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The Rice Report - Ministry Updates · )*0)

Date post: 03-Aug-2020
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Summer Greetings from Budapest! This June marks 12 years since our move from Romania to Hungary! We will never forget leaving Bucuresti: on the road at 4:00 am with the sun shining through the rain clouds and creating a magnificent rainbow, a reminder of God’s promise and leading. Genny was a rising first grader, Hannah entering 4 th and Kathryn 5 th . Life that summer had been full of goodbyes in Romania, buying and owning a home for the first time here in Hungary, remodeling and settling into a new place with a strange language and new responsibilities as our focus shifted from Romania to the 19 countries of Eastern Europe and Russia. There were more changes and transitions than we could foresee or were prepared for and now twelve years later we find ourselves again in a time of transition. As we look back there is so much of God’s goodness and faithfulness to celebrate and to give thanks for. The Rice Report June 22, 2016 Genny graduated from high school on June 11 th ; Kathryn graduated from Anderson University in May with a degree in Nursing, while Hannah is a rising senior at Anderson. This summer Kathryn is preparing and taking her National Nursing Exam, Hannah and Genny are here with us preparing to staff the Hungarian Speak Out English camp for the summer. As Genny and Kathryn graduate…we remember the girls starting school in Budapest, 2004
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 Summer  Greetings  from  Budapest!    This  June  marks  12  years  since  our  move  from  Romania  to  Hungary!  We  will  never  forget  leaving  Bucuresti:    on  the  road  at  4:00  am  with  the  sun  shining  through  the  rain  clouds  and  creating  a  magnificent  rainbow,  a  reminder  of  God’s  promise  and  leading.  Genny  was  a  rising  first  grader,  Hannah  entering  4th  and  Kathryn  5th.    Life  that  summer  had  been  full  of  goodbyes  in  Romania,  buying  and  owning  a  home  for  the  first  time  here  in  Hungary,  remodeling  and  settling  into  a  new  place  with  a  strange  language  and  new  responsibilities  as  our  focus  shifted  from  Romania  to  the  19  countries  of  Eastern  Europe  and  Russia.    There  were  more  changes  and  transitions  than  we  could  foresee  or  were  prepared  for  and  now  twelve  years  later  we  find  ourselves  again  in  a  time  of  transition.    As  we  look  back  there  is  so  much  of  God’s  goodness  and  faithfulness  to  celebrate  and  to  give  thanks  for.    

The Rice Report June  22,  2016  

Genny  graduated  from  high  school  on  June  11th;  Kathryn  graduated  from  Anderson  University  in  May  with  a  degree  in  Nursing,  while  Hannah  is  a  rising  senior  at  Anderson.    This  summer  Kathryn  is  preparing  and  taking  her  National  Nursing  Exam,  Hannah  and  Genny  are  here  with  us  preparing  to  staff  the  Hungarian  Speak  Out  English  camp  for  the  summer.  

As  Genny  and  Kathryn  graduate…we  remember  the  girls  starting  school  in  Budapest,  2004  

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Rice’s  on  the  Move    Change  for  some  is  a  happy,  exciting  word,  for  others  it  raises  a  disturbing  pit  of  anxiety  in  the  stomach  and  for  many  like  us,  maybe  a  little  of  both.    Over  the  past  few  years  Susan  and  I  have  had  a  growing  sense  of  God  leading  us  to  prepare  for  a  transition  and  challenge  others  to  our  roles.    While  there  are  aspects  of  this  change  that  are  frightening  and  unknown,  there  is  also  a  deep  sense  of  God’s  care  shepherding  us  and  His  leading  and  provision.  Just  as  when  we  were  first  called  to  Romania  back  in  1989-­‐90,  God  is  giving  clear  leading  and  direction.  We  are  expectant  and  excited  about  this  next  phase  of  life  and  ministry  and  the  opportunity  God  is  giving  us  for  this  next  year  as  a  part  of  our  longer-­‐term  transition.      First:  What  we  are  leaving:    This  transition  does  not  mean  we  are  leaving  ministry  or  even  necessarily  long-­‐term  future  service  overseas,  but  it  does  mean  that  we  are  bringing  our  years  and  roles  in  Hungary  to  a  close.      Over  the  past  three  years  Susan  and  I  have  sensed  and  communicated  with  our  leadership  a  growing  desire  to  see  others  in  the  roles  and  leading  with  the  responsibilities  we  have  carried.      

For  both  of  us  there  were  two  main  reasons.  First,  we  believe  that  our  gifting  is  in  the  area  of  pioneering,  launching,  laying  foundations  and  direction.  In  both  of  our  roles  the  start-­‐up  and  foundational  phase  has  been  completed  and  moved  into  a  developmental  and  exponential  growth  phase.  This  new  phase  of  ministry  calls  for  different  gifts  than  ours  in  order  to  continue  moving  forward.    And  secondly,  we  both  feel  called  to  promote  younger  leaders  and  those  who  are  Eastern  European  or  nationals  to  their  Area.        We  have  been  working  for  several  years  to  see  others  step  into  our  roles:  Susan  as  Associate  director  for  student  ministries  in  Eastern  Europe  and  Russia,  and  for  me  leading  our  Global  Catalytic  student  ministry  expansion  efforts  since  2007.    Beginning  in  January  for  me  and  in  April  for  Susan  those  transitions  have  been  taking  place.        Natalia,  the  Ukrainian  woman  who  has  been  the  Associate  national  student  ministries  leader  for  Ukraine  has  agreed  to  step  into  Susan's  role  and  is  moving  to  Budapest.    Susan  has  been  working  with  Natalia,  mentoring,  coaching,  and  

investing  in  her  life  for  the  past  4  years  so  this  is  a  great  development  and  answer  to  prayer.        In  addition  to  Natalia,  there  are  now  4  other  women  that  Susan  has  helped  train  and  mentor  who  are  leading  on  the  Area  level.    For  both  of  us  we  are  truly  thrilled  that  it  is  not  an  

Susan  has  been  working  with  Natalia(right)  and  Alina  for  the  past  4  years.    Natalia  will  take  Susan’s  role  for  Eastern  Europe  and  Russia,  while  Alina  will  step  into  Natalia’s  role  for  


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individual  that  is  taking  our  old  role,  but  God  has  raised  up  5-­‐6  people  with  different  gifts  and  abilities  who  will  be  leading  the  work  forward.      

The  expansion  of  our  volunteer  led/church  partner  student  ministries  has  grown  exponentially  both  in  geographical  coverage  as  well  as  numbers  of  trained  staff  and  volunteers.    When  I  started  in  this  role  in  2007  we  had  beginning  Catalytic  ministries  in  2  Areas  of  the  world,  now  every  Area  of  the  world  has  growing  models  and  there  are  several  hundred  trained  staff  as  catalytic  has  become  one  of  the  top  strategic  priorities  for  the  Global  student  ministry  of  Cru.    The  Lord  has  worked  in  amazing  ways  as  staff  and  volunteers  have  taken  Him  at  His  word  and  gone  out  to  launch  new  ministries.  Foundations  have  

been  laid  and  models  are  developing  and  multiplying  in  most  areas  of  the  world.  To  serve  the  growing  need  and  this  new  phase  of  Catalytic  growth,  last  year  we  launched  a  distributed  team  to  focus  on  Catalytic  that  will  lead  and  serve  the  Catalytic  effort  as  we  trust  God  to  see  ministry  in  50%  of  the  worlds  universities  by  2020.    This  is  a  great  moment  for  Catalytic  ministry  going  forward.    As  we  look  at  how  God  has  raised  up  qualified  young  leaders  with  heart,  gifting  and  skills  for  going  forward,  we  are  overwhelmed  with  God's  gracious  provision  and  the  future  that  is  ahead  for  both  Eastern  Europe  and  for  Catalytic  Globally.    

Since  2007,  training  and  working  with  staff  from  around  the  world  willing  to  pioneer  new  movements  has  been  one  of  my  greatest  joys.    Going  forward  these  and  many  other  trained  Catalytic  “Champions”  will  be  leading  the  effort  going  forward  

to  have  ministry  presence  or  partners  in  50%  of  the  worlds  universities  by  2020.  

SPC’s  refer  to  Student  Population  Centers;  this  graph  shows  some  of  the  expansion  of  new  

ministries  since  2011  

Over  the  past  3  years  the  number  of  countries  without  any  known  campus  ministry  has  gone  down  from  64  to  33  

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Last  February  marked  25  years  since  we  first  arrived  in  Eastern  Europe.  As  we  stepped  back  and  entered  transition  we  also  have  evaluated  where  we  are  personally  and  what  God  is  calling  us  to  as  we  look  at  the  next  season  of  life  and  ministry.    We  had  been  planning  a  longer  furlough  or  home  leave  for  2016  but  realized  it  would  be  beneficial  to  focus  intentionally  on  our  internal  growth  and  transition.    While  we  could  "jump  into  the  next  thing"  we  have  felt  the  Lord  calling  us  to  slow  down  and  give  more  space  for  Him  to  speak  and  for  us  to  transition.    

 Looking  ahead:      As  we  looked  at  possibilities  for  this  next  year,  the  option  that  best  fit  our  desire  to  move  toward  a  long-­‐term  vision  for  the  next  season  of  life  and  ministry  is  something  called  Lake  Hart  Stint.  This  is  a  program  Cru  offers  for  staff  in  transition.    It  is  based  in  Orlando  and  combines  a  job  at  the  Cru  headquarters  with  coaching,  mentoring,  and  development  and  community  with  others  who  are  in  similar  seasons  of  life.    It  will  give  us  a  way  to  contribute  while  we  transition  and  to  also  have  the  space  to  listen  to  the  Lord  and  process  both  the  past  25  years  as  well  as  to  get  a  sense  of  God's  direction  for  this  next  season.    Another  factor  in  our  decision  has  been  a  desire  to  be  closer  to  our  moms  and  to  the  girls  and  a  little  more  involved  in  their  lives  and  college  experience.        We  will  have  work  responsibilities  during  this  9  month  period:  Susan  will  be  working  with  “Sending”  branch  of  Cru,  and  I  will  be  working  with  the  US  Campus  Ministry  in  their  communications  strategy.  One  of  the  greatest  benefits  of  these  months  though,  is  the  time  and  space  to  listen  to  the  Lord  and  focus  more  on  the  interior  journey  of  our  hearts  with  the  Lord  and  what  He  desires  for  this  next  stage  of  life.  We  will  look  forward  to  having  more  opportunity  to  connect  with  you  as  well  during  this  period  of  time.    As  Susan  and  I  have  crossed  the  50  year  mark  (two  years  ago  J  )  our  sense  of  calling  is  as  strong  as  ever,    however,  our  values  and  how  we  think  about  investing  our  lives  in  the  next  season  is  changing.    By  God’s  grace  and  if  He  tarries,  we  hope  that  the  next  20  or  more  years  can  be  some  of  the  most  fruitful  years  of  our  lives  for  God  and  His  Kingdom,  but  we  feel  we  need  this  season  to  seek  His  will  and  to  focus  on  our  continued  preparation.      During  this  time  of  transition  we  would  ask  for  your  prayers.      We  have  been  so  blessed  with  our  home  here  in  Hungary.    When  we  moved  it  was  the  first  time  we  had  owned  a  home,  having  always  rented  in  Romania.  With  the  dollar  so  strong  and  the  current  housing  market  here  in  Hungary  it  is  a  difficult  time  to  sell.  Please  pray  for  a  buyer  for  our  home  here.  

24  years  ago,  together  with  our  first  Romanian  new  staff.  Seeing  God  raise  up  others  who  continue  to  serve  and  lead  has  been  a  part  of  our  vision  since  the  beginning  of  

our  work  in  Eastern  Europe  

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For  the  girls  this  move  represents  the  dissolution  of  the  physical  place  they  most  think  of  as  home  and  the  closing  of  a  chapter  of  their  lives.  For  Genny,  having  started  first  grade  here  in  2004,  this  is  a  big  transition.    

There  are  so  many  things  to  do  in  closing  our  lives  up  here  in  Hungary,  both  relationships  and  moving.    Since  we  are  not  moving  to  a  permanent  assignment  we  are  getting  rid  of  over  half  of  our  furniture  and  household  goods  and  will  be  sending  the  rest  to  keep  in  storage  in  Greenville  until  we  discern  God’s  leading  for  the  next  step.      Even  though  we  don’t  know  our  long-­‐term  direction,  even  for  this  next  year  we  will  have  significant  needs  which  include  shipping  costs  for  a  container  and  procuring  a  car  in  the  US  so  your  prayers  for  God’s  provision  for  each  of  these  needs  is  appreciated.    As  we  look  back  there  is  so  much  to  celebrate  and  for  which  to  give  God  glory.  Your  partnership  through  the  years  has  been  an  integral  part  of  all  that  God  has  done.        In  order  to  pursue  this  next  season  and  guidance  we  need  you  to  continue  to  partner  with  us.    We  don’t  know  what  the  future  will  hold,  but  we  have  a  deep  sense  of  God’s  leading  and  shepherding  and  are  expectant  of  how  He  will  use  this  next  year  both  in  our  lives  and  for  His  kingdom.    

 We  are  a  team  in  this  kingdom  work  and  we  consider  you  a  vital  and  valuable  part  of  this  team!    We  ask  you  to  stay  with  us  in  supporting  us  financially  and  in  prayers.    We  look  forward  for  to  this  season  to  being  on  the  same  continent  and  to  have  times  to  be  able  to  connect  with  you  and  share  more  personally  what  God  is  doing  and  how  we  understand  His  ongoing  leading  as  we  seek  to  follow  Him.    In  our  next  letter…Celebrating  25  years  of  God’s  faithfulness  in  Eastern  Europe.    Thank  you  for  your  investment  in  our  lives  and  faithfulness  in  this  work.    


Kathryn  will  be  applying  for  nursing  Jobs  in  Orlando.  She  wants  to  combine  nursing  with  volunteering  for  Mk2Mk,  a  Cru  ministry  to  Missionary  kids  

around  the  world.  We  are  thrilled  that  at  least  for  these  9  months  we  will  be  in  the  same  city  J.  

Contact info: [email protected], [email protected] Tel. 1-864-335-8136; Cell: +36309649816, address: Tarnoki ut.128, 2030 Erd, Hungary, US Cell # 864-553-1767, Cru Account 0381462

https:/  /give.cru.org/0381462

