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The Relation of Baptism to Salvation

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  • 8/14/2019 The Relation of Baptism to Salvation



    James R. Graves

    Why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the things I command you?Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.If a man love me, he will keep my words commandments.Christ.

    The above are the words of Christ, and fraught with meaning of the utmostmoment to each one of us. The reasonable inference from the above solemndeclaration is, That Christ accounts no one as his friend, in fact, that no oneloves him, unless he obeys whatsoever things Christ commands him. NowChristian immersion stands first and foremost among the commands Christenjoined upon all who profess to love himthe first and representative of allfuture obediencesince, embraced in its profession, is the pledge of unqualified and continued obedience in all the requirements of Christ. Thequestions proposed to be discussed, therefore, are

    I. Has Christian immersion any connection with salvation?II. If any, what is that relation?III. In what circumstances should we consider ourselves unsaved, no

    friends of Christ unless we obey his command to be baptized?

    There are those who evidence impatience at the announcement of such atopic, because, in their opinion, the Scriptures do not furnish the shadow of areason to justify any one in supposing that immersion in wateran overtact, and contingent entirely upon the will of third partiescan, in any way,

    by a merciful Savior, be connected with our eternal salvation; that simplefaith in Christ is the one and allsufficient thing that Christ requires of a

    believer to secure his richest blessings here, and salvation hereafter.

    If there be no semblance of a connection between baptism and salvation,how can we account for the fact, that every denomination of professingChristians, save the Baptists, do, in the published Symbols of their faith,whether called "Decrees of Councils," "Confessions of Faith," "Creeds," or

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    MATTHEW 3:15: "Suffer it to be so now; for thus it becometh us tofulfill all righteousness."

    LUKE 7:30: "But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, not being baptized of John."

    MARK 16:16: "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved." MARK 1:4: "John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the

    baptism of repentance for the remission of sins." JOHN 3:5 : "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he can

    not enter into the kingdom of God." ACTS 2:38: "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name

    of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins; and ye shall receive the giftof the Holy Ghost."

    ACTS 22:16: "Arise and be baptized, and wash sway thy sins, callingupon the name of the Lord."

    TITUS 3:5 : "According to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost."

    GALATIANS 3:27: "For as many of you as have been baptized intoChrist, have put on Christ."

    ROMANS 6:5: "For if we have been planted in the likeness of hisdeath, we shall be in the likeness of his resurrection."

    1 CORINTHIANS 12:13: "For in [not by] one Spirit we are all baptized into one body."

    I submit a brief statement of doctrine which all Protestant sects, in commonwith the Catholics, from whom they derived it, believe to be sustained by theabove Scriptures:


    "Holy baptism is the appointed sacrament of salvation, by which all past sinsare washed away, and without which there is no promise of salvation."

    CHRYSOSTOM. "In baptism, or the spiritual circumcision, there is notrouble to be undergone; but to throw off the load of sin, and receive pardonfor all foregoing offenses."


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    "The baptism of the church is given for the remission of sins."

    "If there was nothing in infants that wanted forgiveness and mercy, the graceof baptism would be needless."

    "The body of Christ is his true Church, into which no one can enter, except by baptism; by which sacrament the sinner is regenerated, and receivesremission of all sins that are past : and it is therefore called the sacrament of salvation. If infants need not regeneration, baptism would be a needlessgrace, and an unmeaning ceremony to them."


    LUTHER. "This is not done by changing of a garment, or by any laws or works, but by a new birth, and by the renewing of the inward man, which isdone in baptism, as Paul saith : All ye that are baptized have put on Christ.Also according to Titus 3:5: For, besides that, they who are baptized areregenerated and renewed, by the Holy Spirit, to a heavenly righteousness,and to eternal life, there riseth in them also a new light and a new frame;there riseth in them new and holy affections, as the fear of God, true faith,and assured hopes, etc.; there beginneth in them also a new will, and this isto put on Christ truly, and according to the Gospel."

    It is still the doctrine of the Lutheran Church. This is from a manual for scholars and candidates for confirmation in that church, published at Halle,

    by Pastor Weber, 1834. Candidates are taught to believe and required torecite this before confirmation

    "Baptism is not mere water only, but water put into Godscommand, and united with Gods Word. It effects theforgiveness of sins, redeems from death and the Devil, andgives eternal salvation to all who believe it, as the word and

    promise of God show. . . .The water, indeed, does not do this, but the Word of God that is with and by means of the water, andthe faith which trusts that Word of God in the water. For without the Word of God the water is mere water, and no

    baptism; but, with the Word of God, baptism is a graciousWater of Life, and a bath of the new birth in the Holy Ghost."

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    LUTHERS CHURCH AT WITTEMBURG. "We believe andconfess that baptism is that sea into the bottom whereof, as the apostlesaith, God doth cast all our sins."

    CONFESSION OF SAXONY. "I baptize thee; that is, I do witness,that, by this dipping, thy sins be washed away, and that thou art nowreceived of the true God."

    CONFESSION OF BOHEMIA. "We believe that whatsoever by baptism is in the outward ceremony signified and witnessed, all thatdoth the Lord God perform inwardly; that is, he washeth away sin,

    begetteth a new man again, and bestoweth salvation upon him. For the bestowing of these excellent fruits was holy baptism given andgranted to the church."

    HELVETIA. "To be baptized into the name of Christ, is to beenrolled, entered and received into covenant and family, and so intothe inheritance of the sons of God; that is to say, to be called the sonsof God; to be purged also from the filthiness of sins, and to be enduedwith the manifold grace of God for to lead a new and innocent life."

    CONFESSION OF SUEVELAND. "As touching baptism, weconfess that it is the font of regeneration, washeth away sins, andsaveth us."

    PRESBYTERIAN CONFESSION OF FAITH. "Baptism is asacrament of the New Testament, ordained by Jesus Christ, not onlyfor the solemn admission of the party to he baptized into the visiblechurch, but also to be unto him a sign and seal of the Covenant of Grace,of his engrafting into Christ,of regeneration,of remission of sins, and of his giving up unto God through Jesus Christto walk in newness of life."

    If baptism is indeed a seal of the Covenant of Grace, then no one ever was or can be saved without baptism, or be engrafted into Christ, or receiveremission of sins or regeneration. If the rite is not a "sacrament" of salvation,it is essential to it.


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    Every one confirmed in this church is required to give the following answer to the Bishop, after giving to him their Christian names

    QUES. "Who gave thee this name?"

    ANS . "My sponsors in baptism, wherein I was made an heir of God, amember of Christ, and an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven."

    They are required to believe this in their hearts.

    Mr. Melville, the most distinguished preacher of the Church of England, andstandard defender of its faith, says:

    "We believe it to be specially and through the sacrament of baptism that the Holy Ghost acts in renovating the nature which became corrupt through the apostasy. We really think that nofair, no straightforward dealing, man can get rid of theconclusion that the church holds what is called baptismalregeneration. You may dislike the doctrine, you may wish itexpunged from the Prayer Book, but so long as I subscribe tothat Prayer Book, and so long as I officiate according to theforms of that Prayer Book, I do not see how I can be commonlyhonest, and yet deny that every baptized person is on thataccount regenerate.

    These views of Mr. Melville were fully indorsed by Bishop McIlvaine.Because of these teachings, Bishop Cummings, a few years ago, seceded,and formed the Reformed Episcopal Church.


    According to this unalterable standard of American Methodism, it is

    conceded by Mr. Wesley that all infants are regenerated by baptism, and that,in the ordinary way, they can not be saved, unless baptized; and it is equallytrue that no regenerated adult person can be baptized according to the officeof baptism of this church. Each one is required to confess that he isunpardoned and unregenerated, and comes to baptism to seek these

    blessings; and that he may receive them, the whole congregation is requiredto pray:

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    "Dearly beloved, forasmuch as all men are conceived and bornin sin (and that which is born of the flesh is flesh; and they thatare in the flesh can not please God, but live in sin, committingmany actual transgressions), and that our Savior Christ saithnone shall enter into the kingdom of God, except he beregenerated and born anew of water and of the Holy Ghost, I

    beseech you to call upon God the Father, through our LordJesus Christ, that, of his bounteous goodness, he will grant untothese persons that which by nature they can not have ; that theymay be baptized with water and the Holy Ghost, and receivedinto Christs holy Church, and be made lively members of thesame.

    "O merciful God, grant that the old Adam in these persons may

    be so buried that the new man may be raised up in them.Regard, we beseech thee, the supplications of this congregation,and grant that these persons now to be baptized may receive thefullness of thy grace, and ever remain in the number of thyfaithful and elect children."

    Mr. Wesley, the father and founder of Methodism, in his Sermons andDoctrinal Tracts, the now standard theology of Methodism, says

    "It is certain that our church supposes that all who are baptizedin infancy are, at the same time, born again; and it is allowedthat the whole office for baptism of infants proceeds upon thissupposition." Sermon 14.

    This he teaches is its efficacy in case of adults:

    "By baptism we, who are by nature the children of wrath, aremade the children of God; and this regeneration, which our church, in so many places, ascribes to baptism, is more than

    barely being admitted into the church, though commonlyconnected therewith; being grafted into the body of Christschurch, we are made the children of God by adoption and grace.. ."By water, then, as a meansthe water of baptismwe areregenerated or born again; whence it is also called, by theapostle, the washing of regeneration. If infants are guilty of original sin, then they are proper subjects of baptism; seeing, in

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    the ordinary way, they can not be saved, unless this be washedaway by baptism. Infants need to be washed from original sin;therefore they are proper subjects of baptism." Sermon 14.

    The last General Conference, held in Memphis, Tenn., decided that theincreasing numbers, who were received professing regeneration before

    baptism, was an evil, since it granted that one could be regenerated withoutthe means.


    "Immersion is the means divinely appointed for the actualenjoyment of this first and greatest of blessings." Mill. Harb.

    "I affirm, then, that the first institution in which we can meetwith God, is the institution of baptism."

    This is a law, or a worki.e., something to be done.

    "It is not our faith in Gods promise of remission, but our goingdown into the water [an act or work that obtains the remissionof sins."

    "I assert that there is but one action ordained, in the NewTestament, to which God has promised, or testified, that he willforgive our sins; this action is Christian immersion."

    "No man has any proof that he is pardoned until he is baptized;and, if men are conscious that their sins are forgiven, and thatthey are pardoned before they are immersed, I advise them notto go down into the water, for they have no need of it."

    "Remission of sins can not be enjoyed by any person beforeimmersion."

    "Before we are justified in Christ, live in Christ, and fall asleepin Christ, we must be introduced or immersed into Christ."

    If the above is not baptismal salvation, the following most certainly is:

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    "Is it, or is it not, through faith in the blood of Christ that wereceive the remission of our sins through the act of immersion?[Here a work and faith are conjoined. Read on.] The value andefficacy of his sacrifice is the very document itself whichconstitutes the burthen of the testimony; belief of this testimonyis what impelled us into the water. Knowing that the efficacy of the blood is to be communicated to our consciences, in the waywhich God has been pleased to appoint [through the act of immersion], we stagger not at the promise of God, but flee tothe sacred ordinance, which brought the blood of Jesus incontact with our consciences. Here we have faith and worksinseparably conjoined.] Without knowing and believing this,immersion is a blasted nut: the shell is there, but the kernel iswanting." Campbell on Chris. Bap ., p. 521.

    "In baptism we are in spirit, as well as in person, buried withthe Lord, wherein also we are raised with him." Campbell on

    Bap ., p. 256.

    The reader can see that all the different denominationsthe last no morethan the firstthat were originated by men since the days of the apostles, doteach that baptism is virtually connected with salvation; so vitally, thatwithout it, there can be no spiritual life, no possibility of salvation. They allunderstand the passages they quote to sustain their theory of baptismalregeneration literally; that sins are literally washed away by the literal water of baptism through the working of the Holy Spirit, and that it is the bath of regeneration, into which persons descend unpardoned sinners, and out of which they arise saints; that baptism seals them heirs of grace, washes them"whiter than snow."

    The Baptist churches are alone in repudiating in faith and practice the abovedoctrine. They have alone, in all ages since the ascension of Christ, taughtthat a moral nature, renewed by the Holy Spirita birth from aboveis in

    all cases essential to baptism, and that the rite, among other things, wasappointed to symbolize this great fact; that it is the act for the profession of repentance exercised, of faith possessed, and regeneration enjoyed.

    In 1120, the Baptists of Europe, put forth a tract, entitled "Antichrist," inwhich they say this:

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    "A third work of Antichrist consists in this, that he attributes theregeneration of the Holy Spirit unto the mere external act [of

    baptism], baptizing infants in that faith, teaching that thereby baptism and regeneration must be had, on which principle heconfers and bestows orders, and, indeed, grounds all hisChristianity, which is contrary to the word of the HolyScriptures."

    They also put forth fourteen Articles of Faith, of which this is one:

    "ARTICLE 7. We believe in the ordinance of baptism. Thewater is the visible external, which [not confers but] representsto us that which by virtue of Gods invisible operation is withinus, namely, the renovation of our minds and the mortification of

    our members through the faith of Jesus Christ, and by thisordinance we are received into the holy congregation of Gods people, previously professing and declaring our faith andchange of life."

    From the above the reader can see that the professed Christian world isdivided into only two grand divisions viz.: Catholics, Protestants,Campbellites, and Mormons on the one side and Baptists alone on the other.All can see the doctrinal difference is fundamental and vital; and the twotheories being the very antipodes of each other, they can not both beevangelicalscriptural. If one is scriptural, the other is perilously wrong;utterly unscriptural and subversive of the whole plan of salvation. If onetheory will save the souls of men the other certainly will not, else there aretwo distinct and opposite plans of salvation.

    This is a plain, unvarnished, honest statement of the case, written to honor the Author and Finisher of the Faith, for he is the one Lord and Saviorandcan be the author of but "one faith," one baptism, and one church as the

    pattern of all his churches. It is incumbent upon every one professing to bethe friend of Jesus, to examine honestly and prayerfully the word of God,and decide which of these two theories is the scriptural and right one; for thereader is bound to adopt the one or the otherrisk his souls eternalsalvation upon one or the otherfor there is no possible middle ground. Ihave placed the theories fairly before your eyes, expressed in the very wordsof their Creeds and Confessions, and indorsed by their standard teachers.

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    Before entering upon the examination, I will assume four plain statements to be granted, and will therefore lay them down in the form of Axioms:

    AXIOM I.

    Contradictory propositions can not be equally true; if one istrue, the opposite of it must be false.


    The Holy Scriptures, rightly translated and interpreted, in noinstance contradict themselves.


    If any passage interpreted according to the primary or literalsignification of the terms, conflicts with an admittedfundamental doctrine of the gospel or the general teachings of Scriptures, it must be interpreted by the secondary or figurativesense of the term, and, vice versa.


    There is but one way revealed in the Scriptures by which asinner can come to God through Christ and receive the

    blessings of pardon, regeneration, and salvation.

    From the examination of the symbols of faith of the various denominationsas expressed above, I will take it for granted that only two ways have yet

    been proposed; and from the word of God we are justified in stating thatthere are only two ways conceivable by which sinful man may come to Godfor pardon and salvation.

    1. By an act of faith, an individual mental act upon repentance.

    2. Through some overt act or "sacrament," dependent upon the will of others.

    In scriptural terms:

    1. By grace only, without works: or,

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    2. By works only, which God is graciously pleased to make efficacious.

    There are a few cardinal truths which underlie and form the foundation of the gospel plan of salvation, which all who have rightly apprehended thegospel, and tasted of its blessedness, know to be saving truths.

    1. That there is but one Mediator between God and man, and he the Priest of Calvary, who once offered himself up for us all. No human priest or mediator is therefore tolerated in the gospel, because there is no physicalsacrifice to offer, no sacrament to perform, no visible seal to be fixed. Thereis no priest but Jesus.

    2. That not by, or in connection with, or because of, works of any descriptionor deeds of law of any character, moral or ceremonial, legal or ecclesiastical,

    does a sinner come, or is a sinner brought to Christ and saved, but byunmerited grace alone.

    No denomination of professed Christians is entitled to be considered or called evangelical, that does not at least admit, hold vital, teach the abovetwo truths, and whose practice does not accord with them.

    It is a flagrant misuse and abuse of the term "evangelical," to apply it to adenomination that either theoretically or practically deny either of the abovesaving truths. What shall we say of those that both theoretically and

    practically deny both? It is to be an accomplice of most pernicious error toindorse such as evangelical, which means according to the teachings of Christ and his apostles.

    Now in the light of the above axioms and truths, let us inquire for the truerelation of baptism to salvation, for I concede, in the out-start, that there issome, and, indeed, a scriptural and intimate relation; but not as "a means toan end," but the evidence visible and proof of an end : not the cause of acertain effect, but the effect of a certain causesalvation.

    Then, 1st. If baptism is inseparably connected with our salvation as ameans to an end, or cause to an effect, then it must be as a means

    (1.) To secure the actual remission of sins; or,

    (2.) To effect the actual cleansing away of our sins; or,

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    (3.) To secure our justification before God; or,

    (4.) To effect and secure the regeneration of our moral naturesi. e., the birth from above; or,

    (5.) To secure our living union with Christ; or,

    (6.) To seal all the blessings of the everlasting covenant to us,which issalvation.

    There is a process in mathematics, called elimination, by which the number of factors in two equations can be reduced. Let us see how many of theabove hypotheticals can be eliminated, disproved, and so dropped out of, asnot to encumber the operation.

    1. Baptism is not a divinely appointed means to secure the actual remissionof our sins.

    I will make this evident from two considerations:

    (1.) It contradicts both of the two great fundamental vital truths of Christianity which all evangelical Christians of every nation admits andteachesthat in connection with, or because of a work, a specific physicalact, the remission of sins can be obtained; and more, those who teach this are

    wont to call baptism the law of pardon. If it is only in or by obedience to itsins can be remitted, then it is by a deed of law that salvation is obtained.

    It violates the first great truth; because the sinner not being allowed to baptize himself must depend upon the will and physical assistance of another, as the administrator of baptism, thus exalting him to all intents and

    purposes into a real priest, a mediator between the sinner and God, for thereis no other name given among men by which baptism can be administered,except the minister or official servant of a church; and if baptism brings thesinner into saving relations to Christ, or the efficacy of the blood of Christ to

    the soul, the administrator, by whatsoever name called, or in whatsoever habits dressed, he is a real priest.

    But the express letter of the Word of God also condemns this theory, since it positively teaches that by and through faith alone the remission of sins aresecured and enjoyed.

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    "To him gave all the prophets witness, that through his namewhosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins." Acts 10:43.

    This was the gospel preached by all the prophets when they preached the plan of salvation, and it was this doctrine that all the saints of the OldTestament believed, and by which they were saved before the rite of water

    baptism was originated. Nor was there any rite in the Old Testament bywhich the actual remission of sins was in that age connected. There is, therenever has been but one way of pardon, one plan of salvation, and that has

    been by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

    In connection with the above declaration of Paul in his sermon in the houseof Cornelius, the Holy Ghost demonstrated then and there, and before the

    eyes of Jews and Gentiles, that the remission of sins and salvation were notdepending upon the physical act of baptism. Let us read on:

    "While Peter yet spake these words, [i.e., that whosoever believeth on Him shall receive the remission of sins], the HolyGhost fell on all them that heard the word. And they of thecircumcision who believed were astonished, as many as camewith Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out thegift of the Holy Ghost. For they heard them speak with tongues,and magnify God. Then answered Peter, Can any man forbidwater, that these should not be baptized, which have receivedthe Holy Ghost as well as we?" Acts 10:44-47.

    All these, the first converts of the Gentile world, were actually pardoned andregenerated before they were baptized. There can be no cavil about this, onthe part of any who are willing to bow to the clear and positive teachings of Gods word.

    But this forever decides that remission of sins is not secured through baptismas a means to an end, a cause for an effect.

    I might pause here and multiply the clear, obvious statements of Scripturesuntil it filled pages.

    Christ promised salvation to the believing, the unbaptized, thief upon thecross. Say not "he could not have been baptized, and, therefore," etc., but

    believe the great fact of the Gospel that Christ never promulgated heaven,

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    never revealed but one act by which remission could be obtained, and that isthrough penitential faith on the Son of God; therefore the thief could besaved while nailed to the cross, otherwise he could not have been saved; for without remission of sins there is no salvation.

    John the Baptist baptized his subjects to secure for them the remission of sins." I answer, not for the actual remission of their sins did he baptize any,nor did he ever teach that baptism was a, or the, condition of salvation. If weknow certainly what he taught, in one sermon, we know he did not teachdifferently at any time. By turning to John 3:35, we find his very words:

    "The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things unto hishand. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and hethat believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of

    God abideth in him."

    Christ taught the same doctrine:

    "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Sonof Man be lifted up, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish buthave everlasting life. For God so loved the world that he gave his only-

    begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but haveeverlasting life."John 3:14-17.

    2. Baptism is not a sacrament in and by which our sins are actually cleansedaway.

    In all the Old Testament there was no typical atonement without the blood of sacrifices

    And all the blood of beasts,On Jewish altars slain,

    pointed to the blood of Christ that was to be shed for the actual remission of

    all sinthe "fountain that was to be opened for sin and uncleanness."Therefore when we enter the new dispensation, the first thing that greets our eyes is the rent veil and the open mercy-seat, over which we read:

    "The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin." 1 John 1:7.

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    There is not, therefore, a sin for baptism to wash away, since we come to the blood first. The baptismal cleansing can not be real but declarative only,since it does nothing towards the actual cleansing away of sin.

    Nor can it be said that it is through baptism we reach his blood but throughfaith. Paul is very clear on this point:

    "Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith inhis blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sinsthat are past, through the forbearance of God. To declare, I say,at this time his righteousness: that he might be just and the

    justifier of him that believeth in Jesus." Rom. 3:23.

    3. Nor is baptism an act or sacrament by or on account of which we obtain

    justification before God.The word of God everywhere teaches that our justification is not conditionedupon our worksby deeds of law of any description whatever, or the graceof God is made of none effectand how much less then to make it dependupon a deed or transaction which we are unable to perform, but must securethe consent of third partiesa church or priestto do for us, thus makingour justification before God depend upon the will and act of others, as wellas our own, which is subversive of the whole plan of salvation. Faith, andfaith alone, independent of all overt acts, does this, and consequently secures

    our salvation.

    Let this question be forever put to rest by the clear and explicit teachings of Paul in his Epistle to the Romans, in which he emphasizes the fact that thesaving righteousness of Christ is bestowed through faith in Christ, withoutany deed of law whatever, whether it be the law of baptism or of circumcision.

    "Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of JesusChrist unto all and upon all them that believe; for there is nodifference, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, being justified freely by his grace, through the redemptionthat is in Jesus Christ. . . .To declare, I say, at this time hisrighteousness: that he might be just and the justifier of him who

    believeth in Jesus. . . .Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without deeds of law [any law]. . . seeing it isone God who shall justify the circumcision by faith and the

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    uncircumcision through faith. . . .Now to him that worketh[seeks justification by baptism] is the reward not received of grace but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but believeth onhim who justifieth the ungodly; his faith is counted for righteousness. . . .Therefore it [salvation] is by faith that itmight be by grace, to the end that the promise might be sure toall the seed. . . .Therefore, being justified by faith, we have

    peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Rom.chapters 4 and 5.

    "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without deeds of law." Rom. 3:28.

    To faith, as the medium of justification, nothing can be added, or the whole

    scheme is destroyed.

    "Christ is become of none effect unto you, whosoever of youare justified by the law: ye are fallen from grace." Gal. 5:4.

    How then can baptism be required except as the profession and evidence of this.

    The work of Christ is the only efficient, and faith the only instrumental,agency in our salvation. Neither baptism, nor any rite or ordinance of

    religion is a meant in order to this end:

    "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every onethat believes. For Moses describeth the righteousness which isof the law, that the man which doeth these things shall live bythem. But the righteousness which is of faith, speaketh on thiswise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven?(that is, to bring Christ down from above:) or, Who shalldescend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again fromthe dead.) But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thymouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we

    preach; that if thou wilt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,and shall believe in chine heart that God hath raised him fromthe dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believethunto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made untosalvation. For the Scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on himshall not be ashamed." Rom. 10:4-11.

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    It is perverting the plan of salvation to its utter subversion to teach that baptism is the law of pardon and justification before God.

    4. Nor is it in, or by, baptism that we receive the promise of the Spirit.

    This is a cardinal doctrine of the Campbellitesthat the gift of the HolySpirit is conditioned upon baptism, and that no one is justified by GodsWord to hope for the promise of the Spirit, except through water baptism.

    But the scriptures teach us that we receive the promise of the Spirit throughfaith, and not through baptism:

    "That we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith." Gal. 3:14.

    If by the gift of the Holy Spirit is meant remission of sins, or regeneration of heart or justification unto life and salvation, then from the scriptures welearn that no one ever received the gift before pardon and regeneration, etc.,had been enjoyed; for believers in Christ, and believers only, ever receivedthe "baptism" or "the gift of the Holy Spirit:"

    "In whom after that ye believed ye were sealed by that HolySpirit of promise." Eph. 1:13.

    This regeneration Paul explains by indicating its results, and tells us clearly by what means it is wrought in us:

    And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses andsins; wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, thespirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: amongwhom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lustsof our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind;and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. But

    God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith heloved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened ustogether with Christ (by grace ye are saved; and hath raised usup together, and made us to sit together in heavenly places inChrist Jesus." Eph. 2:1-7.

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    "Now if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things[of the flesh, as above enumerated,] are passed away; and

    behold, all things are become new." 2 Cor. 5:17.

    This is the work of the Spirit operating from above, and not through physicalmedia, dependent upon the will of manthe administrator of baptism, be heminister or priest.

    It is the Spirit of God that quickens, begets within us the divine life, andrenews our souls in the likeness of Christ. This regeneration is not a changeof statemerely professed relationsbut the renovation and regeneration of our moral natures; and, I again emphasize itit is not effected in, and by,the act of baptism as a means, any more than it was through the bloodysacrifices or ablutions under the legal dispensation,

    "Not all the outward forms on earth, Nor rites that God has given, Nor will of man, nor blood, nor birth,Can fit a soul for heaven.

    The sovereign will of God aloneCreates us heirs of grace,Born in the image of his Son,A new, peculiar race.

    The Spirit, like some heavenly wind,Breathes on the sons of flesh,Creates anew the carnal mind,And forms the man afresh.

    Our quickened souls awake and riseFrom their long sleep of death;On heavenly things we fix our eyes,And praise employs our breath."

    5. Baptism is not the means by or through which we are regenerated or bornagain, as all the Protestant, as well as Catholic creeds do teach.

    Christ, in his explanation of the new birth to Nicodemus, denominatesspiritual regeneration a birth from above, and not from below.

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    "Verily, I say unto thee, except a man be bornanothennot againbut"from above" he can not see, comprehend, understand, even the nature of "the kingdom of God," i.e., Christs visible, though spiritual kingdom on thisearth. That he evidently referred to his visible earthly kingdom, thequalifications for entering which Nicodemus came that night to inquire, we learn, 1. From the fact that John thus denominated it when he announcedits approach (Matt. 3:18); the kingdom of heaven 1 has approached, and, 2.From Christs use of the phrase (Matt. 4:17), also (Luke 17:21) the"kingdom of God is amongnot withinyou," and even in this sameconversation, "for if I have told you earthly things, and ye believed not, howshall you believe if I tell you of heavenly things?" Thus clearly implying thatthis kingdom, though heavenly in its origin, was located upon the earth. By

    being "born from above," Christ taught the ruler of the Jews, and everyinquirer of the way of salvation in subsequent ages, that it was not through

    earthly agents, as human priests, or ministers, in administering church rites,or sacraments, and the use of earthly elements, as water, or chrisms, that theregeneration of the heart could be effected, but alone through the directagency and efficient workings of the Holy Spiritthat power which broughtChrist alive from the deadthat the soul of a sinner, dead in trespasses andsins can be quickened and made spiritually alive.

    6. Nor is baptism appointed to secure our spiritual union with Christ, bywhich we become the children of God.

    Ritualists, who have perverted the whole plan of salvation, to the subversionof the souls of men, hold and teach that baptism is the first act in which asinner can meet with Christ, or be united to Christ; and, therefore, the sinner is directed to the river, pond, or pool, as his first act, and his first step towardChrist; and they teach that by baptism he is literally introduced into Christ,and spiritually united to him. This is placing water before blood, and makingthe baptizerbe he Protestant, or Catholic, or Campbellites human priestamediator between the sinner and the Savior.

    This doctrine is abhorrent to the Word of God, which every-where teaches usthat we become the children of God by becoming one with Christ, GodsSon; and that the nexusthe uniting link or actis faith, and faith onlyamental operation, and not a physical act.

    "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus." Gal. 3:26.

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    By no other way, then, did any one ever become united to Christ, and become a child of God, in virtue of his union with Christ, since all becomeChrists, and the children of God, by faith aloneno act of the creature isnecessary to be added to faith, and certainly much less an overt act of a third

    person can not be necessary; since this would be making our filial relation toGod depend upon the will and pleasure of a sinful man, or men.

    7. Nor does baptism in any way introduce us into, or secure for us the graceof God, by which we receive remission of sins and salvation.

    If this were true, then would it be true that the grace of God was dependentupon our meritsupon works of righteousness that we may do by the willand assistance of otherswhich doctrine is dishonorable to God, anddestructive of the whole scheme of salvation by grace. But what saith the

    Scriptures ?

    "By whom also we have access by faith into this grace whereinwe stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God." Rom. 5:2.

    "In whom we have boldness and access with confidence byfaith of him." Eph. 3:12.

    8. Nor is baptism a seal, or the seal, of the Covenant of Grace, that not onlyoffers and applies, but confirms, all the blessings of that covenant to us.

    It is most absurd, if not profane, to teach that any conceivable physical act performed by man is the Seal of the Covenant of Gracea spiritualcovenant; and the more so to say it has two or more seals. This is also to

    profane the officework of the Spirit, by virtually committing it to falliblemen, thus teaching that mana priestcould do the work which a graciousGod committed alone to the Holy Spirit.

    The Scriptures teach that the Holy Spirit is the Sealer, and Christs likeness,left upon the character as the result of the Spirits sealing, is the image andsuperscription of the seal itself.

    "In whom [Christ also after that ye believed, ye were sealedwith that Holy Spirit of promise." Eph. 1:13.

    "Grieve not the Holy Spirit by whom ye are sealed unto the dayof redemption." Eph. 4:30.

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    Now, it must follow that baptism is connected with faith in our salvationdeclaratively only. It is a visible expression or declaration that faith exists; itsimply expresses or professes a saved state. By faith we receive Christ andall the blessings that flow from a union with him; and in the act of baptismwe confess Christ, and avouch our allegiance to him as our Savior andLawgiver. It is in no sense a seal, but simply a sign of grace received, and aunion formed, the visible and appointed fruit or evidence of a loving faith.

    Baptism not alone does this; good worksall outward obediencedo italso. For without obedience our faith would be reckoned a dead faith,

    because, without the inseparable sign of lifegrowth.

    What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he bathfaith, and have not works? can faith save him." James 2:14.

    They evidence that we are believers-that faith in, and union with, Christ doesexist : but the observance of outward rites did not produce the faith, nor effect the union. In the same way a verbal confession of the sinner is joinedwith faith:

    "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, andshalt believe in thine heart that God bath raised him from thedead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth untorighteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto

    salvation." Rom. 10:9, 10.

    "Confession with the mouth," says Carson, is not less necessary, then, than belief with the heart, though in different respects. They are equally essential,only for different purposes; the one is required to own or authenticate theother; the one is the spirit, the other is the bodythe visible form of thechurchman. It is not strange, then, that we should find baptism joined withfaith in the commission; its omission there would surprise us. Baptism is theappointed mode of confessing Christ: "As many of you as have been

    baptized into Christ, have put on Christ." It is the great public act by whichwe assume His name, and subscribe ourselves His servants; and it is thedeclaration of Christ to us and the world that our sins are washed away; andthus we may be said to declaratively wash our sins away. It is our badge of discipleship; in its waters we "put on Christ" openly avow our interest in,and our dependence on, Him. Primitive believers were known as such bytheir baptismnot soldiers, not recognized as Christians, until baptized;

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    and, without this, they would not have been recognized as disciples, or followers, or friends, of Christ. Here, also, to the eye of others, we take our stand among the disciples of Christ. Previously possessing the substance the spirit we put on the form, the body, the clothing of Christianityour

    baptism authenticates our faith, declares us believers; it says, in symbol, weare Christs; it is an outward and visible sign of an inward and invisiblegrace; and hence can belong only to such as possess that grace, since itsobservance is designed to attest the reality and present existence of thatgrace. To place baptism upon a sinner, or a nonbeliever, or an unconsciousinfant, is to pervert the ordinance, and to teach a falsehood, which, if the

    person or child so baptized should believe, would insure the loss of the soul.

    Illustration: In the Episcopal office, every one received into that organizationis required to confess and affirm, that, in baptism, although it was

    administered to him when an unconscious infant, and asleep in his nursesarms, without knowledge or volition, he was made an "heir of God, amember of Christ, and an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven."

    Now, with the Word of God to guide us, we say every one of all baptizedinto that communion, implicitly believing that statement, and dependingupon it for salvation, will inevitably be lost; for no living infant or adult,without volition, ever was made an heir of God, a member of Christ, or aninheritor of the kingdom of heaven. And we ask the thoughtful Christian toexamine each of the Protestant Confessions, and decide if their teachingswere implicitly believed by those baptized in infancy, if they would not beforced to conclude that their salvation was secured to them when their

    parents had baptism administered to them in unconscious infancy as the"sacrament of salvation," or "seal of the covenant of grace?"

    It must be evident to all that the position we occupy as Baptists, touching therelation of baptism to faith, does not necessitate the conclusion, that, inevery case, there is an absence of salvation where there is an absence of

    baptism, as we are forced to conclude from the position occupied by

    Catholics, and Protestants, and Campbellites, who teach that it is the seal of the covenant of grace, or the appointed sacrament of salvation, or the law of pardon. Many will doubtless be saved who were never baptized. Theyconfessed Him with their mouths, and honored Him with their lives; andthey were accepted of Him, as was the thief. But all these are saved without

    baptism, as, in other circumstances, they could be without good works, nay,without verbal confession. Yet the two latter are joined with faith in our

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    salvation. Good works, a verbal confession, and a baptismal profession, arenone of them agencies, or even instruments, in our deliverance; but merelyits declaration and evidences. In this relation alone are they required by God;and they are required only as opportunity of obedience is offered, and aslight, in order to obey, is possessed. Good works are declared essential to aliving faith (James 2:17); "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, beingalone." And a verbal confession is required; and yet the thief was savedwithout the former, and who will say that he would have been lost had he not

    been able to express himself in the hearing of others, that his secretreliance and trust in the Savior would not have been accepted? May we notsay the same of baptism as associated with faith in preceding salvation.When it is not understood, or when opportunity of observing it is notenjoyed, its absence is not the absence of salvation.

    But if baptism is the law of pardon, the divinely appointed means of remission, or the seal of the covenant of grace, then no one can be savedwhere there is no church or priest to administer it.

    I submit here an illustration I submitted to Mr. A. Campbell in a writtendiscussion had with him in 1853-54. He had said:

    "I affirm, then, that the first institution in which we can meetwith God is the institution of baptism."

    "Remission of sins can not be enjoyed by any person beforeimmersion."

    "Before we are justified in Christ, live in Christ, fall asleep inChrist, we must be introduced or immersed into Christ."

    Since Mr. Campbell has given us an illustration, will supposeone in turn:

    A Chinese father, taking a boat of tea from the remote interior to Canton, received a copy of the Bible from our missionarythere. On his long voyage home, he read the wondrous book;and his heart, through the influence of the Holy Spirit, wasdeeply affected by its truths. He read it in his family; and withina few months, all his household embraced the faith of Christ,and that happy father rejoiced, believing on him with all hishouse.

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    One month after this, the fever prostrated the eldest daughter,and was rapidly hurrying her to the grave. She called her father to the bedside, and asked him if she might, in this last hour,trust this new religion in death; if trusting upon the meritsand promises of Him who died for sinners, and bore their sinsin his own body on the tree would suffice to appease Godsviolated law on her behalf; and if she might hope for a place inthose heavenly mansions of our Fathers house on high.

    "Yes, my daughter," said the distressed father, "without a doubt.This new Bible is true; we have felt its truth in our own hearts;it has proved its authenticity to us, that it is indeed from thegreat Father above. The Savior of the Bible says, Whosoever cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out; and, He that

    believeth on him is not condemned; and That whosoever believeth on him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Doyou believe on him, my child?"

    "Oh, yes, father! I can, I do wholly, fully lay my soul on the blood and righteousness of Jesus my Savior onlyon Jesusonly; but, father, I have done, and I can do nothing."

    "Hear, then," said the father, as he wiped away the tears of mingled joy and sorrow from his eyes, "hear what this Biblesays to such: Christ is the end of the law [of all law, mydaughter, and works are of the law] for righteousness to everyone that believeth not worketh, but believeth. And hear thereason, my child, Therefore it is of faith, that it might be bygrace, to the end that the promise might be sure to all the seed;not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all."

    "Sure to all the seed it reads, father, and to the seed which isof the faith of Abraham; but how may I know that I am of thisseed, and am an heir according to this precious promise, that issure, because it rests not in works, but in grace? and that wordgracegracehow sweet that word is to me now, father! allthe books of the temple contain no word like it; grace, favor,free gift. The books of Buddha talk of works, works, works.Could I but know that I am of the seed!"

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    "The apostle answers your question, my child: And if ye beChrists, then are ye Abrahams seed, and heirs according to the

    promise. Will not that solve your doubts?"

    "Yes, yes! how beautiful, how glorious, how sweet these precious words and teachings to my soul! I never appreciatedthem so fully before. I feel that I am Christs: my spirit, my allrests upon him. But does it not tell how I became Christs, and achild of God? Read it now to me, father, read it now!"

    And the old man read through his tears, "For ye are all thechildren of God by faith in Christ Jesus," and bowed his headupon the sacred book. There was silence for a moment; and heheard soft whispers stealing from the couch, the tears were

    slowly trickling from the half-closed eyes of the dying girl, anda sweet smile was playing over her features as she whispered:"Thats itthats it: a child of God through faith in ChristJesus; and then heirs according to the sure promise."

    "And there are other passages, my child, shall I read them?"said the father.

    "Oh yes! they are so precious; they just meet my case ; they fillmy soul so completely; read them."

    "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with Godthrough our Lord Jesus Christ."

    "There, father, thats enoughenough," she faintly whispered."My soul is more than satisfied. Blessed Savior!" and shelooked up as if to see him above her couch"Blessed Savior,through thee I come to thee."

    And the whispers were hushed ; and the family gathered aroundthe couch. The eyes, though glazed, were still upturned and fullof light; the lips were parted, and a smile of unearthlysweetness illumined her features: She had gone to Jesus.

    This is an illustration of salvation by faith alone. Will Mr.Campbell deny that that humble, believing child wasregenerated, justified, sanctified, adopted, and savedsaved,

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    too, according to the plan of salvation? He will not do ithedare not do it in the face of that declaration of Christ himself;"He that believeth on the Son hath eternal life, and shall never come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life."

    But the Scriptures afford no ground for any one to hope for salvation whohas the light and will not use itwho cares not to know what Christ requiresof him, and who has an opportunity to be baptized as Christ was, and willnot take up his cross and follow him. We have no right to say that such a oneis a child of God; he does not give us the evidence of it: for by their fruits,not professions, we are to know them. "But this is no more," says Carson,"than denying salvation to the Antinomian, or to those who, through fear or shame, refuse to confess Christ before men." I can not think him safe whosecourse, whatever be his profession, is a course of sin and willful or willing

    disobedience. Christ says: "He that doeth the truth cometh to the light:" and,"If a man love me, he will keep my commandments." To such the apostlesays "Wilt thou not know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?"which is equivalent to saying, it is no faith at all, just as a dead man is noman at all, only the form of one. I can not think him safe who will not, for any reason, confess Christ before the world; to him the Savior says:"Whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny"refuse toown. I can not think him safe who, with every opportunity of knowing hisduty, and who has right views of the duty, and no real hindrance to his or her observing it, is yet living in neglect of the ordinance. Let such hear theseawful words of Christ: "Whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of mywords, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed when he shall come in hisown glory, and in his Fathers, and of the holy angels." (Luke 9:26). Solemnwords! uttered not to frighten, but to warn.

    Do parents, or relatives, or friends deter you? "If any man love father, or mother, or husband, or wife more than me, he is not worthy of me." He thatis ashamed not of my person merely, but of my laws, of him will I beashamed. Yet how many who call themselves Christians, or cherish the hope,

    are exactly in this case with respect to baptism! They are willing to bear thename of Christ, because to do so involves no reproach; they are morerespected for this than they would be to disown him: but it is not so incoming out before the world, and designating and honoring by your acts hisordinances, and his despised church; and this the sinful neglecter of baptismsees. He or she knows, that, to submit to the rite Christ appointed, and tofollow him in it, is to expose himself to scorn and contemptis to bear the

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    cross after Christis to offend family or friends. Let such hear the words of Christ: "Of him will I be ashamed." Such will he reject in abhorrence.

    Remember that Christ is King, and is to be received as King as well asSavior. "How can you be his friends if you do not admit his rule? It is vain to

    boast that you trust his Cross if you do not reverence his Crown."

    This refusal on the part of a professed disciple to hear the voice and obey thecommand of the Master for personal considerations and the assurance of salvation, is not consonant with the gospel scheme. That scheme, indeed,saves merely by grace, through faithsaves without the least merit on the

    part of man; but does it save rebels? does it license contempt of divineauthority? "Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?" Will theChristian desire to do so? Is the gospel a doctrine of licentiousness? is it sent

    to open the flood-gates of error? to beget sin? to warrant us to serve our ownwills and notions, fancies and conveniences? Nay, nay, but to subdue them to renew our natures, and make us obedient to God.

    The gospel knows no one, however high in profession, who does not loveand obey the commandments of Christ; and they wholly mistake it whosuppose themselves saved in willing or willful disobedience. Ignorance of the law, when they have it, and have sense to understand and opportunity toobey it, will not avail; nor will the plea of sincerity in their error. Hear theSavior to such: "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father who is inheaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesiedin thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name donemany wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knewyou: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

    Rejectors of immersion! ponder these things. The institution you rightlyunderstand, or it is in your power to understand it; you may know, without adoubt, how Christ was baptized; your conscience is convicted. If you knewthat you were going to the judgment tomorrow, and your salvation dependedupon your being baptized as Christ was, and as he has commanded you to

    be, you would not be at a moments loss; you would, this day, be "buriedwith him by baptism;" you would be "planted in the likeness of his death;"and yet you will not obey. Are you not, then, rebels against Christ, andconsequently exposed to his wrath? You are willing to own his person; butyou reject and deny his word, and dislike his law. Will he not reject and deny

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    you before his angels? You knew your Lords will; but you refused to do it;and do you hope to escape being beaten with many stripes? You say Lord,Lord, and do many things in Christs name; but this being all, may he not

    profess unto you, "I never knew you?"

    Let me, in all affection and earnestness, as one who loves your everlastinghappiness, as one who would be faithful to his mission, beg and entreat youseriously and prayerfully to think on these things. Will you not, as you loveyour own souls, and as you hope you love Christ, carefully examine the NewTestament and see what Christ requires of you as the act of baptism. Do notfail to do itdo not refuse to do it, and still hope to be saved, for you haveno right to hope for salvation. Not because there is any merit in the act, or any grace conferred by baptism per se , but because such aversion to do thewill of Christ should be an all-convincing evidence to you that your heart is

    not right in the sight of Godthat you are as Simon Magus was, "in the gallof bitterness and in the bonds of iniquity." Think, I beg of you, can you besaved while you openly contemn the authority, and reject the counsel of Godagainst yourself? Your neglect of baptism, and union with the church of Christ, will not, on its own account, condemn you; but it certainly will asindicative of the state of your heart. Your obedience will be taken asevidence against you, and thus will be your death. "If ye love me, ye willkeep my words."

    Your flagrant and inexcusable neglect of divine law declares you the enemyof Christ. You are willing enough to confess Christ in a way that will notexpose you to opposition or reproach, but the cross you are unwilling to

    bear. Can you, then, be his disciple? "And he that taketh not his cross, andfolloweth after me, is not worthy of me." Does not this cross of Christ tryyou, and find you wanting?

    "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved."

    Didst thou, dear Savior, suffer shame,And bear the cross for me?And shall I fear to own thy name,Or thy disciple be ?

    Inspire my soul with life divine,And make me truly bold,

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    Let knowledge, faith, and meekness shine, Nor love, nor zeal, grow cold.

    Let mockers scoff, the world defame,And treat me with disdain;Still may I glory in thy name,And count reproach my gain.

    1 The phrases kingdom of heaven, kingdom of God, kingdom of Gods dear Son, kingdom of Christ, all refer to the self-same thing Christs visible kingdom on .this earth, consisting of all his true churches.

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