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The Reverse Review February 2009

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  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009




    Spotlight: Brian D. Montgomery


    26As the nal days of the Bush Administration came to a close, we had the privilege of

    engaging in a candid conversation with Brian D. Montgomery. We spoke about his persona

    accomplishments, and experiences while in ofce as well as his advice for the new

    administration. Read for a glimpse into the personal thoughts of one of the most inuential

    people on FHA and HUD over the last eight years.

    February 2009

  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009


  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009


  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009




    THE REVERSE review

    THE INDUSTRY STANDARD SINCE 1995e Industry Standard is not just a slogan.

    Six of the top 10 reverse mortgage originatorsuse Ibis Soware for their websites, retail

    and wholesale businesses.

    ose lenders are using:

    Ibis RMO:Loan origination modules include CRM,

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    Reports, and Cost Templates. Plus Brokerand Correspondent Management. Full state

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    Ibis Quik Quote:Bilingual consumer calculators,

    already in use at: www.rmaarp.com www.wellsrm.com

    and many other websites

    Ibis also provides:

    Ibis RMA:A complete counseling package forHUD-Approved reverse counselors.

    For more information, visit


    Or call (800) 566-5077

    Publisher Aman Makkar

    Design & Production Jason Westbrook

    2008 The Reverse Review, LLC. All rights reserved. The Reverse Review, LLC is a California

    limited liability company and is the publisher ofThe Reverse Reviewmagazine. Reproducons

    distribuon of any materials obtained in the publicaon without wrien permission is express

    prohibited. The views, claims and opinions expressed in arcle and adversement herein are

    not necessarily those ofThe Reverse Review, its employees, agents or directors. This publicao

    and any references to products or services are provided as is without any expressed or

    implied warranty or term of any kind. While eort is made to ensure accuracy in the content

    of the informaon presented herein, The Reverse Review, LLC is not responsible for any errors

    misprints, or misinformaon. Any legal informaon contained herein is not to be construed as

    legal advice and is provided for entertainment or educaonal purposes only.

    Postmaster : Please send address changes to The Reverse Review, 11440 W Bernardo Ct, Ste 2

    San Diego, CA 92127

    11440 West Bernardo Court

    Suite 220

    San Diego, CA 92127

    Subscriptions and Editorial Contentphone : 858.217.5332

    email : [email protected] : www.reversereview.com

    Advertising InformationRates, specicaons, and deadline informaon available.

    phone : 858.217.5332

    email : [email protected]

    Copy Editor Harpreet Makkar

    Printer The Ovid Bell Press

    Editor-in-Chief Erica English

  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009


    February 2009

    editors not

    When I thinkabout a New Year, a few words come to mind,Renew, Rebuildand Refresh. They each havedierent meanings, things we all care about:commitments, success in business, friendships

    and restoring new successes in a New Year.

    Rebuilding in this small space is not hard,

    especially with the new reverse mortgage loanlimits being increased to $625,000, opening

    the door to a whole new income bracket

    of borrowers. This will undoubtedly have a

    posive impact in our industry.

    Lately Ive been planning for 2009, gathering

    new editorials, campaign ideas and helping

    new companies with their campaigns.

    Addionally, I would like to invite our readers

    to share quesons they may want answered in

    2009. Our goal is to be a monthly guide for the

    conversaons taking place within the industry.

    Speaking of which, recently Ive had

    the pleasure of campaigning new

    books hing the circuit, and Im

    proud to announce that some of your

    favorite TRR contributors are releasing

    new books. The well respected Atare

    Agbamu shares with us his valuable

    insight and informaon for every loan

    ocer in our industry to beer service

    our senior clients in, Think Reverse!.Addionally, Monte Rose shares his training

    and speaking pracces in Go Sell. Go Serve.

    Its going to be a very excing year and we

    want you to join us by giving us your feedback

    on what you want to read each month. Please

    send your emails to feedback@reversereview.

    com as we aim to create an interacve

    publicaon with our wonderful readers in



    Erica English


  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009




    12 Got Content?Valerie VanBooven

    5 Note From the Editor 7 Ask the Underwriter 10 Industry Snapshot

    45 Directory

    16 Creang a World ClassReverse Mortgage

    Training ProgramJacqueline Del Priore

    40 Birth of a NewIndustry, Part IIMichael Banner

    30 What the HECM:Reverse Mortgages

    can be Used to Buy a

    HomeWeiner Brodsky Sidman

    Kider, PC

    37 Grandma Ritas Heirand the 20 Year

    MistakeAtare E. Agbamu, CRM

    22 Building an EecveAdvisor Referral

    EngineMonte Rose

    26 SPOTLIGHT:Brian Montgomery

    46 The Last Word : You are Terminated!

  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009


    February 2009

    Aaaaahhhh, February, for some, the month before springshould arrive, for others Ground Hogs Day, a Presidenal

    Birthday Holiday month, and for many the month of love and


    While my wife would prefer I recall the more romanc side of

    February 14th last year, I must admit a dierent event of the

    day ran a very close second.

    You see, as I opened a large Fedex box delivered to me that day,

    a rather thin le slid out, and then the package with a note

    Will 2 pounds do it?....P.S., I just love your Underwriter(s) it


    As I curiously opened the package, I was presented with a

    classic symbol of underwring communicaon; chocolate, two 1

    pound bags of pink M&Ms, one plain, one peanut.

    We use love in so many ways these days, we love our cars,

    we love our home, we love our loved ones, and we love our


    While the chocolate isnt necessary for us to do our job, (and

    many of us certainly do not need the calories!), I have oen

    thought of sharing the love and the chocolate in reverse to

    some of the villagers whose eorts brought the le before me

    that I am going to underwrite as I munch my way into sugary


    Honestly, that day, I would have loved to send a pound to the

    appraiser who chose to do the appraisal on the manufactured

    home before the foundaon inspecon, couldnt read the tags,

    and le enough white space in the report to verify the loss of a

    current copy of the Appendix D appraisal protocol.

    Perhaps the chocolate would have given him/her the required

    energy to go that extra mile and ll in all of the spaces, make

    appropriate comments, and incorporate all of the required


    Too oen we accept reports from our vendors withoutquesoning quality or content. More importantly, we do not set

    the appropriate expectaons for the nal work product. Some

    of the things I would especially love to know as I read through

    an appraisal report are:

    The name of the lender for whom the report was prepared.

    Property tax amounts and homeowner informaon

    The FHA Casele box was lled in with what number?

    The comparable photos were clear and correctly matched

    to the correct properes.

    The Locaon Map indicators were on the right side of thhighway that divided the subdivision.

    The funconal obsolescence comment of tandem

    bedrooms was drawn on the sketch without two separat

    entry doors.

    Oil tanks, outbuildings, sepc elds, well locaon, pao

    gazebos, and other site improvements were drawn and/

    commented on.

    Interior photos depicng the hole in the oor behind th

    toilet, the big grey spot on a wall, the missing les in a

    ceiling, a dangling light bulb, and other notable features

    interest were described and a recommended/lack of nee

    for repair acon/inspecon proposed.And my remaining economic life is?

    And how about that site value?

    The pavement that split le to the subject property and

    right to the next parcel, is it a private road?

    That large black line that runs from one pole to another

    across the back of the home is it a power line?

    That puddle in the corner of the basement is it sewage

    seepage or a surprise?

    The report menons a scenic and picturesque landscape

    (??), the rear photo was shot from across the creek in th

    back of the yard to get the gazebo, pool and pao in one

    frame the report says ood zone X.The report legal descripon indicates, see aached lega

    descripon or refer to preliminary tle report, yet the

    pdf of the report has no aachments.

    The subject photos remind me of a winter wonderland

    scene from a postcard. Hows that roof doing under all o

    that snow?

    The unit has space heat. And?

    Nice electrical box photo any idea why one fuse is


    The blue tarp on the back of the roof in the photo was fo

    Thanks for comp 4,5 and 6 what are they for?

    Is 35 DOM in a stated declining market a typo?

    What a novel idea, every subdivision should have an

    equestrian estate as one of the comps.

    So, as those bags of pink M&Ms embark upon their Fedex

    journey to Underwriter(s) around the country (I like the M&

    Peanuts!) in the next few weeks, why not start a new tradio

    and dont forget your quality appraisers - drop them both a

    good appraisal checklist and a pound with your note P.S. I ju

    love your appraisal quality.

    ask the underwriteRalph Rosy

    Will 2 pounds

    do it?........

    P.S., I just love

    your Underwriter(s)

  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009


    Atare E. Agbamu,

    CRMS- Grandma Ritas

    Heirs and the 20

    Year Mistake, page


    Atare Agbamu is

    the author of Think

    Reverse! (The Mortgage Press,

    coming this fall) and more than

    100 arcles on reverse mortgages.

    A reverse-mortgage specialist

    in Minnesota and an adviser toinstuons across the country,

    he writes the Forward on Reverse

    column in The Mortgage Press, since

    2002. Atare can be reached by email

    at [email protected]

    Jacqueline De


    - Creang a WorClass Reverse

    Mortgage Trainin

    Program, page 1

    Jacqui Del Priore

    is the Director

    of MCTI (The Mortgage Career

    Training Instute), a company

    which specializes in reverse

    mortgage sales and product


    As former VP of Training and

    Development for World Alliance

    Financial, she has helped hundre

    of reverse mortgage loan ocers

    achieve success in our industry.

    For more informaon, contact

    Jacqui at 516-983-9396 or email

    her at [email protected]

    contributorsRalph Rosynek-Ask the Underwriter, page 7

    Ralph Rosynek is President and CEO of 1st Reverse as wellas a HECM DE Underwriter. Mr. Rosynek has been involved

    in mortgage lending for over 30 years with the last 5+ years

    exclusively providing reverse mortgage lending soluons.

    To contact Mr. Rosynek or to learn more about 1st Reverse

    Financial Services, Please visit www.1streverse.com or call


    John Lunde- Reverse Market Snapshot,page 10

    John Lunde is President and

    founder of Reverse Market

    Insight, the premier source

    for market intelligence and

    analycs services in the reverse mortgage

    industry. RMI clients include ve of the top te

    reverse mortgage originators, both lender an

    independent servicers, as well as some of the

    largest nancial services rms in the world.Find out more at www.rminsight.net or call


    Joel Schiman- What the HECM: Reverse Mortgages Can

    be Used to Buy a Home, page 30Joel Schiman is a member with the law

    rm of Weiner Brodsky Sidman Kider,

    P.C. The rm serves as General Counsel

    to the Naonal Reverse Mortgage Lenders

    Associaon and advisor to reverse mortgage

    lenders and industry parcipants throughout the naon.

    Mr. Schiman can be reached at [email protected] or by

    telephone at 949.798.5570.

  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009


    February 2009

    Michael Banner- The Birth of a New Industry Part II, page 40

    President & CEO of LoanWell America Inc., Michael hasbeen in the mortgage industry for 27 years. He is one of

    few Reverse Mortgage professionals accredited to teach

    connued educaon classes for CFPs, CPAs, aorneys

    & insurance agents. A proven senior advocate, he is a

    member of NRMLAs State & Local Issues Commiee

    and sits on the Board of Directors for the FPA of Tampa Bay. Michael has

    been interviewed by the Wall Street Journal, the Tampa Bay Business

    Journal, Sr. Market Advisor & The Reverse Mortgage Wire as well as

    numerous other Reverse Mortgage Internet sites. Please visit his website

    at loanwellrm.com or call 877.700.0555

    Monte Rose- Building an Eec

    Advisor Referral


    page 22Monte Rose has

    helped hundreds o

    seniors obtain a reverse mortgage

    during the past 17 years. He is an

    accomplished speaker and widely

    quoted industry expert, appearing

    nancial publicaons and naonal

    syndicated media. He was head of

    naonal retail sales for Financial

    Freedom Senior Funding Corpora

    Monte is a Cered Senior Adviso

    and a Cered strengths Coach

    with Gallup University. For more

    informaon, call 800.516.0545 or


    [email protected].

    Sam Collins- You are

    Terminated!, page


    Sam Collins is the

    President of Sam

    Collins Reverse Markeng, LLC and

    Founder of REMALO, the ReverseMortgage Associaon for Loan

    Ocers. REMALO is a web based

    Naonal sales, markeng, training,

    and full service center, created

    exclusively for Reverse Mortgage

    Loan Ocers, Correspondents,

    Branch Managers, and key

    execuves, and brokers. www.

    remalo.org or 877.262.7656

    Fed Kamensky- What the HECM: Reverse Mortgages Can be Used to Buy a Home,

    page 30

    Fed Kamensky is an associate with the law rm of Weiner Brodsky

    Sidman Kider, P.C. The rm serves as General Counsel to the

    Naonal Reverse Mortgage Lenders Associaon and advisor to

    reverse mortgage lenders and industry parcipants throughout the

    naon. Mr. Kamensky can be reached at [email protected] or by

    telephone at 202.628.2000.


    VanBooven- Got Content?,

    page 12

    Valerie VanBooven

    RN BSN is a Senior

    Service Markeng Expert and the

    Naonal Markeng Director for

    Next Generaon Financial Services,

    a Division of 1st Mariner Bank.

    She is a professional speaker and

    the author of the books Aging

    Answers (2003) and The Senior

    Soluon (2007). She can be

    reached at

    [email protected].

    Please visit her website at www.


  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009


    reverse mortgage industry snapshot

    10 Regions, ranked by HECM unit volume YTD. Including rank change from prior YTD, as well as growth rates.

    Also includes acve lenders and growth

    Lender distribuon graph and table, showing number of lenders growing at various growth rates YTD vs. prior

    YTD, including volume aributable to each group of lenders.

    Client Noces

    1) Help improve data quality in the Reverse Mortgage industry. If you believe your companys numbers on this report are inaccurate, please email us (support@

    rminsight.net) and we will review your feedback promptly. Please include your name, company and contact informaon along with a thorough descripon of the

    suspected inaccuracy. Thanks!

    2) If you received this report as a trial or sample and would like to purchase this report or future reports for your company, please visit: www.rminsight.net/MICrepo


    3) If youve been looking for a source for Reverse Mortgage intelligence beyond MIC endorsement numbers, weve got just what you need. Find out more at www.


    Rank Chg 2008YTD YTDChg% 2008 Chg%

    1 1 29,139 21.34% 877 92.32%

    2 -1 21,640 -15.51% 775 48.47%

    3 - 14,087 17.82% 420 100.96%

    4 - 11,701 2.34% 531 60.91%

    5 1 10,478 29.79% 315 88.62%

    6 -1 8,342 0.24% 320 90.48%

    7 1 6,663 15.08% 304 87.65%

    8 -1 6,135 -11.89% 308 55.56%

    9 - 4,130 25.3% 199 57.94%

    10 - 2,861 1.2% 183 79.41%

    115,176 6.36% 2,949 76.48%

    Endorsements Active Lenders Region Share

    Region 2007TOT 2008YTD Chg%

    Southeast/Caribbean 24,014 25.30% 14.08%

    Pacific/Hawaii 25,612 18.789% -20.56%

    Mid-Atlantic 11,956 12.231% 10.78%

    Midwest 11,434 10.159% -3.79%

    Southwest 8,073 9.097% 22.03%

    New York/New Jersey 8,322 7.243% -5.76%

    Northwest/Alaska 5,790 5.785% 8.19%

    New England 6,963 5.327% -17.16%

    Rocky Mountain 3,296 3.586% 17.81%

    Great Plains 2,827 2.484% -4.85%

    Industry Totals 108,287

    Growth Rate Lenders YTD MIC Last YTD


    266 2,341

    -99% to -1%599 53,547 82,345

    0 to 100%402 23,789 17,726

    101% to 200%117 5,486 2,277

    201% to 300%71 7,053 2,029

    301% to 400%41 1,556 341

    over 400%175 13,536 1,228

    New Lenders1,544 10,209

    Lender Distribuon by YTD Growth Rate

    Stascs Provided by Reverse Market Insight - December 2008

    Top 10 Rankings by Region

  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009


    February 2009

    2 year trend graph of monthly HECM unit volume and industry penetraon against 62+ homeowner households naona


    1) All stascs based on retail originaons from HUDs Monthly HECM MIC reports

    2) Loans are in unit volume, based on HUD reported mortgage insurance cercate issuance

    3) Lenders are aggregated using HUDs lender idencaon numbers and unique lender names, along with feedback from

    reporng lenders

    HUD Regions and Corresponding States/Territories

    Region 1 - New England




    New Hampshire

    Rhode Island


    Region 2 - New York/New Jersey

    New York

    New Jersey

    Region 3 - Mid-Atlanc


    District of Columbia




    West Virginia

    Region 4 - Southeast/Caribbean






    North Carolina

    Puerto Rico

    South Carolina


    U.S. Virgin Islands

    Region 5 - Midwest







    Region 6 - Southwest



    New Mexico



    Region 7 - Great Plains





    Region 8 - Rocky Mountain


    North Dakota

    South Dakota



    Region 9 - Pacic/Hawaii



    Federated States of Micron



    Region 10 - Northwest/AlasAlaska


















    2007-1 2007-5 2007-9 2008-1 2008-5 2008-9



    MIC Units Penetration %

    24 Month Penetraon and Unit Volume

  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009




    Valerie VanBooven

  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009


    February 2009

    Two of the most fascinang and important books Ive read

    this year (and last year) are: Get Content, Get Customers.by Joe Pulizzi and Newt Barre, and The New Rules of

    Markeng and PR by David Meerman Sco. Both books will

    give you a much more in-depth discussion on the shi that

    has taken place in markeng products and services in a VERY

    short period of me.

    It is more important than ever that you begin to understand

    how the internet is impacng your business, and will

    connue to have a much bigger eect on your boom line

    this year and in years to come. Your prospects and adult

    children of aging parents arent looking in the local maniacal,

    over-adversed, over-priced version of The Senior Timesfor a reverse mortgage, an adult day care, or home care

    needs, or assisted living, or elder law aorneys, or medical


    They are looking online. They are searching for you. Make

    sure they can nd you in every possible way. Leave no stone

    unturned, and you will see a very large increase in your

    business. The beauty of this strategy is that you can do it all

    on your own me, and its all free. Thats right if you can

    take the me, you can change your business direcon in 48

    hours with a weekends worth of work and some weekly


    The more CONTENT you have to oer (beyond the usual

    boring brochure-on-the-web stu), the more trusted you

    will become as a thought leader in your local area, and

    perceived as an expert in your business.

    Aer all, who do I trust to write a reverse mortgage for

    my mother when I live a thousand miles away? The guy

    who has the weekly blog content and really seems to not

    only care about seniors, but also understands the long-

    distance caregiving situaon? OR the guy who has aprey corporate website, that says nothing dierent from

    gazillion other websites that I have visited today!?

    I trust the thought leader. I trust content. I trust

    personalized content.

    I trust that if I nd educaonal videos, a blog, and host of

    other links poinng to this business owners site, they mu

    be extremely involved and commied to what they do.

    On the internet, percepon is reality. Have you taken a

    really hard look at how you are perceived? Lets shi gear

    moment a look at 5 Emerging Trends in 2009. Even thougyou probably sell SERVICES and products, this informaon

    relevant to you too!

    According to eMarketer reports, this year, online sales in t

    US alone will jump from $136.8 BILLION to $142.4 BILLION

    (thats an INCREASE of nearly $6 BILLION in online spendi

    Or how about this stasc: Nielsen Consumer Insight rep

    that in 2009, consumers will spend 17% MORE me on

    eCommerce websites every DAY!

    Emerging Trend #1: Consumers Are Increasingly Turning TThe Internet As A Way To Save Money

    You know all those people I just told you about who are

    coming online to shop? Well, according to this survey, 80%

    them say theyre now shopping online to save money.

    And further, 95% of these people report that theyre

    movated to buy by oers of free shipping, and 83% are

    movated to buy by special prices.

    You dont need expensive campaigns orcustom built websitesto reach

    customers. The secret to content markeng is to put yourself in the

    customers shoes and then look for ways to simplify and improve his or

    her life. Its about using the same words in your markeng materialsthat customers use in theirsearch queries. The more in-tune you are

    with the customerthe easier this process becomes.

    Get Content. Get Customers. By Joe Pulizzi and Newt Barre

  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009


    Clearly, 2009 will be the year of the deal!

    So if you currently oer special discounts on your site, get

    them up front and center, so your visitors can nd them

    instantly. Do NOT wait for them to dig around your site and

    possibly stumble across them.


    Before you put all of your eggs in the special deal basket,

    theres one other related trend you should know about...This

    same survey reports that 88% of people are shopping online

    in order to save me, and 83% say that they do it because

    its less hassle.

    So not only are your visitors coming to your site trying

    to save money, theyre also looking for ease and

    convenience. So make sure youre giving it to

    them, by oering the best customer shopping

    experience possible.

    As well all soon discover, its the websites that

    oer a combinaon of pricing and IMPECCABLE

    customer service that will connue to thrive this


    Emerging Trend #2: Consumers Are Making More

    And More REPEAT Purchases Based On Automated


    This recent 2008 Razorsh Consumer Experience reportshows that a whopping 65% of online buyers made

    addional purchases from a website based on automated

    recommendaons the site gave them.

    Thats 6 out of 10 of your customers buying MORE, based

    purely on your suggesons for other products they might


    Sounds like the perfect job for email markeng, right?!

    I strongly believe the people who thrive in 2009 will be

    those who spend a LOT of me using email markeng to

    nurture the relaonships they have with their customers andsubscribers.

    To be really eecve in building these relaonships -- and in

    recommending the products people will be MOST interested

    in -- youre going to need to be smart about your list.

    Gone are the days when having a BIG list was your main

    goal! Its me to think quality rather than quanty.

    If you build a huge list lled with people who couldnt care

    less what youre oering them, then all your email eorts

    will be wasted.

    Its far beer to have a smaller list of highly qualied

    subscribers. The other thing to pay aenon to as you foc

    on your email eorts in 2009 is the kinds of emails youre

    sending out.

    Im nding that shorter, more concise promoonal messa

    are far more eecve than long, drawn-out emails that

    bombard the reader with informaon.

    Finally, the savvy email marketer will spend a lot of me

    TESTING in 2009.

    Currently only about 40% of marketers

    do any tesng at all, which is praccally

    criminal, because those who do test are

    twice as likely to get email markeng

    conversion rates of 3% or MORE!

    So make sure you test dierent kinds of

    oers, dierent subject lines, dierent mes

    day and week for mailing, etc., to make sure yo

    really capitalizing on your email.

    Emerging Trend #3: Shoppers Are Making More Purcha

    Based on Recommendaons Received Through Social

    Media Sites

    Heres a surprising stasc: 49% of Web users now make

    purchase based on a recommendaon they received throa social media site (like Facebook, MySpace, and so on).

    Okay, maybe thats not so surprising, but you know what

    Apparently only 25% of online business owners created

    Facebook page this year!

    Despite its clear success rate, marketers have generally

    been slow to make the leap to social networking. So if you

    havent tested the social media waters, NOW is the me t

    get started! Social networking is the perfect way to develo

    your online presence, and connue to culvate lasng

    relaonships with your potenal customers.

    Before you run o and start building your social networki

    proles and pages, you should know that other forms of

    social media sites will also be crucial tools for your busine

    in 2009. Take the social bookmarking sites, for instance (li

    Digg, Delicious, and StumbleUpon). Currently, 52% of peo

    are using these sites as they search for informaon online

    and a full 81% of users read the links marked as most

    popular or most emailed.


  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009


    February 2009

    So what does this mean for you? Another key strategy for

    you in 2009 will be to create lots of content, and get it to

    appear on these sites. Youre going to want to write arcles

    that are relevant and useful... and that your readers will

    want to pass along to their friends, family, and colleagues,

    and recommend on the social bookmarking sites.

    In doing so, youll connue to raise your online prole,

    establish yourself as an expert in your eld, and build thoseall-important relaonships with your potenal customers.

    Emerging Trend #4: A Typical Internet User Is Spending 20%

    MORE Time Each Day Reading Blogs

    Nielsen Consumer Insight reported in December that people

    are now spending 20% more me EACH DAY reading blogs.

    Do YOU have a blog yet? Do you add new posts to it on a

    regular basis?

    If you havent started a blog yet -- or if you havent been

    giving yours the aenon that it deserves -- TODAY is the dayyou should start! As with social media, blogging is GREAT for

    establishing your reputaon online, for building relaonships

    with your market, for creang new content for your site, and

    can even help you get a TOP ranking in the search engines

    (which in turn can generate up to 7 TIMES more sales).

    You dont need to be a natural-born writer to create your

    own blog, nor do you need to be a technical wizard! There

    are plenty of places where you can even get FREE blogs to

    get yourself started..... and as for the actual wring, a blog

    is all about showing YOUR personality, and sharing youropinions and ideas. So dont sweat it if youre not a word

    nerd. Just write from the heart, and your readers will love it!

    Emerging Trend #5: Web Surfers Are Spending 46% MORE

    Time Watching Online Videos

    Finally, a trend that will connue to have a HUGE impact on

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  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009


    Creating a World Class

    Reverse Mortgage TrainingProgram

    In this three part series for The Reverse Review we will explore the components of a

    comprehensive Reverse Mortgage Training Program and strategies for effective implementation.

    A well-developed training program is the cornerstone of any world-class organization. It is the

    foundation for growth and sustenance. It is the vehicle to work as a team, have everyone on th

    same page and brand effectively as a company.

    As Vice President of Training and Development for World Alliance Financial; I was tasked with

    establishing a training department as part of their plan for strategic growth. I spent two yearsworking hand in hand with the best loan officers, crafting our necessary tools and developing be

    practices. During my tenure at World Alliance Financial, I created and implemented the reverse

    mortgage curriculum. Later, when we rolled out our wholesale division, I had the privilege ofspeaking firsthand to hundreds of mortgage brokers who specialized in marketing reverse produc

    nationwide. Through this, I gained the benefits of their insights and experiences. I also worked

    closely with customer service, providing me invaluable knowledge of the true customer experien

    from a closed loan and a failed-to-close loan perspective. This enabled me to create the tools

    needed to properly and proficiently serve our customer base.

    Jacqueline Del Priore

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    February 2009

    Working for a well-developed corporaon, the basics were

    already in place. There was a clear-cut path to transion loan

    ocers smoothly to the sales oor. The human resources

    department held rst day training for all employees to explain

    our mission statement, our sales model, their job descripon

    and our organizaonal chart. As a result, the sales agent knew

    very clearly why he or she was there and what the company

    was all about. They understood how they would be evaluated,when, and by whom. Having a clearly dened job descripon

    and expectaon served to make a more eecve sales agent.

    If not handled inially by a conscious and responsible human

    resource department, these important points will need to

    obviously be covered in training.

    In dening the culture of your organizaon, your mission

    statement will be the mantra of your company. Highly

    eecve acvity begins with the end goal in mind. If you dont

    already have a mission statement, write one now. It should

    serve as the very rst page of your training manual and be

    visible at all mes both in your training and sales areas. Itsupports one of the most basic tenets of success: Begin with

    the end goal in mind. Your acons at work should consistently

    support this mission statement at all mes. With this in place,

    you can more closely assure that your team will all be on the

    same page.

    Always set the right tone for training. Let there be a posive

    expectancy for training amongst your crew and do not fail

    to live up to that expectaon. Too many loan ocers view

    training as drudgery and a waste of otherwise producve me.

    If training is fruiul and fun, your loan ocers will love to

    come to training. They will bring their best selves to the table.For newly hired loan ocers, training will be the gateway

    between orientaon and actually taking their place on the

    sales oor. Dont put anyone in training you dont believe

    is capable of doing a good job. Camaraderie starts here. Its

    also an exercise in team building. Those same persons will go

    on to support each other and challenge each other in their

    daily acvies. Bonding begins with striving to master the

    material and help each other through the course work. This is

    where leadership skills will potenally be revealed. Your team

    leaders are oen idened in training. Everyone should be

    able and will be called upon to do a good job. The reward will

    be the earned privilege of walking on the sales oor.

    Ive been blessed to work in some of the most state of the art,

    amazing training environments. Ive also been crammed into a

    room like a bunch of sardines and I will tell you that the single

    most important aspect of any actual training me is that it

    be solely dedicated, uninterrupted me. No phones ringing,

    no interrupons and no excuses. On the rst day of training,

    the rules should be outlined clearly. The most important rule

    will revolve around the respect that this carved out me will

    command. The atude of senior management should sup

    this as well. The respect for training will serve to shape a

    culture of success within our organizaon.

    Going forward, we will be exploring the framework of what

    comprehensive inial reverse mortgage training should

    include. To begin with, you will want your training to conta

    a good strong introducon. This is the me to get excited!Why? Before you, is the task of speaking about one of the

    most amazing growth segments of the mortgage industry. T

    is your chance to introduce a new, rewarding and lucrave

    career to your audience!

    You are in a great space. You need to share this with your

    people. You need to let them taste the opportunity that

    exists. It is absolutely true that we could build a business t

    will be fruiul for the rest of our working careers with the

    demographic we serve! What other business can make the

    same claim? You will know you have set the stage properly

    when your people start showing up early for training. You wthem to experience what success in the reverse space can f

    like and to understand that through mastery of the materia

    success can and will be realized.

    I like to give an historical perspecve of the reverse

    mortgage. This helps loan ocers understand some of the

    misconcepons surrounding the product. History can set

    expectaons correctly on what can at mes be frustrang

    about our somewhat new and evolving industry. Included

    this history should be the creaon of HUD and an explana

    of its mission to help Americans achieve and maintain hom

    ownership. We can speak about how the FHA operates wiHUD and insures our reverse mortgage program allowing

    signicant benets to borrowers and lenders alike. This is a

    good me to introduce the aspect of mortgage insurance a

    its funcon in assisng lenders and borrowers to achieve th

    goals. While the HECM oen seems too good to be true

    with many favorable aspects, the borrower funds his ability

    have such a mortgage with the inial mortgage insurance a

    connues to do so with the addion of the monthly mortga

    insurance premiums throughout the life of the loan.

    Mortgage 101 is essenal. An important point to make her

    is to carefully segment training to be most eecve. Youmust address the sales trainee with no previous mortgage

    experience. These persons could be lost if not brought up

    speed with basic terminology such as what is a mortgage/n

    Who is the mortgagor and who is the mortgagee? What is

    deed, renance and purchase money mortgage? Rememb

    we are in the mortgage business. A glossary of key mortga

    terms will be helpful. As for former forward mortgage loan

    ocers, Ive actually asked them to take two steps back and

    reverse! The same skills dont necessarily apply and cant

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    ensure success. So, advise them to check their egos at the

    door and listen up.

    Some seasoned loan ocers will need to join new trainees in a

    quick study of the adjustable rate mortgage. Most important

    here is the terminology of margin, index and cap. The proof

    that one is ready to move on is when they can simply explain

    how an adjustable rate mortgage works. Much to the horrorof my students, I am a huge proponent of geng students up

    in front of the class. I put the dry erase marker in their hand,

    and while I sit in their seat, I ask that they teach me along

    with the rest of the class. I found this a powerful tool to have

    everyone pay careful aenon! I might employ a technique

    like this to be sure everyone could explain an adjustable rate

    mortgage and contrast it to a xed rate mortgage. Id ask the

    types of quesons they might expect from a client to make

    sure their answers illustrated they really understood.

    Understanding the senior demographic is very important. One

    of the rst things I did as part of my inducon into the world

    of reverse mortgages was to watch almost 20 hours of focus

    group tapes. In these tapes, seniors who were solicited for

    a reverse mortgage but decided not to take it, spoke about

    what their percepon of the product was, what they sll were

    unclear about and what would have made their experience

    a beer one. This was invaluable. I never forgot this and

    made it part of the training. I thought it was great for the loan

    ocers to hear in their own words what the seniors wanted

    and needed from them. We made a popcorn party of it with

    discussion aerwards. Tesmonials can be a powerful part of

    training. In the age of digital cameras, I would say, whenever

    a client is willing to speak on camera or be recorded, do sofor training purposes. Its refreshing to bring in a loan ocer

    who received a nice thank you card and have him speak briey

    about how he handled the challenge at hand and what he felt

    he did correctly.

    Complaint leers and negave press can serve as a valuable

    lesson as well. Encourage everyone to speak about his or her

    impression of what went wrong and how it might have been

    prevented. Its good to make the point that things can and

    do go wrong and somemes are perceived badly. Its how we

    choose to handle these situaons that will maer in the end.

    What are the rules and expectaons for a reverse mortgage

    loan ocer working within your organizaon? We work in a

    carefully regulated industry and for good reason! Lets spell

    this out from the beginning. How does one lawfully operate?

    Something as simple as the fact that we work for one broker

    or banker at a me should be a point of discussion. Many

    persons coming from other industries may be unaware of this.

    What would be considered misconduct? Always begin with a

    discussion of ethics. There is no doubt that this discussion will

    connue to thread throughout the training.

    At this point, it would be good to introduce the NRMLA Cod

    of Ethics and Professional Responsibility. The purpose for

    the introducon here is this: NRMLA Members will be held

    responsible for the acons of their employees. Let it be

    known that there will be an expectaon of honor and integ

    in the dealings they have with their senior clientele and a re

    vigilance within the organizaon regarding this. Later, the

    Code of Conduct can be examined and examples introduceillustrate points. An acceptance of this code in wring shou

    be required as part of the transion to the sales oor.

    It is important to remember that we speak to the Senior

    Community. We serve a very special and protected class. T

    is not to be taken lightly.

    Before we get to the basics of product training, its oen

    helpful to run through the mechanics of how the applicao

    actually becomes a loan. Lets get an overview of the

    originaon steps and where it goes from there. A ow cha

    is most useful. Who is in charge of these important processteps? Invite your openers, processors and underwriters in

    to speak briey about what they do. Outline the procedure

    for communicaon with these persons. Will it be via email

    within a certain meframe? Its good to have this in wrin

    for future reference. One can never underesmate the pow

    of clear communicaon and direcon. This is a good me t

    insll respect for your operaons sta and may set the tone

    for future friendly discourse.

    Product 101

    Now lets get down to the fundamentals of the product. Oproduct is a reverse mortgage, which allows seniors to tap

    the equity in their home without having to make a monthly

    mortgage payment. I like to begin by contrasng this to a

    forward mortgage. I like to discuss the reasons why seniors

    might be in the market for mortgage money and how our

    product could meet their needs versus a forward mortgage

    product. This is eecve simply because clients oen need

    to understand clearly why taking a HECM is beer than goin

    down to their neighborhood bank and taking a home equit

    loan or a personal loan.

    During this part, I oen like to isolate and discuss the beneof our product as they are revealed throughout the training

    write them on big Post-Its and put them around the train

    room on the walls so they are always in plain view. As the

    loan ocers uncover and idenfy new benets, they are ab

    to paste their own Post-It on the wall for the benet of th


    One of the most important benets to be understood is the

    non-recourse benet. It is what has always separated the

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    February 2009

    HECM from other reverse mortgages and it is the reason for

    the rather hey mortgage insurance premium. The non-

    recourse feature as it pertains to the borrower guarantees

    that the borrower will never owe more than the value of the

    home at the me of repayment. It also guarantees that the

    promises of the loan will be insured should the lender default.

    The fact that the federal government makes this guarantee

    holds quite a bit of weight and is a very important benet forseniors. Have the students pracce arculang this benet. I

    frequently queson students as if I am a borrower. I ask them;

    Why am I paying that mortgage insurance premium again?

    A great student will be able to blurt back as if speaking to the

    client; It provides one of your most important assurances; the

    federal government guarantee of your benets throughout the

    life of the loan and the insurance that neither you, nor your

    heirs will ever pay more than the value of your home at the

    me of repayment. It gives you peace of mind!

    In the product training, role-playing is an eecve training

    mechanism. Remember if your loan ocers answer thequesons quickly and condently in training, they will handle

    quesons and objecons just as prociently with your clients.

    The purpose of the training is to not only impart knowledge

    but also insll condence in the product and the loan ocers

    ability to handle customers.

    A glossary of special reverse mortgage terms should be

    provided. Make sure the denions match those in the

    training. Be sure to compliment when correct verbiage is

    used. A more eecve sales force will speak consistently

    with the same vocabulary. Later, when we are working wit

    proprietary products, it will be useful to speak the same

    language when interpreng guidelines or using a product


    Product training should include such key terms and concep

    as the expected and inial interest rate, maximum claim

    amount and principal loan limit. Aer explaining these key

    terms and their funcons, its very helpful to show where t

    are disclosed and discussed in the inial applicaon proces

    I oen include an examinaon of the respecve disclosure

    forms in the training.

    HECM Training must answer the queson; How is my

    principal loan limit determined? Borrowers will inially

    want to know if they are qualied and for how much. Theyinevitably will ask how in the world we came up with the


    While we will need to teach that the principal loan limit is

    determined by the age of the youngest borrower, the expec

    interest rate and the maximum claim amount, we will also

    need to pracce how that can simply be conveyed to our

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    clients. It will be helpful to pracce this in role-play. Cauon

    your loan ocers against geng too technical.

    Create a simple exercise to be sure the loan ocers

    understand that the maximum claim amount is always the

    lesser of HUDs lending limit or the appraised value. In

    training, it is the phrase we hear most commonly confused.

    Later, we can introduce its importance in the calculaon formany things.

    I believe it is helpful to teach the expected interest rate alone

    in the beginning as HUDs risk management determinant in

    the principal loan calculaon. In this way, loan ocers can

    conceptualize this component as separate and apart from the

    inial interest rate.

    Introduce the Principal Limit Lock Disclosure as part of this

    lesson. This disclosure serves to dene and explain the

    expected interest rate and its part in the calculaon of the

    principal loan limit.

    State that the PLL Disclosure creates a sense of urgency for

    the borrower to sign today. This is important for sales! You

    will want to communicate that while the borrower may enjoy

    a larger loan limit due to a decreased expected rate at closing,

    all things being equal, they will never be aorded less than

    they are signing for today and can proceed with a sense of

    certainty. Role-play speaking with the borrower about the

    benet of applying today and help loan ocers state their case

    simply without being too technical.

    Another aspect of the PLL Disclosure that should be clearis when it actually goes into eect. The expected rate the

    day the borrower signs the 1009 stays in eect for 120 days

    beyond the date the lender orders the FHA case number.

    While the nuances of this need to be discussed in training,

    you should also discuss how much of this type of informaon

    needs to be conveyed to the borrower and if so, how it may be

    done plainly.

    Ive found that while the circumstances of the lock are a bit

    complex to understand, the review of this document serves to

    clarify them well and is extremely helpful.

    Product training should serve to thoroughly address all

    frequently asked quesons.

    Other important aspects to address in product training would

    be property acceptability, occupancy issues, HECM counseling

    and maturity events.

    I nd that there is oen an abundance of quesons aributed

    to counseling, especially from forward mortgage loan ocers.

    Counseling seems to be that extra dreaded foreign aspect o

    this procedure! Dont be too bogged down in inial produ

    training with counseling quesons. Later you will need to

    introduce HECM Counseling protocol and go through the AA

    Guide to Homemade Money. You will need to decide when

    and how you will set the expectaons for counseling as par

    of your sales process. At this me, there are a few importa

    points to make that can be facilitated with the help of a blacounseling cercate. The loan ocers need to know that

    HECM Counseling is mandatory, the cercate is good for

    180 days and the loan cant proceed unl the borrower has

    delivered to you a counseling cercate signed by both the

    counselor and the borrower. Be sure that your training state

    in wring that no services can be ordered prior to having th

    fully executed cercate in hand. Also, be explicit about w

    needs to be counseled, how they may access counselors an

    the cost.

    As with any mortgage product, the interest rate will be a

    concern for borrowers. While the HECM has enjoyed a

    relavely aracve interest rate of late, the majority of HECare monthly adjustable rate loans and this does prompt ma

    consumer queries. An understanding of the index is crucial

    Since a picture is worth 1,000 words, arm each loan ocer

    with a good historical graph of the performance of the inde

    Later, in training, we can idenfy the history of the index as

    detailed in the HECM Important Terms (TIL) Disclosure.

    An important point to train about the inial rate is when it

    adjusts. It is also very key to have the borrower understand

    the inial rate is a prevailing rate and will oat unl closing

    Aer the rst adjustment, the HECM monthly adjustable w

    change monthly inhibited only by the lifeme cap which wi

    be established at closing.

    The inial rate and lifeme cap as listed on the Comparison

    Form and other applicaon disclosures are an esmate of

    what would be if the borrower were closing the day the

    disclosures were prepared.

    In my experience, its best not to introduce the relaonship

    between the inial interest rate and principal loan limit gro

    unl aer the structure loan has been discussed.

    In the next issue, we will connue discussion of other

    important components of product training such as principa

    limit distribuon and the structure and funcon of the loan

    We will also discuss the servicing fee and set aside, repair

    set asides and other special situaons that are unique to th

    originaon of the HECM. Part Two will begin an in-depth

    look at the sales process and the job aids that help achieve

    maximum producvity.

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  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009


    Wouldnt your job be easier ifsomeone warmed up your audience,like Ed McMahon did with Johnny

    Carson? Wouldnt it be easier to havea conversation with a prospect if youwere introduced by someone theyknew and respected?

    Developing a staple of referringadvisors is the most cost effectivemeans of ensuring sales success.

    Most top producers I know areproficient in advisor outreach. Its aabout relationships, follow-throughexpertise, and fit. Understanding thadvisors needs is paramount.

    Building an effective advisor referral engine

    Monte Rose

  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009


    February 2009

    Advisor segmentaon

    I divide advisors into four categories: Professional Advisor,

    Business Partner, Community Services, and Friends/Family.

    There are four prerequisites to building an eecve advisor

    referral pracce.

    First, you must build a relaonship. This is something that

    requires me, aenon, and some emoonal investment.

    You must be likeable and knowledgeable.

    Second, you must be a contributor. Know how your program

    synchronizes with their business. What can you oer that

    will strengthen their relaonship with their client? Help them

    use your technical experse in their market.

    Third, you must arm the advisors reputaon. Minimize

    the noise. Go to them rst when theres a problem and

    make sure they know youre handling the problem.

    Fourth, be dependable. Own the transacon. Do what you

    say when you say it. Make credibility, reliability, impeccable

    follow-up, and experse the foundaons of your personal


    Professional Advisors

    The primary disnguishing characterisc present in this

    segment is high-level professional designaons or special

    For example, CPAs, CFPs, Registered Investment Advisors

    and Elder Law aorneys would fall into the professional

    advisor category.

    These professionals take their duciary responsibility

    seriously. They are highly analycal gatekeepers: the

    numbers must make sense, and the soluon you

    recommend must t. Oen, their greatest concern is

    negave amorzaon and, secondly, adjustable rate

    mortgages with a 10% lifeme interest rate cap over the

    start rate. Therefore, developing a preferred provider

    relaonship with a professional advisor is likely to require

    much explanaon and signicant me to prove your


    The clientele of this advisor segment give great credenceto the advisors recommendaon. A referral from a

    professional advisor is one of the strongest referrals

    a salesperson can receive. Each professional advisor

    segment is its own community, with its own code of ethic

    professional organizaons, cerfying bodies, publicaons

  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009


    and watering holes. Since it is dicult to gain experse

    in all of them, its far beer to specialize in the niches where

    you have the easiest access and the best t.

    Business Partners

    Business partners provide a product or service to your

    eligible prospects. They can be very pragmac and focusedon the sale. You provide the liquidity tool that enables

    their customer to buy. Be cauous, but not oended, when

    they press you for a split. Most will understand your

    explanaon regarding your inability to split revenue with

    them. From those who do not, run.

    Make sure you employ sucient rewalls to insure their

    client is served well. The primary strategy you will employ

    for the benet of their client is full disclosure. Make certain

    that the whole story is always told and all the opons at their

    disposal are reviewed.

    Business partners run the gamut. If they oer senior

    products or services, they can be a potenal referral

    source. Agencies that specialize in long term care insurance,

    boat brokers, real estate oces, remodeling contractors,

    home security devices and equipment, safety and medical

    equipment retailers, and so forth.

    The consumer segments life stage needs will alert you

    to what products and services are of interest and, thus,

    what providers might become referral sources for you.

    For example, some seniors require medical aenon or

    assistance. They also use medical products that assist the

    mobility (e.g., motorized wheelchairs, walking aids). Med

    equipment providers are a potenal referral partner. Meewith the owner or manager and oer them a brochure an

    display device for their display area. Reverse mortgage

    brochures or booklets are appropriate for a variety of wai

    rooms (denst, therapist, pharmacy).

    Community Services

    The community services segment is comprised of an

    assortment of senior advocacy organizaons and service

    providers such as: LivHome, Area Agency on Aging, count

    conservatorship oces, and non-prot organizaons. The

    encompass ethnic, faith-based, neighborhood, cultural,cause or interest-based, topical, tribal, polical, as well

    as inter/intra/mul-generaonal groups. The community

    segments are driven by heart. Their interest is serving and

    protecng a vulnerable constuency or protected class of

    persons, seniors. They can be sales-averse. If youre a ha

    charging salesperson, your dialect and tone may aggravat

    the community organizaon or senior advocate.

    Community services as a referring segment is a large and

    complex lode of potenal business. It is one of the most

    overlooked areas of business development. Salesperson

    with a high mission drive and a gentle authenc persondo well with this audience. Becoming a recognizable

    insider is a key to successful penetraon.

    Salespersons who use communies as a starng point for

    their business are typically locals who already have inte

    access owing to their own aliaons or memberships,

    whether formal or otherwise.

    Its the un-sales referring network.


    Seniors oen look to friends or family to shop on their

    behalf. Or they may direct the seniors aenon to

    informaon worthy of invesgang more closely. I have a

    client who was referred to me by a trusted neighbor. The

    neighbor was aware of the declining health and nancial

    challenges of the senior, and alerted the senior to invesg

    reverse mortgages. This lead, the neighbor, responded

    an inexpensive adversement in a local senior publicaon

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    February 2009

    One of the advantages of having an internet presence is that

    relaves can shop from afar on behalf of their loved ones.

    Your website provides them easy access to informaon, and

    you become known. Your photo, your brand persona, the

    virtual you is on display.

    The movaonal spectrum ranges from greed to

    compassion. On the one hand, they may want to accesstheir inheritance in advance. Or they may be worn out,

    need relief from care giving and the reverse mortgage is the

    nancing mechanism. It may be a maer of distance, and

    they cant care for their loved one because they are too far


    This is the most dicult niche to culvate because of its

    moving target nature. However, know that your local

    visibility eorts will bring you some friends and family

    referrals over the long haul.

    Locate your Advisor true north

    Two key quesons will help you determine your advisor

    niche t.

    Whom do you understand when they speak?1.

    Who listens to you when you speak?2.

    If you dont understand them when they speak and they

    dont listen to you when you speak, thats a prey good

    indicaon that youre not a t.

    To become a preferred provider you must add value to

    their pracce or business. What can you do to improve

    their dexterity and facility with the nancial tools that

    may not be in their primary area of experse? Help themunderstand the senior mind more completely, and therefo

    raise their game by adjusng their bedside manner or

    communicaon delivery to improve their eecveness.

    Answer this queson, How can I help them cement the

    relaonship with their clients, enhance their reputaon, a

    aract new clients?

    Remember, you want to tell your story to as many advisor

    as possible. You are prospecng. You are not selling. In

    this stage of the game, you are creang connecons and a

    constuency for your professional brand.

    Your goal is to become their preferred reverse mortgageprovider.

    Atare Agbamuis one of only a handful of people in the reverse mortgage arena who possesses a co

    manding understanding of the reverse mortgage industry. As an originator, he has hands-on experience

    ucating seniors and their advisors. As author of the Forward on Reverse column inThe Mortgage Pre

    since 2002, Atare Agbamu communicates nationally with the housing finance community, bringing

    unique insights and experience of an ardent reverse mortgage expert into a wider business context.

    This book combines Atares keen insights and know-how with extensive research to create afirst of its kind

    source for the reverse mortgage industry. It offers a comprehensive overview of the industry plus detailed informat

    on marketing and originating reverse mortgages.

    Present and future reverse mortgage professionals and senior advisors will profit from decades of experience skfully woven into this book. If you plan to succeed in this industry, this book is the place to start.

    Sarah F. Hulbert, President, Senior Financial Corporation and former four-term Co-Chair of NRMLAs Board of Directors

    Part I:

    The new pillar of

    retirement security

    Part II:

    Marketing reverse mortgages:

    Its all about education

    Part III:

    Originating reverse


    Part IV:

    Enhancing freedom: The

    essence of reverse mortgages

    Part V:

    A new frontier in mortgag


    Think Reverse! Table of Contents


    $49.95Plus Postage& Handling

  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009



    Brian D. Montgomerwith

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    February 2009

    On FHA Reform:

    We wanted to start with one of your main initiatives, FHAReform. Give us a sense of the history, what has transpiredover the years, where it stands today, and where it shouldbe? Additionally, where you would like to see it in the future?

    Certainly after I got here in June of 05, it became quicklyapparent to us that FHAs market share had declinedsignicantly, and we saw it when we peeled back the

    onion. Our traditional borrower, lower income borrower,rst-time borrower, minority home borrower, you name it,

    had gone toward the sub-prime route. This concerned usfor reasons that we all since have learned and we realizedwe needed to reform FHA, not just legislatively, but also

    administratively. The administrative side was lower hangingfruit. Our appraisal protocols were unique. The fact that

    we didnt use technology for the case binders and still

    required all lenders t

    submit a rather thickcase binder really se

    us apart from the re

    of the industry. So,we worked hard to

    better align FHA withthe rest of the indust

    We didnt want to cutcorners, but at the

    same time we thoughwe could at least brinFHA into the late 90s

    to speak.

    So, early in 06, we weto the Hill and sat dow

    with members from bsides, Republicans anDemocrats, and show

    them the volume in thstates, in particular

    California. We met wMaxine Waters and the volume had almost vanished in he

    district. She worked, as other Democrats and Republicanfor us to get FHA passed in the House. Unfortunately, it din the Senate but at least we started sounding the alarm

    that something was amiss. For political reasons I think ittook way too long to get FHA Reform and what we eventu

    got was not really what we originally set out. Nonethelesthere were some big victories and there are certainly the

    loan limits.

    As to the future, a major concern for both forward and

    reverse, would be FHA becoming too large a share of thmarket. I dont know if that is healthy for the privat

    sector in the totality of the mortgage market. Thatpart of what played into our decision on the loan limfor HECMs. We didnt want to crowd out jumbo lend

    in the reverse phase, in the reverse portion. Right

    As the nal days of the Bush Administration came to aclose, The Reverse Reviewhad the privilege of engagingin a candid conversation with Brian D. Montgomery, the(former) Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal HousingCommissioner. As we spoke with Mr. Montgomery he sharedwith us his plans for Inauguration day, which he did not

    attend, but he was one of a select few long-time Bush staffers who hadthe honor of accompanying former President Bush one last time on AirForce One as he returned to Texas.In his former position, Mr. Montgomery was responsible for overseeingthe $400 billion Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insuranceportfolio. In addition, he oversaw HUDs regulatory responsibilities inthe areas of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), thehousing mission of Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) FannieMae and Freddie Mac, and the manufactured housing industry.


  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009


    now, the FHA insured part is such a large majority of reverse

    mortgages. We knew that if we had a jumbo product, we

    would probably crowd out the enre non-insured private

    market from that space.

    Now I think FHA is well posioned with our volume growing

    so much with some of the reforms that weve done, as well

    as the business processing for engineering and laying thegroundwork for some systems upgrades. I feel very favorably

    that FHA is up to the task and will connue to be so.

    On the new Administraon:

    What do you want to see happen in the coming years in the

    new administraon?

    Well, I certainly think they need to go back and look at

    the pricing structure. We had a short-lived move toward

    risk-based pricing, which only made immense sense to us,

    especially in our space, where FHA borrowers with the

    highest FICO scores were our lowest income borrowers.

    So, we wanted to be able to give those borrowers, the lower

    income borrowers that had the higher FICO scores, a lile

    beer price on the premiums. We now have three pricing

    buckets, but to protect the long-term solidarity of FHA, I

    think, having risk-based pricing would do that. I think they

    need to go back and make sure some of the seller funded

    down payments dont come back. I know some members

    of Congress are trying to introduce legislaon to bring the

    back, but we recently announced the 2nd biggest re-esm

    to the FHA Insurance Fund. While it is partly due to declin

    home prices, it had more to do with the seller-funded dow

    payment assistance, which almost drove us to the brink o

    insolvency, but Congress nally acted and the prohibion

    that began in October of 08.

    On the HECM Product:

    The HECM Market, naturally, is a much smaller market

    than all the products that exist as a part of FHA. What are

    your thoughts about the future of the HECM market and

    the reverse mortgage industry; its success and its growth,

    granted that its grown very slow in 2008? Talk to us abou

    how you see it growing in 2009 and 2010.

    A major concern

    reverse, would be

    a share

  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009


    February 2009

    As you know, weve been enjoying almost exponenal

    growth, starng at the turn of the century, we insured about

    6,600 FHA HECMs and by the year 2007 it had grown to

    about 107,000. Yes, youre right, in 08, we had an increase,

    but a slight one. If memory serves me correct, we went

    from 107,000 to 112.000, but growth, nonetheless. It just

    shows you that FHA and reverse mortgages are not immune

    to declining house prices. Certainly, a lot of seniors wantto get more bang for their buck, and I know from what

    were hearing and seeing, some of them are sing on the

    sidelines, waing for prices to go back up. Even looking at

    the demographics, as we all know, one of the last numbers I

    saw is by the year 2020, 30 percent of all Americans will be

    age 65 and older. That is a staggering number. With such

    a small market penetraon now with reverse mortgages,

    I think youll only connue to see those numbers go up.

    Im very opmisc on the future of the reverse mortgage

    product, in parcular the HECM.

    On Personal Accomplishment:

    What is your greatest accomplishment while serving at HU

    Do you feel you were able to accomplish all your iniave

    while in oce?

    Well, there was a lot of stu we did here that never made

    the press, but in the aggregate, we think what was importwas what we have been talking on: administrave reform

    doing the business process reengineering, and the lien, us

    the Toyota lean model for our homeownership centers, so

    we can more eciently and quickly process the case bind

    We were the rst ones with a plaorm and we were len

    the world know, in parcular Congress, something was

    wrong with the mortgage market. Im poinng back to th

    middle of 05, when you saw our volume drop percepbly

    low, and the near expedienal growth of the subprime, th

    we were mainly concerned when we looked at minories

    African-Americans and Lanos in parcular, paying

    signicantly higher for a loan than non-minories. It took

    lile longer on the Senate side, but the good news is that

    started early, and we stayed at it and we got the bill throu

    I would also say FHA Secure is another one. I think 499,59

    people have renanced with FHA since we launched that

    about 15 months ago. Those were all subprime borrower

    who knew they were facing a reset or had just reset, and

    many of them with very high interest rates. They were ab

    both forward and

    becoming too large

    e market.

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    to renance into a safe and secure FHA loan. So, we are

    proud of that number, as well.

    On Experiences:

    What was your most rewarding experience during your

    years of service?

    As you know, I go to a fair amount of conferences, not that

    I enjoy travel like I did maybe 20 years ago, but geng out

    and meeng people who work in the industry; being able to

    hear rsthand what lenders through realtors thought was

    good and bad about the FHA product was great. I think by

    everybody working together irrespecve of parsan polics,

    we were able to do a lot for people. There were a lot of

    people, by the way, that didnt want us to succeed. Their

    inials both begin with an F. Fannie and Freddie. They

    were doing what they could behind the scenes to, quite

    frankly, drive us out of business. I didnt think that was

    healthy for lower-income, rst-me homebuyers.

    I feel good about some of the other things that we

    arculated before to you. I also think in showing the

    country that its important to have the FHA around in good

    mes and in bad mes. This is the rst me youve seen

    the naonwide downturn and prices like this. We can look

    back at regional economic problems in the 80s, and the

    manufacturing states, not just in the 80s, but also now. And

    whos sll there? Private mortgage insurers are gone and

    others, but FHA is here. Were here and open for business.

    Were proud about that fact, as well.

    On Hurricane Katrina:

    Please share with us some of your work with the vicms of

    Hurricane Katrina.

    Well, you remember I came over here from the White

    House and the oce I ran at the White House was called

    Cabinet Aairs. One of the things that we did was that we

    helped coordinate the post hurricane relief eort, and Im

    backing up a lile before that. If you remember in 04, we

    had four hurricanes move through the Gulf region literallyin a maer of three months. Was it Jean, Ivan? Anyway, its

    amazing how you forget them. Im going back to the middle

    of 04. This is pre-Hurricane Katrina, nonetheless, I helped

    coordinate that eort at the White House, working among

    agencies like FEMA and others, the Dept. of Educaon, HUD,

    and the Dept. of Labor. Theres a whole host of issues that

    pop up following a disaster. Things of that nature that most

    people dont even know about. So, when I got over here to

    HUD and I had only been on the job a month and one-half,

    when Hurricane Katrina happened, the Secretary put me

    in charge of the more immediate need of having FHA out

    there looking to expand our role. FEMA tradionally does

    the short-term shelter and even the short-term housing,

    although, now this has been shied to HUD. FHA had not

    been a disaster enty. Quite frankly, HUD really had not

    been either. We put ourselves into that business in a big

    way, coming up with the Katrina Housing Voucher Programwhich became the Disaster Housing Program that we used

    in subsequent disasters. Geng out there, we sent team

    of employees to Louisiana and Mississippi to help scout fo

    manufactured home sites and a few of those went in. We

    went down there to man the disaster recovery centers, w

    with lenders on foreclosure moratoriums and theres a lot

    that goes in, especially of the magnitude of Katrina, which

    most of the public doesnt even know about. We had jus

    started our FHA REFORM eort, which we had to almost

    put on hold for about three months while we dealt with

    the immediate aer eects of Hurricane Katrina. So it was

    demanding me back then, and quite frankly, sll is.

    On the Future:

    What are your plans for the future, and do you plan to

    remain involved in the work you have been doing? Are y

    going to take any me o?

    With a newborn, it is tough to take me o. The Secretar

    nominee, Shaun Donovan, asked me to stay here for a few

    weeks. So, Im going to do that. I will also be acng as

    Secretary, Ive been told, unl he gets formerly voted in. Sto answer your queson, I will be here (Washington, DC) f

    a few weeks, and then well start packing up to move dow

    to Texas. Yes, I think I will stay in this eld, and Ive talked

    some companies and Im close to a decision on that front

    also want to do some consulng work, not just in housing

    but some other areas and get involved with some non-


    The Reverse Review would like to thank Mr. Montgomery

    taking the me to share with us his invaluable experience

    and thoughts regarding FHA and HUD. We know each and

    every one of our readers will nd the informaon containabove to be of great value.

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    February 2009

    One of the more excing developments for the reverse

    mortgage industry stemming from the Housing and

    Economic Recovery Act of 2008 was its authorizaon of theFederal Housing Administraon (FHA) to insure Home

    Equity Conversion Mortgages (or HECMs) for the purchase of

    homes (HECM for Purchase). HECM for Purchase has been

    a long sought iniave of the Naonal Reverse Mortgage

    Lenders Associaon (NRMLA) working collaboravely with

    FHA, for the principal reason that it facilitates the ability

    of seniors to downsize into homes that beer suit their

    needs or to move from their exisng residence to another

    geographical region to be close to family or others who can

    beer provide the care and fellowship they desire.

    Although the road to HECM for Purchaser as been along and not altogether easy one, in many ways, and as

    discussed in this arcle, the hard part may have just begun.

    Implemenng HECM for Purchase raises a number of issues

    not previously dealt with by reverse mortgage lenders and

    originators requiring new documents, policies, procedures

    and processes. Although this may not be entertaining

    reading for the squeamish (aer all, this arcle is wrien by

    lawyers), the goal of the HECM for Purchase program is a

    noble one, and the industrys eorts will greatly benet not

    only the seniors we serve, but also their loved ones.

    So, come along with us as we explore the guidance that has

    been provided by FHA as well as some of the problems and

    pialls on the road to implemenng HECM for Purchase.

    What is a HECM for Purchase?

    The new HECM for Purchase program allows senior

    borrowers 62 years of age or older to purchase a home using

    the proceeds from an FHA-insured HECM reverse mortgage.

    On October 20, 2008, the FHA issued Mortgagee Leer

    2008-33 (ML 08-33) implemenng amendments enacted

    by the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008. As isthe case with many mortgagee leers outlining new HECM

    program terms, ML 08-33 raised almost as many queson

    as it answered. The result is that FHA has further claried

    ML 08-33 in its Frequently Asked Quesons publicaon o

    its website (HECM for Purchase FAQ) and, as of the date t

    arcle was submied for publicaon, HUD had informally

    indicated its intenon to further clarify the program by

    issuing a new HECM for home purchase mortgagee leer

    the near future.

    ML 08-33 denes a HECM for Purchase as a real estate

    purchase where tle to the property is transferred to theHECM borrower, which the borrower will occupy as a

    principal residence, and, at the me of closing, the HECM

    rst and second liens will be the only liens against the

    property. The HECM for Purchase FAQ further claries th

    the HECM for Purchase program eliminates the need for a

    second closing, allowing the senior borrower to purchase

    new principal residence and obtain a reverse mortgage as

    part of a single transacon.

    The new HECM for Purchase program became available fo

    loans with FHA case numbers assigned on or aer January2009. Prior to January 1, 2009, FHA-approved mortgagee

    were allowed to take an applicaon for a HECM for Purch

    however, they were not permied to process or perform

    services that would result in a charge to a prospecve

    borrower. HUD permied lenders to lock-in the expected

    average mortgage interest rate for HECM for Purchase

    applicaons taken prior to January 1, 2009. However, HU

    indicated in the HECM for Purchase FAQ that the maximu

    permied interest rate lock period of 120 days begins to r

    Weiner Brodsky Sidman Kider, P

  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009


    on the day the FHA case number is assigned to the loan, i.e.,

    on or aer January 1, 2009.

    Similar to tradional HECM renance transacons, in

    HECM for Purchase transacons, lenders must calculate the

    maximum claim amount and the principal limit in accordance

    with HECM regulaons.

    Eligible Property Types

    Eligible property types for the new HECM for Purchase

    program include exisng one-to-four unit properes where

    construcon has been completed, the property has been

    approved for occupancy (a nal Cercate of Occupancy, or

    its equivalent, has been issued), and the property is occupied

    by the borrower(s) as a principal residence. Any construcon

    loan nancing for the property must be sased, the HECM

    liens must be in a rst and second lien posion, and no other

    liens against the property must exist at closing.

    Certain types of properes are ineligible for FHA insurance

    under the HECM for Purchase program, including, among

    others: (i) cooperave units; (ii) newly constructed

    residences where a Cercate of Occupancy or its equivalent

    has not been issued by the appropriate local authority; (iii)

    exisng manufactured homes built before June 15, 1976; and

    (iv) exisng manufactured homes built aer June 15, 1976

    that fail to conform to the Manufactured Home Construcon

    Safety Standards, as evidenced by axed cercaon labels

    (e.g., data plate and HUD cercaon label) and/or lack

    a permanent foundaon as required in HUDs PermanentFoundaons for Manufactured Housing Guide.

    Further, lenders and originators are not permied to take an

    applicaon on a property that is under construcon and not

    habitable. HUD made clear in its HECM for Purchase FAQ

    that lenders and originators may only take an applicaon

    once the Cercate of Occupancy or its equivalent has

    been issued. This limitaon promises to create headaches

    for senior purchasers and sellers on new construcon

    by eliminang the ability of the purchaser to provide

    preliminary loan qualicaon to the seller and necessarily

    delaying closing for several weeks (to accommodate theprocessing and closing of the HECM for Purchase transacon)

    following the compleon of construcon.

    Title Requirements

    HECM for Purchase can be used to sasfy outstanding

    payment obligaons associated with a land contract,

    contract for deed or other similar installment purchasing

    arrangements. However, lenders and originators need to

    ensure that the property which is the subject of the land

    contract will (A) be used as collateral for the HECM loan,

    and (B) will meet FHAs tle requirements (see discussion

    immediately below).

    ML 08-33 noted that FHAs tle requirements, as provided

    in secon 255(b)(4) of the Naonal Housing Act and

    implemented in the HECM regulaons at 24 C.F.R. 206.4provide, in part, that a HECM must be on real estate held

    (i) in fee simple, or (ii) on a leasehold under a lease for no

    less than 99 years which is renewable, or (iii) under a leas

    having a remaining period of not less than 50 years beyon

    the date of the 100th birthday of the youngest borrower.

    Notably, ML 08-33, on its face, does not appear to include

    a life estate as a permied property interest. ML 08-33

    makes no reference to HUDs previous regulatory guidanc

    authorizing tradional HECM renance transacons secur

    by an interest in the property that is a life estate (provided

    remaindermen subject their interests to the lien of the HEmortgage or deed of trust). Accordingly, without further

    claricaon from HUD, it is an open queson whether a

    HECM for Purchase transacon, where the senior holds

    as a life estate, is insurable by FHA.

    Monetary Investment Requirement

    Senior borrowers must make a down payment sucient t

    sasfy the dierence between the HECM principal limit a

    the sales price for the purchased property, plus any HECM

    loan related fees that are not nanced or otherwise ose

    by other allowable FHA funding sources. As is the casewith tradional HECM renance transacons, seniors may

    connue to nance closing costs, or elect to pay them out

    of pocket. The required monetary investment must come

    from an allowable funding source. Seniors will either nee

    to use cash on hand or cash from the sale of other assets

    for this down payment. For example, a withdrawal from t

    senior borrowers savings or rerement account would be

    acceptable funding source.

    ML 08-33 further explained that seniors applying for a

    HECM for Purchase loan may not obtain a bridge loan (or

    so called gap nancing) or employ other interim nancitechniques to meet the down payment requirements and

    pay for closing costs in connecon with HECM for Purchas

    transacons. This restricon includes subordinate liens,

    personal loans, secured or non-secured loans from other

    assets (i.e., car, home equity line of credit, or investment

    property or second home), cash withdrawals from credit

    cards, seller nancing and any other lending commitment

    that cannot be sased at closing.

  • 8/14/2019 The Reverse Review February 2009


    February 2009

    HUD expressly noted in its HECM for Purchase FAQ that

    seniors may not apply credit card cash advances towards

    the required monetary investment or closing costs. Doing

    so would be in violaon of FHAs requirement that all

    outstanding obligaons connected to the HECM transacon

    (whether for home purchase or renance) be sased prior

    to or on the date of closing.

    In addion, importantly, HUD indicated that gis are not

    allowed as an acceptable source of funding. HUD explained

    that prospecve borrowers may only use their own money

    or money obtained from the sale of their own assets. FHA

    also prohibits the use of loan discount points, interest rate

    buy downs, closing cost assistance, builder incenves, gis

    or personal property given by the seller or any other party.

    Seller concessions and seller nancing are not permied.
