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The Pulaski citizen. (Pulaski, Tenn.) 1888-10-11 [p ]. · The New York Grapaic, which has m...

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1 11 O. 4"! .. ..... . - - - A lives GENITAL DIRECTORY. Mr. Blaine's silence on trusts re The health of the community is Cleveland and Hill a dark cloud, po the bravest ti,o w,i,,m1i a : sometimes are amid trials. K. I1L it.M li l. 'uisvilio Ky. DR. TAYLOR'S PulBBki, Ton (i. cently is couspicuoua. A.. .11 IC iv.au It5 get- - I (TflAKTER' improving rapidly. There is but one or Jtwo cases of fever th.s week. Flags, brass bands and fire works ting a little we:ib-knee- d over Cleve- - There will be two negroes in the Jas.Buford '&' Co. may influence weak minds, but they are not real arguments. . T H S: J M Mcl policem Jim Vaughn's school has closed Never before have New Yorkers been more enthusiastic than they are in the present campaign. Prep- arations are making for political demonstrations in New York ' city of a more extensive character than ever before were held. Tne dunbt ful states will hnve a most animated a id exciting canvass during the en Georgia lower house and one in the senate. land's prospects in New York. It says "if Mr. Cleveland fails to car- ry New York it will be because of a complication of issues in the democratic household " The The nearer we get to the ocean C'i V ; nivf r; John W Dyer, rorordcr; a!J. city marshal; Joa Flippin ALDERMEN, ".-o- r, F IVnch, MC Camodv, J . 1'fJ .f.zall, UA tWnerant. cf t!i9 botird laat Thnrsduy .'s rr.'inth at Mayor's oftU-o- . at the Flecman school house. Mr. Vaughn is well qualified to fill the UJ Cholera Cure! lne grander and greater it appears! Robert J. Burdette, the humorist. iilEsiatsAiKkli'iistlilfif Decatur, A;a. position he holds and deserves suc 1 he same is true or truth. baa been licensed to preach. He is American is atraid the Hill men cess wherever he may go. Jno. Don't depend on borrowed ideas John V B Bom; Moot.; night in Mayci-StairH- , r, Recoi i Kilpatrick paid a flying visit to a .baptist. . The Iowa prohibition'law nut was any more than you would be con- tent with eecond-han- clothes. AGENTS for Decatur I.und, Imrrovcmot 'o. 1 nl rHcatur JKinnral an wiil not support Cleveland nnless Cleveland publicly endorses Hill. The New York Grapaic, which has Humphreys county a lew days ago. m eoutn-eaot corner, drp store. S. Q. Weatherly and family have Lend Co., and member of Stock xchungo ;EDV AND PELL injforce on the 1st and no liquor can now be sold in the state. PURELY VEGETABLE. the conGdenoe of the pai i.y man tire month of October. In Indiana it is estimated that a thousand speeches will be made each day as the campaign draws to its close, and more than tnat number in New-York- . New Jersey alretdy resound with stumu pa.Tir,p;. Avulanche. returned from Lewis county. r EDUCATIONAL DEPA1U .tiEiNT agers in New York and 13 in a bet Dr. Harvey of Iawreneehura wss -- t People are starving in Ramsev Mineral and Mining Lands, 3. 3. ZUCCAKELLO, EDITOR. here last week. ter position to know bow things sUnd,8ays there is no Cleveland man county, Dak., caused by the early GRADING THE PCBLIO 8CHUOL. UrY& SUBURBAN PiltlPERTY. Ir7Kerecfnliy aoiioit " ciders romGile W. J. Kilpatrick of the neiehbor c3Wc Adjoining mayor's. ursnr OFEiCEUs. sheriff, W W MarVa, depoty li Craig, tme.9; J J Philip, ' S Ty.i, Co. conrt clerk, J W Pe- -' r; ranger, Eb. Ab- - irvsyor. "W W MarkH, jailor. - irt ts first Mondays in ' t and December. J D Patter- -. .i : .n LJonen, attorney-genera- l; ; ., c ierk, 7 conrt Meets first Monday in m 1 tnd Monday in Aueost. A hood of Purkey branch was in the This is the second, and one of who is not a Hill man, and no Hill man who will rio. do all he can for Cleveland. United they stand, divi burg last week on business. frost destroying crops. ' Mayor Hewitt of New York ha9 been nominated by the citizens and the county democracy will endorse him. T3 P T. sheriff, register,'. Asn, cor eruathy, Circa.;-Marc- j on, Hi Joe Br;k . Charv.' yobrcarv J Aben and ma- -' tne most important subjacls of my article. 'i uia m'adinif avntem has Mr. and Mrs. John Lanier naid ded they fall. There is to be no cow- - Shannon a visit last week. been in ue in the nortu for a num aid ly assassination. When the FINLEY' knife is applied it will go to the Several of this Dlace attended thn ber of years, aaU is making rapid titiSSSjSilUOUS and s ZHNTERMITTENT FEVER T breast rather than the back. The progress in the south now. Of speaking at Lswrencebarg last The democrats of Hamilton . i . hv p: anooilor; JB Stacy, clerk course, tne exact method if mugwump makes an honest fight Monday. are waaing np ana are Thousands of dollars worth of r, jia ij joceg, deputy. The Morristown Gut w. bays it is high time the subject of the in-iq- a tius trusts was being agitated among legislative candidates. The legislature of Tennessee, the G zette thinks, ought this winter to pass a law so severe in its term that it will deter every cian in the state from entering intoihsso com binations to oppress the rwp! The man who wiil frame and push through a good law on that. eunpjc will thereby place himself in the di rect line of succession to guberna stirring things lively. lor Cleveland and against Hill, bnt The indications of another wed chickens are destroyed by Cholora Ml MALARIAL DISORDERS, every democrat stands tor both. ding pretty soon are very good. A Birmingham drug clerk gave a mg m the city scuools will not in every instance be a'ppJicable to nai oouutry schools where there is only one teacher. Tae teacher in our TICKS OF THE PEACE. O't. chairman county 00 nrt. And the national and the s!a'e lead AMD ALL 0ERANCEMENTS OF THE East Side Public Sqiiarc, In snppliud with tbo iy a close 01 morphine for quinine We came near forsetlino- - to state ers will go under the string neck to every year. It is more fatal to them than all other diseases combined. But the discovery of a liquid remedy that positively destroys the Microbes STOMACH & BOWELS. 1 13 days ago and kuled the boy, that we wish that the county court nock and breast to breast. wouiu iaKe an action on closino- - AN EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR ALL The old officers of the L. and N. PUREST WIMS & LIBORS. has been discovered, tian 01 tne The Senate Tariff Bill." country schools has a vast amount of woik to peilorai, if he meets the demane.s ot horn 40 to 75 pupils in various btanciits, wii,h a proper the Fall river, Sugar creek and Pu Liver & Kidney Complaint: railroad were re-ele- cted at a meet - 1 S 8 Bottoms, 3 L Fattorson; 'iJlhert, Carey Uilbort; Kur.na, V B Jones; Warren, Polk Prince; ii.iclsanan. DP Vangh; . i.i',o!l, W K Reckley; . 0. . JJ McCallum, J W West, "'ton . . lVifkr, Sam Hopkins; Press Abernathy and John J L.' Dis. n 2- -.I .. ; 8-- TL. 4 N 6 .1 C T- -.1 AJ C: B S ' ' 9- - -- 0 fitephe : - 10 .' laski road. There are but abm.t ing of stockholders in Louisville a We have the senate bill at last, young chickens are destroyed by the Microbes before they are fryers. A rice 50 cts. a Bottle. Trial Bottles 25 c!s, few days ago. and in its evasions, false pretenoes, two or three hands to work this road and we think there ia no nap torial honors. Lt th i matter and punish the robbars o the people. house has been expensively r s furnibbod. He gi aranteea t of wines, liquom.cto., to be b ght. bargains ana corruption it is with 50-cen- ts bottle is enough tor 100 chickens. It is guaranteed. If, after rC5 EALZ IVESYWEEE1. Prepared Only br HICHARDSQH-TAYLO- R MED. CO,, anu grueUuon iu those branches which are required to be taught iu our public scaoois. All trying to keep it up. Esq. Pur- - It is claimed by the Philadephia Record tba 20.000 voters in the out a parallel in our economic his SC2 S. Fourth Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. year cant you help us? Hoping using two thirds of a bottle, you are not satisfied with it as a cure for tory. lhat refreshingly frau nd in tne Oraacues are important, and I BILLI A UD& i'OOIi Icity of Brotherly Love have left the Vv'ilaon, K N Ilonston; r EVck, MeLin Marks; Ufor a Copy ot Book"OTTR FAMILY TROUBLES,1 OB hA4 t all torB. or aert ?or lwo cent .lamp. ror look at it! here is a nation 11- -7 genuous editor politician, Charles K.now lrom experience that time is republican party and become re staggering under a war burden mul Cholera, return it to the druggisf frcm whom you purchased it, and Kimory amita concedes that if iar too limited tor a teacher to 6 Tables are in a plesnnnt and retired room on the gronnd floor. ABE. PINLEY formers. , tiplied Ave times by the reed and Cleveland had not written the tarifi he will refund your money. justice io tiiffiselt or pupils unless he has uniformity in text-book- s ana is This J Fact? cupidity of capitalists whose inter message he would have been elected. U l0r:A cw. "Holdfast," a correspondent mnst, get our rula in his head and hold iua our wants will be supplied we will now leave this matter with the county courts, and Jjope that The Citizen will help us I have hired my fodder cut fc-- feeding and believe it paid well. Since buying a cutter, I am more convinced of its usefulness and val ests are protected at the expense of nis scnooi properly graded Bnt how about his election after having written the tariff messaare. 12-".- ' Y Tl irt, J&s. Hart: IS V T Copland, D II Parsong; 14 C liar nab. A D Yokely; 15 .. JcLanrine, W W .Gordon, BD Camer 1. 10 i Lalhorpe, Dan'l Kincaid. 17 A. Rothrock, A J Helmick; 18 'i' Pnrear, Wm Chambers; 19j Parker. J P Anderson; 20 K t Bar.s, R J ('urtis; 21 ' i' Brosning,W A Coffman. tno people. no ens cin 11'Torl to ran a. Wheal THAT nnloas lhair machinea are in fast to it that the name must ac- company the communication and II A. ROSES Gil A INT, oome oi our teachers, especially our young and inexperienced teach It is proposed to reduce the rev and how about the greater maioritv Sood ropairf only one side of the paper written enues of the government $75,000, ers, do not fuhy comprehend the 0 he will receive in recognition of the wisdom and courage of that excel Crala: a 7iikins 000. on. DRESS MAKING. MISS MATTIE SMITH OFFEKSjher services as Dreos maker toll d Gils ConnlT. Bhe is rranam. iuii extent and meaning ot the term "grading." It suiTdIv means ue and believe it has saved its cost of Colamb a. Tenn.. tha well known ma- - Democrats insist that this ba done lent document? asks the N. Y. Star. H ahinist. can robuild t engines, tnremors ano in one season. L. N. V. Blakeman, The Tullahooma Guardian notes it as a strange coincidence that so as to reduce the burden of taxa porsa poivera and will guarantee tnam 10 CONSTABLES, t T'o. 1 EC Vanhoo6T,2 J LBeece; a proper classification of the pupils accoruing to their knowledge oi the The Coarier-Journ- al savs: "There I iavaribly cure caked udder by ivo perfect siUnficti-m- . We have on hand wm aolendid bwoiiI hand engities sod there are alwavs two deaths to re thoroughly and carefully rubbing is only one drawback to the inter orancnes m which they are to re port whenever one occurs in that threnhers that, vo wil! 83l' very cheap. We do all the work In nor line, cutting, nt ra alio aeen'a for t!is well known Gsar it with a mixture composed ofoie esting tact that the ninetv-hv- e new ceive instruction, and if the teacher ng.oQ., in the b town. Scott K.neine. Threshors and Hullors. Th Dilst- - iJM ' Holt; 1. Willi iv, 10 Wr Thorn J mi; BmitV. 20, J I babies at Vanceburg are all girls, ..rbrotisrn; 4, O i Watson; o wm K (4owei ; 7 P J Andeison, Rob't 3 V( nry Sutler; 9 Jesse MoNeece; fR.lf rd. 11 Wm Nowton; 12 C C : 1? M O Majroe; 14 Wm Licy: 15 nmi;H Dannevnnt; 17, Dan Boo 19 J M Chapman; ;''.H; 21 J V Marks. Qaar-8co- tt Three .Way Crank Throsher i ounce of pulverized iodide of potas sa, mixed with lwo ounces oHard. can oe so iortunate as to obtain this classification in bis school, it will An Arkansas preacher was ar Thav cannot vuts the democratic rested at Bolivar, Tenn., a few days THE FINEST S2PAEAT0E This formula I foaud in Flint's Hcket when they come of age, enable aim to do a great de-i- m"r ago charged with ravishing a 10 Nevertheless, each one of these nin VeryLatest Style And at roaxonable pi ices. Call at her rocma west eide of public square. efficient work in the way of black- - ever placed on Ihe markot. It is built on th ety-fiv- e girls, is due course of time, ooaru exercises, p.eiimiaary drills rotary plan. JNo rami can allurn 10 Doy vibratrr before they teo this mac hire. Sen CHUUCUES. book of the uiilch cow. E. E. Kog ers A new leaf needs to be turned ov- er in this section. It doe3 not pay with proper management, may be year old child in Mississippi coun try Ark., a few days previous. Gov. Gray of Indiana was re orir.r Corner Seoond and Flower m 62 able to furnish half a dozen or mor for illustiuto i cataloguo. CKAIO & WII.K1N8, democrtic voters. at9-t- t Colnrnbia, Tenn K. v. V. L. Wilson pantor. bervicoF f lln.ro. crA p. m. Bunday .it am n- - A. Fops sup't. .... ...rdCorocr 81 and Madison cently in Washington and told the to fatten beef at present price3(5 to 6i cents), but there is a constant Saddles and Harness president that Indiana would not Many country editors have an demand for milking stock. Y Weaver, pis tor. Sorvioes every only vote for Cleveland end Thur-ma- n, but would send nine demo need to grow stock to live instead Xorih Wepfc Coiner Square, tion at thesauie time. They pro- pose to do this by reducing taxes on articles entering into manufac- tured products and which multiply themselves five fold. The total reduction of the tariff on imports by the Mills bill is, in round Lumbers, $50,000,000, cne-fift- h sugar. Of the remaining $40,000,000 it is safe to sav the manufacturers col lect $200,000,000 to the 0 which go to the government. The sugar tax is almost as much a revenue tax as tax on tobacce. The democrats consider first the taxpayers; the republicans protect those who are contributing of their "tat" for the election of Harrison. It will be noticed that the reduc- tion of revenue is the same in each case, the republicans thus confess- ing that the revenues are redundant and excessive; that a surplus does exist, and should be reduced. But they propose to reduce the revenues and continue to the ut most the robbery of the consumer under the f jraaa of law. of feeding it to die. C. D. Whit 11 ... m. and S p. m. Will Koee ,;1ttllt. 'nt cV.orch W J Collier, pastor, at 10.20 a.m. snd 7 p.m. Puask, - - Tennessee crats to congress. man, Wisdom Co., Vt. NoxtDoor to RANKIN'S. Pre BtrectP 8nnd eohool Com' Eov. ." . Sundi' fcupen; .". Mot' Pervv. 8ud1; BUP't. E.i:- 8rd. BervU' in. Cbr jug at EB. Hb ABERNATHY, Surveyor, WILL attend promptly for all calls for in any part ot Giles. Call on me near Pulaski or addrevs me at Pu- laski. .. !w;! ut'J.15-- a. m, W. S. Eoll, There is hardly cnytbing better It is strange that a county pa for the crackea and sore teats of per, pretending to ba ahead of all "hnrch cornor Madison and idea that with a pretty respectable patent outside, a long string of f e Bonal mention of Bill Jones, John Smith, Dick Thompson, etc., etc., and a long winded editorial h of some political views on the tariff question, they are publish- ing a first rate county newspaper. This doesn't fiil our eye completely 4 to what a good local paper is b great odds. other papers in local and other The country schools should ue liividcti into six grades, and only six, wheie there is but one teacher. Tncse grades should cor- respond to the five series of readers and a U. S. history and the teacher should give his especial attention to these six grades which include all the branches prescribed by the school law. If there should be in his scrool an advanced grade the program should be so arranged as not to conflict with the regular work of tie grades- The advanced grade might incite during a rest pe- riod of the other grades. The graded system with a regular pro- gram will jive each class its proper time for resiling a' d thus avoid the teacht r beiaLr accused of devoting W. O. (. Thompson rector. matter, doeecn' know that the elec n lion lor county omcers is over, Juot keep thei; names standing. t un.'i.y at iO 45 a. m. and 8.15 p. : n ehrch services Sunday morn-MtiiKt- Fall. Io rognlar pastor, Y. JI. C. A. IN THE FKED. STOCIC. Brick Layer. Order, work on chimneys, hoartlis, cim urns, sotting gratn, etc , promptly eic AIho plaalerincr. Iiwratox. tfcliti M they may be candidates again two years hence. t Y. M. C. A. Hull over post-oftl- nfiorcoon 1 4 p. ra. Boys' branch Mef' Bund. at 3 p. The merchants of Nashville have recommended T. O. Morris to the Vvr. li. xhornton, too'y. democratic executive committee of Grrooey LODGES. FBFCTIQN SFC'f ACLK L. GODEFItOY HAS n.t!'i of ih.ro alioj 111 'I'oliwifei. fry liihni aii Davidson county as a suitable can cows than the rich, old boiled lin- seed oil. It softens them and en- ters every crack and then dries, forming a skin which keep9 the sore from dirt and the air. and al- lows it to heal rapidly. L , East-hampto- n. If I was pasturing rye, I would have the cows out with a full belly at first, and not allow them more than half an hour the first day, gradually increasing the time, and be sure the rye was perfectly dry when the cows were turned out first, Always feed something dry before, turning out on rye. R. R. Hunter. A cow giving 30 to 35 pounds of milk per day, ought to have about 12 pounds ground feed and 25 pounds hty every day. J. N. Mun cey. t.r,;S fi L13 I'i'll;': ji SO '.1 J ty By the adoption of the Mills bill didata to take the place of Mr. Orr ft the indirect taxes by Carnegie and for the legis e too miicu time to some pupils and not enougti to others. To show that only ?ix grades are - i -- XIKT f UDF.R ODD FELLOWS, i l.f .'e Ko. 12 Moots every t i.t. Odd Follows II ail. corner 1st vho declined to run i'aiure. Sua wiil ice no oihor. Jonas, by the steel rail trusts and all other trufts, are reduced $200, 1 o i novor ir any INT.-- Pul day ' ' and I' Jami'.- - ;.i? 4 II 13 JOLLY Dad frames I ko tlu n. y t oo.,J- - R. BumpaBS, N. O., practicable in our country schools, 'J 000,000. The negroes of Davidson county vLean, K. S. ,' h. I? :tm cwfl f be CV r AGB Bv Ihe senate bill. t'aev are reduc In Pulaski. ed eta high estimate $20,000,000 ; t-,- J j frtji 'iaiu.CJa.a M , l iS r i':i-- -o a.-- 1 r,. l i.ai-i- s fi 4 nui ' -- ia i jR7 t l.:v I r.r'i ft y.V a . j A'S t farriia frhsc M :o:-- - GRAPHIC LIBRARY The people will have no difficulty KNIGHTS OF FYTHI AS. pII T.od'o, No. 12 Meets every - r t ?t. K of P. Hall west side of Coo. T- - Bid-llo- , 0. 0.. W. B. Smith-S- . Uniform rank, Dixie Division, : vU',i ovory 1st Tuesday - in each its eacn gratia lour times a day and allow 16 minutes fur each recitation. This ivts 6 hours of actual woik, not including inter-iniScsiu- Ds. Ti e following program is arranged for all liie grades. Opening exercises S o'clock. 1st graft' c, 1st reader. 8 15; 2nd, in deciding oetween these two bills Courier-Journal- . l "l-j- l Jilioluiol;oi.L-a,Jtia- . J.D. I'LTLLEN Stor-Tuesd- squar" eon , K. No. 8, month. I IL DEES' have waked up to the fact that they re on top with the republican party of that county and they are now de Handing some of the chicken pie. They are tired ot waiting in the kitchen after having purchased the it ab, and have to lick the pots. - It suits some people to be the boiwht ACME BLACKING I J SSScvUwt .::ttireet,t-h.Uai3r.ipau,Pa- . li JUST ISSUED. and I'll hava it easy novr. DAlEY DwTS. -- :o: i feeni:e snu mxnagable cow is Wolffs IGiEBIacking render, S.30; 3rd, 3rd reader. MASONIC. , , No. 1. 4 ill leader, 9; 5th. 5th Cnnjmandery, K. T. No 12; G A worth a good deal mora money as a milk producer than an uubroken and wild one. 8 45; 4th, render oi 0 Mht ;nn 0 WC Nelson, Re- - L? 3 i. Cva mandor, f! primary history, 9.15; HISTORY A1ID LIFE F'l V J BOTCH, champions of primary elections when they think they are nectssary to get their man in, but when they feel sure that the candidate is for their man they can see no sense in iooacco ana nutter make a poor LittleTune, when twenty months old, had a h'vhit of asking strangers for cents. Her mother-tol- d her she would punish her if she asked for any more. xNext morning sue went to a neighbor's house alone and said: "I s'pose you got some tents, Miss Giffie?" Mrs. Griffin answered "Yes." "Well," Irene says, "I s'pose ynu doinij to teep 'em, ain't you?" She got the cents without asking for them. " OF Pnnimn PlnTrnlnurl Carry the Most Fnln Tope, i. cordor. Pul:-- 3R Pali Crn;f, Pul, A Kiel.' rine. i Rank!-- , day n SB saassi SSI mm sM IS A GREAT LABOR SAVER. A SK!Se LASTS A WEEK. RAIN AJS3 SNOW DCei'T AFFECT IT NO BRUSKiKO REQUIRED. MAKES A SH8E WATERPROOF. USED BY KEN, WOMEN ASS CHILDREN. Oaa ba waahad lilce Oil Cloth, and abaolnMty Softens and Preserves all kinds of Leather. Aakioc it, and do not give np till you got it, and yoa will be well rewarded. Sold by Snoa Stores, Grocers, Druggists, A a. For Harness it ia anaqoaled. WOLFF a RANDOLPH. Philadelphia. a primary. lne preterences ol ;ur legislative candidates for U. S. . enatarmay gauit us very well, but ,i Ornncil R. 8. Masters, No. ; ye, Tli 111. Master; F Winship Ke- - :: ...iter. li. A. M. No. E0;W R P : f Arrr.wsmitli, Recorder. -. F. A A. M , No. 101; ZW . il ;(j A Pope, Sau'y. JiUCAN LEOION OF HONOR. :,1 Council, Ho. 409. U C itcLan- -' man.iar: 'J A Casey, Boc'y; J P , r. Moots 1st and 8d Thurs-.t- 5 nl r.unnifter Uall. Z 01UIU1 bUlTblOUU we want a majority of the people to have a say in the matter. Thisis QCK com sanation. A smoker carries the perfume with him wherever he goes, and if in a cool daily room the milk and butter is sure to be contamina- ted. The proportion of cows to popu- lation is smaller in this country than in any other. England has one cow to about eight of popula- tion; 'France one to three; this country one to ten- - Tho weight of testimony is that soft food or ensilige, and roots, pro iiMii OP Appredfttlng the demand for a eonTenienft democratic. As the price of flour swells, so tie loaf wiil shrink. 6tti. U. S. history 9.0; recess 9.45. 1st grade, 1st reader, 10; 2nd, read- er, 10.15; 3rd, 3rd reader, 10 30; 4',b, language lessens, 10 45; 5tb, primary grainrnt.-- , 11; 6,h, higher grammar, ll.Ja ;"4;h, 5,U and sixth grades spelling 11.45; noon, 11.55. 1st gi:de, 1st rendu, 1; 2nd, 2nd reader, 1.15; 3rd, oral and svritten spelling, 1.3o; 4ih, first, itseons in geography, 1 45; mb, second lessou in geography, 2; 6 h,- - h gtier geog- raphy, 22.J5; recess, 2 Hi), lit grade, 1st reader, 2 45; 2 id, 2ud i- - a ter, 3; 3rd, primary aruhnietic, 3i5; 4th, intermediate aiithmetic, 3.30; Suh, arithmetic, fi actions, 3.45, Gth, arithmetic, percentage. 4; dismis- sion 4.15. Blackboard exercises in writing 1 Pi A1C1 Til AIlTtl After twenty eight years of high taxation "to loster American m- - lustries" the farmers still furnish AiN'D W. W R Fzell, soc'y; Mcols 2nd and 4th A. O. U. M W i' iiuDcicr. 75 per cent, of all our exports and H c : J P K Mond: It's Plowing Eepairs, asy to Dye with and brief history of the life of President Cleveland, we have Just issued a especially devoted to Illustrations, Or a SPLENDID PORTltAlT OK THB and a MAGNIFICENT PIC- TURE OF MRS. CLEVELAND, both from the most recent phMoirraphs; Illustrationa of CLEVELAND'S BIRTHPLACE. ROOM IK WHICH HE WAS BORN. HIS BUFFALO OFFICE, MARRIAGE CEREMONY, COUNTRY HOME AT WASHINGTON, and others picturing; the noteworthy events of bis great career. The letter-pres- s give a CONCI8R HIS- TORY OF THE LIFE AND EVERY PUB- LIC ACT OF GKOVEK CLEVELAND. f,he manufacturers only 20 per cent. duce more miik ttiaa drv feed. And the price of the farmer's prod ucts is levelled down in the old Table and Pocket Cultery, III HMO world market, while all that he ltS.0ifa!E El fflEi gg GiV. regoni ; colloc' ' night s Farmers who t to secure best returns from the dairy shomd pro- vide this soi-- of rations for winter feeding. Thirty thousand Jerseys in the buys is enhanced in cost by taxes Cultivators and o heap up a surplus for the politi Dow Laws' Cotton Planter and number 3 should be given to U VAL AC A NUM. ..ur.e'sl, 49- - Adolph Gerstol ' a Cavco. foo'y; H Arrowsmith, 2nd and 4th Tuesday r.nrr.ister Hall. KNIGHTS OF nONOR. ;,. Lodiro, Nal4. .1 A P Skil-- v i r: 'A 'iv McLaurine, reporter; ,rait'h, fiiiinciul ropor'er: .las T -- . Moots let and 3d Friday Banyihtcr ;!all. cians to spend. JNo wonder the the three first grades at United States is Ihe last estimate of And are Satisfied with grangers are KicKing. JNew lorK each after World. recitation including the time reciting the lesson assigned. Ostaa Howes and Reapers. Fr'.c lem, H 'Air , Oakee, the cow counter. The miik room should be away from the influence of odors of the Every democrat in Giles county Superior IN Strength, Fastness, Osauty, AfiD Simplicity. I hope to secure the united efforts jnn20 p. M. BUNCH. irmll l3rofits. ought to go togwork in enrncsl and of "patrons, put iis. school officers work with'enthusiasm from now farm-yar- d, of the piggeries, or any- thing that wi'l hurt the mlik- - Possesses many Important Advantages over all other prepared Foods. BABIES CRY FOR IT. INVALIDS RELISH IT. Makes Plump, Laughing, Heaithy Babies. Regulates the Stomach and Bowels. Sold by Drupgists. 83c, 60c, Wl.OO. WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO., BURtiWGTOH, vt. until the election closes for the suc CHa.9. T. BDKOH r. U. BUNCH. :o:- - and magistrates in securing well or- ganized giaded schools throughout the county. BIVOUACS. Idti No T Moots first Sat-moi.- lh at Y M C A hall. S V.Tn Warranted to color more enodM thnn nnv nthcr r.t; Thco Kicnardson, 1" ?. 11. L-UN- & SON, DEALERS II FAMILY OEOCERIES Sitrar. Cfll'e, Paon, Lard. Floor, Mral tarv. cess of the democratic ticket from Cleveland down. True we have a comfortable majority in Giies with- out exerting ourselves much but we ought to have plenty to spare some liotiouliiiiil. BY RED HEAD. jO not buy elsewhere until you Dairy farming furnishes a con- stant source of income, and it may be carried on wkh small capital without danger of being smothered by largo r establishments. Before the lato Bostt l law was put into execution, it is said sixty per cjnt. of the sellers watered their milk, and that the law saves the dyes ever made, and to give more brilliniit and durable colors. Ask for the 7'iumoiid, and take no other. 36 colors; 10 cents each. WELLS. RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, Vt. For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles, USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only 10 Cents. fUmlios. Ti l)ooo r.nd Cipars, Garden Baby Portraits. A Portfolio of beautiful baby portraits, printed on fine plate paper by patent photo process, sent free to Mother of any Baby boru wiihin a year. Every Mother wants thfHi pictures; send at once. Give Baby's name and age. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Piops., Burlington, Vt. 1 have tried us, for we know we C. ru.MtY NOTICES, liictubor that wo charge for obit-- . llo ratn bcins olio cent per uminconiont of doi.ths free. thcr county that 13 short a few IriKh lotatoe-- i aud Union Hotx. lSlobtf BENCH A SON Pie, onary word No. . HISTOROP The United Stall Tariff Presents the great Tariff speech of tha Hon. Roger Q. Mills of Texas, summarizing tha famous Mills bill, and la set off with a Dum- ber of powerful cartoons. , Each number ia made np of sixteen page, beautifully printed on paper of extra weight, so as to be easily preserved, and tha mora convenient form from which to gather afe a glance the substanoe and effect of th whole Tariff Question. These publications should be read by every American citizen, and the low price, 10 CENTS PER COPY; iriaoes them within the reach of everybody. Bend 90 cents in stamp for GRAPHIC LIBRARY, Noa.1 and 2, to THE DAILY GRAPHIC, 30 & 41 Park Place, N. Y. hundred in the presidential and gu hernatorial election. Rouse, dem ocrats, and go to work. STRICKLY In Lev Prices consumers at least $1000,000. About the democratic states of - -- HEADQUARTERS FO, COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, BEST GOODS MANTELS 1S84 there is not in the mind ol the careful observer the least oues- - There is a great deal of contrari- ness in milk and cream, and itjlakes the best appliances and tie "most Froezor rata t;nd Ice ( rta n i:op (Jooiii of every dcooriptioa. Rufrforators What beautiful weather wc are having now for gathering crops. Cotton is making a better yield than wa3 anticipated daring the drouth. We have had two very large ficsis the past week which has dene sorae damage to sweet potatoes and sugar cane. The mineral iateresisare still on a boom gand the prospects remain very favorable yet. Our jaerehants have on hand a full slock of fail and winter go.uls now. .These cool nights call U r ovcr-co- at and bnofs. TIN WAKE and Kverj thinn sn ! eoaveuient lor AND Best Variety. skilled make to keep the mischief tion. lney will vote lor Cleveland for the second time, and their vote will secure his Kitchen, Uiniproo .i, l.au-dr- y bDd Uauy. PHILLIPS & BUTTOKFF M'F'G- - CO , N VI 11. THXN troui being paid frequently by the butter. Cream is churned too warm, or too Jurtfiv As to the s'ates heretofore re :o - publican by narrow pluralities, there is much confidence tbaf, the cold, too sweet, or too sour, too PCU ATTENTION OF PAINTERS ' and evcrj body to our celebrated fast, or too slow, and no training, desire of the people for the com -- "55 or judgment, or education is sup posed to be necessary to make but Irs Ready Misod Paints vhieb wo hbll under the following positive plete establishment of pure govern- ment will prevail, and that the in Blothers. are isnon the skiu of every hu- -i Uilil and adult alike, 2,300-- f Through thefO pores in the Inxi.nib'u! perspiration, is ex- - ...i j tli'iii one quarter of the ,u".'t taken into the system. oi Keeping open these ,i nu valves upon a child's boily, ! tMly t thttwf promptly di-ii- m uxid c iti'n. It whs to open r- - of tin) ekin and to assimilate I tint Dr. Pitcher formulated Inoso bowels, constipation, :,il i rnptions which are so con- -, hi ' iutunts and childron, and k ;i of all children be-- -, nr ' livo years old, arise prin-ioi- a tlne two causes. It Is f winiih'ri'ul results attendant u of Castoria iu reulathijs bowels ar.d kcopiii)? ; jin !h and DO res of th skin, that Casto-- . its woild wide reputation. of wtiter lor the body, ' ior tli luKs nd Castoria to ,r. t'.e fo'd. thete need bo no .i ,i. 1 for cickness anions chii-f--mr- ia is a vegetable preserip-'- . iioi-- morphine or other narcotic v. Thirty years extensive use en it i v :vcr attained by r uiei'.ieine. ler with success. THT OUR mFKIi!t mriiUoi Th-ma- n i 000 in- form pclh'.i nouri. The i persp is sov. gestii' the the i Casto; fefer stunt whic! fore ' cipal! from upon the t ' open nil nr. AVitii pure. asaiiVi nmuN dreti. tion prop lias ; anoti fluence cf such sentiment will make t je majority of the Electoral Co- l- Ve K'li.rnntco onr Roadv MiKid Paint ASK FOR IT! THE SELF-THREAdY- h' li iimi'i.rH applied to a irood xurlsee not iz,c and the majority ot the popu tocrauK. ctiulK or peel anu to uive per tool FACTS 702TH 3EMEKEEEI1TG. i Imagination never disturbs facts. Tneie i& no virtue in a uromiste i mm 11 mm. lar vote 6o great as to end the re aw alii'a inn iw a Ernt c1bh psint. audit at- - er thioe iMi'ii wear it laila to meet 'ha publican party and its pretensions irdWWD m 'b(Vo r.o we inrrce to fnrniKh fi Ml! point free ol '.t:nr1re toiopa:nt building. !o contiol a peaceful, prospering and united country through rcminiscec G7 Tlxe Uilzriann & PMlpott FOR PITCHER'S We parch itourcelvcs. ces of strife, and distress and dis DEMISE "B" iiienuiauiuni.g co. union. New York Star. A full xtock of thoi'O l uiiiU on hand and lorHuie in ruiaaxi ty irmehllin POP" & RSEVER. In it are com. blned the fin- est mechanic tan 1 until it is redeemed. j Many weaknesses of hums.n ni,-tnr- e are distorted virtues. i 1 he wisest fellows we think are ihcHO who agree with us. j Coalsntment does not demand conditions, it makes them. Whistling doesn't make the loco- motive go, it is the silent steam. Now is always the best time it we will always make it so. To be really yourself you must be diflcrect from those around you. The ups and downs of life ?re belter than beiuadown r: 11 tie time SO mm We have often heard farmers make these exclamations while vis- iting the fairs: "Why, I've got Rt home finer apples and potatoes than these; my colt and Berkshire hogs can beat anything I have seen here; my cattle are much finer and al skill, the, 11 WML'JT1"? tFt m.vm If illUl.si ,rnfft- - r most useful and practical Is Cotis.imption lucurable? U- - :'. the i.dlowing: hU. C. II. Morris elements, and Tho Original Wins. C. V. Simmons, St. Lnui, l'rnp'r M. A. Simmonn Liver Medicine, hkt'd Was down with all known ad Kewa: k. Ark., says: belter than those, why don't farm- ers get better stock." If ail this is oi l.tliV's. nmi ineims n Abse; in tne yj. s court nkiKATs J. vantages that make a sew- ing machine kam icLemore. Centaur Iiiniment is the most wonderful Pain-Cur- er the world has ever known. ians pron"inced mean Incurable :.nt!-:- ; taking King's true, my fellow farmer, why did you not bring your fine fruits am mm AW !;-- :'i vorv for Consumption, am 9 in-.- third bottle, and able to desirable to sell or use. WHOIKSALK AND RETAIL . il.o vork on uiv farm. It is the Kev. T 15. Keams. Pastor M. K. . .,.,'u-iit- ever made." a i Church, Ad.im, Tenn., writes: "l Ph?:-- : Con--Is'e- v now OVc line.;-- ; (tays : Xe won' Was , be?t i CLDREDCE MFC. CO. Midulewart, Pecatnr, Ohio, lino n 0 laf1irJaii't'''1t'''-- " i b7 JtninK 1 should Have been dead but I lor ycur Genuine M. A. Sim n factory and Wholsula OSoe, BtMlart, Qj 'I it rot been for Dr. Kings iii.,ovow for Consumption I mons Liver Medicine. I have sometimes had to suhstitule diel of Limit Troubles. 7r I "Zcilin's stuff" for vour Jfrdi- - 898 Wabash Atnu, Chicago. S BrmaO. Street, Amo York. CUKES SPRWfS,BRUiStS.RHEVMAIISM S0R.THfWAT. SPAYlK SP1WT. RIK6B0W6 P)ZC0TIC.tT. EOCEKTS PER BOTTLE. CK$5 RKgriiScRaruLArAtuajiAsEi . cF Tk? Rrnnn. :ve:i iit bv doctors. Am now in JCcUfirs I cinc- - but don't answer tlx .. . )... ;e;.V.h."' Try it. Sample bot DEALERS IN- - 0 Baptist. Memphis. Venn, savs: tlea U ovnt. PAifiTG, PATENTS I received a package of your Liver Medicine, and have usee half of it. It works like a charm. I want no better Liver Regulator and cer- tainly no more of ZeOin's mixture. A little knowledge wisely used fa betuu than ail knowledge dis-us- od. Excessive labor is wrong, butjia dieious labor is the safety-valv- e cf life. Man may growl, grumble and fight, but it bus no effect upon nat- ural light. Falsehood can make the beet spurt, but truth can do the stead- iest trotting. il Fashion is only geld fronted jev-e- b y, it may appear well, but the value is not there. Slsnder is a siima which envious people throw on others better tban themselves. Kuowlfdge, like money, increases oar responsibility in proportion to the amotiut obtained. Obtained, and all PATKNT BCS1KE8 Drugs, Medicines. Paints, Oils, Glass, E!c. Also deal in all kinds of . rlva-itafi- es of a reliable, safe and Cauiily Medieiuft is inealcu-..!'.- (! v, hen siieh is tound the bless- - .$IFer Bottle. 6FDf$5- - MSI , i Cm happilv expressed, i. V'xcUtiiiied, "Kureka." attonded to for MODKRATR KK OnrotUeeisopporitotba U.S. Patent Cfiiee and ws can obtain Patent In ln time than those remote from WASHINGTON, t Send MOOt LORD It AW IN O. Wa ad viae as to patentability free ot charco: sn d we VARNISHES, DYS STUFFS Toilet Articles, Etc. vegetables and niee stock to the fair? Fa" rs are institutions for the benefit of agriculture, they htivt done a good deal in elevating aad improving live stock, and it is just as much your duty to contributf to the success of these laudable en- terprises as it is your neighbors. The oflkers'and directors of fair as- sociations are progressive and in telligent. They give their time and money to improve jour conditions, and where you have anything ou the farm that you feel proud of, carry it to your fair, and if you should fail to capture the blue rib- bon, den't go away complaining and disappointed, for it may be prrsum ed that superior merit has entitled your competitor to the award, or u you cannot eeeit in that llht, say, at least, he has been moie lucky. Tenncessee Farmer. . MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT curcj PnjflB, But EtfttM, C akbp Bb w oti p q barumuno. , ,v b.-e- usinjt Simmons Liver tor myself some five years or :r,;: ;:iy family also, and can tes- - MAKE NO CUAKGE UNLESS PATENT I8SEC0KKD. We refer, herb, to tho Postmaster, th effie labh inr i i s a Re; uior.' tify ' twee reeii foil 11 J. I' i. iii .soenenee to its virtues. CURES ALLfG!?M3cEtlAltASHlWiata HEADACHE.. . 50CTS pes BftX- - SOLO EYERTWHtR - pH'otumend a medicine mdess I v. WILS02I, snpt. ot tho Money order li v., and to olll-ci- ula of tha D. IS. Patent Oillce. for I'irou- - AND 'i to be r od. In a ministry of rears I have often felt the lar. advice, terms and references to aetua Hachine Supplies. tt ay wdV.AM waASA uu.i.viit ,, ciu-- a niedicino and when I slieuts in your own State or Cnnnty, v rit PRESCRIPTIONS Compaondud by one ff tha mont cmnf etcii drnictH in tfau btnto, at ail hours, ly or richt. i "Eureka." Kev. A. KSIMV 6b Oppoeita Patent Office, Washington DC, Call On Us Before Buying of the'Chri8 j "r ;st. The lightning is vivid against HLEWIIKKE C2m: No. 3 West SIsilsen St, Pulaski, - - Tennessee. 'Hiimin' ',, ,Mcw,jw,-ia- --a B93TS.Q U8K3EHT MEXICAN MUST ANO UNIMENT shotUd al-- 4 s;i-;i- pyTni SPIGOT iltsicjjf Hveuna Lisiukxt eonquers SPAVixa, auTuiiES aod &p&mm Is Hoaau au4 Uvutf. Y MEXICAN IIL'STAKO UNU1ENT ruUtd to I MEXICAN HDSTASCI LINIMENT, Penetrate XEXICAir MDBTANO LINIMENT, tor Baaamu- - SETJSTAKO LISIJiEKT, for JUK and ' MEXICAN Nisot: LUSTAUG LINIMENT cures all all. QoBwa, Uifiatmi Cam Rub to I , I Ifu-X- lj tha Vera Ban t Wundarfllll BTHlf saves many a valuable Uuneauu Mule stabs, j MEXICAN 1IUBTAKO LINIXENT, used rigof VtuSf la deetb u Swloser,Wii4 OatUor Bckfc tim, iMmboqo, Solatia, lam SaOt, Btiffjot nt. f i j (rn D kep( In Ooyia, arasu and Factory, A 1 1 .1 h I I '8
Page 1: The Pulaski citizen. (Pulaski, Tenn.) 1888-10-11 [p ]. · The New York Grapaic, which has m eoutn-eaotdrp corner, Humphreys county a lew days ago. store. S. Q. Weatherly and family

111 O. 4"!.. ..... . - - -A

livesGENITAL DIRECTORY. Mr. Blaine's silence on trusts re The health of the community isCleveland and Hill a dark cloud, po the bravestti,o w,i,,m1i a : sometimes are amid trials.

K. I1L it.M lil. 'uisvilio Ky.DR. TAYLOR'S PulBBki, Ton (i.cently is couspicuoua. A.. .11 IC iv.au It5 get- - I (TflAKTER'improving rapidly. There is but

one or Jtwo cases of fever th.sweek.

Flags, brass bands and fire worksting a little we:ib-knee- d over Cleve- -There will be two negroes in the Jas.Buford '&' Co.may influence weak minds, but they

are not real arguments. .

T H S:

J M Mclpolicem Jim Vaughn's school has closed

Never before have New Yorkersbeen more enthusiastic than theyare in the present campaign. Prep-arations are making for politicaldemonstrations in New York ' cityof a more extensive character thanever before were held. Tne dunbtful states will hnve a most animateda id exciting canvass during the en

Georgia lower house and one inthe senate.

land's prospects in New York. Itsays "if Mr. Cleveland fails to car-ry New York it will be because ofa complication of issues in thedemocratic household " The

The nearer we get to the ocean

C'i V

; nivf r; John W Dyer, rorordcr;a!J. city marshal; Joa Flippin

ALDERMEN,".-o-r, F IVnch, M C Camodv, J. 1'fJ .f.zall, U A tWnerant.cf t!i9 botird laat Thnrsduy

.'s rr.'inth at Mayor's oftU-o- .

at the Flecman school house. Mr.Vaughn is well qualified to fill the UJ Cholera Cure!lne grander and greater it appears!Robert J. Burdette, the humorist. iilEsiatsAiKkli'iistlilfif

Decatur, A;a.position he holds and deserves suc1 he same is true or truth.baa been licensed to preach. He is

American is atraid the Hill men cess wherever he may go. Jno.Don't depend on borrowed ideas

John V

B Bom;Moot.;

night inMayci-StairH-



Recoi i

Kilpatrick paid a flying visit toa .baptist.


The Iowa prohibition'law nut wasany more than you would be con-tent with eecond-han- clothes.

AGENTS for Decatur I.und, Imrrovcmot'o. 1 nl rHcatur JKinnral an

wiil not support Cleveland nnlessCleveland publicly endorses Hill.The New York Grapaic, which has

Humphreys county a lew days ago.m eoutn-eaot corner,drp store.

S. Q. Weatherly and family have Lend Co., and member of Stock xchungo;EDV AND PELL

injforce on the 1st and no liquor cannow be sold in the state. PURELY VEGETABLE.the conGdenoe of the pai i.y man

tire month of October. In Indianait is estimated that a thousandspeeches will be made each day asthe campaign draws to its close, andmore than tnat number in New-York- .

New Jersey alretdy resoundwith stumu pa.Tir,p;. Avulanche.

returned from Lewis county. rEDUCATIONAL DEPA1U .tiEiNTagers in New York and 13 in a bet Dr. Harvey of Iawreneehura wss-- t

People are starving in Ramsev Mineral and Mining Lands,3. 3. ZUCCAKELLO, EDITOR. here last week.ter position to know bow thingssUnd,8ays there is no Cleveland mancounty, Dak., caused by the early


Ir7Kerecfnliy aoiioit " ciders romGileW. J. Kilpatrick of the neiehbor

c3Wc Adjoining mayor's.

ursnr OFEiCEUs.sheriff, W W MarVa, depoty

li Craig, tme.9; J J Philip,' S Ty.i, Co. conrt clerk, J W Pe- -'

r; ranger, Eb. Ab- -irvsyor. "W W MarkH, jailor.

- irt ts first Mondays in' t and December. J D Patter- -.

.i : .n LJonen, attorney-genera- l;; ., c ierk,7 conrt Meets first Monday inm 1 tnd Monday in Aueost. A

hood of Purkey branch was in theThis is the second, and one ofwho is not a Hill man, and no Hillman who will rio. do all he can forCleveland. United they stand, divi burg last week on business.

frost destroying crops.'

Mayor Hewitt of New York ha9been nominated by the citizens andthe county democracy will endorsehim.

T3 P T.

sheriff,register,'.Asn, coreruathy,


jon, Hi

Joe Br;k .

Charv.'yobrcarvJ Abenand ma- -'

tne most important subjacls of myarticle. 'i uia m'adinif avntem has Mr. and Mrs. John Lanier naidded they fall. There is to be no cow- -

Shannon a visit last week.been in ue in the nortu for a numaid ly assassination. When the FINLEY'knife is applied it will go to the Several of this Dlace attended thnber of years, aaU is making rapidtitiSSSjSilUOUS and s

ZHNTERMITTENT FEVERTbreast rather than the back. The progress in the south now. Of speaking at Lswrencebarg lastThe democrats of Hamilton

. i .h v p: anooilor; JB Stacy, clerk course, tne exact method ifmugwump makes an honest fight Monday.are waaing np ana are Thousands of dollars worth ofr, jia ij joceg, deputy.

The Morristown Gut w. bays itis high time the subject of the in-iq- a

tius trusts was being agitatedamong legislative candidates. Thelegislature of Tennessee, the Gzette thinks, ought this winter topass a law so severe in its termthat it will deter every cian in thestate from entering intoihsso combinations to oppress the rwp!The man who wiil frame and pushthrough a good law on that. eunpjcwill thereby place himself in the direct line of succession to guberna

stirring things lively. lor Cleveland and against Hill, bnt The indications of another wed chickens are destroyed by CholoraMl MALARIAL DISORDERS,every democrat stands tor both. ding pretty soon are very good.A Birmingham drug clerk gave a

mg m the city scuools will not inevery instance be a'ppJicable to naioouutry schools where there is onlyone teacher. Tae teacher in our

TICKS OF THE PEACE.O't. chairman county 00 nrt. And the national and the s!a'e lead AMD ALL 0ERANCEMENTS OF THE East Side Public Sqiiarc,

In snppliud with tboiy a close 01 morphine for quinine We came near forsetlino-- to stateers will go under the string neck to

every year. It is more fatal to themthan all other diseases combined.But the discovery of a liquid remedythat positively destroys the Microbes

STOMACH & BOWELS.1 13 days ago and kuled the boy, that we wish that the county courtnock and breast to breast.wouiu iaKe an action on closino-- AN EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR ALLThe old officers of the L. and N. PUREST WIMS & LIBORS.has been discovered, tian 01 tneThe Senate Tariff Bill."

country schools has a vast amountof woik to peilorai, if he meets thedemane.s ot horn 40 to 75 pupils invarious btanciits, wii,h a proper

the Fall river, Sugar creek and Pu Liver & KidneyComplaint:railroad were re-ele- cted at a meet

- 1 S 8 Bottoms, 3 L Fattorson;'iJlhert, Carey Uilbort;Kur.na, V B Jones;Warren, Polk Prince;

ii.iclsanan. D P Vangh;. i.i',o!l, W K Reckley;

. 0. . J J McCallum, J W West,"'ton . .

lVifkr, Sam Hopkins;Press Abernathy and John

J L.'Dis. n2- -.I ..

; 8-- TL.

4 N6 .1


A J C:B S ' '

9- - -- 0fitephe : -

10 .'

laski road. There are but abm.ting of stockholders in Louisville a We have the senate bill at last, young chickens are destroyed by theMicrobes before they are fryers. Arice 50 cts. a Bottle. Trial Bottles 25 c!s,few days ago. and in its evasions, false pretenoes, two or three hands to work this

road and we think there ia no nap

torial honors. Lt th i matterand punish the robbars o

the people.

house has been expensively r sfurnibbod. He gi aranteea t

of wines, liquom.cto., to be b ght.bargains ana corruption it is with 50-cen- ts bottle is enough tor 100chickens. It is guaranteed. If, after


anu grueUuon iu thosebranches which are required to betaught iu our public scaoois. All

trying to keep it up. Esq. Pur--It is claimed by the PhiladephiaRecord tba 20.000 voters in the

out a parallel in our economic hisSC2 S. Fourth Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.year cant you help us? Hoping using two thirds of a bottle, you are

not satisfied with it as a cure fortory. lhat refreshingly frau nd intne Oraacues are important, and I BILLI A UD& i'OOIiIcity of Brotherly Love have left theVv'ilaon, K N Ilonston;r EVck, MeLin Marks; Ufor a Copy ot Book"OTTR FAMILY TROUBLES,1

OB hA4 t all torB. or aert ?or lwo cent .lamp.ror look at it! here is a nation11- -7 genuous editor politician, CharlesK.now lrom experience that time isrepublican party and become re staggering under a war burden mul Cholera, return it to the druggisffrcm whom you purchased it, andKimory amita concedes that ifiar too limited tor a teacher to 6

Tables are in a plesnnnt and retiredroom on the gronnd floor.

ABE. PINLEYformers. , tiplied Ave times by the reed and Cleveland had not written the tarifi he will refund your money.justice io tiiffiselt or pupils unlesshe has uniformity in text-book- s ana is ThisJ Fact?cupidity of capitalists whose inter message he would have been elected. U l0r:A cw."Holdfast," a correspondent mnst,

get our rula in his head and hold

iua our wants will be supplied wewill now leave this matter with thecounty courts, and Jjope that TheCitizen will help us

I have hired my fodder cut fc--

feeding and believe it paid well.Since buying a cutter, I am moreconvinced of its usefulness and val

ests are protected at the expense of nis scnooi properly graded Bnt how about his election afterhaving written the tariff messaare.

12-".- ' Y Tl irt, J&s. Hart:IS V T Copland, D II Parsong;14 C liar nab. A D Yokely;15 .. JcLanrine, W W .Gordon, B D

Camer 1.10 i Lalhorpe, Dan'l Kincaid.17 A. Rothrock, A J Helmick;18 'i' Pnrear, Wm Chambers;19j Parker. J P Anderson;20 K t Bar.s, R J ('urtis;21 ' i' Brosning,W A Coffman.

tno people. no ens cin 11'Torl to ran a. WhealTHAT nnloas lhair machinea are infast to it that the name must ac-company the communication and II A. ROSES Gil A INT,

oome oi our teachers, especiallyour young and inexperienced teachIt is proposed to reduce the rev and how about the greater maioritv

Sood ropairfonly one side of the paper written enues of the government $75,000, ers, do not fuhy comprehend the 0he will receive in recognition of thewisdom and courage of that excel Crala: a 7iikins000.on.



OFFEKSjher services as Dreos maker toll dGils ConnlT. Bhe is rranam.

iuii extent and meaning ot theterm "grading." It suiTdIv means

ue and believe it has saved its cost of Colamb a. Tenn.. tha well known ma- -Democrats insist that this ba done lent document? asks the N. Y. Star. Hahinist. can robuild t engines, tnremors anoin one season. L. N. V. Blakeman,The Tullahooma Guardian notesit as a strange coincidence that so as to reduce the burden of taxa porsa poivera and will guarantee tnam 10CONSTABLES,

t T'o. 1 EC Vanhoo6T,2 J LBeece;a proper classification of the pupilsaccoruing to their knowledge oi the The Coarier-Journ- al savs: "ThereI iavaribly cure caked udder by ivo perfect siUnficti-m- . We have on hand

wm aolendid bwoiiI hand engities sodthere are alwavs two deaths to rethoroughly and carefully rubbing is only one drawback to the interorancnes m which they are to report whenever one occurs in that threnhers that, vo wil! 83l' very cheap. We do all the work In nor line, cutting, nt

ra alio aeen'a for t!is well known Gsarit with a mixture composed ofoie esting tact that the ninetv-hv- e newceive instruction, and if the teacher ng.oQ., in thebtown.Scott K.neine. Threshors and Hullors. Th

Dilst- -

iJM 'Holt; 1.

Willi iv,

10 WrThornJ mi;BmitV.20, J I

babies at Vanceburg are all girls,

..rbrotisrn; 4, O i Watson; o wmK (4owei ; 7 P J Andeison, Rob't

3 V( nry Sutler; 9 Jesse MoNeece;fR.lf rd. 11 Wm Nowton; 12 C C

: 1? M O Majroe; 14 Wm Licy: 15

nmi;H Dannevnnt; 17, DanBoo 19 J M Chapman;

;''.H; 21 J V Marks.

Qaar-8co-tt Three .Way Crank Throsher iounce of pulverized iodide of potassa, mixed with lwo ounces oHard.

can oe so iortunate as to obtain thisclassification in bis school, it willAn Arkansas preacher was ar Thav cannot vuts the democratic

rested at Bolivar, Tenn., a few days THE FINEST S2PAEAT0EThis formula I foaud in Flint's Hcket when they come of age,enable aim to do a great de-i- m"rago charged with ravishing a 10 Nevertheless, each one of these ninVeryLatest StyleAnd at roaxonable pi ices. Call at her rocmawest eide of public square.

efficient work in the way of black-- ever placed on Ihe markot. It is built on thety-fiv- e girls, is due course of time,ooaru exercises, p.eiimiaary drills rotary plan. JNo rami can allurn 10 Doy

vibratrr before they teo this mac hire. SenCHUUCUES.

book of the uiilch cow. E. E. Kogers

A new leaf needs to be turned ov-

er in this section. It doe3 not paywith proper management, may be

year old child in Mississippi country Ark., a few days previous.

Gov. Gray of Indiana was reorir.r Corner Seoond and Flower

m62able to furnish half a dozen or mor for illustiuto i cataloguo.

CKAIO & WII.K1N8,democrtic voters. at9-t- t Colnrnbia, Tenn

K. v. V. L. Wilson pantor. bervicoFf lln.ro. crA p. m. Bunday

.it am n- - A. Fops sup't..... ...rdCorocr 81 and Madison

cently in Washington and told the to fatten beef at present price3(5 to6i cents), but there is a constant Saddles and Harnesspresident that Indiana would not Many country editors have andemand for milking stock. YWeaver, pis tor. Sorvioes every only vote for Cleveland end Thur-ma- n,

but would send nine demo need to grow stock to live instead Xorih Wepfc Coiner Square,

tion at thesauie time. They pro-pose to do this by reducing taxeson articles entering into manufac-tured products and which multiplythemselves five fold.

The total reduction of the tariffon imports by the Mills bill is, inround Lumbers, $50,000,000, cne-fift- h

sugar.Of the remaining $40,000,000 it is

safe to sav the manufacturers collect $200,000,000 to the 0which go to the government.

The sugar tax is almost as mucha revenue tax as tax on tobacce.

The democrats consider first thetaxpayers; the republicans protectthose who are contributing of their"tat" for the election of Harrison.

It will be noticed that the reduc-tion of revenue is the same in eachcase, the republicans thus confess-ing that the revenues are redundantand excessive; that a surplus doesexist, and should be reduced.

But they propose to reduce therevenues and continue to the utmost the robbery of the consumerunder the fjraaa of law.

of feeding it to die. C. D. Whit11 ... m. and S p. m. Will Koee


'nt cV.orch W J Collier, pastor,at 10.20 a.m. snd 7 p.m.

Puask, - - Tennesseecrats to congress.man, Wisdom Co., Vt. NoxtDoor to RANKIN'S.


Com'Eov. ." .


.". Mot'Pervv.8ud1;BUP't.


Cbrjug at

EB. Hb ABERNATHY,Surveyor,

WILL attend promptly for all calls forin any part ot Giles. Call

on me near Pulaski or addrevs me at Pu-laski.

.. !w;! ut'J.15-- a. m, W. S. Eoll, There is hardly cnytbing betterIt is strange that a county pafor the crackea and sore teats ofper, pretending to ba ahead of all"hnrch cornor Madison and

idea that with a pretty respectablepatent outside, a long string off e Bonal mention of Bill Jones,John Smith, Dick Thompson, etc.,etc., and a long winded editorial

h of some political views onthe tariff question, they are publish-ing a first rate county newspaper.This doesn't fiil our eye completely

4 to what a good local paper is bgreat odds.

other papers in local and other

The country schools shouldue liividcti into six grades,and only six, wheie there is but oneteacher. Tncse grades should cor-respond to the five series of readersand a U. S. history and the teachershould give his especial attentionto these six grades which include allthe branches prescribed by theschool law. If there should be inhis scrool an advanced grade theprogram should be so arranged asnot to conflict with the regularwork of tie grades- The advancedgrade might incite during a rest pe-riod of the other grades. Thegraded system with a regular pro-gram will jive each class its propertime for resiling a' d thus avoid theteacht r beiaLr accused of devoting

W. O. (. Thompson rector.matter, doeecn' know that the elec nlion lor county omcers is over,Juot keep thei; names standing.

t un.'i.y at iO 45 a. m. and 8.15 p.

: n ehrch services Sunday morn-MtiiKt-

Fall. Io rognlar pastor,

Y. JI. C. A.

IN THE FKED. STOCIC. Brick Layer. Order,work on chimneys, hoartlis, cim

urns, sotting gratn, etc , promptly eicAIho plaalerincr. Iiwratox. tfcliti

Mthey may be candidates again twoyears hence.

t Y. M. C. A. Hull over post-oftl-

nfiorcoon 1 4 p. ra. Boys' branchMef'

Bund.at 3 p.

The merchants of Nashville haverecommended T. O. Morris to theVvr. li. xhornton, too'y.democratic executive committee of



L. GODEFItOYHAS n.t!'i of ih.roalioj 111 'I'oliwifei. fry liihni aii

Davidson county as a suitable can

cows than the rich, old boiled lin-

seed oil. It softens them and en-

ters every crack and then dries,forming a skin which keep9 thesore from dirt and the air. and al-

lows it to heal rapidly. L , East-hampto- n.

If I was pasturing rye, I wouldhave the cows out with a full bellyat first, and not allow them morethan half an hour the first day,gradually increasing the time, andbe sure the rye was perfectly drywhen the cows were turned out first,Always feed something dry before,turning out on rye. R. R. Hunter.

A cow giving 30 to 35 pounds ofmilk per day, ought to have about12 pounds ground feed and 25pounds hty every day. J. N. Muncey.

t.r,;S fi L13 I'i'll;': ji SO '.1 J tyBy the adoption of the Mills billdidata to take the place of Mr. Orr ftthe indirect taxes by Carnegie andfor the legis etoo miicu time to some pupils andnot enougti to others.

To show that only ?ix grades are -


-- XIKT f UDF.R ODD FELLOWS,i l.f .'e Ko. 12 Moots everyt i.t. Odd Follows II ail. corner 1st

vho declined to runi'aiure. Sua wiil ice no oihor.Jonas, by the steel rail trusts and

all other trufts, are reduced $200,1 o i novor ir any


Pulday ' '

and I'Jami'.- -





frames I ko tlu n.y t oo.,J- - R. BumpaBS, N. O., practicable in our country schools, 'J000,000.The negroes of Davidson countyvLean, K. S. ,' h. I? :tm cwfl fbe CV rAGB

Bv Ihe senate bill. t'aev are reduc In Pulaski.ed eta high estimate $20,000,000 ; t-,- J j frtji 'iaiu.CJa.a M

, l iS r i':i-- -o a.-- 1 r,. l i.ai-i- s fi4 nui ' -- ia i jR7 t l.:v I r.r'i ft y.V a

. j A'S t farriia frhsc M:o:-- - GRAPHIC LIBRARYThe people will have no difficulty


pII T.od'o, No. 12 Meets every- r t ?t. K of P. Hall west side ofCoo. T- - Bid-llo- , 0. 0.. W. B. Smith-S- .

Uniform rank, Dixie Division,: vU',i ovory 1st Tuesday - in each

its eacn gratia lour times aday and allow 16 minutes fur eachrecitation. This ivts 6 hours ofactual woik, not including inter-iniScsiu- Ds.

Ti e following programis arranged for all liie grades.

Opening exercises S o'clock.1st graft' c, 1st reader. 8 15; 2nd,

in deciding oetween these two billsCourier-Journal- .

l "l-j- l Jilioluiol;oi.L-a,Jtia-.J.D. I'LTLLEN


squar"eon , K.

No. 8,month.


have waked up to the fact that theyre on top with the republican party

of that county and they are now deHanding some of the chicken pie.They are tired ot waiting in thekitchen after having purchased theit ab, and have to lick the pots.


It suits some people to be the

boiwhtACME BLACKING I J SSScvUwt .::ttireet,t-h.Uai3r.ipau,Pa-

. li JUST ISSUED.and I'll hava it easy novr.DAlEY DwTS.-- :o:

i feeni:e snu mxnagable cow is Wolffs IGiEBIackingrender, S.30; 3rd, 3rd reader.MASONIC., , No. 1.4 ill leader, 9; 5th. 5thCnnjmandery, K. T. No 12; G A

worth a good deal mora money as amilk producer than an uubrokenand wild one.

8 45; 4th,render oi 0 Mht ;nn 0W C Nelson, Re- - L? 3i. Cva mandor, f!primary history, 9.15; HISTORY A1ID LIFEF'l

V J BOTCH,champions of primary electionswhen they think they are nectssaryto get their man in, but when theyfeel sure that the candidate is fortheir man they can see no sense in

iooacco ana nutter make a poor

LittleTune, when twenty monthsold, had a h'vhit of asking strangersfor cents. Her mother-tol- d hershe would punish her if she askedfor any more. xNext morning suewent to a neighbor's house aloneand said: "I s'pose you got sometents, Miss Giffie?" Mrs. Griffinanswered "Yes." "Well," Irenesays, "I s'pose ynu doinij to teep'em, ain't you?" She got the centswithout asking for them. "


Pnnimn PlnTrnlnurlCarry the Most

FnlnTope, i.cordor.


3 R




Kiel.'rine. i

Rank!-- ,

day n

SB saassi SSI mm sM





Oaa ba waahad lilce Oil Cloth, and abaolnMty

Softens and Preserves all kindsof Leather.

Aakioc it, and do not give np till you got it, and yoawill be well rewarded.

Sold by Snoa Stores, Grocers, Druggists, A a.For Harness it ia anaqoaled.

WOLFF a RANDOLPH. Philadelphia.

a primary. lne preterences ol;ur legislative candidates for U. S.

. enatarmay gauit us very well, but

,i Ornncil R. 8. Masters, No. ;

ye, Tli 111. Master; F Winship Ke- -

:: ...iter. li. A. M. No. E0;W RP : f Arrr.wsmitli, Recorder.

-. F. A A. M , No. 101; Z W. il ;(j A Pope, Sau'y.


:,1 Council, Ho. 409. U C itcLan- -'

man.iar: 'J A Casey, Boc'y; J P, r. Moots 1st and 8d Thurs-.t- 5

nl r.unnifter Uall.

Z 01UIU1 bUlTblOUUwe want a majority of the people tohave a say in the matter. Thisis QCK

com sanation. A smoker carries theperfume with him wherever he goes,and if in a cool daily room the milkand butter is sure to be contamina-ted.

The proportion of cows to popu-lation is smaller in this countrythan in any other. England hasone cow to about eight of popula-tion; 'France one to three; thiscountry one to ten- -

Tho weight of testimony is thatsoft food or ensilige, and roots, pro


Appredfttlng the demand for a eonTenienftdemocratic. As the price of flour swells, so

tie loaf wiil shrink.

6tti. U. S. history 9.0; recess 9.45.1st grade, 1st reader, 10; 2nd, read-er, 10.15; 3rd, 3rd reader, 10 30;4',b, language lessens, 10 45; 5tb,primary grainrnt.--, 11; 6,h, highergrammar, ll.Ja ;"4;h, 5,U and sixthgrades spelling 11.45; noon, 11.55.1st gi:de, 1st rendu, 1; 2nd, 2ndreader, 1.15; 3rd, oral and svrittenspelling, 1.3o; 4ih, first, itseons ingeography, 1 45; mb, second lessouin geography, 2; 6 h,- - h gtier geog-raphy, 22.J5; recess, 2 Hi), lit grade,1st reader, 2 45; 2 id, 2ud i- - a ter, 3;3rd, primary aruhnietic, 3i5; 4th,intermediate aiithmetic, 3.30; Suh,arithmetic, fi actions, 3.45, Gth,arithmetic, percentage. 4; dismis-sion 4.15.

Blackboard exercises in writing

1 Pi A1C1 Til AIlTtlAfter twenty eight years of hightaxation "to loster American m- -

lustries" the farmers still furnish AiN'DW.

W R Fzell, soc'y;Mcols 2nd and 4th

A. O. U.

M Wi' iiuDcicr. 75 per cent, of all our exports and

H c :

J P KMond: It's Plowing Eepairs,asy to Dye


and brief history of the life of PresidentCleveland, we have Just issued a

especially devoted to Illustrations,Or a SPLENDID PORTltAlT OK THBand a MAGNIFICENT PIC-

TURE OF MRS. CLEVELAND, both fromthe most recent phMoirraphs; Illustrationa ofCLEVELAND'S BIRTHPLACE. ROOM IKWHICH HE WAS BORN. HIS BUFFALOOFFICE, MARRIAGE CEREMONY,COUNTRY HOME AT WASHINGTON,and others picturing; the noteworthy eventsof bis great career.


f,he manufacturers only 20 per cent.duce more miik ttiaa drv feed.And the price of the farmer's prod

ucts is levelled down in the oldTable and Pocket Cultery,III HMOworld market, while all that he

ltS.0ifa!E El fflEiggGiV.

regoni ;

colloc' 'night s

Farmers who t to secure bestreturns from the dairy shomd pro-vide this soi-- of rations for winterfeeding.

Thirty thousand Jerseys in the

buys is enhanced in cost by taxes Cultivators ando heap up a surplus for the politi

Dow Laws' Cotton Planterand number 3 should be given to


..ur.e'sl, 49- - Adolph Gerstol

'a Cavco. foo'y; H Arrowsmith,2nd and 4th Tuesday

r.nrr.ister Hall.

KNIGHTS OF nONOR.;,. Lodiro, Nal4. .1 A P Skil-- v

i r: 'A 'iv McLaurine, reporter;,rait'h, fiiiinciul ropor'er: .las T

-- . Moots let and 3d FridayBanyihtcr ;!all.

cians to spend. JNo wonder thethe three first grades atUnited States is Ihe last estimate of And are Satisfied withgrangers are KicKing. JNew lorK each

afterWorld. recitation including the timereciting the lesson assigned. Ostaa Howes and Reapers.

Fr'.clem,H 'Air

, Oakee,

the cow counter.The miik room should be away

from the influence of odors of theEvery democrat in Giles county





I hope to secure the united efforts jnn20 p. M. BUNCH.irmll l3rofits.ought to go togwork in enrncsl and of "patrons, put iis. school officerswork with'enthusiasm from now

farm-yar- d, of the piggeries, or any-thing that wi'l hurt the mlik- -

Possesses many Important Advantages over allother prepared Foods.


Makes Plump, Laughing, Heaithy Babies.Regulates the Stomach and Bowels.Sold by Drupgists. 83c, 60c, Wl.OO.


until the election closes for the suc CHa.9. T. BDKOHr. U. BUNCH.:o:--and magistrates in securing well or-ganized giaded schools throughoutthe county.


Idti No T Moots first Sat-moi.- lh

at Y M C A hall. SV.Tn

Warranted to color more enodM thnn nnv nthcrr.t; Thco Kicnardson,1"?. 11. L-UN- & SON,


FAMILY OEOCERIESSitrar. Cfll'e, Paon, Lard. Floor, Mral


cess of the democratic ticket fromCleveland down. True we have acomfortable majority in Giies with-out exerting ourselves much but weought to have plenty to spare some

liotiouliiiiil.BY RED HEAD. jO not buy elsewhere until you

Dairy farming furnishes a con-stant source of income, and it maybe carried on wkh small capitalwithout danger of being smotheredby largo r establishments.

Before the lato Bostt l law wasput into execution, it is said sixtyper cjnt. of the sellers watered theirmilk, and that the law saves the

dyes ever made, and to give more brilliniit anddurable colors. Ask for the 7'iumoiid, and takeno other. 36 colors; 10 cents each.WELLS. RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, Vt.

For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles, USE

DIAMOND PAINTS.Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only 10 Cents.

fUmlios. Ti l)ooo r.nd Cipars, Garden

Baby Portraits.A Portfolio of beautiful baby portraits, printed

on fine plate paper by patent photo process, sentfree to Mother of any Baby boru wiihin a year.Every Mother wants thfHi pictures; send at once.Give Baby's name and age.WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Piops., Burlington, Vt.

1 have tried us, for we know weC. ru.MtY NOTICES,

liictubor that wo charge for obit-- .llo ratn bcins olio cent per

uminconiont of doi.ths free.thcr county that 13 short a few IriKh lotatoe-- i aud Union Hotx.

lSlobtf BENCH A SONPie,


No. .

HISTOROPThe United Stall TariffPresents the great Tariff speech of tha Hon.Roger Q. Mills of Texas, summarizing thafamous Mills bill, and la set off with a Dum-ber of powerful cartoons. ,

Each number ia made np of sixteen page,beautifully printed on paper of extra weight,so as to be easily preserved, and tha moraconvenient form from which to gather afea glance the substanoe and effect of thwhole Tariff Question.

These publications should be read by everyAmerican citizen, and the low price,

10 CENTS PER COPY;iriaoes them within the reach of everybody.

Bend 90 cents in stamp for GRAPHICLIBRARY, Noa.1 and 2, to

THE DAILY GRAPHIC,30 & 41 Park Place, N. Y.

hundred in the presidential and guhernatorial election. Rouse, democrats, and go to work.

STRICKLYIn Lev Pricesconsumers at least $1000,000.About the democratic states of - -- HEADQUARTERS FO,

COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, BEST GOODSMANTELS1S84 there is not in the mind olthe careful observer the least oues- -

There is a great deal of contrari-ness in milk and cream, and itjlakesthe best appliances and tie "most Froezorrata t;nd Ice ( rta ni:op (Jooiii of every dcooriptioa. Rufrforators

What beautiful weather wc arehaving now for gathering crops.Cotton is making a better yieldthan wa3 anticipated daring thedrouth. We have had two verylarge ficsis the past week whichhas dene sorae damage to sweetpotatoes and sugar cane.

The mineral iateresisare still ona boom gand the prospects remainvery favorable yet. Our jaerehantshave on hand a full slock of fail andwinter go.uls now.

.These cool nights call U r ovcr-co- at

and bnofs.

TIN WAKE and Kverj thinn sn ! eoaveuient lorAND

Best Variety.skilled make to keep the mischieftion. lney will vote lor Clevelandfor the second time, and their votewill secure his

Kitchen, Uiniproo .i, l.au-dr- y bDd Uauy.


troui being paid frequently by thebutter.

Cream is churned too warm, or tooJurtfivAs to the s'ates heretofore re

:o -publican by narrow pluralities,there is much confidence tbaf, the cold, too sweet, or too sour, too PCU ATTENTION OF PAINTERS

' and evcrj body to our celebratedfast, or too slow, and no training,desire of the people for the com--"55or judgment, or education is sup

posed to be necessary to make but Irs Ready Misod Paintsvhieb wo hbll under the following positive

plete establishment of pure govern-ment will prevail, and that the in

Blothers.are isnon the skiu of every hu- -i

Uilil and adult alike, 2,300-- fThrough thefO pores in the

Inxi.nib'u! perspiration, is ex- -

...i j tli'iii one quarter of the,u".'t taken into the system.

oi Keeping open these,i nu valves upon a child's boily,

! tMly t thttwf promptly di-ii- m

uxid c iti'n. It whs to openr- - of tin) ekin and to assimilateI tint Dr. Pitcher formulated

Inoso bowels, constipation,:,il i rnptions which are so con- -,

hi ' iutunts and childron, andk ;i of all children be-- -,

nr ' livo years old, arise prin-ioi- a

tlne two causes. It Isf winiih'ri'ul results attendant

u of Castoria iu reulathijsbowels ar.d kcopiii)?; jin !h and

DO res of th skin, that Casto-- .its woild wide reputation.

of wtiter lor the body,' ior tli luKs nd Castoria to,r. t'.e fo'd. thete need bo no

.i ,i. 1 for cickness anions chii-f--mr- ia

is a vegetable preserip-'- .iioi-- morphine or other narcotic

v. Thirty years extensive useen it i v :vcr attained byr uiei'.ieine.

ler with success. THT OUR mFKIi!t mriiUoi

Th-ma- n


000 in-formpclh'.inouri.The i

perspis sov.gestii'thethe i

Casto;feferstuntwhic!fore 'cipal!fromuponthe t 'opennil nr.AVitiipure.asaiiVinmuNdreti.tionproplias ;


fluence cf such sentiment will maket je majority of the Electoral Co- l- Ve K'li.rnntco onr Roadv MiKid Paint ASK FOR IT!


h' li iimi'i.rH applied to a irood xurlsee notiz,c and the majority ot the poputocrauK. ctiulK or peel anu to uive per tool


Imagination never disturbsfacts.

Tneie i& no virtue in a uromistei mm 11mm.lar vote 6o great as to end the re aw alii'a inn iw a Ernt c1bh psint. audit at- -

er thioe iMi'ii wear it laila to meet 'hapublican party and its pretensions irdWWD m 'b(Vo r.o we inrrce to fnrniKhfi Ml! point free ol '.t:nr1re toiopa:nt building.!o contiol a peaceful, prospering andunited country through rcminiscec G7 Tlxe Uilzriann & PMlpottFOR PITCHER'S We parch itourcelvcs.ces of strife, and distress and dis DEMISE

"B"iiienuiauiuni.g co.union. New York Star. A full xtock of thoi'O l uiiiU on hand and

lorHuie in ruiaaxi ty irmehllin

POP" & RSEVER. In it are com.blned the fin-

est mechanic tan 1

until it is redeemed. j

Many weaknesses of hums.n ni,-tnr- e

are distorted virtues. i

1 he wisest fellows we think areihcHO who agree with us. j

Coalsntment does not demandconditions, it makes them.

Whistling doesn't make the loco-motive go, it is the silent steam.

Now is always the best time itwe will always make it so.

To be really yourself you must bediflcrect from those around you.

The ups and downs of life ?rebelter than beiuadown r: 11 tie time

SOmmWe have often heard farmers

make these exclamations while vis-

iting the fairs: "Why, I've got Rthome finer apples and potatoesthan these; my colt and Berkshirehogs can beat anything I have seenhere; my cattle are much finer and

al skill, the,11 WML'JT1"? tFt m.vmIfillUl.si ,rnfft-- rmost useful

and practicalIs Cotis.imption lucurable?U- - :'. the i.dlowing: hU. C. II. Morris elements, andTho Original Wins.

C. V. Simmons, St. Lnui, l'rnp'rM. A. Simmonn Liver Medicine, hkt'd

Was down with all known adKewa: k. Ark., says: belter than those, why don't farm-ers get better stock." If ail this isoi l.tliV's. nmi ineims nAbse; in tne yj. s court nkiKATs J. vantages that

make a sew-

ing machinekam icLemore.Centaur Iiiniment is the most wonderful Pain-Cur- er

the world has ever known.ians pron"inced mean Incurable

:.nt!-:- ; taking King'strue, my fellow farmer, why didyou not bring your fine fruits am mm AW

!;-- :'i vorv for Consumption, am 9in-.- third bottle, and able to desirable to

sell or use.WHOIKSALK AND RETAIL. il.o vork on uiv farm. It is the

Kev. T 15. Keams. Pastor M. K.. .,.,'u-iit- ever made." a i Church, Ad.im, Tenn., writes: "l

Ph?:--:Con--Is'e- v


(tays :

Xewon'Was ,

be?t i

CLDREDCE MFC. CO.Midulewart, Pecatnr, Ohio, linon 0laf1irJaii't'''1t'''-- " ib7 JtninK 1 should Have been dead butI lor ycur Genuine M. A. Simn factory and Wholsula OSoe, BtMlart, Qj'I it rot been for Dr. Kings

iii.,ovow for Consumption I mons Liver Medicine. I havesometimes had to suhstitule

diel of Limit Troubles. 7r I "Zcilin's stuff" for vour Jfrdi- -898 Wabash Atnu, Chicago.S BrmaO. Street, Amo York.



CK$5 RKgriiScRaruLArAtuajiAsEi. cF Tk? Rrnnn.

:ve:i iit bv doctors. Am now in JCcUfirs I cinc- - but don't answer tlx.. . )...;e;.V.h."' Try it. Sample bot DEALERS IN- -0 Baptist. Memphis. Venn, savs:tlea U ovnt. PAifiTG, PATENTSI received a package of your Liver

Medicine, and have usee half of it.It works like a charm. I want nobetter Liver Regulator and cer-tainly no more of ZeOin's mixture.

A little knowledge wisely usedfa betuu than ail knowledge dis-us- od.

Excessive labor is wrong, butjiadieious labor is the safety-valv- e cflife.

Man may growl, grumble andfight, but it bus no effect upon nat-ural light.

Falsehood can make the beetspurt, but truth can do the stead-iest trotting. il

Fashion is only geld fronted jev-e- b

y, it may appear well, but thevalue is not there.

Slsnder is a siima which enviouspeople throw on others better tbanthemselves.

Kuowlfdge, like money, increasesoar responsibility in proportion tothe amotiut obtained.

Obtained, and all PATKNT BCS1KE8

Drugs, Medicines.Paints, Oils, Glass, E!c.

Also deal in all kinds of

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v, hen siieh is tound the bless- - .$IFer Bottle. 6FDf$5- - MSI ,

i Cm happilv expressed,i. V'xcUtiiiied, "Kureka."

attonded to for MODKRATR KKOnrotUeeisopporitotba U.S. Patent Cfiiee

and ws can obtain Patent In ln time thanthose remote from WASHINGTON, t

Send MOOt LORD It AW IN O. Wa ad viaeas to patentability free ot charco: sn d we


Toilet Articles, Etc.

vegetables and niee stock to thefair? Fa" rs are institutions for thebenefit of agriculture, they htivtdone a good deal in elevating aadimproving live stock, and it is justas much your duty to contributfto the success of these laudable en-

terprises as it is your neighbors.The oflkers'and directors of fair as-

sociations are progressive and intelligent. They give their time andmoney to improve jour conditions,and where you have anything outhe farm that you feel proud of,carry it to your fair, and if youshould fail to capture the blue rib-bon, den't go away complaining anddisappointed, for it may be prrsumed that superior merit has entitledyour competitor to the award, or uyou cannot eeeit in that llht, say,at least, he has been moie lucky.Tenncessee Farmer. .


But EtfttM, Cakbp Bb w oti pq barumuno. ,

,v b.-e- usinjt Simmons Livertor myself some five years or

:r,;: ;:iy family also, and can tes- - MAKE NO CUAKGE UNLESS PATENTI8SEC0KKD.

We refer, herb, to tho Postmaster, th

effielabhinr i

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aRe;uior.'tify '

tweereeiifoil 11

J. I'

i. iii .soenenee to its virtues.CURES ALLfG!?M3cEtlAltASHlWiataHEADACHE.. . 50CTS pes BftX--

SOLO EYERTWHtR- pH'otumend a medicine mdess I v. WILS02I, snpt. ot tho Money order li v., and to olll-ci- ula

of tha D. IS. Patent Oillce. for I'irou- -AND'i to be r od. In a ministry ofrears I have often felt the lar. advice, terms and references to aetuaHachine Supplies. tt ay wdV.AM waASA uu.i.viit,, ciu-- a niedicino and when I slieuts in your own State or Cnnnty, v rit

PRESCRIPTIONSCompaondud by one ff tha mont cmnf etcii

drnictH in tfau btnto, at ail hours,ly or richt.

i "Eureka." Kev. A. KSIMV 6bOppoeita Patent Office, Washington DC,Call On Us Before Buyingof the'Chri8j "r ;st. The lightning is vivid against HLEWIIKKE

C2m: No. 3 West SIsilsen St,Pulaski, - - Tennessee.

'Hiimin' ',, ,Mcw,jw,-ia- --a


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LUSTAUG LINIMENT cures all all.QoBwa, Uifiatmi Cam Rub to I ,I Ifu-X- lj tha Vera Ban t Wundarfllll BTHlf saves many a valuable Uuneauu Mule stabs, jMEXICAN 1IUBTAKO LINIXENT, used rigof

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