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The Raven Chronicles August

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August 31 Minimum Day September 5 Labor Day September 7 Minimum Day September 14 Minimum Day Issue Highlights: Are you the Next Master Chef? 3 Unrecognized August Holidays 4 Dear Alice 5 California City High School August 26, 2011 Volume 1 Issue 1 THE RAVEN CHRONICLES We have already had an amazing start to our 2011-2012 school year. The students and staff came with a sense of enthusiasm I have not wit- nessed in a long time. Everyone is adapting to the changes that have taken place here on campus extremely well, such as the three minute pass- ing period. I must admit I was a bit apprehensive about the freshmen adapting to the new environment, but they have exceeded my expectations. They are immersing themselves into the Academics as well as extracurricular activities. Although, I would like to take credit, it truly is the upper classmen that are setting a positive tone for our campus. I hope that this is a trend that will continue in the following years. This year ASB is happy to add Mr. Walpole as the new class advisor. With more kids and lots of enthusiasm, we are hop- ing that this will be a great year! Lately, they have been planning pep rally’s, homecoming, prom, and our annual blood drives The first blood drive will be held on September 6th. IF you are eligible, please come and donate! Yearbook/Journalism this year has been great so far! The class is full of very dedicated individuals. The year- book editor this year is Jonah Jones. The co-editor and newspaper editor is Jordon Holmes. Yearbooks are on sale for $50.00! In the near future, Yearbook will be sell- ing personalized buttons! Big buttons are $3 and a small buttons are $1. There will be more information coming soon. Seniors, have you been thinking about your Senior Quote? We will start excepting senior quotes for the yearbook very soon! Got a problem? Write to Alice for advice on how to solve your problems! You can find the Dear Alice boxes in all the English classes. The newspa- per will be doing Raven Writers again this year. If you have an article, poem or story that you would like to con- tribute, please drop it off in the Dear Alice boxes. Page by: Jonah Jones Newspaper Editor: Jordon Holmes Football Crazy Questions to Ponder 6 7 R-Responsible Citizens, A-Analytical Thinkers, V–Vibrant and Healthy Individuals, E–Effective Communicators, N–Navigators of Technology S-Self-Directed Learners I would like to welcome everyone to another great school year at CCHS. For those of you who are new to our campus, we are happy to have you in our Raven Family. This year brings many changes to our school, including the addition of 5 new faces to our faculty. We are excited about the opportunities that our FLEX schedule will have to offer our students. Fall brings Football season, Volleyball season, and Cross Country season. I hope to see you all there supporting our athletes, and supporting one another as we continue our education journey together. Nicole Williford: “I think Alex Smith is garbage!” says Nicole Williford. I did know Ms. Nicole, our counselor, loves the Steelers, but she is also a big 49ers fan. Ms. Nicole was born in Inglewood California. But she graduated from Quartz Hill high school, and she currently resides in Lancaster. Before Nicole became a counselor she wanted to be an FBI agent. When I asked her what her favorite movie was, she replied, “Dirty Dancing”. Nicole doesn't have any kids but she enjoys playing monopoly with her friends when she is not busy. Missy: Missy was born here in California; she went to RPU from kindergarten through 2 nd grade. She then moved to Mojave where she met her childhood sweetheart, Steve. Missy and Steve have been married for about 30 years. She has one daughter, and one granddaughter. Mrs. Missy loves to watch her favorite movie The Sound of Music with her BFF Mrs. Jill Nemeth. Don’t give Missy bread because she can’t eat gluten! Ms. Laci: Ms. Laci was born in Oklahoma but grew up in Lancaster. She graduated from Lancaster High, and got her bachelors at UC Irvine where she played women's soccer. Then she got her masters at La Verene. Ms. Laci not only works here at CCHS but also at CCMS too. When she isn’t working at the schools she loves to spend time with her 3-year-old son. Ms. Laci’s favorite team is the LA Kings Hockey team, but she loves all sports. Message from the counselors: City High School is offering the ACT October 22. You must sign up by September 22 at actstudent.org. Ms. Laci still has wavers. All the 9 th graders will take the PSAT on October 12. Paid 10 th and 11 th graders will take in on the same day. Do You Remember Ms. Gionta? 2 Special dates of interest: Chandler Mead Bessie Cornejo Jordon Holmes
Page 1: The Raven Chronicles August

August 31 Minimum Day

September 5 Labor Day

September 7 Minimum Day

September 14 Minimum Day

Issue Highlights:

Are you the Next

Master Chef?



August Holidays


Dear Alice 5

Cal i forn ia C i ty High Schoo l August 26, 2011 Volume 1 Issue 1


We have already had an amazing start to our

2011-2012 school year. The students and staff

came with a sense of enthusiasm I have not wit-

nessed in a long time. Everyone is adapting to the

changes that have

taken place here on

campus extremely

well, such as the

three minute pass-

ing period. I must

admit I was a bit

apprehensive about the freshmen adapting to the

new environment, but they have exceeded my

expectations. They are immersing themselves into

the Academics as well as extracurricular activities.

Although, I would like to take credit, it truly is the

upper classmen that are setting a positive tone for

our campus. I hope that this is a trend that will

continue in the following years.

This year ASB is happy to add

Mr. Walpole as the new class

advisor. With more kids and

lots of enthusiasm, we are hop-

ing that this will be a great year!

Lately, they have been planning

pep rally’s, homecoming, prom,

and our annual blood drives

The first blood drive will be

held on September 6th. IF you

are eligible, please come and donate!

Yearbook/Journalism this year has been great so far!

The class is full of very dedicated individuals. The year-

book editor this year is Jonah Jones. The co-editor and

newspaper editor is Jordon Holmes. Yearbooks are on

sale for $50.00! In the near future, Yearbook will be sell-

ing personalized buttons! Big buttons are $3 and a small

buttons are $1. There will be more information coming

soon. Seniors, have you been thinking about your Senior

Quote? We will start excepting senior quotes for the

yearbook very soon! Got a problem? Write to Alice for

advice on how to solve your problems! You can find the

Dear Alice boxes in all the English classes. The newspa-

per will be doing Raven Writers again this year. If you

have an article, poem or story that you would like to con-

tribute, please drop it off in the Dear Alice boxes. Page by: Jonah Jones Newspaper Editor: Jordon Holmes


Crazy Questions to




R-Responsible Citizens, A-Analytical Thinkers, V–Vibrant and Healthy Individuals, E–Effective Communicators, N–Navigators of Technology S-Self-Directed Learners

I would like to

welcome everyone to

another great school

year at CCHS. For

those of you who are

new to our campus,

we are happy to have

you in our Raven

Family. This year

brings many changes

to our school, including the addition of 5 new faces

to our faculty. We are excited about the

opportunities that our FLEX schedule will have to

offer our students. Fall brings Football season,

Volleyball season, and Cross Country season. I hope

to see you all there supporting our athletes, and

supporting one another as we continue our education

journey together.

Nicole Williford:

“I think Alex Smith is garbage!” says Nicole Williford. I did

know Ms. Nicole, our counselor, loves the Steelers, but she is

also a big 49ers fan. Ms. Nicole was born in Inglewood

California. But she graduated from Quartz Hill high school,

and she currently resides in Lancaster. Before Nicole became

a counselor she wanted to be an FBI agent. When I asked her

what her favorite movie was, she replied, “Dirty Dancing”.

Nicole doesn't have any kids but she enjoys playing monopoly

with her friends when she is not busy.


Missy was born here in California; she went to RPU from

kindergarten through 2nd grade. She then moved to Mojave

where she met her childhood sweetheart, Steve. Missy and

Steve have been married for about 30 years. She has one

daughter, and one granddaughter. Mrs. Missy loves to watch

her favorite movie The Sound of Music with her BFF Mrs. Jill

Nemeth. Don’t give Missy bread because she can’t eat gluten!

Ms. Laci:

Ms. Laci was born in Oklahoma but grew up in Lancaster.

She graduated from Lancaster High, and got her bachelors at

UC Irvine where she played women's soccer. Then she got

her masters at La Verene. Ms. Laci not only works here at

CCHS but also at CCMS too. When she isn’t working at the

schools she loves to spend time with her 3-year-old son. Ms.

Laci’s favorite team is the LA Kings Hockey team, but she

loves all sports.

Message from the counselors:

City High School is offering the ACT October 22. You must

sign up by September 22 at actstudent.org. Ms. Laci still has

wavers. All the 9th graders will take the PSAT on October 12.

Paid 10th and 11

th graders will take in on the same day.

Do You

Remember Ms.



Special dates of interest:

Chandler Mead

Bessie Cornejo

Jordon Holmes

Page 2: The Raven Chronicles August

Page by: Jordon Holmes

Mrs. Gionta is a new teacher here at

CCHS. She is currently teaching English

11. You may remember her from CCMS

when she taught 8th grade English. You

especially remember Mrs. Gionta if she

yelled “CHEATER!!!!!!” after she caught

you cheating. Mrs. Gionta was born Octo-

ber 15, 1965 in Rochester, New York. Mrs.

Gionta has two children and a pet guinea

pig. Her favorite color is purple. “She likes

the school and enjoys seeing all her old 8th

grade students” she stated. Mrs. Gionta’s

advice to all the students at CCHS is to

work hard and prepare for college. She is

still getting use to CCHS, so welcome her

to the Raven Family!

Mario Gonzalez

Ms. Julie Fisher transferred over to

California City High School from Califor-

nia City Middle School and she already

loves the students and the school. She is

also very excited to see a lot of very famil-

iar faces. She’s been teaching for 16 years

and let me tell you she is very good at it.

When you see her around, make sure you

welcome her to the Raven Family!

Mrs. Godbee is one of the new teachers

here on campus. Mrs. Godbee loves this

school, the students, and what she teaches,

which are World History and U.S Histo-

ry. The reason she moved here was be-

cause of her husband. It’s a big change for

her because she has her own classroom

and has to do her own lesson plans! This

is her first full time teaching job, but she

has been a sub for six years.

History was always something she was

interested in. Mrs. Godbee knew she

wanted a career that dealt with History;

she called it her “dream job.” Mrs. God-

bee wanted to be a doctor during college,

but she realized she hated ecology. Other

hobbies she does in her spare time are

running, reading, volleyball, and traveling.

Mrs. Godbee is enjoying life to the fullest

since her husband is home and she now

has a full time job!

Sammy Dominguez

Mrs. Williamson works as a secre-

tary here at CCHS. A lot of you may remem-

ber her from CCMS where she worked as a

clerk. Mrs. Williamson said “that the best

part of coming to CCHS is the other staff

members and of course her children.” Mrs.

Williamson was born in Willmington, Dela-

ware. She's been married to her husband for

17 wonderful years now and has four chil-

dren. Two of them go to CCHS, one goes to

CCMS, and one goes to Hacienda.

On the weekends Mrs. Williamson

likes to cheer on her children during their

sporting events. Mrs. Williamson Favorite

song is Me and My Gang by Rascal Flatts,

and her favorite book is Gone With the

Wind by Margaret Mitchell. So when you see

Mrs. Williamson in the office, don't be afraid

to say hi!

Jayne Prins

Scavenger Hunt

I’m in a classroom that has the quote

“You have the power to stretch reality to

fit your dreams.” This room has a Hello

Kitty basket. You can find Surpass tissues

next to the hand sanitizer, and on the

teacher’s desk, there is a pen that looks

like it’s from a Hotel.

If you think you have the answer, write it as well as

your name on a piece of paper, and drop it in one of

the Dear Alice boxes found in all of the English clas-

ses. The winner will be drawn at random and will

receive a front of the line pass that’s good at lunch.

Jonadab Ruiz

Monisha Brown

Page 3: The Raven Chronicles August

Page by: Jordon Holmes

Master Chef is an amazing cooking

competition for America’s amateur cooks.

The show is judged by three very successful

chefs; Gordon Ramsay, Granaham Elliot,

and Joe Bastianich. Even though thousands

audition, only 100 amateur chefs make it to

the next round. The contestants will prepare

their signature dishes and present them to the

judges. The judges are looking for presenta-

tion, flavor, originality and creativity, but most

importantly - to have a chance - every con-

tender must possess an immense passion for

food. If the judges like what they see/taste the

contestant will win the coveted white apron

and move on to the next round of the compe-

tition. Master Chef is a very popular show all

around the world, it takes place in 31 differ-

ent countries.

America’s Master Chef just finished it’s

second season. The final two competitors

were Adrien Nieto and Jennifer Behm. Both

chefs had to

cook and serve

an appetizer,

entree, and a

desert. After

tasting both

chef’s dishes,

the judges thought Jennifer’s dishes had more

technique and they also tasted better. Jen-

nifer received the title of America’s Master

Chef along with 250,000 dollars and her own

cook book. Season 3 of Master Chef is cur-

rently having casting calls and is being filmed!

Keep an eye out for season 3 on FOX.

TTYL is written by Lauren Myracle. TTYL usually attracts the attention of 9th and 10th

graders. TTYL deals with high school drama, which every student in high school knows

all about. TTYL is mainly about three friends dealing with trust issues and boyfriends.

There are some secrets being kept between the three girls. One girl has problems with a

bully who makes everyone’s life miserable. Angela (one of the three girls) is deeply in

love with Rob Tyler. Zoe (another one of the three girls) is constantly having meetings

with a strange teacher. What will happen? Read to find out...

One of this month's hot new CD release

is Cobra Starship's "i-Tunes Session" This

album was released August 23, 20111. Alt-

hough, that's not really the albums name,

because this group of songs is literally, only

available on i-Tunes .Unless your a bad per-

son and illegally download it. Not to men-

tion that they aren't necessarily 'new' songs.

This exclusive release just features five live

recordings from the band. Which is pretty


But despite the lack of actual 'new releases',

this album got great reviews for the most

part. But it is a bit more acoustic then their

normal music. Which is good because of the

variety. Reviews said "You'll love it, especial-

ly if your a cobra fan"

Here is the song list:

1:Don't Blame the World It's the DJ's Fault

2:The Scene is Dead. Long Live the Scene.

3: Fold Your Hands Child

4:Hot Mess

5:Your Not In On The Joke

Rise of the Planet of the Apes , directed by Rupert

Wyatt, was voted best movie of the month and best

movie of the summer. Top critics gave the movie a 7/10

star rating, while average vote came to about 4.1/5 star

rating. The featured stars in the movie are James Fran-

co, Andy Serkis and Freida Pinto. One top critic, Rich-

ard Roeper reviewed: “A well-crafted B movie with

astonishingly effective motion capture CGI technology.

The synopsis of the movie is a group of scientists

working on a way to cure Alzheimer’s disease. The ape

they originally experimented

on uses his higher intelli-

gence to free the other apes.

Doing so, a massive amount

of genetically enhanced apes

are unleashed into the public

and man is left to battle

against primate.

One of the best things added to Modern War-

fare 3 is the new Survival mode that puts you and

a friend against multiple waves of bad guys that

get harder and more difficult the longer you man-

age to stay alive. It’s almost like playing zombies

in the previous C.O.D. games, but instead of

fighting zombies you fight intelligent enemies that

try to shoot you, not eat you. There are also new

kill streaks, perks, and weapons that will help you

make new strategies to take down your enemies.

Another great thing is of course the graphics and,

the new gadgets used in both story mode and

multiplayer that makes this game modern.

If there is something about this game, hands

down it has to be the weapons, and there are a

whole lot of them. There are some old favorites

coming back and some new ones added to give

more variety to the game. Some of the original

guns have been remodeled to look more realistic

to give the game more feeling and make you feel

like a real soldier. The only way you can experi-

ence this game is buying it when it’s released

November 8th and you can check out the world-

wide trailer at (youtube.com) to get a closer look

at live game play.

Kimberly Calderwood

Erik Pacheco

Jordon Holmes

Kimberly Calderwood

Jasmine Valdivia

Page 4: The Raven Chronicles August

Page by: Jayne Prins

Frankenstein Day is on August 30. This day is in honor of author

Mary Wollenstone Shelley who was born on August 30, 1797. She wrote

the book "Frankenstein "in 1818. This day is in honor of her birth.

National Marshmallow Toasting Day is on August 30. During eleven

out of the twelve months of the year, we enjoy a wide range of holidays.

When we get to August, there is a major shortage of big holidays to cele-

brate. Perhaps that is why many Europeans take the month of August off

for vacation. Perhaps it is just as well that there are no big holidays to

compete with National Marshmallow Toasting Day. After all, how could

any holiday compare with this day?

Enjoy today or tonight by a campfire or bonfire, toasting a big, soft,

sticky and sweet marshmallow. Summer would not be the same without a

campfire and this great campfire treat. Toast a marshmallow and forget

about everything else!

Adriana Marquez

Acquired By: Monisha Brown

1. Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F) – Katy Perry

2. Party Rock Anthem – LMFAO

3. Moves Like Jagger- Maroon 5 ft. Christina


4. Super Bass – Nicki Minaj

5. Lighters – Bad Meets Evil

6. How to Love – Lil Wayne

7. Give Me Everything – Pitbull ft. Ne-Yo

8. Pumped up Kicks – Foster the People

9. I Wanna Go – Britney Spears

10. Good Life – One Republic

(Drawn By: Chandler Mead.)

Agelast - A person who never laughs.

Batrachophagous- One who eats frogs.

Cachinnation- Loud or hysterical laughter.

Dippoldism- The act of beating or whipping school


Eccedentesiast- One who fakes a smile as on television.

Floccinaucinihilipilification- The categorizing of

something that is useless or trivial.

Gossypiboma- A surgical sponge accidentally left inside a

patients body.

Hamartithia- Being likely to make a mistake.

Angelica De’Leon

The Raven Chronicles

wants to publish your work!

If you have an article, poem,

story, or even comic script

that you would like to have

in the paper, please drop it

off in one of the Dear Alice

boxes in any of the English

classes or you can give it to

Jordon Holmes.

Page 5: The Raven Chronicles August

CCHS senior Chandler Mead has

an awesome ride. Chandler went ahead

and named her, white 1996 Honda

Prelude, Betty. Yep. Betty is a beauty.

Betty has two decals and a bagsfork-

ids.org bumper sticker. (That is her

mother’s charity program).

Chandler carpools with her best

friend, Amy Williams. Chandler got

Betty for her sweet 16th birthday party

and has been taking great care of her


Dear Alice Dear Alice,

I like this girl and she asked me out while back, but

I said no because I didn’t feel the same at the time.

Now I think I made a big mistake, I think I like her

now. I want to tell her, should I? How should I go

about doing it?

-Want Her

Dear Want Her,

In life we all make mistakes when it comes to rela-

tionships. Does that make us stupid? No, it makes us

human. I believe that you shouldn’t beat around the

bush and go and tell her immediately. If she turns you

down, obviously she doesn’t like you anymore.


Dear Alice,

My friend has a problem with alcohol and drugs.

She has a big issue refusing drugs and alcohol. Should

my friend go to rehab?

-Drugs Are Bad

Dear Drugs Are Bad,

Your friend has big problems. If she has a big issue

with refusing these things, then she needs more help

than Lindsay Lohan’s acting career. I suggest that not

only that she talk to her parents, but she go to rehab,

and talk to the big (man or woman) in the sky. If not

the drugs and alcohol will kill her.


Dear Alice,

How do I control my jealousy problem over my


-Jealous Boyfriend

Dear Jealous Boyfriend,

I’m not sure as to why you are jealous of your girl-

friend, so I’m going to go out on a limb and say you

are jealous when she talks to boys. Les get one thing

straight; people who are in relationships are allowed to

have friends. Just because one partner has more

friends than the other doesn’t mean that one is better.

It also isn’t worth it because half the people she calls

friends, probably aren’t true friends. The best way to

resolve the issue is to quit being jealous and be thank-

ful you have a girlfriend.

- Alice

Dear Alice,

Long story short, I told my best friend I like him and

now he doesn’t talk to me. How do I get him to talk to

me again? I really like him and I still want to talk to


-Miss Him

Page by: Kimberly Caldewood

This teacher has 2 kids and lives in Teha-

chapi. Their favorite color is red. This teach-

er’s favorite animal is Elephants. They like

riding dirt bikes in their free time. They

have been a teacher for 2 years. Their favor-

ite football team is the Detroit Lions.

If you think you have the answer, write it

as well as your name on a piece of paper,

and drop it in one of the Dear Alice boxes

found in all of the English classes. The win-

ner will be drawn at random and will receive

a front of the line pass that’s good at lunch.

Dear Miss Him;

I applaud you for telling your best friend that you

like him. Yes, he had decided not to talk to you but

it’s probably because he’s scared that it will ruin

your relationship. Give him awhile to adjust and if

he doesn’t then it wasn’t meant to be. If he doesn’t

talk to you at all consider finding a new friend.


Dear Alice,

This year I have absolutely no friends in any of

my classes. I’m the type of person who is not confi-

dent and very shy. I hate being stuck in a room with

all these popular people who don’t know me.

-Shy Girl

Dear Shy Girl,

I understand that you’re afraid but high school is

a time for meeting new people. You need to have

more faith in yourself, because if you don’t nobody

will. Don’t take this as a bad thing but rather as a

time for good change.


Far away in the sunshine are my

highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but

I can look up and see their beauty,

believe in them, and try to follow where they


-Louisa May Alcott

If you do not hope, you will not find what is

beyond your hopes.

- St. Clement of Alexandra

Believe with all of your heart that you will do

what you were made to do.

- Orison Swett Marden

Character is higher than intellect. A great

soul will be strong to live, as well as strong to


- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Acquired By: Deriay Bryant

Samantha Herrera

Kimberly Calderwood

Page 6: The Raven Chronicles August

— Sports!

(The Cross Country team stretching before their

This year the football teams are better

then last year, as some football players been

saying. The Varsity team is being coached by

Mr.Williford and the JV team is being

coached by Mr.Dixion. As Mr.Williford

says "football is amazing and awesome, it

should be the only sport!" Many people disa-

gree! As of right now there are no captains

for either team.

This Friday, August

29, the football

teams will be play-

ing a scrimmage

here at CCHS.

They are playing

against Vasquez.

Our teams would

appreciate it if you come out and support

them! JV's game will start at 4:00pm and

Varsity will start at 5:30pm. The prices to get

in each Football games are 7 dollars without

an ASB card, and 1 dollar with ASB. Please

note, the scrimmage this Friday is free, but

will have a fully stocked snack bar!

Lyndsay Galipeault

The Cross Country team as of date

consists of Crystal Warren, Kaitlyn Ray-

buck, Marie Watscke, Jose Rodriguez,

Victor Rodriguez, Trevor Richardson,

Ryan Shephard, Peter Martinez and

Daniel Fritz. Linna Selbrede is the head

coach and Sean Miller is the a volunteer

coach. Coach Selbrede says that “the

cross country team is filled with great

kids and strong runners.” The teams are

fantastic and are focused on their goals.

Coach Selbrede is glad that she gets to

coach such great kids for this year’s

Cross Country teams. The schedule up

to September 21 is as follows:

9-8 Cal City Vs. Littlerock. Location is

CCHS, at 4:00pm.

9-13 Cal City Vs. Silver Valley. Location

is Silver Valley, at 3:30pm.

9-21 Cal City Vs. HDL Invitational.

Location is Rosamond, at 3:00pm

Jose Rodriguez

Page by: Lyndsay Galipeault

Cheerleading is a big part of this year;

they have been practicing every day for

weeks to make our school proud. You

would be impressed by the way they have

improved since last year. We have talented

cheerleaders from every class. Seniors:

Samantha Robinson, Monisha Brown,

Chariti Howell, and Desiree Anguiano.

Juniors: Joerlinda Johnson, Ashley Galvez,

and Nicole Schultheiss. Sophomores:

Codie Kinlin and Victoria. Freshmen: Ma-

kayla Herington, Chelsi Howell, and Chris-

tian Everige. They are all working very

hard to have a wonderful year of cheer-

leading. Their amazing coaches are Mrs.

Leta Robinson and Mrs. Amber Failla.

The coaches have been working hard to

keep their girls in shape and they are doing

an amazing job! GO, FIGHT, WIN!

Monisha Brown

It's Volleyball season again! Here are the girls that are playing on our wonderful teams. On Var-

sity there is Kaylene Burkhart, Linda Escobar, Heather Emory, Maria Gonzalez, Jennifer Guzman, Han-

nah Llyod, Chandler Mead, Hope Searcy, Amy Williams, and Courtney Woodruff. On our JV team there

is Ellyse Adamczyk, Gaby Zavala, Mary- Jane Watschke, Gradi Moore, Lakitta Ling, Lauren Church, Mad-

ison Schoettmer, Veronica Rhodes, Stormi Saggau, Jasmine Agellon,Lacie Gallien, and Brooke Lindsey.

When you see our Lady Ravens, let them know that you are cheer-

ing them on! The schedule up to September 29th is as follows:

9-8 Mojave JV- V CCHS 4:00

9-9/10 Mammoth Tournament V Mammoth 7:45 8:00


9-13 Boron JV-V Boron 2:00 2:15 4:00

9-15 Boron JV-V CCHS 4:00

9-16/17 Cal City Tournament V CCHS 7:30 TBA 9-20

Golden Valley JV-V CCHS 4:00

9-22 Santa Clarita Chr JV-V Santa Clarita 12:45 1:00 4:00

9-29 Burroughs JV-V Burroughs 1:00 1:15 3:30

Football Volleyball Cheerleading Cross Country

Jayne Prins

Page 7: The Raven Chronicles August


Virgo: You have exactly the right amount of discipline and sense

of duty to accomplish quite a bit today, Virgo. Your thinking

should be clear. Your sense of time and restriction works in

your favor to help you figure out any puzzles that present them-

selves. You have a strong will that helps you complete just about

every task you undertake.

Libra: Trying to talk your way out of tasks and obligations proba-

bly isn't the best way to win friends today, Libra. In fact, this is a

time to get yourself in gear and take responsibility for your

actions. The time you spend trying to weasel your way out of

something is better spent just doing the thing that you need to

do. Be understanding and receptive of other people's objectives.

Scorpio: Just when you thought you had everything figured out

and planned correctly, another obstacle appears, Scorpio. Your

first reaction may be to get upset. Rage won't help. You can't

always control everything. There are bound to be surprises. Plan

for what you can, but know that there are often unknown forces

working against your aims. Watch out!

Sagittarius: The fire within you may be burning brightly, Sagitta-

rius, but unfortunately, there isn't a great deal of fuel available to

keep it going. It may seem as if people are trying to rain on your

parade, but they're just trying to do their duty. Relax and con-

template what's going on around you. This may not be the best

day to implement change and promote new ideas.

Capricorn: You may find that other people are the missing

variable in the equation that you seek answers to today, Capri-

corn. Don't feel like you have to come up with all the details and

resolutions yourself. Work with those who also have something

to contribute to the situation at hand. A quiet, disciplined ap-

proach is exactly what's needed to plow through any problem

that needs fixing.

Pisces: Make a plan at the beginning of the day for what you

want to accomplish by sundown, Pisces. This is a good time to

tackle many of the nitpicky tasks that require your attention. Be

conscious of the fact that there are time limits and restrictions on

some of the things you're working on. Keep on task and try not

to get distracted by other people.

Acquired by : Jordon Holmes

Crazy Questions to

Ponder If Wile E. Coyote has enough money to buy all that

stuff from ACME, why doesn't he just buy himself


Why do people call a building a building when its

already been built?

Why does Pluto live in a dog house, eat dog food,

etc. but Goofy, who is also a dog, lives in a condo

and drives a car?

How far east can you go before you're heading west?

If a kid refuses to sleep during nap time, are they

guilty of resisting a rest?

Why is it that on a phone or calculator the number

five has a little dot on it?

Why is it called a funny bone, when if you hit it, it's

not funny at all?

In some books, why do they have blank pages at the

very end?

Page by: Mario Gonzalez
























Check Out Your Horoscope! Aries: You might have to adjust your way of thinking in order

to match the energy of the situations around you. While you

may feel a desire to strike out into some new, adventurous

activity, there's a strong resistance asking you to be more cau-

tious and stable. Don't lose touch with your pioneering attitude,

but don't fall prey to reckless behavior, either.

Taurus: Your steady nature will be greatly appreciated today,

Taurus. A well thought out plan of attack is the one that wins

approval from the higher-ups. You know the best way to pro-

ceed and now all you need is the confidence to follow through

with your ideas. Getting things started should be easier for you

today since your mind is working in harmony with your heart.

Gemini: It's possible that you're feeling obliged to do some-

thing out of a sense of duty toward family or loved ones, Gemi-

ni. Take this time to help someone who's struggling with who

they are and what they're doing in this world. Your concern for

others reflects a noble sense of empathy that you should devel-

op more regularly. We're only as strong as the weakest link.

Do your part to strengthen the chain.

Cancer: Your thinking is clear today, Cancer, but it might be

hard to take action on your thoughts. A restrictive force may

seem to be holding you back. A sense of discipline is welling

up within you, reminding you to add a touch of conservatism

to whatever it is that you have in mind. Take the opportunity to

pursue tasks that require you to be reserved and collected.

Leo: Your flamboyant approach may not get as much attention

today as you'd like, Leo. Don't push yourself to achieve some-

thing that isn't working. By insisting that something should be

done your way, you'll only create enemies and bottlenecks in

whatever task you're trying to accomplish. A thoughtful, con-

scious, reserved approach is going to win today.

Aquarius: By jumping around from place to place, Aquarius,

you may end up feeling like you're getting nowhere. Instead of

tackling many different tasks, today is better spent focusing

your energy on one. Start from ground level and work up. Get

to the root of the problem and many of the related issues will

simply dissolve as you work.
