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The Religion of Christ VS The Religion of Muhammad.

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Page 1: The Religion of Christ VS The Religion of Muhammad.
Page 2: The Religion of Christ VS The Religion of Muhammad.

The Religionof Christ


The Religionof Muhammad

Page 3: The Religion of Christ VS The Religion of Muhammad.

Mark 12:28-30, 32

• Then one of the scribes came, and…asked Him, “Which is the first commandment of all?” Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is: Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one. And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment.” So the scribe said to Him, “Well said, Teacher. You have spoken the truth, for there is one God, and there is no other but He.”

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Allah of Islam the God of the Bible?

• Some of the biggest misconceptions that many non-Muslims have about Islam have to do with the word “Allah.” For various reasons, many people have come to believe that Muslims worship a different God than Christians and Jews. This is totally false, since “Allah” is simply the Arabic word for “God” - and there is only One God. Let there be no doubt - Muslims worship the God of Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus - peace be upon them all.

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Allah of Islam the God of the Bible?

• However, it is certainly true that Jews, Christians and Muslims all have different concepts of Almighty God. For example, Muslims - like Jews - reject the Christian beliefs of the Trinity and the Divine Incarnation. This, however, does not mean that each of these three religions worships a different God - because, as we have already said, there is only One True God.

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Allah of Islam the God of the Bible?

• Judaism, Christianity and Islam all claim to be “Abrahamic Faiths”, and all of them are also classified as “monotheistic.” However, Islam teaches that other religions have, in one way or another, distorted and nullified a pure and proper belief in Almighty God by neglecting His true teachings and mixing them with man-made ideas.– Who is Allah? (www.islamreligion.com )

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Allah of Islam the God of the Bible?

• In August of 2007, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Breda in the Netherlands stated he wanted Christians to start calling God “Allah” because he believes that such a gesture would promote “rapprochement between Christianity and Islam.”

– “Allah is a very beautiful word for God. Shouldn’t we all say that from now on we will name God Allah?...What does God care what we call Him?”

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Allah of Islam the God of the Bible?

• What Archaeology says about Allah:– Allah was the pre-Islamic pagan moon-god.– The worship of the moon-god was the main religion of the

ancient Middle East.– The dominant religion of Arabia during Mohammed’s day

was the cult of the moon-god.– For generations before Mohammed was born, the Arabs

worshipped some 360 pagan gods housed at a stone temple in Mecca called Kabah.

– Chief deity of Mecca was moon-god called al-ilah, which was shortened to Allah in pre-Islamic times.

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Allah of Islam the God of the Bible?

• What History says about Allah:– Pre-Islamic Arabs worshipped moon-god by bowing in

prayer toward Mecca several times a day.– Also make a pilgrimage to Mecca, run around the Kabah

seven times and throw stones at the devil.– Fasted for one month, which began with the appearance

of the crescent moon and ended when the crescent moon reappeared.

– The ancient symbol of the pagan moon-god, the crescent moon, is the official symbol of Islam.

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Allah of Islam the God of the Bible?

• What Theology says about Allah:– The Koran states unequivocally that Allah is an

unknowable and non-personal deity. – The God of the Bible wants to be known by all of

mankind and desires fellowship with human beings on a personal basis (James 2:23).

– The Koran portrays Allah as a vindictive deity who hates sinners and wants to afflict them.

– The God of the Bible loves the world (Jn. 3:16) and desires the salvation of sinners (I Tim. 2:3-4).

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Islam: Jesus & the Godhead

They Offer This Booklet Entitled…

But what does the Qur’an teach Muslims about Jesus?

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Islam: Jesus & the Godhead

• “Allah has not taken on a son nor is there any deity along with Him. If this were so, each deity would take away that which it had created and one would have overpowered the other. Exalted is Allah and free of that which they attribute to Him! Knower of the unseen and the apparent, and High is He above that which they associate with Him” (23:93-94).

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• “O ye people of the Book! Overstep not bounds in your religion; & of God, speak only truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, is only an apostle of God, & his Word which he conveyed into Mary, & a Spirit proceeding from himself. Believe therefore in God & his apostles, & say not, ‘Three:’ (there is a Trinity) – Forebear – it will be better for you. God is only one God! Far be it from His glory that He should have a son! His, whatever is in the Heavens, and whatever is in the Earth! And God is a sufficient Guardian” (4:169).

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Islam: Jesus & the Godhead

• “And they say, ‘The Gracious God has taken unto Himself a son.’ Assuredly, you have indeed uttered a most hideous thing. The heavens might well-nigh burst thereat, and the earth cleave asunder, and the mountains fall down in pieces. Because they ascribe a son to the Gracious God. It becomes not the Gracious God that HE should take unto Himself a son” (19:91-93).

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• “Infidels now are they who say, ‘God is the Messiah, Son of Mary;’ for the Messiah said, ‘O children of Israel! Worship God, my Lord and your Lord.’ Whoever shall join other gods with God, God shall forbid him the Garden, & his abode shall be the Fire; & the wicked shall have no helpers. They surely are infidels who say, ‘God is the third of three:’ for there is no God but one God: and if they refrain not from what they say, a grievous chastisement shall light on such of them as are infidels” (5:76-77).

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Islam: Jesus & the Godhead

• One is an “Unbeliever” who Confesses Jesus as God.

• One is an “Unbeliever” who Confesses Jesus as God’s Son.

• One is “Forbidden Heaven” who Confesses Jesus as God.

• One Deserves “Fire” & “Grievous Punishment” who Confesses Jesus as God.

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Bible: Jesus & the Godhead

• There are three persons of God.– Matt. 28:19; I John 5:7; Romans 15:16

• Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.– John 1:1-2; Acts 5:3-4

• Jesus Was, Is, & Forever will be God.– John 1:1-2, 14; John 5:18; 10:30; 14:9; 12:45;

20:28; Mark 2:5-10; Romans 9:5; Col. 2:9; 1 Tim. 3:16; Hebrews 1:3

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Islam & the Law of Marriage

• May marry up to four wives (4:3).• May marry additional slave girls (4:128).• Muhammad, their “great prophet,” had nine

wives himself.• A thrice divorced woman may only be taken

back if she has married someone else and been divorced from him (2:31).

Totally Contradicts Biblical Teaching!

Matt. 19:4-9; Rom. 7:2-3; I Cor. 7:39

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Islam: Treatment of Women

• “With regard to your children, God commandeth you to give the male the portion of two females” (4:11).

• “Men are superior to women on account of the qualities with which God hath gifted the one above the other, and on account of the outlay they make from their substance for them” (4:38).

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Islam: Treatment of Women

• “And if ye have become unclean, then purify yourselves. But if ye are sick, or on a journey, or if one of you come from the place of retirement, or if ye have touched women, and ye find no water, then take clean sand and rub your faces and your hands with it” (Surah 5:8).

– Men are to rub dirt on their hands if there is no water to purify them following casual contact with a woman (such as shaking hands).

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Islam: Treatment of Women

• Surah 2:82 establishes that a woman's testimony is worth only half that of a man's in court (there is no "he said/she said" gridlock in Islam).

• “Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will...” (Surah 2:282). – There is no such thing as rape in marriage, as a man is

permitted unrestricted sexual access to his wives.

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Islam: Treatment of Women

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Islam: Treatment of Women

• “Virtuous women are obedient, careful, during the husband’s absence, because God hath of them been careful. But chide those for whose refractoriness ye have cause to fear; remove them into beds apart, and scourge them: but if they are obedient to you, then seek not occasion against them: verily, God is High, Great!” (4:38).

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God’s View of Women

• “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27).

• “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28).

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New Testament Teaching on Treatment of Wives

• “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her” (Ephesians 5:25, 28-29, 33).

• “Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered” (I Peter 3:7).

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Bible on Scriptural Integrity

• “…and the Scripture cannot be broken” (Jn. 10:35) – i.e., No contradictions allowed!

• The one (apostle, angel, anyone) who makes any changes to the gospel of Christ is to be accursed (Galatians 1:6-9).

• Must not add or take away from the revelation of God’s Word (Rev. 22:18-19).

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Making Changes to the Qur’an

• “Whatever verses we cancel, or cause thee to forget, we bring a better or its like. Knowest thou not that God hath power over all things?” (2:100).

• “What He pleaseth will God abrogate or confirm: for with Him is the source of revelation” (13:39).

• “And when we change one verse for another, & God knoweth best what He revealeth, they say, ‘Thou art only a fabricator.’ Nay! But most of them have no knowledge” (16:103).

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Tolerant of Other Religions?

• “Verily, they who believe (Muslims), and they who follow Jewish religion, and the Christians, and the Sabeites – whoever of these believeth in God & the last day, & doeth that which is right, shall have their reward with their Lord: fear shall not come upon them, neither shall they be grieved” (2:59; and 5:70).

• Traditional Muslim commentators are agreed that they have been abrogated by another.

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Tolerant of Other Religions?

• “Whoso desireth any other religion than Islam, that religion shall never be accepted from him, and in the next world he shall be among the lost” (3:79).

• “O Believers! Take not the Jews or Christians as friends. They are but one another’s friends. If any one of you taketh them for his friends, he surely is one of them! God will not guide the evil doers” (5:56).

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Tolerant of Other Religions?

• “Fight those from among the people of the Book, who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor hold as unlawful what Allah & His Messenger have declared to be unlawful, nor follow the true religion, until they pay the tax considering it a favor and acknowledge their subjection” (9:29).

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Islam: Against the Jews

• “Lying” About the Crucifixion of Christ (4:156)

• Exalting Ezra Above Muhammad (9:30)

• Rejecting Muhammad as a Prophet

• Charging Interest on Money (4:159)

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Islam: Against the Christians

• Deny that Jesus was a Created Being– Colossians 1:15-17; John 1:1-2 – The Quran says Jesus was created like

Adam was (3:52).

• Belief in the Deity and Divine Sonship of Jesus (Hebrews 1:1-12)

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Islam: Against the Christians

• Rejecting Muhammad as the Prophet of Deuteronomy 18:18-19. – Islam claims “Muhammad” to be the

fulfillment, but see Acts 3:22-23,26.

• Rejecting the Quran as God’s Last Revelation to Man. – Gal. 1:8-9; Jude 3; 1 Cor. 2:10-16

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The Qur’an on Apostasy

• “O Believers! Make not friends of your fathers or your brethren if they love unbelief above faith; and whoso of you shall make them his friends, will be wrongdoers” (9:23).

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The Qur’an on Apostasy

• “Moreover, according to Islamic law, the penalty for apostasy is death. In some countries a Muslim who is baptized, or who has shown interest in Christianity, may possibly be poisoned by his own family. In countries in which Islam is the national religion the abandonment of Islam is considered an act of disloyalty to the state.”

– Origin, History, & Development of Islam, by Miller, 95.

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Three Choices for Non-Muslims

(Fundamentalist Perspective)

• Convert to Islam

• Pay the protection tax and agree not to oppose Islam

• Die– The Muslim disposition toward those who

disagree with them is Islamic Jihad!

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“Savior of the World”I John 4:14

• “For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11).

• Then they said to the woman, "Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world" (John 4:42).

• “For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body” (Ephesians 5:23).

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“Savior of the World”I John 4:14

• “but has now been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Timothy 1:10).

• “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philippians 3:20).
