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The Rational Emotive Behavior Therapist’s Pocket … REBT 4 Therapists.pdf · Foreword Rational...

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The Rational Emotive Behavior Therapist’s Pocket Companion

The Rational Emotive Behavior Therapist’sPocket Companion

The REBTTherapist’s

Pocket Companion

byWindy Dryden

and Michael Neenan


Copyright © 2003 Albert Ellis Institute All Rights Reserved


No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in aretrieval system, or transmitted in any form or anymeans, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilm-ing, recording, or otherwise, without written permissionfrom the publisher.

Published by theAlbert Ellis Institute45 East 65th Street, New York, N.Y. 10021


Library of Congress Control Number: 2003104378

ISBN 0-917476-26-3

The authors dedicate this book to Albert Ellisfor the phenomenal contribution he has made to Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT),Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and generalpsychotherapy. In light of this contribution andto mark Al Ellis’ 90th birthday, the authorshave donated royalties from this book to theAlbert Ellis Institute.



Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is morecomplex than it may first seem to be — yes, to many

clients and their therapists. Although many articles andbooks have been written on it, they inevitably omit someimportant points that its practitioners can effectively use.The present book by Dryden and Neenan includes many ofthese points and can therefore provide REBT practitionerswith a valuable pocket companion.

For example, The Rational Emotive BehaviorTherapist’s Pocket Companion reminds practitioners ofmany practical and theoretical aspects of REBT that theysometimes neglect. Such as: (1) It is a psychoeducationalapproach to therapy, more than are most other approaches.(2) It is both didactic and Socratic when it is used ade-quately. (3) It is rational and emotional-behavioral. (4) Itspecializes in teaching clients acceptance, not resignation.(5) Acceptance of your clients’ behavior does not meancondonation of their reprehensible acts. (6) But why go on?Read this book; see the important theoretical and practicalsuggestions it makes; and notice how it makes them suc-cinctly, briefly, and with no verbose gilding of the lily.

Moreover, don’t take any of this book’s main sugges-tions unthinkingly and unexperimentally. Cogitate on them.Consider them. Experiment with them. Revise them foryourself and for your own individual clients.

Do I agree with everything Dryden and Neenan say?


Naturally, not. For example, on page 220 they say, “Usetechniques from other therapeutic approaches, but do so in amanner that is consistent with REBT theory.” I agree that itis preferable to do so. But, as I indicate in some of my lat-est writings — such as Overcoming Destructive Beliefs,Feelings and Behaviors (Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books,2001) and Overcoming Resistance: A Rational EmotiveBehavior Therapy Integrated Approach (New York:Springer Publishing Company, 2002) — I recommend thatin some instances where REBT methods do not seem to beworking with particular clients practitioners can actuallyexperiment with some methods from other systems of therapy— such as psychoanalysis — that are not consistent withREBT theory. Try these other methods and see if they workfor your particular client. In such cases, the clients — andnot REBT theory — come first!

In general, however, I highly agree with practically allthe suggestions Dryden and Neenan make in this book.From my own almost 60 years of doing REBT with thou-sands of clients, I heartily endorse their suggestions. I amdelighted that, as a present for my ninetieth birthday, theyhave given the Albert Ellis Institute this book. Once again:the book is a great piece of work — and well done!

Albert Ellis, Ph.D., PresidentAlbert Ellis Institute

45 East 65th StreetNew York, NY 10021

E-mail: [email protected]




We have compiled the material in this book and have pre-sented it in this format to encourage busy trained and

developing REBT clinicians to think about the practice ofREBT and what two established REBT therapists regard asimportant principles of its professional practice. You will noticethat we have presented 240 points. Assuming that therapiststake about a month’s vacation per year and work five days aweek, they are working clinically for 240 days per annum. Thus,we have presented one point for every working day of the year.

This book can be used in a number of ways. First, how-ever, let us discourage you from reading it in one sitting. If youdo, you will get severe clinical indigestion. For these thoughtsare meant to be considered one at a time, savored even, as away of prompting self-reflection about one’s clinical practiceof REBT. It can also be used in training to prompt debate aboutwhat two practitioners of REBT consider to be its excellentpractice. Do we expect you to agree with our assessment?Frankly, no. REBT therapists (and trainees) tend to be an inde-pendent lot with divergent ideas about the practice of REBT.Thus, we hope that you will not unthinkingly follow our ideasand we fully expect that you won’t.

Our hope, rather, is that you will use each of thesethoughts as a stimulus for deeper reflection about your ownestablished or developing practice of REBT.

Windy Dryden and Michael NeenanMarch, 2003


❏ Remember that REBT is a psycho-educa-tional approach to therapy. Your job is to help your clients to learn about theprinciples of rational living and how toapply them in their everyday lives.

❏ Show your clients that they can be flexible and passionate at the same time.



❏ Teach your clients what REBT meansby the terms “rational” and “irrational.”Be aware that for some clients theseterms have a negative connotation thatmay persist even after you have clari-fied their meaning. In such cases, helpyour clients to find acceptable synonymsfor these concepts.

❏ Help your clients to see that you are notgoing to tell them what to feel, what todo or what to think. Rather, you aregoing to help them to understand whattheir options are about what to believeand what the likely emotional, behav-ioral and thinking consequences are ofeach of these belief options. Once theyhave understood this, your job is tohelp them to choose the belief optionthat best helps them to achieve theirhealthy emotional, behavioral andthinking goals.



❏ Help your clients to see that far fromwanting to brainwash them, you wantthem to think for themselves, and tohave choices of what they feel andhow they act.

❏ Encourage your clients to see that whileyou are an expert in understanding howpeople disturb themselves and what theyneed to do to un-disturb themselves, theyhave the information that you need to usein order to encourage them to help them-selves. Without this information, yourexpertise counts for very little.



❏ Teach your clients the differencebetween acceptance, demanding non-acceptance and resignation.

❏ Help your clients to understand thatwhen they accept someone for actingbadly, they are not condoning that person’s bad behavior.



❏ Help your clients to understand the difference between being rigid andbeing rigorous.

❏ Show your clients that over-sensitivity issensitivity plus disturbance. Help them tobe sensitive without disturbing themselves.



❏ Explain to your clients that if they donot teach others where their boundarieslie, these people are likely to cross thoseboundaries.

❏ Teach your clients that they are likelyto get the obnoxious behavior from others that they put up with unless theyprotest against it.



❏ Help your clients to understand that whenthey disturb themselves about unfortunateevents, they are adding self-inflicted insultto external injury.

❏ Show your clients that when they demandthat they mustn’t have problems, doingso doesn’t get rid of these problems; itmultiplies their problems.


❏ Teach your clients that happiness islargely a short-lived by-product ofactively pursuing something personallymeaningful and that the goal of REBTis to promote psychological healthrather than happiness.


❏ Encourage your clients to be critical ofwhat their idols say…and discouragethem from viewing you as an idol.


❏ Some of your clients are likely to thinkthat the only alternative to selfishnessis selflessness. Explain to those clientsthe concept of enlightened self-interestor self-care, and that this is the healthyalternative to the other two unhealthypositions.


❏ Teach your clients the baseball rule oflife: that when they do something threetimes and it doesn’t work, it is time tostrike out and use a different approach.


❏ It is likely that many of your clientsthink they should be “normal.” Havethem see that your role is to help thembe healthy — and that “normal” and“healthy” are very often different.


❏ Remind your clients that nobody pressestheir buttons and that if they did havebuttons, they would be the ones pressingthem.


❏ Teach your clients that people who arepsychologically healthy desire much,but need very little, if anything.


❏ Help your clients to understand that theonly productive things that they can doabout the past are to un-disturb themselvesabout it and then to learn from it.


❏ Appreciate that while your practice of REBT involves the use of strategiesand techniques, your therapy is notlikely to be very effective unless it isbased on the development and main-tenance of a good therapeutic alliancebetween you and your clients.


❏ You can develop a good therapeuticalliance with your clients and focus ontheir problems at the same time.


❏ A central part of developing a goodtherapeutic alliance with your clientsinvolves establishing what we call “thereflection process.” This is where youand your clients “stand back” andreflect on the work that you are doingtogether. Feel free to refer matters tothe reflection process where necessaryand encourage your clients to do thesame.


❏ While REBT can be a short-term therapy,recognize that you will often need towork longer term with clients with severedisturbances.


❏ Don’t be afraid to refer clients to otherREBT therapists or to non-REBT thera-pists when such referrals are in yourclients’ longer-term interests.


❏ Explore your clients’ expectations fortherapy and correct any misconceptionsas they relate to REBT.


❏ Capitalize on your clients’ pre-REBTexperiences of personal change (includ-ing previous therapy), and integratethese with REBT methods. However,guard against using any of their changeexperiences that reinforce their irra-tional beliefs and dysfunctional feelingsand behaviors.


❏ Vary your therapeutic bond with differ-ent clients. Thus, with some you can beformal, with others informal; with someyou can use self-disclosure and not withothers; and some will appreciate youruse of humor, while others will not.


❏ Vary your influence base with differentclients. Some will listen to you becauseof your expertise, while others will doso because they like you.


❏ As you interact with your clients, takecare not to unwittingly reinforce theirirrational beliefs, feelings, and behaviorsby, for example, reassuring those with adire need for certainty or by showingovert approval to those with a dire needfor approval.


❏ Engage your clients in the therapeuticarena or arenas that are likely to bemost productive for them: individual,couple, family and/or group therapy.


❏ If you struggle to utilize session timeeffectively with some clients, take thelead from your cognitive behaviortherapy colleagues and set an agenda atthe beginning of therapy sessions withthese clients.


❏ Take control of therapy sessions, butdo so with your clients’ active collabo-ration.


❏ It is useful to summarize periodicallyyour understanding of what your clientshave been saying both to ensure thatyou are accurate in your grasp of theirproblems and to encourage your clientsto keep focused on the factors associatedwith these problems.


❏ Encourage your clients to summarizeperiodically to ensure that they stayfocused on what they have been saying,that they have an accurate understand-ing of your interventions and that youare both on the right track.


❏ It is very useful to understand yourclients from their frame of referencebefore showing them how to understandthemselves from REBT’s frame of ref-erence.


❏ Periodically, elicit from your clientswhat they are finding helpful and un-helpful from REBT. Capitalize on theformer and minimize the latter as longas in doing so you do not unwittinglyreinforce your clients’ problems.


❏ Be problem-focused unless doing sothreatens the therapeutic alliance.


❏ Be active and directive, but as clientstake increasing responsibility for self-change, alter your style of interventionso that they do more of the work forthemselves both inside and outsidetherapy.


❏ Help your clients to understand their rolein the REBT process as well as yourrole. Once they have understood theirrole, encourage them to implement it.


❏ Encourage your clients to be active inthe REBT process.


❏ Suggest that your clients make notes intherapy sessions to facilitate later recall.


❏ Suggest that your clients tape-recordtheir therapy sessions and have themreview these tapes periodically, unless itis counterproductive for them to do so.


❏ Pay attention to your clients’ non-verbaland para-verbal behavior as a way ofmonitoring their reactions to the workyou are doing with them.


❏ Explore discrepancies between whatyour clients are saying verbally andwhat they seem to be saying non-verbally or para-verbally.


❏ Encourage your clients to think forthemselves. Discourage them frommindlessly agreeing with you or withothers for whatever reason.


❏ Whenever you make extended points ina didactic manner, check with yourclients to make sure they understandwhat you have said, and whether theyagree with it.


❏ Ask questions one at a time. Don’t inter-rogate your clients.


❏ Provide your clients with ample oppor-tunities to think about their answers toyour questions.


❏ Vary your style of questions. Someclients respond well to open-endedquestions, while others respond better toquestions that are closed. Yet othersrespond best to options provided in aforced or multiple choice format.


❏ When you ask your clients questions,listen carefully to whether or not theyanswer them. If not, ask the questionsagain or explore why the clients are notanswering them.


❏ Interrupt your clients when they rambleon or digress from the point being dis-cussed, but do so with tact and sensitivity.


❏ Be succinct and clear when talking toclients.


❏ Draw up a problem list with your clientsas this will help them keep problem-focused during therapy.


❏ Build up an overall picture of yourclients’ problems as you go along.Don’t wait to get the “big picture”before you intervene.


❏ Clients often come to therapy wantinghelp with practical problems. Help themto see that they are best equipped to dealwith these practical problems once theyhave dealt with their disturbed emotionsabout these practical problems.


❏ Encourage your clients to expressthemselves in a structured REBT-focused way whenever possible as longas you don’t threaten the therapeuticalliance by doing so.


❏ From their problem list, encourage yourclients to select one problem to focus onand to work on. Encourage them toretain their focus on this target problemand discourage problem switchingunless this is clinically indicated.


❏ Work with specific examples of yourclients’ target problems, particularly inthe early phase of REBT.


❏ When working with a specific exampleof your clients’ target problems, youwill find that they will switch to dis-cussing other examples of these prob-lems. Help them to stay focused on thenominated specific example until youhave worked it through. Provide arationale for taking this stance.


❏ When working on your clients’ targetproblems clarify whether they arelargely ego-based or largely non-ego-based. Doing so will help you to planyour intervention strategies to besteffect.


❏ Be alert for the presence of meta-emo-tional problems (i.e., emotional problemsabout emotional problems), but do notassume that these are always present.


❏ If you discover that your clients havemeta-emotional problems, work onthese first if:• their presence interferes with your

in-session work on your clients’ target problems;

• their presence interferes with your clients’ between session work on their target problems;

• they are clinically more important than the target problems, and

• your clients can see the sense in working on their meta-emotional problems first.


❏ Help your clients to accept themselvesfor their tendencies to disturb them-selves. Show them that if they blamethemselves for this then they will

(a) disturb themselves for having thesetendencies in the first place — some-thing that is outside their control — and

(b) stop themselves from workingsteadily to counteract these tendenciesin the second place.


❏ Develop hypotheses about the factorsassociated with your clients’ problems,but test these out rigorously. Do notassume that if your clinical hunches arestrongly held, they must be correct.


❏ Listen actively for the ABC componentsin what your clients discuss and focuson these components whenever possible.


❏ Once you have agreed upon targetproblems with your clients, work onthese problems until they can cope withthem. Then switch to other target prob-lems. Don’t make this switch until thecoping criterion has been reached,unless switching preserves the thera-peutic alliance.


❏ In REBT, confrontation is an assertivemeans of highlighting inconsistenciesand contradictions in your clients’ state-ments. Be assertive when you confrontyour clients, but do so with care andsensitivity.


❏ When you use REBT terminology, explain what these terms mean; thencheck your clients’ understanding ofthese terms and correct them if neces-sary.


❏ Don’t insist that your clients use REBTterminology. Rather, encourage them, ifneed be, to use their own words to reflectREBT concepts.


❏ Ensure that you use B-C languagerather than A-C language with yourclients.


❏ Periodically correct your clients whenthey use A-C language, but certainly donot be compulsive about doing so.


❏ Before making major interventions,explain what you are going to do andits purpose. After you have intervened,obtain feedback from your clients onits helpfulness.


❏ Develop a variety of ways of teachingthe ABC model and use different methodsof doing so with different clients.


❏ Help your clients see that by advocat-ing the ABC model of psychologicaldisturbance, REBT does not imply thatunfortunate events play an unimportantrole in their problems. Encourage yourclients to understand that such eventscontribute significantly to their distur-bance, even though they do not deter-mine it.


❏ For clients who are adamant that veryadverse events caused their disturbedreactions at C, and refuse to give up thisposition, distinguish between the originand maintenance of emotional problems.Explain that even if they are correct instating that the adverse events in ques-tion originally caused their disturbedfeelings, they are still actively keepingthis disturbance alive in the present bythe irrational beliefs that they hold nowabout events then. Put this in a contextthat emphasizes hope and choice.


❏ For clients who need inspiration topsychologically transcend tragedy,share this quote from Viktor Frankl:

“We who lived in concentrationcamps can remember the men whowalked through the huts comfortingothers, giving away their last piece ofbread. They may have been small innumber, but they offer sufficient proofthat everything can be taken awayfrom a man but one thing: the last ofhuman freedoms — to choose one’sattitude in any given set of circum-stances, to choose one’s way.”


❏ Once you have taught your clients theprinciple of emotional responsibility(that they largely disturb themselves),recognize that you will have to remindthem of this principle on further occa-sions. Do so without being compulsive,and encourage them to discover it forthemselves both in their own experienceand in the experiences of others.


❏ Take care that you make clear to clientsthat REBT’s principle of emotionalresponsibility does not involve blamingthem for largely creating their own emo-tional problems. They are responsiblebut not damnable for being responsible.


❏ Help your clients to see that REBT doesnot neglect their emotions. Far from it.Show them that, in fact, REBT placesemotions center-stage in the therapeuticprocess.


❏ Encourage your clients to identify theirdisturbed feelings, but discourage themfrom discussing these feelings compul-sively.


❏ Help your clients to be precise abouttheir disturbed emotions, as doing so willhelp you and your clients to identifytheir A’s and irrational B’s later in theassessment process.


❏ When helping your clients to identifytheir disturbed emotions, keep the follow-ing eight in mind: anxiety, depression,guilt, shame, hurt, unhealthy anger,unhealthy jealousy and unhealthy envy.


❏ Become very familiar with the inferencesthat lead to — and the behavioral andcognitive consequences of — irrationalbeliefs associated with each of the eightdisturbed emotions listed previously.Use this knowledge to help your clientspinpoint their difficulty in identifyingfeelings.


❏ Clients do not only have problemsbecause of the presence of unhealthynegative emotions; they have problemsbecause they do not experience healthynegative emotions when it is appropri-ate to do so about negative life events.Remember this as you carry out yourassessment.


❏ Take time to explain to your clientswhat constitutes healthy alternatives totheir unhealthy emotions and whataccounts for the differences betweenthese. Encourage your clients to adopthealthy negative emotions as their emo-tional goals about negative events.


❏ Although REBT uses specific words todistinguish healthy from unhealthy neg-ative emotions (e.g., concern vs. anxietyand remorse vs. guilt), do not insist thatyour clients use this language. Rather,help them to use an emotional languagethat is meaningful to them and thenmake a written note of this personalizedlanguage, reviewing it just before yousee them.


❏ Understand your clients’ reactions totheir own unhealthy negative emotions.Just because these emotions are deemedunhealthy by REBT theory, it does notautomatically follow that your clientswill wish unequivocally to target themfor change.


❏ While you will often use your clients’behavioral C’s to identify their emotionalC’s, sometimes you can work withbehavioral C’s as the clients’ major disturbed reaction. Be flexible in thisregard.


❏ Assess the cognitive consequences ofyour clients’ irrational beliefs as well astheir emotional and behavioral conse-quences.


❏ Encourage your clients to be succinctwhen describing activating events.


❏ Encourage your clients to be specificwhen describing activating events.


❏ Devote some time to identifying yourclients’ critical A’s (these are theaspects of the troublesome situationsyour clients are most disturbed about),but do not become too compulsive inyour search. You do not have to be100% accurate in your identification ofthe critical A’s. Near enough is goodenough.


❏ Guard against selecting theoretical inferences as critical A’s. If inferenceshave no emotional impact for yourclients, they are theoretical. Critical A’s are emotionally laden for clients.


❏ When dealing with frustration, it ismost useful to treat it as an A — ablock to the realization of your clients’goals — rather than as a C. But if yourclients do wish to treat it as a C, helpyourself and your clients to distinguishbetween healthy frustration (promptingcreative problem-solving to overcomethe block) and unhealthy frustration(prompting impulsive, self-defeatingaction). In making this distinction, it isoften helpful to conceptualize un-healthy frustration as unhealthy anger.


❏ Refrain from challenging distorted infer-ences at A until you have identified anddisputed irrational beliefs at B, unlessthere is a good reason to work at Abefore B.


❏ Once you have taught your clients theABC framework, use theory-drivenquestions to identify irrational beliefs(e.g., “what were you demanding…?”).Open-ended questions directed at iden-tifying irrational beliefs (e.g., “whatwere you telling yourself…?”) oftenyield more inferences.


❏ While REBT theory hypothesizes theexistence of four major irrational beliefsthat underpins much psychological dis-turbance, do not assume that yourclients hold all four irrational beliefs inall of their problems. Carefully checkthis with them.


❏ If clinical time is at a premium, the fol-lowing rule of thumb is useful:• identify and dispute demands and

self-depreciation beliefs with your clients’ ego-based problems,

• identify and dispute demands and awfulizing or LFT beliefs with your clients’ non-ego-based problems, and

• identify and dispute demands and other-depreciation beliefs with your clients’ unhealthy other-directed anger problems.


❏ Help your clients to distinguish clearlybetween absolute shoulds and othershoulds (e.g., conditional shoulds, recommendatory shoulds, ideal shoulds,empirical shoulds and shoulds of prefer-ence). Only target absolute shoulds forchange in REBT.


❏ Ask your clients whether they want toimprove very quickly, at a moderatespeed or slowly. Then, ask them if theywant to make much effort, moderateeffort or little effort at helping them-selves to change. Show those clientswho want to improve very quicklywhile expending little effort that theyare looking for magic. In general, thespeed of your clients’ improvement isin proportion to the amount of effortthey are prepared to devote to self-help.Help them to understand this point.


❏ Distinguish between goals set by clientsbefore you have assessed their problemsand goals set that have been informedby problem assessment. They may bequite different.


❏ Help your clients to achieve a balancebetween their short-term goals andtheir longer term goals. If they overlyfocus on their long-term goals, theymay have little fun, and if they overlyfocus on their short-term goals, theymay experience little meaning andpurpose.


❏ Strongly discourage your clients fromsetting goals that perpetuate their irra-tional beliefs and dysfunctional feelingsand behaviors, even implicitly.


❏ Ensure that your clients’ goals arewithin their power to achieve.


❏ Encourage your clients to set goals inpositive terms (e.g., “I want to feel con-cerned about…”) and not in negativeterms (e.g., “I don’t want to feel anxiousabout…”). It is often far easier to worktowards the presence of something thantowards the absence of something.


❏ Help your clients to work towards goalsthat are based on overcoming disturbancebefore helping them to work towardsgoals that are based on furthering theirpersonal development. Otherwise theirdisturbed feelings will interfere withtheir personal development work.


❏ Help your clients to set goals that areneither overwhelmingly high nor under-whelmingly low. Tackle the irrationalbeliefs that underpin such unrealisticgoal-setting.


❏ Your clients may often want to “unload”their feelings. Help them to do sobriefly, but try to draw out of themtheir implicit goals. If their goals arehealthy, help them form a bridgebetween their “unloading” and workingtowards their goals. If their goals arenot healthy, help them to “unload”briefly, then discuss the unhealthynature of their goals and help them sethealthy aims.


❏ Elicit from your clients a commitmentto achieve their goals, not just a state-ment of these goals. Keep remindingthem of their commitment.


❏ If your clients are ambivalent aboutmaking a commitment to achieve theirgoals, carry out with them a cost-benefitanalysis to understand better theirreservations about change. Deal withthese reservations constructively andthen ask for a commitment to goalachievement. If one is still not forth-coming, identify and target for changethe irrational beliefs that your clientshave about making such a commitment.


❏ Help your clients understand that youcan help them to feel bad about badevents rather than disturbed about badevents. You usually won’t help them tofeel good or neutral about bad eventswithout encouraging them to deludethemselves or lie to themselves.


❏ Make sure that you and your clients areworking towards the same goals. If not,address this issue right away.


❏ The major goal of REBT is not to pro-mote rational thinking, but to promotehealthy living based on rational thinking.


❏ Review your clients’ goals across thecounseling process. Don’t assume thatgoals set at the beginning of REBT arestill relevant in the middle or later phasesof therapy.


❏ Make sure your clients understand thatengaging in relevant therapeutic taskswill help them to achieve their goals.Otherwise they may not commit them-selves to doing the tasks.


❏ Ensure that the tasks that you ask yourclients to engage in are potent enoughto help them achieve their goals if theycarry them out.


❏ Prepare your clients adequately for thedisputing process. Don’t often launchinto disputing without your clients’understanding what you are going to doand why you are going to do it.


❏ Use tact, sensitivity and empathywhen disputing your clients’ irrationalbeliefs, especially when they disturbthemselves about real-life tragedies.


❏ Dispute both your clients’ demands andtheir relevant irrational belief derivatives.However, recognize that disputing basicdemands is more meaningful for somethan disputing irrational belief derivativesand vice-versa.


❏ Develop your skills in both Socratic anddidactic disputing. Assess your clients’responses to these different disputingstyles to determine which style is themore productive for you to employ with them.


❏ Use empirical, logical and pragmaticarguments while disputing your clients’irrational beliefs, but avoid doing somechanically. Be creative and enthusias-tic in your disputing interventions.


❏ Be ordered in implementing your dis-puting strategies. Haphazard disputingpromotes client confusion.


❏ During disputing, openly debate withyour clients rather than defensivelyarguing with them.


❏ As you dispute your clients’ irrationalbeliefs, be watchful for clients misin-terpreting what you are trying to do. If you discover such misinterpretations,make them explicit and correct themconstructively.


❏ Take care not to dispute your clients’ dis-torted inferences while you are disputingtheir irrational beliefs. Throughout theirrational belief disputing process, keepto the “let’s assume temporarily that Ais true” position.


❏ Show your clients that when theybelieve in musts they deprive them-selves and others of the freedom ofchoice.


❏ Encourage your clients to put the “f ”word into their thinking: flexibility.


❏ Help your clients to see that adversitiesare not the end of the world — they arepart of the world.


❏ When helping your clients to see thattragedies are not awful, show great sen-sitivity. Even then, you may find it moreproductive to help them to see thattragedies can be transcended and it isworth it for them to do this, especiallyin the longer term. In short, disputingLFT beliefs about tragedies (“I can’tstand it!”) may be more effective thandisputing awfulizing beliefs (“It is awfulthat this tragedy occurred!”) about theseevents.


❏ Help your clients understand and usethe three components of high frustra-tion tolerance:

• “It’s difficult to tolerate.”• “I can tolerate it.”• “It’s worth tolerating.”


❏ Teach your clients the two main princi-ples of self-discipline:

• “It’s worth doing.”• “I’m worth doing it for.”


❏ Use your clients’ own words for self-depreciation when you are disputingthese beliefs with them.


❏ Develop a fund of rational stories, parables and anecdotes for use duringthe process of disputing.


❏ Use the MVP principle in disputing: beMeaningful, Vigorous and Persistentwhile disputing your clients’ irrationalbeliefs.


❏ Be vivid in your disputing, but not ifdoing so threatens the therapeuticalliance.


❏ Discover which arguments your clientsfind persuasive during disputing andcapitalize on your discovery.


❏ Encourage your clients to constructrational alternatives to their irrationalbeliefs. In doing so encourage them toput these beliefs into their own words,but check that these words reflectrational meaning.


❏ Help your clients to distinguishbetween irrational and rational beliefs.In doing so, teach them the full versionof rational beliefs which explicitlynegates irrationality. For example, “Ivery much want to pass this test, but Ireally don’t have to do so.”


❏ Help your clients to identify the possibleirrational beliefs held by other peopleabout whom they feel disturbed. Then,show them that these other people aredriven to behave badly by their irrationalbeliefs. This may help your clients tosurrender their own demands that theseother people must not act badly.


❏ During disputing, help your clients toquestion their rational beliefs in thesame way as you helped them to ques-tion their irrational beliefs.


❏ The more your clients dispute their irra-tional beliefs, the more they will benefitfrom doing so later. So teach yourclients the principle of overlearning andencourage them to apply it.


❏ Strongly encourage your clients to dis-pute their irrational beliefs outside ses-sions as well as inside sessions, sincesome clients will dispute their irrationalbeliefs when they are with you, butwill not automatically do so when theyare by themselves.


❏ Teach your clients the value of challeng-ing their musts and acting on theirhealthy preferences.


❏ Encourage your clients to act and thinkin ways that are consistent with theirrational beliefs. Be alert for instanceswhere their behavior and inferentialthinking are inconsistent with theirdeveloping rational beliefs, and inter-vene accordingly.


❏ Discover who are the role models ofrationality for your clients and refer to these when disputing your clients’irrational beliefs.


❏ If you encourage your clients to useREBT with others as a way of disput-ing their own irrational beliefs, sug-gest that they guard against imposingrational principles on those who arenot interested in them.


❏ Teach your clients the effects of theirirrational beliefs on their inferences atA and on their subsequent thinking,feeling, and behaving at C.


❏ Encourage your clients to conductbehavioral experiments when theythink that they can’t do something. But first challenge the irrational beliefsthat lead them to think that they areincapable.


❏ Teach relevant skills to clients who aredeficient in them, but not at the expenseof dealing with their underlying irra-tional beliefs.


❏ Suggest that your clients use a varietyof cognitive techniques to weaken theirconviction in their irrational beliefs andstrengthen their conviction in theirrational beliefs.


❏ Use self-disclosure to teach your clientshow you first disturbed yourself andlater un-disturbed yourself in areas thatare relevant to your clients’ problemsand /or irrational beliefs. However, rec-ognize that not all clients are interestedin your experiences.


❏ Explain to your clients the differencebetween “feeling better” and “gettingbetter.” “Getting better” means theirdealing with any present or future adver-sities (A’s) by reacting with healthy feel-ings and functional behaviors.


❏ Help your clients to understand that themore they tend to disturb themselves incertain areas, the harder they need towork to un-disturb themselves in theseareas.


❏ By all means help your clients to identify and challenge their cognitivedistortions and inferences, but also help them to see how they create thesedistortions when they hold irrationalbeliefs. Show them that challengingtheir cognitive distortions is often moreeffective after they have challengedtheir underlying irrational beliefs, especially their absolutistic shoulds,oughts and musts.


❏ Provide clients with a powerful rationalefor homework assignments. Inform themthat clients who regularly do such assign-ments do better in REBT and CBT thanthose who don’t.


❏ Encourage your clients to walk therational talk, not just talk the rationaltalk.


❏ Be flexible in your use of languagewhen discussing the role of homeworkassignments in REBT. Realize that theword “homework” is anathema to someclients. Use your clients’ own words forhomework when this happens.


❏ Remember to negotiate a suitable home-work assignment with your clients atpractically every therapy session.


❏ Make sure that negotiated assignmentsare based on the work that you havedone with your clients during therapysessions.


❏ Become familiar with a range of differ-ent self-help books so that you can suggest relevant reading material fordifferent clients.


❏ Help your clients to see that reading self-help books is an important prelude toaction, not a substitute for it.


❏ Encourage your clients to keep writtenrecords of homework assignments tofacilitate their remembering to do thesetasks.


❏ Employ a number of self-help forms ofdiffering complexity. Realize that differ-ent clients will find different forms useful.


❏ Train your clients to use whichever self-help forms you employ with them.Provide them with working examplesand detailed written instructions fortheir use.


❏ When your clients make errors in theirself-help forms, correct these errorsclearly, but do so without discouragingthe clients.


❏ Negotiate with your clients homeworkassignments that are challenging forthem but not overwhelming.


❏ Encourage your clients to specify whenthey are going to do their homeworkassignments, how often and in whichcontexts.


❏ Help your clients to troubleshoot possibleobstacles to their completing their home-work tasks.


❏ Encourage your clients to engage theiremotions fully while doing their home-work assignments. If they do these tasksintellectually without engaging theiremotions they may derive little benefitfrom doing them.


❏ Ensure that your clients have the neces-sary skills to carry out their homeworkassignments. If not, teach them theseskills before you suggest the assign-ments.


❏ Encourage your clients to commit them-selves to doing homework assignmentsrather than just trying to do them, sincetrying does not necessarily mean doing.


❏ When negotiating homework assign-ments with your clients, give yourselfadequate time to do so. Your clients aremore likely to carry out carefully nego-tiated homework assignments than hur-riedly negotiated ones.


❏ Review homework assignments at thebeginning of the following session.


❏ If your clients have successfully carriedout their homework assignments, elicitfrom them what they learned fromdoing the tasks. Then, help them tocapitalize on their learning.


❏ Show your clients that they may notalways be able to prevent themselvesfrom beginning to disturb themselves,but they can stop themselves from con-tinuing to disturb themselves.


❏ Use a range of cognitive, emotive,behavioral and imagery assignments inworking with your clients.


❏ It is important that you reinforce yourclients’ change-directed efforts, butguard against reinforcing their need forapproval as you do so.


❏ Help your clients to see the differencebetween intellectual insight (a cognitiveunderstanding of rational principles thatdoes not lead to constructive psycho-logical change) and emotional insight(a deep conviction in rational principles,and action taken to use these principles,that does result in such change). Stressthat the latter is the goal of REBT, notthe former.


❏ Strongly suggest to your clients thatthey commit themselves to practicingdaily emotional self-care even if theydo not feel disturbed.


❏ Encourage your clients to assume aself-helping role as early in the processof REBT as they are able.


❏ Urge your clients to take an active rolein generalizing their learning both with-in a problem area (from one specificexample of a target problem to others)and between problems (from one targetproblem to others). Don’t expect thatyour clients will spontaneously general-ize their learning.


❏ Help your clients to look for and worktowards identifying their core irrationalbeliefs (i.e., irrational beliefs that are atthe core of a significant number of theirproblems).


❏ Don’t assume that your clients hold coreirrational beliefs in an area where youare working on their specific irrationalbeliefs until you have evidence that thisis the case.


❏ Help your clients to understand howthey perpetuate their specific and coreirrational beliefs. In doing so encour-age them to look for instances wherethey:• think and act in ways that maintain

these beliefs,• avoid activating these beliefs, and • over-compensate for these beliefs.


❏ Prepare your clients for the “changefeels strange” phenomenon and encour-age them to keep working for changeeven though it feels strange.


❏ Explain to your clients that therapeuticchange is non-linear so that they don’tbecome discouraged when they experi-ence setbacks.


❏ Repeat REBT principles until theybecome part of your clients’ generalrational outlook.


❏ Find fresh new ways of explainingrational principles to your clients.Otherwise some of them, particularlythose with LFT, will turn off to whatthey see as the same old rational stuff.


❏ Help your clients to understand thatmaintaining psychological well-beinginvolves taking regular psychologicalexercise in the same way as maintainingphysical well-being involves taking regular physical exercise.


❏ When your clients report improvement,assess the bases of these changes.Encourage them to change their irra-tional beliefs if they have not alreadydone so.


❏ Help your clients to monitor theirimprovement on three criteria:• Frequency: Do they experience their

problems less frequently than before?• Intensity: Are their problems less

severe/ intense than before?• Duration: Do their problems last for

shorter periods than before?


❏ Show your clients that once they havegotten better, they still have to work tostay better.


❏ There are many potential obstacles toclient change including:

• therapist factors; • client factors;• therapist-client factors (including

poor client-therapist matching);• the negative impact of clients’

significant others.

Assess the source of your clients’ obstacles to change and take appropriateremedial action.


❏ Your clients may well bring their irra-tional beliefs to the therapeutic process.Try to anticipate how their iBs mightaffect their behavior in therapy andencourage them to change these irrationalbeliefs, preferably before they have adetrimental impact on their therapy.


❏ Help your clients to see that what theyresist usually persists.


❏ Whenever possible, urge your clients towork towards basic belief change, butrealize that at times they may beunwilling or unable to do so. In suchcases, encourage them to work towardsinference change, behavior change orchanging troublesome aspects of theirenvironment.


❏ Encourage your clients to express theirdoubts, reservations and objections toaspects of REBT theory and practice.Then, deal with the misconceptionsimplicit in their expressions.


❏ Help your clients to see that while theirmusts and demands may be motivating,these beliefs frequently lead to impaireddisturbance-related behavior. Non-dogmatic preferences, on the otherhand, are both motivating and lead toaction that is free from the effects ofdisturbance.


❏ When your clients are reluctant to thinkrationally, it may be due to their perceiv-ing costs of holding rational beliefsand/or perceiving benefits to holdingirrational beliefs. Help them to identifyand deal with these obstacles to rationalthinking.


❏ Help your clients understand that whilethere may be payoffs to their emotionalproblems, these payoffs are likely to beshort-term and that most of the conse-quences of having emotional problemsare negative, particularly in the longerterm.


❏ When your clients are reluctant to thinkrationally, help them to see that theywill often encourage their friends andloved ones to hold the same rationalbeliefs that they are resisting. Encourageyour clients to resolve this dissonanceby inviting their significant others tothink irrationally or by responding per-suasively to their own resistances torationality.


❏ Teach your clients relapse prevention.This involves helping them to identifyand deal with situations in which theyare likely to disturb themselves,rehearsing their rational beliefs whileimagining facing these situations, andthen rehearsing these beliefs in the situ-ations themselves.


❏ Help your clients to view lapses in progress as part of the process of thera-peutic change. Urge them to view lapsesas opportunities to use their rationalthinking and constructive behavior andnot as a sign that they will inevitablyrelapse.


❏ As your clients improve, decrease thefrequency of sessions so that they cantake increasing responsibility for self-change.


❏ There are many different ways to termi-nate therapy. Be flexible in terminatingtherapy with your clients and negotiatewith each of them the best way to end.


❏ Modify your practice of REBT accord-ing to the verbal and intelligence levelsof your clients.


❏ Make use of a whiteboard or blackboardwhen teaching clients the ABCs ofREBT or when explaining rational concepts.


❏ Use REBT flexibly with your clients,not rigidly.


❏ Be creative in your practice of REBT,but do not neglect its fundamental prin-ciples. If you get stuck or are in doubtas to how to proceed with your clients,go back to first principles.


❏ Read transcripts and listen to sessionsof other REBT therapists. Integratetheir useful techniques and strategiesinto your own work, but do so in yourown style.


❏ As you watch videotapes and listen toaudiotapes of experienced therapistspracticing REBT, stop the tape beforethe therapist makes a substantialresponse, formulate your own interven-tion and then compare it to what thetherapist said. Learn from the difference.


❏ Review audiotapes of your therapy ses-sions and with the benefit of hindsight,formulate more effective strategies andtherapeutic responses.


❏ There is no single way of practicing.Read Windy Dryden’s edited book enti-tled, Idiosyncratic Rational EmotiveBehaviour Therapy (2002), where anumber of REBT therapists outline theiridiosyncratic practice of this form oftherapy. Use this material as a stimulusto identify, reflect and develop your ownidiosyncratic practice of REBT.


❏ Read the REBT literature and make useof other practitioners’ ideas. But do notrely on the creativity of others. Lettheir inspiring ideas stimulate your creativity.


❏ Develop your own therapeutic stylerather than copying the style of yourmentors.


❏ Realize that you can teach rational princi-ples in different ways. So, use your imag-ination and vary the medium, but not themessage.


❏ Use techniques from other therapeuticapproaches, but do so in a manner thatis consistent with REBT theory.


❏ Be prepared to be flexible in your useof therapy sessions, modifying theirduration and form. Elicit agreementfrom your clients whenever you wishto deviate from the standard, face-to-face 50-minute session.


❏ Honestly identify your own doubts, reser-vations and objections to aspects of REBTtheory and practice. Discuss these feelingswith your colleagues and supervisor. Don’tbe ashamed of having such doubts, etc.


❏ Know your limits as an REBT thera-pist. Try to transcend these limits, butnot at the expense of your clients.


❏ Seek regular supervision, peer supervi-sion and self-supervision.


❏ When you experience feelings in therapysessions, recognize that these may beuseful in understanding your clients’dynamics more deeply, but they mayalso be a sign that your own issueshave been activated. Discuss feelingsthat you experience in therapy withyour supervisor or in your own personaltherapy if these feelings resonate withyour own emotional problems.


❏ Recognize that different clients may“pull” different responses from you.Respond in ways that neither threatenthe therapeutic alliance nor reinforcetheir irrational beliefs. Discuss this issuein supervision.


❏ REBT is an approach to therapy that isnot only applicable with your clients.Use it to help yourself with your ownemotional problems. Those REBT ther-apists who do use it with themselvestend to be more credible practitioners ofREBT than those who don’t.


❏ If you are having non-REBT personaltherapy for your own problems, why areyou not using REBT with yourself orseeking help from an REBT therapist?What do your answers reveal about yourtrue attitude to REBT?


❏ Learn not to disturb yourself aboutyour clients’ problems. Use yourhealthy concern to stay focused onhelping them help themselves.


❏ Resist being a “smart Alec” and show-ing your clients how expert you are inREBT. This can be as much of a turn-off in therapy as it can be in life.


❏ Try, as far as you can, to keep your egoout of your work as an REBT therapist.Evaluate what you do, but not yourselffor doing it.


❏ Honestly acknowledge your therapy-related irrational beliefs, accept yourselffor holding them and challenge themwith force, energy and commitment.


❏ Just because you are an REBT thera-pist, it certainly does not follow thatyou must be rational in therapy and inlife. If you hold this demand it willpromote defensiveness since you willnot admit to yourself and appropriateothers that you have problems, and itwill create far more problems than itwill solve.


❏ If you enjoy practicing REBT, fine; butdon’t make your enjoyment of it moreimportant than helping your clientschange — a process that might notalways be that enjoyable.


❏ If you “feel like” giving up with someof your clients, vigorously dispute theirrational beliefs that underpin yoururge to give up and push yourself tokeep helping them.


❏ Look for signs that you agree with yourclients’ irrational beliefs. Accept your-self for sharing their irrationalities anddispute your own irrational beliefs aswell as disputing theirs.


❏ Don’t suggest that your clients dothings that you are afraid to do your-self. Deal with your anxiety first.


❏ Don’t suggest that your clients do thingsthat you are not prepared to do yourself.If it is not good enough for you, why isit good enough for them?


❏ Don’t be afraid to admit to clientswhen you don’t know the answer totheir questions. However, tell them thatyou will find out the answer and makeit your business to do so. In this way,you will be modelling self-acceptancefor ignorance, demonstrating theimportance of an enquiring mind andshowing that you are reliable.


❏ You will never stop learning as anREBT therapist. If you think you haveno more to learn, it is probably time toretire.



BOOKS, TAPES AND CDsavailable from the Albert Ellis Institute


Feeling Better, Getting Better, Staying Better, Ellis, $15.95 (B203) 13 oz.How to Stubbornly Refuse to Make Yourself Miserable About Anything— Yes, Anything! Ellis, $12.95 (B009) 12 oz.A Guide to Rational Living, Ellis & Harper, $15.00 (B025) 9 oz.How to Control Your Anxiety Before It Controls You, Ellis, $19.95(B190) 18 oz. Overcoming Depression, Hauck, $13.95 (B015) 6 oz.Overcoming Procrastination, Ellis & Knaus, $5.99 (B012) 5 oz.Overcoming Destructive Beliefs, Feelings and Behaviors, Ellis, $22.95(B202) 24.5 oz.Overcoming the Rating Game, Hauck, $13.95 (B125) 6 oz.Procrastination Workbook, Knaus, $17.95 (B218) 18 oz.Rational Counseling Primer, Young, $2.50 (B061) 2.5 oz.REBT Pocket Companion for Clients, Dryden, $10.95 (B226) 7.8 oz.

AudiotapesAction Jack Extracts the Core of REBT: An Interview with Albert Ellis,$9.95 (C074) 2.5 oz.Coming to Terms with Parents, DiGiuseppe, $5.95 (C047) 2.5 oz.Getting Over Getting Older, Ellis, $9.95 (C073) 6 oz.How to Control Your Anger Before It Controls You, Ellis, $14.95(C069) 6 oz.How to Control Your Anxiety Before It Controls You, Ellis, $14.95(C072) 6 oz.How to Stubbornly Refuse to be Ashamed of Anything, Ellis, $9.95(C010) 2.5 oz.Learning to Relax, Lazarus, $9.95 (C015) 2.5 oz.Overcoming Procrastination, Knaus, $9.95 (C018) 2.5 oz.21 Ways to Stop Worrying, Ellis, $9.95 (C026) 2.5 oz.

CD RomManaging Your Emotions, DiMattia & Lega, $19.95 (CD001) 3.2 oz.



Can Your Relationship Be Saved? Broder, $15.95 (B208) 7.6 oz.Guide to Successful Marriage, Ellis & Harper, $7.00 (B006) 10.5 oz.Head Over Heart in Love, Borcherdt, $16.95 (B163) 9 oz.How to Stop Destroying Your Relationships: A Guide toEnjoyable Dating, Mating and Relating, Ellis & Harper,$21.95 (B204) 17.2 oz.The Love Workbook: A Guide to Happiness in Your PersonalRelationships, Lima, $12.95 (B195) 16 oz.Making Intimate Connections, Ellis & Crawford, $15.95 (B199)18 oz.Men are from Earth, Women are from Earth, Wenning, $18.95(B192) 7 oz.Overcoming Jealousy and Possessiveness, Hauck, $13.95(B004) 5 oz.What to Do When He Has a Headache: Renewing Desire andIntimacy in Your Relationship, Wolfe, $5.95 (B122) 7 oz.

AudiotapesConquering the Dire Need for Love, Ellis, $5.95 (C003) 2.5 oz.How to Achieve Healthy vs. Addictive Relationships, Exner,$5.95 (C051) 2.5 oz.How to Find a Love Relationship that Will Work for You,Broder, $12.95 (C061) 2.5 oz.Intelligent Person’s Guide to Dating and Mating, Ellis, $5.95(C014) 2.5 oz.Letting Go of Your Ended Love Relationship, Broder, $8.95(C053) 2.5 oz.The Single Life: How to Make It Work for You, Broder, $8.95(C065) 2.5 oz.



Anger: How to Live With and Without It (2nd ed.), Ellis, $15.95(B221) 12 oz.How to Control Your Anger Before It Controls You, Ellis &Tafrate, $12.95 (B180) 11 oz.How to Live with a Neurotic, Ellis, $7.00 (B005) 6.5 oz.Managing and Understanding Parental Anger, Barrish, $6.95(B038) 4 oz.Overcoming Frustration and Anger, Hauck, $13.95 (B016) 5 oz.

AudiotapesConquering Low Frustration Tolerance, Ellis, $9.95 (C004) 2.5 oz.How to Control Your Anger Before It Controls You, Ellis &Tafrate, $14.95 (C069) 6 oz.What Do I Do with My Anger: Hold It In or Let It Out?,DiGiuseppe, $9.95 (C012) 2.5 oz.Self-Directed Sales Success, DiMattia, $5.95 (C030) 2.5 oz.


The Art and Science of Rational Eating, Ellis & Abrams, $9.00(B132) 25 oz.How to Make Yourself Happy, Ellis, $14.95 (B193) 12 oz.Managing Addictions, Bishop, $60.00 (B201) 30 oz.Optimal Aging: Get Over Getting Older, Ellis & Velten, $13.95(B184) 15 oz.Reason to Change: An REBT Workbook, Dryden, $23.95(B207) 22.9 oz.Sex, Drugs, Gambling and Chocolate, Horvath, $15.95 (B194)20 oz.When AA Doesn’t Work for You: Rational Steps to QuittingAlcohol, Ellis & Velten, $14.95 (B123) 18 oz.




Getting Over Getting Older, Ellis, $9.95 (C073) 2.5 oz.I’d Like to Stop, But ... (Overcoming Addictions), Ellis, $9.95(C013) 2.5 oz.Maximize the Moment: How to Have More Fun and Happinessin Life, DiGiuseppe, $5.95 (C041) 2.5 oz.Relapse Prevention Tape and Workbook, Bishop, $22.95(C050) 2.5 oz.


Case Studies in REBT with Children and Adolescents, Ellis &Wilde, $18.00 (B206) 9.1 oz. Making Families Work and What to Do When They Don’t,Borcherdt, $15.95 (B165) 14 oz.Managing and Understanding Parental Anger, Barrish, $6.95(B038) 4 oz.Surviving and Enjoying Your Adolescent, Barrish, $7.95 (B109)6.5 oz.Thinking, Feeling, Behaving: An Emotional EducationCurriculum, Vernon ____ Volume I (grades 1-6), $27.95 (B100) 27 oz.____ Volume II (grades 7-12), $27.95 (B101) 27 oz.

Winning Cooperation from Your Child, Wenning, $15.95 (B164) 6 oz.

AudiotapesCoping with Parenting, DiGiuseppe, $5.95 (C042) 2.5 oz.


BOOKS FOR THERAPISTSOvercoming Resistance (1st ed.), Ellis, $25.00 (B065) 16.5 oz. Overcoming Resistance (2nd ed.), Ellis, $39.95 (B216) 19.8 oz. The Practice of REBT, Ellis & Dryden, $32.95 (B018S) 18 oz.A Practitioner’s Guide to REBT, Walen, DiGiuseppe & Dryden,$34.95 (B001) 13 oz.A Primer on REBT for Practitioners (2nd ed.), Dryden, DiGiuseppe,& Neenan, $12.95 (B092) 6.1 oz.Rational Emotive Behavior Group Therapy, Dryden & Neenan,$30.95 (B213) 13.2 oz. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: A Therapist’s Guide, Ellis &MacLaren, $21.95 (B189) 16 oz.Reaching Their Minds: A Trainer’s Manual, DiMattia & Ijzermans,$10.95 (B159) 6 oz.Reason and Emotion in Psychotherapy, Ellis, $22.95 (B014) 32 oz.REBT Resource Book for Practitioners (2nd ed.), Bernard & Wolfe,Eds., $49.95 (B196) 3 lbs.REBT Therapist’s Pocket Companion, Dryden & Neenan, $10.95(B225) 7.8 oz.RET with Alcoholics and Substance Abusers, Ellis et al., $31.50 (B023) 9 oz.Special Applications of REBT, Dryden & Yankura, $32.95 (B179) 10 oz.Teoría y Práctica de la Terapia Racional Emotivo-Conductual, Lega,Caballo & Ellis, $10.95 (B209) 6.8 oz.What Works When with Children & Adolescents, Vernon, $39.95(B215) 34 oz.

FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTSHomer the Homely Hound Dog, Garcia /Pellegrini, $2.50 (B056) 5 oz.Instant Replay, Bedford, $1.95, (B073) 3 oz.Rational Counseling Primer, Young, $2.50 (B061) 2.5 oz.Rational Stories for Children, Waters, $4.00 (B044) 4.5 oz.“Let’s Get Rational” Game, Wilde, $24.95 (SH026) 24 oz.



Albert Ellis: A Videography, Lega & Velten (35 min.) $39.95(V026) 11.5 oz.

Videotapes of Live Sessions (for Therapists)

Coping with Anger, DiGiuseppe (49 min.) $39.95 (PV01) 11.5 oz.Coping with the Suicide of a Loved One, Ellis (49 min.) $39.95(PV02) 11.5 oz.Overcoming Low Frustration Tolerance, Wolfe (48 min.) $39.95(PV03) 11.5 oz. Overcoming Depression, Di Mattia (38 min.) $39.95 (PV04) 11.5 oz. Dealing with Addictions, Ellis (55 min.) $39.95 (PV05) 11.5 oz. Anger Management with a Recovering Female Addict, Wolfe(55 min.) $39.95 (PV07) 11.5 oz. Woman Coping with Depression and Anger over Teenagers’Behavior, Wolfe (55 min.) $39.95 (PV08) 11.5 oz.Treating Adult Children of Alcoholics, DiGiuseppe (2 tapes, 90 mins.) $69.95 (PV06) 19 oz.

SPECIAL PRICE:Any 3 Videotapes of Live Sessions (above): $95.00

For ordering information, contact:

ALBERT ELLIS INSTITUTE45 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10021Phone: (212) 535-0822 • (800) 323-4738

Fax: (212) 249-3582 • E-mail: [email protected]: www.rebt.org
