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The rear window - Interpretation of human action

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A Study of Hitchcock’s Film The Rear Window On How We Interpret Social Actions Catalina Pons Eduard Bonet Oriol Iglesias PhD EDUCATION ON MANAGEMENT MICROSERIES 1 REVISAR TEXT
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A Study of Hitchcock’s FilmThe Rear WindowOn How We InterpretSocial ActionsCatalina PonsEduard BonetOriol Iglesias



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Copyright: 2003, by the authors:

A Study of Hitchcock’s Film The Rear WindowOn How We Interpret Social Actions

Catalina PonsEduard BonetOriol Iglesias

This collection can be used for education and research purposes, with permission ofthe authors. In this case, please mention the collection, the titles of the papers and thename of the authors.


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A Study of Hitchcock’s FilmThe Rear WindowOn How We InterpretSocial ActionsCatalina PonsEduard BonetOriol Iglesias



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A Study of Hitchcock’s Film The Rear WindowOn How We Interpret Social Actions

Eduard BonetDirector PhD Program in Management Sciences, ESADE (URL)Current President of [email protected]

Catalina PonsDoctoral student, ESADE (URL)[email protected]

Oriol IglesiasDoctoral student, ESADE (URL)[email protected]

This paper was presented at the 19th EGOS Conference held at TheCopenhagen Business School on July 3rd-5th. It is associated with two learningexperiences. In the academic world, it is presented as an introduction to acourse on Social Sciences and Qualitative Research in the PhD Programmein Management Sciences, ESADE (URL). In the world of film-making andmultimedia communication firms, it is commented in the trainingprogrammes of the “Taller Bigas Luna”, organized by this leading Spanish filmdirector and Catalina Pons, one of the co-authors of the paper.

We thank Mr. Séamus Haughey for his good suggestions about the Englishtext. We also thank Mrs. Pilar Gállego and Mrs. Margarita Morey for theirsupport.

Barcelona, July 2003

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A Study of Hitchcock’s FilmThe Rear WindowOn How We Interpret Social ActionsCatalina Pons, [email protected] Bonet, [email protected] Iglesias, [email protected]


In commonsense knowledge, we usually take for granted that, with theappropriate evidence, we can understand the purposes and meanings ofother people’s actions.After all, social life is based on this.At the sametime, we know that the purposes of these actions are not alwaysrevealed to us, and we explain this limitation in terms of insufficientinformation. However, these subjects are very complex and have beenextensively studied. It is not at all easy to answer questions such as thosethat follow. How do we proceed when we try to understand otherpeople’s purposes? What is the nature of the evidence that we haveabout them? What are the functions of observation and interpretationthat make it possible to understand them? What are the limits andproblems of our understanding? These questions posit basic problemsthat are related to the debates on the scientific status of the socialsciences and to the discussions concerning qualitative and quantitativemethods.The answers to these questions have a direct bearing on manyof the criteria for accepting or rejecting research papers and doctoraldissertations.

The film The Rear Window offers an outstanding example for the studyof the problems of how we understand social action.The reason for thisis that, in this masterpiece of suspense, Hitchcock undertook animportant experiment about the processes of interpreting visual imagesand stories. He imposed the following conditions: the scene is limitedto a small room, where Jeff, a magazine photographer, is confined witha broken leg, set in plaster, and to what he sees through the windowin the apartments around the courtyard.The story time is limited to a

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period of three days, in which the morning and night episodes areeasily recognized. The story ties together two plots, which influenceone another.The main plot concerns what Jeff sees and how it leadshim first to surmise and then to become convinced that a neighbourhas murdered his wife. The secondary plot focuses on the loverelationships between Jeff and Lisa, which are at a difficult stage.

The central aspect of Hitchcock’s experiment is that, in a large numberof frames, when Jeff is looking through the window, the camera takeshis point of view so that the spectators see what he sees. Only in oneimportant case, we have more visual information than he has.Moreover, as Jeff discusses his suspicions with Lisa, a nurse and a policeinspector, and backs them up with arguments, we can follow hisprocess of interpretation and compare it with our explanations of thestory.The analysis of this process will be a major part of this paper. ForHitchcock, as well as for social scientists, a deep subject involved in thefilm is the distinction between perceptions and meanings. Lisabrilliantly states it in the following sentence: “Please Jeff, tell meeverything that you have seen and what you think it means”.

The Rear Window has been the object of a large number ofcommentaries and critical essays.We have found particularly relevantthe study presented by David Bordwell in his book Narration in theFiction Film (1985), chapter 3, on “The Activity of the Observer”, finalpart, introduced under the heading To See and to Believe. One of themain aims of this book is to show that the spectators are not passiverecipients, who merely accumulate images of the film, but engage inan important cognitive and affective activity in the course ofattempting to understand the story. Bordwell analyses how Jeff, andthe spectators with him, interpret what they see. His approach is basedon the theory of perception that is offered by cognitive psychology,which emphasizes that, when we see an object, we interpret the visualstimuli in accordance with our previous experience. Theseinterpretations involve many forms of reasoning which we are notusually aware of.

In this paper we will follow up many research ideas of Bordwell, towhom we are deeply indebted, and, at the same time, we will resituatethe study of The Rear Window, introducing other research questions,conceptual frameworks and approaches. In relation with the researchquestions, our main objective, as we have already mentioned, is to studywhat we can learn from this film of Hitchcock’s in relation with the

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basic theories and problems concerning the interpretation of people’sactions.The conceptual framework is organised in the following way:

The first part of the paper will discuss the classical theories of MaxWeber (1864-1920) on understanding social action, creating socialtypes and constructing specific methods for the social sciences. Heclaimed that we can directly observe the immediate purposes ofpeople’s actions, but not their deepest purposes and meanings.

The second part will study how Alfred Schutz (1899-1959) developedWeber’s ideas and tried to ground them on the teachings of thephilosophical school of phenomenology, which was founded by hisprofessor, Edmund Husserl (1858-1938). Schutz focussed on the natureof the objects that are in our consciousness, on the analysis of intentionalactions, and on the methods of the social sciences. He defended theposition that we can never directly observe the purposes of other people,but we can interpret some of them by introducing types of actions. Fromthese results, he drew important methodological conclusions.Against thisbackground,we will discuss the points on which Weber and Schutz differand will show that their differences depend on the concepts of what it isto observe, to interpret and to give meaning.

The third part of the paper will present a short introduction to themaking of the film and the strategies used by Hitchcock in creating thethriller.The fourth part will closely examine the process that Jeff goesthrough when he interprets what he sees and when he looks forarguments to underpin his beliefs. This process is similar, with someexceptions, to the cognitive interpretation engaged in by the spectatorsin order to make sense of the narrative.This part will approach thesesubjects from the point of view of the previous theoretical concepts.


Introduction to Max Weber

Max Weber (1864-1920) is, with Emile Durkheim (1857-1917) andKarl Marx (1818-1883), among the most influential thinkers in theconsolidation of sociology as a science, previously conceived byAuguste Compte (1798-1857) in the first half of the nineteenthcentury as a social physics.Weber is especially known for his essay The

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Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1930), which he completedin 1905, and for his ideas on the bureaucratic stage of society as a formof legitimating power.We will situate his contributions in relation withthe main debates in the social sciences.

In the debate on the relationships between beliefs and structures, MaxWeber held that our beliefs can influence the social structure. TheProtestant Ethic, with its ambiguities and problems, is a clearmanifestation of this idea. On that point, he opposed Marx’s claim thatthe social structure determines our institutions, culture and beliefs. Inthe debate on the individualistic or holistic approach to sociology,Weber held that the basic unit of research in the social sciences isalways the individual, because only people can carry out meaningfulactions. At this point, these ideas differentiate him from Durkheim’sprinciple that the collectivity is the only valid unit in sociology.

The use of interpretative methods in social sciences, as opposed to thetradition that only accepts the methods of the natural sciences, whichare supposed to be based on objective observations, raises the problemof their legitimacy.This subject has been debated since the last decadesof the nineteenth century.Wilhelm Dilthey (1838-1910), in his analysisof the status of historical research, pointed out that the natural sciencesstudy, by means of external observations, phenomena that are externalto people, but the sciences of the spirit (Geistwissenschaften) involveinternal observation and require concepts such as meaning, purposeand value, which are foreign to the natural sciences. Building on thisline of thought, Max Weber considered that interpretative methodsconstitute the basic instruments of sociology, without rejectingstatistical methods, which he used in much of his research.

A method for understanding social actions

Max Weber proposed the method that he called verstehen forunderstanding the meaning of people’s actions. It consists of a certainkind of empathy between the actor, who is the subject of the research,and the observer, who is the researcher.The observer must be able toput himself in the place, in the skin, of the people he studies and try toidentify himself with their motivations.Weber distinguished two kindsof verstehen.

The aktualles verstehen or direct observational understanding allowsus to understand what is happening when we observe an action. To

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take an example of Weber’s, all of us are able to recognize that a personis angry, simply by looking at the expression on his face.

The erklärendes verstehen or explanatory understanding allows us torecognize the subjective motivations and meanings of action. Thisunderstanding takes place when we relate the act that we observe witha large context of meanings, which is based on our previous knowledgeand experiences. In this way, the explanatory understanding tries tointerpret the motivations and purposes of the action that we havepreviously recognized in the direct observational understanding.

This distinction introduces two levels of understanding actions andsheds light on the limitations of the first. In this respect, Max Weberanalyses an example in the following way:When we observe a man inthe countryside with a shotgun aimed at an animal, the directobservational understanding allows us to recognize that he is hunting.However, we cannot understand the meanings of his action, if we donot know if he is hunting for sport, for food, or whatever purpose isleading him.

With Alfred Schutz, we would criticise the idea that directobservational understanding does not involve interpretation. However,we retain the Weberian distinction in terms of immediate and finalpurposes, which will be a basic instrument in our study of The RearWindow, where the immediate understanding is clear but the finalpurposes are problematic for our interpretations. In fact, they constitutethe theme of the thriller. For a general introduction to Weber’s ideasand a careful criticism of them, we recommend the book Max Weber(1982; 1997), by Frank Parkin.

Weber completed his analysis of how we understand actions byintroducing the concept of typifications or “ideal types”. Socialphenomena are very complex and we introduce ideal types of socialgroups and patterns of behaviour in order to simplify them. Theconstruction of these types is arbitrary, in the sense that they do notpossess a real essence. In our study of The Rear Window we willemphasise that the people and actions that we see on the other side ofthe courtyard are highly typified. In this way Hitchcock facilitates ourcognitive task and we can quickly get a superficial but sufficientunderstanding of them.

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Edmund Husserl’s Phenomenology

Phenomenology and existentialism. As phenomenology has animportant influence on the social sciences, qualitative methods andmanagement research, we will introduce some ideas about it. Thisphilosophical school was founded by Edmund Husserl (1858-1938)and one of its developments led to existentialism, espoused byphilosophers such as Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), Gabriel Marcel(1889-1973) and Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980). If we were asked toperform a double intellectual somersault and to explainphenomenology and existentialism in a few lines, we would say thatthey focus on what we are thinking, or, in other terms, on what is inour consciousness. Mental objects present themselves in differentforms, such as imaginations, fantasies, recollections and perceptions inthe continuous experience of our personal life story. Phenomenologycritically examines these objects in order to establish a solid base forphilosophy and science, and existentialism looks at them with the ideaof finding the subjective meanings of our life. So they are less interestedin the real things in themselves than in our views about them. In thisline of thought, G. Marcel and J.P. Sartre influenced some majornovelists, such as Marcel Proust and Albert Camus, who tried to presentthe flow of consciousness of their characters.

From psychology and logic to phenomenology. Husserl studiedmathematics, completed his PhD dissertation in 1883, and, after it,changed his research interests. In 1891 he published “Philosophy ofArithmetic” in which he tried to establish the foundations of theconcept of natural numbers. He considered that this concept cannot bedefined by more elementary notions, but can be approached using themental operations of counting. G. Frege (1848-1895), who wasworking on the same problem from the logical point of view of settheory, criticised this psychologist approach and pointed out itscircularity and limitations. Husserl accepted this criticism. We thinkthat this intellectual experience influenced the creation ofphenomenology and that it is a third way between logic andpsychology, which has its own problems, approaches and methods.

Facts, essences and eidetic intuition. Contingent facts are notnecessary, in the sense that they could happen or not happen.We know

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them by experience and our knowledge begins with experience.Whenwe perceive a fact or an object, at the same time our consciousnesscaptures its essence. With these ideas Husserl tried to solve thefollowing problem: Aristotle claimed that we generate or discoveruniversal concepts by abstraction, which means that our mind separatesand compares properties of objects. For instance, the experience ofseeing many round objects, such as balls, leads us to separate the size,the colour, the matter and other properties and to generate the conceptof sphere, whose essence is defined in geometry. Husserl asserted thatthis explanation is not acceptable because when we separate propertieswe need criteria for doing so, and these criteria already constitute theconcept that we are trying to generate. He pointed out that, forinstance, when we see a triangle, we perceive it as a contingentindividual object and, at the same time, we capture the necessaryuniversal essence of triangleness. For Husserl, we possess two kinds ofintuition: with the first we capture individual objects, and with thesecond, which he called eidetic intuition, the essences or meanings ofuniversal concepts.

The basic phenomenological method for the study of a generalconcept is to start with one of its objects and mentally modify itsproperties. For instance, if we try to understand the concept of table,we can think of a particular one and then mentally introduce smallvariations in its form until we reach a point at which the modifiedobject is no longer a table.We repeat this process for each property ofthe initial table.This example is trivial, but phenomenology engaged inextremely long and meticulous reflections about basic concepts. Forinstance, the concept of time was divided into physical time, which wemeasure with clocks, biological time, which regulates our biologicalfunctions and psychological time, which is related to our perception. Ifwe integrate the relationships of time with the meanings of our life anddeath, the subject is very complex. Heidegger, in his magnum opus,“Being and Time”, pursued this line of thought.

Natural attitudes, evidence and epoché. Husserl pointed out that thenatural attitude of people in everyday life is to take their beliefs forgranted and to use them for guiding their actions, even if they have notany evidence of their truth. However, we cannot uncritically acceptthese beliefs in the foundations of philosophy and science.We have tobracket them, or, in other words, suspend our judgement about themand submit them to a rigorous criticism.This process, which Husserlcalled epoché, has some similarities with the Cartesian doubt. Descartes,

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looking for a solid foundation for philosophy, doubted everything,including the existence of the world that we perceive, till he foundsomething that he considered indubitable: he could not doubt that hewas doubting, and this led to the famous sentence “Cogito ergo sum”,“I think, therefore I exist”. Husserl’s expression “to suspendjudgement” expresses his distance from sceptical or methodologicaldoubt, in the sense that in everyday life we take our beliefs for granted,but in philosophy and science we have to submit them to the criticismof the epoché.

Husserl, in the book published posthumously in 1954 “The Crisis ofEuropean Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology”, claimed thatnormal science is a science of facts and, in the misery of our life, it hasnothing to tell us about the problems of meaning and lack of meaningof human existence.These ideas have been very influential in the socialsciences and management research. We hope that the intellectualsomersault of this exposition of ours will not cause any harm.

Alfred Schutz and the interpretation of social action

A. Schutz (1899-1959), who was a disciple of Husserl, tried to groundin phenomenology the ideas of Max Weber about the interpretation ofhuman action. In his paper “Common Sense and ScientificInterpretation of Human Action” (1953) he begins with the claim thatthe objects of our consciousness are very complex mental constructs,even if they seem simple.They are formed in the experience of livingour lives and involve meanings, abstractions, idealizations andformalizations.To make his point clear he commented that the objectsof our visual perception, which common sense considers mererepresentations, emerge from visual inputs that are completed by ourfantasy. In his own words,“Even the thing perceived in everyday life ismore than a single sense representation. It is a thought object, aconstruct of a highly complicated nature, involving not only particularforms of time successions in order to constitute it as an object of onesingle sense... but also a contribution of imagination of hypotheticalsense presentations in order to complete it” (pgs. 302 – 303).

The interpretation of objects is complex. We can illustrate theseideas with an example. I am looking at the shelves of a room andperceive books. In fact, of each of them I see only a small part of thesurface and my imagination completes the other parts and supposesthat it has printed pages. Usually, these kinds of interpretations work

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without problems, but they can be wrong. Some supposed books couldbe secret boxes and the James Bond films present a lot of these kindsof delusions. Our interpretations of visual inputs are based on ourprevious experience, in which we got knowledge about typifiedobjects. For Schutz, experience is always subjective and personal and,since it is largely socially shared, he tried to explain how we socialiseour personal meanings. Even so, each of us has meanings in some areasthat differ from those of other people. For instance, in surgery we havesimilar reactions to an anaesthetic if we are not allergic to it. However,we recall a terrible case that exemplifies the subjective character ofexperience and meanings: a Jewish lady undergoing surgery wasreminded, by the anaesthesia, of the gas of the extermination chamberthat she had survived. Because of that experience, she had a terriblereaction.

The interpretation of human intentional action is more complexthan the perception of objects. For Schutz, the term “action” refers tohuman behaviour previously projected, or, in his own words“behaviour based on a preconceived project”. In the action hedistinguished three elements: the purpose of the action, the mental planthat designs and rehearses the act, and the execution of the plan in anact. Given this analysis, it is clear that, for Schutz, the purposes and theplan of an action are activities in the mind of the actors that cannot bedirectly observed by other people. Only the act, if it is a physicalperformance, can be seen by others. The mere visual inputs that wereceive from other people’s acts have no meanings for us in themselves,even if we videotape them and give their physical equations.To makesense of them, we have to interpret the purposes of the actors.

For the interpretation of actions, Schutz introduced the concept ofsubactions, whose purposes, plans and acts are a part of a completeaction. For instance, I can ask for a pen in order to write. This is asubaction, which has its specific or immediate purpose, of a moregeneral action, which has a final purpose. For instance, I handwrite anapplication for an academic position that is one of the main ideals ofmy life. Other people can interpret my act of asking for a pen, assigningto it my immediate purpose of writing, even if I often use pens aspointers and the normal interpretation may be wrong. However theycannot interpret the relationship of my act with my life ideals.Applyingthese ideas, Schutz introduced a large range of levels for typifyingactions and people. These levels go from anonymous or superficialtypes of standard actions and professions, to deep intimate personal

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types. “The Rear Window” displays a large number of superficialtypifications.

Comparing Max Weber’s and A, Schutz’s theories. As we havealready mentioned, Schutz tried to ground the interpretativeapproaches of Weber in phenomenology. Now we can compare theirdifferences. On the subject of interpretation and science in the paperwe are discussing, Schutz established two levels of interpretation. First,there are the commonsense interpretations of social action by theactors in their everyday life situations. In fact, Schutz was one of thefirst philosophers and sociologists who focussed on commonsenseknowledge. Second, there are the scientific interpretations of humanactions, produced by social researchers who follow scientific methods.In this way, he made clear that the social sciences involve a doublehermeneutic: people interpret the social world and theseinterpretations guide their actions, and scientific observers interpretthese actions.

We think that this paper by Schutz provides excellent arguments forthe use of qualitative-interpretative methods in the social sciences.Max Weber introduced, at the level of the social sciences, the postulateof subjective interpretations, which claims that researchers can useinterpretations in their works. Schutz extended it with pride to thelevel of everyday life situations, claiming that, in them, the actors needto give meanings to things and interpret other people’s actions in orderto undertake their own actions.We think that Max Weber would agreewith the position of Schutz, which, perhaps, is implicit in Weber’sideas.

On the subject of observation and interpretation, as we havecommented, Weber claimed that we can directly observe theimmediate purposes of an action, not the final purposes. Schutzcorrected the first statement in the sense that immediate purposes, too,need to be interpreted.We think that Schutz is right in this criticism.Schutz’s examples, in which we see the act but we are not able to typifyor interpret it, constitute very convincing arguments for Schutz’s pointof view. However, we can also understand why Weber took up hisposition: it is clear that observations always require that visual inputs becompleted by our fantasy with ideas, models or types that result fromour previous experience.The complex structure of the objects of ourconsciousness and the mental constructs of perception misled Weber.He did not realise that observation involves interpretation.

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In overall comparison of Weber and Schutz on the interpretation of thepurposes of human action, we can emphasise that when Schutz madeuse of phenomenology to ground this subject, he introduced animpressive base of concepts and views that has strongly influenced thedevelopment of the social sciences.


We will focus on that stage of the making of the film, considering it asa process of knowledge and learning creation, in which we can see howideas evolve and problems are solved. For this purpose, the informationprovided in the appendix to the DVD version of the film is highlyrelevant. In it, Hitchcock’s daughter, Pat, explains that The Rear Windowwas inspired by the famous English case of Dr Crippen. He fell in lovewith his secretary, killed his wife and buried her in the backyard. Hethen boarded a boat with his secretary, in order to get away, and bothof them dressed up as sailors.They were caught because the captainhad wondered why these two supposed sailors were so friendly. Thisincident led Cornell Woolrich to write a short story entitled It had toBe Murder, which was published in 1942.This narrative was only aboutthe Dr. Crippen case, and did not incorporate other elements thatappear in the film.

John Michael Hayes, the scriptwriter of The Rear Window, adapted thisshort story for Hitchcock and, as a result of his work, the final script issignificantly different from the initial narrative. In the film, the action istransposed from London to Manhattan and everything either happensin Jeff ’s (James Stewart) apartment or can be seen through the rearwindow of the title. Some minor characters are also incorporated intothe story: Stella, the nurse, Doyle, the detective, and the neighbours.Finally, the romance between Jeff and Lisa (Grace Kelly) is included asone of the key points of the film. The reason was that Hitchcockwanted to enrich the original plot, which was too simple for a film.

Hitchcock selected Grace Kelly to play the character of Lisa Fremont,but he wanted her to be more flexible and to move more easily thanin her previous films. So he asked Mr. Hayes to work hard on thatcharacter and that part of the story. The final result was reallysatisfactory. As Mr. Hayes recognizes in his own words “Grace Kelly’sperformance in The Rear Window was a reflection of two things: one,

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of her natural temperament and her natural style, and [two] what Iborrowed from my wife, on whom I based the Grace Kelly character.My wife had been a professional model and I knew the world and thejargon.” In other words, he constructed the Lisa Fremont character onthe basis of his wife and that contributed to making the performanceby Grace Kelly very convincing and brilliant.

It must be admitted that the final story is highly unlikely, but AlfredHitchcock follows some interesting strategies to make it seem veryplausible.We will point out some of them. His decision to convert Jeffinto a professional photographer who is highly qualified for his workand has an extraordinary capacity of observation is really interesting.That decision makes it believable that a person like him, who has beenin his apartment for three weeks and is curious by nature, begins toobserve his neighbours and to focus on facts of no interest in normalsituations.This gives credibility to the Jeff character, but also adds somedoubts about his interpretations, because he is bored and he is lookingfor action. In fact, at the beginning of the film he claims that he woulddo anything to escape from that apartment.

The various minor characters that appear in the film but did notfeature in the short story also give credibility to the main character ofJeff. He simply begins to observe all the neighbourhood through hiswindow, and, as time goes by, he focuses on a Mr. Thorwald. Theneighbours also enrich the whole film and make it more interesting byliving through some other very short parallel stories inside the mainone.The credibility of the murder and of the murderer’s motivationsare also highly questionable. But Hitchcock doesn’t seem reallybothered about that point, and doesn’t use any special strategy to makeit appear more plausible. He only presents generic situations andsuggests some motives, for instance showing what seems to be a quarrelbetween the couple. Maybe he relies too much on the fact that the filmwas inspired by a true story.

As the movie is a thriller, in the line of Hitchcock’s films, he has tomaintain his audience intrigued. However, his strategy is not one ofdiscovering who has committed a crime but about whether Jeff ’ssuspicions are true. We guess that Thorwald has actually murdered hiswife and Jeff wonders what he has done with the corpse. Later on, tokeep the spectators on the edges of their seats, Hitchcock has to focustheir attention on the possibility that the murderer is going to escapeand on the dangerous situations in which Lisa and Jeff are involved.

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In this part of the paper we will present the screenplay of The RearWindow and, at the same time, we will analyse the way in which thecharacters and spectators interpret the objects, as well as the situationsand the social acts that take place in the movie. In any case, werecommend the readers to see the film, if they have the opportunity todo so, before they engage themselves in the study of the film.

The Rear Window follows a clearly structured scheme.The action startson a Wednesday morning and finishes on the following Saturday.During all this time Hitchcock shows very precisely to the spectatorson which day and at what time, approximately, the action is takingplace. In fact, all the lighting was designed to change automatically, forinstance from sunrise to daytime. We will emphasise this temporalstructure in our presentation.As we have already said, in the movie Jeffis a famous professional photographer, who has to stay in his apartmentas a consequence of his broken leg.That is the reason why he requiresa daily attention from Stella, who is his nurse. He also receives, everyafternoon, the visit of Lisa, a model who is his girlfriend. But theirrelationship is about to break up because of their different life styles.He is an adventurer and she is a sophisticated woman.

Wednesday morning

The film begins with a shot in which there appears a man who issitting in a wheelchair, dressed casually and with a broken leg in plaster.A close-up shows the following phrase, which is written on the plaster,“Here lie the broken bones of L. F. Jeffries”.Then Hitchcock shows abroken camera.A first inference seems plausible: maybe the broken leghas something to do with this broken camera. In the followingsequences some action photos are shown, as well as another camera,which is in perfect condition, and some photographs.This shot finisheswith a close up of a negative in which there appears a woman, who welater see on the cover of a magazine. Every sequence reinforces ourinterpretation that Jeff is a professional photographer who probablyreports risky news. In a later conversation between Jeff and his editorthis supposition will be confirmed.Hitchcock uses these first sequencesto let us know the narrative strategy that he will follow throughout thefilm. First he will give some visual inputs and then, after the audiencehave interpreted these inputs, he will give additional information thatwill confirm or disprove their interpretations. He will usually present

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this additional information in the form of dialogues between thecharacters.

Hitchcock’s strategy also consists in presenting really typified charactersso that the spectators can easily interpret the sense of their actions. Inthe movie these typifications are presented at relatively superficiallevels, mainly at the level of professional prototypes. In the next scene,for instance, Hitchcock shows us Jeff, who is observing theneighbourhood through the window of his apartment.A scantily-cladyoung girl catches Jeff ’s attention, who smiles.While she is preparingher breakfast she is doing some exercises, such as stretching her legs,that denote that she is an excellent athlete.All these visual inputs allowthe spectators to interpret that the girl is possibly a ballet dancer.

We are wont to think that the simple fact of grasping some visualinputs allows us to see the objects, in this case a ballet dancer. But it ismore complicated. In fact, we interpret these inputs according to atypified form, which is usually socially shared. Schutz defends the thesisthat the objects of our consciousness are extremely complex constructsformed through our personal experience and our personal history. Ourmind not only grasps sensorial inputs but also completes these inputsby typifying them. In the scene that we have just commented on, thegirl’s movements are really close to those that we have all seen whenballet dancers exercise their muscles.This previous reference, which isin our mind, allows us to typify the images that Hitchcock shows usand also allows us to interpret that the girl is a ballet dancer. In anotherscene the same girl will appear dancing inside her apartment.This newvisual information will reinforce the inferences that were already madeby the spectators. Later on, Jeff will fix his attention on a man who issitting in front of a piano. He is playing a brief melody repetitively.Suddenly he stops playing, writes something in the score and againplays the initial melody, with some little modifications. Theseaudiovisual inputs also correspond to a typified action. We can allconclude that the man is a composer.

In the following scenes Hitchcock introduces to us the love story ofthe film using a really ironic and vivid dialogue between Jeff and hisnurse, Stella. In this dialogue Jeff expresses, in a really clear way, hismain motives and intentions, so in this case the audience does not needto interpret them, because they are already made explicit:While Jeff isobserving his neighbourhood, Stella comes into the apartment to givehim his daily massage. They begin to talk and Jeff tells her that he is

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worried because Lisa expects him to marry her, but he is not ready formarriage yet. Stella argues that every man is ready for marriage whenthe right girl appears, and Lisa Fremont would be the right girl for anyman. Jeff recognizes that Lisa is marvellous, but he believes that she ismaybe not the appropriate girl for a man like him. She is toosophisticated for a photographer who is accustomed to spending longperiods of time in foreign countries, at times living dangerously. Heneeds a woman who is willing to go anywhere and do anything, andLisa belongs to Park Avenue. So Jeff is thinking about ending hisrelationship with Lisa.

Hitchcock next shows us one of the multiple very short stories thatcomplement the plot of the film, and which is extraordinarilyinteresting for the purpose of our study, in order to analyse the way inwhich we interpret human actions and the role of the characters thatperform them: When Stella leaves, Jeff observes through the windowtwo men and a woman entering into an apartment. Once they areinside the older man gives a key to the younger one and, afterwards,leaves the young man and the woman alone. The audience and Jeffinfer that the old man is probably the owner of the apartment and thatthe young couple possibly are renting it from him. But, somethingsuddenly happens that Jeff cannot understand.The young couple lookat each other with complicity and then they leave the apartment. Jeffmoves his eyebrows in a way that expresses his astonishment. He doesnot understand the motives for this action. But in a few momentseverything makes sense. The couple appears again and the man iscarrying the woman in his arms. Hitchcock shows us Jeff again. Nowhe is smiling.This new visual information has given to him the key tounderstanding the situation. He has just seen an extremely typifiedaction that we all understand, and that allows us to interpret that thecouple has just got married. Also, the fact that the supposed bride iswearing a nice white dress now takes on a fuller meaning.

A reasonable action is one whose motivations can be easily understood.These actions are really typified. When an action is not typifiedenough, then it is possible that we cannot understand what is going on.But in order to understand the motivations existing behind the actsperformed by a character the clues are not unique and are not all givenat the same time. So, our interpretation can be gradually broadening.In the case of the couple that Jeff is observing, some spectators couldeasily conclude that they have just married, because she is wearing anice white dress and a man is giving them the keys of an apartment.

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But quite possibly that interpretation would not be so obvious to someother spectators, as was the case of Jeff, until the man carried the bride‘over the threshold’. Hitchcock goes on with his strategy of presentingto us highly typified characters that can be easily interpreted.

Wednesday night

On Wednesday night there takes place the first personal encounter inthe film between Lisa and Jeff, when she visits him in his apartment.Hitchcock uses these scenes to emphasize the differences that areseparating the couple, and that were previously commented on by Jeffto Stella: Lisa wears a new dress that makes her look really pretty. Shehas arranged a romantic dinner with Jeff in his apartment because shewants to convince him to open his own studio in New York. But Jeffdoes not like this proposition at all. He wants to travel all over theworld taking photos instead of spending all day inside a studio. So itseems clear that they have a problem in their relationship.

At a certain moment they look through the window and by observingMs Torso they can compare their situation with what is happening intheir neighbour’s apartment. They observe that Ms Torso is having aparty with three friends and Jeff tells Lisa that she is similar, in someway, to her neighbour, because both are really popular among men.Atthat moment the dancer kisses one of her friends on the mouth andJeff expresses his opinion that the girl seems to have chosen the mostprosperous one. But Lisa responds that the girl is not in love with thatman.When Jeff asks Lisa how she can know that, she reminds him thehe has just said that she resembles her neighbour.The interesting pointhere is that the interpretation made by Lisa is not obvious and that itis really difficult for the audience to grasp the details that have led herto that conclusion. It is a really personal interpretation.

Later on, a row between the Thorwalds, a married couple of theneighbourhood, attracts Jeff ’s attention to them for the first time.Through the window he observes that Mrs Thorwald seems to be ill,because she is in bed. He also observes that her husband makes somephone calls when she cannot see him. But he still does not show muchinterest in the couple.That night he is too preoccupied arguing withLisa about their relationship. He tells Lisa that she has to face the factthat she is not prepared for the kind of life that he wants to live.And,in the words of Lisa, their problem is that he will not stay there and shecannot go with him.They arrive at the conclusion that it seems that

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neither of them could ever change. But the thing is that they are inlove. After the discussion Lisa leaves the apartment really affected, butindicating that she will come back tomorrow.

A few moments after Lisa has left the apartment, Jeff hears a briefscream through his window that intrigues him.At this point of the filmthere appears the first significant element of suspense that shows thatsomething strange is happening. In the following scenes Hitchcockoffers to Jeff and to the audience the main events in the film that willhave to be interpreted to understand what is going on.After the scream,Jeff ’s expectation grows when he observes Mr Thorwald leave hisapartment several times in the middle of the rainy night. Every timethat Mr Thorwald leaves, he is carrying a suitcase that seems reallyheavy, but every time that he comes back, the suitcase seems quite light.Such strange behaviour, which does not correspond to any commontypified action, awakes Jeff ’s curiosity to interpret it and he does so byusing the information that he has gathered in previous scenes.

During all the sequences that take place during that night Jeff and theaudience receive the same visual information, except for a short periodof time when Jeff falls asleep and Hitchcock lets the spectators see MrThorwald leaving his apartment with a woman who is wearing a blackdress.This asymmetry of information will lead to some suspense.As thefilmmaker Curtin Hanson puts it in the ‘making of ’ that can be foundin the DVD version of the film,“Everything we see in that story is toldfrom either James Stewart’s point of view or there’s that very dramaticmoment where Hitchcock takes the audience into his confidence, andsays, ‘I am now showing you something that James Stewart, who’sasleep, is not seeing’. It lets us ahead of James Stewart. That’sHitchcock’s recipe for suspense, because now we are going ‘Oh, myGod.What’s gonna happen when James Stewart, who, up till now hasbeen us, finds out what we know?’”

Thursday morning

On Thursday morning Stella comes to Jeff ’s apartment to take care ofhim and she gets angry when she realizes that he has slept all night inthe wheelchair, sitting in front of the window, instead of resting in hisbed.The dialogue that takes place between Stella and Jeff enables himto express the interpretations that he and the spectators have made, butthat have not been verbalised yet.We should emphasize that, as well asmaking his interpretations explicit, he also gives reasons to support

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them and in this way we can know something about his mentalprocesses. These interpretations rest on a twofold foundation: hisknowledge of common people’s behaviour, and the events that he hasobserved through his window and that he has interpreted.

Jeff explains to Stella that that night Mr Thorwald went out severaltimes in the rain carrying his case. Stella, however, does not seem to bereally interested in that, because she knows that the man is a salesman.Anyway, Jeff is perplexed, because he wonders what Mr Thorwaldcould be selling at three o’clock in the morning. He expresses hissuspicion that Mr Thorwald was taking something out of theapartment. Then Stella replies that maybe he was taking out hispersonal effects because he wanted to leave his wife.That seemed to bethe simplest explanation, because as Jeff observed the day before, thecouple had had a quarrel. Jeff seems to accept Stella’s arguments. Butwhen she leaves, something happens that increases Jeff ’s perplexity.Using the long-distance lens of one of his cameras he observes MrThorwald cleaning the suitcase that he was carrying the night before.The strangest thing, however, is that he afterwards meticulously cleansa big knife. All these visual inputs encourage Jeff ’s belief that MrThorwald may have killed his spouse.

When we read a narrative which belongs to a specific genre we alwayshave expectations that derive from the specific character of this genre,expectations that we call metainformation. From the moment that Jeffthinks that Mrs Thorwald may have been murdered, the spectators willbegin to use this metainformation, that is, information that goesbeyond what they have observed in the film. As the audience knowsthat it is a Hitchcock film, they are predisposed to surmise thatsomething strange is happening, even when they have moreinformation than Jeff, because Hitchcock showed them Mr Thorwaldleaving his apartment with a woman, while Jeff was sleeping.

Thursday night

Following the pattern of the film, in which the morning and the nightepisodes are easily recognized, Jeff receives Lisa again on Thursdaynight. In this scene the interest of the dialogue is not centred on theirlove affair.The dialogue between Jeff and Lisa focuses on what Jeff sawthe previous night, on his interpretations and on the arguments thatsupport them. This is the strategy that Hitchcock follows to verballycontrast Jeff ’s interpretations with those of the spectators. Another

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interesting point is that it is possible that their interpretations differbecause of the asymmetry of the information that they have.

In this sequence Lisa and Jeff seem really affectionate, in spite of thequarrel that they had the last time they were together.Then, at a certainmoment, Jeff explains to Lisa what he saw the night before and asks herwhy a man would leave his apartment three times on a rainy night witha suitcase. He also tells her that he is perplexed because the salesmanhas not gone to work and has spent practically the whole day in hiswife’s bedroom, while she seems to have disappeared. He thinks thatMrs Thorwald should be at home, because of her illness and he doesnot think that she is in hospital, because her husband is at home.Neither can he understand why the man was cleaning his suitcase, acarving knife and a saw. So, he does not know where the woman couldhave gone. Lisa still does not pay much attention to Jeff ’s inquisitions,but he insists on his arguments. He has seen quarrels, mysterious tripsat night, knives, and saws and rope.And, since the previous evening, nosign of the wife. All these visual inputs reinforce Jeff ’s interpretationsand help him to infer that maybe Mr Thorwald has killed his wife.

In the following scene Lisa also expresses her arguments and herinterpretations, which do not agree with the inferences made by Jeff.She points out that Jeff has been able to see everything that MrThordwald has done, simply by observing through his window. Sheasks Jeff if he thinks that a murderer would let someone see all that.Thenormal thing for a murderer would be to pull the shades down. Amurderer would never parade his crime in front of an open window.Here, we can emphasize two main points. One is that Lisa’s argumentsare based on what a murderer would normally do, which is a way ofassociating a typified action and its motives.The other point is that herargumentation decreases the verisimilitude of Jeff ’s interpretations.Here it is also important to point out that the conviction with whichwe hold beliefs can increase and decrease.

But suddenly, Lisa can see, through the window,Mr Thordwald packinghis wife’s luggage. That disconcerts Lisa, because she thinks that awoman would never leave her home without her personal things. Soshe begins to accept Jeff ’s beliefs. In fact, she says, verbatim, “Let’s startfrom the beginning again Jeff. Tell me everything you saw, and whatyou think it means”. This request also shows that Hitchcockunderstands really well that human beings interpret the meanings ofthe social acts that they see.

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On Friday morning, additional information collected by a detectivewill once more decrease the likelihood of the interpretations that weremade by Jeff and Lisa: Jeff phones Doyle, an old friend, who is adetective, because he wants him to investigate Mr Thorwald. He firmlybelieves that this man has killed his wife. Doyle does not believe Jeff ’ssuppositions, but he agrees to investigate Mr Thorwald because of theirfriendship. On Friday afternoon Doyle visits Jeff again, to let him knowwhat he has found out. According to his information the Thorwaldsleft their apartment the previous evening at 6.00.The superintendentspoke with Mr Thorwald and he said that he and his wife went to therailway station. Jeff acknowledges that at that time he was sleeping, sohe could not see that, but he wonders if anybody actually saw the wifegetting on the train.Then Doyle tells Jeff that there was a postcard inThorwald’s mailbox which was mailed at 3.30 the previous afternoonfrom Merritsville. It was a message from Mr Thorwald’s wifeconfirming that she had arrived at her destination. That newinformation destroys Lisa and Jeff ’s hypothesis.

One more time, when the inferences made by the main characters loseplausibility Hitchcock introduces new elements that will again increasetheir suspicions. That night Jeff observes Thorwald extracting somejewellery from a handbag.When he tells Lisa about this, she says thatsomething does not make sense to her, women do not hide theirjewellery inside their handbags. Furthermore, a woman goinganywhere would take at least make-up, perfume and jewellery. So shethinks that the woman that was seen going out of Thorwald’sapartment the night before was not Mrs Thorwald. Lisa’s reasoning isbased on what she typifies as the habitual behaviour of a lady.After thisinterpretation Jeff looks at Lisa with admiration and kisses her. For thefirst time in the film, she is acting like him, with the spirit of anadventurer.

When Doyle comes back to Jeff ’s apartment, Lisa and Jeff tell him thatMr Thorwald has his wife’s jewellery hidden in the bedroom.They alsoexpress their opinion that it was not Mrs Thorwald who left with MrThorwald the previous morning. Women simply do not leave theirjewellery when they go on a trip. Doyle does not give any importanceto these arguments. He argues that we all do things in private thatwould be difficult to explain in public.That means that our personalbehaviour in private can lie well outside general typifications. He also

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expresses his opinion that everyone has knives, so that does not meananything either. Finally, he reveals that he went to the train station andverified that Mr Thorwald bought a ticket for his wife. Lisa arguesagain that the woman could not be Mrs Thorwald, but Doyle respondsthat this is simply a female intuition without any basis. Quite likely, thecouple quarrelled and decided to finish their relationship. He isabsolutely convinced that nothing strange is happening. In fact, eventhe police at Merristville also confirmed that a woman called AnnaThorwald arrived there and picked up her luggage.

During all these scenes, Jeff and Lisa’s beliefs acquire greaterconsistency through their observations and then lose their strengthwhen Doyle brings additional information that contradicts theirinterpretations. Jeff and Lisa’s inferences are plausible, but are notlogical proofs. Hitchcock masterfully plays with the characters’inferences and suppositions, progressively revealing new informationthat reinforces or disproves their interpretations.This strategy is highlyeffective and maintains the suspense throughout the film.

Once Doyle has discouraged Lisa and Jeff by refuting theirinterpretations, something will happen that will increase theirsuspicions again. Hitchcock still has some final surprises for thecharacters and the audience, which will lead to an extraordinaryending of the story. However, we will not spoil the fun for you, dearreaders, by telling you the ending of the movie.This is not correct inthrillers. We think that you will have no difficulty in finding theprocesses of interpretation involved in the continuation of the film,but, with your permission, we would like to make a final reference tothe last scene of the film, a really brilliant and ironic one, which has ahuge value for the purpose of our study. The movie finishes onSaturday morning with a last shot in which,while Jeff peacefully sleeps,Lisa, who is, for the first time, casually dressed, reads a book entitled“Beyond the High Himalayas”. This visual information leads us tointerpret that she is ready for undertaking another kind of life with Jeff.But, in the last close up, Lisa looks at Jeff and when she realizes that heis asleep, she closes the book and begins to skim the pages of the latestissue of a fashion magazine. So, Hitchcock leaves the love storybetween Jeff and Lisa open to many interpretations.

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Hitchcock did not have an academic training in philosophy and thesocial sciences about the interpretation of human action. He did,however, have an extraordinary capacity for understanding how we doso. As a film director of thrillers, on the one hand he was extremelyattentive to the ways in which spectators could interpret visual imagesand narratives, and on the other hand, he knew very well how to giveand hide information with the aim of creating and maintainingsuspense. With the mentality of a researcher, he undertook manyexperiments, among which “The Rear Window” is an outstandingexample. Spectators can readily enjoy this film and even discover themain strategies of Hitchcock. Our interest was to go further, beyondthe commonsense and natural skills. Pursuing this line of thought, thepresent paper combines theoretical issues of intentional action with theanalysis of the film and it offers a clear introduction to the fields whichstudy how we interpret the intentions of people by looking at theiracts, both in everyday life situations and in scientific research, and whatthe limitations of these interpretations are.

We have worked out this study in two contexts.The first context is thefirm created by Bigas Luna, a leading Spanish director, in which the co-author of the paper, Catalina Pons, has important responsibilities formanagement, creation of ideas, production of multimedia materials andtraining people. The firm produces major films, visual stories fortelevision and companies and devotes much time and effort to trainingprofessionals. Our workshops presenting and commenting on thisstudy have facilitated the process of understanding problems and waysof making films.This is not an easy task because people learn throughobserving how professionals work and they acquire tacit knowledge.Togive them useful theoretical frameworks is always important.

The other context is the ESADE-EUDOKMA PhD Programme inManagement Sciences.The three co-authors of the paper have workedin it in seminars on knowledge creation and organizational learning asan introduction to the subject of qualitative-interpretative methods inmanagement research. Our main interest is the study of the industriesthat create, at one and the same time, art and knowledge.We considerthat because of their ways of management, production and learning,they are advanced models of the knowledge society, which can inspireother kinds of intensive knowledge- using companies, such as those inadvanced communication technologies. This research experience,

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which introduces a conceptual framework and applies it to specificsituations, has revealed many aspects of interpretation in knowledgecreation, learning and problem solving. It emphasises important aspectsof the relationships between theory and practice and basic processes inwhich we create theories out of practical situations.


Bordwell, D. (1985) Narration in the Fiction Film. University ofWisconsin Press.

Hitchcock, A. Director (1954) “The Rear Window” Restored byUniversal Pictures (1982) DVD (The Hitchcock Collection).

Parkin, F. (1986) Max Weber. Key Sociologists. Routledge, London andNew York.

Schutz, A. (1953) “Common-Sense and Scientific Interpretation ofHuman Action”. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.Vol. 14,September.

Schutz,A. (1962) Collected papers 1.The Problem of Social Reality. KluwerAcademic Publishers.

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in collaboration with:

European Doctoral Programmes Associationin Management and Business Administration


European Doctoral School on Knowledge and Management


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