Muslims agreedon naturally and the repeated phrases in the Holy Book about this matter, and themost of the explanations made for them (the phrases), and even it opposes thethought of Iblis when he said: You created me of fire and created him of mud..etcand so this tale opposes the most famous opinions about the matter so be aware.From Jameel ben Darâj said: I asked Abâ 'Abdullah Al-Sâdiq (PUH) about whetherIblis was one of the Angels or Djinn, so he said (PUH): Angels saw that he wasone of them but only God knew that he wasn't one of them, and when was orderedto prostrate he did what he did. Some wise men that are into deep insight said that

wise men of Islam differ in considering whether Iblis is one of the Angels or not.

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Most of the speakers about the matter and lot of our wise men [Shiites wise menare meant here] like Al-Shaikh Al-Mofeed and others that said that Iblis is one ofthe Djinn and not Angels, and then he said (Al-Shaikh Al-Mofeed) that tidings

 been told frequently from the Imam's of Guidance (PUT) about this fact, and it is

true in the creed of Imamism. [Imamism: this term is coined by me and don't knowif there is an equivalent term for it. It points out to the creed of believing in the 12viceroys or Imams after the death of the prophet Muhammad, may peace be uponhim and his Household], and other branch believed that he (Iblis) was one of theAngels.The clue of the second branch that believed that Iblis is one of the Angels is fromsome Hadith's (or speeches) and one of them is what have been mentioned beforefrom Tawoos and Mojâhid, and also believed that Iblis was one of the keepers of

 paradises, and he held the treasures of heavens and earth, and other stuff had beensaid, but anyhow as you can see nothing of that is convenient to what was

mentioned about the believe of the first branch which is the most choosen and themost supported with the confession of Iblis himself as mentioned before.It had been told from Al-Zajjâj that he said: Holy phrases did differ in mentioningof what did the creation of Adam (PUH) start with. In one position in the HolyBook that God created him out of sand, and in other out of mud, and in another outof black mud, and also in another position out of clay. He continued: and all of the

 previous belong to one origin which is the sand, which is the origin of mud, and soGod informed us that he made him out of sand, then made it into mud, thentransferred into black mud and finally as clay.

(Useful Caution)

About what was been told in the Holy phrases of the saying of the damned whichis "Now, because Thou hast sent me astray, verily I shall lurk in ambush for themon Thy Right Path...etc", it is apparent that the damned thought God made himastray and this is something can't be accepted by the right-thinking minds and it isagainst and opposes the justice and the holiness that are well-known of God may

 praise be to Him, and above all these mistaken words about Him He shall be. Andso the damned appointed to God that He made him astray, and this is what is

mentioned in the creed of Jabarism [Another coined term by me] of Al-Ashâ'irah(?) [seems a branch of this creed], and it is one of the corrupted believes withoutany doubt about that, because its contents is not accepted by me, nor others wouldaccept it for themselves.Is it possible for someone to accept for himself being mentioned that he obliged aslave of him to do mischiefs and sins and then punish him for doing this? No andno, and this is the case here of what had been appointed to God, The most exalted.May God make shame be with them, as He made it with their master and directorand teacher the damned Iblis may damnations be upon him. All of the matter was

 because of his wrong chosen path, and God exiled him and avoided him from His

mercy and banned him from His paradise, because he rebelled and refused Hiscommand to prostrate to Adam (PUH) with the rest of Angels, and them (PUT)

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didn't stop for one moment but prostrated directly as they are commanded to doand they did not think about a reason for this and didn't get a pride against it, butinstead they did obey the command of their Lord and don't think about anythingelse except His command, and never argue about it.

When God examined Iblis by prostrating for Adam (PUH), he got so high with his pride and honour for what he was created of and got rebelled, and God knew hisintention and his perversity, and all of his long worshipping and praising was onlyfor the sake of life and for what he wishes and deems, and so he got wicked by hissoul and obeyed it and so it owned him and captivated him away from his Creator.And when God wanted to put him under the test and wanted him to refuse what hissoul is ordering him to do, he disbelieved in His grace and got ready for war, andso he is a foe for the Great God, The One of Grace, and then his greatest foe is thisto whom he was ordered to prostrate before him and that is Adam (PUH) so he sathis hate for him (Adam) and for his descendants until the time of doomsday.

(The inhabitation of Adam in paradise)

The Prince of Believers (PUH) said in Al-Nahj: Then God made Adam inhabit a place of much grace and made it a safe place for him, and warned him of Iblis andhis hostility, and so his foe envied him (Adam) for his place of inhabitation and hiscompany of the faithful, so then he (Adam) paid for what was so sure with hisdoubt, and for the power with his weakness, and exchanged hilarity with fear, and

 pride with regret, then God Relented toward him and Gave him the words of His

mercy and Promised him that he would be back to his paradise, and Got him downto the place of troubles and breeding. What is apparent from this speech of thePrince of Believers (PUH) and from lot of tales and Holy phrases about the subjectof Adam's paradise that God made him inhabt, that it is the paradise that God

 promised for His faithful after life for their deeds, or even as a gift for these offaith in His prophets and Holy Books, and so his saying (PUH) about the place ofinhabitation and the company of the faithful, do appoint out to the paradise afterlife and not the gardens of this life, and it is apparent for these who got a cautioushearts and a well mind, and then meditate in his saying (PUH) about getting back

to his (Adam) paradise and getting him down to the place of troubles and breeding.And there is no need to explain and interpret more than that and saying theopposition of what had been said in the speech, and the more opposition that might

 be made against it, then it is an ignorance and perversity that are not needed.It is told from some tales and speeches that the inhbaitation of Adam and Eve(PUT) in paradise lasted for seven hours as measured in this life's days, and sotheir out was in the same day that they got in and if they did obey thecommandments of their Lord, they would have been lasted for more time andnever got out of it.

(How was it correct to prostrate before Adam by angels and he's just a creation)

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Prostration, is not allowed and not correct except for God may praise be to Him, because it is a worshipping and it won't be except for God, otherwise it would be adisbelieve or paganism and such thing is impossible to be done by the Angels thatare protected against doing any sins. The real matter is that this prostration is done

 by a commandment from God and so it is a prostration for God as it wasmentioned by them (PUT) ["them" meaning the prophet and his Household PUT]about this matter. From Al-Sâdiq (PUH): whoever prostrated by a command fromGod, then it is a prostration for God and obeying his order, and if it wasn't thecommandment by His Highness he wouldn't prostrate. And this is what had beentold also by Al-Imam 'Ali ben Muhammad Al-Hâdi (PUH) when he said:

 prostration before Adam by Angels was not for Adam but for obeying God andendearment for Adam.After all, prostration before Adam was but as an endearment for him and in real itwas worshipping for God because it was done by His command. Al-Mohaddeth

Al-Qommi in "Safeenat Al-Bihâr" in Al-Moqâm[apparently seems it is a bookname done by a person called Al-Mohaddeth Al-Qommi] did say: you shouldknow that Muslims all agreed that prostrating was not for the purpose ofworshipping, but as an endearment for Adam (PUH) and in deep it was aworshipping for God since it was by His command and this is chosen by most ofthe interpreters, and God's sayings "then fall down before him prostrate"(Sad: 72)and about Joseph (PUH) "they fell down before him prostrate" (Yusuf: 100) bothhave the same interpretation, and the prostration was for God only and for obeyingHis commandment and was for the endearment of Adam and Joseph (PUT), like

 prostrating for God for the occurence of grace or the disappearing of a grace. It istold from Prince of Believers (PUH) that he said that the first spot on earth thatGod was worshipped on is that on Kufa[a city in Iraq that had been made a capitalduring the rule of 'Ali ben Abi Tâlib PUH] and that was when God ordered Angelsto prostrate before Adam (PUH) and so they did that on the surface of Kufa.

(Some tales related to our research)

From Musa ben Jafar (PUH), that a jew came and asked the Prince of Believers

(PUH) about a miracle for the prophet (PUH) like the miracles of other prophets,and that God made Angels prostrate before Adam so would that be also forMuhammad (PUH)? so 'Ali (PUH) answered: that was indeed, but God made theAngels prostrate for Adam not for obeying nor worshipping Adam instead of God,

 but it was as a confession from them for the virtues of Adam (PUH), and forMuhammad (PUH) he was given what is better than this and higher, and that is

 because God assigned blessings upon him in His Highness and ordered the Angelsto say the blessings upon him, and also the believers worship and pray by sayingthe blessings upon him <<Don't you say in your prayer and other prayers: Oh God

 bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad? and this is in a place much

higher and greater than prostrating before Adam (PUH), and in the speech of Godto the damned Iblis: Art thou too proud or art thou of the high exalted? (Sad: 75),

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His faithful slaves until the doomsday.It was mentioned in some tales of Al-Sâdiqiyah [here, maybe it meant tales thatwas told by Al-Sâdiq PUH] and also from 'Ali ben Ibrâhim about the saying ofGod: Till the Day of appointed time (Al-Hijr: 38), what is meant here is the time

when he (Iblis) gets slaughtered by the hands of the prophet of God (PUH) on theRock that is in Jerusalem. Al-Sayed Al-Jazâ'eri said that he (Iblis) was appointedtil the day of the appearance of Al-Mahdee (PUH) and it is the minor doomsday,and there are lot of tidings about this matter, and we have explained what is relatedto this subject in the introduction of this book that you read now, and the return ofthe prophets and messengers and in special our prophet Muhammad The Chosen(PUH) and the purified Imams (PUT) after the appearance of the "Awaited Absent"may our souls be in ransom to him to take revenge of their foes, is something thatmust be and it is one of the believes for Shiites, or lets say most of the Muslims ingeneral, and it is called the minor doomsday, but only after the long journey with

troubles and when most of the created would turn away from the path and lifewould be full of wrong and injustice, it is then when we shall see the release isclose and it is the time. May God paces up the re-appearance of Muhammad andthe Household of Muhammad and May He make us one of their supporters andcompanions, and martyrs between their hands by the rights of the prophet and his

 purified Household (PUT)

(The reason for getting Adam down from paradise to earth)

From Mos'adah ben Sadaqah from Al-Sâdiq (PUH) from the prophet (PUH) that

Moses the son of Amram [Arabic: Musa ben Imrân] (PUH) asked his Lord to lethim see Adam (PUH) and so He answered him and made him see Adam, and thenMoses did say: O Father! you are the one that God created with His own hands andmade you live in His paradise and prohibited you from one tree so you couldn't be

 patient enough til you fell on earth because of it, and couldn't you control yourselfaway from it and so Iblis seduced you and you followed him and so you are theone that got us out of paradise because of your sin. Then did say Adam (PUH): Oson take it easy on your father for the matter of this tree. O son my foe approached

 by trick and plot, so he swore to me by God that his opinion is a good advice and

he said to me: O Adam I am sad for you, so I said to him: and how is that? he said:I enjoyed being with you and you will be out of what you are in now to what youhate, I asked him: and what to do? he said to me: here is what to do, do you wantme to guide you to the tree of eternity and an endless reign so you can eat from itwith your wife and then you shall both be in paradise with me for eternity, and heswore to me by God and he was a liar that he has the truthful advice, and O MosesI never thought that someone would swear by God and he is a liar, so I trusted hisoath and this is my excuse, so tell me son, do you find out from what had beenrevealed to you from God that my sin was noted before I get created, then Mosessaid to him: before a long time. Then said the prophet (Muhammad PUH): and so

did Adam overcame Moses in the argument.From Al-Sâdiq (PUH) also: when Adam was put out of paradise, Gabriel (PUH)

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came down to him and said: O Adam, didn't God create you with His hands andBreathed into you of His Spirit and made the Angels prostrate before you, and Gotyou Eve as a wife and Made you inhabit paradise and Prohibited you directly fromeating from that tree but you made the sin? Then Adam (PUH) said: Iblis did swear

to me by God, and I never thought that someone from God's creation would swear by Him falsely! And what is understood from the previous conversation betweenMoses and Adam (PUT) that the sin was something meant to be and predestinatedlong ago before Adam's creation and from the world of atom [It is believed thateverything exists in this life including people existed before becoming alive or

 born in a world or a dimension where they were just atoms], at the time of creatingthe spirits before his (Adam) existence by two thousands years, and it is a casewhich was a battle field for several opinions and many people got doomed for theirmis-interpretations and not understanding the truth in it, and it is a case of God's

 judgement and what He Has predestined for His creation before his existence.

And the solution for this case for us in general is: God founded in this human the power that could aid him in doing what God appointed to him and Made him ableto do, and Left him the selection and Gave him the mind and brain with which hecan differentiate between what's wrong and whats true, and what would make Godsatisfied or dissatisfied. After the knowledge and looking into the path of thesefaithful to God and their viceroys and every allowed path that leads to it (?), thatGod knows whatever he chooses or does from wether it be a sin or obeying for Hiscommandments, for He knows the ends of workings and deeds that are done by Hisslaves and no incidents would happen without His knowledgement before his (thehuman) existence, by his well or bad chose, and He His Highness the one thatknows the the guilt of Adam whatever would be acted by him and whatever hewould choose, as it is the case with all His creations and slaves, so from Him may

 praise be to Him the powers and destinies in doings and not-doings, and theselection is made for these of responsibilities by mind, heart and reality, and He isthe one who Knows the ends and what these of responsibilities might choose forthemselves, if it was good it is good, and if it an evil it is an evil, and there is noforcing for the slave, but it is something in between, because the force and power isfrom His Highness, and the full choice for these of responsibilities, and God knowswhat might the slave choose for himself.

(What is the tree that was prohibited for Adam PUH)

Tales and speeches had differed about of what type is it and what is it. Some said itis wheat and some said it is vine and grape while others said it is camphor and stillothers said it is the fig. It is said also that it is the tree of good and evil and it wassaid it is the tree of eternity that the Angels used to eat from, and more had beensaid. From M'ânee Al-Akhbâr [seems a book name] in its basing to Al-Haraweesaid: I said to Al-Ridhâ (PUH): O son of prophet of God, tell me about the tree thatAdam and Eve ate from, what was it? because many people differ in its nature,

some say it is wheat, some say it is grape and some say it is tree of the envy, thenhe said (PUH): all of that is right, then I said: then what is the meaning of all these

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different opinions? then he said (PUH): O Abâ As-Silt [=Al-Harawee], the tree of paradise carries types, so it was wheat carrying grapes and it is not like the trees ofour life, and when God honoured him and Reminded him of the prostrating ofAngels before him and Letting him into the paradise, he (Adam) said to himself:

did God created a human better than me? and God knew what was between himand himself and so Called him and told him: O Adam, left up your head and lookto the leg of the Throne, so then Adam left up his head and looked into the leg ofthe Throne and found there it was written on it: No other God but Allah,Muhammad is the prophet of Allah, 'Ali ben Abi Tâlib is the Appointed from Godand his wife Fâtima is the mistress of all women, and Al-Hasan and Al-Husain arethe masters of paradise's young people, so said Adam: O Lord, who are they? thensaid His Highness: they are from your descendants, and they are better than youand than the rest of my creation, and for them only I did create you, and Created

 paradise and hell, and heavens with earth, so be aware not to envy them and wish

for their place and so demon would take control over you, so then he gotsomething in hisself about them and then did the demon control over him until heate from the tree that he was prohibited from, and took control over Eve for herthoughts of envy about Fâtima (PUH) until she ate from the tree like Adam did,and so God put them out from His side down to earth.And in contents of the tale as it is with other tales, the word "wish for their place"

 points out that the meaning is "glee" and not "envy" in its real meaning, becauseglee like wishing for their place, and envy is wishing for their obsolescence,

 because envying is a sin and points out to a lame character and the glee is totallyagainst that, and it is impossible for the father of human beings and prophets andmessenger, and the one whom Angels did prostrate before by God's commandmentand whom God Had created with His Hands and Inhabited in paradise then had

 been chosen by God and Made him a prophet, it is impossible for him to be anenvious one, and from this point we believe that the prohibition from eating fromthat tree was a prohibition for the purity and not for a taboo, and it was mentioned

 before something about the protection of prophets against doing sins and there ismore to do about that to come to you by God's well, and the meaning of the tree ofenvy is that eating from it was because of envy, and if it was the envy it would nothave been eaten.

And it is mentioned that if it wasn't Adam's (PUH) guilt, no faithful wouldhave done any guilt ever, and if it wasn't that God relented toward Adam, therewould not have been any repentance for any guilty ever, and from Al-Sâdiq (PUH)that he was asked that how come the inheritance of man is as much as twice of thatof females so he said (PUH): that is because the number of fruits that Adam andEve ate were eighteen, twelve were eaten by Adam and six were eaten by Eve andso the inheritance is made up as mentioned before.It had been told that when Adam was down from paradise a black mole appeared inhis face from the top of it til its feet and so long was his sadness and crying forthis, then came Gabriel (PUH) and said to him: why crying Adam? so he (Adam)

said: for this mole that occured in me, so then he (Gabriel) told him: get up and

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 pray, it is time for the first prayer, so Adam did that and the mole shrinked to hischest, then he (Gabriel) came again at the time of the second prayer and said tohim: get up Adam and pray this is the time for the second prayer and so he did andthe mole shrinked to his navel, and then came again at the time of the third prayer

and said to him: get up Adam and pray this is the time for the third prayer and sohe did and the mole shrinked to his knee, then he came at the time of the fourth prayer and said to him: get up Adam and pray this is the time for the fourth prayerand so he did and the mole shrinked to his legs, then he came at the time of thefifth prayer and Adam did the same and the mole was out of him and he thankedGod for this a lot, then Gabriel did say to him: O Adam, your sons in this prayerare like you in this mole, and who would pray from your sons each day and nightfive prayers he would be out of his sins as you got out of this mole.And also in a speech that when Adam (PUH) got down on earth he got a beard as

 black as coal, so he held it with his hand and said: O Lord, what is this? and He

answered him: this is the beard, I made it as an ornamet for you and your maledescendants until the doomsday. And it was mentioned before that the inhabitationof Adam and Eve in paradise was for seven hours until they got out of it, and thatGod breathed in Adam with His Spirit after the sunset of Friday and then CreatedEve after him, then Commanded the Angels to prostrate before him and Made himinhabit His paradise since then, and the Imam (PUH) swore [not mentioned whichImam is it] that they did not stay more than these hours on that day until they didwhat was prohibited then God got them out after sunset and didn't stay in it(Paradise) and they were moved to the yards of paradise until it was the morningand their loins appeared then their Lord said to them: Did not I prohibited you fromthat tree, so Adam got ashamed and shy of his Lord and said: O our Lord, we didwrong to ourselves and made a confession of our sins, O may You forgive us, thendid God say: get down from My heavens to earth for no sinners would be in My

 paradise nor My heavens.

(The place of falling of Adam and Eve when they got down from paradise)

What is famous from the Household (PUT) that Adam (PUH) fell down on Al-Safâand Eve on Al-Marwah [Al-Safâ and Al-Marwah are two hills in Mecca and

 people go in between them seven times in pilgrimage season], and what is famousfor the most of Muslims is that Adam (PUH) fell down on a mount calledSarandeeb [Notice: Sarandeeb is the old Arabic name for Ceylon, Sri Lanka now]and it is called Nud also, and Eve did fall in Jeddah, and some people suggestedthat this is the truth and their fall on Al-Safâ and Al-Marwah was after they gotinto Mecca. From Hayât Al-Hayawân for Al-Domayri [hayât al-hayawân meansthe life of animals and seems it is a book's name] he said: Ka'b Al-Ahbâr did say[Ka'b Al-Ahbâr was a nickname for the chief priest of jews]: God revealed thesnake in Asbahân [maybe he means Asfahân in Iran?] and Iblis in Jeddah and Evein 'Arafah [a mount around Mecca] and Adam in Sarandeeb and it is in the higher

region of China in the sea of India [this description is somehow close to modernday Sri Lanka], and it is a high place where seamen can see it from a distance of

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days and it bears the footprint of Adam (PUH) in stones, and this mount is seeneach night as a lightning without clouds, and it rains in everyday to wash the footsteps of Adam (PUH), and it is told that Rubies are found in this mount and alsoDiamonds with Aloeswood (Agar wood, Oud, Ood).

In tales, that when Adam (PUH) came to Mecca from India by a commandmentfrom God, every step he would take there would be a prosperity of land in its place, and everything in between was just a desert, all along the way until hereached Mecca, and when he reached Mecca he went around the Holy place.It had been told also that when God got Adam down, He got down with him onehundred and twenty rods and branches that got every seed for every type of grains,and that he died on Friday, in the sixth of April in the same hour that he wascreated in, and he was nine hundred and thirty years old, and it had been saidalso that he died after he got forty thousands of his sons, grandsons and grandgrandsons.

And from Abi Jafar Al-Bâqir (PUH) that he said: God the Exalted one Inspired toAdam: O Adam, I would collect all goodness for you in four words, one for Me,one for you, one between Me and you, and one between you and people. The onefor Me is that you worship Me and no one else, and the one for you is that I willreward you for your deeds as much as you need, and the one between Me and youis that you have to pray and praise Me and I will answer you, and the one betweenyou and people is that you have to love for people what you love for yourself.Some tidings mentioned that God revealed a book written in Syriac made of twenyone pages, and it is the first book ever to be revealed on human beings, and in itthere was one thousand thousand [a million] tongues, no people with one of thesetongues would understand the other without education, and Adam has theknowledge in every tongue and can speak it better than its native speakers, andcontained also the clues of God and His worshippings, judgements, rules andlaws..etcfrom Ibn 'Abbâs that he said: When God created Adam, and Breathed in him fromHis Spirit, he sneezed and God inspired him to thank Him so he said: Praise be toAllah, Lord of the Worlds, so his Lord said to him: mercy of your Lord be uponyou. And when God made Angels prostrate before him, he got exclaimed and said:O Lord, You created a creation that is beloved to You more than me? but God

didn't answer him, then he asked again, and God didn't answer, then he asked forthe third time but god didn't answer him, then God did say: Yes, and for them onlyI did create you, then he said: O Lord let me see them, then God ordered theAngels of the veils to left off the veils, and when they did and Adam looked, hefound out five ghosts in front of the Throne, then he said: O Lord who are they?then God did say: O Adam, this is my prophet Muhammad, and this is 'Ali thePrince of Believers, the cousin of my prophet and his viceroy, and this is Fâtimathe daughter of my prophet, and these two are Al-Hasan and Al-Husain the sons of'Ali and sons of my prophet, then He said: and they are your descendants, so Adamgot happy for this. And when he did the sin he said: O Lord I ask You by

Muhammad and 'Ali and Al-Hasan and Al-Husain to relent toward me, and so God

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relented toward him by them, and this is what is meant by God's saying "ThenAdam received from his Lord words (of revelation), and He relented toward him"(Al-Baqarah: 37). When Adam got down on earth, he made a ring and carved on it:Muhammad is the prophet of God and 'Ali is the Prince of Believers. It is

mentioned also that Adam was called "Abi Muhammad" [meaning: father ofMuhammad, it is a common Arabic way also to call men by the names of theirelder males children as: Aba Nasir, meaning father of Nasir and so on. Aba could

 be Abu and Abi and this is subject to change according to the grammar of theArabic language]The mention of Muhammad, 'Ali, Fâtima, Al-Hasan and Al-Husain (PUT) isrepeated, and viewing them by Adam (PUH) is repeated also, once upon the leg ofthe Throne, once on the door of the Throne and once in front of the Throne and soon. They are mentioned once by the Holy name of God, the Exalted, one time andanother without It, and all of this would not be a reason for confusion and it would

 be fine to consider all of that is correct to show their virtues and how they aredifferent from the others and so people would not have to argue about it with God,and so everyone would die and live with its knowledgement and Allah is nooppressor of (His) bondmen.

(Crying of Adam PUH for paradise)

It was told that Adam (PUH) cried for paradise until it was like great rivers on hischeeks because of tears, and he stood at the door of Kaba and his clothes were ofthe skins of cows and camels and said: O Lord help me with my mistake and Make

repentace upon me and Let me back into the place that I were in. Then said God,the Exalted one: I helped you, and Made repentace upon you and I will let you

 back in the place that I got you out from. It is doubtless that what we understandand everyone with the right mind would understand as well that the paradise thatAdam is asking his Lord to be back into is the paradise of eternity, and it was the

 place that he were in and got out from, and the clue to that is the tidings about himviewing the place (level) of Muhammad, 'Ali, Fâtima, Al-Hasan and Al-Husain(PUT) and that he saw their names written on the corners of the Throne and it wastold that the Throne is the roof of paradise as mentioned in Hadith, and it is behind

heavens and its roof is the Throne.Add to that, the words of revelation that Adam received from his Lord andRelented toward him were of Muhammad and his Household (PUT) and His Holysaying "fulfilled them"(Al-Baqarah: 124) meaning until Al-Qâ'im Al-Mahdi fromthe Household of Muhammad (PUH), they are the twelve Imams adding the ninedescendants of Al-Husain (PUT).Also mentioned that the words that Adam received from his Lord are His Holysaying "Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves..etc"(Al-A'raf: 23) and alsomentioned they are the prayer of the prophet (PUH): O praise be to You my Lordand Thanks..etc [This is a line from a prayer that seems famous but I didn't get to

know], and other things had been mentioned also but the probability that all of thatis true is not impossible, but the most common base is what was mentioned by the

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 purified masters that the words that was received were their names (PUT). Assupported by Al-Mofadhal ben 'Omar he said: Abu 'Abdullah Al-Sâdiq (PUH)said: God, the Exalted, may praise be to Him, created the souls before the bodies

 by two thousands, and Made the higher of them and the most honourable are these

of Muhammad, 'Ali, Fâtima, Al-Hasan and Al-Husain, and the rest of the Imamsafter them (PUT), and Showed them to the heavens and earth with mounts andtheir lights covered them all, then God did say to the heavens and earth with themounts: these are my judges and rulers over my creations, for them and for thesewho follow their path I made My paradise, and for these who oppose them I madeMy hell, and whoever claims their position from Me and their greatness I wouldtorture him like I did not Do to anyone else, and whoever agreed to be loyal tothem and never claimed their position I shall Let him be with them in paradise, and

 being loyal to them is a fidelity to be taken by My creation..etc. It is a long speechwhere he mentioned their virtues and the goodness that would be to these who

would be loyal to them and the damnations on whoever take them as a foe and tookover their rights and helped others over them and whoever does this, God Preparedfor him the shame and torture. Also in it there is a warning for these who wishesfor their places, and that when Adam and Eve (PUT) got down to earth, Gabriel(PUH) came to them and guided them to ask their Lord by the right of the namesthat they saw on the leg of the Throne to Relent toward them, so then they said: OLord we ask You by the right of the closest to You, Muhammd and 'Ali and Fâtimaand Al-Hasan and Al-Husain and the Imams after them to Relent toward us andHave mercy upon us, so then God relented toward them. All the prophets after thatkept this fidelity then and advised their viceroys and the loyals of their nations sothey denied to claim it for themselves and never forgot about it, and whoever's soulmight get sick and get wicked by his demons to put himself in such place,damnations he will get from God and torture, and for this God, the Exalted, did say"Lo! We offered the trust unto the heavens and the earth and the hills, but theyshrank from bearing it and were afraid of it. And man assumed it. Lo! he hath

 proved a tyrant and a fool"(Al-Ahzab: 72).And it is never thought of Adam (PUH) being one of these who wished for their

 place and so he would be one of these who took their rights, but No and Never. Butwhat is meant by the previous Holy phrase in "man assumed it" is assuming this

trust (fidelity) without any right for doing this, as it is mentioned by some famouswisemen with little difference between each tale (explanation), "Those who dowrong will come to know by what a (great) reverse they will be overturned!"(Al-Shu'arâ': 227) [This paragraph was shortened by the overall meaning translation]It is told by the holy prophet (PUH) that when Adam (PUH) did the sin, a callcame from the Throne towards him saying: O Adam, leave My vicinity, because noone stays in and refuses My commandment, then Adam did cry and the Angelscried with him, then God sent him Gabriel to get him down to earth with blackenedface, then when Angels did see that cried loudly and lamented and said: O Lord, acreation You did Create and Breathed in it by Your Spirit and Made Your Angels

 prostrate before him, so You did Change his whiteness to blackness with one sin?

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Then a call came toward him from heavens: O Adam, fast for your Lord this day,and it was the thirteenth day of the month, and one third of the blackness wasremoved from Adam (PUH), then he was called again in the fourteenth day to fastfor Lord and so two thirds of the blackness went out, and then called again in the

fifteenth day to fast and so he did and all of the blackness went out, and for thisthese days were called "Al-Ayam Al-Beedh" (The White Days) in which Adamretained his whiteness, then a called from heavens called him: O Adam, these threedays I made for you and your descendants and whoever fasted these three daysfrom each month he would be as if he had fasted all of his life.From the explanation of Al-Imam Al-'Askiri (PUH) in his explanation of God'ssaying "but come not nigh this tree..etc"(Al-Baqarah: 35), that it is the tree ofwisdom of Muhammad and his Household that God made it for them only and itwas for them only in special and no one would eat from it except them, and theywere eating from it after they fed the wretch, the orphan and the prisoner and the

revelation of the chapter of Al-Dahr [Also called Al-Insân. Al-Dahr means TheLife and Al-Insân means The Man] about them with the agreement of allinterpreters, and so they did not feel any hunger, thirst, nor tiredness after theyate from it. It is a tree that was not like any tree in paradise and carried manycharactersitics and has lot of different types of wheat, grape, fig and the rest offruits, and this is why many interpreters did interpret the type of this tree in manyways, so some of them said it is the wheat and others said it is the grape and so on,so God did say: come not nigh this tree, meaning you will be seeking the place andlevel of Muhammad and his Household and their virtues, and this is something thatGod made so special for them only, and it is the tree that whoever eats from by thewill of God, he would be inspired with the knowledge and wisdom of those of oldand those of later time without any need to learn. This speech and its contents isnot a weird because of what was mentioned about the rights of the Household(PUT) before.And then if you meditate fairly and neglected the partisanship and the love of theself, and looked with the eye of your heart to what was mentioned for 'Ali and theHousehold of 'Ali by the special and the normal people, and asked these ofthoughts and fair of your wisemen about the place and level of 'Ali and theHousehold of 'Ali and their knowledge and what God made them special with from

virtues and true characteristics, you would win the great luck and the happiness ofthe two lifes [meaning this life and the after-life] and you would know that they arethe top of all creatures and they are the path to the God, and their knowledge is nottaken by someone else but was given by God, the Exalted, and by the prophet(PUH) in a special position that no one else would be able to count and limit (theknowledge). Look to all what the wisemen of Islam agreed on about the rightnessof what was mentioned that the holy prophet (PUH) taught 'Ali one thousand doorsof knowledge, from each each door there is one thousand doors are opened to him.Meditate about this and what does it mean and what is wanted by it, and do nottake it easy and lose.

Their knowledge is not compared by their age, but it is all equal to whatever age

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they are, and whoever took a look into their lives and history would know that factclearly. Their hearts never stop praising God, and they know the most about what

 people need in their lives, rules and laws, and the disciplines of all the heavenlyreligions of rules and laws, worshippings and policies as revealed in its truthful

state. Nothing is hidden from them about what people and artists did make of industries,careers, tiniest inventions and the weirdest sciences to the fullest and they knowmore than its inventors in these inventions and nothing of what mankind did makewould be out of their knowledge by the care of God, the Exalted, and Hisinspiration, because they are the rulers by God over His creations by whatevermeans this word would be understood, and whoever would deny this would be ofincomplete faith, and there are clues and prooves that cut out the road for theopponent and narrow his way, and they have the knowledge of troubles and whathappened or what will happen until the doomsday, add to that the knowledge of the

Islamic laws as it was revealed on their grandfather the Chosen [meaning the prophet] (PUH), and 'Ali is the one who tells about himself the holiness and he'sthe most truthful sayer after God, the Exalted and His chosen prophet (PUH) whenhe said: in here (and pointing to his holy chest) a great knowledge, if only I canfind someone to bear it. He said also (after he swore by God): I've become to knowa secret that if I told you about you would be diffused as the robes of buckets in thefar distant wells. And he's the sayer also: I know what are in heavens and earth andI know what is in paradise and hell, and i know what was and what will be..etc. Hesaid also: ask me before you lose me, and a lot more of the same sayings and whatwas been told about his rights by the holy prophets (PUH) is not countable and oneof the most famous speeches for him (PUH): if I wasn't just afraid that you wouldsay in 'Ali like what the christians said about Jesus the son of Mary, I would saysomething that would make you take the sand from beneath his feet. And from him(PUH) speaking to 'Ali: O 'Ali, no one loves you but a believer, and no one hatesyou but a hypocrite, and so the love of 'Ali is faith and his hate is hypocrisy. Couldanyone count his virtues and miracles?, here is Nahj Al-Balâghah in front of you,meditate through it and it will guide you through, and how many times they did the

 books and detailed his virtues and miracles and Ahmad ben Hanbal [an Islamicwiseman or scholar that created a creed in Islam known by his name] did show a

lot of these [Nahj Al-Balâghah: a famous book that collects lot of 'Ali ben AbiTâlib's speeches, it is a great source for anyone that would like to see the magic ofArabic tongue, for 'Ali ben Abi Tâlib was and still one of the greatest personnesthat bore the great knowledges of the Arabic language].Al-Shâfi'i [another scholar that created another creed] did make poems about him('Ali PUH), add to that me also [the author of this book], and also Ibno Abi Al-Hadeed Abdul-Hameed, and Abdul-Bâqi Al-Omari and others. The wiseman Al-Hilli issued a book that he called "Kitab Al-Alfayn" (Book of the two thousands)that contained two thousands clues by logic and by chained speeches for that 'Ali

 being an Imam and protected against the wrong doings and the same for his eleven

descendants one by one until the last of them Al-Mahdi the awaited absent, may

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our souls be a ransom to him. It is not a speech to show their virtues and theirlevels, however, but it was necessary to show this in this position.

(Having a tent for them in the place of the Holy House)

From Abi Jafar Al-Bâqir (PUH) from his fathers (PUT): God sent to Gabriel(PUH) that I had mercy upon Adam and Eve so get them a tent from the tents of

 paradise and make it stand in the place of the House and its base that was lifted before by the Angels, and so did Gabriel, and made a stand for it in the place of theHouse then he got them down from Al-Safâ and Al-Marwah and gathered themtogether in the tent. The pillar of the tent was made of ruby and its lightenlightened the mounts of Mecca, and the light reached the borders of Al-Haram,and it is the position of Al-Haram nowadays [meaning borders of Mecca maybe?],

and so God made it sacred for the tent and the pillar that are from paradise. Thenthe tent was stretched and the end of the tent's ropes were the mosque and it is Al-Masjid Al-Harâm (the Holy "Sacred" Mosque). Then God revelaed seventythousands angels to guard the tent against demons and cheer Adam and Eve, and sothey were going around the tent and guard it.It is probable that God after that sent to Gabriel (PUH) to get down to Adam andEve and make them depart the place of the House and build it with stones and raiseup its basis and complete it for the rest of the Angels and the creation of Adam'sdescendants. So he got down to them and made them out of the tent and movedthem away from the House and the tent as well. Then Gabriel raised the basis of

the House by a stone from Al-Safâ, and a stone from Al-Marwah, and a stone fromthe mount of Sinai, and a stone from the mount of Al-Salâm [Al-Salâm means ThePeace] and it is at the hind of the House at the back of Kaba, and made these stonesthe corners of the Holy House, and so he completed it by stones from the mount ofAbi-Qubays as he was commanded by God, and made for it two doors, to the eastand to the west. When he was done with its building, Angels started to go around itand when Adam and Eve saw that, they also started going around it seven by sevenand it is the law that went on in his (Adam) descendants until the doomsday.And in Ilal Al-Sharâye' (Reasons of Laws) from Bakeer ben A'yon he said: Abu

'Abdullah Al-Sâdiq (PUH) said to me: do you know what it was the black stone inthe Holy corner of Kaba? then he said: I said no, he said (PUH) then: it was one ofthe greatest Angels that God, the Exalted, did Have and when God took thecovenant from the Angels, he was the first to admit it and so God made him theguardian for all of His creation and Gave him the covenant to keep and Decided toMake all the creations to renew their covenants with him each year, then God madehim in company with Adam in paradise to remind him of the covenant and renew iteach year, so when Adam did the sin and got out of paradise, God made him forgetthe covenant that He took over him and his descendants, for Muhammad and hisviceroy and his descendants the protected against wrong doings, and Made him

 buffled and lost, but when He relented toward Adam He made this Angel in the picture of a white pearl and Sent it down from paradise to Adam when he was in

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the lands of India. When Adam saw this, he got pleased though he didn't knowwhat it was except it is some treasure, then God made him speak and said: OAdam, did you know me? then Adam said: no! then he answered: O yes, thedemon overcame you and made you forget to praise your Lord, then he changed to

his true shape as it was in paradise with Adam (PUH) and said to Adam: where isthe covenant? And when Adam remembered that jumped to him and cried andkissed him and renewed his covenant, then God changed him to a clear white pearland Adam (PUH) carried him over his shoulders for his honour, and when he getstired, Gabriel (PUH) would take it over, until they got to Mecca. It was there inMecca that Adam kept it and renew his covenant every day and night and whenGod wanted to build the Kaba and sent Gabriel for this purpose and started in

 building, made this stone and it is the white pearl in the corner that it is innowadays, and he (Gabriel) sactified God and praised Him, and that's why the lawgoes for praising and sanctifying everytime being in front of the corner that carries

the Holy stone, and so it is until this very day. One of the religious duties to dowhen visiting the Holy House is to come to the Black Stone and kiss it if it was

 possible, or raise up the hand towards it and say: O Lord my fidelity I've done, andmy covenant I've made to Testify me with the deed. [this is a line from a prayersaid on pilgrimage time] This is the way of Muslims and all who came before themfrom the various religions and laws that admit the honour of the Holy House andthe honoured Stone, and it is widely believed by these of the right wisdom andknowledge that an angel can be shaped in any shape even a stone, so it not a weirdthing that it is indeed an angel in the shape of a stone [meaning the Black Stone],then how you Muslim raise your hand towards it, and though you speak to yourLord, but you are pointing toward the Holy stone, and it is not like any stone thatappear to the public.Some unbelievers make it as a fictitious tale to mock at it and mock at what theMuslims do and the people of the past time religions did, so we take refuse to Godthe Almighty from these who mock at what God had ordered to be honoured byHis prophets and Ordered His creations to glorify and honour it."He whom Allahsendeth astray, for him there is no guide"(Al-Ra'd: 33)

(Of what was the dog created)

It is mentioned from the prophet (PUH) when he was asked about the dog, of whathe was created, he said (PUH): God created it from the saliva of Iblis, and thequestioner asked: and how was that O prophet of God, he then said (PUH): whenGod got Adam and Eve down to earth, He got them down like shaking chicks, andwhen their foe Iblis the damned saw them he ran to the lions ,and they were onearth before Adam, and then said to them: there are two birds got down from thesky like them no one saw before, come and eat them. Then the lions ran with Iblis,and they were in a far place away from them (Adam and Eve) and Iblis went outshouting and seducing them and tell them of how close they are, and because of his

haste and his many words coming out of his mouth, some saliva came out and fromthat saliva did God create two dogs, one male and the other a female, and they

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 pilgrimage, so how we would say something that is not proper about him(Adam),and that he did something wrong against God, the Exalted, and that he refused thecommandment of God by doing such sin, No and Never, and even though Godcalled it a sin, then it is like that and it is better to leave it for Him to judge, and we

showed something in the introduction of this book about the infallibility of the prophets.And Adam (PUH) did say to Moses the son of Amram (PUH) when God gatheredthem together: Take it easy on your father O son..etc, and mentioned that Mosesasked God to gather them together, so then Adam (PUH) did not let his heart forgetabout God even for a twinkling of an eye, and God, the Exalted, blamed him andhe knew that he had done something wrong and regretted about it and been sorryfor what he had done by eating from the tree, and he cried and been sad for so longfor the anger of God, his beloved, his Creator and his Master and Lord, and Whofounded him from nothing and from sand to existence, completed with thought and

sense, and he knew that God did not Want him to eat from the tree that is wellknown with its type and he did ate from it by the seduction of Iblis the damned andit is against the will of the Master, the High, the Exalted and Almighty, and so thesin of Adam and his deed with the tree that was prohibited and to Whom prohibitedhim was great, and not a taboo, but what he had done was something disliked, andthis is the truth that we believe in and no doubt we have about it for what we hadexplained. [the previous paragraph was a highly philosophical in its terms andmight contain uncorrect translations].

(The marriage of Adam and Eve)

What was mentioned about the marriage of Adam and Eve from the Householdmembers (PUT) is that when God created Adam (PUH) from sand and breathed inhim from His Spirit and Made the Angels prostrate before him, he got asleep, andwhile he was sleeping God created Eve as He did create Adam (PUH) from a mudof the same type of the mud of Adam or from the remains of his mud, and Madeher stuck to his side in a position between his hips, and that to make woman

 belonging to man. When God founded the soul into her she moved and Adam gotawake for her movement, and she was called to move away from him, and when

Adam looked at her he saw a pretty creation that looks like him but she was afemale, and talked to her and she spoke with his language, then he said to her: whoare you? So she said: a creation made by God as you can see. Then Adam talked tohis Lord and said: O Lord, who is this creation who I got amused for being withand looking at? Then said God, the Exalted: this is My slave, Eve, would you likeher to be with you for your amusement and talk with you and be under yourcommand? So Adam said: Yes O Lord, and thanks and praise be to You as long asI live. Then God did say: ask for her engagement from Me, for she is My slave andshe is the one for lust too. And God dropped the lust over him(Adam), and he didsay: O Lord, I ask for her engagement for myself, what would make You satisfy?

Then God did say: My satisfaction would be to teach her My faith. Then Adam(PUH) did say: that would be for You O Lord, as long as You want it. Then God

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did say: I wanted so, and she is your wife for what I have asked you to do, so takeher to your side. So then Adam (PUH) accepted that and been satisfied, then Adamdid say: come to me, then she said: but you have to come to me, then God orderedAdam to go to her and so he did, and if it wasn't that women would go by

themselves to men to make engagements, and this is the story of the marriage ofAdam and Eve.It is famous in the public that Eve was created from the left rib of Adam, and thiswas denied by members of the Household (PUT), it was been told that when Al-Imam Al-Sâdiq (PUH) was asked about this matter and the questioner showed thatis it famous in the public that Eve was created from the left rib of Adam, so thenAl-Sâdiq (PUH) did say: praise be to God and Exalted He shall be above all whatthey say, who says that God did not have the ability to create a wife for Adam butfrom his rib and make a way for who talks in ill manner to say that Adam gotmarried to himself as long she is made from his rib, not for these people did God

 judge between them and us. From Al-Imam Al-Razi [famous medicine and scienceman and some say he was a Shiite and got his teachings and wisdom from theImams of the Household PUT, and God only Knows] in his interpretation for God'ssaying "O mankind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord Who created you from asingle soul and from it created its mate"(Al-Nesâ': 1) : what is meant by this mateis Eve, and about the creation of Eve from Adam there are two sayings, the first:and it is the most common, that when God created Adam, made him sleep thenCreated Eve from one of his left ribs, so when he got awake and saw her, he gotinclined to her because she was made from one of his parts. This saying wassupported by the saying of the prophet (PUH): the woman is made of a rib, sowhenever you want to make it straight it would be broken and if you left it bent,you would enjoy it. This is what they said and God only knows, for supportingtheir believe and claims. The second saying: and it is the choice of Abi Muslim Al-Asfahâni: what is meant by God's saying "and from it created its mate" meaningfrom its type and it is like God's saying "He created for you helpmeets fromyourselves"(Al-Rum: 21) and like His saying "by sending unto them a messengerof their own"(Al-Imran: 164)And there are explanations and opinions and discoveries made and born by theideas of philosophists and it was not the first flask to be broken in Islam, for there

are so many inventors and makers, and God did say "follow not that whereof thouhast no knowledge"(Al-Esrâ',Bani Isrâ'il: 36) and "Assuredly conjecture can by nomeans take the place of truth"(Yunus: 36) and "Hath Allah permitted you, or do yeinvent a lie concerning Allah?"(Yunus: 59) and "Ask the followers of theRemembrance if ye know not!"(Al-Nahl: 43)The truth is what was said by the members of the Household (PUT), and theyknow better. And it is necessary to remember that what is agreed on by logic andas transfered by speech that God, the Exalted, Is able to Create anything anyhowHe likes, and when He created Adam (PUH) from sand, He was able to Create Evealso from sand, and as long it is that way for what purpose He , the Exalted, would

create her out from one of his (PUH) ribs but to be against what the Household do

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say, and what was said by the Household is what goes along with the goodthinking and would be accepted by the straight mind, and if the creation of Evefrom his ribs, after his existence and the completeness of his creation and being

 breathed in and making the Angels prostrate before him as they claim, that would

require getting his rib out after falling asleep to create Eve in something appearsmore like a surgery as done by the physicians these days like cutting and pullingout stones and opening the abdomen, after putting under the chloroform and it issomething that would make the bereaved mother laugh, and if they meant by allthat that she was created from the remains of his mud and his sand and not his ribafter his creation, then it is as said by the Household of Muhammad the Chosen,and so no difference, but why do they say his left rib? maybe they meant from thehis sand remains and God knows better and it is all up to Him and no power except

 by Him.

(The marriage of the children of Adam (PUH))

The marriage of the children of Adam (PUH) from each other was a matter of a lotof controversy. Some people said that their marriage first was in the manner of a

 brother with a sister marriage since Eve used to have a male and a female at every pregnancy and the rule with them was the marriage of the female of the next pregnancy with the male of the previous pregnancy and vice versa and a brotherwas not allowed to marriage the sister that was born with him at the same time.Then the consideration of lawfulness and unlawfulness is not independent ofthinking itself, but it is an act of the legislator and they are created laws, the

legislator can put them up or cancel them because he is the source of legislation, sothen what is unlawful is what God made unlawful and what is lawful is what Hemade lawful, so in the beginning of this matter it was lawful for the necessity and

 being among them only, but then after that it was made unlawful by God whenthey turned to be numerous and there was no count in the later religions for thenecessity nor a criticizing for any difference in the laws. In the beginning Adam letthe brother get married to his sister by a commandment of God and it is lawful bythe order of God and there should be no abomination because the laws were issued

 by Him and He is the source for them so no objection should be there from the

created against the Creator, that is if this is the case.But what is mentioned from the Household members (PUT) is that it is forbiddenand they opposed it furiously. A questioner asked Al-Imam Al-Sâdiq (PUH) andthe questioner showed that the whole creation is in origin from brothers and sistersthen said he (PUH): praise be to God, the Exalted, the High above all what theysay, do they say that the best of God's creation and the prophets came from a tabooand that God could not Make them out of lawful ways? i swear by God that I've

 been told that some animals did not know its sister and rided over her, then it gotfrom over its back and knew that it is the sister, it bit over its own genitals untilthey died.

In a speech from Zorârah ben A'yon from Abi 'Abdullah Al-Sâdiq (PUH) in a longspeech, he mentioned what is told about the marriage of sisters and brothers until

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he said (PUH): Woe to these (who believe in the marriage of sisters and brothers)where are they about what was agreed on by the wisemen of Hijâz and wisemen ofIraq that God ordered the pen and it wrote on the Kept Board [this is the board ofdestinies, you can see a similar concept in other pagan religions, like Sumerian]

what is to be until the time of the doomsday and that was before the creation ofAdam (PUH) by two thousands years and the books of God, the Exalted, werewritten by the pen and in all of them there is a prohibition for the marriage of

 brothers and sisters, until he said (PUH): and these are the most famous books inthis world, they are the old and new testaments, book of psalms and Al-Forqân(Quran), they had been revealed by God from the Kept Board on His prophets,

 peace on all of them, and there is no such legislation for anything like that, andanyone said that only wanted to support the opinions of the magians.Then he started to explain the beginning of the race from Adam (PUH) and hischildren, and that he had Qâbeel (Cain) and when he grew and been mature, God

showed a faminine demon from Djinn called Johânah in the shape of a human sowhen Qâbeel saw her he loved her, and then God sent to Adam to engage her toQâbeel. Then he got Hâbeel (Abel) and when he grew and been mature, Godrevealed a nymph [notice nymph here does not mean "mermaid", but maiden from

 paradise with extra-ordinary beauty] from paradise to Adam and her name was Nazlah, so when Hâbeel saw her loved her and then God sent to Adam to engageher to Hâbeel and he did so. So, Nazlah the nymph was a wife to Hâbeel ben Adamand Johânah the one from Djinn a wife for Qâbeel ben Adam and the race was outof them. And Adam (PUH) had a daughter and her name was 'Enâq but she was a

 bad daughter and got a son that she called 'Ewaj and he was a mighty one and a foefor God and His faithful slaves and for every religion and Islam and he was a giantwith huge body and could take a whale with his hand from the bottom of the seathen lift it up in the sky and grill it in the heat of the sun and eat it then, and helived for three thousands and six hundreds years as been told. Then God sentsomeone to his mother 'Enâq daughter of Adam to kill her, and so she was killedand died after she gave birth to 'Ewaj.It is mentioned also that after Adam got four males, God revealed for them fournymphs, so each one married one of them and gave birth, then God did lift them upagain, then these four married also four from Djinn and they gave birth too, and

from them all did come the race and made numerous, so anyone that is clement itwould be rooted to Adam (PUH) and anyone with beauty then it would be rootedto the nymphs, and anyone with ugliness or bad manners that would be rooted tothe Djinn. What is mentioned by the Household (PUT) that the children of Adam(PUH), some of them married the nymphs and some of them married demons andthey got children, so anyone of them would be with beauty and manners that would

 be from the nymphs and any one of them would be of bad manners and uglinessthat would be from the Djinn (or demons), and anyway both tales leads to the same

 point.And in a speech for Al-Sâdiq (PUH) he mentions that Adam (PUH) got birth for

seventy times, in each time he gets a male and a female, until God gave Adam Seth

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without any other, then when Seth grew and God wanted to reach with the race asyou see now, He revealed at the after-noon of a Thursday a nymph from paradisethat was called Nazlah, so God ordered Adam to engage her to Seth and so he did.Then, He revealed another nymph from paradise too at the next day's after-noon

and her name was Monazzalah, and God ordered Adam to engage her to his sonJapheth [Arabic: Yâfeth] and so he did. Then Seth had a boy and Japheth had agirl, then God ordered Adam when they grew and been mature to let them marriageeach other and so he did and she gave birth to the chosen of prophets andmessengers. Then said Al-Imam Al-Sâdiq (PUH): And woe to them who saidabout the matter of the marriage of brothers and sisters, so the marriage of Japhethand Seth with the two nymphs Nazlah and Monazzalah was for a wisdom and asecret that was kept in the knowledge of God and only He know it and no one else,and the brains of Adam's descendants is far from understanding the true aspects ofsuch things, and Man was created as a fool. To surrender to the real thing is a must,

especially if it was beyond the abilities of human beings and can not be reachedwith their thinking nor their dreams.It is mentioned by them (PUT) also that God, the Exalted, ordered Adam (PUH) to

 put the heritage of prophecy and wisdom within Hâbeel and teach him about it andabout whatever God ordered with and whatever God prohibited, so then when hedid that and Qâbeel knew about what happened from his father Adam toward his

 brother Hâbeel he got angry and opposed his father and said: am I not the olderthan Hâbeel and deserve this more than him and you should have put me beforeHâbeel? So he said to him: O son, the matter is not in my hands but in the hands ofGod and God only made it for him and I did not do it for by my wishes, but thatwas from an order from my Lord, so if you do not believe, give a sacrifice andwhoever God would accept his sacrifice then he is the one to be chosen and receivethe heritage of prophecy. At the time, the acception of a sacrifice was to be hit byfire from heaven and burn it, and if it is not accepted no fire would come and itwon't be burnt. Qâbeel was a man of agriculture so he sacrificed with bad wheat,and Hâbeel was a shepherd and so he sacrificed with a fat sheep, then a fire camefrom heaven down over the sheep of Hâbeel and burnt it and did not touch thesacrifice of Qâbeel, so then Qâbeel got so mad and Iblis came to him andwhispered to him and said: if you had children and your race became numerous,

then for sure the children of Hâbeel would be proud over your own children foraccepting of the sacrifice of their father and not accepting yours, and that Godmade it special for Hâbeel to take the heritage of prophecy instead of you, and thatwould make you with your children worried and humiliated, and if you killed himyou would cut off his branch and relax your children from all these troubles andhardness, and your father would not find anyone to take the heritage but you towin. Then his soul seduced him to kill his brother and so he did. Then Iblis thedamned did say to him: the fire that accept the sacrifice and burn it is called theHoly, so make it holy and build a house for it and make some people to worship itso it would accept your sacrifice and the sacrifice of everyone that worship it and

 be sure to worship it in a good manner and take care of it if you want to do so. So,

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Qâbeel did whatever Iblis ordered him to do and so he was the first to worship thefire and built houses for it and so he became a disbeliever in God.He killed his brother in Basrah in the Kiblah (prayer niche) direction of the mosqueof Al-Jâme', and at the day that Hâbeel (PUH) was killed, his wife Nazlah the

nymph was pregnant and she gave birth to a boy that was called by his grandfatherAdam (PUH) Hâbeel as his father's name, and we have mentioned before thatAdam got, after Hâbeel murder within a time, a boy and called him Seth thenAdam said this is te gift of God [notice: Seth or Sheth means The Gift] because hewas born after some time after the murder of Hâbeel and after Adam stoppedcontacting Eve (PUT) for his sadness upon Hâbeel because Hâbeel had agreat position towards God, and because it is the first great murder to occur on theface of earth between his sons and children, and when the gift of God Seth (PUH)got older and mature, we said that God, the Exalted, sent down for Adam a nymphcalled Nazlah as mentioned before in the shape of a human and God ordered him to

engage her for his son the gift of God Seth and so Adam did so and then she gave birth for a boy from the gift of God Seth as mentioned before, then she gave birthfor a girl also from him andcalled her Hooriyah [meaning: a nymph] so then Godordered him to engage her for Hâbeel the son of Hâbeel and so he did, and whenthe days of Adam (PUH) were to be over, God ordered him(Adam) to bequeath tohis son the gift of God Seth and give him the heritage of prophecy and wisdom andordered him to be silent and keep it a secret to avoid his brother Qâbeel to not envyhim and kill him as he did with Hâbeel. It is mentioned also that when Qâbeelkilled his brother Hâbeel he did not know what to do with him so God sent twocrows and they fought together until one of them killed the other then the killer daga little hole with his claws and buried the killed one, and that was just to showQâbeel how to bury his brother Hâbeel (PUH) then Qâbeel said what it mentionedin the Holy Quran "Woe unto me! Am I not able to be as this raven and so hide my

 brother's naked corpse ? And he became repentant"(Al-Mâ'idah: 31) and so he daga hole for him and buried him. Then after he buried him Qâbeel got back to hisfather and his brother was not with him, so then his father Adam (PUH) said tohim: where did you leave your brother Hâbeel? Then Qâbeel did say to him: anddd you send me as keeper for him? Then his father said to him and he felt the eviland what he did with him: go with me to the place of the sacrifice and when he

reached it he knew that he was killed and Adam (PUH) showed sadness and regretfor losing him, and he got sad a lot and cried for him forty days and nights, and hismurder was at the end of the month on Wednesday and for this Wednesdays werealways days of ill-luck and in special the last Wednesday of the month.It was been told also that when Qâbeel killed Hâbeel (PUH), the beasts, lions and

 birds and whatever types of animals got disturbed and departed because of theirfear and every type followed its own type after they were all mixed together andused to live with human beings and do not go away from him, but after the son ofAdam killed his brother they departed. It has been told that the people that would

 be tortured the most at the doomsday are seven persons, the first of them is the son

of Adam who killed his brother, and Nemrud (Nimrud) who argued Abraham

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about his Lord and threw him in fire and two from Israelites that made their peopleJews and Christians and the pharaoh who said I am your exalted god [meaning the

 pharaoh of Moses, and it might be Ramesses II], and two from this nation [nationmeans here either Islam nation or only the Arab nation].

We have mentioned before that Adam (PUH) lived for nine hundreds and thirtyyears and this is the most famous and he was buried after his death in a cave in themount of Abi Qubays and his face towards the Holy Kaba, and mentioned that Godsent to Noah (PUH) while he was in the Ark to go around the House for a weekand so he did then God ordered him to carry with him the corpse of his fatherAdam [in Arabic you can point to the grand father of someone by father as well] toKufa [a city in Iraq was a capital for the Islamic rule during the rule of 'Ali ben AbiTâlib PUH], so he got to the water and got out a tomb carrying the corpse of Adam(PUH) and his bones and carried it in the heart of the Ark then he went around theHouse as God desired then he got back until he reached the gates of Kufa in the

middle of its mosque from where did the Ark move and from there the peopledeparted as well as the animals, then he (Noah) took the corpse of Adam the fatherof Human beings and buried it in Kufa in Al-Najaf where lies the Prince ofBelievers (PUH), and where there is the tomb of Noah himself (PUH), andeverything was by order from God and He knows everything better.The great historian and the owner of Moruj Al-Ðahab [Fields of Gold], Al-Mas'udi, mentioned in it (the book), from the Prince of Believers (PUH) a storyrelated to the concept of creation and some of the conditions of Adam (PUH) Iwould like to mention it here for this occasion and for what it contains from recentfacts and brightful clues to assert the truth and refute the lies, and mentioned in itcases that its measurement aren't doubtful, and I did not see it in Nahj Al-Balâghah, so he said: he said (Prince of Believers PUH) when God desired toPredestinate the creation and Making the livings and Invent the Inventions, Hemade the creation in a picture of dust, and that was before the creation of earth andlifting of the skies, and He is in His Throne and with His own power, then Hereleased a part of light from His own light so it got sprinkled, and Took out someof His own brightness and it got bright then the light gathered in the middle of thathidden pictures and that matched the picture of our prophet Muhammad (PUH),then God, the Exalted one, did say: you are the Chosen and the one that keeps My

light and the treasures of My guidance, so for you I make the earth and Wave thewater and Lift up the skies, and Make the rewards and punishments, paradise andhell, and Make your Household for guidance and Give them from My wisdom thatnothing would make troubles for them and nothing hidden would make them tired,and Make them the rulers over My livings and the warners for My power and Myuniqueness, then God took their testaments for Himself being a Lord, and theirsincerity for Himself being One, and before God took whatever He took over Hiscreation, He selected Muhammad and his Household and Showed them thatguidance is with him (the prophet) and the light is with him and the leadership inhis Household, then God hid the creation in His divination and Hid it in the deeps

of His wisdom, then Created the worlds and Waved the water and Excited the foam

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and Raised the smoke, then His Throne floated upon the water and then He madethe earth upon the water's surface, then He called them to obey and they answered,then God created the Angels from lights that He did create and souls He did inventand combined believing in Him being Holy One with believing in the prophecy of

Muhammad (PUH) and so it was made famous in the heavens before he was senton earth, and when God created Adam, He showed his virtues for the Angels andShowed them what special wisdom he has when he was asked about the names ofthings, so He made Adam a sanctuary and a door and a qiblah [destination of the

 prayer's face] to which He made the faithful and spiritual and the lights prostratetowards, then He warned Adam for His secret and Showed him the seriousness ofwhat He made it a fidelity for him after He called him an Imâm (leader) among theAngels, so his luck of goodness was for what did he carry from our lights, and stillGod did hide this light by time until it appeared with the prophet Muhammad(PUH) and he invited people in secret and in public, and he (the prophet PUH)

recalled back for the keeping of the testament that he gave in the world of atoms before coming into a being, so whoever went along with him and took from thelamp of light that is given would be guided to his path and would be clear on hismatter, and whoever been fooled deserved the anger, then the light transferred toour senses and got brightened in our Imâms, so we are the lights of heavens andlights of earth, so with us the safety and from us the secrets of wisdom and for usthe endings of matters, and with our Mahdi the leadership would be over, the lastof Imams and the saviour of the nation and the source of issues, so we are the bestof the creation and the most honest believers and the leaders by the commandmentof God, so let him be in grace who believes in us. Finished what Al-Mas'uditransferred from the master of Believers the prince of Believers (PUH)Then said Al-Mas'udi in Muruj Al-Ðahab, page twenty three, part one, published

 by Dâr Al-Rajâ', Baghdad, this is what was mentioned by Abi Abdullah Jafar benMuhammad from his father Muhammad ben 'Ali from his father 'Ali ben Al-Husain from his father Al-Husain ben 'Ali from the Prince of Believers 'Ali benAbi Tâlib (PUH), over. Then said Al-Mas'udi: what is found in the old testament(Torah) is that God started the creation on Monday and finished in Saturday andfor this they had Saturday for a holiday, and people of the new testament (Injeel)claimed that Messiah (PUH) stood up from his grave on Sunday so they had this

day as a holiday. [seems the emphasis on this paragraph is put here because Al-Mas'udi is a Sunnite scholar and is put here as a clue from a sunnite book on thevalue and level of the Household of the prophet Muhammad, which is somethingdenied by the creed of Sunnites. But also I might be mistaken with that.]And what is believed by the public, from scholars and tracers, is that the startingwas on Sunday and the ending was on Friday and in it the soul was breathed intoAdam and it is the sixth od April, then Eve was created from Adam, and lived in

 paradise for three hours of that day, so they stayed for three hours and it isthe quarter of a day by two hundreds and fifty years from this life's years, andAdam was down on Sarandeeb (Ceylon), and Eve in Jeddah, and Iblis in Bisan

[might be a city in Turkey or Iran], and the snake in Asbahân (Asfahan). So Adam

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fell down in India on the island of Sarandeeb on the mount of Rahoon (?), and onhim the leaves that he covered himself with from the trees of paradise, so it got dryand the wind sprinkled it and spreaded it over India, so it is said and God onlyknows, this is why the good scents and perfumes are brought from the land of

India, because of these leaves.Then said Al-Mas'udi: when Adam fell down from paradise he got out of it with a packet of wheat and thirty rods from paradise trees, carrying several types of fruits,ten of them from these who have a shell and they are: Walnut, Almonds, Hazel,Pistachio, Poppy, Chestnut, Bitter orange, Pomegranate, Banana, and Oak, and tenof them from these who have a pulp and they are: Peach, Apricot, Plum, Date,Mountain ash, Nabk (lotus jujube), Hawthorn, Jujube, (balsamadendron africanum)[could not find the translation for this word at all],and wild plum, and from thesewho have no shell nor pulp, and they are ten also: Apple, Quince, Grape, Pear, Fig,Raspberry, Citron, Snake cucumber, Cucumber, and carob. Then he said: it is said

that when Adam and Eve fell down from paradise, they fell apart, so then they meteach other in the position called 'Arafah and for this meeting this position wascalled like that.He mentioned also that people of the Book [meaning Christians and Jews] claimedthat Adam engaged the sister of Hâbeel to Qâbeel and the sister of Qâbeel toHâbeel and differentiated in marriage between two pregnancies, then he said: andMagians claimed that Adam did not refuse the marriage between two pregnanciesand he did not check about it and they have for this a poem claiming in it the virtueand goodness in engaging a brother to his sister and the mother to her son..etc. Al-Mas'udi showed also some matters about Hâbeel and Qâbeel and investigatedabout it, until he said: it is said that he killed him in a desert, and it had been toldthat that was in Damascus in Syria, and he killed him by injuring with a stone, untilhe said: when he killed him, he got buffled and did not know what to do with the

 body, so he carried him and walked across the lands then God sent a crow (raven)to another crow so it killed the other and burried him, so Qâbeel regretted and saidwhat the Quran did say about him "Woe unto me! Am I not able to be as this ravenand so hide my brother's naked corpse?" then he burried him, so when Adam knewabout it he got sad, afraid and frightened..etc.Then he said in Muruj Al-Ðahab: Then God inspired to him (to Adam) I'm going to

extract from you My light that is the guide in the pure worshipping and thehonourable stumps of trees, and I will make it the one with pride among all thelights and Make him the end of prophets and Make his Household the best ofleaders and viceroys and I will make the end of time by their end and Full up theearth with their allegation and Spread it among their followers so stand up, tuckand purify yourself, sanctify and praise and go to your wife and she is clean

 because My deposit will be transferred from you to the boy coming from both ofyou, so Adam did it with Eve so she became pregnant at the same time and herforehead got shone and the light got brightened from her eyes until her pregnancywas over she had give birth to a breeze like the finest of all the males and most

respectful and prettiest in shape and most complete in his look-likes and fairly

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created, accompanied by light and dignity, covered with pride and majesty, and sothe light transferred from Eve to him so it was brightened in his forehead and rosein his face, so then Adam called him Seth the gift of God, and so until he got older,Adam did give him the heritage and told him the responsibilities upon him and told

him that he is a leader by God after him and His viceroy on earth and the doer forthe rights for God, and he is the second transmission for the Holy Nucleus (Atom).Until Al-Mas'udi said: and Adam did appoint Seth over his(Adam) kids and it issaid that Adam died after having forty thousands of his children and grandchildren, until he said: Seth did rule the people and legislated by his father's Booksand by what was revealed upon him from books and laws. Then Seth gave theheritage to his son Anush and told him about the deposit and told him the honourof this deposit and that it is their honour. Then told him also to warn his childrenone after the other about this honour and let everyone of them give its heritage tohis descendants and make it among them as a will(testament) transferring as long

as the race did exist. So the will kept on moving from century to century until Godgave the light to 'Abdul-Mottalib and his son 'Abdullah the father of the prophet ofGod (PUH) then he said: At this position the people of creeds did differ, and someof them believed in ascribing and some of them believed in selection. These who

 believe in ascribing are Abâdhites (it is a band from Al-Khawârij) [Al-Khawârij, people popped up on the surface during the war between 'Ali ben Abi Tâlib PUHand the prince of Umayya, Mo'âwiyah in Syria upon the leadership of the Islamicnation. They believed that the rule should be to God without any need to have aviceroy nor a prince, nor 'Ali nor Mo'âwiyah] and they are the followers of'Abdullah ben Abâdh Al-Tamimi as mentioned in Majma' Al-Bahrain for Al-Torayhi [a book's name], and the people of Imamism from the followers of 'Ali benAbi Tâlib (PUH) and the purified from his descendants who mentioned that Godnever left an era of time without a man that rule by God's commandments either a

 prophet or a viceroy appointed by God's prophets and viceroys by names anddescription.And the people of selection are some scholars and Al-Mo'tazala [people of somecreed] and some bands of Al-Khawârij and Al-Morji'ah [a band that do not judgeon anyone but leave it to be on Doomsday], and lot of the people of Hadith and

 public, and some bands from Al-Zaydiyah [a band of Shiites that believe in Zayd

 ben 'Ali ben Al-Husain, the grandson of 'Ali ben Abi Tâlib PUH, to be an Imamand a leader or caliphate. Still common in Yemen], so all of these claimed that Godand His prophet appointed to the nation to select their leaders, and some eras mighthave no viceroy doing the commandments of God, and it is the protected Imam forthe Shiites. He mentioned that Seth (PUH) is the source of the race after Adam(PUH) among all his children. And at the time of Anush the son of Seth, Qâbeelwhich is called by a lot of people as Qâyen [that is Cain] was killed, and Al-Mas'udi always mentions his name as Qâyen the son of Adam, and he is the killerof his brother Hâbeel (PUH). Anush did live for nine hundreds and sixty years.Anush did have a kid called Qaynân (Cainan) and died when he was nine hundreds

and twenty years old, and they say his death was in July after he got a son called

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Mahlâ'eel (Mahalaleel) and he did live for eight hundred years and he had a soncalled Lud and the light is inherited and the testament is taken. And Al-Mas'udisaid: it is said that lot of diversions were founded at the time of Lud, founded bythe descendants of Qâyen (Qâbeel) and he is the killer of his brother Hâbeel.

There were wars between the descendants of Lud and Qâyen and stories, all werementioned in the book of Al-Mas'udi "Akhbâr Al-Zamân" [i.e. Tidings of Time],and also there were wars between the children of Seth and their mates from thechildren of Qâyen, then he said: and most of this race [maybe he means the race ofCain] is in India, and the life of Lud the son of Mahalaleel expanded for sevenhundreds and thirty two years and died on March, and after him came his sonAkhnukh and he is Edrees [i.e Enoch] the prophet may peace be upon him and hisfathers the purified and his children the chosen from prophets and viceroys, and theSabaeans believe he is Hermes (and it means) Mercury, and he is what God saidabout in his holy Book "And We raised him to high station"(Maryam: 57) and he

was the first to sew and stitch. And God revealed on him thirty pages, and Adam(PUH) got twenty one pages before, and on Seth it was revealed twenty nine pagescontained the praising and sanctifying, and after Enoch comes his son Matushâleh[i.e. Methuselah] so he built up the lands and the light in his forehead and he gotchildren and people did talk a lot about his children and they say that Russians andSlavs are from his children and his life was for nine hundreds and sixty years anddied in September, and after him came his son Lamak [i.e. Lamech] and during hisdays there were accidents and lot of differences and died after seven hundreds andninety years..etc what is mentioned by Al-Mas'udi we copied it by sentences for atime and by summary at another and God is the Good Donor and He is the Knowerof all matters.

Summary of The Story of Adam PUH

The summary of the story of Adam (PUH) is that God told His Angels that He willmake a human from mud (or clay) and He ordered them to prostrate before himwhenever He breathe in him from His Spirit after his creation and they did obeythe commandment of God and so their prostration was for honour and not forworshipping, but it is a worshipping for the Commander because God does not

command someone to worship someone else but Him, so God created Adam frommud and Made it then black mud altered and when that mud turned to be clay He breathed in him from His Spirit and so it was a living human made of meat and blood and bones and nerves and feelings and senses, moving with will and choiceand intelligence and sense and feel, so then God made all of His Angels prostrate

 before him, but Iblis was commanded also with them because he was considered to be one of them and he got a command over them and he was among them and sohe was meant by the command also but he denied and refused and rebelled againsthis Lord's command for he was proud of his origin and so he said: am better thanhim. Thou createdst me of fire while him Thou didst create of mud, and so God

exiled him out and Damned him and Made shame upon him, read with me the book of our Lord from the chapter of Al-Baqarah: And when We said unto the

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angels: Prostrate yourselves before Adam, they fell prostrate, all save Iblis. Hedemurred through pride, and so became a disbeliever (34) and in the chapter of Al-A'râf: And We created you, then fashioned you, then told the angels: Fall ye

 prostrate before Adam! And they fell prostrate, all save Iblis, who was not of those

who make prostration (11) meaning that We did create the father of human beingsand he is your origin and you are his children, so We did create for him a creationfor you, and in the chapter of Al-Hijr: Verily We created man of potter's clay of

 black mud altered, And the jinn did We create aforetime of essential fire, And(remember) when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am creating a mortal out of

 potter's clay of black mud altered, So, when I have made him and have breathedinto him of My Spirit, do ye fall down, prostrating yourselves unto him. (26-29).And in the chapter of Al-Kahf: And (remember) when We said unto the angels:Fall prostrate before Adam, and they fell prostrate, all save Iblis. He was of the

 jinn, so he rebelled against his Lord's command. Will ye choose him and his seed

for your protecting friends instead of Me, when they are an enemy unto you ?Calamitous is the exchange for evil-doers.(50), and in the chapter of Sad this isalso included, and the Holy phrases had been mentioned to disaprove the deeds ofthe damned Iblis and to rebuke him for not obeying the commandment of his Lordand his Creator for prostrating before Adam (PUH), and his rebel and refusal to

 prostrate for his pride in his origin and that he is the one to be prostrated before andnot Adam that was created from mud, for he is created from what is better which isthe fire and it is better than the mud, and he showed the maximum refusal andrebelling against the Exalted and the Almighty one and God promised him withhell for refusing His commandment so he asked for a delay until the doomsday, asa reward for his worshipping and whatever was before and so the Wise and Justone answered his request and gave him the delay until the doomsday, so after thedamned got his request of the delay and his days got lengthened as much as thislife's days, he took a stand against Adam and his descendants and promised toseduce them and make most of them unthankful for God except the honest faithfulslaves of God, so God promised him and all who follows him from the descendantsof Adam that they would be all in hell. The clues for this in the Holy Book arefound in many holy phrases in many chapters. In the chapter of Al-A'râf God didsay: And We created you, then fashioned you, then told the angels: Fall ye

 prostrate before Adam! And they fell prostrate, all save Iblis, who was not of thosewho make prostration.He said: What hindered thee that thou didst not fall prostratewhen I bade thee ? (Iblis) said: I am better than him. Thou createdst me of firewhile him Thou didst create of mud, He said: Then go down hence! It is not forthee to show pride here, so go forth! Lo! thou art of those degraded, He said:Reprieve me till the day when they are raised (from the dead), He said: Lo! thou artof those reprieved, He said: Now, because Thou hast sent me astray, verily I shalllurk in ambush for them on Thy Right Path, Then I shall come upon them from

 before them and from behind them and from their right hands and from their lefthands, and Thou wilt not find most of them beholden (unto Thee), He said: Go

forth from hence, degraded, banished. As for such of them as follow thee, surely I

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will fill hell with all of you (12-18), and in the chapter of Al-Hijr it is mentioned intwelve phrases, and in the chapter of Al-Isrâ' (Bani Israel) in five phrases and inthe chapter of Sad in nine phrases and so on from the Holy Book. Gid did Showgrace to Adam and his wife (PUT) by letting them live in paradise and made it

open to them except a tree from its trees and Warned them to not eat from it for awisdom He knows better than any on His creation, He is never asked for what Heis doing and they will be asked, but their enemy Iblis didn't leave them alone andstarted to try to trick them and seduce them and did his best with that, approachingthem from every side and way until he got over them and tricked them so theygrabbed from it and started to eat by his whispers and his seduction and he sworeto them that he is a sincere adviser unto them, and told them that your Lord did notforbid you from eating from this tree unless eating from it would make you angelsor immortals and so death never reach you, so he said to Adam: shall I guide youto the tree of immortality and an endless sovereignty? and he swore that he is an

adviser, until Adam forgot that he is his enemy that denied to prostrate to him andthat God warned him (Adam) about him (Iblis) by His saying: Therefor we said: OAdam! This is an enemy unto thee and unto thy wife, so let him not drive you bothout of the Garden so that thou come to toil (Ta Ha: 117). So then when they atefrom the tree so that their shame became apparent unto them, and they began tohide by heaping on themselves some of the leaves of the Garden, and that causedthem to be out of paradise and God rebuked them for their refusal and eating fromthe tree, so then Adam regretted and started to apology for his Creator and hisMaster, but the wisdom of the Most Wise one judged to let then out. So then theExalted one said: Fall down, one of you a foe unto the other! There shall be for youon earth a habitation and provision for a time, Then Adam received from his Lordwords (of revelation), and He relented toward him(Al-Baqarah: 36,37) and so Godguided him and Chose him, read with me the Holy phrases for this matter, in thechapter of Al-Baqarah: And We said: O Adam! Dwell thou and thy wife in theGarden, and eat ye freely (of the fruits) thereof where ye will; but come not nighthis tree lest ye become wrong-doers, But Satan caused them to deflect therefromand expelled them from the (happy) state in which they were; and We said: Falldown, one of you a foe unto the other! There shall be for you on earth a habitationand provision for a time, Then Adam received from his Lord words (of revelation),

and He relented toward him. Lo! He is the relenting, the Merciful (35-37) and thereis the same in the chapter of Al-A'râf in seven phrases and the same in the chapterof Ta Ha in nine phrases. And when you meditate through the meanings of these

 phrases by meanings of the tradition you will find that Adam (PUH) did notdisobey his Lord as to rebel against Him nor he was someone harsh andunmerciful, but the damned tricked him and made him astray as Iblis the wickedone wanted, and as if Adam (PUH) was an ear that believes everyone that comeswith good tidings that does not conflict with his religion (belief) and does not standagainst his Lord, O how is the heart of Adam is filled with passion and how pure isit, and how great is the faith of Adam in his God and how great is the mercy of his

God and His relenting, and so his Lord relented toward him and Guided him and

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Chose him to be a prophet and a viceroy on earth, and Revealed upon him the lawsand rules of His religion for what is allowed and what is not from his deeds andmanners and everything about his religion that God assigned for him and for hischildren, and that they are responsible after satisfying the conditions of

responsibility legally and logically, and then God revealed upon him twenty one pages and you passed on about his conditions as mentioned by the Household(PUT) before and how God taught him a thousand thousand tongues, and it might

 be the languages of birds and beasts and every animal and the languages ofwhatever that will be born from his children until the end of time like Syriac andHebrew and Arabic and so on of whatever is founded in our time and taught himthe names of the prophets and saints and viceroys and especially the names of whoare the reason for creating this creation, and they are Muhammad the Chosen and'Ali and Fâtima and Al-Hasan and Al-Husain (the martyr) and the nine protectedfrom the descendants of Al-Husain (PUT).

And when the Angels knew about Adam being a viceroy on earth and knew thatthere will be corruption from his children and descendants and they checked thecorruption even before in the world created before Adam by Djinn and others, as

 pointed before, the objection from them is accepted for it is as a question from theone that does not know about the wisdom behind his creation and foundation, sothe dedicated their speech to the Holy Exalted one, and said: Wilt thou placetherein one who will do harm therein and will shed blood, while we, we hymn Thy

 praise and sanctify Thee? (Al-Baqarah: 30) so the purpose of their objection is tounderstand the secret of this creation, but not to make the deed of the Wise andExalted one as a wrong doing, for they know that He, may praise be to Him, Doesnothing that oppose the wisdom for He knows everything possible and every livingthings before their existence, and He warned them and told them that He knows thesecrets in this creation far more than what they know, and He knows what theyshow and what they keep as a secret, and He appointed to him (Adam) what they(angels) do not know, so God said in the chapter of Al-Baqarah: And when thyLord said unto the angels: Lo! I am about to place a viceroy in the earth, they said:Wilt thou place therein one who will do harm therein and will shed blood, whilewe, we hymn Thy praise and sanctify Thee ? He said: Surely I know that which yeknow not (30). And the objection from them for what we had pointed out before,

how and they are the honoured slaves that do not say before Him and work by Hiscommandments.We've pointed out before that all the names that God taught to Adam and Angelsdid not know were names of people or the most important part of such names andthey are the names of the prophets and messengers from his descendants after theyhad been pictured and showed for him and the name of our prophet Muhammad(PUH) and his twelve viceroys that came after him and end up with Al-Mahdi, andespecially the five Chosen of The Cover [the story of the cover is well known forshiites and the tale is told in some occasions for blessing. The five that came underone cover one day are the prophet and his cousin 'Ali ben Abi Tâlib then followed

 by his sons Al-Hasan and Al-Husain, then at the end, by the daughter of the

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 prophet and the wife of 'Ali ben Abi Tâlib, Fâtima], whom their lights are foundedon the leg of the Throne before the creation of Adam by two thousands years, andthey are: the Chosen (the prophet), Al-Mortadhâ ('Ali ben Abi Tâlib), Al-Zahrâ'(Fâtima), Al-Mojtabâ (Al-Hasan), and the fifth Al-Husain ben 'Ali (PUT), and by

them God did relent towards Adam when he prayed and asked God by these namesso then God relented toward him.We don't mind that some of the names that God taught Adam (PUH) are names ofall the species in the paradise that he were in and species on earth and thelanguages, and everything he might need..etc. And we mind that they were namesof what Adam needs and feels and touches and whatever he needs from drinks andfoods and clothes and leaves of trees and their branches and fruits and the like.And some people did follow this path and interpret it by his own opinion, and thatis the teacher Mr. Abdul-Wahâb Al-Najjâr when he said: And what I understand isthat He taught him about everything in the paradise of Aden and Inspired him and

Gave him the ability to put names for everything he did see there from plants andtheir parts and trees and fruits and branches and leaves and pulps and all the toolsthat were there and everything that were there from animals and their parts for heneeds them. Then he said: it is known that the knowledge of Adam about suchthings is natural, instead of the Angels who need nothing of that for they do notneed food nor drink and do not do anything of that..etc. What is issued by thementioned teacher, and by meditation, you will find it is not in its correct place,and he made a mistake or had an absence of mind towards truth and reality, look in

 page five from "tales of the prophets" for Abdul-Wahâb Al-Najjâr, third edition,and in page six he said: some people exaggerate about things and claim that Godtaught Adam everything was and everything will be and Showed him pictures ofsuch things, whatever was there and would be there, and Adam called everythingwith its name, and this is an exaggeration that I do not incline to believe in, but I'minclined to believe that he named the things that came under his senses.The complete wise and sane noble if he noticed the Director of the words ofwonder to the Angels and the inhabitants of heavens from the world of light andspirit is the Almighty, the Knower, and the Founder for everything and the Lord oflivings and He is the one that noting can be hidden before Him on earth or inheavens.

So do we imagine that the Creator of every great thing Would teach the father of prophets and messengers, the father of Muhammad and 'Ali and the rest of hisHousehold, He would teach him something that surprises the Angels and the Arch-Angels like Gabriel and Michael and Israfeel [Israfeel might mean Raphael, for theclose relation of letters and sounds in both names] and the Angel of death (Azrael)(PUT), and teach (Adam) them a wisdom that is unreachable by their senses, andof high level and weird to them, and what is it, it is only names of what he eats anddrinks and names of the leaves of trees and its fruits and its pulps and its shells as itis understood by the teacher of universities and colleges of education or the teacherof the Islamic history in the college of "origins of religion" (Abdul-Wahâb Al-

 Najjâr) and he is the one that his opinion is inclined to this interpretation for the

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 phrases of God, the Exalted, and their interpretation is not known except by Godand those who are of sound instruction, and God did say "follow not that whereofthou hast no knowledge"(Al-Isrâ'/Bani Israel: 36), "Assuredly conjecture can by nomeans take the place of truth"(Yunus: 36), "Ask the followers of the Reminder if

ye know not"(Al-Anbiyâ': 7). The Remainder is the Holy Quran, and the followersare these whom it was revealed in their houses and they are the one that was sent toall the people and the end of the prophets Muhammad ben 'Abdullah (PUH) andhis viceroys after him (PUT), and the people of the Household know better, Ohwhat a sorrow.Read with me the holy phrases that are the clues for this occasion and thenmeditate through what I've mentioned before and what these phrases contained,then give me your judgement and your wisdom if you have it. The Exalted one saidin the chapter of Al-Baqarah, phrase 31, "And He taught Adam all the names, thenshowed them to the angels, saying: Inform Me of the names of these, if ye are

truthful" and phrase 32, "They said: Be glorified! We have no knowledge savingthat which Thou hast taught us. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Knower, the Wise",and phrase 33, "He said: O Adam! Inform them of their names, and when he hadinformed them of their names, He said: Did I not tell you that I know the secret ofthe heavens and the earth ? And I know that which ye disclose and which ye hide"..etc, and the sayer of the previous commnents (Abdul-Wahâb) did realize howgreat is this creature so he said: it is well known that the leadership of Adam onearth has a high-level meaning of God's wisdom that the Angels did not know,

 because if God did make the leadership for the Angels on earth, the secrets of thisuniverse would not have been known neither whatever is kept in it from its

 properities and the deep sciences..etc, and thanks is for God only, and no otherGod but Him, He is our Judge and the Trustworthy.This is what we wanted to say about the conditions of the father of human beingsand their mother, Adam and Eve (PUT), and pray be upon the one sent with thetruth as bringer of glad tidings and a warner, the master of messengers and the endof the prophets Muhammand the Chosen and upon his Household the pious and themost righteous of his chosen mates, and thanks to God the Lord of all.

Conditions of Edrees (Enoch) The ProphetPUH

He is Edrees (Enoch) ben Lud ben Mahalaleel ben Cainan ben Enosh ben Seth benAdam PUH, and the name of Edrees in Hebraic torah is Khanookh and in Arabic itis Akhnookh, and Edrees was a man of great abdomen and wide chest, his steps areclose together when he walks as mentioned in 'Elal Al-Sharaye' [a book's name], itis mentioned also from his characteristics that he was a man of a complete buildand pretty face with a heavy beard and nice face-curvatures with wide shoulders

and large bones and not so much meat with glancing black eyes, slow talker andsilent most of the time and calm and when he walks he looks to the ground a lot,

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meditating a lot and had some frawning and whenever he becomes angry he moveshis index finger while talking and he lived on earth for eighty two years.He was called Edrees because of his enourmous studies in the Holy Books [Darasin arabic means he studied, Edrees means the one who studies a lot] and whatever

was in them from laws and wisdom and he was the first to write with a pen and hewas a tailor and was the first to sew, and it was said that God taught him thesciences of Astrology and Mathematics and Astronomy, and that was as a miraclefor him, and that God's saying "And We raised him to high station"(Maryam: 57) itmeant that he was raised in levels with God's messages, and it was said that he wasraised to heaven as Jesus the son of Mary (PUT) and he is still alive and did notdie, and others said that he is raised in between the fourth and the fifth skies asmentioned by Al-Bâqir (PUH), and other things were said also.From Al-Hâfith ben Kaþeer in Al-Bidâyah wal-Nihâyah [seems a book's name]: hewas (Enoch) the first one from the descendants of Adam to get the prophecy after

Adam and Seth (PUT), and it is mentioned in Muruj Al-Ðahab [book's name] asmentioned before that he was the first one to sew with a needle and make stichesand God revealed upon him thirty books as God revealed upon Adam (PUT)twenty one books before and revealed upon Seth twenty nine books including the

 praisings and sanctifications, and he (Enoch) lived whatever he lived and died inSeptember, and from Ibn Mas'ud and Ibn 'Abbâs that Elijah is Edrees (Enoch)!People differ in the place of his birth and growing so some said that he was born inEgypt and called him Hermes Al-Haramisah [could't transform this to modernEnglish] and he is in Greek Ermes [notice that Hermes is prnounced in Greek asErmes, since the H letter functions like E in Greek] and was Arabicized to Hermesand Ermes means for them Mercury, and they said: and Hermes got out of Egyptand went around all of the earth and came back to it and from there he was raisedto heavens..etc, and some others said that he was born in Babylon in Iraq and therehe grew up, and in his early age he was taught the wisdom of Seth the son of Adamand he is the grandfather of his father's grandfather, because Enoch is the son ofLud ben Mahalaleel ben Cainan ben Enosh ben Seth apprently and when Enochhad grown up God gave him the prophecy so he ordered the people to follow the

 path of Adam and Seth and forbid them to refuse the commandments but only fewof them did follow him so he got hurt by those who refused him from the bad

 people, so then he travelled to Egypt and he settled there with whoever was withhim and calling the creations to follow his religion and the religion of his purifiedfathers and orders for the good of deeds and forbids the bad manners.People in his days talked with seventy two tongues and God taught him theircultures and languages so he can teach every people by their own tongue, and hedrew for them the cities and made in every city scientists and guiders to theobedience of God and order for goodness and forbid the badness, so the cities thatwas built at his time counted to be one hundred and eighty eight, and he was thefirst to manipulate the wisdom and astrology as pointed before, and they mentionedlot of his conditions, and in summary what he called the believers to according to

his religion and in acceptance by his laws as some say was that: calling for the

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religion of God, the Exalted, and it is the calling for goodness and forbidding the badness, and the base for the righteousness of deeds is unifying God, the Exalted,and never to call someone else with Him, because He is the Ever-Lasting One, thatnever Give birth nor Born and Does not have a mate and no one rewards Him, and

the worshipping of God sincerely, and doing good for people and justice andsaying the truth even upon yourself, and purifying the money by helping the poor,and avoiding the intoxicant liquors and praying and fasting with a special way andcounted days, and fighting the enemies for the protection of the religion and callingout for this and taking of it, and for the souls and honour and fortunes with allmight and power, and he (Enoch) also made some festivals for them at certaintimes and so on of traditions and jobs and works and a-must-do doings and doingsthat aren't compulsory as it is in every heavenly-revealed laws, and promised his

 people for prophets to come after him, and told them the characteristics of the prophet and his specialities and one of them is that he is innocent from all bad

manners and deeds and the bad characteristics, complete in beloved virtues and donot hesitate in his duties nor in answering any question that he might be askedconcerning the matters of after-life or living or other things that relates to religionor whatever is seen or heard either it is earthly or heavenly or whatever behindthese worlds from the after-life worlds like Barzakh [the life of the dead in hisgrave where he is judged] or Al-Qiyama (doomsday) or Al-Nâr (hell) and whateverwas related to them even in general or whatever it is related to the bodies and theirills and medicines, and he must be answerable by God for whatever he asks fromHim and he asks only whatever has the benefit for the race and the individual forthe goodness of life and after-life.He must be infallible and far away from doing wrong-doings and leaving duties,

 because the prophet and his viceroy that would take care of matters after him thatwas chosen by God for the most honourable jobs and the most high of them must

 be purified and of right wisdom and has abundance in knowledge and completewith many of the completeness characteristics and his innocence of bad habits andneedless of help from any creatures, and needs nothing but God, the Exalted, so henever issues a guilt nor a mistake either small it is or big one, neither before

 prophecy or after it, either in childhood or manhood, and the one who chose himfor this job, and He is God, Knows that, and He had appointed him for this job

since the world of atoms, the world of creating the souls, and that is before thecreation of Adam (PUH) by two thousands years, and he must be distinguishedfrom other creatures by that and also his viceroy who stands in his position, andthis is the situation of every prophet and messenger, check back the introduction ofthe book where the infalliblity of the prophets (PUT) is mentioned, and still thefaithful from the nation of Enoch applying that regime and regulations andwhatever was revealed in that sacred religion, until Enoch was raised from betweenthem and no one knows about it except God, the Exalted, and his relatives and hisviceroy after him, his son Methuselah [Arabic: Matushaleh]And this must be in every religion as the people of wisdom and religion know very

well, and it is told that their destination in their worshipping and prayers and so on,

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was to the south on the line of midday, and it is probably that it was for these whowere to the north of Mecca, because it was the destination for Adam (PUH) andwhoever came after him until the time of Enoch (PUH).And I don't see any of the prophets and viceroys and who believed in them and

their religions that would have changed that until the time of Solomon the son ofDavid (PUT), for their destination were to the Holy Mosque in Jerusalem until itwas changed by our prophets Muhammad ben 'Abdullah (PUH) to the Holy Houseand it is the Holy Ka'ba in honourable Mecca. This is what is apparent for us, andGod knows the best.And from Ja'far ben Muhammad Al-Sâdiq (PUH) that he said: if you entered Kufathen come to the mosque of Sahlah and pray in it and ask God for your needs foryour faith and your life, because the mosque of Sahlah is the house of Enoch inwhich he used to sew and pray in, and whoever asked God for what he likes andwants he would be answered and be raised to a high place at doomsday at the level

of Enoch (PUT) and shall be protected from the troubles of life and the tricks of hisenemies..etc.From the trusted and whom we trust in that Enoch (PUH) is the grandfather of thefather of Noah (PUH) because as we mentioned before that after Enoch came hisson Methuselah and then Lamech [Arabic: Lâmik] then Noah (PUH). And Al-Mas'udi mentioned in Muruj Al-Ðahab: The age of Enoch was three hundredsyears, and the wisemen of Greece call him Hermes the wise..and so on of what wementioned before.

Some of what was mentioned in the books ofEnoch PUHFrom Ibn Tawoos he said: It was mentioned in the books of Enoch these sentencesand they are: Like if death had come to you and your moaning and your sweatinghave increased, and your lips shrinked and your tongue became broken and yourspittle became dry and whiteness became over your eyes blackness, and yourmouth started to foam and your whole body started to shake, and you became totreat the death with its agony, its bitterness, and its shrieking, and you've been

called and you can't hear anything, then your soul came out and you've became adead body among your relatives. There is a lesson in you for others, so think in themeanings of death, whatever became upon others will become upon you no wayout, and every life however it is long is short because whatever will come is close

 by at a certain time. So, meditate in the meanings of death you who die, and knowyou human being that death is harder than what becomes before it and easier thanwhat becomes after it from troubles and disasters of the doomsday,..etc. And it wasengraved on his ring: Patience is of faith, by God the victory will come. And it wasengraved on the area that he wore: The festivals are in keeping the duties, and the

laws are of the completeness of religion, and the completeness of religion is thecompleteness of manhood. And over the area that he wore at the time of praying

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over the dead: The happy one who looks at himself, intercession to his God, hisgood deeds.They mentioned that he had sermons and morals, and every band took it out withits own tongue, and ran as useful proverbs and symbols, and from that was his

saying that was traced back to him (PUH): No one will be able to thank God forHis gifts as giving His creatures. And also: Whoever wanted to reach the wisdomand the good of deeds, so let him leave the tool of ignorance and the bad deeds. Asyou see the craftsman that knows all the crafts so when he wants to sew he took itsown tool and leave the tool of carpentry, so the love of the life and the after-life donever come into one heart together. And also: The goodness of life is sorrow andits badness is a regret. Meaning that let go of good deeds in life is a sorrow anddoing bad deeds is a regret. And also from him: If you called for God the Exaltedmake your determination clear and pure and also fasting and prayers, so do andnever swear and you are liers and don't attack God with rights [meaning here

swearing or promising with lies], and don't make liers swear for you and so you'll become partners for them in their sin, and avoid ill gains and follow your kings andyour elders and make your mouths full of thanks to God, and the life of souls iswisdom and don't envy people for their luck for they will enjoy it for a little, andwhoever exceeded satisfaction will never be satisfied, and so along of what wasmentioned by Abdul-Wahâb Al-Najjâr in his stories.It is mentioned from the book of "Tareekh Al-'Olamâ'" (History of wisemen) that agroup of wisemen claimed that all the wisdoms that appeared before the Flood wastraced back to Enoch that the hebrews call "Khanookh" the prophet the son ofJared ben Mahalaleel ben Cainan ben Enosh ben Seth ben Adam, and he is Edrees(Enoch) the prophet (PUH), and then they traced back to him matters and incidentsand works that God did not suppose to him and most of them are like legends andwhat crazy people would do or silly ones that were slaves for life and ego tookover them, and they never stop doing the bad deeds, and God forbid that His

 prophets commit such deeds, but they are assigned to the highest of matters and the best and wisest of conditions for mind and wisemen because they are the resourcesand they are the leaders of the creations and the guardians of the Creator over Hisreligion and creed, the commanders of goodness and the prohibiters of badness, sothey are the tongue and examples of truth and the looking eyes of reality and the

hearing ear that express about God the Exalted and they don't speak out of theirdesires, but it is an inspiration that is inspired which One of mighty powers taughtthem.It is mentioned from Enoch PUH the wise sayings and advices and calls and one ofthem his call that is read in the dawns of the month of fasting (Ramadhân) thatcontains forty names for God, as much as the days of Repentance (?), and it beginswith: O praise be to You no God exists but You, O Lord of everything and its hire[seems a part of a famous praising]. And after mentioning the forty names comesthe great call that has no other match, and it is imploring to God with His fortynames, and asking for safety away from punishments of life and after-life, and it is

without any doubt an infallible tongue and an inspired and closed one chosen by

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God for His commandments and for telling people about Him. [then comes atypical ending for the subject which I believe no need to mention here].

Sheikh of messengers, Nooh (Noah) PUHThe speech now is about obtaining some of the conditions of the sheikh ofmessengers and the third in order and the great messenger after Adam and Enoch(PUT), he is Noah ben Lamech ben Methuselah ben Enoch ben Lud (or Jared asmentioned in Torah) ben Mahalaleel ben Cainan ben Enosh ben Seth ben Adam thefather of human beings (PUT), as mentioned in histories and in Torah and Godonly knows. It is mentioned that his real name is 'Abdul-Ghaffâr (slave of theForgiver) but named Noah because he used to cry over his condition [yanooh = tocry, Arabic], and it is said that his name is 'Abdul-Malik (slave of the King), and

said it is 'Abdul-A'lâ (slave of the One of Height). It is said that Al-Sadooq said: allthe tidings agree that his name contain the sense of slavery like 'Abdul-Ghaffâr,Malik, and Al-A'lâ, and he is the first prophet after Enoch, and they said he was acarpenter and was born in the same year that death betook Adam in and was sent(as a prophet) when he was four hundred years old and he used to call his people

 by day and night to work with the laws of his grandfather Enoch and whatever hisfathers used to be on from laws and creeds, because the books that were revealedon his infallbiel fathers contained whatever people might need and what must bedone and what must be believed in, for it was revealed on Adam twenty one books,and on Seth twenty nine books, and on Enoch thirty books, and the sum of all is

eighty books, so Noah (PUH) used to work by them and call people to work bythem but his calls didn't do anything but make them more far away from him.He was highly disrespected by his people and even had been beaten so much. Theyused to beat him so much until he goes into a coma and whenever he is awakeagain he says: O Lord guide my people they do not know. And in some tidings it issaid that they get angry at him and start to beat him until his ears get bleeding andhe won't be able to realize what is done with him, then he was carried and throwninto his house or at the door of his house and he's in a coma. Then God inspired tohim: No-one of thy folk will believe save him who hath believed already (Hud:36),so then he started calling for the destruction of his people and said: My Lord!Leave not one of the disbelievers in the land (Nooh:26), and in tales it is said thatafter calling for their destruction God made their men and women barren and sothey stayed forty years they don't bear any children and their lands were barrenalso along these forty years and they lost their money and fortune and fell intodisasters, then Noah said to them: Seek pardon of your Lord. Lo! He was everForgiving (Nooh:10) but they didn't believe and said: Forsake not your gods.Forsake not Wadd, nor Suwa', nor Yaghuth and Ya'uq and Nasr (Nooh:23) andthey extremely revolted against God and his prophet Noah (PUH) until Godflooded them with their gods that they used to worship, and no one survived but

the ones that were with Noah in the Ark, and after they've been in safe and beenstable on the face of earth and gave birth for children and been many, they got back

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to what their fathers used to do with worshipping idols and named their idols afterthe names of idols the were in the time of Noah's people, and they are their fathers.So, yemenites (people of Yemen) Yaghuþ and Ya'uq and the people of DawmatAl-Jandal (a place in Iraq) took an idol named Wadd, and Himyarites had an idol

named Nasr, and Haðeel [seems some where in Saudi Arabia or Yemen] had anidol named Suwâ', and they kept on worshipping them until the presence of Islam.Many differences occured in tales and tidings and opinions about his conditionsand his age and that is because the difference of resources and references and many

 people count on what is mentioned in the Bible and Torah even though what ismentioned in them is still controversial and lot of muslims as wisemen andinterpreters depend on them, and there are tidings and tales from the Householdtraced back to their grandfather the prophet that was sent as a guider from Gabrielfrom God the Exalted (PUT), and we have no problem in believing what wasmentioned by them.

But the tales are from different sources and conflict with each other, some of them people do agree with and some of them are taken from Torah and other suchresources, but the main purpose of all that is just to take a look on some of theconditions of this holy prophet and it is enough to take whatever was mentioned bythe Holy Book (Quran) for his (Noah) great position and the rightness of hismesseage and prophecy, so if something about his conditions was passed over to us

 by other ways, we shall take whatever is approperiate for his position and goesalong with the law of justice and the infallibility of prophets, and refuse anythingelse that comes against these principles. One of these tales what is traced back toAl-Sâdiq (PUH) that Noah (PUH) lived two thousands and five hundred years,eight hundred and fifty years before he was sent as a prophet and one thousand butfifty years with his people calling them to his religion and two hundred years inmaking the Ark, and five hundred years after the flood and going down from theArk, and so he made the lands and made his descendants live in the lands, and thenafter the angel of death (PUH) came to him while he was sitting in the sun and saidto him: peace on you, so Noah (PUH) answered back and said: what do you need Oangel of death?, he said: I came to you to take your soul, so he (Noah) said: let mesit in the shadow and he answered: yes, then Noah (PUH) moved and said: O angelof death, whatever passed me in this life was just like my movement from sun to

shadow, go ahead and do your job, and so he did (PUH).And from Ikmâl Al-Deen [seems a person's name] from Al-Sâdiq (PUH) from the prophet (PUH) that he said: Adam the father of all human beings (PUH) lived fornine hundreds and thirty years and Noah lived two thousands and four hundredsand fifty years and Abraham (PUH) lived for one hundred and seventy five yearsand Ismael ben Abraham lived for one hundred and twenty years and Isaac livedfor one hundred and eighty years, and Jacob lived for one hundred and twentyyears, and Joseph lived for one hundred and twenty years, and Moses lived for onehundred and twenty six years, and Aaron lived for one hundred and thirty threeyears, and David lived for one hundred years, forty years of them as a king, and

Solomon ben David lived for seven hundreds and twelve years (PUT).

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Gabriel said to him: I am the partner of your fathers Adam and Enoch, and theLord says peace to you, and I've come with the good news from Him, and this isthe cloth of patience and the cloth of truth and the cloth of victory and the cloth ofthe message and the cloth of prophecy, and God had ordered you to marry

'Amoorah the daughter of Dhimrân ben Akhnookh, for she is the first to believe inyou. So then Noah went to his people in the day 'Ashoorah ['Ashoorah is a namefor the tenth day of Muharram, the first month in the lunar calendar] and holding awhite stick in his hand, and the stick was telling him what his people are going todo.Their bosses were seventy thousands of tyrants at their idols in their festivals, sothen Noah called: No God save but the Lord, then the idols went shaking and thefire went down and they got scared and the tyrants said: who is that? Then Noahsaid: I am a slave of God and the son of His slave, He has sent me to you as amessenger, then 'Amoorah heard the speech of Noah and believed in him and her

father Dhimrân ben Akhnookh blamed her for that and said to her: does the speechof Noah effect you in one day? and I'm afraid that the king knows about you andkill you, then said 'Amoorah: O father where is your brain and your clemency?

 Noah is but a lonely weak man that shouted and done to you whatever is done.Then her father threatened her but that yeilded no results, so they adviced him toimprison her and stop feeding her and so he did for a year and they hear hertalking, then her father got her out of the prison after the year and she got a greathalo and was in best condition, so they were amazed for her living for a yearwithout food or drink, so they asked her about her situation and what happened toher so then she said that she called for the help of the Lord of Noah and Noah usedto bring for her whatever she needed from drinks and food, and then after that

 Noah married her and she gave birth to Shem (PUH), and they mentioned that Noah got two wives, one of them is a disbeliever and she died and he carried withhim his faithful wife in the Ark.

The Ark of Noah and its creationIt is mentioned in some tales that are traced back to Al-Sâdiq (PUH) that when Gosshowed the prophecy of Noah and his followers knew that the relief is coming andhe will gain victory over his enemies of disbelievers after a patience of long timeover great troubles. Whenever Noah used to call them to the religion of truth and towork by it and worshipping the Truth (True God) they used to revolt against himand hurt him badly with his followers and that was in a time period of threehundreds years since the day of his sending, and he used to in that time period tocall them by day and night but they run away from him and then he called them insecret and they didn't answer also, and called them in public but they ignore himfor their pride and never cared about him or about his calls, then he started to callfor their destruction, so then Angels came down to him ordering him to stop calling

for their destruction and to take patience and bear them to complete the reason forthat, so he answered and obeyed, and started to work again calling them to worship

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God and left out calling for their destruction and started trying to guide them as heused to be before for another three hundreds years, until then when this time periodwas over and had been dispaired for their unbelieving, started to call for theirdestruction again, but then angels came down with orders from God for him to be

 patient and so he obeyed, then he got back calling his people to worship God for athree hundred years, but nothing worked with them, and he continued with themuntil the end of this time period for nine hundreds years, then the patience of hisfollowers was over and went to him complaining for what they did and still facingfrom the people in public and from the tyrants.Then they asked him for the relief and calling for their relief and so he answeredtheir request then went to pray and calling over them so then Gabriel came downsent from God and said to him: God had answered your call over your people, but

 before doing so God wants you to order your followers to plant some seeds, and hehad appointed some quantity of it, and they should take care of it so that when it

grows and gave the fruit God will give relief over them, and then he (Gabriel)taught them what to do, so then they went happy and knew that the relief is closeand that God will give victory to His religion with no way out even if thedisbelievers did not like it.Then they obeyed what they had been commanded to do so, they planted the seedsand served them as perfectly as possible so then when it gave the fruit and they atethem they came back to Noah to see his promise, so he got back to his Lord and Hecommanded him with what He commanded in the first time and so they did whatthey did before for planting the seeds and serving them. Then they got back againto Noah and he asked God again and God commanded him as the first and secondtime so they doubted about his religion and his calls for there is a contradiction andtwo thirds of them quitted their religion and only one third stayed faithful, but thatwas faced with the fear of their enemies and bearing the disrespect from thedisbelievers, then the believers and them who stayed faithful insisted on him to callfor the relief and for the destruction of disbelievers so he called God and askedHim to do what was promised and for the relief and He answered his calls andordered him to make the Ark.This dilation was to filter out the hypocrites that worship God and they are on theedge, so that when they get goodness they are fine with it and when they get

 badness they revolt and then lost the life and the after-life, this is the obviouslosing, and to keep the true faithfuls and distinguish between them and the badmixture, and they said to him (Noah): no one stayed from us except this little groupand they are afraid for themselves to be doomed if the relief is delayed, then Noah

 prayed and asked his God to do what is promised for the destruction of the enemiesof the religion so God inspired to him that your call had been answered so goahead and make the Ark, so there was fifty years between the answer of the calland the flood.And from the great prophet (PUH): When God wanted to destroy the people of

 Noah, He inspired to him(Noah) to cut boards of teak (teak is a great tree doesn't

grow except in the land of India, its wood is black and thick and hard to decay, as

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mentioned in the closest language resources) [the previous note is exactly what iswritten in Arabic in the book and not my own notes], so when he cut them out hedid not know what to do with it, so then the Angel Gabriel came down to him andshowed him the shape of the Ark and there was with him a box that had one

hundred and twenty nine thousands nails in it, so he nailed all the nails and theywere exactly enough for the Ark, and God ordered Gabriel to teach Noah how todo it. Its length was measured on the ground to be of one thousand and twohundreds arms and its width was eight hundreds arms, and its depth was eightyarms, then Noah said: O Lord who will make it and help me to do it, so Godinspired to him to call for his people and in the public and whoever can work towork with him for an exchange of good wages, so Noah called in his people andtold them whoever worked with him with goodness of will as I order him to do hewill get a nice reward and a nice wage, so they answered and started to workeveryone with his own experience and his job and so they helped him to make it.

They even used to mock at him and say that he is making a ship on land, and insome tales it is told that the Ark was covered on top with a great cover (dish-likecover) to avoid the rains and the heat of the sun, and of course it had ways to theoutside from doors and windows to let some air in and for the breathe of theanimals and the rest of creatures inside it, all of that was made perfectly. It ismentioned also that it had great two pearls, one of them light in the day time bysun, and the other light in the night time by the moon and by them they used toknow the timings for the prayers, and they stayed in the Ark before landing onearth again for one hundred and fifty days and nights, and also said they were sixmonths.In tidings, that after he finished creating the Ark, God ordered him to call inSyriac, and it was their language that day, for all the people and animals so that noone person nor one animal shall be absent, so when all came, every type of animalsgot inside in pairs, and the people that answered his calls and been faithful to himwere eighty men, so then God said: take with you two of each pair. And in sometales that the period of creating the Ark was one hundred years and then Godordered him to take two of each pair, and the eight pairs that God mentioned inHis Holy Book are the ones that Noah carried in the Ark, so God said (in the HolyBook): and He hath provided for you of cattle eight kinds(Al-Zumar:6), two of

sheeps and two of goats and two of camels and two of cows, so it was two pairs ofsheeps: one is the known to people and used breed, and the other was a wild oneused to be on mountains and God allowed eating from its meat, and also two ofgoats, pair people used to breed, and another one which was wild and that is thegazelle, and two of cows, one people used to breed and the other one is the wildone, and two of camels and they are "Al-Bokhâti" and "Al-'Orâbi" [seems they areArabic names for well known types of camels, could not find any translation forthese two names], and both of them people used to breed. So these are the eight

 pairs that Adam got out from paradise with him or might be revealed on him afterhe was down from it to make a living from them for his children and him from

their meats and their milks and their breeds and their hairs and wools as drinks and

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food and clothes and forniture.The creation of the Ark was in the location of Al-Kufa mosque, so when Godwanted to destroy the people of Noah and Noah did take for every type of animalsa special position in the Ark and prepared necessary things of food and water, and

until all animals were in the Ark from various birds and beasts and no one isawaited to be in from people nor animals, then waters started going out from earth by springs and the sky started to hammer with non stopping rains, so God did sayin the chapter of Al-Qamar (The Moon): Then opened We the gates of heaven with

 pouring water, And caused the earth to gush forth springs, so that the waters metfor a predestined purpose, And We carried him upon a thing of planks andnails(11-13). The meaning and God only knows: so We made the the earth full ofsprings and then the water of the sky and the water of earth did meet together, sowater flood everything and everything sank and thearth shaked and the suneclipsed, then Noah said: Embark therein! In the name of Allah be its course and

its mooring. Lo! my Lord is Forgiving, Merciful(Hud:41), then the Ark moved andturned around to where God desired, and Noah looked to his son and he wasconfused standing and falling, so he called him: O my son! Come ride with us, and

 be not with the disbelievers(Hud:42), so his son answered: I shall betake me tosome mountain that will save me from the water(Hud:43), then Noah said: Thisday there is none that saveth from the commandment of Allah save him on whomHe hath had mercy. And the wave came in between them, so he was among thedrowned(Hud:43), then Noah asked God to save his son from being drowned, so heraised his eyes to his Lord calling for help and taking refuge in God's mercy thenhe said: My Lord! Lo! my son is of my household! Surely Thy promise is the truthand Thou are the Most Just of Judges(Hud:45), so He said: He said: O Noah! Lo!he is not of thy household; lo! he is of evil conduct, so ask not of Me that whereofthou hast no knowledge. I admonish thee lest thou be among the ignorant(Hud:46),this is the speech of the Exalted who takes revenge from every one of pride anddoesn't believe in the doomsday, to His obeying slave, who works sincerelytowards his Lord, and who's thankful for His gifts, who obeys His commandmentsand stays away from whatever He forbids, and he is His slave and His creature, andHe had gifted him his prophecy and his message and Sent him to his people and histime, so it was like if Noah was unaware and surprised for what his Lord wants,

and that the relation of family has no value without believing in God, so when Godawared him for what has to be from him towards his Master, he woke up andapologized saying: My Lord! Lo! in Thee do I seek refuge (from the sin) that Ishould ask of Thee that whereof I have no knowledge. Unless Thou forgive me andhave mercy on me I shall be among the lost(Hud:47).So it is traced back to Abi Ja'far Muhammad ben 'Ali Al-Bâqir (PUH) in a longspeech for him: There is no relation between God and anyone else, the most

 beloved by God whoever is faithful to Him and obeying His commandments, thenhe (PUH) said: I swear by God that no slave can approach to God except byobeying (worshipping), we don't have any relief from hell and no one has any

reason before God, and whoever is obeying God then he's a follower for us, and

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whoever is against God, he's an enemy for us, and our love is taken except by thefaith and the good of deeds. So, the Ark then sailed in waves like mountains until itreached Mecca and went around the Holy House, and everyone on earth did sinkeven the high mountains and nothing survived except the Holy House.

In some tales it is told that it was called the "Protected House" because it was protected from being drowned, and it was told also that the flood and the waterfrom skies and earth from springs continued for forty mornings until the water wasabove everything and sank everything and everything that had a soul died, so then

 Noah raised his hands to the sky and said: O Lord, your mercy, your mercy, Havemercy on us, so then the rain stopped and the springs stopped and the clouds weregone and the weather came back again as normal as it was and the winds stoppeddown and everything was calm, and the whole world was all water and the earth asone one passage way, and then God ordered the earth to swallow its waters and thewater of the sky remained on the face of earth and so from it were the seas of this

world for God, the Exalted, ordered Gabriel (PUH) to drive the waters to itscurrent form, and God had stopped it by His own power and His will.

The coming down of Noah and his fellowsfrom the Ark

Then God inspired to him: O Noah! Go thou down (from the mountain) with peacefrom Us and blessings upon thee and some nations (that will spring) from those

with thee. (There will be other) nations unto whom We shall give enjoyment a longwhile and then a painful doom from Us will overtake them (Hud:48), so Noah gotdown from the Ark with the eighty men that are with him and their fellows and therest of the animals, and the Ark parked on the mount of Al-Judi (and it is a greatmountain in Al-Mosel in the land of Iraq) [the previous note is mentioned in the

 book] as some people of knowledge did say, and it is said that it is a mountain inthe island [seems it meant by the "island" the Arabian peninsula in general] onwhich the Ark did stop, and said also that it is some where in the land of Shâm[Shâm is a form of Sam or Shem, Syria is the main land that is called by this namewith areas around it], and it is said that it is in the island between Al-Furât and

Dijlah (Euphrates and Tigris), and in some tidings, it is the Euphrates that passesthrough Kufa [meaning Al-Judi is the Euphrates..etc] and it is the most close torightness as mentioned in Majma' Al-Bahrain [book's name] for the sheikh Al-Torayhi. It is told that when Noah got abroad over the Ark after charging it withanimals of different types and habits, from lions and mutants and beasts and peopleand so on, God, the Exalted, dropped the calmness over whatever was there fromanimals and birds and beasts so no one hurted the other as if God made them all ofone type, so the sheep would approach the wolf and so the cow with the lion, as ifGod made their habits disappear, and so they stayed like that until they got out of

the Ark on land. It is mentioned that no single animal was left and all were got tothe Ark, and the interpretation for God's saying: two of every kind, a pair(Hud:40),

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meaning the male and female pair since this name is called usually for anycombination of them.[a short paragraph comes here that has nothing to add but a summary then thanksto God, not to be translated because the grammar and sequence of the speech

seems not coherent]

A completion with the help of the Holy Quranfor the case of Noah

This dear Quran tells us a lot about the sheikh of the messengers and I mentionhere some things for you and and I leave for you the notices so you can getwhatever we did not or whatever we left for your own care, and the stories of

 people of doubt are not dependable but only the interpretations that were issued bythe Household and people of faith and whatever there is in their traditions and themost trusted folks, are dependable, for what concerns explanations, and no oneknows its interpretations except God and who are in deep knowledgement. Thechapters that mentioned the story of Noah in the Holy Quran are twenty eightchapters in forty three positions, and the story was told in details in six chapters:Al-A'râf, Hud, Al-Mu'minun, Al-Shu'arâ', Al-Qamar and Nooh, so they had theenough tidings about the conditions of Noah (PUH), and they are all contain thesame contents in general even though the words can be different for the purpose oftelling the story (and maybe the purpose would be whenever the God's Will is

directed) (?) So, some of these Holy phrases give us a special picture ofinterpretation about the conditions of the sheikh of the messengers and what he didface from his people. When Noah was sent as a messenger to his people andmiracles appeared by him and also his virtues, and the light of prophecy had roseand the dawn of the message and its sun began, some of them followed him afterthe guidance of God to them after they used to worship the idols, and lot of themdenied and mocked him and his followers, and they wondered how come that aman from them is sent to them and he is the poorest and less in servants and haveno honour among them, and they see that he is not destiniguished by any family orrelations nor science or generosity but he is just like them, and even they thought

that they have the priority for this task, for they are the leaders and people offortunes, and they extremely denied that someone from them make fun of theirdreams and mock at their idols and gods and they have the powers and men, andthought that following him would be a shame that has a heavy weight onthemselves, so how come they deny the worshipping of their and their fathers'gods, and the thing that keeps them far away from him and refusing him is thefellowship of what they don't give any care and they are the weak poor men andthe most abject of them, and this is for their pride and power, and they claimed thatthese followed him without any wisdom or patience.

Then when his virtues occured and his promises came true and they have no proofto deny him for what he showed of miracles they asked him to drive them away

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(the poor people) so they wouldn't be together on the same way and gathered withthe true religion and be equal in one raw and meet each other under his flag and beunder his laws and judgements, and this is so hard for them to do. So when theyasked him to do that he denied and refused that for his fear of God and he showed

them and overtook them by proof that if he drove them out he wouldn't find anyone to protect him against the punishment of God, and that he is only calling themfor guidance into his religion and not by money nor power nor sword, and he didn'tclaim that he's a king but only a human being like them chosen by God to call forthem and show them the commandments of God and the laws of His sacred creed,and he doesn't have with his followers except what is apparent and now what thechests behold, because all of that is up to God and not to His prophet: But themessenger hath no other charge than to convey (the message) plainly(Al-Nur:54),and his reward is from God and he asks nothing as a reward in exchange, and tothe rest of what is mentioned in the chapter of Hud, so God did say in it (the

chapter): The chieftains of his folk, who disbelieved, said: We see thee but amortal like us, and we see not that any follow thee save the most abject among us,without reflection. We behold in you no merit above us - nay, we deem youliars(Hud:27), He said: O my people! Bethink you, if I rely on a clear proof frommy Lord and there hath come unto me a mercy from His presence, and it hath beenmade obscure to you, can we compel you to accept it when ye are averse thereto?(Hud:28), And O my people! I ask of you no wealth therefor. My reward is theconcern only of Allah, and I am not going to thrust away those who believe - Lo!they have to meet their Lord! - but I see you a folk that are ignorant (Hud:29), untilthe rest of the holy phrases that contain what we pointed to you. Check it out andyou might win and in the chapter of Nooh there is the healer interpretation for thehearts of believers from the doubt, and in it there is the fine explanation for thehealing of souls of atheists and the revolted tyrants but only if there is no blindnessin the hearts and eyes. He (Noah) tried his best in advising them and guiding themso he approached them in various ways and methods and never left a way he didn'tuse, day and night and in secret and in public promising and threatening, promisingthem with the goods of life of sons and money and the good of sky and earth, bythe bless of earth from its fruit and grains and plants and the bless of the sky fromits rains and waters and watering their lands, and the goodness of after-life of

forgiveness and hiding faults and being eternal in paradise with faithful slaves ofGod, and it is the great happiness of the human being if only he understood andknew and believed.He (Noah) gave them examples and dedicated their thoughts as a notification to thewonders of God's creations and the beauty of His creativity and His creation forthem and everyone is founded at any time and in any place, and that God createdthem in different phases and with different types according to their shapes, minds,understanding, powers, preparation, ages and fortunes, and according to theirwisdom, money, ownerships and children and lot of other things, so God did say:What aileth you that ye hope not toward Allah for dignity, When He created you

 by (divers) stages ?(Nooh:13-14), from drop of seed, then from a clot, then from a

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little lump then in shape of embryo then to childhood and then as a kid and then toage of youth and maturity and old age, decrepit and health and sickness, wealthand poverity, wisdom and ignorance, might and weakness.God also said: See ye not how Allah hath created seven heavens in harmony, And

hath made the moon a light therein, and made the sun a lamp ?, And Allah hathcaused you to grow as a growth from the earth, And afterward He maketh youreturn thereto, and He will bring you forth again, a (new) forthbringing.(Nooh:15-18), so who created them and made life for them and made for them the senses oflistening and viewing, so then the apparent and the hidden senses and thesefeelings inside and that world of heart are all back to Him, and the mind is the

 judge among them, and what creation is more wonderous more than him (the Man)if you just meditated and believed?, so whoever created all of this is able to makehim (the Man) alive again after his death for judgement where He promised forforgiveness for those who obeyed and punishment for those who denied, and God

never break any promise for His slave. There is for you from the previousexamples the wisdom, and from the creation of heaven and its shiny sun and moonthe thought, and with these efforts from the prophet of God, Noah, he wanted theirlife and happiness in their life and their after-life, but they were ignorant for himand hurted him, and whenever he works on fixing them and guiding them, theywork on revolting and plotting against him and ignoring him. God did say tellingwhat happened with him: He said: My Lord! Lo! I have called unto my peoplenight and day, But all my calling doth but add to their repugnance; And lo!whenever I call unto them that Thou mayst pardon them they thrust their fingers intheir ears and cover themselves with their garments and persist (in their refusal)and magnify themselves in pride(Nooh:5-7), to the rest of the Holy phrases thattells what happened with him (PUH), so you have to read them and understandwhat is their purpose and you may be a winner. So Noah take it for so long and

 been patient quite much that no one can be as patient as that except those whowork for God sincerely and never find a life away from obeying Him and no workexcept to do the deeds for which He would have mercy for, but they denied andrefused and followed the tyrants, from their leaders and idols worshippers.So when he couldn't help with it and was depressed about guiding them, and theyeven plotted and agreed to not leave the worshipping of their idols Wadd, nor

Suwa', nor Yaghuth and Ya'uq and Nasr, and said to him: O Noah! Thou hastdisputed with us and multiplied disputation with us; now bring upon us thatwherewith thou threatenest us, if thou art of the truthful(Hud:32), and he answeredwith what God had told in the chapter of Hud in phrase (33): Only Allah will bringit upon you if He will, and ye can by no means escape, My counsel will not profityou if I were minded to advise you, if Allah's will is to keep you astray. He is yourLord and unto Him ye will be brought back(Hud:33-34). And when Noah gotdepressed about the faith of his people after a work of nine hundreds and fiftyyears as mentioned in the Holy Quran, and he used to call them for worshippingGod after believing in Him and with the message of Noah and whatever in it, and

God told him and He is the One that knows about His creation that there is no use

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of calling them either for long or short time, by saying: No-one of thy folk will believe save him who hath believed already. Be not distressed because of whatthey do(Hud:36). Just then Noah directed his calls of destruction for his peopletowards God, so he said as it is told by God: My Lord! Leave not one of the

disbelievers in the land, If Thou shouldst leave them, they will mislead Thy slavesand will beget none save lewd ingrates(Nooh:26-27). And God answered his callsfor their destruction, and before that God promised him to destroy them, if theyinsisted on tyranny, by drowning, and he knew all that by inspiration.And when God's will judged for their destruction and being under the anger of Godfor their disbelieve, his God, the Exalted, ordered him to make the Ark by sayingas mentioned in the chapter of Hud: Build the ship under Our eyes and by Ourinspiration, and speak not unto Me on behalf of those who do wrong. Lo! they will

 be drowned, And he was building the ship, and every time that chieftains of his people passed him, they made mock of him. He said: Though ye make mock of Us,

yet We mock at you even as ye mock, And ye shall know to whom a punishmentthat will confound him cometh, and upon whom a lasting doom will fall, (Thus itwas) till, when Our commandment came to pass and the oven gushed forth water,We said: Load therein two of every kind, a pair (the male and female), and thyhousehold, save him against whom the word hath gone forth already, and thosewho believe. And but a few were they who believed with him, And he said:Embark therein! In the name of Allah be its course and its mooring. Lo! my Lord isForgiving, Merciful, And it sailed with them amid waves like mountains, and Noahcried unto his son - and he was standing aloof - O my son! Come ride with us, and

 be not with the disbelievers(Hud:37-42), to the end of the holy phrases from thechapter of Hud.If you meditate through them (the holy phrases before), and whatever it containedof threatening and warning and frightening, you would surely know that there is nodifference between the nation of Noah and the rest of other nations where they dowhatever they do of sins and then face whatever comes of shames, for theAlmighty and the Exalted, the One of High Pride does not let go a wrong-doing forany wrong-doer and He is in the face of them and every wrong-doer. They did nottake caution in the middle of their joy, and suddenly the Flood erased their tracesand destroyed their lands and covered their homes and fortunes, so He destroyed

them with what they worship and subdued them and every tyrant until thedoomsday, so whatever came over them is a warning for others and for everynation that would come after them, for their Lord doesn't want anything for Hisslaves and creation but the absolute happiness for their life and their after-life ifthey obeyed Him and followed His messengers and worked with His books and thelaws of His religion, and the Quran mentions such stories about the ancient nationsto put them in consideration and follow the path of God and His messengers andHis books and work by them.Yes, God ordered His slave and His messenger Noah to make the Ark for thesafety of him and of whoever believed in him from his relatives and his followers

and God described them by saying: And but a few were they who believed with

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him(Hud:40), and his people used to mock at him for making the Ark withoutwater, and lot of them knew that he is only making it to save hisself andthemselves from the coming punishment, and they denied that because they did not

 believe such thing could happen since it did not happen for others before them, and

this denial is originated by disbelieving in him and in Whoever sent him, and he(PUH) also used to mock at them for their ego and their ignorance for the truth andfor not taking awareness and caution for themselves by following him, and heturned to threaten them by that (the punishment) hoping for them to be aware forthemselves and stop their wrong-doing, and God told the story of his saying tothem: And ye shall know to whom a punishment that will confound him cometh,and upon whom a lasting doom will fall(Hud:39). Yes, the completion of the Arkwas by inspiration from God and by His teachings for His slave Noah, for God'ssaying: Build the ship under Our eyes and by Our inspiration(Hud:37).As it is reported by Ibn-'Abbâs that Noah did not know how to make the Ark so

God inspired to him to make it like the chest of the bird, and so when it wasaccomplished by the Will of God for what God decided, and the promised hadcome and the signs appeared like the weather change and the winds blow andearth's shaking and breaking and the waters coming from skies and springs of earthand from the furnace that people make their bread with at homes, God then orderedhim to take his family in the Ark and get into it from every animal and bird and

 beast two pairs and take with him all of who believed in him from his people andcarry with him all what they all might need of food for each type and kind.So when he finished all of that and they all got inside it and took a place in it, it gotharder with the waters coming from the sky and earth God did say: Thus it was)till, when Our commandment came to pass and the oven gushed forth water, Wesaid: Load therein two of every kind, a pair (the male and female), and thyhousehold, save him against whom the word hath gone forth already(Hud:40). Sothen the Ark turned around like a millstone and then got up the surface of the waterand went on to where God destined it to go, and that was mentioned before, untileverything on the surface of earth was drowned, and it is mentioned that the waterlevel at the time of Noah raised above everything for fifteen cubits.From Da'awât Al-Râwandi [seems a book's name] that it said: When Noah wentabroad he denied to let the scorpion go in with him, so it said to him: Let me go

with you and I will make a vow to not sting anyone that says: Peace onMuhammad and the Household of Muhammad and Noah, in this life. We've cometo mention that the flood continued for one hundred and fifty days or six monthsand the Ark with its people over the water until it was placed over Al-Judi andstayed there and all the water dried out and the earth swallowed it by acommandment of God. It is reported that that was on the day of Nayruz [persianname, it is a festival that still takes place in the persian calendar every year] and itis the beginning of spring season, as reported by Al-Sâdiq (PUH) and we've cometo mention before its place (the Ark) and where is Al-Judi.We've pointed before that one of the sons of Noah (PUH) denied to go abroad in

the Ark with his father, and he was a disbeliever and disobeyer for his father, and

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his father called him by: O my son! Come ride with us, and be not with thedisbelievers(Hud:42), so then he (his son) answered: I shall betake me to somemountain that will save me from the water(Hud:43), and and so on until the end ofwhat was mentioned by the holy book. Noah then had pitty and the passion of the

father for his son so he raised his head calling God for help and to save his sonCanaan from being drowned by saying: My Lord! Lo! my son is of my household!Surely Thy promise is the truth and Thou are the Most Just of Judges(Hud:45), forGos promised Noah to save his family and whoever believed from the people, asmentioned before, so he thought that his son is one of his family because of he isrelated to him by kinship, and didn't notice his refusal and his sins, and thateveryone that did not get abroad in the Ark is an enemy for God and has no dignityand nothing can save him from the punishment, so God warned him for this and

 blamed him in such a gentle and passionate way saying to him: O Noah! Lo! he isnot of thy household; lo! he is of evil conduct, so ask not of Me that whereof thou

hast no knowledge. I admonish thee lest thou be among the ignorant(Hud:46). Noah then apologized saying what was mentioned in the holy book, and you might be aware to the meaning of all of this and if you did that might be one of thegreatest sermons for you if you have a complete faith, and that you must not be anenemy for any viceroy for God and never be an ally for any an enemy for Himeither it is relative (close) to you or far away, and this is the scale for your truthfulfaith and for anyone that claims faith, and if you denied from a believer a bad deedthen leaving him because of it is in fact leaving the corruption and the bad doingsand not leaving the believer and hisself or his faith, where there is no infallibilityexcept for those who God made infallible, and you might even like a characterfrom a disbeliever like justice and generosity, like those of Kisrâ the king of

 persians [notice that Kisrâ is not a name but it means King of kings in persian, butusually now it is used in common for the persian king who's named Anu Sharwânin Arabic who denied the message of Muhammad and tore the letter of the prophet]and Hâtim Al-Tâ'ee [A man lived before the time of the prophet Muhammad, wasfamous for his generosity that proverbs for generosity was made about him], whowere famous for his generosity, and both of them are disbelievers. There are cluesfrom the Holy Quran and the Muhammedan tales and others from the previousrules and the mind and the wisemen as it is obvious for the most least of meditation

[the last line of this paragraph is not translated as it should be for the Arabicversion has some words mixing and lost meaning, this is the best I can do here.]And know that the historians that discussed the story of Noah did differ in weitherthe flood covered all of earth or not and only specified for the destination that heused to live in with his (Noah) people, and they did not have nor we do have anyclue that we can be comfortable with, and the Holy Quran did not mentionanything about that, but only that the flood destroyed his people and he survivedwith whoever was with him in the Ark, and it is apparent from understanding thegeneral meaning of the speech, that it was special for the place he used to live inwith his tribes like in Iraq for example or in the Arabian peninsula, and it is likely

similar to whatever happened to the nations that came after him for the punishment

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was directed against the people of those who warn and their lands like the peopleof Hud, Sâlih, Moses, David and others that came before and after them, someditate, and that might be what the interpreters understood from the Holy Quran,and it is apparent that there is no special speech reported from the prophet (PUH)

and his purified Household concerning this matter except what is apparent from theHoly Quran. It is so far away from mind to think that the people of Noah did coverall the lands completely and earth in all directions and that the flood covered it all,although there is no definite clue that can guide the research about the generality ofthe flood or its specification.Yes, what appears from the Holy Book that there were no living thing that was lefton earth after the flood except what was in the Ark, and from this angle (point ofview) the difference occur about the matter and about considering it as a general ora specific case and God only knows.This is the last thing we would like to mention about the conditions of the sheikh

of messengers (PUH), and prayers may be upon the last of prophets, Muhammadand his purified Household, and thanks goes to God the Lord of all.

Hud (PUH) He is the prophet that was sent to 'Âd ben 'Ewas ben Eram ben Sâm ben Nuh[i.e.ben Shem ben Noah] as it was reported, and Hud (PUH) is the son of 'Abdullah

 ben Rabâh ben Khalood ben 'Âd ben 'Ewas ben Eram ben Sâm ben Nuh (PUH), asmentioned in Safeenat Al-Bihâr [book's name] for Al-Muhaddiþ Al-Qommi, and it

is the same as that mentioned in Qisas Al-Anbiyâ' [stories of prophets] for 'Abdul-Wahâb Al-Najjâr. It is reported also that Hud is the son of Shâlikh ben Arfakhshd ben Shem ben Noah (PUH), so the number of fathers between the messenger andhis nation is equal so between them and Shem only two and no more, and for thefirst report about the fathers of Hud (PUH) there is more than four fathersobviously. God the Exalted did say: And unto (the tribe of) A'ad (We sent) their

 brother, Hud. He said: O my people! Serve Allah. Ye have no other God save Him.Will ye not ward off (evil) ?(Al-A`râf:65), and the meaning, and God knows better,that We sent to 'Âd their brother Hud, and it is a joining for what was before fromthe story of Noah (PUH) by God's saying: We sent Noah (of old) unto his people,and he said: O my people! Serve Allah. Ye have no other God save Him. Lo! I fearfor you the retribution of an Awful Day(Al-A`râf:59), and God did make them theinhabitants of earth after the people of Noah (PUH), and God did provide themwith large bodies, and it was mentioned that one of them could reach the tallness ofseventy to one hundred cubits, and as reported from Abi Ja`far Al-Sâdiq (PUH):they were like long palm trees, one of them can hit the mountain and break a pieceof it. And it was said: as a sign of their might, one man of them can knock of rocks

 by his hand. and they used to worship idols that they called gods, and for this Hud

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(PUH) said to them: Would ye wrangle with me over names which ye have named,ye and your fathers, for which no warrant from Allah hath been revealed?(Al-A'râf:71). They are the people that God destroyed by the fatal wind, and they usedto say to Hud (PUH) when he used to calls them to worship God and worship no

other god with Him: We think that you've been under the spell of our gods forcalling them with bad names.When Hud (PUH) called them to God and to His religion and even exaggerated inhis sermons and guiding them and warned them against the Will of the Almightyand His punishment in this life and the after-life, all of that, did not bring anythingwith them, then God saved the rains from them until aridity became over them sothat they can be aware of what happened to them and get back to obey God, butthat did nothing to them and their ego increased, and in a speech reported to Al-

Sajjâd (PUH) when someone told him (PUH) by the purpose of criticism that yourgrandfather [the prophet Muhammad PUH] said: our brothers wronged us and wefought them for their wrong, so he (PUH) said in his answer: woe to you, don't youread the Quran? And unto (the tribe of) A'ad (We sent) their brother, Hud(Al-A'râf:65), And unto Midian (We sent) their brother, Shu'eyb(Al-A'râf:85), And to(the tribe of) Thamud (We sent) their brother Salih(Al-A'râf:73), so they are likethem, and they were brothers for them in the tribe and not in religion, and inanother reported speech he said to them: So God destroyed A'ad and saved Hud,and destroyed Thamud and saved Salih..etc.And in Al-Kâfi [a book's name] it is reported from Al-Bâqir (PUH), that Noah

 brought tidings for Shem in advance for the coming of Hud and said to him: Godwill send a prophet called Hud, and he will call his people to God but they willdeny him and He will destroy them with the wind, so whoever reaches his days lethim believe in him and follow him, and there were prophets between both of them.And in Al-Ikmâl [a book's name] as reported from Al-Sâdiq (PUH) it is that when

 Noah was about to die he called his followers and said to them: you have to knowthat after my death there will be an absence in which tyrants will appear, and God

will save you by a viceroy from my descendants called Hud, he has respect andcalm look-likes, he looks like me in shape and manner, and from them also (PUT)[meaning the Household members PUT]: when Hud was sent, he was a descendantof Shem (PUH) and the others said who is more stronger than we are so they weredestroyed by the wind, and Hud foretold his people about Sâlih (PUH) and advisedthem to follow him, and as mentioned from Al-Bâqir (PUH) that prophets weresent in special and general prophecy, and Hud was sent in a special prophecy toA'ad.

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The Land of A'ad and Their Crafts In the interpretation of 'Ali ben Ibrâhim: A'ad's land was in the desert and they had

 plants and lot of palms, and they had long ages and tall bodies and worshipped

idols so God send to them Hud to call them back to the rightful religion but theydenied and did not believe in Hud and hurted him so the sky catched its rains fromthem for seven years until aridity became over them, and Hud was farmer and waswatering the land when some people came to his door asking for him so then anold woman with one eye came out for them and asked: who are you and what doyou want? so they answered: we are from a land and our land was affected byaridity so we came to Hud to pray to God to let the rain come over with fertility toour lands. So she said to them: If prays of Hud were to be answered he would prayfor himself first, this is his land became arid and his plants was burnt for the

scarcity of water, so they asked: and where is he? so she told them where he wasand they went to him and made a complaint for him and said to him: O prophet ofGod, our land became arid, and we've come here to ask you to pray to God to letrains come over our lands, so when he heard their complaints, he went to pray andasked God for what they wanted and then said to them: go back to your lands, therain did fall. Then they told him what they saw and heard from that woman in hishouse, so he said (PUH): this is my wife and I pray to God to give her the long age,so they wondered: and how is that? So he answered: because God never created a

 believer without an enemy that hurts him, and she is my enemy, and to have anenemy that I own is better than having an enemy that owns me.So Hud (PUH) kept on calling his people to worship God and deny worshippingthe idols to make them happy in this life and the after-life and may their lands befruitful and their fortunes may increase and win the paradise of the after-life, and itis as God said: And, O my people! Ask forgiveness of your Lord, then turn untoHim repentant; He will cause the sky to rain abundance on you and will add untoyou strength to your strength. Turn not away, guilty! They said: O Hud! Thou hast

 brought us no clear proof and we are not going to forsake our gods on thy (mere)saying, and we are not believers in thee.(Hud:52-53). So, when they did not believeGod sent upon them the "Sarsar" wind [sarsar is the word mentioned in Quran todescribe this wind], and it is the one of extreme coldness, and it is what God said inthe chapter of Al-Qamar: Lo! We let loose on them a raging wind on a day ofconstant calamity(Al-Qamar:19).And in the chapter of Al-Haqqah: And as for A'ad, they were destroyed by a fierceroaring wind, Which He imposed on them for seven long nights and eight longdays so that thou mightest have seen men lying overthrown, as they were hollowtrunks of palm- trees (Al-Haqqah: 6-7), and so they were continuous [notice in this

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line the author is explaining a word in Arabic that meant to be continuous but thePickthall translation used the word "long"], and the first and the last of the eightdays was Wednesday and it is a day of continuous calamity (ill-luck).And from Al-Kâfi [book's name] as reported from Abi Ja'far Al-Bâqir (PUH) that

he said: God has soldiers of winds to torture with it anyone that He wants of thosewho denied His commandments and for every wind there is an angel that controlsit, so if God wanted to torture some people with any type of winds He commandshim (the angel that controls that wind for torture) and the angel commands hiswind and it becomes agitated like a mad lion. Then he said (PUH): for every windthere is a special name attached to it, don't you hear God's saying about A'ad: Lo!We let loose on them a raging wind [sarsar] on a day of constant calamity(Al-Qamar:54) ? and His saying: fatal wind [Al-`Aqeem] (Al-Thâriyat:51), and: a wind

wherein is painful torment (Al-Ahqâf:46). And God did say: a fiery whirlwindstriketh it and it is (all) consumed by fire(Al-Baqara:266).

Anti-Critiscism or Imagination Some people may don't like what we are mentioning here even though with suchclues, because in his point of view they were not important matters in a time likeours with lot of corruption in it for the abundance of parties and bad people and theignorance of religion, or even for the disbelieving in it and mocking at the people

of faith and the total dedication of souls to this life and its beauty and building upeven though by the name of religion. For all of that it is hard for them to bearhearing such matters and writing it down or even to look at it. Notice. But we sayto him that the speech that is with people of faith is right even though their greed toincrease their faith had become lesser for they knew what did the callers for God

 bear of troubles, and what the prophets of God and His viceroys did and whathurtings did they face along with troubles for calling back to God and for thesaving of humanity and for the happiness of the creation, and awakening theignorants and stopping the tyrants.

Then the believer's faith is never complete without admitting the prophecy of every prophet and messenger sent from God to His creation even though he knows a littleabout them, and the best thing to be said in this location that they are mentioned(PUT) in dear Quran, and emphasized on mentioning them many times andexplained their stories and their conditions and all of that was just to think about itas it is mentioned in these holy phrases, so the believer think about its sermons andwarns by its warnings and avoid the things that bring the torments and revenge andgo along to the things that bring dignity to the believers in this life and the after-

life, so explaining such matters going deep inside them is only for this purpose,and in fact it is just an explanation for the holy phrases of God and to interpret

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what the Holy Book symbolized.With this wind we've become to mention before God bombards mountains andmake it as a plain land without any curves in it or high places. It is said that it iscalled Al-`Aqeem (the wind) [Arabic: `Aqeem = barren] because it was barren

with torment and without any mercy, like when men and women when they become barren with no children, so it is said: "Rajol `Aqeem" (Barren man) andImra'ah `Aqeem (Barren woman), so barrenness is and adjective that describesmales and females. And it is said: when the people of Hud (PUH) became tyrantsand they are A'ad and his people and disbelieved and nothing works with them ofsermons or the warnings of the prophet of God, Hud, God sent to them Al-`Aqeemwind (barren wind) so it grinded their castles and forts and cities until all becamelike sands, and it came over them for continuous seven nights and eight days, and

you would see the people in them (the cities) as if they were trunks of palm trees,and it used to lift men and women up high and throw them back to fall on theirheads, so the wind used to pick up men and women from down their feet and liftthem up to the sky and destroy them, and it worked on mountains as well as itgrinded their homes until they became like soft sand, and it is the one called Al-Ahqâf (and there is a chapter called for its name and it is the chapter of Al-Ahqâf),and we've came to mention that they used to cut of pillars from the mountains astall as the mountain itself then they move it and make a stand of it and build castlesupon it, and maybe for this reason it was called "Ðât Al-`Imâd" [Arabic: `Imâd =

 pillars] that nothing was created like it on the lands.

And Here Is An Amazing Story It is the paradise of Shaddâd ben A'ad that he built and described as the paradisethat God created for faithful followers.Its story was transferred and been told by many historians one of them is Al-Sadooq in Ikmâl Al-Deen [a book's name] as reported to a man called Abi Wâ'il, sohe said: there was a man called `Abdullah ben Qulâbah went out seeking some

camels that he lost, and while he was in the deserts of Aden in Yemen, and whilein these deserts he saw bright twinkling that almost took his sightness away, so hewent directly towards it and he forgot about his camels, so when he got closer hefound a great city and a fort around it, and around that fort many castles and longhigh flags, so he got closer and thought there is someone to ask about his camels

 but he saw no one going in or out of it and got scared, so he got down from hiscamel and tied it then got his sword ready and entered from the gate of the fort andthen he saw two great doors that he never saw like them before and their wood is

of the finest and on them placed the red and yellow rubies and their lights filled thespace, so when he saw that he liked it and opened on of the doors and entered so he

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found himself in a city that no one saw before, and found castles hanged up in theair by pillars of emeralds and rubies and upon each castle of these there are roomsand above the rooms there were rooms made of gold and silver and pearls andrubies and emeralds, and upon each door of these rooms there were leaves like the

leaves on the doors of the city itself and made of the finest wood and ornamentedwith rubies. These castles were paved with pearls, musk and saffron, so when hesaw all of that and didn't see any one in it he got scared and afraid, then he took alook into the streets and found each one of these was full of fruitfull trees andrivers going from under it, so when he saw all of that he said to hisself: This is the

 paradise that God promised for his faithful slaves so thanks may be to Him to letme in it, so then he carried some of its pearls and its musk and some of its saffrons,and it was as much as a sand in it, so he carried whatever he could and couldn't

take other things because they were planted in its doors, walls and pillars, so thenhe got out and mounted his camel and went back from the way he came from untilhe got back to Yemen and showed what he got and carried and told people whatdid he see and met and sold some of what he got of pearls so his news spread overthe lands and that was at the time of Mu`âwiyah ben Abi-Sufyân [The main creatorfor the Ummayads empire after the end of the Caliphates age. He was in furiouswars with Ali ben Abi-Tâlib and his son Al-Hasan PUT], so when he got thetidings about it he sent a messenger to Yemen asking the man to come to him, sothe man went along until he reached Mu`âwiyah, and when they sat alone witheach other he asked him what did he see, so the man told him the story of the cityand what did he see in it and showed him some of what he got there of pearls,musk and saffron, so Mu`âwiyah said then: Oh God, even king Solomon ben Daviddid not get a city like this!Then Mu`âwiyah sent a messenger to The Rabbi (and he is the wisest man of Jewsthat he finally got into Islam at the time of the prince of believers Ali ben Abi-Tâlib PUH, and was a good follower and he's known with this name and used tolive in Medina, and God knows better) so when he arrived Mu`âwiyah asked him:

O father of Isaac, is there a city that was built by gold and silver and its pillarsmade of Beryl and Rubies and the stones of its castles and rooms is made of pearlsand the rivers go in its streets surrounded by fruitful trees? So then The Rabbi saidto him: This city is owned by Shaddâd ben A'ad, and this city is "With many-columned Iram"(Al-fajir:7), and it is the one described by God, the Exalted, in His

 book that was revealed on His prophet (PUH), and it is mentioned that nothing likeit was created over the lands. Then Mu`âwiyah said to him: tell us about it. So, TheRabbi said: the first A'ad and not A'ad the people of Hud PUH, he had two sons,

one called Shadeed and the other Shaddâd, so then A'ad died and they stayed afterhim and ruled over earth with might and power and people obeyed them from east

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to west, then Shadeed died and only Shaddâd stayed and ruled alone, and he lovedreading books so much, and whenever he used to hear about the paradise andwhatever is there of buildings and castles and rubies with beryls, he wished to dothe same of it in the real life as a challenge to God. So, he started working on it and

assigned one hundred men of crafts for doing so, and for each man of them athousand workers and said to them: go to the best land on earth that is good forsuch a thing and build a city of gold, silver, rubies, beryl, and pearls, and make iton pedestals of beryl and upon them rooms and rooms over the rooms and listedother things that he wants such as channeling rivers and planting trees and otherthings that were described for paradise, so they said to him: how can we do it asyou said of gold and silver and jewels? So Shaddâd said to them: don't you knowthat I own the earth? They answered: yes, he said: then go to every ore of jewels,

gold and silver and assign to it men of experience until you collect what you needof it and also collect all what people has of gold and silver and go to work, and alsowrite to the kings and princes of lands from the east to the west of earth, so theyobeyed his orders and started collecting jewels for ten years and started building,so they built it up in three hundreds years, so when they told him that they finishedhe ordered them to protect it with a great wall and then they made around the wallone thousand castles, at each castle there were one thousand flags on specific

 position, and he ought to put one of his ministers in each castle, so they all obeyedand did what he asked. When everything was done and they told him that theyfinished building, he ordered them to povide it with tools of comfort like beds andseats..etc and everything they need of mirrors and decorations so they spent tenyears working on this, and then when everything is done, the king Shaddâdtravelled to it with his family and relatives and army and his slaves, so when thecity was far away for one day and night, God sent to him and all the people withhim a great shout from the sky and destroyed them all before they reach it, so noone got inside it, and so this is the story of "many-columned Iram."That was the speech of The Rabbi to Mu`âwiyah ben Abi-Sufyân that concerns the

city of Shaddâd and it is the "many-columned Iram". Then after that The Rabbisaid to Mu`âwiyah: and I find in books that a man will get into it and see what'sinside it and then gets out and tell the people about it but they will not believe himand the people of faith at the end of time will get into it, and in another version asmentioned in Majma` Al-Bayân [a book's name]: and a man of Muslims at yourtime will get into it and he's red and blonde and short got a mole over his eye andover his neck that will come over deserts asking for his camels, and the man wassitting with Mu`âwiyah so The Rabbi turned to him and said: I swear this is the

man. This is what was between Mu`âwiyah and The Rabbi and this story is aboutShaddâd ben A'ad and it is different from A'ad people that were at the time of Hud

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(PUH) as we mentioned before and it is even before his time and for this we thinkthat between Hud and Shem ben Noah the longest of the two chains of fathersmentioned before so the number of fathers between the two becomes six and theyare: Abdullah, the father of Hud, and then comes Rabbâh ben Khalud ben A'ad ben

`Ewas ben Iram ben Shem ben Noah (PUT), and not only two and they are: Shâlih ben Arfakhshd ben Shem, and for what we've suggested that means Hud was sentto the people of his grandfather's grandfather and this is unreasonable, and evenaccording to our rules and faith it is not possible, for the fathers of every prophetare purified and infallible and faithful and nothing less than that, and from this

 point of view the controversy takes place and only God knows. There is also nodoubt that the name "A'ad" was for a man who became a tyrant which is differentfrom the fathers of Hud (PUH), so we do not doubt their infalliblity and it is a

 purified sacred chain connected with Shem ben Noah (PUT), and also we don'tdoubt the existance of Shadeed and Shaddâd for historians did emphasize on theirexistance and they are the sons of A'ad as well. We don't deny this story and the

 building of the city mentioned before that it might be true, but it should not be believed in completely until a clue is founded that can break all doubts which issomething lost currently. Yes, it was mentioned in many books and even some ofthem is traced back to the infallible Imams but it wasn't for sure to be trusted in forthe weakness of the tracing chain, but it is something that can be true or false, andI've mentioned it here because it was mentioned in many books and for itsconnection with this chapter and the purpose is not hidden and God knowseverything and we shall ask Him the mercy and the will. It is mentioned also thatA'ad is a famous Arabic name, and what is traced back from a speech for Sebaweh[a famous linguist that contributed and explained a lot of the Arabic grammar andvocabulary at his time. In modern life, his name become as saying said to everyonethat knows so much in the deep Arabic language], that A'ad is a foreign name andthe first one to speak Arabic was Ya`rob ben Qahtân which came after a long timeafter the time of A'ad, and only God knows.

And Some Historians Said It is famous from the speeches of those who deal with the story of A'ad that theyare destroyed after the existance of Abraham (PUH) and the building of the HolyHouse in Holy Mecca, and said: it is poissble the A'ad were the longest living

 people on earth and also the greatest in bodies. And who said that A'ad is the sonof `Ewas ben Iram then he got so far with that, because in such a short time it is not

 possible for Iram to generate such a huge tribe that works on earth and be proud of

its strength as A'ad used to be, for they were people of agriculture and enslaved people as it is mentioned by Hud (PUH) in his saying to them as been told by the

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Holy Book: Do ye build a landmark on every high place to amuse yourselves? Anddo ye get for yourselves fine buildings in the hope of living therein (forever)? Andwhen ye exert your strong hand, do ye do it like men of absolute power? Now fearAllah, and obey me. Yea, fear Him Who has bestowed on you freely all that ye

know. Freely has He bestowed on you cattle and sons, And Gardens and Springs.(Al-Sho'arâ':128-134).They also mentioned that the headquarter of A'ad and their homes were in the landof Ahqâf and it is located in the north of Hadramawt, and their place now is just asandy location with no one living thing after that great construction, and Al-Ahqâfmeans the place of lot of sands as in the language. And as mentioned before theyused to worship the idols instead of God, the Exalted, as the people of Noah (PUH)used to do. It is reported from Ibn Abbâs that they had an idol called "Samud" and

another one called "Al-Hattâr", so then God sent to them Hud (PUH) and he wasfrom a tribe called "Al-Khalood", and he was one of nobles with a nice-lookingface, with a shape and body like them, white with a long beard, so he called themto worship God and believe in the One and stop worshipping the idols and doingwrong to people, but they refused to do so and called him a liar and said: Who'sstronger than us? And Hud used to warn them and give examples for them with thefirst people of A'ad and people of Noah (PUH) before them and remind them of thegifts of God and explained to them that he has no greed for their money andfortunes but he is only commanded by God to guide them and God only rewardshim.As there were people of might and ego among the people the of Hud, there werealso people of faith and mind and believed in him and followed him, but the peopleof wrong were much more in number so they refused Hud and ignored all the cluesthat he brought for the truth until God destroyed them and their body turned to belike empty palms' trunks. It is apparent that the people of Hud were the secondA'ad and not the first as some believed that the second A'ad after the people of Hudare the people of Sâleh (PUH) and they are Thamud that lived in Yemen from

Qahtân and Saba' (Sheba), and their conditions will come later on, and only Godknows. Some said, and as reported by the people of Hadramut, that Hud (PUH)lived in Hadramut after the destruction of A'ad until he died there and buried on theeastern parts of it not far away from the town of Tareem near the valley of Berhut.So we say, and this is the right, that Hud (PUH) was buried in the valley of Salâm(valley of peace) near the shrine of the prince of believers Ali ben Abi-Tâlib(PUH), and near the graves of Adam and Noah (PUH), and beside him Sâleh(PUH) with a high dome above them and their shrines underneath it, and they have

their own servants and people visit them in that wide part of Iraq.You should know that Quran mentioned the story of A'ad with Hud (PUH) in ten

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Suras (chapters): Al-A`râf, Hud, Al-Mu'minun, Al-Sho`arâ', Fussilat, Al-Ahqâf,Al-Ðâriyât, Al-Qamar, Al-Hâqqah, Al-Fajr. And the mentioning of Hud (PUH)was included for seven times in them, and might be the mentioning of A'ad is forthe first A'ad like in the chapter of Al-Fajr, because it is also mentioned with it the

city if Iram, the many-columned. Because both of A'ad of Hud and the one beforeit were tyrants, but both of them are different as mentioned before, and for this

 purpose He said: Lo! A'ad disbelieved in their Lord. A far removal for A'ad, thefolk of Hud!(Hud:60). This speech is from Him, the Exalted, is call for theirdestruction and in it you will find the reasons for their destruction and therepetition of their story is to show how awful is their matter, and also formeditating and take the wisdom from their story and avoid their deeds, and He said"folks of Hud" to make a destinction betweem them and between the owner of

Iram, the many columned. In the Hadith: people must be filtered and be tested sotheir good be known among their bad ones. Look by the eye of your heart to thestory of Hud (PUH) with his people you will see a respected man with wisdom andhigh manners with great feelings, worshipper and ascetic, and also with pride anddignity with a hard faith and believe in God, the Exalted, for the disbelievers hewas the torture and for the believers he was a passionate father, this is Hud (PUH),and look to the great evil that was represented in A'ad and their saying to him:Who is mightier than us in power? Hard in their refusing and in their sayings, rudeand proud, with no manners and filthy tongue, disbelieving in paradising, but Hud(PUH) never reacted for this evil with evil, but in the contrary, passion andkindness and sincerity never leave him in his callings for his people. Look to theirsaying to him: Lo! we surely see thee in foolishness, and lo! we deem thee of theliars(Al-A`râf:66), and look to his answer to them: He said: O my people! There isno foolishness in me, but I am a messenger from the Lord of the Worlds. I conveyunto you the messages of my Lord and am for you a true adviser(Al-A`râf:67-68).Meditate in this sincerity from a righteous prophet, mighty in the cause of Godwith dignity and pity for his people against the torment of the Almighty and His

destruction, and he is scared for them against His anger for whoever rebel againstHis will and did not have mercy for himself by obeying his Lord, so he speaks tothem with the language of passion and kindness and high manners, and they facehim with that savagery, and he reminds them of the gifts of God for them like thefortunes, the sons, the gardens and watersprings, and reminds them that they areignorant to His gifts to them, and He made them special by giving them the huge

 bodies and the might with dignity of the tribe and made them viceroys on earthafter the people of Noah, and reminds them that believing in God will bring to

them even more fortunes and happiness in this life and in after-life, and theiranswer to him was that to humilate him and being surprised and wondering about

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his message and calls where he called for them to worship one God alone awayfrom their gods and whatever their fathers used to worship before them, and evencalled him a crazy and claimed that some of their gods revealed mental illness onhim as a punishment for his arguments about their rights and for trying to stop

worshipping them, look to this lying about his honorable place, and they claimedthat some of their gods and not all of them caused him to be with mental illness,

 but his answer to them was: I call Allah to witness, and do ye (too) bear witness,that I am innocent of (all) that ye ascribe as partners (to Allah), Beside Him. So(try to) circumvent me, all of you, give me no respite, Lo! I have put my trust inAllah, my Lord and your Lord. Not an animal but He doth grasp it by the forelock!Lo! my Lord is on a straight path(Hud:54-56).And let it be known that whatever Hud (PUH) did is a matter that is should done

 by everyone that assigned to the mission of ordering by goodness and prohibitingthe bad deeds and guiding people and teaching them the laws and regulations ofthe religion and it is matter for every religious scholar, and we've mentioned beforethat mentioning such matters is for guiding and to take the wisdom out of them,and everyone is a slave for God and His own creation and let the guiders andwisemen take Hud (PUH) as an example, for he said to his people: And if ye turnaway, still I have conveyed unto you that wherewith I was sent unto you, and myLord will set in place of you a folk other than you. Ye cannot injure Him at all. Lo!my Lord is Guardian over all things(Hud:57).And thanks to God the Lord of all and prayers be upon His prophet the chosen, andhis descendants the purified and upon the rest of prophets and messengers until thetime of the doomsday.

The Prophet Sâlih (PUH) He is Sâlih ben Þamud ben `Âbir ben Iram ben Shem ben Noah (PUH), he was sentto Þamud and they are his tribe and one of the Arabs and were called after theirgrandfather and he is Þamud ben `Âbir ben Iram ben Shem ben Noah (PUH), and

God said in the chapter of Al-A`râf: And to (the tribe of) Thamud (We sent) their brother Salih. He said: O my people! Serve Allah. Ye have no other Allah saveHim. A wonder from your Lord hath come unto you. Lo! this is the camel of Allah,a token unto you; so let her feed in Allah's earth, and touch her not with hurt lest

 painful torment seize you(Al-A`râf:73). In tidings from Al-Bâqir (PUH) from hisgrandfather from Gabriel (PUH) what has the main meaning with little change inversions of it that: Sâlih was sent to his people and he was sixteen years old, andkept on calling them until he reached one hundred and twenty years old and never

answered him for good. They had seventy idols that they worshipped instead ofGod, so when he observed such attitude from them he said to them: O folks, I've

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 been sent to you and I was sixteen years old, and now I've reached one hundredand twenty years old, so I'm offering for you two choices to choose from, either Iask my God whatever you want from Him and He will answer you whatever youasked for at the moment, or I shall ask your gods and if they answered me back for

what I asked, I shall go out from the tribe, you've been sick of me and I've beensick of you. So, they said: you've been just Sâlih so get ready for a day for all to getout, so when they went out with their idols they told him: O Sâlih ask whoever youwant, so he said to the greatest and called him by its name: O you, answer me, butit didn't answer, so said Sâlih: why he doesn't answer? They answered him: askanother one, so he went to their idols one by one asking them, but none didanswer.Then they did prostrate before them in the dust seeking an answer to his calls from

their idols, but nothing happened, so then he did say: O folks, the day is almostover and I don't see any answer from your gods, so ask me to pray for my God andHe will answer you at the moment, so they chose from themselves seventy menthat were of high positions amongst them and said to him: if your God answered usno one of us will refuse [refuse the religion], so they all went to some mountainnear by, by their request, and when they reached it they said: O Sâlih, ask yourGod to let out of this mountain at this moment a she-camel that is reddish and haslot of hair and got a pregnancy period of ten months, so Sâlih said to them: you'veasked for something so great for me but so easy for my God, and then just afterSâlih finished his callings to his God, the Exalted, the mountain then started to

 break and fault which made them almost lose their brains when they heard thesound of its cracking, and then the moutain started to shake as a woman started togive birth, then her head went out of that crack and started to get out of it until shestood on the ground, so when they saw this they said to him: O Sâlih, how fast didyour God answer, call your God to get out of her her weanling, so he asked Godfor this and so it happened and then said to them: O folks, anything left? So theysaid: No, so they went along with him to their people and the she-camel with her

weanling with them, but before they reach the people, fifty six men of them got back to their religion and only five remained with him, and the public then saidthat this is magic and not reality.And from tidings from Al-Sâdiq (PUH) in his interpretation to God's saying: (Thetribe of) Thamud rejected warnings(Al-Qamar:23), so he said (PUH): this is aboutwhat they rejected from Sâlih, and God never destroyed a nation before sendingthe messengers to it and have the reasons to destroy them, so God sent to themSâlih to call them back to God but they didn't answer him and been aggressive

towards him and said to him: we won't believe in you until you get out for us fromthis rock a she-camel that has a pregnancy period of ten months, and that rock was

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something sacred for them and they worshipped it and also sacrifice for it at the beginning of each year and gather around it, so they said: if you are a messenger asyou claim ask your God to let out of this rock a she-camel that has pregnancy

 period of ten months, and God lat it out as they requested.

Then God inspired to him that tell them that God made for this she-camel a wholeday of drink, and then for you a whole day of drink. So, whenever it was the day ofher drink, she drinks all the water and then they milk it and no adult or young isleft in their town without drinking from her milk in that day, and when night is

 passed and morning comes, they go to their water and drink and the she-camelnever drinks and so they stayed like that as much as God wanted. Then theyrebelled against God's will and they argued between each other and said: kill thatshe-camel and get rid of it, we don't accept that she has a whole day of drink and

then a whole day of drink for us, then they said: who can kill her and we'll rewardhim as much as he wants? So, a man with reddish and bluish skin, came out of sin,and has no known father and was called "Qaddâr ben Sâlif", he was of ill mannersand so famous for that, so they made a reward for him. So, when the she-camelwent to the water that she used to go to, he left it until she drank of that water andwhen she was in her way back he showed up to her and stroke her with his swordone time but it didn't do anything to her, and then he stroke her again and killedher, so she fill on her side, and her weanling escaped away and climbed a mountainand prattled three times towards the sky, and the people of Sâlih came and sharedthe man his strike and divided her meat amongst them so no young or adult is leftwithout eating of her meat. Some tidings also say that four people went after herweanling when it escaped and shot an arrow towards it and it got into its heart so itdropped to earth, then they pulled it from its legs down and put its meat with itsmother's meat and divided it amongst them, then Sâlih warned them and said tothem: why did you do that? did you refuse the commandments of your God? Sothen God inspired to Sâlih that your people had rebelled and killed the she-camelthat was sent to them by God as a clue for them, and they weren't harmed by her

and they had in and from her the greatest benefits so say to them: I'm going to sendmy torment to you after three days, so if they regretted and made repentancetowards their God, He will accept it and Will not torment them, and if they didn'tmake repentance His torment will arrive in the third day, so Sâlih brought themessage of God to them and said to them: O folks, I'm a messenger from yourLord to you, and He says to you that if you made repentance I will accept it, sowhen he finished saying this they got even more rebellious and said: O Sâlih, letwhatever you claim come true if you're truthful. Then Sâlih told them that the signs

of their torture will be that in the first day their faces will become yellow, and thenin the second day will become red, and then in the third day will become black and

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the torment will come upon them.It is one of famous tidings that says that when they saw their faces being yellow inthe first day they walked to each other and said to each other: what Sâlih said

 became true, and then in the second day when their faces became reddish they

noticed that and argued about the truthfulness of Sâlih (PUH) but their tyrants didnot accept and never believed and said: we will never accept what Sâlih said, andthen when their faces got black in the third day their tyrants said: if we all died anddestroyed we will never listen to him and never leave our gods that our fathersused to worship, so when it was the midnight Gabriel (PUH) came and shout onthem and made them almost deaf and broke down their hearts so then all of themwere dead within an eye's glance, and nothing is left of them alive (and morningfound them prostrate in their dwelling-place(Al-A`râf:78)), and then God sent over

them a fire that burnt them all.He said in the chapter of Hud: and touch her not with harm lest a near tormentseize you, But they hamstrung her, and then he said: Enjoy life in your dwelling-

 place three days! This is a threat that will not be belied, So, when Ourcommandment came to pass, We saved Salih, and those who believed with him, bya mercy from Us, from theignominy of that day(Hud:64-66). And God said: And the (awful) Cry overtookthose who did wrong, so that morning found them prostrate in theirdwellings(Hud:67). And what an example for everyone of God's creation that has afine thinking and faith, and God also said speaking to His beloved The Chosen[The prophet Muhammad] (PUH): And all that We relate unto thee of the story ofthe messengers is in order that thereby We may make firm thy heart. And hereinhath come unto thee the Truth and an exhortation and a reminder for

 believers(Hud:120).The story of Þamud was mentioned in the Holy Quran in eleven chapters: Al-A`râf, Hud, Al-Hijr, Al-Sho`arâ', Al-Naml, Fossilat, Al-Ðariyât, Al-Najm, Al-Qamar, Al-Hâqqah, and Al-Shams. And the name of Sâlih (PUH) was mentioned

seven times in them in: Al-A`râf, Hud, Al-Hijr, Al-Sho`arâ. The miracle of Sâlihwas the she-camel and her weanling because she was founded without a reasnablecause to let her out of the rock, and the birth of her weanling without a male, butonly by the Will of God, by the prayers and callings of Sâlih (PUH), so Godcreated her and founded her as the creation of Adam and Eve without a father or amother, and Jesus the son of Mary is without a father as well. God founded her forSâlih by his prayers as a clue for his truthfulness and a miracle from the Creator ofUniverse and the Founder of time and space for His Oneness.

It is apparent that the Holy Quran did not mention anything about her getting outfrom a rock or a mountain or anything else, yes it is mentioned later on by the

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 prophet (PUH) and his purified viceroys and it is traced back to them in speechesand interpretations for the holy book and by other trusted followers and others whodiscussed the situations of prophets and messengers, but the most trusted are theHousehold of Muhammad (PUT), and the people of the house know better what's

inside it. Yes, the Holy Quran attributed her to God like all creatures are, and she isHis creation and mentioned that as: And the messenger of Allah said: It is the she-camel of Allah, so let her drink!(Al-Shams:13), meaning don't kill her and don'tkeep her away from drinking, but they lied and killed her. And also God said: Lo!We are sending the she-camel as a test for them; so watch them and have

 patience(Al-Qamar:27). And also God said: He said: (Behold) this she-camel. Shehath the right to drink (at the well), and ye have the right to drink, (each) on anappointed day(Al-Sho`orâ':155). And also God said: O my people! This is the

camel of Allah, a token unto you, so suffer her to feed in Allah's earth, and touchher not with harm lest a near torment seize you(Hud:64). And also in the chapter ofAl-A`râf: A wonder from your Lord hath come unto you. Lo! this is the camel ofAllah, a token unto you; so let her feed in Allah's earth, and touch her not with hurtlest painful torment seize you(Al-A`râf:73).

Properities of The She-Camel This she-camel has special properities which make her destinctive from other she-

camels, such as the large size of her body and its attractive color that is mainly brown with yellow and her dense hair, and her ability to drink the water of all the people so that nothing of it is left at the day of her drink, and also giving milk somuch that it was enough for the people at that day, the youngs and adults, to drink,and also whatever was on earth of plants was a pasture for her and no one has theright to prohibit her from that, and she didn't use to hurt or do damage towardsanyone either in self or his plants or his trees, and she did not need a guard, and therest of the animals used to get afraid of her and get off her way.What is understood from the Holy Phrases about the she-camel is that no one of

Þamud should do harm to her or to her food or her drink that was appointed for herat her appointed day, and she also don't approach the water at the day of theirdrinking, so her meanings and her characterestics are not obvious except for theOne who created her. For this they were warned and the threat was directed tothem whenever they wanted to harm her, and the punishment will befall on themfor the slightest harm they might do or for killing her, and Sâlih (PUH) did his bestwith his people to advice them for he had the pity on them with sincerity, andcarried so much of their cause and had patient with them to the fullest, and he was

lonely with sorrow for them for they were his people and his tribe and his belovedif only they obeyed God, but what a sorrow (You would be heard if you were

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calling a living, but there is no such life when the one you're calling).He used to remind them of the gifts of God to them and try to prohibit them to domischiefs on earth and worship other gods instead of the true God, and also

 prohibited them to be tyrants on earth with pride, and for the main heads and

tyrants in his people had the pride upon him and they didn't accept to be governed by the commandments and prohibitions of Sâlih like the other people and becomeunder his rule after their pride and their rule, and for them such matter is somethingnot to be discussed and not to be taken as it is for their pride keeps them from

 being under the rule of a man that had no money nor power, and they never look atwhat they were worshipping of idols that have no benefits nor harm, no feelingsand don't talk to them or guide them, and they would know that the Creator is someOne else only if they did meditate and understand.

Sâlih (PUH) is His messenger to them and his prophecy was proved by themiracles that none of the creatures would make, and the mischiefers that had therule among the people of Sâlih went to the believers that followed him and askedthem as if they were mocking: do you know that Sâlih was sent from his God? Andtheir answer to them was: we are believers in whatever he was sent for. Then thetyrants said: we disbelieve in what you've believed in. We've pointed out beforethat the destruction of the people of Sâlih ,for their killing of the she-camel andrefusing the commandments of God and His prophet, was done by the Cry as wasmentioned in the Holy Quran in God's saying: And the (awful) Cry overtook thosewho did wrong, so that morning found them prostrate in their dwellings(Hud:67).Yes, and Quran also mentioned several ways of punishing them with the quake, thethunders, tyranny..etc as in the chapters of Al-A`râf, Al-Ðâriyât, Al-Hâqqah andAl-Sho`arâ' , and no doubt that all of the other ways of punishing were revealed alltogether, because the Cry which is the great noise, is done by the thunder andmostly accompanied with the quake and we shall believe that the conditions for theCry are all satisfied in the Holy Phrases, and also the tyranny which is theexpansion of the circle of destruction that was revealed upon them and upon what

they used to worship and upon where they used to live, so tyranny overcame themand their homes as mentioned in His saying: Then see the nature of theconsequence of their plotting, for lo! We destroyed them and their people, everyone, See, yonder are their dwellings empty and in ruins because they did wrong.Lo! herein is indeed a portent for a people who have knowledge(Al-Naml:51-52).With no doubt it is apparent that the people of Sâlih were in doubt about his

 prophecy and his message and his truthfulness about everything he claimed aboutthe prophecy and the message of God to them before the foundation of the she-

camel and her weanling, especially the main tyrants of them, and it is probable thatsome of them believed just by calling them back to God with showing them the

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clues for that as it is with the rest of the messengers and prophets for such peoplehad wisdom and kind hearts and the good-will, and mostly they are the weak

 people on earth, and they said to the tyrants of the people of Sâlih: Lo! In thatwherewith he hath been sent we are believers(Al-A`râf:75). Yes, and when he got

with the great miracle of his which was the she-camel out of the rock as theyrequested, those who were on faith been even more faithful, and it is probable thatall of them believed in him at that time if it wasn't for the devil's seducation and thesoul that runs after mischiefs and the stubborness of the harsh disbelievers thatgrabbed with them those of weak faith and those who have no working mind orwisdom. And in a famous speech (Hadith) [this line probably taken from a famousHadith for the prophet Muhammad PUH]: People are following their kingsreligions for their greedness for this life's wreckage and their fear of power. So

from here and there, those of stubborness got back from being faithful without aclue or a prove, and been doubting and disbelieving, and said to him: Let whateveryou were promising come over us if you were saying the truth. And as a witnessfor this we have God's saying: And as for Thamud, We gave them guidance, butthey preferred blindness to the guidance(Fossilat:17). So, the she-camel is themiracle to prove the truthfulness of Sâlih and his message from God to them, and itis a test for them, for God did say: Lo! We are sending the she-camel as a test forthem; so watch them and have patience(Al-Qamar:27), so by her, the prove wasdone and the forbidden happened along with the torture, and all is said and done,and God did say about this: We never punish until we have sent a messenger(Al-Isrâ':15).

The Land of Sâlih's (PUH) People 

We've pointed out previously their living places although there is some controversythat had not been under discussion, so after tracing back we've found out that it lies

 between Shâm (modern Syria and surroundings) and Hijâz (in KSA) in a place

called Al-Hijr. God said: Though ye hew out dwellings in the mountain, beingskilful?(Al-Sho`arâ':149), and from Ibn-`Abbâs as reported in interpreting themeanings of this holy phrase: they used to build castles in every position and hewhouses in the mountains to be their dwellings places in winter so it is better andwarmer, and Þemud was in Wâdi Al-Qurâ [= Valley of Villages] between Medinaand Shâm, and A'ad was in Yemen, and the ages of Þemud's people used to range

 between one thousand years and three hundred years. And in His saying: Yechoose castles in the plains(Al-A`râf:74), meaning that they used to build thecastles in the plains, and it is said that they used to make it there to take a rest inthem. Abdul-Wahâb Al-Najjâr [another person that has also a book about prophets]

said in his stories: Their homes were in Al-Hijr and it is between Hijâz and Shâmin Wâdi Al-Qurâ and they are apparent still til this very day, and some of my

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friends visited it and got into the king's home and it was a house with some roomsand has a large hall and carved into stone, and the place of their dwellings isknown today as Faj Al-Nâqah [= The Hole of The She-Camel].Al-Mas'udi said: Their remains are still obvious in the way as you come back from

Shâm, and Al-Hijr of Þemud is in the southern-east part of the land of Midian andit is near the bay of Aqabah. And in the speech of Sâlih (PUH) as been told by theHoly Book: And remember how He made you viceroys after A'ad and gave youstation in the earth. Ye choose castles in the plains and hew the mountains intodwellings(Al-A`râf:74) and this is a point to denote the origin of Þemud and theirtime and that they are the remains of A'ad, and this is as said by some historians.The people of Hadramawt claim that the lands of Þemud were part of A'adcolonies, so Abdul-Wahâb Al-Najjâr said: This is closer to the logic and doesn'tconflict with what was said before, and also he reported some speeches and tidingsin this section from european orientalists and also copied from the book of Jorji

Zedân (Al-`Arab Qabl Al-Islâm) [=Arabs before Islam] and also from so manyothers discussing Þemud and the origin of Þemud and their time, and he mentionedhis point of view about all of that in a long speech that we don't need to mentionhere after stating the holy phrase that discusses their situation and after what wastraced from the Prophet and his Household (PUT), and we've explained as much as

 possible for those who has an attentive ears and an awakened heart.Then in the speech about the prophets and messengers and their situations withtheir people, Quran ordered them one by one by names and moves from one beforeto the one after, and it is a clue for their time and place order, as understood bylogic, look into the chapters of Al-A`râf, Hud, Al-Anbiyâ', Al-Mu'minun, Al-Sho`arâ', Al-Qasas, Fossilat, and the others, you will see them mostly moving fromone known story to another one the same as in the story of Noah to the story ofHud, and the story of Sâlih to the story of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (PUT). It isfor sure that their prophecy is proved according to the time order that Quran

 provided as to mention Jacob after Isaac and he is after Abraham, and alsoSolomon after David, and Jesus after Moses, and it is after Abraham and after

 Noah and after Adam, and their end is the prophet Muhammad and his Household(PUT). [here comes some lines that I couldn't translate easily. They bear much

 philosophical terms I guess plus they add nothing to the subject].

Some scholars mentioned about this matter that deserves to be mentioned herewhich is comparing `Ali ben Abi Tâlib, the prince of believers (PUH), with theShe-Camel of Sâlih, because there are some speeches (Hadiths) that had been

 proved and traced back to the prophet (PUH), and also it is mentioned acomparison between Al-Zahrâ' [meaning Fâtima, the daughter of the prophet] withher (the she-camel) for some reasons. As traced back from the prophet (PUH) thathe said to `Ali (PUH): The most unblessed in this life is the one who killed the she-camel of Sâlih and the one who will strike you on the head O `Ali until the bloodof your head dye your beard. For many times it is reported from him (PUH)

[meaning `Ali ben Abi Tâlib] that he compared his killer with the killer of the she-camel of Sâlih, and it is mentioned that some historians wrote papers and explained

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in length the possible reasons for such comparison. Some scholars said: whoevermeditates through it will see the similarities, and that is `Ali (PUH) was a miracleshown by God through the prophet Muhammad (PUH) and he said (`Ali PUH):And what miracle is greater than me?. Al-Fâdhil Al-Mo`tazali Ibn Abi Al-Hadeed

[person's name] in his interpretations: The history of this life is known and checkedfor the time after the flood until this very day, and never reached us in this periodof time any tidings about any man from Arabs, Persians, Turks, Indians, Romansor any others, that has such bravery or even being close to him (`Ali PUH) in anycharacter of completeness.The owner of the book called "Al-`Adasiyât" [?] mentioned that: Gabriel (PUH)said to the prophet (PUH): God sent `Ali with the prophets in secret, and sent himwith you in public. His birth (`Ali PUH) was in the Holy Kaaba, which is the rockof God's shrine, as the she-camel got out from a rock and this had never happenedfor any prophet or a viceroy of a prophet, and he (PUH) used to give the wisdom

and knowledge for people as the she-camel used to give the people, and the reasonfor his killing is the same as this for killing the she-camel if anyone did meditate in

 both cases, and it is a long story, and after his killing they killed his son, Al-Husain(PUH), as they (people of Sâlih) killed the weanling of the she-camel, and so onwith such similarities, and this is all what we could mention in explaining thesituation of Sâlih (PUH) with his people, and may God help us.

Abraham The God's Friend (PUH)

He is the second of the major prophets and one that had general religion and laws.God did say in the chapter of Al-Nahl: Lo! Abraham was a nation obedient toAllah, by nature upright, and he was not of the idolaters; Thankful for His

 bounties; He chose him and He guided him unto a straight path.(Al-Nahl:120-121).What is brought by some tidings about interpreting this holy phrase that he (PUH)had a religion that no one else had so he was like a nation alone, and obedientmeans that he was obeying and faithful. And as reported from Al-Kâthim (PUH):In all the world save but one that was worshipping God, and if there were someoneelse with him then God would add him in His saying "Abraham was a nation", andthen God made for him a company and gave him Ismael and Isaac, so they becamethree, and God talked to His beloved the prophet Muhammad (PUH) and orderedhim to follow the religion of Abraham, and in some news from Al-Husain ben `Ali(PUH): None is following the path of Abraham except of us and our followers andall the people are astraying away from it. Abraham is the son of Terah (Tarah) [Hebrew: Terach, Arabic: Târih] ben Nahor ben Serug ben Reu [Arabic: Ar`u] benPeleg [Arabic: Fâlig] ben Eber [Arabic: `Âbir] ben Salah [Arabic: Shâlikh] benArfakhshað ben Shem ben Noah (PUT), as it is mentioned in Murooj Al-Ðahab forAl-Mas`udi and some stories for Abdul-Wahâb Al-Najjâr go along with such chainof fathers although there are some differences in four names, but such differences

never harm. His birth took place in one of Kufa's villages in Iraq that was calledKuþâr and some said it is called Fadân-Arâm (Paddan-Aram) and his father was

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one of people of this village, and the mother of Abraham and the mother of Lotwere sisters and they were daughters of Lâhij and Lâhij was a prophet but not amessenger, and Abraham got married to Sarah and she was his maternal cousin andshe owned many cattles and a large landscape, and so then she had put all of that

under the control of Abraham (PUH) and he worked on taking care of it all, and allof that is taken from a speech for Al-Sâdiq (PUH) and it is long.It is also mentioned that Lot was rather the nephew of Abraham (son of his

 brother) and there is no conflict in that since that Terah, the father of Abraham, isthe father of Hârân (Haran), the father of Lot, so then Terah and His son Haranmarried two sisters and they are the daughters of Lâhij and they gave birth toAbraham ben Terah and Lot ben Haran (PUT) and so Lot is the maternal cousin forAbraham and his brother's son as well, be aware and you will understand, andwe've come to mention before that Sarah was the maternal cousin for Abraham andshe is the sister of Lot but she was the sister of Lot by the mother and not by the

father [meaning: her father is NOT Haran himself, but someone else], becauseHaran is the brother of Abraham and so Abraham can't get married to his brother'sdaughter, but after the death of Haran, the father of Sarah got married to hermother and she gave birth to Sarah, so obviously, Sarah is the sister of Lot by hismother and she is the maternal cousin of Abraham, and Lot is the nephew ofAbraham and also his maternal cousin. It is reported from the book of Barnaba thatAbraham was a lad from Paddan-Aram in Iraq, and his people were pagans and hisfather was a carpenter that makes idols and sell it to whoever worships them, andthat Abraham was enlightened by God and guided by Him and knew that idolsdon't hear nor see, and they don't hear any call and can't answer any pray and don'tharm nor give benefits, and this is also what was mentioned in Torah, and in HolyQuran it is mentioned in the chapter of Al-Anbiyâ': And We verily gave Abrahamof old his proper course, and We were Aware of him, When he said unto his fatherand his folk: What are these images unto which ye pay devotion? (Al-Anbiyâ':51-52), and in the chapter of Al-An`âm: (Remember) when Abraham said unto hisfather Azar: Takest thou idols for gods? Lo! I see thee and thy folk in errormanifest(Al-An`âm:74), and in the chapter of Al-Sho`arâ': Recite unto them thestory of Abraham, When he said unto his father and his folk: What worship ye?They said: We worship idols, and are ever devoted unto them.(Al-Sho`arâ':69-71),

and also: And forgive my father. Lo! he is of those who err(Al-Sho`arâ':86).Whoever noticed the conversation between Abraham and his father Azar in theholy book would see a man with great patience and passion and no one is like him,and whenever his father steps away from him he goes to him to guide him for he isafraid for him from the torture in the after-life, while his father Azar exaggeratedwith his cruelty, but he was trying to make him happy and loved by God, but Azarwas escaping away from him and promising him the punishment of the idols andthe judgement of Nemrud. Look by the eye of the heart to this conversation and tothe passion of the friend of God and the cruelty of Azar from the chapter ofMariam which tells the debate between a pagan that couldn't catch happiness and a

 prophet and a messenger of God, Abraham (PUH), and God said in it (the chapter

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of Mariam): And make mention (O Muhammad) in the Scripture of Abraham. Lo!he was a saint, a prophet. When he said unto his father: O my father! Whyworshippest thou that which heareth not nor seeth, nor can in aught avail thee ? Omy father! Lo! there hath come unto me of knowledge that which came not unto

thee. So follow me, and I will lead thee on a right path. O my father! Serve not thedevil. Lo! the devil is a rebel unto the Beneficent(Mariam:41-44), and his answerto him was: He said: Rejectest thou my gods, O Abraham ? If thou cease not, Ishall surely stone thee. Depart from me a long while! He said: Peace be unto thee!I shall ask forgiveness of my Lord for thee. Lo! He was ever gracious untome(Mariam:46-47).Then Abraham (PUH) disowned Azar and his deeds and did not like to live in his

 place and between his people so he left them by an order from God to Palestineand Shaam [Shaam: Syria and the surroundings], and Abraham was looking forguiding his father and his father promised to follow him and for this he did pray for

forgiveness for his father but when he knew that he will keep on worshipping theidols and stay on the religion of his people he (Abraham) disowned him and his

 people and their worshipping, and this is testified by the chapter of Al-Tawbah: The prayer of Abraham for the forgiveness of his father was only becauseof a promise he had promised him, but when it had become clear unto him that he(his father) was an enemy to Allah he (Abraham) disowned him. Lo! Abraham wassoft of heart, long-suffering(Al-Tawbah:114). In the stories of Abdul-Wahab Al-

 Najjâr: Then Abraham did travel to Palestine as a stranger with his wife Sarah andhis nephew Lot and his wife, God did say in the chapter of Al-`Ankaboot: And Lot

 believed him, and said: Lo! I am a fugitive unto my Lord. Lo! He, only He, is theMighty, the Wise(Al-`Ankaboot:26) and so they lived there and it was the land ofCanaanites and he (Abraham) lived in Shakim and it is now the city of Nabulus buthe didn't stay for long time but he kept on moving to the south as denoted by someToratic phrases about his journey to Egypt and to the land of Abi-Mâlik(Abimelech) [Hebrew: Abiymelek]. There is a talk that has some conflicts, and theone that quoted it is hesitated since the resources for this talk are the Torah and theBibles mostly, and still they have some opposition and conflicts in the sameresource and also between each of them, so we don't quote anything unless wemake sure it coincide with what we are sure that it is been told by the holy prophet

(PUH) and the holy quran by the way of his Household the purified, or whatever isclose to that by the way of others which is accepted by the righteous mind andthought and logic.Al-Mas`udi announced in Muruj Al-Ðahab [book's name: Plains of Gold], thatAzar is Terah the father of Abraham, and what is apparent is that Azar is acharacter (describtion) for Terah ben Nahor according to him (Al-Mas`udi), so hesaid about it this: and when God took the soul of Nahor, his son Terah stood afterhim and he is Azar the father of Abraham and at his time lived the king

 Nimrod..etc [in the book it is Nimrod ben Canaan, but searching in the oldtestament the only trace I had is Nimrod ben Cush]. It is apparent that most of our

 brothers of Islamic scholars and historians believe that the father of Abraham was a

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 pagan, and one of them also Abdul-Wahâb Al-Najjâr, for this is what is obviousfrom the holy phrases. After proving that Azar is Terah ben Nahor the father ofAbraham, he (Abdul-Wahâb) mentioned some interpretations for the word "Azar"as being a substitute for the word "father" that was mentioned in quran, or it might

 be a word for calling shame upon him (maybe because he stood beside falsehoodand paganism) [notice: Âzar in Arabic means "he helped"], or it might mean "torestrain", and Terah is his name but Azar is a character for him or an adjective.And Al-Râzi said in his interpretation for the holy phrase "when Abraham saidunto his father Azar"(Al-An`âm:74): what this phrase shows is that Azar is thename of Abraham's father. And said Al-Zajjâj: there is no doubt that his name wasTerah. And some people that have no faith made this a point of crack in holyquran, and there are some explanations been mentioned about this matter, one ofthem is that the father of Abraham (PUH) was Terah and Azar was his uncle, andthe uncle could be called as "father" as it is mentioned by God in telling the story

of the sons of Jacob when they said: We shall worship thy God, the God of thyfathers, Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac(Al-Baqarah:133), and it is well knownthat Ishmael was an uncle for Jacob but they called him as "father" and so it is thesituation here, and then said Al-Zajjâj: the Shiites said that none of the prophet's(PUH) fathers was a pagan or a disbeliever [meaning the prophet Muhammad] andthey mentioned that Azar is his (Abraham's) uncle and they got the clues for it, sothen he mentioned the point of views and the clues in a long speech and talk and itis well known for them (Sunnites) in their creed for whoever has the knowledge ofit. One of the point of views is God's saying: Who seeth thee when thou standest up(to pray), And (seeth) thine abasement among those who fall prostrate (in worship)(Al-Shu`arâ':218-219), meaning that his halo was moving from one to anotheramong those who fall prostrate until it became to `Abdul-Muttalib [Grandfather ofMuhammad PUH] and his son `Abdullah [father of Muhammad PUH] (PUH), sothen it became to existance [meaning the halo was moving from ancestors until it

 became apparent by the existance of Muhammad PUH], and more explanationswill become in the future by God's own will.In summary, they don't believe that his (Abraham's) father was a faithful, andaccoding to their creed (Sunnites) is it not a shame and accepted for they don't

 believe in the condition of the infallibility and faithfulness of the ancestors of

 prophets and messengers, but our scholars according to their Imams, theHousehold of Muhammad (PUH) don't say this, and they believe absolutely thatthe prophets and messengers and their viceroys don't become to existance acceptfrom holy and faithful and infallible ancestors, and since this is possible as well astheir assumption and God is able to do it, then why not believing in it, and howdare we say about a prophet or a messenger from God to His creation or evenabout their viceroys that were appointed by God also, how dare we say that he is ason of a pagan or a fallible person or a wicked man, and there is more to comeabout this matter if God allowed that.

The Infallibility of God's Viceroys 

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It is mentioned that after giving the glad tidings for the God's friend that he will become a viceroy and a messenger and a prophet, he wished that this would be alsoin his descendants and asked that from God, so The Wise said to him: My covenantincludeth not wrong-doers(Al-Baqarah:124). As reported from Al-Sâdiq (PUH):

God took Abraham as a slave before He takes him as a prophet, and took him as a prophet before He takes him as a messenger, and then took him as a messenger before He takes him as a Friend, and He took him as a friend before He makes hima leader, so He gathered for him all of that He said unto him: Lo! I have appointedthee a leader for mankind(Al-Baqarah:124). Then he said (PUH): and because itwas so great as seen by Abraham (PUH) he said "And of my offspring"(Al-Baqarah:124), so then God answered him back by saying: My covenant includethnot wrong-doers(Al-Baqarah:124), and the complete holy phrase from the chapterof Al-Baqarah, God said: And (remember) when his Lord tried Abraham with(His) commands, and he fulfilled them, He said: Lo! I have appointed thee a leader

for mankind. (Abraham) said: And of my offspring (will there be leaders) ? Hesaid: My covenant includeth not wrong-doers(Al-Baqarah:124) and this holy

 phrase assures that giving the commandments of God is done only for the infallibleand the purified faithful people, and although this holy phrase points out that thewrong-doer and the disbeliever do not take such a high place (to take the covenant)even though if it was just a period of his life, but it is also understood from it thathe and his ancestors must be purified and infallible as well, so whoever becomesand enemy for God for some time in his life can not be a prophet or a viceroy of a

 prophet, and from this we move to the point of saying that his fathers and ancestorsare infallible and purified and faithful, and we don't say that a prophet or amessenger or someone that takes their place that he is born from a pagan ancestoror father or being born of a sin, or he would be cursed for this and would bemocked of that because it is a bad character, and God, the Exalted, does not allow

 bad characters for His messengers to His creation, or it would be said that a son ofa pagan or a son of unknown father was sent to us, and they say that disbelieving isa devil, but does a devil give birth except for a devil? and what a colocynth wouldyield except a colocynth? and God is able to give to His creation only a purifiedleader from purified ancestors until the end of the chain to Adam that was created

 by His hands as a holy and a purified creature and guided him, so how come He

allows that a messenger or a viceroy that was appointed by His appointment to be ason of a pagan or that he himself was pagan and an idol worshipper even if it wasfor some time, but highness is only for God and His messenger and for the

 believers. And if you are in a doubt of the rule of the mind about this matter forsome soul sickness then we have, and thanks for God, what makes us confidentand what makes us even more sure than before, from speeches and talks reportedfrom the prophet (PUH) and his Household (PUT) as they report them from theirgrandfather the chosen prophet and the owner of the holy quran and it is theultimate prove.It is mentioned and reported from them (PUT) that the prophet (PUH) said: I've

 became to existance from purified ancestors and purified wombs..etc, in a long

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speech that was some of it and with the same meaning comes a lot from theinfallible Household members. And in Ziyârat Wâriþ [a ritual or a calling famouswith this name, it resembles a visit to the shrine of some holy viceroy notnecessarily going to his shrine, might be close to the meaning of seeking a bless

from a saint] for Al-Husain ben `Ali (PUT) and also others in the same way thatare approved to be issued from infallible Imams, in those ritual it is announced thattheir fathers are purified, and the infallible Imam from Al-Husain descendants callsfor the grandfather of Al-Husain (PUT) by saying: I testify that you were a light(halo) in the purified ancestry and the purified wombs, never touched by paganismand its uncleanliness and never wore its darkest garments...etc, and if you lookedinto the famous Ziyârat Al-Jami`ah [another ritual or visit] which isensured to beissued by Al-Hâdi (PUH) and if you meditated in its text then you would surelyrecognize the meaning and know that their fathers are like them, purified. You gotalso Al-Sâheefah Al-Sajjâdiyah [a book's name which has many rituals and was

founded by `Ali ben Al-Husain (PUH)] which will guide you through to the truth,so from their prayers, callings and their speeches you can get the absolute truthabout this matter, and if you still got doubt about all of that then you have Nahj Al-Balaghah [book's name] which collects some of the speeches for the prince of

 believers (`Ali ben Abi-Tâlib) (PUH) you will get from it the truth as well, and it isthat all of the ancestors of all the prophets and messengers are purified and alsotheir viceroys as well, who are appointed by a commandment and not by voting[the author here points out to the main difference between the Shiite creed and theSunnite creed, where Shiite believe in a viceroy after each prophet appointed byGod, but the Sunnite believe that the prophet did not mention anything about aviceroy before his death and so the caliphate or the viceroy after his death should

 be taken by voting and this is what happened, neglecting the right of `Ali ben Abi-Tâlib (PUH) in being a viceroy and a caliphate after the death of the prophet(PUH)]And for God's saying: The idolaters only are unclean(Al-Tawbah:28), then none oftheir ancestor can be one of them. For this Shiites agree that the father of Abraham(PUH) was a muslim, and so the tidings that oppose this is not something to take orwork with. But the father of Abraham is Terah and Azar was his uncle, and theuncle can be called a father as mentioned before and he used to take care of him

and he (Abraham) was in his (Azar) house as it is apparent from the holy phrases,and many clues were been given for this matter so we have no doubt about that,and may God help us.

The Birth of Abraham (PUH) 

It is mentioned that Nimrod had an astrologer, and once he said to him (to Nimrod): I see by calculating the positions of the stars that a man will be in yourland and work on changing the religion to some other religion than yours, so then

 Nimrod said to him: in what land shall that be? So he answered: in this land, andhe is not born yet, so then Nimrod said: we must separate men and women, and so

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he did and the mother of Abraham was pregnant but her pregnancy was not of clearappearance, and when the time had come for her to give birth she said to herhusband Terah: I want to be alone and hide, and every woman at that time used tohide whenever she gets pregnant because of the cruel rule. Nimrod appointed a

woman for every pregnant wife, so whenever she gives birth to a male he getskilled, and whenever she gives birth to a female then she is safe, so mother ofAbraham escaped away when it was the time for her to give birth and entered acave far away from people's sights and she gave birth, and she used to check himup whenever she gets the chance to, and she used to block the cave's enterancewith rocks, and God took care of him and protected him against their evils. It wasmentioned that he used to grow up in one day as would someone else grow up in amonth, so he stayed there in the cave for thirteen years, so when he got old thatmuch he got out of the cave and couldn't bear it anymore, and when his mothercame he caught her clothes and said to her: I must go out and see people, and so on

until he got out with her and she said to him: if the king knew about you and youare born at this time he is going to kill you, but he didn't care and got out and thenshe brought him to his uncle Azar. It might be that Terah after the birth ofAbraham and while he was there in the cave, died and fate judged for his mother to

 be in the house of Azar and a wife for him and she gave birth to children for himand he got also children from others, and only God knows.Abraham left the cave after the sunset and darkness was all over the place, and heknew that people are worshipping idols and Azar and all the people in his houseexcept for his mother are idolators as well, so he hated that and refused it anddenied worshipping the idols. Then he saw an apparent star in the sky and it wasVenus, so he said: this is my God, but when it disappeared he said: if it was myGod indeed it won't disappear, and then said: I don't love things that set. Then helooked to the east and saw the moon so he said: this is my God, this is bigger, butwhen it moved and disappeared he said: Unless my Lord guide me, I surely shall

 become one of the folk who are astray. Then when it was the morning time and thesun rose and he saw its glance and light all over earth, he then said: this is my God,it is bigger and greater, but when it moved and disappeared, God then made him tosee the throne and the kingdoms of heavens and earth and inspired him and guidedhim and filled his hearth with galo and he knew that this universe has a Creator, so

then he said: O my people! Lo! I am free from all that ye associate (with Him), Lo!I have turned my face toward Him Who created the heavens and the earth, as one by nature upright, and I am not of the idolaters(Al-An`âm:78-79).And when his mother brought him to her home and made a place for him betweenher children and his uncle Azar knew about him he said: who is that that still alivewhile the king kills all the males? So his mother said: this is my son and I gave

 birth to him at the time of so and so. Then Azar said to her: If the king knew aboutit he will be so mad and we'll be not in such a high place, and Azar was in fact aman of a high place under the rule of Nimrod and was his minister, and he used togive the idols for his children to sell it. So then Abraham's mother said: do not

worry, if the king did not know about it he will stay with us and if he knew about it

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I will not make you to defend him, and Azar used to love Abraham so muchwhenever he looks at him and used to give him the idols to sell them as hischildren do.It is mentioned also that Abraham (PUH) used to tie a rope in the necks of the idols

and drags them over the ground and say: who would buy what harms him and giveno benefits, and used to drop them in water and ask them to talk as to mock at themand as an insult for them and for whoever worships them, so his brothersmentioned that to their father Azar and that was so great for him so he warned himand threatened him to stop that, but he did not stop so he kept him at home anddidn't let him go out. Then the people of Abraham and his relatives had a debatewith him so then he said: Dispute ye with me concerning Allah when He hathguided me ?(Al-An`âm:80). They mentioned (PUT) [meaning: the HouseholdPUT] that he was born in the first day in the month of Ðul-Hijjah [the 12th monthin the lunar calendar for Muslims and the month of pilgrimage], and they say that

he lived for one hundred and fifty seven years and buried in his current site in Al-Khaleel (Hebron) in Palestine.

Breaking The Idols and Throwing Abraham inThe FireIt is reported from the Household (PUT) that Nimrod and all the people of his

kingdom went out in a festival and Abraham hated to go out with them, so Nimrodappointed him to guard the idols house. He offered the idols food and give it to oneafter another and say to him: eat and talk, and when he gets no answer, and heknows that he will not get an answer and how come a non-living thing wouldanswer him, he breaks its arms and legs with an axe until all of them are broken,then he hanged the axe over the neck of the biggest idol and it was in the middle ofthe place, and then when the king got back with his people and saw what happenedto their idols they said: Who hath done this to our gods ? Surely it must be someevil- doer(Al-Anbiyâ':59) Then they said: here is a boy that remembers them calledAbraham and he is the son of Azar, so then they brought him with his father Azar,

then Nimrod said to Azar: you betrayed me and kept this boy away, then Azar said:O my king, this is the deed of his mother and she said that she will defend for him,so then Nimrod called Abraham's mother and asked her: what made you hide this

 boy until he did what he did to our gods? So then she said: O king, this is because Icare about your people, he said then: and how is that? She answered: because youused to kill the kids of your people and this deed will decrease the population so Ithought for myself that if it was this boy he is seeking let him kill it and leave the

 people alone and if he is not the enemy of the king then he would stay for us so Isee now I am right and you got him and he is yours so do whatever you want to dowith him and stop killing other people's children. Then Nimrod looked at Abrahamand asked: Is it thou who hast done this to our gods, O Abraham ? He said: But

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this, their chief hath done it. So question them, if they can speak(Al-Anbiyâ':62-63). It is reported from Al-Sâdiq (PUH): he (Abraham) said that their chief haddone it and he did not lie because he said he had done it if only he can speak.So then Nimrod asked his people what to do with him so they told him: burn him

and make a victory for our gods if you want. Al-Sâdiq said: the king of Abrahamand his folks were not wise for they said for Nimrod burn him, but the king ofMoses and his folks were wise because when he (the king) asked his folks for whatto do with Moses they told him to give him a chance with his brother and callevery magician in the land, then Nimrod captivated Abraham and collected thewoods and so when it was the day to throw him in the fire, Nimrod and his soldiersshowed up and he built before that a building to see what will happen to Abrahamwhen he is thrown in the fire and to see how the fire would burn him and the Satancame to them and showed them how to make the catapult because no one was ableto approach the fire and they were buffled how to throw him into that great flame,

and birds were burnt from a far because of it, so then they put Abraham onto thecatapult and it is said that Azar came and slapped him and told him to get back tothe religion but he did not care about it.They mentioned that none of God's creation, except for the human beings, wouldn'task God to save Abraham, so the earth said: O Lord, none on my back worshipsYou except of him, would he be burnt! And angels said: O Lord, Your friendAbraham is getting burnt. So then, God did say: if he called for me, I will savehim. And Gabriel said: O Lord, Your friend Abraham is getting burnt and You sentYour enemy to burn him. So then said God: Be silent, only a slave like you wouldsay this because he is afraid of being late. and he is My slave, I can take him backwhenever I want to, and if he called Me I would answer him. So then Abraham(PUH) called his Lord by the words that are in the chapter of Al-Ikhlâs: O Allah(God), O The One, O The eternally besought of all, O One that begetteth not norwas begotten, O One that there is none comparable unto Him, save me from thefire by Your mercy. The narrator said: then Gabiel met with Abraham in the airand he was put in the catapult, and said to him: do you need me O Abraham? Sothen Abraham answered: for you no, but for the Lord of universe yes, so he(Gabriel) gave him a ring that has an engraving saying: No other god except forAllah, Muhammad is the prophet of Allah, Allah is before my back, Allah supports

me, Allah got my life. Then when Abraham wore the ring, God commanded thefire "be coolness", so then Abraham's teeth started to shake and chatter because ofthe coolness, until He said unto it "and peace for Abraham" and then Gabriel gotdown and sat beside him and talking to him as if they were in a green garden. It ismentioned also that Gabriel (PUH) brought a garment from paradise and he(Abraham) wore it and then they sat together talking. This garment is given byAbraham to Isaac, and Isaac gave it to Jacob, and Jacob gave it to Joseph and hemade it in his neck and so it was with him (with Joseph) when he was thrown intothe well and when he got into jail , and it is the garment that Joseph sent to hisfather from Egypt and made him blind no more, and this is what has been told in

the public and it is transformed and narrated in different ways. Then Nimrod

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looked at Abraham (PUH) and said: whoever had a god let him take a god as theone of Abraham, so then a great man that Nimrod had said: I made magic over thefire so it won't burn him, then immediately a column of fire grew and burnt him.Then Nimrod looked at Abraham while he was sitting in a green garden in the fire

with an old man talking to him, so then he said to Azar: the God of your son lovesyour son so much.They mentioned also that after God's commandment to the fire to be coolness and

 peace for Abraham, no fire worked on earth for three days, and it is reported fromAl-Râzi that he said: scholars had different interpretations for the coolness of fireat that day in three ways, one of them is that God removed the heat that was in thefire and only the light in it remained, and the second way says that God created inthe body of Abraham (PUH) a protection against fire, as God do to the keepers ofhell, and the third way says that God created a veil between Abraham and the fireand so the fire was kept away. Investigators said that the first way is the most

truthful since it is apparent from God's saying:O fire, be coolness and peace forAbraham(Al-Anbiyâ':69), it is apparent that fire itself had been cool and so thereare no protection or a veil and this is the correct opinion, and as reported from the

 prophet (PUH) that when Abraham (PUH) was thrown into fire, Gabriel (PUH)came down with a garment from paradise and with a carpet, so he made him(Abraham) wear the garment and lat him sit on the carpet and sat together talking.In interpretations they say that after throwing Abraham into the fire by Nimrod,and after he got out of it as if nothing happened to him, Nimrod said to him then: OAbraham, who is your god? He answered: my God is the One that gives life andtake it. Then said Nimrod: I give life and take it, then Abraham said to him: howcome you give life adn take it? Then Nimrod said: I bring two men that are to beexecuted, so I give mercy for one of them and release him and keep the other andkill him and so I gave life and took it. Then said Abraham to him: if you weretruthful then give life again to the one you killed, then he said: leave this now, myGod brings the sun from east, so bring it from west, and so Nimrod was amazed.God said: Bethink thee of him who had an argument with Abraham about his Lord,

 because Allah had given him the kingdom; how, when Abraham said: My Lord isHe Who giveth life and causeth death, he answered: I give life and cause death.Abraham said: Lo! Allah causeth the sun to rise in the East, so do thou cause it to

come up from the West. Thus was the disbeliever abashed. And Allah guideth notwrongdoing folk(Al-Baqarah:258). The speech in this holy phrase was directed toour prophet (PUH) for God's saying "Bethink thee of him who had an argumentwith Abraham..etc" And the prophet himself doesn't know what is hidden in thefuture or destiny and only God knows, so He tells him what happened betweenAbraham and the damned Nimrod, and the one that had an argument withAbraham was Nimrod, and he was the first man to be a tyrant and called himself agod, and it has been told that this argument took place after throwing Abraham intothe fire and being out of it with no harm and guided by God, and Nimrod had suchan argument because of his high place and because people followed him and God

gave him the time, but he rebelled and refused because of the kingdom he had and

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given by God, and the kingdom here is considered to be the ornaments of life and ahuman being would rebel when he becomes a rich, and such kingdom can be givento a faithful or a disbeliever, and Solomon ben David (PUT) was given a kingdomand power that was nothing like them, and God never gave something similar to

anyone else and he said: He said: My Lord! Forgive me and bestow on mesovereignty such as shall not belong to any after me(Sad:35), and so God gave himwhat shall not pass in the mind of anyone else and he is a prophet and a son of a

 prophet, and also He had given Nebuchadnezzar and the Pharaoh of Moses akingdom and others a lot that were believers or disbelievers.For the kingdom by means of owing people's order and judgement and getting theloyalty of people that God guided, such things are not given by God except for onewho God knows that they call for rightness and guidance and it is not to be exceptfor a prophet or a viceroy or anyone faithful that God had chosen for His religion,and they know by the guidance of God what do people need in their life for

religion, life matters and for the after-life. They say that when Abraham said to Nimrod that God brings the sun from the east so bring it from the west, Nimrod gotsurprised and couldn't answer because of his surprise and he knew that Abrahamgot the rightful clue. Nimrod could have said to Abraham let your God bring itfrom the west but he was afraid from God's reply to Abraham as He savedAbraham before from the fire. When Nimrod saw the miracles he knew that if hesuggested that (bringing the sun from the west) Abraham would do it without adoubt and would make people believe him and in that way Nimrod would beashamed, and God guideth not the wrongdoing folks. As reported from Ibn-`Abbâshe said that God sent a mosquito to Nimrod and stung his lip, and when he tried tocatch it it flied to his nose, and tried to get it out but then she got into his brain, sothen God tortured him for forty nights then destroyed him.

Getting Out From Iraq To TheLand of Shem 

In tidings, when Abraham broke the idols and after throwing him into the fire andgetting out of it with no harm, he (Nimrod) ordered for Abraham to be exiled outof the lands, and avoid him from taking his money and cattle, so then Abrahamasked for judgement to be made according to their own laws and regulations. Ingeneral he argued with them by saying: if you want to take my money, then youshould give me an exchange for my life that I spent in your lands, so then theywent to the judge of Nimrod to make a judgement about this matter, and the judgedecided that Abraham was right, so they released him and released his cattles andall of his money, so then Abraham and Lot got out in the direction of the land ofShem (Syria and the surroundings) approaching the position of the holy shrine in

Jerusalem before it had been built by many following centuries, and he made a bed

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for his wife Sarah and closed it roughly for he was so jealous, and she was thedaughter of his uncle Pethuel the brother of Terah ben Nahor, and she was the firstto believe in him, and other things rather than this had been said as in Muruj Al-Ðahab for Al-Mas`udi, but it also mentioned as we said before that she is

Abraham's maternal cousin and she was the sister of Lot ben Haran.So he went along far away from his home to some where else like a stranger, hedid not know anyone and no one invited him to his land, so he travelled until hewas out of Nimrod's kingdom until he got into the kingdom of a coptic man called`Urârah [maybe the author used "coptic" here as a general name for egyptians, thecoming story is similar to the one mentioned in the chapter of Genesis in Torah,

 but the name of the Pharaoh is not mentioned in Torah], then he passed by a tithe-gatherer that takes tithes from people passing by his lands, so he blocked the way

of Abraham to take the tithes of his money and cattles, so the officer that wasappointed from `Urârah said: open the tomb (or the palaquin which had his wifeSarah in it) to take the tithes of it, so then Abraham said: say whatever you think itis there and ask for whatever you want of gold and silver to give you the tithes of itand don't open it. But the tithe-gatherer denied that and insisted on opening the

 palaquin and he did, and Abraham became so angry because he was so jealous andafraid for his wife Sarah, and when the tithe-gatherer looked at Sarah, and she was

 pretty, he said: who is she? and what is her relation to you? So then Abraham said:she is my wife and my cousin. Then the officer said: I won't let you go until I tellthe king about you and her. Then he sent a messenger to the king and told himeverything happened, and when the tidings reached the king he ordered the

 palaquin to be brought to him with what it had, and so they took the palaquin andAbraham went with them and never left the palaquin, and when they reached theking, the king said: open the palaquin, then Abraham answered: my wife and mycousin is inside and I am ready to give everything I have for not opening it, but theking was not satisfied until they opened it. When they opened it and he looked intoSarah he couldn't hold himself and extended his hand trying to touch her, and

Abraham then turned his face away for his jealousy and said: O God keep his handaway from my wife and my cousin, and so his hand didn't reach her and didn't get

 back to him (it is understood from this line that his hand was paralysed) Then saidthe king: your God did that to me? So said Abraham: yes, then he said: pray to himto get it back to me, and if it was back to me I will leave you alone. So thenAbraham prayed to God and so his hand got back to him, but the king looked at heragain and extended his hand to reach her and Abraham turned his face away andsaid: O God keep his hand away, and so his hand was paralysed and couldn't reach

her, so then the king said to Abraham: your God is jealous and you are jealous aswell so call your God to let my hand back to me, and if it was so I will not do it

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again. Then said Abraham: O God if he wastruthful let it back to him, and so itwas, and when the king saw that Abraham grew so great for him and made him hisguest and then said to him: go to wherever you want but I have a request, and thatis to allow me to give her (Sarah) a pretty coptic maid that I have and she is

intelligent and I want her to be as a servant for your wife, and so Abraham allowedthat, and so the king gave her to Sarah, and she was Hagar the mother of Ishmael(PUH).Then Abraham got out with all what he had and the king went out with him andwalked behind Abraham for his greatness but Abraham refused this and didn'taccept that the king would walk behind him and so he made him in the front andAbraham walked behind him and he said: my God ordered me to walk behind youand respect you for your highness and so then the coptic king said: I swear that

your God is Clement and Generous, and you make your religion beloved by me,and then the king said farewells to him, and then Abraham went along until hereached the upper parts of Shem's lands and left Lot in the lower parts of them, andGod did say about this: And We rescued him and Lot (and brought them) to theland which We have blessed for (all) peoples(Al-Anbiyâ':71) and it is the lands ofShem and Palestine because God had destined them to be the homelands for

 prophets and the lands of their tombs after Abraham (PUH), and then whenAbraham recognized that he did not have any children from Sarah, he said to her:if you like, you can let me have Hagar as a wife, maybe God will give me a sonfrom her and he would be as a son for us as well, so he paid the dowry for Sarahand took Hagar as a wife and she gave birth to Ishmael (PUH), and more to comeabout that later on. The Books of Abraham (PUH) and Some ofWhat Was Revealed By God to Him

God had revealed for Abraham twenty books as reported from the prophet (PUH),and he (the prophet) was asked about their contents so he said: they were all

 proverbs and it had: O you egoist king of many troubles, I did not send you togather earth all together, but I sent you to answer the calls of the wronged, for I doanswer his calls even if he was a disbeliever, and every man of thought unless hewas sick, he got three hours a day, an hour for his God, and an hour to judgehimself, and an hour to think about God's deeds to him, and one more hour for himto take what he likes by ways that God did allow,for this hour helps him toaccomplish the other hours. The man of thought should live for three: to make a

living, to get prepared for his after-life, or to get satisfied in ways that Godallowed. Then a man asked the prophet (PUH): and what was there in the books of

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Moses (PUH)?, he (PUH) answered: they were all examples (lessons) and theycontained: I am amazed for the one who is certain of death, how come he becomeshappy? And for whoever is certain of hell and fire, how come he laughs? Andwhoever sees this life and its fluctuations how come he is certain of safety? And

for whoever that believes in destiny how come he runs after wealth and riches?And for whoever that is certain of the judgement, why he doesn't work for thatday?...etc.

Some tidings about the interpretation of God's saying: Thus did We show Abrahamthe kingdom of the heavens and the earth(Al-An`âm:75) as reported from Al-Bâqir(PUH) a speech that has the meaning of that God gave Abraham a strength in hissight to see what is beyond heavens so he saw the Throne and whats beyond it andsaw the earth and what was beneath it, and so God did with his beloved the prophet(PUH) and the viceroys after him from his Household (PUH). In some other

tidings that Abraham (PUH) saw an angel so he asked: who are you? He answered:I am the angel of death, so then Abraham said to him: can you show me in whatshape do you take the soul of a faithful man? Then said the angel of death: turnyour face to the other way, and so did Abraham and then he looked back again athim and he saw a young man with a nice shape and beautfil clothes and with goodscent, then said Abraham: if the faithful man idn't see in his life except your shapethen he had what he desires in this life, then he said to him: can you show me howyour shape would be if you're going to take the soul of a disbeliever? So heanswered: you won't bear it, but Abraham said: yes I d, and so the angel said: thenturn your face away from me and so he did and looked back at him and then hesaw a blackman with standing hair and an awful smell with black clothes andflames with smokes going out from his mouth and nose, so when Abraham sawthis he went into a coma, and then he woke up and saw the angel back again to hisoriginal shape so he said to the angel: O angel of death if the disbeliever just sawyour shape he would stop doing wrongdoings in his life.It is reported from Al-Sâdiq (PUH) back from the prince of believers (PUH) thathe said: when God wanted to take the soul of Abraham (PUH) He sent down theangel of death and he said to him: Peace upon you Abraham, he then answered:and peace upon you O angel of death, did you come to me as an inviter or to

announce my death? So he answered: but as an announcer for your death OAbraham so answer the call, then he said: O angel of death did you see a friendthat makes death to his friend? So then the angel of death got back until he stood

 between the hands of God, the Exalted and said: O God You heard the talk of Yourfriend Abraham, so then God did say: O angel of death go back to him and askhim: did you ever saw a lover than don't want to see his love? The great scholar Al-Sayid Ne`matullah Al-Jazâ'iri, the one who mentioned this story, said: inviter hereis meant to be as for someone asking and giving the choices as if someone isinviting some guests, and a death announcer is meant to be as someone gettingwhat he desires by force. So when Abraham (PUH) knew that he has the choice, he

asked for life to worship God more.

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We say yes, and such thing would be done by a man like Abraham (PUH)naturally, and it is possible that he had done such a thing as if he couldn't imaginethe situation and got afraid of moving from one world to another and there is thegrave and the loneliness and judgement, did you not think about the saying of our

 prophet (PUH) and his Household (PUT): Whenever a faithful increase in his faith,the more fearful he becomes for God? There are certain tidings and speeches ofcertain origin and all agreed on their contents that denotes that a believer is in

 between fear and hope from God as the hands of a balance. Every prophet is scaredto the maximum of God and at the same time he has the maximum hope and faithin His mercy. In tidings it is mentioned that when Al-Bâqir (PUH) at the time ofhis death cried, and then his son, Al-Sâdiq (PUH), said to him: O father why areyou crying? So he answered him: for two things, the first is for leaving the belovedand the second is for the greatness and holiness of this situation. Then the mostapparent clue for this matter, look to the pray of Abi-Hamza Al-Þumâli, and it is

the pray of `Ali ben Al-Husain (PUH). Whoever investigated the lives of prophetsand viceroys and their followers he would be sure of what we've mentioned and Ithink that Abraham refused to move from this life to the after-life because thesituation was so holy and great for him, and if he was to live all the age of lifeitself he would spend it as a worshipper and obeying God without a doubt.Yes, Al-Husain ben `Ali (PUH) at the day of Karbala at the time of his death andwhen Al-Shemer ben Ði Al-Jawshan sat over his holy chest, he (PUH) was smilingand the halo filled his face, and he did not care about what they did to him besideraising the truth and showing the true and the false. Can you imagine how theangel of death faced him? I think he was crying as well. Shiites after his death keptsaying as reported to him (PUH):If the religion of Muhammad won't be fixed except by killing

meThen O swords come and take me 

Yes some tidings say that Abraham made a pilgrimage to the Holy House at theend of his life, and after the pilgrimage he went back to the lands of Shem, andthen the angel of death came to him to take his soul but Abraham hated death, sothe angel of death got back to his Lord and said: Abraham hated death, so God then

said to him: let go of Abraham, he likes to worship me. Then he (Abraham) saw anold man eating and vomitting whatever he eats, so then Abraham hated life andloved death, then he went into his home and saw a man with a good shape that henever saw something like it before, so he asked him: who are you? He answered: Iam the angel of death, so then he said: O Holy Lord! Who hates your closeness andvisiting you and you are in such a shape? So he answered: O friend of God, if Godwanted goodness for His slave, He sends me in this shape, and if He wants evil forHis slave, He sends me in another shape, and so he took his soul in the lands ofShem where his tomb lies now.Taking Ishmael (PUH) and His Mother Hagar to The Holy House

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Hagar and Ishmael didn't stay alone, and on the third time when Abraham checkedthem and saw many people around them he turned to be so glad for this. ThenIshmael grew up and every member of Jorhom's tribe gave them some camels andthey used to make a living by them, and then when Ishmael turned to be a man,

God ordered Abraham to build the House, so he asked: O God in which spot? SoHe answered back: in the spot that I revealed the dome over Adam, and the domeremained there even at the time of the flood at the time of Noah (PUH) and whenthe whole earth was sunk down, God uplifted this dome and so she was called theSaved House because it was saved from sinking [Saved House, in Arabic: Al-BaytAl-`Ateeq].

Building The Holy House 

When God ordered Abraham to build the House, he did not know where to make it,so then God sent Gabriel (PUH) and he planned the position of the House, thenGod revealed the basis from paradise, and the stone that God revealed on Adamwas whiter than snow but turned to be black when disbelievers touched it, so thenAbraham built the House and Ishmael moved the stones for building from Ði-Tiwâ[seems a place name] (and in some other tales from the mount of Abi-Qobays) sohe made it as high as nine cubits, then Gabriel (PUH) guided Abraham to the

 position of the Stone and so he got it out and placed it in his current position astoday, and he made two doors for it, one to the east and another to the west, and thedoor to the west is called Al-Mostajâr. When he built it and finished it all,

Abraham and Ishmael made a pilgrimage, and Gabriel (PUH) came down for themat the day of Al-Tarwiyah [meaning: day of giving water] and ordered them to givewater and they carried it to `Arafât and Minâ [a place name] because there were nowaters in those spots, then Abraham said what was mentioned in quran: And whenAbraham prayed: My Lord! Make this a region of security and bestow upon its

 people fruits, such of them as believe in Allah and the Last Day, He answered: Asfor him who disbelieveth, I shall leave him in contentment for a while, then I shallcompel him to the doom of Fire - a hapless journey's end!(Al-Baqarah:126).In some tidings, the stone that have to be thrown in pilgrimage season are countedas seven for that when Gabriel (PUH) showed Abraham how to do the pilgrimage,the Satan appeared or him and then Gabriel (PUH) commanded Abraham to throwat him, and so he did with seven stones (bebbles), and so he (Satan) went under theground and so Abraham stopped. Then the Damned appeared again and Abrahamthrew at him another seven stones and he went back again under the ground. Thenthe Damned appeared for the third time and Abraham threw at him seven stonesand the Damned went again under the ground. Other tidings say that after thecommandments of God for Abraham and Ishmael about building the Holy House,and after they had finished it, God ordered him (Abraham) to get on one corner andcall on people: O come to pilgrimage. If he had said: O people come to pilgrimage,

then only human beings that were created at that time would answer his calls, buthe said "O come to pilgrimage" and so people in the core of men [meaning: people

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and lot of these are not suitable for such a high place of prophecy and unjust, andeven can not be commited by a conscious man and some of them are not right atall, but it has lot of exaggeration as mentioned in the book of Genesis in Torah, andmost of such pictures are taken from jews and it has such matters that they report

to Sarah the wife of Abraham (PUH) but it opposes the dignity and nobleness, andthere is no doubt that for Muslims, Sarah is considered one of the best of women,and she is attached to the degree of infallibility, and for the prophet and hisHousehold (PUT) she occupies a high leve, and for them she is like Eve the motherof human beings and like Mary the daughter of Amram (PUT), so she is a lady ofher time and faithful souls do not accept to report about her and other womenuntrue things. They mentioned that when Sarah saw the son of Hagar that she gave

 birth to from Abraham, she said then to Abraham: banish this maid and her son forthis maid's son will not inherit with my son Isaac, and they said: then God said toAbraham: Whatever Sarah says do. They say also: So Abraham went in the early

morning and took with him bread and water and gave them to Hagar then she putthem on her shoulder and her son with her, then he banished her with her son andshe went along in the deserts lost and did not know where to go. They said a lot ofsuch tidings and legends, but what we can say for the press that printed such liesand what we can say for its owner, but no strength except by God, the Exalted.Yes, in Al-Bukhâri [Hadith collection made by Al-Bukhâri after the prophet'sdeath] as reported by Ibn `Abbâs that the prophet (PUH) said in a speech thatminds can accept and souls can refuge in, and some of it is that Abraham braughther (Hagar) with her son Ishmael and he was still an infant and he (Abraham)

 placed them near by the House over the location of Zamzam, and at that time therewere no one in Mecca nor water, so he just put them there and gave them dates andwater, then Abraham went back from where he came then the mother of Ishmaelfollowed him and said: O Abraham where are you going and leaving us in thisvalley with no one alive or anything? She said that many times but he did not lookat her, then she asked: God ordered you to do this? He said: yes, then she said: thenwe are not lost. Then she got back and Abraham went along until he reached a

 position that they can't see him, he faced the House and prayed with these wordsand raised his hands up to heaven and said: Our Lord! Lo! I have settled some ofmy posterity in an uncultivable valley near unto Thy holy House..etc(Ibrâhim:37),

then the mother of Ishmael started breast feeding for Ishmael and drink of thatwater until it was all finished and she got thirsty and also her son and then shelooked at him and saw him crooked so she hated that view and went along and shefound Al-Safâ so she went to the top and looked at the valley that she might findsomeone but she did not, so she went down into the valley with so much tirednessuntil she passed the valley and came to Al-Marwâ and she went on top of itlooking for someone, but she did not find anyone, and so she did that for seventimes. He (Al-Bukhâari) said: said Ibn `Abbâs: the prophet (PUH) said: that is why

 people now walk between them for seven times [during the pilgrimage] then wentshe went to Al-Marwâ she heard a sound and she said: Shh! She then paid attention

and she heard it clearly then she said: You've been heard, do you have any aid?

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Then she found an angel searching in the location of Zamzam by his feet (or by hiswing) until the water appeared, so she started gathering the water. He (Al-Bukhâri) said: said Ibn `Abbâs: the prophet (PUH) said: Mercy be upon the motherof Ishmael, if she did not take of the water then Zamzam would be a drying-out

spring, then the angel said to her: do not be afraid of the place, here is the House ofGod which will be built by this boy and his father, and God will never make his people astray, and the speech about this matter is long and we've just taken what isin front of you, and it is close to rightness, and not so different from what Imamismsuppose, notice and only God knows. In the same speech it is mentioned: UntilJorhom tribe came and lived with them for ages, and it is as an answer from God toAbraham, and so God made lot of people go to them like Jorhom and the Giants(?), and when Ishmael grew up and married from them and been an owner for lotof cattles and riches, then after that he built the House with his holy hands with hisfather Abraham (PUT), then the mother of Ishmael died (PUH) and he son buried

her beside the Holy House and it is the place called now Hajar Ismâ`eel [meaning:The stone of Ishmael], and after his death he was buried also there beside hismother, and this is the most probable we could find by ways we've mentionedafore, and this is the most famous for them [I guess he means by "them" Sunni

 people] and it is the most suitable for their high level (Abraham and hisHousehold), and only God knows what was hidden.

Chapters and Phrases That MentionedAbraham (PUH) 

Abraham (PUH) was mentioned in twenty five chapters in holy quran: Al-Baqarah,Âl-`Imrân, Al-Nisâ', Al-An`âm, Al-Tawbah, Hud, Yusuf, Ibrâhim, Al-Hijr, Al-

 Nahal, Mariam, Al-Anbiyâ', Al-Haj, Al-Shu`arâ', Al-`Ankabut, Al-Ahzâb, Al-Sâffât, Sâd, Al-Shurâ, Al-Zokhrof, Al-Ðâriyât, Al-Najm, Al-Hadeed, Al-Momtahanah, Al-A`lâ. In the chapter of Al-Baqarah, the Exalted says: And whenAbraham and Ishmael were raising the foundations of the House, (Abraham

 prayed): Our Lord! Accept from us (this duty). Lo! Thou, only Thou, art theHearer, the Knower. Our Lord! And make us submissive unto Thee and of our seeda nation submissive unto Thee, and show us our ways of worship, and relenttoward us. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Relenting, the Merciful(Al-Baqarah:127-128) In the chapter of Âl-`Imrân: Lo! the first Sanctuary appointed for mankindwas that at Becca, a blessed place, a guidance to the peoples(Âl-`Imrân:96). In thechapter of Ibrâhim: And when Abraham said: My Lord! Make safe this territory,and preserve me and my sons from serving idols(Ibrâhim:35). In the chapter of Al-Haj: And (remember) when We prepared for Abraham the place of the (holy)House, saying: Ascribe thou no thing as partner unto Me, and purify My House forthose who make the round (thereof) and those who stand and those who bow andmake prostration(Al-Haj:26), so follow (read) and notice (think).We've pointed out that the story of Abraham (PUH) is connected to other stories

like the story of Lot, and the story of his son Ishmael and the story of his son Isaac,and we've mentioned that Lot was his maternal cousin and also his nephew and

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they were in the same time sequence, and Lot believed in his uncle Abraham andso he was calling people to his religion. The Exalted said: And Lot believed him,and said: Lo! I am a fugitive unto my Lord(Al-`Ankabut:26). They say thatIshmael was born when Abraham was eighty six years old, and Abraham lived for

one hundred and seventy five years, while Isaac was born while Abraham wasone hundred years old and his mother is Sarah the maternal cousin of Abraham.They say that Abraham (PUH) got another six children from other woman otherthan Sarah and Hagar, but quran did not mention apparently except ishmael andIsaac. Torah mentioned that Abraham married a woman called Keturah [Arabic:Qaturah] and she gave birth for six children for him, and it mentioned their names

 but there is no need to mention them now because it has no effects. In Muruj Al-Ðahab for Al-Mas`udi he said: After Sarah's death, Abraham married Qanturâ' [justanother variation of the name] and he had six children from her and they are Marq,

 Nafas, Madan, Midian, Sinân and Sereh [Hebrew: Zimran, Jokshan, Medan,

Midian, Ishbak, Shuah].Lot was mentioned in fourteen chapters in holy quran: Al-An`âm, Al-A`râf, Hud,Al-Hijr, AL-Anbiyâ', Al-Haj, Al-Shu`arâ', Al-Naml, Al-`Ankabut, Al-Sâffât, Sâd,Al-Qamar, Al-Tahreem. Isaac was mentioned in eight chapters: Al-Baqarah, Âl-`Imrân, Al-Nisâ', Al-An`âm, Ibrâhim, Mariam, Al-Anbiyâ', Sâd. Their stories arementioned in quran either in details or in brief, sometimes mentioning only someof their matters, and in some others more than that, and most of the prophets andviceroys are mentioned in that way. They mentioned that Ishmael lived for onehundred and thirty seven years, and we've mentioned that he died in Mecca and

 been buried there in the place that is known as Hajar Isma`eel, that is the onelocated near by the Holy house, with his mother, and this is the most popular.It is mentioned that Ishmael had twelve sons, and some of them are: Hadâr,Tayyim, Mibsâm, Dawmah, Qidmah and Qaydâr, and they are mentioned inGenesis in Torah [The full list of names in Torah is: Nebaioth, Kedar, Adbeel,Mibsam, Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Temah, Jetur, Naphish, Kedemah], andthey mentioned that all of them started tribes of their own, and only God knows.Until now we did not find a specific way of how Abraham died and quran did notmention how, but Torah mentioned that. In summary, Abraham (PUH) lived forone hundred and seventy five years. In Muruj Al-Ðahab for Al-Mas`udi: Abraham

died in the lands of Shem, and his age was at that time one hundred and ninty fiveyears, and God revealed upon him ten books. When he died, his sons Isaac andIshmael in the cave of Al-Makfeelah in the field of `Afroon ben Sarsar Al-Hashi,and there Sarah was buried before him, and it is the place of the monument of Al-Khaleel in Jirun and now it is called the city of Al-Khaleel (Hebron), and its oldname was the village of Arbo` as it is mentioned in the tales of Abul-Wahâb Al-


The Trial of Abraham (PUH) to Slay His Son

Ishmael (PUH)

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In the chapter of Al-Sâffât there are some phrases that talk about Abraham (PUH)and his prays to his Lord and his requests for guidance and the faithfuldescendants. Then God answered his calls and prays and gave him what he desiredand gave him a faithful servant (son) but He put him under the test to show people

how sincere he is to his Creator, the Exalted said: So We gave him tidings of agentle son. And when (his son) was old enough to walk with him, (Abraham) said:O my dear son, I have seen in a dream that I must sacrifice thee. So look, whatthinkest thou ? He said: O my father! Do that which thou art commanded. Allahwilling, thou shalt find me of the steadfast (Al-Sâffât:101-102). So the gentle sonhad nothing but to obey with happiness and sincere desire the commandments ofGod, and His messenger.We have no doubt that everything a prophet, a messenger, or a viceroy would do oravoid is decided by God, and his deeds are done only by what is allowed and whatgives benefits, however people liked it or not. Then, the duties that are assigned by

God for people are not transfered except by prophets of human beings, and so forthis infallibility is granted for them. We've pointed out before that a prophet or amessenger and their voiceroys must be described with the highest of manners andso they should not be asked or opposed for what they are doing. For this, Ishmaeldid not refuse or deny what his father asked him for his manners and infallibilityand he knew what would happen and said to his father: O my father! Do that whichthou art commanded. Allah willing, thou shalt find me of the steadfast.WhenAbraham was about to do what he was commanded, and Ishmael had noopposition, and God knows their faith and their belief, and God then told them thatit was His command to do so as to test them and gave them a ransom, and theExalted said: We called unto him: O Abraham! Thou hast already fulfilled thevision. Lo! thus do We reward the good.Lo! that verily was a clear test.Then Weransomed him with a tremendous victim(Al-Sâffât:104-107).Scholars differed in the one that had been ransomed for , some said it is Isaac benAbraham, and this opinion is favored by many muslim scholars, while Imamitescholars agreed that the one ransomed for was Ishmael ben Abraham (PUT). Al-Mas`udi said: people argued about who was to be ransomed for , some said he isIsaac and others say he is Ishmael , and if the commandments took place in theland of Hijâz, then Ishmael is the one because Isaac did not go to Hijâz before, but

if the commandment took place in the lands of Shem, then Isaac is the one, because Ishmael did not go the lands of Shem after getting out of it. We say thattidings from the Household (PUT) been reported that their grandfather the prophet(PUH) said: I am the son of the two ransomed for, and they interpret this saying bysaying that these two are his father `Abdullah ben `Abd Al-Muttalib, and his grandgrandfather Ishmael (PUH), and they mentioned other things about their details.Maybe the source of such debate is that quran did not mention the name of the onethat was ransomed for, but it is obvious for anyone that meditated in the holy

 phrases from the chapter of Al-Sâffât that he is Ishmael (PUH) by clues that are soclear and no way to interpret them, go through their order and you will get the

exact situation. After telling the story of the event and God's rewards to Abraham

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 by saying: Lo! he is one of Our believing slaves(Al-Sâffât:111), then after thatcomes the happy tidings to Abraham from God about Isaac and letting him to be afaithful prophet later on, so God said: And we gave him tidings of the birth ofIsaac, a prophet of the righteous. And We blessed him and Isaac. And of their seed

are some who do good, and some who plainly wrong themselves(Al-Sâffât:112-113). Then the tidings about Isaac came after telling the story of the dream ofAbraham, and this is a great clue for that the son meniotned is not Isaac, becausetelling the name of Isaac gives an obvious clue that Isaac and the one that wasransomed for are different apparently.Saying "And we gave him tidings of the birth of Isaac" and it is connected by

"and" to the person in the previous story, then for sure it is not Isaac and it isIshmael without a doubt. Abdul Wahâb in his tales said: The main character in thisstory for jews in Torah is Isaac, then he said: and I think that the name of Isaac was

 put in(by them) between the lines of the story for they are cautious and careful to

make their grandfather is the one that gave his life for God since his childhood,then he said: and my clue that the one who sacrified himself for God is Ishmael isderived from Torah itself when it comes to mention that the child is the only childfor Abraham that he has no one else except him and it is a clue for Abraham'sultimate faith in God, so much that he gave his only child to sacrify with, but if weconsidered Isaac we see that he was never alone because he was born and Ishmaelwas fourteen years old as it is mentioned in Torah itself also and Ishmael stayeduntil the death of his father and he was near him when he died and buried him. Wesay that this is a strong prove and the truth is what had been said (by Abdul-Wahâb) and he has many correct opinions.They say that when he was to be sacrified with, he was thirteen years old and it isthe age of an adult, and he had became able to do what his father can do and he hadto help him and work for God and worship Him, and he reached the ultimate levelof thought and sense, so this is why he obeyed the commandment of God with hisfather. When his father laid him on the ground on his side to slay him and Godknew how sincere they are, and both of them decided to and showed the deed in

 public, and when they reached the level of doing, God showed the secret for whatthey were commanded to do so, and that He did not desire the deed itself but it is atest and thus God gave the ransom, so God said "Then We ransomed him with a

tremendous victim" and they say it was a great ram, and as reported by Ibn `Abbâs,it is the same ram that God accepted from Abel, and for saying "tremendousvictim" it is because it (the ram) grazed in paradise for fourty years. From theinterparetations of `Ali ben Ibrâhim in a long speech attributed to Al-Sâdiq (PUH)which included that when Ishmael gave hisself to be sacrified with and whenAbraham wanted to slay him, and old man came and said: O Abraham, what doyou want from this boy? He answered: I want to slay him, so he said: O God, a boythat never did wrong to God, so said Abraham: God ordered me to do so, so heanswered: God denies this but it is something from Satan, then said Abraham: woeunto you! The One who made me reach this high level ordered me to do so, then

the old man said: O Abraham you are a great man and people follow you and if

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you killed your son now they will follow you by killing their children, but he didnot answer him and he asked his son about slaying him, and when all surrended tothe commandments of God, the boy said: O father, tie me and cover my face, sothen said Abraham: O son, the tie and the slay? No I sweat that I will not do them

to you, then he laid him and put the knife over his neck and lifted his head to thesky and ran the knife over his neck, but Gabriel flipped the knife and pulled thegreat ram and made him in the place of the boy, then he (Abraham) was calledfrom the side of the mosque "Thou hast already fulfilled the vision. Lo! thus do Wereward the good."It is mentioned also that he said to his father: slay me while i am prostrating so youwon't see my face and have mercy on me, it is also mentioned that he said: tie metightly father so I won't become nervous and keep your clothes away from me sothat my blood shall not reach them and then my mother would see it and sharpenyour knife and run it fast on my neck to make it easier for me because death is

hard, then Abraham said: What a help you are for God's commandment. In sometidings it is included that God inspired unto Abraham and He knows what is in themind afore: what creation is beloved to you more than anything else? He answered:Your beloved Muhammad, for You did not create a creation that is more belovedto me than him, so god said then: is he beloved more than yourself? So saidAbraham: he is beloved more than myself, then God said: are his children belovedto you more than your own children? He said: his children are, so God said then: iskilling his children by their enemies more hurtful to your heart or killing your ownson for My commandments? He answered: It is killing his children bytheir enemiesthat is more hurtful to my heart, then God said: O Abraham, there will be a groupthat claim to be followers for Muhammad, they will kill Al-Husain after him for norights and they will slay him as for slaying a ram and thus they will deserve Myanger, then Abraham got shocked and so sad and started crying. There are manytales and speeches about this matter but we did not come to mention them for itmight be so boring.There are also some tidings that mention the prophets' stops in Karbala before themassacre and their passing through the location of death of Al-Husain ben `Ali andthe son of Fâtima the daughter of the prophet (PUT), and their crying for him aftertelling them about his trouble and the massacre by Gabriel (PUH). Such tidings

were told by Gabriel to every messenger and prophet since the time of Adam(PUH) until the time of Jesus ben Mary (PUH) and all of them used to cry andhave pains for it. [some lines come here but add nothing to the matter andcomplicated somehow to translate].

A Completion With The Ancestry of TheProphet (PUH)We've pointed out before that it is true what the prophet said about hisself "I am

the son of the two whom ransomed for" and it is interpreted by trustful companionsfor the prophet (PUH) and by his Household (PUT) that it points out to his fathers

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`Abdullah ben `Bd Al-Muttalib and Ishmael ben Abraham (PUT), and one of thetidings about this matter is what is attributed to Al-Ridhâ (PUH) after asking himabout this saying, he said: meaning he (the prophet) is the son of Ishmael benAbraham and `Abdullah ben `Abd Al-Muttalib, and for Ishmael he is the son that

was mentioned in quran, and when he was about to be slain God sent a ransom forhim which iwas a great ram, grey in color, [some describtion here I could notunderstand] and used to live before that in paradise for forty years and it did notget out of a female, and everything that is sacrified with in Minâ until this very day[in pilgrimage] is for Ishmael until the doomsday. [another describtion followwhich I can not understand fully].

Then after that he (PUH) mentioned the story of `Abdullah ben `Abd Al-Muttalib(PUH)..etc. So, no doubt that Ishmael ben Abraham is a father for the prophet(PUH) and his Household (PUT), and if Ishmael was slain then all of this holy tree

(chain) would have been lost, and they are the secret of existance and the reasonfor finding this creation, No doubt that the prophet (PUH) and his Household(PUT) after him are the leaders of this creation and better than prophets andmessengers before them and the rest of angels that are close to God, so peace untothem and God's blessings as well. The great historian and owner of Muruj Al-Ðahab, Al-Mas`udi, mentioned the ancestry for the prophet (PUH) that isconnected to Ishmael ben Abraham (PUH) when he started talking about hisconditions concerning his birth, sending as a prophet, his traveling to Medina andhis death, and he said: He is Muhammad ben `Abdullah ben `Abd Al-Muttalib benHâshim ben `Abd Manâf ben Qosay ben Kilâb ben Morrah ben Lu'ay ben Ghâlib

 ben Fahr ben Mâlik ben Al-Nadhor, ben Kanânah ben Khozaymah ben Modrakah ben Aliâs ben Modhar ben Nizâr ben Mo`ad ben `Adnân ben Od ben Adad ben Nahor ben Ya`ur ben Ya`rub ben Yashjob ben Nâbit (Nabioth) ben Ishmael benAbraham ben Terah. Then he continued counting his fathers until reaching Shem

 ben Noah and then reaching Seth ben Adam (PUT) and we've mentioned thatIshmael had twelve sons as mentioned in Torah and Torah mentioned their namesand mentioned that all of them were tribal heads.What is mentioned about the ancestry of `Adnân is agreeable by all and sometidings about its rightness been told, but the names coming after `Adnân are

controversial, and for this they (the Household) mentioned that their grandfatherthe prophet (PUH) used to name his fathers until `Adnân then he stops and says:lied the ancestry foretellers. There is no doubt that the prophet and his Household(PUT) know better their ancestors and for this they emphasized on their connectionwith Ishmael ben Abraham, but because of the many differences in the spelling ofmany names that fall between the two names of the grandfathers (Ishmael and`Adnân) and because of the hardness of same names they usually stop the chain,and it is reported to them that they ordered not to say their ancestry up to Ishmael(PUH), and this is true as witnessed for there is another chain mentioned in bookswhich has different names and length as well. [then comes lines about the second

chain, which emphasizes only on the different names].

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 [A whole paragraph here that just emphasizes that telling the ancestry of the

 prophet (PUH) should be ended up at `Adnân because of the hardness of namesand the different length been told for chains. Not translated because of time

consuming matter for nothing new]What made me talk about such a matter before its time is the excessive need for it,and we've mentioned that Ishmael (PUH) had twelve sons, and it is known that the

 prophet (PUH) is connected to him, and we would like to know by whichdescendants he is connected to Ishmael , and from the previous discussions we seethat one form says that his gradnfather is Þâbit and three other forms agree that hisgrandfather was Faydar ben Ishmael ben Abraham (PUT), and both of the formsare not exactly mentioned in Torah, but the second one which is Faydar is closesomehow to the spelling of Qaydâr and maybe this is the truth, but maybe some

letters change or added because of the long time period since that time and becauseof many people carried such tidings or it might be just because of printingmistakes.But Al-Mas`udi in Muruj Al-Ðahab, when he came to mention the conditions ofIshmael ben Abraham (PUH), he mentioned a quite useful sentence for thisoccasion, so he said: Then Ishamel took care of the House after the death of hisfather Abraham, and God made him a prophet and send him to the giants (?) and tothe tribes of Yemen and he tried to ban them from worshipping idols but only fewdid follow him, and Ishmael had twelve children and they are: Fâ'iþ, Qaydâr, Erbel,Meem, Masma`, Duma, Dawâm, Meeshâ, Hadâd, Heem, Qaturâ and Mâsh[compare with the list mentioned in the 9th section, this list mentioned here is morecloser to the one in Torah]. The commandment of Abraham was transformed toIshmael after his death [meaning: Ishmael was the viceroy of his father], andIshmael transfered it to his brother Isaac, and some said to his son Qaydâr benIshmael. Ishmael was one hundred and thirty seven years old when he died and

 been buried in the Holy Mosque in the position that was kept for the black stone,and the House conditions were took care of by Fâ'iþ ben Ishmael (PUH) and did ashis father used to do, and even some say that he was the viceroy of his fatherIshmael (PUH). I say, maybe most of them depend on what is mentioned in Torah

 because it was the first, and if it was right as it is was revealed on the heart ofMoses ben Amram (PUH) then why not following it since it is clearly and goodclue, and an investigation about it and about its people later on if God desired so,and to God be the words of thanks and prays over His beloved the Chosen and hisHousehold, and over the rest of prophets and messengers.

Isaac ben Abraham (PUT)<>His mother is Sarah the daughter of Bethuel ben Nahor which is by turn the

 brother of Terah and the uncle of Abraham (PUH), so she is the daughter of the

cousin of Abraham and also his maternal cousin, as it was mentioned before, andIsaac was born after his brother Ishmael by five years, and this is the most famous

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for us, and in Torah it is mentioned that he was born and Ishmael was fourteenyears old, and as Al-Mas`udi mentioned, that Ishmael was born and Abraham waseighty six years old or eighty seven and Isaac was born while he was one hundredand twenty years old, and the angels brought the happy tidings to Abraham about

his son Isaac, and Sarah heard the tidings and laughed for it was weird for her tohave children from an old man and an old barren woman, so the angels said to her:Do you wonder from the commandments of God? In other phrases God said: Andwe gave him tidings of the birth of Isaac, a prophet of the righteous(Al-Sâffât:112).Also God said: And We blessed him and Isaac. And of their seed are some who dogood, and some who plainly wrong themselves(Al-Sâffât:113), and: We gave himIsaac and Jacob. Each of them We made a prophet. And we gave them of Ourmercy, and assigned to them a high and true renown(Maryam:49-50). God alsosaid: and gave him tidings of (the birth of) a wise son. Then his wife came forward,making moan, and smote her face, and cried: A barren old woman!(Al-Ðariyat:28-

29).<>Apparently, in quran there was nothing about Isaac much more than tidigins

 brought about him, and about him being a prophet. Yes, and we've mentioned befoer that in Torah and the Bible, the one that was to be slained was Isaac and notIshmael, and we've mentioned a lot of details about this in the previous sectionwhen we talked about the conditions of Abraham (PUH) and explained what is trueand explained that the one that was to be slained was Ishmael and not Isaac. It ismentioned that Isaac (PUH) lived for one hundred and eighty years and was buriedin Jirun (Hebron), and it is the city of Al-Khaleel, in the cave of Al-Makfeelah(Machpelah). Isaac got married after his father as in some tales by a woman calledYoumhâ' the daughter of Bethuel, and she born him Al-`Ays (Esau) and Jacob astwins, but Esau came first then followed by Jacob, and when they were born Isaacwas sixty years old and went blind, this is what was mentioned. He prayed for hisson Jacob to have the leadership of his people and the prophecy in his descendants,and prayed for his son Esau to get the kingdom and power and in his descendantsas well. He was one hundred and righty five years old when he died and was buriedwith his father and the places for their toms is famous and they are placed almostlike eighteen miles away from Jerusalem in a mosque there called the mosque ofAbraham [Arabic: Masjid Ibrâhim], and this is all mentioned in Muruj Al-Ðahab

for Al-Mas`udi.<><>What is mentioned in Torah about his marriage, in summary, is that whenAbraham became old and were not able to work anymore, he commanded hisservant, Elazar, and told him to work on the marriage of his son Isaac and pick forhim a wife from his own tribe and lands in Iraq, and told him to be aware fromletting him get married to a daughter of the Canaanites that were in Palestine, andtold him to never let Isaac get back again to the land that went out from which isIraq, and never let him go back there even if his wife denied coming with him tohis lands in Palestine. Then Elazar got ready for the travel and took with him

everything applicable for the wife and her family, and went to Iraq, to the lands of

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the family. When he reached that land he stopped his camels before the townwhich is Padan-Aram and it is the town in which Abraham used to live, and hisfather there was a carpenter, as it is mentioned in the book of Barnaba, and it is thetown in which his tribe lives with his relatives and there lives the desired man

which is Nahor ben Terah, the brother of Abraham, but he was dead at that time,and none are left there except his children and their leader was Bethuel ben Nahor,and when Elazar stopped his camels before the city and wanted to get in, he saw a

 beautiful girl getting out of the city and carrying a jar, so Elazar said to her: get mesome water, and so she did and welcomed him, then he asked about her family andhe knew she is the daughter of Bethuel ben Nahor, so then when he knew her andher family he became so happy about it and asked about her father and wether hehas a place for hospitality, and she said yes, then he presented himself as theservant of Abraham and he wants to take a wife for Isaac, and she is the onedesired for this and no one else, then he made her wore some jewels and golden

 bracelets and she walked in front of him telling her family about the happy tidingsand the dear guest from her uncle Abraham, and the girl's name was Refqah(Rebekah). When the girl told her family about the messenger from Abraham theiruncle and about his living place, immediately Lâbân ben Bethuel (Laban) went tohis place and welcomed him and came with him to his own place and they were allhappy for the visit of the messenger of Abraham, their uncle. Then after he stayedfor a while with them he told them why he is here and he wants Rebekah for theson of his master and so they answered him with what he desires, then Elazar,Abraham's messenger, gave her vessels made of gold and silver with some clothesand ornaments, and also gave to her brother Laban ben Bethuel and to her motherand destributed the rest over her family, and after the rest he asked them to get her

 prepared, so they answered his request and made her prepared for such anoccasion, and Rebekah then agreed for his request to leave in a hurry, and so he

 picked her to the lands of his master, and when they arrived and Isaac looked ather, he got so happy for her and she had been a joy for him after the death of hismother Sarah.Then Rebekah gave birth to a twin, and they are `Eesu (Esau) and Ya`qoob(Jacob), and she born first Esau then Jacob. We say, we can agree on both stories,this and the one before, as one story. The difference are in the names of `Eesu and

Al-`Ays and that might be because of expressing in Arabic and Hebrew, and alsoin wether the marriage was during the life of Abraham or after his death, and in thedifferent names of the wife of Isaac, Youmhâ' [could not trace this name back toany source] and Rebekah, and might be that one is a name and the other is a title,

 but the story in Torah is more believable for what it contains and it is more closerto reality, and only God knows.As attributed to Al-Râawandi in his tales, there is one tale that has a connectionsomehow with out subject, and that is there was at the time of Abraham (PUH) aman called Mâriyyah ben Aws, and he was six hundred and sixty years old and heused to live in a place like a peninsula surrounded by waters and swamps, and he

used to go out for people once every three years and live in the desert, and he had a

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mosque and he used to pray to God there and guide people to the religion of Godand teach them the goodness, so one day he went out to the desert as he used to doand he saw a cattle and as if they had fat upon them, and he was amazed for that,and saw a young man with it and his face was like the face of the moon, so he

asked him about the cattle and about their owner, so he answered: they are forAbraham, then he asked him about himself and he answered: I am his son Isaac.Then Mâriyyah said for himself: O Lord let me see your friend Abraham before Idie. Isaac then told his father Abraham about what happened between him andMâriyyah ben Aws and about his conditions, then after three years he went out ashe used to be and found a man in that place that he never saw before and the manasked him about his conditions and his place, so Mâriyyah ben Aws answered himand described his place for him, then the man showed the passion for staying withMâriyyah to look at his way of living and Mâriyyah answered him that he can't

 pass over to his place, so then the man asked: why? have you not a bridge? He

said: No, but I walk over water, so the main said: maybe the One that exploitedwater for you will exploit the water for me as well, so then they walked togetheruntil they reached the water, then Mâriyyah said: By the name of God, and he

 passed over the water surface, then the man said: By the name of God, and passedover the water surface, then Mâriyyah looked at him while walking and he wasamazed, then they reached the residence of Mâriyyah and the man stayed with himfor three days, and Mâriyyah used to live on fruit and dries out some of them forwinter season. So when the man wanted to leave him he (Mâriyyah) asked himabout his name, so the man said: I am Abraham, the friend of God, and Mâriyyah

 before that used to pray to God to see His friend, so when he heard his name andknew who he is, he went to him and hugged him adn thanked God for answeringhis prays, and there are other long matters that no need to mention here and whatwe've mentioned is enough for now and God knows His servants and creations,and He knows everything.
