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“The Real Reason Women Lose Interest, Fall Out of Love, …Your+Mind… · “The Real Reason...

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“The Real Reason Women Lose Interest, Fall Out of Love, And Even Cheat” 2 Steps to Ignite Her Desire, And Make Her Chase You, And Be Excited to Make You Happy — The Only Way That Works With Livius Besski

“The Real Reason Women Lose Interest, Fall Out of Love, And

Even Cheat”2 Steps to Ignite Her

Desire, And Make Her Chase You, And Be Excited to Make You

Happy — The Only Way That Works

With Livius Besski

Who is this for?

• Your girlfriend is suddenly less caring and affectionate.

• Your wife is not sure what she wants, possibly a divorce.

• The woman you love recently left you, and you’re in pain.

• You’re single and have a hard time finding a girlfriend.

— The woman you care about is losing interest —

The common denominator is that sooner or later, the woman you

care about, loses interest.The questions is WHY?

This is EXACTLY what you’re going to find out in this training. Not only that — but I’ll give you a 2 step formula to avoid this, and I’ll even teach you

how to apply it in your love life right now.

Who this is not for?

• People who want to play “games” to attract their woman.

• People who are looking for shiny new ideas.

• People who are close-minded instead of eager to grow.

• People who want to settle for mediocrity in their love life.

Is this familiar to you?• You’re the one putting all the effort in the relationship.

• Women tend to lose interest in you, over and over again.

• She’s not really taking your requests seriously.

• You feel anxious a lot, and can’t focus on anything.

• She says she needs space, doesn’t know what she wants.

• And you just don’t want to fail at this again.

How would you feel…• If you could IGNITE her desire, the only way that works?

And doing that in an honest and natural way, that lasts.

• So you never have to deal with the woman you love, losing interest in you, falling out of love, or even cheating.

• And actually feel totally SURE that she’ll never leave you. Because you’re the only man for her. You’re her HERO.

• And her being the one — Trying to make you happy. Chasing you. Looking up to you. And even worshipping you?

In the next 45 min…• The ROOT reason why women lose interest. And how you’re

actually repelling your woman away, without knowing it.

• The 2-step formula to IGNITE a woman’s desire for you, whether she’s your wife of 20 years, or you just met her.

• And I’ll even explain exactly how you can apply this simple formula, in a way that you’re gonna love.

• So you’ll know exactly why your woman is losing interest, and how to make her EXCITED about being with you, right now.

At the end…

• If you stay till the end, I’ll share with you the slides of this presentation.

• Because it’s full of golden nudges that you won’t find anywhere else.

• Because there’s very few people in the world who understand relationships THIS deeply.

The Slides of This Presentation

Who is Livius Besski?I help men get their woman excited about being with them. The only way that works.

I used to struggle with getting a woman to love me for who I was, years ago. And literally tried everything, until eventually I found the right way.

And have been sharing for the last 5 years the truth about love and desire with men. Now it’s time for you to find out what that is.

Short StoryI’m an author, coach for men, and relationship success trainer.

I started a blog on long distance relationships 6 years ago, and since then specialized in helping men get their woman exited about being with them.

And you’ll see exactly how you can do that too in this training.

The Real Problem Our Default Needy Mindset

Defining Neediness• Neediness means that we feel like we NEED this person, to

be happy. And we don’t want to lose them, fail or be rejected by them.

• This is the default approach to relationships. When we really care about someone, we instantly get attached to them. And are afraid of losing them.

• It’s our natural instinct to seek security in a relationship. Plus if everybody thinks the same way, we think it’s normal.

Yet this the ROOT cause of our relationship failure nowadays.

The Effects of Neediness• It makes us anxious and stressed out. When we start to

care about someone, and especially when she’s cold and pulling away this triggers our fear of losing them.

• And kills her desire for us. She can feel that we need her, and this makes her 1) too sure about us, and take us for granted, and 2) loses respect for us, because we’re look weak in her eyes, we need her to be happy.

So she feels like she has a WEAK man who actually NEEDS her. And she just can’t desire you.

The Inner Dragon

• Neediness is romantic fear.

• And we all have this fear by default.

• Yet it’s this fear, that’s like a dragon keeping the girl we love away.

• So we need to defeat this inner dragon, to get the girl.

The Stakes Are High

• We end up losing every woman we care about.

• We settle for a mediocre relationship, not treated right.

• We put all the effort and are not being reciprocated.

• Women lose interest and leave, or even cheat on us.

• We can’t have a lasting family.

If we don’t overcome our neediness:

The Real SolutionA Secure Mindset

Which Means That…

• We must let go of feeling like: we need her to be happy.

• And realize that we actually: chose her IF she makes us happy.

We must feel like we want her in our life, but we don’t need her in our life.

The 2 Step FormulaFor a woman to love and desire you she must think about you:

1. This is a great man. Who loves me and can take care of me.

2. And I could lose him. Because he’s mature enough to walk away if he’s not happy.

So you’re a great man AND she could lose you.

This means that you’re a SECURE MAN who respects himself and won’t tolerate being in a relationship where he’s not happy, or with a

woman who’s not sure about being with him.

When she KNOWS she COULD lose you.

THEN she can’t help but WANT to KEEP you.

And WORK for making you happy.

WHILE being happy to be doing it.

Now she’s engaged and excited to be with you. Because finally there’s CHALLENGE and

UNCERTAINTY in the relationship.

The Importance of Challenge

The author of the book Flow, a famous psychologist found that:

• If something is too easy, we get bored.

• If something is too complex, we get anxious.

• But if something is doable enough, but also challenging, we get into a state of flow.

Other Bright Minds

Tony RobbinsEsther Perel

Our Mindset is Like a MagnetIt repels her away OR pulls her toward us.

How do you change?4 Major Shifts That Overturn The Needy Mindset

Your woman desires you.

You have a family that lasts.

You have the fun you want.

How I Discovered This• I was the nice guy, pleasing my

girlfriend, putting a lot of effort, thinking affection was enough. And I was taken for granted, even cheated on at some point.

• Then learned all the attraction techniques, which worked, but then I lost the woman I actually cared about. And I realized that it’s about who we are inside - not what we do.

• So I started learning how to change myself… finding security inside, in the correct attitude and mindset, and there were 4 steps that helped me turn things around.

The Cage of FearI realized that when we start a relationship, it’s almost like we:

• Enter a cage of fear of losing her.

• We chain our happiness to her.

• We chain our worthiness to her.

• And we put a tape on our mouth.

We’re afraid to be honest, and we tolerate a poor relationship.

Step 1: Cut The Chain of Worthiness

• Most people look for validation from other people. Especially their from their woman. We need her to like us, and we doubt ourselves, we worry if we’re good enough for her.

• We may be confident in other areas, but when it comes to her, we’re not very sure. Especially when she seems to lose interest - this triggers our insecurity.

• This makes her feel like she has a poor man, and she feels like she’s not good enough — if that’s the kind of man she can get.

• So we must learn to stop seeking her to like us, and actually come to see the truth of our own unique value.

1. Deep Inner ConfidenceKnowing your value, that includes your issues.

• You need to realize that you deserve to be loved with all of your shit. You don’t need to be perfect. She isn’t either.

• You’re actually a valuable man in your own unique way.

• And when you realize these things, you’ll feel like she’s lucky to have you, instead of worried if you’re good enough.

• And she’ll feel lucky to have you, because you’re so confident and comfortable with who you are.

Step 2: Cut The Chain of Happiness.

• Problem is that when we care about someone, she becomes our “everything”. She’s becomes our life.

• And we forget that we actually HAVE A LIFE outside of her.

• This makes us needy, a lot of her attention, wanting to see her, to text her, to know what she’s doing, to make love to her… she’s our greatest source of happiness.

• So we end up suffocating her, being needy, and not giving her any space to be hungry for us.

Emotional IndependenceYour relationship is just a slice of your happiness cake.

• We need to open our eyes, and look around… to see that our life is bigger than our relationship.

• We need to understand what is the role of our relationship in our life.

• And when we do, we no longer need her to rescue us from a life we don’t enjoy.

• We finally give her the space to miss us, and the reasons to admire us, and respect us.

• As a man who HAS A LIFE.

Shift #3: Get out of the cage of fear.

• What happens when we care about someone (our wife, or our new girlfriend) we end up getting attached to her, and afraid of losing her.

• Yet it’s this fear of loss that is the CORE OF NEEDINESS. It makes us anxious all the time. Even though we may try not to show it, and not look needy. We still are.

• And she can just feel it. In our actions, in our words, in our reactions… she can almost smell it.

• And if she knows that we’re afraid of losing her, she can’t help but lose desire for us. She feels like you’re a weak man, who needs her to be happy. She feels like you’re taking something from her.

3. Secure DetachmentReady for a break-up before it even happens.

• We need to change our relationship with this fear. So we’re ready to walk away if we have to.

• We need to be ready for the worst, yet striving for the best.

• This will make us relax like nothing else could.

• And more importantly - when she knows we’re mature enough to walk away, and she could lose us — she can’t help but desire us, and work hard to keep us.

Shift #4: Take out the tape, and speak up.

• Everybody recommends that we have to communicate in our relationship. But this is the hardest thing, if we’re missing the other 3 shifts.

• So it’s very hard to be honest and tell her what we don’t like, and what we want from her.

• We don’t speak up, to avoid tension. And we try to please her all the time.

• And even if we try — we’re met with resistance. And she doesn’t even do take our requests seriously.

• So we end up tolerating a lot of poor treatment from her — which makes her LOSE RESPECT for us.

4. Loving AssertivenessMaking your well-being a priority, and not settling.

• If we want to be treated well, and her to RESPECT us, we must stand up for our happiness, while not neglecting hers either.

• We must realize that the whole point of a relationship to make your life better, not to just have a girlfriend or wife.

• And when we learn to speak up, and do it correctly — not only will you be treated like a king.

• But she’ll be excited to make you happy, and even appreciate you MORE for it.

Now Imagine…

• You feel totally confident.

• You’re independent.

• You’re relaxed, not afraid of losing her.

• You have the courage to speak up.

When you have these 4 SHIFTS completely

• Your whole relationship attitude changes.

• To a secure one, where you actually RESPECT yourself.

• But these shifts need to happen completely.

1. I’m so lucky to have her.

2. She’s my everything.

3. I don’t want to lose her.

4. I hope she loves me.

Our Default Mindset

1. She’s lucky to have me.

2. My life is my happiness.

3. I’m ready to walk away.

4. If she’s not a good girl.

A Secure Mindset

Which kills our woman’s desire for us over and over again.

Which gets her excited to be with us because we respect ourselves.

• Once I had these 4 shifts and changed my needy mindset… about 9 months later I got the woman I love back.

• And we’ve been together for the last 9 years, recently got married actually. You can spot the ring there.

• Then a few years later I started a blog, which got very popular, and started helping men change their relationship mindset too.

Once I Changed My Mindset

• Guys re-ignited their woman’s desire.

• Got exes back.

• Started having more dates.

• Traveling the world.

• And feeling like they they are in charge of their life and love life.

And their stories are very inspiring.

Devin, Oregon Victor, UK

Josh, Switzerland

Daniel, Spain Sarawut, Thailand Ahmad, Dubai

This is about you.

Needy vs Secure

• If your girlfriend is less affectionate with you now.

• If your wife is unhappy and not sure about the marriage.

• If you lost the woman you love, and can’t find peace.

• If you’re struggling to have dates, and find a girlfriend.

Now you understand what the real problem is. Your default mindset of needing her, kills her

desire for you.

A chance to get help

www.TheSecureMan.com/applyBook a Free Session Here

Josh, Switzerland• His girlfriend was in Costa Rica,

and he was in Switzerland.

• And she was unsure about being with him, and on the edge of a break-up.

• Josh reached out, he was very eager to learn how to feel confident again, and re-ignite her desire to be with him.

• One month later, everything was so great, that he moved to Costa Rica and they’ve been together for 2 years now - getting married soon.

He says our work really changed his life. He became so confident and positive. And

after 2 years of adventures with his girl, they are planning to get married.

Sarawut, Chef from Thailand

• He was dating this woman for over a year, that just took him for granted.

• He was the most nice and kind man with her. Buying her lots of gifts, even got her an iPhone.

• And she wasn’t even open to having sex, for months.

• Sarawut felt anxious and wanted to turn things around.

He’s Loved For Who He IsAnd having a lot of fun with his new girlfriend.

Ahmad, Dubai• His girlfriend kept ignoring him,

and neglecting his requests.

• He felt weak and didn’t know how to turn thing around.

• After changing his mindset, he told her that things cannot continue this way.

• This time he was secure and she felt it. So she changed overnight, from neglecting him to actually HER being needy about him.

• They’ve been together for over a year. Then he broke it off, and started dating new women.

• He said now women even approached him, because of how confident he was.

• He was even teaching his friends how to be better with women. And asked my permission to share what he learned.

• He was secure man now. And women felt that.

• He found a new girlfriend and wrote me that she’s amazing - the most loving and feminine ever - and she keeps saying she wants to make him babies.

• He’s an example of how much power you have when you’re a secure man.

"I realized that I am awesome. That my life is awesome. And if a woman come into my life, she must make it

better, or it’s not worth it.”

Daniel, Spain• His girlfriend left him, because

she still had feelings for her ex boyfriend.

• And he was feeling hurt and wanted her back.

• After working together, he recently sent me an email — super happy and exited, after having a date with her, sleeping at her place and her telling him that “she wants to be his girlfriend again”.

The Email He Recently Sent Me

This is why I love my job so much, getting emails like these every week.

Now you have a choice to make…

Apply Herewww.TheSecureMan.com/apply

Schedule a Free SessionStep 1: Schedule a call. Step 2: We’ll have a Skype session.

The real enemy now…

• It’s not even neediness.

• It’s your doubts and skepticism.

• They are going to keep you stuck and fail again.

• Unless you decide to trust your gut, and ask for help.

What will happen during the call?

Check my availability here:www.TheSecureMan.com/apply

Schedule a Free Session
