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The Resident Newspaper December 2010

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News, sport, property for sale and rent, information for residents of Estepona, Sabinillas, Manilva, Sotogrande, Puerto de la Duquesa.
Popular Tags:
the resident ESTEPONA · CASARES · MANILVA · SAN ROQUE No.52 17 DEC - 16 JAN 2011 · Depósito Legal: MA-158-2006 www.theresident.es ® GRATIS FREE ELECTRICAL PROJECTS & INSTALLATION AUTHORISED INSTALLER COMMERCIAL OR PRIVATE PREMISES C/. Espinosa, Edicio Manisabi, Local 12, Sabinillas Tel/Fax: 952 892 515 [email protected] - www.emasur.net ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT SALES AIR CONDITIONING INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS PROJECTS & PERMIT MANAGEMENT SOLAR ENERGY GRANTS AVAILABLE Ciudades y pueblos en toda la comunidad celebrarán las Fiestas con su tradicional Nacimiento. Uno de ellos está en la Alameda de Alfonso XI en San Roque. Cities, towns and villages across the region are celebrating the festive season with a traditional nativity scene. This one is in San Roque’s Alameda de Alfonso XI. SEE OUR MAIN ADD ON PAGE X PUERTO BANUS BENAVISTA FUENGIROLA SEE OUR MAIN AD ON PAGE 9 FREE CONSULTATION & DENTAL CLEAN ONLY 19€
Page 1: The Resident Newspaper December 2010


No.52 17 DEC - 16 JAN 2011 · Depósito Legal: MA-158-2006

www.theresident.es ® GRATIS FREE



C/. Espinosa, Edifi cio Manisabi, Local 12, SabinillasTel/Fax: 952 892 515

[email protected] - www.emasur.net




Ciudades y pueblos en toda la comunidad celebrarán las Fiestas con su tradicional Nacimiento. Uno de ellos está en la Alameda de Alfonso XI en San Roque.

Cities, towns and villages across the region are celebrating the festive season with a traditional nativity scene. This one is in San Roque’s Alameda de Alfonso XI.








Page 2: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es2

Produced by Manilva Media Workshop S.L.L.

Dep Leg: MA -158-2006

Director/EditorGary [email protected]

Sub EditorsGary Walters

ContributorsRafael GalánRonald RosenfeldFrancisco RodríguezMyra AzzopardiJoJo FranceClaudia Norris

Advertising EnquiriesTel. 952 936 [email protected]

General [email protected]

Printed byIniciativas de Publicaciones e Impresión, S.L.

Esta publicación no se hace responsable de las reclamaciones formuladas por los contribuyentes o los anunciantes. Ninguna parte de este periódico puede ser reproducida sin el permiso escrito de los editores.

This Publication accepts no responsibil-ity for claims made by contributors or advertisers. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without written permission from the publishers.



Christmas is once again upon us and as well as the parties and festivities, it is also a good time to refl ect on the past 12 months and look ahead to the coming year.Well maybe it’s not such a good idea to dwell too much on the previous year, looking back at my editorial this time last year I had anticipated a recovery later in the year, a recovery which hasn’t really materialised, instead I think people are learning to live with ‘the crisis’ a bit like rheumatism or a nagging toothache, you just have to grin and bear it and hope that one day it will disappear. It is worth bearing in mind though that there have been many recessions in the past all of which have fi nally come to an end, so let’s all remain positive.One thing that will certainly provide a diversion is the election circus which will kick into top gear in the new year. Already the political parties are opening their nice new shiny offi ces to which they are inviting the general public to visit, and learn how their party is going to save the day.Election time is always a good time to get things done, if you have a problem, you will never fi nd a more sympathetic ear than that of a political candidate seeking election, so you’ve got from now until next May to get in your request, just don’t tell them I told you!Anyway, let’s put the doom and gloom behind us and at least look forward to the coming festivities. As usual there is plenty going on, some of which is detailed in this issue, we will also publish information on our website www.theresident.es and www.facebook.com/TheResident.spain as we receive it.So now all that remains is for all of us at The Resident to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and let’s hope Prosperous New Year.

Ya tenemos las Navidades encima una vez más junto con las fi estas, también es una buena época para refl exionar sobre los12 últimos meses pasados y mirar hacia adelante dando la bienvenida al Nuevo Año.Bueno, tal vez no sea muy buena idea mirar mucho hacia atrás, mirando mi editorial el año pasado por estas fechas, anticipé una recuperación a fi nales del año, una recuperación, la cual todavía no se ha hecho efectiva y en lugar de eso creo que estamos aprendiendo a vivir con la crisis, como si fuera ésta un reumatismo o un dolor de muelas que tienes que soportar y aguantar y tener esperanza de que un día se cure. Merece la pena tener en mente que ha habido muchas recesiones en el pasado, las cuales llegaron un día a su fi n, así pues seamos positivos.Una cosa que ciertamente nos tendrá entretenidos son las próximas elecciones, las cuales empezarán pronto en el próximo año. Ya están los partidos políticos abriendo sus nuevas y brillantes ofi cinas e invitando al público en general a visitarlas y enseñándonos cómo su partido va a salvarnos de ésta.El tiempo de las elecciones es siempre una buena época para hacer cosas, si tiene algún problema, nunca encontrará mejor que un buen candidato a escuchar sus quejas, así que tiene desde ahora hasta el próximo mes de Mayo para preparar sus peticiones ¡Pero por favor no les diga que se lo he dicho yo!De cualquier manera, dejemos los problemas a un lado y por lo menos esperemos las próximas fi estas.Como es normal hay muchos eventos, algunos de ellos están detallados en esta edición, también publicaremos información en nuestra página web www.theresident.es y en www.facebook.com/TheResident.spain en cuanto la recibamos.Así que desde este periódico The Resident os deseamos a todos Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo, verdaderamente eso esperamos.

anúnciese con the resident Tlf.952 936 198 - www.theresident.eu

24.12.09NochebuenaChristmas Eve

25.12.09Navidad Christmas Day (National Holiday)

31.12.09NocheviejaNew Year’s Eve

01.01.10Año NuevoNew Year’s Day (National Holiday)

05.01.10Cabalgatas de Los Reyes MagosThree Kings Parades

06.01.10EpifaniaEpipany (National Holiday)

Manilva Life Business DirectoryManilva Life has been serving residents and visitors to the western Costa del Sol for over fi ve and a half years and is the essential reference source for news, information and services, as well as being a popular meeting place for people to make friends, ask questions and share their experiences through its busy message boards. The website receives around a thousand visitors every day, many of whom are regulars.

Manilva Life is also recognised by Manilva’s local authorities as the offi cial English language website for the area, and enjoys fi rst page position for many search terms on the major search engines, including number one spot for ‘Manilva’ on Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Manilva Life has a range of very att ractive advertising options for local businesses.Visit Manilva Life now at www.manilvalife.com and stay in touch with your community!

Page 3: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es 3San Roque

The company Middle East Financial has presented a project to construct a six-star hotel resort at San Roque’s Cala Sardina, which if approved will be the fi rst of its kind in Spain.This new facility would be an eco-friendly development including 60 suites, 180 rooms and 9 villas, including a helipad, all aimed at the luxury end of the market.The project was unveiled at a presentation by the Mayor of San Roque, Fernando Palma, Middle East Financial’s directors Mohsen and Eva Eftekhar, the company’s lawyer, David Burrieza, and another investor, Roberto Cariño.Presenting the project David Burrieza gave details of the project and went on to express his confi dence of the support of the authorities and local council, and that they were currently evaluating tenders for the construction.

La empresa Middle East Financial quiere levantar un complejo hotelero de seis estrellas en Cala Sardina, en el municipio de San Roque que, de materializarse, va a ser el primero de sus características en España junto a una urbanización de lujo. La nueva infraestructura pretende ser un complejo de corte ecológico, dotado de 60 suites y 180 habitaciones en Cala Sardina con una dotación de lujo, a la que se añaden nueve villas y un helipuerto.Responsables de la empresa inversora dieron a conocer recientemente el proyecto junto al alcalde de la localidad, Fernando Palma. El abogado David Burrieza, que representa a la empresa, estuvo acompañado por Mohsen y Eva Eftekhar, directivos de la citada fi rma, así como por Roberto Cariño, otro de los inversores.Burrieza desgranó algunos detalles del proyecto y dijo no dudar de la predisposición de los órganos ofi ciales, como ministerios, consejerías y concejalías en el apoyo a la iniciativa. Burrieza mostró un plano

Middle East Financial presenta en San Roque su hotel de seis estrellas

ENGLISH & ITALIAN (GUADIARO)San Roque Foreign Residents' Information Offi ce (FRIO)Tenencia de Alcaldía – Distrito Guadiaro / Guadiaro District Deputy Mayor's Offi ceAvenida Tierno Galván, s/n.11311 Guadiaro – San RoqueTel: 956 614 129 (ask for an appointment)Mobile: 647 646 742E-mail: [email protected]

del proyecto elaborado por el equipo de Allende Arquitectos aunque no informó de qué constructora lo ejecutará ya que se están

The hotel will feature 60 suites and 180 rooms, all of which will enjoy high class services such as 24-hour butler and chauffeur services using the hotel’s own fl eet of luxury cars.There are also plans to create a world class restaurant and an exclusive nightclub as well as a marina, which will turn Cala Sardina into one of the most important and luxurious destinations in the world.According to Señor Burrieza the whole development will be built under strict ecological control, not only respecting the existing environment but also with tree planting and creation of green zones. There will also be a rainwater collection and irrigation system. The ultimate aim is to achieve a ‘green gold certifi cate’ for creating a carbon neutral development.

Middle East Financial presents project for six star hotel in San Roque

valorando ofertas. El hotel contará con 60 suites y 180 habitaciones y en cuanto al nivel de las

prestaciones que se ofrecerán apuntó que todas las suites dispondrán, entre otros muchos servicios de alta calidad, como mayordomo las 24 horas y chófer particular con coches de lujo propios del complejo. ‘También se prevé la construcción de un restaurante de gran fama mundial, así como de una discoteca muy exclusiva, única en España’. El proyecto alberga también la creación de una marina, necesaria para convertir a la zona de Cala Sardina en ‘uno de los destinos más lujosos e importantes a nivel internacional’.Tanto el hotel como la urbanización, ‘se construirán bajo los parámetros más ecológicos, no solamente respetando el entorno, sino creando más zonas verdes, con plantación de árboles’. También se contempla un sistema de acumulación de agua de lluvia para cuestiones como el riego. ‘Nuestra intención es obtener el certifi cado de oro verde para este proyecto, creando un complejo libre de dióxido de carbono’, comentó Burrieza.

GERMAN (TORREGUADIARO)San Roque Foreign Residents' Information Offi ce (FRIO)Alcaldía de Barrio / Village Council Offi ceAvenida Mar del Sur, s/n. Edifi cio Mamía11312 Torreguadiaro – San RoqueTel: 956 616 866 (ask for an appointment)Mobile: 647 646 742E-mail: [email protected]

ENGLISH & ITALIAN (SAN ROQUE CENTRO)San Roque Foreign Residents' Information Offi ce (FRIO)Ofi cina Municipal de Turismo / The Borough Tourist Offi ceAntigua Casa Consistorial/ Old Town HallPlaza de Armas, s/n.11360 San Roque CentroTel: 956 694 005 (ask for an appointment)Mobile: 647 646 742E-mail: [email protected]


San Roque Borough Council’s Foreign Residents Information Offi ce (FRIO) would like to announce that 22nd May 2011 is the date set for the next municipal elections in Spain. If you are an EU citizen (or from certain other non-EU countries), hold a NIE number and you have registered on the local population census (“padrón municipal”), you are entitled to exercise your right to vote in both local and European Elections.If you have not voted in Spain before, we would like to let you know there is a deadline to register as a new voter, the offi cial period for all new inscriptions on the electoral roll ends on 15th January 2011.The Foreign Residents Information Offi ce responsible for the borough of San Roque (featuring the following urban areas: San Roque Town Centre, Sotogrande, San Roque Club, Alcaidesa, Torreguadiaro, San Diego, Guadiaro, Pueblo Nuevo, San Enrique, Campamento, Puente Mayorga, Guadarranque, Estación and Taraguilla-Mirafl ores) would like to encourage local residents to vote for different political parties standing as candidates to become the next mayor and councillors for the following four years.The Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE) has announced that foreign residents, from both EU and non-EU countries in the province of Cadiz will have the right to vote along with Spanish residents. According to 2010 fi gures unveiled by the Council’s Statistics Department, there are

3,695 EU citizens offi cially registered on the local census in the borough of San Roque.In addition, due to an agreement with Spain, citizens from Norway, Iceland, New Zealand, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru are also entitled to vote if they have been offi cially residing for a period of three to fi ve years and hold a valid NIE number. This means that another 351 non-EU citizens offi cially registered may also be entitled to vote, as long as they comply with the additional requirements established by the Spanish State.Foreigners from EU countries must be registered on the local population census (known as “padrón municipal”) and more importantly also specifi cally express their

EU CITIZENS: 15th January, the deadline to express your desire to voteinterest in voting in Spain. To make the process easier and to inform citizens of their rights the Electoral Census Offi ce (OCE) has sent out letters to residents.A formal declaration has to be signed and returned to San Roque Town Hall or any of the village council offi ces (“alcaldías de barrio”). The National Census Offi ce has stated that anyone who has received a letter from the OCE with a password can formally express their desire to vote online, via the National Statistics Institute’s website (www.ine.es). More information regarding the process is available from our Foreign Residents Information Offi ce (FRIO) in either San Roque Tourist Offi ce or the Guadiaro Council Offi ce.

Foreign residents who have already voted in Spain in previous local and European elections and still reside in this country maintain their status as voters and do not need to fi ll the form in again.Non EU residents, from countries outside the EU who have the right to vote must join the electoral census before 15th January 2011.To do this they must be on the local population census or “padrón” and have resided legally in this country for at least fi ve years (three years in the case of Norway). Each agreement could include different requirements according to the country of origin. These non-EU residents have also been sent letters by the OCE informing them of their right to join the electoral roll.

Page 4: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es4 Manilva

Coincidiendo con las fechas tan importantes en el calendario comercial como es la llegada de la Navidad, desde la Delegación de Comercio que dirige Gabriel Recio se ha puesto en marcha la campaña, Apuesta Por Tu Comercio, Ven A Por Tu Regalo.Esta promoción consiste en unos “rascas” que contienen gran variedad de premios, ofrecidos por los propios comerciantes: Cenas en restaurantes locales, lotes navideños, spa, bonos para gimnasio y una gran gama de artículos. Para poder optar a uno de estos rascas habrá que realizar una compra superior a 20 € en cualquiera de los establecimientos adheridos a la campaña. Los rascas premiados podrán

To coincide with the festive season Manilva’s Commercial Department, headed by Councillor Gabriel Recio, has launched the campaign Bid for Your Business, Come for Your Gift.This year the promotion is a scratch card with a variety of prizes offered by local traders, including restaurants, spas, gym,

Apuesta Por Tu Comercio,Ven A Por Tu Regalo

Bid for Your Business, Come for Your Gift

Restaurant & Lounge

Opening Hours:

Mondays & Tuesdays: CLOSED

Wednesdays, Thursdays & FridaysMenu del Día 1 pm - 4 pm

3 courses only €11.50

Saturdays: Live Entertainment incl 3-course mealBookings taken from 7 pm

(See Page 19 for entertainment programme)

Sundays - Bar open from 11 am for Tea, Coffee and Sunday Newspapers

Traditional Sunday Lunch is now being servedfrom 1 pm - 3 courses for €16.95

FOR RESERVATIONS PLEASE CALL 952 892 690 or 664 442 629or email us at [email protected] visit the website www.armstrongs-restaurant.com

Located on the Rio Manilva Road, 4km from the Lidl roundabout,Sabinillas. 2 km past the Fairground/Market



Armstrongs Restaurant and Lounge have built a reputation for giving their customers just what they want, and that’s just what they’re promising for the coming month.After a couple of weeks well deserved rest Armstrongs will be re-opening on 15 January, and taking into consideration that most people will have overindulged and overspent over the festive period for January only Armstrongs are offering you the opportunity to sample their usual entertainment nights for just €15 per person including supper.

Armstrongs Christmas Hangover

Kicking off on Saturday 15 January with The Stolen Gnomes, a fantastic 5-piece Celtic fusion band.Saturday 22 January is the turn of the great all round comedy entertainer Alan Wallace.Saturday 29 January’s act is yet to be confi rmed but we will let you know in the January issue of The Resident.So give yourself something to look forward to in January and reserve your table now. Call 6952 892 690 or 664 442 629.

Party time at Armstrongs Restaurant and Lounge

ser comprobados inmediatamente mediante un listado en los mismos establecimientos, donde refl ejará el premio y el lugar donde se puede retirar También puede ser consultado a través de la página del Ayuntamiento de Manilva www.manilva.es ó www.ayto-manilva.com/comercioA diferencia de otras campañas llevadas a cabo con anterioridad, cabe destacar la presencia de varios restaurantes locales que se han querido sumar a esta iniciativa. Consiguiendo de este modo representación de todos los sectores comerciales de la localidad y de esta manera trabajar conjuntamente para conseguir un mayor benefi cio en sus ventas.

as well as a range of gifts and other items. To receive one of these scratch cards you must make a purchase worth €20 or over in any of the participating establishments.Winning cards may be checked immediately on a list in any of those businesses involved on the Manilva Town Hall’s website at www.manilva.es.

Page 5: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es 5Manilva

El equipo de Gobierno del Ayuntamiento de Manilva ha decidido convertir la Avenida de Manilva, ubicada en Sabinillas, en zona de estacionamiento por tiempo limitado, también llamada Zona Azul, siguiendo la propuesta efectuada por el concejal delegado de Comercio, Gabriel Recio. Con esta iniciativa se pretende incrementar la rotación de los vehículos en la calle más comercial del municipio, facilitando tanto a los vecinos como visitantes, la posibilidad de aparcar en el centro de Sabinillas, y hacer sus gestiones o sus compras. En una primera fase se centrará en los 42 aparcamientos que hay en avenida de Manilva, de lunes a sábados de nueve de la mañana a dos de la tarde, donde se podrá aparcar por un tiempo máximo de una hora, de forma totalmente gratuita como en la actualidad.

La Avenida de Manilva en Sabinillas pasará a convertirse en zona de estacionamiento de tiempo limitado

New parking scheme for SabinillasIn an effort to improve parking facilities for visitors to businesses and shops in Sabinillas, the local authorities have introduced a ‘Blue Zone’ in which time limits will be imposed on vehicle parking.In the fi rst phase of the project, parking in the village’s Avenida del Mar will be limited to a maximum of one hour, between the hours of 9 am and 2 pm Monday to Saturday. This initiative aims to increase the turnover of vehicles in the village’s main shopping area.

Según ha explicado Recio, esta medida pretende incrementar la rotación y estimular la actividad comercial y en ningún caso la recaudación. El equipo de Gobierno tiene previsto ampliar esta Zona Azul a la calle Isaac Peral, que es la calle donde están la mayoría de los bancos en Sabinillas, una vez estén acabadas las obras de reasfaltado y equipamiento de la misma que comenzarán en breve. Serán entonces, un total de 90 plazas de aparcamiento los que estarán en rotación. Aunque esto por sí solo no resuelve el problema del aparcamiento en Sabinillas, hay que recordar que actualmente están en ejecución las obras del pabellón deportivo que cuenta con 280 nuevas plazas, cuyas obras se espera que terminen en breve plazo de tiempo.

This will be followed by a similar scheme in Calle Isaac Peral once the imminent resurfacing works have been completed. Calle Isaac Peral is home to most of the local banks and therefore would really benefi t from this short stay parking scheme.Despite these restrictions parking will still be free of charge and it is hoped that, along with the 280 parking spaces available once the sports centre is completed, this will go some way to alleviating the parking problem in the village.


Benavista Commercial Centre

Estepona 951 272 267

Fuengirola Calle BURGOS 3

952 917 164


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999 €

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Combination of Zirconium crowns and veneers



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anúnciese con the residentadvertise with the resident

Tlf. 952 936 198 [email protected] www.theresident.es

Page 6: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es6 Manilva Delegacion de Extranjeros

Después de un año al frente de esta delegación, tanto mi equipo como yo mismo, estamos orgullosos de trabajar para todos los residentes del municipio de Manilva. Hemos querido ofrecerles un servicio de atención y una variedad de actividades, para fomentar la participación y seguiremos trabajando para mejorar la calidad de nuestro servicio.

En estas fechas tan entrañables deseamos que disfrutéis en compañía de vuestros amigos y familiares de una feliz Navidad y que el año que comienza sea próspero y que vuestros sueños se hagan realidad.Un abrazo,

Diego Urieta JiménezConcejal delegación de Extranjeros

Lugar: Monumento del Castillo,Castillo de la Duquesa.Horario:de 8:00 a 15:00 de Lunes a viernesTlf. 952893548. Móvil: 663.96.96.36e-mail: [email protected] de la Duquesa - Ofi cina de Turismo:Horario: de 15:00 a 20:30 de Lunes a

Ofi cina Delegación de ExtranjerosViernes. 10:00 a 14:00 los SábadosTe esperamos para resolver cualquier duda.Trasládanos tus sugerencias.Toda la actualidad de Manilva en inglés: noticias, eventos, actividades,etc. En televisión Manilva Sábados 19:00h. Domingos 12:00h y 19:00hWeb de interés: www.manilva.es, www.manilvalife.com

Saluda de Navidad

El jueves desde las 12.30, en el edifi cio de usos múltiples, se ha celebrado la fi esta navideña de las clases de español, todos los asistentes aportaron un plato típico de su país y disfrutamos cantando unos villancicos tanto en inglés como

en español.Unos cien alumnos disfrutaron de esta fi esta al mismo tiempo que aprovecharon para mostrar sus progresos en el aprendizaje de nuestra lengua.

Fiesta Navideña clases de Español

Con motivo de las celebraciones navideñas y coincidiendo con el fi nal del calendario de actividades del año, hemos querido despedir el año junto con todos nuestros amigos y amigas que nos han acompañado en todos los eventos realizados por esta delegación con una gran cena espectáculo, en un precioso entorno natural que se encuentra en nuestro municipio, en el Restaurante

“Armstrong’s”, ya conocido por muchos por su excelente cocina y su agradable personal. Podremos disfrutar de un buen menú, y pasar una tarde agradable con un gran espectáculo.Tendrá lugar el viernes 17 de Diciembre a partir de las 19:00 horas en Armstrong’s, en el Camino de los Baños.

Cena de Navidad

Con motivo de las celebraciones navideñas y coincidiendo con el fi nal del calendario de actividades del año, hemos querido despedir el año junto con todos nuestros amigos y amigas que nos han acompañado en todos los eventos realizados por esta delegación con una gran cena espectáculo, en un precioso entorno natural que se encuentra en nuestro municipio, en el Restaurante

“Armstrong’s”, ya conocido por muchos por su excelente cocina y su agradable personal. Podremos disfrutar de un buen menú, y pasar una tarde agradable con un gran espectáculo.Tendrá lugar el viernes 17 de Diciembre a partir de las 19:00 horas en Armstrong’s, en el Camino de los Baños.

Repertorio musical navideño del coro Asabam

Actividades varias en villa Matilde

Seguimos con las clases de pintura, dibujo y manualidades que se ofrecen para los más pequeños de nuestro municipio, de forma gratuita e impartidas por una profesora cualifi cada.El viernes día 17 será el último día de

clases de este año, se elaborarán tarjetas de Navidad.Se reanudarán estas clases el viernes 14 de Enero de 2011, con los mismos horarios.

Page 7: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.ee 7Manilva Foreigners Department

Christmas Greetings

The Foreign Residents offi ce can be found in the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa and is open from 8 am to 3 pm, Mondays to Fridays, to help and advise with any problems incurred by foreign residents registered in the municipality of Manilva.Telephone 952 893 548 or Chris Olsen 663 969 636 email [email protected] can also fi nd Chris Olsen at the Tourist

After a year in charge of the Foreign Residents Department my team and I are proud of the work carried out on behalf of Manilva’s foreign community.Our desire has been to provide a service and a variety of activities that will encourage participation by our foreign residents and will continue to work to improve the quality of this service.It just leaves me to hope that you enjoy

Offi ce in the Mikonos Building, Puerto de la Duquesa from 3.30 to 8.30 pm Monday to Friday, and 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays.All the news from Manilva is presented in English on Manilva television by Sally Russell and Chris Olsen on Saturdays at 7 pm and Sundays at 12 noon and 7 pm.Visit www.manilva.es or www.manilvalife.com for more information.

the company of your friends and family during the festive season and that you have a Merry Christmas and that the coming years is a prosperous one, and that all your dreams come true.

With warm regardsDiego Urieta JiménezCouncillor for Foreign Residents

Foreign Residents offi ce

With Christmas coming and to coincide with the fi nal events in the department’s calendar of activities, we wanted to celebrate the closing days of the year with all of our friends who have accompanied us on many of the events organised by the department with a great dinner show in the beautiful

surroundings of Armstrong’s Restaurant and Lounge, known for its excellent cuisine, friendly staff and great entertainment.This took place on Friday 17 December and was enjoyed by a large number of local residents.

Christmas Dinner

The choir of the local music association, Asabam, will be offering a recital of their favourite Christmas songs and carols as well as some new compositions in various languages, including an African Christmas Carol “Akuwamvia Malaika.”

Musical Christmas with the Asabam Choir

Everyone is welcome to join them for this special evening at which refreshments will be available.The recital will take place at Villa Matilde, Sabinillas at 5 pm on Saturday 18 December.

On Thursday at 12.30 pm in the edifi cio de usos multiples in Sabinillas, there was a Christmas Party for all students of the Spanish classes run by the Foreigners Department. Students brought typical dishes from their home countries whilst

enjoying Christmas carols sung both in English and Spanish.Around a hundred pupils attended the party and at the same took the opportunity to demonstrate their progress in the Spanish language.

We continue with the children’s painting, drawing and handicraft classes which are offered to the smaller members of the community. On Friday 17 was the last day of activities for this year, and the children made Christmas cards.Classes will resume on Friday 14 January

at the same hours. These classes are free to local residents and are supervised by qualifi ed teachers.These activities are held at the Villa Matilde, just in front of the Supersol on the Sabinillas to Manilva road.

Other activities

Spanish Classes Christmas Party

Page 8: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es8 Manilva


Marble - GraniteAlso a wide range of Fireplaces

Kitchen Work Tops - Bathrooms - All Types of FloorsWe stock a large range of household names

Polígono Industrial La Dehesilla Parc. 19 - D29691 Manilva Málaga

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Tfno/Fax: 952 89 37 29 Móvil: 657 96 03 47C/. Miguel Delibes - Edif. Sabina Playa 329692 SABINILLAS - MANILVA (Málaga)




Duquesa Port welcomes the opening ofCJ’s Cocktail Bar

CJ’s Cocktail Bar (formerly Cheers Bar) Cheers Cocktail Lounge and Bar is Under New ManagementChris and Jackie will shut for a couple of days in December and then from

the 13th December 2010, we will re open. We would love to welcome you

to the bar and talk to you about some of the things they are planning over

the coming months and find out from you what you have been missing.

So why not come down to Duquesa Port to meet us and join us for a drink.

Bring your copy of The Resident with you and you can get a half price

cocktail for everyone in your party during December.

Open from 18.00 to 02.00 Plaza de la Fuente, Puerto de la DuquesaLow Season – closed on Mondays (from January)Join us on Facebook (CJ’s Cocktail Bar) and follow us on Twitter for moreinformation or visit our web site – www.cjcocktailbar.com

Forthcoming Events

NewYear’s Eve – Out with the old, in with the new.We will see Cheers bar out at the end of the year and welcome CJ’sin with the new. January –we are planning to re introduce the Wednesday night Quiz.Details will be on Facebook and Twitter and our web site nearer thetime. James Bond Evening– come and try one of our special Martinis onFriday 28th January 2011. Try out your Sean Connery accents on us!

Brazilian Carnival night – an evening of South American carnivalmusic. Be extravagant with your carnival mask and win a prize.Friday 25th February.

Duquesa Port’s popular Cheers Bar has recently re-opened with its new owners Chris and Jackie Farr at the helm.Chris and Jackie have been regular visitors to the area, and in the tradition of Victor Kiam they liked the bar so much that they bought it!Although now re-opened as Cheers the bar will be rechristened during a special party on New Year’s Eve and from New Year’s Day will be known as CJ’s Cocktail Bar.

CJ’s have a varied programme of events already planned for the coming months including a James Bond Evening; Brazilian Carnival Night; a 70s and 80s Night; and An Evening with the Rat Pack; as well as regular quiz and music nights.CJ’s Cocktail Bar will also be available for private functions, such as community meetings, birthday parties, etc., Chris and Jackie are always available to discuss your specifi c requirements.

Page 9: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es 9Manilva


Open daily except Thursdays for breakfast,snacks and light lunches.

A friendly welcome to all from John & Jeannette

Edif. Acapulco, Calle Goya, (opp. La Noria 1), Sabinillas

Abierto todos los días menos jueves.Desayunos, tapas y almuerzos ligeros.

Bienvenido a todos de John y Jeannette

OFERTA hastaOFERTA hasta15 de Enero15 de Enero

OFFER until theOFFER until the15th January15th January

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Abierto / OpenDesde / From


Edifi cio Bali,Planta 1, No. 8,Sabinillas

Tel: 952 897 281HablamosWe Speak

CLÍNICA DENTALThe Dental Surgery

PROMOTION:Crown - €299Teeth Whitening - €99Dentures - Full Set - €599

Cuatro alumnos de la Escuela Municipal de Escalada de Manilva junto a su monitor Rogelio Pascual participaron el pasado sábado en la última prueba del campeonato de Andalucía de escalada deportiva celebrada en Armilla, provincia de Granada, y en el que obtuvieron muy buenos resultados.Este grupo de manilveños, pertenecientes a su vez al Club de Escalada Grucam, destacaron en las dos pruebas puntuables celebradas en esta temporada en Sevilla. De esta manera, en categoría infantil, Alejandro Santaella y Aarón Doblas acabaron la temporada en cuarta y quinta posición respectivamente.Por otro lado, Cristóbal Pineda fi nalizó el torneo clasifi cándose en una meritoria tercera plaza en la categoría sub 16.

En categoría sub 18, el manilveño Alejandro Pulido superó a todos sus rivales proclamándose de esta manera campeón de Andalucía. Sin duda, todo un logro para el alumno de la Escuela Municipal de Escalada que en, relativamente poco tiempo, está comenzando a cosechar grandes éxitos.Por último, el veterano Rogelio Pascual López consiguió el subcampeonato andaluz en la categoría master senior tras el cómputo de las dos pruebas de la temporada.El monitor de la escuela de escalada manilveña sólo fue superado por Ángel Maldonado y suma un nuevo trofeo a sus vitrinas.La próxima cita para estos deportistas será el Master de escalada de Extremadura que tendrá lugar en las próximas fechas.

La Escuela de Escalada de Manilva triunfa en el Campeonato de Andalucía

Manilva’s Climbing School triumphs at Andalucia ChampionshipsFour students from Manilva’s Municipal Climbing School along with their tutor, Rogelio Pascual, took part in the last stage of the Andalucia Climbing Championships last week in Armilla, Granada.In the Junior Category Alejandro Santaella and Aarón Doblas fi nished the season in fourth and fi fth place respectively, whilst Cristóbal Pineda fi nished the tournament with a very creditible 3rd place in the U16s.In the Under 18 category Alejandro Pulido surpassed all his rivals to be proclaimed Spanish Champion, without doubt a great accomplishment for this local climber who in such a short time is beginning to reap the rewards.Finally, the veteran Rogelio López Pascual took the runners-up award in the Andalucian Masters Senior Category, just losing out to

the champion Ángel Maldonado.The next event for these athletes is the Extremadura Climbing Masters tournament to be held in the near future.

Page 10: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es10 Manilva

Inmobiliaria Gran Piso cara a las Fiestas de Navidad hará entrega de 50 cestas de alimentos destinadas a las familias del Municipio que las necesiten.Esta iniciativa surge de la dirección de esta Agencia y es apoyada por sus empleados y

Inmobiliaria Gran Piso reparte alimentos a las familias más necesitadas

SOLROK CHOIRFrom Gershwin to Gaga!

Solrok Choir welcomes singers of all ages and ability.The choir meets every

Wednesday evening at 8.30 pmat Martina Merkel’s

Dance studio, Calle Nueva,Manilva Town

Call 656 358 137e-mail: bailedesalon.merkel@


Manilva Ladies(Social Networking) GroupA group for Ladies of all ages to get together, make friends, socialise and

network.Creating a social group through which

they can organise trips and social outings.

All ladies are welcome to go along to the meetings which are held at

ArmstrongsFor more info visit their Facebook

page Manilva Ladies(Social Networking) Group

Gran Piso delivers food to needy familiesLocal estate agent Gran Piso will deliver some 50 food hampers to needy families within the municipality of Manilva.This is part of the agency’s humanitarian policy which is supported by its employees

otros organismos públicos y privados que colaborarán en el reparto de las mismas.Desde estas líneas, Inmobiliaria Gran Piso invita a otras empresas de ente privado a unirse a esta causa humanitaria.

and other public and private entities with which it colaborates.Along these lines Gran Piso invites other companies and individuals to join them in this worthy cause.

Saturday Kids ClubVilla Matilda in Sabinillas

Manilva Mums in collaboration with the Manilva Dept of CultureInvite you to join in the fun every Saturday from 15th January

(from 5 pm to 7 pm), children aged 3 upwardsActivities such as arts and crafts, story time for the younger ones, music,

games and much moreVolunteers needed to help, if you have a skill please come and share it with

the children. Donations of art & crafts materials neededFor further information please call

Cheryl 679 459 930, email: [email protected] www.manilvamums.com or join Manilva Mums Facebook Group

The Kids Club will restart on Saturday 15th Jan 2011

Holiday Rental or Long Term Rental€200 per week or €450 per month long term

Located on Manilva Costa, just 400 metres from the beach and a 5 minute drive from the town of Sabinillas and the port of La Duquesa, this

apartment is easily accessible from either Malaga or Gibraltar Airport.It is a fully equipped two bedroom, two bathroom apartment.

Includes underground garage, full hot/cold air conditioning and SKY TV.

For further information contact Stuart & Jackie HarveyTel: 952 794 143 or 607 792 461

Email: [email protected] www.alboranhills.webs.com

Normalmente nos reunimos semanal-mente, algunas veces en el Puerto de la Duquesa y otras en nuestras casas, donde comemos y bebemos algo, ¡ bueno, sí, bebemos vino!. La mayoría de nosotras estamos siempre en constante movimiento: andamos diariamente, trabajamos mucho y tratamos duramente de no venirnos abajo y mantener nuestro status quo.Un día durante el verano organizamos e intentamos convencer a muchas personas para que se unieran a nosotras en un paseo benéfi co en ayuda del cáncer de mama, esta iniciativa vino de la mano de nuestra vecina más deportista y la que está más en forma, esta bella persona es una entrenadora personal. Ella nunca nos juzga, nunca critica nuestras elecciones pero siempre está ahí aconsejándonos y dándonos su apoyo con sus mejores y dulces palabras. Nos encantó el paseo, y creedme, cuando haces algo como eso con una persona que está preparada deportivamente, empiezas a darte cuenta de los benefi cios al mantenerte tú también en forma.Lynne Moreno es el ejemplo perfecto de lo que tu cuerpo busca para estar en forma. Ella comprende el cuerpo a la perfección, cómo trabajarlo y qué es lo que necesita. Cuando cocina para nosotras, se asegura

que la comida sea sana y saludable pero sobre todo, estando en su compañía te motiva para mantenerte en forma y hacer ejercicios.Ella siempre está ahí dándote consejos y es todo un ejemplo para nosotras. Ella absolutamente vive para su cuidado personal, su familia y sus amigos. Todo esto lo hace ella sin obligación alguna. Tan sólo mirándola, hace que tú quieras hacer lo mejor por ti misma e intentar que ella se sienta orgullosa de ti.Me siento orgullosa de tener a Lynne Moreno como amiga y si alguna vez tienes la oportunidad de estar en su compañía en una de sus clases o de tenerla como entrenadora personal, te doy la enhorabuena porque no te esfuerza ni te obliga. Ella cree en lo que hace y en obtener resultados de una manera tan amable y generosa en su entrenamiento que te hace disfrutar desde el primer momento en que empiezas a entrenar con ella. Lynn nunca te hará sentir que no sirves para ello sino que te enseñará a realizar tus ejercicios adecuadamente y a mantenerte en forma.¡Vamos…, llámala!..Su teléfono es 628 916 301.Te lo dice una agradecida y convencida de las “Divas de Duquesa”.

Somos un grupo de vecinas que nos hacemos llamar las “Divas de Duquesa”

The English BookshopNew and Secondhand Books

Greetings Cards - Travel Guides and Maps

Wishing all our Customersa Merry Christmas and a

Happy New YearMonday to Friday 10 am - 2 pm

Saturday 10 am to 2.30 pm

Tel: 952 891 545 or 619 480 089Ctra, N340, km 144.3 (land side) Sabinillas, Manilva (nr Mercadona)

We are a group of neighbours; we call ourselves the Duquesa DivasWe have little weekly gatherings we like to call sundowners, sometimes in the Port of Duquesa but mostly at each other´s houses, where we supply each other with supper and a little light refreshment, well Ok wine!. Most of us are constantly battling the bulge, we walk daily, work hard and try oh so hard not to over indulge and we just about maintain the status quo.One day in the summer we were gently encouraged to join a charity walk in aid of breast cancer, this gentle encouragement came from our fi ttest neighbor, this beautiful neighbor is a personal trainer, she never judges us, never criticizes our choices but she is always there with compliments and words of gentle encouragement. We loved the walk and more so with compliments and words of gentle encouragement. And believe me when you do something like that with a very fi t person you do start to see the benefi ts of getting yourself in shape.Lynne Moreno is a perfect example of what looking after your body is all about, she completely understands the body, how it

works and what it needs, when she cooks for us she makes sure that the meals are balanced and healthy but above all, just being in her company is encouragement enough to get fi t.She is always there with words of advice and is a shining example to us all. She absolutely lives and breathes taking care of herself, her family and her friends, she doesn´t preach, she doesn´t have to, just looking at her makes you want to do the best for yourself and try to make her proud of you.I am proud to call Lynne Moreno my friend and if ever you get the chance to be in her company, at one of her classes or to take her on as a personal trainer I urge you to give her a go, she´s no pushover mind you, she believes in what she does and in getting results but she has such a kind and generous way of presenting her training that you are actually enjoying yourself from day one. Lynn never makes you feel inadequate but shows you a way to become a better and fi tter you.Go on… give her a call on 628 916 301A grateful and convinced Duquesa Diva

Page 11: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es 11Casares

Una vez clausurada la pasada semana la exposición “José Caballero y La Poesía”, que ha recibido desde principio de julio 4.500 visitas, esta semana han comenzado los trabajos complementarios del nuevo Centro Cultural Blas Infante que incluyen el equipamiento escénico, electricidad e iluminación interior, y la accesibilidad al edifi cio desde el exterior.Las obras tienen un plazo de ejecución de 6 meses y están fi nanciadas por el Ayuntamiento de Casares. Tienen como objeto, explica la concejala de Cultura, Sonia Saborido, adecuar este nuevo espacio para que pueda acoger diferentes formas de expresión artística como exposiciones de arte, representaciones teatrales o proyecciones.Dentro de estos trabajos está prevista la Instalación de unas gradas telescópicas o plegables motorizadas lo que va a hacer posible disponer de asientos para

espectáculos, y recogerlas en el fondo de la sala para que quede una amplia diáfana en caso de la realización de otro tipo de actividades, como exposiciones de arte.El equipamiento escénico incluye también la instalación de sistemas de video y proyección, de amplifi cación de voz (micrófonos y altavoces), iluminación escénica, y los elementos textiles necesarios para “vestir” el escenario.Los acabados interiores van a suponer la eliminación de ecos y reducción de reverberaciones de la sala, la instalación de lamas (persianas orientales) motorizadas para que oscurezcan la entrada de luz directa que penetra por la montera del tejado, así como el alumbrado del edifi cio (alumbrado de emergencia, alumbrado normal, y luminaria para exposiciones.

Comienzan las obras de equipamiento escénico del Centro Cultural Blas Infante

Following the closure of the successful exhibition ‘Jose Caballero and his Poetry’ which had enjoyed some 4,500 visitors since it opened in July, work has begun on the fi nal works to equip the new Blas Infante Cultural Centre including the installation of stage equipment, interior lighting and access improvements.These works are expected to take up to six months to complete and are being paid for out of Town Hall funds. The intention, according to Culture Councillor Sonia

Saborido is to provide a fl exible venue which can accommodate many different forms of artistic expression such as exhibitions, theatrical performances and screenings.The works include the installation of motorised seating which can be extended or retracted as required. Stage equipment also includes the installation of video and projection systems, PA, stage lighting, backdrops and set dressing materials.The interior fi nishes are designed to improve acoustics and lighting.

Works begin on equipping the Blas Infante Cultural Centre in Casares

Casares se convierte en Belén

Casares se convertirá en Belén el próximo viernes por la tarde, sus blancas calles serán el escenario y alrededor de 200 de sus vecinos los actores. La representación comenzará hacia las 19 horas y se ubicará por la Plaza de España, la calle Fuente y el Llano de la Fuente.A lo largo del recorrido, de unos 300 metros, se instalarán las diferentes escenas: huertos de vegetales, un establo y un corral con animales reales (caballos, burros, ovejas, gallinas, etc), el Palacio de Herodes, una posada-taberna, lavanderas, pastoras con cántaros de agua, el escribano, la anunciación a los pastores, el nacimiento al que se ha invitado a participar como Niño Jesús a todos los nacidos este año en el pueblo, y hasta una fi esta fl amenca interpretada por las alumnas de la escuela de baile .

Además, habrá un gran número de puestos de venta, de hierbas naturales, de granos, de miel, panadería, frutería, pescadería, carnicería, alfarería, carpintería, bordadoras, y otros puestos de ofi cios tradicionales.… Unos puestos serán representaciones y en otros se podrán comprar productos locales, como en la quesería, la posada-taberna, la canastería, la tienda de productos de matanza que también venderá molletes con zurrapa, el de gachas, el de dulces navideños, el de café y chocolate. También habrá una tómbola adaptada a la época en la que la Asociación local Karama recaudará fondos para ayuda al Pueblo Saharaui.La actividad comenzará al atardecer y está prevista que fi nalice después de las 21.00 horas, cuando los Reyes Magos lleguen al portal de Belén.

Casares becomes Bethlehem for the dayFrom 7.00 pm on Friday, 17th December Casares Town Centre will become Bethlehem when some 200 locals act out a living nativity scene along the length of Calle Fuentes and the Llano de la Fuente.The event is a community effort organised by the Town Hall along with most of the municipality’s associations, local schools, etc.,The streets will be illuminated with fl aming torches and oil lamps and there will be stars to guide visitors to the holy stable located next to the Llano de la Fuente.Throughout the town there will be individual

scenes: a farm, stables, the Palace of Herod, an Inn and a Tavern, and many houses decorated in the style of the period.There will also be a market in keeping with the theme, potters, cobblers, grocers, bakers, herborists, blacksmith’s forge, as well as stalls selling cheese, sweets, coffee, chocolate, etc.Along with the local residents, visitors are encouraged to dress in keeping with the theme, and so participate in the event.The event begins around dusk and is scheduled to fi nish at 9 pm when the Three Kings will return to the ‘Nativity’.

Casares Bridge ClubAre you interested in playing Bridge?

The Casares Bridge Club welcomes players from novice to expert to join them at the Albayt Resort every Tuesday from 6 pm to 9 pm.

You do not need to take a partner as all players will be accommodated.

Friendly duplicate bridge is their aim.The Albayt Resort can be found at Km 149.2.

Exit the A7 at the Clive Christian roundabout, up the hill to the Albayt resort.

For more details contact Paul on 622 573 [email protected]

Page 12: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es12 Guía de Empresas








TEL 673374876 OR 673374875 - EMAIL [email protected]

anúnciese con the resident - advertise with the residentTlf. 952 936 198 [email protected] www.theresident.es

Sabinillas, Manilvatel/fax:952 891 313

(Opposite Lidls)

Puerto de la Duquesatel/fax:952 892 470(Marina Car Park)

Esteponatel/fax: 952 885 745(Km 167, Front Line)

Bar - Cafetería

Plaza Vicente Espinel nº8 Tel: 951 273 647Sabinillas - Manilva Email: [email protected]





Marlows have been established for nearly two years at the Los Hidalgos Commercial Centre, close to Puerto Duquesa in Manilva.During those two years they have built up a reputation for serving the best fi sh and chips, either to take away or eat in at their comfortable and spacious restaurant. They are proud of the fact that they offer their customers excellent value for money and quality. Marlows have over fi fty years experience in the frying trade and Steven Marlow, the owner and head fryer, has over thirty-two years

Marlows - Fish & Chip Restaurant

2 course Lunch midweek, including a drink for 8.50€

Fish and Chips to Take Away for 5.50€

Sunday Roast Lunch for 8.75€

experience.You’ll always be assured of a great quality meal when you visit Marlows.Alongside their standard menu they have three excellent special offers:

Page 13: The Resident Newspaper December 2010
Page 14: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es14 Estepona

Estepona’s Fiesta Department has an-nounced the festive programme for Christmas 2010.(From Friday 3 December Calle Terraza will be closed to traffi c between 5 pm and 10 pm during the entire Christmas period.)

Programme of events - December

Friday 17: 5.30 pm and 7 pmPadre Manuel Cultural Centre- Children’s theatre spectacular “Señor Scrooge, Cuento de Navidad” (Mr Scrooge, A Tale of Christmas), performed by the Angeles de Trapo Group.8.30 pm - Performance by the Estepona Town Band and The CEIP Sierra Bermeja Choir at the San Jose church.

Saturday 18: 7 pmPadre Manuel Cultural Centre- Presentation of the Christmas Campaign organised by Grupo “Paz, Amor, Solidaridad y Esperanza”, PASE.7.30 pm - Inauguration of the living nativity scene presented by the San Cristobal de Nueva Atalaya Residents Association at the association’s offi ces.

Monday 20: 6 pm- Christmas ‘sweets’ contest at the Restaurante La Gitanilla in Calle Caridad.

Tuesday 21: 7 pm- Performance by the Estepona Senior Citizens Day Centre Choir at the Padre Manuel Cultural Centre.8.30 pm - Christmas Concert by the Magnum Mysterium Choir in the San Jose church.

Wednesday 22: 4 pmChildren’s art workshop ‘Paint Christmas’ in the Padre Manuel Cultural Centre Children’s Library.8.30 pm Christmas Carol Concert in the Iglesia Ntra. Sra. del Carmen church.

Thursday 23: 6 pm to 8 pm - Visit by Santa Claus to the Plaza Antonia Guerrero in collaboration with the Estepona Firefi ghters Association.9 pm - ‘Flamenco Christmas 2010’ a dance spectacular performed in the Peña Flamenca de Estepona by the Municipal School of Flamenco and Francisco Javier Jimeno, Carmina Galbeño and Chico Fargas with special guests Ana Fargas and David Jimeno.

Tuesday 28: 7 pm- Disney Musical at the Palacio de Congresos.

Thursday 30: 9 pm - Performance by the Russian Army Cossack Dance Company at the Palacio de Congresos.

Friday 31: 11 pm - Grand End of the Year Party in the Plaza del Reloj with the traditional church bells, fi reworks and music.

Durante toda la Navidad, la C/Terraza permanecerá cerrada al tráfi co cada día, de 17:00 a 22:00 h.

El programa previsto es el siguiente:Viernes 17 de diciembre:17:30 y 19:00 h.Centro Cultural Padre ManuelEspectáculo Infantil de Teatro “Señor Scrooge, Cuento de Navidad”, a cargo del grupo Ángeles de Trapo. Colabora la Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía.Y a las 20:30 h, en la Iglesia San José, Pregón de Navidad del CEIP Sierra Bermeja, y actuación de la Banda Municipal de Música y y el Coro del CEIP Sierra Bermeja.

Sábado 18 de diciembre: 19:00 h.Centro Cultural Padre Manuel.Presentación de la Campaña de Navidad organizada por el Grupo “Paz, Amor, Solidaridad y Esperanza”, PASE.Y a las 19:30 h, Inauguración del Belén Viviente de la Asociación de Vecinos San Cristóbal de Nueva Atalaya, en la sede de la Asociación.

Lunes 20 de diciembre: 18:00 h. Restaurante La Gitanilla, en C/ Caridad.Concurso de Dulces Navideños, degustación y entrega de premios. Venta de Productos, durante la Navidad, en la C/ Terraza.

Martes 21 de diciembre: 19:00 h.Actuación del Grupo Coral del Centro de Día de Mayores de Estepona en el Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, y a las 20:30 h, Concierto de Navidad a Cargo de la Coral “Magnum Mysterium”, en la Parroquia San José.

Miércoles 22 de diciembre: 16:00 h. Biblioteca Infantil del Centro Cultural Padre Manuel.Taller Infantil “Pinta la navidad”, con el artista Paco Alarcón.Y a las 20:30 h, Concierto de Villancicos en la Iglesia Ntra. Sra. del Carmen.

Jueves 23 de diciembre: de 18:00 a 20:00 h.Visita de Papa Noel y entrega de cartas en la plaza Antonia Guerrero, con la colaboración de la Asociación de Bomberos de Estepona.Y a las 21:00 h, en la Peña Flamenca de Estepona, Espectáculo “Navidad Flamenca 2010”, a cargo de la Escuela Municipal de Flamenco de la Delegación de Cultura, con sus profesores Francisco Javier Jimeno, Carmina Galbeño y Chico Fargas y la colaboración especial de Ana Fargas y David Jimeno.

Martes 28 de diciembre: 19:00 h. Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos.Musical Disney.

Jueves 30 de diciembre: 21:00 h. Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos.Actuación del Ballet Nacional del Ejército Cosaco de Rusia.

Viernes 31 de diciembre: 23:00 h:Fiesta Popular “Fin de Año” en la Plaza del Reloj, con las tradicionales campanadas, fuegos artifi ciales y música.

Martes 4 de enero: De 11:00 a 13:00 y de 18:00 a 20:00 h:Entrega de Cartas al Paje Real en la Plaza Antonia Guerrero.

Actividades de Fiestas para la Navidad Christmas activities in EsteponaMiércoles 5 de enero: 11:00 h Gran Fiesta Infantil de bienvenida a los Reyes Magos, en el Palacio de Congresos.Sus Majestades llegarán a las 11:30 de la mañana y después se dirigirán al Ayuntamiento para hacer su presentación a la Corporación Municipal quiénes les entregarán la llave de nuestra localidad.17:00 h: Gran Cabalgata de Reyes Magos con acompañamiento de la Banda Municipal de Música, y en la que se repartirán caramelos por las calles de Estepona.

Actividades Festivas programadas para la Navidad 2010-11 en el Extrarradio


Lunes 20 de Diciembre12:00 h – Visita de los niños de la Guardería al Belén de la Tenencia.

Martes 21 de Diciembre12:00 h – Llegada de Papa Noel a la guardería de Cancelada.

Jueves 23 de Diciembre12:00 h – Visita de los Reyes Magos al colegio de Cancelada.

Viernes 31 de Diciembre00:00 h – Fiesta Fin de Año, en la Plaza José Vázquez Espinosa, con uvas de la suerte y bolsas de cotillón.

Miércoles 5 de Enero12:00 h – Fiesta Infantil, en la Plaza José Vázquez Espinosa, con grupo de animación infantil y regalos para los asistentes.19:00 h – Cabalgata de Reyes Magos. Sus Majestades, Los Reyes Magos entregarán regalos en la Plaza José Vázquez Espinosa, cuando acabe la Cabalgata.

Nueva Atalaya

Sábado 18 de DiciembreEscenifi cación del Belén Viviente. A partir de las 19:30 horas en la explanada frente a la Asociación de vecinos de San Cristóbal, se representará el Nacimiento de Jesús de Nazaret, con la participación de los vecinos de la Barriada.


Lunes 20 de Diciembre:17:00 h – Representación de los Alumnos de Gimnasia Ritmica“ del cuento “Estrellitas de Navidad”, en el Colegio Público Isdabe del Mar.

Martes 21 de Diciembre: Cantina de la A.A.V.V.21:30 H – APERITIVO DE NAVIDAD para los socios de LA A.A.V.V. Santiago Apóstol de Viernes 31 de Diciembre00:00 h – Fiesta Fin de Año, con uvas de la suerte y bolsas de cotillón, en la Plaza Juan de la Rosa.

Jueves 6 de Enero: 18:00 h – Merienda de Reyes, en el Bar de la Asociación para todos los socios y vecinos

Tuesday 4: 11 am to 1 pm and 6 pm to 8 pm - The ‘Royal Page’ will receive the children’s cards for the Three Kings in Plaza Antonia Guerrero.

Wednesday 5: 11 amChildren’s Party welcoming the Three Kings at the Palacio de Congresos.11.30 am - The Three Kings will be presented to the local authorities at the Town Hall where they will receive the Keys to the town.5 pm - Grand Three Kings Cavalcade through Estepona accompanied by the Estepona Town Band.

Christmas activities in Cancelada, Nueva Atalaya and Isdabe


Monday 20 December12 noon - Visit by the nursery children to the Belén de la Tenencia.

Tuesday 21 December12 noon - Visit by Santa to the Cancelada nursery school.

Thursday 23 December12 noon - Visit by the Three Kings to the school at Cancelada.

Friday 31 DecemberMidnight - New Year’s Party in the Plaza José Vázquez Espinosa, with lucky grapes and party bags.

Wednesday 5 January12 noon - Children’s Party in the Plaza José Vázquez Espinosa, with children’s entertainers and presents for all those attending.7 pm - Three Kings Cavalcade. Their majesties will be presenting gifts at Plaza José Vázquez Espinosa after the cavalcade.

Nuevo Atalaya

Saturday 18 DecemberStaging of the Living Nativity. From 7.30 pm on the esplanade in front of the San Cristobal residents association.


Monday 20 December5 pm - Rhythmic Gymnastic students perform ‘Stars of the Nativity’ in the Isdabe del Mar school.

Friday 31 DecemberMidnight - End of the Year Party with lucky grapes and party bags in Plaza Juan de la Rosa.

Thursday 6 January6 pm - Kings Teatime in the Bar de la Asociación for all members and neighbours.

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Page 15: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.eu 15Estepona

Estepona Today and ViewpointA weekly radio programme in English, each Saturday 2 pm to 3 pm

on Radio Television Estepona 107.2 fm.National and local news; what’s on; where to go; club and association

information, etc. Also interviews and discussions.It is planned to have a ‘round table’ discussion once or twice a month

on various themes. Presented by Rona Bourke.

Just when you thought all the parades and processions were over for a while along comes another one when this Saturday, 15th January Estepona celebrates the Fiesta of St Anton Abad, the patron saint of domestic animals and pets.To mark the occasion ADANA, animal rescue charity, is organising a procession through the streets of Estepona.

Si creíais que las procesiones habían terminado, aquí llega otra, el sábado 15 de Enero es la Fiesta de San Antonio, el patrón de los animales domésticos.Para esta ocasión, ADANA, Asociación de animales abandonados, organiza una procesión a través de las calles de Estepona.

Procesión de San Antonio

Saint Anton Parade

Saldremos de la ofi cina de turismo en Avenida de San Lorenzo a las 12:30h y terminaremos en la Plaza Antonia Guerrero en calle Terraza donde todos los animales serán bendecidos por el Padre Pedro de la Parroquia de San José.Todas las mascotas serán bienvenidas, desde pequeños animales hasta caballos.

The starting point is the tourist offi ce on Avenida San Lorenzo at around 12.30 pm and fi nishes in Plaza Antonia Guerrero (Eggcup Square) in Calle Terraza where all the animals will be blessed by Padre Pedro of the Parroquia San Jose church.All animals are welcome from hamsters to horses. For more information call Marjorie on 636 934 146.

Alcoholics Anonymous PROBLEM WITH YOUR DRINKING?There is a cost free solutionCall the Helpline 600 379 110


Around 400 people, including 300 Britons, have lost an estimated €40 million in down payments on a proposed development that never materialised.These investors bought off-plan apartments on the Estepona Beach and Country Club through Sun Golf Desarrollos Immobiliarios SL and its British representative Ocean View Properties.Many of the purchasers were from Northern Ireland and in some cases had put down

Alredor de 400 personas, incluyendo 300 británicos, han perdido aproximadamente 40 millones de euros en depósitos para pagar la construcción que nunca se materializó.Estos inversores compraron apartamentos antes de su construcción en el Estepona Beach and Country Club a través de Sun Golf Desarrollos Inmobiliarios, SL, y su representante británico Ocean View Properties.Muchos de los clientes eran del Norte

Británicos pierden millones comprando segunda residencias inexistentes en la Costa

Britons lose millions on non-existentCosta holiday homes

Irlanda y en algunas casos habían invertido hasta 90.000 € en su sueño de una vivienda en el sol.Algunas de los inversores han formado un grupo de acción para intentar recuperar su dinero de Ocean View Properties.Según reportajes el terreno pertenecía a un anciano español a quien le fueron prometido 200.000 € por la parcela sin permiso de construcción, pero nunca recibió el dinero y por lo tanto sigue perteneciéndole el terreno.

€90,000 deposit for their dream in the sun.Some of the investors have formed an action group to try and recover their money from Ocean View Properties which was formally wound-up in March last year.According to reports the land was owned by an elderly Spaniard who was promised €200,000 for the plot without planning permission, but he never received the payment, and therefore still owns the land.

Estepona’s Environment Department has joined the Association of Western Costa Del Sol Municipalities’s vegetable oil recycling scheme and invited tenders from recycling management companies to handle the collection, etc.Estepona’s Environment Councillor, Lina Rivas, stated that this service would go some way to preventing pollution of local rivers and the sea as well as fulfi lling the aim of environmental sustainability.As a result of this tender process, the company URBASER has been given the concession

El Ayuntamiento informa que la Delegación de Medio Ambiente, ha entrado a formar parte del ciclo de reciclaje de la Mancomunidad de Municipios de la Costa del Sol Occidental, en materia de aceites y que recientemente ha sacado a concurso la licitación del Servicio de Recogida de Aceites Vegetales Domésticos, para los municipios que constituyen el citado ente.Destacar que entre los objetivos prioritarios se marca la Delegada de Medio Ambiente, Lina Rivas, es el de evitar la contaminación de ríos y del mar, conllevando por tanto el cumplimiento de los criterios de sostenibilidad ambiental, manifestó la edil.Como resultado de este concurso es la empresa URBASER, la concesionaria para la recogida y correcta gestión de este residuo, teniendo previsto el comienzo de

Estepona entra en el plan de reciclaje deaceites vegetales domésticos deMancomunidad de Municipios

Estepona introduces waste vegetable oil recycling plan

este servicio a partir del mes de diciembre de 2010.Para la prestación del servicio de recogida de los aceites vegetales de origen domiciliario la Mancomunidad, ha previsto la colocación de contenedores específi cos en la vía pública, en las islas ecológicas (junto al resto de contenedores de recogida selectiva) en las proximidades de los colegios públicos existentes en los municipios de la Costa del Sol.En el municipio de Estepona, dispondrá de un total de once contenedores y sus ubicaciones son las siguientes: CEIP de Cancelada, CEIP de Isdabe, CEIP Antonio Machado, CEIP Federico García Lorca, CEIP María Espinosa, CEIP Ntra. Sra. Del Carmen, CEIP Ramón García, CEIP Santo Tomás de Aquino, CEIP Sierra Bermeja, CEIP Simón Fernández y CEIP Víctor de la Serna.

for the collection and management of waste vegetable oil, a service which will begin this month.URBASER will be placing containers for the collection of waste oil in the vicinity of local schools, namely: CEIP de Cancelada, CEIP de Isdabe, CEIP Antonio Machado, CEIP Federico García Lorca, CEIP María Espinosa, CEIP Ntra. Sra. Del Carmen, CEIP Ramón García, CEIP Santo Tomás de Aquino, CEIP Sierra Bermeja, CEIP Simón Fernández y CEIP Víctor de la Serna.

Estepona’s Municipal Geriatric Unit will be organising a campaign for the early detection of glaucoma which will take place during the second half of January, 2011.The campaign will be run from 17 to 28 January and will be carried out by specialist Ophthalmic consultant Dr. D. José Antonio Rodríguez Chico.All persons over the age of 40 who

El Gabinete Geriátrico Municipal informa que para la segunda quincena de Enero de 2011 se pondrá en marcha la Campaña de Detección precoz de Glaucoma.Para prevenir esta enfermedad que es causa de ceguera, La Delegación de Bienestar Social va a llevar a cabo una Campaña de Detección precoz de Glaucoma. Para ello contaremos con el Dr. D. José Antonio Rodríguez Chico, especialista en oftalmología.Dicha campaña se celebrará en las dependencias del Gabinete Geriátrico Municipal, la segunda quincena de enero

Campaña de detección precoz de Glaucoma

Campaign for early detection of Glaucoma

2011 desde el día 17 al 28 de enero.Todas aquellas personas mayores de 40 años y que estén interesados en cuidar su visión, deberán de ponerse en contacto con la Delegación de Bienestar social y solicitar una cita a los teléfonos 952 79 26 02 o 659 728 031.El glaucoma es una enfermedad caracterizada por el aumento excesivo de la presión intraocular, que puede provocar la lesión irreversible del nervio óptico que es el que lleva la información visual del ojo al cerebro, y causar ceguera.

are interested in being screened should request an appointment by calling 952 792 602 or 659 728 031.Glaucoma is a disease characterized by the excessive increase in intraocular pressure, which can cause irreversible damage to the optic nerve which carries visual information from the eye to the brain and can ultimately lead to blindness.

Page 16: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.eu16 Información Information

The following 22 May Spain celebrates its municipal elections. In recent weeks Estepona’s Foreigners Department has received numerous requests for clarifi cation of the procedures required, since there is a large amount of confl icting information being spread by various groups and political parties within the municipality.As Estepona Town Council’s Foreigners Department is the only offi cial body they urge that anyone requiring information regarding

El próximo 22 de mayo del 2011 se celebran las elecciones municipales. En las últimas semanas hemos recibido numerosas peticiones de residentes extranjeros con el fi n de que clarifi quemos los procedimientos ya que según nos comentan, existen diferentes entes, entre ellos partidos políticos, que confunden a la ciudadanía residente en Estepona sobre las ventajas y desventajas de estar empradonado en nuestro municipio.Nosotros, como ayuntamiento y por ello como único organismo ofi cial, recomendamos, a todas aquellas personas que tengan inquietudes o dudas, que se acerquen a la ofi cina de Residente Extranjero ubicado en la Avda. San Lorenzo, 1 ó que acudan

La Concejala de Residente Extranjero de Estepona informa sobre el censo electoral y el empadronamiento

Information on registration and voting in Estepona’s local elections

al Edifi cio Puertosol (Departamento de Empadronamiento) en el Puerto Deportivo de Estepona.Desde luego es nuestro deseo y uno de nuestros principales objetivos el integrar al colectivo de Residente Extranjero y hacerles partícipes en asuntos locales que tienen una gran relevancia en la vida diaria de los mismos. En Estepona los Residentes Extranjeros representa el 30% de la población censada. Con este dato consideramos que ya queda todo dicho.Lo que si deseo destacar que, aquellas personas que estén empadronadas, deben asegurarse de que hayan manifestado su voluntad de ejercer su derecho de voto en las elecciones municipales y europeas.

registration on the Padron, etc., should visit the Foreigners Department on Avenida San Lorenzo or the Census Department in the Puertosol Building, Puerto de Estepona.The aim of the Estepona Foreigners Department is to improve integration of this section of the community which represents some 30% of the registered population and to encourage them to exercise their right to vote in local and European elections.


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Paseo Maritimo, San Luis de Sabinillas,Manilva, Málaga

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Page 17: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.eu 17Información Information

EXCLUSIVE to Open FrontiersBrand New Villas - Off PlanBetween Sotogrande and Duquesa

From €325,000Open Frontiers - Sierra Bermeja 3, Pueblo Nuevo de GuadiaroTel: 956 695 067 - 696 078 461 - [email protected] -


Casares Costa Golf

En un rincón de Málaga, en Casares, existe un hoyo testigo de grandes apuestas. Se trata de un par 5 de 472 metros desde amarillas, estrecho, con agua y con fuera de límites. Es la estrella de este campo de 9 hoyos.“The Brasserie” en Casares Costa Golf, es la joya de los restaurantes gestionados por Ronaldo y Anita, dos personajes bien conocidos en el mundo de la hostelería y el golf. Para mas información de eventos ver Manilva Life.En cuanto al ya inaugurado Gimnasio, Casares Fitness, ofrece a nuestros clientes la más moderna y completa equipación en máquinas Fitness. Nuestro equipo de entrenadores se ponen a su disposición para que alcancen fácilmente los objetivos físicos deseados, y en nuestra exclusiva zona de wellness, podrán vivir una experiencia incomparable de relajación y bienestar. En breve dispondremos de clases colectivas de spinning, yoga, etc… El prestigioso Salón de peluquería y belleza unisex, BUDDHA-SPA, después de la gran aceptación recibida en Sotogrande, ahora también abre sus puertas en Casares Costa Golf.Aquí le dará la bienvenida un amable equipo de expertas profesionales en cuyas manos experimentará un nuevo concepto de Spa, de peluquería y de belleza, donde las últimas tendencias

se mezclan con rituales ancestrales de belleza y salud, donde la alta tecnología cosmética se enlaza con relajantes terapias de bienestar. Encontrara todo tipo de cuidado profesional del cabello, últimas novedades en extensiones y alisados, lifting capilar, manicura, pedicura y uñas biogel, lifting facial y tratamientos anti-arrugas, peeling, ácidos faciales anti acné , anti mancha, liposucción ultrasónica no invasiva, envolturas de algas, yogurt y miel, melón, vainilla, chocolaterapia, masajes shiatsu y piedras calientes, acupuntura y refl exología, ... y muchas más cosas a un precio razonable.Casares Costa Golf, encantados de que sus calles estén llenas de chavales y deseosos de que los jóvenes empiecen a jugar al golf desde pequeño, disfruten de un deporte de caballeros al aire libre y conviertan el golf en su pasión ha puesto en marcha para este año 2011 un abono anual padre e hijo en el que por tan sólo 775 € al año (387,50 € por jugador ) podrán jugar todos los días del año, sin ningún otro coste.Los 9 hoyos combinan un día de golf con la familia o lo amigos con variedad de golpes y un reto: llegar a la Casa Club con un buen resultado en el hoyo 7. En la cafetería, con una terraza muy agradable, vistas al mediterráneo, y una cervecita muy fría, el jugador podrá descansar preparando la estrategia del día siguiente.Acercase y le mostraremos gustosamente nuestras instalaciones.

In a corner of the province of Malaga, in Casares, there is hole that bears witness to some extraordinary tests. It is a par 5, 472 metres from the yellow tee markers, with a narrow fairway, water and an out of bounds - and is the indisputable star of this 9-hole golf.“The Brasserie” at Casares Costa Golf, is now a welcome addition to our portfolio. And has been taken over by Ronaldo and Anita, two well known people in the restaurant business as well as golfi ng circles. Coming events at The Braserie Casares will be posted on Manilva Life.The recently opened gym, Casares Fitness, offers our customers the most modern and comprehensive range of fi tness equipment. Our experienced coaching staff are always on hand to advise and assist in helping you achieve your fi tness goals, and our exclusive wellness area enables you to experience a unique sense of relaxation and wellbeing, with its sauna and steam room, etc.Following on from its great success in

Sotogrande, the prestigious unisex hair and beauty salon Buddha-Spa opens its doors at Casares Costa Golf.Here you will fi nd a friendly team of skilled professional ready to welcome you, and treat you to unique blend of hi-tech cosmetic and beauty treatments and traditional wellness therapies. On offer are the latest hair extensions and straightening techniques, manicures, pedicures, biogel nail extensions, anti-wrinkle treatments, peels, anti-acne facials, non-invasive ultrasonic liposuction, seaweed, yogurt and honey, melon, vanilla and chocolate wraps, shiatsu, hot stone massage, acupuncture and refl exology, and much, much more all at sensible prices.At Casares Costa Golf, we are eager to see youngsters following in their father’s footsteps and learning to enjoy the gentlemanly sport of golf, and to encourage this we are launching in the new year a special ‘Father and Son’ subscription at a cost of just €775 per year, which works out at €387.50 per player, and allows you to play every day of the year with no extra cost.Why not combine a day out with family and friends on our 9-hole course, with its variety of strokes, arrive at the Clubhouse on the 7th hole and enjoy a cold beer in the bar or on the terrace overlooking the Mediterranean and you can rest up and prepare your strategy for the next day.Why not drop by and we will gladly show you around our great facilities.

Page 18: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.eu18 Ocio What’s On

Musicians, groups or singers - Send us details of your forthcoming gigs, and if we have room we’ll publish them here.

Músicos, grupos o cantantes – mándanos losdatos de sus eventos y si tenemos sito dentro de estas páginas los


El Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Málaga presenta Recent History, una selección de obras del artista británico Simon Starling. Sus cualidades como investigador, su interés en la arquitectura de las instituciones de arte, así como en la idea de cambios de escala se advierten en la pieza central de la exposición, una obra site specifi c que reproduce una maqueta a escala reducida del antiguo Mercado de Mayoristas, planteada como si de matrioskas o muñecas

Simon Starling - CAC Málaga hasta 23 enero

The 2005 Turner Prize winner, British artist Simon Starling, is showing a selection of his works at the CAC Contemporary Art Centre in Málaga.His show ‘Recent History’ consists of a series of works which show his interest in the history of art institutions.The centrepiece of the show is a nine metre long model of the CAC building itself, made using materials taken from the walls of the building itself. The building dates from 1942 when it was constructed as wholesale market

Turner Prize winner comes to the CAC Málaga

“… Sobre papel” es una exposición colectiva comisariada por Conchi Álvarez para la Galería de Arte Stoa de Estepona, que puede visitarse desde el 2 de diciembre hasta el 25 de febrero de 2011.El título es una invitación al espectador a interactuar con las obras de arte, atreviéndose a rellenar los puntos suspensivos con su personal apreciación, tanto de cada obra individual, como del conjunto.Sin duda no hay nada más sencillo y, por qué no decirlo, económico, en estos tiempos difíciles, que el papel o el cartón. Y es que se puede hacer arte sobre un pedazo de papel de embalar, sobre una cuartilla o un trozo de cartón procedente de un envoltorio cualquiera y, ¡qué mejor reciclaje!

Exposición de Arte - “...Sobre Papel”Galería de Arte Stoa de Estepona

“….On Paper” is a collective exhibition organized by Conchi Alvarez for Stoa Art Gallery, in Estepona, which you can visit until February 25th, 2011.The title of this exhibition invites its spectators to interact with the works of arts, daring to fi ll in the suspension points with their personal valuation, both on the individual works of art

Art Exhibition “...On Paper”Stoa Art Gallery, Estepona

and as a whole.Without doubt, there is nothing easier and, why not say it, cheaper, in these diffi cult times, than paper or card, and you can make art over any piece of wrapping paper, a sheet of paper or a piece of card, what better than art and recycling!

during the Franco years, and that story has fascinated Starling.‘The building was a starting point for conceiving the exhibition’, he told the press at the inauguration ceremony, saying it caught his attention when he fi rst visited. He said he had been allowed onto the roof to ‘experiment with scale’.‘Recent History’ remains at the CAC Málaga until January 23 2011 after which it moves on the Tate St Ives.

Jazz in EsteponaEvery second Tuesday of the month

The coast's Jazz Appreciation Society meets at Benavista Country Club at 8pm. Classic videos followed by a live jazz performance plus

dinner. To book call 952 888 106For more info from Brian Parker call 660 504 942

rusas se tratara. Una representación conceptual del pensamiento que rige su proceso de trabajo, a través del cual una idea o descubrimiento sigue a otro hasta desvelar inesperadas conexiones temporales e históricas. La exposición ha sido organizada por el CAC Málaga y el próximo mes de febrero itinerará a la Tate St Ives, gracias al acuerdo de colaboración suscrito entre ambas instituciones. Es la primera vez que Starling visita España tras ganar el Turner Prize en el año 2005

From the 15th December 2010 to the 14th January 2011, Susan Chaston will be displaying her work in the art gallery at Estepona Port Business and Internet Centre. Susan has already exhibited her work in Wales, Houston and London. She now lives in

Art Exhibition at Estepona Port Business and Internet Centre

Spain where she paints, mainly watercolours, with John Wright.More information about the artist telephone 647 285 147For more information about the exhibition: call 952 793 476

Artistas / Artists: Paloma Ruíz Burgos, Annabel Overbury, Gloria Ducás, C. Álvarez, Belén R. Esturla, Julie Alègre, Javier Infantes, Emilio Sújar, J. M. Álvarez Cebrián.Horario: De lunes a viernes, de / Monday to Friday 11,00 a 14,30 y de 17,00 -18,30Sábados y domingos, de 11,00 a 14,30 sólo por las mañanas (previa cita telefónica). STOA - Puerto de Estepona Edifi cio Puertosol (al lado del Opencor, entrada por la rampa lateral del edifi cio),1ª planta, O. 24 29680 ESTEPONA- Málaga Tfno: 951318426Email: [email protected] Web: www.stoagallery.com

Page 19: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.eu 19Ocio What’s OnTEATRO CERVANTESRamos Marín, s/n, MálagaVenta/Sales tel 902 36 02 95 Info 952 22 41 00

Entradas/ Ticketswww.teatrocervantes.com


Saturday 18th DecemberThe Rat Pack - Our last entertainment night before Christmas. Come and enjoy the very best in entertainment with Frank, Dean and Sammy

€38 per head including a 4 course meal and your table for the night

It’s Christmas Party Time at Armstrongs, book your party now!

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Entertainment for December/January at ArmstrongsNURIA FERGÓMartes, 21 diciembre, 21.00h / Tuesday, 21 December 9 pm

Christmas Hangover - Just 15€ per person including supper.Saturday 15th JanuaryThe Stolen Gnomes, a fantastic 5-piece Celtic fusion band.Saturday 22 JanuaryTonight it is the turn of the great all round comedy entertainer Alan Wallace.Saturday 29 January’s act is yet to be confi rmed but we will let you know in the January issue of The Resident.

Elegancia, arte y una voz dulce y sobrada han convertido a Nuria Fergó en una de las cantantes más queridas dentro del panorama musical. La primera edición del

concurso OT le dio la fama hace ya nueve años y, desde entonces, ha publicado cinco discos y ha vendido más de 600.000 copias en España.

Her elegance and sweet voice have made Nuria Fergó one of Spain’s best loved singers. Since she sprang to fame on Spanish TVs talent show ‘Operación Triunfo´nine years ago she has released 5 albums and sold some 600,000 copies in Spain.

SUEÑOS DE BOLLYWOOD - 22 y 23 diciembre, 21.00h

Inspirado en la música de la exitosa industria cinematográfi ca de Bombay, Sneha Mistri, como bailarina principal, junto a otros doce bailarines, nos invita a un fascinante viaje donde en fastuosa comunión se encuentran exotismo, pasión, ritmo… La sensualidad de la danza clásica india, la energía de los bailes folclóricos y líneas coreográfi cas de

Inspired by the music of the successful Bombay fi lm industry, Sneha Mistri, as principal dancer, together with twelve other dancers, invite us on a fascinating voyage where exoticism, passion and rhythm are found in splendid communion. The sen-suality of classical Indian dance, the energy of the folk dances and the choreography lines of dances as dynamic and current as hip hop, funk and salsa.

GRAN CONCIERTO DE AÑO NUEVO02 enero, 17.30h y 21.00hLa música de la Viena imperial decimonónica ha adquirido en los últimos años un prestigio inusitado y ha encontrado en la celebración del año nuevo el momento idóneo para su culto. Sin las pretensiones de “arte mayor” que orientaron la creación de los ilustres compositores que fl orecieron

en el ámbito vienés, los valses, marchas, polcas se han establecido defi nitivamente como programa insustituible en estas fechas en las principales ciudades europeas –empezando por la capital austriaca– y, desde hace varias temporadas, también en el Teatro Cervantes de Málaga.

Inspired by the traditional concert held every year in Vienna and following the success of previous years, the Grand New Year’s

Concert returns to Malaga, with a popular selection of Johan Strauss’s best waltzes, polkas and marches.

CORO, BALLET Y ORQUESTA DEL EJÉRCITO RUSODE SAN PETERSBURGO - 05 enero, 17.30h y 21.00hEl Coro, Ballet y Orquesta del Ejército Ruso de San Petersburgo vuelve al Teatro Cervantes con nuevo programa y nuevas coreografías en un espectáculo cromático y trepidante que se ha convertido en un clásico de las Navidades. Sobre el escenario un centenar de artistas, entre músicos, bailarines y coro; juntos, verdaderos embajadores de la cultura de su país.

Known as the “fi rst peace army” (they use their voices rather than weapons), the Choir, ballet and Orchestra of the Russian Army of St Petersburg gather on stage, some one hundred artists who interpret popular Russian

songs, dressed in dazzling costumes and performing stunning choreographies. This group, with a long history, has thus become a veritable artistic ambassador for its country.

GRAND NEW YEAR’S CONCERT2 January, 5.30 pm and 9.00 pm


bailes tan dinámicos y actuales como el hip hop, el funky o la salsa.

DREAMS OF BOLLYWOOD22 & 23 December 9 pm

New Year's Eve Gala Dinner and Danceat Estepona Golf Club

with a 5 course menu,including an unlimited Bar

for 90€ per person.Featuring the music of Peter Charles

Reservations 952 937 605 or 678 097 572

NAVIDADES ASABAMDía 18 a las 17:00h en Villa Matilde – SabinillasActuación agrupación” Amigos de la Música” Villancicos nacionales e internacionales con la Delegación de ExtranjerosDÍA 19 a las 10:30h, SabinillasPlza/ Vicente Espinel

Desayuno con tortas típicas Actuación agrupación” Amigos de la Música” VillancicosDía 21 a las 19 :00h SabinillasPlza/ Vicente EspinelActuación agrupación” Amigos de la Música” Villancicos

The local music group ASABAM will be getting us into the Christmas spirit this weekend with a number of performances in Sabinillas:Saturday 18 December, 5 pmVilla Matilde, SabinillasPerformance by the group ‘Friends of Music’ of christmas carols from Spain and around the world. Organised by the Foreign Residents Department.

Sunday 19 December, 10.30 amPlaza Vicente Espinel, SabinillasBreakfast of traditional Andalucian ‘Tortas Fritas’ with music by the Friends of Music’ group.

Tuesday 21 December, 7 pmPlaza Vicente Espinel, SabinillasMusical performance by the Friends of Music’ group.


Page 20: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

*EXCLUSIVO*Duquesa Village

100%FinanciaciónbancariadisponibleDesde/From €137,000

Financiación.El tipo de hipoteca que ofrece el banco es excelente, con unas condiciones de intereses Financiación.El tipo de hipoteca que ofrece el banco es excelente, con unas condiciones de intereses muy buenas, incluyendo incluso la opción de elegir una hipoteca con dos años de carencia con interés muy buenas, incluyendo incluso la opción de elegir una hipoteca con dos años de carencia con interés fi jo del 2%. Las condiciones incluyen:fi jo del 2%. Las condiciones incluyen:

● Financiación del 100% del precio de la vivienda. ● Financiación del 100% del precio de la vivienda. ● Sin comisiones por tramitar la solicitud de la hipoteca. ● Sin comisiones por tramitar la solicitud de la hipoteca. ● Sin comisiones de apertura. ● Sin comisiones de apertura. ● Sin comisiones por la cancelación total o parcial de la hipoteca. ● Sin comisiones por la cancelación total o parcial de la hipoteca. ● Comisión de solo 0.5% por transferir la hipoteca a otro banco. ● Comisión de solo 0.5% por transferir la hipoteca a otro banco.

These 2 and 3 bed apartments have been repossessed by the banks and are offered with up to 100% fi nance.

Duquesa Village is a community of low rise Andalucian style apartment blocks, The urbanisation is a holidaymaker’s paradise with its 5 communal pools, children’s pool and is on the prestigious Duquesa Golf Course.

The apartments have high quality specifi cations including:● Fully Fitted kitchen with granite worktop and separate utility area● Master Bedroom with Jacuzzi Bath● Air/conditioning and heating (fully fi tted)

● Marble fl ooring throughout● Electric Blinds● Lock-up storage room● Private underground parking

Interested? If you want to arrange a viewing of the apartments available or have any further questions, please email us on [email protected] or alternatively drop us a line and we will call you back. You can contact us on 952 936 198 or 630 318 730.

You can fi nd more details about this offer at www.theresident.es or www.manilvalife.com

Financing: The mortgage offered by the bank is excellent with very competitive mortgage rates including Financing: The mortgage offered by the bank is excellent with very competitive mortgage rates including the option to select an interest only mortgage fi xed at 2% for two years*. The conditions include:the option to select an interest only mortgage fi xed at 2% for two years*. The conditions include:● Loan amount up to 100% of the purchase price● Loan amount up to 100% of the purchase price● No fees for processing the mortgage application● No fees for processing the mortgage application

● No fees for opening the mortgage● No fees for opening the mortgage● No fees for partial & total cancellation● No fees for partial & total cancellation

● 0.5% Mortgage transfer fee to another bank● 0.5% Mortgage transfer fee to another bankSpecial Offer: Successful clients will receive a free mortgage payment protection insurance.Special Offer: Successful clients will receive a free mortgage payment protection insurance.*Mortgage is subject to status. Terms and conditions apply.*Mortgage is subject to status. Terms and conditions apply.

Estos pisos de 2 y 3 dormitorios han sido embargados por las entidades bancarias y se ofrecen con una fi nanciación del 100%.

Duquesa Village es una urbanización de estilo andaluz, fantastica tanto para las vacaciones como para residencia habitual ,tiene 5 piscinas, piscina infantil, pista de padel y está situada junto al prestigioso campo de golf La Duquesa.

Los pisos tienen excelentes calidades e incluyen:● Cocina completamente amueblada ,equipada con electrodomésticos y lavadero independiente.● Dormitorio principal con bañera

hidromasaje en el baño.● Aire acondicionado frio/caliente instalado.● Suelos de marmol.● Persianas eléctricas● Trastero.● Plaza de garaje subterranea.

Interesado? Si quiere hacer organizar una visita a los pisos disponibles o si tiene alguna pregunta por favor mandenos un correo electrónico a [email protected] o escribanos y le llamaremos de vuelta. Nos puede contactar en el 952 936 198 o 607 043 943.

Puede encontrar más detalles sobre esta oferta en www.theresident.es www.manilvalife.com

Oferta especial. Los afortunados Oferta especial. Los afortunados clientes recibiran un seguro gratuito clientes recibiran un seguro gratuito

de protección de pago de la hipoteca.de protección de pago de la hipoteca.

*Concesión de la hipoteca sujeta al *Concesión de la hipoteca sujeta al criterio, términos y condicionescriterio, términos y condiciones

de la entidad*.de la entidad*.


Bank Finance


MORE DETAILS: www.manilva life - Tel: 952 936 198 - 607 043 943 - [email protected]

Page 21: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es 21Property

These are just a sample of the property bargains from our partneragencies and developers. You can fi nd many more on our

website at www.manilvalife.com/propertyFor more information on these or any other property queries

don’t hesitate to contact us [email protected] or call 952 936 198

Manilva Life Property SelectionA shop window on some of www.manilvalife.com/property

the best property deals on the coast

We have partnered with a number of Estate agents, developers and promoters to bring you a selection of genuine property bargains.Serious buyers should not miss thisopportunity, as these offers are asgood as it gets.

Duquesa Golf €137,000Casares Costa €105,000

Duquesa €150,000

Casares Costa €120,000




6 7

8 9


Duquesa Golf €170,000

2 bed, 2 bath spacious apartment on frontline golf development. Underground parking, storeroom, communal gardens, swimming pools and padel courts. Reduced from €180,000, 100% fi nance available.

Superb 3 bed, 3 bath townhouse is light and spacious and offers a wonderful south facing private garden. Fully fi tted kitchen and large open plan living and dining room, open fi replace and direct access to the garden. Air con and Sat TV, all windows have security grills.

Brand new two bed, 2 bath apartment fi nished to a very high standard. Fully equipped modern kitchen air con, jacuzzi in the ensuite bathroom The terrace has nice views to one of the community pools. 100% bank fi nance available.

REDUCED FROM €245,000. 2 bed, 2 bath apartment, communal pools, gardens, underground parking and a store room. Next to the Finca Cortesin and Casares Golf clubs just 5 mins from the beach. The property is beingsold with 100% FINANCE.

2 bed, 2 bath apartment close to Finca Cortesin and Casares Golf. 2 double bedrooms fi tted wardrobes. Communal gardens and swimming pools. Terrace, store room and underground parking. Sold unfurnished.

Duquesa from €141,000

2 bed, 2 bath apartment fi nished to high standard. hot/cold air con, Sky TV, ensuite and shower room. Large terrace. Communal gardens and pool. Close to all amenities. Excellent investment, priced for quick sale.

Casares Costa €135,000

2 bed, 2 bath apartment in Paraiso de la Bahia on a corner plot close to the swimming pools. Spacious living room, bedrooms and kitchen and large garden. The beach and golf courses are within a 10 minute walk from the apartment.

Residencia Duquesa €115,000 - €140,000

Recently completed development ideally located between Sabinillas and Duquesa.These modern 2 bed, 2 bath apartments include modern kitchens with Siemens appliances, spacious living rooms with high ceilings, marble bathrooms and spacious terraces. Private parking and some properties have store rooms. Stunning tropical gardens, 4 swimming pools and beautiful courtyards, only minutes from amenities. Within walking distance are Puerto Duquesa, Sabinillas town, Supermarkets, bars, restaurants and Blue Flag beaches. Ideal for rental, long term investments and permanent living. Viewing is highly recommended due to the incredible price, location, quality of the property and fi nance option. Offered for sale with 100% FINANCE

Duquesa Village €120,000

REDUCED FROM €250,000. 2 bed, 2 bath penthouse with golf and sea views, benefi ts from fully fi tted kitchen, air con, underground parking and storeroom. The property is spacious and has modern bathrooms and spacious bedrooms.



Princesa Kristina €115,000

JUST REDUCED. Excellent 2 bed, 2 bath apartment in Manilva Gardens near to the La Duquesa Golf and the La Duquesa Marina. Ample living-dining room leads to private terrace, spacious fully-fi tted kitchen. Communal swimming pool, gardens and ample parking. Only 500m walk from the beach, and a short drive to all amenities.

Duquesa Golf €105,000


EXCELLENT VALUE. 2 bed 2 bath ground fl oor apartment in the Duquesa Golf area. Situated only 3 minutes drive to Duquesa Port and the blue fl ag beaches of Manilva. 2 communal pools and excellent communal gardens and walkways. Ideal for anyone looking for a holiday home with excellentrental potential.10

Page 22: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es22 Puzzle

Soluciones página 26 All solutions on page 26

Fácil Easy

Difícil Hard

Nivel Medio Medium

Don Pregunta’s Picture Quiz

This month’s picture quiz is all on seasonal fi lms, either with a Christmas connection or seasonal favourites, simply name the fi lms. You can fi nd the answers on page 26.

Esta mes, esta sección está relacionada con películas Navideñas. Dí los títulos de las películoas. Podéis encontrar los respuestas en la página 26.













Page 23: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es 23Información Information

Estepona Floral Art Club would like to wish a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all their Members, Visitors and Readers! The Club has planned a great programme of design, colour, and entertainment, for the coming year.If you feel that your afternoons could do with a lift after the busy festive season, then pop along and have an afternoon of good entertainment which will give you plenty of inspiration and ideas to bring colour into your homes! All the Demonstrators arrive from the UK, and are either NAFAS National or Area Demonstrators. The Club is very fortunate to be able to bring to Spain each month such high expertise in the art of Flower Arranging. NAFAS (National Association of Flower Arrangers Society) is a World-wide organization so if you would like to become part of such a great club then please attend their demonstrations.Each month they have a well-stocked Sales Table where all your purchases for Flower Arranging can be made at extremely

Estepona Floral Art Club

International Club of EsteponaThe ICE Club is a social club for all English-speaking people, and holds many events during the week, such as: Music, dancing and themed supper evenings. Day and holiday coach trips. Golf, bowls, rambling, drama, cards and quiz. Monthly magazine and much more.Sundays - Bar open 12.30 to 2.30pm for drinks and tapas.Tuesdays - Bar open 11.00am to 2.00pm for drinks and tapas.Thursdays - Bar open 10.30am to 2.30pm for drinks and lunch.

Special events for December/JanuaryWednesday 5th January – Trip - The Russians

Are ComingThe Russian Army Choir and Dancers are coming to the beautiful Cervantes Theatre in Malaga. Friday 7th January – Quiz NightMonday 10th January – Film NightWednesday 12th January – Ladies & Gents LunchesFriday 14th January - Fish & Chip Supper – With ‘Fryer’ Rob PotterMonday 17th January – New Members Welcome NightICE Club, Urbanisation Bahia DoradaEntrada 4 or 5 at km 149, A7, Estepona Tel 952 802 549Visit their website - www.siberme.com

Las fi estas se acercan, con ellas habra muchas delicadezas a nuestro alcance, tal como debemos ser concientes de que tomamos así debemos tener cuidado con lo que ofrecemos a nuestros familiares con cuatro patas. Ten cuidado con las sobras de las comidas, hay una tendencia de ser generosos con los pellejos de pavo, cortezas de cerdo u otros restos grasientos, éstos pueden producir problemas digestivos o pancreáticos. Huesos de carne o ave, o espinas de pescado deben ser evitado a todo coste. Un carnívoro come carne y no es un huesívoro, o sea comedor de huesos,

tarde o temprano producirá problemas que pueden tener un desenlace fatal. Los huesos no son buenos y ahora hay substitutos, disponibles en tiendas, que no causan daño. Comiendo césped, hierba, o plantas podría sentarles mal y hasta incluso algunas plantas son venenosas.

Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M.Sabinillas952 891 387

El Veterinario

The holiday season is fast approaching, with it lots of savoury delights, just as we need to take care in what we indulge in so should we be aware of what treats our four legged family members are feasting on as well! Be careful with overdoing the table scraps, there is a tendency to be generous with turkey skins, cracklings or other fatty cast off bits, they may lead to serious pancreatic problems.Meat, poultry, and fi sh bones are defi nite items to avoid. A carnivore is a meat eater not a bone eater; sooner or later their consumption will cause problems that could be fatal. Bones are defi nitely a bad idea and now there are substitutes, commercially available which will do no harm. Eating grass or other plant

material may make them sick or could even be poisonous.

Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M.Sabinillas952 891 387

Vet’s Corner

reasonable prices. Plus, they run at certain months in the year, ‘Flower Arranging Classes’ for all levels of abilities, so even if you have never done anything like this before now is the perfect chance to learn a new skill and make new friends. Estepona Floral Art Club will be getting the New Year off to a great start by welcoming Stephanie Laing NAFAS Area Demonstrator from East Grinstead, Sussex, on Tuesday, January 18th 2011.The demonstration will take place at ‘The Benavista Country Club’ Benavista, N340 Km 167; (behind the shops near the tennis courts) the programme commences prompt at 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm. Refreshments will be available before and after thedemonstrations.A raffl e at the end of each demonstration ensures fi ve lucky ladies take home a stunning arrangement. For information on this and future events please contact the Chairman Marilyn Pemberton on 952 928 197.

DFAS de la Frontera, under the partonage of The Lady Parkinson DL, is a society of likeminded individuals who get together for lectures, special interest days, trips, and social events. The Lady Anne ParkinsonThe lecture season runs from October till May. The regular monthly lectures are held at the San Roque Golf & Country Club on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 11am, and usually last between an hour and an hour and a half. Vistors are welcome to come along to lectures; entrance for visitors is €12 and €10 for members of other NADFAS societies. Entry is free for members of DFAS de la Frontera.The lecturers are experts in their fi elds and are selected from the NADFAS accredited directory and the programme is designed to be wide ranging and interesting. In addition to the lectures the programme may also include one or two ‘Special Interest Days’, where the lecturer gives an additional in depth lecture on a specially selected subject. In addition a number of special events are organized each season.DFAS de la Fontera believe culture should not

DFAS de la Fronterajust be interesting, but also fun. The monthly lectures are followed by a complimentary drinks reception where members and visitors can mingle, and have a chance to meet and talk to the lecturer. An optional buffet lunch is also on offer for those that wish to stay and eat.And if all that wasn’t enough DFAS de la Frontera includes several special interest sections: painters, music, and antiques.For more information call 956 794 582 or visit www.nadfas-delafrontera.org

19th January 2011THE SACRED ART OF TIBETZara Fleming: Independent Art Consultant, lecturer and exhibition curator.Isolated from the outside world for centuries, Tibet is home to a rich and unique artistic tradition inspired by the teachings of Buddhism. Its paintings and sculptures hold great charm for Western eyes but behind them lies a sophisticated sacred tradition. Zara Fleming explains how the paintings and sculptures are created and used as visual aids for meditation

Jet2 opens new route to Edinburgh from MálagaBritish low cost airline, Jet2, has announced a new route from Málaga to Edinburgh.The service of two fl ights a week will start on April 2. Director Ian Doubtfi re said that the route connects two marvellous cities and underline’s the company’s commitment to

Málaga and Spain.It will be the fi fth route from Málaga for Jet2, and their 49th in Spain. It fl ies already from the Costa del Sol to Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle and Blackpool.

Well over a hundred walkers took part in the ‘Stepping out for Cancer’ sponsored walk from Sabinillas to Castillo and back.Included in the walkers were the Mayoress, Antonia Muñoz, and Councillor Diego Diaz along with various members from the Foreign Residents Department.The day began with a warm-up after which the group set off on the 6km round trip. There were a number of activities including face painting for the kids, a book signing by Mavis Schmid whose book ‘Living Proof’ tells of her

Stepping Out for Cancer raises €4,000

fi ght against 5 primary cancers.One brave soul raised hundreds of euros by having his back waxed, and the Bodega del Genal contributed a fi xed sum for every tapa and drink sold after the walk.The money raised currently stands at just under 4,000 euros with a fi nal sum yet to be determined. There will be a presentation sometime in December when representatives of the benefi ciaries, Cancer Research and Cudeca, will be presented with their cheques.

Page 24: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es24 Información Information

Age Concern -Estepona and Manilva Shop Closure

Hurry along to the Age Concern charity shop in Calle Zaragoza, Estepona (open Monday to Saturday from 10.00 am to 1.30 pm) to pick up last minute bargains before the Christmas and New Year holiday closure. The shop closes at 1.30 pm on Wednesday 21st December and re-opens on Tuesday January 4th when you will be able to go along and choose your spring outfi ts! In the meantime Age Concern wishes to thank to all of their customers who have helped to support all of the volunteers who work with older people in the community.The shop will also close for the fi esta on Thursday 6th January.The shop is always in need of good quality clothing, bedding and bric-a-brac. If you have any unwanted items – and after Christmas you may well have - either drop them into the shop or call them on 951 318 234 during opening hours.


For elderly people who require help or advice Age Concern operate a telephone service called Lifeline. This gives the individual a direct point of contact with the charity. The telephone number is 650163928. It should be noted that Age Concern is not an emergency service. There is also an email address where you can contact Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva. It is [email protected] and why not tune into our web site at www.acesteponaymanilva.org?

Transporte UrgenteMensajería

Urgent Deliveries Messengers - Courier Service

Tel. 952 89 30 96 - 952 89 72 33Fax. 951 27 35 82

[email protected]

On Thursday 25th November Sotogrande Women held a spectacular fashion show and lunch at the Hotel Club Maritimo de Sotogrande .The models wore glamorous cocktail wear by Aftershock and jewellery by Stephen Webster. For further information on Sotogrande Women please see www.sotograndewomen.com.

Sotogrande WomenFashion Show

Photos: Trevor Brooks

CHARITY MARKETManilva Mums and Manilva’s Delegación de

Cultura are holding a charity market inVilla Matilde, Sabinillas on 2nd January.

Proceeds will go to underprivileged childrenof Manilva.

Call Cheryl on 679 459 930 for information regarding stalls etc.

Age Concern ran a stall at the table top sale organised by AREME (Foreign Residents Association of Estepona) on the 20th November at Padre Manuel, Estepona. As well as raising much needed funds (170€) to support volunteers working with older people in the community, Age Concern were delighted to receive a cheque from AREME for 100€ - the result of the Association raising money for charities in the area.

AREME (Foreign Residents Association of Estepona) donate to local charities

Cheques were also presented to ADANA, CUDECA, and Estepona Cats.

Advertise in The Resident

Get off to a fl ying start in the New Year with an advert in The Resident.Unbeatable rates and packages tailoredto your specifi c needs.Don’t forget advertising is an investment, not an expense. So invest in yourbusiness today.

952 936 198 or [email protected]

Eighth Page122mm x 80mm

Quarter Page122mm x 165mm

Half Page250mm x 165mm

Full Page250mm x 370mm

Page Footer250mm x 60mm

Front page modules(various sizes)

Front Page Footer250mm x 60mm

Business Special80mm x 46mm

25 euros

50 euros

100 euros

200 euros

50 euros

10 euros

35 euros

70 euros

140 euros

250 euros

75 euros

50 euros

150 euros

30 euros

B/W Colour

Page 25: The Resident Newspaper December 2010
Page 26: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es26 En la Residencia de las PalabrasSoluciones Puzzle Page Solutions

Fácil Easy

Difícil Hard

Nivel Medio Medium

Respuestas correspondientes a la página 22

Picture Quiz answers1 A Muppet Christmas Carol, (Los Teleñecos en Cuentos de Navidad)2 Jack Frost: El Hombre de Nieve,3 How The Grinch Stole Christmas, (Cómo el Grinch se Robó la Navidad), 4 The Nightmare Before Christmas (Pesadilla Antes de Navidad),5 Elf, 6 Scrooged,7 Miracle on 34th Street, (Milagro en la Calle 34),8 Fred Claus,9 The Snowman, (El Muñeco de Nieve),10 Polar Express, (El Expreso Polar),11 It’s A Wonderful Life (Qué Bello es Vivir), 12 Bad Santa.

Función del pasadoTe hablo del año 1.944, ¡vaya si algunos lo pasaban mal en el pueblo!, pero nosotros, como éramos unos niños, qué sabíamos; para nosotros, pasarlo mal era no tener la oportunidad de comprar ni un helado, qué quieres, con el poco dinero que nos daban nuestros padres. Los niños siempre ven las cosas de otro modo. Sí que es cierto que oía las quejas de los padres de mis amigos, pero casi nunca escuché a mi madre lamentarse que, viuda, trabajaba como una mula para que no nos faltara de nada. Mi madre tenía la cara fi na, y su rostro, se apegaba al mío con suavidad, cuando por las noches, entre pesadillas de niño, provocadas por las historias terribles que algunos adultos me contaban, sentía miedo, pero era un miedo más a demonios que a otras cosas. Pero lo que yo quiero ahora contar es una historia que me ocurrió justamente en ese año, y que paso a relatar:Jugábamos mis amigos y yo una tarde de febrero, limpia y sosegada –el invierno despuntaba su luz sobre campos mojados y calles recubiertas de piedra y barro–, después de habernos comido una rebanada de pan con manteca blanca, cubierta con un poquito de azúcar (que así era como nos gustaba a casi todos, aunque muchos no pudiéramos gozar de ello porque no todos teníamos el azúcar a nuestro alcance), uno de mis amigos, el más chancero, por no decir el más ganso, llamado Paquito, me dijo: “¿Sabes una cosa?, si esta tarde echas tres chicas –así llamábamos a las monedas pequeñas – en –el cepillo de la iglesia, al volver a casa, tendrás justo encima de la mesa, un real”. Yo miré a los demás amigos del grupo y todos asintiendo con la cabeza me confi rmaron ese hecho, y pregunté: “¿Y por qué no vamos después y lo hacemos en la misa de las seis?”. Pero ese sábado, la única entre mis amigos que fue a misa, fui yo. Al volver, después de haber echado todo el dinero en la canastilla, el único que poseía para ir al cine y comprarme unas golosinas, no encontré ni una

Asociación dediscapacitados Luisana

C/ Aurora de Albornoz nº129692 Sabinillas -MálagaActividades diversas de formación, animación e

integración.Colaboración e información

Teléfono: 606 602 558(Coopere con nosotros)

sola chica en casa. “Pero hija, ¡cómo has podido ser tan ignorante!”, me dijo mi madre. Aquello, me hizo llorar casi una hora entera, y cuando me acordaba de Paquito, se me revolvía el estómago. Reaccioné como iluminada por Dios (porque mi madre me decía siempre que orara y le pidiera al Señor sabiduría) y fui a buscar a Paquito antes de que éste entrara al cine con los demás amigos. “Paquito –lo llamé cuando iba por la calle, ya muy cerca del cine–, ¿sabes a quien he visto en tu casa?, a tu tío Pedro –era un tío rico que tenía Paquito y que de cuando en cuando, se dejaba caer por el pueblo para visitarlos y proporcionarles muchas pesetas, una vez les llenó un tarro entero–, pero le he oído decir que se marcharía de inmediato. Ha preguntado por ti varias veces”. Paquito se puso nervioso. Todos sus amigos me miraban con lástima cuando supieron que me había quedado sin una chica, y sin una gorda –que así llamábamos a otra de las monedas–, hasta que me ofrecieron entre ellos pagarme la entrada. Pero yo no quise aceptar la invitación. También me prometieron la mitad de sus golosinas. Ellos adelantaban el paso porque la función comenzaría - en cinco minutos, y a todo el mundo le encantaba ver la introducción del Nodo. “Si voy al cine, no veré a mi tío”, pensó Paquito.“Puedes correr y en un periquete estarás en tu casa. Lo saludas, coge el dinero que te dé y vuelves corriendo, que tú lo haces muy bien. Sólo te perderás el Nodo”. “¡Maldita sea, con lo que me gusta el noticiario y ver el principio de la película para coger la punta de la historia!”, exclamó Paquito. “¡Que no te lo perderás, ni el Nodo ni la película! –dije urdiendo el plan–. Déjale el dinero de tu entrada a Miguel o a Estrella, ellos la obtendrán y como yo no voy a entrar al cine, te espero a la puerta, para que cuando vengas te la dé y así no pierdes ni un segundo de la película”. Con tanta

anúnciese conthe resident

Tlf.952 936 [email protected]

prisa, no pensó que yo le mentiría. Y aquello, que puede parecer, y de hecho lo es, algo infantil, me dio la oportunidad de disfrutar aquella tarde del espectáculo, porque claro está, que cuando Paquito llegó, yo no estaba allí esperándolo con la entrada en la mano, sino disfrutando dentro del salón; y desde luego, a su tío Pedro, no lo halló en su casa de visita. Cuando salí del cine, Paquito se lo tomó tan mal que me dio una bofetada. Nuestras madres, propusieron que visto lo sucedido, nos quedaríamos sin cine la próxima semana, que coincidía con la navidad, y proyectaban una película protagonizada por los hermanos Marx, titulada ‘El hotel de los líos’. La próxima vez que nos vimos, Paquito me pidió disculpas por la bofetada y me invitó. Pasamos una tarde encantadora, y, ¡hay que ver lo que son las cosas!, él y yo nos empezamos a gustar, y algunos años después nos hicimos novios, luego, nos casamos, y muchas –veces referimos anécdotas del pasado, tantas historias, que no habría libro donde cupiesen.

Francisco Rodríguez HerreraDel libro: “El quinqué, al crepúsculo”

Abierto el plazo para las Eurobecas complementarias ErasmusEl Ayuntamiento de Estepona, a través de la delegación municipal de Infancia y Educación, informa de la nueva convocatoria de Eurobecas de Caja Madrid.Desde 1998, el programa de Obra Social Caja Madrid ha becado a más de dos mil estudiantes y titulados de Formación Profesional de toda España, para la realización de prácticas laborales en países de la Unión Europea.Este año, siguiendo el mismo objetivo de apoyar la Formación Profesional y ofrecer oportunidades a estos estudiantes para mejorar su currículo, Obra Social Caja Madrid convoca dos tipos de becas:

Eurobecas Caja Madrid.• 34 becas para realizar un programa de prácticas laborales de 7 semanas de duración en Reino Unido e Irlanda para estudiantes y titulados de Formación Profesional d Grado Medio y Superior.

Eurobecas Complementarias• Erasmus Caja Madrid163 becas complementarias a la beca Erasmus concedida por la Unión Europea a estudiantes de Formación Profesional de Grado Superior.

El plazo de inscripción es hasta el 24 de enero de 2011.

Las bases están disponibles en www.obrasocialcajamadrid.es. Cualquier duda podrá ser atendida en el teléfono 91 561 62 10.

Page 27: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es 27Información Information

Doom and Gloom seems to have been the order for 2010 particularly when looking at the current economic situation. How many times have we read terms “Financial Crisis, Economic Downturn and Credit Crunch, Quantative Easing”. Then of course the most recent terminology “Stress testing”, phrases we are all now familiar with.Yes 2010 has been an interesting year particularly for the pound against the euro, sentiment rather than economic factors seemed to have infl uenced exchange rates. The exception being the time following the election in the UK.We have seen a considerable swing in the value of the pound from a 12 month interbank low of 1.095 to a high of 1.235. This in turn has had a dramatic impact upon budgets. For example if you were transferring £1,000 at the peak it would be worth 1,235 euros compared to the low of 1,095 euros, that’s a massive 140 euro difference during the 12 month period. It has certainly been a stormy ride, some good news however that during the last 5 weeks we are better off with exchange rates by some 6 cents compared to the low in October this year.Back at the time when the election was taking place in the UK, the big fears in the market was the Greek debt situation which seemed to run for sometime without anybody really knowing what the true level of the debt was. Strange how the tale also rings true today but with a different country. Of late we know it has been Irelands turn, whose next, Portugal, Spain? Spain in

It’s not all doom and gloom, or is it?

£€Pensions, health & unemploymentBritish Consulate Pension, Benefi t & Healthcare Team

One for the ladies- Claiming your UK and Spanish pensions

In previous issues of the newsletter we have highlighted how if you have worked in both the UK and Spain, for a total of 15 years, you may have the right to both a UK and Spanish State Pension. But as many of you will be aware, state pension age for women is different in the UK and Spain. UK state pension age is gradually increasing for women, so that by November 2018 it will be 65. However, for those reaching retirement age in the meantime, it is likely you will reach state pension age in the UK before in Spain, where it is already 65 for both men and women. So when and where do you claim your pension?Even if you are still working in Spain, you can claim your UK State Pension, as soon as you reach UK state pension age.However, you should make the application through the INSS (Spanish social security) and not directly to the UK, otherwise you may fi nd that your application forms are returned. You will need to complete a claim form for ‘pensiones de reglamentos comunitarios’ and you can download this form from the INSS website www.seg-social.es. However, make it clear you only wish to apply for your UK pension. When you wish to claim your Spanish pension, you will then need to return to the INSS to inform them. You will therefore ultimately end up with two separate payments, one from the UK and one from Spain

REMINDER: Don’t forget your EHIC!

Many of you will be travelling over the Christmas period, whether it’s to visit family in the UK or for a

week on the ski slopes. No matter what the reason for your travel, remember to not only take your EHIC with you but also take out adequate travel insurance (see http://ukinspain.fco.gov.uk for more details).Should you require medical treatment while abroad and do not have your EHIC, or it has expired, contact the social security authority that issued you with the card, as they may be able to arrange provisional cover. If your card was issued in Spain, contact the INSS. If it was issued by the UK (e.g. for UK residents and those in receipt of an S1/E121), contact the OHT on 0044 191 218 1999.

PASSPORTS: Keeping a straight face

The regional passport processing centre, based in Madrid, produces 32,000 passports a year for customers in Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Cuba, North Africa, Greece and Cyprus. Without doubt the number one issue that causes most problems for customers is getting their passport photos right. It should be easy…. You go into a photo booth, put your money in, smile and there you go. But it’s not that straightforward.So how can you ensure your passport application will not be delayed because of sub-standard photos? Here are some tips that should help.1. Size matters – We need to see more ‘head’ and less ‘shoulders’ in the photo. There should be at least

29mm from the top to the bottom of the head, but no more than 34mm.2. No smiling – Although it’s tempting to smile, keep a neutral expression. Teeth should not be visible.3. Remove glasses – If at all possible, don’t wear glasses, they can give off a glare which means we can’t see the detail of the photo.4. Make sure the face is clearly visible – Don’t wear hats, and try not to let your hair cover your face.5. Make sure you’re straight on – You need to look straight at the camera. Although we all may have a ‘good’ side, for the passport photo you need to be straight.6. The plainer the better – Photos should be against a plain, light or off-white background.7. Don’t use your home camera – The photos have to be of a particular resolution, printed on specifi c photo-quality paper. It might look OK to you, but on our systems it can often come out grainy and faded.For children, the rules aren’t so stringent. Children under 1 year of age need to be a good likeness, showing as much of the child’s face as possible. For children between 1-6, we can waive the need for a neutral expression, and the eyes don’t need to be looking at the camera.More detailed guidance can be found at: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/TravelAndTransport/Passports/Applicationinformation/DG_174152

You can contact the British Consulate Pension, Benefi t and Healthcare team at:

Apto. de Correos 360, 29080 MalagaOr:Tel: (+34) 95 235 2300Fax: (+34) 95 235 9211E-mail:[email protected]

particular is saying it will not need a bailout, I think it’s a question of lets wait and see. With all the woes in the eurozone our pound should have seen some strong movements valuing our pound higher and getting us more euros, strangely however it has not had the impact we all hoped for. The concern is the level of Britains banks exposure to the Irish debt and the need for taxpayers to once again contibute.Even though Spain is being optimistic, one of the problems lurking around the corner is the fact that recent changes introduced by the Spanish Central Bank in September threatens to reverse the recent trend of slowing property prices. It may very well be that come the New Year we will see the banks fl ooding the market with properties they hold on their books. Why? Under the changes, banks must now make provisions for bad loans after just 12 months rather the current 72 months, which will provide a strong incentive for lenders to dump properties more quickly. The new rules also force banks to value properties more realistically which gives them further incentive to sell.So will this mean the euro will weaken? Unfortunately the answer is not that simple and we will have to wait and see.For the expat transferring funds there is some way of protecting your money and that is to talk to our preferred currency partner Moneycorp. They can advise you when to transfer and also offer a range of options that will enable you to fi x a rate so you know what your budget is for the coming 12 months.

For more information on how Moneycorp can help get you more currency than from your bank contact Michael Campbell in the Costa del Sol offi ce on +34 951 319 700 or email michael.campbel [email protected] Always quote The Resident.

Christmas is a time for parties. Christians throughout the world will be celebrating the birthday of Jesus the King this Christmas.We will worship the baby who is really God here on earth. We will enjoy singing carols, and reading again the story of that night long ago in Bethlehem when Jesus was born, remembering that he grew up to be our Saviour.Why not join us at one of our services?CAROL SERVICESSaturday 18th December International Carol Service at 5.30pm in La Iglesia Parroquial del Virgen del Rocio, San Pedro (Near MacDonald’s)

Sunday 19th DecemberFamily Carol Services 10.15am in the Hall of La Parroquial Virgen del Rocio, San Pedro 11.45am in La Iglesia de nuestra Sra. de la Merced, Sotogrande

Tuesday 21st December Family Carol Service at 7.30pm in La Iglesia Parroquia de San Luis de Sabinillas

CHRISTMAS DAY HOLY COMMUNION11.00am at San Pedro.11.00am at Sotogrande

Details from Revd. Alan Maude 952 808 605

Celebrating the Birthday of Jesus

Caps recently held a fund raising show. Capricious Capers on the 2nd and 3rd of December at the

Caps fund raiser

El Paraiso Country Club the event held over the two nights raised €2,300 for Cudeca.

EasyJet, the UK budget airline recently launched a brand new route to Gibraltar from Liverpool John Lennon Airport.

The airline is now offering a three-times-weekly service from Liverpool to Gibraltar with fares starting from around €30. Seats are now on sale

and the inaugural fl ight will leave Liverpool on Tuesday 29 March 2011.

EasyJet launches Liverpool to Gibraltar route

Page 28: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es28 Deportes Sport

Dos nuevas medallas para el Club Internacional de Esgrima de Estepona en la Copa de Andalucía de EspadaEl pasado fi n de semana tuvo lugar la primera Copa en categoría menores de 20 años y Absoluta en Almería.La tiradora Cristina Ocaña con sólo 17 años obtuvo dos nuevas medallas de bronce en ambas categorías después de una muy buena actuación, ganando todos los asaltos de su clasifi cación perdiendo con la que a la postre fue la campeona de la prueba en categoría absoluta.Buena actuación de Paul Holder y Alberto Zerrada que también ganó todos

sus asaltos en la poule clasifi catoria, perdiendo su paso a las fi nales con el italiano Cassinni.El próximo día 19 de diciembre se celebrará en Nerja (Málaga) la Copa de Andalucía de menores de 15 y 17 años donde el Club Internacional participará con sus mejores representantes, intentando revalidar las medallas de plata y bronce obtenidas por Olatz Bilbao y Cristina Ocaña conseguidas en la pasada edición y que las clasifi can para el campeonato de España.

This month saw the fi rst Trophy in the Under 20 and ‘Absoluta’ categories in Almeria.Swordswoman Cristina Ocaña, at just 17 years old took Bronze in both categories winning all her qualifying rounds, and just losing out to the eventual winner in the ‘Absoluta’ category.There were good performances by Paul Holder and Alberto Zerrad who also won

Estepona’s traditionalchristmas sports

all their poule bouts before losing out to the Italian Cassinni on his way to the fi nals.The next tournament will be at Nerja on December 19 when the Club will be participating in the Andalucia Cup Under-15 and Under-17 categories, and hoping to repeat their success of last year when Olatz Bibao took a Silver and Bronze and Cristina Ocaña qualifi ed for the Spanish Championships.

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Actividades deportivas navideñasDel 20 al 22 de Diciembre se van a celebrar las ya tradicionales actividades navideñas de la Delegación Municipal de Deportes. Los eventos que se realizarán son:

Trofeo de Ajedrez de Navidaddel 20 al 21 de diciembre.Categorías: sub-8, sub-10, sub-12, sub-14 y sub-16. Estadio Fº Muñoz Pérez. Torneo interno donde los alumnos de la Escuela Municipal se inician en la competición. Como colofón habrá una entrega de obsequios.

Noche de Artes Marcialesmartes 21 de diciembre a partir de las 20 hs. en el Polid. El Carmen.Participación de las Escuelas y los Clubes de Artes Marciales de la localidad. Breves pero intensas exhibiciones de los participantes que tendrán la oportunidad de dar a conocer su disciplina marcial al público asistente, demostrando su destreza a la hora de ejecutar las técnicas.

Torneo de Navidad de Baloncestomiércoles 22 de Diciembre, desde las 16.30 hs. en el Polid. El Carmen.Concurso de Triples y Tiros Libres. Como despedida del año los alumnos y alumnas de la EDM de Baloncesto participarán en diversas competiciones preparadas por sus profesores.

From 20 to 22 December Estepona’s Sports Department presents the tradtional annual christmas events which feature:

Chess - Christmas Trophy20 and 21 DecemberThis tournament invites contestants in the U8, U10, U12, U14 and Under 16 categories and takes place at the Chess Club’s headquarters in the Francisco Muñoz Pérez stadium.

Martial Arts NightTuesday 21 December from 8 pm at the El Carmen Sports CentreAn exhibition by Estepona’s various martial arts clubs, who will demonstrate the different disciplines being taught and the level of skill being achieved.

Christmas Basketball TournamentWednesday 22 December from 4.30 pm at the El Carmen Sports CentreTriples and Free Throw competition contested by students in Estepona’s municipal basketball school.

Two new medals for Estepona’s International Fencing Club in the Andalucia Cup

Cristina Ocaña

anúnciese con the resident - advertise with the residentTlf. 952 936 198 [email protected] www.theresident.es

Page 29: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es 29Deportes Sport

Dos ganadores de Grandes, un jugador de Ryder Cup y el último campeón del Volvo Masters, son los cuatro primeros clasifi cados que han confi rmado su participación en la segunda edición del Volvo Mundial Match Play, que tendrá lugar del 19 al 22 de mayo de 2011 en el recorrido malagueño de Finca Cortesín, en Casares.Los ganadores de Grandes Yong-Eun Yang y Graeme McDowell; el defensor del título y miembro del equipo vencedor de la Ryder Cup, Ross Fisher; y el vencedor de la última edición del Volvo Masters, Søren Kjeldsen, son las primeras fi guras del torneo que vaticinan una inscripción del más alto nivel.La segunda edición del Volvo Mundial Match Play contará con 24 participantes

(el año pasado fueron 16) que van a competir en formato liguilla y pelearán por la suma de 3.4 millones de euros en premios, de los cuales 800.000 serán para el campeón. El nuevo y revisado sistema de clasifi cación, a través del ranking mundial y por continentes, garantiza que a Finca Cortesín lleguen los jugadores en mejor forma, lo que contribuirá a la consolidación del torneo.Los 24 participantes serán divididos en ocho grupos de tres jugadores cada uno (de acuerdo a su posición en el ranking mundial el lunes del campeonato), que se enfrentarán durante el jueves y el viernes. Los dos primeros clasifi cados disputarán los dieciseisavos y octavos el sábado, y la semifi nal y fi nal tendrán lugar el domingo.

McDowell, Fisher, Kjeldsen y Yang confi rman su participación en el Volvo Mundial Match Play 2011, Finca Cortesín

World class fi eld set to do battle for 2011 Volvo World Match Play Championship title

Two Major Champions, a Ryder Cup winner and a former Volvo Masters champion are the fi rst four players to qualify and confi rm their entry into the 24-man 2011 Volvo World Match Play Championship via the refi ned qualifi cation criteria devised by Volvo and set to ensure one of the highest quality international fi elds on the European Tour in 2010.Major Champions Graeme McDowell and Y E Yang; Ross Fisher, the current Defending Champion who made a successful Ryder Cup debut as part of Europe’s winning Ryder Cup Team; and 2008 Volvo Masters champion Søren Kjeldsen will all head to

the Finca Cortesín in Southern Spain for the Volvo World Match Play Championship which takes place from May 19-22, 2011.Next year’s Championship, which will once again feature the successful round robin group format in the early stages, will see the fi eld increased from 16 to 24 players with a modifi ed qualifi cation criteria guaranteed to gather together one of the highest quality fi elds in the world. The fi eld will compete for an increased prize fund of €3.4 million and a fi rst prize of €800,000, one of the highest on The European Tour.Last month saw fi ve more world class players seal their places in the 2011 Volvo World Match Play Championship at the 2010 European Tour season fi nale in Dubai. Robert Karlsson secured his place as the winner from the Dubai Golf Championship while 2010 Race to Dubai winner, Martin Kaymer, World Number One, Lee Westwood, World Number Eight, Ian Poulter and winner of the recent WGC-HSBC Champions, Francesco Molinari, won their places as the leading four players not otherwise exempt on the fi nal 2010 Race to Dubai Rankings.Increasing the fi eld from 16 to 24 world class players with a specially revised criteria devised will ensure only the most in-form successful international players will win a coveted place at the 2011 Volvo World Match Play Championship. On arrival at Finca Cortesín the players will be divided into eight groups of three players to be played on Thursday and Friday with 16 players progressing to Saturday in a knock-out format with the semis and fi nal played on Sunday.

Graeme McDowell, Ross Fisher, Per Ericsson y Yong-Eun Yangfoto Getty Images

El equipo griego de primer nivel, Olympiakos del Pireo, estuvieron en Estepona durante la semana pasada haciendo uso de las instalaciones deportivas de gran calidad en el centro deportivo La Lobilla para su entrenamiento.El equipo se alojó en un hotel local e invitó a miembros de las Ayuntamiento a asistir

El equipo de baloncesto griego Olympiakos del Pireo entrena en Estepona

Greek basketball team Olympiakos Piraeus train in EsteponaThe top fl ight Greek basketball team, Olympiakos Piraeus, were in Estepona during last week taking advantage of the town’s fi rst class sporting facilities at La Lobilla Sports Centre for training sessions.The team were staying in a local hotel and invited members of the local authorities to attend one of the training matches.

a uno de sus partidos de entrenamiento.No es la primera vez que Estepona acoje a gran equipos de baloncesto en su etapa de entrenamiento antes de la temporada, quienes aprovechan la pista de La Lobilla. Estos equipos han incluido Real Madrid, Cajasol, DKV Juventud, Khimki Moscow, Dynamo Kiev, y la selección española.

Estepona is no stranger to hosting major basketball teams on their preseason training breaks who take advantage of La Lobilla’s fl oating parquet fl oor, these teams have included the likes of Real Madrid, Cajasol, DKV Juventud, Khimki Moscow, Dynamo Kiev, and the Spanish national team among others.

The ladies from the Manilva Netball Club proudly show off their new strips, which have been kindly provided by Armstrongs Restaurant and Lounge.Feel free to come along and join in. Don’t worry if you haven’t played for years, it’s all

Armstrongs sponsor Manilva Netball Club

about having fun, meeting new people, AND enjoying yourself.Tuesdays 6.30 pm - 8 pm at Las Viñas Sports Centre, ManilvaFind them on Facebook under MANILVA NETBALL CLUB

Page 30: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

The Resident - www.theresident.es30 Salud Health

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Welcome to the health, nutrition and fi tness column. This month Personal Trainer JoJo France and Nutritional Therapist Claudia Norris are looking into weight loss.1 in 4 people are obese and this number is escalating. Many illnesses offer no cure, but with the right fi tness and food, obesity can be a thing of the past.

The Personal Trainer

Can you believe it’s just 1 week away from Christmas day?Most people at this time of year don’t want to think about exercise let alone the gym, so no gym, chat or fi tness talk until next year.Instead:Get as much fresh air as possible, enjoy the winter sun, take walks on the beach, play games with the little ones, dance until your feet ache during the party season.Make time for your family, friends but especially yourself. Enjoy the festive time and be warned, I will be back after Christmas with some great fi tness tips.Merry Christmas.

JOJO FRANCE, Personal TrainerMobile: 687 030 047Email: info@scientifi chealth.net

A Healthier Life

JoJo France and Claudia Norris

Shape up the healthy way!Are you unhappy with your weight?

Nutritional therapist Claudia Norris and personal trainer JoJo France have teamed up to bring you a unique 5

week weight loss programme.

We'll be meeting in La Duquesa on Tuesday evenings and in Pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro on Thursday evenings.

For more information contact Claudiaon 671 142 960 www.nutritioninspain.com

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The Nutritional Therapist Christmas and nutrition

Nutrition over Christmas is exciting! This is the season when the variety and quality of what we eat improves. Foods such as nuts, seeds and berries play a more predominate role in our diet. We are more likely to eat roasted or baked foods rather than fried. Most meals include whole unprocessed vegetables and meats, indeed, this is often the only time many people are prepared to try many different foods (including my favourite, brussel sprouts).The great news is that some of the practices from nutrition can enhance the enjoyment of Christmas.A good example is portion sizes. The discipline of moderating portion sizes comes in very handy at Christmas, as all to often we eat too much starter and main leaving very little space to enjoy the satisfying taste of pudding or sweet. Just being a little bit careful with portion sizes will allow you to enjoy every course of the meal making the Christmas experience more pleasurable as you enjoy the taste of each course without the uncomfortable feeling of being bloated.

So eat, drink and be merry (but not bloated or stuffed) and enjoy this season of goodwill!

CLAUDIA NORRISNutritional Therapist - MA(Hons) Dip(BCNH)Nutritional Therapy Council Registered Practitioner (NTCC)Email: [email protected]: 671 142 960Web: www.nutritioninspain.com

Alcoholics Anonymous ¿Tienes Problemas con el Alcohol?

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Costa Advice Bureau was conceived by Myra Azzopardi in 1998 but not established until almost four years ago when the fi rst offi ce opened in the Calle Real Estepona. In 1995 Myra was asked to set out a list detailing the numerous problems that the non Spanish communities and visitors alike were experiencing whilst visiting and living in Spain. Assisting a group of interested persons, the offi ce for foreigners was eventually set up in Estepona in 1997 by the then newly elected government. As a result of this Myra became very involved in helping people with little or no knowledge of the Spanish language and more importantly the structure. Having been sent herself from pillar to post whilst trying to set up and establish herself on the Costa. Add to this the knowledge gained by acting as a troubleshooter for the expatriates in at least four municipal elections which spanned over at least twelve years meant that Myra achieved a profound insight into the Spanish system and an in-depth knowledge of the locals and the language. Spain has gone through so many changes in the last thirty years modernising its infrastructure and bureaucracy. This process is still ongoing and being updated at such a rate that it is not surprising numerous residents are having diffi culties recognising how to carry out the simplest of tasks.Today more that ever the residents and non residents alike need assistance and advice which they can now not only fi nd at the Costa Advice Bureau in Estepona but at our new branch in Mijas Pueblo set up and controlled by Lisa Sadlier. This gives us the opportunity to be able to sustain the many requests from all areas in Spain and the Islands.Our aim is to offer assistance with every aspect of life in Spain. You may for instance be attempting to remove a property from

Costa Advice Bureaua company, attempting to legalise your property, become connected to the mains utilities, pay your taxes and obtain information on the same, understand inheritance tax issues, deal with the town halls, importation of vehicles and many more too numerous to mention. Some of our services can be found on our website. We are delighted to have become an benefi cial part of the lives of a great majority of expats. We would like to add that we are totally independent of the local town halls and any political groups which give us the freedom to work towards your interests and these only.

COSTA ADVICE BUREAU will deal with all issues that may affect you.It just remains to wish everyone, A Very Happy Christmas and eventful New Year from, Myra, Lisa, Sylvia and Sue from the Costa Advice Bureau.

Myra AzzopardiCosta Advice BureauCalle Real 58, EsteponaTel: 952 797 821www.costaadvicebureau.com

Learn Spanish with Nuria

Experienced teacher from MadridBased Duquesa-Manilva-Sabinillas-Estepona.

1 to 1 dedicated tuition at your place.Group lessons also available.Friendly, gain confidence, learn properly.

Tel. 620753865email: [email protected]


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Page 31: The Resident Newspaper December 2010

Ronda by Train (return by coach)Every Thursday - By coach to Algeciras, then mountain train to Ronda, on a single-tack line, built over 100 years ago. This spectacular mountain scenery can only be seen by train, with many villages and delightful stations en route. In Ronda you can explore the old Moorish town, including the 18th century bridge over the famous El Tajo Gorge, before returning by coach.Adults: Normal price 40€ The Resident price 38€Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 28€.

SevilleEvery Friday (lunch optional add 12.00€) - Seville is the capital of Andalucia. One of Seville’s major landmarks is its cathedral minaret “La Giralda”, built in the 12th century and the third largest temple in christianity. Upon arrival, we take a short tour, including a visit to the majestic Plaza de Espana, La Giralda, and the Cathedral. (entrance fee included in price). You will then have free time to explore the city (with optional lunch available) and perhaps take a cruise on the river, or ride in a horse-drawn carriage. - Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€

TangierEvery Tuesday & Saturday Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED!By coach to Tarifa, the fast ferry getting us to North Africa in approximately 35/40 minutes. The tour will include the Caves of Hercules, followed by a typical Moroccan lunch (which includes live music, belly dancing, etc.) After lunch, we escort you to the Medina (old part of town), Souk (shops and market) and Kasbah (fortress), with time for shopping. Our guide will accompany you at all times. If time allows we visit a herbalist and take a short refreshment stop before before boarding our ferry back to Spain.Adults: Normal price: 83€ (lunch included) The Resident price: 79€ Children: Normal price 65€ The Resident price 60€.A 24-hour cancellation fee applies to this tripPASSPORT DETAILS REQUIRED WHEN BOOKING

GranadaEvery Wednesday - (lunch optional add 12.00€)The city of charm and mystery was the last Arab stronghold in Spain until conquered by the Christians in 1492.The Alhambra complex is world renowned as the best conserved example of Islamic architecture in Spain. During the walking tour of 2.5 hours the guide will reveal to you the fascinating history of the Alhambra, after which you are free to explore the city.Adults: Normal price 70€ The Resident price 66€ Children: Normal price 54€ The Resident price 50€ (subject to 20€ deposit per person)

Have a day out with The Resident

CordobaEvery Thursday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) - This elegant city was once the capital of Islamic Spain. As a result of this it boasts the “Mezquita”, one of the most fascinating buildings in the world. This building was the most beautiful and largest mosque outside of the Middle East and is now the cathedral of Cordoba. It is also possible to just wander through the old Jewish Quarter or just take in the beauty of the city’s gardens, fountains and parks. Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€. Entrance to Mesquita included.NerjaEvery Tuesday (includes breakfast) - Visit the eastern side of the Costa del Sol including a visit to its most famous town of Nerja. Our trip takes us fi rst to the small town of El Palo, where we enjoy a typical Andalucian breakfast. After breakfast we will visit the famous cave of Nerja, with the 32m high ‘Cataclysmic Hall’. After the cave, we visit the town of Nerja, with free time to explore the sites such as the Balcon de Europa or just amble amongst the shops and bars of this interesting town Adults: Normal price 44€ The Resident price 42€ Children: Normal price 33€ The Resident price 31€

Gibraltar - a choice of trips:Wednesdays, Fridays and some Saturdays

Gibraltar - Shopping only:Take this opportunity for 5 hours retail therapy in duty free Gibraltar.Normal price: 20€ The Resident price: 18€. Children: 13€

Gibraltar Rock tour and shoppingYour mini coach will take you on a tour of the Rock. Admission prices to St. Michael’s Caves and the Upper Rock & Barbary Apes are included. The tour fi nishes in Main Street, leaving you time for your duty-free shopping Adults: Normal price 42€ The Resident price 40€ Children: Normal price 32€ The Resident price 30€

Dolphin boat trip and shopping Join us on board the ‘Brixham Belle’ to enjoy the wild dolphins in the bay of Algeciras. You will get the chance to see three different species of these playful mammals, and possibly even a whale or two. The excellent commentary on board will make this a very special adventure for everyone. Also includes plenty of time for duty free shopping etc.Adults: Normal price 42€ The Resident price 40€ Children: Normal price 32€ The Resident price 30€

Gibraltar - Rock the boatCombined Rock tour and Dolphin World. Subject to sailing times, and has less shopping time.Adults: Normal price 65€ The Resident price 61€ Children: Normal price 48€ The Resident price 45€Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED FOR ALL GIBRALTAR TRIPS!

Fuengirola Market & MijasEvery Tuesday - A morning visit to Fuengirola to enjoy the famous Tuesday market, one of the largest on the coast, then its on to the delightful mountain village of Mijas, probably the most famous of the Andalucian White Villages. Time to explore this beautiful pueblo, with its narrow streets and wonderful views. Adults: Normal price 25€ The Resident price 23€ Children: Normal price 20€ The Resident price 18€

Fuengirola ZooEvery Tuesday - One of the world’s fi nest, with state of the art facilities, active participation in species conservation. And its in the centre of town! Adults: Normal price 39€ The Resident price 37€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 28€.

The Resident, in collaboration with Viajes Transandalucia, would like to invite our readers to take advantage of our special ‘Readers’ Offers’ on a selection of trips and excursions over the coming months.As well as discounts on Viajes Transandalucia’s regular trips each month we will also select a

Tel.: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 Fax: 952 893 658or email [email protected]

Don’t forget these rates are only available when booking direct through the main offi ce (See telephone numbers above) and you must mention the

resident to receive these special prices.

Administrators• AMMEX, Sabinillas. Specialists in community administration 952 890 704 www.ammex.org

Building & Maintenance• Pipe Tek SL Water Leak Detection, CCTV Surveying, High Pressure Water Jetting & Drain Relining - 952 891 248 www.pipetek.net• Steve Wilsdon Plumbing & Tiling. Kitchen & Bathroom Refurbishment, Design Service Available. Tel: 952 936 890 email:[email protected]

• Emasur - Installation, repair and maintenance of all types of electical installations, air-con solar energy, and other clean energy systems - both electricity and hot water. Tel: 952 892 515

• Roller Shutter Repairs (Persianas) - Same day service, 7 days a week. Also conversion to motorised and new installations with security format. Tel: 681 177 568

Inmobiliaria Estate Agents• Barrington Homes offer large selection of Duquesa properties for sale. Costa del Sol, Spain 952 936 216 www.barringtonhomes.eu

• Coast to Coast Properties, Sabinillas. Small, independent, personal property advisers. Sales and rentals. 952 892 517 www.c2cproperty.com

• Hamilton Homes. Family run estate agents based in Sabinillas helping clients through every stage of the process. Call 952 890 444 www.hamilton-homes.com

Classifi ed lineage advertising rates are 35 cents per word inclusive of IVA @18% (minimum of 10 words).Boxed classifi eds are charged at 10 euros + IVA for a 80 mm x 46 mm box. To place your advert drop into The Resident offi ce in Edif Sabinillas Playa 6, Calle Mijas, Sabinillas, Manilva, 29692, Malaga. Or call 952 936 198. For more information


• CSS - Home and offi ce support, pc upgrades, adsl and wifi , data recovery and more 952 891 825 www.csscosta.com

Property management • LMK Management Luxury apartment rentals and property management 952 890 513 www.lmkmanagement.com

• Manilva Casa Care - Keycare Security, Meet and Greet, Cleaning, Maintenance 678 138 556 / 687 302 207 www.manilvacasacare.com

Holiday Accommodation

• Barrington Holidays offer self catering holiday rental accommodation in Puerto Duquesa, Costa del Sol, Spain Tel. 952 936 216 www.barringtonholidays.com

• Casares Lets Short and long term rentals 696 676 561 www.casareslets.com

Ocio y Deportes Sport & Leisure• Sun Coast Marine YachtSchool - RYA Motor cruiser and powerboat instruction 952 804 597 www.suncoastmarine.co.uk

Bares y Restaurantes• Restaurante Ramos - Calle Duquesa de Arcos, Sabinillas.• Armstrongs Restaurant - Rio Manilva Road. Extensive menu and weekly entertainment. Tel. 952 892 690 or 664 442 629

Náutica Marine• Atlas Marine, Puerto Duquesa - Boat sales, mortgages, insurance, maintenance 952 890 553 www.atlas-marine.co

Professional• Mateo Lawyers is a fi rm of Spanish Lawyers based in Sabinillas, Manilva English spoken 952 936 123 www.mateo-abogados.com• Do you need a trusted and effi cient lawyer? Call us for a free quotation. 951.31.66.39;• VTranslationSpain.com All types of translation & interpreting work. Qualifi ed Translators & Interpreters, legal contracts, books, websites & certifi ed translations. 951 977 320 [email protected] • Leyva - wide range of fi replaces, marble and granite, supplied and fi tted. Polígono Industrial Manilva. Tel: 951 97 20 08, 609 713 619.

Auto• Brunos Car rental and sales, parking. Serving Malaga, Jerez and Gibraltar airports, Puerto Duquesa 952 891 415 www.brunoscar.com• English Mechanic - All mechanical work undertaken. Mecánica de automóvil en general. Poligono Industrial, Manilva. 951 972 066

ATR SPAINReforms - Maintenance

ManagementTel. 678 962 588

[email protected]

on advertising see our website at www.theresident.esDeadline: Classifi ed adverting can be placed up to 12 noon on the 12th of the month.The Resident accepts NO RESPONSIBILITY for the content of advertisements, nor any claims made by advertisers. Thorough checks should be carried out before any transactions take place.The Resident reserves the right

to make any changes in spelling or grammar where necessary.The Resident takes every care to ensure the correct publication of advertisements, regrettably mistakes do sometimes occur. If there is an error in your advertisement, notify your agency or agent at once as The Resident will only accept responsibility for one insertion published incorrectly.

featured excursion at a special price for Resident readers only.You must book directly to take advantage of these offers. Telephone: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 or email [email protected]. Don’t forget to mention The Resident or you won’t get the discount!

WORK WANTEDGeneral Maintenance Carpentry - Painting

Tel. 627 633 735All types

of work considered

Classifi edsEducación Education

• Home Tutors English and Spanish lessons 952 89 21 63


• Costa Karaoke the best entertainment on the Coast. Visit one of our gigs - see www.costakaraoke.com for list or tel: 0034 952 800 765

Mortgage & Financial Services

• Hamilton Insurance for expatriate insurance be it health, car, travel or home and contents 952 897 347 www.hami l ton- insure .com

The Marmalade Run (Spanish Lakes & Orchards)

Every Friday (Lunch optional €12) - Our trip takes us inland, to an old Olive Mill, for a fully guided tour and, when in season, where we see the full olive oil production process. (Light refreshments included.) We then visit an authentic citrus fruit farm of around 17,000 trees where, if in season, we can sample fresh fruit straight from the tree. A tour of the scenic Spanish Lake District follows, via the dramatic El Chorro Gorge, stopping for lunch, before then returning to the coast..Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 33€ The Resident price 30€.

advertise in the resident

Tel.952 936 [email protected]

Page 32: The Resident Newspaper December 2010
